#kh cloud
luxmoogle · 4 months
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࿐ ࿔*:・゚ Happy FF7 Rebirth release~! ⋆⭒˚。⋆ Complimentary KH1 Strife for the occasion~
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xaerith · 2 years
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gaylight-prairie · 18 days
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mlon-x · 1 month
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shrouding dark cloud (cloud's best design)
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strayheartless · 7 months
Strifehart story idea:
I love totally functioning and loving relationship Strifehart, but I also like 'worked really hard to get to that point' strifehart. I don't think it was easy for either of them to be vulnrable with eachother; they are both increadibly closed off and somewhat cold as people. So I've been formulating this slow-ish burn fic that I want on opinion on?
So it starts with Tifa and Cloud deciding to stay in Radient Gardens after the events of KH2. Cloud's been searching for Zack, which has led him down more dark paths than is strictly healthy and he decides to stay for a while and help Tifa set up her new bar.
Along the way he somehow gets pulled into helping with the RGRC (by Aerith and Yuffie) and via this has a proper introduction with Squall. They work together on some projects and get along well enough in so much as they like the fact that they can work in the same room together in silence and not irritate each other.
One night they are up late working on the new hydroelectric power generator for the city hall. When they finally finish Leon suggests Cloud crash in his spare room instead of dragging himself all the way to seventh heaven across town. Cloud accepts and when they get in Squall offers him a drink and they sit and chat for a while.
Niether of them know what led them to kiss. It wasn't the 'mood of the moment' and they certainly weren't drunk, but they do kiss, and then in a move neither of them saw coming they end up sleeping together.
Cloud is out of the house before the sun rises the next morning, and Squall doesn't feel bothered by it. But then it keeps happening. Never at work, and always in Squalls house, never Clouds apartment. Cloud is always gone before Squall is awake, and they never ever talk about it, or even reference it in passing.
Thing's start to get complicated however, when Cloud decides that he's spent enough time 'playing house' and needs to go back out to make sure Sephiroth is still discorporated, and to search for any signs of when happened to Zack.
Squall is...
Squall is bothered by it. Not by Cloud looking for Zack, He knows thats long and complicated and not his business anyhow. He's not the Jelous type, and he's certainly not going to be jelous over a relationship he doesn't even have! But he finds himself feeling strangly hollow when he turns around and Cloud is not there in his office, or on construction sights.
He starts thinking about it more and more; agonisisng over the fact that when he's alone in bed, while he knows Cloud is on a different world, he can feel Cloud's absence next to him. It drives Squall mad.
It takes a while for him to figure out that he's falling for Cloud and when Cloud finally comes back, waking up without him there after their nights together starts to hurt. He wonders if he's letting himself be used, and the voice in the back of his head that sounds an awful lot like Rinoa tells him 'if he feels like that he needs to talk to Cloud'.
In true Squall Leonhart fashion however he doesn't and it begins to fester. Until one night when Squalls at home and can't sleep, he is pulled from his brooding over the kettle by a knock at the door.
It's two o'clock in the morning, everyone in the city is usually asleep by now, yet when he opens the door he find's Cloud, glassy eyed and frightened. He immidiatly ushers the other man in, checking him over and getting him to sit on the couch.
it doesn't take long to realise whats happened. Aerith and Tifa had warned all of them that Cloud's mental health was delicate. Squall had seen him have episodes before, but they were usually short bursts of forgetfulness; moments where Cloud would become agitated by not remembering what he'd done with a tool. This was something wholey more frightening.
Cloud didn't know why he'd come to Squall or what had caused him to feel he had to seek someone out. There were lucid moments where he'd answer to his name and others where he would look straight through Squall when the man called to him.
Squall eventually gets Cloud to lie down in the spare room, but after about an hour Cloud is up and crawling into Squalls bed and Squall doesn't know what to do to offer comfort except let Cloud sleep holding his hand; letting him hear Squalls breathing and his heart beat.
The next morning Cloud wakes to the smell of warm coffee and omlette. He tries to emotionally unvailable his way out of the door but Squall won't let him get away with it. in hind sight he could probably overpower Squall but that irritating ache thats been in his heart since he started sleeping with the man makes him stay.
Squall won't let up on the hard stares over breakfast and Cloud refuses to elaborate on what happened. Eventually they come to a stalemate and have to go to work.
but something changes between them. There's still a distinct lack of communication. Squall still feels like he's letting himself be used and its beginning to hurt more than he is willing to admit. Cloud is still fighting against every molicule in his body over how fast he's fallen for Squall. However, there is no Denying things are different.
Their eye's linger on each other now, where they hadn't before. Cloud at least lets Squall wake up before he leaves. people notice that they move differently with eachother, and Aeirth thinks thier secretly dating and she teases a very distressed Cloud over it until she realises that he looks like he wants to cry, but doesn't
Their frequent meetings don't exactly "change". They still have sex, Cloud still leaves, and they still don't adress it even inside the walls of Squalls house.
The fact that some nights they have to stop because Cloud has started crying is new though. Squall is always the one who puts a stop to it because he can see quite clearly that Cloud is incredibly vulnrable. Its scary to watch because Cloud doesn't cry. It's scary for Cloud too because he doesn't cry.
the whole thing comes to a head when Cloud turns up one night looking badly beaten. He'd picked a fight with a hearless swarm while looking for clues on Zack and ended up having to crawl through a dark corridor just to escape. He's unconcerned for his own state of being and Squalls had it with him. He drags Cloud into the bathroom and rants and raves at him while cleaning him up and casting healing spells over broken ribs.
He yells about how stupid and reckless and dumb you have to be to go up against a swarm on your own. He yells about the fact that Cloud has spent too long being allowed to get away with all this stupid behaviour and that he's going to get himself killed and...
"And how do you think I'll feel huh? when you die and I'm just here waiting for you to come back like the stupid fucking idiot that I am! when I'm sat here fucking wondering why the hell I let myself fall in love with you. God I'm so fucking stupid, this is ridiculous, I'm just convenient for you and I should be fine with that, but I'm not and its just so FUCKING STUPID!"
The door to the cabinet gets slammed so hard it comes off of a hinge, and suddely Cloud is staring at Squall who has dropped to a crouch, hands still holding on to the counter above him, as he lets out a scream of fustration that he muffles betreen his forearms.
Cloud is so dumb struck that he can only slip off of the counter, and kneel on the floor to hug Squall from behind.
After that they finally talk about what they've been doing. Its not easy; both of then have never been masters of the spoken word, but they realise that they've both been hurting eachother without realising it. Cloud by leaving Squall alone to feel used, and Squall by not seeing that Clouds tears and vulnrability was a plea to be more to him.
They discuss bounderies and ways they can communicate better. They talk about moving past just sleeping together and attempting something like a relationship. They negotiate likes and dislikes, needs and wants, hopes and fears.
In short they start the long road to being a functional and healthy couple.
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lemon-plort · 2 years
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Crisis Core + Cloud sketches :))
hhhhh still figuring out how to photograph traditional sketches, it's so much more finicky than digital stuff
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devileaterjaek · 2 years
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tasteslikezombie · 2 years
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Best Cloud
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halfmaskshadow · 1 year
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For day 10 we have a pair of (unwilling) companions!! I adore the fact Nomura decided to include them, and I absolutely love their designs :)
I think Cloud’s wing is a great detail but it didn’t fit
Cloud’s a vampire squid and Sephiroth’s a flying fish because I think I’m hilarious
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anemayshun · 9 months
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Day 3 unnecessarily complex fit
Literally several things from kingdom hearts came to mind but this one specifically. Absolutely love this look on him. The wing, the tattered scarf and claw glove… the bandages on his big ass sword… honestly here for it 👏👏
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luxmoogle · 1 year
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xaerith · 2 years
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clankythecranky · 2 years
Currently playing kh1 and I’m about to fight Cloud, I’m scared.
Like I actually feel how strong Sora is at this point, I had use all my healing items up until this point. I barely can beat a large body (twice Sora’s size) like sora is so small and he can be healed fully by a single potion. If I can’t fight a large body how am I supposed to fight Cloud?
And also apparently people who’ve played Kingdom Hearts but didn’t know what final fantasy was thought Leon and Cloud were low tier fighters??? Like I’m on standard mode and I’m having a hard time with heartless and I have beat bbs on critical mode, almost beat recoded and 3d on standard or proud. Leon beats Sora, and Cloud is supposed to as well before you know… The person or people are a friend(s) of my boyfriend and they never gave him the reason as to why they thought that.
Anyways time to try and fight Cloud.
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liverpepper · 1 month
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(on the subject of heart hands 🫶 happy belated strifehart sunday!) Roxas: Who is that?? Cloud: Squall. Roxas: No, but, like, who is that??? Cloud: That's Squall. sora: technically this is your fault for teaching him to use photoshop Cloud: That isn't photoshop that's just Squall. Roxas: Doubt................ Leon: (???)
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strayheartless · 4 months
More than a question. Holy shit finally someone talking abt strifehart!!!! Imma follow you TwT
I feel like a fraud😭😅 I would die for strifehart honestly, but I am incredibly guilty of not posing about them as much as I would like. So….
Here have some of my Strifehart headcanons:
They don’t show affection very freely around other people but if they fall asleep together on the Couch everyone is always surprised to find out that Squall is the clingy one.
They are both guilty of dad-ing Sora. Squall will hand him money, his keyblade and some extra potions and snacks before he heads out the door; while Cloud will zip up his hoodie, check his gear and do the whole “if you need us you call, Kay?” Sora’s given up trying to point out that they are not his Dads.
They rib each-other endlessly, smirking the entire time. Things like, “gods Squall, why are you so useless?”, “dunno, must have caught it from you!” It always has people asking how they can be a couple.
The loving bullying doesn’t stop when their alone, it’s just more tactile. Poking, hip checking, raspberries, tickle fights, picking the other up and bodily moving them when their in the way, flicking the others nose, aggravated biting, hitting each other with magazines and newspapers when the other isn’t paying attention, play fights. They are like actual children but no one ever sees it cause they like it to just be for them.
They steal each others food all the time. Which is funny because they are both quite territorial about food by nature. This usually ends up in one of them grabbing the others hand and forcibly trying to wrestle the food out of it; or playing keep away with their plates.
They work with eachother silently and like they’ve done it all their lives. They always seem to know where the other is and move accordingly to being in each others space.
Cloud is the only ONLY other person aside from Sora who is aloud to be left alone with Tron. Squall would chew off his own leg before giving DiZ the passwords and while he likes Ienzo he’s still not really sure he trusts him.
They communicate through raised eyebrows alone. And always know what the others thinking.
Cloud has had to physically retrain Squall from beating the shit out of Siefer the first time they went to Twilight town and found out this GROWN ASS ADULT had been bullying kids. (I know canonically Seifer is supposed to be a little older than Hayner pence and Olette but I vibe more with the darkness took Gaia and the planet headcanon than the “everyones from radiant gardens” canon.)
Squall is naturally left handed but was forced to write right handed in in SeeD and so Cloud keeps taking the pen out of his right hand and butting it in Squall’s actual dominant hand.
Cloud carries all his stress in his shoulders and hands (you know exactly where this one’s going.) and Squall is usually the one massaging out the tension and …. Kin- pfft🤣 I’m sorry I cant!
Cloud knows every one of Squalls buttons and how to push them. He can be irritating when it suits him and sometimes he gets bored enough to provoke his partner. Squall usually ignores him which is a mistake because it makes Cloud push harder until he ends up in a headlock.
Squall will never EVER Admit that he gets seriously grouchy when Clouds away. Like it’s adorable but Aerith wants to strangle him most days when he’s skulking about like a lion with a sore tail. It’s incredibly amusing to watch his head snap up when he hears Fenrir pull up outside of Merlin’s.
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okelleok · 1 month
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this is stupid
but im blowing a gentle kiss toward @evieeion for the extremely correct fursona takes
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