#it has so i might just have bagels here 😔
pallases · 2 years
one thing abt me is i will type up nothing more than the apparatus for a lab report and go okay break time!
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aria-ashryver · 1 year
any chance we can get some snippets of the new chapter?👀
We sure can sunshine!! It has been far too long since we've had an update 😔 so hopefully this keeps you fed while we wait! 💖
(Pretty sure these parts are set in stone, but I may make teensy revisions for the final draft!)
(Lengthy!) Spoilers / Chapter Previews for Ch36 (Out With The Old) under the cut!
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From the opening afterglow scene;
Laughter warming his soul, Cas dropped a kiss to the top of Gabriel’s head.
‘Go to sleep,’ he crooned, bundling him up tighter in his arms. ‘You said you were helping me move tomorrow anyway, you might as well just stay the night.’
‘I can’t. I’m meeting my friends for breakfast in the’ —Gabriel’s protests were interrupted by a jaw-cracking yawn— ‘in the morning. If I stay here, we’ll just snuggle, and I’ll miss my breakfast, and we’ll never get any packing done because we stayed in bed for a whole eternity.’
Cas scowled. ‘I don’t snuggle, fuck you!’ he said, brushing his cheek against Gabriel’s hair and breathing in the soft, vanilla scent of his shampoo.
‘Yeah, you already did that,’ Gabriel hummed, eyes sinking closed. ‘Hence the snuggling.’
‘Whatever.’ Cas smiled, his heart swelling with needling pinpricks of tenderness. He stroked another worshipful hand down the sweep of Gabriel’s spine. ‘Also, way to steal my joke, asshole.’
Gabriel laughed against his chest, the sound sleepy and soulful. Cas didn’t think he’d ever heard a more magical sound — only, he’d heard Gabriel coming undone on his tongue not long before, so he was no stranger to magic.
‘Yeah, well…’ Gabriel yawned again, his words slurred and barely audible. ‘You stole something first.’
‘Mmm?’ Cas carded his fingers through Gabriel’s hair. ‘What was it?’
Gabriel’s reply came so faint, so dream-soft, Cas wasn’t sure whether he’d imagined it entirely.
‘…my heart.’
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From the diner hangout scene;
Libby’s hair seemed to double in size, crackling about her with incensed humidity. She tossed it out of the way with an enraged little shriek.
‘I cannot believe you didn’t talk to me first! The entire Model UN knew before I did!’
Gabriel’s brow’s drew together in a slight frown. ‘You almost sound like you’d have tried to talk me out of it… Are you just mad I didn’t tell you? Or would you rather I not be dating Cas?’
‘I mean…’ Libby fidgeted in her seat, glancing out the diner window. ‘He’s hot, if you’re into the whole temperamental asshole type. But he’s just so mean to you! Like —okay, he’s mean to everyone, sure— but I swear the minute you moved to town and started going to school here, it was like he made it his life’s mission to irritate you in particular!’
‘Maybe that’s his love language,’ Aiden offered.
‘What?’ Jade snorted. ‘Being a huge dick?’
‘I mean, it kind of is,’ Gabriel agreed.
Libby grabbed one of the menus, her fingers clenching white around its sticky edges. For a moment, Gabriel wondered if she meant to beat him to death with it.
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From the moving day scene(s);
Breakfast safely delivered, Gabriel’s first port of call was to replace the blown light bulb in Cas’s kitchen. Cas watched him as he dragged his other stool over to stand on, faint amusement curling his mouth up at the corner.
‘You realise I am moving out today,’ Cas said, around a bite of his bagel.
There was a pause as Gabriel sucked his teeth.
‘It was annoying me,’ he admitted at last, screwing the bulb into place.
‘It’s been out for two months.’
Carefully, Gabriel fit the light cover back into place, passing the blown bulb down to Cas. Cas tossed it in the trash as Gabriel hopped down from the stool and crossed the kitchen to flip on the light switch.
Cheery, yellow light flooded the kitchen.
‘Yes,’ Gabriel said, smugly, ‘and now it’s fixed.’
‘God, it’s so fucking bright in here!’ Cas complained, not because he cared, but mostly because it was fun to complain at Adalhard about whatever, waving his bagel at the room at large.
Luca snorted, shooting Cas a knowing look.
‘Not that “dungeon chic” wasn’t totally working for you,’ —Luca snagged Cas’s bagel to steal a bite— ‘but I’d call this an improvement.’
‘Get your raccoon hands off my bagel, O’Rinn.’
‘Fight me.’
‘Less fighting, more packing,’ Gabriel chided with a smile.
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[Moving day cont'd]
‘Hey, look at us being all self-aware! Using our words instead of terrible coping mechanisms.’ Luca toasted Gabriel with their orange juice. ‘Cheers to that.’
‘…Are you drinking orange juice out of a measuring cup?’
‘Cas doesn’t have any clean dishes.’ Luca shrugged. ‘I improvised.’
Gabriel glanced around the kitchen in disbelief. ‘Does everyone in this polycule hate doing the dishes?’
‘Yup,’ Luca said.
Cas nodded. ‘Yessir.’
‘…Ay dios mío.’ With a sigh, Gabriel pressed a kiss to Luca’s forehead and rolled up his sleeves.
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[Moving day cont'd] (oh this one is huge, it's like a mini-fic on its own aslkasdjj)
‘Want me to cook us something?’ Gabriel asked ‘I could try and scrape together a meal to use up some of the stuff in your refrigerator.’
Cas’s face shifted in a way that struck Luca as unusually soft; a sort of crumpling around his eyes that spoke of embarrassment and hopeful tenderness all in one.
‘I’ll do it,’ Cas mumbled.
‘I’ll cook for us.’ Gruffly, Cas cleared his throat. ‘You suss out the next truckload of crap and I’ll have dinner ready by the time you get back.’
Lips pressing together as Gabriel tried —failed— to hide his burgeoning delight, he stole across the room to press a kiss to Cas’s cheek.
Cas scrubbed at the wet kiss-mark Gabriel had left behind, his face growing faintly pink.
‘Gross, ew, shut up! Don’t get sappy on me.’
‘I never said anything!’ Gabriel exclaimed, laughing.
‘I can— wait.’ Cas glanced around the kitchen. ‘Where’s my rice cooker?’
‘It’s in the truck already,’ Gabriel said.
‘What happened to “leave the essentials ‘til last”?’
Gabriel raised an eyebrow. ‘You can’t just use a pot?’
‘What am I, a caveman?’
‘What are you gonna make?’ Luca asked, watching Cas pull some items from his vegetable drawer.
‘Budae-jjigae. Bring back my rice cooker!’ Cas yelled, as Gabriel ducked out of the door carrying a side table.
‘Learn to cook rice on your own!’ Gabriel called back.
Luca helped Gabriel load the last couple of boxes for this run into the moving truck as a flustered Cas got started laying out the things he needed for their meal; a deep, wide pan and a portable gas burner went on the kitchen island, followed by a pack of ramyeon and a number of stocks and sauces. By the time Gabriel was ready to go, Cas had started to slice a number of ingredients, laying them in the pan in neat little groupings.
Curious, Gabriel peered over his shoulder, taking in the cold pan, the shut-off burner.
‘You know you have to cook food with heat, right?’ Setting Cas’s rice cooker back on the bench, Gabriel plugged it in, wiping errant rain drops off the lid with a teasing glint in his eye. ‘You are aware that’s how that works?’
‘I know how to—’ Cas cut himself off, huffing a long suffering breath through his nose. He turned from the counter to level Gabriel with a thoroughly unimpressed stare.
A smug grin stole over Gabriel’s sunny features. ‘This is just you failing at toast all over again.’
‘The heat goes on at the end once everything is assembled, smart ass,’ Cas said, cupping Gabriel’s jaw in both hands and flexing his fingers like he wanted to squash his entire head. He settled instead for drawing Gabriel into a kiss, snarling against his mouth when Gabriel started laughing.
‘Suuure it does.’
Something in Luca’s heart kicked to see them like this; all simple domesticity and easy teasing, their kisses unheated and unhurried, barely hinting at the inferno of passion that burned beneath their reciprocal softness. That Cas and Gabriel were head over heels for each other was abundantly clear to see. It made Luca so happy he felt like his heart might bruise with it.
Cas made a scathing noise in the back of his throat, turning his attention back to the ingredients laid out on the bench and snatching up an onion to peel. Luca didn’t miss the smile that bloomed on his face in turn.
Giggling, Gabriel made his way to the door. Gathering up his jacket and one last box, he pressed a kiss to Luca’s cheek in farewell.
‘Make sure he doesn’t burn down his whole apartment while I’m out,’ Gabriel said. Then, raising his voice, added, ‘Oh, wait. That would require him to actually use heat when he cooks, wouldn’t it?’
‘First warning, Adalhard!’
Grabbing the keys, Gabriel shot Luca a wink on the way out, Cas flipping him off as he went.
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Bonus! Look at this connection I made with which I:
added depth to Cas's characterisation!
gave myself emotional damage!
Cas had enough pairs of grungy, combat boots and Doc Martens to outfit a small army, all of which he refused to part with, though he happily filled up a heavy-duty plastic bag with a pile of clothing he’d been meaning to donate.
Cas had always hated rain. Before, when he was still a kid, it’d mean his father had withdrawn to the house, shooed inside by the weather. The drizzle clung to him, an extra layer of irritability slicked on top of an already volatile man. Like a mist of motor oil and gunpowder. Later, it had meant nights with little sleep, hunched in doorways, or park benches, or, when he was lucky, the cramped space between the men’s shoe store and the thrift shop on 48th. It meant waking with wet shoes and fever sinking into his underfed bones.
ahahahahaha YES aria, good job, Cas can't just be a chunky combat boot enjoyer purely for the aesthetics, you have to make it refer back to a time when he was homeless so they become a motif for emotional and financial security ahahahaahhhh if his feet are dry, he knows he's safe, he's not going back to that awful time in his life ahahahaha IM FINE life is cool and fun i love writing
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shatterthefragments · 23 days
Like wouldn’t it be fucking funny (Murphys law and all) if after spending August sick and not testing positive for Covid once over several weeks I tested positive now? (If I don’t sleep enough I wake up with a cough and sore throat. This is normal for me. Food and hot water help though and I’m relatively fine now just tired and anxious. I’m a bit sneezy though (I was outdoors around pollen though) anyway I will be testing before my shower but fuuuuuck (most likely I just need to stick something in my mouth. But shit)
(I’m. As much as I want to be here and see what my friends have shared. Alas I should. Do the things I need to. Because I have to actually be prepared Prepared or else I might fucking kill someone actually. Driving myself to and from work on a familiar route is far different than hours away in The Big City Area and I feel like shit rn tbh)
(…at least part of this is that I need to eat again. But!!! Made it home SUPER QUICK bc the express bus and my connecting buses all lined up PERFECTLY)
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Had a dirty pumpkin chai latte possibly decaf (I asked for it to be and I think it was they just ended up calling oat pumpkin chai latte when giving it to me is all so idk for sure for sure bc my thoughts were already racing bc there’s so much for me to do :() and bagel breakfast sandwich this morning (and a donut from another place) and they were really good (I enjoyed the pistachio coconut cream one better last week though) (also I always kinda almost choke on the cinnamon/nutmeg on top of some drinks :()
Ah AND the show I am supposed to see next week is postponed to an unknown date and it’s just. 😔 idk if I’ll still be able to go to whatever date it’ll get rescheduled for.
Really,, I should say that I can in fact work the day I booked off (EXCEPT that I might be able to get to see one of my friends that day!!!) and most likely the schedule is already written (unless they just fucking ignored my day I need off notice bc manager is sick rn and who knows if the asst mgr can actually write schedules bc last time he just copy pasted basically 😬) and. Regardless. I could go in anyway bc I want to go see the aquarium.
And also my favourite pants in one pocket has mystery threads so I’m hoping they’re still okay bc I don’t even know where to begin trying to see if/where the problem is let alone how to fix them
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ageofevermore · 2 years
Well, I'm here yah got me ;DD!! Maybe this lil nonnie box shall be our place for a while since I'm still a new nonnie sprout (*´︶`*) 🌱
Tough shit, huh? Has the bed been good and providing great comfort? Hope it helps you rest even a lil
( Offer for that lil aid for the essay is still up!)
lil anecdote: I just got home from walking all day trying to find a drink I craved- ended up somehow at the park with earphones blasting as the only thing keeping me awake akdnfn but no drink cause I live in small town 😌😔 BUT lots of inspo for things and shenanigans done
- Eir nonnie
my bed it providing great comfort… when im not falling out of it lmao
i might just have to take you up on that offer lmao, but im giving myself another hour, if nothing gets accomplished im either creating an onlyfans and dropping out of school or i supposeeeee i can cave and ask for help (i hate asking for help lmao)
i hope you know i had to look up what an anecdote is… but i too am from a small town, so i understand how nothing happens ever </3 we have a dunkin’, a manhattan bagel, and a few too many pizza shops but that’s all the drama lmao
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