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hi this may be an unusual ask but, in less than a month i am likely going to be promoted into a different department. i'll be working in a library branch as a book shelver or something similar. i wanted to know if you i guess, have any tips for working in a library? sorry if this is vague im just curious, i saw that youre a reference librarian so i thought youd have some??
I sort of like how vague it is?
20 Random Tips for Library Survival:
It really does matter where the books go. If it’s not where it’s supposed to be on shelf, in rough sort, or on display, it doesn’t exist.
Be very wary of the “no fines for library employees” rule. 98% of us can’t handle that kind of responsibility.
Do whatever the director says. Drop everything for them.
Ditto for board members.
Patrons will assume that because you work in a library you know everything about it. It is your job to pass these questions off to the correct authority.
Understand how to use the catalog. Someone has to.
Never promise anything.
Children are always right.
Befriend your tech support.
Befriend whichever librarian is in charge of ordering materials for your favorite collection. They’ll order almost anything you want (so long as it’s new and moderately priced).
If you stare blankly and smile at a patron long enough, they’ll stop telling you their racist theory about the economy.
It’s really hard to push 50lb book carts in high heels when you only weigh 108lbs.
Fill displays whenever you can.
Beware the phrase “we’ve always done it this way.”
Wear gloves when working with children’s books or cookbooks.
Always feed the reference librarian.
Reader’s advisory is everyone’s job. Be prepared to talk about books, movies, or music that you love.
Never judge anyone on their tastes. Every book has its reader and every reader their book. It’s not up to you to decide what’s good and what’s bad.
Speak softly around technical services workers. They spook easily.
Keep a parka in your locker. You’ll need it.
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Sunday June 14, 2:30-4:30 pm Dutcher Community Room, SSPL #publicforum #urbandesign #placemaking #citizensforhighrock (at Saratoga Springs Public Library)
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The baby phoebes hatched #beakswideopen (at Home - Saratoga Springs)
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Thiing 10 - just because I have to finish everything
I have to say that I believe I answered Thing 10 during Appy #8. So please read that post. Ha - might need to complete things, but I can be lazy about it. Thank you Polly for a great 20 weeks.
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Measured Rest #amypodmore (at Albany International Airport)
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Thing 9 - a week behind
Mobile web interfaces - what can I say? I love to play with Wordpress and learn about new features - but the implementation....
Hi, my name is Jen, and I have been maintaining a non-responsive website for years and preaching about need for one for just as long.
I just created a Wordpress site for another library using one of the default themes and it is quite responsive in a mobile sort of way. I now feel compelled to dig deeper and see if I can get a nice mobile theme for the site.
As to the SALS site - it is a work in progress and I actually have started a test site to experiment with features and infrastructure. I have visions -- but the implementation....
Scanning some of our library sites that are not Wordpress are quite interesting -things are really inconsistent out there. The Clifton Park Halfmoon and the Saratoga Springs sites are non-responsive. They are miniature versions of their site. The Waterford Public Library starts out with a huge version of their site. Kudos to Crandall - a nice mobile site indeed. Everything a person would want - Events, Catalog, "My Account", Ask a Librarian, eContent, Location and Hours and Contact us.
I say K.I.S.S. and use web analytics to figure out which pages are most important to your users. Instead of relying on Wordperss to make a responsive, mobile or out of your control version of you website, make a very specific mobile site based on needs.
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Magical Wednesday morning #aprilsnow (at Saratoga Springs, New York)
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I peek out my window and what do I see? (at Saratoga Springs, New York)
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Thing 8: If your Appy and you know it clap your hands
I decided to explore apps that our libraries already have access to, but may not use when roaming the stacks with their mobile device.
Warning - strong opinions below: ReferenceUSA for iPad - If your library subscribes to ReferenceUSA do not bother downloading this app. Actually, consider not purchasing this database. I have never found accurate data for anything I have searched with this product. The app proves this point more. The GeoLocator was awful. I got results for Alaska. I had to choose Cleveland as my library when I logged in. Not good for local PR of a product that the tax payers are paying for. Searched my name - they know where I live but that's about all that is accurate. Two thumbs down!
Mango Lanugages - This app is as robust as the full product. Download your lessons and learn on the go. I can't wait to start learning Malay for my trip to Singapore!
Access My Library - Gale, CengageApp opens up with a map of libraries in your vicinity and then allows you to link to the library's Gale resources.I have access to Business & Company Profiles, National Newspaper Index and What do I read next? I recommend, recommending this app to your patrons.
YALSA's Teen Book Finder - opens up with a list of Today's hot picks. You can search by "lists", title, author, genre, year and award. Once you find a book, you can make it a favorite, tweet or share on Facebook as well as find it. Find it uses OCLC WorldCat holdings to point you to the right library. Of course the downfall with this feature, SALS libraries are not WorldCat holdings members. Oh well! SALS is working on a project that was conceived in Terminal F of the Philadelphia airport in the Local bar/restaurant. The restaurant had individual iPads for each chair. You could peruse the menu, order, pay and tip from the iPad. Every time an order was placed, behind the bar a receipt would print and the server would make sure your drinks were poured and delivered. Sara and I have no plans to make libraries bars, but we do like the idea of an mobile iPad bar, that serves a group of people who don't want to hang out all day (they have another place to go or a time constraint) and the library populates the iPads with relevant apps and Internet access. Places to bring the mobile units... Farmer's markets, county fairs, open houses, Makerfaires.... This could also be brought to "Appy hours" at local bars and other Meetups. Show everyone how useful and cool your library is!
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Beaver spotting ✅ six mile run ✅ (at Saratoga National Historical Park)
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I though I would start Thing 7: Audio, Recording, Streaming off with a song from Spotify. I never ever thought I would would be the one to stream music, but I fell in love with Pandora and Spotify. I still buy my 4 3/4 in discs (aka CDs) but they are at Flea Markets and the used section of a record shop. If I go to a concert, I will purchase direct as well. Anyhow, I digress. My husband and were both raised in musical families - road trips with 8 tracks and cassettes of "ripped" radio mixes or from vinyl counterparts. Fair use right?
We have an extensive music collection at home and well... I admit it. If I am at home or work with wi-fi access - I like the luxury of being my own DJ.
Just recently - within the last 6 months, I have changed my solo runs from music in my ears to an audiobook. Although I love to listen to my new tunes, it is so productive to listen to a book that I can't find the time to read instead. I spend at least 10 hours a week exercising - 2 of which are alone time. Add vacuuming, cooking and travel - and I have listened to 4 books since January. I feel accomplished since I am such a slow reader.
Podcasts - I have not gone there yet. Now that my running has become very social, I can't dedicate my time to an audiobook any longer. I might have to turn to podcasts instead. Maybe 2014 is the year of the podcast for me. Libraries - have you considered Hoopla (Midwest Tape Exchange) or Freegal? I think the benefit of offering the music is that patrons can download it, like an audiobook or ebook. They won't have to rely on wifi or their data plan. I would love it if you got it (hint, wink, wink, local library)
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