#kirei does memes
Gilgamesh for ask meme!
Hi!!! Thank you for messaging me ☺ I really appreciate it! It's been a long time since I did askmeme on gilgablog so thank you for requesting him (i keep most fate thoughts private)! Sorry I will probably write a whole massive paragraph about him XD
My Gilgamesh opinions are very subjective here so they may not all be accurate, which is why I enjoy this ask a lot ^^
Sexuality Headcanon: I headcanon him as bi/pan, like yeah there's no denying he is also attracted to women, but his devotional relationship with Enkidu and kinky pleasure yuetsu time with Kirei is every bit as canon in my opinion!!!
Even his creepy obsession with Saber really hints to me personally that Gilgamesh may not discern his initial sense of attraction primarily by gender- I believe he may be attracted to people based off intangible traits that link to his personal sense of values as well; which cannot be as simply measured as gender.
Gender Headcanon: Though he is masc, man he/him I also feel as if Gilgamesh's gender is also just 'GILGAMESH'. Sometimes I wonder if Gilgamesh would see himself as beyond the convention of gender.
Also I heard from someone that gender can be very diverse in Ancient Mesopotamia so it would be really cool to see where Gilgamesh would slot his gender identity there... also can his pronouns be king of heroes/ king as well! I feel like he really defines himself by his role more than gender per se, and in one fate hanafuda game he says gender doesn't matter ☺👍
An OTP: ohh I love Gilgamesh ships so much 😊😊 Gilkidu is just so amazing in many ways I cannot even describe, Kotogil is incredible in their twisted dynamic .. and GilHaku is just so beautiful! And I love Gilgamesh x Merlin for the shenanigans... to be honest most Gilgamesh ships are my otp. I even really like Gilgamesh x reader/ oc fics and Ritsuka/ Guda ones depending on what the ocs are like! Oh I also like Gilgamesh x Cu as they can clash head on and go wild, as well as Gilgamesh x Ozymandias!
And a mutual introduced me to Achilles x Gilgamesh. I think it is a beautiful pairing as they have so much grief, love, power and arrogance in common.
A NOTP: I'm sorry Gilgamesh x Saber fans. I respect those who ship it but Gilgamesh is such a creep to Saber in my opinion, I like it when she doms him to smithereens and stomps on his pride though ☺🥳🥳🥳
BROTP: This is a hard one as I feel like his otps can be good otps, but seeing him hang out with Iskandar is always hilarious. Love how he actually listens to Taiga in the spin off games as well, so they could maybe enjoy a few drinks together. And Gilgamesh/Solomon/Merlin makes for great chaos.
Gilgamesh/Siduri/Enkidu is a powerful alliance and err what else... I feel like as long as they can entertain one another then Gilgamesh has the potential for many BROTPS.
Random Headcanon: He has golden nipple tassels that he unleashes whenever he has an urge to go full sexy, also I feel like though yes he does love pleasure and decadent desires the way he so tightly constrains and punishes himself sometimes makes me wonder if some of his hedonism is also used as a way to appear as an overwhelming figure to others.
I feel like Gilgamesh is definitely tyrannical and extremely powerful and charismatic... yet also has a side to him that is insecure as hell, his larger than life and genuine powerful and wise sides overcompensating for a side of him that is plagued with all sorts of self loathing and grief.
General opinion: I love this asshole!!!!!!!! Endless joy can be created from researching his character and reading, watching his materials, he is entertaining in such a wide variety of ways, and every side of him is a marvel to witness (though i wanna punch him sometimes too cuz holy crap is he horrendous at times).
He's a very complex and nuanced character that can be interpreted in a wide variety of ways so I am really irritated by how some people try to gatekeep Gilgamesh's character and throw him into a box, when Gilgamesh is such a versatile character! I hope that there will continue to be a space where people can enjoy Gilgamesh in as many different ways as possible, without there having to be some sort of 'fandom consensus' on which Gilgamesh opinions are most valid.
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lydha-lran · 6 years
“Why, thank you for the flower...! You know, I think I recognize you from somewhere. My name is Kirei, if you were wondering.” 
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kxrei · 4 years
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on
@edeneyed​ said: meta — the church & his part in it
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From the very beginning Kirei’s life revolved around the Holy Church. Kirei was a baby given up by his real parents to Risei while on a pilgrimage (I have a HC that he was possibly born in The Balkans, but that’s not what this meta is about). As such Kirei grew up in Rome, either in Vatican City or the surrounding areas. He went to school like a normal child would and primarily studied Catholicism until he was chosen to become an Executor for the Holy Church at the age of ten. 
The Executors are inquisitors of the Holy Church and are known as the bloodiest department. As an Executor one could take on a variety of specialties such as Magus, Demon and Vampire killing (all of which Kirei is very good at). If there was any entity or like that the Church felt threatened its existence, the Executors were sent to snuff it out. While the bloodiest department it was not uncommon for members to fall like flies. What was uncommon was someone like Kirei to survive forty years (As I HC him in his 50s at this point and still an executor) as an Executor.
Kirei was a devout follower of God (and still is to this day, though in a more twisted way) and there was a brief pause in his life where he moved away from the Executors department and Holy Church to try and find himself. This led to him studying a variety of topics where he could have held several phd’s and doctorates had he not dropped them at the last second, eventually leading to his marriage with Claudia in his final attempt at finding something worth living for. 
After his marriage ended Kirei returned to the Holy Church where he then took his vows of poverty, chastity and obedience and became an official priest while still being an Executor for the Holy Church. At this point there’s not much more as he would eventually study under Tokiomi and take place in the Holy Grail War. It was only after his death and realization (My HC being that he wants to kill his God and then promptly fade away from existence) that he would go back to the Holy Church and take up his role as an official priest (A job he takes seriously) and Executor whenever the Holy Church needs him (Which I HC as quite often).
In a TLDR; the Holy Church was and still is Kirei’s entire life. He knew nothing else and through all the suffering he experienced it helped shape him into the man he is today.
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mcrcki · 2 years
@mischiefmuses​ said : “Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.“ - Hunter to Omega
star wars memes || not accepting
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“okay, sure, yeah, but the jedis do make the force seem like a lot of fun, you know.” she pointed out with a shrug. “my friend, kirei, her mom was a jedi during the clone wars. and she’s been showing me some of what she can do. it’s fun to watch. and lightsabers, they’re so cool, hunter.” she paused. “wait-- does this mean you’ll finally teach me to use a blaster?”
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queenofnohr · 3 years
opinions on zenos? 👀
I am going to assume you mean it for the Aias ask meme stuff and not my own personal opinions LOL
this was rly good for me to do actually since I’m still not super deep into EW (also this will contain no EW spoilers)
anyway hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. spoilers for mmmmmm... I guess until patch 5.3?
So. Throughout StB. Aias. Does not care about Zenos LMAO. Like he’s a threat Aias needs to overcome and nothing more. Also Aias is still reeling and massively fucked up over losing his oldest and dearest friend (Ysayle) and the first person he was in love with (Haurchefant) so he just like. Does not care about this dude beyond defeating him.
But. Obviously. Obviously. Zenos feels a liiiiiiiiiiitle differently. So when the big confrontation happens in the Royal Menagerie, and Zenos is like. Calling the WoL his friend and heavily projecting onto Aias that he desires the same carnage and that they are beings cut from the same cloth. Aias can only pity Zenos.
And when Zenos puts the blade to his neck, calling Aias so tenderly his first friend and his enemy, Aias.............. there is something from the deepest, darkest parts of Aias’ heart that coils tight ‘round the breath in his lungs. His blood does not boil, no. But eyes that should be clear as the sun against the blue sky darken. And he thinks.
Pathetic. That this folly that is no more than a footnote in his journey is worthy of being enshrined for eternity by this man he does not know. That Zenos had considered this a hunt - a real and true hunt, that his heart beat thick in his ears, that his existence was proven, justified even, exalted........ when it meant less than nothing to Aias. And Aias thinks, darkly. That if Zenos wanted a hunt - a real hunt - if Zenos wanted to see what beast lurked under his skin, what malice and hatred had yet to be soothed and placated despite his calm veneer... he should’ve tried harder. He should’ve killed Yugiri. He should’ve slaughtered the scions in cold blood. He should’ve hunted down Estinien and ripped from Aias the only thing he had ever truly felt he saved. he should’ve cursed himself for being born Garlean. He should’ve cut that pretty blond hair shorter. He should’ve had his scientists figure out a way to put him in an Elezen body and gotten the Heaven’s Ward armor and presented his body as an offering of flesh and blood so that Aias could finally see red, so that he could finally have his go at tearing “Ser Zephirin” apart limb from limb, flesh from bone, bone from marrow. If Zenos really wanted Aias to love him, he should’ve martyred himself for him. Just like every other person who is held lovingly in Aias’ heart for all time.
Those are the sick thoughts that bleed into Aias’ mind as Zenos puts sword to neck. I also think, with Zenos’ artificial echo/resonance/whatever the fuck it’s called........ he does see those twisted thoughts as the very last thing as his blade carves through his own neck. And, somewhat ironically, because of that Zenos is able to see a part of Aias no one else, not even his dearest friends, have ever been privy to.
(and yes I do think immediately after zenos wakes up in a new body he’s like “hey....... HEY WHAT WAS THAT” and he’s like on god gotta get me some of that action)
After the fact, because Aias cannot forsake martyrdom in the name of one’s foremost ideal, I think he does have a... burgeoning, begrudging sort of respect for Zenos. Like he still thinks Zenos’ reason is pitiful, but he also cannot forsake - and indeed must respect - anyone who has found an ideal, a purpose so great, they are willing to die for it
I dunno where I wanna slot it in right now... whether I want the feeling to be what amounts to Aias’ burgeoning respect OR if EW will give me a better place to put it but. I want Zenos & Aias to have a sort of Kirei & Shirou type thing. You know. The. “I get it. I can’t stand him because I like him,” bit of Heaven’s Feel. But instead of being “two men who think of themselves as sinners desperately clinging to their own paths in life in order to prove that their way of living is not incorrect” it’s “two men who are the strongest in the world desperately searching for purpose, for something that would justify their power as more than beasts at the top of the food chain, that would justify their continued existence” because it does get me, Zenos’ whole talk of animals and how he sees his slaughter as elevating his existence, while for Aias, having killed and slaughtered through his time in Dravania, it was the very thing that made him feel as though he was no more than a beast
Of course. Once Aias learns that Zenos didn’t actually die whatever burgeoning fondness he has for the man’s memory is completely fucking shot and he cannot be anything but absolutely disgusted at the rejection of martyrdom. That Zenos is an affront to everything Aias stands for.
And that’s where Aias is re: Zenos by the start of Endwalker!
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fakepriest · 3 years
he wants to ask if he can punch him directly in the stomach instead of a kiss- never mind, who the fuck asks anyways? not Cú Chulainn, so prepare yourself shitty man ! he is coming !
totally this meme yes much love
Lancer does not ask unless absolutely necessary.
Which is why, what greets him after a particularly fruitful mass that was spent instilling the fear of God into those attending... is a punch in the stomach.
From a servant.
Not a pleasant experience, seeing as their speed cannot be matched by any human, no matter how skilled. And Kirei is, without a doubt, very skilled--he can at best mitigate it and attempt to dodge it, making the blow less damaging, at least.
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“Lancer--”, he huffs, “happy new year--to you as well.”
Never lose the sarcasm.
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sisterkosho · 4 years
Mkay so I finally acquired the motivation I was looking for to be productive after a few months of laziness. So if it lasts, which hopefully it does, expect a Fate art dump---
On that note though, the current piece I'm working on is a redraw from 2019 of my Grand Order OC, Horitsu. And I'm honestly just wondering if y'all would be interested in her because she's probably my favorite character I've ever made and I have so many amazing memories of her and my friends characters.
I have so many HCs/memes about the misadventures of this angry mom who would hit Kirei over the head with a Saint Quartz, and her stupid kids (AKA Gilgamesh, Karna, Ozy, Tharkus (a friend's character), Usomi (another friend's character), and Cu, who definitely "isn't" her favorite. Totally not... And many more) that I've gathered over the years. And I would love to just spam them all here.
I'm even hoping to rework her bio. So like, if y'all are interested... 👉👈
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diamondprima · 4 years
My opinion on the Cu’s vs Diarmuid’s death thing
 A Fate Zero/Ubw rant by a somewhat angry but for surely tired Diarmuid stan. 
Tldr it’s bullshit and comparing Diarmuid to Cu Chulainn is a really stupid, y’all are just not ready for that conversation.
I’m going to preface this by saying that I love both Diarmuid and Cu. They are both iconic in their own way and I will FIGHT for them to get all the love and attention they deserve. (they also don’t deserve to be 3 star servants, TypeMoon, they deserve to be 4 star but I guess if it’s not Gilgamesh it doesn’t matter.)
So, if you are in the fate fandom you’ll know of the memes going around in regards of their deaths. They both died in a similar way, their master ordering them to kill themselves by plunging their respective spears through their hearts.
The difference between them is that while Diarmuid had a breakdown and cursed the entire War while he was dying, Cu took the spear out and killed his master before he died.
And that’s where the memes come in. Cu is a strong badass, while Diarmuid is a weak crybaby. And I’m honestly really annoyed by them.
Yes, I know they are just memes, but I see a lot of people forming this image of Diarmuid being a crybaby just from this meme, and it really hurts me because Diarmuid imo is already an underrated character, that has lot of potential that both the fandom and the creators ignore.  
That comparison is in my opinion invalid. Diarmuid and Cu are vastly different personalities and of course they would react differently in a situation like that. Cu is feral, battle ready and way less emotional than Diarmuid. On the other hand, while Diarmuid is also battle ready, he is quite more emotional and regards his honor and pride as a knight with utmost importance.
This is very important in understanding why Diarmuid reacted the way he did when he died in Zero. His master, Kayneth, after constantly abusing him and reminding him of his regretful past, even blaming him for Sola’s (Kayneth’s wife) misbehavior, forced him to kill himself during a fight with Saber. Furthermore, we see that Kayneth only killed him to buy off his and his wife’s safety from Kiritsugu, Saber’s master, effectively making Diarmuid’s death insignificant for Kayneth as long as his life was secured. In Diarmuid’s eyes, his “honorable” battle with Saber had been nothing more than a trick. He was nothing more than a tool for his and Saber’s master plans, with no regard of his feelings or his honor. In other words, he was betrayed and then shamed by being made to kill himself. 
All of this became apparent to Diarmuid in a few seconds. In a few seconds he was betrayed and shamed by the person he had selflessly devoted himself to. How else was he supposed to react? He could not have reached Kayneth in order to kill him and even if he could, he most likely wouldn’t have since he seems to be very obedient to his higher ups with no intention of harming them, ever. Just look at the 5th singularity, where Diarmuid was reunited with his former king, Fionn. Fionn not only hunted him down when he was alive for something he had no control over, but also let him die after they reconciled, even though they were supposedly friends. And then during the 5th singularly, Fionn kept teasing Diarmuid about his past and making shady comments. Diarmuid however was not only HAPPY to be reunited with Fionn, but also kept serving him as obediently as ever, even with Fionn’s behavior. 
What we can conclude is that Diarmuid is not someone who would easily hurt someone with power over him. Meaning that most likely even if he could hurt Keyneth, which HE COULDN’T, he wouldn’t have.
All of those factors made him react the way he did. And no, he wasn’t just whining. He was angry and hurt, and cursed the Holy Grail as revenge. His death was emotional and heartbreaking and it had to be that way, in order for the viewer to understand the misery of the war, as well as highlight Kiritsugu’s ideologies and show us how far he’s willing to go to achieve his goals.
Now what about Cu Chulainn? His death was well, badass. Everyone can admit that. Cu Chulainn died similarly to Diarmuid, as in he died in order for Kirei, his master, to solidify a deal with Rin. As such Cu Chulainn was ordered to kill himself, but then absolutely destroyed Kirei by killing him too. This was very in character for Cu. He has been characterize multiple times by his spontaneity and of course he would also be probably angry about well, the betrayal. Cu is way more caustic and vindictive than Diarmuid, so it made sense for his first action to be killing Kirei. Not to mention Cu COULD kill Kirei since he was close to him. And as for the “I hate to break it to you, Kotomine, but if a scratch like this instantly did me in, I wouldn’t be much of a Heroic Spirit.” line…
It’s a very good line and it fits his angry and spontaneous nature. He’s always sassy like that, just like Diarmuid’s emotional and prideful nature made him shame them and curse them. There is probably not much factual merit to what he’s saying.
Cu Chulainn’s death doesn’t carry the same emotional gravity as Diarmuid’s. It had to be that way because their death was designed with different things in mind. That means you can’t compare them in the same way, because one will always lack where the other excels in. Diarmuid’s death wasn’t badass but it had heavy emotional gravity and while Cu Cuchulain’s death was badass, it didn’t have the same emotional impact. Does that mean that one’s death is better than the other or that one of them is a stronger servant??? NO??? Absolutely not.
Both their deaths are impressive and well done and the both of them are amazing servants whom I love very much. It is unfair to pit them against each other in that way and we shouldn’t assume Diarmuid’s a crybaby and Cu’s a badass because we are making an unfair judgement.
Was this a waste of time? Am I taking it more seriously than I should? Maybe. That still won’t change the fact that y’all are making biased assumptions against Diarmuid and as a stan I can’t allow that so 💖
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Got tagged by @let-me-wander owo
AO3 Name: PurplePersnickety Fandoms: BNHA Number of Ao3 Fics: 28
1. Fic you’ve spent the most time on: Probably Blood of my Hand
2. Fic you’ve spent the least time on: Fools, I wrote it in a couple of hours the night before April 1st.
3. Longest fic: Blood of my Hand, at a current wc of 109,705!
4. Shortest fic: Crossing Roads, at 1232!
5. Most hits: Love Notes, with 17,655!
6. Most kudos: Love Notes again, at 3165!
7. Most comment threads: Blood of my Hand, at 320!
8. Fave fic you’ve written: Definitely Blood of my Hand so far!
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: I wanna write the 3rd and final part of the Nightmares Aren’t Explodable series but I haven’t managed to get to it yet.
10. Share a bit of a WIP or share a story idea you’re planning:
"You started as a meme," Kaminari said, helpfully. He had a bit of a sour expression on his face. "Listen, I ran into Mr Blond Bombshell yesterday too, at the gym."
"What were you doing at the gym?" Eijirou asked, feeling more perplexed by that than by anything else they had spoken about today.
"What, can't a guy just work out at a gym once in a while?" Kaminari said, affecting offense. Eijirou and Mina shared a look. "Okay, fine, there's a cute guy working there and I sort of went to maybe hit on him? But uh, he had a girlfriend. Anyway, that's not relevant - I saw Bakugou there! He's like, totally ripped under all the weird clothes he wears."
"Pshaw, like you can't tell from those weird jeans the Beanists have to put on," Mina said, rolling her eyes. Eijirou raised an eyebrow. "Listen, Kirei, I may be a lesbian but even I can see he's got a great ass. Not as great as yours - I doubt he does, like, a hundred squats a day like you do."
"It's two hundred," Eijirou said. He wasn't petulant at all.
Mina pulled a face. "Yeah, exactly. But like, damn, I guess?"
"Oh, big damn," Kaminari said, nodding. "Bakugou has like, pecs for days. Abs for days. That guy is a full on month of muscles."
Eijirou cleared his throat and definitely didn't try to think about it. "So, uh, what actually happened aside from another blow to your less-than-stellar love life?"
Kaminari sighed. "Ouch, Kirishima! Okay, so, like, I saw him. And he saw me. And like, he was wearing this low-cut tank top and I could feel all my bi-ness going 'oh no' but then he opened his mouth and it shrivelled away into dust."
"Oh mood," Mina said.
"You don't even like guys, Ashi," Kaminari said, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, but," Mina waved a hand around. "Seeing someone and thinking 'sure' only to immediatly take that back when they start talking? That's like, a universal experience."
"Okay, okay," Kaminari said. "Anyway, he'd seen me and then he was all 'ugh you, why are you here, go the fuck away' like, all the standard Bakugou stuff."
"And?" Eijirou prompted, when Kaminari stopped for a few moments.
"Oh, no, that's it," Kaminari said.
"That was really boring," Mina said.
From my krbk Enemies -> Lovers Rival Coffee Shop AU!
idk who to tag lmao, so, if you see this and you wanna do it? go for it!
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brvkcnmuses · 4 years
Meme: “anytime i get even remotely spooked , i just look to the monkey with the sunglasses.” | @woundedwrldd​ 
Sophie paused what she was doing and looked at Kirei. Did she just hear them correctly? “Excuse me?” She definitely needed some clarification on this statement. “You look to the monkey with the sunglasses? First, why is he wearing sunglasses? Two, does he wield any power? Three, where is this monkey?” 
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lydha-lran · 6 years
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
Small gore TW.
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The scariest thing Kirei ever had to go through was her transition from doll to a fighter in the Bloodsands. 
Kirei grew quite comfortable living as a doll and comfort woman; she was given luxuries, outfits made from the finest silks, gold and jewels... She never had to lift a finger, or do anything other than sit and be pretty for others. The day she disobeyed her owner, she was stripped of all these pleasantries and forced to experience violence and death as she was trained to fight. 
It was quite a jarring experience, and still affects Kirei to this day.
(( Thank you @figgenbaums-best-friend for the ask. ))
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skzsoft · 5 years
ships. (kirei & the members)
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kirei and chan
:: kichan ::
- they've known each other the longest out of stray kids.
- chan helped out kirei a lot as a trainee and that's how they got close, he still helps her out to this day.
- kirei treasures her friendship with chan the most, and she has said before that she has a lot of respect for him.
- chan sees kirei as a younger sibling, he often teases her and is protective of her.
- kirei sees chan as an older brother, she'll try to help him as much as she can and also teases him a lot.
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kirei and minho
:: kiho ::
- a super popular ship! this is a result of how much they tease fans. they are both seen as the sexy ones of the group, and stays have dubbed them the 'power couple' of stray kids.
- they are playfully flirting and teasing each other 24/7, that it annoys all of the members.
- the pair will often making kissy faces or eyes at each other during events or fanmeets to tease fans.
- despite the flirting, kirei only sees minho as a friend and their relationship is strictly platonic.
- the same goes for minho, he doesn't see kirei as more than a friend. the playful flirting that goes on between them is just for fun and to tease fans, nothing more.
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kirei and changbin
:: kibin ::
- best friend #2. they're the same age and both get on really well. a fairly popular ship in the group.
- changbin and kirei were super awkward around each other for a few months after they met, but they became really close friends overtime.
- kirei is like changbin's personal therapist. he goes to her for advice or just to talk about his problems because she's a great listener.
- kirei trusts changbin with her entire life. he helped her realise that you shouldn't judge people because changbin is not the person she thought he was when they first met.
- changbin is truly grateful for kirei's existence. he also trusts kirei with everything he has, however he has a hard time expressing it.
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kirei and hyunjin
:: kijin ::
- another very popular ship in the group! they hangout a lot and are affectionate, which is why the fans love them so much together.
- they are both huge memes, so when they're together it's just a mess.
- were also quite awkward when they first met and barely spoke to each other, which is ironic because now they're stuck to each other like super glue.
- kirei shares the most in common with hyunjin, which is why they b othe get along really well. she has the same humor as him so she's always laughing when around him.
- hyunjin is really close with kirei. he would be lying if he said he'd never crushed on her, but he's moved past it. however this has never stopped them from being super close.
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kirei and jisung
:: kisung ::
- they're not a popular ship but they aren't underatted either! they're really close friends and actually share a lot in common.
- they are the scaredy cats of stray kids. if the members are watching a horror movie, jisung and kirei always lock themselves in another room where they'll build a pillow fort and watch a disney film.
- jisung once said that he used to have a crush on kirei when they were trainees, but that it was more of admiration than love.
- kirei admires jisung. she finds him really cool and she's the only member who never teases him. kirei doesn't like calling jisung by his stage name so she always just calls him normally, even during interviews and events.
- jisung also admires kirei. funny enough, he also thinks she's super cool and he's her hype man. he thinks that she often doesn't give herself enough credit so he's the one to cheer her on.
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kirei and felix
:: kilix ::
- best friend #1. these two are like two peas in a pod, they never leave each other's side and get along super well. they are the literal definition of best friends and trust each other 100%
- when felix became a trainee, kirei was one of the first people who talked to him. this is because she had also been in his position, a foreigner in an unfamiliar place, and wanted to be there for felix like how chan had been there for her.
- another bunch of memes, they are the recipe for disaster.
- kirei started out as a mentor of sorts for felix, but as they got closer their relationship got more casual and they ended up as best friends.
- felix treasures his friendship with kirei so much. he never thought he'd make a friend like her when he moved to korea. they tell each other literally everything.
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kirei and seungmin
:: kimin ::
- another extremely underrated ship in the group! which is once again a shame considering how close they actually are. seungmin was the friendliest member when she first met the boys, and kirei found it easiest to get closest to him.
- they are partners in crime, they pull tons of pranks together but never on each other. the two are seen as the good ones of the group, but they are really the devil incarnate.
- they used to help each other with homework and studying all the time when they were still in school.
- kirei is really grateful for seungmin as he made her feel the most welcome when chan introduced her to the boys. they have a routine where every few days they'll stay up late and talk while watching the stars.
- seungmin treats kirei the same as everyone else, he doesn't care if she is a girl. to him, stray kids isn't the same without her. he loves her with his whole heart and would do anything for her. she's the only member, aside from jeongin, that he goes soft for.
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kirei and jeongin
:: kirin ::
- the fans are so soft for this ship! kirei is babying him 24/7, even though there's only a 2 year age gap. jeongin doesn't complain though, because he can get away with anything when it comes to kirei.
- she protects him from the others and never lets anyone get away with teasing him.
- kirei sometimes collects jeongin from school when they aren't busy with a schedule, which jeongin loves.
- jeongin adores his noona, he is thankful for everything she does for him and the others members. he gives her special treatment in terms of compliments and praises and would do absolutely everything for her or to protect her.
- kirei's motherly side is brought out by jeongin, she knows that he's mature enough to make his own decisions but she wants to be there to protect him and keep an eye on him. she's like his second mother.
which ship is your favorite? or who do you think is the fan favorite?
i love all of them personally but i'm super indescisive so even if i did choose one i'd be lying to everyone and myself.
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tonyglowheart · 5 years
The Untamed is unequivocably a love story, and here’s why
+ ft. off the cuff character analysis
So my thing with The Untamed vs the original novel is, I think they made some subtle adjustments to the MCs’ characterizations that I think ended up working for The Untamed to still tell a plausible love story, and also working within censorship issues of not doing anything like having them kiss or whatever. (more on this, but I really don’t think in the long run it came at the detriment of them telling a romantic story)
Now, I came into MDZS through The Untamed primarily and the novel secondarily, so I’m curious to see what other ppl who read the novel (and even consumed other adaptations) think. But for me, I think the way The Untamed worked with the characters make sense in that I think CQL!Lan Wangji is a naturally private and nondemonstrative person, which was underscored by his upraising by Lan Qiren. Where novel!Lan Wagji gives me more of the vibe of his stoicism maybe comes more from his upbringing, more like the feeling of a dam holding back floodwaters, vs CQL!Lan Wangji who I see more as “still waters run deep.” This is why it makes sense for me, censorship aside, that Lan Wangji wouldn’t be prone to emotive outbursts while drunk the way he sort of was in the novel. (and tbh... I actually kind of appreciated that more about the drama, vs when I was reading the novel I was kind of like “....what the heck... is this...”) This is to say, to me it makes more sense that CQL!Lan Wangji’s way of expressing his love would be more along the lines of the “tsuki ga kirei” kind, vs only having a kiss of “I love you” to confirm his feelings. And that, since it’s a drama and we’re not REALLY in someone’s head for the PoV, it makes sense to me that we wouldn’t see things that are physically or overtly demonstrative between the two of them. Except for, like, the way Lan Zhan’s eyes always go to Wei Wuxian in almost every scene they’re together XD
And on Wei Wuxian’s side, ma boi is dumb as a bag of rocks about his own feelings, because self examination whomst, amirite? I think he goes with the flow and doesn’t really stop to think about it until it hits him like a ton of bricks. I think this goes for both CQL and the novel. Like, he’s the one who would be like “I like you” to LWJ all the time, but not realize WHY or how much lol (fellas, is it gay to toss flowers of admiration on your best bro??). The whole “wait did you just flirt with me?” “have been for years, thanks for noticing” thing XD
I also think CQL really went in on depicting Wei Wuxian as... pretty depressed following fighting his way out of the Burial Mounds. There’s moments in CQL where Xiao Zhan’s acting really seems to indicate this to me - like his reaction after seeing the lotus sprouts in the Burial Mounds, before he turned around to put a brave face for the remaining members of the Wen clan, he had this utterly heartbreaking moment of, like, grief and incredulity that I thought was incredibly poignant. CQL really underscored Wei Wuxian’s shitty, shitty circumstances, and just HOW much it seems like people Could Not Stop Giving Him Shit, and honestly, like I don’t blame him for breaking emotionally. He must have been suffering from some pretty bad emotional burn-out, or like wavering on the edge of burnout, for quite some time even preceding that. So I don’t want to say that CQL!Wei Wuxian is a casualty of his circumstance while he makes the best of it, since I think that takes some credit (or blame) away from his choices, but I think CQL really set it up to illustrate HOW much stuff was piling on him.
Whereas the vibe I get more from novel!Wei Wuxian seems more like that meme that’s like “the risk I took was calculated, but boy am I bad at math” lol. (Still is a dumb dumb tho and also, I have this headcanon that Wei Wuxian was subconsciously like “that was an option??” when he found out Mo Xuanyu was a cutsleeve and was subsequently like immediately faced with Lan Zhan again lol. I’ve seen a bunch of things say one difference between the drama and novel is that WWX didn’t show interest before he died, but I think there are moments there, people are just taking too much for granted the framing of ppl around him interpreting his actions as “I wanna be your bro” actions when to me it mirrors a lot of romantic tropes still too. the flower being an example XD)
The other thing is, The Untamed is a live action drama. Which means we can and should be looking beyond just the dialogue and explicit action, and into the visual and audio cues. And to not do so, and only obsess over whether or not they kiss, I think does a disservice to the drama and the nature of the medium. Because, like, lmfao slow lingering shots of the two gazing at each other while Wuji plays in the background... like Could Not Be More Obvious the romantic nature of their relationship lol, it’s a classic romantic trope/audience cue in audio-visual media. Like c’mon. It sure ain’t no brotherly romantic montage of the two of them like any and every time they reunite, I can tell ya that lmfao
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Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works 1 - 25 (FINAL) | Waver OVA
Much like the Fate/Zero post, this is mostly a set of notes which has already been released and is preserved here because of the difference editing makes. There was one completely insensitive, uninformed note and a note which I was writing down to be “more in character” which I’ve removed in all instances of the notes, though - it’s better you not know what was being said there. 
F/SN UBW 1 (Prologue)
Now that’s the Rin I know from fandom whispers.
Turns out this is ep. 0 and there’s actually 12 eps…
This brunette reminds me of Maiya.
This wavy haired guy’s a Matou? Geesh, he somehow reminds me of the Great B*stard Archer.
Miss Fujimura’s a bit of a non-sequitur…
If I remember the fan whispers right, his name is Issei Hyoudou…? (Or is that the High School DxD guy?) Update: Issei Hyoudou is the High School DxD guy, this is Issei Ryuudou.
If people die when they are killed, then machines should, too.
I already know from checking up previous info that UBW is for the 5th Holy Grail War and Shiro Emiya is part of it.
The button says “voicemail”…well, it’s actually rusu, where rusuban denwa = answering machine (denwa = phone, so rusu means something like “protecting the house (while you’re gone)”). The best way to translate it would be “voicemail” though.
Fuyuki  Church (Kyoukai)? Rin has them on her voicemail???
I seem to remembr reading that this white-haired character is an alternate universe Shiro Emiya…but I guess we’ll find out later, huh?
Hmm…I’ve seen this Command Seal before. I think it might be Dewbond’s profile pic, in fact…which tells me that he likes Rin.
The compulsion the guy is talking about reminds me of Steph from NGNL and how she was forced to fall in love with Sora.
Rin’s treating this like a gacha game…LOL.
Pride vs. pride, huh? Anyways, I think the really entertaining thing of putting me under the pump like this is that I have such an incomplete understanding of how the Fate/ universe works that the outcomes of everything create enough entertainment for those who’ve committed to said universe. The things that I do know might be really late-game though – such as the white-haired Servant being an alternate Shiro – so I have my own surprises to confirm.
“The Archer class really is made up of archers!” - …and people die if they are killed, y’know? (<- I know this from the memes. I won’t cover Deen/Stay Night, people don’t normally recommend it.)
Why is a cup omnipotent, anyway? Cups don’t have the ability to have knowledge. By the way, I bet Rin’s acquaintance will have something to do with this.
Rin’s Holy Grail War work reminds me of my own experience with piano. Basically, I grew up doing it, so I never questioned it until I thought about what I really wanted to do. I expect Rin will be the same way.
Hmm…Sakura and…the Great B*stard?
Rin says all of this about “crude garbage”, so all I can focus on is the bin off to the side…LOL.
Oooooooh…so this appearance of Sakura is why people put F/Z before this.
Saber…the reason she’s so popular is because she appears in so many incarnations of Fate/ that she’s basically become a poster girl for it.
There’s something that pisses me off about Sakura. It’s probably because she’s fairly submissive, like a girl who was written to be a guy’s fantasy.
The OP and ED was subbed the first time, so the fact this isn’t is interesting.
I think I’ve seen these scenes before…probably because they look exactly like the setup for Today’s Menu for Emiya Family.
Sakura’s boobs jiggled…urgh…
This episode feels a lot more like a VN intro.
Some of these scenes were from a different perspective in the prologue, so I’ll try to skip them.
Stove = heater, if you didn’t catch on.
Oh hey, Emiya isn’t part of the archery club anymore…but there’s some evidence that an alternate Emiya became that Archer Rin has.
That’s Ilya, isn’t it…?
Emiya’s magic incompetence reminds me of Waver.
Shinji is Sakura’s older bro??? I never heard of this…? Step-bro, maybe?
I read one of the labels on the machine – makanai setto – and turns out it’s a [meal] set for staff (teachers).
This series’s messages are like anvils…even more so than F/Z.
Where does Emiya work…? (For some reason, I call Kiritsugu that but Shirou “Emiya”.)
Archer’s not in white…not that much, anyway.
“…I really nearly was killed.” – Yes, and people die when they are killed, Emiya. You said so yourself in Deen/Stay Night.
I know this iconic scene where Emiya stares at Saber! I’ve seen it in all the screenshots and everything.
The blindfolded woman in the OP is apparently Medea. I think I mentioned her offhandedly in one of the WP posts I did, so I didn’t expect to see her so soon.
Most of this ep is explaining this stuff to beginners. I can skip that.
I don’t get the appeal of Rin, but then again, I’m neutral at best on tsunderes.
Shoten Books? Like, Bookseller Books? How redundant…
“[G]enuine fake priest” - …LOL wut?
Why is Kirei giving me Equilibrium vibes…? Oh, it’s because he has silly hair that reminds me of Christian Bale. That’s why.
Most of this episode was recap from F/Z, so I skipped it.
I’m laughing – this new Berserker reminds me of Tsukasa (Dr Stone).
Ah, same old Gilgamesh. He’s just in different clothes.
Kiritsugu felt like he actually was a character. Emiya? Just a blank slate, really.
Welp, that was over fast…
I’m getting sick of Rin’s tsundereness, fast.
Okay, crash course in types of Servants. I needed this.
*Saber reveals the outfit is from Rin* - Ooh, Shiro, don’t go judgin’ Rin like that…
Oh-hoh, Sakura does archery, huh?
I bet Kuzuki actually is a mage. That’s how these things always turn out, no?
Actually, I think Emiya might be a better match for my piano experience. There’s this one person who played at a higher level of piano than I did, but they kept telling me that I was way better than them at piano (although I don’t know if that was self-deprecation and/or inflating my ego). As I mentioned in my relation to Rin, I forcibly cut it out of my life because my parents chose it for me – in short, no desire to hit the target, in one way of speaking.
I can see why Fate/ needed a cooking spinoff now…LOL.
Shinto = New City, with a particular combo of kanji.
Are these Touken Ranbu enemies, Rin…? (They’re called Historical Revisionists, technically, and I specifically refer to enemy wakizashi.)
I seem to remember from somewhere Sakura is Caster’s master…hmm. Another thing to confirm.
That Rin reaction face! I’ve seen it before!
LOL, that “I haven’t been sleeping lately” is relatable.
Medea is one of the only Servants that was originally a woman, so…it’s interesting to see she’s been given a chain as a method to keep up (but also vaguely annoying to see her have such a short skirt). A chain weapon seems to be the sort of weapon for an agile user, with possible sexual overtones (if you want to interpret it that way), so it seems like it came straight from a male fantasy of a woman.
Rin is the sort that places a lot of stock into obligations, I see.
I learnt how to read the word “mirage” in Japanese somewhat recently (in comparison to the basics, which I learnt through a CD-ROM maybe…15 or so years ago?). It’s shinkirou.
I find it interesting that these eps. are marked as Fate/Stay Night and the series is Fate/Stay Night UBW, because Deen/Stay Night (as I’ve been referring to the Deen version of F/SN) looks pretty different to Ufotable’s F/SN, judging by that “People die when they are killed” meme.
The subbers spelt “specialty” wrong…
Well, Emiya, being in a room with a girl…alone…you really are a typical VN lead, aren’t you?
LOL! I knew Kojiro was also part of this series and I think I knew he was an Assassin, but s***! He’s an absolute looker!
…and *sigh* Caster is using her sensuality against men. A regular Fujiko Mine, she is.
I think my heart did something when Archer gave that intense stare at Caster, too. This is no time for a reverse harem!
Ahh! Kojiro Sasaki’s (this Assassin’s) so hot! I love it!
The only person who can beat Saber is another swordsperson, huh? Logic checks out.
That blue ring looks like the one at the start of Shinchou Yuusha’s OP.
I thought Shinji was gonna barf, but that was actually laughing…that’s what happens when you don’t have the volume on.
This replacement Gilgamesh (Shinji) sucks…
Just squinting at Caster’s chest…boobs do not work that way, people. Fabric goes over things like that, it doesn’t tuck itself so neatly around them.
I think Rin’s a real idiot for ignoring that Shinji is a Master and a mage…
I almost thought Shiro was gonna kiss Sakura for a second there. Apparently you should approach an unconscious person from behind and tap them on the shoulder (as opposed to going from the front to listen for breath), in case they try to punch your lights out.
Watching Eizouken, which doesn’t have girly runs for the girls, and then watching this makes you aware even Rin is capable of girly running…(LOL?)
Gee whiz, I was so sure this purple lady with the whip was Medea and a Caster-class Servant. So she’s a Rider??? Update: So it was Caster, masquerading as Rider…is that how it goes…?
So is this a locked-room – or locked-school – mystery…?
This is basically “You wanna go?” from Saber.
Considering the coronavirus, these words (about people getting out of the attack completely healthy) seem sort of weird…
Samosan? Seppa seppa? What dialect is this???
*Emiya asks Issei to strip* - Ooh…this is why Fate is popular with women…*thinks of the fact this was a male-oriented VN first* Maybe.
I still think the Great B*stard kinda looks like Kyo from Fruits Basket (…not that I ever mentioned it earlier).
I just realised Taiga’s shirt is striped orange/black…like a tiger.
The amount of still frames in this episode, in comparison to the usual number, is significantly higher.
I just realised Kinoko Nasu means “mushroom” and “eggplant” if not exactly written the way it is…what a name…
*something about being useful to others* - U-Uwaaaaah…Emiya! Stop reminding me of all the things I’ve done at the cost of myself!
Hmm? I googled Rin’s birthday and I thought she was a Leo – she’s an Aquarius (Feb. 3rd).
Rin absolutely steamrolled Emiya, LOL.
I get the feeling Archer is saying “Only you can save yourself”.
Randomly, there is a Volkswagen.
*something about Emiya photosynsthesising* - Rin, that’s not how people work…
Batting centre? How can girls go there in skirts without flashing anyone? That’s taking into consideration how short Rin’s skirt is, y’know…(Practicality comes first at all times, people…well, not for Saber, who’s wearing stockings, but I worry about Rin, as you can see.)
People find blushing tsunderes cute…I kinda get it for male tsunderes, but for Rin…not really.
Ack! Another double episode!
Why does this ominous vibe on a bus remind me of Harry Potter…? (Then again, the first things I remember of the movies were a shrunken head and a bus that could squeeze through gaps, which might explain things.)
Hmm? So what is Kuzuki’s place in Caster’s life, huh? Who’s controlling the puppet?
Come to think of it, who is Assassin’s real Master? If Caster has control of him, that means he belonged to someone else before that, right?
I feel sorry for Assassin. I mean, he has to keep talking to Caster with his body torn open like that…
“Princess of Colchis” – So Caster is Medea! Maybe Scott (who said I was wrong about that) was thinking I was referring to Rider. Rider and Caster do look awfully similar…but wait, so what was the real identity of Rider, then? Update: Reading over the notes, I was mistakenly referring to Rider as Caster, hence the comment.
Wolverine!Kirei strikes again, it seems.
Lel, I forgot about Lancer…and Berserker, now that I think of it.
So this is Brave Shine, huh? It doesn’t sound familiar at all…
…aaaaaaaaand of course Saber is in a fancy white dress. It’ll sell a lot of figures – in fact, I think I’ve actually seen Saber figures with that outfit while browsing for Nendoroids and other merch as of late.
Well, this blonde guy’s hair is nice…but he’s basically Shou Tucker all over again. (I haven’t even completed Fullmetal Alchemist in any form – I just know what the guy did because the fans talk about it a lot.)
Gosh, evil begets nothing but more evil, huh? (re: Kirei and blondie here)
I gotta facepalm - this blonde dude really shouldn’t have maltreated Medea. She has a reputation for a reason.
It took me a few tries and the brightening of my screen to figure it out, but Caster spotted Kuzuki.
Gilgamesh, what the f*** did you do to those poor maids?! (Even if they were homunculi…)
The subbers appear to have spelt “homunculus” slightly wrong…
“Going through the front door would be a bad idea.” – Yeah, and people die when they are killed.
I really respect Illya now…and can see why she got her own spinoff.
This snowy mountain makes me realise exactly why they chose Ufotable for Demon Slayer.
I was wondering what Gilgamesh had torn out of Illya…ew.
I was watching Shazam the other day and a piece of advice the titular superhero gives is “Look out for number one.” (i.e. yourself) Rin has much the same mentality.
I seriously facepalmed when they tried to protect each other. One person should learn to stand down in the relationship for that to work.
Hmm…so this means Lancer’s Master is male, huh? (Why is that Master still a mystery anyway…?)
I facepalmed the third time (the second was soon after the first) when Emiya thought he could seriously protect Rin from Lancer. Knowing who Lancer’s Master is a much bigger priority right now, man – this isn’t a romcom!
I like Lancer’s sideways gaze, LOL.
*Archer comes in* - Well, hasn’t it been a while since we saw this guy? (voice drips with sarcasm)
“druther” – Hmm? I’ve never heard of this word before. Apparently, it means (when used as “If I had my druthers…”) “If I had my way…”.
Hmm? What’s this? There are two pendants instead of one…?
There’s a lot of shots centring around Lancer’s butt…LOL. (Or is that just the female gaze I’m forcing on to this?) Even still, because Lancer has an outfit like that, it’s kinda hard not to see that he does have a fine one.
“You have a lack of pride in your sword skills.” – Uhhhhhhh…I guess that’s why he’s Archer…?
I never seem to know who the Lancers are…geesh. Like, I could pick one from a crowd of Servants, but not their real names. Update: As it turns out, Karna (the one Indian Servant I had my eye on from Apocrypha) is a Lancer in Fate/Grand Order.
Apparently, Gungnir is the spear of Odin.
Kuzuki is a Master…of the Naruto run. (LOL)
Noting “sieben” and stuff, I think Rin’s magic is German in nature.
Why does Medea have elven ears, anyway…?
The subs suddenly turned yellow! What the heck?! (Prior to this, subs were white.) Update: Come to think of it, only Aniplex shows have yellow subs, while Funimation ones have white subs (although HiDive let you choose between white and black, the standard is white on the hardsubs). This might mean a switchover between who’s responsible for the show happened while this anime was airing.
“…within your grasp?”
Ooh, this I didn’t expect! Saber joined forces with Rin!
“…your wish was a mistake.”
*Shiro fights swords with more swords* - For some reason, I feel like I need to play some Daft Punk right now. (I don’t even like them as an artist, even though I’m meant to be the EDM expert around here…)
This all but confirms Archer is actually a Shiro Emiya from a distant future.
I just imagined an Archer whose body was made of swords. What a compelling image – a literal human weapon.
Those hand gestures…Shinji is a massive creep.
Huh? I’ve been skipping the post-credits segments for previous episodes because I’m binging, but there’s a post-credits segment here…
Hmm…this next-ep preview had a rook (or a king? I’m no good at identifying chess pieces by their appearance) with a red glowing symbol on it facing what appeared to be the symbol of the Saber class. What an interesting representation of the upcoming inevitable faceoff.
Wouldn’t it not make sense for future!Shirou to kill present!Shirou? I mean, you know the time travel paradox…if you kill the present guy, the future guy doesn’t exist.
“Sorry about that, punk.” – LOL. Lancer’s great.
Hey, wasn’t Kirei dea-oh right. In fiction, when there is no corpse, you can’t have assumed the character died. They probably skedaddled off somewhere, heavily bleeding and/or on the edge of death…and I’m assuming that was how Kirei got out of his scuffle too.
All this talk about ideals makes me wanna play Odd Future for some reason, LOL. (Well, the first line of that song is “I keep my ideals”, no?)
“…it is you who is disobeying orders.”
A eunuch, huh? Rin, you do know that a eunuch has his *erhem erhem* cut off…right?
Okay, people. Why must women be the source of the Holy Grail? This is only the 2nd time I’ve gotten to this point and you’ve got enough men to fuel the Grail instead. Why not use them??? Update: It’s safe to say I get my wish later.
“You’ve been removed from the bounds of time.” Subbers, I know you’re under pressure to produce subs, but please proofread…? Pretty please? Update: I should proofread too. My E key is a bit dodgy at the moment.
I predicted, a few seconds before it appeared on my screen, that Shirou wasn’t the type to do things he regretted. Yyyyyyyyyyup. That’s Shirou, alright.
Okayyyyyy. That was not an episode title that needed to be subbed.
Oh, gosh. Can you please just knee Shinji where it hurts, Rin…? I know you’re being choked, but you could still do something lik that.
…(lol)…What the heck, Shinji’s such a self-preserving prick!
So how many times did Lancer actually die and how many times was he faking it out?
“Dying because of some order that comes with being a hero.”
So who’s Gilgamesh’s Master now…?
Hmm…I thought by saving Rin and Saber, Shirou was already a hero. Maybe it’s just a perception thing.
H-Hey, Shirou…you keep saying redundant things…
Why is Saber just standing there, anyway…? (Well, Shirou did say it was his fight, but…she can do something…)
Okay, whose idea was it to cut after “However…”?! That’s terrible pacing.
This series peaked quite a few episodes ago. Now it’s just stretching for time.
Um, hey. Random question. Didn’t King Arthur draw Excalibur from the sword in the stone? Is that a stone or a tree stump? It’s hard to tell since the zoom quality is funny, but…if it’s a tree stump, someone got a crucial detail wrong. Update: Nup, it’s a stone. Forget I told you.
Having sacrificed myself for over a year for other people’s sake, I can’t say I agree that giving yourself up for others is a beautiful thing. This is speaking as someone who volunteers at a not-for-profit (the charity store). In fact, having thought long and hard about the fact I’ve completely gone down the wrong path from having taken this one opportunity I was given (note I did get rejected from a similar place before I got the position I did), I’ve thought, occasionally, that sort of thing is disgusting.
Did the Great B*stard even age 10 years while waiting for this new war…?
“…left off 10 years ago.”
Uh-oh. I don’t like Shinji – you can clearly tell that from the way I’ve been reacting to him – but there’s no way you’d use him as a Grail vessel…right?
If I understand the pink box correctly, it says kayumino-ru which is…*checks that up* itch cream(?) Another of the boxes says either iburon or ipuron, but it seems to be some kind of medicine (although I can’t figure out what it does).
“…flashy gold jerk…” – Yup, that’s why he’s the Great B*stard. The most narcisstic of all b*stards –so narcisstic he survived a Holy Grail War without being the victor.
Lemme guess, Rin…if I know my visual novels right, then the way to establish the mana link is either kissing or sexual intercourse, right? Update: Oh well, transplantation of a Magic Crest will work too. With the way Rin was reacting, I thought it was gonna be really intimate, but…nup. It’s just them taking off their shirts for one another…*whistles and pretends to walk away*
The reason I don’t like tsunderes is that whenever they want to be romantic, you can’t tell whether they’re giving mixed signals or not. Then again, you could argue I count as one, so…uh…*sweatdrop*
Shirou, why are you so concerned for the pillow?!
You can barely recognise the guy (Shinji)…huh.
H-Hey? You couldn’t mean Assassin’s back, right? Update: Y-Yep, that’s Assassin, alright. At least I can gaze upon his handsome face again…(lol) (<- If you’re wondering, there’s a difference between “lol” (or “small LOL”), “lel” and “LOL”. That’s the order they’re meant to be in, going from smallest to biggest laugh.)
Had to check Wikipedia, but Monohoshizao is the pole (?) wielded by Kojiro Sasaki…well, the correct term is nodachi (which I know better as ootachi from Touken Ranbu), but it’s referred to as a pole. To add something interesting to that, the ootachi I like the most (my beloved Taroutachi) is said to be 221 cm (throwing that into a converter, about 7.25 feet) and 4.5 kg (converting again, about 9.92 pounds)...which is basically something no human should be able to use, so if the pole is anything like Taroutachi...I have immense respect for this Assassin as well.
Assassin’s treatment here reminds me of Tora from Juuni Taisen…in a sense, they got what they wanted.
Cue the law of equivalent exchange from Fullmetal Alchemist, hahaha.
How can you be so sure you’ll beat the Great B*stard, Shirou???
Well, that Grail’s Holey, alright…(I bet you’re groaning at my joke, yes?)
I thought Archer was dead?! How did he fling a weapon at the last moment?!
Archer, you’re disappearing! This is no time for monologuing!
Why do I get the feeling I’ve seen Rin give the thumbs-up before as well…?
Eyyyyyy? London…? Update: Oh, it’s the Clock Tower! That OVA is starting to make sense now! (Although I will watch it next, so there’s no need to muse over it.)
Tohsaka without pigtails is…weird.
Sherou (?)
Oh, romantic infighting (voice dripping in sarcasm)…That’s not what I’m here for. This is not a harem.
Ponytail Rin. This just gets weirder and weirder. Also, she kinda looks like Ishtar from Babylonia like that.
Tiny Pigtail Rin…it gets even weirder.
*yells* See?! It is London after all!!!
Update: Prior to this point, I had Silhouettes (by Avicii) playing in my head on occasion, notably when Archer was meeting his end. When Shirou came face-to-face with Saber’s grave, it switched to So Amazing by Luther Vandross. Although I normally don’t mention what I have on my mental playlist in notes like these, I just want to make note of that because it reflects the switch in mood. (Also, this is basically an extended transition into El-Melloi’s Case Files.)
Hmph. Yeah, nothing like hindsight to make something huge look small.
Sakura and Shinji’s relationship…it reminds me of a grumpy old man and his young daughter…(LOL?)
Ryudou’s reaction to romance reminds me of Tenya (from BnHA) in his more crazy moments.
All this talk about the Clock Tower is making me think that older!Waver will show up at any moment now…
…wa-hey? Well, *spits out some held-back laughter* whaddaya know? That’s the older Waver right there!
Ufotable’s older!Waver and Troyca’s older!Waver look fairly different. Ufotable’s isn’t as attractive because his hair has an artificial sheen to it and the man’s face looks more like a snake’s head in shape, so he looks a bit dumb. Update: Certainly Troyca’s Waver has a more egg-shaped head, but at least that makes his hair look nicer, no?
Post-credits segment. Keep watching.
Huh…that segment wasn’t very substantial. Maybe Hoshiai no Sora spoilt me on that front.  
*yells* I still think Flat Escardos is a terrible name!
LOL, I think Waver just called out a bunch of political writers right there.
So who are these old people??? (Lennon Glasses and Old Lady here) I still don’t know. Update: You do find out later – Inorai is the old lady and Rocco is the old man.
Okay, so apparently the set of characters used for “Rail Zeppelin” is literally translated to Demon Eyes Collection Train...sounds like something out of Demon Slayer.
If Kayneth is the OG Lord and this Reines girl is the new one, how did Waver become gen. 2? *rewinds a little* She’s el-Melloi Archisorte, meaning that somehow she and Kayneth are blood-related (also note Monkey D Luffy = Luffy is his first name and Monkey is the last name with D being a middle initial, so Reines could have her names around the wrong way as well). Still doesn’t answer the Waver part of the question, though. Update: The character page of the official website says Reines is the rightful heir to the name “Lord (Lady?) El-Melloi”, but she appointed Waver to be the Lord while she waited to become of age and take the position.  
As you know, I gotta question the guy’s (Waver) age. In Fate/Zero he was 19 and he looks much the same ten years later, so his approximate age range is 19 – 29 here. Wikipedia (which I linked earlier) says the anime this OVA is attached to occurs between the Grail Wars, meaning I might not be able to get an exact age. Update: “[A]lmost 10 years”, so I’d wager he’s on the back end of the age range (24 – 29).
Ooh, another good boy (Bram). I forgot he existed…and that’s kinda nasty that he’s got the bloodline of Sola-Ui in him. Update: Oh! Younger sister! That is nasty!
The word shisho (師匠), if I’m guessing the right characters, means “instructor” (or “teacher” if you wanna bend it that way). “Sir” is Waver’s title…I’m guessing that translatio choice is because he’s not a professor in title, assuming professor titles in this are given like they are in real life.
There’s something quite cute about Waver making such an indignant face…then again, he does have permanent worry lines on his face, so maybe not.
Like, whose bright idea was it to crush on the loli? Ravioli, ravioli, don’t crush on the loli! (Then again, I’m probaby worse, chasing after older men…)
Come to think of it, Ufotable is good at action motion (see exhibit A: Demon Slayer), but not free-flowing comedic motion like Waver falling over like this. That’s probably why the show jumped studios to Troyca (aside from divvying up the work of the Fate/ universe – Ei Aoki did F/Z, after all, so it makes sense he’d have some ability to take dibs on whatever works best for his studio…although he wasn’t too involved with this, I don’t think). Update: He was supervisor and storyboarder for this OVA.
Waver: Official butt monkey of the Clock Tower. Calling it now.
Troyca animates F/Z (however briefly)…I must say, they did a good job imitating Ufotable.
All I really remember from the first time around is the car chase, which really shows my priorities in anime…heh heh.
Troyca’s CGI is more noticeable than Ufotable’s, but they’re still on of the best studios for CGI, I think. That’s why they’re on my favourites list over Ufotable (since Ufotable, by general consensus, does better work but I think it looks more artificial in parts – case in point, Waver’s hair).
Setting up a mystery, like all stories, is very much about setting up the boundaries that you’re allowed to play in later. The only thing is that mysteries get more stringently judged for logic.
Hey, whaddaya know? Waver can fit Rider’s old shirt now! (Or maybe it’s the smaller version Waver implied was given to him during F/Z.)
“[W]hydunit” (in English) – LOL? There’s “whodunit”, but not “whydunit” – stick to “motive” or “modus operandi”, people.
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vylette-takeda · 5 years
Music meme : Vylette
rules  :  share four songs / pieces of music that represent your muse.
— repost. don’t reblog.
Queen - The Show Must Go On
The show must go on The show must go on Yeah Inside my heart is breaking My make-up may be flaking But my smile still stays on Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance Another heartache, another failed romance On and on, does anybody know what we are living for?
Nine Inch Nails / Johnny Cash - Hurt
What have I become My sweetest friend Everyone I know Goes away in the end
And you could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt
Idina Menzel (Disney Frozen)  - Let It Go
A kingdom of isolation And it looks like I'm the queen
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried Don't let them in, don't let them see Be the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they know
Zachary Levi/ Mandy Moore (Disney Tangled) – I See the Light
All those days watching from the windows All those years outside looking in All that time never even knowing Just how blind I've been Now I'm here blinking in the starlight Now I'm here suddenly I see Standing here it's all so clear I'm where I'm meant to be
tagged by: @ambroseffxiv (Hi new friend? :))
tagging: @wonderland-ffxiv @kitsune-kirei @kazexvoss @final-aria-fantasy @rosaura-ff14 @magitekmammet @mai-takeda @eorzeuh @jurien-ashur @khaamara
And anyone else that feels like doing it!
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fakepriest · 6 years
/ does proto cu get immunity for not being kirei’s lancer?
this is the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals?? hello? actually goodbye
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this feels like the raptor meme from jurassic world with kirei surrounded by cus
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