#king of bbgs
royalnavyart · 1 month
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... Our prayers are not being answered ...
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potato-lord-but-not · 2 months
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S4 final was crazzzyyyy like what was that about
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msbdoodls · 2 months
King of a ruined world why not ruin me instead...🤤
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pixiatn · 2 years
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Duke and Danny is a severely underrated/underutilized duo in DP X DC crossover fics and in this essay I will-
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chaoish1 · 5 months
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percymawce-arts · 27 days
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John’s hair is actually my new favorite thing, ever, I think
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ghiertor-the-gigapeen · 3 months
Actor and twitter shenanigans continue
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j3llysoda · 10 months
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oh to be the cuntiest of the ice people
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forest-of-delusions · 6 months
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Taking a break from DoL until more content gets added. I got into whb in the meantime. The characters are so silly i love them sm
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pumpk1nappl3p1 · 11 months
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Love team art!!!
The latest chapter had me screaming
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chaiichait · 5 months
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POV: You are a mcdonald's cashier and a cosplaying couple is complaining about a wrong order (wow that's a really good cosplay, the husband's ears look really realistic)
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redeeedzzz · 3 months
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My first true attempt at drawing Laios.
My soul goes out to him.
Plus the reference I used when drawing him (on the bottom).
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pumpkincalico · 1 year
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Currently reading the stolen throne and wanted to draw maric, loghain and rowan! i sure hope nothing bad happens to them :D
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kumisona · 6 months
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Single dads near u (MT my beloved)
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thejudeduarte · 2 months
Jude: Hey where are you?
Cardan: Somewhere between psychotic and iconic
Jude: *face palm*
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wolfythewitch · 10 months
I hear you like biblical characters who are also sad/tragic little men
Have you considered:
Abraham, one of the most depressing main characters in the Bible?
Consider, people historically misread this character to make him more exemplary, but according to the text:
1. Early in his arc we see some big wins for him; he gets God on his side, he learns to be confident in himself and in his internal sense of justice, so much so that at the crucial moment before Sodom and Gomorrah, God tests whether Abraham's loyalty is stronger than his sense of justice, and Abraham passes with flying colors. He castigates God's plan as despicable, profane, a gross miscarriage of justice from an apparently unjust being who deigns to call themself the judge of the universe—and does not become an Abrahamakebab (seriously it's like Odysseus challenging Athena levels of chutzpah)
2. God promises him everything including that he'll inherit the promised land and see his children fill the land
3. God tests him again and tells him to sacrifice Isaac, and Abraham absolutely beefs it. If you read the text closely, it really emphasizes how close Abraham and Isaac are, and God is really careful to emphasize and remind Abraham of this fact. What happens? Abraham and Isaac go up the mountain together. And then at the climactic moment? It's not God who intervenes, but an angel (before this point it's always God, always personal). And then Abraham (alone) descends the mountain. Not Abraham and Isaac, just Abraham. We never again see Abraham and Isaac in the same place until Abraham's funeral (not even to set up Isaac and Rivka; he sends a servant for that! Also the funniest part of the bible; Isaac's so hot Rivka falls off her camel). Sarah leaves him and returns to her ancestral land (we know this because Abraham has to travel to her land when she dies, while Isaac lives in the same region as Sarah). And God never again speaks to Abraham, and in fact doesn't speak directly to anyone ever again until Moses kills the overseer and then comes upon the burning bush, 400 years later. Abraham certainly doesn't live to inherit the promised land or see his children fill it.
Man rises to the highest of highs, and then through his own doing, loses his son, his wife, his God, his legacy, and his pride.
May I propose instead: King Saul
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