#kentucky kid
yeoldenews · 7 months
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I will be the goat.
(source: The Breckenridge News, December 19, 1917.)
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b0bthebuilder35 · 27 days
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boanerges20 · 7 months
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Nicky Hayden † "The Kentucky Kid"
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by Michael Gryboski | Kentucky has become the latest state to ban puberty-blocking drugs and body-mutilating sex-change surgeries for youth younger than 18 after lawmakers overrode a veto by Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear...
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dabid-motozalea · 1 year
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“ THE KENTUCKY KID” Nikki Hayden
“IL DOTTORE” Valentino Rossi
Puras leyendas
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Y'know it really fucking sucks that my sister's just don't seem to care about me at all
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goodwomanbadlady · 8 days
Won a choice of prize in a church function as a 12 year old and picked out an abridged copy of Moby Dick. Bet they wouldn't do that now purely on the title. I'm from Kentucky where the literacy rate is 3 moderate/1 functionally illiterate for adults. That's a higher literacy rate than when I was a kid and it was 50% illiterate. Idk why they were surprised. It was the only book on offer.
- not relevant to anything. I was responding to a comment but my reply got off track and here we are. -
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ritzcuit · 16 days
for real hell is not real but it is real for ppl who are like "huhu stupid southerners, i'm glad they died in hurricanes and heatwaves" like what the fuck is wrong with you
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Trans rights are still under attack in the United States. Please visit our website linked below to learn about your state and contact your reps. Here's a thread of today's updates:
Healthcare bills go against professional and scientific consensus that gender affirming care saves lives. Denying access will cause harm. Providers are faced with criminal charges, parents are threatened with child abuse charges, and intersex children are typically exempted. Kansas SB233 healthcare bill would allow civil action against and revoking of license to any medical physician that performs gender affirming surgery on a minor as well as if they prescribe any gender affirming medications. This bill also tries to define “biological sex” by using endogenous hormone profile, sex organs and chromosomes.
Drag bans restrict access for folks who are gender non-conforming in any way. They loosely define drag as any public performance with an “opposite gender expression”, as sexual in nature, and inappropriate for children. This also pushes trans individuals out of public spaces. Kentucky SB115 defines establishments that have any drag show as an adult entertainment establishment and requires them to be at least 1,000 feet from any establishment that has children. This would ban any drag reading time but also defines parks, and playgrounds as used by children. If found civilly in violation it is a $7,500 a day fine to the establishment.
Today’s bill updates:
Montana HB234, drag bill, has its 1st senate reading.
Idaho's health care bill H0071 has a floor vote scheduled.
Kentucky SB150, school bill, is on the floor with many amendments being filed.
Kentucky SB102, school bill, has been sent to the education committee.
North Dakota SB2260, parental rights bill, has passed a 2nd reading.
North Dakota SB2231, pronoun bill, has passed a 2nd reading.
Oklahoma HB408, sex designation bill, has yet to pass the senate (may do so today), but has a primary author in house already.
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direwombat · 1 year
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tagged by @detectivelokis to do this meiker!
and tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton, @sstewyhosseini, @purplehairsecretlair, @strangefable, @thomrainer, @fourlittleseedlings, and anyone else wanting to give the meiker a go!
PAOLA ORSINI (UNCHARTED) at the rossi estate auction, rather uncomfortable in the outfit rafe picked out for her
KENTUCKY BURBAGE (C*D) in the dress she was wearing when she first met ghost
HENRIETTA GRAVES (RDR2) pov ur her husband and she’s just told you she put poison in your cup
DARBY WELLS (TOW) modelling the lingerie she “acquired” during the crew’s most recent trip to byzantium for felix
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William Gedney :: Cornett boys smoking by car, Leatherwood, Kentucky, 1964 more [+] by this photographer
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skitteringjunbug · 1 year
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Where's Teeni? Oh loosing her mind trying to get Ren faire games up for the Kentucky Ren faire!
Gimmie Goblin Games are being worked!
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boanerges20 · 6 months
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Nicholas Patrick Hayden "The Kentucky Kid" †
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apersonwholikeslotus · 11 months
I have zero Hetalia rn but I do have a single statetalia thought and it consists of Kentucky and Tennessee getting Up To Shenanigans, Virginia and North Carolina get sent after them to make them fix said Shenanigans but ONLY after extensive “I’m not their mother!!” Complaints.
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dehydration-stati0n · 2 years
Ace has the same energy as all the unstable gingers at my school who don't stop talking about their gay horses and all the strippers they get on GTA
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sproutics-garden · 1 year
My entire heart goes out to my fellow trans kids in Kentucky. I’m sorry this has happened to you. I want you all to know that the entire trans community in every state, red or blue, is standing behind you. We will be your support, since your state clearly will not be. Your doctors won’t be. Your school and teachers won’t be.
Many of you will be forced to detransition, an incredibly physically and mentally grueling process. It’s a horrible thing, to force someone away frown who they truly are. To take away something that could save their life. If you can leave the state, I urge you to. If you can’t, I promise that we will always see you for who you are. You are a beautiful person, and I will never see you as anything less than. Whatever you tell me you are, man or woman or anything in between or outside of that, that’s what you’ll be to me and the rest of the trans community.
As for the rest of us, I urge you to donate to organizations such as The Trevor Project and sign any petitions you can find. Call your congresspeople, don’t email them. Calling will get you answers much faster. Peacefully protest. Spread awareness. This isn’t something I’d normally post about, but this is so endlessly upsetting and devastating for this community. If anyone needs anything, my dms are always open wide. You can add me on snap or discord or TikTok, and I’ll help in any ways I can.
Much love,
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