#kippot asks
Hello and I hope you had a nice and restful shabbat :) as someone starting conversion, do you know any good places online to buy kippot (or do you just make your own?) I'm looking for places near the usa if possible, but if you don't know of any that's totally fine!!
I got mine from this Etsy storefront, and while Etsy has many problems that have arisen as of late, I would absolutely encourage you to look into independent artists! I've used amazon (once) before, and that's definitely an option depending on your goals, however, I personally vouch for a good crochet or knit kippah.
You can absolutely make your own, though! Frankly, I think making your own judaica is the way to go. If you're inclined toward crochet, I was checking out this pattern! I don't knit nor do I sew, so I can't tell you how easy it would be in either medium, but if you're a crafty type, you've at least got to try it out!
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vamptastic · 7 months
I need to come out to my synagogue soon because my voice has dropped a noticeable amount and it's getting to the point where not saying anything raises more questions than not. The congregation is very progressive, albeit in a way that is sometimes too enthusiastic, and I need to find a way to let everybody know that both isn't a big attention-grabbing statement and lets enough people understand my deal that I don't have to field a million individual conversations
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bluemoonrabbit · 9 months
I just had the most galaxy-brain idea for a dnd character: 13 yo bard, whose spells revolve around preparing for his bar mitzvah. Just awkward voice cracks and forgetting how to sing the trop and fretting over what color kippah to wear.
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complaints I've already seen about Coral Island, a new Indonesian kickstarter cozy game: the barman selling a ruined dish is an uncalled-for jab at restaurant workers! cats shouldn't hang out outdoors! eew, this woman shouldn't display her pregnancy stretch marks! where are all the kippot! why is everyone in such good shape! preposterous! this partially deaf character talking in caps lock is triggering me! no one in doctors without borders would be that tattooed, this dreadful representation is literal murder! no doctor would forget her paperwork at a library, for that matter! why is a japanese fisherman talking like a scottish pirate, this is inaccurate!
meanwhile in the game: I freed a stone statue from a magical underground prison and he put an enchantment on my hoe. his brother asked me if I liked figs is he flirting. my hippie boyfriend is heartbroken because his bucket-wearing pet duck is sick but shhh watching tv will heal him. last night when I talked to the outdoors cat she mentioned that she has a crippling fear of birds and thinks of getting therapy. a stem academic looks like a kpop idol and is getting enough sleep. he wears his astrophysics degree all over himself like a linguist would have worn alphabet necklaces, just to spite his dad but it's not working why is it not working ah shit it's working. mermaids hired me as a janitor. it's not pro bono I'm paid in diamonds. my neighbor is worried that his shiba inu went back to rejoin the mountain whence it came from. a turtle won't let me pass until I serve her spaghetti. I'm fighting capitalism with a literal scythe. the local blacksmith is asking my opinion regarding a legendary battle hammer and if it's worth the logistics hassle. it's been a year crabs are still dancing in celebration their zeal is admirable but their choreography could use some work. this giant monkey covered in two layers of meta wants to sell me a nostalgic souvenir. I know it because he sent me a polite letter. how many propaganda flyers can I fish out of this pond a challenge. I barged into a local lab and upended a barrel of seaweed over intricate circuitry now my flowers are five percent prettier. the scientist at the lab attached a mermish translator to my diving suit via the power of coffee. hold on I'm doing meal prep for next week let me finish putting ectoplasmic slime on okra
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calendae-creations · 5 months
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I could really use some help signal boosting my shop right now. I'm a disabled artist with no other income, and I'm in a bit of a situation because I haven't had a sale in nearly a month. I'm almost completely out of money, my phone broke last week so I can't update my shop or share WIP pics until I replace it, and I'm running low on some necessary meds. I've had to ask my parents for help paying for my storage unit for the second month in a row. There are projects I really want to be working on and sharing with y'all -- like a tapestry loom I'm making but am still short a few small parts for store -- but I can't do so until I get some sales or commissions! Reblogging this, or any of my other sales posts, would really help me out
My current inventory -- which includes shawls, hats, doilies, jewelry, kippot, bookmarks, and more -- is all available in my ko-fi shop, as are several customizable options for commissions. I am also happy to take commissions and custom orders aside from those options though! Just message me if you're interested!
I currently only offer shipping within USA in the shop, but if you need something shipped elsewhere, feel free to message me and we can get that sorted out.
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jewish-sideblog · 4 months
The thing about the Dyke March ban on Maginim David is that Jews put Jewish symbols on pride flags. But the Queer community didn’t see them as Jewish symbols, they saw them as Israeli symbols, and labelled them a “trigger”.
It’s hard to claim that you’re anti-Zionist, but not antisemitic, when you treat every symbol of Judaism like it’s a symbol of Zionism.
We will see bans of Jewish symbols at Pride 2024, I guarantee it. The Dyke March controversy from five years ago is about to become a national issue in the United States. Queer organizations across the country are going to ban Magen David and Menorah flags, they are going to ask people wearing kippot to leave before they “cause a disturbance”, they are going to recoil at all the Hebrew they might possibly be exposed to.
And the idea that villainizing symbols of Judaism might be antisemitic will never occur to them. They will deny it as fiercely as they have denied everything else.
To my fellow Queer diaspora Jews, please stay safe. We should not be asked to hide who we are at Pride. We should not be ashamed of our identity at Pride. But there are a long list of injustices we shouldn’t have had to face over the years. And unfairness never stopped any of them.
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the-catboy-minyan · 6 months
Important question: cat ears have fur on them. Would catboys need to cover their cat ears under a kippot or would it be OK for them to wear normal kippot?
imagine asking a Rabbi this, that would be hilarious 😂
but... well a kippah doesn't hide your entire head, right? so I don't think it'd be necessary to hide the ears, especially if you're supposed to hear from them. think of a cat in a kippah, actually wait just google it:
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so like that
(I should give my pfp a kippah)
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shadowfellefox · 1 year
hey, anyone heard of Jews for Jesus (i.e. Christians pretending to be Jewish for evangelical purposes) going door to door asking for info about the local Jewish community?
There's apparently a couple dudes in kippot doing just that in upper lower Michigan -- where I'm originally from -- and I'm trying to figure out how concerned I should be for my old community.
J4Js suck but can be dealt with. But if these are assholes gearing up for some hate crimes I've got folks I'd like to warn.
(Please reblog, add comments if you have insight!)
(for the goyim: there is absolutely zero chance that they were actual Jews. We don't go door to door for a lot of reasons, including that it generally is not safe for us to be publicly Jewish in my country)
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david-goldrock · 26 days
I don't know why, but my younger cousins have HUGE kippot
Like, they are absurd. they cover their ears, they are bigger than adults' kippot
They don't explain when I ask
They look like hats
I am so confused
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Yes, there was a genocide of indigenous peoples in North America. Europeans tried to wipe us out. Yes, the systematic genocide of indigenous populations is still happening.
It's literally the same for us Jews too.
We Jews, are being forced out of everywhere we settle, even if it's our home. In North America and Europe Jews are being victims of assault, murder, shootings, bombings, harassment everywhere, and have to deal with constantly hiding who you are for fear you will be assaulted or verbally harassed...
Wearing a kippot, a Magen David, having a slightly untucked Tzitzit Katan is literally not safe but it is actually very important to someone's faith, but they want to traverse safely.
Being religious and applying for work means not being able to ask for Saturdays off because you will not get the job. But on the other hand a xtian can ask for Sunday's off and still get the job...
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shalom-iamcominghome · 7 months
I love the colors on your rainbow kippah, who did you order it from?
I got it from this etsy store. I loved that it was crochet (I'm horrible with MCs, I'm a beginner in making clothes), there is a visible seam in the kippah where the rainbow is, which I think is cool honestly, but I know many people are bothered by that sort of thing. It looks like they also have other "themes," too, and if I get another kippah from them, I'm looking at their gold-colored one 👀
Here is the seam in question, but honestly, you can just put the seam where nobody will see it (plus this gives you an idea of the colors themselves because that's one of my favorite parts of it):
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Here is a direct link in case the one above is not working for you:
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jewish-culture-is · 6 months
I know this isn’t a Jewish culture ask, but I’m the anon who sent the Black kippa thing (I know this’ll probably be posted later but who cares), and I want to clear up that that was not supposed to be a rag on Conservative Jews. In my area, the black kippa is very, very associated with being pretty right wing. More Conservative or Orthodox Jews who aren’t right wing tend to wear non-black kippot, usually pure white ones. I didn’t realise it wasn’t like that in other places and I didn’t mean it like that, sorry for the misconception!
this is a helpful clarification, thank you anon
(posting immediately because I also don't enjoy this drama on my page and tbh was fully considering deleting the post because of it)
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my-unorthodox-life · 2 months
i really wanna start wearing a kippot outside of temple and holy days but don't know if it'll like be weird????? like i dress conservatively and wear my star every day but like i also have visible tattoos and piercings and am very queer and idk most people definitely assume some type of orthodox the more judaica you wear and i don't want to seem disrespectful
i like the reminder of g*d and having things i wear everyday as a mindfulness tool, i tend to pray more and just feel more centered when i do wear one but ugh am i just being anxious or is this a logical worry
i can't wait for my rabbi to get back from visiting all the summer camps, loving meeting all the guys who work at the jcc but i feel bad asking them my sillier questions
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[i.d.: tf2 fanart of blu scout and pyro standing outside the red's 2fort base. fire pours out the base's front doors. scout proudly gestures towards himself, saying: "Instructions UNCLEAR! / Set RED base on fire." pyro looms behind him, flamethrower in hand. blu medic, with archimedes on his shoulder, starts to say something, only to look to the bird with immense confusion as how to proceed. archimedes wears a blue stripped kippah. /end i.d.]
the menorah is untouched throughout this ordeal somehow .
see more thoughts below cut?
do keep in mind that the person writing this is a goy , do feel free to discuss how inaccurate these may be :D
archimedes (song) sounding like klezmer music , archimedes (bird) is jewish ??? no specific thoughts on medic to be honest but i do like the idea of him consulting archimedes on what to do right now
totally unrelated ouggmfnmnn there is people who make small animal sized kippot <333 not bird sized but cat and dog sized
scout has no idea how to actually go about celebrating chanukah on his own , his ma is the one to lead/guide on holiday traditions
the mercs throw around the idea of asking a rabbi for help every single holiday but there are no synagogues in the area . or any other civilians nearby for the matter . this is not because of the fighting but because its a capture the flag map
is it safe to cook with a flame thrower?? pyro and engie could work together to make the worlds most dubious latkes , i mean they never said motor oil wasnt an oil !
on that note i think engie having a voiced line of "whoo-wee , makin bacon" is incredibly funny in context of pork not being kosher solely because i do not know if people actually eat bacon . it feels like people talk about eating bacon as an american stereotype and not because they eat bacon
was losing my mind over a genderfluid , jewish spy raising scout (heavy suspension of disbelief on that last bit i know !! as opposed to spy suspension of disbelief) would . would spy pass down his judaism ? would spy only pass down his judaism on some days ???? the answer is that scouts ma is jewish
sniper looks to be the kinda guy to be awful with dates , his parents would have to call him weekly like "mick do you know what day it is today mick , its friday , shabbat starts this evening mick"
who is headcanon as jewish ? i dont know . all of them , none of them , just your favourite mercs :)
textless version of comic :)
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vaspider · 1 year
Hi spider, sorry to ask again, can you reblog this post?
Also, I have a curiousity question which I was going to send as a separate ask but I don’t want to clog your already overburdened inbox.
Question: I get where the “Nerdy” comes from but what does “Keppie” mean/come from in the Nerdy Keppie brand? I know about the hidden “dyke” in there, but I gathered that was just a nice side bonus and I started wondering.
Thank you!
Keppie is Yiddish for head, and at first, I was just knitting kippot/yarmulkes, and everything comes out of our nerdy heads anyway. :)
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madtomedgar · 2 years
Noticing that the flashpoint around members of religious minorities, including atheists from those groups, using the term "cultural christianity" seems to be that ex-christian atheists, or atheists who are not related to minority cultural-religious groups, think that when we say it, we mean something bad. That in this context "christian" means something derogatory, and cultural means "crypto" as in covert.
This is a neutral term. It isn't a bad thing to participate or be shaped by the culture that grows up around a religion, which includes language, holidays, architecture, food, music, storytelling themes, etc. Someone who grows up as a christian in a country that is not culturally christian but later becomes an agnostic or atheist is still a member of that broad, shared culture of holidays, food, etc.
The problem is when a majority culture uses the power of the state and of civil society to enforce cultural norms tied up in, or stemming from, its historical religion on others. This includes things like the state recognizing christian holidays, but not any one else's religious or cultural holidays; supermarkets being full of holiday associated food for christian holidays, but it being difficult or impossible to find appropriate food for Eid or Rosh Hashanah; Kosher and Halal slaughter being banned while fish Friday is still a thing, even if few students are practicing catholics; wearing crosses being fine, sometimes more fashion than religion, but kippot or beards or hijab being penalized; Assuming all religion is fundamentally similar to the dominant religion.
These are problems of cultural hegemony, not of culture. There is nothing wrong with having a December holiday party. There is a problem with assuming everyone has holidays in December and should be happy to participate in eating cookies and exchanging gifts, while not being willing to go have lunch in someone's Sukkah.
And saying people should be aware of and work to dismantle cultural christian hegemony means asking people to support colleagues who want to take time off for their holidays without dipping into sick or pto, and not assuming your world view is objective or the only correct one.
It's not asking people to "repent" for some inborn "sin" or saying anyone is secretly the thing they are saying they aren't, just like criticizing US imperialism isn't an attack on racial minorities in the US or erasing their oppression.
And assuming it is betrays a world view steeped in christian philosophy of good, evil, and personal accountability that is in no way a universal way of understanding things. It's not an inherently inferior way of understanding things, but it is specific, and assuming that it's how everyone understands things is a sign of the cultural hegemony of christian-dominant culture.
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