#kristen gregory
helmetica · 3 months
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discotitsposts · 6 months
real ones know the clique movie changed burberry no punch backs to juicy no punch backs
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anticoquette · 1 year
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This is not a drill. The Clique movie is on tubi for free. Another movie (book series) that raised the og coquette girls. The world is truly healing.
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WONDER WOMAN 1984 (2020)
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Suite des aventures de Diana Prince, alias Wonder Woman, Amazone devenue une super-héroïne dans notre monde. Après la Première Guerre mondiale, direction les années 80 ! Cette fois, Wonder Woman doit affronter deux nouveaux ennemis, particulièrement redoutables : Max Lord et Cheetah.
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badmovieihave · 5 months
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Bad movie I have Twilight
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mlleclaudine · 4 months
The Dish with Kish (s21e10)
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talkfastcal · 1 year
I haven’t generally been terrified of a f*af game in a long time but I can barely get through m*rkiplier’s part 5 of the r*in gameplay
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janeyseymour · 6 months
for @sleep-deprived-athlete 🤍
Summary: you come into Abbott looking like absolute hell. Melissa is worried.
WC: ~2.55k
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You really hadn’t meant to get all bruised up at the Rugby game on Saturday- but the sport was tough, and you were by no means a player who would give up a play because you were afraid to get a little scuffed up.
Maybe a little scuffed up was an understatement, if you’re being honest. Your jaw is a beautiful shade of purple and so is your eye thanks to a shoulder to the face, your shoulder is killing you, and the one tumble that you had taken left you with a sore ankle and a bit of a limp.
Still though, being a teacher never stops, and you find yourself dragging your bags and yourself into Abbott bright and early the next Monday. 
Your sitting in the staff room, drinking your coffee and icing your shoulder as you continue to go through your lessons for the last coming months of the school year, when the rest of your friends start to make their way in as one big clump. How they all manage to pull up to the school and walk in together almost everyday without fail is beyond you… actually, you know how. They told you that they all plan to get there at exactly 7:43 to enter the building at 7:45, but you were a stickler for time and an early riser already, so you just came in before everyone else to enjoy the peace and quiet while you had the room to yourself.
“Y/N!” Janine gasps. “What happened to you?” 
“Hm?” You hum as you allow yourself to take your eyes away from your paper for just one second. Only then do you realize that Janine, Gregory, Jacob, Barbara, and Melissa are all standing in front of you with their jaws dropped and looking quite concerned. “Oh, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”
“Sweetheart, forgive me for being blunt, but you look like you went to hell and back,” Barbara states. 
“It looks a lot worse than it is,” you tell her as you avert your eyes back down to the papers in front of you. “I promise you, I’m fine.” You adjust the icepack before wincing slightly at the cool sensation.
Melissa and Barbara share a look before Melissa sighs softly. She digs around in her bag for a second before pulling out her CBD oil. “Move your hair.”
You do so without looking up, not really questioning the instruction. You’re so focused on your lesson plans that you just follow the order without a second thought. You’re shocked though when you feel liquid on your shoulder. “Mel, what?”
“It’s just CBD oil… it’ll help ease the pain,” the redhead tells you. And then her hands are rubbing the oil into your shoulder, and you can’t help but let out a soft groan. Shit… maybe you really should go get your shoulder checked out. 
“Hun, what happened?”
“Just got a little roughed up,” you sigh as her hands continue to massage the sore spot.
That does not help the worried looks that your coworkers are giving you. 
“Guys, I’m fine,” you promise them. “I have to head down to my classroom to do a bit of prep, but I’ll see youse all at lunch.”
As you stand and start to gather your things though, you let out a small hiss in pain at the pressure on your ankle. All of their heads immediately snap in your direction.
“Hun,” Melissa frowns.
You hold up a hand, silently requesting for no further comment on the matter. You limp your way out of the staff lounge and head into your classroom. You thought that you could make it through the day without having to put your ankle brace on, but you were clearly wrong. You’re lacing it up when the redhead makes her way into your room and closes the door.
“What’s going on?” she asks you frankly. 
You just continue to lace up your brace, mildly annoyed that she won’t let it go.
“Mel, I’m fine. Just a little-”
“A little roughed up,” the second grade teacher cuts you off. “I heard you the first time. You don’t get to come in here after a weekend with a shiner that competes with the one Kristen Marie had after her and I squared up after Nonna’s funeral, a bum shoulder, and an ankle brace and get to be mysterious about it. What gives?”
You take a deep breath before meeting her green eyes with your own. “I fell. I’m fine.”
“Fell?” Melissa raises a brow as she folds her arms across her chest. “You don’t get all of your injuries from a fall.”
“Well, I did,” you sigh. “I don’t know what else you want me to say. It’s the truth.”
“Did anyone help you fall?” the redhead asks. “I know you and your girlfriend broke up a couple weeks ago, and if she did this to you-”
“She didn’t do nothin’,” you tell her quickly. “Now please- I have to prep for today.”
“Melissa,” you grit through your teeth. “Please. I have to prep, and I’m moving a little slower than usual, so I need all the time I can get.”
Your coworker purses her lips. “Fine. But know that I’m always here if you need to talk.” She turns on her heel and heads out towards her work wife’s room. You close your eyes as you pinch the bridge of your nose. 
“She’s actin’ real weird,” the redhead states as she sits in Barbara’s rocking chair.
The kindergarten teacher nods. “Poor thing looks like she crawled out of the seventh layer of hell.”
“And she got real snippy with me when I asked her if Jen had anything to do with it… shut me down real quick and refused to talk to me anymore,” Melissa sighs. “I just want to help her if she’s in a sticky situation.”
“Melissa,” Barbara says softly. “If I do remember correctly, you were the same way when things got messy with Joe.”
“I know!” the second grade teacher huffs. “But now that I’m on the other end of it… I just want to help if I can.”
“And that is very kind of you,” the older teacher tells her friend. “But if she’s not ready to ask for help, the only way that you can help is by being kind and gentle with her.”
“I guess,” Melissa purses her lips. “Well… I suppose I should go pretend to do my job.”
“I suppose you should,” Barbara nods. “But seriously… do not go all Schemmenti over this. I’m sure Y/N is fine, and if she isn’t… we’ll be there to help pick up the pieces later.”
The redhead grabs her coffee before entering the staff lounge once more. She brews another pot of coffee and fills her own mug before grabbing a spare from the cupboard. She prepares that second cup of liquid gold the way she knows you like it before heading back down to your room.
“Hey,” she knocks on the doorframe gently. “I figured I would bring you another cup so you don’t have to limp your way down during prep.”
You smile at her gently, as much as your bruised jaw will allow you to. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” Melissa says softly, so out of character for her. “I’m here to help.”
When you expect her to linger, she just gently sets the cup of coffee on your desk and makes her way back out to her own classroom.
When your kids come in, they’re immediately asking you what happened, if you’re okay.
“I’m doing just fine,” you chuckle. “But thank you for your concern. If you think I look bad, you should see the other person,” you joke, thinking none of them will care enough to repeat your words. What you’re saying is right though- the other girl got just as roughed up, if not worse. Oh how wrong you are. 
Come lunch, Melissa is right at your door, asking if you want her to bring your lunch down for you from the break room.
“I can come get my lunch,” you chuckle as you wave off her offer. “I could use the movement anyway… been teaching from my chair.”
The two of you make your way into the staffroom, and she all but pushes you into a chair before grabbing your lunches out of the refrigerator for you. When you expect her to sit down next to you with her own lunch, she doesn’t. She heads for the fridge again and pulls out two ice packs. She gently tucks the first one into your bra strap to ice your shoulder, and then she’s sitting down and gesturing for you to prop your foot up on her lap.
“Melissa, I’m really okay,” you try to tell her again. She shakes her head though and all but forces your leg into her lap. She unlaces your brace before setting the icepack over the bruised area. Then, and only then, does she dive into her own lunch.
You smile softly at her. “Thank you.”
“Someone’s gotta look after you when you won’t ask for help,” she rolls her eyes. “And I’ll be damned if it isn’t me.”
The lunch period passes by quickly, but then you remember that you have recess duty. With a sigh, you reach forward to lace up your brace again.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Her hands try to stop your own.
“I have recess duty,” you tell her. “Don’t worry, I’m planning on bringing a chair out and just monitoring from there.”
She ties your brace up for you before standing with you. “I’m not letting you lug out a chair by yourself with your ankle and bum shoulder… Jesus, don’t you think you should go get your ankle checked out? It’s the size of a baseball.”
“I’ve had worse,” you sigh offhandedly as you begin to make your way outside. No more than thirty seconds later is she outside with you, two chairs under her arm. She sets them out before gesturing for you to sit down.
“Thanks,” you mutter. The two of you sit there for a bit of time before the warmth from the sun begins to become too much for you, and unconsciously you roll up a sleeve- revealing the bruises on your arms.
The redhead next to you does everything she can to not stare at them as her mind goes a mile a minute, wondering exactly how you got all of these injuries.
And then two kids run up to the two of you. One is in your class, and the other is in Melissa’s.
“Miss Y/N,” your kid says as she bounces on her toes.
“What’s up, Jayla?”
“Tell Amaya what you told us today about why you have all of your bruises,” she tells you. “She doesn’t believe me.”
“I fell?” you respond, confused as hell.
“Yeah, but what did you say after that?”
“Thank you for your concern?” you tell her, even more confused than the first time.
“But then what after that?”
You shrug.
“You told us that we should see other person that did this to you!” Jayla yells.
You purse your lips into a fine line, and you can see the way that Melissa is eying you in your peripheral view. “That’s just an expression, hun. I didn’t mean it literally.”
“You still said it,” your student smirks before turning to her friend as they walk off. “I told you she said that!”
“So,” Melissa leans in. “What was that?”
“I didn’t really mean it,” you huff. “It was a joke. I didn’t think the kids would remember it.”
“Hun,” the redhead lays a gentle hand on your shoulder. “If you need help…”
“I don’t need help,” you sigh. “I promise you. I’m just fine.”
And then the bell rings to signal the end of recess. You limp your way over to your students’ line while Melissa gathers the chairs under her arm again and takes them inside. You get the kids back inside and finish out the day teaching from your desk. 
After school, as much as you would love to just go home and relax, there is a staff meeting. You slowly make your way into the library and take up your place next to Melissa. While you’re waiting for everybody else to come trickling in, the redhead reaches into her bag again and pulls out her CBD oil. Before you can stop her, it’s on your shoulder again, and she’s gently working it into your skin.
“Thank you,” you whisper softly, trying not to groan out in pain.
She just nods before lifting your injured foot into her lap again. Melissa unlaces your brace again and begins to rub the oil over your swollen ankle. At that, you grimace, but you let her continue. 
And then Ava is making her way in.
“Hey y’all,” she grins as she makes her way over to your table. “Damn girl… you did a great job on Saturday.”
You chuckle lightly. “Thanks.”
“What game?” Janine asks. “And why weren’t we invited?”
“Ava wasn’t even invited,” you roll your eyes. “She was just there where I was playing rugby.”
“I was there to…” she smirks. “Check out the eye candy and go window shopping. I had no idea Y/N is the hottie that she is.”
“You play rugby?” Melissa raises an eyebrow.
You nod. “And that… is how I got the black eye, the bruises, and the shoulder and ankle injuries.”
“Why wouldn’t you just say that?” the redhead asks you. 
You go to speak, but Ava decides that now is the time to start her meeting, claiming that most of the faculty was in the room and she doesn’t want to have to be here much longer. So, you aren’t able to answer.
Once the meeting is over, Melissa is helping you out to your car in silence. 
“Why wouldn’t you just tell me that you got hurt playing sports?”
“I didn’t wanna seem like a wuss,” you shrug, only to wince slightly at the throbbing in your shoulder. “I didn’t want no one making a big fuss over me.”
“Hun,” Melissa rolls her eyes. “Of course we were going to make a big fuss over you when we saw you. I was out here thinking you got beat up or were getting abused… I wish you would’ve just told me that you got hurt playing a sport.”
You turn a bit sheepish. “Sorry.”
“You promise me that this was from rugby?”
“Promise,” you sigh softly. “The team I was playin’ was tough and showing no mercy… the ref called a bunch of flags, but by that point the damage was done.”
Melissa gives you a sympathetic look. “Well, why don’t you come over tonight, and I’ll help nurse you back to health? Cook you dinner, let you ice, rub some more CBD oil on your injuries.”
“Are you flirting with me?” you tease her. 
The woman in front of you just shrugs. “Maybe… what do you say?”
“I’ll be there by five,” you chuckle as you hobble along to get into your car. 
TAGS, and lmk if you wanna be added: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson
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eliaswoodt · 11 months
The Name List
Organized from A-Z (yes I will add more names whenever I find more I like, probably in reblogs)
I currently have 1035 names (and that’s only including the first names. I have a list of last names, too.)
Angel, Atticus, Atlas, Apollo, Ares, Athena, Achilles, Artemis, Adonis, Avery, Aubrey, Aubry, Aceline, Ashlynn, Aislinn, Anjanette, Arthur, Archer, Addison, Arrietty, Amity, Autumn, Alastor, Alastair, Alasdair, Alistair, Alison, Arren, Arin, Astra, Aoife, Adalyn, Adeleine, Astoria, Agnes, Angus, Abigail, Ann, Anne, Ambrose, Adeline, Avarsel, Agatha, Ari, Azariah, Aniyah, Armani, Anastasia, Annabelle, Adah, Adelaide, Avis, Amelia, August, Axel, Adelina, Amir, Amin, Ayala, Arne, Averett, Adil, Astro, Ava, Anti, Ailun, Akemi, Asahi, Akari, Asako, Atsuko, Azumi, Aka, Aren, Akko
Blossom, Bambi, Babs, Bo, Bella, Blair, Bea, Bonnabel, Badeea, Betty, Bailey, Boris, Bee, Bugs, Blaise, Benjamin, Bog, Buford, Beatrice, Bryce, Bryan, Bazil, Brutus, Bellamy, Brigitte, Bailee, Bailey, Bao, Belladona, Belladonna, Bell, Bill, Bishop, Bones, Boneothy, Benno, Behemoth, Barry, Bellynn, Bowie, Bunki
Clover, Canyon, Cleo, Cameron, Celestial, Celestino, Ciro, Camilo, Cain, Charlotte, Clara, Corey, Cin, Charlie, Cassidy, Chiara, Callista, Cisco, Cynthia, Casper Clinton, Celestina, Clement, Christopher, Cornelius, Clifford, Claudius, Carey, Carrie, Coatl, Cyrus, Cyril, Cecil, Caisus, Castiel, Calla, Cosmos, Cherry, Cheryl, Crowley, Crow, Cassius, Cliodna, Clíodhna, Cliona, Conan, Cordelia, Calypso, Cas, Cillian, Chiyo, Chiaki, Chihiro, Calcifer
Danny, Darlene, Dex, Dot, Diana, Daphne, Demeter, Daedalus, Daeddel, Darphel, Dawn, Derrick, Derek, Dravan, Dravid, Drae, Dallas, Dimas, Dominic, Damien, Drew, Delilah, Dakota, Darian, Darius, Darwin, Devan, Darla, Dagmar, Daelyn, Dale, Dae, Dacey, Desmond, Dabria, Daniel, Daniela, Danialla, David, Davis, Donnel, Dennis, Demitrius, Delaney, Daiki, Daiyu
Everest, Emery, Ember, Elliott, Elliot, Earlana, Eliseo, Ezequiel, Emie, Evan, Eloise, Eric, Emmet, Elizabeth, Eugene, Ethan, Eret, Ester, Elias, Eos, Ellis, Edwin, Ebony, Elijah, Eliza, Enzo, Elissa, Edward, Eddalyn, Esther, Eda, Edalyn, Edalynn, Edison, Eddison, Estervan, Emma, Eden, Erfan, Eun-hae, Erytheia, Egan, Errol, Eiichi, Eiji, Eriko, Etsu, Etsuko, Eiichiro, Ezume
Flint, Finn, Fae, Fred, Fritz, Fang, Frankie, Frank, Fermin, Freddie, Freddy, Finley, Freya, Fai, Felix, Freda, Faolan, Frey, Feylynn, Faelynn, Failynn, Felipa, Febby, Febbie, Febie, Feby, Flynn, Fuji, Feiyu, Fukiko, Fumitaka, Fumito, Fuyuko
Griffin, Garnet, Gothi, Gertrude, Gabe, Grant, Giovanni, George, Gage, Gregory, Gabriel, Gabrielle, Guy, Gilbert, Guadalupe, Gerry, Grey, Gray, Gia, Grace, Gracian, Gracis, Gracie, Gretel, Gideon, Griffilow, Ghost, Ghazaleh, Gavin, Gryphon, Griffith, Goliath, Grayson, Greyson
Harmony, Hannah, Harlei, Harlie, Haritha, Haris, Harry, Harlan, Harvey, Hadrian, Harley, Hari, Harlow, Howl, Hank, Harper, Herbert, Humphrey, Hestia, Helios, Hephaestus, Hollis, Hunter, Hero, Henry, Helda, Hajar, Hasta, Hadis, Howard, Howie, Hannan, Haoyu, Hisako, Hachi, Hiroto, Hoshiko, Honoka, Hiroshi, Hiro, Haitao, Hamako, Haruhi, Harue, Hayate, Hide, Hideyo, Hidetaka, Hisaye, Hisayo, Heiji, Higari
Ivy, Ivey, Ivo, Ida, Iris, Ilyssa, Illy, Irene, Iren, Isaiah, Ira, Idelle, Ivan, Illaoi, Isabel, Isabell, Isabelle, Isobell, Isabella, Ismelda, Io, Ismael, Isolt, Icarus, izuru, Isamu, Itona, Ichiro, Ichiko, Ichigo, Isoko, Ishiko, Isaye, Inari, Ikuko, Itsuki, Itsuko, Inosuke
Juniper, Jupiter, Jinx, Jamie, Javier, Josiah, Joan, Jake, Julia, Jamil, Jamila, Jesse, Jessie, Jess, Jasper, Janus, Jordan, Joshua, Julian, Juilliard, Julius, Juliana, Jeremiah, Jace, June, Junebug, Jazzy, Jackson, Jackie, Jackalynn, Jodie, Johnnie, Jan, Jaime, Jason, Jorge, Justin, Justice, John, Jay, Janelle, James, Jennifer, Jillion, Jill, Jana, Jonah, Jaycee, Jaxen, Junpei, Jona, Jun, Jin
Kenneth, Kat, Kas, Kris, Keith, Kingston, Kaeton, Kingsley, Kent, Katherine, Kyle, Knox, Kristen, Kristin, Kristeen, Kylie, Kaylee, Kamila, Kehlani, Kendall, Kerry, Kry, Kenny, Kath, Kathleen, Krow, Kix, Kedrick, Kennon, Klaus, Killian, Korallia, Krank, Kaz, Kaede, Kirara, Katsuhiko, Keisuke, Kanako, Kenji, Kaemon, Kamin, Katsu, Kaki, Kazane, Kazuyuki, Kazushige, Kenta, Kei, Kimi, Kin, Kohako, Koichi, Kota, Koji, Koharu, Kosuke, Kuma, Kumi, Kuniko, Kuniyuki, Kideko, Kazuko
Lullaby, Lotte, Lapin, Lorelei, Loralai, Lorelai, Luna, Lily, Lucy, Lee, Liana, Lola, Lethe, Lance, Laurence, Luther, Luca, Lennon, Logan, Lennox, Ilias, Liu, Lui, Luis, Lefu, Liam, Lyall, Lowell, Luella, Leona, Leonie, Leon, Lev, Lincoln, Lin, Link, Laverna, Lazarus, Lewis, Louis, Louise, Levi, Leslie, Lesley, Leilana
Marley, Marlai, Mei, May, Mae, Marceline, Marshall, Marshalee, Millie, Mallorie, Marcela, Melanie, Maddison, Mary, Mirabel, Marsh, Murphy, Montgomery, Mildred, Memphis, Molly, Maverick, Maurice, Muiris, Morgen, Max, Moses, Marion, Merrill, Monroe, Melanthios, Maxwell, Matias, Melissa, Maëlle, Marlene, Meredith, Maybelle, Margaret, Maeve, Moss, Mara, Maria, Myrtle, Mona, Mark, Markus, Michael, Micheal, Michelle, Mahsa, Minoo, Mehdi, Mohammad, Matin, Morpheus, Marlowe, Monica, Marilia, Magnus, Malachi, Malachy, Maggie, Makoto, Megumi, Mio, Maemo, Maemi, Masa, Masaaki, Masashi, Michi, Midori, Michinori, Momo, Motoko
Natasha, Noelle, Noni, Neville, Nixon, Neda, Natalio, Ned, Nausicaä, Noxis, Nova, Nathen, Newt, Noah, Nash, Nox, Nathara, Nathaira, Nathair, Nyoka, Nagisa, Nathan, Nate, Nik, Nick, Naohiro, Naoko, Nara, Natsu, Naoya, Nishi, Nobuko, Nori
Olindo, Ollie, Oliver, Ophelia, Odysseus, Orion, Osono, Oxen, Onyx, Otto, Ottoline, Otitile, Ottavia, Octavio, Olivia-Marie, Oakley, Omar, Olivia, Oscar, Octavian, Octavia, Oz, Octavius, Otta, Oisin, Orson, Orlos, Osiris, Owen, Odalis, Odell, Ozuru
Penelope, Patton, Paddy, Percy, Paulie, Page, Pazu, Phoebe, Phebe, Prairie, Porter, Parlay, Pally, Piper, Parker, Payton, Phil, Paul, Philip, Pyre, Piers, Phylis, Patricia, Payne, Payneton, Pip
Quinn, Quincy, Quil, Quinley, Quinstin, Quinlan, Quillen, Quavon, Quaylon, Quensley, Qing, Qrow, Quilla, Quianna, Quita, Qiao, Quinella, Queenie, Qaylah, Qailah, Qitarah, Quenby, Qadira, Qudsiyah, Quan, Qian, Quinby, Quella
Roseline, Raul, Rahul, Rafael, Roque, Rogelio, Remmy, Rei, Rey, Ray, Robin, Ro, Reika, Rowen, Rowan, Rose, Rosie, Ralsei, Riley, Remus, Rosalyn, Rosalin, Rosaline, Renata, Ron, Rat, Ratt, Reef, Roxy, River, Reed, Rufus, Robbie, Renee, Rivia, Ross, Rex, Ruth, Rosemary, Rosabe, Rosabee, Rosabell, Rosabelle, Rosabel, Rai, Rain, Rosella, Rosalie, Rhody, Robert, Raelinn, Rebane, Ren, Rollin, Ralph, Roxanne, Rox, Roderick, Reginald, Reggie, Rio, Ryu, Ryo, Ryoji, Rinmaru
Sage, Sam, Syd, Selkie, Storig, Sal, Sirius, Summer, Susie, Scott, Sunni, Sosuke, Sophie, Satsuki, Sheeta, San, Sulley, Sully, Savannah, Sappho, Selene, Shaw, Sean, Seán, Shaun, Sawyer, Sabrina, Sebastian, Shane, Stan, Socks, Snom, Stolas, Spencer, Sammie, Stevie, Samus, Sarff, Sullivan, Seth, Susiebell, Susiebelle, Sadreddin, Shellaine, Sverre, Saoirse, Sylvania, Sanae, Silas, Sumi, Shiori, Shinzu, Sile
Toby, Tobias, Teddy, Ted, Tomas, Thomas, Tomothy, Tyche, Taiga, Tundra, Tracy, Timothy, Troy, Tatum, Tommie, Tommy, Theia, Tae, Trix, Trixy, Thanathos, Tod, Todd, Toddy, Tora, Torie, Theodore, Theo, Theophania, Talos, Thanatos, Teddy, Tomohito, Tazu, Tanjirou, Touya
Ulysses, Urijah, Uriyah, Urina, Ukiah, Ulnar, Ursula, Ulric
Virgil, Vanessa, Vito, Venacio, Vylad, Veronica, Valentina, Violet, Velma, Venus, Verna, Veld, Victoria, Victorie, Vinyl, Vincent, Vasuki, Vex, Valor, Valentine, Valerie, Valeria, Valerius, Vitoria, Vic, Victor, Vik, Vikktor, Viktor, Vick, Vicky, Vicke, Vickie, Vidya
Wynn, Willow, Warren, Wilbur, Wylie, Will, Walle, Whisp, Wade, Wendell, Wendy, Willard, Wes, Wallace, Wilber, Wyatt, Wybie, Wynnie, Wennie, Winnie, Wynnston, Wynston, Wynsten, Wiles
Xenophon, Xuan, Xio, Xori, Xanthos, Xander, Xavier
Yen, Yukio, Yae, Yoko, Yume, Yaeko, Yui, Yuzuki
Zane, Zana, Zion, Zachary, Zach, Zachariah, Zander, Ziana, Zoe, Zula, Zenix, Zenith, Zaharia, Zaria, Zack, Zakaeia, Zara, Zakaria, Zev, Zaira, Zanata
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tetsuooooooooooo · 1 year
everybody say thank you brendon thank you chris thank you shannon thank you antonio thank you ben thank you mark thank you janine thank you brian
thank you andrew kevin thank you mark thank you laura thank you travis thank you felipe thank you arthur thank you mike thank you bryan thank you thomas thank you tommy thank you victor thank you stephen thank you king diamond thank you mark thank you kirk thank you jon thank you scott thank you amy thank you malcolm thank you juliet thank you laraine thank you raya thank you livia thank you rachel thank you cel la flaca thank you karla thank you alistair thank you meagan thank you rachel thank you katie thank you tim thank you armando thank you thank you carmen thank you adam thank you young thank you spencer thank you grace thank you sakari thank you geoff thank you mantha thank you thomas thank you doug thank you roger thank you songgu thank you goni thank you rosalind thank you ken thank you virgile thank you am thank you namkyung thank you sinh thank you natalie rose thank you ryan thank you sabrina thank you jeff thank you bryan thank you yvonne thank you ashley thank you kaitlyn thank you vincent thank you emi thank you stephen thank you todd thank you giuseppe thank you rho thank you kathy thank you andrew thank you ed thank you ellen thank you thank you shannon thank you gael thank you hui thank you anna thank you kristina thank you ethan thank you gregery thats not a typo thats what it says thank you juliana thank you elyssa thank you madeleine thank you chris thank you taylor thank you joseph thank you jen thank you john thank you desmond thank you seth thank you josh thank you nina thank you joe thank you katya thank you luke thank you dain thank you nikki thank you seamus thank you brian thank you tyrick thank you meredith thank you kaylan thank you stefano thank you peter thank you smo thank you elizabeth thank you garrett thank you wesley thank you daran thank you steve thank you ran thank you ryan thank you namkyung thank you steve thank you bryan thank you joel thank you kristen thank you ryan thank you tessa thank you shelby thank you janelle thank you darren thank you jeffrey thank you ethan thank you nicholas thank you sharon thank you christine thank you debbie thank you maria thank you marian thank you ellen thank you judy thank you sossi thank you william thank you paul thank you susan thank you kelly thank you steve thank you hani thank you michael thank you michael theres two in a row thank you colin thank you eli thank you meys thank you carol thank you dan thank you austin thank you cindy thank you jay thank you rochellie thank you gregory thank you corey thank you david thank you connor thank you tony thank you paul thank you james thank you konrad thank you tristan thank you wouter thank you ken thank you james thank you john thank you james thank you michael thank you margarita mix hollywood thank you sparks & shadows thank you bear mccreary thank you ryan thank you andrew thank you ben thank you tutti music partners thank you pierre-andre thank you peter thank you kelsey thank you andrew harris thank you dayna thank you ulrich thank you gene thank you cody thank you lucas thank you cody thank you chadwick thank you jocelyn thank you zach thank you ollie thank you michael
thank you jon
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bluebeardsfinalgirl · 3 months
i hope everyday gregory maguire falls to his knees and thanks stephen schwartz and idina menzel and kristen chenoweth and everyone involved in the creation of the wicked musical for turning his unreadable inane ramblings of a novel into one of the most popular musicals of all time. i hope he knows how fortunate this was for him
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🗞️ Bookish News: August 2024 Edition
🦇 Extra, extra. Read all about it! Good evening, bookish bats! A lot happened in the publishing industry this month, but here are a few highlights you may have missed! ⤵
📺 Adaptations 💜 The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires: limited series on HBO 💜 His & Hers - Alice Feeney: limited series for Netflix 💜 The God of the Woods and The Unseen World - Liz Moore: series for Sony 💜 My Lady Jane cancelled by Prime after one season 💜 Mark Hamill has joined the highly anticipated adaptation of Stephen King’s The Long Walk 💜 Court of Thorns and Roses series faces another setback - showrunner exits the production 💜 Trailer for Season 2 of Pachinko 💜 Britney Spears’ memoir is being made into a biopic 💜 Tom Blyth and Emily Bader starring in Netflix’s People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry 💜 The Games of Thrones prequel promos are out 💜 Burn Book: A Tech Love Story - Kara Swisher optioned as a series 💜 Every Summer After - Carley Fortune - Amazon series 💜 Regretting You - Colleen Hoover - McKenna Grace to star ppposite Allison Williams 💜 Verity - Colleen Hoover - no casting yet 💜 Percy Jackson season 2 is currently filming, and Sandra Bernhard, Kristen Schaal, and Margaret Cho have joined the cast of the Disney+ series 💜 Remarkably Bright Creatures - Shelby Van Pelt - Sally Field to star 💜 Bridgerton cast Yerin Ha as Sophie Beckett, Benedict’s love interest 💜 The Picture of Dorian Gray is getting a contemporary TV series adaptation 💜 Kazuo Ishiguro’s debut novel A Pale View of Hills is getting an adaptation
📕 Cover Reveals 💜 When We Were Real - Daryl Gregory 💜 Blood on Her Tongue - Johanna van Veen 💜 Frenemies with Benefits - Synithia Williams 💜 The ABCs of Democracy - Hakeem Jeffries 💜 Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - Susanna Clarke 💜 Cleavage: Men, Women, and the Space Between Us - Jennifer Finney Boylan 💜 The Silent Emperor - Snorri Krsitjansson 💜 Nothing Bad Happens Here - Rachel Ekstrom Courage 💜 Open, Heaven - Seán Hewitt 💜 And, Too, the Fox - Ada Limón & Gaby D’Alessandro 💜 On Again, Awkward Again - Erin Entrada Kelly and Kwame Mbalia 💜 Stop Me if You’ve Heard This One - Kristen Arnett 💜 Stage Dance - Torrey Peters 💜 The Hymn to Dionysus - Natasha Pulley 💜 Time After Time - Mikki Daughtry 💜 Pizza Witch - Sarah Graley & Stef Purenins 💜 A Drop of Corruption - Robert Jackson Bennett
⏰ Upcoming Releases 💜 Young Sheldon actress Raegan Revord is publishing her debut young adult novel, Rules for Fake Girlfriends 💜 Liza Minnelli has announced a new tell-all memoir 💜 Brooke Shields is Not Allowed to Get Old - Brooke Shields 💜 Maureen Johnson has announced a new book which she describes as “a case file in book form,” with a sealed solution in the back of the book: You Are the Detective: The Creeping Hand Murder 💜 Olympic track star Allyson Felix has sold North American rights to a memoir, Fast and Slow, to the Dial Press 💜 Meghan Markle is allegedly planning on releasing a tell-all memoir 💜 House of Blight - Maxym M. Martineau 💜 Tor acquired Talia Hibbert’s romantasy debut The Last Thorn
🗞️ News 💜 Francine Pascal, author of the Sweet Valley High books, died at 92 💜 This year’s longlist for the Booker Prize has been announced 💜 Flatiron is debuting a new imprint, Pine and Cedar Books 💜 New GMA Book Club pick: The Seventh Veil of Salome - Silvia Moreno-Garcia 💜 Algerian boxer and gold medalist Imane Khelif has filed a cyber harassment lawsuit against Elon Musk and JK Rowling for their disparaging comments about the boxer’s gender during the Olympics 💜 Kristen Bell will be reuniting with her Frozen costar, Josh Gad, to narrate his upcoming children’s book PictureFace Lizzy
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discotitsposts · 6 months
all day, everyday
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the best soundtrack ever.
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Night of the Demons 2 and Night of the Demons 3 will be released on Blu-ray on October 3 via Scream Factory. The original Night of the Demons will also be available on 4K Ultra HD the same day.
1994's Night of the Demons 2 is directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith (Leprechaun 3, Leprechaun 4: In Space) and written by Joe Augustyn (Night of the Demons). Amelia Kinkade, Merle Kennedy, Cristi Harris, Rick Peters, Jennifer Rhodes, and Christine Taylor star.
1997's Night of the Demons 3 is directed by Jim Kaufman and written by original Night of the Demons director Kevin Tenney. Amelia Kinkade, Larry Day, Kristen Holden-Ried, Tara Slone, Gregory Calpakis, Patricia Rodriguez, and Stephanie Bauder star.
Special features for both titles are in progress and will be announced at a later date.
It's Halloween and the teenagers from St. Rita's High School want to party at the neighborhood's haunted house. For years, the Hull House has sat in eerie silence – tales of its haunted past have turned into gory jokes and no one really believes anything ever happened there. However, Angela (Amelia Kinkade), the hostess from hell, is summoning her army of teen demons to the blood-curdling contest between the school's priests and herself, the princess of darkness.
Pre-order Night of the Demons 2.
It's Halloween! The gates of Hull House have creaked open once again and Angela (Amelia Kinkade) is waiting for her treats. When a group of rambunctious teens take refuge in the foreboding funeral home to escape the law, they soon realize their grave error.
Pre-order Night of the Demons 3.
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toonabby · 8 months
Happy (late) 35th birthday, Naomi Oozora
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Characters pictured above from left to right: (BOLD text means Star-Making Role)
Satanichia "Satania" McDowell Kurumizawa from Gabriel Dropout
Hana Uzaki (Monica Rial) from Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!
Jahy (Lisette Monique Diaz) from The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!
Kiriha (Sarah Wiedenheft) from Tsugumomo
Ruti (Tia Ballard) from Banished from the Hero's Party
Samidare Asahina (Ariel Graham) from Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer
Chio Miyamo (Mikaela Krantz) from Chio's School Road
Inari from Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha
Midori Kohakobe (Emily Neves) from Call of the Night
Susanna "Sue" Hopkins from Genshiken: Second Generation (Replacing Yuuko Gotou)
Keiko Tomioka (Rachel Michelle Thompson) from Remake Our Life!
Kanon Konomori from Wataten!
Chieri Ogata from THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls
Tamamo Cross from Uma Musume Pretty Derby
Perseus from Azur Lane
Patricia Abelheim from Atelier Ryza
Characters not pictured (in order of the work's release year):
Duvalie (Eden Riegel) from The Legend of Heroes series
Yuragi Hakoniwa from Noucome
Jessica Shannon (Danielle Judovits) from Marvel Disk Wars
Karen Bombardier (Molly Searcy) from Chaika: The Coffin Princess
SG-1000 II from Sega Hard Girls
Bal-chan from Robot Girls Z+
Noriko Mizuyama from Momokuri
Tellu (Laura Post) from Sailor Moon Crystal III (Replacing Chieko Honda)
Falcon and QJY-88 from Girls' Frontline
Yuma Kusanagi from Matoi the Sacred Slayer
Black-Tailed Prairie Dog (Sarah Wiedenheft) from Kemono Friends
Ylgr (Megan Hollingshead) and Lethe (Kristen Day) (from Path of Radiance) from Fire Emblem Heroes
Charlotte Anana (Madeleine Morris) from One Piece(*)
Yuki from PriConne (Princess Connect! Re:Dive)
Nikola Graf (Kate Higgins) from Valkyrie Chronicles 4
Michi Edogawabashi from Pastel Memories
Pan Dina (Nadine Russell) from Kandagawa Jet Girls
Marisa Kirisame from Touhou Spell Bubble
Mafuyu Kogarashi (Madeline Dorroh) from Maesetsu!
Sakuna (Laura Post) from Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin
Fenneca (Carling Doubt) (yes THAT'S her name) from Bakugan: Geogan Rising
Amanozako (Deva Marie Gregory) from Shin Megami Tensei V
Mogumogu Chō Higashisakura from Hanabi-chan Is Often Late
Lopomon from Digimon Survive
Ripple from Reborn to Master the Blade
Sayuri Osanada from Rokudo's Bad Girls
Panda Yanagiba from World Dai Star
Shizuka Futari (Robin Clayton) from Sasaki and Peeps
(*) = Debut episode
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luulapants · 9 months
Where New York politicians stand on Palestine
The majority of Democrats in DC, despite their voter base being overwhelmingly in support of a ceasefire, refuse to disavow the genocide in Gaza or call for ceasefire.
They are able to do this, to disregard the outrage of their constituency, because they feel certain that no matter how many letters we send, we will show up and vote for them when the time comes. They are certain their actions have no consequences.
Senator Chuck Schumer has received about $526.5k from Israeli lobby groups since 2019. He refuses to call for ceasefire. This is his going rate to endorse genocide.
Senator Kristen Gillibrand has received $174k from Israeli lobby groups since 2019. She refuses to call for ceasefire. This is her going rate to endorse genocide.
10/26 New York congressional representatives are Republicans. None have called for ceasefire. Palestinian genocide is core to the Republican platform.
Of the 16 Democrat representatives, only 4 have called for ceasefire. The following NY Democrat representatives have called for ceasefire. They were not swayed by money received from Israeli lobby groups.
Nydia Velazquez, 7: not swayed by $8k from Israeli lobby groups this cycle, nor the $12k the cycle before that or the $250 in 2020.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 14: not swayed by the confusing $27 from Israeli lobbyists. Received nothing last cycle and $150 before that.
Jamaal Bowman, 16: received nothing this cycle and not swayed by the 26.5k last cycle. Incomplete data for 2020.
Paul Tonko, 20: not swayed by $9k this cycle or the $17.5k before that or the $5k before that.
The following NY Democrats refuse to call for ceasefire. The amounts listed after their names are, apparently, what they consider fair compensation for enabling genocide. Incredible amounts of money have been heaped upon them by Israeli lobby groups, with a significant increase between 2020 and 2022. The Israeli American PAC was a top individual contributor for 5/12.
Gregory Meeks, 5: 109k current cycle; 157.5k previous two. IAPAC his top contributor 2 cycles running.
Grace Meng, 6: 85.5k current cycle; 12.5k previous two. IAPAC her current top contributor.
Hakeem Jeffries, 8: 365k current cycle; 476.5k previous two. IAPAC his top contributor 2 cycles running.
Dan Goldman, 9: 24k since his first election in 2022. He is an old money billionaire.
Yvette Clarke, 11: 7.5k current cycle; 52.5k previous two.
Jerrold Nadler, 12: 7k current cycle; 90k previous two.
Adriano Espaillat, 13: 25k current cycle; 33.5k in 2022. He received nothing from Israeli lobbyists in 2020 but the IAPAC has been his top contributor ever since.
Ritchie Torres, 15: 392k current cycle; 342.5k previous two. IAPAC has been his top contributor since he was first elected in 2020.
Pat Ryan, 18: 37.5k current cycle; 29k in 2022, incomplete data for 2020.
Joseph Morelle, 25: 6k current cycle; 60.5k in 2022; $125 in 2020.
Brian Higgins, 26: received nothing from Israeli lobby groups this year or in 2020 but perhaps the 10k he received in 2022 was enough to buy his endorsement of genocide.
The Republicans will be trash regardless, but we cannot let our Democrats skate by thinking there are no consequences for supporting a genocide. They are slaughtering people with your tax dollars, Americans. It's time to get serious. It's time to tell these people that they cannot have our votes for free. It's time to start talking about primary opposition and third party voting. It's time to start exercising our power as voting citizens.
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