#kristoff headcanons
catcas22 · 4 months
Fiassax Headcanon
You know how Fia canonically asks for hugs in the strangest, most easily-misconstrued, sounds-like-innuendo-but-isn't way possible? I like to think it's because ancient dragons are kind of uptight about physical affection.
Being stone constructs that reproduce asexually, physical touch is nowhere near as important to them as it is to us mammals. Lansseax took to it readily, but then Lansseax was very much an oddball by dragon standards. Fortissax, later Fia, tolerated Godwyn and only Godwyn. She made an effort for Godrick and Godefroy, but the idea of touch for its own sake, no matter how innocent, always felt a bit weird to her.
Fia is inadvertently responsible for the rumor that the Dragon Cult is a sex thing. "My sister is very.... affectionate with her knights. I cannot say that I approve, but still, she is family and I support her. I only hope she is taking precautions. You never know what you might catch."
Meanwhile Lansseax is giving out headpats and high-fives.
The awkwardness hit critical mass after the Night of the Black Knives. In her desperation, Fia started looking into hug-based necromancy and enlisted the Dragon Cult to supply her with "lifely vigor."
Fia: I shudder to ask this of you, but for the sake of your lord, we must all put aside such misgivings. Will you share your mortal warmth, and aid me in this vulgar rite? Kristoff: ... Lady Fia, I couldn't possibly... Vyke: I'm married. Lansseax: She's just asking for a hug, guys. (Fia, why did you say it like that?) Vyke: For Godwyn? ... Alright. Just don't make it weird. Vyke: [kneels] Fia: [hugs] Fia: You are so very warm.
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vavialdavi · 1 month
My Kristoff headcanons! Let's go!!
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- The ice collectors treated him as a little brother and sometimes let him stay at their house before the trolls adopted him
- He spent one year sleeping in royal stable with Sven before accepting the room Anna and Elsa were offering him
- Elsa forces him to take bath on a weekly basis. She def told a castle employee to check him when he comes out of the bathroom
- He talks in his sleep and Sven wonders he may be possessed
- Kristoff had a phase where he would cover himself with green moss and mushrooms to look like the trolls
- He's not a big fan of most of Arendelle's traditional dishes but he doesn't hate them. He doesn't complain to please Anna
- After Anna's coronation, he brings her a flower from the mountains almost everyday
- He and Honeymaren loves to roast Ryder with playful sarcastic jokes
- Everyone at the castle gave him the silent treatment during a week cause he tried to shower under the rain in the court during his first day
- He learnt all Northuldra lullabies
-Kristoff is bi and leans more toward women. He had a small crush on an older boy he met at Arendelle or his school
- He's gonna teach his kids how to play lute and rides reindeers instead of horses
- He secretly goes to the ice castle when he collects ice because he still amazes by it. And officialy to check Marshmallow and the snoggies
- Once, Kristoff glued Olaf lips so I can be quiet for an hour or two. It didn't work so he tricks him into playing "Who's gonna stay silent the longest?"
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I was rewatching Frozen 1 + 2 the other day, and the following question popped into my head: What if Elsa had not created an eternal winter when she ran away from the palace?
Alright, Elsa runs away after having displayed her powers but doesn't accidentally freeze the country in her flight.
Initially not much actually changed.
There's still grumblings of "witch" and "what the fuck?" from the people present, not helped since Elsa fled the scene with no explanation, and they're still sending out a search party for the queen. It's no longer as vital, the country isn't in a sudden winter because of her, but it's still pretty vital as she was just coronated and oh good god succession nonsense.
Not helping is that, like canon, Anna wants to go after her sister as she sees her running off as her fault for having prompted the ice outburst (but also that Elsa's being very unreasonable and needs to come back and calm down). Everyone wants Anna to stay and er maybe be queen instead (as Elsa was only just crowned so no one's attached) and also because they need someone in charge and can't lose both heirs in one day but as in canon, Anna won't hear of it.
"Hans, you're in charge", Anna says, and takes off. Hans hopes both Anna and Elsa die in the mountains but also wonders if he can be king without actually having married into the family yet. This is going fast even for him.
Anna's trek is still treacherous as she's hiking up a glacier, but she might not run into Kristoff. If she doesn't, she probably doesn't make it and has a terrible accident on the way. If she does, they probably make worse time without the sleigh.
Regardless, Anna and Elsa still have their confrontation but this time Elsa doesn't have her freak out about "oh my god I made it eternal winter outside". Anna may be thrown out normally, in which case she doesn't have to rush to get true love's kiss and probably camps out on the glacier until Elsa comes home already. If there's a fight then the rest of the movie happens accordingly except that there's no blizzard and no pretext of killing Elsa to stop the winter.
Basically, the movie happens.
It's just not 'frozen'.
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dearest-painter · 2 years
My prince (Yandere Hans x Male!repunzuel!reader x Yandere Kristoff)
Tw/Cw:it’s headcanons turned into a story kinda?, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,yandere behavior,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Reader is Elsa and Anna’s only brother,Reader is the same age as Anna,Reader has really long hair(its exactly like repunzuel before she cut it),Pronouns used He/Him,Anna and Reader are twins,AU where Anna was smart and didn’t ask Hans to immediately marry her because she got big brain,cussing,not proofread,turned out more fluffy then Yandere but still yandere,murder
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•You met Hans first as your twin Anna had introduced the two of you when she finally came home. You were using your hair as a swing as the maids tried to get you down.
•He caught you when you fell and feel in love with you instantly
“Master Y/N please come down you may get hurt!” “I’m fine Martha! I’ve done this multiple times!” Anna slammed open the doors bringing Hans with her. “Y/N!” “AHHH!” As you were startled by the loud banding noise you fell down quickly. Hans looked up and acted fast as he rushed to where he presumed you would fall which he caught you. Wrapping your arms around the mystery man you shut your eyes tightly still waiting for impact. Hans chuckled which made you open one of your eyes to see you were being held in a bridal style. “Huh?” “Hello there” looking up you saw your savior. “Hello! I’m Y/N! Oh I’m sorry here let me get down” He helped you get on the floor as soon as you were standing you brushed his coat. “There! Now who are you mystery man?” “Hans” “ooo~ pretty name~” “N/N!” “ANNA!” You ran to your twin sister as she jumped into a hug into your arms laughing as you spin her around. Hans felt his breath get taken away seeing you smile and laugh,he needed to wake up to that every day,he needed you.
•When Elsa finally met Hans which he was nervous of but you held his hand to make him feel calmer which just made him blush and feel much safer and in love.
•You and Anna went out so you finally cut your hair so that it could reach your lower back so you put it in a ponytail
•As you two walked you saw a reindeer and loving animals you fed it some carrots you held left over
•Kristoff meet you when he walked back to his stand to see a beautiful man feeding his best friend
“Hold on Anna! I need to cut my hair!” “O! O! Let me help!” As your sister cut it to your mid back you felt bad for the maids as they always dealt with this but they reassured you they loved you and didn’t mind cleaning up your hair. As you ran with your sister you put your hair in a ponytail so that you could at least control it. Anna was going everywhere while you saw a reindeer so you check your bag and found five carrots so you walked over to the reindeer and fed it to him which he seemed to love. “Your so pretty,whoever your owner is must be lucky to have you” Sven was eating up the carrots and compliment you were giving him. “SVEeeeeenn…” Kristoff stopped seeing a beautiful guy with a H/C ponytail and S/C skin that looks the softest. “Hello sir!” Out of fear you squeaked and jumped causing Kristoff to hold a chuckle in so that you wouldn’t think of him lowly.
•The two males didn’t know you met the other until Hans walked in on you cuddling Kristoff as he read to you
•The two males didn’t know you met the other until Hans walked in on you cuddling Kristoff as he read to you
•When it was just you and Hans before he found out of Kristoff he’d braid your hair and talk about all the random things of the world
•When it was just you and Kristoff before Hans found out of him you’d two cuddle and read together or do artsy thing or just enjoy each other’s company
Hans walked to your room wanting to spend time with you until he heard something. “Each day,each week,each month,and each year I’ll be with you even if you wish me not to. I’ll follow you till the end of time. I’ll follow you until you die. You’ll be trapped in my grasp forever and I’ll never let you go. You are mine to keep. You will never leave me” Hans silently opened the door to see you cuddling Kristoff on your window. Kristoff was running a hand through your H/C hair while you laid on his chest hands on his chest. ‘Ahem!’ That caught the two males attention. “Oh hello Hans! You’ve not met Kristoff yet yes?” Hans and Kristoff glared at each other while forcing a smile. “I believe I have not met you yet” shaking each other’s hand it was obvious the grips were harsh and rough and tight. “Nice to meet you Kristoff” “Same with you Hans” You just smiled as your best friends have finally met each other. “It’s so good you two finally met! Oh we can spend so much time together now!” Upon hearing that the males gritted their teeth
•They found out about your hair power when Kristoff got extremely harm.
•He had a huge cut on his cheek and arm which made Hans happy but you worried
•They were amazed at your power
“Ugh fuck..” hearing your friends Kristoff’s voice YIU rushed to him making Hans groan as he follow you. “Oh my god Kristoff!” You ran to him and made him sit down as you lifted his sleeve to see his cut on his arm bleeding. Your back was turned to Hans so you didn’t see his smile but Kristoff did but you pressed a towel against his arm making his wince in pain. “FUCK!” “I’m sorry!” “No no it’s okay…it just hurts” thinking hard you took your hair down and wrapped it around Kristoff’s hand. Before Hans or Kristoff could ask you started to mumble as your H/C hair glow and start to heal Kristoff’s cut. “Holy shit…” “woah..” You looked over again to see if you got all his cuts and once you realize you did you hugged his face to your chest. “Don’t make me worry again dufus” “Heh,of course not my prince”
•They feel in love even harder with you
•They realized that in the endgame it wouldn’t be good if they kept fighting because that just make you less interested in them so they came to an alliance
•They bith started to court you
•Elsa and Anna saw this and kinda helped them as they were happy their baby brother was finally getting two suitors
•In Arendelle polyamorous marriage is allowed if all parties of the relationship are comfortable with it and have given consent. If one of the parties has not given consent then only the members of the parties shall get married unless that one person changes their mind (I’m making this up ofc)
•As Hans and Kristoff knew that they were both glad of that as you wouldn’t get in trouble
•Soon they asked you to date them while all three of you were in your room drawing or painting while Pascal was the judge of all y’all’s art (you won ofc)
You were lost in your painting you didn’t see that the males you’ve grown close with had stopped drawing and looked at each other nodding then turning to you. “Y/N me and Hans have a question and need you answer” stopping painting as you heard it in Kristoff’s voice it was a serious matter. “Yeah sure what is it?” Kristoff took deep breaths as he was more nervous of the two (that’s a lie hans was literally shaking). “Y/N me and Hans love you deeply and we don’t me in a friend way. We mean in a romantic way. We’ve been leaving hints of how’ve we felt for a long time and we thought now is a good time so Y/N will you date me and Hans” Gasping you covered your mouth making the Males think they’d have to go to drastic measure until they saw you rapidly nodding your head ‘Yes’ “Of course! I’ll gladly date you two!” “YESSSSSS!!” Kristoff cheered as he jumped in the air and ran around a while making you and Hans laugh at your new boyfriends happiness.
•Their so loving towards you. Always giving you affectionate even if it subtle.
•In public Hans doesn’t like showing much PDA unless he’s jealous while Kristoff loves showing a lot of PDA which you did to but since Hans was uncomfortable with showing a lot you just gave him hugs,hand holding,and cheek kisses in public. While you and Kristoff were extreme.
•In private Hans is the most affectionate man he’ll ever be making you laugh every time as you boyfriend acts so different in private then he does in public. Kristoff didn’t mind as he’s grown love for Hans (don’t worry Hans also love kristoff. So now you all are dating each other)
•Not surprisingly it was Hans and Kristoff who proposed to you because you were gonna propose to them two days later but seems like you won’t have to :)
You were all in the garden picking flowers for the up coming dance. Kristoff and Hans made eye contact and nodded the head towards you. “Y/N my love can you close your eyes and follow us?” “Sure!” You answered with hesitation because you trusted your boyfriends. Kristoff held his hands over your eyes whil Hans held your hand. Soon you stopped and felt Kristoff’s hands come off. “Open your eyes!” Opening your eyes you saw a beautiful sight before you. It was a beautiful waterfall with beautiful flowers and you were amazed. “It’s so beautiful…” “Look down babe,there’s a message” confused you looked down holding the rail and Kristoff holding your waist. You saw the message. ‘Will you marry us Y/N?’ Turning around you saw kristoff and Hans holding a wedding ring. “YES! YES! YES!” They put on the ring as they took turns to kiss you. You were all crying out of happiness. Elsa and Anna were watching the beautiful sight
•Now as your now fiancés their yandere tendencies don’t show often but when some guy or girl hits on you they can’t help but slowly crack
•Kristoff cracks his knuckles and neck while Hans’s eye twitch as he grips the knife in his hands
•Usually Hans would distract you while Kristoff took care of them as Kristoff was much more physically stronger then all of you
•The person flirting with you turns up missing or stops interacting with you how interesting
•You see nothing wrong as you still interact with your people everyday and your sisters think everything is normal
•As Hans himself is a prince (I believe not to sure) this is basically making an alliance between his kingdom and Arendelle which makes you both happy
•Kristoff’s family is surprised that he’s marrying Hans and you but he told them he’s not leaving either you which they knew
•Kristoff got away with the murders as Sven helped hide the bodies (YES EVEN THE FUCKING REINDEER! He’s platonic ofc)
•Hans manipulated everyone into believing nothing is wrong and everything is completely normal
•In the dead of night where you dead asleep being held by your lovers they smiled.
“He’ll never know yes?” “Of course Hans,he won’t know of the terrible things his husbands have done” “Good. I didn’t want our Angel leaving us” “and he won’t ever,he’ll stay with us forever no matter what we need to do” Soon the joined you still holding you.
Your fate has been sealed. You’ll never leave them now. Your their husband now :)
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disneymbti · 1 year
Kristanna and Elsamaren hcs pls?
And how many kids do you picture kristanna having?
Hi there, Poorni! I really hope you like this a lot!
Kristanna's Headcanons
Kristoff is a black cat coded boy and Anna is a golden retriever dog coded girl.
Kristoff's love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service while Anna's love languages are physical touch and quality time.
Kristoff is the eclipse and Anna is the sun in their relationship.
The two of them will getting hot chocolate and sitting down on the couch and playing snowball fighting with their four kids and Sven as well.
Elsamaren's Headcanons
Elsa is a white cat coded girl and Honeymaren is a brown cat coded girl.
Elsa's love languages are acts of service and gift giving while Honeymaren's love languages are words of affirmation and quality time.
Elsa is the moon and Honeymaren is the eclipse in their relationship.
The two of them will be reading a book together in the house and playing with the leaves together and having fun.
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dizzyspice717 · 5 months
I think Joja Marts ceo is Sebastian’s dad
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autisticheadcanons · 1 year
Elsa, Anna,Olaf and Kristoff ( no last names) from the Frozen franchise are all Autistic.
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The Empress' New Clothes ❄️
Overthinking and overanalyzing Frozen outfits and what they mean for the characters again...
The more I think about Elsa's fashion sense, the more it makes me laugh.
Before Elsa's transformation in the climax of Let It Go, the only clothes we see her wear are... well, for lack of a better word, nothing like that. Of course, this is because those are the kinds of attire "expected" of royals. It's possible that she does get a say in what she would like to wear but just has more pressing things to worry about (concealing and don't-feel-ing) than whether or not she likes the royal outfits given to her. She did say in A Sister More Like Me written by Barbara Jean Hicks...
"It was important, as a princess, that I looked my best."
Obviously, she understands the weight of keeping up such an appearance. That's also not to say that I think Elsa hated her old clothes, but I believe if she was given complete freedom over what she gets to wear, they would be different.
Luckily, we do get that moment of freedom in Let It Go 😁
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At first glance, one would think Elsa just "covered" her coronation dress with her magic, and that the gown is still under there somewhere. But we know this isn't the case as she physically alters it by removing the "turtle neck" and adding a slit on the skirt area. Not to mention, she also turns her black flats into pointed heels. R.I.P. coronation outfit!
So... okay... wow... that's the kind of outfits Elsa prefers to wear after all! She likes the slits. She likes the bardot tops. She likes the low necklines. She likes the capes. She likes the sparkles 😌 So much so that it becomes a distinct recurring style for her in the following films, and everyone knows it! In the Junior Novelization of Olaf's Frozen Adventure retold by Suzanne Francis, we even see Anna tease Elsa when she gifts her her party dress which Elsa immediately knows is for her.
"Yup. That one's yours. How'd you guess?" Anna teased.
And how could we forget Olaf (and Kristoff) also teasing her during Charades Night in Frozen II? (I'll be assuming they meant Elsa's fashion or body language, and not the literal "Here I stand!" scene as they weren't there when that happened. Elsa "retelling" the Frohana that musical number frame by frame seems more unlikely 😆)
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I'm the last person to ask about historical accuracy, but I don't believe slits were commonplace during her era, especially not for royalty. But I have read that it was normal for queens to be trendsetters. So, I am very curious where Queen Elsa took inspiration from to give herself that look 🤭 I wonder if she's always been curious about other styles since she was a teen. I don't cherish the idea that she was depressed every second of her life hidden away; there must be some moments when she just engages in hobbies she likes. I headcanon that she would draw herself (or random characters) in the outfits she preferred as an outlet, as she was probably too shy to request for something similar. It's so wholesome to me because I knew I was exactly like that when I was little—imagining myself in "big girl" clothes that I couldn't be caught dead asking for. So, yes, I might be projecting quite a bit 😅
Other than dissecting the symbolism tied to it, imagining Elsa as a character who just really really likes those kinds of outfits is a lot of fun for me. I noticed Elsa never really address the clothes she wears, she just lets other people react to them, and thanks them for their compliments. But she doesn't need to say anything to let us know that, as the Gen Z slang for it goes... 🎀 she's just a girl 🎀
Which makes this scene even funnier to me:
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— ❄️
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Kristoff Bjorgman from Frozen
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disneysooner · 1 year
Y’all….. Huntlow Proposal song???💚💛
I just picture Hunter fumbling like Kristoff, and Willow being supportive and being the one to end up proposing like Anna.
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jomiddlemarch · 1 year
bright young women
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“So, as you and I are hazelnuts and rye, managing the treaty shan’t be any great shakes, no matter what Kristoff says about the need for unanimity among the thanes, that’s just his troll heritage talking, they can be so dreadfully dark, you can’t imagine,” Anna, the Queen of Arendelle and wife to Kristoff, Lord Tyholmen, said in a cheerfully airy fashion that suggested Eric would completely understand her and be in total agreement. Ariel was halfway across the banqueting room, quite engrossed in her own conversation with the Queen’s sister, and thus couldn’t possibly help Eric out of what might become an international debacle.
It was best to be careful, the diplomatic relationship between his home and Arendelle quite new and therefore tenuous, the chance of saying or doing something the northerners would find offensive elevated, despite the Queen’s bright smile and almost casual posture; she was dressed very formally, her chestnut hair elaborately braided and bejeweled. It would be rude to tell her directly that she wasn’t making any sense whatsoever.
“I haven’t said something wrong, have I? I only thought we, you and I, we might simplify the situation, between us if you will, and then we all might enjoy the festivities more and you must try the chocolate laskiaispulla, they usually have vanilla cream but the pastry chef does indulge me,” she said, the words all in a rush and a little furrow appearing on her brow. Ariel had a similar expression when confronted with aspects of human culture she found baffling, though not all were as delightful to explain to her as garters and the difference between the actual silk ribbons and the courtly Order thereof.
“I’m afraid I am not exactly following you, ma’am,” he said. The furrow grew deeper. Her tall and somewhat burly husband glanced over at them as if he had a preternatural sense that his wife was in some distress and he was deciding whether he needed to intervene. Eric inclined his head in a noticeable show of deference and the other man turned back to his own conversation with Grimsby and a senior trade official Eric always referred to as Minister Moneybags when recounting dull meetings with Ariel.
“Won’t you call me Anna? Ma’am is so dreadfully solemn. Fusty. It makes me feel older than the hills and twice as crotchety.”
Eric refrained from asking how hills could ever be crotchety, as he was beginning to get a sense of her rather exuberant self-expression. His own mother would have frowned such frivolity out of him if he’d shown any sign of it as a child.
“You are the queen,” Eric said. “It would be improper for me to be so discourteous—”
“But surely it’s not discourteous if I’ve invited you to call me Anna,” she countered quickly. “Surely it’s more discourteous to refuse to call the reigning monarch of the country with whom you are trying to broker a comprehensive trade and cultural exchange treaty the name she insists upon. Especially she is a queen and you are still the heir-apparent to your monarch.”
“If you insist,” he said, nodding slightly. “Anna, I cannot say I’ve understood a word you’ve said starting with hazelnuts.”
“Hazelnuts and rye? Ginger biscuit and mead?” Anna said.
“Is this part of the evening’s menu?” Eric hazarded. It wouldn’t make her earlier remark make any more sense but they were miles away from that.
“Yin and yang? That’s from Cathay, though, you mayn’t have come across them yet in your travels,” Anna said.
“I am familiar with the empire,” Eric said. “But not the phrase.”
“It means opposite forces that are bound together in balance,” Anna explained. “That’s you and me.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You don’t beg, you’re a prince,” Anna corrected. “But I am making a hash of this, aren’t I?”
“I will decline to comment,” Eric said and smiled.
“You said that with such a perfect degree of regal aplomb, it’s really impressive. You’ve been very well-trained to be a king, I can tell,” Anna said. “Me, not so much, I’m afraid. But that’s what I’m talking about, how we’re hazelnuts and rye— you lost your parents in a shipwreck and so did I, except losing yours made you a king where you never would have been one and losing mine just happened earlier than anyone would have expected and I wouldn’t have been the queen except for Elsa turning out to be otherwise disposed.”
Otherwise disposed was a curious way of summarizing the discovery that her sister and queen was in large part or entirely a supernatural being who held the ethereal powers governing this region of the world in check, if Eric had understood General Mattias properly, but it was frankly not the most intriguing comment she had made.
“I’m not sure how that makes us opposite forces in balance,” Eric said.
“Well, we’ve both suffered and ascended because of shipwrecks, so there’s that,” Anna said. She paused and cocked her head to one side, then tapped one beringed finger on her lips. If they both weren’t happily married, she would have set matchmakers talking across the globe, but as it was, she only appeared perplexed, much the way Ariel was when confronted with a draisienne. “You may be right that the parallel doesn’t entirely hold, but you know what it is to lose the people you love most to forces you couldn’t begin to hold accountable. To be left behind and then left to carry on and lead everyone, when maybe you just wanted to do something else entirely. Maybe you wanted to become a cheesemonger and I could have become a dentist.”
“I can assure you, I never longed to become a cheesemonger,” Eric said. He’d never thought to have such a conversation, touching upon the deepest grief of his life while also entertaining an alternate future where he’d had a dairy and was an expert on Cheddar and Nagelkass.
“It’s fun to say though, isn’t it? Cheesemonger. Fishmonger too, but cheese is more fun than fish and no one gets hurt, which is probably more relevant to you now given Lady Ariel’s childhood friends,” Anna said. She swirled the wine around in the glass she held. She’d hardly had a sip the whole time; nothing she said could be chalked up to tipsiness.
“If you’ll forgive me, this is the most peculiar conversation, Anna,” Eric said.
She grinned at him then and he suspected that if she hadn’t been holding the wineglass, she would have clapped her hands most gleefully.
“That’s what I mean! That’s why at the end of the day, we’ll let all the diplomats and stuff old thanes and avocats fuss with the documents, but we’ll sign them and it’ll be a bright tomorrow for our two nations and you can tell me how you’ve coped with the fact that your first parents died in a storm that Lady Ariel’s father had to be responsible for and you got adopted by a king and queen instead of rock trolls like Kristoff did or just an ordinary couple and also whether breadfruit is more like bread or fruit and whether it’s better than both and also chocolate,” Anna said.
“Also chocolate?” He saw how she centered the most important and painful remark within giddy charm, allowing him to hear her while giving him an easy question to answer. Giving him time to mull over what she’d said and come back to it how and when and if he would. It would not do to underestimate her leadership, nor the value of her friendship.
“Whether breadfruit is better than bread, fruit, and chocolate. I mean it’s impossible that it’s better than chocolate but I need to keep an open mind and Kristoff will scold me if I don’t, well, he won’t scold but he’ll give me this serious look he has and I’ll feel all wizened, like a turnip forgotten in the root cellar,” Anna said. Eric thought briefly of what his mother Queen Selina was like in her private sitting room and what little he knew of Ariel’s sisters and was confident that there was no reigning queen like Anna I of Arendelle. And that was without considering the rock troll relations, though it seems she’d married into them and he grasped how little control or influence one could have over or with one’s in-laws.
“Chocolate is better than breadfruit, let’s begin there,” Eric said. “I hope we can both sign the treaty, that they don’t all muck it up, because I’d very much like to be in league with you, Queen Anna, well before I become King Eric Janus II.”
“Eric Janus II?” Now, she scrunched up her face as if he’d told her turnips and breadfruit would replace all the world’s supply of chocolate.
“Yes, I know,” Eric said. “It’s a lot. I have to add Klaas and Amaury and Bohemond when I ascend the throne.”
“That’s a mouthful,” Anna said. “Unless it sounds better in your native language—”
“It doesn’t,” Eric said.
“I’ll call you nothing but Eric then, if you prefer it,” Anna offered as her broad-shouldered, blond husband joined them, giving her a glance Eric would not have recognized before his own marriage, one that questioned and chided in equal measure, one Ariel was wont to give him when he cautioned her about swimming alongside their ship or staying up late to read to what she said was only the end of the chapter.
“You needn’t glare, Kristoff, the Prince and I understand each other perfectly,” Anna said. “Your precious treaty isn’t in any danger. Quite the contrary—”
“It’s not my precious treaty and I wasn’t glaring,” he said. He seemed ill-at-ease in his uniform in the grandly appointed room as he hadn’t when they’d gone out for a drive into the royal parkland and woods, his fine silks and velvets traded for a well-worn leather coat and a dusty pair of boots, a red kerchief knotted at his throat. “The ambassadors and the diplomatic corps from both nations have been working to deliver an agreement mutually beneficial, with particular attention to the ramifications of an allegiance and the power balance of the Silver Crescent.”
“I beg you not to explain about the judicial reforms going before the council and the need for a winter by-election. I positively beg you,” Anna said, taking her husband’s hand, and then smiling at Eric. “Kristoff, Lord Tyholmen that is, has very strong convictions about necessary modifications to the monarchy and the guildsmen but there’s a time and place and the dancing is about to begin.”
“Then, if you would grant me the great favor, I would be honored to open the first waltz with you, Anna,” Eric said, bowing smartly and extending his hand.
“Drat, I was supposed to ask you and not sidle around it. I wasn’t purposefully sidling,” Anna said. Kristoff smiled and lifted her hand to his lips to kiss her knuckles. “Kristoff, you know we’ll have the lihkadus and the last waltz—”
“I’m not upset, Anna,” Kristoff said. “And I don’t think Prince Eric is either, even if he isn’t dancing with Lady Ariel at the moment.”
“Lord Tyholmen is correct,” Eric said. “I understood—you and I, Anna, we’re bake and shark, ackee and saltfish, aren’t we?”
“I suppose we must be,” Anna said. “Though I’ll need a complete explanation and that will include whether I am the bake or the shark. I hardly know which is more daunting! Perhaps I should ask Lady Ariel—"
“It’s always the shark, Anna,” Kristoff said, winking at Eric. “You don’t need to be a mermaid to know that.”
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Once again giving the headcanons nobody asked for but we all secretly needed Joja Workers as Cat Breeds!
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Shane: British Shorthair
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Sam: Selkirk Rex
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Claire: Scottish Fold
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Martin: American Curl
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Dobson: Abyssinian (trust me this one fits awesomely trust me trust me trust me)
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Morris: Ragdoll (:3)
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Kristoff: Russian Blue
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vavialdavi · 2 months
Me every single time I found myself really liking a "hetero" ship :3
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i made brozone headcanons on my trolls account @obsessedwithjohndory and i love kristoff bjorgman so much so i figured i’d make tell you about my hcs for kris <3
he’s bisexual, he had a boyfriend as a teenager but they broke up and he was genuinely devastated because he loved him so much
he has glasses and anna thinks he looks so cute in them
he does fencing with mattias & he’s really good at it
speaking of mattias, he’s pretty much a father figure to him (i came up with this after listening to the frozen: forces of nature podcast where mattias calls him ‘son’)
he loves animals
has a secret handshake with ryder
whenever the two are together they’re basically inseparable
anna taught him how to speak french
he’s dyslexic
allergic to nuts and watermelon
he doesn’t like caramel
he really looks up to elsa
he 100% hates the pet name ‘pookie’
camping trips with ryder, mattias, olaf & sven
he freaked out when anna told him she loved him for the first time because no person had ever said it to him before
he can get really competitive when it comes to family game night depending on the game
he’s left handed
he loves theatre
always smells like the forest in a good way & anna loves it
really good cook
taught himself how to play the lute and guitar
his full name is kristoffer bjorgman, he just prefers to be called kristoff or kris
i hope you liked these!!! i just had to share some of my hcs because i love this man so much mwah mwah
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Kristoff and Anna are such wolfstar variants
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somecallmejohn · 2 years
Silly headcanon that just came to my mind while listening to the Frozen soundtrack for the millionth time: “Reindeers are better than people” is a break up song and it’s about a man.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk!
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