Mostly Amv’s Nowadays
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Art. Mostly fandom related junk! Used to draw, mostly do amv’s now
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contentbunny · 1 year ago
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Working on a my little pony fanganronpa :)
Here’s the cast! We’re a looong way from writing but hey! If this sounds interesting, my instagram for this story is ponyronpa_friendshipisdespair so give it a follow of that sounds interesting!
I keep tweaking the death order though, so i’d love to hear some of your thoughts on who should be a victim, a blackened, or a survivor!
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contentbunny · 1 year ago
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Working on a talentswap Sonia for my danganronpa 1 & 2 rewrite.
Sonia Nevermind is the Ultimate Occultist instead of the Ultimate Princess! This edit is simple but i think it works :)
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contentbunny · 1 year ago
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The Elements of Magic!
A mlp au where the mane 6 are (mostly) all unicorns.
Celestia Sunbeam: Element of Responsibility
Luna Nightshade: Element of Understanding
Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadence Heartstrings): Element of Love - the only pegasus of the group, but love is it’s own kind of magic
Starlight Glimmer: Element of Change
Trixie Lulamoon: Element of Modesty
Sunser Shimmer: Element of Forgiveness
This was mostly just a fun redesign project!
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contentbunny · 1 year ago
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All mane 7 redesigns together in one post!
I’m really proud of my editing skills and i love my redesigns! Feel free to draw them if you actually like them! I might draw them myself too since I need to work on drawing ponies again.
Let me know if you wanna know more about any of the pony’s backstories or headcanons!
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contentbunny · 1 year ago
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The final mane 7 redesign!!!
Pinkie Surprise!
The only pegasus in her earth pony family (similar to Mr and Mrs Cake where their babies had a horn and wings because of distant relatives), Surprise was never born to be a superb flyer, She was born to be a rock farmer.
However, upon discovering that she absolutely loved parties and gift giving, she decided that her destiny wasn’t on a lone farm, but in big crowds and smiling faces!
Surprise moved to Ponyville where she could have a fresh start, and she began to bake and throw parties to make ponies happy! Word spread around Equestria and soon Surprise was known far and wide as the best party pony you could hire!
Despite seeing the sonic rainboom as a filly, it didn’t permanently give her curly hair or brighten her fur. Surprise’s hair is still straight like her sister’s, so she curls her tail and dyes her mane to be a bit brighter.
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contentbunny · 1 year ago
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Rainbow Dash redesign!
Basically just made her more butch tbh. Long hair can’t be good for aerodynamics and Rainbow’s always trying to go fast.
Made her fur white, her cutie mark represents the sonic rainboom more, and separated her mane colors a little bit differently. And she has a piercing!
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contentbunny · 1 year ago
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Rarity redesign! Her big poofy hair is giving me 50’s sock hop vibes!
Not much to say about our Element of Generosity! Just changed her cutie mark to make her talent more obvious and I thought she’d look nice with a black coat.
I’m really proud of her mane/bangs.
Rarity Elegance is her name! Starting out as a seamstress in Ponyville and slowly working her way up to owning multiple dress shops around Equestria, Rarity is now well known and a household name as her designs are gorgeous and as elegant as her.
She travels around Equestria to her many shops, as well as working as a Friendship Ambassador with her group of friends.
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contentbunny · 1 year ago
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Starlight Glimmer redesign for my au!
While Starlight became my favorite character in the later seasons, I have to agree that her color scheme gave me serious ‘knock off Twilight’ vibes so I tried to give her a whole different look! I think her mane looks very 60’s inspired and I’m kinda digging it.
Starlight Glimmer grew to hate cutie marks and special talents when her mother died.
Her mother’s talent was important, and she sacrificed far too much for other people. So much so that it got her killed when Starlight was barely out of diapers. Resentment grew in little filly Starlight when everypony brought up how kind and sacrificing her mother used to be, and something snapped inside of her when she realized she couldn’t even remember what her mother’s face looked like.
So, the second she became an adulr, she left without so much as a goodbye to her father and former friend, Sunburst.
She started a small little village for likeminded people and over time, her anger and hatred grew to the point that her village became a cult of sorts. Cutie marks were evil and everyone needed to be equal!
Until the mane 6 came by to help.
From there, with Princess Fluttershy and her friend’s kindness, Starlight learned that maybe she was wrong to turn her back on cutie marks and slowly but surely reformed and changed her ways.
Her magic had always been stronger than most. Now that she was learning about friendship, she could use it to help people….like her mother used to.
As time went on, Starlight was gifted wings and the title of Princess of Change, proving that anypony can change and become better no matter where they are in life.
And thus, Celestia and Luna could retire! Fluttershy and Starlight would be crowned in their place. Fluttershy raises the sun, Starlight raises the moon.
Canonically, I think giving Twilight the responsibility of two princesses is far too much, and thus in this AU there are two ponies gifted wings and becoming princesses to replace Celestia and Luna when they retire.
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contentbunny · 1 year ago
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Applejack redesign in my au!
I’m gonna be totally honest (haha!) this is the one that had the most drastic design changes but the least drastic story changes. I basically had to re-edit a Big Mac vector and redraw practically everything.
Jackie Apple (or to her friends, Applejack) was a farmer at heart since she was a filly. She made sure to grow big and strong to match her brother’s work load so he didn’t have to do too much on his own.
When Granny Smith passed, she inherited her little scarf to keep her memory alive.
Presently, Big Mac stays at the farm with his wife Sugar Belle and their son to keep the family business going, while Applejack travels Equestria most of the year to trade seeds with other farming creatures and expand Sweet Apple Acres’ and Ponyville’s evergrowing catalogue of plants.
She juggles her travels and her new duties as a Friendship Ambassador along with her friends fairly well.
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contentbunny · 1 year ago
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Fluttershy redesign! I think i’ve done much better at editing a vector then I did yesterday.
Once again, adding a bit of her parents into her design and playing around with her mane.
Fluttershy was born a pegasus, although she wasn’t a big fan of flying. It wasn’t until she discovered her adoration for animals that she chose to get stronger both mentally and physically to protect these creatures from harm. She becomes a much stronger flyer as an adult.
that internal strength seems to catch Princess Luna’s attention and when Twilight is sent to Ponyville by Celestia to make friends and Fluttershy becomes the element of kindness, Luna sees potential in her.
Over the course of the series, Fluttershy’s kindness becomes her biggest strength, and soon Luna and Celestia gift her with a magical horn and dub her a Princess. One of two Princesses that will be revealed in these redesigns.
I’m just a big unicorn/alicorn Fluttershy stan. Yeah, Twilight grew a lot from a socially inept bookworm to a master of friendship, but this is my redesigns/au! Go make your own if ya don’t like it :)
Bonus Alicorn Fluttershy:
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contentbunny · 1 year ago
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Thought i’d try my hand at editing mlp vectors and I think this turned out alright!
Gonna do some redesigns for the mane 6 to practice! So here’s Twilight Sparkle!
I’ll be Taking some liberties and mixing in a bit of their parents colors and what the showrunners wanted gen 5 to be in the beginning, hence Twilight here being an earth pony.
Super fun backstory under the cut!
Despite Twilight Sparkle’s parents both being unicorns, she was born an earth pony. It was a little confusing to her parents at first but going back a few generations they learn they’ve got a little earth pony mixed into their genes.
Twilight grew up becoming a huge bookworm just like canon, studying magic and different kinds if spells despite not being able to do any magic herself. And despite being an earth pony she managed to catch Celestia’s attention at a young age and was taken under her wing as a personal student.
She was sent to Ponyville to learn about friendship just like in canon, and during the battle with Nightmare Moon discovered that her knowledge came in handy with her unicorn friends magic, giving them advice on spells to use to keep them all safe.
Twilight Sparkle is the element of magic only in spirit, and lives contently in Ponyville with her friends as the town’s librarian.
This Twilight does not become an alicorn.
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contentbunny · 2 years ago
New amv is finished! This one’s about Debbie and Devizo blaming each other for how they turned out.
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contentbunny · 2 years ago
‘CrInGe CuLtUrE iS dEaD’
Until some assholes decide to dig up a post from when you were fucking fourteen and make fun of it on the internet.
Fuck you.
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I homestuck’d the Pahkitew Island crew!
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contentbunny · 2 years ago
New content from me! To keep this blog from dying lmao
Made a new amv after months because i’m still hyperfixating on debvizo and i wish they would get back together.
My discord is debbie devizo#6863 if anyone wants to roleplay these two!!
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contentbunny · 3 years ago
Couldn’t resist making some octogoblin content. Um, this was gonna be just a short edit but I managed to get enough scenes for the whole song!
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contentbunny · 3 years ago
Another supermansion amv! Blackgroans & Rexvizo this time!
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contentbunny · 3 years ago
New amv! Finally thought Rexvizo deserved some love.
I wanted to roleplay a few ideas I had for them 👀 so if you’re interested dm me here or my discord is soudapop#6863
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