#kory hartley
bastardtrait · 1 year
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welcome back to story hell babes. and what could be more story-y than a lil flashback? back to the time Iain saw Angelo off as he left Brindleton Bay, dragged along to San Myshuno by his father…
Brindleton Bay - three years ago
[SFX: Birds chirping]
IAIN: Here it is…the big day. You ready? ANGELO: (sigh) Stop. You sound like my dad. "You ready? You ready?" Fuck. (scoffs) Acting like he cares what I think now. IAIN: Sorry, Angelo…I don't really know what else to say.
ANGELO: Sorry, Iain. It's not your fault. I'm just pissed. IAIN: I know. ANGELO: Moving to San Myshuno…across the country…in my second last year of high school! Man…what great timing. I don't want to move to a city! IAIN: I wish I could stop it from happening.
ANGELO: Y'know what, dude, I can't wait to be an adult. I can't wait till I don't have to be under my dad's roof anymore. When I have enough money? Man… IAIN, aside: Sounds like you've got a plan. ANGELO: Yeah! I'm gonna get myself the sickest place. I'll put my mom up…once I find her. And you can come over any time you want.
IAIN: I…yeah, man. She's…she's out there for sure. ANGELO, aside: …you sound like you wanna say something, dude. IAIN: I--I'll just miss you, Angelo. You're like my only friend. ANGELO, aside: Well then, I guess that just means you'll have to follow me to San Myshuno. IAIN: Going to San Myshuno, huh…?
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junespriince · 3 months
you know what fuck you! *Yuri your birdflash* au
Wally: Linda! Hartley! Guys I need help!
Linda: what's wrong?
Hartley: is Chris still bothering you? God, he can't take no for an answer!
Wally: not him, those he did try to sit with me in lecture today, but that's besides the point just, ugh just come with me to my apartment!
Kyle, Conner, Hartley, Linda, Ace, and Bart sitting in her living room.
Wally: so Birdie just asked me out on a date—
Kyle: about fucking time.
Wally: shut up Kyle, and listen!
Wally, huffs: anyways, she asked me out on a date, and I don't know what to wear, she said we're going to a thrift store, and then a botanical garden exhibit, and then a dinner at this way to fancy restaurant and I don't want to make more of a fool of myself then I already have, I mean what if I dress to fancy I'll stick out, but if I dress to lower she'll hate me and I'll never see her again and like this was a dream come true she asked me out, if she hate me then we won't build a house together in the forest, adopt a turtle as our child, maybe have a dog too, and we won't wake up together or make bread together or anything! I need you guys to help me here!
Hartley: if she hates you for dressing comfortably then she ain't it then.
Wally: but she's everything! She's smart, beautiful, talented, her eyes are the most beautiful gems I ever seen, her dimples are so cute, and she takes up half my future planning I can't mess this up, please just help a girl out over here! *Staring to tear up*
Kyle: okay, okay we get it! We'll help, stop crying!
Bart: must be real desperate bringing all of us in here to help.
Wally: very! Kori off planet or I'd call her too.
Ace: okay sis, bring out the outfits you have in mind.
Linda: and the shoes! Oh let me get my makeup bag as well, I'll be right back!
Conner: I'll make some tea and look through your hair products, I'm thinking hair down, help shape those curls out, and maybe a cute hair accessory.
Kyle: can I go cunty?
Wally: no! This is the first date! I need to be cute, but rememberable.
Hartley: let me see your closet, when the date?
Wally: in seven hours.
Hartley: a little bit of a challenge but doable.
Bart: I'll make snacks, and I'll have Kon spy on her so we can match her levels!
Wally, about to cry again: oh my god thank you, thank you, thank you!
7 hours later and at Bludhaven's cafe, lesbian owned
Rania ((Urania ))(Dick*), dressed in a cute and nice little blazer moment, in deep green, dress shirt unbuttoned at the top, Sharp but not too sharp makeup, short hair slicked back a bit, tented glasses rest at the edge of her nose and they're red hearts: My little Willow tree, you are right on time, excited for our date to be late? *Soft chuckle, dimples showing*
Wally, long waterfall curls with a cute strawberry headband, that iconic strawberry midi dress, very little makeup Bec we don't cover freckles in this house hold, nervous: very, I-I,,, I didn't want to keep you waiting is all, rainy.
Rania, calm and collective: no worries, *offers arm* let's go, have a busy night ahead of us.
Wally, blushing taking her arm: y-yeah.
Rania, hours before
Rania, holding her brothers, sister, Steph, Barbara, Donna, her dad, the butler, Roy, and Kori hostage in her room: if I don't look stunning for that pretty girl, I will die! I need suggestions and support people!
Jason: why would we want to help you?
Rania: because if I don't impress her, I'm destroying all your books.
Jason: I'll get the makeup.
Roy: girl, I don't know how to dress myself the hell you think I can help you here?
Rania: then support me!
Bruce, on the phone: calling Diana, Selena, and Talia as we speak sweetheart.
Alfred: I'll get the outfit Miss Urania.
Rania: thanks, I just,,, I have to make a good impression on her! My future hangs in the balance with her!
Barbara: getting the gel, Damian get Jon to spy on Willow we need these two to match, sapphics love a good match.
Damian: got it. Do you want some tea Urania?
Rania: yes, please, thanks Dami, you're a good kid, and I love you so much, you know that?
Damian, prideful about the praise: of course I do.
Tim: kiss ass
Damian: hate not being the favorite, I see.
Kori: oh, oh, I want to pick out the shoes! Maybe favorite are in your closet right?
Rania: the Church's Burwood Oxford in black or the Church's Fairstead Oxford?
Kori: the first one.
Rania: uh, in the shoes closet, back right wall.
Kori: yay!
Donna: getting the accessories, you want the tinted pink shades or the red?
Rania: red heart ones.
Donna: gotcha.
Stephanie: let me see those outfits Al, I have a vision.
Damian: hope that vision includes strawberries, West is in a strawberry midi dress, whatever that is.
Stephanie: GASP, it does! I could kiss her! Get the green dress suit!
Cass: I'll get it!
Duke: how her make up Damian?
Damian: soft, they're leaving the freckles.
Rania, blushing: they're leaving the freckles,,,,, Dad, tell them to get here fast and call Harley and Ivy and auntie kate we need those two lesbian asap!
Bruce: got it!
Damian: some chamomile tea, and I have some lavender at the ready if you need it, Urania.
Rania: thank you dami, again *kiss his forehead*
Back on the date
Wally, in her head: wow she's so calm, and pretty, oh focus Wally, you don't need to trip!
Rania, in her mind: god she's so pretty, damn I can the wedding, no, no, focus on today damnit!
*but a Romani name I really like for her also I did use behind the name so if it's not right oops I did look into this
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in-the-moodboard · 30 days
OG Titans fanfic recommendations
Dick Grayson - Late Night Skyline by lamentingpat
Teen And Up Audiences - Dick Grayson/Joseph Wilson; Dick Grayson/Koriand'r; Koriand'r/Donna Troy
Dick can't sleep. So what better to do than look out the window of the tower? He isn't alone though, Joey decides to join him and they talk for a while. They have more in common than they really think.
Donna Troy - Keep Me Here by LesbianArsenal
Mature - Koriand'r/Donna Troy
Donna and Kory have a rare moment to themselves. Donna uses it to worry.
Garth - like water in your hands by danishsweethearts
Teen And Up Audiences - Garth (DCU)/Dick Grayson; Garth/Tula (DCU); Dick Grayson & Donna Troy
Waste not, want not. Have not, want it all.
Roy Harper - Something nameless. by Royboy
General Audiences - Grant Emerson & Roy Harper; Lian Harper & Roy Harper; Grant Emerson & Lian Harper & Roy Harper
It’s a strange sense, a feeling he hasn’t felt in… maybe ever. The feeling of completion, of having everything he needed. Sat in the dark on his faded once-blue-now-grey second hand couch, burn marks in the arm left over from some sleepless nights covered up by finger-painted smiles, the scent of pumpkins and cinnamon and candy apples wafting through the air, Roy realised he’d never felt so whole, so content. The familiar weight of the girl in his arms, the occasional nudge against his leg as the boy on the floor tilts his head to get a better look at the TV, the sensations grounding, a reminder that tonight, he’s with the two people who mean the most to him in this world.
Wally West - willows, wildflowers, weeds by poppiesandsunflowers
General Audiences - Barry Allen & Wally West; Hartley Rathaway & Wally West; Linda Park/Wally West
The Flash is dead. He'll grow into it.
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vexic929 · 3 months
Eobard and Starfire for the "give me a character" asks please?
How I feel about this character
Eobard: he's the worst person in the multiverse I love him <3333
Starfire: Kori my queeeeeeen!!!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Eobard: Hartley, Barry, Sinestro (I know nothing of any lanterns but I saw ONE (1) art piece featuring them and I was like oh hell yeah)
Starfire: Dick, Donna, Kara
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Eobard: Cisco, Caitlin
Starfire: Gar, Rachel, Vic
My unpopular opinion about this character
Eobard: I don't think I have any particularly unpopular opinions about him I just think he's neat
Starfire: Anna Diop was a perfect casting choice <3333
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Eobard: I just wish they'd written him more like season 1 Eobard throughout the rest of the show, he was SUCH a good villain then!!!
Starfire: I wish she and Dick would get back together </3333
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dove00 · 9 months
Unfinished Holiday Story
Hi! So. I never finished this story I had but I might later. It’s a Holiday fanfic, so feel free to let me know if I should continue it!
The speaker is playing a lot of Holiday songs throughout the apartment.
Roy is pretending to lead Lian in a dance, but the father-daughter duo were laughing too hard to focus. Jade is smiling but trying not to.
Dick and Kory are teaching Damian how to build a gingerbread house while baby Mar’i smiles and laughs.
Hartley and Linda are attempting to stop Jai from blowing up the kitchen as they all make cookies for Santa.
Irey and Cerdian are helping Donna and Garth decorate the Christmas tree. Robbie was helping, too, but he needs to learn how to control his strength. Due to that, he has more of the stronger decorations.
Wally was just happy to sit on the couch with Wade, watching his son’s eyes light up every once and a while. He sat somewhat away from Jade, giving her space.
Once the song stopped, Roy let Lian go with a kiss on her head.
Lian went over and helped Donna and the kids decorate the tree.
Roy went to Dick and Kory at the table. Mar’i laughed as he approached.
“They’re so full of love.” Wally heard Jade whisper.
“They are.” Wally answered, even though it was not a question.
He doesn’t interact with Jade much. Wally doesn’t know where she falls on being a good person but he knows she loves Lian and Roy.
“It’s not a bad thing. It’s just…” She trails off.
“New?” Wally attempts to finish.
Jade nods.
Wally understands. When he was living with his a parents, holiday time were a time for his parents to complain about the lack of money and “cheer” and him—
“Yeah.” Is all Wally says.
Jade nods again.
It was the only time this year that they could all meet. It’s two weeks before Christmas. They were all going to be busy, but they tried to make it a tradition, even when they were kids.
This time, it’s happier, because the kids are here.
Linda, Jai, and Hartley come out of the kitchen and Linda happily sits beside Wally. Jai goes to the gingerbread table. Hartley sets up the movie.
Hartley didn’t have anything to do today. He’s getting to see his sister later this week, who’s on break from university—and because she’s 18, she doesn’t need their parents’ permission.
Hartley has been smiling more recently.
Wally is freaking out a bit because he and Linda still don’t have the perfect gift for their kids—at least Jai and Irey.
Linda turns to him and squeezes his shoulder in comfort.
He turns to kiss her quickly, thankful for her always.
A while later, the gingerbread houses and the tree are set up.
The movie begins.
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supeherosunite · 1 year
Original Characters
Pax kent ( cousin of kara) ( Kryptonian cousin / adopted earth sister of Clark) face cam bailee madison
Edith Kent (sister of Clark Kent) face cam Heather Rattray
JaKari Kent (brother of Clark Kent) face cam Laird Macintosh
Lara Kent ( daughter of Clark Kent ) face cam Amanda Fein
Lulu Kent ( daughter of Clark Kent ) face cam Caitlin Fein
Gaia white ( Meta-human with nature powers ) face cam Georgie Henley
Uranus white (Meta-human with nature powers ) face cam Freddie Highmore
Yara smith ( mutant avenger ) face cam Bridgit Mendler
Amity Jones ( young S.H.I.E.L.D. agent ) face cam Drew Barrymore
Lilly Cullen (adoptive daughter of Alice and jasper ) (twilight) face cam Becky Rosso
Violet Smith (profiler) (criminal minds) face cam Haley Lu Richardson
Sammy Brown ( agent) (ncis) face cam Julia Butters
Senara Sohma (Zodiac member) (fruits basket) face cam Emma The Promised Neverland
Martha Kent
Clark Kent (Superman)
Jon Kent (Superboy)
Jordan Kent (Superboy)
Jonathan Kent (kon-El)
Lois Joanne Lane
Doctor Emil Hamilton
Tess Mercer
James Bartholomew Olsen
Chloe Sullivan-Queen (Watchtower)
Ryan James
Jonathan Sullivan-Queen (Speedy)
Kara Zor-El (Supergirl)
Alex Danvers (Director Danvers)
Mon-El (Prince of Daxam
Winn Scott (Toyman)
Nia Nal (Dreamer)
Lena Luthor
James Gordon (police commissioner)
Alfred Pennyworth (Penny One)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Kate Kane (Batwoman)
Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn)
Terry Wayne (Batman)
Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
Jason Todd (Red Hood)
Tim drake (Red Robin)
Damian Wayne (Robin),
Duke Thomas (The Signal)
Henry King (Gotham)
Luke Fox (Batwing)
David Zavimbe (Batwing)
Minhkhoa "Khoa" Khan (Ghost-Maker)
Barbara Gordon (Oracle)
Stephanie Brown (Spoiler)
Cassandra Cain (Orphan)
Claire Clover (Gotham Girl)
Jean-Paul Valley (Azrael)
Julia Pennyworth (Penny-Two)
Tiffany Fox (Batgirl)
Harper Row (Bluebird)
Barry Allen (flash)
Iris Ann West-Allen (Eye in the Sky)
Nora West-Allen (XS)
Bart Allen (Impulse)
Wally West (Kid Flash)
Jesse Chambers Wells (Jesse Quick)
Jenna Marie West (Trajectory)
Joanie Horton (Joanie Swift)
Dr. Caitlin Snow (Killer Frost)
Ronald Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm)
Cisco Ramon (Vibe)
Harrison Wells
Dr. Harrison Harry Wells
Harrison H.R. Wells
Harrison Sherloque Wells
Harrison Nash Wells (Pariah)
Maya Wells
Allegra Garcia (Ultraviolet)
Chester Phineas Runk (Black Hole)
Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)
Julian Albert (Alchemy)
Hartley Rathaway (Pied Piper)
Green arrow
Oliver Jonas Queen (Green Arrow)
Felicity Megan Smoak (Watchtower)
William Clayton (White Feather)
Mia Smoak (Blackstar)
Thea Dearden Queen (Speedy)
Roy William Harper Jr (Arsenal)
Dinah Laurel Lance (Black Canary)
Captain Sara Lance (White Canary)
Rory Regan (Ragman)
Zoe Ramirez (Canarie)
Thomas Tommy Merlyn (Dark Archer)
Sara Diggle (Harbinger)
Emiko Adachi Queen (Green Arrow)
Titans/ Young Justice
Garfield "Gar" Logan (Beast Boy)
Koriand'r Kory Anders (starfire)
Rachel Roth (Raven)
Garth (Aqualad)
Karen Beecher (Bumblebee)
Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
Billy Batson (Shazam)
M'gann M'orzz (Miss Martian)
Evelyn Sharp (Artemis)
Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl)
Mike Dugan (starboy)
Beth Chapel (Doctor Mid-Nite)
Yolanda Montez (Wildcat)
Richard Tyler (Hourman)
Henry King Jr. (Brainwave junior)
Joey Zarick (Zarrick the Great)
Cameron Mahkent (Icicle junior)
Beebo (God of War)
Zatanna (Mistress of Magic)
Leonard Snart (Captain Cold)
Ray Palmer (The Atom)
Martin Stein (Firestorm)
Nate Heywood (Citizen Steal)
Amaya Jiwe (Vixen)
Patrick "Pat" Dugan (S.T.R.I.P.E.)
Lisa snart (Golden Glider)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Miles (Ultimate Spider-Man)
Gwen (Spider-Gwen)
Cindy (Silk)
Michelle (MJ)
Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier)
(White Wolf)
Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)
Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
Young Avengers
Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel)
Doreen Allene Green (Squirrel Girl)
Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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ntt-react-and-memes · 2 years
NTT react to Tim coming out?
Dick: "um okay?" he's a little concerned that some random guy just walked up to him and said he's gay
Kory: "cool?" on Tamaran people didn't go around pronouncing their sexualities?? they just dated who they wanted and girls kissing girls and vice versa was fine???
Raven: "i don't know you." she says blatantly. the eye contact is making her uncomfortable. she leaves
Gar: "not for me i hope" he walks away quickly
Wally: "gross" he hasn't been horsegirled by Hartley yet
Donna: she doesn't talk to random people calling out to her on city streets, and keeps walking
Joey: is possessed by some other worldy force and signs 'i was canonically gay first and no one cared, i walked so you could run' then walks away like nothing happened
Vic: "maybe don't share that with strangers?" he suggests, it's the 80s guys
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mandarinsan · 3 years
List of interracial/interspecies DC comics pairings:
Wally x Linda
Dick x Kory
Roy x Jade
Bruce x Talia
Jefferson x Tatsu
Clark x Lois (he's Kryptonian)
Arthur x Mera (he's half-human)
Diana x Steve (she's Amazonian*)
Terry x Dana (Batman Beyond)
Ibn x Mar'i (Kingdom Come)
Supergirl x Brainiac 5
Oliver x Shado
Wallace x Emiko
Jaime x Traci
Jason x Rose
Luke x Babs
Dick x Bea
Tim x Tam
Gar x Raven
Damian x Nika
Kon x Cassie
Clark x Diana
Dick x Shawn
Tim x Zoanne
Donna x Roy
Tim x Lynx
Kory x Roy
Kon x Cass
Bar Torr x Kiran
Clark x Lana
Bruce x Diana
Slade x Lillian
Arthur x Kako
Dick x Bridget
Bruce x Selina**
Jason x Artemis
Catman x Cheshire
Barbara x Sam (BTAS)
Oliver x Sandra
Oliver x Joanna
Kara x Ben
Arthur x Diana
Bruce x Shondra
Bruce x Jezebel Jet
Oliver x Manitou Dawn
Mister Terrific x Power Girl
Mister Terrific x Sasha Bordeaux
Supergirl x Power Boy
Dick x Helena (N52)
Diana x Trevor Barnes
Arthur x Ya'Wara
Alanna and Adam Strange
Lucy Lane x Ron Troupe
Martian Manhunter x Scorch
Orm x Penthesilea (Flashpoint)
Aquagirl x Warhawk (Batman Beyond)
Power Girl x Val-Zod (Earth-2)
Supergirl x Captain Comet
Clark x Linda Danvers
J'onn J'onzz x Kishana Lewis
Ryan Choi x Giganta
Tom Curry x Atlanna
Jason x Essence
Damian x Djinn
Kon x Tana Moon
Tim x Jubilee (crossover)
Donna x Terry Long
Roy x Kendra
Garth x Lilith
Donna x Kyle
Tim x Cassie
J'onn x Bea
Dick x Liu
Babs x Kai
Jaime x Xiomara (?)
Jason x Dana
Clark x Lori Lemaris (Earth-One)
Clark x Lisa Lasalle (Earth-1)
Raven x Wallace
Jericho x Étienne
Jason Rusch x Gehenna
Matrix Supergirl x Lex Luthor
Supergirl x Jerro the Merboy
Batman x Ione
Supergirl x Ryand'r
Alvin Rusch x Joanne Raymond
Kara x Mike Harris
Supergirl x Salkor (Earth-One)
Supergirl x Dick Malverne (Earth-One)
Damian x Cassie (DCeased)
Kal-El x Talia (Elseworlds)
Starfire x Franklin Crandall
Supergirl x Z'ndr Kol
Harley x Mason
Arion x Lady Chian
Tsunami x Neptune Perkins
Third Rail x Brickhouse (Dakotaverse)
Jackson King x Christine Trelane (Wildstorm)
Damage x Judomaster
Superman x Maxima
Ultraman x Superwoman (Earth-3)
Owlman x Superwoman (Earth-3)
Superwoman x Mazahs (Earth-3)
Clark x Lois Chaudhari (Superman: Secret Identity)
Jon x Jay
Andy x Jess
Selina x Eiko
Kate x Renee
Anissa x Grace
Artemis x Akila
Natasha x Traci
Nubia x Io
Poison Ivy x Gardener
Diana x Kara (DKoS)
Hippolyta x Philippus
Nubia x Andromeda
Madame Xanadu x Marisol del Rios
Scandal Savage x Knockout x Liana
Dale Gunn x Casey Klebba
Alan Scott x Sam Zhao (Earth-2)
Kara x Lois (DC Bombshells)
David x Hartley
Mikaal x Tony
Aerie x Wink
Alysia x Jo
Donner x Blitzen (Dakotaverse)
Green Lanterns
Kyle x Soranik
Kyle x Adara
Kyle x Carol
Kyle x Jade
John x Yrra
John x Katma Tui
John x Kendra (DCAU)
John x Merayn
Hal x Arisia
Young Justice (Earth-16)
Violet x Brion
Kon x M'gann
Bart x Eduardo
Wally x Artemis
Kaldur x Wyynde
Jefferson x Helga
Dru-Zod x Ursa
La'gaan x M'gann
Artemis x Jason Bard
Miss Martian's parents
La'gann x Coral x Rodunn
Highfather x Highmother
Superman & Batman: Generations I-III (Earth-3839)
Bruce Jr x Kara Kent
Joel Perry Kent x Mei-Lai
Bruce Jr x Mei-Lai
Clark Wayne x Amanda Mason
Superman x Beautiful Dreamer
*Diana is Amazonian and also a demigod in some origins.
**After 1986's Crisis on Infinite Earths, Selina's mother was revealed to be Cuban, making her a Latina, though that aspect of her life is yet to be explored.
(Marvel version)
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flashfuture · 3 years
If I ignore the nonsense that happened after with the great character assasination and the bad writing, i can imagine a very nice AU where after 2016 titans, Wally and Dick date and are perfectly happy with each other, the lads. (If I can’t have Linda and Wally, truthfully this seems like a healthy alternate. Not better or lesser just different vibes)
Also yeah yj Wally and Dick were something else, I mean not everything has to be romantic but at the SAME TIME, maybe in better time line something could have happen Ah C’est la vie
Wally has had it rough the poor dear. I’d say let him have a poly with Dick and Linda but Dick is the most monogamous man to ever be. Seriously Kory would have been down for a poly but Dick wouldn’t be. I also think Dick is Demi just as an aside.
Lol BirdFlash was never really a ship for me until YJ Cartoon
Like I shipped
Tbh I thought Wally was straight till I read his 90s series and then I shipped him with Hartley. Linda took a little longer for me to warm up to but that’s mainly me being sick of reporter love interests lol not her. She and Wally are great together.
And now Wally has them back so yeah.
I’d actually bet Dick had a crush on Wally for a bit when they were young adults but it just wasn’t the time.
Also YJ Wally and Dick is like that meme.
What’s gayer- the pride flag or whatever these 2 had going on
Which is usually I think overdone because well the couple is very basic and not hard to understand but the sheer chaos in YJ BirdFlash.
Like their relationship had layers and it should have been canon that’s all I’ll say.
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singledadkuroo · 5 years
wally!! also donna and bart
AMAZING choices okay
1. Big ol bisexual
2. OTP: LINDA, to lesser extents Hartley, Kyle, Connor, Roy, Dick
3. Brotp: Donna, Bart, Vic, Babs, etc
4. Notp: uhhhh I cant think of one? I guess Magenta and Raven
5. First HC that pops into my head: when he’s not wearing ridiculously slutty activewear he dresses either like a grandpa or like Bart. No in between.
6. One way in which I relate to this character: we both look at Linda like she hung the moon and the stars. Also we both have ADHD and red hair
7. Thing that gives me secondhand embarrassment about him: it’s the Midwestern conservatism turned Midwestern centrism
8. Problematic fave im sorry to say
1. another bisexual
2. Otp: Kory and Roy!!
3. Brotp: Dick, Wally, Garth, John Stewart, Diana, Cassie, Jason (in my dreams but still)
4. Notp: DCTV GARTH!!! Terry should go without saying
5. I know the general consensus is that she’s a fashionista but I wholeaheartedly reject that. She wears snapbacks and denim vests that were once denim jackets but she shittily cut the sleeves off
6. God I WISH I had something in common w Donna besides being bi
7. I can’t rly think of a time Donna has given me secondhand embarrassment
8. Cinnamon roll
1. He’s GAY
2. Otp: Kon!! Sometimes I ship him w Tim too
3. Brotp: Tim, Cassie, Cissie, Wally, Linda, Jenni, various others
4. Notp: uhhh Carol
5. gap tooth. Also he’s on the spectrum as well as having ADHD
6. It’s the ADHD and also just being a really fuckin weird kid. Wish I knew bart existed in middle/high school I probably would have liked myself a lot more
7. He is baby I don’t get secondhand embarrassment from him anything that would cause it is too relatable I’m like oh same
8. Cinnamon roll!!!
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bastardtrait · 1 year
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seeing his old friend Angelo, now fully grown up, having shed the skin of the his confident 16-year old best friend, brought Iain all the way back to his last day with him, all those years ago. all the goodbyes they shared; all the other words they didn't.
Three years ago
IAIN: Angelo, I… ANGELO: …yeah? IAIN: …I don't know how to say it. I…
KORY: Angelo! Yooo! Are you done, bud? We have to go! ANGELO, aside: (groans)
IAIN: Take care, Angelo. I'll miss you. ANGELO: Me too, Iain. We'll talk, okay? Everyday. IAIN: Everyday. Yeah. O--okay.
IAIN: (sigh) Bye…Angelo.
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notstars-doors · 6 years
For that Director’s cut ask thing. In Take Me Back To The Start who (either family or friends) are Wally and Dick closest to now?
This au is a real mash-up of all my favourite timelines and universes, so everything is sort of a jumble of characters. 
Wally is definitely closest with Artemis and Hartley. I love his relationships with these two in their respective canons, so letting Wally have them as a support system is really key to who he is at this point in his life. In terms of family, he’s still as close as ever with Iris, if not closer now that Barry is gone. She’s basically the twins’ grandmother at this point. 
Dick is close with a lot of people, that’s just the way he is, but he’s closest with Donna and Kori. They’re his best friends, and even though Kori is the mother of his child, they no longer have any weird tension because of it. They both know him better than he knows himself. In the batfam, Dick has different relationships with all his siblings, since they’re all such different people, and he would say he’s close with all of them equally. I literally could not pinpoint which one of them he’s closest to, because in my mind he’s giving me reasons as to why he loves all of them and he couldn’t possibly choose. 
And then we have Roy, who they’re both close with. That’s never gonna change.
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vexic929 · 6 months
T, U, V?
oh this is gonna be a long one lol I'm gonna stick with DC for now since that's what I post about the most, answers under the cut
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships?
Hartley x Eddie Hartley x EoWells Hartley x Harry Hartley x Barry Hartley x Cisco Hartley x David Hartley x Roderick Hartley x Bernard Barry x Cisco Barry x Eddie Barry x Eobard Barry x Harry Barry x Winn Barry x Clark Barry x Ollie Cisco x Harry Cisco x Winn Joe x Henry Winn x James Winn x Querl Bruce x Clark Gar x Jason Gar x Conner Hank x Jason Hank x Dick Roy x Jason Roy x Dick Roy x Garth Dick x Joey Dick x Slade Dick x Wally Tim x Bernard Tim x Conner Tim x Bart Bart x Conner Bizarro x Jason Bruce x Harvey Nygma x Crane Constantine x King Shark (I know it's stupid and from a throwaway line but it captivated me okay? lol)
Iris x Caitlin Iris x Linda Kara x Lena Kara x Nia Kara x Iris Kara x Babs Dinah x Babs Alex x Maggie Alex x Kelly Alex x Caitlin Alex x Iris Alex x Nia Donna x Kori Donna x Dawn Harley x Ivy Talia x Selina Cissie x Cassie Stephanie x Cassandra
U: What are your favorite male/female ships?
Barry x Iris Barry x Patty Caitlin x Ronnie Cisco x Lisa Cisco x Patty Harrison x Tess Eddie x Iris Henry x Nora Wally x Linda Wally x Jinx Kara x Mon El Kara x Winn Kara x James Nia x Querl Lois x Clark Dick x Kori Dick x Dawn Dick x Babs Dick x Jinx Donna x Garth Dawn x Hank Gar x Rachel Gar x Terra Jason x Rose Conner x Komand'r Klarion x Rachel Klarion x Jinx Bruce x Selina Bruce x Talia Constantine x Zatanna
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
Hartley x Barry x Cisco Hartley x Harry x Cisco Hartley x EoWells x Cisco Hartley x Eobard x Barry Hartley x Barry x Eddie Barry x Iris x Cisco Barry x Iris x Eddie Barry x Iris x Kara Barry x Iris x Clark Barry x Harry x Cisco Barry x Eobard x Cisco Barry x E2-Barry x Cisco Barry x E2-Barry x E2-Iris Barry x Cisco x Eddie Caitlin x Iris x Linda Kara x Nia x Querl Kara x Winn x James Kara x Lena x Nia Kara x Mon El x Winn Gar x Jason x Rose Gar x Jason x Conner Dick x Hank x Garth Dick x Hank x Dawn Dick x Hank x Babs Dick x Kori x Dawn Dick x Kori x Donna Dick x Kori x Babs Dick x Kori x Roy Dick x Dawn x Babs Dick x Garth x Roy Dawn x Donna x Babs Jason x Rose x Roy Tim x Bernard x Conner Tim x Bernard x Bart Tim x Conner x Bart Clark x Lois x Diana Clark x Bruce x Diana Bruce x Selina x Talia
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sidekickhq · 5 years
hey where would you see maria gabriela de faria?
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i’m pretty sure she’s venezuelan, and so my suggestions reflect this. if you know better, please feel free to re-ask & i’ll be happy to give you some different options, though i imagine a lot will still fit ( because a lot of them are latinx characters or utp ethnicities ). as a bio kid, a child of alison blaire & longshot, bane, barbara minvera &hunter zolomon, barba free &scott free, floyd lawton, gamora &richard rider, harry osborn &felicia hardy,jonathan crane, karen page &frank castle,komand’r &dor’ion, ed nygma, selene gallio, slade wilson, victor &nora fries, victor von doom &morgan le fay, and wilson &vanessa fisk. as an adopted kid, anissa pierce &grace choi, bobby drake, bruce wayne, brunnhilde &sif , charles xavier &erik lehnsherr, hal jordan &carol ferris, harley quinn &pamela isley, hartley rathaway, illyana rasputin, bucky barnes , dan espinoza &chloe decker &lucifer morningstar, jason todd, jean-paul beaubier &kyle jinadu, jess drew &carol danvers, katherine kane &maggie sawyer, kori &raven roth, kurt wagnor, megan gwynn &jubilee, m’gann m’orzz, natalia romanoff, roy harper, stephanie brown &cass cain, steve rogers, ted kord &michael jon carter, and tim drake & conner kent.
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nsula · 6 years
Honor List Fall 2018
NATCHITOCHES – One thousand one hundred thirty-one undergraduate students at Northwestern State University were named to the Honor List for the Fall 2018 semester.  Students on the Honor Roll must be enrolled full-time at Northwestern State and have a grade point average of between 3.0 and 3.49.  Students named to the Honor List, listed by hometown, are as follows.
 Abbeville – Kyle Baudoin, Skyler Guerra, MaKayla Lewis, Kayla Marceaux, Julie Melancon, Zabrinia Spates;
 Atlanta – Jamie Wagley;
 Alexandria -- Aleisha Allen, Lili Bedoya, Samantha Bergeron, Madeline Blake, Morgan Brame, Jasmine Brown, Jamie Broussard, Angel Christophe, Mydacia Conaler, Karly Constantino, Noel Cusick, Deshod Dixon, Joshua Dorsey, Kaylie Edwards, Brittany Franklin, Bailey Gaspard, Mallory Halford, Chelse Hayes, Gustov Johnson, Jasmine Johnson, Breonna Jones, Kristina Langley, Naya Loyden, Katelyn Maggio, Aaron Martin, Dean Mayeux, Shauntae Perry, Sadae Polk, Kylah Porter, Carmen Rachal, Zachary Roberts, Mary Sampson, Savannah Sices, Taijha Silas, Kiaijah Thomas; Kirstyn Thomas, Erin Vandersypen, Cherell Wallace, Tameia West, Alaina Williams, Mikayla Wright;
 Allen, Texas – Nautica Grant;
 Alpine, Alabama – Courtney Willis;
 Anacoco – Lindsey Alligood, Jacob Bennett, Kinsley Blakeway, Angela Guy, Christopher Guy, Connor Higgins, Kayli O’Toole, Cayla Roberts, Kaylee Runnels;
 Arcadia – Deniesha Davis, Alliyah Murphy, Hannah Tinsley;
 Arlington, Texas – Mariah Denson;
 Arnaudville – Macey Boyd;
 Athens, Texas – Jessica Dubose, Jacob Ellis;
 Atlanta, Texas – Madison Hamson, Meredith Mcmanus, Jackson Teal;
 Austin, Texas – Jennifer Jacob;
             Avondale – Roger Jones;
           Belcher – Loriann Long;
             Boyce – Lane Robinson;
             Baker – Devante George, Cherish Netter;
 Ball – Brittany Breland, Christopher Constance, Mackenzie Owen, Will Salinas, Bryan Sayes, Alice Wilson;
 Bastrop – Katelynn Chain, Kimberly Robinson;
 Baton Rouge – Brianna Alumbaugh, Chloe Castello, Lydell Emerson, John Guillot, Brooke Harbin, Samantha Hebert, Mckane Kinchen, JeBreanne Morgan, Jennifer Normand, Katie Pham, Ashleigh Rumby, Kori Thomas, Jharon Whitfield, Jordan Williams;
 Baunatal, Germany – Yannik Gerland;
 Beacon Falls, Connecticut – Stacey Brown;
 Belcher – Victoria Herbert;
 Belle Chasse – Madison Hewitt, Denim Reeves;
 Belmont – Ashley Hill;
 Bentley – Heather Jones;
 Benton -- Chasity Catanese, Bryanna Cooper, Sarai Fanene, Makayla Goff, Ali Hedgepeth, Leanna Plunkett, Blaine Reeder, Lilly Roach, Maegan Ross;
 Berkshire, New York – Alexis Andersen;
 Bienville – Sarah Macynski;
 Blanchard – Ashlynn Hartley;
 Bossier City – Shelby Ansley, Cassie Bailey, Lauryn Bakalis, Kaylan Beloso, Amanda Billieu, Shelby Booth, Quintin Braley, Katie Briggs, Megan Cathey, Kendall Corkern, Colby Cranford, Daniel Dial, Kasey Dice, Courtney Dismuke, Farrell Dulle, Jonathan Edie, Marissa Gardner, Margaret Gates, Nawal Gazawaneh, Adrianne Hampton, Andrea Haynes, Christian Henley, Dejaney Jackson, Nourain Jamhour, Jared Jarrell, Haley Joncas, Shane Kaiser, Alexandra Madrid, Samantha Maiette, Anthony Mulrenin, Dylan Nash-Browder, Shelby Peeples, Jordan Phillips, Kathryn Pierce, Rachael Pierce, Cierra Rachal, Nigmeh Rahman, Jenna Rambin, Sierra Richard, Emily Rideout, Nickolas Rizzo, Jasmine Roberson, Dakota Schudalla, Ranya Shihadeh, Kaylee Stewart, Giselle Trejo, Bobby Trichel, Chandler Vascocu, Lacey Velasquez, Madeline Webb, Pamula Whicker, Vikki Wolf;
 Boutte – Jose Del Rio;
             Boyce – Hannah Aslin, Tiffany Barnhart, Savanna Budnik, Natalie Dear, Devin Hilliard, Anna Lacombe, Kaitlyn Miller, Sydney Yerby;
 Breaux Bridge – Dylan Davis, Mickayla Love;
 Broussard – Matthew Buteau;
 Brownsboro, Texas – Brice Borgeson;
 Burnet, Texas – Marshall Skinner;
 Bush – Serena Bonnette;
 Cottonport – Jared Seaver;
 Calhoun – Marissa Barentine, William Malone;
 Campti – Adam Calder, Paige Cason, Damarte Fisher, Kortney Greer, Malachi Lester, Pepper Lloyd;
 Cape Coral, Florida – Karleigh Acosta;
 Carencro – Chaney Dodge, Jhonae Thibodeaux;
 Cartagena, Colombia – Sebastian Alfaro Fontalvo, Samantha Arellano Chavez, Elias Castro Caballero, Gabriela Forero Salcedo, Julieth Maturana Orozco, Alonso Restrepo Cardozo;
 Castor – Loxlie Dodd, Priscilla Harrell;
 Center, Texas – John Harrington;
 Centerpoint – Marissa Skursky;
 Cheneyville – Laiken Haggart, Shelbie Moriarty;
 Chicago, Illinois – Irene Frangos;
 Choudrant – Krislyn Mardis;
 Church Point – Meghan Bearb;
 Cincinnati, Ohio – Terry Brewer, Kristin Byone;
 Clinton – Christopher Sanders, Joshua Taylor;
 Colfax – Michael Dupre, Paidin Luneau, Angela McCann, Peyton Ryder, Katilyn Slayter;
 Colorado Springs – Rossana Potempa;
 Conroe, Texas – Zachary Krolczyk;
 Converse – Haleigh Sharrow, Triston Waldon;
 Copperas Cove – Patrick Murphy;
 Corinth, Texas – Madison Walford;
 Corsicana, Texas – Sasha Ballard;
 Cotton Valley – Taylor O’Rear;
 Cottonport – Shelie Canoe, Jacob Harris, Joneshia Jacobs,;
 Coushatta -- Journi Brown, Brandon Gay, Erikka Johnson, Aston Lester, Tianna Rock, Deja Sibley, Mikailah Smith;
 Covington – Kenneth Sears, Crystal Tucker;
 Creston – Madison Alexander;
 Cullen – D’Agurelle Epps, Travon Jones;
 Cut Off – Kaelyn Musgrave;
 Cypress, Texas – Shemar Bartholomew, Jacob Farrell;
 Dayton, Texas – Jerry Maddox;
 De Berry, Texas – Sarah Britt;
 Denham Springs – Joey Carroll, Jenson Wall;
 DeRidder – Amie Ashworth, Samantha Barr, Sheridan Douglas, Sarah Fulford, John Ham, Genna Higginbotham, Latresha High, Alexis Holland, Jordan Mack-Mcnair, Casey McGlothlin, Jessica McManus, Mary Rabalais, Morgan Smith, Madison Tilley, Gavin Watson, Katie Wisthoff, Siaerphin Wolfe;
 Destrahan – John Domangue;
 Deville – Emily Biddle, Hailie Coutee, Kinley Deville, Jessica Horton, Colton Johnson, Alyssa Kline, Ashtyn Knap, Hannah Lewis, Jordan Paul, Garrett Sellers, Haley Spilker, April Thomas, Destiny Zito;
 Dodton – Micah Broomfield, Melanie Thomas;
 Downsville – Abby Fordham;
 Doyline – Billi Jones, Joshua Kirkhart;
 Dripping Spring, Texas – Bryce Potter;
 Dry Prong – Joshua Christopher, Ethan Lewis, Shian Murrell, Lindsey Weatherford, Ashley Webb;
 Dubach – Olivia Hancock;
 Dubberly – Jared Bryce, Audrie Dison, Alex Robles;
 Duson – JoBeth Caswell;
 Edgard – TaiJhun Louper;
 Edmond, Oklahoma – Jiyoon Lee, Ravon Nero;
 Edwards, Mississippi – Taylor O’Bannon;
 Effie – Jacey Dunbar;
 Elizabeth – Kolby Friday, Hannah LaCaze;
 Elm Grove – Camryn Sessions, Jacob Dunn;
 Elmer – Courtney Baggett, Victoria Coleman, Garrett Holt, Brennan Mays;
 Elton – Maia Lacomb;
 Elverta, California – Erika Avery;
 Eunice – Tanner Thibodeaux;
 Evergreen – Miracle Oby;
 Flatwoods – Lindsey Willis;
 Florien – Connor Arthur, Whitney Byles, Cullen Hopkins, Tyler Johnson, Megan Wagley;
 Flower Mound, Texas – Cody McGee, Randall Ruffner;
 Forest Hill – Brett Atkinson, Anna Doherty, Celina Thrasher, Leslie Winners;
 Fort Bliss, Texas – Brittany Passi;
 Fort Polk – Nadia Charlot, Amber Ferguson, Jayla Hart, Amanda Kuhn, Jesica Mattson, Genesis Rondon Torres, Sarah Sullivan, Hannah Sweeney, Nohora Valencia Camacho;  
 Franklin – Shelley Bell, Zabreana Daniels, Jalena Kelly;
 Franklinton – Brittany Sanders;
 Friendswood, Texas – Malik Sonnier;
 Frierson – Austin Barnes, Mason Barnes, Shelby Callens, Treanna Howard, Madison Locke, Nicholas Parham;
 Frisco, Texas – Kalee Williams;
 Gibsland – Dianna Pearson;
 Guin, Alabama – Taylor Porter;
 Gadsen, Alabama – Damian Thompson;
 Gainesville, New York – Ray Anikwue;
 Garland, Texas – Adriana Velarde, Nia Ranall;
 Geismar -- Emilee Hawkins, Brenna LeGlue, Elijah Jon-Baptiste;
 Garland, Texas – Adriana Velarde;
 Georgetown – Joci Harris, Kaleb Hudson;
 Georgetown, Indiana – Elisa Rohlf;
 Gibsland – Madison Shidiskis;
 Glenmora – Phillip Bullitt, Jacob Dunson, Kerstyn Johnson, Ashton Swanson, Derrick Welch;  
 Gloster – Emmaleigh Cleary, Paris Gillum;  
 Goldonna – Brianna Calhoun;
 Gonzales – Julie Breaux, Malayah Currie, Courtney LeJeune, Harlee Melancon, Jennifer Enloe;
 Grand Cane – Cassiah Davis, Sandra Kimble;
 Grand Couteau – Alesia Francis;
 Grand Prairie, Texas – Stephen Carrett;
 Grant – Tyler Stanco;
 Gray – Lori Anthony;
 Grayson – Sabrina McKeithen;
 Greenwell Springs – Morgan Bellot, Micah Fontenot, Ashleigh Klein, Madison Szekely;
 Greenwood – Tamera Harris;
 Gretna – Kayla Anderson, Terralyn Schram;
 Harvey – Jesse Coats;
 Hackberry – Lexie Stine;
 Hagerstown – Stacy West;
 Hahnville – Imani Butler, Cierra Puryear;
 Hall Summit – Ashley-Kate Roberson;
 Hallandale Beach, Florida – Ralph Boereau;
 Hallsville – Emma Hawthorne;
 Hammond – Joseph Martin;
 Harker Heights, Texas – Khalil Corbett-Canada;
 Haughton – Deitric Alexander, Taylor Breed, Darius Brock, Kyler Burns, Sarah Carroll, Haylee Douglass, Dakota Hawkins, Megan Hobgood, Jasmine Jackson, Nathan Johnson, Luna Karkar, Mackenzie Langen, Alana Lewis, Hannah Robertson, Taylor Trombely, Katherine Weeks, Chase Woltz;  
 Heflin – Kendall Brunson, Simiuna Cook, Cody Robinson;
 Hessmer -- Carly Barrere, Daren Dauzat, Lakken Lemoine, Gabrielle Savoy;  
 Hineston – Victoria Carroll, Cheyanna Crane, Chase Powell;
 Homer – Madison Cain;
 Hornbeck – Emma Dubose Rogers, Torri Hollis, Joshua Hughes, Ariel Rodgers, Amber Stanley;
 Hosston – Qanisha Thomas;
 Houma – Rhiannon Dean, Jennifer Doiron;
 Houston – Luis Cervantes, Levar Gumms, Jennifer Hitt, Natashia Jackson;
 Inkster, Michigan – Kanesha Price;
 Jacksonville, Florida – Destinee Christie;
 Jacksonville, Texas – Donovan Trent;
 Jamestown – Kristen Campbell, Ieshia Thomas;
 Jasper, Texas – Kylee Dominy;
 Jefferson – Emily Ricalde;
 Jena – Jasmine Furlow, Mercedes Farris, Parker Fink, Hannah Spicer, William Tradewell;
 Jennings – Kelsey Fitzgerald, Mallory Martinez;
 Jolon, California – Abigail Vallery;
 Jonesboro – LaVonna Lawrence;
 Jonesville – Adrian Johnson, Sidney Spinks;
 Keithville – Kaylee McDuff;
 Kinder – Kelsey Frank;
 Kaplan – Chris Hebert;
 Katy, Texas – Brittany Cecil;
 Keatchie – Katelyn Hicks;
 Keithville – Taylor Hughes, Latavein Kennedy, Erin McDonnell, Maya Porter;
 Kenner -- Emily Bennett, Isabel Jemison, Ryan Johnson, Nicole Lala, Willie Soniat;
 Kerens, Texas – Richard Brumbelow;
 Kinder – All Lorin, Micaela Autin, Nicholas Moldovsky;
 Lacey, Washington – Shana Sweeney;
 Lafayette – Rachael Bryant, Sasskia Chassion, Madison Duplechine, Jeffrey Elkins, Justin Guillory, Michele Kramer, JaKayla Lee, Paul Martin, Melissa Pesacreta, Dana St. Julien, Julia Towry;
 Lafitte – Helen Kassahun;
 Lake Arthur – Gabriell Landry;
 Lake Charles – Holly Bray, Khristina Croker, Kennedy Fontenot, Haleigh Gates, Karley Hebert, Kathleen Hilliard, Adam Lindstrom, Jordan Mulsow, Jessica Newell, Shelby Rodrigue, Michael Thomas, Destany Washington;
 Lancaster, Texas – Deohjia Henderson;
 Laplace – Caitlyn Turnbull;
 League City, Texas – Blake Tessitore;
 Lecompte – Linzey Evans;
 Leesville – Patricia Adamson, Kyle Ashley, Jebediah Barrett, Hannah Blackwell, Hailey Brantley, Katrina Brinson, Jonathan Bruce, Victoria Butler, Charlotte Cassin, Charity Childress, Amy Eckerle, Ashley French, Brittany French, Brandon Furlow, Payton Gordy, Gabriella Haymon, Taylor Helton, Lauren Kreyenbuhl, Justin LeBleu, Mahala Lewis, Christina Lluvera, James Magee, Xavier Mccarty, Malcolm Mitchell, Marguerita Moffett, Stefanie Peters, Jessica Ramirez, Morgan Richard, Samantha Richard, Claudia Rouleau, Cesar Santos, Brett Schmidt, Rachel Smith, Payton Soto, Joyce Stevick, Grant Stolfi, Britnie Stroud, Daija Taylor, Devin Toups, Mackenzie Vincent, Tyler Vincent, Shelby Welch, Cheyene Wise, Michael Zschach;
 Lena – Bettina Doty, Juan Gonzales, Taylor Nichols, Justin Williams;
 Leonville – Lauren Briscoe;
 Lettsworth – Landon Benton;
 Liberty, Texas – Trevor Powell;
 Livingston – Cody CAmbre;
 Livonia – Ryann Bizette, Shanyia Haynes;
 Lockport – Courtney Cedotal, Malaina Falgout;
 Logansport – Susannah Cox, Amanda Hill, Jessica Thompson, Shelby Woods;
 Lone Oak, Texas – Kaylee Isenburg;
 Longview, Texas – Robdrick Halton, Deja Moore;
 Lynwood, Washington – Meghan Castille;
 Morgan City – Wykema Morse;
 Madisonville – Zoe Almaraz, Jensen Volz;
 Magnolia, Texas – Ray Tenninty;
 Mandeville – Carrie Maxwell;
 Mansfield – Rowdy Burleson, Cheyenne Free, Trevor Garrett, Hannah Hughes, Emily Jilg, DeAsia Maxie, Meliyah Mitchell, Demetric Preston, James Sowell, Devin Vanwinkle, Madison Welborn, Stanley Woodley;
 Mansura -- Phillip Augustine, Deaisha Johnson, Jonah Johnson, Katherin Lemoine, Kate Losavio;
 Many – Madilyn Armstrong, William Branam, Jocelyn Cannon, Kyle Elliott, Alison Garcia, Savanah Hall, Kelsi Horn, Clayton Kelley, Charles LaFollette, Johnathan Medine, Brianna Miller, Matthew Peace, Tanner Rains;
 Marksville – Regan Balius, Madison Bordelon, Andre Boyer, Miracle Fourcha, Kayla Gaspard, Makayla Laborde, Rachelle Lair, Nehemayeaux Smith, Kylie Spivey;
 Marrero -- Luis Escobar, Lorena Martin;
 Marshall, Texas -- Alexis Balbuena, Khari Jenkins, Sierra Smith, Tristian Zamora;
 Maurice – Nicole Levine;
 McKinney, Texas – Jasmine Dansby, Jameria Smith, Jocelyn Scott;
 Melville – Alexis Barker;
 Meridian, Mississippi – Reed Michel;
 Mesquite, Texas – Curtis Williams;
 Metairie – Trevor Brown, Madysen Norra;
 Minden – Shatarrius Batton, Angelina Carlin, Erin Dotson, Layla Easley, Lauren Holland, Jorge Zaldivar;
 Monroe – Kennedy Butler, Jansen Chisley, Jaquita Davis, Brianna McKinney, Ashley Murphy, Jameelah Sanaany, Kia Williams;
 Montegut – Nicole Cohen;  
Montgomery – Miranda Bartlett, Laryn Graves, Raygan Lecroix, Hailee Skains;
 Monticello, Arkansas – Kamilah Kelley;
 Mooingsport – Jo Anna Fisher;
 Moreauville – Reginea Alexander;
 Morgan City – Kriystina Pitre;
 Morganza – Sydney Beauvais;
 Morrow – Kiante Mouton;
 Moss Bluff – Bayleigh Smith;
 Napa, California – Jordan Greenlee;  
 Natalbany – Kierra Cooks;
 Natchez – Hailey Courville, Madison Holmes, Amberlyn Metoyer, James Rougeou;
 Natchitoches – Jeremy Aaron, Alissa Addison, Sharlexus Addison, Adrian Alfaro-Fontalvo, Rayshaughn Armant, Cass Arnold, Kayla Arnold, Jose Arrieta Cuesta, Abbie Atwood, Black Bechtel, Megan Berry, Kacy Bonds, Andrew Boyd, Dania Briceno Vaxquex, Keyana Brown, Dustin Burns, Thomas Celles, Valerie Chadick, Gilda Chan, Kaleb Chesser, William Coffey, Donna Cooper, acob Dahlhoff, Catherine Davis, Cieara Davis, Richard Duncan, Franchesca Forest, Rachel Formeller, Fernando Gonzales, Peyton Graham, Jasmine Hall, Deshon Hayes, Michael Hernandez, Saul Hernandez, Ashlyn Hogan, David Holmes, Jacob Horton, Kanika Irchirl, Rachel Jeane, Holly Jenkins, Brittany Jordan, Deylon Key, Cristofer Larcarte, Robert Lee, Lacy Martin, Lamarr McGaskey, T’Onna Mcfarland, Nestor Mercado-Garcia, Amber Minor, Joshua Minor, Destiny Moody, Donovan Ohnoutka, Eden Parker, Zachary Parker, Meredith Phelps, Rekeithia Pier, Keator Poleman, Darian Raymond, Jeffery Remo, Devin Reyes, Taylor Rutledge, Daniela Sala Ricardo, Dante Samuel, Christopher Sanders, MacKenzie Settle, Trayvon Snow, Blake Teekell, Rebecca Thomissee, Aaon Trichel, Kaleb Usleton, Barbara Vercher-Smith, Deja Vercher, Kayven Victor, Garrett Vienne, Huey Virece, Alex Wade, Naloni Walker, Brianna Watermolan, Anna Waxley, Emma-Leigh Webster, Deondra White, Mary Whitehead, Nicholas Wiggins, Leah Wilkins, Shatney Winslow, Alasia Young, Ashtin Youngblood,
 New Iberia – Taylor Freyou, Destinee Leger, Caitlin Melancon, Kira Tobias, Madison Willett;  
 New Llano – Trey Anderson, Bailey Glaze, Alexis Harbin, Reaz Khan;
 New Orleans – Demetrius Boulieu, Rayna Brantley, Marquise Davis, Maya Dolliole, Darlene Fairley, Felicia Franklin, Matthew Gonzales, Jacqueline Gross, Mia Jackson, Karrington Johnson, Raphael Jones, Seven Joseph, Jamilah Pelrean, Phallon Robinson, Julian Shum, JoeNee Smith;
 Newellton – Chasity Glasspoole;
 Noble – Ethan Morgan, Krista Rivers, Thomas Rivers;
 Norwood – Ty’Dashia McElwee;
 Oak Grove – Tonya Creech;
 Oakdale – JaQuanda Evins, Dylan Hamblin, Ayana Jones, Brooke Viscardis, Sarah Wharton;
 Oberlin – Kaitlyn Fontenot, Haily Wade;
 Oil City – Maegan Allborty, Chaddrick Thomas;
 Opelika, Alabama – Ceaser Stephens;
 Opelousas – Keylee Boone, Kescheler Guillory, Juwan Manuel, Lashante Richard;
 Otis – Joshua Poston, Sabrina Thiels;
 Paris, Texas – Emily Essary, Cody Vorwerk;
 Pelican – Tabitha Averitt, Tabetha Caldwell;
 Pflugerville, Texas – Kamika Ward;
 Pierre Part – Blaise Crochet;
 Pineville – Savannah Hope Andries, Emily Bordelon, Tabatha Bowlin, Kurt Burkett, Payten Collins, Brendan Day, Zachary Desselles, Sara Dorsey, Selena Ferguson, Hannah Gaspard, Taylor Holloway, Alissa Joseph, Trey Joseph, Corey King, Matthew Koepke, Santana Mount, Abby Nichols, Kaylie Parsons, Judith Peek, Christina Rachal, Relen Sanders, Elizabeth Shuler, Glynn Sillivan, Chloe Solomon, Peyton Spurgeon, Robert Tabor, Tyler Thompson, Gage Ulrich, David Veal, Emily Wiley, Sarah-Elizabeth Wilkes, Jewel Woods, Madeline Wright;
 Pitking – Hannah Johnson, Jessica Jones, Logan McClure, Emily Odom;
 Plain Dealing – Dormesha Noble, Ja-Mela Williams, Hunter Horton;
 Plaquemine – Ma Kayla Washington;
 Plaucheville – Philip Pepiton, Kimberly Poret, Brittany Taylor;
 Pleasant Hill – Montana Binning, Mickayla Brown;
 Pollock – Krystal Bennett, Alara Faulkner, Allie Frost, Christina Kendrick, Julie McGehee, Mary Robinson, Kari Taffi;
 Ponchatoula – Chaule Saing;
 Pontotoc, Mississippi – Elizabeth Murrah;
 Port Allen – Kaleb Gauthier, Ishmael Lane;
 Port Barre – Danielle Schexnayder, Andrew Lalonde;
 Prairieville – Haley Beason, Sarah Bishop, Alicia Boudreaux, Samantha Daigle, Whitney Duplantis, Bailey Mohler, Kristen Prettelt, Caleb Ricca, Madeleine Sheets;
 Pride – Ashlyn Johnson, Leann Willls;
 Princeton – Jacorious Jeter;
 Provencal – Taylor Craft;
 Raceland – Megan Parks;
 Ragley – Katherine Greenmun;
 Rayne – Cameron Desselle;
 Rayville --  Alana Odom, Frederick Lee;
 Reserve – Rianna Russell;
 Rhinehart – Bethany Russell;
 Richfield, Minnesota – Leah Barnes;
 Richmond, British Columbia – Jalen Donaldson;
 Richmond, Texas – Sidney Harris;
 Ringgold – Alora Bryant, Jered Cook, Martin Gould, Arvionne Reliford;
 Robeline – Candice Adcock, Arica Ammons, Keira Huff, Kristal Lachney, Angela Mitchell, Kacy Morace, Laura Olguin, Morgan Rachal, Terra Schulze, Christopher Taylor, Candace Thompson, Seth Woodel;
 Round Rock, Texas – Ana Ruiz;
 Rowlett, Texas – Daniel Miner;
 Roxton, Texas – Aleckse Mikeuchey;
 Ruston – Karenthia Crosby Onwudebe, Jalen Garrison, Reagan Lee, Phynecha Richard, Aujani Richburg, Joshua Riggs;
 St. Amant – Larson Fontenot, Kayley Naquin;
 St. Barthelmey d’Angers, France – Salome Gledel;
 St. Francisville – Ellie Wheeler;
 St. James – Keionne Octave;
 St. Martinville – Malik Anthony, Jacoby Fontenette, Destiny Simon, Maleik White;
 St. Rose – Crystal Jones;
 Saline – Aaron Savell, Shelby Savell;
 San Antonio – Matthew Aguilera, Hilton Brown, Anthony Renteria;
 San Pedro Sula, Honduras – Jonathan Andino Madrid, Vilma Castro Lopez, Meredith Corrales;
 Scott – Danaysia Senegal, Tayla Soileau;
             Scottsboro, Alabama – Jessica Provenza;
 Shreveport – Phillip Adams, Kendall Allen, Trayveon Allen, Laurie Basco, Tylar Bedford, Austin Beene, Azhani Bennett, Jordan Bogan, Alyssa Bonacci, Kevin Branch, Leta Broome, Tiffany Brown, Tamika Kate Cang, Kathryn Carroll, Myjoycia Cezar, Christina Clark, Audrey Copeland, Derienne Copeland, Reonia Davis, Hailey Deaton, Takea Dorsey, Melissa Dragon, Hannah Ellis, Candice Faith, Sierra Foster, Meghan Fry, Dejohn Garrison, Jameala Ghazawneh, Cassidy Giddens, Hallie Glick, Ellen Grappe, Brekendria Graves, Andrell Green, Destinee Green, Lashonda Hall, Ricci Haltom, Jesamin Huff, Brittany Jefferson, Matthew Jensen, Deaveon Jones, Nathan Jones, Summer Jones, Tradeya King, Elysia Lanier, Hannah Lee, Tra’Kyrin Lemons, Grandon Lewis-graham, Katherine Lind, Christopher Markham, Katelyn Martin, Samantha Metoyer, Mollie Millen, Destiny Mitchell, Maria Moreno Ponte, Armani Nation, Yasmin Newman, Doine Ngwen, Reondrick Owens, Tara Pair, Cristina Peterson, Elizabeth Peterson, Panasia Peterson, Patrick, Pierce, Sierra Prelow, Falon Prentiss, Caleb Rounsavall, Zachary Sanders, Johnathon Schluter, Tyler Sears, Devonne Seelig; Jackiesha Simmons, Kariah Sisk-Shaheed, John Slocum, Adrianna Smith, Kayla Smith, Kaylin Smith, Asia Stevens, Jamie Stewart, Gabrielle Thomas, Bailey Thompson, Magen Tucker, Terran Turner, Jessica Ursua, Rhiannon Venable, Earnestine Walker, Ilyanna Warlen, Jasmine Washington, Gaylin White, Dillion Wilkerson, Donald Williams, Shamolia Williams, Chad Wilson, Debriar Wilson, Morgan Woodall;
 Sicily Island – Shawn Perry;
 Sieper – Emily Goerge, Loren Robinson;
 Silsbee, Texas – Carson Fuller;
 Simmesport – Kimani Batiste, Michael Canal, Lexi Gremillion, Demi Williams;
 Simpson – Carleigh Standifer;
 Simsboro – Andrea Coon;
 Skiatook, Oklahoma – Anna Bonham;
 Slidell – Juliana Garcia, Noah Glass, Ashley Henry, Kierston Jackson, Maci Walgamotte;
 Spring, Texas – Elyssa Hernandez, Madelyne Mangum;
 Springfield – Kattie Bankston;  
 Sterlington – Catherine Trichell;
 Stonewall – Alana Bankson, Alexa Barron, Hailey Compton, Dawson Cranford, Madison Parker, Kirsten Sanders, Heather Schiller, Chase Slater, Christy Washington;
 Sugartown – Madison Budnik;
 Sulphur – Darisu Ardoin, Bralyn James;
 Sunset – Zachary Linville, Charlie Milton;
 Tallahassee, Florida – Edward Clarke;
 Tallulah – Anna Boney;
 Teneha, Texas – TaKameria Barnes;
 Terrytown – Roshane Brown;
 Texarkana – Daphne Hammett, Emily Landers;
 Thibodaux – Terrance Johnson, Tierra Johnson, Landon Olivier;
 Tickfaw – Brittany Culotta;
 Tomball, Texas – Nicole Henry;
 Toms River, New Jersey – Jacqueline Manza;
 Trout – Hayley Lisenby, Jacie Paul;
 Tullos – Kendall Normand;
 Van Alstyne, Texas – Kevin Hendricks;
 Vidalia – Evandria King, Kaitlyn Randall, Shanerria Squalls;
 Ville Platte – Christopher Casey, Hannah Gallow, Andrea Bradley;
 Vinton – Toby Stanley,
 Violet – Julia Verdon;
 Vivian – Kaylee Scott;
 Washington – Catherine Stevens;
 Waskom, Texas – Jonas Richardson;
 Welch – Macala Broussard, Misty Compton;
 West Monroe – Michael Dailey, Austin Dodson, Jasmyn Johnson, Eva Sanford;
 Westlake – Baleigh Derouen;
 Whitewright, Texas – Jearld Battles;
 Wilmington, North Carolina – Noelle Cox;
 Winnfield – Harli Austin, Landon Creel, Trenton Dill, Kerry Fitzgerald, Dezani Fountain, Kara Grantadams, Trinity Homan, Madisyn Hubbard, Saquan Jenkins, Jacob Jones, Michaela Maloy, Trakita Rainwater, Fatima Rodriguez, Katreiona Starks;
 Wisner – Jordan Price;
 Woodworth – Taylor Henry, Linzay Hunnell, Brandon Michot, Lexus Weston, Derek Wilson;
 Youngsville – Shaneda Armstrong, Randall Blair, Devin Forestier, Lorin Prejean, Devyn Shores;
 Zachary – Laney Davis, Neil Ahldwin Garcia, Caitlyn Thibodaux, Alaijha Trim, KeAra Thie;
 Zwolle – Kamryn Bedsole, Kirstyn Meshell, Samantha Rivers, Chyna Sepulvado, Rylea Sepulvado, Autumn Wyatt;
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averyho · 6 years
Flash fam?
Barry: barry/iris, barry/hal, barry/august, barry/manuel, barry/ralph
Wally I: wally/linda, wally/dick, wally/hartley, wally/kyle
Wally II: idk but he needs a bf
Bart: bart/tim/kon
Iris: iris/barry, iris/barry/hal, iris/lois, iris/carol, iris/meena, iris/jessica
Linda: wally/linda, linda/kori, linda/dick/wally
Avery: avery/harper, avery/cass, avery/jennifer, avery/deilan, avery/ming ming
August: august/barry
Meena: meena/iris
Irey (adult): lian/irey
Dawn: dawn/meloni
Jay: jay/joan, jay/allen
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