#kristoff x anna
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rebamacncheese · 2 months ago
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Art for Chapter 2 of The Mountain Man, out today! https://archiveofourown.org/works/61260757/chapters/156567346#workskin
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emmastraub3 · 22 days ago
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Anna and Kristoff
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avitha · 1 year ago
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Frozen Family Portrait
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beanswrites · 1 year ago
New Fic "If The Cabin Walls Could Talk"
heyyy guys!!
my new fic "If The Cabin Walls Could Talk" is now posted on my Ao3 account!! I actually started writing this a while ago but never finished until now. It was supposed to be a cute one shot and it turned into 12k words and a two shot. Oh well. Hope you enjoy!
pairings: Kristoff Bjorgman x Princess Anna (from Frozen)
tags: fluff, smut, a littleee angst, hurt/comfort, first time, loss of virginity, ao3
summary: Kristoff and Anna take a trip up to Kristoff's long forgotten cabin as a little romantic getaway, trying to reawaken the spark Anna feels that they've lost. Kristoff, caught up in his own worries for the future, is uncomfortable with the amount of privacy they have, afraid they will do something stupid and ruin Anna's reputation. However, the young couple is far too attracted to each other to resist... Besides, what happens in the cabin stays in the cabin, right?
click here to read the whole thing!!
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“Do you not want me?” She asked, her voice full of confusion and sadness. She knew she wasn’t anything too special, but was she really so repulsive to him…?
“Anna…” How could he tell her that he wanted her more than anything else? That there wasn’t one ice-harvesting trip where he didn’t think of having her all for himself? That his greatest dream was getting married and the blissful wedding night that would come after? 
He reached for the door.
“No, Kristoff, you don’t get to hide in the stable with Sven! Answer me! Do you not want me?”
“It’s not that, Anna…” He slightly opened the door.
“Then what is it?! What’s wrong, then?! What are you so afraid of?!”
His restraints, like a rope that’s been stretched too far, burst.
“I’m afraid that, by being with me, you’re going to ruin your future chances, Anna!” He yelled, finally turning to her.
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luminouslumity · 1 year ago
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What do you mean it's been ten years!?
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darklinaforever · 1 year ago
Do you prefer Anna more with Hans or Kristoff
No idea. The romance with Hans is off to a good start and overall the one with Kristoff is also well done. The problem is that Hans is poorly written in terms of coherence with enormous wasted potential.
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disneymbti · 1 year ago
Kristanna and Elsamaren hcs pls?
And how many kids do you picture kristanna having?
Hi there, Poorni! I really hope you like this a lot!
Kristanna's Headcanons
Kristoff is a black cat coded boy and Anna is a golden retriever dog coded girl.
Kristoff's love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service while Anna's love languages are physical touch and quality time.
Kristoff is the eclipse and Anna is the sun in their relationship.
The two of them will getting hot chocolate and sitting down on the couch and playing snowball fighting with their four kids and Sven as well.
Elsamaren's Headcanons
Elsa is a white cat coded girl and Honeymaren is a brown cat coded girl.
Elsa's love languages are acts of service and gift giving while Honeymaren's love languages are words of affirmation and quality time.
Elsa is the moon and Honeymaren is the eclipse in their relationship.
The two of them will be reading a book together in the house and playing with the leaves together and having fun.
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annaofthenorthernlights · 22 days ago
🎲16. A kiss in the rain for KristoffXAnna
What a wonderful request for the kiss ask game - thank you - hope you gonna like this little meet cute (modern au)!
The first time Anna thought that love at first sight really existed was when she met this new colleague and showed him around the company. Until that day, Anna tried to be realistic and stubbornly declared that such a silly thing only happened in trashy novels. But Kristoff Bjorgman somehow did it for her, even though he didn't actually do anything, except be a very kind and quiet man who walked beside her and listened to her outrageous babbling.
The second time Anna felt that love at first touch could be a real thing was when she ended up behind Mr Bjorgman in the cafeteria queue at lunchtime. It was no big deal, as he was chatting to his friend Sven and she was trying to prepare for the afternoon meeting. As she grabbed a tray, K. Bjorgman turned to grab one too, and their hands touched. It was nothing, just a light brush of strong, calloused fingers across her wrist. Nothing… but oh dear, her stomach did a summersault, then her mind went blank and her heart skipped a beat. She stood there like a statue in the park, smiling professionally and waving her hand as Mr Bjorgman apologised for his rude touch. She laughed and shrugged, "Oh, it's nothing."
The third time Anna Arendsen thought she must be completely crazy was when she was walking home from a stressful day at work, her whole body frozen with an exquisite shiver, when suddenly a familiar voice called her name and that person appeared at her side. "Hey!" "Hey!" she grinned, tucking a tendril behind her ear. "Are you on your way home?" he asked, his smile a torture of handsomeness no sane female mind could bear. Anna was sure of it, so she stared somewhere at his chest. That was no better… She sighed. "Yes. And you?" "Yeah. Funny, it's the same direction?" "Yes. Funny." Anna wasn't sure if it was wonderful, a dream, a nightmare, a tragedy, a comedy, a miracle…? "Would you like to have dinner with me?" "What? Oh… Oh… yes."
The fourth time Anna thought life was mocking her was when that incredible man asked her out again, and then again. They had such a good time together - he was so nice to be with - she could not believe it. And then he walked her home. If only the street would not end and her house would please disappear so that he could ask her to go home with him…? She would.
The fifth time Anna's heart leapt in her chest and her stomach did a circus trick was when they were nowhere near home and yet it started to rain. It was a balmy summer night and she did not care about the little bit of wetness - how could she when Kristoff grabbed her hand and pulled her into the entrance of a shop, wrapping his arm around her. Pressing against his chest didn't feel wrong, it just felt right, and his arm seemed to melt into her back. Thank God for the rain. And he brushed a damp tendril from her face and traced a finger along her jawline. "I really like you, Anna." "What? Oh… Oh… I like you too, Kristoff." "'May I kiss you?" Her voice was caught and her heart hammered the answer out of her trembling throat. "Yes, please."
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dragongirlie56 · 1 month ago
Writing prompt: Kristanna racing sleds down a mountain ✨
Sled Race
Kristoff and Anna sledding day 💕
A/N: So whenever Sven “talks” aka Kristoff. lol I’m going to put it like ‘Sven’. Yeah
Also there’s a flashback. It’s in italics and there are a bunch of ////// before that!
Ship: Kristanna (Frozen)
Warning: None! Just fluffy fluffiness!
Thanks for your request Sparrow!! (I hope calling you Sparrow is okay?) It was such a fun request! And such a cute idea! I loved, loved, loved writing this one! I hope you like it!! :)
Where is she?
Kristoff glanced around the bustling crowds of the Arundelle townsfolk. You’d think that the majority of people would stay inside during the cold months but everyone was still out and about like it was a warm summer day. He was happy to see the town so alive and happy but man did it make it harder to find certain people in the crowd.
The town clock chimed, the hour hand pointed towards ten. There was still no red head princess in sight.
Anna was supposed to meet him fifteen minutes ago.
“She definitely overslept.” Kristoff sighed, rubbing the back of his head. He had a feeling deep down that this exact scenario would happen, he just thought maybe she’d surprise him. Sven knocked him slightly in the arm to which the blonde eyed him with a raised eyebrow.
Sven grunted and tapped his hooves repeatedly on the cobblestone path.
“Yeah buddy I know. I guess it’s time to pay her a visit, yeah?”
“It’s about time.” ‘Sven’ replied. The reindeer shook his antlers.
Kristoff rolled his eyes as he ruffled the top of the reindeer’s head with his gloved hand.
“Alright, c’mon.” Kristoff beckoned the reindeer to follow him as they made their way towards the palace gates.
The blonde smiled to himself as he remembered him and Anna’s conversation the day before.
“You’ve never been sledding?” Kristoff stared at the ginger with wide brown eyes. “Like ever?”
”Nope! No snow to sled in when you’re stuck in the castle. But it looks fun! I’ve seen pictures of it in books!”
”It’s settled then, I’ll be the one to take you.”
“Really?!” Anna clasped her hands together. “You’ll take me?!” She gasped. “Tomorrow! Can we go tomorrow?”
”Oh Kristoff you’re the best!” Anna kissed him on the cheek, leaving him a blushing mess. “I promise, bright and early.” She poked him on the nose before retiring to her chambers.
Kristoff held his hand up to her door and knocked on the ornate white door. He had to admit, the castle designers did an amazing job with the place. His eyes followed the flower designs on the wood as he waited for a response.
A loud snore sounded behind the door.
He suppressed a laugh before knocking again. “Anna, it’s Kristoff.”
“Kis…er…off.” She mumbled.
”We’re going sledding, remember?”
”Sled… Sledding!”
He winced at the sound of a crash. “Anna you okay?”
“Never better! I’ll be right out!”
Kristoff waited with his back pressed against the wall. Sven sat down beside him.
Olaf peeked his head around the corner “Kristoff? Sven? What are you guys doing here?”
“Oh hey Olaf, I’m waiting for Anna.” Kristoff folded his arms.
“To do what?”
“I’m taking her sledding.”
“Yes, sliding down snow on a wooden sled…” Kristoff perked up. “Hey Olaf, you mind hanging out with Sven today?”
“Oh yes! I’d love that! C’mere my furry friend. We’re going to have so much fun.” Olaf let out his signature laugh. Sven let out a grunt before jumping up and down.
“I guess it’s just us then?” Anna asked as she closed the door.
“Just us,” Kristoff agreed. “You ready?”
“I was born ready!” She pumped her fists in the air.
Kristoff snorted. “Let’s get going.”
The mountain wasn’t as cold as Kristoff was expecting. The sun hung high in the sky with little clouds to block its warm rays. The perfect day to sled down a mountain.
Kristoff took a deep breath of the clean mountain air.
“So, we slide down the snow in… sleds? Anna asked with her hands on her hips.
A bright smile twitched onto the ginger’s lips accompanied by an impish twinkle that glittered in her blue eyes. “Can we race?”
“Race! C’mon! Let’s see who’s faster!” Anna grasped her sled with gloved hands.
“Wait Anna, I need to teach you how to steer-“
“I’ll figure it out!” She hastily waved him off. “I’ve read about it, it shouldn't be too difficult!”
Kristoff sighed, he just didn’t want her to break anything. The idea of her falling off the sled and hurting herself because he suggested the activity…he couldn’t think about it too much. “If you’re sure-“
“I am! Okay! Let’s do this!” She pumped her fists. “Oh this is going to be great!”
Kristoff chuckled to himself as he watched her giddily set up her sled.
“C’mon Mr. Sled Expert.” The ginger situated herself on the wooden vehicle before staring up at the blonde expectantly.
“Oh is that my name now? I thought it was Love Expert?” He raised a thick brow, a smile twitching at the corner of his lips.
“You’re both.” Anna winked. “Now hurry up! I haven’t got all day.”
Kristoff snorted and placed his sled parallel to hers. His eyes flicked briefly to the hill. There weren’t many trees which made his nerves ease a bit. At least Anna had fewer things to run into… he loved her but it wasn’t a secret that she was a bit clumsy.
“On three?” He asked, sitting down on his sled.
“I say… NOW!” Anna lifted her feet and took off down the hill, kicking up snow in her wake.
“Hey!” Kristoff followed her, shaking his head. I should’ve predicted that one.
The rush of air hit his nose but he didn’t feel cold, no, he was too focused on Anna’s contagious excitement.
“WHOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!” Anna’s voice carried, even being so far ahead. She swerved back and forth, following a wavy pattern. “THIS IS AMAZING!”
Kristoff snorted before a huge wave of snow hit him in the face. “You just got snow on me!”
“HAHA! You can’t catch- WOAH!”
Kristoff’s heart stopped. “Anna!”
The bottom of her sled caught a bump, causing her to fly into the air. White flurries flew up like an explosion as she hit the ground and rolled.
“Anna!” He called again, steering the sled in her direction, but he had lost her in the snow. He eventually slowed to a stop at the bottom of the hill before bolting off his sled. His frantic eyes searched the snow in a frenzy, trying to spot any source of orangish red hair in the white snow.
Anna emerged from a pile of snow, nearly scaring the living daylight out of the panicked blonde. “WHEW!!! That was amazing! I definitely won that! Anna, one. Kristoff, zeeeero.” She blew her bangs out of her face along with the snowflakes she had accumulated in her fall.
“Anna! You scared me!” Kristoff grasped her arm as he helped her to her feet.
“Haha, sorry!” She rubbed the back of her head before smiling. “Let’s do it again!”
“Again- What? Are you okay though?” He inspected her head and arms. “No bruises, nothing broken?”
“Yes Kristoff! I’m okay! Sure I had quite the roll.” She chuckled. “But it was fun! Let’s go!”
“But- What- Anna.” Kristoff’s heart returned to its normal pace. “You just rolled down at least twenty feet.”
“Psh, no I’m fine Kristoff! We fell off a cliff before, pretty sure I can handle twenty.” She folded her arms with a challenging eyebrow raise.
“Fair. We were in a life or death situation though may I remind you.” He gave her a look. “Yeah, we can go. If you’re sure you’re okay and if you promise to be careful!”
“Oh Kristoff.” She patted his cheek. “You worry for me too much. I promise I’m fine! I’d tell you!”
“Okay.” He nodded, grasping the reins to his sled. “Round two then?”
“You know it!”
Kristoff lost count of how many times they slid down the hill and trudged back up through the snow. But he was having too much fun to feel any ounce of exhaustion. Before he knew it, the sun hung low in the sky, the clouds were a mix of pink and orange, and snow stuck to his clothing—much like when he and Anna first met.
Now, they laid in the snow, giggling to each other.
“Thank you.” A light smile accompanied Anna’s crinkled eyes.
“For what?” The blonde turned his head to the side, his cheek brushing the snow beneath. His brown eyes caught on his love’s beaming smile—her excitement always brought warmth to his heart.
“For the most perfect day. For taking me sledding for the first time in… well ever.” She turned onto her side and propped herself up on her elbow. Her bangs fell into her eyes and Kristoff reached up to brush them out of her face, though the snowflakes from his gloves stuck to her locks. It reminded him of her white streak of hair when they first met.
“Of course.” He gave her a lopsided smile.
Her eyes crinkled and a smile graced her lips. “I have one more request.”
His head rested in a tilt. “And what would that be?”
Anna gave him a sheepish smile. “Can we go one more time?”
A laugh escaped Kristoff’s chest. “One more time,” he agreed.
Short and sweeeeet! 💕
EEEEEEEEE!!!! I want a Kristoff PLEASE OH PLEASE!!!!! Give me a golden retriever boy who’s just sweet and thoughtful and kind 🙏 I love him so much, Anna is a lucky girl 🫶
Thanks again Sparrow! I hoped you enjoyed reading this!! :)
Requests here!
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letocles · 1 year ago
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Kristoff x Hans x Anna
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turquoisefleur · 1 year ago
Frozen - as a Hallmark xmas Movie
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tags: Kristoff x Anna; Elsa x Honeymaren; SFW; cozy; SILLY (I warned u).
Ok, I'm no good at writing fanfics, so it's just my idea separated into paragraphs... (I- I hope at least one person will enjoy it):
Sad Past - Anna and Elsa parents died in a boat accident, the girls lost their memories and were adopted by different families, losing touch/contact with each other. Anna, now older, a week before xmas she breaks up with Hans (CEO of "Forever 13" a greenwashing perfume company), and leaves the big city to discover more about herself and her past going to her childhood country town: Arendelle.
Lonely Father - Kristoff, a bit of a fixer upper, father of a little girl named Evangelina Kristina Trollini, or just "Eve" for her friends. The Trollini surname is from Eve's mother (a mysterious blond woman with a side ponytail). Kristoff started living with them after Eve was born. They love to do silly xmas pranks like adding raisins in Kristoff's food "because it's good for the intestine" as grandma Troll-ini would say. (I'm so sorry for the surname pun...)
A Miracle Happens - Anna and Elsa both get a dream with the spirit of Frosty Olaf the Snowman that tells them to participate in a Snowman-contest (a Snowtest); it was a draw, they both won the first prize: a reindeer sleigh ride, their re-encounter ("rein-counter" lol ok my puns are horrible) brings back their lost memories, a true xmas miracle.
Misunderstandings - "Mysterious blond woman with a side ponytail" Anna kept wondering who Eve's mother was; as Kristoff kept wondering if Anna was engaged to Hans (whom wasn't taking down so soon his "we are engaged" post on the internet as it would be bad for his marketing). "I saw no ring" Eve said to her father about Anna's hand. "A-Anna... I'm gay." abruptly explained Elsa to Anna. And thus the misunderstanding was cleared! The fact was: Elsa had been adopted into the Trollini family after the boat accident, but she was not the mysterious blond woman. The Trollini tried for years to search for Anna to adopt her into the family too so she could grow in Arendelle with her sister, but to no avail as their far relatives had taken Anna away blaming Elsa for the accident as it happened in Elsa's birthday. As for Eve's mother? She died during birth. This was years after Elsa's adoption into the Trollini, back then Elsa felt like she had lost a second sister, despite not being able to remember about Anna nor their childhood.
Coffee-shop Mission! - The totally spies duo Anna and Eve succeeded to set up Elsa and Honeymaren together, as the later worked in a coffee-shop. Honey had to work and they saw the duo spying on them, so the couple, under the mistletoe, held hands and kissu- on the CHEEK (hÁ, u were trolled, by a f/a/m/i/l/y/m/o/v/i/e); lol the straight couple Anna and Kristoff don't even give a cheek-kiss, they hugged, spun, touched forehead, and THEN- were interrupted by Eve. U are welcome, I'm very evil. Only Grandma Trollini gives as many cheek-kisses as she wants.
The end.
Post-credits Scene - Hans wakes up in a pile of coal (no Santa's present for him) after having a nightmare with Frosty Olaf the Snowman explaining he will be visited by the spirits from the past, present and the future.
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rebamacncheese · 2 months ago
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Second chapter of my fic, out today!
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emmastraub3 · 22 days ago
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The Queen and King of Arendelle I love how they are so in love and very dorky.
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saysomethingabout · 1 year ago
Say something good about this couple!
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horrorartist23 · 1 year ago
Working on an Anna drawing. This is the rough sketch for it.
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I dont know how im gonna implement her into the story but in contrast to Elsa she would be the embodyment of Summer. Tho im still debating where she would stay.
And to sprinkle a little Kristanna in there id imagine that he spots her in like a field of Flowers and she is just readjusting the sunflower in her hair. Kristoff would at first be like ,,eh im better off alone" but in reality he is head over heels in love with her.
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billsbae · 2 years ago
Anna: This is my boyfriend Kristoff
Anna: And this is Kristoff’s boyfriend Ryder
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