#kinda just want to eat a banana
edgybutnotveryedgy · 1 year
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ragingtwilight · 2 years
tried V8 for the first time since its like never showed up in any stores around me before
that shit slaps bro
cold tomato soup my beloved 🥰
also tried cucumber lays chips?? theyre actually super tasty omg, theyre like a crunchy lil dessert
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altruistic-meme · 3 months
i had things to do today but my plans have been derailed bc i still don't have my car back :( so my brain decided to Shutdown instead. fucker.
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shatterthefragments · 5 months
Ouch :(
Tired :( SO SLEEPY too :(
Need to pack lunch :(
I have to work the next seven days :(
(…I don’t know their name)
also my friend’s piece in the exhibit is super amazing so I’m super glad I went :)
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Why does cooking/baking always have to come with dirty dishes? I just want to make things and then lay around afterwards. I hate eternally struggling against dishes and cookware
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d3stinyist1red · 1 month
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ʙᴜʟʟʏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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Yandere bully who first learned about you when you bumped into him in the halls
Yandere bully who pushed you roughly, cursing at you, scowling before walking away with his two other goons that follow him around
Yandere bully who you hated, bc why he acting like he the shit when he has two blobs following himm?? >:((
Yandere bully who starts messing with you,pushing you in the hallways and making fun of you
Yandere bully who pushed you in the hallway, making you elbow him in the face, causing blood to gush out his nose
Yandere bully who groans in pain, scowling at you before running away
Yandere bully who goes to the bathroom to help stop the bleeding, stuffing napkins up his nose to help
Yandere bully who felt his dick rising once he remembered how hard and painful your elbow was to his nose
Yandere bully who immediately blushes, shaking his head and trying to put down his aching boner, panicking, was he really getting heard because of one elbow to the face?!
Yandere bully who begins to follow you around with a scowl on his face after that, knowing he now had the biggest crush on u
Yandere bully who cries as he runs his own thumb over the tip, the pleasure making him shiver and for pre cum to leak out even more as he remebers the pain u inflicted on him
Yandere bully whose tongue lollies out as he grunts to a picture he took of you eating a banana, wishing the banana was his dick instead.
Yandere bully who insults you whenever you mention that he is now following you around and doing your homework
Yandere bully who acts like hes being forced to buy you snacks from the vending machine when he is literally doing this out of his free will
Yandere bully who holds your hand during a fieldtrip, not wanting to lose you through a big crowd
Yandere bully who is literally clingy asf even though he acts as if YOUR the one sniffing his underwear and touching urself to it (u dont do that freaky shit, that bitch is just mad that he luvs u and ur panties)
Yandere bully who is now ur tsundere who wants u to inflict more pain on him <333
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satoruhour · 1 year
a/n: continuation of this. ARRRGHHH also i swear i couldve written this better i kinda hate this lol / tagging @jabamin @shotorus @hyomagiri @crysugu @valberry @lov3rbody ✶
wc: 4.1k (got carried away again ! lord help me)
warnings: dad!gojo, fem!reader, he is enamoured with you, dom!gojo, calls you ‘mama’, also like slight daddy kink, sex while pregnant, lactation kink, pregnancy kink, implied f! masturbation, oral / cunnilingus, fingering, clit stimulation, praise, pet names, spitting, mating press, multiple rounds, overstimulation, unprotected sex, creampie / breeding kink, n*sfw under the cut
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✶ dilf!gojo . . .
. . . who, when you were pregnant, could never get enough of your glow. sure, you’d look tired and worn out half the time but gojo thought you never looked better cradling your belly whilst you took your afternoon nap, or when you’d do some light chores around the house (you won over gojo trying to stop you). not to mention, your breasts were fuller and heavier with milk, soaking through your slip dresses often that he’s had to hide his hard-on more and more.
. . . who, on more than one occasion has had your tits caged within his hand: watching television, in naps, sex, he was unbelievably obsessed with the way the fabric around your nipples would leak and darken in colour. all he wanted was to knead them as he eats up your delicious moans, sucking hickies into your throat and holding your baby bump with his other hand. and then when satoru first peels the dress off of you, he whimpers, admiring the way your tits lactate and leak milk from its tip.
“s—satoru—” you’re sat sideways on his lap like the sweet girl you are and the first contact of his tongue around your nipple makes you let out a long moan. the sensitivity is all too much for you together with the heaviness of your belly and your hormones spiking and your husband simply smiles into your skin. he slurps at the liquid that drips from your tits, groaning into your breasts and the vibrations makes you clench your thighs together. it doesn’t go unnoticed by him when he’s got his hand between them, playing lazily with your clit and he presses a little harshly into your bundle of nerves and it draws such a beautiful cry and a spurt of your milk from your nipples right into his mouth. satoru cleans up well, noises similar to when he’d eat you out, “mmh… such perfect tits, mama, leaking so much milk just f’r me.” ✶
. . . whose hands look more rugged than he was young, fingertips a certain roughness to it from the boxes of the furniture of the nursery he’s carried to the training he still partakes in for young sorcerers. but they look especially pretty when he cuts up strawberries and bananas for your pancakes and later on, a teacup that barely makes its appearance in his hand from just how large he was in comparison to your baby girl’s tea set. your eyes also like to trail his hands as they skillfully weave your girl’s hair in a braid, hypnotised in which he uses his teeth to drag the hair tie to his fingers. satoru has a different opinion — he likes to see it on your belly when he wants to feel the baby kick and on your plush thighs when he’s teasing you, so close yet so far to your uncomfortable cunt.
. . . who uses your badly shaven job against you when his lips graze along your still full breasts and down to your torso. you can feel him drag the stubble against your inner thighs and it’s like he’s relishing in the way you squirm and thrash around on the bed, but the gojo below you is the culmination of multiple years of missions and caring for a baby girl. he looks so damn stunning between your legs as he usually does, except his features are more wrinkly and lenient and gentle, white strands turning just a little silver — it may just be the trick of the light.
but the way he eats you out has never changed — he’s already gone past making you beg for it. a hand on your inner thighs, caressing the skin and letting him do his damage, but it’s usually not long that gojo needs to hear you. “i heard you like this?” he laughs as he uses his teeth to pull at your underwear as he lifts your hips like you weigh nothing and his eyes are fixated on the way you’re leaking so much that there’s a string of arousal that connects your panties to your pussy. “’toru . .” you’re whining, grasping at nothing ’cause your belly was just too big. he finds your hand easily and twines your fingers. “yeah, angel?” with your legs propped up, he can appreciate the glory of your soaking pussy, and he thinks your tummy just looks divine, carrying a whole new life within it and still looking beautiful as ever. you preen when his mouth licks a stripe up your cunt and you can practically feel the stubble along your pussy lips. “mmh— was made to eat your pussy out, mama.” it’s no different from before. gojo eats you out with his skillful tongue, lapping at your folds and clit messily. you’re squeezing his hands at the intense sensations and he squeezes right back, other hand slowly drawing circles around your clenching, needy hole.
“look at ‘er,” gojo moans softly in awe as his finger parts your folds and he eases it in, your cunt automatically clamping down. you were right — they did feel rougher, bigger — it’s like you can feel the pads of his fingers and the lines on his digits. “so damn wettt . .” gradually he adds another and starts pumping them, moaning alongside you as your filthy husband nuzzles the bottom of his face into your sex and the prickle of his facial hair is so prominent — you just have to grind your hips onto his face. “careful of the baby, darling.” he lightly warns, fairly muffled, but he lets his little wife continue whatever she’s doing. “’toru, ’toru— needa c-cum . .” you’re whimpering, looking like a greek goddess as you’re dripping, dripping, all over satoru’s chin. “yeah? give it to daddy, baby, c’mon.” he moans into your clit, slurping up your juices mercilessly as his fingers reach so deep in you. “that’s right, that’s my girl— oooh fuckk . . . so much cum for me—” you’re cumming with a loud cry, plump thighs squeezing his head and he only presses his tongue deeper into your core as flood his tongue with your juices. he smacks his lips together and shoots you a smirk, “what a sweet thing my lil wife is — sweetest pussy too.” ✶
. . . who has to fuck you at least once while you’re pregnant, but he hadn’t imagined he would get so addicted to the look of your body rocking back and forth, so limp and pliant for him, especially with how he could easily do anything to you with how strong he was and yet you’re surrending everything up to him. satoru who has you in all sorts of positions where he can look at your supple breasts bounce as you cradle the baby in anxiety with one arm and the other is lining his back in red. and he hadn’t expected you’d be so horny too.
. . . whose dick you just can’t get enough of, pouncing on him once he’s gotten home from missions all sweaty and out of breath and your heart gets caught in your throat. guiding your hand to your little cunt when you wake in the morning to his toned chest and the look of soon-to-be-father looking so good on him. sending him little voice notes as you go on appointments by yourself (gojo hates himself for having a mission clash), but the contrast of your husband’s tear-filled apology before your needy audios is a stark contrast, fingers rubbing at your clit in the hospital toilet, unsatisfied. high-pitched whines whenever his cock would kiss your cervix juuust right and moaning how you want his cum in you, again
your husband throws his head back when he first sinks into you, but not before he slaps his cock along your folds, already soaking the sheets from the four times he’s made you cum. “f—fuck, so warm in here, baby.” gojo presses your hands to his lips and lays multiple kisses along it, even licking at your fingers and keeping his eyes locked on you while plunging them into your mouth. the gesture is sensual, hips rocking into you while his tongue glides over your fingers; he brings it to your clit after, helping you and satoru hopes he wouldn’t cum too early. especially when your hair is all splayed out with that glow along your cheeks. the position accentuate the curves of your body and your swelling stomach, and fuck, if he could paint, the image of your anatomy would be burned into his brain. “s’full, daddy.” he simply caresses your sore belly, “yeah? is it now?” he’s buried all the way to the hilt and the deepness sends a chill up your spine, “takin’ me like the good girl you are.”
“satoru, satoru, mmhhfuck,” your hands are holding into his forearms so tightly as he rocks into you, legs wrapped around his waist to trap him with your pussy and you truly wish your baby bump would be bigger so you didn’t have to look at your husband’s fucked out face and sweaty locks, grunts leaving his mouth as he continues to fuck into you with firm, solid thrusts. “w-what is it, sweeth— s-shit, this pussy’s too fuckin’ good.” you mewl at the words, staring up at him through hooded lids and a lax jaw. “tell me what— fuucck— you want, baby,” your words are beyond comprehensible, so you only can moan louder and babble over and over again, “cum— wan’ your cum, wan’ your cum, ’toru!” and gojo has a full blown aneurysm at the way you beg even when you were already knocked up. gojo’s breath and hips stutter at the way you hold onto his arm and plead, cumming straight into the warmth of your cunt with a loud groan. “don’t know how much i love your cunt, sweets.” ✶
. . . who, once you give birth to your baby girl, has never stopped thirsting over you, but he’s a little more considerate in letting your body rest. most of the time he’s pleasuring you just as you were with your baby bump, always the quickest to stand up and run to the nursery when he’d hear the baby’s cries or pass off him being between your legs as just wrestling as your darling girl gets another terrible nightmare. satoru has put you first, always, but lately the chivalrous acts that he’s been doing is landing you in a position of a dilemma — between decorum of a mother and the filthiness of a wife whose husband is just too hot.
. . . who stands out to you more with his new found love for tight black shirts and low riding sweatpants, always prancing around the penthouse with it glued to his body and accentuates just the best parts of his body. you weren’t sure if it was the post pregnancy hormones doing its job or whatever, but there are many times where you can see yourself staring a little too much: on movie nights when he manspreads and adjust his hips, one hand tucked behind the sofa and you can see the muscles in his arm moving. all gojo asks is “take a picture. it’ll last longer, baby,” and you just roll your eyes, but not before one more glance to his inviting lap. when it’s the morning and you’re already up tending to the baby, bouncing her around and breastfeeding her before your head snaps to the low, raspy greeting and you’re blessed with satoru and his arm up on the doorframe, watching you. he’s yawning and scratching at his torso while the sweatpants ride low, showing a peek of his v-line and happy trail. he’s giving you the sweetest, yet somehow sexiest smile as he saunters up to you, surrounded by his toned body and strong arms.
. . . who knows what he’s doing when he sees your distracted stares to the point your baby girl has to drag your hand full of food to her mouth; or in times of sleepiness in the dawn where all he wears are boxers and he has the gift of hearing your not so quiet gasp when you see him emerge from the bathroom after his morning skincare. what really seals the deal though, is the day you had a reunion with the students of jujutsu high, a nice little picnic out near tokiwa bridge and gojo just had to show his girls off — what was meant to be a wholesome day turned into thoughts of your husband’s physique as he challenges nanami to a “carry-off”, the still stoic sorcerer not even bothering to participate as gojo swoops you both into his arms. your daughter on his right and you on his left, and you’re scrambling to grab his shoulder. it sinks into you like an anchor: just how fit he was, the lines of his tense arm, the cheeky wink he sends to you while you’re up there. you only hope he can’t feel your pussy throb from that.
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“you alright, darling?” your baby’s asleep comfortably on your chest, and your eyes can only burn holes into the hand that’s resting on your thigh, swallowing before facing your husband who only seemed to get hotter the more he ages. when you turn to him he’s already looking at you, a lopsided smile on his face before he breaks eye contact and steps on the gas when the traffic light turns green, letting out a loaded exhale when you grab his hand and twine your fingers.
that two person carry has been etched onto your mind long after you’ve reached the penthouse along with everything that’s been going on, but you’re interrupted when satoru squeezes your hand, pulling you into his embrace while keeping your darling girl asleep. he’s skilled at that, as he is with his lips, pressing a deep kiss to your mouth. you can feel your stomach turn with anticipation, tasting his gloss as he whispers “should we order takeout tonight?”
you hum, “i can cook, ’toru.”
his hands feel hot on your waist, “rest today, baby. we did spend a whole day in the hot sun,” they draw circles on your lower back, “plus, we have that event tomorrow, don’t wanna tire you out.”
“the event’s at night you goof,” you laugh, a slow hand stroking your daughter’s hair. stark white and striking as always.
“still.” he grins and winks like there’s some ulterior motive, leaning in to kiss you again before your girl rouses and yawns.
“good morning, my love.” satoru coos as she finds her bearings, looking around in confusion and only being able to focus on her father’s hand on her hair.
“na-na-min?” the awkward plea in her voice would drive gojo to burn the world down, to call nanami right now to meet up again, but he knows all that would only warrant annoyance. he could call yuji, but he did mention something about having dinner with his partner tonight.
gojo feels bad to be breaking her heart like this, “no, darling, ’m sorry.” his heart breaks even more when she breaks into a slight cry and he attempts to quell her sobs by baby-talking her.
“c’mon, why don’t you let papa carry you, and mama can head off to take care of herself, hm?” he suggests with a big grin, mood changing instantly as he plucks her out of your arms, again emphasising his strong arms when they hold her on one side and curl another around you. “go clean up first. i’ll settle dinner for her.”
but the shower seemed to be a bad idea at the time, emerging from the steamy bathroom to see your husband with his shirt off and the baby already all cleaned up and fed. she was swaddled in her most comfortable blanket, the fabric of it peeping out from the side as your eyes focus on the rippling muscles of gojo’s back. he bounces the baby gently as he burps her, muttering little praises and sounds.
“oh, baby—” he catches sight of you in the doorway in a towel and he only smiles, not knowing how you were trying to digest just how broad his shoulders were and how small his waist was. had he always been so fine?
“heard about skin to skin contact with your baby,” he whispers, “says it increases our bond.”
and if you could, you’d drag him back to the chapel all over again to renew your vows, because you didn’t expect him to be such a sap. you also didn’t expect him to read you so well. the baby’s asleep and it’s well past midnight, masking yet another shaky sigh when your body sinks more into his side.
“yeeess . .?” 
you stand up with vigour you didn’t think you have, plopping yourself down onto his lap and all he does is smile slyly. the way his bare body moves as he leans back is enough drive for you to shut him up.
“haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”
“oh? you have a crush on me?”
so infuriating as always. you roll your eyes and grind down on him, igniting such a familiar and archaic feeling that you haven’t felt in a long time: his bulge against you, the soft groan he lets out. he’s always been treating you time and time, and yet he puts his own needs on hold. a perfect husband like him waited only for you to initiate things, and yet you wonder why it took you so long. maybe it was the baby taking up most of your time, maybe it was him being on missions and coming home dead-beat tired.
maybe you knew you’d never turn back if you indulged yourself — pushing out a whole baby wasn’t exactly easy. but you’ve missed him. on you, in you.
“we’re married, you dumbass.”
“still in disbelief, my bad.” gojo laughs, “is there anything you wanna tell me?”
you sigh, pulling him to you so your foreheads would touch. you breathe onto his lips — “please take care of me.”
oh, gojo satoru did take care of you and more, burying his face between your legs and making you cum over and over. he made your voice hoarse and your thighs ache, juices soaking the sheets from just how wet you were.
“oh, you needed this, huh?”
“shut up.” gojo moans when you push him back onto your cunt, already having orgasmed thrice just from his tongue. he was skillful and he knew it, just as much as he knew just how tight you’d be when he smeared your cum all over your pussy and pushed past your folds. satoru whines at the tightness, at having missed your cunt wrapped around him for so long that he can tears prickling at the corners of his eyes.
“f—fuck . . so fuckin’ good, s’tight . .” you’re not that well off, either, thinking the shower was a waste of water as your sweaty stomach heaved in anticipation while he bottomed out. gojo cries out in a choked moan, “you feel so g—good, mama.”
“w-who’s needing it now?” you breathe out, fingers digging into his shoulders so harshly it hurt. you catch a glimpse of satoru’s smile and a shake of his head — you’d need to be carried tomorrow, for sure.
he pulls out and slams back in so accurately you let out a loud moan, insides turning to mush after so long. the feel of him filling you up is like none other, pussy gripping onto him like a vice. you can’t remember the last time you let him take you.
“so p-perfect for me—” gojo rasps out, looking at you drunkenly. the mother of his child, his wife, it weighs on him and he just thinks he needs to fuck you until you know how much joy you bring to his life. your body rocks as your lover fucks into you, hovering over your body and looking so ethereal. his hair falls into his eyes that you just have to pull him down, crashing your lips against his. the moans he lets out against your face is lovely and you can feel his cock twitch as your legs wrap around his waist.
“‘toru— shiiitt . .” your back arches off of the bed, body caving into satoru like second nature. he lets out babbles against your lips, room filled with the sounds of his balls slamming into your ass, coupled with your weeping pussy, coating his length with all that you can give to him. “so deep—”
“that’s ’cause you’re suckin’ me in, baby—” he laughs breathlessly, cutting off your answer with another kiss, feeling the brush of pelvic bone against your clit. it’s all you need to cum hard, still sensitive after so long and your pussy clenches around gojo’s shaft even tighter; it gets gojo whining into the kiss before he reaches his high too, spilling into you with wide eyes and stuttering hips. you moan at the sensation, eyes pleading your husband for more, more, more. 
“forgot how much i loved doing that, f-fuck—” gojo hums as he removes your legs from his waist, pushing you into a deep mating press and you squeal when you feel his cock barely hit your g-spot in this new position, “yeah? ya feel that?”
you nod mindlessly, hands now holding onto his forearms before his hips start moving again and you’re left to whining like a slut. your thighs dig into your chest as gojo folds your body in half, rutting into you messily. there’s so much cum, mixed in filthily as your words only descend into incoherence.
“yes, yes, yes!” are all you can manage as gojo grunts from above you: his stubble, his broad shoulders, his matured face, they all look beautiful in the cold night. he’s so focused on the way your cunt sucks him in, hips stammering when your hand comes into view to rub your clit. “give it all t’me, daddy.”
there’s a small growl that leaves his lips at that, pace reaching an animalistic one as he angles his hips. “open y’mouth.” 
satoru is driven crazy when you obey silently, and he has to push deeper into you to reach your mouth, making you falter and pull your brows together — you recover fast enough to catch the spit hanging from his mouth, dribbling slowly into your mouth even when gojo’s hips never stop their assault.
“attagirl,” he praises, smiling softly at the way your pussy twitched at that. he knows you’re close by the look in your eyes, grasping aimlessly at his shoulders. 
“gonna let me cum in you again? hm?” gojo’s thrusts are sloppy now, fuelled by the squelch of your drooling cunt, “gonna let daddy put another baby in you?”
you mewl at that, “wan’ that— want all of it—” intoxicated on his cock, they hit the deepest parts of you; you know and love the way his tip hits your sweet spot, you know and love the way the shaved pubes of his pelvis brush up against your clit so well.
“take it then—” gojo grunts, holding your legs up and meets your eyes and the simple call of his name has him shivering. he cums deep, shooting his load so white and hot in you that you’re moaning loudly at the feeling, hand on your clit increasing in pace before your fifth for the night, legs trembling in his grip and your mouth falls open in a silent scream. 
gojo thinks you’re god. “that’s it— shit, take all of my cum, mama.” you can barely see blue, rather seeing spots of white that fill your vision and you get dizzy and overstimulated, groaning finally when he removes his cock from you. so much cum spills out, pussy pushing it out and satoru bites his lips at the sight.
but you both know you’re far from done when gojo lies on his back, ulterior motive fulfilled when he sees you climb on top of him and drag your pussy along the base of his dick. with you like this, stretch marks and plumpier breasts, you still look as beautiful as you did before the baby, letting you interlock your fingers with his. 
your mouth falls open in a soft “satoru” as you sink down onto his still hard, leaking cock and he never wants to look at anyone else ever again, lest he misses even one second of witnessing a goddess like you at work.
gojo cannot resist sitting up to meet you halfway in a soft kiss (“thank you, ’toru. you always take care of me so well.”) and it gives him all the confirmation he needs when your hips first move and the moans and the lewd sounds of your cunt sound more heavenly than all the choirs in the world.
“it’s what you deserve, baby. only the best.”
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pallases · 2 years
one thing abt me is i will type up nothing more than the apparatus for a lab report and go okay break time!
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deadghosy · 8 months
prompt: you were found digging in their trash and they took you in
(I got covid😭 so me posting xreader will be kinda slow)
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You were digging for some food ever since you fell from heaven because you kept fighting people over trash…I mean damn reader…
You fell with a blank look as you had a rotten banana in your mouth as you looked down to see pentagram city…so what did you do? You pulled out your fire sword and slash the ground to soften your fall which worked. You changed it to a bat for protection as you found a dumpster!
You dig in the dumpster not hearing a person whistling. The person dropped the garbage bag shocked to see a….? Whatever you are digging in the dumpster. Your face was completely dirty as you lift it up to show you found a cool old watch.
Charlie didn’t know what to do. Are you homeless? Is what she thought as she takes you out the garbage as you blankly stare at her “•_•” “uhm sweetie are you okay?” “……” “not much of a talker huh…” you just stayed quiet as Charlie introduced herself and shook your hand bringing you to the hotel so you can have a place to stay.
I feel like you were a new angel and only stayed for like 1 month…(free trial ass shit…) and so when you didn’t act holy and proper. That’s why you mostly got kicked out
Vaggie will know you are an angel because of your angelic look and golden eyes as you just stand there minding your business. You tell her you fell because you fought over your treasure….your trash practically. So Vaggie tells you what happened to her and you hugged her making her feel safe about herself a bit.
You two have matching bracelets you made from an exercise Charlie did.
Okay I headcannon that Lucifer is already in the hotel living with his daughter. And he felt your presence and he would be like. “Fuck are you doing here”🤨 “I fought for my life.”
Vox one time put you on air with him because of your golden shining eyes….i think he was flirting with you as you ate some gift cookies he made for you…
Velvette tried to make you a model, but you kept wandering off somehow. Literally she got tired of you but never of your face as she at least posted you wearing some nice 2000 makeup
Carmilla had a gut feeling about you being an angel. She wanted to kill you but then you gave her a ring you found in a dumpster because you said she reminded you of your earth mother/parent. Yeah she wanted to adopt you
You help sir Pentious, or who you call penny for his project builds. You dig in dumpster’s, trash bins, and garbage dumps
Angel dust and you sometimes just be on your phones all the time which is obnoxious. But hey, I don’t make the rules. Being on your phone makes it seem like you don’t want to be talked to which is true.
Lucifer made you a duck as he notciced how lonely you are….(you don’t give a fuck, you only need trash as your friends) so Lucifer made you 20 ducks that are based on your favorite things or like idk just ducks
The egg boiz follow you around as you literally calling you the, “TRASH BOSS!” Not in a bad way more like in admiration as you give them stuff from the garbage.
Your golden eyes shining in the night scaring husk as he didn’t even see you in his hind sight. Like he is a cat, but he didn’t even see you?!
You and alastor’s both eat weird things, like he is a cannibal….and for you..either trash or just normal weird food combos
Alastor would definitely try to get you to eat cannibal meat, but to be honest you can tell the difference between human and regular meat. You always know.
Niffty is the kind of person who would give you a trash flower crown, kinda like how she made a crown for Alastor ✨🦆
I headcannon your angelic/demon form to be a raccoon 💀
You send dumbass memes in the hazbin hotel gc…
You are quite the feral person tbh, but who didn’t know when you literally fought people for your damn trash.
You definitely had bit Valentino once as Angel dust brought you to a club and you were digging in trash to find something cool. But Valentino found you adorable in the face and wanted to make you a sex worker. And what did you do when he tried to hurt Angel?
Yeah..you definitely had blood dripping from your mouth when Angel dragged you out of the club
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ilwonuu · 3 months
if you request start open can you write about Felix and a Fem reader like everyone is chilling in the living room and felix gets turned on by you eating a popsicle or something so when you get finished with it he tries to play fight with you to grope and feel you up but the members catch on and call him out and he’s embarrassed OMG I SUCK AT EXPLAINING
hiii yes of course heheh!!! also ur perfect at explaining i get what u mean (i hope hehe)lix has been bias wrecking me lately,,, so i’m very excited to write this. thank you for requesting <333
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୭̥°⋰˚𝗅𝖾𝖾 𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗑
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☘︎︎ 𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀-𝖾𝗌𝗍𝖺𝖻𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗁𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉,,,𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗂𝖽𝗈𝗅!𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗑 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
☘︎︎ 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌- 𝗌𝗎𝗀𝗀𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾, 𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗑 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗒 𝖿𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝖻𝖼 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝗍𝗈𝗎𝖼𝗁, 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖻𝗈𝗍𝗁 𝖽𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝖻𝖺𝖽 (𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗇𝗒), 𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗑 𝗂𝗌 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝖽𝖺 𝖽𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖽𝖾𝖽,𝗌𝗁𝗒 𝗅𝗂𝗑𝗂𝖾<𝟥 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋𝗌,,,𝗅𝗆𝗄 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾<𝟥
☘︎︎ 𝖺/𝗇- 𝗁𝖾𝗁𝖾𝗁𝖾 𝗂 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗄 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝖺 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗀𝗈 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗂𝗍. 𝗁𝖾𝗁𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍 𝗂 𝗐𝗋𝗈𝗍𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 (𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗈𝖿𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝗌𝗋𝗋𝗒<𝟥)
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the sweet outside hangout that you and your best friends have planned was moved inside quickly due to all of your dying of heat.
“if we stayed outside i would’ve died.” chan says as him and felix sit down on either sides of you.
chan offering you a popsicle and he hands one out to everyone.
“yea i know- i think it’s actually like 200 outside.” you sigh as you open the popsicle that chan got.
“why didn’t we go swimming today?” seungmin asks with an annoyed tone.
“yea idk- i don’t want to clean the pool.” jeongin said as he opened his popsicle too.
han and lee know are content laying in front of a fan with they eat their popsicle’s.
hyunjin and changbin are trying to make a smoothie in the kitchen but they are failing slightly.
“we don’t have any strawberries!” hyunjin rolls his eyes as changbin suggested to make a strawberry banana smoothie.
you just laugh at hyunjin’s face as he sees that the only fruit they have is banana’s.
“banana smoothie it is!” changbin says not looking at hyunjin at all. you laugh ate them as you focus your thoughts back to the boys sitting next to you.
you start eating your popsicle mindlessly as felix and chan chat about random things.
felix’s eyes can’t help but to drift to you.
he stopped listening to anything chan was saying the second he saw your lips as you ate the popsicle.
he can’t help but think all dirty things as you continued.
seungmin watching you from the corner with a amused expression.
felix probably looks like a deer in headlights.
chan moved over to where seungmin was sitting when he realized felix did not care about a single thing they were saying to him.
“you’re not gonna eat your popsicle lix?” you looked at him with a smile as you continued to eat your popsicle.
felix looked at you in shock when you talked to him.
“o-oh- i’m not really in the mood.” he lied as he pushed the popsicle away from him.
you giggled at him and finished your popsicle with a shrug.
“can i have yours then?” you asked him as you pointed to it. he thought for a moment before grabbing it.
“if you can get it from me you can have it.” felix’s words kinda drew all of the guys in to the two of you for a moment.
all of them laughing at how obvious he is. you try to grab the popsicle but felix moves it away from you every time.
he starts to run away from you as you two are laughing. you catch him on the couch and land somewhat in his lap.
you ignore it not trying to make him feel weird about it. you two stared at each other as he held the popsicle from you.
you were moving quite a bit in his lap but felix just looked a flushed pink. you reach over to his left arm that is holding it from you.
both of your tumbling to the ground. han and lee know are giggling with each other at felix’s way of flirting with you.
“you’re too sloww.” felix says with a laugh. you two wrestle a little with laugh and lots of touching.
he throws the popsicle a little behind you causing you to roll your eyes.
“you’re annoying!!!” you groan as you grab the popsicle finally.
you’re still sitting on his lap and you blush looking away from him getting off him. him also flushing a red color.
“are you done?” seungmin asks receiving a snicker from hyunjin in the kitchen.
jeongin joins in at the laughing when he sees felix’s face.
“what do- you mean?” felix tries to hide his boner with his hoodie the best he can but honestly he doesn’t know if you can see it or you felt it.
in your mind you were giggling because you wanted to flirt with him in a subtle way but lix was kinda not subtle. you could tell 100% and you did mind. you liked his flirting.
“you seem a little flustered.” lee know says with a smirk as he can’t help but to break out in laughter.
“i- wasn’t! shut up.” felix says hiding his face with his hood with a shy expression.
he was so embarrassed you knew he was trying to feel you up. you sat next to felix to whisper something to him.
“i think it’s cute.” you say as you send him a little subtle wink. you laugh as felix’s eyes widen and his face gets redder.
you look away from him him just to see jeongin staring at you. you just laughed at his disgusted expression.
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tag list: @blackeyehuaaa @haechansbbg
let me know if you want to be in my tag list<33
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cobaltperun · 3 months
Eternal Flame (2) - Those Eyes
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Cover by @ortegalvr
Jenna Ortega x Female Reader
Summary: For her it’s a passion, for you it’s an accident. And as she continues shining brighter and brighter with each role you are left mesmerized, drawn to her flame and cherishing every time she lets herself be vulnerable with you.
Masterlist / First Part / Next Part
Word count: 2.5k
-I close my eyes and all I see is you and the small things you do-
The birthday surprise sounded like a great idea, after all, you just had to hide it from Jenna for a couple of days. Nothing too bad, right? You underestimated just how difficult that was going to be.
She arrived a few hours after you, since she lived on the other side of the country and there was a flight delay, so she arrived just as you were checking ingredients in the kitchen and figuring out what you could make. From what David told Melissa, Jenna wasn’t allergic to anything, but when he last saw her, she was considering going vegan, so you thought of the kind of cake you could make for her. Making the cake would also be fairly easy. The kitchen was kinda bland, the regular dark gray kitchen, but it was spacious, and you would be able to easily get used to it.
That was basically the deal, make two cakes so everyone can get a slice, Mikey and Melissa would handle some small appetizers, and that would be it. Get some non-alcoholic drinks, sing a song, and make sure not to overwhelm the girl, because you imagined that having a bunch of, basically, strangers, organize a huge surprise birthday party might be a bit overwhelming for anyone.
So, you were leaning on the counter, in the middle of flipping through the pages of your recipe notebook because you liked having hand-written notebook with recipes you’ve made and could comfortably claim were good, and then the kitchen doors opened.
“Oh, hi,” you heard Jenna’s voice and jumped, notebook flying up into the air as you tried to catch it. Only to just barely graze it with the tips of your fingers and have it land in front of Jenna’s feet. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you like that,” she quickly apologized when she got over the initial surprise.
It wasn’t that you were easily scared, you just did not expect her of all people. And you kinda panicked when the one you were meant to make a birthday cake for caught you in the kitchen! Even if you were yet to do anything. “Right, that was,” you paused, leaning down to pick up your notebook. “Embarrassing,” you chuckled as you leaned back on the counter.
Jenna shrugged with a small smile on her face. “I guess we’re even now, I mean, we both got embarrassed,” she quickly clarified what she meant.
“Even? Oh, no, you were way worse,” you shrugged, the grin on your face giving away that you were joking.
Jenna frowned, and for a moment your heart skipped a beat. “Mhm, I’m sure I was,” she turned away from you and began looking for something in the kitchen.
You immediately backtracked. “Wait, please, I didn’t mean-“ but before you could finish you caught an amused look in her eyes. Damn, you just realized exactly how expressive her eyes were. “Oh, you are sneaky,” you grinned.
“I’m looking for some fruit. You want some?” she asked you.
“I guess I could go for some fruit. There’s some canned pineapple in the storage, apples and bananas over there on that counter and some grapes and plums in the fridge,” you told her and she went over to the fridge.
“Grapes sound good,” she took a couple of smaller clusters and you pulled two bowls out. They were already washed so she just placed two clusters in each bowl. “Wanna eat them together?” she suggested and you nodded with a grip, following her through the halls into the dining hall. It wasn’t empty, but it wasn’t crowded either and you both greeted the few people you walked by.
You sat down next to Jenna and popped a grape into your mouth. “Did you travel well?” you asked and she nodded.
“Yeah, I’ve gotten used to it by now,” she shrugged, though she smiled, appreciating the question. “Did you have the time to settle in?”
“I guess I did, I actually spent most of the time getting acquainted with the kitchen and the nearby gym,” you told her.
“You can cook?” Jenna sounded impressed.
“I know,” you laughed. “The irony does not escape me,” your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you saw you were meant to go and prepare for the fight scene. Now, you were serious about your job, but a minute or two wouldn’t hurt.
“I’m really glad they chose you,” Jenna said and then quickly averted her eyes. “I just felt comfortable when we were doing our chemistry read,” she pretty much whispered.
“I feel the same way,” you told her honestly. “I’m happy I get to do this with you,” when you saw her acting that day you knew they’d choose her, that it would be ridiculously stupid not to. You moved on to the second cluster and your eyes widened a bit. “Damn, these are really good!” without really thinking you split the cluster and dropped half of it in Jenna’s bowl.
“Wait, Y/N,” Jenna began protesting, but you plucked the few grapes remaining on your cluster and got up to dispose of the trash.
You just winked at her. “Sorry, ma’am, duty calls,” you mock-saluted. “No, seriously, they need to go over the fight scene with me,” you made sure to explain and left the slightly embarrassed girl.
The first few days were mostly used for preparations, you barely filmed any scenes, though you and Jenna got through the scene you did for chemistry read. You were both definitely comfortable with one another, but you both also knew every other scene between you two from now on would rely on touch even more.
Honestly, you were kind of dreading the aftermath of the action scene. With how emotionally draining it would be for both you and Jenna. That was why the scene would be filmed over the span of three days.
Right now you and Jenna were settling down on the bed, with Keith, one of the stuntmen for Ghostface getting ready and putting the mask on.
“Are you comfortable?” you asked as Jenna lay down with her head on your chest and your arms around her.
“I am, don’t worry,” she assured you. “You? I can move a bit more to the side if you want?” she suggested, but you shook your head.
“I’m okay,” and with that, and Matt and Tyler finishing giving instructions to everyone the two of you closed your eyes, pretending to be asleep.
Keith walked into the room, and you heard him stopping at the bottom of the bed. He paused, as he was meant to do. Since Amber was supposed to watch Tara and C/N for a bit and then try to kill your character.
Keith then moved, but bumped his foot on the bed and winced. “I’m okay,” he assured and you opened you eyes, you’d have to start over anyway.
“I always feel like somebody's watching me! Who's playing tricks on me?” you sang, so abruptly Jenna began giggling and you laughed, soon enough the crew around you lost composure.
“I’m so sorry,” Jenna apologized as she struggled to control her giggles.
“Completely my fault,” you grinned, and though it wasn’t by much you felt her relaxing more. You didn’t say anything, pretending not to notice the shift in her posture, as she was no longer trying to hold most of her weight on her side but properly leaned on you. Her eyes shone brightly as she finally stopped giggling and looked at you with a grin on her face.
“Okay, now that everyone is calm again, take two!” Matt instructed and the two of you and Keith got back into your positions.
Keith walked to your side of the bed, and you felt robes brushing against you, which was your cue. You moved quickly, just barely syncing with his movement and catching his wrist. You stayed like that for a few moments, letting your character process everything as Keith pretended he was trying to push the knife into your chest to no avail.
Jenna opened her eyes and screamed, and it was impressive to say the least. And she quickly placed her hand between your chest and the tip of your knife. But more than that, the way she scream, the way she moved, you, even if only for a bit, felt the anger your character would be feeling in these circumstances.
So, you and Keith went through the practiced action scene of the day, first with the knee to his shoulder, and elbow to the guts, of course, just making it look like you were hitting him. You gently moved Jenna aside. “I’ll be right back,” and your eyes widened. That wasn’t meant to be the line!
“Cut!” Tyler exclaimed and you just sat up.
“Sorry about that,” you apologized to Jenna and Keith, and also the rest of the crew, but mostly to the two of them.
Jenna, however, seemed to have another idea. “Wait, isn’t that one of the rules? Don’t say ‘I’ll be back’?” she asked, and you could swear you saw lightbulbs lighting up above Matt and Tyler’s heads.
“You’re right! We’re keeping that in, get back into positions!”
And so, you did, getting it all just right in the next take.
Two days later it was Jenna’s eighteenth birthday, and the entire cast let the day go on as usual, just chilling out together and getting to know each other. Not once did you hear anyone wish happy birthday to Jenna, so you figured she didn’t tell anyone and was just going along with the day as if it was any other. Though, she did spend some time in her room, probably on a call with her family. You were glad it happened to be Sunday, she deserved to rest on her birthday.
By the time the dinner was approaching you were making sure everything was set, the appetizers, the birthday cake, you went with an icy wind cake, using layers of kiwi, banana, strawberry and blueberries on the very top. It was a cake your neighbor taught you how to make while you were still a teen, and considering you found out that Jenna did like most fruits you figured this was a good choice.
“Is everything ready?” Melissa asked as her, Mason and Jasmin came in, ready to help you bring everything out.
“Yeah, just lighting the candles,” you said, lighting the candles on both of the round cakes.
“You know, I think she’ll love this,” Mason commented as he and Jasmin took the plates with appetizers, while you and Melissa took one cake each.
“I sure hope so, it was a pain in the ass to hide this from her,” Jasmin laughed.
And it was, while you didn’t have as much bad luck, and generally managed to hide it all from Jenna well enough, you did have some close calls. Not as much as others, but still.
Jasmin opened the doors for the four of you while Mikey kept Jenna distracted, and then, when she saw the four of you she grinned. “And, three, two, one!” she exclaimed as everyone else from the cast began clapping and all of you began singing ‘Happy birthday’ to Jenna.
Poor girl looked around wide-eyes, completely taken aback with a dark blush covering her cheeks. “Oh my god!” she hid her face in her hands, something you noticed she did whenever she felt shy and embarrassed.
“Someone remembered your birthday,” she motioned toward David “And we had to celebrate it,” Melissa set the cake down on the table and patted Jenna on the shoulder to comfort her.
“Thank you!” Jenna quickly hugged her and got up, going to Jasmin and Mason and hugging them as well, as you were still busy placing the cake next to the one Melissa left on the table. The moment your hands were free from the cake she quickly wrapped her arms around your neck and thanked you before going on to hug each and every person in the room.
When that was done she blew out the candles and you and Melissa began cutting it since she was still a bit too shocked. She did get the piece before anyone else though.
“This looks amazing, where did you even get it?” she asked as she waited for everyone else to get a piece.
“Apparently someone was cast too perfectly for her role,” Mikey teased you a bit as you handed her the piece. “Y/N made them,” she clarified and Jenna just looked at you, her eyes lookig into your soul and heart as you shrugged.
“I did say I can cook,” you grinned handing out the last few pieces to whoever didn’t have their piece. There was maybe a sixth of the second cake left by the time you were done. As you set the knife down you felt a hand on your wrist and you turned around, and before you could register what was going on Jenna pulled you in for another hug. “Thank you, you shouldn’t have, but thank you,” she whispered as you hugged her back.
“Don’t mention it,” you told her softly. The two of you went and sat down and began eating the cake.
Jenna hummed at the taste and you couldn’t hold back a proud grin on your face. “This is amazing! You have to give me a recipe,” she wasn’t asking for it, she damn near demanded it.
“Sure, but I have to try it when you make it,” you said, pulling out your phone and typing the recipe from memory.
Jenna shook her head. “I can’t make this, but my mom can,” she explained, causing you to nod.
“There, sent it,” you told her after a few minutes and then you just enjoyed the celebration, which quickly turned into a chaotic fun as Mason and Jack tried to get the projector to work so you could all watch a movie.
“When is your birthday?” Jenna asked.
“Don’t know,” you smirked teasingly.
“Come on, tell me,” she persisted.
“I’m telling you, I don’t know. Mom was Chinese zodiac enthusiast, dad hated everything, so all I know is I’m born in the year of the metal dragon. Yes, metal dragon was very important to her, so much so that she waited nine years to have me,” you said it so confidently, so casually, that you wouldn’t blame someone if they took you seriously.
“Y/N,” Jenna warned you teasingly.
“Enjoy the day, I’ll tell you tomorrow. I was born in the year of the dragon though, that isn’t a lie,” you assured her, and though she pouted, she sighed and accepted that trying to get that information out of you right now was more than likely futile.
“Thanks again, for making the cakes for me,” she said, leaning slightly on your shoulder as the movie finally started.
“Anytime, Jenna,” you whispered.
Taglist: @lilbitdepressed27 @freakshow2501
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hyperfixat · 6 months
hey!! I really love ur blog so so much rn! If you can, I'd like to request a neurodivergent MC? One that has certain foods they hate and have never told anyone since their family had forced them to try them since they were little? (Ex. Cauliflower, brussel sprouts, blueberries, bananas, carrots) and so, one day, when theyre all eating (at the HoL or just out) and they notice MC eating all but those foods on their plate? Sorry if this is a bit too specific, I just really can't write it properly for myself and i would like to have some form of comfort-
Anyway, have an amazing day!!
anon i am holding you so close rignt now this cured my writers block this is the first ask i’ve got in like two months TT 
i am incapable of writing anything not hurt comfort so there is some ‘oh man im so sad :(‘ at the beginning but yk if u said u like my writing i imagine u kinda expected this
warning for mentions of throw up and actually eating the bad foods :(
and yes yes yes i love writing explicitly nd mcs!! i added in another obstacle to the req; freaky demon food bcs thats always fun to consider. That way u can kinda make the demon food similar to whatever food u want in ur mind, anyhow, the words u wanted;
You push the pile of purple (purple!?) mashed… something from one corner of your plate to the center.  First you had to go to a strange demon school where all of your peers are so much scarier and larger than you and now you’ve been presented with whatever the hell this is for dinner.
You think Leviathan (Levi — it feels so odd referring to him so casually having just met him) was the one that made it.  There was a protein on the plate, you ate that with no issues, but. 
Urgh. This?
It’s your second night sleeping in the House of Lamentation and you don’t feel nearly comfortable or safe enough to get a snack on your own, especially at night. You’ve had such a long day at RAD and your body is dying for some food.
Disguising your disgusted reluctance with a carefully blank face, your grab some of the.  The stuff. 
Ah, nope.  You set your fork down quietly after taking a slow bite / swallow and grab your cup to drown the leftover flavors and textures.  
Luckily all the demon brothers seem pretty into their dinnertime banter and didn’t notice your… less than satisfactory reaction to the food.
Gosh, you don’t want to offend any of them, especially not so early on in the year you’ll have to room with them.  
It’s a good thing that Beelzebub is practically a food vacuum and doesn’t question the nearly untouched pile of. Well you know. Left over on your plate.
…It’s official. You hate Devildom cuisine.  
Is the universe playing one big, cruel joke on you?  What the hell is wrong with demons?  Why must the eat the worst things in the world?  Why… why… why?
Lucifer wouldn’t let you starve under his roof, and provides you with full meals and makes it clear what parts of the kitchen are free to raid (as not to take anything designated to anyone else).  You feel like the most ungrateful human in the whole wide world right now.
It’s been quite a few months since the start of the exchange program and you’ve been… getting by.  Okay, that’s not exactly true, you’ve been having a blast in most aspects of your stay in the Devildom.  Most.
There’s still the teeny tiny issue of the cuisine not quite fitting your tastes.  You’ve tried talking to Solomon about the Devildom cuisine and he tried to cheer you up with some authentic human world cuisine, but as it turns out his cooking is far worse than Devildom-style food.
Not to be dramatic, but you’re suffering in silence.  You get by, as in you’re not hungry – the demons you’ve grown oh so fond of wouldn’t let that happen.  They always seem willing to fetch you anything.  
You’re trying so hard not to hurt any feelings, because you love them and want to support them.  It’s just.  You want to throw up almost every meal.  (Barbatos’ little treats have been your saving grace – he always seems to have some yummy little snack on him.  One that you like and doesn’t make you feel like your throat is crawling out of your mouth.)
Most of the time the brothers don’t pay much thought to what you leave on your plate – as long as you eat some of what was served they seem content.  Even on nights where the meal is more nasty than good, it’s easy to just say you’re not that hungry.
This night was bound to happen at some point.  Your plate is uneatable.  It’s edible, just uneatable.  It’d be more humiliating to choke down a few bites than it is to go to bed hungry.  You wrinkle your nose when you think no one is looking and stab at the meat chunk.
Your eyes are downcast and you drag your knife lazily through the food.  It’s mesmerizing in a way, so much so that you don’t notice at first when Asmo calls your name.
“MC, is something wrong? Are you feeling alright?”  At this point he’s drawn the attention of his brothers as well.
“Yeah, you’re barely eating,” Mammon supplies.
Ah, the moment you’ve been dreading and hoped you would never have to face.
“Oh, I don’t have much of an appetite right now.”  Which certainly isn’t a lie.  
“You didn’t eat much at lunch, hon.” Asmo reaches across the table to put the back of his manicured hand on your forehead to feel for a fever.
You cringe, “uhm, well.  I’m.”  You fail to think of a decent lie quick enough – nothing you say will be believable as you mentally blue screen.
“Honest answer?”  Satan prods.
“I’m not the biggest fan of some Devildom foods.” “Not the biggest fan?”  Beel questions, “you dislike them enough to forgo eating entirely.”  
“I’m trying not to sound like an ungrateful jerk right now.  Give me a moment to word this properly.”
Satan scoffs. “Just say it.  Whatever you have to say can’t be worse than what we’ve put you through.”
“Damn, okay.  The food makes me wanna throw up when I eat it.”
Levi, the chef of the night, folds in on himself, face darkening with shame or embarrassment.
“It’s not a personal gripe, most meals have something that makes me feel that way, hon.” It seems your attempt to comfort him isn’t appreciated though, as Levi shoves his face in his hands.
Lucifer sets his fork down. “And why haven’t you said anything to any of us about this?  We want you to feel at home here.”
“You can’t expect me to be comfortable barging into what was at the time a strangers house and demand they make special accommodations for me, then once I was comfortable enough to say something I felt I put up with it long enough that it’d be odd to bring it up out of nowhere.”
“Fair enough,” Satan nods along.
“No? Not ‘fair enough’!” Mammon scolds.  “You shoulda said something to me!  Do you even like half the snacks I give you?  I spent good Grimm on those!”
Memories of bribing Beelzebub to do certain errands in the earlier days of your Devildom stay flicker through your mind.  “They got eaten.”
“MC,” Lucifer brings the conversation back on track.  “Let us know foods you don’t want to eat, we may be demons, but we’re here to provide you with a comfortable stay.”  You nod under his sincere gaze.  “Now, give your plate to Beel and order some delivery.  I’ll cover the costs, as long as you eat.”  
As you shove your plate across the table you see Lucifer pulling a shiny black card from his coat pocket.  He gestures for you to come and take it.  You walk to the head of the table and he presses the card into your hand. 
“Order whatever you’d like.  My treat.”  There’s a glint of humor in his eyes and you look down to see Goldie in your palm.
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thebearer · 1 year
Omg omg omg I LOVE your dad Carmy fics so much! And idk if you’re taking requests rn but can I please request a dad Carmy x wife reader it’s their little girls first birthday and one of the staff members gifted her a little play kitchen with pots and pans and she just loves it bc she wants to be like her daddy since she sees him in the kitchen all the time and she even “makes” him food and Carmy playfully critiques her meals😭🙌🏻🥹
“What’s this Teddy Bear?” It’s a sight to see. Carmen Berzatto smushed and crouched into a teeny tiny plastic chair, sitting at the “best restaurant in Chicago”… if the category was for plastic food.
Teddy babbled in the kitchen, flinging plastic lids and ripping apart velcro fruit and vegetables that she’s was “cutting”, before flinging the other half into the bin.
“Pretty angry chef.” Carmen muttered to you teasingly. “Seems like a hot head.”
“I just hope the foods good.” You played along, your own knees near your chest in the tiny table set. “She didn’t even take our order.”
Carmen snorted, looking at the small kitchen. It was a gift, from Richie of all people, for Christmas. He’d cackled when he gave it to her, watching as she giggled with glee. “Got your own prodigy now, Cousin.” Richie grinned.
Carmen didn’t realize how much Teddy caught on to in the kitchen until she’d carry her little plates and shout “corner!” just like she’d seen her daddy do. It made Carmen’s heart melt, grinning so hard his cheeks hurt.
“Chef,” Carmen called, Teddy’s little curls flying when she looked back at him. “How much longer?”
“Jus’a minute.” Teddy’s tiny, sing-song pitched voice had your own heart aching with pure adoration, your hand smoothing down your growing belly. You hadn’t told her about the baby yet-she’d just became a chef, not yet ready for the title of big sister.
“All done!” Teddy brought the bowls out, an interesting combo of plastic clumps of peas, banana, and chicken in Carmen’s bowl. In your bowl the cut apple slices, carrots, and what appeared to be a Barbie doll shoe.
“Thank you, chef.” Carmen looked down at the bowl, raising a brow at you, biting back his own smile. “Chef, can we have a fork?”
“No.” Teddy shook her head, holding onto her little chef’s hat. “You no need fork.”
“Teddy.” You laughed at the three year old. “We need a fork, silly! How do we eat with no fork?”
“Hands.” Teddy shrugged, clambering back to the ‘kitchen’ in her little plastic heels. She returned with a plastic knife and a pair of tongs. “Here.”
Carmen looked at the small knife. “This is a weird place.” He muttered to you playfully. “Chef is a little pushy.”
“You’re telling me.” You grinned, using your wooden tongs to pick up the Barbie shoe. “I’m scared to tell her about this.”
Carmen laughed, nearly falling back in the plastic chair. “I’m sure it’s a garnish.” He grinned, making you snort. “Kinda looks like your pregnancy cravings.” He motioned towards his bowl.
You gaped, dramatically at him. “Watch it, Berzatto.” You but back a smile. “Before I make you make me another Nutella grilled cheese.”
Carmen gagged dramatically, alerting Teddy. “No good?” She asked, little lip jutting nearly pitifully.
“No, no, no,” Carmen said quickly. “Very good. So yummy. All done. Good job, Chef.”
Teddy grinned, giggling and throwing her arms around Carmen’s neck, launching himself in his lap. Carmen caught her easily, tickling her sides so she squealed. “Really hands on experience, huh?” He smirked, looking at you.
You posted this photo on your Instagram:
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with the caption:
eating good tonight thanks to chef teddy bear🧸🍼🐣 five stars, best restaurant in the us. giving @/carmenberzatto a run for his money!!
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simonsrosebud · 3 months
my aftg fox children headcannons (guys be nice to them okay)
Dan & Matt:
They have two boys, Jace and Abram Boyd, one year apart (Abram wasn’t planned hehe) by the time Dan is 32.
Dan/Matt aren’t religious, but they still assign godparents to their kids. Jace’s godparents are Wymack and Abby, Abram’s are Neil and Renee.
At first Neil said no. He didn’t think that responsibility was something he could handle until he eventually got a call from Renee. “I know why you’re calling me” “I figured you would. I warned Matt and Dan that you may not respond in the way they wish, they don’t take it personally,” she’d said. Neil knew it wasn’t personal, but he admitted he also didn’t see the point and couldn’t be cut out for that. “I think you may misunderstand their intentions, may I try to clear it up?” Renee explained that, really, it was only a title, a glorified uncle of sorts, since the boys weren’t getting baptized and they weren’t putting their godparents in their will’s like old tradition did. “It’s a way to showcase the love and trust they have in others; you, me, Coach Wymack and Abby”. “It is an excuse to spoil them rotten,” Andrew had added when he talked to Neil. Renee told Matt to wait a bit, not to push, and a week later when Neil was randomly on the phone w Matt he said “I’ll do it, by the way. The kid thing- The godfather thing.”
Naming Abram was a struggle. They wanted something meaningful since Jace’s middle name was David. It wasn’t until Dan asked Matt what Neil’s middle name was that they got cookin. Neil was in the off season when he was born, so he drove out (accompanied by Andrew) to Atlanta from Columbia and they asked Neil when he got there.
Their backup name was Joshua (aka Josten) in case Neil wasn’t comfortable with Abram. Luckily it only took a few minutes of blue-screening for Neil to shake it off and allow it. Abram was Neil’s one real name, the one thing he’d kept all those years, the thing that made him feel grounded and safe. But Neil was 27. He hadn’t needed the name since he first moved away from PSU at 23 and was alone again. The kid deserved something safe.
ANYWAY. Jace is a certified hetero and goes to University of Miami for college. He grew up playing exy and baseball but once he was a sophomore in high school he quit exy and stuck to baseball all through high school. He’s 5’10.
Abram plays midfielder for soccer and used to play backliner for exy. Abram goes to PSU and rooms with Elliot (Andriel’s adopted kid, just wait it’ll make sense i promise), joins a campus soccer team, then makes the PSU team his sophomore year as a walk on.
Abram is 6’1. Has massive game but doesn’t use it bc he’s kinda oblivious. Very silly and energetic and comes off flirty sometimes when he’s just being nice and goofy. He later attributes it to the fact that he didn’t know he was bisexual until senior year of high school.
Abram fucking fawns over Elliot 3 months into living together bc he realizes he’s kinda in love with him. Never lets it show bc he won’t ruin their friendship and plus they share a room tg. Def foams at the mouth when Elliot comes back sweaty and shirtless from runs. Once Elliot is eating a banana and out of nowhere says “You ever eat a banana and wonder how the fuck girls suck dicks?” in the dining hall and Abram chokes on his drink so bad it comes out of his nose. Horrified.
Neil & Andrew (ik hold on):
Blake (f) and Elliot (m) Nelson.
Andriel had no intention of ever having kids bc no.
However, when Andrew and Neil are 42/43 and living in South Carolina again, Andrew notices that there are footprints in Neil’s garden. Then he sees it again and sees that the footprints continue towards the shed in the backyard. He checks their cameras to see that it’s a young girl coming and going with Neil’s electric bike a few nights a week from 12am-4am. The third time he waits inside the shed and promptly scares the living shit out of her.
QUICK VERSION: Andrew catches Blake sneaking into their backyard shed and borrowing Neil’s electric bike at night a few times a week, lets her use Neil’s old raggedy bike that hasn’t seen the light of day in years, turns a blind eye when she returns it run over, gives her bus money instead, goes back and forth with her for like 1.5 months, points out the bruise & bandages she shows up with one night while he’s sitting outside at 12am (insomnia), doesn’t see her for 2 months, shows up at the 24 hour CVS she works at 3-4 nights a week and sees the bruises on her hand and throat through her turtleneck while she thought no one was looking, threatens to call the police post-shift at 4am and sits with her through a panic attack bc “He’ll- I’m only 15, they’ll make me quit my job and we can’t to afford- and they’ll split us up, and he- Elliot won’t- he can’t- oh my god” and then takes her to his house w consent, briefs Neil bc those kids need to get out of that house but they’re not staying here, Neil who somehow takes it all without a second thought and says “well not forever, but definitely for the night”, takes Blake and Neil (awk first meeting) to Blake’s house and gets Elliot out of the house while their dad is gone (Elliot has a black eye and bruises from rough fingers on his forearm and says dad left in a rampage when he saw u were gone, and i told you that job wasn’t fucking worth it).
Elliot doesn’t trust either of the men after what his sister protected him from and doesn’t know wtf is happening bc he thought Blake had been borrowing her friend’s bike. They stay in Andriel’s guest bedroom for the day, Abby is retired by now but only lives 45 minutes away. Neil takes charge of calling her despite Andrew thinking there’s more pressing matters like kidnapping 2 teenagers. “You didn’t kidnap us, idiot, we came with you” Blake says.
Long story short, the siblings end up staying with them longer than they thought due to lawyers and police and safety.
It becomes kind of a lost and found situation. What was once “while we get legalities figured out” became “until your father’s trial is over”, which stretched into “no way they’re getting sent to XYZ” and “until they can find someone competent enough to handle trainwreck’s, they’re stuck here” and “Dan won’t care if we bring them to Thanksgiving, right?” “Amalia’s been playing exy since she could walk, Kevin, Elliot started a year ago” “Elliot knows Santa isn’t real, right? That stops at, like, 12?” “I’m not teaching her to drive, I’ll get myself killed” “If your mouth gets you kicked out of school, don’t come crying to me” “Addie & Annie keep telling Blake to spend a weekend in Atlanta” “I’m not telling her not to date, she scares me” “Just because your mother wasn’t worse doesn’t mean she was good”
Until one day, two and a half years later, Blake hands Neil an application for adoption, who tilts it towards Andrew, who silently takes it and begins to fill it out.
Blake is 5’0, Elliot is 5’9. Blake is blonde and Elliot has light brown hair, and while they’re not ghostly pale, both of them burn in the sun in .2 seconds.
Elliot does cross country and was training for a 10k when they left their dad so Neil gladly continues that. He’s in awe when he finds out who Andrew and Neil really are, not because he knows their names but bc once he watches their old games it’s like watching gods to him. He’s a true golden retriever which isn’t helped by his ADHD, anxiety and mild dyslexia, which he doesn’t get medicated for until he’s 16.
When Elliot was 13 he almost drowned in a lake bc he was never taught how to swim. When their dad found out he took him back to the lake against his will and kept tossing him in the lake until he kept himself afloat enough to pull himself up onto the dock, nearly coughing up water. It was so traumatic to a young kid that Elliot had a problem with bodies of water after that. Instead of being fine just not going in, he avoids pools or lakes entirely. Beaches are give or take since he can sit far up on the sand.
Elliot watches exy with Neil and feels cool about it; latches onto King instantly and vice versa bc she’s an ESA and his anxiety is through the roof half the time.
Elliot gels very quickly with Jace and Abram when Andriel brings them to Thanksgiving at the Boyd’s house. Once he gets the boys’ numbers they add him and Blake to the groupchat they have with Kateaaron’s, Kevin’s, and Allison’s kids.
Later, when Elliot goes to college at PSU, he and Abram room together. They become even more attached at the hip (impossible) and Elliot becomes infatuated with Abram in a totally normal way that he eventually figures out by spring break is definitely bc he wants to fuck him. But Elliot is chaotic and too anxiety ridden to ever make a move so he bides his time being innocently flirty that comes off as being silly, and doesn’t complain when Abram wraps his arms around him or lets him sleep back to back in Abram’s bed after Elliot has a bad nightmare or can’t turn his brain off at night.
Eventually, sophomore year when they live in a house with 3 other guys, Elliot climbs into Abram’s bed face down after a night out, almost half on top of Abram. They’re literally both so drunk. “You’re in my bed,” Elliot slurs. “S’my bed, babe”. Elliot lifts himself up on his elbow over Abram’s (warm and shirtless) chest. “Who you callin babe?” Abram giggles lowly and Elliot leans down and kisses his cheek, “You can be my babe, babe” he boops Abram’s nose and giggles drunkenly, and his head is dipped low already when he lets his lips lightly press down on Abram’s chin, simply touching, before actually pressing a kiss there after a second. Abram’s hand comes up just as he presses that second kiss down, tangling into Elliot’s hair, and when Elliot pulls his head back up Abram’s grip tightens. Abram tilts his chin up and kisses just beside Elliot’s mouth, pulling him down fully and kissing him deep after the two pause against each other for less than a moment.
Aka, they hardcore make out. We’re talking ass grabbing, lib biting, neck sucking, Elliot straddling Abram, a bit of dry humping, Abram pressing him down into the mattress and moving down to-
Anyway, when they wake up Elliot runs to the bathroom connected to Abram’s room to throw up, and when he notices Abram come to the doorway he says “Dude, you sucked my dick” into the toilet bowl “you’re, like, really good at it, too” immediately wretches again. And it’s probs the hazy hangovers, but Abram says, “Yeah, been wanting to do that for a while” “Thank god, I’ve been dreaming about you doing that since last year… Hey, B?” Abram hums and Elliot doesn’t even lift his face from his arms over the toilet seat before asking “Wanna go out with me?” cue gagging, but luckily Abram splashes his face w water and leans down to just kiss the back of Elliot’s neck “oh that was hot” Elliot mumbles. “Yes, I’ll go out with you” “Thanks… Hey B?” another hum “Can you start the shower and also kill me while you’re at it?” “Whatever you want, babe”
Junior year Abram has to live at Fox Tower but Elliot and the other 3 guys stick together. Except Abram is closer with these guys so he ends up sleeping in Elliot’s bed like 4-5 nights a week. Elliot is an absolute THEIF of clothes too, like if Abram comes over he’s going home without a hoodie.
Elliot calls him B or Bram, most recently babe. Abram calls him baby, El, and sometimes sugar when they’re alone.
Blake is queer too which Neil gets really relieved by because how tf do u give a girl the talk. Turns out Andrew had already done it bluntly and against her will when she first went on a date at 16.
Blake doesn’t go to uni but gets her associates at a community college and Allison somehow gets her an internship with a PR agency, shocking considering her no-filter and sailors mouth.
Aaron & Katelyn:
They have identical twin girls: Annalise and Addison.
The twins are… not planned… they’re 26 and Aaron’s in his last semester of med school while Katelyn is nearing the end of her first year of residency (bc exy players 5th year). Thankfully Aaron had already been matched with the hospital Katelyn was at for his residency.
Aaron gets genuinely terrified when she tells him over the phone like 3 days before he was due to visit. He calls Andrew bc it’s too soon and this isn’t supposed to happen and he doesn’t know how to be a parent when the only one he had was a piece of shit and it’s the first time Andrew hears him audibly diss Tilda without adding “but she was my mom”. Andrew doesn’t say much, but he does say “You had a terrible childhood, yes?” “I mean, yeah” “Good. Don’t replicate it, and maybe yours won’t hate you.” and it’s enough.
All of this is thrown out the window when they find out they’re having twins. Aaron almost faints.
Annalise’s nickname is Annie and sometimes Anna by school friends. She has zero preference between the three options.
Addison rarely gets called her full name other than teachers, gets called Addie.
Andrew calls them both by their full names.
Katelyn has no middle name, so when her and Aaron get married she made Mackenzie her middle name and took Aaron’s surname.
Aaron calls his girls Ad/Addie-baby and Anna-bear.
Addie’s middle name is Mackenzie, Annie’s is Nichola…. you know why🥹
When Katelyn has to full name them she’ll typically yell “Annalise Nick!” and “Mackenzie!”
Aaron didn’t like the nickname Annie bc she’s a redhead and “orphan annie” felt weird bc he and Andrew are orphans. But Katelyn loved the name and it came naturally from others so he got over it.
Addie is bisexual aromantic. Annie is straight.
Addie goes to University of Georgia, and Annie goes to PSU for their really good speech pathology program (the twins are a year older than Jace/Blake and 2 years older than Abram/Elliot so Annie was the first kid to go to PSU).
The twins grew up in Chicago until they were 11, then moved to Atlanta, Georgia. Since they’re close to U Georgia, Addie tells her parents they’re only allowed to visit when she says so she’s not suffocated. Annie is more of a homebody so she not only loves that Dan is at PSU, but would let Kateaaron visit every weekend if they wanted (daddy’s girl).
Maybe she gets married maybe she doesn’t, regardless I like to think she doesn’t for a while and ends up adopting a 3 year old named Sabrina.
Sabrina grows up to be a natural honey blonde just like Allison and coincidentally has her same smokey grey eyes.
Queen of nicknames: Sab, Bri, Brina, Briners, Reynolds.
Sabrina never puts a label on her sexuality and is pretty fluid with it, just doesn’t rlly give a fuck.
Grows up in Miami but they go to NYC every winter break and normally 1-2 times every summer. Grew up traveling with Allison but not enough that it affects her childhood.
Goes to NYU. Eventually helps Allison run, design, model for her fashion empire.
Has like a million followers on Instagram, has modeled for Victoria Secret, has been a brand ambassador for Moschino and goes to Paris fashion week w Allison every year once she’s 16.
Since the Foxes go on vacation every summer together, Sabrina grows up very close with the twin girls since they’re the same age. Brina and Addie *experimented* together when they were younger bc they didn’t wanna go to college not knowing anything. Since then, every time they see each other they end up hooking up. They’re very touchy feely with one another, but Brina is kinda like that anyway. Addie only tolerates her and Annie being like that.
They jokingly call their situation “best friends who bone”. Realistically, they’re in a (long distance lol) queerplatonic relationship that just includes sex. Annie secretly thinks Sabrina is aro as well but keeps it to herself bc it doesn’t matter to label it.
Kevin & Thea:
Amalia Day🫶🏼
Youngest of the kids, 3 years younger than Abram/Elliot. They weren’t necessarily concerned with the prospect of kids, so she isn’t born until Kevin is 32 and Thea is 36, not even a full year after she retires due to one too many knee injuries. She goes to Kevin one day after practice and kinda straight up says, “I want a child- No” she cuts him off “I’m 36, I want to be a mother, I want to be a mother with you, and I don’t want to be seventy when she goes off to college” but Kevin just says “She?” “Yes, I’m not bringing another spitting image of Kevin Day into this world”.
Clearly, they do have a girl. Despite Thea’s blunt and sometimes abrasive approach to some things, she takes to being a mother with all the gentle-ness that Kevin remembers of his own, and it’s enough to calm him about being a father (bc we all know Kevin was shitting his pants the whole time).
Amalia is tanner than Kayleigh was, but it’s unnerving how similar she looks to Kayleigh. It makes Wymack a complete pushover for her (though he always says no at first just to say he did).
Amalia grows up playing exy, of course, but also soccer and dance which pains Kevin and Thea reminds him to stfu. Thankfully for him, she’s really fucking good at Exy and gives up dance by the time she’s 8 and soccer by 11.
Plays for the US Teen Exy All Stars team (idk made it up). She plays offensive dealer. Her playing becomes Kevin’s dare I say obsession, but he becomes good (by force of Wymack, Thea, Andrew and surprisingly Jean) at being normal about it- not forcing exy down her throat and pressuring her. It’s good that she’s not a striker living up to Kevin’s legacy.
Amalia makes a Twitter when she’s 16 and it lasts about 3 weeks until Kevin finds out and makes her give him her password to monitor the account. Smart, giving the family’s status and her age, but she acts like it’s the end of the world.
If it wasn’t for Wymack, she would probably be an entitled brat. He keeps her humble along with the other kids.
Terrible fucking driver. Like holy shit.
Thea learned French over the years, so they raise her speaking English and French. As a teen she says she wishes she spoke German instead since Andrew, Aaron, Neil, Nicky, Erik, Annie, Addie, and Blake (eventually) all speak it.
She eventually goes to play for USC Trojans, plays pro, and goes to the Olympics as a 4th year senior in college.
Sabrina Reynolds, the twins
All the kids are one year apart, with Amalia the youngest at 3 years younger than the boys and 5 years younger than Sabrina.
That’s all folks holy shit this was long. Maybe I’ll expand on it soon
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
Headcanons for mcyt x reader doing a cooking/baking stream together??
I love your writing!!!
ooooo okay okay!!! yes of course bro ; also thank you!! I appreciate it sm 🫶🫶🫶🫶
MCYT ; cooking/baking stream
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language, grease fires
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you guys were making lasanga
Garfield jokes every five minutes
there's pasta sauce and cheese everywhere
he's constantly screaming to the viewers because you keep slapping him with the lasagna sheets, cooked or dry
"y/n! help! I'm being assaulted with lasagna sheets!"
he stained his shirt with pasta sauce 💀💀
almost set the house on fire bc he somehow left shit in the oven before preheating it
you turn on music halfway through and it turns into a karaoke stream
you were making soup because you found a good recipe you wanted to try
you accidently spilled the broth and covered your legs in it
he cut himself chopping up the celery (very minor cut dw)
"cooking stream? more like we injure ourselves for two hours stream"
"cooking stream? I hardly know her"
very chaotic but very good soup
during the intervals where you guys were just waiting for things to cook, you started a hashtag on Twitter to ask you guys stuff
and you answered them while keeping an eye on the food
afterwards you guys watch TV and eat your food while still streaming
"normalize eating on stream 2024!"
you were making breakfast for dinner on stream
you had to go use the bathroom while the bacon was cooking and left Freddie to tend to everything for less than a minute
and he started a grease fire.
after he got it extinguished he kinda just stood there waiting for you
meanwhile chat was exploding with panic and laughter
"Hey, y/n, I don't think we're having bacon tonight!"
"What the fuck happened???"
luckily no damage to anything other than the meat
the rest of it was really good though, and the stream had enough action for tonight 💀💀
you guys were making cupcakes
you dropped like two eggs 💀💀💀 so while she was getting new ones you were cleaning up all the eggshell fragments and the insides
you got the camera to show stream your fucking mess and someone sent a dono saying "butterfingers ass"
the cackling after that 💀
you're able to get them into the oven though
and while you're waiting for them to cook, you watch dance moms and discuss everything wrong with it
commentary youtubers? I hardly know them
she begins making the icing while you pull the cupcakes out to let them cool
10/10 cupcakes they're amazing
you guys had a pride flag theme so lmao
you were supposed to be making pancakes as a little challenge
his are literally raw and he put chocolate chips from the freezer straight in them
"that banana isn't gonna help anything"
"how do you know that??"
flour is everywhere. it looks like a war started
you put to much non-stick spray on the skillet and started a little fire
but Alex to the rescue dw
he couldn't even figure out how to use it and almost sprayed himself in the face!
goes on Twitter later to update that your kitchen was completely fine but the underneath of your microwave is a tiny bit melted
you blame him every time after that 💀💀
"my microwave melted a bit because you don't know how to use a fire extinguisher!"
"youre the one who used too much spray!"
chat always sides with you, too 😭😭
you thought making fried rice was a good idea? wrong
he literally has no idea what's happening
"can you make the scrambled eggs for me while I tend to the vegetables?"
"how many?"
"they're literally on the cabinet"
chat clipping every single funny moment too
"is the rice cooker even on? holy shit you left it on warm"
"I thought that meant it was on!"
"dude you've used this thing before, how long did it take for you to cook it?"
"like, forever"
"oh my god"
fried rice 10/10
he's complaining about the vegetables like he didn't have like two hours to say something about different veggies
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iwantmasterkohga · 29 days
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Kohga actually doesn’t really like the fact that ALL they eat is bananas, in one of his quests it’s said he’s tired of it and wants to try something new
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Sooga cant accept any help, his own clan needing to sneak around so he wouldn’t know they intended on helping him, and when you try to lighten his load of stuff to carry, he doubles it.
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Kohga is REALLY tall. Somewhere around 6’6.
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Soogas only interactive line when added in a team with someone, aside from Kohga(and probably terrako i havent finished aoc) is Impa, where he says “I’ll be watching you.” ..seems he isn’t a big fan of her
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Kohga is the only yiga with purple in his design, a color as stated in the master book is associated with danger and power, such as when silver monsters have purple markings. The patterns also kind of resemble a blue ringed octopus, I’ve noticed
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Kohga is actually pretty cowardly when it comes to fighting monsters and getting hurt unless it’s about his clan, in which case, he will sacrifice his own escape to save them from dying for him
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Oh the topic of this, he seems to have a lot of love and concern for his clan, seeing them as way more than just his underlings. When they sacrifice themselves for him, he says “why is everyone only worried about me?”
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When followed up after he uses the Shieka ice rune, Sooga carves a statue of Master kohga out of ice. He MUST bow to the statue before doing anything and you aren’t able to control him until he is finished bowing. If something breaks the ice statue while he is bowing, Sooga cries out in anger and delivers three huge slashes at whatever broke it.
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^^(Which, wanna add, the statue thing kinda implies Sooga is artistic enough to create ICE SCULPTURES????)
Kohga and Sooga seem to be mirrors of Link and Zelda, Sooga and link both being quiet bodyguards with a sword, and Kohga and Zelda both having magical powers and coming from a “royal” bloodline
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Aaaand that’s all for now! Gonna reply to my asks tmw
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