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sofferike-blog · 6 years ago
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Meet 2 of my most awesome mentors! Avi & Chava Sara Siebzener🙌  I ❤️ their motivation and inspiration to #kickfearintheface and reach for your dreams and don’t let yourself get in the way of that happening👊 And on top of that, they did it all by getting their mind, body and finances healthy! The opportunities are there for you too!!! 🤗 Message me 👇 if you want to learn how!! (at Warrenville, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/B059mg_FU_C/?igshid=ctnf7jz1cuue
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joselynr · 6 years ago
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Fear is a liar!!!! Fear is a liar because it can make you think you can’t, it’s impossible or make you think of what if’s!! What stops you from going forward? Is it fear? In the past I was always afraid of what people thought if... If I went back to school, if I changed careers, if I moved from state. Ifs! ifs! ifs! Look if you want to do something do t for yourself not for others... when you decide man I want to be a doctor and if people think nah that’s too hard or nah that’s not for me... don’t be afraid to pursue it for yourself! You have the ability to do what you want and love, so don’t let the fear of other people’s IF get in the way... YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO! #fearisaliar #fearsucks #joselynv #gocrushit #work #kickfearintherear #love #kickfearintheface #peace #fear #motivatingquotes #motivate #inspiringquotes #inspiring #orlandofl #sundaymotivation (at University Park, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bta5h4ynO1w/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11dzbi4eulzd0
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joyfuldeepend · 5 years ago
They say vulnerability begets vulnerability (or at least my sHero Brene Brown does). So here is my vulnerability today. This past week I have been wrestling with fear a lot. I hate fear and have done my best to allow no opportunities for it to have root in my life. My life motto began a little over 5 years ago to Kick Fear in the Face in an effort to not make fear based decisions.
In this season the biggest fear I’m wrestling with isn’t that I will get the virus, my biggest fear is that I won’t survive quarantine/social distancing with all of my emotional/mental capacity in tact. I’m afraid something is going to break within me that I won’t be able to recover from. I’m afraid this is the thing that will break me beyond the ability to repair. I don’t know if that is a realistic fear, yet it’s there and because its there I have to deal with it. Yay Responsibility strength smh.
So I do what I do with every fear. I look it in the face and ask the questions that I am uncertain of what the answers may be:
What if I do break?
What’s the worst that could happen?
What if I don’t break?
What’s the best that could happen?
I was reminded of two things this week. It has been 6 weeks since I started working from home. This is 4 weeks longer than I planned and didn’t think I could do those two weeks. I can do hard things and so can you! There is more proof that I can do difficult things than there is proof that I cannot. I often wonder why does it seem like the negative proof is more prevalent. I know that our minds are wired to see negative more readily than positive things and I wish that wasn't the case. Being afraid of the what could be is a familiar feeling for me. This blog would go on for days with the things I didn’t do or things I didn’t lean into because I was afraid of what I didn’t know. 
I personally only like mysteries when I eventually get to learn what happened. So just like the best suspenseful movie...I am walking through this season a little afraid but I’m still gonna hit play every day! 
I hope that you are finding ways to be brave and courageous even seasoned with a bit of fear. Thanks for diving into the joyful deep end today!
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soulwriterlove-blog · 7 years ago
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#Fear has the potential to hold such power over us. I know it’s a daily struggle for me. Fear that my writing will never be good enough. The fear of people not liking it. So daily I have to make a conscious effort to push the fear away and take a leap. . . . . . #fearless #fearwontwin #nomoredoubts #thursdaymotivation #thursdaythoughts #wordsbyskipper #indieauthor #writing #writerproblems #writersofinstagram #amwriting #amawriter #iwrite #kickfearintheface #lovewriting #lovewhatyoudo #believeinyourself #trustgod
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zakiyarashida · 7 years ago
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repost via @instarepost20 from @curvedmyway A life lived in fear of change tends not to offer happiness or a peace of mind! . . Push that demon aside and walk right past it. . Know your strength 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 . . #kickfearintheface #ffear #fearless #Strength #motivation #fthat #knowyourstrength #youarestrong #inspire #motivate #inspired #Knowledge #keystosuccess #peace #unstoppable #unsatisfactory #change #changeisgood #better #curvedmyway
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theroyallen · 7 years ago
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You gotta check out this company! @kickfearintheface ! Got this super nice bracelet from them. #grabthegold #saturdaynight #saturday #college #collegefootball #kickfearintheface #business #businessboutique (at Nashville, Tennessee)
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thesammehjurdy · 8 years ago
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These past 4 days have totally changed my life and I'm about to go make some things happen. Consistent daily actions are coming and no more RED LIGHT THINKING!! My ladies I will miss you guys like crazy and I can't wait to see where we all go! You all feel like family to me so please visit Oregon anytime! #OPTAVIA17 #optimalhealth #letsgo #kickfearintheface (at Gaylord Texan Hotel)
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honeybethwiggs · 8 years ago
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#doitafraid #doitscared #makeadecision #goforit #supportnetwork #kickfearintheface #beempowered #surroundyourselfwithlikemindedpeople #centeryourlifearoundwhatmattersmost #createyourlife #deciderhenact #honeybethwiggs #legacyofjoyinc #lifeissweeterwithhoney
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noexcusegirl · 8 years ago
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I was really afraid on letting go of the bar, haha! #notyounganymore . It was more mental than anything. Letting go of that bar was like letting go of my fears. . . . . . #noexcusegirl #Noexcuses #attitudeiseverything #overcomingfear #kickfearintheface #theworldismygym #calisthenicsgirls #calisthenicsaroundtheworld #calisthenics #keto #ketolife #ketosis #ketosislife #lchf #lchflife #minimalistlife #minimalistworkout #minimalism #islandgirl #islandstyle #islandworkout #lslandlife #luckytolivehawaii #abcheck (at Diamond Head, Hawaii)
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flawlessgurlonthemove · 8 years ago
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This is all that I know💕 Have you ever pushed yourself through fear? Ya know that feeling when your heart is racing, you can't hear others talking but you know their lips are moving, you're slightly hyperventilating but no one notices, you're slightly shaking but only you can feel the vibration...oh yaaaaaaassss that's the feeling of growth. It pushes you to the edge of almost vomiting then BOOM you're cool as ice by the time it's over😂😂😂😂😂 ok sooooo if you haven't felt this feeling just keep going it's on it's way and afterwards let me know just how amazing that ish felt. Oh, good night my loves💋 #success #successmindset #nevergiveup #kickfearintheface #nofear #lovewhatyoudo #trustyourself #hustle #hustlehard #startupbusiness #smallbusiness #womanpreneur #godsbeauty #theplug #confidence #entrepreneur #millionairemind #makeithappen #positivity #motivation #goodnight (at Makei Beauty Image Consulting)
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findingfergie-blog · 6 years ago
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I’ve been challenged to create some serious goals in my health coaching biz. What’s the first thing that happens? DOUBT! Will my dreams be too big? Am I aiming to low? Am I scared to fail? YES! . I think Ive created some realistic goals that will push me to #kickfearintheface, but more importantly to establish a #dailycommitmenttobeconsistent ! . It’s not about bombarding people with posts or asking everyone I know. If they want to lose weight. It’s about #sharingandcaring , #beinginterestedNotjustinteresting . So here it goes!!! . My names Erin, and I’m a health coach! How are you ? 😊 . #CertifiedHealthCoach #healthandwellnesscoach #goaldigger #dreamchaser #whydefender #hopedealer https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq9stbJnV52/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fnmu8odt4vgh
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hendrixcoaching-blog · 7 years ago
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📣OK Wild + Brave Humans - what’s our Olympic Event? That’s right - it’s Kicking Fear the FACE!!!! 🏅 👆To get your “team jersey” click the link in our bio, and choose “Kick Fear in the Face!” from the menu. (It will take you to our Swag Page where you can securely buy it!) 😜👍 #wildandbrave #olympics #kickfearintheface
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findingfergie-blog · 6 years ago
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Help me celebrate Ericka! 🎉🎉 . 🚫 NO more Migraines 🚫 NO more IBS 🚫 NO more anxiety or depression 🙌🏼 Down 78lbs since May 2018! . After getting denied for the gastric sleeve she felt hopeless 😩. But she watched her friend have great success on our program so with much skepticism she decided to jump in anyway! Here what she had to say: “I feel better than I can ever remember! And the best part is that my littles have their mama back, my husband now has wife that can look forward to an incredible future☀️, and I gained an amazing community that’s walking this journey with me!” . Don’t let fear stop you from exploring what’s possible. I’ve been there and I can say it’s possible. What do you have to lose? 🤷🏻‍♀️ . #readywhenyouare #hopedealer #dream #createthelifeyouwant #madeformore #healthcoach #kickfearintheface #healthtransformation #lifelongtransformationonehealthyhabitatatime https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpk6g2fH8ul/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gyhy9hbfxkat
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