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bastardtrait · 8 months ago
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cw: assault
Ava Harjo was not of the same clan, or even the same nation as the Whiteducks. Still, she stuck with them, because she knew very few people in this place had their backs. She hated that she was proven right again tonight.
AVA HARJO: Hey, you little fuckasses! What do you think you're doing?! Get outta here!
AVA: …Is that… (gasp) Shania's boy… GET AWAY FROM HIM! I'm calling the cops on you!
AVA: Oh my god, Eddie! Eddie, can you hear me…?
EDDIE: (groaning) (sobs) AVA: Oh, Eddie…I--hang on, nephew, okay?! I'll call the cops…
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scorpiotrait · 2 years ago
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Taryn + Jonquil and their twins, Orion and Narcissa 
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bastardtrait · 8 months ago
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It was funny, Toby thought, that Evan Caulfield's opinion once mattered to him. Now, he was just another kid who paid for a uniform and let it get to his head. And Toby had no reason to care about that at all.
EDDIE: Ma, I'm okay… HELEN: We've gotta leave Copperdale. We've gotta leave. I'm serious this time. SHANIA: Dear, let's slow down before we decide anything major like that…
EVAN: (pant) Wait! Toby! EVERYONE: Huh? TOBY: Evan. What the fuck do you want?
EVAN: You left the team?! Toby, you can't! We're fucked! TOBY: I can do whatever the fuck I want, actually. EVAN: We just lost Konner, we can't lose you too!
TOBY: You can, and you should get used to it. Oh, you're gonna lose the game to Boundary? I don't care. EVAN: Toby, you have a commitment to keep. And you already paid for this year's uniform! What are you just gonna walk away because of something that had nothing to do with you?
TOBY: You can, and you should get used to it. Oh, you're gonna lose the game to Boundary? I don't care. EVAN: Toby, you have a commitment to keep. And you already paid for this year's uniform! What, are you just gonna walk away because of something that had nothing to do with you?
TOBY: Actually, once someone fucks with my friend--my best friend I've had since I was a kid--it does involve me, Evan. And don't take it out on me because you can't keep your attack dog on a leash. EVAN: (grunt) TOBY: Fuck your game, fuck your team, and fuck you. I'm done. I hope Boundary tears you guys a new asshole at the end of the season.
IAIN: A fine choice of words back there, buddy. TOBY: A waste of words, more like. (sigh) Let's just go, dad. Let's…get Burger King. IAIN: Burger King it is.
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bastardtrait · 8 months ago
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The night was young. And so were they. Just two best friends with their whole lives ahead of them, and the whole, open world to make their mark in.
LaSuli Pier
TOBY: I bet I can carry you! EDDIE: Toby, let's not-- TOBY: Hop on! EDDIE: Okay…!
TOBY: …you got a crush, Ducko? Eh? Eh? EDDIE: No! TOBY: You can tell meeeee, y'know. EDDIE: Well, I don't! So…come on!
EDDIE: …and I never knew the guy. Mom says he's dead now. But my grandma told me he's alive and that he lives in Kahnawá:ke. TOBY: Shit, that's hard. You never told me. EDDIE: Didn't really know till my cousins told me. It was weird. Kinda mean. I dunno. I never had questions about my dad before, but now? I have all the questions.
TOBY: Hey, maybe one day you'll hear from him. EDDIE: Don't know if I want that. He left me when I was a baby. TOBY: …mine too. It…closure might be good, thought. EDDIE: Will you…find him? TOBY: …no. If he cares, he'll find me himself. That's what I believe.
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bastardtrait · 8 months ago
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It was well known that Konner Prescott could seriously hold his alcohol. It was less so that the sponge he used to hold it all in was rage and malice, and tonight, he was oversaturated to full.
EVAN/MCKYNSLEIGH: … EVERYONE ELSE: … EVAN: Konner…what the fuck is wrong with you?
KONNER: No, what the fuck is wrong with you, Evan?! Why are you such a fucking doormat?! EVAN: What the f-- KONNER: You're sitting here, making out with some bitch you won't break up with even though she's fucked half the twelfth grade, and you won't boot Toby from the football team even though he's a liability! I'm sick of your pacifist shit!
KONNER: I'm out! Fuck this shit and all you!
EVERYONE ELSE: (concerned muttering) JAY: Konner! Konner! You're drunk, dude, where the fuck are you going?
[SFX: Tires squealing against the dirt]
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bastardtrait · 8 months ago
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cw: assault, homophobia, racism
Just another kid from the rez. That's all that someone like Eddie was to someone like Konner.
[SFX: Car door slamming shut; footsteps rapidly approaching]
EDDIE: …hold on, Toby, I think someone's like, running at me. TOBY, on the phone: What?!
KONNER: There you are, fucking rat! EDDIE: Wh--ack!
KONNER: (grunting, roaring) EDDIE: Ghhk--! Fuck--st--stop! Konner!
TOBY: Yo! Ducko? You okay? EDDIE, over the phone: …Konner! TOBY: …Eddie?!
KONNER: Get up, you fairy. (pant) What kinda man are you? Huh? EDDIE: (deep gasp) KONNER: They didn't teach you to fight on the rez, huh? The shit that happens when you don't got a dad.
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bastardtrait · 8 months ago
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Toby could feel himself free-falling into the abyss below, once afraid that uncertainty awaited him. But he realised now what lay beneath the mist: freedom. Freedom to be Toby Lucky, and not another Hare.
COACH CALLER: A word with you, Mr. Lucky? Well, both of you. IAIN: Shoot, Martin. COACH CALLER: I've already spoken with the Whiteducks, but…I regret that this happened. Just so ashamed. That poor kid. Toby, you're a good friend for staying with him.
IAIN: I already know my son is a good kid. And I know that the Prescott kid is not. Now what are any of you teachers doing about it? TOBY: Dad… COACH CALLER: No, he's right, Toby. Mr. Lucky, be assured that there is absolutely no tolerance on my team for this sort of bullshit. Pardon my French.
COACH CALLER: The amount of parents that are already calling for punishment is overwhelming. Now as the phys ed department head, ain't much I can do besides take him off the team. I just have to hope that'll be enough. IAIN: (smirks) I'm sure the Prescotts doing backflips at the sound of that. COACH CALLER: Heh. Prescotts hate my Black ass anyway. (ahem) But that's…off the record.
COACH CALLER: Toby, you gonna stay on the team, son? I know we talked about it before, and now all of this…just wanted to know where you stood. TOBY: …no, Coach. It wouldn't be right. COACH CALLER: Mmh. I understand.
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bastardtrait · 9 months ago
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Toby and Eddie had always been there for each other. But the team, as Toby was finding out, found itself taking priority. Sometimes, by coercion.
EDDIE: Well…if you really feel that…do you wanna come to an art raffle with me on Saturday? It's for the entire Ahkwesáhsne territory, Canadian and American sides. Non-tribe can come too. TOBY: Hell yes, Eddie, I'd love to! EDDIE: I know it's not the pow wow you've always wanted to go to but--
TOBY: You kidding me? Man, you've come to my games before, it's the least I can do for you! EDDIE: (smiles) Thanks, Toby. TOBY: I'd better bring a fuck ton of money. I'm gonna outbid everyone else at the raffle. EDDIE: (chuckles) Stop that! It's a charity, not a competition.
TOBY: So they get some money out of it. I want them to know that I'd do the most for you. 'Cause you've always been there for me. EDDIE: Toby… TOBY: I'd do the most for you, Ducko. Don't forget that. I mean, I hope you haven't.
EDDIE: I…haven't. TOBY: Good!
TOBY: You're my best friend, Eddie. Sorry I haven't been there. EDDIE: Toby…nah. It's okay.
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bastardtrait · 8 months ago
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Angelo...for so long, the name had just been a distant idea. Toby read his father, Angelo's words and hung onto them like they were a cliff face, and the yawning void of uncertainty stretched out below him.
IAIN: Toby, wait…I'm sorry. Can I come in? TOBY: No. IAIN: (sigh) Shit.
IAIN: Just… (sigh) I'm sorry, Toby. Can we talk? TOBY: You can't keep this shit from me, dad. I'm not a little kid anymore. IAIN: …I know, buddy. I…I know.
IAIN: …we'll talk later. Please. … Alright. (sigh) Fuck.
TOBY: (shuddering) Fuck. Holy fuck… (reading) Toby….
"By my count, you're around 17 now. Happy 17th. You're almost a man. I wish I could see who you are. What you look like. I wonder if you look at all like me."
…"Short one today, as I'm writing this on my break. You must be done with high school soon? There's a good chance you're in high school, I think Iain would've made sure you had the best life. So I am not at all worried about that.
"As for me, I've found placement in a permanent centre in NB. Gonna renew my first aid certificate tomorrow. Life has been stable. I wish you could come see NB by the sea. It's beautiful out here."
"Other fathers I've come across in my time tell me their children were their greatest achievements before they got put in rehab. I know you are mine, too. I've never met you, and it's unlikely I ever will. Regardless of that, I love you. I'm sorry that that's the reality I created for myself. Shit, I tell you that in every letter I've ever sent."
"Never doubt that, Toby. -Your father. Angelo."
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bastardtrait · 8 months ago
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Control failing, fingers twitching, Konner drove back to Copperdale in a drunken rage. At first aimlessly. And the he saw the target of his ire. Eddie Whiteduck. "The kid from the rez."
LaSuli Pier
[SFX: Car idling quietly]
TOBY: …glad you've found something to do after school. Sure you don't want me to pick you up?
EDDIE: Nah, it's okay. Thanks for offering but I'll be okay walking.
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bastardtrait · 8 months ago
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cw: homophobia
Evan and Konner. The mouth. And the ears.
[SFX: Truck idling quietly]
EVAN: Fuck. I hate that you were right, Konner. KONNER: I'm always right. EVAN: It's like they're on a fuckin' date. Meanwhile Shannon's crying at my house 'cause her boyfriend ditched her ass at the party. Fuckin' pathetic. KONNER: Should beat his ass for it.
EVAN: Alright, no need to get violent. It's just…fuck. I gotta talk to Coach Caller. If we lose the game against Boundary at the end of the season, it's not gonna be because of Toby. KONNER: We don't got anyone else, though. Like, I agree, but… EVAN: Well, we can't sit back here and pretend like there's no problem! Fuck…
MCKYNSLEIGH: Huh, it really is like they're on a little date, isn't it. (sniff) Wonder if Shannon knows. KONNER: Wouldn't shock me if he was a queer. Y'ever see him in the locker room? Kinda weird. EVAN: Okay, not important right now guys.
EVAN: (sigh) Alright, well…nothing any of us can do right now. As team lead, I'm gonna bring it up with Coach Caller, and that's all I can do. MCKYNSLEIGH: You go, babe. KONNER: Alright, whatever you think works, Evan. Oh look, they're driving off together. Maybe to go make out or something. EVAN: (sigh)
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bastardtrait · 9 months ago
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But unfortunately at the end of it, Konner had been right: Toby's football game was slipping, bad, and no one really knew why. Toby didn't think he knew, either.
Copperdale small football field
COACH CALLER: Alright, boys, let's see some good, proper form today! All of you! Remember what we talked about! FOOTBALL TEAM: Yes, coach!
TOBY: Got it, coach!
[SFX: Heavy thudding sounds]
TOBY: (groaning) TEAMMATE: I got it! COACH CALLER: Oh, come on!
TOBY: Agh, fuck! COACH CALLER: Shit tackle technique, Prescott! You could've seriously hurt him! Lucky, get up! Walk it off! TOBY: Ugh…Jesus Christ, Konner.
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bastardtrait · 9 months ago
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Eddie Whiteduck was a talented artist who had great work ethic but often failed on the communication side of things. As such he often kept certain things...to himself...for a very long time.
[♫ - SUMMER]
In the heat of the summer
You know that you should be my boy
In the heat of the summer You're so different from the rest
You know you know you know You know that you should be my boy
Oh yes you do
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bastardtrait · 8 months ago
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The following school day, the Whiteducks and Iain had words with Copperdale High's principal. Emotions ran hot and high. uncomfortable, sickening truths started to bubble to the surface.
The following day
[SFX: Muffled yelling]
IAIN: …no--you tell me what the hell this school is gonna do about criminals like Konner Prescott! What you are gonna do about it! SHANIA: (numbly) Iain, don't yell. PRINCIPAL: Mr. Lucky-- HELEN: Mrs. Hawley, you have to understand that my son, an Indigenous boy, is now a statistic. Do you know how sickening that is? That boy needs to be expelled.
SHANIA: (shudders) Why did this have to happen to my boy…? PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Whiteduck, Mr. Lucky. I promise you, we are cooperating closely with the police to figure out exactly why this happened. I understand your anger, I do. But I have to ask you to remain level-headed about all of this… HELEN: Level-headed?! Let me tell you something, Mrs. Hawley…
TOBY: (quietly) I'm sorry I wasn't there, Ducko. EDDIE: You were there, Toby, it's okay. TOBY: It's not fucking okay, Eddie. I--I should've been there. I should've fucking been there.
EDDIE: …I just…why me? What the hell did I ever do to Konner, man…? SHANNON: Oh, Eddie… TOBY: I…I don't know. I don't know. But we can only hope he's going to be put away for awhile. EDDIE: He won't be. He's from some rich white family, and I'm not. TOBY/SHANNON: …
TOBY: Well, whatever happens, Eddie, trust me--trust me that I'm gonna be there. With you. EDDIE: … TOBY: Always. With you. Okay? EDDIE: …yeah. Okay. Thanks…Toby…
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bastardtrait · 8 months ago
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Toby always thought of Iain as protective, a pillar, someone who made countless sacrifices for him. That was still true. But he now had to make room for the idea that his father could also be controlling, overbearing, and even a liar.
TOBY: A--Angelo…my…my other dad. IAIN: The man who abandoned you. You need to get rid of it. Whatever it is, it's not good. TOBY: …no.
IAIN: What do you mean, 'no'? He's a bad person, end of story. Whatever he has to say isn't worth-- TOBY: I deserve to know who he is, at least! This is the first time he's reached out, I--I should-- IAIN: Hardly. Every time he writes, it's a goddamn sob story about how sorry he is. TOBY: What do you mean 'every time' he writes?
IAIN: I…he--he writes…a few times a year. TOBY: And you've been keeping them from me?! Dad! What the hell! That's actually really messed up! IAIN: He doesn't deserve to be in your life! He cut you out, he cut me out, because we were a fucking inconvenience to him. He isn't worth the effort. TOBY: But he wrote this to me. Don't tell me you've been keeping my mail from me?
IAIN: Toby, I've been protecting you from a dangerous and self-admitted criminal. A junkie. You think it's an accident that this came from some rehab centre in New Brunswick? He's sent letters from a bunch of them around the country. You think that's the type of man that deserves to be in your life? TOBY: I didn't say anything about that. I just want to know, dad. IAIN: You're better off if you don't.
TOBY: No. IAIN: What? TOBY: …no. You don't get to decide that for me. IAIN: Toby…!
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bastardtrait · 9 months ago
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Toby had a lot of questions. Some, about himself. Some, he didn't want answered right now. And some that are both of those things.
[SFX: Echoing shower sounds; excited conversation]
[SFX: Shower sounds; Jay humming]
KONNER: Dude, don't tell Evan but--you know Mark? He's saying Kynz came onto him! TOBY: Oh word? KONNER: Yeah, shit… Thought she and Evan were square now. Shit.
KONNER: …man, man, man. Huh? Wait, where's Toby? JAY: You ain't even notice he left? Man, I swear you pay even less attention than him sometimes.
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