#kids small bag
otaku553 · 10 months
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Quite frankly still obsessed with the three of them
A little procrastination doodle
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 217
Babies can die if they don’t have enough physical contact. This is something that is known, but Talia does not have time to spend with her twins, and it’s not like she carried them thanks to the false Lazarus womb, so she didn’t even have that excuse to use. 
What she did have, was a near braindead teen who could be taught things through muscle memory. 
Which is how Jason ended up caring for a pair of toddlers between any training, even after his dip in the Pit. Well, he cared for them until he left for Gotham, to enact his plans, even if he continued to call them every week. 
But that wasn’t enough for little Damian and Danyal.
Where had their caretaker gone? Away from them? Where is Baba? Across the sea? Unacceptable. They will not stand for this! 
Which in turn, is how Jason discovers his the twins outside his safehouse window, having somehow made it to Gotham on their own- what the fuck, kids!?
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thedoormann · 1 month
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New stuff for sale in my shop!
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xx-k1tsun3-k1d-xx · 2 years
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nature is healing gloomy bear things are returning to stores irl <3
These are in hmv and are pretty reasonably priced :D
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mikeluciraphgabe · 27 days
My fav thing to do at Big Corporate that starts with Wal and ends with mart (totally not where I work!) is giving people free paper bags cuz I FORGOT yep def and then marking down some clothes to the mom who is going through it AND THE CLOTHES HAVE A RIP - YES THEY DO!
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eff-plays · 5 months
Not exactly a dadstarion truther either (mostly bc it took me a while to actually warm up to the idea and also hes NEVER having kids with my durge, only my tav (can you imagine this man parenting a Bhaalspawn? A dhampir Bhaalspawn?? Nonono.)) But I do find something a little compelling about the thought of this man who a) has had absolutely nothing of his own for as long as he can remember and b) sees himself as worthless and irreparably fucked up creating this tiny new person? Like, they're part of him, he made this precious little creature (with the person he already loves most)? This soft and innocent thing? (Which he would waffle awfully between wanting to keep innocent for as long as possible but also making sure they know about life's horrors so they can avoid them) Like sure the baby version is annoyingly loud and can't do anything and also gross and smells but he can teach the toddler to bite people. He is the absolute worst enabler, spoils the kid rotten. Teaches them to steal and pick locks and just lets them get away with murder. Parent #2 has to do all the actual parenting part cuz damn he's not doing the discipline thing at all.
Also the vain part of him likes looking at his kid and sort of seeing some of his face in them, since he can't use an actual mirror.
Well he'd be cured by the time he has the kid or soon after in my canon, so that last part wouldn't apply for me.
And yeah, when I say that I'm not a dadstarion truther I don't mean that I don't see it happening ever, but more that to me, that first step in itself is the one that I see as least likely.
Because I can accept that he would learn to love the kid, that he would care about it and spoil it. I can also accept (and would gladly explore) him having a complicated relationship with the kid, either early on in a postpartum depression sort of way, or further down the line in a "I can't find common ground with my teen/young adult" sort of way (or both lbr).
The problem, to me, is that I don't see Astarion going "let's have a kid!" I don't see him genuinely wanting one, and I don't see him finding any reason to lie about wanting one, and I don't see Hira believing any of those lies even if he does try. It's really the initial hurdle. The rest I'm happy to make as dysfunctional and weird as it would realistically be when a guy who shouldn't be a dad becomes a dad. One of the reasons I came up with Critter is because I find it compelling how much Astarion is not a dad guy, and how that would fuck up a person like Critter. That's juicy stuff. And also a way for me to work out my own daddy issues I guess lmao.
But getting that started? Actually inventing a reason for how Astarion would even agree to it? That's where I struggle. And that's why I'm torn. Cuz I do want to stay true to my own interpretation of a character, while also wanting to create a new character and put them both (and also Hira) in situations.
Like I'm happy for all the dadstarion peeps who have cool dhampir girlies running around on adventures and I'd love to join them, but I also think that if I were true to Astarion's characterization, that kid would have issues. Like maybe a lot of them.
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netflixus · 1 month
my new favorite Social Media™️ person is this guy on tiktok who owns or runs a bodega and some of the kids in the local community can get anything they'd like for free if they come in with their report card and show that they've either raised their grades or got on the honor roll for that semester
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a-dash-in-the-middle · 2 months
what if i-
best friend clears her whole schedule before she even reads where
-Love is your second nature, love is your language. Love! or whatever that one uquiz said about me
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binch-i-might-be · 2 months
there's a girl here and she's 4"9 which is so fucked up. she's literally over a head smaller than I am. that's Edward Elric size I really could throw that tiny boy around like a fußball
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koishua · 3 months
packing up after a year of living here 🍊🍊
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hella1975 · 1 year
Hella, if i wanted to visit the UK, where should i go
milton keynes
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auberginecrochet · 3 months
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a gift for my friend's 5 year old. kiddo loved it! perfect to keep smaller toys in. modified a bit the ears from this tutorial cause i was running out of the blue yarn.
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redvioletarts · 5 months
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Caution: This Person May Randomly Break Into Song
This one is for anyone who knows that "slime tutorial" isn't always about messy desk toys.
For the theater nerds, the choir kids, the people who already know the soundtrack to that new animated film with the wide-eyed protagonist with curly hair and the animal companion. You know the one. Hell, you already know all the lyrics.
And your neighbors know exactly what time you shower, because hey, belting out show tunes is cheaper than therapy.
So is the T-shirt, by the way. And the pin!
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raidram0n · 5 months
Finally bought a legit lunch box for work and I can fit so many things in there and it has so many pockets and it’s huge and this is true wonderment
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Undertale surface au where sans is a doordash delivery dude
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justtorzaplease · 2 years
"Act your age".
Why the fuck would we? Growing up, we're told never to ask someone their age, we're shown its something to be ashamed of, to want to hide. How calling someone 'old' is an insult. Why would we want to 'act our age', when we've seen over and over again, no one wants to. Maybe I want to act like a child for once. Maybe I want to act like a super wise grandma. Or maybe, age, does not equal maturity or how we should act. Ever think about that?
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