#kings affection episode 17
wonderer399 · 4 months
Sebastian : Why he is Perfect for Ciel
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Ever since I was in the black butler back in 2015, I was like 17 years old...I was obsessed with BB...I shipped Sebaxciel very hard, I still do and will continue to do it and none of your petty 'anti' opinions will make me change my mind like ever. You are free to judge me and I will judge you 'anti' back as well...You guys think that you are being 'self righteous' ? Tbh in reality you guys exactly sound like 'Alicent Hightower' from 'House of the Dragon' after she was living her miserable life with her 3 annoying kids and had to stick her nose into Rhaenera's bussiness because her 'morals' goes against what Rhaenera was doing....Therefore, stop being annoying and you guys better keep your own opinion to yourselves...I'm 25 now...and I will still ship SebaXciel..until my last breath...I may start the fandom very late , however I have more sense and adulting going on my brain to judge what is 'right' and what is 'wrong'...and what should be kept in the 'greyzone'
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I have always defended Sebastian, still do and will always be defending him because he deserves it. Sebastian and Ciel both NEED each other. You guys might think Sebastian NEEDS ciel more...its the other way around ..CIEL NEEDS SEBASTIAN and without Sebastian HE CAN NOT SURVIVE A DAY WITHOUT BEING KIDNAPPED!!!!! OR WORSE BEING KILLED!!!! SEBASTIAN IS CIEL'S LIFE SUPPORT!!!
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Sebastian keeps to be surprisingly being 'Kind' towards 'Ciel' by every chapter and each chapter their bond becomes stronger than ever, mostly because due to Agni's influence. And I remember exactly Ciel saying that 'If my soul He wants, then I will make sure to get my revenge properly'...Ciel KNOWS what did he sign up for with sebastian !!! CIEL MAY LOOK LIKE A CHILD ...BUT MENTALLY HE CAN SELL ADULTS IN THE BLACK MARKETS 10 TIMES WITHOUT ANY HESITATION THOSE WHO ARE AGAINST HIM ....He is that cunning!!! We have seen Ciel's Kind side as well...Ciel and Sebastian both knows when and to whom to be 'cunning' or 'Kind'...Both Sebastian and Ciel are Extremely Extremely cunning and will and does 'BEND' the rules of the game at their own advantage through their extremely calculated and refined dirty tricks and schemes ....Playing fair is not their 'concern' ... but 'winning' is ....if Ciel is the 'King' in the Chessplayer, Sebastian is the Ultimate Cheat code and Chessboard in the game ....and pawns are the other characters ....Sebastian can't be the pawn ...Sebastian simply sets up the helpful environment for Ciel to win...Sebastian simply assists Ciel in his own game ....
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Sebastian is the STRICTEST, SMARTEST, GENTLEST and NICEST ( may not be the kindest ...but he is still trying his best ...he gives me more like 'TOUGH LOVE' vibes your asian households will give off ) guy to be able pull up with all of Ciel's bratty tantrums .... ( if you even dare to give off the same exact attitude to your parents as Ciel does to sebby time to time....In the white household you won't be affected that much but in the black/latina/asian household, parents will start beating with flipflops no more attitudes.... compared to that Ciel is in 'heaven' as Sebby keeps tolerating ) Sebastian STAYS with Ciel through thick and thin ...Sebby never EVER abondons Ciel ( I don't count filler episodes of season 1 because its not Cannon ) ....Sebby is not that kind of 'mannerless' character who would force himself into 'Ciel's' arm ..sebby HIGHLY VALUES MANNERS,GRACEFULNESS and AESTHETICS...Sebby knows his self worth... we even see sebby getting 'blushed' cheeked whenever ciel compliments him for his good work and that what motivates sebby to stay with ciel through their journey together...they both appriciate, tolerate, they get and understand each other and the same time they are very fond of each other as well...
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In the emerald witch arc, it is very evident that when sebby saw ciel was at his worst state ...sebby gone mad and destroyed the entire german military single handedly...ciel is very PRECIOUS to him...once ciel realized how sad Sebby would have felt when he kept rejecting sebby touch...after waking up from psychic trauma, Ciel immidiately compansated sebby with constantly 'touching' sebby 'affectionately' ...its like the two lovers being aparted for wayy too long and when they meet again, they can't let go of each other that easily...their bond just keeps getting stronger...and yall antis be burning lol ...because we shippers got the latest TEA DATE in the chapter 212 !! in the victorian era it was not 'acceptable' to sit 'butlers' and 'noble man' together ...let alone sipping tea and flirting with each other...its so sad that you guys don't like something that's fine! ...but don't dictate us and don't rubb your moral dicks into our faces ...keep it in your pockets
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mirai-e-jump · 9 months
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Animage January 2024 Issue ft. Kaku So Interview (translation below)
Publication: December 8, 2023 (between episodes 39-40)
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"By any means necessary!"
Kaguragi Dybowski, lord of Toufu, the country of abundance, has the belief of, "We'll protect the country by any means necessary!"
Two years ago, as Gira and Racules Husty opposed each other, he cleverly used his words against the two of them. The king of N'Kosopa, Yanma Gast, accurately summed him up as, "Someone who's neither on one side or the other. However, he's trustworthy."
Kaguragi was just a simple farmer before ascending the throne, but 17 years ago, the death of Toufu's former lord, Iroki, was the turning point that changed him. Faced against Iroki, who was revived through the ability of Grodie, one of the Uchu Five Jesters, Kaguragi confronts her with the truth that she's been hiding in her heart. In order to protect Toufu's future, and hide the fact that Grodie mixed poison into Toufu's rice, Iroki plays the role of a villain who has monopolized the food supply, and attempts to entrust everything to Kaguragi. He is willing to get his hands dirty in order to protect his country and people. Kaguragi's way of being a lord was something he inherited from Iroki.
Kaguragi is once again determined to take the dirtiest road ahead. True to his words, while participating in the Royal Sentai's plan to recapture N'Kosopa, he cooperates with Racules, who has become a servant of the Uchu King. When Gira and Racules face each other again, who will Kaguragi lend his hand to?
-Kaguragi's humanity, brought out by his younger sister Suzume-
"King-Ohger has finally entered the fourth quarter (end of year broadcasts)"
Kaku: Wow, it all really happened so fast. When we were filming the pilot (episodes 1-5), it felt like a long time since I was nervous and unfamiliar with everything, but now, I enjoy the set so much that I think, "I don't want this to end" and, "I want to keep doing this for the rest of my life." The story is interesting, and I feel that I've been involved in a truly wonderful production. It was also good experience for me as an actor to play the same role for a year, and learn how to think about a character that's different from myself.
"Starting from the second chapter, there are more scenes where you interact with the other kings, but is there anything you consider to be important when expressing these relationships?"
Kaku: It was impressive that his relationship with Hymeno grew during the body swap episode, but even now, he doesn't have that many conversations with the other kings. I think there's more involvement with Racules. Still, I want to create a feeling that we're gradually getting closer, and that we acknowledge each other, rather than just being able to talk in a casual manner. Even now, the people of Toufu may still be the most important people for Kaguragi, but I think he's become the bigger man, someone who's concerned about the other countries and tries to protect the people living outside of Toufu. I'm mindful of such changes in Kaguragi.
"In the dialogue with Racules, who was mentioned earlier, the profound feeling that you wouldn't expect from Nichi Asa (Super Hero Time) became a hot topic."
Kaku: They're both planning something, and although they don't fully reveal their intentions, they're working together because they have mutual interests. His relationship with Racules is interesting to play, and it's alot of fun playing catch up with Yano-chan. As for Racules, there'll be more developments in the future that you can't afford to miss, so please continue to keep an eye on him.
"Other people who are closely related to Kaguragi include his younger sister Suzume and his retainer Kuroda. What do you keep in mind when interacting with them?"
Kaku: When in front of Suzume, I think it's his own fault that he can't help but show his true feelings of affection for his little sister. Kaguragi is surprised at how weirdly he's treated, and the feeling of being swayed by a younger sister who's different from Kaguragi's manipulative side I perform in a way that makes it look as funny as possible. Thanks to Suzume, I have the impression that Kaguragi's humanity has come out, and I feel very grateful for her character. As for Kuroda, when his name changed from "Kuroda-san" to "Kuroda" in episode 10, I asked Kanzaki Hajime-san, who plays Kuroda, "I wonder what the relationship is between the two of them." We've played our roles with the understanding that they've been friends for a long time, and when their pasts were revealed in episode 37, I thought, "So that's it."
"In the flashback scenes of episode 37, you played Kaguragi from the past."
Kaku: That's right. Because it was Kaguragi from before he became a backstabber, I was very careful about acting honestly. I actually wanted to lose some muscle for the role, but it was alittle too much to do in one or two weeks (laughs). For episode 37, the biggest surprise was the fact that Iroki was actually a good guy. In my mind, I imagined that Kaguragi was influenced by the people of Toufu and decided, "I have no choice but to do it myself" and killed Iroki. I didn't expect such a complicated backstory, so when I read the script, I was shocked. From the first movie in which Iroki appeared, the script's ability to draw out the words, "This was said there, so I can connect it this way" and bring them to a good Iroki was excellent.
"We think that Iroki reappearing in the first place was a surprise for many fans."
Kaku: I think it's really great that Iroki-san, or rather Hinagata Akiko-san has appeared again. I was nervous about us performing together, but it was alot of fun. I was fascinated by her range of acting, from the scary and bewitching Iroki, to the gentle and cute Iroki. I learned alot from her.
-Are Kaguragi's clothes incompatible with weapons?!-
"Please tell us about some of the most memorable interactions with Teramoto Shogo-san, who plays HachiOhger after the transformation."
Kaku: Even when he isn't playing HachiOhger, Tera-chan comes to the set to support me, so we often talk about Kaguragi and HachiOhger. Tera-chan is concerned about the height difference between us, so he tries to match my height by wearing platform boots. When I was worried that HachiOhger's fighting style didn't match Kaguragi's character, I said, "I like fighting styles that incorporate Japanese elements, so I want it to be performed like that." In episode 37, there was a scene where I consulted with Tera-chan about what kind of line delivery would be best. HachiOhger has some interesting movements. During the dubbing, I thought about whether I could do shouts that were different from the usual ones, such as "Un!" or "Hah!", so that viewers would pay attention to the action.
"In episodes 32 and 33, there were lengthy action scenes as Kaguragi, at that time, did you receive any advice from Teramoto-san?"
Kaku: Tera-chan came up with the idea for that sword fight! If I separate myself from HachiOhger's fighting style, I won't be able to maintain consistency, and I wanted to know how to make the action cool, so we had a close discussion about it. At first, I was worried and afraid that I might get hurt, so I couldn't attack my opponent or do a proper attack. However, Tera-chan taught me, "Your opponent's are also good at receiving attacks, so it's better to keep your arms fully extended," and I think that's how things turned out in the end.
"We remember being surprised when watching the broadcast, not thinking that you'd be able to perform such big, flashy movements in those clothes."
Kaku: Ah, well, I'm used to it (laughs). At that time, I remember being surprised that my wig came off during the action. Kaguragi's clothes have pretty long sleeves, and they often get caught on the OhgerCalibur, so they don't work well together. Especially when they get caught on KuwagataOhgers trigger (laughs). So, instead of simply slashing to avoid getting my sleeves caught, I performed parrying movements.
"Other than Kaguragi, if you had to choose your favorite character, who would it be?"
Kaku: It would be…..It's hard to choose one, since everyone including the retainers are good characters, I like them all. I watched the idol episode (episode 38), so I guess it's been Rita recently. That difference is too good…..I'm now wondering how the viewers will react to that episode (it hasn't aired at the time of this interview). What will they think when watching……because I'm exhausted just trying to pick it apart (laughs).
"That episode is the one where everyone is reading too much into Rita's behavior (laughs)."
Kaku: That's true, I wonder what the truth is. I think it'll be an interesting episode with that in mind. Ah, but, since idol Rita will appear in the preview during the upcoming Toufu episode, they'll be the one taking over the Twitter trends……poor Kaguragi……in that case, I won't pick Rita as my favorite character (laughs). I'll choose Yanma, who's a cool guy from a man's point of view, and someone you can leave things to with peace of mind.
"Let's go with that (laughs). Please tell us about some of the most memorable episodes that have been broadcast so far."
Kaku: For me, it's episode 37, I have no choice but to mention the Toufu episode. The story is about Iroki and Kaguragi's past, and how Kaguragi became lord. Kaguragi's been hiding what happened between him and Iroki for a long time, and thought he was going to have to live with it, but he unexpectedly found an opportunity to settle his feelings thanks to the enemy Grodie. Past Kaguragi’s efforts were paid off, and I feel very thankful for this episode. It was a very tiring role for me to play though (laughs). Man, it was difficult!
"It was an important episode because it told the story of Kaguragi's very being."
Kaku: At first, I thought of a performance plan to act in such a way that Kaguragi himself would be at a loss. However, Director Kazuya Kamihoriuchi told me, "It'd be better if you don't show emotion," so I went with his direction. As a result, I think the character of Kaguragi shined more brightly, and I have nothing but gratitude for the Director.
"Finally, please tell us about some future highlights."
Kaku: From this point on, it's a series of twists and turns, and the fate of Gira and Racules and the hotly anticipated development showing a resolution will be portrayed! Fans of the two of them shouldn't miss it, and Kaguragi will also be playing a very "standard" role among them. I encourage you to watch until the final episode!
Question to Masato Yano-san! (Racules Husty's Actor)
During the times when he's Shugo Mask, even though Yano-chan's mouth is sticking out, why does he make breathing sounds, or rather, have a raspy voice? (laughs). When he took off the mask, there were even some clicking sounds (laughs). I would like to ask Yano-chan, "What do you think?" in regards to the mechanics of it. Also, as I mentioned in the cast blog on the official site, there was a round of applause after Racules's speech scene, and it felt like everyone was in attendance. I would like to once again say, "Welcome home" and "I'm so glad you're back." (-Kaku)
Questions from Hirakawa Yuzuki-san! (Rita Kaniska's Actor)
Q: How does Kaguragi sneak around without anyone noticing? How do you think he takes care of his long silky hair?
In addition to the optical camouflage of his haori, I guess he also studied the art of tip toeing and other ninja skills. He's also good at disguises. Honestly, I really don't know (laughs). In my opinion, Kaguragi's hair has a rough, permed look to it, and I believe that he grew it out intentionally to give off the dignity of a lord. If he were to take care of it, I feel like he'd leave it up to the people clad in black while he soaks in the bathtub. Kaguragi doesn't seem to take care of his own hair (laughs). (-Kaku)
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rosypenguins · 1 month
Day 17! TMF AU’s!
These are some pretty standard AU’s I came up with. (Like VERY basic. Everyone probably has their own version of these.) I would write these but unfortunately I already have three other writing projects on my hands and I really don’t know how I’d balance a fourth. (Also, in case you haven’t guessed it yet: they’re all pretty heavily Drake-coded lmao.)
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💙Royal Knight AU: A classic I’ve seen many times before! Nothing like taking your favorite blorbos and forcing them back in time to the age of castles and monarchies! Anyways, in my version, Drew’s a prince and Jake’s his personal knight. (Clever, I know.)
Jake was practically raised to be a knight, just like his parents were. But Jake wants to find his own purpose; something that doesn’t bind him to being Drew’s shadow.
He starts sneaking out at night, and realizes the massive wealth-gap between the nobles and common-people. While on his adventures, he runs into a group of bards who perform at night to inspire hope in the townspeople. (The Music Club!)
Under the disguise of a simple commoner, Jake decides to talk to them. He gets to know them, and eventually, the leader of the group: Hailey, invites him to join their group. Each night, Jake gets to perform with them, finally feeling like he’s found his purpose.
(Oh, and him and Hailey obviously start developing feelings for one another.)
Meanwhile, Drew is stressed. He’s being forced to marry Lady Zoey, who makes it abundantly clear she has no interest in him whatsoever and is only in this for the wealth and status. And after the wedding, Drew will be crowned king. And he is not at all ready for any of this. He’s always turned to Jake for comfort, but he slowly starts realizing that Jake is hiding something. Jake’s increasingly exhausted, and almost always distracted. He barely talks to him anymore.
Perhaps there could be a scene where Drew follows Jake? He realizes what he’s been doing, and I’d imagine quite a bit of angst would ensue.
Oh, and one more note: remember the wealth gap? I could totally imagine the Music Club is actually part of a secret rebellion against the royal family. And perhaps they’re coming up with a plan to overthrow the royal family.
Now, scenario: masquerade ball. Hailey’s sent to sneak inside the palace during the festivities and see what she can learn about the royal family. Perhaps steal some riches for the Music Club to sell. She successfully enters the palace, but ends up running into Jake. The two recognize each other almost immediately, and end up dancing together to keep up appearances, all while whispering hushed questions about why the other’s there. Meanwhile, Drew notices this, and is practically seething with jealousy.
I don’t really know where the plot of this would go, but surprisingly for me, I feel like endgame ship would be Jailey.
💛Idol AU: Another classic! Jake’s a pop idol, and Drew’s his bodyguard. (Practically a reverse of the first AU.) They’re obviously very much in love, but they have to keep it secret due to Jake’s contract. And they kiss backstage in storage closets sometimes.
I don’t have much for this AU compared to the last one, but I’ve always imagined Jake being kidnapped and Drew having to rescue him. I think that’d be pretty fun. Maybe they have to go off-the-grid for a while, and they’re actually able to have their little relationship for a period.
I just want to see Drew and Jake kiss honestly. Drew needs to be kissed very softly on the head.
🖤Ghost AU: Last one! I actually brainstormed this with @ratkingnezu awhile back. Essentially, after the events of Episode 11. Drew dies. (Doesn’t really matter how he does, he just needs to be gone.) But because of his lingering regrets, he isn’t able to leave the mortal world just yet. So he’s stuck as a ghost, and he’s unable to leave Rosemeadow. Meanwhile, Jake is deeply affected by this. He regrets never being able to explain things properly to Drew and perhaps make peace with him, so he spirals. Grief practically consumes him, so Drew decides to make it worse and start haunting him. (Well, he’s not trying to make it worse. He just has nothing better to do with his time other than haunt Jake.) He realizes how much Jake actually cared about him. And he only regrets how their last interaction (the fight) played out. And sometimes he’ll just lay with Jake and cry with him wishing he could talk to him one last time.
And Jake starts hearing Drew’s voice whispering to him. Starts seeing things move. Starts seeing him in reflections. And he starts thinking he’s losing his mind.
The only way Drew can finally pass on is by somehow making peace with Jake. I don’t know how he’ll do that, but I’m sure I’ll figure something out. At some point.
So yeah! Those are my super simple AU’s!
Well, actually, I do have one more, but I’ll save that for its own post sometime in the future. (Wink wink.)
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fandom-hoarder · 10 months
A Bibro's
Sastiel Rec List
-for the canon-adjacent connoisseur-
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1. Pagan by posingasme
Gen | Rating: Mature | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 17, 782 | Chapters: 8/8
Tags: Blasphemy, Idol Worship, Fallen Castiel, Priest Sam, Hunterverse, Implied/Referenced Torture, Canon-Typical Violence
Summary: Castiel has fallen, too soon. Madness and desperation plague him, but, as always, his heart is still in the right place...with Sam Winchester.
2. Run Right; or Lie by orphan_account
Gen, M/M | Rating: Teen+ | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Words: 5,197 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: AU, Alternate Universe, Canon Divergence, Pre-Slash
Summary: AU in which Dean died during Faith, the first seal was broken in season one, and Sam met Castiel when his faith was as strong as ever.
3. Kneel Before the Lord Our Maker by EnInkahootz
M/M | Rating: Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 3,000 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Supernatural Kink Bingo 2021, Porn, Smut, Blasphemy, Angels, Angel Kink, Religion, Religion Kink, Angel Wings, Wings, Flying, Clouds, Cock Worship, Dom/sub, Sub Sam Winchester, Dom Castiel, Dom Castiel/Sub Sam Winchester, Dreams, Blow Jobs, Post-Episode: s04e07 It's the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester
Summary: After first meeting Castiel and being disappointed in It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester (Season 4, Episode 7), Sam has a dream about Castiel being the classic sort of angel he had expected to meet. Sam dreams of using his mouth to worship Castiel's holy cock, which Sam sees as an extension of god.
4. What This Is About by MissMisdemeanor
M/M | Rating: Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 3,147 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, Top Castiel/Bottom Sam Winchester, Riding, Sweat, Hook-Up, Secret Relationship, Canon Compliant, canon adjacent?, Making Out, Early season 5 Supernatural
Summary: “This is something you’ve wanted before today,” Cas states, and it’s true. He’s not sure if Cas even had to read his soul to get at that.
Sam’s breath stops. He freezes momentarily. “Yeah,” he admits. “Shit, Cas, yeah. I’d have done this the day we met.”
5. A First Grasp by Fae-and-night (goodgirlgonegeek16)
M/M | Rating: Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 1,034 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Season 5 angst, Episode: s05e03 Free to Be You and Me, or at least the sastiel alternate ending to that episode.
Summary: Sastiel-flavored coda for “Free to be You and Me” with some early seasons bamf!castiel.
6. My Sastiel Valentine by rosworms
M/M | Rating: Mature | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Words: 3,371 | Chapters: 3/3
Tags: Episode: s05e14 My Bloody Valentine, Slash, NSFW, Sastiel - Freeform, Sam/Cas - Freeform
Summary: A very slight AU of the episode 'My Bloody Valentine' where Sam is affected by famine in a different way.
🔆 55 more fics, in relatively chronological order, below the cut 🔆
7. Boy in the White Suit by posingasme
Gen, M/M | Mature | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Words: 13,460 | Chapters: 7/7
Tags: Boy King of Hell Sam Winchester, Post-Apocalypse, Dark Sam Winchester, Insanity, Alice in Wonderland References, Blasphemy, Self-Destruction, Madness
Summary: Sam said no. Dean said yes. Sam lost his mind. Castiel lost his friends. That’s the road so far.
8. A More Profound Bond by confxsed
Gen, M/M | Rating: Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 5,824 | Chapters: 5/5
Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Jealous Dean Winchester, Protective Castiel, Hurt Sam Winchester, Emotionally Hurt Sam Winchester, Angst, Season/Series 05, Sam Winchester Has Self-Worth Issues, Mentions of Suicide, Pre-Slash
Summary: Five little moments where Dean notices the relationship between Sam and Castiel growing.
9. some space underneath my skin by hellsreluctantheir
Part 1 of touch -- The soulless Sam and Cas were fucking verse.
M/M | Rating: Mature | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 23,607 | Chapters: 8/8
Tags: Soulless!Sam, Season/Series 06
Summary: Humans liked to touch each other in ways that baffled Castiel. Not just in the manner they slyly referred to as biblically. He watched them clap hands onto shoulders and backs, lean into each other in exhaustion, sleep sitting up with feet resting against each other on the floor. A constant, reverberating, nonverbal hymn. I am here. You are here. We are here, and we are alive. Angels did not need that kind of reassurance. Castiel could hear his siblings' songs no matter how near he was to them physically. Prayers and psalms in the back of his mind. It saddened him, somewhat, to think that humanity would never know that.
10. The Unexpected by muzivitch
M/M | Rating: Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 1,253 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Sam and Castiel discuss his missing year. Also, Sam has a crush that would be obvious to anyone but Castiel (except it might even be obvious to him, after all). Takes place after 6.12 "Like A Virgin."
11. Doing Just Fine by masterlynovak
M/M, Multi | Rating: Explicit | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Words: 1,069 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: idk it's a threesome but not really?, Dean is just watching Sam and Cas have sex, voyerism
Summary: Dean wakes up in a room with a naked Sam spread out on the bed.
12. Wings by Rowan203
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Words: 1,415 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: AU after season 6. Sam comes back from the cage broken and changed. Dean and Castiel deal with it in different ways.
13. Between the Shadow and the Soul by Vee (Vera_DragonMuse)
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Words: 6,456 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Poetry, hell is the absence of love, take shelter in me, castiel thinks sam is the wolf, sam thinks castiel is in another story, really they're both just lost in the fog
Summary: What if Sam was the one that went to Purgatory with Castiel?
14. The Sun Pale as Milk by Icanseenow
M/M | Rating: Mature | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 39,879 Chapters: 21/21
Tags: POV Sam Winchester, Season/Series 08, Purgatory, Post-Purgatory, Slow Burn, Nearly Human Castiel, Post-Season/Series 07
Summary: Instead of Dean, Castiel is the one to return from Purgatory first. He finds Sam, and together they spend a year. Looking for Dean and not looking for Dean.
15. a body of proof by lordofsoup
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Words: 21,525 | Chapters: 5/5
Tags: Angelic Possession, Consensual Possession, basically possession (romantic), Trials of Hell, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Trauma From Lucifer's Cage, Sam Winchester Has an Eating Disorder, a minor point but i wanted to mention it, references to honey!cas, Developing Relationship, Romantic Fluff, Sharing a Bed, Sharing a Body, includes art!! [complete tags on Ao3]
Summary: Sam's sickness worsens after the second trial, resulting in him being rushed to the hospital, the extensive damage has left Sam drained of his fight. To continue with the trials Sam must allow Castiel to heal him, by possessing him. While having an alien home under his skin is nothing new for Sam, Castiel's constant presence unwittingly unburies a host of issues. Two people desperate for forgiveness in the same body should get crowded at times but between the nightmares, the sickness, and the blood; there are some cookies, a quiet beach on the coast of Oregon, and a chance at something new between them.
16. ficlet - sastiel, a/b/o dynamics by wrenseroticlibrary_archivist
[also on tumblr]
M/M | Rating: Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 580 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Post-Season/Series 08, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Fallen Angel Castiel, Mating Cycles/In Heat, First Time, Porn, Ficlet, Alpha Castiel, Omega Sam Winchester
Summary: When Castiel had Fallen, he’d clearly become an alpha.
17. Stay in Touch by Cuda (Scylla)
M/M | Rating: Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 6,310 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Post-Episode: s09e06 Heaven Can't Wait, Missing Scene, Human Castiel, Newly Human Castiel, Love Confessions, Not Actually Unrequited Love, First Kiss, First Time, Masturbation, Sexually Inexperienced Castiel, Castiel and Sam Winchester in Love, Sastiel - Freeform
Summary: Concerned about newly-human Castiel's decision to leave the Bunker on his own, Sam sets out for Idaho to find his best friend - and get some answers for himself.
18. Angels and Answers by klove0511
Part 1 of Milestones 'verse
M/M | Rating: Explicit | Rape/Non-Con | Words: 15,190 Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Possessed Sam Winchester, Memory Alteration, Human Castiel, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, First Time Blow Jobs, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon Divergence, Sam Winchester Has Self-Esteem Issues, Castiel Has Self-Esteem Issues, Alternate Season/Series 09, Winchester communication skills
Summary: Cas has discovered his sexuality as a human when the Winchesters bring him to the bunker, and he and Sam fall into bed together. When Gadreel forces Dean to drive Cas away, the two must find their way back to each other, freeing Sam from Gadreel in the process.
19. So polite by bloodandcream
M/M | Rating: Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 1,174 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Season 9, Angst, Sam topping from the bottom, Erectile Dysfunction
Summary: “Please,” was whispered into his mouth. So polite. Sam was in control here.
20. Had Worse by posingasme
Gen, M/M | Rating: Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 3,687 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Bunker Fic, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Sam has a very high threshold for pain, and an iron will. So this current hunting injury, even with its weird attack on his view of reality, is nothing compared to what he has been through in the past. He’s had worse. But that does nothing to reassure those who love him.
21. I'm always dragging that horse around by Trojie
M/M | Rating: Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 5,499 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Unrequited Wincest, Unrequited Destiel, Enochian, Phobias, Hell Trauma, Season/Series 09, Episode: s09e11 First Born, Angel Healing, Implied Wincestiel, Hopeful Ending
Summary: Sam has a horror of angels and Cas has a compulsion to heal. It doesn't help that they speak the same languages, or that Dean is elsewhere - somehow he's always between them, and somehow they still have to meet in the middle.
22. The Best Medicine by sarasaurusrex
Multi | Rating: Teen+ | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 1,247 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Comfort, Fluff, Depressed Sam Winchester, Season/Series 09, Misunderstandings, Castiel Takes Care of Sam Winchester, Established Castiel/Sam Winchester, Domestic Fluff
Summary: Castiel confuses Sam’s symptoms of depression with symptoms of the flu and tries to help. Set mid season 9.
23. anything you need, that's what i'll be by starlightswait
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 1,092 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Dissociation, Bodily Autonomy, Season/Series 09, Aftermath of Possession, Post-Episode: s09e11 First Born, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Self-Harm, Food Issues
Summary: There is a strange discomfort in healing Sam in the days that follow Dean’s departure.
24. muscle memory by hellsreluctantheir
Part 2 of touch - Sam's POV s7 - s9
M/M | Rating: Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 5,830 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Season/Series 07, Season/Series 09
Summary: Sam lost his soul, slept with an angel, got his soul back, lost his memory, and then lost his mind before they could have a conversation about it. It's fine. The Hell trauma is gone, and he's coping. Even when Castiel comes back, he'll continue to cope.
25. Divine by Matthew1972
M/M | Rating: Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 8,120 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: POV Sam Winchester, Protective Castiel, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Kissing, First Time, Porn with Feelings, Anal Sex, Bottom Sam Winchester, Top Castiel, Bottoming from the Top, Angelic Grace Play, Angel Wings, Morning Sex, Oral Sex
Summary: Coda/AU scene to episode S09E11, First Born. "But nothing is worth losing you", Castiel shows that what he said was something he meant. Held safe in his arms and wings Sam learns the stunning truth about 'his' angel. How he heals the pain inside of him with something more than trust, care and touch.
26. Even If We Can't Find Heaven by ellerkay
M/M | Rating: Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 8,044 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Having Faith, Loss of Faith, First Kiss, First Time Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Pining
Summary: Sam finds his faith and loses it and finds it again, albeit in a very different form. A Sastiel love story and exploration of Sam’s faith and spirituality. [Note: prayer during sex🙏]
27. Table For Two by the_diving_fox
M/M | Rating: Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 1,775 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: somewhere in s9, Human Castiel, valentine's day fic, POV Outsider
Summary: A tired waitress at Ann's Diner happens to serve Sam and Castiel amidst all the other obnoxious Valentine's Day couples. Sam and Castiel manage to surprise her, though.
28. Two Beat Up Humans by PacJazz
M/M, Multi | Rating: Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 3,863 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Fluff and Angst, Pre-Slash, PTSD, Post-Gadreel, Human!Castiel, Hurt Sam Winchester, Post-trials with no angel healing hurt, Hurt/Comfort, Season/Series 09, Nightmares, Domestic Fluff, Hair Brushing, Insomnia, No Smut, Enochian-Speaking Sam Winchester, Sleepiness, Literal Sleeping Together [complete tags on Ao3]
Summary: Both broken, yet eager to help the other heal.... Sam and Cas are living in the bunker now, sans-dean after the gadreel betrayal. Cas is newly Human now, and while he needs some help learning the intricacies of that, Sam needs some help healing. They both share things, and think through what they've lost. *In slight AU where post-gadreel Sam is living in the bunker with newly human Castiel*
29. A Crucifixion Without A Christ by angelshotgun
M/M | Rating: Explicit | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con | Words: 18,501 | Chapters: 10/10
Tags: Angelic Possession, Castiel's Angelic Grace, Major Character Injury, Hurt Sam Winchester, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hell Trauma, Sam Winchester is Loved, Hurt Castiel, Guilty Castiel, Crying, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sam Winchester Needs a Hug, voicemail fixit, Post-Gadreel, Trust Issues, Sam Winchester Has a Crush on Castiel, Happy Ending, Schmoop, Hunter Retirement [complete tags on Ao3]
Summary: When Sam Winchester is badly injured on a hunt, Cas has to possess him to keep him alive and help him heal. And though Sam agreed to let him in, Cas is acutely aware of how many times Sam has had his bodily autonomy taken away from him, and how much Cas himself has contributed to Sam's pain. And now that he's inside Sam's head? Well, he tries to be as unobtrusive as possible, but Sam is just... traumatized. And hurting. Maybe, he thinks, maybe this is his chance to put aside his own feelings for Sam to help heal the hurts he had a hand in creating?
30. Moments of Madness by orphan_account
M/M | Rating: Mature | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 1,140 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Season/Series 10, ish, Canon Compliant, Enochian-Speaking Sam Winchester, Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, Trauma From Lucifer's Cage, Protective Dean Winchester, Castiel Loves Sam Winchester, Kissing, Fluff
Summary: It just happens, the first time. Dean's a Demon, and Sam's so alone. The next times?
31. Blankets by mako_lies (wingeddserpent)
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 1,212 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Episode: s10e01 Black, Hurt Sam Winchester, Hurt Castiel
Summary: Sam and Cas try to take care of one another.
32. Situational Failure (The Chicken Soup Remix) by StripySock
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Words: 2,540 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Season/Series 10, Remix, Hurt Sam Winchester, Hurt Castiel, Sickfic, Frottage
Summary: There is a fear in Cas that if he lets Sam make himself at home in all of the places that Dean had declined to fill, he will lose the ability to ever refuse it again.  Or: Sam is sick, Cas is failing, and Dean is nowhere to be found. [implied unrequited destiel]
33. Feathers Falling by posingasme
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 13,144 | Chapters: 6/6
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angel Wings, Castiel in the Bunker, Permanent Injury, Protective Sam Winchester, Hurt Castiel, Fever, Delirium, Castiel & Charlie Bradbury Friendship, Alternate Canon, Season/Series 10, Angst [complete tags on Ao3]
Summary: Castiel has been hurt, but he won't reveal how bad it is. Sam distracts him from the pain by reading him classic love stories, and Cas just doesn’t think any of them depict a love as strong as theirs.
34. Since When Does Sam Have PLANS? by Fae-and-night (goodgirlgonegeek16)
Gen | Rating: Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 343 | Chapters: 1/1
Summary: "Dean’s POV on Sastiel, late seasons Sastiel, the ‘mistaken for a couple’ trope.
35. Keep You from the Gallows Pole by Fallynleaf
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 7,337 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Alternate Season/Series 10 Finale, Mark of Cain Cure, Charlie Lives, Implied Unrequited Destiel, Implied Unrequited Wincest, Implied Wincestiel, Asexual Relationship [complete tags on Ao3]
Summary: Season 10, if it were the love story of Sam and Cas.
36. Episode 199.5 by posingasme
Part 1 of Before 200...
Gen, M/M | Rating: Teen+ | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Words: 56,473 | Chapters: 20/20
Tags: Mark of Cain, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Stolen Grace, Protective Dean Winchester, Demon Blood, BAMF Castiel, Sam Winchester on Demon Blood, Alternate Angel Lore, Canon-Typical Violence, Torture, Dean Winchester Bears the Mark of Cain, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Guilt
Summary: Dean is dealing with guilt, and fear of losing control to the Mark again. Castiel has new Grace, but eventually, it will burn out just as before. Sam just wants a fresh start all around. Life in the bunker is getting a bit...crowded. Memories and tempers are boiling over, along with something that has been heating up for a long time. Things get nasty when an old foe comes for Sam, and it's all hands on deck.
37. Wingman by posingasme
Part 2 of Before 200...
Gen, M/M | Rating: Teen+ | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Words: 65,222 | Chapters: 21/21
Tags: Spoilers, Mark of Cain, Dreams and Nightmares, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Psychological Torture, Canon-Typical Violence, Dean Winchester Bears the Mark of Cain, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Self-Destructive Dean Winchester
Summary: Now that Sam and Castiel have been honest with one another, and Dean has given his blessing, the two are forced into the awkward stage of figuring out where to go from here. Dean is still battling against the Mark, and his anxiety manifests in various ways, some of which are healthier than others.
38. Sentimental Iterations by fabella
M/M | Rating: Explicit | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Words: 33,370 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Future Fic, Season/Series 11, Season/Series 10, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Betrayal, Deception, Winchester Style Death (Not Typical Death), Semi Curtain Fic, Resolved Sexual Tension, Anal Sex, Rimming, Bottom Sam, Oral Sex, Sam is a big damn hero, Castiel-centric, Human Castiel, Big Brother Dean, Angst, Hurt Sam Winchester, Mental Instability, Sacrifice, Brother Feels, Grief/Mourning [complete tags on Ao3]
Summary: Castiel learned everything he knows about devotion from the Winchesters. In this peaceful future built on the back of Sam Winchester’s most recent sacrifice, Castiel discovers that death itself can be overcome. If he’s willing to pay the price. [Notes: Set after season 10. An entirely different take on season 11.]
39. Sam's Room by NobleHouseOfBlack
M/M | Rating: Not Rated | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 1,864 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: No Dialogue, Nightmares, Sharing a Bed, Platonic Cuddling, Feel-good
Summary: Sam's room in the bunker didn't seem like his room. He slept there occasionally but there was nothing that would indicate he lived there.
40. The Devil’s Gonna Let On That You’re In The Details by sahwen
M/M | Rating: Not Rated | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Words: 3,055 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Lucifer Possessing Castiel, Post-Episode: s11e10 The Devil in the Details, Episode: s11e14 The Vessel, Post-Episode: s11e14 The Vessel, Season/Series 12, this fic spans across a lot of time, Hook-Up, Sam Winchester Has Mental Health Issues, Trauma, Protective Dean Winchester, Supportive Dean, Post-Possession
Summary: Sam and Cas have been hooking up casually for a while when something feels off to Sam. He’s sure it’s just his mind playing tricks on him.
41. Loved by the Devil, loved by an angel by N_13
Part 1 of Of this damned reality
M/M | Rating: Mature | Rape/Non-Con | Words: 3,076 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Rape/Non-con Elements, Abusive Relationships, Angst, Dubious Consent Due To Identity Issues, everybody needs a hug, and therapy, Hurt/very little comfort, Unhealthy Relationships, No really every relationship in this is fucked up on some level, Hurt Sam Winchester, Season/Series 11, Lucifer Possessing Castiel, Enochian-Speaking Sam Winchester
Summary: Cas has loved Sam for quite some time. Then he said yes to Lucifer and everything went to hell.
42. Heartbreak is Savvy and Love is a Bitch by Cuda (Scylla)
M/M | Rating: Mature | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 2,405 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Lapdance, Light Dom/sub, Dom Castiel, Sub Sam Winchester, Sensation Play, Post-Episode: s11e14 The Vessel, Implied/Referenced Torture, Sam Winchester Deserves to be Happy, Safewords, Sam Winchester is Bad at Feelings, Sam Winchester is Bad at Self Care, Castiel's not the most experienced dom, Established Relationship, Light Angst [complete tags on Ao3]
Summary: Castiel and Sam work on some fractures in their relationship. A gentle attempt at sensory play goes awry, leaving them scrambling to ratchet things back up to normal. Part of the 2020 Supernatural Kink Bingo.
43. Thirty Years too Late by hyperbolicfae
Gen, M/M, Other | Rating: Teen+ | Rape/Non-Con | Words: 2,770 | Chapters: 2/2
Tags: Hurt Sam Winchester, Protective Dean Winchester, Protective Castiel, Aftermath of Torture, Implied Mind Rape, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Protective Mary Winchester
Summary: Mary Winchester has rescued her son. She’s just thirty years too late. Or: The aftermath of Sam’s rescue from the British Men of Letters
44. whore of babylon by angelszn (artbabe)
M/M | Rating: Mature | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Words: 2,465 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Infidelity, Movie Night, Sam Winchester Has Self-Worth Issues, Dean Winchester is Bad at Feelings, Floor Sex, Non-Penetrative Sex, Drinking, Dubious Consent, Past Rape/Non-con, Guilt, Gift Exchange [contains background destiel]
Summary: “Dean is a good man, and I love him. But sometimes, I…” Cas licks his lips. “Sam, I’m afraid.” Sam should leave. He should walk away. He should run. But his body is heavy and wine-drunk, his head spins at what Cas might be hinting at. “What are you afraid of?”
45. The One You're With by gracerene
M/M | Rating: Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 5,397 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Unrequited Wincest, Unrequited Sastiel, Platonic Sex, Friendship, Sexually Inexperienced Castiel, Fuck Or Die, Curses, Frottage, POV Sam Winchester, Season/Series 12, Hung Sam Winchester, Present Tense
Summary: Sam knows better than to touch anything in the bunker that looks even the slightest bit suspicious. And yet…
46. Wins & Losses by Threshie
M/M, Multi | Rating: Teen+ | Major Character Death | Words: 17,384 | Chapters: 8/8
Tags: Temporarily Dead Castiel, Heartbroken Sam Winchester, Comforting Dean Winchester, Sharing a Bed, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sastiel, Wincest, Wincestiel, Poly Vee With Sam Pivot, Cuddling & Snuggling, Men of Letters Bunker, Angst with a Happy Ending, Touchy-Feely, Grieving Sam Winchester, Idiots in Love [complete tags on Ao3]
Summary: A few months after Sam and Castiel start dating, the angel is killed. Still reeling from the loss of his best friend, Dean can’t just sit and watch Sam’s heartbreak slowly pull him away, too.
47. Now I am here by Matthew1972
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 13,728 | Chapters: 5/5
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Asexual Relationship, Literal Sleeping Together, Sharing a Bed, Feelings Realization, Hugs, Boys Kissing, Case Fic, Monster Hunters, Crime Scenes, Angst, Blood, Hurt, Pagan Gods, Magic
Summary: Castiel and Sam have come to another nameless town to free it from the claws of a dark and ancient power. As they work the case their friendship grows stronger, changing into something more or does it? This, here, now… brings the confirmation they each needed.
48. Something Good by posingasme
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 5,876 | Chapters: 4/4
Tags: Food Issues, showtunes, Sleep Deprivation, Hurt Sam Winchester, Sick Sam Winchester
Summary: Everyone deals with their losses in their own way, and Sam prefers to work things out on his own. But his angel friend can’t stand on the sidelines as the hunter wastes away in pain. Sam may have had a complex past, but an angel’s love is proof that he must have done something good.
49. Something to Talk About by Fae-and-night (goodgirlgonegeek16)
Gen, M/M | Rating: Teen+ | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 777 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: mentions Castiel but he's not actually here, Bunker Era, Dean being a big brother, telltale hickies, Love Bites
Summary: To be honest, Sam thought it took Dean way longer than he would’ve expected to figure he and Castiel were together.
50. Lois by posingasme
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 4,195 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Superman References (DCU), Awkward Crush, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings
Summary: Jack discovers the joy of comic books, and reminds Castiel of a time when Bobby Singer called him Superman. And Dean had an opinion about who his Lois Lane was.
51. Happy Ain't a Two-Story Victorian, But it Might Be This by Cuda (Scylla)
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 3,382 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Episode: s14e15 Peace of Mind, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fake Marriage, Mind Control, Mind Manipulation, Dean Winchester Tries, Family Issues, Jack Kline & Dean Winchester Bonding
Summary: Sam and Castiel have been on a mission to an Arkansas hamlet, and they haven't checked in. When Dean and Jack trail them to a quiet street in Charming Acres, what they find is nothing like either of them expected. To be honest, cleaning out a nest of vampires might be easier than this, but Dean's going to give it the old college try. Whatever that means.
52. Milestones and Misunderstandings by klove0511
Part 2 of Milestones 'verse
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 2,711 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: mildly homophobic!Mary, inappropriate anniversary gifts, protective!Dean, Sam Winchester Has Self-Worth Issues, Season/Series 14, Fluff, Tumblr Prompt, Oblivious!Dean
Summary: There is something different about Sam and Cass. The lingering stares, the intimate touches. The careful whispers and secret smiles. Dean knew it. He was going to get to the bottom of it, one way or another.
53. Stricta Dormire by klove0511
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | Major Character Death | Words: 3,583 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Temporary Character Death, Fairy Tale Type Death, Established Relationship, Hurt Sam Winchester, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hell Trauma, Season/Series 14 Spoilers, Sad Dean Winchester, Sad Castiel, Grief/Mourning, True Love's Kiss
Summary: When Sam is hit by a spell, Cass is the only one that can save him. Meanwhile, Dean is grieving his brother, unaware of the struggle going on within Sam’s mind.
54. Roadhouse Rough by posingasme
Gen, M/M | Rating: Teen+ | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 12,738 | Chapters: 10/10
Tags: Curtain Fic, Alcohol, Hurt Sam Winchester, Retired Hunter Sam Winchester, Bartender Sam Winchester, Permanent Injury
Summary: The last tangle with the last archangel ended with an act of spite, from which Sam will never recover. Lucifer’s bitter parting gift to his wayward vessel means Sam’s forced retirement. He runs the hub from his very own Roadhouse, and watches over a powered-down nephilim, while a weakened but recovering Castiel hunts at Dean’s side. It’s a rough life, but someone’s got to do it.
55. Familiar Spirits by Cuda (Scylla)
M/M | Rating: Teen+ | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 6,619 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Wisconsin - Freeform, The Beast of Bray Road, References to Norse Religion & Lore, Season/Series 15, Monster of the Week, Case Fic, Sastiel Secret Santa Exchange, Sastiel - Freeform, Sastiel Secret Santa 2019
Summary: Fills in a little gap of time between 15-7 and 15-8. Sam's on the hunt for Eileen, and winds up on a case in the middle of Wisconsin in December. What seems like a straightforward case of werewolves gets out of hand, when the werewolves turn out to be something Sam's never encountered before. It's Castiel to the rescue, but in the middle of the night in a refrigerator of a forest, one wrong move could be the last one they ever make.
56. a rock with a hole in it by De_Nugis
M/M | Rating: Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 11,052 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: faerie - Freeform, possibly in some way a Canadian shack fic, except Faerie, Consent Issues, animal death (hunting), Unrequited Destiel, Soulless Sam Winchester, POV Castiel
Summary: Castiel walks back into Faerie with Sam's soul in a jar in his pocket.
57. Right Now by spideybegins
Gen, M/M | Rating: Teen+ | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 1,512 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Hurt Sam Winchester, Comforting Castiel, samcas, Sastiel - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, Season/Series 15, Angst, Crying Sam Winchester, Don’t Look at These Messy Tags, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, no beta we die like men
Summary: The one where Cas hears Sam crying and realizes he’s been avoiding the youngest Winchester for much too long. Set somewhere in season 15.
58. It’s Good to Be Here Again, With You by raisinghellonstarbug
M/M | Rating: Gen | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 2,240 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Canon Compliant, Reunions, Mentioned Dean Winchester, Fluff and Angst, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Sharing a Bed, Season/Series 15, Episode: s15e07 Last Call
Summary: Sam is missing Castiel and doesn't understand why he left. He knows Dean has something to do with it. But then he shows back up just in time before Sam's in real trouble.
59. wishing too hard for them to stay by angelfishofthelord
Gen | Rating: Not Rated | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Words: 1,727 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Episode s15e17 coda, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, One Shot, Season/Series 15, Season/Series 15 Speculation, POV First Person, POV Sam Winchester [complete tags on Ao3]
Summary: You tell me you’re doing to die, and I don’t yell at you. Instead I say, “Let’s go for a walk.”
⚠️ Unfinished Fic - last updated in 2013
60. Of Blood And Water by lovedsammy
M/M, Gen | Rating: Mature | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Words: 20,081 Chapters: 7/?
Tags: 8x23, Fallen Angels, Post Season/Series 08, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Romance, Angst, fallen!cas, Hurt!Sam, Hurt!Cas, Slash, stigmata!sam, Stigmata, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, AU, Season/Series 9 canon divergent, Friendship
Summary: Now AU to season 9! Post-8x23, "Sacrifice". Both of them were wounded, broken, in need of repair; both of them had done things in the name of the greater good and had ultimately failed and caused something or another to bend and break and destroy upon itself. They'd both wrecked themselves to achieve an end, and in turn wrecked others. But they couldn't have been more than two opposites on the end of the spectrum that somehow aligned at the middle-point, and now there was no going back.
💜💀🖤 Self Rec 💜💀🖤
(because this is a list of my favs, and I wrote it for me)
61. grief and husbands on the interstate by ladygizarme
M/M | Rating: Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Words: 2,787 | Chapters: 1/1
Tags: background wincest, background wincestiel - Freeform, they're a polycule but they're sam-centered, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Rimming, Bottom Sam Winchester, Spit As Lube, Wound Tending, Episode: s14e01 Stranger in a Strange Land, part coda, Part fix-it, Polyamory, Anal Sex
Summary: En route from Detroit back to the bunker, Cas makes them stop at a motel. Sam is exhausted, and so is everybody else. But right now, Castiel's priority is Sam, and he knows just what he needs. Part coda, part fix-it to 14x01.
91 notes · View notes
enha-hirose · 9 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Personal Information:
Stage Name: Artemis
Birth Name: Kai Hirose (히로세)
Date of Birth: April 17, 2001
Position: FOTG, Main Rapper, Lead Vocal, and Main Dancer.
Nicknames: Riri, Ari, Rosey, Hiro, and Kai
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Nationality: Korean-Japanese
Training Period: 2 and a half year
Blood Type: B
Facts about her:
Hirose was born in Tokyo, Japan but her family also maintains a residence in Seoungbukdong Village, Seoul, Korea, thus, allowing them to be able to travel back and forth between two countries.
Hirose's father holds the position of CEO at a prominent Japanese multinational investment holding company while her mother is a renowned chef. In addition, Hirose has an older brother who is two years older than her and who is also actively engaged in the business world.
Kai is a proud cat mom to two feline companions, Tsuki (Moon) and Hoshi (Star), who undoubtedly hold a special place in her heart.
She has a passion for baking pastries, using it as her love language to express affection.
Not only does Hirose demonstrate proficiency in classical instruments such as the violin, piano, and cello, but she has also delved into the realm of martial arts, having learned taekwondo and honed her equestrian skills through horseback riding.
She has a driving license and a pokemon collection (mostly pikachu).
However, it's Hirose's early fascination with archery that truly sets her apart. Starting at a young age, she dedicated herself to the sport, mastering the art to such an extent that she was able to compete at prestigious events like the Tokyo Olympics and the SEA Games, making her nation proud as she won gold medals in both events.
She is a huge fan of Red Velvet and BTS.
She was casted by Big Hit Entertainment when Hirose caught the eye of BANG PD himself during a BTS concert in Japan who recognize her overflowing potential.
She made a surprising lovely appearance in the BTS Highlight Reel, assuming the roles of J-Hope and Jimin's partner. Her exposure made her earn a substantial and passionate fanbase. From then, J-hope and Jimin immediately took her under their wing and treated her as their little sister.
She had a cameo and acted in the movie "The King" in her pre-debut.
She spent 2 years of intensive training with TXT which solidified the bond between Hirose and the members. The boys were actually hoping and looking forward for Hirose to be their female member.
She ranked 1st in the final episode of I-Land.
Hirose is often described as a tsundere, displaying a mix of a tough exterior and a warm, caring interior, revealing her softer side to those close to her. Despite her initial aloofness, her actions and gestures speak volumes about the genuine affection she holds for her friends and loved ones.
The I-Land trainees affectionately nicknamed Hirose as "Archer Siren" due to her exceptional talents, combining her mastery in archery with a voice so enchanting it's reminiscent of a siren's call. The trainees also acknowledge her as an all-rounder.
In the 1st episode of I-Land, Hirose and Heeseung were in a powerful sub-unit that left everyone in awe. Their synergy and breathtaking performance not only earned them full votes and set a high standard for the competition right from the start.
Hirose has forged strong bonds with all ITZY members, fostering particularly close friendships with Ryujin and Yeji, Aespa's Karina, IVE's Yujin and Gaeul, StayC's Isa, Viviz's SinB, and Red Velvet's Wendy and Irene.
Hirose has endeared herself to fans not just for her artistic talents but also for her pure and compassionate heart. Demonstrating her commitment to philanthropy, she donated 50 million won to aid the victims of a devastating forest fire in Gangwondo. On February 14th, 2023, she extended her generosity further, contributing another 50 million won to support those affected by the earthquake in Turkey.
Likes: classical music, mocha bread, rose tteokbokki, spicy and savory flavors, Harry Potter series, baking, traveling, coffee, photography, color green and blue, archery, and painting.
Dislikes: dust (she is allergic), tapping noises, injustice, unreliable and arrogant people, mint choco (she can tolerate it), loud crowds, disorganization, crying, invasive paparazzi or fans, and selfishness.
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dangermousie · 1 year
This scene is both very telling in light of what happens later and a logical continuation of earlier scenes and just honestly a great example of how good the writing is.
Here he is freaking out about her leaving and her reaction is walls. I think the reason she puts up such high walls is because she cares so she has to, because caring and then losing would be insupportable pain. In a lot of ways, FL is all emotional extremes.
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I think this is actually something that runs through the whole episode - he wants to be 17 and she wants him to be 17 but he regrets he cannot and she lashes out because he cannot except by the end she accepts him as 17 because he really acts that way - he basically throws away his life and pisses off two kingdoms to help her, without knowing why she wants what she wants. There is a reason she starts calling him 17 during their trip. And when at the end of the ep he announces he’s 17 to Cang Xuan, it’s not just to avoid the issues for his family, it’s because that is also him reclaiming that identity as well.
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And then later after he’s unhesitatingly helped her:
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And him at the end:
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His awful brother, after torturing him nearly to death and permanently disabling him in some ways, as well as humiliating him says, in that flashback:
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But you know? Without his title or clothes or whatever, what you get is a pretty damn awesome man. Suck it, bro! 
To get back to the scene - it’s so interesting that he’s so open with her about how important she is but it also does not feel stalkery and pushy at all. Like - he wants her happy. And he wants to be around her. But if the two conflict, the former wins. I think the reason it does not feel pathetic is because in narratives usually we see characters become carpets because they want the other person to love them and hope their actions will. And that’s desperate in an unattractive way. But 17 does all these things because he wants to be around her, yes, but also because his motivation is for her to be happy. It’s not ulterior motive to win her heart. It’s putting her first.
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You know what is amazing? He makes it clear in the beginning of the ep that this is his greatest fear.
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And here he is in the end of the episode:
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He does not hesitate. Because what he wants is not anything compared to what she wants. All this for a person whose reasons to escape meeting the king he does not know and who has even refused to show him her actual face when he asked despite all he did and the fact he might die for her (he lies that the army won’t dare to offend the Tushans but clearly he never planned to use the name, to protect himself. He just accepts it, not even a shadow of “but you owe me SOMETHING” there.
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Anyway, to get back to the scene. One of the things I love the most is that he expresses his wishes, hangs the windchime and leaves. The choice, for 17, is always up to her. Can you imagine Cousin acting that way? The one who always knows what’s best for you, and that’s what’s best for him?
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That little touch when he hangs the windchime before he leaves! I love how the running theme so much is that for 17 his affection is demonstrated in practical things: changing her sheets, washing her dishes, carrying her on his back, here bringing windchimes. This is quite a contrast from eg Vamp Boy who does some amazingly big gestures (like the bug transfer) but would probably not know how to complete a household chore if one bit him on the behind. It’s not superior or inferior, it’s just tailored to their different characters and I love that. (My inner practical self prefers the little gestures though because even a xianxia heroine is a lot less likely to need grand gestures on a daily basis than someone who takes out the trash and cooks you soup. MMV)
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 I also find it so interesting that the one who’s been described as this scholar literati chess calligraphy zither blah blah upper class gentleman is the one who is not only good at that stuff (that is not particularly surprising, he’s had to learn) but defaults to this as a way to show care. The drama is pretty clear in its understated way in showing that being tortured and then shunned did a number on him, and that is one of the reasons he holds his former identity in such dislike - it was shown to be nothing - so it’s like all he has to give someone is what he can do for them. After all, whatever his name or reputation is famous or nonexistent, someone who is useful can be kept around.
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sullustangin · 7 months
Fluffy February Day 17: Pleasure
Pairing: Theron Shan/Eva Corolastor
Words: ~870 (reasonable)
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
She looked up at the familiar voice, pressed into an unfamiliar form.  Eva had learned that the correct response, whilst wearing evening gloves, was to extend her hand toward the voice and either get a firm hearty handshake or to have lips graze the top of the satin fabric. 
Her ability to think was always severely compromised whenever she saw Theron in another guise, as another man, as if they were in different universes, over and over again meeting each other for the first time. 
Time stopped for Eva, each time, each first time.  Maybe it was leftover brain disarray from the carbonite, when she dissociated regularly and didn’t know “when” she was.  It was different from when she first saw him in disguise at the casino on Katalla, and they had to pretend to be strangers.  The hitch wasn’t there.   
Or maybe these episodes were flashes into another universe when it was their first time meeting.  Eva had idly considered it before, in other spaces, in other times.
What if Eva had been caught after Corellia or there had been more hand-wringing before the Pub employed her for Ilum…would she have been sitting at an interrogation table, alone with the files and accusations against her and her broken heart as Theron walked in to question her….?  And when he had sussed out the truth and did what he did best – a victim debrief – what would they be then?
What if they had crossed paths on Nar Shaddaa, and Eva hadn’t been so tipsy with Risha and eating burgers that she’d noticed Theron pick a fight with a Houk and disappear around a corner…Would they have become fast friends over busting up Morbo the Hutt’s trafficking ring, with Bowdaar approving almost immediately upon completion of the rescue?
What if Theron had been deployed on one of those top secret missions that he was still reticent to talk to her about?  Was part of the hesitation knowing now that she’d been nearby?  That his presence would affect how she thought of him now?  Would it matter that he was disguised as an Imperial on King’s Ransom or even the Voidwolf’s flagship?  That he had lurked around Port Nowhere as Eva and Darmas had carried on, publicly, in the cantina?... or even if he had seen them at the tables on Canto Bight?
How different would things have been if Master Oteg had decided Eva and Risha had needed a supervisor on their trip to Maelstrom Prison…one with insight on the man they were meant to rescue?
Or what if they had never met before she came to Odessen?  Eva didn’t know if she’d be the Outlander if she hadn’t worked with Theron before (and she never would wonder that out loud to him, ever), but… even as the Voidhound (five years later, five years darker, five years harder…) would she catch his eye?  Or would she batter his professional because he caught her attention, some fire still inside of her after five years with the worst part of herself taking the lead, continuing her cartel work, in defiance of the Eternal Empire?
There was never a question that Eva would never bend the knee to the Eternal Empire, and there was never a question that Theron would join the organization would save the galaxy.   
It was just a question that if their paths crossed later…would they?  Could they?  She would be worse (she was sure of it), but would Theron…have someone else?  Gotten better about his attachment issues?  Or would he just be in that devotional state to a cause, his personal life an empty quarters on Odessen, decked out with the basics, his clothes and shave kit, and nothing more?
If their paths crossed earlier?
Or was it only in that moment, that one second when they decided they were both going to the cantina after Darok’s debrief that was the space that ‘they’ could start to exist? 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
She looked up at the familiar voice, pressed into an unfamiliar form.  Eva had learned that the correct response, whilst wearing evening gloves, was to extend her hand toward the voice and either get a firm hearty handshake or to have lips graze the top of the satin fabric. 
Now it was here, as he bowed low to grasp her red satin hand and kiss the knuckles, just off to the side of a ring (which had to be real, because their audience could spot a fake a parsec off).  His hair curled, as he never let it in daily life.  The suit was expensive, and he’d probably rented it or borrowed it from someone on base with a more active social life who actually did take leave. 
Eva rose to her feet as he straightened up, still grasping her hand. 
“I’m sure it’s always a pleasure to meet you,” Eva replied, the people around them chuckling at the joke or the audacity. 
Theron’s eyes lit up, not an act, and he took her signal to escort her out to the dancefloor.
There was a mission.  There was an objective. 
And then there was them, spinning around, always coming together, somehow. 
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alexandradel7 · 2 months
You know I saw some analysis of Petyr and his childhood with Cat a couple of months ago. Like, that Cat mitigates what happened and it was a huge dark toxic problematic thing where she was fought over ‘like a trophy’. ‘Trophy’ was obviously in a negative way. You know it's such a goofy thing to read that. The first part was already cracking at the seams because fighting for a woman, having duels, it wasn't problematic, it was like: ‘oh well, it'll be decided that way’, dangerous, not very nice one, but it was one of the social thing and not very uncommon at that time.
I wouldn't let my cheek be cut for a ‘trophy’. Would you? Petyr went into battle against an experienced warrior, risking his life.
There was no way Cat could be with him, and there was nothing Peter could do because he was a lower status boy with no power. He wanted to be part of the family, status and power, that's why he was so drawn to Cat, is that the only reason? This particular episode says huge - no - to this, it was a very deep feeling.
You can try to construe his feelings as ‘toxic obsession’ - though I'm not a fan when a person's love-passion in medieval dark fantasy is characterised that way. It's just boring and smells like Starbucks, I'll come back to that later.
Petyr definitely created a ‘scandal’ with this challenge. Which was the right thing to not do and let Cat adjust her relationship with her fiancé, considering her father wouldn't give his daughter away to the ‘little man’ anyway. Oh well, that's how feelings work. Rhaegar could have not ‘kidnapped’ Lyanna, and Lyanna could have said no and the war wouldn't have happened. In general a lot of things might not have happened if the characters had stopped being ‘problematic’ people in medieval times.
Petyr's fight for Cat is one of the best things about Pityr, his character. Not as a tragedy, a sad thing only - it's all like a very emotional, love story. You can imagine how painful it is to love someone, to know that you can't be together because you have ‘low blood’ and she's the daughter of the ‘River King’. He spent more than one day with that thought, I think, when he found out about the engagement.
It was a suicidal act. Petyr hardly cherished the hope of victory. He knew that such a scandal would alienate him from the Tully house (and it did, he was sent home).
Would Stark have killed him? Oh, he might have. And even one wound could get an infection, Kahal Drogo died from it. Was it offensive to Cat that Petyr had arranged it? Well, she might have been offended\angry at him that he did it - started the quarrel. But honestly ‘insulted that I'm a trophy’ is not what it's going to feel like to watch your friend possibly lose his life and stubbornly not give up getting hit again and again because he loves you. He just can't not try to do something and it's right to be quiet, to accept the fate of his blood, of his status.
Honestly, when I imagine him sitting there looking out the window at the rivers, thinking about it alone. My heart melts.
Very young, he's about 17, I'm sure he had ambitions, it takes a lifetime to realise them. But his feelings for Cat just overrode everything.
I'm a little bitter that his subtlety as a character seems to be something the fandom would rather not see. Although now it's like all fandoms are in some kind of.... purity, blending with reality. (forgetting the context of place and time, still shifting sometimes to personal experience)
So Petyr did it and he's got a scar all over his body. I think his heart, too. The whole Cat thing really affected him, so he has this taste for power. In Game of Thrones they'll deny you everything if you're ‘small’.
He's right in his desire for power, it's understandable why this happened. He was rejected. Anyone with his status would have been refused to marry Riverrun's daughter.
Back to feelings. I was curious long ago to study how the Greeks divided the feelings of love. ‘Love-play,’ “love-mania,” ’love-agape.’ You could add the term "true love" which compares to not "true". Then I came to the idea, thanks to one writer, that human, personality by nature, history, context, situation, time and time - are capable of different feelings and to separate them is a moot thing to do. These are all human feelings that can hardly be described, predicted and moulded.
Petyr's duel for Cat is a very subtle story of deep feeling, with many shades. Everyone was thinking their own thoughts and going through their own experiences about it when it happened, no matter their age or social status. And this episode resonated even with those who had only heard about it. Petyr caused a storm with this. One dominated by one thing - Petyr's genuine feeling for Cat.
I think his feeling is written very subtly and beautifully. Cat is an important character for Martin. I haven't followed his interviews much. I'm not very deep into the GoT fandom. I don't know what kind of character Petyr is to him, but I've always had the feeling that his character is one of the key ones to explore in Game of Thrones. And the most amazing thing is that one of the ‘most dangerous men in Westeros’ once did such a ‘foolish’ thing, because to lose the favour of House Tully, and more importantly: His mind, his feelings of fear, of pain and death was clouded due his feelings for a girl.
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sunnydaleherald · 5 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, May 1
GILES: You understand, in my capacity as school official, this search is completely unauthorized, and I, I cannot condone it. BUFFY: Fine, your butt's covered. Wanna grab a locker? GILES: Uh, yes, yes, of course.
~~BtVS 2x02 “Some Assembly Required”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Decompressing (Buffy, PG) by badly_knitted
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it's always best when the light is off (Angelus/Cordelia, E) by evesock
Tea + Crackers (Buffy/Angel, G) by Kean (abreathofsnowandashes)
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Say No To This (Spike/OC, M) by Scarlet has Fantasy Issues
Resolving You (Buffy/Faith, G) by Ton1c
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Call Home (Buffy/Spike, PG) by MillennialCryBaby
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In-vested (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Desicat
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Rewind, Chapter 1/? (Wesley, Cordelia, not rated) by Enigmatist
An Impossible Task, Chapter 4/? (Spike/Andrew, T) by Laqt15
Infinitely, Chapter 50/? (Willow/Tara, M) by Laragh
We Could Be Kings, Chapter 3/? (Spike/Andrew, M) by Laqt15
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[French language] Do as Romans do, Chapter 25 (Dawn/Spike, T) by OldGirl-NoraArlani
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Affection, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by DarkVoid116
Something Lingers, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by goodbyetoyou
The Boyfriend Swap, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Maxine Eden
Crossing Over, Chapters 11-30 COMPLETE! (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Julikobold
Like A Hole In The Heart, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
A Ripple In Time, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by CheekyKitten
Hello Cutie, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by CheekyKitten
Maclay Down, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Soulburnt
Love Lives Here, Chapter 56 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
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Blood and dust, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Blackoberst
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Coming Through, Chapter 61 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only) by hulettwyo
Like A Hole In The Heart, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
Early One Morning, Chapter 37 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by all choseny
Love Lives Here, Chapter 56 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Meme: my favourite buffyverse ships as texts (multiship, worksafe) by invisible-pink-toast
Gifs: “I didn’t know I was gonna fall in love with you.” - Jenny Calendar (Passion 2x17) (Giles/Jenny, worksafe) by clumsycapitolunicorn
Moodboard: Rupert Giles - Buffy the vampire slayer (worksafe) by awinterrosesstuff
Artwork: Cordelia Chase, from Out of Mind, Out of Sight. From Buffy, watercolour on paper (minor cw for blood, worksafe) by ghostrabbit87
Artwork: My watercolour painting of Buffy from Prophecy Girl (worksafe) by ghostrabbit87
Gifset: Buffy x “I can do it with a broken heart” lyrics (worksafe) by michaun
Artwork: This is my masterpiece, a tragedy (Buffy, worksafe) by novivi
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Banner: Harmonic Motion (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harlow Turner
Banner: The Chemicals Between Us (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by all choseny
Banner: Cherish the Day (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by all choseny
Banner: Spike and Buffy Make a Porno (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by all choseny
Artwork: We Saw You From Across the Bronze and We Really Like Your Vibe (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by ClowniestLivEver
Artwork: An Unlikely Truce (Buffy/Spike, R) by ClowniestLivEver
Banner: I Didn't Stand A Chance (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harmony99
Banner: The Gentlemen in London (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harmony99
Banner: I Wanna Be a Good Man (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harmony99
Banner: The Party's Just Begun (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harmony99
Banner: Caution Tape Around My Heart (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harmony99
Banner: How Can You See Into My Eyes Like Open Doors (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harmony99
Banner: You Make a Mess Of Me (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Harmony99
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Artwork: ... she just went to get some more paint (Buffy/Spike, not rated) by flootzavut
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PODCAST: Episode 54: City Of Angels by Gym Was Cancelled
[Community Announcements]
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[Revamped IWRY Marathon] Sign-ups for the 2024 IWRY Fic Marathon in November are now open! by iwillrememberyoumarathon
[Fandom Discussions]
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i could not be a hardcore calendiles stan simply because i think it would take over my whole life by spikes-left-eyebrow
I’ve always liked Anya & Xander together. And I sometimes wonder why. The real reasons, I mean by awinterrosesstuff
[anon ask] I always disliked Xander and how he treated Anya terribly and how he always attacked Buffy. answered by awinterrosesstuff
Why didn’t they bring Darla back in season 2? Why did the Whirlwind break up anyway? by theredpharaoah
What made Buffy and Faith so strong compared to most other slayers in your opinion? by theredpharaoah
i would rewatch the body a thousand times before i rewatched hell’s bells by chambergambit
we’re watching season 4 of buffy again, and for the first time we’re seeing Riley through a different lens by earhartsease
[ask by finalgirl1984] top five buffy characters? answered by coraniaid
i think a calendiles swan lake au could happen by vampswritings
rewatching the Witch episode of Buffy and I am confused on how Amy doesn’t do well in cheerleading by misscatholmes
[anon ask] Why do you hate Jenny Calendar lol answered by latrodectal
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The dynamic between Maggie Walsh and Riley by Stoney
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Do you think Giles and Wesley would have been friends? by ginime_
One issue with “Hole in the World” by sugarintheboots
Gendered violence by debujandobirds
I see your “Hush” as scariest episode and raise you “Listening to Fear” by bman311jla
Willow and Xander romance season 3 by BetterFriend9895
Season 7 vent by BoredYogiOnHere
Missed opportunity villain by thedemonglitch
Why is [Angelus] so feared? by FoxIndependent4310
Does anyone else want a reboot that takes place after the original but follows a different slayer? by OnlyMyOpinions
What does The Replacement implies about Buffy by foreseethefuture
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convenientalias · 11 months
My favorite dramas for a given number of episodes
I was thinking this evening that it's unfair to pit certain dramas against each other bc of episode number advantage. For example, you can't easily compare a kdrama miniseries to a cdrama wuxia epic. The kdrama will win in concise storytelling, but the cdrama has a greater amount of time to win you over to the characters and create a complex plot.
So tonight, I am going to list my favorite drama for every number of episodes (...if I've watched any drama with that number of episodes that I actually liked).
My official list of "you can only compete against your own weight class" favorite dramas is as follows.
6 episodes: Utsukushii Kare
8 episodes: White Christmas
10 episodes: 3 Will Be Free
11 episodes: Liar Game
12 episodes: Circle: Two Worlds Connected
13 episodes: Piece
14 episodes: Under the Microscope
15 episodes: Addicted
16 episodes: My Country: the New Age
17 episodes: To Sir, With Love
18 episodes: A Familiar Stranger
20 episodes: The King's Affection
24 episodes: Mr. Sunshine
29 episodes: League of Nobleman
30 episodes: Rattan
32 episodes: Reunion: Sound of Providence
36 episodes: Word of Honor
40 episodes: Granting You a Dreamlike Life
44 episodes: Handsome Siblings
48 episodes: The Disguiser
49 episodes: Winter Begonia
52 episodes: The Flame's Daughter
54 episodes: Nirvana in Fire
This is actually the funniest way to list favorite dramas bc it leads to shows I liked an average amount (e.g. League of Nobleman) appearing, while EVERY KDRAMA WITH 16 EPISODES is immediately KO'd by My Country the New Age. The number of kdramas is just 5 on here. 3 jdramas, 2 Thai dramas, and then 12 cdramas. Is this a fair competition??? absolutely not.
Anyway, I'd be curious to see anyone else's "you can only compete with your own weight class" drama list tbh.
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ratkingdad · 1 year
Ruby is gonna at try to trade herself to the tree and here’s why.
1.) We have seen all volume that Ruby is willing to trade pieces of herself to get further in the story, closer to home. She gave up Penny’s sword to see the Crimson King, she gave up her mother’s emblem to get her team back to their regular size.
2.) Ruby has been seeing Summer in reflections. First in her axe at the blacksmith and then in the weird water mirror in the crossroads. Summer sacrificed herself to try and save Remnant, and Ruby may try and sacrifice herself to get her friends home so they can save Remnant.
3.) Ruby so far has been the only member of team RWBY who has been very affected by how much the Ever After seems to want them to erase themselves and start new. The others know who they are and don’t want to change. Ruby doesn’t know who she is, she doesn’t know what she’s doing, she doesn’t like that she’s become someone who doesn’t even have enough hope to fill a jar. She may want to erase herself.
4.) My above point is supported by the end of the episode. Jaune tells them all about Lewis being erased and that allowing Alyx to get back, and Ruby doesn’t look horrified. She looks resigned. She stares at Crescent Rose, the thing she created to emulate her uncle, her weapon that she is so proud of, and doesn’t want it. She doesn’t want this part of herself back. She’s tired.
5.) The cat didn’t call her Ruby Rose, Huntress. The cat called her Ruby. Rose. Huntress. Three different things. The three things she has been struggling with deciding between for volumes now. There’s Ruby, who is a scared 17 year old who’s supposed to be the source of hope and save the whole world. There’s Rose, daughter of Summer Rose who sacrificed herself to save Remnant. The daughter of a hero. And there’s a huntress, who in Yang’s words, protects those who can’t protect themselves. But which one is she? Can she be all three? If the tree forces people to fit into a role in the Ever After when they’ve gone “wonky”, can it make her choose between Ruby, Rose, and Huntress?
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whumpily-ever-after · 2 years
Whumptober2022 Day 9
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No. 9: The Very Noisy Night: Tossing and Turning
✨Bangkok Love Story Plead episode 10
✨Come and Hug Me episode 17
✨Cupid's Last Wish episode 6
✨Hello Dear Ancestors episode 18
✨Killer and Healer episode 26
✨Let's Fight Ghost episode 5
✨Lovers of the Red Sky episode 3
✨Moorim School episode 9
✨Not Me episode 4
✨The Eclipse episode 7
✨The King's Affection episode 8
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7grandmel · 1 year
Todays rip: 17/06/2023
Fall Breaks
Season 4: Episode 1 Featured on: FINAL BOUT ~ SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day Tournament Original Soundtrack VOL. 3
Ripped by Roc the Dilettante
Man...I don't even know what to say here. King for Another Day was special. It was simultaneously the least and most SiIvaGunner-like event possible, being nothing but a constant stream of sincerely high quality content that still somehow managed to be affected and influenced by the ongoing consensus of fans and results of each match. It shouldn't have been possible, yet the huge team of contributors had all hands on deck to make the tournament a full-on active music narrative. There is no way we're EVER getting anything of the same scale on the channel again, and its honestly kind of mind boggling they even pulled it off to begin with.
The lead-up to the grand final match between DJ Professor K and Mariya Takeuchi kind of encapsulates that feeling. In gearing up for the voting to commence, the team put out FOUR rips at once demonstrating the two's musical styles up against each other. And like I said - it was still all super high quality!
Fall Breaks became the one to stick with me for the longest, and that shouldn't really be much of a surprise I feel. Beyond perfectly showing the appeal of both styles of music that the contestants were offering, it feels almost bittersweet in its progression? It wants to celebrate the tournaments grand climax, but also signals that its inevitably a little sad its all going to end after this one match. Its a track I haven't been able to get out of any playlist I make just because of the memories I have associated with it - I couldn't pick a favorite between the two, and I almost just wanted them both to win together.
I think my favorite touch with this is the Mariya Takeuchi track mashed up with this - "September". It may be a stretch, but it feels almost poetic that DJ Professor K's own first entry in the tournament was a remix of another "September", the one by Earth, Wind and Fire. Like so many SiIva narratives before it, it manages to come full circle almost on accident.
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staydandy · 2 years
The King’s Face (2014) - 왕의 얼굴 - Whump List
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list by StayDandy Synopsis : Prince Gwang Hae is one of 3 illegitimate sons of King Seon Jo. He has suffered since his childhood with the indifference of his father and the constant feeling that he hadn't a place in the palace. The brothers are constantly clashing with each other for their father's affection, competing to be chosen for Crown Prince amidst an insecure and warring nation. (MDL)
Whumpee : Prince Gwang Hae played by Seo In Guk
Country : 🇰🇷 South Korea Genres : Action, Thriller, Historical, Romance
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • I believe it's connected to The Face Reader (2013), though I'm not sure if it's a remake or sequel of sorts. • My favorite episodes are pink : 00
Episodes on List : 9 Total Episodes : 23
*Spoilers below*
01 : Prince Gwang Hae is in a fight.. held hostage.. collapses in shock
03 : Falls over several times while drunk
05 : Imprisoned
07 : Rocks thrown at him
09 : Found passed out & not breathing (poisoned with arsenic), saved but passes out again soon after
11 : Gun goes off next to his head, punched in the gut
13 : (at end) Shot
14 : … continued from previous ep. ... (replay) Shot, passes out
17 : Unsteady from shock, faints
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bobbie-robron · 10 months
Classic ED schedule - week 48 (2023)
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Jack invites Andy to his stag do which ends with Andy storming off home and in the sack with minor Debbie (starting a secret affair). Chloe manipulates others left and right for sympathy faking a poison pen letter. Victoria provides her viewpoint about marriage being stupid & the bride leaving or dying. Val gets the wrong idea when she finds tickets to Egypt. Diane considers her mortality with the cancer. Rodney admits he still loves Diane. Daz is devastated Andy is seeing Debbie. R**ist Frank’s upcoming release has a few in an uproar. Val makes it known Rodney is Paul’s dad. Andy watches Jack & Diane’s wedding from afar. Ashley learns Bernice has had a baby girl. Rodney kicks Val to the curb who leaves for a couple of months. Dawn decides to remain in the village. Chloe gets a job with the Kings. Aaron makes an appearance.
27-Nov: 14-Sep-2004** Jack’s stag do; Andy sleeps w/14yo Debbie (3844), 15-Sep-2004 (3845)
28-Nov: 16-Sep-2004 (3846), 17-Sep-2004 Diane’s hen do (3847)
29-Nov: 20-Sep-2004** (3848), 21-Sep-2004** 1hr, Jack & Diane marry (3849/3850)
30-Nov: 22-Sep-2004 (3851), 23-Sep-2004 (3852)
01-Dec: 24-Sep-2004** (3853), 26-Sep-2004** (3854)
**Robert appears in the episode; **Aaron appears - note this is a one off; Danny Webb’s next (and final) appearances as Aaron were in Feb-2006
NEXT WEEK (may change based on possible preemptions): We are now in the FINAL year with Karl!Robert. Village disapproval of Frank’s impending arrival grows affecting Len and Pearl directly. Steph continues to isolate Alan and keep him medicated to her advantage. Diane has the operation. Shelly’s brief return becomes a nightmare thanks to Steph. Debbie’s surnames changes to Dingle. Andy and Debbie continue their (illegal) affair. Cain is in a punchy mood trying to identify who Debbie’s sleeping with.
Note from wiki about 14-Sep & 15-Sep: This episode and the next received 11 complaints about the relationship between Andy Sugden and Debbie Jones. However, Ofcom found no breach in the programme code and therefore no action was taken.
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SLW 2023, episode 30 (2023_08_26)
Broadcast: KTQA-LP 95.3 FM Tacoma, streaming address at KTQA.org
Voice-Over/Intro, music in the background: playlist selection #1
01. Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - The Rider Song (London, England 2005)
02. Tom Waits - Big in Japan (Los Angeles, California 1999)
03. Bauhaus - King Volcano (Northampton, England 1983)
04. Einstürzende Neubauten - The Garden (Berlin, Germany 1996)
05. Judy Collins - Dress Rehearsal Rag (Denver, Colorado 1966)
Voice-Over/First Break, music in the background: Black Light District - Cat Parkour (Kyiv, Ukraine 2022)
06. Nuxx Vomica - Perpetual Night (New York City, New York)
07. Ascenship - К​​​а​​​л​​​и​​​н​​​и​​​н​​​г​​​р​​​а​​​д (Indianapolis, Indiana 2023)
08. ben. - Holy City (Lily Of The Valley mix)(Northern Ireland 2023)
Voice-Over/Second Break, music in the background: Black Light District - New End (Kyiv, Ukraine 2022)
09. Distance H - Reason to rush (feat. Liset Alea)(Paris, France 2023)
10. Familiar Affections - Human Warmth (Buchs & Sargans, Switzerland 2023)
11. Preoccupations - Fever (Calgary, Canada 2016)
Voice-Over/Top of The Hour Break, music in the background: Black Light District - Pale Blue Dot (Kyiv, Ukraine 2022)
12. Das Noir - Made Of Flesh And Blood (Athens, Greece 2023)
13. Depeche Mode - Death's Door (Basildon, England 1991)
14. Death And Vanilla - Perpetuum Mobile (Malmö, Sweden 2023)
15. Replicas - Waiting (Tacoma, Washington 2022)
16. Stu Phillips & Glen A. Larson - Knight Rider (Hollywood, California 1982)*
Voice-Over/Forth Break, music in the background: Black Light District - Traction (Kyiv, Ukraine 2022)
17. Licorice Chamber - This Love Is Dark (Codename Lola Mix)(Tacoma, Washington 2021)
18. The Sisters Of Mercy - Valentine (Leeds, England 1983)
19. Joy Division - Dead Souls (Manchester, England 1980)
20. The Cure - Just One Kiss (Crawley, England 1983)
21. The Velvet Underground - The Murder Mystery (New York City, New York 1969)
22. Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - The Rider Song (The Proposition)(London, England 2005)
23. Other - A Summoning (Seattle, Washington 2021)
Voice-Over/Last Break, music in the background: Black Light District - House Arrest (Kyiv, Ukraine 2022)
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