#knightshade posts
ezura-knightshade · 17 days
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So technically this took 1 hour 5 mins but meh I’m not gonna beat myself up over this.
Ok now the speed paint
Technically speaking there is a grid in there idk why the speedpaint didn’t capture it.
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dantedsblog · 3 months
Blake: Hm ?
Jaune: Why are you into bad guys ?
Blake: It’s not true !
Jaune: Adam ?
Blake: He was nice in the beginning.
Jaune: There were definitely red flags.
Blake: Well.
Adam in front of hundreds of Faunus
Adam:Brothers and sisters we’re fighting for the same purpose to create the word without those useless human scumbags !
Faunus soldiers: Yes !
Adam:Our race is better stronger and smarter we’re the new step in evolution we will destroy all of them or enslave them like they did it to us !
Adam slams his hand on the table
Faunus soldiers: YES !
Blake: He is so hot~~
Flashback ends
Blake: I learnt from my mistakes
Jaune: Really ?
Blake:Yeah because I’m into good guys..
grabs his collar
Blake:..and I can prove it now~
Jaune: Please Oum help me survive this night.
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madmanwonder · 6 months
What would the three think if someone with a fortune teller like semblance showed them the future and they see this? Would this give any of them ideas?
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Jaune/Ruby/Blake: What!?/Eeek!/Oh! 😳
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reashot · 2 months
Jaune the Eevee Trainer.
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Jaune: Wow. I can't believe I got Eevee as my starter Pokemon.
Eevee: Vee~ ❤️
Jaune: Sure can't wait to get you to evolve. But I wonder which one to pick...
Then suddenly as if on cue. Four girls start appearing from behind him like they were waiting for this very moment.
Yang: Hey there young man. If you're interested in evolving your Eevee. Might I suggest Flareon. 🔥
Blake: Not so fast. Only basic bitch picked Flareon.
Yang: Hey!
Blake: Sure you can pick Flareon. But don't you want something much cooler and stronger like Umbreon? 🌙
Weiss: Hah! Cool? Nothing is more cooler and more elegant than my Glaceon. ❄️
Ruby: L-leafeon is cool too. 🌿
*showing of her leafeon in her hand*
Jaune please, if you pick Leafeon (me) I swear I will be forever grateful and I will be your best friend.
*everyone is staring and waiting for Jaune's decision*
Jaune: Uh... I.
Bleiss: Wait a minute. I never got a chance to give my suggestion.
Jaune: Oh, ok Bleiss what type of evolution should I pick for Eevee?
Bleiss smiled ear to ear waiting for Jaune to say that word.
Bleiss: Hey Jaune did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon....
*jaune chokes Bleiss*
W-worth it...
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theredheadedace · 23 days
AU where Blake fell with Jaune in the Everafter
Weiss: I can’t believe it’s the Panther Queen and Rusted Knight
Yang: So I guess Blake’s Erotica was right, they were a couple
Panther Queen: (pinching the bridge of her nose with The Rusted Knight giggling) Oh my god
Yang: Wait a minute
Weiss: No way
Ruby: It can’t be
PQ!Blake: (taking her mask off) you girls finally made it.
Yang: oh, so you two are together, hmm. Give me a moment. (Walking outside for a moment.)
Ruby: is Yang going to be-
RK!Jaune: Well that went better than expected
PQ!Blake: You thought she was going to kill you, didn’t you?
RK!Jaune: a little bit yeah, are you going to tell her we are open it poly or-?
PQ!Blake: In a minute
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razorblade180 · 9 months
I don't remember if you did or not, but do you have a post where there's like a family tree or something for all your RWBY things?
I want to be able to follow along, but it's a bit confusing.
If you do, could you give the link, please?
Funny enough, I don’t. If anyone has a good website for those family tree diagrams I’d love to know.
Until then, I’ll just make a simple list right now because asking about my ocs will always give be boundless energy. I’ll try being brief. If I write a name that has the last name of the main ship in the au, I trust I don’t have to explain who the parents are.
Lasting Embers AU (Dragonslayer)
Jacquelyn Frost
Parents aren’t important aside from being deceased and her mom being the former Winter Maiden (Vol7 didn’t exist yet)
Jael Frost
Biological daughter of Jacquelyn and Adam. The younger sister of Sienna Frost
Sienna Fost
Adopted daughter of Jacquelyn and Adam. Older sister to Jael
Biological parents and older brother are deceased. Happened when she was very young.
Sienna is not her real name. She doesn’t remember. (It’s Jasmine)
Yujin Xiao Long
Only daughter
Lie Tenzen
Ren and Nora’s only son.
Canary Branwen
Daughter of Qrow and Winter.
Qrow passed away when she was like nine. (Don’t quote that age I don’t have my notes with me. She was a kid)
Not a fan of Ruby (Her Cousin)
A fan of Yujin (Also her Cousin)
Twin Snowflakes AU (White Knight)
Nick and Summer Schnee
Fraternal Twins. Brother and Sister
Sparrow Branwen
Winter and Qrows adopted son
Eliza Marigold
Only daughter of Henry Marigold
Mom took hush money and left after birth.
Henry was not the one who gave her hush money.
Valerie Valkyrie
Nora and Ren’s only daughter
Veronica Belladonna
Blake and Yang’s only daughter.
Blake was the one with the bun in the oven.
Miscellaneous (not a OC name)
This Au has a child for Robyn, Cardin, and a couple others. They don’t really matter too that much but they exist. Most notable is Max (Cardin’s kid) and a little girl named Ruth
Premonition AU (Knightshade)
Lucas Belladonna
Peach Rose
Daughter of Ruby and Weiss
Not related to Lucas in any way but they’re close.
Serendipity Karuma
Also goes by Serenity
Parents are alive but not around
Older sibling but doesn’t see the younger one
Rosebud AU (Lancaster)
Dustin Arc Rose
The oldest of three siblings
Raised by Cinder and Neo
Not a fan of his biological parents or siblings
Has silver eyes
(I probably should’ve called him Dustin Fall but oh well. I’m not changing the tags)
Carmine Arc Rose
Middle child technically, but she doesn’t acknowledge Dustin as an older brother.
Has silver eyes but wears red contacts
Only the grownups in her family’s circle know her real eye color
Cousin of Kovu
Garnet Arc Rose
Youngest of the three siblings
He’s just a lil fella
Kovu Belladonna
Son of Blake and Yang
Older cousin to Carmine
Yang had the bun in the oven
Aero Amitola
Son of Ilia and Sun. (I refuse to explain myself here)
Bird Boy
Mona Paulo Furem
All you really gotta know about her parents are that they’re horrible and her mother is reason Mona is the way she is
Has a younger sister. Barely talked about.
Does not live at home or keep in contact
Ren and Nora run an orphanage
Oscar is Ozcar and has been for decades.
Side note, there’s a a child named Levi Belladonna that’s Ruby and Blake’s kid. He has no au. I just thought he was neat. Maybe one day.
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Jaune: *Walking into his dorm after finishing erands in Vale for the day. He sees Blake sitting on his bed, reading.* Hey Blake! I'm back.
Blake: *Looks up, smiles, puts down her book, stands up and walks over to her boyfriend* Welcome back Jaune.
Jaune: *Opens his arms and hugs Blake* I hope you weren't waiting for me too long.
Blake: ... *Pouts*
Jaune: Blake?
Blake: What was that?
Jaune: What was what?
Blake: That hug!
Jaune: What about it?
Blake: You did it wrong!
Jaune: Wha- what? I did?
Blake: Yes! Remember what I showed you last week!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: ...
Jaune: ... *Brain searching successful* OH! My bad. Can I try again?
Blake: You may~ :3
Jaune: *Hugs Blake again*
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Jaune: Better~?
Blake: Very~ (=^ω^=)
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nogoawaytism · 1 year
Shoo's List of Rarepair OTPs
Nordic Winter
Pink Lemonade
Milk and Cereal
Greek Fire
Black Lotus
Martial Arcs
Greek Lotus
Ginger Snaps
Lie and steal
Double Rainbow
(This is just for personal reasons, might update later, idk)
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ezura-knightshade · 1 year
One of my all time favourite trope is: Old grumpy person lives as an outcast from society (usually by choice) and they eventually become a old happy person because some obnoxiously happy child squirmed their way into the said old persons house (and heart).
Examples of this trope are: Grandfather from Heidi, Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert from Anne of Green Gables (mostly Marilla), Eda Clawthorne from The Owl House, and Mother from The Girl of The Limberlost.
Now that I go over this list I see that only Eda and Grandfather fit the criteria lmao.
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dantedsblog · 5 months
Blake: Hey Jaune would like to have a cat or a dog ?
Jaune: I think I’d rather have a dog .
Blake: Wrong answer !
Jaune: Huh ?
Jaune was pushed on the ground.
Blake: Your cat chose you so it’s impossible to escape from me so you will have the cat instead of dog*smug smile*and this kitty likes to bite at night .
Jaune: *gulp*
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madmanwonder · 6 months
Fusion Slavery: Combat Slave & Gladiator Slave AU
How does Blake along with Weiss and Emerald do as Jaune's slaves? And are any of you planning on taking him for yourselves?
Blake is a primarily a combat slave with a focused on assassination work, Emerald is a gladiator slave but also a combat slave but more of a gladiator slave, and Weiss both but also good businesswoman with a knack for politics.
"No!" Blake/Weiss/Emerald denied, not before looking each other in wariness not trusting each other words.
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reashot · 10 months
Team RWBY's reaction to seeing Jaune surviving certain death.
Jaune: Hey everyone I'm back.
Yang: Shit Vomit Boy don't surprise me like that! Do you have any idea how worried I am?
Weiss: Hmmph! Typical. You think can just come back here like nothing ever happened... (Thank Oum you came back alive.)
Ruby: Jaune!!! You're alive. I knew you would come back. *cry* Don't you ever scare me like that again! If you're gone I don't think I can go on with my life. Because Jaune, you mean so much to me...
Blake: Oh you're back? I didn't even notice you were gone. BTW I expect dinner to be ready.
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irongiant-9000 · 13 days
Remnant Evil: Knightshade Duo
Hello everyone! Got another post for you all.
Thanks to Seshirukun for this new art piece of our Blond Noodle and Kitten being the duo of Ada and Leon and this time in the Resident Evil 4 style!
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infoglitch · 6 months
You make me feel...
(apologies for the lackluster post)
Jaune with his ships:
Jaune looked at Ruby as the two stood in a hill together.
Jaune: ruby, you make me feel so so happy, you've been my rock through all of this... Your my best friend- and girlfriend- and I love you for that!
Jaune and Weiss were at weiss' temporary apartment as jaune held a bouquet of flowers as he was mildly embarrassed.
Jaune: Weiss... You make me feel so.. so lucky to be able to know someone like you, your a great friend, an incredible huntress, and overall a person anyone would be lucky to have.. I know you probably don't feel the same but I wanna take one last chance, and to show how I truly feel about you.. Weiss i love you.. i love you for the way you care for your friends, i love you for the way you fight for what you Believe in, i love every aspect of you, and all.. so would you like to go out?
(no knightshade unfortunately because I can't think of shit)
Dragon Slayer:
Jaune had found found himself fighting alongside yang as they stood before a horde of Grimm now dead at their feet. With jaune taking a deep breath before exhaling and turning to yang.
Jaune: yang I'll be honest. You make me feel a lot. You make me laugh with your pun, you make me feel like I can fight an army with you by my side. You make me feel, unstoppable...so one thank you, for all of this, and two.. I would like to know if you uh, wanted to go out for a date.
Arkos (wait wtf this is new):
Jaune sighed softly as he took a seat. he was much older as his hair was tied into a wolf tail, and he had a 5:00 shadow.
Jaune: Pyrrha.. you made me feel.. so.. so small.. but also so, so, loved. Despite how much better of a leader any of you could be all of you.. had faith and trust in me, especially you! You trusted me to lead you, you let me be honest, I told you a lot of my secrets.. you made me... No, you make me feel like I can always get better. You were incredible Pyrrha. And... I'm sorry I couldn't accept you.. I'm sorry i couldn't fight by you.
Jaune looked up at the metal statue of the great woman he grew to call his closest friend.
Jaune: i loved you Pyrrha... I'm sorry I couldn't realize that sooner.
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pilot-boi · 2 months
Forgive me Father for I have sinned. I prefer Dragonslayer and Knightshade over Arkos and White Knight.
And that’s chill!
I like both of those ships more as friends, but I COMPLETELY see the draw of both of them! I’ve talked about them both in THIS post, so believe me, I get it
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umbreonwolfy · 5 months
The wonderful @mbjw tagged me to share my receiptify last week.
I started to make this post and then forgot about it. So have last week's and this week's XD
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Npt: @ykimchi @distressedplantmom @l3visbby @slippedawayintoamomentintime @khaostache @lesseraphins @p3rih @thedankestone @seal-sleepover @another-shameless-fangirl @terrendactyl @scumbag-ish @starryoong @these-emo-thoughts @dramalets @mooniyuta @awiniverse @xceanlynx @coffeeisaritual @suburbanlegnd @iron-fifty-nine @idratherbe @white-rose-petals @rai-knightshade @tattoosingarishhues @porsweaters @penboundmothmann (if you dont want me to tag you in future things just lmk!)
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