#this time however i think i deserve the excuse as i have only eaten a banana today and am starving
pallases · 2 years
one thing abt me is i will type up nothing more than the apparatus for a lab report and go okay break time!
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mamamittens · 1 year
Oh, Sweet Child of Mine (Pt. 1)
Reader-insert & Whitebeard Pirates
Master Post for series.
Warning: (Platonic) yandere behavior, physical injury, blood, and kidnapping. If any of these make you uncomfortable (especially yandere content), you should not read this or any following parts.
Please block the tag "oh sweet child of mine" if you are uninterested in this story and "one piece yandere" if stories like this make you uncomfortable. For everyone else, please do remember that as sweet/touching as this behavior is or can be, it is deeply toxic and troubling in real life. Anyone that treats you with such disregard in terms of your boundaries or respecting your decisions should not be tolerated.
Please stay safe and have fun.
Word Count: 2,880
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Devil fruits in the marines has always been handled a bit oddly. On paper, no low rank has a devil fruit. Because having a devil fruit tends to make even weak humans stronger, even if under highly specific circumstances. But you can’t just promote people because they ate something weird. They have to earn their position. This problem is handily solved by… ignoring the issue entirely.
Strong marines will, eventually, be promoted. So it stood to reason that strong marines with powerful abilities will be promoted even faster.
You were, however, of the opinion that there should be some sort of allowance made for marines that just can’t handle power without it going to their head.
Those people should scrub toilets until they learn at least a bare minimum amount of humility.
Why would you, of all people, have that opinion?
Because you got to watch, in real time, how quickly people given power without earning it lose their damn minds. It was, in fact, your own devil fruit’s power to ‘dial up’ other devil fruits. Just being near you had this effect. No, no one had any idea what your devil fruit was supposed to be called. Apparently, it was one of the few not in any encyclopedia on the subject, so you didn’t even know your own limits by proxy.
If you had the choice to go back in time you would never have eaten that weirdly flat yellow fruit. But you were stupid and hungry and here you were. Babysitting yet another ensign who simply could not handle having stronger powers with any grace.
Ensign Williams had a candle-candle fruit. Basically, a very weak version of the logia fruit flame-flame. His fire would always be weaker, smaller, and easier put out. Until you showed up, wherein he was capable of fairly impressive feats. In fact, it had been a full week and Williams went from being in awe of what he could now accomplish with you by his side to fully up his own ass with his ‘rightful power’. Unfortunately, he was your partner for the time being, so you just had to try and reign in his ass-ness before he burned the town to the ground by accident.
Mostly this involved walking away when he started being a prick to the local townsfolk to remind him that this ‘grand power’ he held was, in fact, only possible with your presence. Trying to physically stop him just got you a bloody nose. So, wounding his ego was the best you could do for everyone involved. Usually, you excused this by a sudden, burning need to pet a dog or cat or sufficiently friendly bird. They, at least, appreciated your presence and efforts.
“I’m going places, you know!” Williams declared in a huff, running up to you as you scratched a dog’s ears. Really ruffling the floppy appendages around as the dog panted and drooled in happiness. “The marines will see that I deserve a promotion soon enough with all the good work I’ve been doing!” You gave him a dry look.
“You depend on your devil fruit too much. What are you going to do when that’s not enough? I won’t always be around, you know.” You reminded him gently, feeding the mutt a milk bone from your pocket as you stood up. “This is the Grand Line. Eventually you’re going to run into a Yonko or something. What then? You think Red-Hair or Big Mom will care about a little fire?”
Williams paled at the suggestion, reality peaking in through his delusion before, with herculean effort, it was pushed back once again.
“And what about you, huh? Your devil fruit is useless for yourself! You’re a weak, useless thing on your own!” Williams sneered. You stared at him, unimpressed.
“That’s what training is for. Which is what I would be doing if I didn’t have to run around with you all the time.” You sighed. The big folks up top wanted to see just how much power you could give a weak devil fruit, likely in preparation to assign you to someone with a devil fruit user actually noteworthy. If there were side effects, they didn’t want an admiral to be the first to face it, after all. Personally, you were hoping for someone like Smoker. Reasonable, experienced, and well known for his skill outside his devil fruit.
Although, you were starting to think this delusional mindset was the side effect. Natural or induced, the people you gave boosts to often had a period of euphoria and increased aggression, narcissism, and short-sightedness. Hard to say since, so far, everyone you’ve been assigned to has been an asshole.
Possibly a marine-specific issue.
“Bring-ring. Ring-ring. Ring-rin—clack!” You answered the bored snail in your pocket.
“Fire Fist Ace has been spotted in your area! You and Ensign Williams are to attempt apprehension. No other Whitebeard Pirates have been spotted but be advised there are likely more—possibly another commander. If you see them, flee on sight.” They hung up immediately before you could even respond. Sighing, you looked up at Williams.
He looked strangely pale before gathering himself, a smug smirk quickly taking over his features.
“Hah! See that? They already know I’m going to accomplish great things. This will be only the beginning of my legacy as a marine!” Williams grabbed you arm and started running down the street, looking around like a madman for ‘Fire Fist’, jostling your glasses hard. They nearly flew off when he spotted a column of fire across town and yanked you with him. “Watch as a real marine works, useless!”
Fire Fist was crouched in the middle of the street, pointing at a stand that had fallen over, his back to the both of you. Whitebeard’s Jolly Roger stark against his tan skin.
“—highway robbery prices, you’re out of your mind if you think I’d pay for something broken!” Fire Fist huffed. While it was true you couldn’t see another pirate with him, it was common knowledge that Whitebeard Pirates rarely travelled alone. Especially a commander.
“You sure you wanna do this—”
“Halt, filthy pirate! Your days of piracy are over!” Williams declared boldly. Briefly, you wondered if maybe your superiors had heard about Williams’ behavior and figured sending him after Fire Fist would be the best reprimand he could get.
Even with your help, Williams was a candle-light at the end of the day. And Fire Fist? Fire Fist was a raging wildfire. You could almost feel the heat of his devil fruit in the back of your head. A faint indication that told you just how strong the devil fruits around you are and helped inform you how much power you were giving just by being around them.
Fire Fist looked back at the two of you with a dry, grumpy expression. Curiosity flickering over his features as he took in how amped up Williams was—and how utterly done you were. Fire flickered over his shoulders as he grinned.
“And what is a couple of ensigns going to do about it?” Fire Fist crowed with a mischievous grin, tipping his gaudy, orange cowboy hat back. Williams’ fire flickered over his body, sparks flying harmlessly over you—a welcome side effect of your devil fruit boosting another thankfully—before charging forward.
Three things happened at once.
Williams charged forward to fight Fire Fist. Letting go of your wrist.
His fire flickered slightly from the loss of direct contact with you.
Fire Fist’s own fire flared up at the sudden, unavoidable boost in power.
Confusion washed over Fire Fist as he instinctively noticed the strange change before he dismissed it, charging towards Williams anyway.
You rolled your eyes, pretty sure Williams would get knocked out quickly and leave you with yet another mess to clean up.
A low wine reached your ears, drawing you gaze away from what was mostly an impressive lightshow as Williams kept throwing fire at a man made of fire.
A fat, white dog panted in the shade. Scraggly white fur otherwise clean despite laying in the dirt. A strange, immaculate crescent shaped moustache curved under his nose.
Obviously, between your partner facing a Yonko Commander and a sad dog, your choice of who deserved your attention was clear.
You kneeled down with a smile, pulling out a dog treat from your pocket.
“Hey, cutie, what are you doing? Trying to cool off a little?” You spoke softly, presenting the treat to the very interested dog. You pulled out a bottle from your other pocket and a bowl—specifically for this actually—as you poured some out for the dog. The dog rolled onto his paws and eagerly drank the water, accepting your gentle affection. “You’re definitely not a stray, but you don’t have a collar either. Where are you from, baby?”
Fire and explosions rocked the area behind you. Not that you cared since the civilians ran the minute Williams and Fire Fist lit up. You scratched the surprisingly soft fur and ran your hand down the dog’s back. They were definitely well cared for, whoever they belonged to. Once they were done drinking water they eagerly wriggled into your lap for affection, licking and nipping at your chin.
“Oof! My, what a cutie you are!” You cheered, playfully ruffling the dog’s ears and booping his wet nose as you avoided the eager kisses.
Williams definitely screamed behind you in panic.
“Help me, you useless—SHIT!”
Without looking you yelled back.
“I thought you were supposed to be a ‘real marine’?” You lowered your voice when the dog whined and kissed his nose as an apology. “Sorry, baby. He’s just been an ass all week and I think he could really learn something today. What could a ‘useless marine’ do anyway, hm? I told him he needs to watch it.” You grumbled softly. The pull of a third devil fruit registering to your senses suddenly.
Having been around Williams all week as he showed off was exhausting. Now actively pulling on your power along with Fire Fist and this new person actively made you want to take a nap.
You had yet to figure out how to lessen your own power or at least focus on only one person, so you simply had to deal with it when actively boosting someone from a distance. Part of you worried that boosting stronger devil fruits was going to be even more exhausting than the weak ones you’ve encountered so far. And you might actually be right about that.
“There you are, Stefan. Oyaji was looking for you.” Someone spoke up above you. You startled, looking up at the stranger.
Open-toed sandals and capris with an open purple shirt exposing defined abs and a purple Whitebeard Jolly Roger. The man looked down at you with amused blue eyes narrowed, blond hair poking out from the top of an extreme undercut.
Marco ‘The Phoenix’.
Welp, that’s definitely your sign to run. Casually. So, he doesn’t suspect anything.
Something told you that your bosses would be pissed if the Whitebeard Pirates got a free power boost by ransoming you. If they gave up the obvious benefits of such a prisoner to begin with.
“Oop. Time to go, baby.” You kissed Stefan’s head and darted away, running directly towards the very explosive fight between Fire Fist and Williams. Snagging the back of his collar as you kept going.
“The Phoenix and Fire Fist are here—we definitely can’t take them both in. Time to go!” You explained as you ran.
“No! I can do it! What do you know, you useless bitch?!” Williams flailed, breaking your grip on his shirt before slamming his fist into your face. Heat and a crunch of bones sent shockwaves of red and blood across your vision, sending you to the ground with a yelp. Your glasses bouncing off from impact and cracking.
“Fuck!” You hissed, clutching your nose as you blindly looked around, tears falling down your cheeks. You could make out an impressive explosion of fire somewhere ahead of you through your tears and poor vision. A wobbly white blob trotting up to your side with a low wine and bark. What was probably Stefan licking your arm and pawing at your side in worry.
Steady footsteps clacked along the paved street, a dark shadow falling before you as fire exploded behind the figure.
“That was quite a hit. You alright?” The Phoenix asked as he lowered down suddenly. Glass scrapped against the ground. Your glasses were gently lowered onto your face, bringing him into focus with a hairline fracture and tears obscuring your vision somewhat.
“’M fine—not the first time he’s done that--!” You gasped as his fingertips brushed over your knuckled grasp on your bloody nose. Blue fire exploded around you as the various aches and pains were swept away in an instant. Dizziness rushed to your head at the sudden relief.
You almost broke contact as The Phoenix cursed his sudden, uncontrollable fire, falling back to the ground. But his hands were faster and firmly grasped your shoulders.
After several, bizarrely euphoric moments of bathing in the healing flame, The Phoenix wrangled his powers back under control with a grimace. Blood still covered your hands and face but the injury, as well as any other injury, was gone. He looked at you in surprise and you could only gape up at him.
Having established physical contact, any boost others experienced was gone in an instant. Your ‘pseudo-immunity’ to devil fruits meant that your body essentially acted like it was your power as well. And that meant you got to enjoy a small taste in what it was like to have a devil fruit like The Phoenix’s for as long as he maintained that contact. It was weirdly heady. Sort of freeing to feel your weakness being eaten away under the healing influence of his devil fruit.
Almost to the point of forgetting that this, quite critically, meant that your under-powered partner was royally fucked.
Williams barely stood a chance if you had held his hand through the fight. Without any assistance against Fire Fist Ace, it wasn’t even a question. As much of an ass as he was, he didn’t deserve to be killed.
Worried, you tried to look around The Phoenix to see what was happening. He clicked his tongue, pulling your chin back to look at him. His eyes were narrowed and suspicious, a strange light in his eyes as he gave you a small, chilling smile.
“Now, who are you and what was that?” The Phoenix demanded. You shuddered, noticing how oddly quiet it was behind the pirate.
“M-My devil fruit! It—uhm—affects other devil fruits?” You lamely explained as Stefan tried to nose his way onto your lap. You would have preferred to look at the cute, needy dog, but The Phoenix looked like he was about to eat you. “Makes… makes them stronger around me. O-Or just… touching.”
A cold chill went up your spine as he grinned.
“And you’re not assigned to at least an admiral at all times? What a waste… I guess the marines don’t want to keep you that badly, do they?” He clicked his tongue again. “Well, you’re in good hands now, yoi. Let’s get you cleaned up. Stefan! Down!” He ordered, lifting you over his shoulder as you yelped, scrambling to hold onto your glasses. The town was wrecked behind The Phoenix, Fire Fist cheerily skipping up with Williams over his own shoulder.
“Hey, Marco! Did you see how weird that was!? What do you think his devil fruit is?” Fire Fist asked. The Phoenix turned around with a huff.
“Put the marine down. Got the source right here.” He responded.
“Oh! I take it we’re keeping them? Think Oyaji will mind?”
The Phoenix snorted.
“Oyaji will be ecstatic. Marines don’t know how to take care of people right, anyway.” You were jostled lightly as he started walking, Stefan trotting behind while panting happily up at you. You were horrified and nervous, but the addition of Stefan was helping ease your nerves. “They can boost devil fruits but wasn’t assigned to an admiral, can you believe that? Just a weakling. Imagine if it was someone else that found them, yoi?” You struggled to push yourself up, but was aware that you weren’t getting down unless The Phoenix let you.
Unlike Williams, you knew your limits.
“Hah! Wow. At least Gramps could have trained them up safely. Marines are stupid though, so I can’t say I’m too surprised.” Fire fist declared. Boots stomped on the ground as Fire Fist rounded The Phoenix, poking his head to look at you with a charming grin. “Don’t worry, you’re going to love it here! Ah… and no one will do this again.” Fire Fist grabbed your hands, inspecting the blood and what was still smeared around your nose. His eyes dark with promise as you stared in horror.
Were you being kidnapped for your power or… something else? Because to be honest, it sure didn’t sound like they were too interested in your own devil fruit ability.
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virtualvault · 11 months
Give Me What I want
Pairing: Steven Grant x F!reader
Summary: Steven acts like a brat all day, leading to a much deserved punishment. Left unsatisfied, Steven decides take what he wants.
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, 18+ ONLY, no use of y/n, Dom/ Sub dynamics, Brat/Needy Steven, teasing, face-sitting, punishment, dirty talk, degradation, hair pulling, cnc (kind of??),unprotected p in v, creampie (Let me know if I missed anything :))
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: Not only is this the first piece of smut I've ever written but also my first try at writing a fic in general so I would love some feedback. I definitely need some more practice but I really enjoyed writing this so I hope you enjoy it as well :)
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There are so many things about Steven that you admire. His intelligence, his kindness, his generosity, how passionate he is. The list goes on forever, but there is one trait that Steven does not possess, however, and that is patience. He doesn't have it in his everyday life, and he seriously struggles with it in the bedroom. On days when Steven is really needy, and he can't have you or you make him wait, he becomes like a whiny child, pushing your buttons until he gets what he wants.
Today was one of those days. Steven was having a rough day at work and all he wanted was to see you and he couldn't. So, when he came home, he was already in a funk, immediately grabbing at you and demanding your full attention. Unfortunately, you had an appointment you absolutely could not miss. But you assured him that once you got home you would take care of him, knowing his day left him stressed and in need of some love.
This offer did little to quell his frustration and he begged you to let him come with. You explained to him that he would be bored out of his mind and that it'd be better for him to stay here and distract himself, but he wouldn't listen. So, the entire car ride there he was trying to grab at you, complaining about not being close enough and when you scolded him, he would huff and pout, then quickly resume his antics. He didn't stop even after you had both returned home and were eating the takeout you grabbed on your way back.
"Stop it Steven, I'm serious. Let me eat. I know you haven't eaten today either so please, finish your food."
And he gives you that look that he is constantly giving you, his eyes glaring and his lips pouting. It's usually endearing but you had reached the end of your rope with him today and were starting to get annoyed.
"What are you, my mother?" he mumbles as he looks back down at his plate. You're not sure if he meant for you to hear that but you definitely did.
"Excuse me?"
"C'mon, I'm not hungry. You know what I want. Now give it to me." He adds a quick 'please' after he sees the look on your face.
He knows he's pushing his luck, but he hopes you'll understand his situation and let it slide. But you had had enough. He had been whining and complaining all evening and gave you attitude each time you called him out on it. You had planned to spend the evening taking care of him, showering him with love and affection while you you ride him until he can't think straight, the way you know always helps him relax, but now you've decided he needs to learn to control himself.
" You need an attitude adjustment. Clean up the plates and go lay on the bed." You toss your fork down and head into the bedroom. He knows what's coming so he drags on in the kitchen, slamming the dishes in the sink and basically throwing a fit. Once he enters, knowing what you expected from him, he takes off his clothes and lays down. You slide the rope onto each of his wrists and tie them individually to each bed post. You do the same to his ankles. You sit in front him on the bed, having discarded your clothes as well.
"You need to learn some patience. I was going to be so sweet to you tonight. What a shame." You drag your nails softly up his thighs and continue up his stomach, not even coming close to his hardening member. He huffs, having already reached his limit and his frustration was becoming overwhelming. If you look close enough you could almost see some tears welling in his eyes. He wants so badly to feel the warmth of your hand squeeze him and relieve the ache between his legs. But you continue your slow, feather light touches up and down his body, avoiding his favorite areas on purpose.
You hadn't even given him a kiss yet. As your face hovers over his, pulling back as he tries to chase your lips, a growl emanates from deep within his chest.
" I've held on long enough. Give it to me." He demanded. No 'please' this time, in fact no pleading in his voice at all. This was supposed to be a punishment for the attitude he was giving you earlier and he clearly hadn't fixed it.
"Tsk tsk tsk…that mouth of yours. I'm tired of hearing it." You climb up him, moving to hover over his face.
"Let's put it to good use." As you go to lower yourself onto his mouth you hear, "Took you long enough…" mumbled from beneath you, his warm breath fanning over your thighs.
Even now he still wants to talk back. An idea pops into your head and you quickly turn around so you're facing the other way. Before he can ask what you're doing, you drop yourself down onto his mouth, muffling him. You let out a satisfied sigh.
"Finally, found a way to shut you up." You slowly start to grind against his mouth, loving the fact that he went right for your clit. You feel him hum against you, sending a vibration straight to your core. He pulls on his restraints, wanting desperately to touch you. No way in hell was that happening, not after everything he's done. He's lucky you don't just leave him tied to the bed to suffer with nothing.
You decide this isn't punishment enough, he's clearly enjoying it, seeing as he's still hard. You lean forward and he grunts, assuming you're going to take him in your mouth. Instead, you dig your nails into his thighs and spit right on his dick. Hard and fast. He groans into you, and you do it again, this time letting it fall onto his tip slowly and it dribbles down onto his stomach.
He starts lapping at you faster, making you whimper as you grow closer to your release. He bucks his hips up into the air as much as he can with his ankles tied down, silently begging for any sort of stimulation. You alternate between scratching and biting around his thighs and lower stomach, making sure to reach everywhere except the one place Steven wants most.
Just as you're about to cum, you pull yourself fully upright grabbing onto his hair, riding his face through the waves of pleasure. Then, too soon for Steven's liking, you lift off him and make your way around the bed and untie him.
"You can finish yourself off." you say without even looking back at him and head to the bathroom to grab a wet washcloth to clean him off when he's finished.
You hear nothing but the sound of running water, finding it a bit odd with the absence of his usual desperate whimpers and moans. Fixing your hair in the mirror, you turn to leave and head back to the bedroom. But just as you enter the hall, you feel a body push you hard against the wall, holding you by the shoulders. You let out a startled gasp as you look up and see Steven with a feral look in his eyes.
"That wasn't very nice." He snarls, eyes going back and forth between your eyes and your lips.
"You were misbehaving all day, Steven. You needed to be punished. Now let me go or I'll bend you over the bed and spank your ass raw." You threaten, although your ragged breathing drowns out the edge to your voice that you're trying to maintain.
"You're going to give me what I want." he says with such a sense of entitlement that you curse yourself for getting turned on by it.
You don't respond, deciding you're going to let him take it. You guys had sat down to talk a while ago and decided to implement a sort of 'take what you want when you want' agreement. Up until now, Steven had avoided taking advantage of it when you were in a more dominant mood, knowing him making a move on you or touching without permission almost always ended in a punishment. But for whatever reason Steven decides in this moment he simply doesn't care. He wants to be inside you so he's going to, despite what consequences he may face later. You also both have a safe word, so you know that the second you said it he'd immediately back off.
But you had no intention of using it. As much as his attitude and disobedience could sometimes frustrate you, the way he's acting right now has your cunt dripping wet. You don't let it show on your face though, still wanting him to know he's breaking the rules, but he takes your silence as a go ahead. He flips you around and presses your chest up against the wall as he holds you close to him, pushing himself inside you in one quick motion.
He slips in easily and starts rocking back and forth, thrusts already sloppy from how worked up you got him earlier. He grunts into your ear, and his shoulders relax at the relief he's been waiting for all day. You let out some wanton moans of your own but try to suppress them the best you can. You want Steven to know that he has made the conscious decision to make this about him and his carnal needs only. It's hard though, as the thought of him using you to get off stokes the fire in the pit of your stomach.
You start to feel your legs weaken underneath you. He notices, and pulls you away from the wall and drags you to the floor. With his chest is flush to your back, he grinds into you with short but incredibly deep thrusts. Your eyes roll into the back of your head and he whines into your shoulder.
"God, you're so warm. I was thinking about this all day. Having to excuse myself multiple times just to try and get myself under control. Didn't want people to know how worked up I was just at the thought of you." He licks a strip up your neck, savoring the taste of you.
"I swear, there were points in the day I even thought I smelled you. That sweet scent you give off seems stuck in my brain, love. It made me lightheaded, didn't hear a single thing anyone was saying to me." His face remains cradled in your neck as he takes deep breaths in, finally getting a whiff of the real thing. As he takes you all in, he's invading your senses as well, making it impossible to silence your grunts and moans anymore. Your breathing has become uneven and each thrust punches a small whimper out of you.
"Fuck, I'm so close, love." He feels each time you squeeze around him, making it hard for him to hold on any longer.
He tries chasing his release, but he's missing your usual words of praise. There is no 'Good boy' or 'you're doing so well for me Steven' which usually leads to his undoing.
You sense this, but instead of giving it to him you turn your head and yank his hair. Now face to face, you grunt, "You think you can just take whatever you want? You're such a desperate whore. Can't even take your punishment without complaint, selfish brat. You're a bad boy, Steven. A bad boy." Your words are followed by a sharp inhale as you feel the coil in your stomach about to snap.
Your degrading words and the pressure of you tugging on his curls launches him over the edge. His movements become frantic, and he moans into your ear with a sob, spilling into you. He feels incredibly deep at this angle and the desperation in his movements brings you to your release.
You clench down hard onto him. His moans turn to whines from the overstimulation, but he waited so long for this he doesn’t want to stop. So, he lays there on top of you, jolting into you every so often as you both experience the aftershocks of your peaks.
When he finally pulls out, and you both sigh. He leans back on his haunches, still trying to steady his breathing. Once you recover, you turn to face him as a small smile appears on his face. He thanks you over and over, clearly thinking that he had received a proper punishment and that he was in the clear. He crawls over to you, and you pull him in, planting a soft kiss on his lips before pulling back quickly and standing up, much to his dismay.
"I hope you enjoyed it, because you're not touching me for a week. Not after that little charade." His face falls, and you smirk, hopefully that will teach him a lesson. Although you had thoroughly enjoyed it, he still disobeyed you. And to be honest, you wouldn't mind seeing him that desperate for you again.
Leaving him speechless, you head to the bathroom to draw him a bath.
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makoodles · 1 year
neteyam's reader understands me like no other just like the sex education reader being open about how na'vi are hot and we deserve to be railed by one !!
anyway love parallel of father and son being like. Please Just Ask Me I've Been Yearning hahah. no rest for that family just every generation dealing with a small human trying to sleep with other na'vi while they suffer in the background
LITERALLY ahahahahha
okay you know what i'm gonna post my snippet of the neteyam fic here
sneak peek!!
As you tend to the scratch on his shoulder, Neteyam’s head rolls back. In a move that’s almost imperceptible, his nostrils flare and he scents the air. You assume it’s the fairly astringent scent of the herbal paste you’ve just pulled out that’s bothering him, and you raise an eyebrow at him.
His lips quirk, though he manages to keep his expression neutral. “No. I am simply enjoying being under your tender care.”
You narrow your eyes at him. He’s mocking you now. 
The fact that he had walked in on Txetyo’s hand up your top as he groped at your tits feels like a heavy unspoken weight in between you as you dab at his minor wound. You keep waiting for him to bring it up, to laugh at you for it, but he remains stubbornly quiet as you work, his golden eyes watching you in quiet contemplation.
In fact, he’s never brought up any of the times he’s interrupted you in rather compromising positions. He’s caught you in varying levels of undress, with Na’vi men over you, under you, holding you, touching you, kissing you, but somehow just before anything good actually happened. Every time the men had scrambled away from you as though you were something diseased, mortified at being caught with a tawtute by their future Olo’eyktan, a man that (for some reason you can’t comprehend) they seem to have an awful lot of respect for.
In the beginning, you were inclined to come up with excuses for him; he was the Olo’eyktan’s son, and was inevitably going to keep track of his peers and where they disappeared off to when they had duties that they should be attending to. But now, you think he’s doing it to spite you specifically. It might be a bit of a self-centred thing to believe, but you’re almost certain of it.
You shift on your knees beside him, raising yourself up a little to ensure that you’ve covered all parts of his scrape. You don’t want him returning tomorrow to complain that you didn’t do a good job. 
You have to bite back another sigh as you do so, your thighs rubbing together in a way that sends a sharp jolt up your spine. You’re horny and needy and so, so, so resentful of the fact that you’re now treating the same man that’s the direct cause of your state right now.
Neteyam’s attitude wasn’t the only thing that changed in his time with the Metkayina, however. You have to keep your eyes fixed carefully on his bruising shoulder, because if you didn’t you know that your gaze would wander, and that’s a dangerous game to be playing in the presence of someone as perceptive as Neteyam.
But it’s difficult not to look. Time and ocean air has been kind to him; he’s grown as tall as his father, and whatever sort of training or work he had been doing with the Metkayina has resulted in broader shoulders and a more sturdy build than is typical of the Omaticaya. It’s galling to admit, and makes you feel as though you’ve eaten something sour and unpleasant, but Neteyam is hot as hell. 
He might be aggravating and smug and too cocky, but no one in their right mind could deny that he’s attractive. Not even you. Especially you, if you’re being honest with yourself, considering your penchant for enormous blue alien men that could snap you in two with a pinkie if they felt so inclined.
God, you really have to think about something else. You’re so wet that your panties are starting to get uncomfortable, so you focus determinedly on the resentment that’s still simmering over the fact that Neteyam had interrupted what was promising to be a very productive encounter with Txetyo.
Neteyam shuffles a little where he’s sitting in front of you, and your eyes track the way his muscles bunch and shift under his vibrant blue skin. Damn, but seeing Na’vi musculature up close never gets old, even if it’s Neteyam.
You’re almost finished with dabbing paste on the tiny scrape (and you hate to admit that it had taken you longer than it should have due to your distraction), when Neteyam half-turns his head towards you.
“My back is sore, also.” He murmurs, though his eyes remain downcast.
You pause, staring at him. “Okay. And?”
There’s a moment where the two of you just look expectantly at each other. When nothing comes of that, Neteyam speaks again.
“You are playing healer today, are you not?” He asks, and his left ear twitches oddly. “Or is your attention all reserved for Txetyo, hm?”
Your cheeks heat in humiliation and your jaw clenches. You knew he wouldn’t be able to help himself from making some sort of stupid comment. 
“Lay down.” You snap, prickly and embarrassed.
“Yes ma’am.” Neteyam purrs, probably all satisfied that he’s gotten under your skin. He reclines, all of those lithe muscles flexing and bunching as he rolls over onto his stomach.
You grab another pot of ointment, and then take a moment to steady yourself.
You know that he’s winding you up on purpose, just like always, but you can never figure out why. He doesn’t treat you like any of the other men in the village do – they might enjoy fucking you, but they’re rarely caught dead in public with you, worried about what it might mean for their own reputations. 
Neteyam is bolder, more confident; though the burden of responsibility that he carries is unmistakable, he never seems to get caught up with the petty whispering and musings of the village people. It’s just unfortunate that he seems so set on bothering you.
Your mouth goes dry as your eyes drop mindlessly over the expanse of his long, pretty back. His skin is stretched tight over lithe muscle, little luminescent white freckles glinting like little stars. He looks so smooth, though the flawlessness of his body is marred by thick pale scars that litter his skin, courtesy of the near legendary battle with the RDA that you hear happened off the coast of Awa’atlu.
You glance down, flustered. Fuck. It would be so much easier to hate him if he wasn’t physically perfect.
“Problem?” Neteyam’s voice is a little lower in register than it was before, perhaps because he’s lying on his stomach with his head pillowed under his crossed arms.
You twitch. Shit. You had gotten distracted, and had lost yourself staring at him.
“No. Shut up.” You blurt reflexively, dipping your fingers into the oily ointment used for easing sore muscles.
Neteyam huffs quietly, a sound that could be a grunt or a laugh, but doesn’t bother responding. It makes you feel as though you’ve lost a game you didn’t know you were playing.
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popcornforone · 1 year
Pike & Prejudice
A Marcus Pike Fan Fic
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My summer vibes are going well, it’s now time for Marcus Pike to have a bit of a vibe with you. Marcus is just such a romantic isn’t he, he deserves so much better. So when I randomly thought of the initial scenario in my head I knew I had to write it & find the right Pedro character for it. I just didn’t expect it to go for more than just a few paragraphs. Once again I’ve built relationships, that’s clearly my strong point, im starting to notice that now.
Synopsis: Marcus lovingly mocks all of your romance books when you decide to buy a place together, however it’s a few months later when his own romantic moment that he wants to create, leads to something’s that aren’t discussed in some of those classics.
Word count: 4100
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18! PIV sex, shower sex, established long term relationship, teasing, pleasuring, swearing. Most of this is fluffy & romantic until we get to that one part of the fic.
Thanks as always for the read peoples, it’s all ways appreciated, please drop me any feedback at all.
Today is finally the day, you’re moving in together. You brought this place a while ago but you have had to wait for your last assignment to end so you can move states before you moved to the new offices. He’s already been in a for a few weeks & you’ve been to see him to consummate your decision to finally take the plunge & live together. He’s been good while he’s lived there on his own, he’s decorated the main bedroom & lounge, you have helped when you could, any excuse to go & see him. Living away has had its struggles but today is the day it actually becomes a reality.
“You only lived in 1 room how the hell do you have so many boxes?” Marcus asks as he carrys in another box to dump in the spare room for sorting. “Just because I lived with room mates, doesn’t mean I don’t have lots of stuff” you reply as you carry in your house plants, & put them on the sideboard in the hall straight away. Marcus pulls a face “well they aren’t going to live there, not enough natural light” “are you saying I’m gonna kill my house plants?” You accusingly reply. Marcus shrugs with a giggle & you hug him & give him a tender kiss. “I’m so happy we’re finally doing this Marcus . It feels like it’s taken forever” your noses rub sweetly against each other. “You’ve got to take it slow, if it’s right for life” he replies, his lips finding yours again, the sweetest kisses in the world come from this man’s mouth.
You’d brought most of your clothes over during the week, but most of what is yours has been dumped in the guest bedroom for you to sort out when you got here. Marcus has been slowly sorting his things out, but he wanted to make sure your new place together is a mix of both of you, not just something you’ve added too. Most of his stuff is in the dinning room which he’s not yet eaten in. “So I was thinking,” you start as you finish eating your sandwich. “That we make the lounge look good first. You’ve already painted it & the floor is down & the sofa & tv are up, but why don’t we build that book case? We have lots of books just sat in boxes, duplicates we can store but we should combine our collections together. Show people we have passion for literature as well as each other” the smile on his face when you mention reading or books, means you know you’ve cracked him. It’s something he’s wanted to do for the last few weeks, but he didn’t want to do this without your input. “You’ve read my mind baby, I’ve waited so long to get my books out. Let’s build that bookcase after lunch. I mean how hard can it be?” He laughs as he gulps his juice.
Turns out very hard “where’s screw F?” He starts to flap as he builds while you read the instructions. “I handed it to you literally 20seconds ago” you reply rolling your eyes, mockingly tutting. “Maybe this is why it takes couples so long to move in together, as they argue about building furniture” he scoffs. You’ve just noticed where the screw is & aren’t saying a word as you read the next two stages of instructions. “Well you said you wanted to build it with my input so…” “are you being sarcy?” He rolls his eyes & glances at you “no…” you smirk, you know what’s coming. Marcus crawls across the floor to you, pinning you down & starts blowing raspberries on your ticklish neck. “Ahhh baby, I’m sorry, ahhh” you giggle & scream & he chuckles away too, before he stops & you both calm down as your eyes meet. The lock is intense, & the way his lips feel as he embraces yours is one you will never tire of. So deep & connected. It’s only as he comes up for air, ready to go for another kiss, that he catches out of the corner of his eye where screw F is & a smile falls across his face, as your hands stroke each others cheek before bookcase building resumes.
You both are impressed that you built that bookcase & didn’t attempt to kill each other, that’s a good start to life together, but now comes the interesting part. Your 7 boxes of books between you put by the entrance of the lounge. “So should we decide on an order for putting them in first, or go through the boxes & then see what we have & then decide” Marcus asks. “Well I think Biography’s should go separate to everything else, they aren’t fiction, but other than that, I don’t mind. Maybe we should unpack each others books?” You smile as you grab the first box of his. “Oooh absolutely I like that idea, we then each know what are going to be duplicates” & Marcus grabs your first box. You start looking through his box, making 4 piles. Paper backs, hardbacks, biography’s & duplicates. “Well I didn’t have you down for reading this?” You hold up his copy of Britney Spears biography. “Oooh baby baby” Marcus starts singing baby one more time, & you laugh when he does the high note of “still believe”. “I think you just upset the neighbours cat, that was so high” you laugh, continuing onto his second box.
“Well you know I can’t sing, after we met at that karaoke night 2 years ago, & yet you’ve still stuck around.” He smiles as he puts to the side your copies of 50shades rolling his eyes at them, he knew he’d find them eventually in those boxes. “I think the porn star martinis had a lot to do with how that night turned out” you smile”& look at us now, going through boxes & wondering why you have 2 copies of Ready Player One?” He asks doing a double table, making sure he hadn’t lost his mind. “I had a copy & then I won the other at a quiz night I went to, but the one I won is a 2nd edition so that’s for selling one day, when it’s worth a bit” “fair enough.” Marcus replies still looking through your books.
“How many romance novels do you have?” He asks on the final box he’s undoing. “Not that many” your interrupted by him”how many is many? Cos so far I’m up to 12?” “12?!” You’re shocked “seriously?!” He beacons you over & he shows you a pile in the floor. “I had no idea” you look at them “well some of these are classics though, which everyone’s reads. Never let me go, Emma, Little Women. I don’t think they count they are just…” “13!” He waves the next book in your face as he interrupts “Pride & Prejudice” “ahhh Mr Darcy” you giggle & he playfully hits you with the book. “I mean no book collections should be without this, bet you’ve got the film too?” He asks raising an eyebrow. “With Firth & Macfadden” you smile & kiss his cheek. “Can’t believe everyone got hot under the collar about Firth getting out of that lake all dripping” you say as a throw away comment. “Marcus smiles at you. “Okay I see your point with all the classics that true, but it’s still a lot” he smiles as he gets the last 3 books out of the box, the last one over all being Gone Girl. “Now this… this is a book…” he smiles. “Don’t worry” you say as you rub his shoulders, resting your head into his neck, “I won’t go all Amy on you” you cackle. “But I might use that line if we ever get to our 5th anniversary baby” he says winking. You’ve read the book countless times & it makes you both laugh & blush. “Well I look forward to that day Marcus” his head turns to face yours & your kiss is soft & tentative, safe in you both being exactly where you want to be in life.
Months pass & summer arrives. You’re both so happy living together. Work does get in the way, but you both knew this would be the case with him being an fbi agent. But you always try to make Sundays your couples day & this Sunday is a rather glorious Sunday, perfect for a walk by the lake after a bit of lunch before heading back home to a dinner you will cook together, & then settling down to watch more of the Peaky Blinders Marathon you are doing.
As you sit in the cafe by the lake eating your sandwiches , after a lovely walk taking photos, Marcus says something very spontaneous which isn’t like him at all. “We should rent one of those boats after lunch & row on the lake” he’s even shocked the words have come out of his mouth. You look at him perplexed. “Are you okay? Have you been swapped with another Marcus Pike?” You ask, prodding him to make sure he’s real. “Didn’t you ever as a kid want to go on one of those boats?” He asks as he sips his coffee “yea but I was 5 or 6 not 30” you chuckle as you steal one of his crisps “well now we’re adults, we live together, no parents to say it’s a waste of money & not worth the time” Marcus is making a very good point & you can see the excitement in his eyes to do this. “Fuck it, why not” you say “you right let’s do it after lunch” His smile is mischievous at your comments & he caresses your hand across the table.
“$25 for 45mins on the lake” the boatman asks & Marcus pays & he helps to get you comfortably in the boat. They have lockers & you have left most of your stuff in there. You’ve got your camera to take pictures of the boat ride & that’s about it. Marcus insists on rowing, so you can be treated like the queen you are. He slowly starts to row out into the lake & you start taking photos. “I’m getting some really good ones here Marcus, I can’t wait to show you some of these later.” “Whatever you take is always so beautiful my love, I always love your nature photos, so calming & peaceful.” He says slowly rowing further around the lake. He insisted on putting on canvas one of your sunset photos from a few years ago, so people see it when they enter your house. “How are your arms baby?” You ask after about 10minutes. “I’m happy to row too…” “no no no…” he chuckles “this is all for you, trust me” he smiles & you go past a beautiful willow tree before he stops the boat in the middle of the lake & starts to shimmy across towards you tentatively.
Your heart is racing, only a moment like this in the middle of the lake in the sunshine, as he wears his favourite white shirt & jeans as he slowly stands up, with his eyes full of desire, can only mean one thing. He’s going to ask you to marry him. You’re trying to just stay calm about this but your mind is racing, already thinking of venues, flower girls, first dances. You glance up at him as he steadies himself & starts to speak.
“My love, Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure.” He pauses “or maybe I’m remembering it wrong…” he’s quoting all your romance books, declaring his love for all to see. Your eyes are filling with tears as he recites them all. You are a little too overwhelmed & he can see this, & so he bends a little to come & hold your hand, to finally you hope ask that questions, that you both know will be answered with i do.
Then the next minute is a blur, but not for the reason you expect. Another boat isn’t looking where it’s rowing & it crashes into yours, just at the point where Marcus lifts his leg to take a step. Neither of you can react, it just happens. He loses his balance as the boat rocks & as you go to grab him to steady him you make the boat move even more, & he tumbles into the lake. “Ahhhh Marcus” you screech. The people on the other boat realising what they have done. Up he come spluttering for air, drenched to the bone, while the other boat rows around to help him back into your boat & keep it steady.
You camera is still in your hand & you start taking photos of the incident, & then you stop. He pulls himself out of the water. The crisp white shirt is now see-through, & completely stuck to him. Every muscle well defined & on display & you just gawp. You know Marcus has a good body but it looks too good here, you’re jealous that others are seeing what delights you most evening before bed. He gets over the initial shock of going into the water & sits back down on the boat with the people on the other boat still apologising profusely. He tells them he’s okay & shouldn’t have been standing up in the first place. He then sees your eyes dilated in desire lusting over him unable to speak, jaw almost on the floor looking at your man. “Well you can call me Mr Darcey now if you want” he smirks which brings you back to reality. You laugh “are you okay baby?” You ask, there’s a blanket under the bench you are sitting on & you hand it to him to dry off. “Well when I’m home, warm & dry I will be” he smiles “it’s cold in there despite being so warm today” “it is a natural lake baby,” your little giggle always makes him melt a little. Those big brown eyes always fall more in love with you when you do that. “Let me row us back to the boat house” you grab both the ores & carefully navigate your way back to the boat house. He may not have asked you to marry him, but this will be a story you both tell for many years to come.
You’ve never seen Marcus move so quickly when you get home. He’s up those stairs & changing out of his clothes running the hot water for him. You’re busy getting some things out ready for dinner tonight when you receive a message asking you to join him. You’re never turning that offer down, so you go upstairs taking your clothes off as you go.
In his wet clothes he looked good coming out of the lake, but seeing him from behind washing his long naked body, as the steam starts to form, you bite your bottom lip. An arse so peachy, perfect for squeezing, always being admired by your wondering eyes. Watching the lather from the soap drip down his back as he rolls his head around. “I can tell you’re biting your bottom lip my love.” He mumbles, not even turning “maybe it’s time we shared those lips” it’s a much deeper & seductive tone, & you don’t deny him. You walk around in front of him & grab his wash puff & caress it over his chest. “My big strong leading man had a bit of an adventure today, didn’t he?” You say as he sighs as you get covered by the cascading water too & you rub circles around his chest. “I’m always on an adventure with you baby” he echos back. He takes the washer from you, putting in on the side shelf as he towers over you leaning in to claim your lips at last. Your naked body trembling with anticipation.
He slowly pulls you into him so he’s against the cold tiles of the shower, your lips hungrily chasing after each other. His hands on top of your arse tracing over those round cheeks, while you have one hand in his hair as your faces merge, & the other trailing down from his chest, slowly edging near his happy trail, to then eventually start stroking his length. When your hand makes contact his eyes shut & he gasps. “I’m not sure this happens in any of your romance books my love,” you go to protest before he continues “you can’t call Christian Grey romance” “yea your right” you reply before you start kissing his chest, chasing all those water droplets that are covering & flowing from his body. Watching him pant expectant for more that this seduction.
He slowly turns you so you are now against the tiles & spreads your legs a little. You’ve had shower sex with Marcus before, but not since you brought your own home together. He knows the best way to enjoy this & he is making sure you are ready. He leisurely strokes his length which you had been teasing with your own hand. “Real romance storys leave out the naughty bits” he says eyes twinkling at you through the steam. “Then I’m very glad we aren’t in one, because I would be livid if I wasn’t satisfied with a happy ending” you gaze upon him as his head comes down to take your lips again. Your hand joins his on his penis & once he has done with an initial tease, your moan is deep as he enters your core in a couple of slow motions. Making sure you’re okay to start, then checking he’s alright & then seeing how deep He can go, as drags along your walls.
“Fuck Marcus…” you pant out. He always feels so much bigger when he has you like this “fuck yesss” your hand grips into his shoulder as he starts to make regular movement. Marcus doesn’t say to much during sex ever, he likes to hear you whimper & moan. You don’t put it on but when you do you make sure it’s sound sexy. His eyes, lips & hand say what his words don’t. Feeling all the man that he is as he attends to every need your body gives aways. A hand stroke here, a quick dance around your nipples, grappling you thighs, he reads your body so well & it shows. “Ooh my love, you’re so tight tonight.” The words come out softly as he sucks on your neck, his moves getting faster, you feel him even deeper insider you.
“Please baby please” his hand is on your clit, making each gasp & pant longer. Your body’s rhythm now matching, as you feel like he’s pushing you into the tiles & through the wall into the guest bedroom. He’s delicate & also powerful when he needs to be, but it’s exactly what you need. He makes sure that your body responds to each touch, & he can see it react each time. He can also feel the way he drags in & out of you, filling your cunt with his penis. Making sure that you will remember this sensation & moment for a little while. The heat is steaming off you both, making the actual hot shower feel cold. The passion you have to make sure each other feel good, is unrivalled, & it’s growing every single time the two of you make love. “Marcus, make me yours” you’re going high pitched as you look up at the ceiling. The mist isn’t the only thing blurring your vision as you start to lose control & can feel your orgasm approaching.
Each thrust pushing the air out of your body, makes your moans louder. His pace is getting fast but it’s not blistering. It’s methodical & he is enjoying every second, feeling your body go numb & he hears you beg for more. He burys his head in the crook of your neck, rocking into you nibbling at it. He then slowly rests his mouth next to your ear & whispers “you’re ready baby, let go” it’s deep & seductive much like the eyes that you know are looking deeply into your soul. As your core gives in & you gush & soak his cock deep inside you, the moan you make can probably be heard by the entire street. “Just like that, good girl” he returns his head to your neck for more indulgance & pushes fully into you, thrusting his hardest. Making sure he coats you with his essence. He is silent as he cums, but you can feel he has as warmth embraces your cunt. “Fuccckkkk” you moan. Your can also see his shoulders relax & his movements slow, now he has experienced his favourite pleasure. “Marcus, my Marcus” you pant desperate for air, as you return from your high back to the reality of the shower, water & mist & the man you adore. You don’t need a proposal to know this man loves you. It’s the look in his eyes as you finally lock them with yours again that tells you all you need to know. He is yours, you are his, you don’t need any other validations other than the come down kisses you are about to have.
Cleaned & dried off after your exploits in the shower together, Marcus & you put on your jammies & start cooking dinner together. A slight kiss her, a bum grab there. Harmless usual Sunday late afternoon flirting. Something that’s so you two. It’s cheesy but it always makes you blush & feel all unnecessary & always keeps the spark alive in your relationship. Once you’ve eaten, you sit on the sofa ready to watch the next part of Peaky Blinders, however you’re shocked when the menu screen for Gone Girl appears, but you don’t complain, it’s one of your favourite movies & books of all time. You smile as Marcus wraps the blanket around the two of you & you start watching the thriller movie.
About 5mins in he pauses it after the line about the 5th anniversary, remembering what you’d both talked about months ago, when putting the books on the shelf. “I can’t remember if that line is just made up for the film or if it is in the book?” He whispers. “Go check my love.” & he gestures at the copy that’s on the side table which is used with a few other duplicates you have to show off to people. You scoot across the sofa & remove the fake sunflowers propped on top of it & life of Pi & flick towards that page, when something shiny lands in your lap. There it is, the engagement ring you thought might not come.
Tears well in your eyes as you turn around to see Marcus on his knee off the sofa. “This may not have been the way I planned to do this today, but I think this makes it more us” he says his hands now in your palms intertwined. “& I also don’t think that quote about fucking her & then slapping his cock on her saying that some wood for you would have been the most romantic way to declare my intentions while standing on that boat” this makes you smile & laugh even more, brushing your eyes of water. “But what do you say to getting that far my love? Will you be my wife? Will you let me be your leading romantic man, faults & all?” He pleads. You nod silently as his own tears fall & he places the simple small diamond on your ring finger. “Forever baby, I’ll say yes forever” you hold his face before you make out. Lips entranced, devouring each other desperate to never break this moment. “I don’t need any romance novels ever again. I have you, the most romantic hero any woman could ever ask for” he tucks your hair behind your ear before he delivers another cherished kiss to your lips & then knuckles. “My perfect fiancé” he says as he wraps you in his arms & he puts the film back on. You both now know that love doesn’t need to be picture perfect like the books or films, it’s just got to be right for the both of you.
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sukirichi · 3 years
sweet lies [03.final]
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His lies were way too sweet – and you were too addicted to make him stop.
cw. toxic! megumi, SEXY TOXIC MEGUMI 🥵, toxic college settings, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasm, orgasm denial, explicit smut, car sex, biting, scratching, sukuna is a sex god, MEGUMI WITH A LIP RING, slight angst
note. FINALLY FINISHED THIS SERIES AAAAHHH I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS I HAD A LOT OF FUN WITH THIS SERIES TYSM FOR EVERYTHING! lotsa lub lub for each and everyone of you! anyways let me just say...sweet lies sukuna can politely rail me.
series masterlist | 01 | 02 | 03
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It’s…a different story when you have to move back and forth between your newly made acquaintance slash fuck buddy, Sukuna, to your actual fuck buddy and crush, Megumi.
Sukuna’s polite enough to not meddle into your business as he’s promised, which you’re extremely thankful for, but you should’ve known the bubble of happiness would pop the moment you stepped out of your apartment. You’ve left your phone unattended and on silent, earbuds always placed inside to ignore Megumi’s calls.
It’s funny, actually, that he’s never replied much to you before other than occasional dick pic and ‘you awake baby?’ but ever since you’ve been…pre-occupied, suddenly you’re on top of his contacts.
You grumble at the vibration of your phone, Megumi’s name flashing on the screen. Back then, you would’ve soared and jumped to pick up the call, voice sultry and toes pointed at the ceiling as you try to keep in your giggles. Now, you’re dreading it, glaring at his annoyingly handsome contact icon that used to make your heart skip a beat. You’re studying in the library and have been doing a terrific job at avoiding him so far, and today won’t be any different.
With a sigh, you completely flip your phone upside down and turn back to your book. You’re on the second line of the paragraph when you feel large, warm hands caress the back of your neck, tilting you upwards to meet his curious – and certainly annoyed – blue eyes.
“Babe,” Megumi drawls out, minty breath fanning your cheeks.
He looks absolutely stunning today, plain and casual yet so handsome in just a black hoodie and sweatpants, his dark hair slicked back to reveal his forehead. For a guy who sure pounded into your skill he had no interest in you that went beyond sexual, he sure did know you well enough, the slight tugging of his lips a sign he could easily read through you. It makes you huff away from him, scooting – trying is the keyword – away from his touch. Megumi’s persistence leads him into you placing you right above his lap and cages you between his arms, chin on your shoulder and his breath floating over your ear.
You can’t help but squirm in embarrassment. Half of the students in the campus library have turned to look at you, and Megumi merely smiles at the attention, audacious enough to kiss the shell of your ear.
Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him! In reality, you really do want to fuck him.
“Why have you been ghosting me?”
“I wasn’t ghosting you, Megumi, it’s called being busy. You ever tried doing homework?”
“You’re so mean to me today,” he pouts, but that pout soon brightens into a smile when you scowl at him. Megumi, albeit never really paying attention to you, your facial expressions have registered as second nature to him now. It doesn’t take much before you soften under his hold, still as mushy as ever, and the nasty fucker basks in it proudly. “There’s a party tonight at Okkotsu’s house, said his parents were away in Greece or some rich family shit. Wanna come and get wasted with me?”
“I don’t know, Megs, I have an essay to finish…”
“Come on, it’s just one night. It won’t hurt,” he shrugs and sways you to side to side, causing your heart to sway side to side in giddiness. It’s this – moments like this – that really fools you into believing Megumi likes you. And that sweet lie only turns sweeter from his words that drip like honey, “Plus, I’ve missed you. Can’t think straight when we’ve been apart for too long, baby.”
You pretend to think about it.
That slight falter in a split second brings about a waver in Megumi’s confident you didn’t think would be possible. Not that you can blame him; you never did have to think about it whenever he invites you to fuck around with him. In fact, you say yes a lot faster than he can ask you something, but something’s been changing you lately – or rather someone.
In the end though, you’ll circle up right where you belong.
Relishing in the rarity of having Megumi coddle you with kisses and affection, his perfume still as boyish and vanilla that deluded you into his faux aura of a sweet boy, you melt one more time. Hopefully, it would transition into a one last time before Megumi’s completely wrapped you around his finger.
“Fine. I’m leaving if it’s too noisy though.”
“Awesome,” Megumi chirps, pulling you in for a long, solid kiss. It takes you back by surprise that you end up wide-eyed above him, stiff hands on his shoulders as you feel him smile through the kiss. Then, just as you’re about to kiss him back with the same passion, Megumi separates himself from you and squeezes your ass. “Promise we’ll have fun, babe. I’ll even bring extra condoms.”
You’re not surprised he left afterwards.
But are you hurt? Most definitely so.
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Fuck Fushiguro Megumi.
You were going to leave him, block him, ignore him, avoid him, and carve him out of your heart for good. It’s what you deserve – to be freed from such a toxic guy like him. His pretty face shouldn’t be an excuse for you stick around any longer. That party…well, it would be your last one, you’re never going back!
Still, it’s not that easy to let go. Years of following him around with puppy eyes and spreading your legs open for him like it’s the most natural thing to do isn’t just going to disappear in a day.
It’s for closure, you lie to yourself. That’s all it is – you just need closure. So for one last time, you’ll fuck around with Megumi, then you’d leave him. For good this time.
And yet – your mind still races back to him. His throaty, boyish laughter and the stupid way his eyes crinkle into half moons, his large hands slapping his knees when you tell him a really silly joke. Okay, he didn’t really laugh that much because he’s already passed out in the times you crack jokes after sex, but the few times he did, though? It’s magical, beautiful, phenomenal.
He’s so awful yet so irresistibly charming it’s a huge tug of war between your rational mind and foolish heart.
You couldn’t focus anymore in the library. If you wanted to pass your exams, you need to be somewhere that won’t remind you of him, in a place where a stronger aroma would conceal his lingering scent. The best option was to hang around in a local café closer to your apartment than on campus, and you’ve completely ditched your usual get up to just opting for lookinglike a complete shut in – bags under eyes, heart torn over a stupid boy, the usual Iced Vanilla Latte with the condensation sticking to the wooden table and soft lofi music playing in the background – it’s just the perfect atmosphere for you to wallow in self-pity.
And wallow in self-pity you did, your cheeks squished against the pale furniture while you sighed for what seems like the hundredth time that day. At the back of your head, Megumi is still giving you one of those slow, long kisses reserved for only when he’s half-sleepy, your heart doing insane back flips as you reminisced whatever moments you once had.
You’re so lost in your own train of thought you fail to hear the scraping of a chair, followed by a heavy body plopping across you. “Well, this is kind of gloomy…”
At the sound of that awfully familiar, deep voice, you sit up straight in a frenzy. Sukuna smirks at your reaction as he loudly sips from his matcha latte – which you would’ve never thought he likes – and sits back at his chair, legs crossed against one another. Unlike Megumi, he doesn’t seem to pose any other malicious intent, so you bury your head in your arms, wishing for the ground to just open up and eat you already.
“I’m sleep deprived and haven’t eaten anything except Red Bull and coffee,” you try to explain, “I look horrible.”
“Don’t say that. You’re gorgeous all the time.”
From under your arms, you scowl at nowhere in particular, ignoring the heat rushing from the back of your neck. Sukuna didn’t seem to be flirting with you, and one peek at him swirling his straw inside his cup proves your theories.
However, the offhanded compliment falls so naturally from his lips it takes you a back, and not in a good way. Defensively, you cross your arms against your chest. You knock your toes against Sukuna’s knees under the knees to get his attention, the taller man peering at you under his lashes, tongue innocently swirling around his straw.
I fucking hate men! – is what you want to say, but something different comes out. “Why are you even here? Aren’t you asleep in the morning because of work?”
“It’s my day off,” he sets his cup down, placing his chin on both of his palms. Sukuna’s gaze travels from your face down to the abandoned papers before you, a scowl immediately making its way to his face.  “Got too bored to cook so I came here for a light snack. As for you…ew, are you doing essays? I hated that shit in college.”
“Yeah, I hate it too,” you numbly agree, “Can barely function right now.”
Sukuna’s eyes lit up the moment you nearly fall on the table again, his palm quick to caress your cheek. If he can feel the intense heat of your skin from the sudden gesture, he makes no comment about it. Instead, Sukuna hauls you from your seat, nodding to your bag and papers before he rushes you out the door.
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When Sukuna said he could make you feel better, the last thing you thought of was going to the nearby park. Now, you find yourself sitting comfortably with him, aggressively licking on the vanilla ice cream he’d gotten you from an ice cream man that passed by. It’s a great way to kill the time – or just to enjoy the day despite the rough start – because the sunlight feels warm on your skin, the trees above you shading you from extra shade.
Next to you, Sukuna is surveying his ice cream with the least interest, his brows furrowed as he notes, “Your crush is toxic. I suggest you cut ties with him and get it all over with.”
In part of making you feel better, Sukuna’s subtly given you clues you could tell him whatever’s going on in your mind. It makes you wonder if maybe you’ve been that obvious that even Sukuna could read you, but you’re thankful that he understood, because you really did want to rant about it. Your friends are just a one call away, but they’re not any better. They’ll keep claiming ‘Megumi just needs time’ because they know it’s what you want to hear to make yourself feel better. Though, every once in a while, you needed to talk to someone who could actually slap the harsh reality at your face, and who else would be more suitable than a mature adult like Sukuna?
Looking at him now, the contrast between your roommate and your crush is immense. Where Megumi is all bark and no bite, all needy and never giving, Sukuna’s silent and compliant, an extremely good listener with the patience of a monk.
“It’s not that easy.”
“Yeah it is. Just block his number and avoid him. He’ll get the answer soon enough.”
“You don’t understand,” you groan in defeat. Sukuna faces you with worry written all over his face, seemingly tender in comparison to the tattoos marking his skin. Sometimes, it’s so easy to forget he’s actually a lot more decent than Fushiguro fucking Megumi, but you end up slipping anyway, turning to the sky just as tears prick at your eyes. “I…I love him, okay? I’ve always been in love with him even though I know I’m just someone who warms his bed. I know that much and yet…I can’t seem to let him go.”
Sukuna is silent for a full minute. You thought he’ll offer you some adult wisdom only people like him would now, but Sukuna simply snorts, happily licking at his ice cream as if you didn’t just break down in front of him. “Shit’s tough then.”
“You’re great at comforting, you know that?”
“Oh, I wasn’t comforting you,” he smiles and pats your knee, “Come on, let’s go home. I know just how to take your mind off things.”
With the way he’s caressing your thigh and his voice turned an octave lower, you chastise yourself for feeling aroused when you wanted to cry just seconds ago. But his fingers are inching closer and closer to your inner thigh, and he’s warm and strong – so fucking nice too that perhaps fucking him wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
But like always, Sukuna never fails to surprise you.
You expected he’d take you right to his room the moment you’ve crossed the door, but Sukuna dashes for the TV before carrying a huge blanket and heaps of pillow. You watch there, stunned. He makes quick work of fluffing the pillows before grabbing your wrist and pulling you above him the same way Megumi did a while ago.
The only difference? Your heart doesn’t skip a beat. You’re not intoxicated by his scent. You’re not trying to squirm away from him nor do you feel like a silly little schoolgirl who’s fallen in love at first sight.
Where Megumi is deceivingly charming, Sukuna is more like a strong pillar to lean on, which you do exactly. Your head rests on his shoulder, both of your legs tangled under the blankets he’s covered you with. He’s blinking as Tangled plays on the TV, the faint sensation of his fingers playing with yours comforting and way too comfortable. It should feel weird to hang out with a guy like this without him wanting to shove his dick deep inside you minutes later (your movie marathons with Megumi never really finish as previously planned) but with Sukuna?
It feels natural. It feels great. It feels like home.
You’re gaping at him long before you realize it, one of your hands absentmindedly playing with the strings of his hoodie. Sukuna hums along to I Have A Dream with a small smile on his face, one that forms into a playful glare as he catches you staring at him. “Don’t look at me like that. Disney is a classic.”
You fight back a smile. “Wasn’t complaining,” burying yourself deeper into his warm embrace, you’re lulled into an early slumber with Sukuna’s humming combined with the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
His plan worked efficiently – for a moment, you forget your heart was aching to begin with.
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After screaming internally for a good hour and a half, you arrive at the party anyway. The stench of weed, alcohol, and sex hanging thickly in the air is more than familiar to you by now. You ignore the catcalls you receive as you make your way to Megumi and fuck, he just had to look even sexier tonight.
He’s ditched his e-boy getup with a plain white shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, a Converse, and that black leather jacket he always refused to wear. Megumi really woke up and chose violence today, the minimalistic silver chain around his neck only adding to his appeal. You should’ve run away then – he literally screams trouble – but you’ve never been one to shy from that. Truth be told, you’re only pulled in harder, swaying your hips side to side as you sashay to where he’s laughing along with his friends.
Clearing your throat to get his attention, Megumi finally lays his eyes on you.
You’re glad you took the extra time to dress in your best outfit today – a lace orange mini dress that accentuates your cleavage just enough for a tease, paired with black combat boots and a white purse slung from your shoulder. Pride pumps through your veins when Megumi steps away from his friends, his hands encircling around your waist almost possessively. He smirks through your hair, those addicting lips trailing lower and lower down to your neck until, “You smell like another man.”
Now that you weren’t expecting. He doesn’t seem to be mad, perhaps a little jealous judging by how he’s grinding his crotch to your abdomen and tugs you closer, but this is Megumi in the question. He never gets jealous, so you flatten your palms onto his chest, eyes daring and red lips upturned into a smirk as you ask, “Why do you care?”
Megumi raises a brow – which really shouldn’t have been such a sexy thing – at your spunk. Normally, you’re too sweet and submissive to him, never would’ve even dared to dress something as revealing like this, but maybe you’re tired of being sweet.
Maybe this time, you wanted to match Megumi’s spice, fight fire with fire.
Megumi chuckles above your lips and swipes a thumb over your lower lip, humming when the coating doesn’t stain his fingers. He’s mentioned before he hates washing the lipstick off his dick, and the fact you remember that has him groaning at your ear. Unsurprisingly, Megumi’s already hard. He nibbles at the shell of your ear, possessive hands brushing over your collarbone as a silent promise of what he’ll be doing to you tonight.
“Like I said, this pussy is mine.”
You should say no. It’s evident in the darkness of his eyes he’s daring you to say no, but it’s too much. The cramped space that diminishes space until it becomes a myth, his hands rubbing circles at your hip, the glint of his new lip ring under the disco lights and anything, everything about Fushiguro Megumi just makes you feel so weak you can’t say no.
Satisfied with your silence, Megumi sweeps you upstairs. There’s already a round of Truth or Dare going on with a bunch of drunk and half-high college students, the lights red and the aroma of weed thick in the air.
It bothers you so you stick close to Megumi, nose stuck at the collar of his leather jacket. He’s not satisfied with just you sitting next to him; Megumi is territorial. He makes sure you’re comfy and using his lap like a throne, clasping both your hands in your lap while he boredly stares at his friends. Okkotsu Yuta, the host who used to be super shy in his freshman year but became one of the most sought after guys in his junior year, sits across from you in the circle. He’s already giggling in his drunken state while Nobara Kugisaki makes the mistake of choosing dare, flinging her bra straight at a very enthusiastic Yuuji.
They spin the bottle and it lands straight at you. Megumi hums in anticipation at the crook of your neck, his little sounds mixed with his heated touches sending fire straight down your core. It’s inebriating to have him this close, but you need to keep a straight head if you want to survive.
Fighting the arousal pooling at your stomach, you offer a flat smile. “Truth.” As expected, the crowd isn’t pleased. They holler, “Booooo,” with their hands cupped around their mouths, the others snickering at you, though you’re quite satisfied with the safety of your choice. You could be crazy with Megumi, but being crazy around others isn’t something you’re comfortable with.
Thankfully, Yuta shushes the crowd dramatically with a threat he’ll kick them out with his infamous Katana that’s been passed down by an ancestor. Once everyone’s calmed down, Yuta smirks at you, eyes wiggling as he asks, “Who’s the best dick you ever had?”
You don’t think twice about it. Someone else’s face pops up for a split second, but it’s so natural, so obvious that you would say – “Megumi.”
“Speak louder, baby, they won’t hear.”
“It’s you,” you suddenly grow shy at the attention, whatnot with Megumi shamelessly trailing hot kisses down your neck now for everyone to see. He’s shameless as he rocks you back and forth on his thigh, all the while keeping eye contact with the other guys whose eyes are zeroed in on the swell of your breasts that are an inch away from popping out from your dress. It’s the best time to submit, the perfect time to give him what he wants, and his expert hands prompt his name out of you with a single suck at your neck.
“Fushiguro Megumi.”
“Damn, Megumi, you’ve trained your bitch well.”
“’Course I did. My dick does all the disciplining,” Megumi cups your jaw to tilt your face at him, cooing at you as you flush embarrassed from everyone’s snickering. “Aw, don’t pout baby, it’s all just harmless jokes. You know I treat you like a goddess when we’re alone.”
“Yo, man, get a fucking room!”
Megumi ignores Yuuji’s comments and makes an offhanded comment the latter is just jealous because he hasn’t had his dick wet in days, ensuing a close dog fight between the guys. Maki has to step in and kick the strawberry haired boy back to his seat, scolding her cousin to back down. Meanwhile, you cling to Megumi like a scaredy-cat, head empty with nothing but the way he’s never hold you this close and proudly before.
Just one last time.
“Megs, your turn.”
Yuuji slaps his palm over Yuta who usually gives the dares. The older guy rolls his eyes but lets it slide, knowing that Yuuji could also let loose with his dares. Megumi isn’t afraid though, he stays docile around you, leaving little nibbles at your ear and even squeezing your boobs at one point. You know he’ll never back down from Yuuji’s dares, even as his eyes darken with mischief. Now, Yuuji is a nice guy, but something doesn’t quite feel right with the way he’s staring Megumi down.
“I dare you to kiss the hottest girl in the room.”
Megumi freezes.
Time must’ve stopped because everyone is chanting, “KISS, KISS, KISS!” but he makes no move. You stay there, staring up at him wide eyed with your arms looped around his neck. Your heart is beating a mile a minute in your chest the moment Megumi’s eyes gaze down to your lips, smirking as he leans closer, leans down lower, and you close your eyes, waiting for the salacious kiss that would sear at the back of your mind. But it never comes and a gust of wind flies by through you, and before you know it, Megumi’s leaned over your shoulder, his hand cupping the cheek of this girl named Alicia who you’ve heard about from your friends before that she’s Megumi’s current pick.
Alicia was never supposed to kiss him back. Your friends told you, they promised you she wasn’t the type of person to fall for the likes of Megumi, and yet she’s smiling through the kiss. You’re still in Megumi’s lap but your vision is of the audience, their jaws dropped and Yuuji slapping Yuta’s thighs. “Oh, shit! That’s gotta hurt!”
You don’t think twice.
You push yourself off Megumi and run out the room, the sounds of their chaotic laughter mocking you to no end. You know – you fucking know – you’d never quite belong in Megumi’s circle. Everyone knows you’re just another one of his bed warmers, and they also know how much you’re hopelessly in love with him, begging, hoping that one day he might return your affections.
It makes perfect sense with each step you take further from the room. This has to be staged, intentional, because there’s no way Yuuji would’ve said that if he didn’t already have an idea maybe Alicia reciprocated Megumi’s feelings.
But what about your feelings?
Does no one really care? Were you really reduced to just another body count?
Your chest squeezed uncomfortably as you pushed past the crowd, ignoring everyone’s protests from how rough you were. You don’t stop until you’ve locked yourself inside a restroom, tears freely falling down your face. With trembling hands, you fall back to the floor, dialing the only person you could trust right now.
He picks up not three rings later, voice still gruff and laced with sleep. “Hello?”
“S-Sukuna,” you whimper, pathetically wiping your tears away with the back of your hand. “I’m – can you please pick me up?”
From the other line, you can hear Sukuna shuffling for something in the background. Keys dangle and he locks the door, the sounds of his rushed footsteps so relieving to your senses. “Where are you? What’s wrong? Did someone force themselves on you?”
“No, I just…I want to go home.”
“Text me the address. I’ll be there soon.”
You text him the address and end the call. From the outside, the bass is thumping so hard it makes your head pound. You’re already feeling dizzy from crying so much, hands clutched around your chest because it hurts so much.
Stupid Megumi, fucking stupid Megumi – but aren’t you the stupider one? You’re the one who chose to keep being with him despite the warning signs. You’ve heard what everyone said about him, his reputation as a fuckboy isn’t exactly a secret, but you hoped, you sincerely hoped you could at least be good enough. But you’re not not good enough – Megumi just simply doesn’t deserve you. You deserve better and he needs to go to hell, so then why does it hurt so much the more you picture how he’s humiliated you like that?
Your dress is beyond soaked from how much you’ve cried. At this point, you just feel achingly numb. The pounding in your head is matched by the soft knocks rapping against the door, and thinking it’s Megumi or one of his lackeys, you wrap your arms around your knees.
“Sweetheart, it’s me. Open up, let’s get you home,” It’s Sukuna. Scrambling for the door, you push it open and jump into his arms without a second thought. Sukuna effortlestly catches you, and the dam you thought had dried up in you breaks again. He stiffens as you cry on his shoulder, fists balled around his shirt in a vice-like grip. “Who the fuck made you cry? Is it him again?” he growls, “I seriously want to knock the living daylights out of him.”
“Don’t start a ruckus, Sukuna.”
“I won’t, I promise,” he visibly softens at your state. Sukuna rubs your back soothingly and lets you cry like that, shielding your vulnerable state with his arm. He moves you to hide your face in his chest and kisses the crown of your head, so gentle and unbelievably tender. “I don’t pick on someone weaker than me. That’s bullying.”
You don’t utter another word as he leads you out of the house. He mutters under his breath on how kids are so wild these days and he really can’t imagine he was once like that. Sukuna’s car is parked on the curb, and you rush for it, eager to go home until he stops you. He wraps his jacket around your shoulders to offer you some modesty and you offer him a weak smile, allowing him to embrace you from the sides to guide you.
“Hey!” Megumi calls out, “Hey, what are you doing with her? Let her go,” his footsteps echo behind you just as you clench your eyes shit, “I said let her go!”
“Don’t punch the kid, don’t punch the kid, don’t punch the kid,” Sukuna mutters to himself like a mantra.
“Yo, steroid guy, you deaf or what? I said let my girl go—” Megumi falls on his ass. He stares up at whoever punched him, eyes wide at Sukuna’s arm raised, but his eyes are on you. “Ow! You fucking bitch, you broke my nose!”
“Shit,” Sukuna laughs beside you as you wince at the soreness of your knuckle. “That was hot.” Somehow, you find the ability to smile. You’ve always wanted to top Megumi, but seeing him below you like this, weak and clutching his broken nose while whining about it like a little bitch, it feels a lot more satisfying.
You want to scream at him, to release all the profanities that have manifested your anger throughout the years. But Megumi crawls back with something unreadable in his eyes, the edges of his lips tinted red with a smack of lipstick, probably from Alicia.
The sight has you scoffing. Maybe you don’t have anything to worry about after all – Megumi hates lipstick stains with a passion. If he ever gets with her, they won’t last long enough.
That fact is enough for you to flip your hair over your shoulder, glaring at Megumi one last time before dragging Sukuna down by the collar. His laughter ceases the moment your lips collide, your hands teasing around his neck to brush at his undercut. Sukuna moans through the kiss, the way he’s explicitly grabbing the flesh of your ass a sign he’s aware what kind of game you’re playing. You make a mental note to apologize for this later, but for now, you’ll shamelessly savor his tongue and the minty aftertaste, grabbing at his large frame that picks you up with no ease.
You leave Megumi gaping at the lawn after that, your finger middle raised right before Sukuna speeds off.
Fuck, that has never felt so good. This feeling…it bursts through you. There’s this certain satisfaction in finally having the power at your fingertips this time around, and you you’re your wicked smile through your hair, too absorbed in your own feelings that you don’t register Sukuna’s worried tone at first.
“So…do you want to talk about it?”
“No.” He doesn’t pry afterwards, just shoots you a curious look. Just moments ago, you were crying and feeling like you’re on the verge of breaking down, but this adrenaline rushing through absolutely cannot fuck around anymore. The image of Megumi realizing he’s lost you is so exhilarating, and you twist your torso to face your roommate, grinning at his handsome features. He looks so delicious like this, black button up shirt left open at the top, his veiny, muscular arms driving one hand on the steering wheel and the other gently caressing your thigh. You suck in a deep breath, licking your lips as you purr, “Hey, Sukuna.”
“Pull over.”
“Wait, why? We’re so close at home.”
“Pull over, I’m done,” you insist with a glare, although the animosity isn’t directed at him. Sukuna keeps his eyes on the road before he spares you a glance, smirking at how you’re already unclasping your bra from your seat.
“Oh, I see how it is. You’re going to use me as a stress reliever.”
At his words, your arms still behind you. You glance up at him with wide, worried eyes that immediately reach out for his hands in assurance. “N-No, I didn’t mean—”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. Usually, sex is a lot crazier when the other is angry. Use me as you will – I don’t really care,” he licks his lips and suddenly slams on the brakes under an empty parking lot, already flipping something in the engine. You’re taken aback as Sukuna discards his shirt in a second, his large arms carrying your frame to the backseat with him. Sukuna spreads your legs as he helps you get rid of your dress but it’s too tight that you just give up, leaving the material bunched under your boobs instead. Sukuna’s eyes darken at the lack of material under your dress, his fierce gaze shooting up to yours as he massages your inner thighs, his breath labored.
“What position do you want?”
“Fu-fuck, I don’t know, just fuck me,” you whine, spreading your legs farther to make space for him. He’s a tall guy with long limbs that he shrinks even with his fancy car, but he doesn’t seem bothered by it. Sukuna seems a lot more focused in fucking you in that moment because he’s unhooking his belt, diving down for one more kiss that is a lot heated and rushed than the previous one for show.
“I want to get rid of his face from my mind, I fucking hate him so much,” you can’t help but bite down on Sukuna’s lip, hard enough that it draws blood. Sukuna groans into your mouth, the sound so utterly deep and sexy you drip down on his seats even more.
“You’ll still go back to him after this?”
“No…it would be stupid if I did,” you roll your eyes.
“Good girl,” Sukuna praises as his lips leave a wet trail from your jaw down to the valley of your breasts. His smile is quickly replaced with a sinister grin, one of his hands cupping your breasts at the same time his teeth dart out to playfully nip at your breasts. He really shouldn’t look so enticing under you like this, and you’re so caught by his devilishness you fail to realize he’s already rummaging through your purse. “But I think lover boy still doesn’t get the message. We’re gonna have to punch it through his dumb skull.”
He hands you your phone, Megumi’s contact right before you.
“Sukuna, what’re you doing?”
“Call him,” Sukuna moves up to fish a condom out of his wallet and slides it to his already throbbing cock, chuckling at the way your eyes widen at his girth as if you hadn’t taken him before. “Call him and let him hear how I fuck you better, sweetheart. Boys like him won’t get the message unless you tell them directly.”
His hands clutch the backseat until his knuckles turn white, aligning himself with your entrance. You’re wet enough that he slides in easily and you moan loudly at the intrusion, pretty little gasps a sign of your pleasure. Helplessly, you grip at his bicep while your legs shake from how tense you are, the tantalizing movement of his hips pulling breathless moans from you. “And what better way than to take what’s his, right? What did he call this? His pretty pussy?” Sukuna scoffs, “Fuck that, stupid little boys can’t even fuck you right, don’t you think, sweetheart?”
“Ngh, Sukuna, that f-feels good, right there!”
“Right here?” he teases with a stroke of his cock that brushes against your tight walls. Sukuna’s face contort into pleasure when your tight pussy sucks him in, falling forward just to rasp in your ear. “Call him. Then, I’ll fuck you however you want me to.”
You don’t know how you’re able to swipe on Megumi, but he picks up in the speed of light like never before. Sukuna mouths loudspeaker and you follow his commands, Megumi’s voice booming through the sex-filled air of the car. “Where the fuck did you go? The party wasn’t over yet and you’re hanging out with some beefy, tattoed guy? It’s your roommate, isn’t it?” Megumi curses at someone before continuing, the aggravation evident in his tone. “He’s such a fucking creep, I swear if he lays his hands on you again I’ll—”
“You’ll do what, kid?” Sukuna challenges, “Oh and mind you, she’s the one who asked me to fuck her. As her concerned roommate and the more mature adult, I believe it’s my duty to listen to her complaints and make her feel better, especially when she keeps whining she’s not being fucked good.”
“Sukuna!” You whine and slap his arm, but you’re smiling, the pleasure and satisfaction of slapping Megumi this harshly making you feel greater than ever.
“Are you sleeping with her?” Megumi sounds like he’s losing his shit, and you sincerely hope he does. “Gosh, Y/N, how low can you be? I thought you were my girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend? Since when?” you attempt to scream, but Sukuna’s gripped your thighs and pulls your lower body closer to his cock in time to meet his thrusts. Your body slides off the seat and you’re left screaming Sukuna’s name, the latter wearing a shit-eating grin at the way you’re creaming around him. Somehow, your attention reverts back to Megumi’s whining. “You’re a fucking dick, Megumi, I honestly hope you choke on your small dick!” you shout and end the call, slapping your hand on your face as you throw your phone away. “I hated saying that.”
“Because you still like him or…?”
“No, because he was actually a good fuck and his dick is huge,” you say through pants. Sukuna must’ve hated how you’re talking about Megumi’s dick when he’s literally rearranging your insides, and Sukuna grabs your leg, manhandling you into the position he likes. You’re immediately on your knees with your back flat to his chest, your arms locked between your bodies as Sukuna takes you from behind. Your head falls back to his shoulders where Sukuna leaves messy open-mouthed kisses to your sweaty skin. “I fucking hate him. He’s such an asshole.”
“Hmm, well don’t spend too much energy thinking about him anymore,” Sukuna snarls at your skin, releasing your hands just to rub at your swollen clit. “Just let loose and let me take care of you. I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t even remember meeting him.”
The honest side of you wants to moan, the familiar tightening of your abdomen appearing already. He’s hitting all your sensitive spots that you can barely think, only feel, but you also feel so powerful and enraged that you cup Sukuna’s cheek, narrowing your eyes at him. You hit his thrusts by pushing back against his cock that causes him to slide in deeper, the large man groaning deep within his chest.
“You sure about that?”
“Oh, hundred percent confident, baby.”
“Let’s see what you got then,” you teased him. Pretending you’re not seconds away from coming is an even bigger challenge than leaving Megumi, but for the sake of riling up Sukuna, you would do it.
“You’re challenging me?”
“If I don’t cum at least twice, then that’s going to be a damn shame.”
“Twice? That’s not even the minimum,” he shakes his head tauntingly at you, increasing his pace until the sounds of his balls smacking your ass and both your groans are filling the dead silent night. It’s so lewd and dirty that your tongue lols out from the pleasure, eyes shut tight because you’re close, so fucking close! “You’re going to lose your fucking mind,” Sukuna said as a final warning.
You didn’t think too much of it until he pulls out of you seconds before you came. The crestfallen look written all over your face makes him laugh, but Sukuna only turns your body and goes down on his knees, hitching your legs over his shoulders. Your chest falls up and down as he dives down to your sopping, abused cunt, hands threading through his hair before he rudely flicks it away. “No. Hands to yourself. You’re not allowed to touch me,” he hissed, but his roughness is softened only by a little bit when you whimper so sweetly for him. “Don’t pout, sweetheart, you’ll get your chance when we get home. For now, since you’d so rudely woke me up and left me without inviting me for dinner, I’m starving.”
Sukuna dips between your thighs, tongue poking out to take the first taste of your juices. Your reaction is instantaneous and gratifying; head thrown back, nails dug into the seats, legs quivering and falling open wider to welcome the warm, wet muscle that licks flat from your entrance up to your clit.
“Fuuckk, Sukuna, slow down, ngh—”
“He ever ate you out this way?”
“No, I don’t know, I don’t know.”
“Can you take it, sweetheart? Should I stop?” You know he’s teasing you, the sniggers muffled from your pussy lips are still heard but you can’t fight back, not when your legs turn to jelly at his ministrations.
“Keep going, fuck, please, I will slap you if you don’t make me cum tonight,” you threaten, and Sukuna smartly responds by sucking your clit into his mouth. He rolls it between his teeth, careful enough not to hurt you while plunging two fingers deep inside you, curling it into a come-hither motion that stretches you pleasurably. “Too, oh, shit!”
“You can’t even talk properly,” he chuckles, and the vibrations that come afterwards shatter your entire world. “And this is just my tongue. Feels too good?”
“Yes, yes, too good!” you cry out, “Sukuna, em coming!”
Your orgasm has no build-up whatsoever. You lay there panting with a silent scream as your nails scratch against his seats, toes curled as it comes down into you in one, hard slap. Sukuna hums as he licks up the arousal trailing down your pussy to not make even more of a mess. “Already? I haven’t even started yet,” he sighs sarcastically, “Don’t think I’m done with you. I did say you’d lose your mind, right?”
Sukuna has now joined you on the seats, flipping you to the side where he hooks one leg under his arm, your other leg extended to your side that remains flushed at the seats, his thighs squishing yours. It’s utterly challenging to move in this position and you’re completely at his mercy, the sight of his tall, dominating figure above you forcing you back into a submissive space. He doesn’t give you much time to recover before his cock is pushing past your pussy once more, bottoming out in one, swift thrust.
“’Kuna, too sensitive, mhhm—”
“You’ll take it,” he breathes out while peppering kisses at your ankle, “Come on, you’re a good girl, yeah? Give me one more.”
“Su-kuna, it’s too much!”
“Just one more.” Sukuna elicits moans from you the harder he thrusts, leaning forward until you’re crying out from the stretch of all the muscles in your body. He’s being nice today by letting you cum more than twice in the exchange of holding back his, because he’s absolutely throbbing inside you. He picks up a rougher pace from where he left off, saying your name through gritted teeth as you tighten around him. You’re squealing and whimpering from behind your fists, overly sensitive still from your previous orgasm.
His hips roll in such a mind-numbing manner before Sukuna rams into you utterly deep, your bodies flushed so close you can feel the heat pulsing from his skin. Sukuna tenses above you before he brings you to your orgasm, with him following not long afterwards.
Sukuna pulls out with a groan and ties his condom in a knot, discarding it above his clothes. Upon hearing your soft sighs, he immediately rushes your side and pats your cheek to wake you up. “Hey, look at me,” he commands, though his voice is gentle and soft. “You good?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out through fluttering lashes, “Yeah, I’m just tired,” extending your arms to him, you wrap your legs around his waist to bring him close. “Come here. Want cuddles.”
Sukuna gives in to your request for a few minutes and stays wrapped up with you. It’s perfect to be in this state, to be held so close and not just touched, the intimacy of it all bringing about unfamiliar warmth that only ever makes itself present when he’s here. “As much as I want to stay like this, we’re sweaty and sticky,” Sukuna murmurs through your hair, his hands roaming all over your skin. There’s no other sexual meaning behind it even as his rough palms graze past your mound. His touches are more like him exploring your body out of curiosity, out of the desire to just have you this close. You’re unsure what to feel about it and your mind is uncannily clear after an orgasm, but Sukuna’s already sitting up with you above him before you could ponder about it any longer. “Let me take you home first, then we’ll cuddle. What do you think?”
“Oh fuck,” you cut him off upon seeing the flashing of your screen. “It’s Megumi. Fifteen missed calls.”
“Lover boy is crazy,” Sukuna snickered behind you.
“Good thing I’m crazier,” you shut your phone off and throw it to the passenger’s seat, beaming up at Sukuna and giving him the puppy eyes from behind your shoulder. “Can we get milkshakes on the way?”
“I think you got enough milk.”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” he raises his hands in surrender. You pout until you feel something hard and wet poking your bottoms, and Sukuna smirks, gesturing to his erection that you haven’t noticed. “You do know that I’m still hard, right? I’ll fuck you again when we get home.”
“You could’ve just let me suck you off.”
“Nah,” he refuses, “I want to feel you come around me,” Sukuna cockily winks at you, and your mouth falls open, gasping in disbelief at how vulgar he could be. He steals a quick kiss then as he tugs his pants up, the sight of him rolling his sleeves back up to his elbows thoroughly…compelling that you’re left salivating at the ripples of his muscles. “I’ll just wait ‘til we get home. Right now, I need to treat someone like a princess and get her some food.”
“You should stop saying that,” you blurt out defensively, “Sweet lies won’t get you anywhere.”
“I wasn’t lying about anything. I meant every word I said.”
The tension thickens in an instant. Sukuna looks at you warily – or perhaps worriedly? – before he situates himself back in the driver’s seat, starting the car right after you’ve fixed your appearance. Considering it’s already late, he’s struggling to find any restaurant or diners open to appease your cravings, though he doesn’t complain about it.
You fiddle with your hands on your lap, unable to find a proper explanation to his behavior. “Sukuna…” you start off nervously, refusing to look him in the eye. “Do you uhm…do you like me?”
“What kind of question is that, sweetheart?”
“I meant…maybe you just like me for my body, you know?”
“Oh, don’t worry about me, sweetheart,” he tilts his head towards you, “I’m too old for drama and playing with people’s feelings. Like I said, the cards are all in your hands now. If you want us to just have casual sex, I don’t mind, but if you also want to be, uhm…” Sukuna awkwardly rubs at the back of his head with a clear of his throat, the tables turned because now he’s the one who can’t meet your gaze. “…something more, then I won’t refuse that either. I’m up to whatever you want to do.”
“And if I said that…maybe I’m considering getting to know you better?”
“Then maybe I would happily say yes.”
You smile at how easily he lightens up the mood, feeling a smile already playing on your lips as you giggle. “Just a maybe?”
“Just shut up and kiss me,” he groans, averting his eyes from the road (it’s empty anyway) to get a quick peck. You whack his arm and his laugh only grows louder; he knows you’re not really angry, because he kisses really good and you like it a lot more than you’ll admit.
“I’ll be a hundred times of a better boyfriend than what you’d expect.”
“You’re really confident, huh?”
“Oh, I’m confident I can treat you well,” he nods proudly, head tipping back to the backseat. “I did just let you ruin my leather exterior and let you walk away while I have a raging boner. Do you have any idea how much self restraint a man has to have to let that happen?”
“Probably an immaculate one. Megumi would never let me go unless he’s came.”
“Yeah, well, fuck that guy,” Sukuna doesn’t even bother to try and hide his hatred for your former crush, and you’re smiling like a lovesick fool on the seat. “You’re with me now. So, since I want to spoil you, how many milkshakes do you want?”
Back then, you were always too addicted to lies that seemed so sweet that you couldn’t be able to stop. But now that you’ve met Sukuna, perhaps the blissful truth is a lot sweeter, and it’s a much healthier addiction you’ll take any day.
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taglist: @thesimpsclub @uwubby-1 @expectoscamander @your-consulting-fangirl @dora-the-grownup @cosmotoic @charlie-xo @kittaliapenn @sukunas-cult-leader @flowersgirl02 @cloudsinthecosmos @90s-belladonna @averysheart-raleighsdick @generousstudentpsychic-bat @kat-su-ki @issamomma @sklycan​ @ggsmashgg​ @dora-the-grownup​ @ninefuckingoneone​ @ambiguous-something​ 
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violettelueur · 4 years
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↳ featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + gojo satoru + inumaki toge from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : swearing + grammar issues
↳ form : headcanons
↳ published : 08 april
↳ pronouns : non specified in headcanon
↳ request : My ask got eaten :( So I'm requesting again! Can I get megumi, yuuji, gojo, and inumaki reacting to their s/o texting them they're getting hit on? As in they're in a grocery store or mall but just away from each other? Thanks! Love you!
↳ barista’s notes : so...i decided to add a man and his cat in my wishlist on amazon, so thank you to the anon that told me about that manga and the other suggestions are on my reading list - i also ordered komi can’t communicate since my cousin told to me read it...so i am going to give it a go...by spending my money on volume one ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ but yeah, i am still thinking about going to central london to get more manga because i am an impatient barista (don’t worry, i am not breaking covid rules since everything will be open on the 12 april by government guldelines) moving on from that, i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee and please come again soon ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
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When you and Itadori go shopping together, he is the type to go somewhere randomly without telling you because he got distracted by the sweet section of the store.
So overall, you do lose your boyfriend from time to time because of his habit of his - it’s adorable because he has a cute smile on his face when you find him, but you do get a little annoyed when he does it.
So when he went on his own trip, you decided that it was the best time to do a little prank since you just needed him to come to you - also, you weren’t bothered to go find him.
So when you text him that you are getting hit on, Itadori will reply to you with an emoji like this 🤔 or a text saying “Eh? Where are you, babe?”
When you reply to him, he won’t text you back at all because, after one second of you texting him back, he is already behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist and his chin hooked on your shoulder - scaring you slightly.
Itadori will look around from side to side before asking you if you are okay because he thought he had missed the person before he came - which is lowkey impossible because this guy can run a while 10 laps in 3 minutes.
Like he would be like ʕ·ᴥ· ʔ ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ - where is this bitch?
When you giggle and tell him that it’s a small prank, he will pout at you before calling you a ‘little meanie’ because you are - like why would you do that to your poor axolotl of a boyfriend? Like that is so mean Y/N…
Give him a few kisses on his face and he will 
Of course, after his little whining session, he will show you all the snacks he has picked up for your movie date and how he wanted to pick up more...before you decided to pull that little stunt on him.
So your wallet better be ready for the sweet treats he is going to purchase - sorcerers get paid a lot so….
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It’s rare that you and Fushiguro ever get separated during a little grocery shopping trip since he seems like a well-organised person.
What I mean by that is that he will have a shopping list on his phone or one he wrote out before you guys went out - since he just wants the process to be easy and quick.
However, there are times when he does have to separate from you because he missed something from the list - he is perfect with some imperfections.
So during this lovely rare time of him disappearing, you being the wonderful person decided to do the little prank that you have been seeing on TikTok - because you know Fushiguro doesn’t have that app.
So after waiting a few minutes, you decided to message your boyfriend that you are getting hit on by some random stranger.
You know he is coming to find you when you just see the ‘read’ below your text message - he does reply to your message but there are times where you just see that annoying ‘read’
After a few more minutes, you notice a feeling of a hand on your lower back and Fushiguro next to you, who is giving a glare to the side of the aisle that you are in - the poor innocent customer that is a victim to it.
He will ask if you are okay in a softer tone (because you bring out that side of him) and when you tell him you were just playing a little prank on him...he will give you a fed-up look.
However, he would also hide his face in the crook of your neck because he is really shy about how he rushed over to you to make sure you are okay - only for you to play with him.
“Did Gojo put you up to this?”
Yeah, he is annoyed at you but he is happy that you are okay - just let him hold you if he wants to because he deserves to.
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SO...when you and Gojo are grocery shopping together, he is the type that will drag you around everywhere, especially somewhere in the bakery section.
Just know there are also times when Gojo will go on a little detour on his own like Itadori - because you are adamant to get the food that you need.
However, what gets annoying is when Gojo gets hit on by other people in the store when you are in front of him - like hello?
So imagine when he isn’t around you…
In the case of that, you decided to have a little payback with him and let him know how it feels, now from his perspective.
When you inform him that you are getting hit on by someone, just know you don’t need to close your phone because he will text you immediately - like within a second.
“Excuse me 😀 send the location honey~”
So when you do tell him where you are located, he will run to where you are with something that he found in one section as a weapon - maybe like a large leek or a cucumber (yes, it does weird people out)
When he finds you and doesn’t see the ‘person’ that was flirting with you, he will immediately ask you for their location - with the little glasses tilt and everything.
When you told him that it was a lie, the seriousness in his face just drops and now he has a huge pout and goes all whiny with you like “honey~ whyyy would you do that to me? Do you know how much I was worried about some random creep talking to you, and you do this to your handsome husband?” - dude...you ain’t even married yet.
He will now cling on to you like a koala, whining how mean you are and how much he is hurt by your actions - so if you suffocate him with affection, he will slowly quickly forgive you.
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First I need to point out, texting Inumaki is the most amazing thing on this Earth because he can say what he wants to say - memes, gifs and everything.
Going back to the headcanon, when you and Inumaki go grocery shopping together, it’s basically a little date and the most random visit to the store because you both got nothing planned - probably Maki forced you to go, so you can prepare the hotpot that everyone was planning for.
So when you both decided it was best to split up the ingredients on the shopping list and split up to get the job done quicker, that’s when you get the idea since it was the perfect opportunity.
When you are about done with your side of the shopping, you decided to put your little prank into action - and it’s perfect for you as a couple because you both probably have a prank war going on with each other.
So when you text him that you were getting hit on, Inumaki will send you a whole gif as a response... there is no question about it.
You will probably laugh at it before he comes running in from the side - he is also the type that will slide off to the side before coming back into view as he runs towards you.
“Tuna, tuna?” - I’m laughing as I am typing this.
He is also the type to grab your arms and shake you lightly when you don’t answer quick enough (for him) - he is just worried.
When you laugh and tell him that it’s just a prank, Inumaki will give you a little look - like it is a mix of surprised and just ʕ – ᴥ – ʔ
“Okaka!” - Inumaki will say this to you before crossing his arms in ‘anger’ because he was actually worried… as he embarrassed himself for you.
For him to forgive you, just collect some other ingredients to have tuna mayo onigiri for him - because a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach ;)
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Hey, Hey, Hey! It’s been a minute but I didn’t wanna spam ya with requests while you have life stuff to deal with ☺️
This is similar to my Savage!MC ask but the brothers reacting to MC snapping at them and defending Mammon before calling the brothers out whenever they go too hard on him. Let’s be real, Mammon just acts on his sin and gets punished but when Lucifer’s a prick and threatens MC; crickets.
When Beel eats everything and damn near causes everyone to starve as well as threw a tantrum and nearly injured MC over custard;everyone turns a blind eye.
Levi guilt trips and whine over the smallest things but says the worst insults to Mammon and tried to kill MC over TSL.
Asmo acts like he’s above everyone and prefers to tend to his looks than help others (such as during the castle tour) but he gets no scolding.
Belphie routinely harasses Luci with Satan (who loses his temper) AND they all either threatened/killed MC but should Mammon do anything, he’s the worst. Even though Mammon:
- Never threatened MC
- Does shit for his brothers when asked (he may joke of needing a grimm but he’s an Avatar of greed and still gets the job done)
- Is very loyal to them
- And is a good brother to take falls for them. He knows how to sacrifice for them and the slightest inconvenience gets him thrown under the bus
These guys ain’t shit and I wouldn’t wanna be around them until they learn how to treat him better and equally work on their flaws rather than rip on Mammon, who’s a whole ass victim despite being the second strongest brother who takes it because he genuinely loves his brothers yet gets shit on by them so much.
Ooh this savage MC has nothing but heart eyes for Mammon and it's adorable. Right this one is going to be angsty and it's going to sting. I'm doing this in a short story instead of a headcannon cause it just seems right that way. Hope that's okay?
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It was just another one of those days Mammon tried to steal his brothers stuff and sell it again. Another day of being upside down and being laughed at. Normally he wouldn't care - it was the usual routine. But something seemed off this time.
"Mammon.. are you okay?" You approach him. He was rubbing his shoulders and arms as if to comfort the pain. He looked more tired and pained than usual.
"Ah I'm alright MC. Just the same old ya know?" He laughed. It sounded hollow yet it pierced your heart.
Enough. Enough of this. You weren't going to stand by and watch this happen again.
"You should rest." You place an arm on his shoulder and take him to his room. Making sure he's asleep, you leave. You have some problematic demons to deal with it.
"Ah MC? What brings you here? You seem rather disturbed." He asks as you storm into his study, fuming with anger.
"You tell me, you sadistic peacock." You had lost all sense of self-preservation and normalcy. Just echoing the rage in your brain.
"Excuse me?" Lucifer said, half-amused, half-shocked.
"Either you stop treating Mammon this way or I will make your life hell." You grit your teeth.
"I already have my brothers doing that what more will you do MC? Besides Mammon had it coming. He went stealing Levi's and Asmo's things again." Lucifer said nonchalantly.
"What do expect from the Avatar of Greed? He's just acting how he's cursed to. Just like the rest of you, nicompoops. Stop listening through the door and come inside." You said loudly.
The other brothers were still in the corridor nearby overhearing the whole thing. You could hear them gasp loudly at your boldness and scutter inside one by one.
"Now let me elaborate, so you rotten cucumbers understand me clearly." You cleared your throat.
"This little snake in tried to kill me because I may have known a little bit more about his favourite anime than him. Where's his punishment?" You point at Levi.
"MC I'm sorry...I couldn't help it was too new to me." Levi started. "But Mammon keeps stealing my things how is that fair-"
"And you keep throwing us into new kinds of disasters with your game hoarding problem."
"If you're still mad about the TSL incident I swear I take it all back-"
"Shut up snake, we know the reason. You're the Avatar of Envy. Getting jealous is your whole point. So you didn't get punished. Moving on..." Your finger now points to Satan. "This wild cat."
"He also threatened me cause I didn't want to make a pact with him. And when he actually flies off his handle, he wrecks his room and half the house down."
Satan seemed like he wanted to say something but he scowled and looked away.
"However I won't be too hard on him, cause he tries to keep his thing in check. And the whole reason he even has Wrath is because of Lucifer. So I get your hate towards Lucifer, but Mammon doesn't deserve any of it."
"MC you know I can't tolerate stupidity-" He grumbled.
"Oh must be hard looking in the mirror then, with all your failed pranks. And speaking of mirrors, this over- perfumed mannequin." You turn to Asmo.
"How have I possibly hurt anyone MC? You know I stand for Love too right?" Asmo said, batting his pretty little eyes.
"For someone who stands for LOVE, if you can even call it that," You make a disgusted face, "You surely love making a mockery out of your elder brother and revel in his misery, you over- perfumed potato."
"But I never cause problems do I? Why must I be punished just for standing by?"
"Your high and mighty sense of worth is an illusion you live in. You dress up pretty and act social to validate yourself, trying to conceal the ugliness within. Truly you are nothing but Lust. Also you're the reason we almost got eaten by a giant snake." You shake your head. "Now speaking of eating..."
"This giant food vaccum." You point to Beel. "He tried to eat me over a custard. Like excuse me? There's still plenty of food outside? And let's not forget that week we all had to eat cup ramen for a week cause he finished the whole pantry."
Beel softly muttered and apology and looked down.
"He even ate the walls and pillars once! Surely those renovations cost way more than however much Mammon steals? Where's his punishment?!"
"MC enough. He's sorry already." Beel's twin spoke up. You glared at him and smiled. "Don't worry I saved the best for last."
"This lazy murderous cow." You walk up to him slowly. "Not only does everyone have to your chores - you love causing chaos."
Belphie laughed, "That I do. But that's only with Lucifer. What else did I do?"
"Oh you want me to go there? I surely will." You say with a sting in your eye. "In your plan to avenge your sister, you killed what was left of her in the first timeline. And your brothers just stood by and watched. Where's your penance, you murder hornet?"
Belphie's eyes grew wide. Everyone looked shocked and uncomfortable. You never brought this up before now.
"But why bother asking you about it. I should be asking the ultimate punisher of this family." You turn to Lucifer.
"Ah! If it isn't Diavolo's pet dog! How is your master today? Does he treat you the way you treat Mammon? Is that why you come here to take your revenge on your little brother instead? Tell me Lucifer does Diavolo punish you then?"
"MC, I understand you maybe upset but you are crossing a line here." Lucifer stood up with a gutteral growl.
"Sit doggie. I didn't ask for you yet." You commanded. Lucifer sat back down as with great force. He stared at you flummoxed.
"Did you forget about the pacts already, you pompous goat? You have threatened and tried to kill me more than anyone else in this family so congratulations! I will use my pacts way more generously now." You mock bowed in gratitude.
"You might win in a fight against him but let me tell you this..." You stared back at the others.
"Mammon is the second strongest in this family. If he wanted to - if he REALLY wanted to, all of you would be turned to dust. He is stronger than all of you - but he hides it. He supresses his powers and his anger because he loves you too much. How could he ever hurt his little brothers?" You felt tears in your eyes at this point.
"AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY HIM? He's only acting on his sin! Just like the rest of you! Why must he be singled out and mocked at? I won't allow it. Never again."
"If you hurt Mammon again, I swear you will have to face me. And before you think you have a chance against me, do remember the pacts you all happily made with me I will not hesitate to use them against you dysfunctional lot-"
"MC... Stop." You felt Mammon hug you from behind.
"Mammon? I thought you were asleep." You say looking back at him. His tears were misty but his smile more full.
"And I thought I was supposed to protect ya, human! And you're out here protecting me..." Mammon trailed off and held you closer.
"We can protect each other."
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faulty-writes · 2 years
[ Alright, I am back with a Tamaki fic for you. This idea spawned onto me from watching The Cuphead Show, more specifically the first episode where they go to the Carnevil and I thought...it'd be kind of cute if Tamaki took someone to a carnival or festival, and thus this story was born. Once again, I could only find the time to edit this twice. But I hope you still enjoy and excuse any spelling and or grammar errors. ]
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[ With Mirio's help, Tamaki finally found the courage to ask you out. But the two of you run into some trouble when he fails to win you a prize at a milk bottle game of all things. Ironically enough, it was after this incident that he decides to confess how he feels about you before ultimately breaking the rules to win you what you rightfully deserve. ]
The colorful lights continued to flash in rapid sequence as did the sound of the distant screams and the suffocating sugary aroma which lingered strongly in the air. To most, this place would be fun, a dream come true, a day away from your troubles.
But to Tamaki, it was torture. His anxiety was heightened and his fingernails continued to dig into the counter of the milk bottle game you wanted to try. Of course, there was only one reason he even agreed to this damned social outing at this particular location and that was because he wanted to ‘win your heart’ as Mirio put it.
He trembled as the memory of his conversation with his best friend came to mind. ‘If you really want to show them how you feel, you should totally go to the carnival with them!’ his words made Tamaki jump and he looked at Mirio as though he had lost his mind. ‘I...kind of asked around for you,’ he admitted with an awkward chuckle.
‘Y-you w-what?’ Tamaki asked, looking as terrified as ever. Mirio raised his hands up, seeming to sense his friend was about to panic. ‘It's okay Tamaki!’ he hissed out, somewhat worried that he had only created more problems.
He glanced to the side, quickly thinking of what else he could say. ‘Oh!’ he exclaimed, ‘They've been dying to go with someone and you're the perfect one to ask them!’ maybe all Tamaki needed was another confidence boost, that almost always worked.
Mirio frowned before he stepped forward and reached out to grasp Tamaki's shoulder. ‘You deserve to be happy with your true love,’ those words echoed in his head, and he was so lost in his thoughts he failed to notice the way he was latching onto his lip and the involuntary trembling that coursed through his body
Of course, you took note of this quickly and it was of little surprise that his actions concerned you. However, you gave the booth worker an awkward smile before you addressed the anxiety-ridden boy. “Amajiki,” you gently laid your hand over his and tried to pry his fingernails out of the counter.
“Are you okay? We don’t have to be here if you-” his frantic voice exclaimed, “N-no!” before his eyes shifted to the ground. His heart was pounding and no surprise, he felt really embarrassed. He could sense not only your eyes on him but the man working the game booth as well.
‘Damn it…Mirio’ he thought swallowing the lump in his throat. “I…I’m fine I uh…” he felt his stomach twist and was partly grateful he hadn’t eaten anything, else it would have been coming back up right about now. “I…” he tried to regulate his breathing but ended up sputtering and closing his eyes.
“Amajiki? Amajiki!” you called, frantically waving a hand in front of his face, but he didn’t open his eyes. Once again Mirio’s words echoed in his head. ‘Oh, and a word of advice, not that you need any because you’ll do great! But if you can, you should totally try to win them a prize or something! No doubt that’ll impress them,’ yes…that was it!
His eyes opened and he retracted his hands from the counter and despite his natural shyness, he reached up to grasp your hands which caused you to raise your brow in surprise. “Huh?” you took note of how large his hands were in comparison to yours and yet how cold they felt.
‘That’s weird…’ you thought before Tamaki found the courage to speak. “S-sorry for grabbing you like uh...like this…” he cringed slightly and swallowed the growing lump in his throat. “B-but I…w-want to win you s-something!” you blinked, staring at him as though he had grown a second head.
“I…win me something?” you questioned, leaning forward which caused Tamaki to lean back and his pale cheeks to slowly turn different shades of pink. “Um…” he glanced away and you looked back to his hands which were now trembling.
You raised your eyebrow before looking back as he gave a subtle nod. A chuckle then came but Tamaki thought you were laughing at him and instantly released your hands before he turned to lean his head against the nearest wall which just so happened to be at the booth you were already standing at.
‘T-they’re laughing at me…’ he thought while you gave an awkward smile and tried to ignore the curious eyes of the passerby. You took a deep breath, letting out a quiet sigh before you walked over to him and patted his back.
“I wasn’t laughing at you Amajiki,” you tried to reason with him as your hand came to a halt, “it’s just…sweet you want to win me something uh…” you turned to look at the various prizes, most of which were stuffed animals.
Your eyes eventually settled on a red octopus, it reminded you of the tentacles Tamaki could manifest. “That one is nice,” you pointed to it which caused the shy boy to look up. “The…t-the octopus?” he questioned, you nodded before folding your hands in front of you.
“That’s the one,” you confirmed with a smile and Tamaki yet again felt his stomach twist into knots. “I…g-guess I could try…” he replied. ‘Especially if Mirio says this will work, I’m actually…kind of surprised Y/n agreed to go to this c-carnival with me,’ he made eye contact with the man in the booth.
“Uh…h-how much for-” he was interrupted when the man pointed down. “Prices are on the sign kid,” he replied and Tamaki felt as if a bolt of lightning went through him. “O-Oh…” he said, awkwardly glancing down as that familiar wave of embarrassment washed over him.
You frowned and glared at the rather rude man standing inside of the booth before patting Tamaki on the back. He trembled at your touch and lifted his head, his stare directed at the man. “Um…o-okay,” he said as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a fair amount of yen.
“H-here…” he placed it on the counter. “Heh…” the man smirked before snatching it up, giving it a quick count. “Alright, kid…” he said, bending over to fetch something from underneath the counter. The soft clutter of buckets sounded before the man slammed something onto the counter.
Both Tamaki and yourself stumbled back, staring at what looked to be children’s softballs. “Here, have fun…” the words were spoken in a less than enthusiastic tone and you narrowed your eyes, tempted to make a point of how rude the man was being.
But, Tamaki spoke up first. “O-okay um…” you turned your head when his words trailed off. He seemed to have readjusted his focus on the ground, staring at his shoes which might have been beneficial considering he missed the way you raised an eyebrow.
A few moments passed and Tamaki remained standing as still as a statue which caused your concern to heighten. “Uh, Tama-” you quickly clasped your mouth shut when he suddenly moved, reaching a shaky hand over to grab one of the many softballs that lay in the bucket.
He glanced at the object as if it were his first time seeing something like it before glancing up at the three glass bottles which were stacked in a small pyramid. He felt his anxiety kick in which rendered him somewhat unable to breathe.
You frowned taking notice of the way his chest rose and fell harshly, further indicating his struggle to take in oxygen. Your hand moved, gently rubbing circles on his back. However, you immediately retracted it when he jumped in surprise.
“Sorry!” you held your hands up in a ‘surrender’ type fashion but Tamaki continued to look at you with wide and slightly frightened eyes before finally speaking. “Uh…” he glanced away and you could have sworn you saw the tips of his pointy ears turn downward.
“Y-y-y/n I…um…” you knew he wanted to tell you something, but yet again that anxiety seemed to be holding him back. But, you decided to try a different approach. Instead of expressing concern, you placed your hands on your knees and leaned forward somewhat forcing a smile.
“Yes, Tamaki?” you said in a sweet voice, hoping your positive attitude would help the shy boy come out of his shell. The temperature of his cheeks continued to rise and all he hoped for at the moment was that he wouldn’t faint, that would be too embarrassing.
He forced himself to take a deep breath before he dared look at you. His lips were slightly trembling and though his words were a little shaky, you could make them out. “I’ll t-try my…h-hardest to um…w-win you that uh…” he paused, completely forgetting what you wanted in the first place.
This was followed by a small momentary panic which was quickly shattered by the sound of his scream echoing through the air thanks to the booth worker who decided to slam his hand against the counter and rattle the bucket of softballs.
“HEY KID!” he snapped causing both of your heads to turn, your jaw was dropped as he rudely pointed at Tamaki. “Hurry the hell up, I have other customers,” he stated which prompted you to look around, yes there were plenty of people passing by but none that were actually waiting for their turn to play this milk bottle game.
A soft growl came and you curled your hands into fists before turning to face the man. Your mouth opened wide, ready to scream and possibly demand an apology from him. However, Tamaki lowered his head and frantically began to apologize which made you sigh.
You didn’t expect him to break out into a fight with the man, but despite his low confidence it somewhat angered you when Tamaki allowed others to talk down to him. But on the other hand, you didn’t want to do anything to ruin your outing.
So against your will, you swallowed your pride this once and glanced away as Tamaki gathered himself once more. He slowly raised his head and fixated on the glass bottles, your eyes drifted to his hand where you noticed the way he was desperately clenching onto the softball.
A moment of silence passed before he reeled his hand back and threw the ball. You watched it collide with the glass bottles, the force of the impact seemed to be enough to have knocked them over, and yet, they remained standing and the ball merely ricocheted and fell to the floor.
The man behind the counter chuckled. “Oh, so close,” he mocked with a smirk. “Mm…” you grumbled and once again your hands tightened into fists. “Hey, be nice!” you snapped with a pointed finger which caused Tamaki to stumble back and the man to continue smirking.
“Uh, i-it’s fine Y/n,” he said hesitantly stepping towards you and laying his hand on your shoulder in a comforting gesture. “Mm, but…” you turned to Tamaki whose face held an overall calm appearance but you could still catch the hint of anxiety dancing in his eyes.
This, in combination with the fact his fingers curled into your shoulder and slightly trembled was another indication that he was close to having a panic attack. You frowned, somewhat ashamed you were putting him in this situation, to begin with.
He wanted to win you something, but you could have convinced him to play another game. Then again, maybe all carnival games were rigged in some way or another. But even so, you should believe Tamaki could accomplish this one small task.
You took a deep breath, allowing a sigh to pass your lips before you reached up to gently pat the hand that was clinging to your shoulder. He once again trembled at your touch and his face grew hot, his cheeks illuminating a soft pink color.
You gasped as he suddenly jerked his hand back and quickly turned with his head hung low. “Uh…” you blinked, somewhat startled and confused by his actions but once again brushed it off as being his shy nature.
Tamaki’s heart was racing and he was unsure what sort of bravery coursed through him the moment he reached out to touch your shoulder, but it was gone now. He took a deep breath and purposely released it slowly as a method to further calm himself.
‘What am I doing?!’ he frantically thought, ‘Y/n must think I’m some k-kind of…jerk,’ his chest suddenly felt heavy and he squeezed his eyes shut. You frowned as you noticed the condition he seemed to have induced himself into and stepped forward.
You opened your mouth to speak but yet again the angry man working the obviously rigged game scolded the anxiety-ridden boy. “Hurry the hell up already!” this only caused Tamaki to stumble back again and proceed to apologize for no reason.
Another growl rumbled in your throat, but you knew you couldn’t do anything about the other’s rude behavior, at least not in public. So you forced yourself to hold your tongue and crossed your arms over your chest with your foot rapidly tapping against the ground.
“S-sorry,” Tamaki stuttered yet again and reached over to take another ball from the bucket considering he had dropped the previous one he had. Once again, he attempted to hit the bottles but much like before they bounced off and hit the floor.
You winced as Tamaki continued to throw ball after ball and it seemed no matter how much strength he put into his pitch, the bottles remained standing tall. “Sorry, there kid,” the man stated as he reached over to grab the now-empty bucket.
Tamaki grasped onto his hair and leaned over, seemingly having another panic attack. “The game was rigged anyway,” you muttered, approaching Tamaki to gently lay your hand on his back like you had previously.
He looked at you with frightened eyes which had you apologizing again and holding your hands up. “I didn’t mean to…I mean, a-are you okay?” you questioned rubbing the back of your head and letting the awkward tension fade.
Tamaki frowned turning his head away from you, he was a little too ashamed to look you in the eye. ‘Y-y/n…thinks I’m…I’m a jerk…’ of course, this wasn't true. But unfortunately, you couldn't read his thoughts and only watched as those fingers in his hair grew tighter.
You continued to frown and glared at the man in the booth before looking back at Tamaki. “Hey it’s…” you paused trying to think of the right set of words to use, “okay that you didn’t win me anything,” stepping closer, you reached out to gently grab one of his hands.
He almost wanted to pull away, but once again Mirio came to his mind. ‘Yeah…he wouldn’t pull away from anyone…’ however, another thought came into his mind just seconds later. ‘He probably would have won Y/n something on the first try…’ his chest continued to grow heavy and he lowered his opposite hand.
He then turned to face you but his gaze was still focused on the ground. “Amajiki…” you said, tightening your fingers around his hand. “S-sorry,” he uttered for what felt like the hundredth time which made you sigh.
“Don’t apologize so much,” you said with a slightly authoritative tone before you brushed past him. “Let’s go,” you began walking away, keeping a tight hold of his hand despite the fact he tried to stutter out a response.
However, he couldn’t quite get the words right and latched onto his lip instead. You carefully navigated through the crowd which began thinning as you walked past a few less than popular rides. “Hm…” you came to a stop and released Tamaki’s hand.
He swallowed hard and noticed how sweaty his hand was, ‘I…hope Y/n didn’t mind…’ he pressed said hand to his chest. ‘It's not like I mean to have s-sweaty hands...or anything,’ his gaze shyly turned to you but he noticed that you, much like him, were lost in your own thoughts.
But, he followed your gaze which seemed to linger on the Ferris wheel, the tall stature made him more nauseous than anything but he pushed the sensation down and quickly fixated his eyes back on you. The feeling of failure continued to eat away at him, but maybe he could win you something else?
Or well…he could try though he wasn’t sure how much money he had on his person at the moment and he didn’t want to waste it on a game he knew he couldn't win. “Why don’t we go on some rides?” you suggested turning to look at Tamaki with a smile, maybe that would get his mind off of the rigged game.
“R-rides?” he questioned as that nauseous feeling consumed him once more. Yes, he did want to impress you and allow you to have fun. If that meant getting on a dangerous-looking ride, well then he was willing to put you ahead of his own cowardice.
“You don’t like…rides?” you questioned and Tamaki once again panicked. “N-no! I mean uh…if you w-wanted to g-go on…a few rides, uh…” he trailed off as he felt his cheeks begin to burn with an all too familiar crimson color.
You blinked, once again stuck on how to deal with his behavior. “Amajiki…if you don’t want to, we can-” your words were interrupted when he raised his hands and violently shook his head. “N-no! I…w-want to um…” his eyes shifted back and forth, clearly on the verge of another panic attack.
“...want to?” you questioned tilting your head to one side and hoping that your words would encourage him to continue his sentence. A shiver went down his spine while his heart continued to pound rapidly, his whole body felt hot almost like he’d pass out at any moment.
He was more than certain there was sweat dripping down the sides of his face as well as the tips of his ears. He felt a lump form in his throat which he viciously swallowed before opening his mouth to speak though his lips were trembling.
“W-want to…go on uh…r-rides with you,” he nervously swayed back and forth with his hands curled tightly against his chest. You raised your eyebrow at the odd motion before rubbing the back of your head. You glanced over the few rides available but none of them seemed ideal for Tamaki.
You looked back at the nervous boy who luckily had ceased swaying. “Which one do you want to go on first?” you asked and yet again the shy boy seemed frozen and at a lack of words, the only indication of an answer you got was the slightest shake of his head.
“Um…” you turned your attention to the Ferris wheel, “wanna go on that one?” you gestured to the rather massive and colorfully flashing ride. Tamaki tried to hide his nerves and gave a slight nod. “Uh, um…o-okay,” he replied in his normal shy manner as you lowered your hand to rest against your thigh.
A sigh left your lips, while you wanted to question Tamaki and ask if the Ferris wheel was actually a ride he’d like to go on you knew more than likely, that you wouldn’t get a straight answer. “Okay,” you replied before looking in the distance for the ticket booth.
“Let’s go get some tickets,” you wanted to reach out and grab his hand as you had previously, but you thought it best to let him be for now. He followed you to the ticket booth and though you protested against him paying, he got his way in the end and the two of you went to stand in line for the Ferris wheel.
Once it was your turn, you carefully climbed inside the passenger car and bit your lip as you witnessed Tamaki try to do the same thing. The passenger car itself began swinging back and forth which caused him to stumble and grasp onto the metal edges that made the opening of the seat.
“Here,” you offered him your hand and flexed your fingers to signal him to take hold. “Ah,” he paused, and despite his flushed cheeks he nonetheless, grasped your hand which aided him in finally taking a seat next to you.
“See?” you released his hand and smiled, allowing your knee to brush against his which indicated just how close the two of you were. “Uh…u-uh…” he glanced down with his heart still pounding rapidly and echoing in his ears.
‘Y/n…is s-so close I…I don't know what to do…’ once again another paranoid thought seemed to cross his mind when he slowly glanced back up at you and that previous lump in his throat returned when you smiled at him.
“This is going to be so much fun, it’s been forever since I was on a Ferris wheel,” you eagerly looked around as the ride began to move and the passenger car continued to sway back and forth. Tamaki grasped the underside of the metal seat with his eyes squeezed shut.
He could feel himself being carried higher and higher, then a gentle breeze caressed his hair and slowly made him peek one eye open. His stomach twisted yet again as he quickly realized the two of you were at the very top of the Ferris wheel.
An intense fear consumed him when he looked down. The people down below now resembled that of ants among the blinking lights and the combined excited and or terrified screams were now softer and less audible.
“Isn’t this great?” you questioned, nudging the boy with your shoulder which caused him to jump and tear his eyes away from the landscape below. “Uh…” his hands folded into his lap to steady his nervous fingers as the ride continued to move, allowing more people to get on.
“E-everything looks so…s-small,” he squeaked out only to feel his heart sink when you laughed. Of course, most of the time he felt as though everyone was laughing at him and tended to take it personally even though you weren't in any way making fun of him.
“Yeah,” you commented looking over the edge, “everything does look pretty small, but it’s kind of nice in a way,” you concluded, turning back to Tamaki. Your eyes shifted to his nervous hands which were nestled between his thighs.
“Mm…” your eyebrows lowered when you glanced back at his face, noting that he was wearing that same anxious expression from earlier. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he swallowed hard and attempted to ground himself by taking a deep breath.
He looked at you with his indigo eyes slightly widened which was more than likely an indication of his fear. However, he yet again reminded himself that this made you happy and he didn’t want to ruin your good time.
So, with some regret, he nodded his head however, you didn’t quite buy it. “Amajiki…” you said and with some hesitation reached out to place your hand on his knee which caused him to jump. You almost retracted your hand, almost.
Your fingers tightened their grip and Tamaki could feel tingles course down his leg, was this what happened when the person you liked touched you? He wasn’t much for close contact outside of his very small friend group, but you were a different case.
He found himself drawn to you, wanting to be in your company, wanting your soft and gentle touch despite the obvious fact his nerves flared up while in your presence. “Y-yes?” he replied as his eyes glanced from your hand which remained on his knee to your face.
You latched onto your lip, once again hesitating. You wanted to bring up what had happened earlier, but you weren't certain how Tamaki would act in response. The Ferris wheel continued to move as did the gentle breeze that ruffled your hair.
Against your better judgment, you decided to ask, “Why did you let that man talk to you like that?” you could have added that it wasn’t right and he should have never allowed that kind of disrespect. He was a well-known sidekick for goodness sake!
He saved countless lives every single day and protected the innocent civilians of Japan without so much as a 'thank you' for his heroic deeds. He should be respected just like the pro heroes were. “Hm?” his eyes widened, fear and confusion dancing within his indigo orbs before he hung his head with a frown.
Grasping the front of his shirt with trembling fingers, he tried to come up with a response despite the fact he was feeling quite embarrassed at the moment. “Um…I…” he sucked in a breath, his mind going blank for any explanation or answer that would satisfy you.
His lips hung open, the awkward silence in the air growing thicker and finally, you decided to speak. “Amajiki…you don’t really believe you deserve to be treated that way...do you?” the question caused his eyebrows to furrow together, he lifted his head and looked at you with a sad expression.
This is what indicated to you he indeed believed he deserved to be treated as less of a person. “I…c-confidence is h-hard…” he stuttered shifting his gaze back to his feet while you felt a certain surge of anger fill your heart.
The hand that was resting on Tamaki’s knee now gently cupped the side of his face though you couldn’t help but notice how warm his cheek was. The gasp that escaped him was almost adorable in a way just as his eyes widening were, but unknown to you a shiver ran down his spine, and butterflies formed in his stomach as he looked at you.
“That may be, but you are an amazing hero Amajiki and you shouldn’t be treated as anything less,” you informed him with a slightly stern tone. He blinked and a look of disbelief came to his face as he leaned back.
“Huh?” you dropped your hand when Tamaki glanced away. “I…” he swallowed and threaded his fingers together in his lap in an effort to prevent them from trembling. He squeezed his eyes shut and once again thought back to Mirio.
‘What would he do?!’ he thought frantically before yet another conversation came to his mind. ‘Huh? You’re worried Y/n won’t understand how you feel?’ he could picture Mirio’s confused face and the way he reached up to rub the back of his head.
‘Well…you should be upfront then! Let Y/n know how much you love them!’ he declared, if only he knew that was easier said than done. But a small part of him knew that Mirio was right. He should be honest about how he felt, yet his lack of courage continued to hold him back.
“Amajiki?” you asked, leaning forward to close the distance between yourself and him. The ride came to a gentle stop and once again the passenger car swayed back and forth which would have made Tamaki's body stiffen if not for the fact he was lost in his thoughts.
‘How c-can I do t-that?’ he thought turning to look at you, why was confessing how you felt so complicated? ‘W-what if they reject me…?’ he could feel that hollowness consume his heart, leaving his chest feeling heavy once again.
“I…uh…w-was worried you w-wouldn’t c-come to the carnival with me,” he uttered in a soft voice that made your face twist into somewhat of a flabbergasted expression. “What?” you questioned, resisting the urge to laugh as you knew Tamaki was being 100% serious at the moment.
“I…” he swallowed the lump in his throat. “I…l-like you…um m-more than…” his courage was fading and that lump in his throat returned, ceasing any further words from coming out. He could practically feel the sting of rejection fill him.
However, that wouldn’t come. Sure you were surprised by his confession, mostly because you weren’t aware that he felt that way about you. Of course, romance wasn't normally something that consumed your thoughts, but you couldn't help but wonder if you could see yourself being with Tamaki one day.
You uttered the only thing you could think of at the moment which was a simple “Oh…” before leaning back, allowing your hands to drop to your lap. Tamaki felt a surge of lightning course through his chest like his heart had split in half.
Was this what it felt like to be rejected? Was he being rejected? His teeth sunk into his bottom lip, maybe he was jumping to conclusions too fast. “I…didn’t think one of the top graduates of Yuuei would…” you trailed off as the ride continued to move.
Your car was the next one to get off and you remained quiet as you climbed out and began walking away from the ride. Tamaki was quick to follow you despite the fact that he felt somewhat hopeless and heartbroken.
“Come on…” you said urging the hero to follow you to a less crowded area. You found comfort leaning against a tree and crossing your arms over your chest. Tamaki stood in front of you, his head still low and focusing more on the grass than you.
Another moment of silence lingered before you decided to speak, pushing off the tree you uncrossed your arms and placed your hands on his shoulders. You tightened your grip to ensure he couldn’t step away.
“Were you afraid I wouldn’t feel the same way about you?” the question came out with a demanding sort of tone, one that made him flinch. ‘I w-wanna go home…Y/n’s m-mad at me now…’ he thought before noticing the way your fingers continued to tighten.
“Amajiki, you’re an amazing person,” you watched his eyebrows raise, “Hm?” he said, seemingly surprised by your words. “You’re strong, dependable, and courageous. You’re always trying to do the right thing and protect others,” once again his face seemed to grow hot, that deep red filling out his cheeks and ears.
You pulled back one hand and pointed a finger in his face. “People should respect you,” once again that demanding tone seemed to coat your words. “B-but I…” he trembled and leaned away which is something you should have expected him to do.
You couldn't help but sigh, somewhat hesitant to speak your next words. “I…respect you…” unlike before, a soft tone accompanied your voice, but it wasn't that which surprised him. Rather, it was the fact that you confirmed just how high you held him in your life.
“Y-you…e-even a-after…” his words came to a halt, he wanted to say ‘after I couldn’t win you a prize’ but the more he thought about it, the more he came to the realization. ‘M-maybe he was kind of mean…’ he shifted his gaze to you, feeling his heart pick up the pace and fill his chest with that familiar sense of love.
Why did he let that one person talk to him like that? He could make the excuse that it was his anxiety or the fact he didn’t want to look or be aggressive in front of you. But the truth was, he allowed those words to get to him because he thought he deserved to be treated that way.
That he was less of a person, less important than those around him. But this, of course, wasn’t the truth. He clenched his jaw, feeling a small spark of anger fill his heart. “Amajiki?” you questioned, blinking as you watched his face go from anxiety-ridden to angry.
He then lifted his head and the way his eyes locked on you caused a shiver to course down your spine. “I…t-think I need takoyaki,” he said which caused your brow to furrow, obviously confused as to where this was coming from.
“Um…okay I think there’s-” you stopped speaking when Tamaki passed you and in a rare moment of courage, grabbed your hand to gently drag you along with him. You hated to admit the way your heart accelerated as his slim fingers slipped between yours and your palms slid together.
However, you remained quiet as he walked through the crowd with a newfound sense of determination. As you neared the various food stalls, a savory scent filled the air and caused your mouth to water. You swallowed and nearly stumbled into Tamaki as he came to a sudden stop.
“Hm?” you looked past him to see a stall that was mainly serving seafood and of course, you could faintly smell that salty and slightly bitter scent of takoyaki. You glanced at Tamaki, somewhat hoping he’d buy you food as well.
Sure enough, when you finally approached the front of the stall Tamaki turned to you and shyly asked what you would like to eat. After both of you had received your orders, you walked over to the nearby picnic area and began to eat.
Silence filled the air between you, but you didn’t mind though some conversation would have been nice. Instead, you were surrounded by the sounds of the rides screeching along their tracks and the continued screams of various excited or scared children.
Still, it was nice to satisfy your stomach with some food before you allowed Tamaki to once again led the way. His steps were slightly quickened and yet again that determination seemed to be flowing through him.
His hand tightened around yours when the two of you neared the various games booths. Some were as simple as throwing a ball or popping balloons while others, like the glass bottle game, were a bit more difficult.
You felt some anger as you zoned in on the same booth as before and sure enough, the same man was there standing with his arms crossed and a rather smug-looking expression on. “Uh, Amajiki…” you said, wanting to get his attention and ask what he was planning to do but the answer was obvious.
He had found that heroic courage and he was going to face the one who talked down to him. However, the man remained unphased even as Tamaki walked up with a somewhat intimidating expression. “Well, well, well,” he smirked as the two of you came to a stop in front of him.
“If it isn’t the kid from earlier, what’s the matter? Looking to lose again?” a soft growl come from Tamaki which somewhat startled you. But then you recalled the rather specific way he said he ‘needed’ takoyaki and pondered if he was going to use his quirk to win at this obviously rigged game.
Tamaki didn’t offer any response to the man's words. Instead, he reached into his pocket and pulled out enough yen for three softballs. The man raised his eyebrow as the money was placed onto the counter but took it nonetheless and laid out the three balls.
You stood by, looking at the pyramid of bottles that you finally wanted to see be knocked over. You then glanced back at Tamaki, but he didn't seem to notice your stare. Rather he was more focused on aligning the ball with the bottles.
Then he threw it, but much like before it merely bounced off of the bottles and onto the floor. “Uh…” you blinked and the man behind the counter tilted his head back with a chuckle. “Well kid, looks like you’re still striking out!” he called before a loud cracking noise sounded and you stumbled back with your eyes wide open.
Before your very eyes were five large tentacles that Tamaki manifested. They wrapped around the bottles and crushed them effortlessly which resulted in not only your jaw hanging open but the booth worker's as well.
However, Tamaki continued to remain silent and simply reached up to take the stuffed octopus you had wanted before. “Oh!” you stumbled back some as he proceeded to shove the item into your arms.
“T-thanks…” he muttered before walking over to you though you still appeared to be in shock, barely able to keep hold of your new stuffed companion. “Let's g-go…” he said, hesitantly reaching over to take your hand and while his grip was loose, he proceeded to guide you away from the area.
You glanced down at your octopus, much like Tamaki’s tentacles the stuffed animal was colored red with dark eyes and a friendly smile. Its eight arms seemed a tad overstuffed and branched out in various directions, but it was still an adorable item.
You found yourself smiling before nuzzling your face against it, feeling the slightest skip of your heart knowing that Tamaki had somewhat broken the rules in order to win you the prize you had originally wanted.
When you picked your head up, you noticed that you were nearing the entrance of the carnival which ironically was also the exit. “Hm?” you furrowed your brow and looked at Tamaki who seemed to be in his own thoughts or so you assumed.
“Tamaki?” you questioned with a small frown, tugging on his hand to signal him to stop. “Uh...y-yes?” his heart had accelerated when you spoke his name and he shyly slowed his pace before eventually coming to a stop just past the welcoming gate of the carnival.
He swallowed hard before turning to face you, his eyes glanced over your face before settling on the octopus and the memory of him crushing those bottles played in his mind, bringing him somewhat of a sense of guilt.
He latched onto his bottom lip and glanced down, allowing his hair to hang in his face. “Why did you…do that?” his heart continued to sink, he wasn’t sure why he did what he did or where the courage to do so came from.
“I…y-you…” he glanced to the side and brought his free hand up to curl against his chest, the hand that remained clasped around yours tightened. “D-didn’t you…u-um…you w-wanted the-” his words were interrupted when someone shouted over the crowd.
“TAMAKI!” he stumbled, crashing into you which caused you to yelp in surprise. One arm found its way around his neck to prevent both of you from falling and the other kept secure hold of the stuffed octopus.
One of your legs was bent back and the other was pressed up against Tamaki. Needless to say, this particular posture in itself looked rather…scandalous. Your eyes stared into Tamaki’s and the two of you appeared red in the face before a laugh echoed through the air.
“Whoops, sorry,” you turned your head as two people approached. It was hard to miss that messy crop of blond hair and those baby blues that stared at you accompanied with a bright smile, standing behind him was a girl with long periwinkle colored hair and she too was wearing a smile.
“M-Mirio!?” Tamaki stuttered out, frantically leaning back up and somewhat dragging you with him. When his hands retracted from you, Mirio gave another laugh. “Sorry!” he apologized again and while there was nothing to apologize for.
You hoped he didn't see the rather awkward position you and Tamaki ended up in. “We didn’t mean to interrupt anything but it’s super cool Y/n and you are getting along!” he said, somewhat praising Tamaki as he always did which caused him to groan and yet again, hang his head.
Nejire continued to smile and walked over to you, softly humming with her hands behind her back. She then leaned over and took in your new stuffed companion. “Wow, he’s cute,” she commented before leaning up with a smile.
“What’s his name?” you blinked, somewhat confused for a second or two. “Oh!” you glanced at the octopus before looking back at Nejire. “I uh…haven't named him yet?” you sounded uncertain but she didn’t seem to pick up on that.
“W-what you two…d-doing here?” Tamaki questioned, which caused you and Nejire’s heads to turn. “Heh,” Mirio chuckled and waved at the two of you before he draped an arm around Tamaki’s shoulders and somewhat forced him to turn around.
He then leaned down and whispered into Tamaki's ear. “I kind of wanted to overstep my boundaries and see how you were doing. Did you tell Y/n how you feel about them?” Tamaki trembled and his face twisted almost as if he were nauseous but he managed to shake his head.
“Huh?” Mirio leaned back and looked at you and Nejire, the two of you seemed to be in good spirits with one another. “Why not? You’re amazing Tamaki and-” his words were interrupted. “I t-tried,” Tamaki squeaked out which caused Mirio’s eyebrows to rise, but he didn’t speak.
Rather he waited for Tamaki to continue his sentence. “Um…t-they said they d-didn’t know I felt that w-way and then I…w-won them a prize…” he explained, his stomach continuing to turn the longer he thought about it.
Mirio leaned back and grasped his chin, giving a soft few ‘Hm’s’ in response to his friend’s words. “What happened after that?” he asked only to hear Tamaki sigh in response. “I…d-didn’t know what to do and w-we were going to l-leave…” Mirio blinked and lowered his hand.
“Whoops…” he said with a nervous chuckle. “Uh did we interrupt you guys leaving?” he’d hate to ruin any evening plans you two had. “Sooo,” Nejire began invading your personal space which made you the tiniest bit uncomfortable.
But knowing her outgoing and extraverted nature, you knew this was a common occurrence and that she didn’t mean any harm. “Did Amajiki win this little guy?” she questioned, reaching over to tug on one of the arms of the octopus.
You naturally pulled the stuffed toy closer to you and nodded. “Yeah…but the game was kind of rigged,” you then shrugged, “so Amajiki ended up using his quirk to win me this, but that was after he had told me something…” you trailed off, thinking back to his confession and your cheeks flushed softly.
This, of course, was something Nejire picked up on and she couldn’t help but giggle. “He said he liked you didn’t he!?” she questioned excitedly, yet again invading your personal space. “H-how did you know that?!” you hissed, feeling the embarrassment begin to eat away at you.
Yes, it was true that you didn’t have the slightest clue Tamaki felt the way he did about you but now that you knew others knew how he felt about you. Well…it almost made you feel guilty, were you that ignorant of Tamaki’s feelings and gestures?
Nejire smirked before leaning back with a giggle. “He’s liked you for a while now,” she said poking you in the chest, “so why don’t you take your chance!? I’m sure Amajiki would make a wonderful boyfriend!” you stumbled back.
“B-boyfriend?!” that was the last thing you thought about, granted Tamaki had plenty of qualities that would make him an ideal partner. But, you hadn’t given the thought of a long-lasting romantic relationship with him.
“W-what?” Tamaki took a step back, though he normally didn’t act this way when in Mirio’s company. “Aw, come on! It’s a great idea, Tamaki! It’ll win Y/n’s heart for sure!” he insisted and Tamaki groaned before looking over his shoulder at you.
“Um…I d-don’t-” he jumped when Mirio reached over to grasp his shoulders. “Come on, you’re the bravest guy I know! Just ask them, they’ll say yes!” he urged before somewhat forcing Tamaki to turn around and face you.
“Go get'em!” he encouraged with a small push, but unfortunately the shy boy wasn’t entirely prepared to go through with what Mirio suggested. Regardless, he hesitantly walked over which is something you were partly grateful for despite the fact your heart immediately began racing when your eyes settled on him.
“Amajiki!” Nejire said excitedly, making you jump in the process. “Hado…” he grumbled under his breath before focusing on you. “Y/n,” he said, somewhat uncomfortable to ask you what he wanted to in the presence of Nejire, but he didn’t have a choice now.
You glanced at Nejire before taking a step forward, wrapping both arms around your stuffed companion. “Yes, Amajiki?” he glanced down, fidgeting on his feet before he glanced at Mirio who signaled him to continue.
“C-can…uh, n-no, do you want to…um…g-go somewhere else?” he asked, which wasn’t exactly what Mirio had suggested saying. “I mean…” he felt sweat beginning to build across his forehead and nervously wiped it away with the end of his sleeve.
“D-do you want to…” he paused, once again feeling his courage slowly deplete. He quickly shook his head before leaning forward, “Eat…d-do you want to go…e-eat?” he questioned, Mirio had suggested a quiet setting would be beneficial for the two of you and would give you a chance to properly express yourselves.
The question came as a surprise and you leaned back, eyes wide and mouth hanging open in awe. You tried to ignore the strange glances you got from the passerby and slowly closed your mouth. “Eat?” you repeated. “Say yes,” Nejire commented with a nudge of her elbow.
You sent her a small glare before turning back to Tamaki. “Um…I guess we could maybe get something else to eat,” a decent meal would be better than carnival food, despite the fact you somehow felt like having more takoyaki.
But, you pushed that craving aside and slowly held your hand out. “Hm?” he stared before hesitantly reaching out and despite the slight sweat that coated his hand, you felt somewhat relieved when Tamaki continued to guide you away from the carnival. Of course, you didn't forget to wave both Nejire and Mirio goodbye.
“Do you think they’ll be alright?” Nejire asked, lowering the hand she was previously using to wave you goodbye. “They’ll be fine,” Mirio replied, seeming to have all the confidence in the world when it came to Tamaki, yourself, and whatever relationship would be created between the two of you.
He placed his hands on his hips and turned to Nejire. “Besides," he said with a shrug, “I suggested he take Y/n to a nice quiet place, they could both use it, and maybe Y/n will see how great of a guy he is,” not that it took much to see that quality in the first place.
“After all, Tamaki deserves someone special, don’t you think?” he questioned to which Nejire nodded in agreement before shifting her gaze to watch you disappear out of view with the one who would hopefully be the better part of your future.
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thedarkestcrow · 3 years
Hi, I have a question, but it's not about the next chapter, sorry if this is too silly for you, apparently I'm the only living creature that can't understand it, mmm, why are fans talking about Ciel saving himself from the contract? Why would he do such a thing? He has two options;1: getting eating by a demon and getting away with his crimes. 2: living for 50-60 years, then burning in hell for eternity. So I don't get it.
Hey there! :) No worries, that's actually a pretty interesting topic. ^^ So, I must say that I haven't kept up all that well with the fandom lately so I'm not aware if there's any new focus on that topic lately. But I guess the end of the contract or a way for Ciel to get out of it has always been discussed since the contract is one of the main topics of the story.
Like you said, there are not many possibilities for Ciel regarding the contract. The most likeliest and probably easiest way for it to end is that Ciel gets his revenge and Sebastian gets to eat his soul. The alternative is that Ciel somehow gets out of the contract and gets to keep his soul. Undertaker may play a role in trying to achieve that alternative. Thing is, at the moment it doesn't seem like Ciel would want that. He agreed to the terms of the contract and he's okay with giving his soul if that means that he'll get his revenge. So one important step would be to actually convince Ciel to want to keep living.
But you pose an interesting question: Is it even beneficial for Ciel to get out of the contract?
For a story which revolves so much about souls, demons and death we know very little about what there is after death. But since there are shinigamis who collect the souls of the dead I suppose there must be some sort of afterlife; something must happen to these souls. If there is something like heaven and hell and if it works in a similar way as in the Christian belief then it doesn't look too good for Ciel.
If his soul gets eaten I suppose it doesn't really matter because without a soul I think neither heaven nor hell (nor any other form of afterlife or reincarnation) is an option. Ciel would probably just cease to exist. (I guess one could argue what Undertaker would be able to do with his Cinematic Record (like with the twin) but that's a topic for another time.)
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If Ciel somehow gets out of the contract and manages to stay alive he'll still die one day and given his crimes he would probably end up in hell (if that exists in Kuro). He has certainly done enough to end up there. Maybe there's a chance for forgiveness and redemption. But Ciel really would have to change a lot for that to happen. I really don't see him going to church, asking for absolution for the sins he committed.
So if those are the two only options one could really wonder if getting his soul eaten might not actually be the better option.
I wonder if Undertaker is thinking about that. Maybe his plans for Ciel do take all this into account and he's trying to find a way for Ciel to end neither in hell nor as Sebastian's dinner. I mean, considering everything Ciel went through, his trauma, his young age and the dangers he's being confronted with on a daily basis one could try to defend his actions. Ciel has not only taken lives, he has also saved lives. But well, he has taken innocent lives and there's no excuse for that. And I guess striking a deal with a demon alone might be reason enough for him to end up in hell. So if Undertaker is considering all that I do wonder how he would find a solution for that problem. Maybe heaven and hell simply doesn't exist in Kuro. Or maybe Undertaker just wants the last remaining Phantomhive (not counting the Midfords here) to live on a few years longer and to have the chance to keep the Phantomhive line alive by having his own children, no matter the cost.
So yeah, a lot of maybes there. And given that it has never really been mentioned what kind of afterlife awaits the dead (if at all) I'm not sure if Ciel's chances for heaven or hell if he gets out of the contract will even be relevant to the story.
So, in short, people are discussing the idea of Ciel getting out of the contract because that's an alternative to the predicted ending of his soul getting eaten by Sebastian. I also think many would be excited seeing Ciel and Sebastian on opposing sides for once. And since Undertaker seems to be working for that goal it's quite likely that a situation will come where Ciel has to decide whether he even wants to be "saved" from Sebastian. But you have a valid argument that even without his soul getting eaten, Ciel's soul might already be damned to end up in hell which wouldn't be so great for him, either.
However, I think this story will revolve more around Ciel's opinion on himself, his feelings of guilt and whether he thinks he deserves to live, rather than what happens after his death. The focus is more on the journey of Ciel learning to forgive himself and accepting that what happened to his family wasn't his fault, rather than seeking forgiveness from an unseen God which Ciel has denied when summoning a demon.
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Birthday Bummer - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Angst, Cursing, Fluff, cheating accusations, jealous Katsuki
Summary: You love your boyfriend! You do! And he loves you! However he’s always busy. You understand being a pro can be very occupational but when he does have days off, he spends them either training to doing some paper work. Doing everything he can to get ahead, and you of course support him! But sometimes you miss him and sometimes he misses..a lot
“Oh? You’re not gonna be able to make it again?” You said with sadness laced in your voice. The phone in your hand felt like led in your shaking palm as you spoke to your boyfriend.
“Yeah. I’m so sorry Teddy Bear. Endeavor won’t let me off especially with all the damaged I caused during our last battle.” He explained. Your lip began to quiver but you bit it to hide your expression.
“It’s fine, Suki. Really. I understand, you’re a hero and you’re busy. Don’t worry about it, Love.” You said with a reassuring tone.
“Are you already at the restaurant?” He asked with worry.
“No, I didn’t even leave the house yet. I was still getting ready. I was actually gonna text you to tell you I was gonna be a little late, but..yeah.” You said. Bakugou sighed in sadness.
“I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll make it up to you baby.” Another empty promise. You licked your lips at his words and gave a disappointed sigh.
“Ok.” You replied.
“I love you.” He sweetly said.
“I love you too.”
“Bye Y/N!” Kirishima said from the other side of the phone.
“Shitty Hair said ‘bye’” Bakugou said, relaying the message.
“Heh, bye Kiri.” You said and hung up. You placed the phone down on the table and bounced your leg up and down as you let your head rest in your hand.
Of course. Like usual, Katsuki blew you off again for work. It’s not like it’s his fault but he never seems to turn his agency down. You understand that being a hero requires diligent work and good ethics but your boyfriend would always drop everything for work whenever, wherever. That includes you.
“Excuse me, Miss?”
You looked up to the man who was dressed in a clean suit with a white apron. “Would you like anything else?”
“Ha, I mean..unless you can get my date here, then just the check.” You joked. The kind waiter placed an understanding hand on your shoulder before placing down the bill. You sipped from your champagne glass and payed before grabbing your purse and walking out of the fancy restaurant. Maybe if your boyfriend were here, you would be getting in his car with him to go home, but instead, you were driving your own and sitting by yourself. You began your drive home to the empty house.
The usual. Katsuki blows you off for work, tries to make it up to you with something special, fails to show up for that, repeat cycle. This time..it was different though. It was supposed to be your special day. It was your birthday.
You hoped he would’ve remembered. I mean, it’s not like this was your first birthday with him. This was going to be your 4th birthday with him! And he forgot! And you would’ve let it slide had it not been for the fact that he had been blowing you off more and more for work. You understand he’s a pro and you get that with the sudden splurge of crime in Musutafu he’s been way busier but he didn’t even spare you a little “Happy Birthday, babe.”
As you pulled into the driveway, you looked at the doorway and saw an edible arrangement! Your eyes lit up as you ran out the car and went to examine the gift. Unfortunately, as you read the gift card, you saw it was from Mina and not Katsuki. You smiled nonetheless, appreciative of the gift.
You brought it in and enjoyed the sweet treats in the basket with a sad smile. You left it on the dining table along with all the other gifts. A beautiful set of rings, a new dress, a heart holding teddy bear, and a bouquet of roses from your father. You were always a daddy’s girl. You and your father were extremely close and only grew closer once you lost your mother. Growing up an only child, your father was your best friend. You loved him dearly. As you examined the flowers, you couldn’t help but notice his note that put a smile on your face.
Hello my Sweet Angel, Y/N. It’s been another year of you being in my life and I couldn’t be happier to have been blessed with you. I hope these roses will suffice but I know they pale in comparison to your beauty. I hope you enjoy this marvelous day and I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to spend it with you as we usually do. I love you Y/N
You called your father to thank him for the roses and to have a conversation with him. You hadn’t talked to many people today despite it being your birthday so talking to one of your favorite people should bring your mood to a better place.
“Alright, I should get going now. It’s pretty late and you need your rest.” You reminded your father.
“Of course dear. Have a nice night, goodnight sweetie.”
“Okay, goodnight Daddy!” You chirped.
You enjoyed speaking to your father and you definitely did feel your mood brighten until you noticed a text from Katsuki. You foolishly hoped it was a last minute birthday mention but of course you were wrong.
‘I’ll be home soon, princess. Mind getting dinner started? Thanks <3’
You could only sigh and feel your mood drop once more.
Afterwards, you chose to ignore his request and went to your shared bedroom. You stripped out of your gorgeous outfit and took off your makeup that you spent hours on. You hoped Katsuki would’ve gotten to see you all dolled up for your special day but things happen..you guess. You ran a hot bath for yourself and filled it with all types of scented bath salts, soaps, and flower petals. You lit a few candles and set them up all pretty around the tub and hopped in, relishing in the warmth that wrapped around you. All you wanted to do was forget about today.
Bakugou walked through the door exhausted from the day’s work. He took a shower at the agency and was all set and dressed in a comfy tee and a pair of sweats. He dropped his case at the door and walked in, expecting dinner for him on the island, but instead was met with a bunch of gifts. He stood shocked but chuckled to himself at the thought of you doing such a nice thing for him out of nowhere. He guesses that this was better than dinner.
He walked to the gifts and examined them. An edible arrangement that seemed to be eaten? Rings that were obviously for a woman? A dress? Okay, by now he realized that these gift must’ve been for you but for what? He continued to look through the gifts and noticed the lovey dovey Teddy Bear and bouquet. He grew a little irked at the gifts that one would deem romantic but what really sent it was the note. The words made his blood boil and when he saw the note was signed “Daddy,” he exploded.
“Is she…” as Bakugou thought about it, he came to the conclusion that you must’ve been cheating on him with some sugar daddy. The gifts, the dress, the rings, the note?! It gave him all the signs. In a raging fit, he took the basket and slammed it to the floor. He ripped apart the Teddy Bear, tossed the rings, singed the dress, and stomped on the beautiful roses. Finally, he made his way to search for you as he spoke to himself. “Oh that cheating fucking bitch.”
You were all set with your bath and had already dried your hair. You were dressed in your favorite silk set as you laid on the king sized bed. Suddenly, the door busted open and your boyfriend walked through the door, and he was pissed.
“Katsuki! The door!” You exclaimed before Bakugou made his way over to you.
“Am I not enough for you?!” He screamed. You looked at him in silent confusion and your pause urged him to continue. “What?! Do I not make enough money to your liking?! Well sorry if I can’t fucking spoil you! I just thought you would’ve appreciated my fucking efforts a little damn more considering you don’t have to work at all!”
“Katsuki, what the hell are you talking about?” You questioned, sitting up a little straighter.
“I’m talking about you fucking cheating on me! You think I wouldn’t notice all the fucking gifts you got for spreading your legs for some rich bastard?!” He asked and threw your gifted dress on your lap. You looked at it in shock as you ran your fingers across the singes. “Why don’t you take that fucking dress and the rest of your stupid gifts, and get the fuck out of this ho-“
Without letting him finish, you pushed his chest away and ran downstairs to the island. You set your eyes on the island and you stopped in your tracks, covering your open mouth with your hands in shock. Bakugou followed you down the stairs so he could see your reaction to having your gifts ruined, thinking it was exactly what you deserved for “cheating.”
“No, no, no!” You said an ran to the scattered gifts, trying to collect them as best as you could. Tears fell down your face as you looked at all the broken pieces in your hand. It wasn’t that you cared about receiving gifts, it was that these gifts were from people who cared enough to remember the day you came into this world. A day your own boyfriend couldn’t even remember this year. You found the crushed bouquet and held it against your chest. A gift from your dear father, ruined.
“What is wrong with you?” You tearfully asked the blonde behind you. You stood on your feet as he smirked at you with crossed arms and scoffed.
“What’s wrong with you? Fucking cheating on me with some sugar daddy?! And don’t even try to lie your way out of this shit, I read the fucking card.” He stated. You gawked at him in confusion and looked around as if he was crazy.
“The bouquet was from my father, Bakugou! Not my fucking sugar daddy! I don’t fucking have one, you prick!” Your words made Bakugou’s eyes pop as his arms uncrossed and slowly fell to his sides.
“W-What?” He asked.
“My father! The roses were from my father! The edible arrangement was from Mina, the rings were from Momo, the teddy bear was from Kirishima, and the dress was from Jirou! They gave me these gifts because it’s my birthday! Remember?!”
Bakugou immediately felt guilt build up in his chest. A little relief with that fact that you weren’t cheating, but immediate guilt for accusing you of doing so, telling you to leave, breaking your gifts, and forgetting your birthday.
“Y-Y/N I-“
“Save it Bakugou. You want me to leave so bad? Then I’ll go.” With that, you slammed the destroyed flowers into his chest and ran to the bedroom to change and pack a small bag with Bakugou following your trail.
“Y/N! No, wait!” He shouted and chased after you. Before he could grab hold of you, you made it into the room and slammed the door in his face before locking it. “Baby! C’mon, open the door! I’m sorry!”
“Leave me alone!” You said as you changed.
“No! Baby, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I forgot your birthday, I’m sorry I accused you of cheating, I’m sorry I ruined your special day. Please just let me in to fix this!” He begged. You finally opened the door with an angry look. “Baby! Thank go-“
“You can’t fix this, Bakugou!” You said with tears poking at the ends of your eyes. His heart began to ache when he noticed them and the bag you carried. Not only that but ever since you started calling him Bakugou again, he felt weak.
“Baby..it’s Katsuki.” He said trying to reach out for you but you snatched your hand away.
“Don’t call me that and as of right now, no it’s not!” You tried to walk away but Bakugou grabbed onto your waist to stop you.
“Y/N, stop, please. Look, you don’t have to go, just stay here and we can talk about this. Please we don’t even have to talk, just stay here. I’ll sleep in the guest room just don’t go, please.” He pleaded with soft tears. You bit your lip before calming down and speaking to him.
“Katsuki, I can’t be around you right now.” You said with a broken voice. “I just need some space…please.”
Katsuki still refused to let you go and so you stood there for what felt like forever. Eventually, you felt his hold weaken and so you pulled his arms off before walking away. Bakugou quietly followed you to the exit and before you left, Bakugou grabbed your wrist.
“I’m sorry. Please..let me fix this.” He said with tears running down his eyes. You froze before going in to make a move. You sighed and placed your hands on his face and wiped away his tears with your thumb. Bakugou took the opportunity to hold you in his arms once more as he leaned in to your touch. You pulled his face in and pecked his cheek before placing your hand on the knob once more.
“We’ll talk when I get back.” You softly said. You didn’t bother to see his response before you shut the door and got in your car to drive away.
Talk about a birthday bummer.
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04 @tessabrown101
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pufflocks · 4 years
Ok ok lady kuroo oneeeeee..
Kuroo fucking bottom male y/n in the school bathroom by pressing y/n again a wall and just fucking his brains out
Summary: Skipping with your boyfriend sounds fun. Right ? You were being rather bratty during lunch.. Maybe some discipline in those dirty stalls would whip you up straight. ♡
"-Come on, speak up. You were just saying how you'd much rather be doing something else." -T.K ❣
An: Please excuse errors. I most definitely rushed this out my drafts.
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Warning: Degrading • Dacryphilia • Minor Gagging • Minor Slapping • proof read
Cast: Bottom!M!Reader x Tetsurou Kuroo
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It was lunch time. Or passing time some others call it as for some people would play on their devices or talk to their friends.
That's exactly what you were doing earlier, you decided to drag out the topic of how you think your boyfriend is just so protective in your conversation.
"Sometimes I wanna fuckin' breath-"
That's what you said, no ?
You were sitting next to and telling this to your boyfriends bestfriend, Kenma. He however just gave a light sigh saying something how could he help. Fingers diddling with his switch frantically. He obviously wasn't much help in situations like this, you know, but your mind was side tracked with your boyfriends glare.
He was eyeing you down word for word as he silently watched you across your guys' table with your friends.
Watching you move shy hair strands from his bestfriends face and giving Kenma tips on his game. Not tha you had any particular idea in the game.
Why are trying so hard to be buddy buddy with him ? If you didn't even interest Kenma in any sexual form or other.
Tetsurou most definitely wouldn't let this just go by easily.
Lev only looked at his friend beside him then back at you in awe.
Yaku on the other hand had his eyes darted in his lap to his phone. No need to be in this conversation.
'Did he actually say that-?' He thought.
The chopsticks in Kuroos hand slipped from his fingertips as he chuckled under his breath. He didn't think you were this fucking down bad to get some dick.
All you really had to do was just ask. How fucking hard could that task be ? Could have easily fuck after school or at one of your guys' house. Gladly.
No doubt you would be coming back to this table with a dazed expression.
"Meet me in the bathroom, bubs." He whispered to you as he got up from his seat his dark aura following him out of the lunch room doors.
Yaku rose his head from his lap as his eyes darted your way, in disbelief, you were giggling happily as if you weren't about to get folded in half.
You got up from your seat leaving your barely eaten meal and two stunned friends, and one who's eyes were glued to his switch.
'Which one did he go to-' Thought unable to finish as you got pulled into a hard warm chest of someone you could only guess your lover.
You sensed his tense form as you shyly looked up to his face to only be met with dark pools of jealousy known as his eyes.
A shiver transferred to your head all the way down to your toes as a boner slowly began to form in your pants. Even when he was jealous and frustrated he could always be seen getting flat out drunk on his cat like existence alone.
And right now all you wanted from his noir existence was a dead. Good. Fucking.
"There something on my face or something ? Or are you imagining me as my bestfriend instead of me ? Your fucking boyfriend."
His words felt cold with a tinge of heated anger. He couldn't be truthfully angry at you could he ?
The only response he got from you was a shy shake of your head 'no'.
Gotta play like you didn't want your arse pounded like a dog in heat just a second ago.
You thought about your next moves as your pants got tighter by the second and your now playful and mischievous boyfriend glared down at your form.
Not all the time did you see the man get hot and bothered up front like this, not in school at least.
Close within eachother faces, hot tension in the air. The heat coming off his body specifically was close to a bonfire in the summer, and you were his slightly charred marshmallow being close to the heat.
Melting into something deliciously horny.
" 'M just horny 'n wanna be fucked really hard today-" You whined. Never being the one to exactly whine and beg, but the last time you masturbated was about half a month ago !
It wasn't your fault he was so busy and such with volleyball though. He msdevsyre to have time for you every so often. Outside and inside of school he was the best boyfriend.
"Oh. Didn't notice you were so greedy. Why not ask me after school ?" He bluntly stated. Funny his he asked this and your erection is straining against fabric as you speak.
You tugged on the bottom of his uniform catching him off guard slightly. "If you don't fuck me right now, Tetsuro Kuroo I might just consider getting with Kenma !" You barked.
Tetsurou only smirked like the mischievous damn cat he was.
Leaning closer down to your face, "Alright then. When we get back from the stalls, I dont wanna here a word about the cum leaking out of your abused ass." He whispered for your ears only as he flicked a slightly erect nipple outside of your school flannel shirt.
¤ y.p.o.v ¤
"Yes, yes." I mumbled. My nipples were being stupidly played with.
"Bathroom.." I said. He only nodded, retreating his hands.
Making our way down to the bathroom was audibly quiet. Only our footsteps being heard throughout the silent halls.
My eyes skimmed his posture and tall stature as I noticed his bulge. Soon enough it was going to be forcefully filling me in some dirty stall.
I look up at Tetsu and see his unusual stoic face fall into something familiarly mischievous as he caught on to me.
The sexual appeal and aura was never lost as we made our destination. Thankfully, we made it to the bathrooms without me jumping on him right there and then.
"We're here and let's hurry this up, pretty boy. I dont feel like getting in trouble for fucking you between classes again." He stated. I only scoffed and chuckled lightly.
At this point I dont care if we skipped a few minutes just to fuck. Did it once, I'm sure we wouldn't get caught twice.
Walking in the bathrooms, the first thing I do is pull him down for a kiss. Reminding him that I'm still feeling it.
He chuckled in the kiss. Wrapping his rather long arms around my waist, picking me up as I tossed my legs over his waist. His muscular body holding me up as if I weighed like air.
"Bubs.. About fucking you into these stalls. You know why I'm gonna go rough right," I nodded slowly. Giving him a few small hickies on his neck.
Faking my innocence for a better fuck is always worth while. He took that as a thumbs up as he once again let out that noir chuckle of his.
"That's good to know babes~"
Further movements were heated skin to skin touches and kitten licks and bites of each other. Some movements pornos could never mimic.
His calloused fingers gripping my throat, forcing eye contact as he smirked on how wrecked I already looked. I would say it was embarrassing if my mind wasn't attracted to his knee gliding across my tight pant front.
"Looks like you need to get that attitude fucked out of you from earlier, hm ?"
My mind barely focusing on his wolfish voice as he licked a long strong underside of my jaw, making me visibly shake and quiver slightly. The contact we shared in this cramped stall has me gasping for air the more I think of someone barging in. Any second I could literally bust thinking of how he would fuck me harder, the two pairs of feet on ther other side of the stall merely nonexistent to us.
"Tetsu please- I want it really bad~ I was bad wasnt I ?" I was becoming desperate as I slithered my hand down to his own very visible, erection.
He groaned lightly before chuckling and kissing me once more. I know he knows that my actions with his bestfriend weren't intentionally to hurt him, but what if I had fucked his bestfriend-
My thought was intruded as he flipped me over the stall door and shucking my pants off my body. Doing the exact same to his own as he harshly pushed into me.
I choke out a long groan of surprise as he held me against his clothed chest. "Ah-! Wait Tetsu!~" I was hushed by long fingers. Poking and prodding on my tongue to my throat.
He whispered in my ear, "Shh, now what if we get caught and I get in trouble for fucking you ?~", nibbling on my earlobe tantalizingly slow.
Hot breath we shared as his dick ushered in and out of my puckered hole. Minding you that we had no lube so the burn of him dragging himself in and out of me was a blinding pain.
My hands made attempt of pushing him away. Drool just at the corner of my mouth, fingers still at work.
He got the idea, pulled out to the tip, and lazily drooled on his shaft. His shape successfully returning to it's desired place.
"Can't have you hurting too bad. Even though this is a well deserved punishment~" He smirked at his own comment.
Right. I got myself in this situation and every second of it I loved. So close to the spot aswell-
"NGH–! Hah~ Shit Tetsu~ Right- Right thereee~!!" I shut my eyes closed tightly. My dick dripped precum as every few thrusts directed to my prostate.
"I found your spot, hm ?~ My baby finna cum soon ?~ Want me to jack you off or should I not, keep in mind your not off the hook, love.~" He mocked as his hands gripped my left leg, sandwiching between the stall door and my lover.
His other hand on my dick refusing of ejaculation. The new angle and pressure on my cock making my head fall back.
God I felt like I was going dumb and on his dick !
"PLEASE— I NEE- AH!~ I NEEF TO CUHM!~" I babbled. I doubt he heard me clearly though
Tetsu spat in his hand as his hand rapidly started to glide across my shaft. The slick palm feeling heavenly on my member. It was all so overwhelming !
Drool finally making it's way down my chin and hicked up throat.
"Bubs- Fuck-! Babe I'm finna cum in this sweet ass. Better keep in too~ Let Kenma and everyone else know you have a boyfriend~" He grunted near my ear as I frantically nodded my cockhead probably a pretty red now, completely swollen and wet.
"Cu- Cuhminggg!!~" I slurred as a particular harsh thrust shoved me off the edge and the knot in my stomach grew and snapped.
I felt a gush of his semen flow in my abused hole as he grunted and stilled ministrations. His cock head snug on my sore prostate.
"I- I hope you remember my words from earlier bubs. Wasn' playing." He scoffed as he checked out my blotchy neck and slobber slicked face.
The sight, I'm sure was obscene as he spread my cheeks. Cock head only inserted by the tip in hopes none of his hit substance fell on the bathroom tiles.
"Fuck Y/n.. Do this shit again I might just have to fuck you in front of Kenma~" He said tauntingly, slapping my ass aggressively as I eeked I surprise.
"I'm gonna leave first and you get cleaned up alright ? Don't want people to notice that we fucked like rabbits in the stalls." He said helping me with my clothes back on my body. I was too braindead to do about anything.
" Kiss.." My words coming out slurred. He looked up at me as he was helping me put my slacks on now. Leaning in giving me a long kiss.
My body leaned into his as I dragged my arms around his neck. Humming in satisfaction as I parted the sensually deep contact.
"You're so cute after sex !" He exclaimed as I ruffled his hair giggling now off my high.
He cleaned up after a few more shared pecks and left first as I sat on the toilet for about 6 minutes.
I checked my phone fir the time and I saw that it was nearing the end of the lunch hour.
'Fuck !'
I splashed some water on my face quickly before ushering to my next period. Being early wasn't so bad I suppose.
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Sugary Sweet Apologies
Summary: You and Reid never really got along but when he saves your life, you decide to be the bigger person and thank him and hopefully start over. Unfortunately, it isn’t that easy.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: light to mild angst with fluffy ending, swearing, spencer reid being an annoying bitch, brief mentions of case stuff (if you watch cm, you should be fine)
A/N: this is for @willowrose99 ‘s 1 year anniversary on tumblr writing challenge!! congrats! i literally wrote and edited this whole thing in less than one day because i got so excited, anyways i hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1.8k
“Reid and Y/L/N, go to David Whitney’s house. He was the therapist of two of the three victims. He could have some insight into the victimology and know of any overlap between them. He has no criminal record of past aggressive behavior but we can’t rule him out as a suspect entirely,” Hotch stated.
“Hotch, you stuck me with her yesterday for the geographical profiling. Send Prentiss with her instead,” Spencer whined.
“I don’t mind going with Y/L/N. She is a great partner in the field,” Emily glared at Spencer.
“No. Reid, go with Y/L/N or be taken off this case. I’m a unit chief, not an elementary school teacher. I don’t have time for temper tantrums,” Hotch chided.
“Fine,” Spencer grumbled as you grabbed the keys to an SUV.
You don’t know what it was but ever since you started at the BAU four months ago, Spencer had never liked you which resulted in you disliking him as well. Everyone else on the team was super friendly and welcoming but Reid always was jabbing snarky remarks your way like “I don’t have time to explain it to you” or “This was in the FBI handbook. God, you need more training.”
Luckily, the others were quick to defend you. Once Garcia even heard him snip at you over the phone and as soon as you all got off the elevator after the case, Reid was being dragged by his ear into Garcia’s lair with him going “ow ow ow” behind her. So, you didn’t really pay much mind to him because you could deal with one annoying know-it-all to have such an amazing job with great coworkers minus the one.
“Look, I’m not happy about this either,” you said as you climbed into the driver’s side of the SUV, “But at least I’m not being a whiny bitch about it and being rude to the other person’s face.”
“Oh wow, I’m so sorry that I hurt your feelings,” Spencer mocked.
“Fuck you, Reid,” you shook your head.
David Whitney was on edge the second you arrived and showed him your badges. He was bouncing his leg up and down, he couldn’t sit still, and he kept avoiding eye contact.
He knew way too much about the other victim that wasn’t even one of his clients but you didn’t have anything solid on him. His house seemed very neat so you doubted he kept anything incriminating here. Organized offenders usually have a secondary location. So, you decided to push his buttons a little.
“I mean blitz attacks, leaving the bodies on the side of dirt roads,” you combed through the crime scene photos, “This guy was a real coward.”
Spencer picked up on what you were trying to do and his eyes widened, he was subtly shaking his head and mouthing “no”.
“Excuse me?” David asked.
“Well, I’m just saying a real man wouldn’t cower in the bushes and blindside a woman. He must not be very strong,” you stated, “He probably can’t even get it up.”
Before you even had time to react, David pulled out a switchblade knife from inside the couch cushions and put you in a chokehold, pressing the cool metal up to your throat. You closed your eyes tightly.
“David, you don’t have to do this,” Spencer stood with his gun pointed at you both.
“This bitch insulted me,” he snarled.
“She insults me too. That doesn’t make you any less of a man,” Spencer spoke carefully, “Just put the knife down and I’ll escort you out.”
David sighed, dropping the knife to the floor and releasing you.
Spencer put David in handcuffs and walked him outside as reinforcements came running in.
“Are you okay, Y/L/N?” Hotch asked.
“Yep, a little shaken up but fine. Thank you,” you stood.
“Let’s get you to the medics,” Morgan grabbed your arm to support you as you walked over to the ambulance.
Spencer never checked on you.
You knew your decision in the field was a little rash and you wanted to thank Spencer for essentially saving your life.
However, there was no way in hell you could verbally get out an apology while staring at his smug face, but you could bake. You settled on a note tucked inside a tupperware container of your Grandma’s special recipe of chocolate chip cookies. It was a good peace offering, maybe even a chance to start fresh.
During your lunch break, you took the tupperware from your desk drawer and approached the break room where Reid had entered about 5 minutes ago.
“I’m just saying I could not have been more clear in my message to her that it was too dangerous but of course, Y/L/N didn’t listen cause Y/L/N is going to do whatever she feels like,” Spencer stirred his coffee.
No one had noticed you standing in the doorway yet.
“Reid, you’ve got to be nicer to her. She earned her spot here just like the rest of us,” Emily defended you.
“Did she though? How much do we really know about her? She couldn’t even tell me how many pages the FBI protocol manual was,” Spencer said.
“That’s not a normal thing people know,” Morgan retorted.
“Well, I’m just saying the team was perfectly fine before her and it would probably be better off if she left,” Reid finished.
Garcia looked up from her yogurt to see you standing there, “Oh, Y/N”.
Spencer turned around in his chair as you angrily stormed up to him.
“Here’s your cookies, asshole,” you seethed, grabbing the note from inside and crumpling it up into a little ball and tossing it into the trash.
“Y/N!” Emily called after you but you were already gone.
The whole team glared at Spencer and picked up their lunches, leaving him alone at the table.
Spencer retrieved the balled up paper from the trash, having to fish through Rossi’s week old pasta and Anderson’s half eaten tuna fish sandwich.
Dear Reid,
Thank you for saving my life, I guess. These are my Grandma’s secret recipe for chocolate chip cookies so I hope you enjoy. I think we got off on the wrong foot and I would like to start over. I think cases would be a lot less miserable for everyone if we got along.
Thanks again,
Spencer, you’re such an idiot, he thought to himself.
You never came back after your lunch break ended and Derek made Spencer go tell Hotch why it’s his fault you were missing the rest of the day.
He tried to call you multiple times but they always rang out before going to voicemail.
Spencer hesitantly knocked on Penelope’s door at the end of the day.
“Is she okay?” he asked softly.
“You don’t get to ask that as the person who hurt her in the first place. Also, she told me to tell you that don’t you dare go to her apartment to ‘check on her’. I’m headed over there myself actually,” Penelope collected her things and shut off her monitors.
“Will you at least tell her I’m really sorry?” Spencer followed her to the elevator.
“Absolutely not. I’m not doing any apologizing on your behalf,” Penelope huffed as the elevators shut.
You came in the next morning, keeping your head down. You grabbed a pen from your cup holder and the first folder on your stack before getting to work.
You were on the second page of the file when your clean, empty tupperware was placed in front of you plus another baking dish with aluminum foil over the top.
You glanced up to see Spencer guiltily looking down at you and you returned your eyes back to the file.
“I-I made you cinnamon rolls,” Spencer broke the silence.
“Are they poisoned?” you asked, not sparing him another glance.
“No, they’re not poisoned,” he assured you.
“I’m just saying how can I trust you as you have made it very apparent you would like me off this team.”
“I didn’t mean that,” Spencer was quick to reply.
“Then why the hell did you say it, Reid?” you slammed your pen down.
You grabbed your empty coffee mug and briskly walked to the break room but unfortunately, Spencer was right behind you.
“I didn’t eat any of your cookies by the way. Not that I didn’t want to but I felt like I didn’t deserve them so I handed them out to everyone else.”
“Oh how kind, taking credit for my work,” you tried to close the door in his face.
“I told them that they were from you,” Spencer insisted.
You rolled your eyes as Spencer grabbed the coffee pot before you could get to it, pouring your mug of coffee for you.
“What do you want from me, Reid?” you asked defeatedly.
“I want you to try a cinnamon roll and let me explain.”
“Fine but only because I didn’t have breakfast yet and I want to critique your baking skills,” you huffed, walking back to your desk.
Spencer gingerly placed one of the sticky frosting-coated rolls on a napkin and pushed it towards you. You tentatively bit into it. Damn it, it was actually delicious.
“It’s okay,” you understated.
You knew Spencer hardly ever used his kitchen let alone be up baking all night. He even chose a recipe that required more time and effort because the yeast dough would have to rise for a few hours.
“That’s good. The first batch didn’t come out as great...or the second,” he smiled softly.
“Well, the floor is all yours, Reid. Please explain to me why you talk shit about me to my co-workers when I’m in the other room,” you leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms.
Spencer muttered something incoherent.
“I have to hear the apology, you know,” you said, enjoying watching him uncomfortable.
“You’re intimidating to me because you’re intelligent, beautiful, and courageous. I think I was a little jealous that my spotlight as the ‘kid’ of the BAU was coming to an end so I said some harsh, completely untrue things and I’m sincerely sorry.”
“Oh my god,” you smirked, “Hotch was right, you are an elementary school kid.”
“In what way?” he curiously asked.
“You like me like like like me. You don’t know how to talk to the girl so you pull her pigtails on the playground,” you giggled.
“I take it back. You’re a horrible profiler,” Spencer was getting up from his seat, completely flustered.
“Awww,” you were laughing at Spencer’s bright red face as he went to go to the break room to fill his coffee mug.
When he got back to his desk, a sticky note was placed front and center.
In typical elementary school fashion…
Will you go get coffee with me?
Spencer smiled before picking up his pen and checking one of the boxes, crumpling the sticky note up into a ball and throwing it over to your desk.
“Good choice. See you Saturday at 9 at the cafe down the street,” you grinned.
“It’s a date,” he smiled.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
What's It To You?
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: To some people, relationship labels aren’t important. To some they aren’t important only in theory. Well, Y/N finds out she falls in the later category, leading to a falling out with her boyfriend Corpse.
Requested by Anon. You’ll know who you are when you read the fic 😉 Thank you for the ‘angsty argument’ request. I hope I captured what you had in mind and I hope you enjoy the read. Love, Vy 🥰
The time is nearing 7PM and Corpse has barely eaten anything. I always keep track of his meals and time spent in front of a computer screen, making sure he doesn’t spend too much time exhausting his eyes or starving himself. He never notices he’s hungry until he takes a bite of something and his appetite grows in  matter of seconds. The real battle is to get him to take that first bite.
I get up from the couch, walking into the kitchen. I open the fridge, scanning its contents for any ideas that might pop into my head for dinner. When nothing comes to mind, I resort to my last option - asking him. There’s only a slight chance he’ll be of any help. He’ll most likely say he’s not hungry or that he’ll make himself something late. He never does. I’ve gotten used to him being a man-child when it comes to eating. In the eleven months that we’ve been dating, I’ve force fed him more times than he has eaten on his own terms.
I go upstairs, stopping outside the door to his recording room to see if he’s talking to someone so I don’t walk in and interrupt. When no noises come from the inside I knock. 
“Come in.“ 
Upon opening the door, I’m met with Corpse nonchalantly sitting in his desk chair, leaning as back as he can without tipping over. Arms folded behind his head, legs stretched out in front of him. The whole nine yards, suggesting that he not streaming.
“Hey.“ He greets me as he turns his chair a bit in an attempt to face me
“Hey, what’d you like for dinner?“ He opens his mouth to reply the millisecond after I have spoken my question. I already know what that reply will be so I hurry to prevent it, “And no, ‘later’ and ‘I’m not hungry’ aren’t on the menu.“
He sighs, shaking his head as though he’s disappointed that I caught onto his game. The smile that slowly makes its way to his lips, however, suggests that he appreciates my concern. “Grilled cheese sandwiches? I mean, if you feel like it.”
I smile, relieved that the usual convincing portion of our interaction on this specific matter has been avoided. “Ok. Be down in fifteen then.” I give him a nod before heading back out into the hallway.
Before I am able to close the door, I hear someone else’s voice come from behind me. “Hey Corpse, was that on your end?”
Oh shit, he wasn’t muted
“Yeah man, sorry. Accidentally unmuted myself.“ Corpse sounds unbothered by this, but I am a little uneasy now.
Corpse and I have agreed to keep our relationship by a ‘won’t ask, won’t tell’ rule - if someone asks him if he’s in a relationship, he won’t lie and say no, but we haven’t gone public nor do we plan on doing so without someone asking us about it head-on. Well, not us. Him. His friends don’t know me and neither do his fans. I’m not in the same industry. I don’t stream nor film YouTube videos. The most I do for that platform is help Corpse with some editing when he needs to have a rest. So, if anyone were to reveal our relationship, it’d be him.
“Oooh, who was that?“ A girl’s voice asks teasingly. “Corpse, what are you not telling us?“
By this point, I’m out in the hall but I left my ears in the room. I know I’m not in the right here - eavesdropping is most definitely not nice, but I can’t help myself.
I hear him chuckle, “Nah, it’s just my friend Y/N.”
My heart drops so suddenly for a reason beyond my understanding. I feel like a kid feels when it’s told Santa isn’t real - I can’t believe what I heard. 
I hurry to get back downstairs as soon as possible and also as quietly as I can. It’s tough, running with a pit in your stomach and a knot of I’m pretty sure is tears in your throat. When I’m finally in the kitchen, the aforementioned tears are blurring my vision. I try to blink them away but accidentally send one of them trickling down my cheek.
I’m aware this might be an overreaction and if I stopped to think I could probably find ways to justify what Corpse said. But I’m genuinely hurt, and I hate that I am.
I’ve never cared about what others know about me or think of me. Same goes for my relationships. I don’t put labels on things nor on my connection to people. I am surprised and disturbed by how much the label ‘friends’ bothers me. We’ve been dating for almost a year now, you’d think calling me his girlfriend would be second nature. Guess not.
I swallow the hurt and surprise, deciding to keep myself busy with the preparations for the dinner I was planning to make. However, keeping my hands full and giving my eyes a place to look doesn’t stop my thoughts from eating away at me. 
                                                             * * *
Twenty minutes later the sound of a door opening echoes from upstairs, followed by the sound of footsteps going through the hallway and then down the stairs. 
“It smells so good in here.“ He comments, his eyebrows raising when he takes in the freshly made sandwiches on the kitchen island. “You’re the best, Y/N.“
“Hmm, aren’t you lucky you have a friend who knows their way around the kitchen, huh?“ I reply sharply, not even sparing him a glance.
In the twenty minutes I was left alone with my wilding thoughts I declared that I wouldn’t beat around bush when he comes downstairs. That I would address the issue and tell him exactly how I feel about it. What I didn’t plan was being so harsh. I actually barely contain a wince when I realize how sharp of an edge my words had.
I feel ten times more guilty when I see the regret that flashes on his face, “You heard that.” He grips the edges of the table, leaning down and letting out a sigh, “I’m sorry, I panicked.”
The anger in me evaporates, leaving room for the hurt to keep spreading and take over me. I was never really angry with him, I’m just upset by the fact that his immediate reaction wasn’t to refer to me as his girlfriend. 
“Why would you panic? What’s it to you if they know?“ My voice is barely above a whisper now, the tears I’m fighting back are clogging my throat, not allowing me to sound as clearly as I’d like.
“What’s it to you? I thought you didn’t care.“ He argues back, his gaze travelling from the tabletop to my eyes. I see the guilt in all his features and his body language.
“I thought so too.“ I shake my head, “But hearing you call me a ‘friend’...’just a friend’ stings. I don’t even know why, but it does. It feels almost like you are embarrassed of me. If that’s the case you can just tell me, you know?“
In a blink of an eye he’s crouched down in front of me, one hand holding both of mine while the other cups my cheek. “It’s not. It has never been and it will never be the case. You are one amazing person, Y/N. You deserve the world, not to be stuck with me. I’m just...” He trails off, his eyes not able to focus on mine any longer, “I’m scared of how people knowing about us will affect our relationship.”
My blood starts boiling again. I know I need to get away from him before I reach the point of saying something that’ll hurt him, so I untangle my hands from his grasp, pulling away from him. “Weak excuse, Corpse. You know it will change nothing except make me feel more included in your life. I will no longer feel like I’m a house rat no one knows about.” I stand up, unable to look at him, and start heading for the staircase. 
“Y/N, please! ”I stop dead in my tracks when he calls out my name, his footsteps following behind me. “Don’t be...-”
I turn around, cutting him off in the process, “I need to be alone right now.” I tilt my head in the direction of the dining table, “Sit down and eat dinner. We’ll talk...later.”
                                                             * * *
Now that it’s been almost twelve hours with no contact between us I realize that my reaction was justified only to a certain extent. I understand his concerns and I could’ve expressed mine a little more calmly and in a lot less accusatory manner. But what happened happened and all I can do now is go over to him and apologize, establish a proper communication to resolve the issue that I so stupidly blew out of proportion.
My phone died sometime during the night and has been sitting on the charger but still turned off for a while. I go over to it and press-hold the start button. While it’s powering up I start changing my from my pajamas into my regular clothes, noticing a small stain on my shirt in the process. As I’m examining the stain, my phone starts going crazy with notifications, causing me to jump and drop my shirt.
“Fucking hell.” I mumble, disconnecting my phone from the charger and looking at the huge list of notifications on my lock screen. They are all alerts of new followers, likes and tags, non from people I know. Non except one.
@ corpse_husband tagged you in a post 
Wait what?
I tap the notification which leads me to a picture Corpse posted two hours ago. It’s a picture of me taken in the living room without my knowledge. I’m an oversized sweater and yoga pants, my hair in a messy braid and my attention caught by the book in my hands. My glasses have slipped a bit down my nose, suggesting that I’m too concentrated on the contents of the pages in front of me that I haven’t noticed.
We started off as friends but it didn’t take long for her to become my best friend. And then she stole my heart. I know you’ll read this eventually, Y/N. So...hi. Love you. 
PS - the sandwiches were bomb 🖤
I’m more than caught off guard. Like a surprise hug from behind, warmth spreading all throughout my body. 
Without a second of hesitation I put my phone down and run to the bedroom door. However, I don’t make it very far considering I nearly run straight into Corpse’s chest as I exit the room. He catches me before I knock him straight to the ground, thankfully.
“Aren’t you a rocket this morning. Where are you headed?“ He chuckles, holding onto my upper arms.
One look at his smile, a single word out of his mouth and I’m melting. I walk straight into him, wrapping my arms around his torso, hiding my face in his chest. He comfortably rests his chin on the top of my head, not asking any further questions until I finally answer.
“Right here. I was heading for you.“ I whisper before I pull away enough to be able to look him in the eyes. “I wanted to tell you how sorry I am. I was being childish and overdramatic and I’m sorry about all I said. I was really upset.“
“It’s ok, baby. I’m sorry for making you upset in the first place. I understand now how much it means to you.“ He caresses my cheekbone with the back of his hand. “I...um...tried to make things right by...“
I push up on my toes, pressing my lips against his, putting an end to his timid stuttering. “I saw it.” I mumble in the kiss.
“Did you like it?“ 
“I loved it.“
“Did you read the comments?“
My heart skips a beat when I hear that dreaded term. Just the thought of reading through the comments terrifies me. I tell myself that some strangers’ words aren’t gonna have an impact on me, but I know they will. Especially since these ‘strangers’ mean so much to Corpse.
I shake my head. He pulls away, taking my hand and leading me towards the living room. “You have to. You’re gonna love them.”
I reluctantly follow him, plopping down on the couch next to him as he pulls out his phone and scrolls through the comment section of the picture he posted. He was right. All these people have said such things about me and about our relationship. Some verified names are also there, sharing their support much like the fans. 
“See, this is why I was nervous. I’ll have to do duels for your attention now.“ He glances at me, leaning in and kissing my temple as he sometimes does so impulsively.
“You don’t do duels when you are already sitting at the throne. Right next to me.“ I once again capture his lips with mine, tempted to never pull away, but also tempted to keep reading the comments.
Damn, he might be right about the duels.
He takes his phone from me setting it aside as he slowly lifts me and settles me in his lap, never letting our lips detach.
Nevermind. Fuck the duels
@susceptible-but-siriusexual  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze
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1987vampire · 3 years
Madly. Deeply. Unconditionally. | Tomura Shigaraki
Fandom: My Hero Academia | Boku No Hero Academia Word Count: 1.6k Warnings: none! all fluff. Lotta kissing. lotta romance. Request: None! A/N: This wasn't supposed to be as lovey dovey as it ended up being, but here we are. Shigaraki deserves some love and so do you. Extra:
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In complete honesty, Shigaraki’s hygiene was horrible. It was something you had known going into the relationship, but not truly the extent of it. Getting him to brush his teeth was a terror by itself, but showering was absolute hell. He would grumble to himself about how it would only be a waste of his time, time he could be spending planning, gaming, literally anything else.
Why would did it matter if he smelled absolutely horrible? You had never cared before. And why did it matter if his hair was greasy and matted in places? If you could still grip it, gently run your fingers through it, it didn’t bother him.
However, there was one sure-fire way to get him to clean himself.
Your footsteps were quiet against the cracked hardwood flooring as you wrapped your arms around his shoulder. He was hunched over at his desk, scratching furiously at his neck as he read a newspaper, a piece of paper to the side with barely legible words scribbled on. He was working on his newest attack, trying to figure out how to improve his nomus, improve his attack. He may throw a fit after losing a battle – and come home to fuck you senseless if he could help it – but he put in the time and work to fix the issues every single time, never taking a break.
Shigaraki grunted at the feeling of your arms around him, looking away for just long enough to press a kiss to your forearm before turning back. “What do you need, doll,” he questioned, his voice scratchy from not talking.
You leaned over a bit more, placing your hand over the one he was writing with. “Come on, Shiggy. Come take a bath.”
He made a noise of complaint, and you could already hear the excuses begin to climb from his lips when you cut him off.
“I mean, I could just be all alone in there, have to wash my body all by myself. It wouldn’t be an issue for me, of course. I mean, I’m already naked for you, but that’s okay.” Shigaraki’s head snapped over at the last statement as you pulled away from his grasp, already beginning to walk away. You heard him clamber to his feet, throwing a few things in the process, and the frantic thump of his sneakers as he ran to catch up with you entering the bathroom.
You giggled lightly as he threw his arms around your waist, holding your back to his chest for a second as he caught his breath. “Now, hold on here, I think we have a misunderstanding.”
“Oh,” You teased, turning so you could see him, your nose skimming along his jaw as you did so, “so you do want to join me, then?”
Shigaraki’s face flushed, you could feel it crawling to his chest, heating the area against your skin. “Well, since you so clearly needed me to.” He blew out a long breath before pulling away. “I mean, I could definitely go back, but-“
You laughed loudly and shook your head, pulling him by his shirt towards you. “No, no, come here, loverboy.”
Shigaraki huffed out a laugh in response and followed you as you pulled him along through the small bathroom towards the tub. When he had first moved into this room in the base, the bathroom was a wreck, the tub barely big enough for Shigaraki to sit in, but when you had started dating, he had made Kurogiri help him figure out how to replace it with a big one, one big enough for both of you to lay in it comfortably.
Shigaraki’s hands trailed over your bare ass as you bent over to start filling the tub, not in a sexual way, just pressing against the skin he could reach, though he did love the way your ass felt in his hand, the curves that moved towards something prettier. You raised yourself after finding the perfect temperature and turned to face him, smiling as his hand never left you, instead crawling up and around so it was pressed against the side of your stomach, his pointer finger gently raised as to not hurt you.
“You’re beautiful,” Shigaraki mumbled as he looked down at you. You furrowed your eyebrows and met his gaze. “Heavenly.”
You pushed his chest gently and rolled your eyes. “Yeah, right. Come on, get undressed.”
Shigaraki’s hand flew to his chest jokingly, and he shook his head. “Oh, okay, I see. You only want me for my body?”
You fell into fits of giggles as you batted at him playfully. You both died down a bit as you pulled his shirt up and over his head, his face trying to hide the insecurity he felt. No matter how many times you had seen him naked, it was still like the first time to him. He even tried to wear his shirt during sex when he could. ‘Too skinny,’ he had said. ‘My arms are too long, my bones poke out, and there’s no softness to my chest. I’m not pretty to look at. Not like you.’
Your hands trailed over his chest and down his sides, pressing a soft kiss to his neck as you did so. “Pretty baby,” you whispered into the skin, smiling as he flushed again. “My pretty baby.”
Shigaraki let a soft whine fall from his throat at the words and huffed.
“Come on, let’s get you in here,” you said, hooking your thumbs into the waistband of his pants. Shigaraki pressed a few kisses to your forehead before helping you pull his pants off, kicking them to the side and steadying himself on you so he could crawl into the tub, settling into the water with a low groan. He fumbled with the faucet, turning it off before he reached a hand out to you.
You stepped into the water and settled in between his legs, your back to his front. His hands pressed right below your chest and he sighed. You turned slightly, grinning at the sight of his head tilted back in bliss. For as hard as it was to get him into a bathtub, he sure enjoyed being inside them.
You settled against him for a moment, reveling in the warmth of him and the water, before you turned yourself around, climbing to your knees so you could face him. Shigaraki made a move of displeasure at your movement. “Come on, let me wash you, baby,” you whispered, reaching around him to grab a bottle of body wash.
Shigaraki grumbled again but made no move to stop you, even leaning forward a bit into your touch as you ran the soap over him, trying to rub the grime off of him as nicely as I could. “Thank you,” he spoke, his eyes opening just barely.
“Anything for you, darling.”
You were both quiet for a while, only the sound of you washing and rinsing his body filling the room, the sloshing of the water an oddly calming sound. You leaned out for a moment, grabbing an empty cup you had brought and instructed Shiggy to turn around and instead sit in your lap so you could wash his hair. His lanky body moved around quickly, excited to feel your hands running through the hair, detangling, rubbing lovingly. Your touch was like a drug to him at this point.
Detangling his hair was a tough project, not wanting to tug too harshly on him and accidentally hurt him. He didn’t mind a bit of rough treatment though, content to lean against you and soak in the attention. “Can you talk to me,” Shigaraki spoke, leaning into you as you carded conditioner through his locs.
“About what,” you hummed in response.
“Anything. I just want to hear your voice.”
You laughed quietly to yourself and nodded, beginning to describe everything you had done for the day – the food you had eaten, the conversations you had had with others, the dreams you had the night before. Shigaraki would hum an acknowledgment every now and then, reminding you that he was listening, but he didn’t try to interject. He was content to just listening.
Once you had finally finished washing the last bits of soap out of his hair, he laid against your shoulder, turning his face towards yours, nose pressing against your cheek followed by his lips. A soft kiss followed by another and another against your face.
You returned the favor, pressing a few right above his eyebrow before finally meeting him at his lips.
“I’m in love with you,” Shigaraki whispered.
“I’m in love with you, too. Madly. Deeply. Unconditionally.”
He nosed against your jaw before finally lifting himself from the tub, groaning lowly to himself as he did, his bones aching from not moving. “Come on, doll, let’s go to bed, yeah?” He stepped out of the tub, grabbing a towel and gingerly drying himself off before wrapping it around his waist and helping you out. He took to drying you off, thoroughly compared to how he had dried himself, taking time to make sure that no part of you was still wet.
“I’m surprised,” you mused, as he helped you wrap the towel around yourself.
You pressed a hand to his cheek and pulled him down for another kiss. “You didn’t even try to wash me.”
He laughed. “You took a shower this morning. You onlytake showers in the morning. You just wanted me to get in. Now come on, let’s brush our teeth and go to sleep. Okay?”
You giggled as he led you to the sink. “Wow, a two in one day? I’m impressed.”
“Only for you. Always for you.”
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jackalsprey · 2 years
The finishing piece for Emma, featuring Levi and Henry in sexy butler outfits, Duck in a tux, and our favorite fish girl! As ever, Laura and the designs in mind belong to @asktrio516. However, Levi belongs to @captsharkb8.
I'm not sure why I made Henry and Levi argue so much, I'm sure they're great friends, I just thought it was funny XD
Laura sucked in a deep breath. Looking up at the old dilapidated building in Arlesburgh, she gulped. Henry and Emily had told her to come here for her meeting with Duck. She was nervous out of her mind. It was the first time she'd come to see him since Diesel had convinced her about-
No. She wouldn't think about that little shit anymore. He lied to her. Things were getting better. Everyone, even Sir Topham Hatt, had told her that she and Duck deserved to be together. Even Gordon and James had come around eventually. Diesel had been put back in his place by Hatt. (And the Trucks, with a wonderful rendition of Pop goes the Diesel.) This was the final step. Her making up with Duckie.
The sight inside stunned her. It was like a dream come true.
The former warehouse had been turned into the perfect dinner-for-two fancy restaurant. Candles lit the area, flickering and casting beautiful shadows all over the walls. A small circular table, covered in a white silk tablecloth, sat in the middle of the room with two chairs set up for dinner. Best of all? Her Monty sat in one of the chairs, in an amazing tuxedo, wearing the biggest, goofiest smile she'd ever seen.
She normally didn't care about clothes, but she was starting to feel under dressed in just her white bardot top and blue striped shorts.
She wanted so badly just to rush at him and attack him with kisses and love, but she tried her best to keep composed, simply walking over to the table and sitting down on the other side.
"Hey, Duckie," she whispered, grinning.
"Evening, angelfish," he said, with that accent that made her swoon. "Not going to lie, I was worried you wouldn't show up."
She giggled. "I wouldn't have missed seeing you in that in a million years."
She took her opportunity to get a good look (the suit did show off his best features...) before heavy feet clomping across the stone floor made her look around. To her surprise, it was Levi, dressed to the nines in a- butler suit? Carrying a notepad? But of course, he still wore his hat.
"Hullo, ya two lovelies! I'm Levi, and I'll be serving you tonight! Any specific drinks I can get for ya?"
Duck chuckled. "Water for two, dear?"
"Uh, yeah, that works."
Levi tipped his hat to them and disappeared again. Laura glanced at Duck.
"I asked Levi, Henry, and Emily for a little help," he explained. "They're the ones who set all this up. I don't know how they did it to be honest, I wasn't expecting them to go this far."
"If they have a piano in here, I swear to God-"
As if on cue, soft piano music cut Laura off, drifting through the large warehouse. It was nowhere to be seen, but both of them knew it was Henry playing. The man was a virtuoso, in Gordon's words.
Both the engine and mermaid burst out laughing. Levi provided them both with full glasses of water on a steel serving tray, looking mighty pissed.
"Shrimp salad for the lovely lass, and clam chowder in a bread bowl for you, sir?"
"You know us so well, Levi," Laura giggled.
"Of course. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go whack Henry for being a dumbass."
Not only was the food and service on point, the entertainment was spectacular.
After Duck and Laura had eaten (and Henry had been whacked), a slow piano song floated through the room. Duck gently took Laura's hand in his own and kissed it.
"May I have this dance?"
"You shining knight," she chuckled. "You may."
Taking her waist in his other hand, the two began gliding across the room in time to Henry's music. Guitar plucking slowly joined in, courtesy of the cowboy train.
"You said Emily helped with this, where is she?" Laura asked.
"Not a clue," he admitted. "I think she was the one who cooked? I dunno, I know Levi didn't, he can't cook for shit."
"Shut up!" Henry hissed. "We're trying to make this romantic!"
Laura rolled his eyes. "Well, they're pissed tonight."
"Not sure why. This is the best night ever," Duck whispered.
A small blush came over Laura's face. This seemed like the best time.
"I'm sorry, Duckie," she muttered. "For everything."
"Angelfish, you've got nothing to be sorry for," Duck told her, eyebrows furrowed. "It was Diesel's fault, not yours."
"But I still-"
"Shhhh," he whispered, holding a finger up to her lips. "Being guilty gets you nowhere. Everything's worked out, see? I have the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my arms right now. And I have no intention of letting you go again. You are mine. And that is what matters right now."
A tear welled up in her eye. "Goddamn it Duckie, why are you so sappy?"
He chuckled. "Just a gift, I guess."
She stopped them both and threaded a yellow spotted hand through his green hair. "Well, I have another gift for you."
That goofy grin she loved so much cracked open again. "Oh really?"
The following kiss was the best of their lives.
(I should've left it where it was sweet and happy, but no, I just had to add one more bullshit thing of Levi and Henry)
"Ain't they a purty picture?" Levi asked.
Henry nodded. "I'm just glad everything's worked out."
Levi glanced over to his taller, greener friend. "Y'know, you should keep that thing."
Henry glanced down. He was wearing a similar butler uniform to Levi's and he looked damn sexy in it. "What? Why? I'd never wear it."
"Oh, but I think Big Black would love to see you in it," the Old Western engine chuckled.
Henry blushed. Big Black was Levi's nickname for Hiro. "And I'm sure Ella would love to see you in that one."
"I do look damn good, don't I?"
Henry deadpanned. "Don't start acting like James.
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