#kdrama drought
kdramaxoxo · 2 months
K-drama Drought...Or IS it?
Is there a k-drama drought, or are there less dramas to pick from in 2024?
Lately I've been feeling like there are no k-dramas to watch. I normally watch 4-6 AIRING k-dramas at a time (yes, I have a problem) and right now I am watching none. So I did a little search to see if there really ARE less k-dramas to choose from and from what I can gather, it's FACTS.
There are less k-dramas being made in 2024.
According to this article, last year there were 250 k-dramas produced but the shows were having trouble getting picked up by networks, so only about 150 made it onto the screen. This year? Only 40 k-dramas are slated to air for 2024 so far. That is a HUGE drop. And actors are having trouble getting work because there are less projects.
Time to hate on Netflix (my hobby)
You know I LOVE blaming the new streaming business model. You know, the one that churns through content, dropping whole shows just to get subscribers so they can tell their investors about "growth"? I'm guessing all of these larger companies (disney+, netflix, amazon prime) are creating a vaccuum because people are watching those over regular networks. The funding is probably just not there since there is so much competition.
Obviously I'm guessing and I'm not a data analyst, just a k-drama girlie missing all of her shows. But I always felt like netflix changing the landscape of television has it's cons and I think this is a major one.
I couldn't find any other articles to verify these numbers, but a few other ones talking about how netflix k-dramas aren't doing well (and by well they just mean they aren't "squid game" and in the top 10, and that's all these large companies care about. Because of that they are also putting out less k-dramas. It sucks because I miss all of my tiny low budget k-dramas and those will never make it in the netflix world, but they can't get picked up by networks now either.
I could keep going but I'm having FEELINGS. I just hope networks decide to make decisions apart from netflix and that netflix stops caring about k-dramas as much to make room for that.
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dllamarama · 3 months
Episode 16 Queen of Tears BaekHong recap
I just have to say this again. It was fine if this amnesia plot happened in an earlier episode so that we can see Hae In slowly fall in love with Hyun Woo again even with YES manipulation. We should be able to see Hae In being guided by her own feelings towards Hyun Woo instead of just relying on her notebook or memories. To see they rediscover their miraculous love and how it blooms into something stronger than their attraction in the past. I love the angst from the early episodes and I imagine how perfect this drama would be if they can show the slow burn of their rediscovery of love. BUT… We lost a much more important plot for the BaekHong couple because PJE is much more interested in making more plot twists and having a ridiculous climax episode where Hyun Woo was hit by a car and then shot by YES but miraculously live. Even without the gunshot scene, it was already a life threatening situation for Hyun Woo after the accident. He had a severe ribs and liver injury WITH suspected internal bleeding. But that man survives (of course) it in the end even with a gunshot and loss of blood. I’m not complaining that the man survives (no one even surprised that he lives) but the extravagance of the situation was totally unnecessary when you have so many things left unexplained.
Scene: The promise he made
I’m kind of angry and disbelieving that they chose to show his promise right after he was being hit by the car. I don’t understand what more they want from him? He already realised his mistake and paid for it with their divorce and allowing Hae In to do as she please with the process, he got his karma when Hae In loss her memory and treated him badly which was how he was treated after their big fight which was also the start of their relationship going downhill. Both of them contribute the same for their divorce but I thought it was already settled when they both had a talk in front of Yongduri supermarket in episode 10. So honestly this part of memory just pissed me off.
The writer is portraying him as someone who forgot his promise but the timeline is wrong in my opinion. Hyun Woo promised to always take her side even if she can’t do the same for him. But, this promise comes before he knows that Hae In is a chaebol. After he knew the truth, he was hiding from Hae In by sending his resignation letter and staying at Yongduri when Hae In came with a helicopter to propose to him by promising to not make him cry and to put his trust on her. The problem here is that if they want to make it a point that Hyun Woo broke and forgot his promise to her, it should come with the understanding that he knew the full story. I’m not saying that his promise is invalid because he didn’t know the full story. I just fcking pissed that they had to pointed this out at this exact moment for a guy who had suffered so much from the family that didn’t appreciate him and with his wife that haven’t fully recovered her memory. It just sucks.
Scene: Lunatic Baek Hyun Woo
This guy with a severe rib and liver injury ran away from the ER to save his wife. He endures a long walk in forest which was covered in thick snow while braving through his injury. Does this even make sense? And to know later that he will be shot in his shoulder with a gun but still comes out alive and well. Can’t they make it a bit more realistic and choose one injury out of those two to make him survive till the end? Anyway, Hyun Woo arrives at Queen's family villa and has to walk through the forest in order to keep hiding from YES men. Luckily before he entered the family villa, their keeper’s clever dog found him and led the way to the keeper’s house. Shout out to this clever cutie for helping his saviour. He obtained the back door’s key and was able to find Hae In inside the villa.
Before we get to the point where Hyun Woo saves Hae In, I have something to say about YES's memory of the day Hong Soo Wan died. So, basically the back story is that YES was there when his mom caused the boat to capsize and caused the death of Hae In’s brother and her mother to hate her. I understand that this plot was important for Hae In to testify in court later for MSH crime. But let me stress this again. If you have so many back stories that need explanation, why don’t you do it sooner or have an extra episode? It’s not even the worst part. The worst part is that we didn’t even know how she did that and why was Hae In and her brother the only one on the boat without any adults? So many questions unanswered and so many things were left being told in a half-assed format.
Back to our couple, Hyun Woo cuts off the electricity in the villa and manages to bring Hae In out of there. But, they have to walk a long way through the thick snow to meet up with Yang Gi at the main gate. When Hyun Woo stumbles in the snow and Hae In worries about him, this is the first time she ever talks to him with warmth in her tone and gaze after her surgery. Hyun Woo was touched with her words and held back his tears while reaching to hold her hand and walking side by side through the snow. It seems that they are already close to the main gate before YES appears with crazy eyes holding a gun. Hyun Woo was shot when YES was aiming his gun at Hae In. While this guy is on the verge of dying, the only one he cares about is Hae In and tells her that he is okay while reaching her hands to tell her not to cry. The parallel that we never wanted was shoved to us when Hyun Woo asked her to not go anywhere, the exact same thing that Hae In asked from him in Germany. Hae In’s dialogue to Hyun Woo is also similar to his promises to her in Germany.
Scene: Hyun Woo being loved by everyone
Hae In’s mother finally realised that Hyun Woo was the one who saved Hae In from the drowning accident years ago. She regrets and is ashamed that she treated him badly while he was married to Hae In and giving him a hard time throughout their marriage. But, Hyun Woo’s mother is a saint and Hyun Woo is the exact copy of Jeon Bong Ae. She does not resent Sun Hwa and just asks for her to pray for Hyun Woo so that he can pull through the surgery and to be grateful once he regains consciousness. Another point worth mentioning here, the Queens family owes so much to Hyun Woo and I wanted to see them treating him better. But we never get the chance, because it seems like PJE loves to see him suffer and denying us the chances to see him being respected and doted on by the Queens family or even in the company. He was treated so badly in the family and within the Queens Group itself, but we never saw the difference after all his effort reinstating the Queens family back into their company. It just does not balance out.
Hae In did not move an inch from Hyun Woo’s bedside while waiting for him to regain consciousness. She regrets all her harsh words and treatment for him when she thought that he’s the bad guy due to YES manipulation. She tells him that now she understands why her heart’s ache the first time she sees him in prison and why she keeps making excuses just to see him. She might not love him yet but she will definitely fall in love with him again just how he found his love back towards her. And to think that we were robbed of the opportunities to see them falling in love slowly as she regains her memories and love. After seeing that Hyun Woo does not show any sign of consciousness, Hae In resorts to blackmail (lol). But of course that works on Hyun Woo. He wouldn’t want to see her falling sick and after the moments she told him that she felt dizzy, he just miraculously (decided) to wake up. The first word he utters… Hae In-ah with that weak voice, this parallelism is killing meeeee. Of course it’s Baek Hyun Woo’s signature to ask “gwaenchana?” when he was the one getting hit by a car and shot by a gun in the same night (not to forget braving through a thick snowy forest).
Hae In finally (officially) said sorry for failing to recognise him and couldn’t remember anything while only saying harsh things to him. Hyun Woo cuts her off and said that he also forgot about how much he wanted (desired) her in the past. He forgot his determination to stay by her side through thick and thin. He forgot all about his promises and only caused her pain. He said sorry and that he loves her. He reaches for her hand where she gladly takes it and brings it closer to her lips. He said thank you to her this time and his thank you means so many things; that she comes back to him, for accepting him, for being there for him and for remembering him. My favourite Baek Hyun Woo’s moves; cupping her face and caressing her cheek. Hingggg….. Finally, with only less than one hour left for this series to end, our couple is finally back together and their total screen time for this episode is around 15 minutes only HAHAHAHAHAAA
Scene: Fox Baek Hyun Woo
Where did you learn this behaviour Baek Hyun Woo? Well probably from old Hong Hae In. She was the one giving him the opportunity and advantage to use his foxy skill on the new Hae In. His database for having the foxy attitude includes that;
1) Hae In is VERY jealous of him always being the centre of attraction especially when he is being cute or showing his forearm muscle with rolled up sleeve or even just standing mindlessly while waiting for train.
2) Knowing that he was his first love and probably the only guy she has ever love and will be loved in her life.
3) They are THE couple with the greatest fate of all time.
4) Knowing that he was her most prized possession and the biggest waste to not have in her life.
5) She loves that he is handsome, kind, smart but not arrogant, cooks delicious stew and will always date him even if she’s reborn a hundred times.
6) He knows exactly his effects on her and how to use it.
7) He read her notebook and knew how much he is loved by her.
So, he has all these saved in his database and he is confident with her love for him even though she still doesn’t fully remember all about him. He was unsure of her love for him when he drafted the divorce settlement paper. He probably thinks that he was just a prized possession for her and he got all the qualities she needed in a husband. Hae In also did not express her love for him before their divorce so he had zero knowledge about how much she loved him. But, it’s different now. She started to express her honest feelings for him starting from their trip to Germany for her first treatment. And after that, both of them started to understand each other better. With newly found confidence in their love for each other, they become more expressive and playful.
The way he wrote back to her and purposely not putting the notebook back into her handbag, the way he flirts back to her “Yes, I’m looking at you” makes her speechless for a few seconds and the way he purposely wanted validation from her when she tells him that he is perfect and having all the traits that she loves. I wouldn’t survive a day as Baek Hyun Woo’s wife, I’ll just melt to the floor and evaporate into air. He looks at Hae In like she hung the star on the sky for him and she is the loveliest human being (can’t deny this) on earth.
Scene: This should’ve been done before episode 15
The Queen's family returned to Queens Group and we had a glimpse of our favourite couple’s office romance. Hae In and Hyun Woo resume their positions in the Queens department store. When they bump into each other during lunch time, instead of passing each other and only seeing their backs, they are finally able to greet each other excitedly. Hyun Woo greets her first and tells her and her team to enjoy their lunch. Hae In is acting as nonchalant as possible but we can see clearly that she is giddy and melting inside. Secretary Na is giving Hae In a false hope when she tells her that Hyun Woo had a reservation made at a restaurant famous for marriage proposals. She anticipates the dinner and expects Hyun Woo to call but he didn’t call her, so she calls him. But the reservation was for his legal team dinner and she is disappointed and sulky at the revelation.
She went back home alone and decided to go into Hyun Woo’s bedroom. She stands at the same place Hyun Woo stands in episode 4 and looks around his room. She saw a glow in the dark smiley star on the ceiling and thought that he was too old for that kind of stuff, until… a memory flashes in her mind. She is brought to the day that she decided to get rid of everything inside the room. We saw her conflicted and sad expression while the workers were cleaning the room. She confronted Hyun Woo after she found out that Hyun Woo moves his stuff from their bedroom to their (empty) baby’s room.
They both are sad for the loss of their baby and instead of talking about it and mourning it together, they decided to make a decision based on their current emotional capacity. Our sweet and fragile Hae In with a deep emotional scar from her past trauma, she couldn’t bear the thought of having a room full of baby stuff without anyone to occupy it. She is haunted by her own insecurities and inability to carry a child and birthed it. I need to mention here that she is on medical leave for the miscarriage while Hyun Woo is at work (and obviously distraught) and being alone in this situation will make you overthink and postpartum depression is a bitch. But, she didn’t want to talk about it to anyone. She even shuts Hyun Woo and he was unable to penetrate her shield. Hae In’s sadness and mourning was very complex to be understood, because she bottled up her feelings so often that she herself starts to believe that she is a cold-blooded person unworthy of emotions. So, she hides her feelings and put on a mask to deceive others.
Hyun Woo, our sweet and sensitive Hyun Woo on the other hand wears his emotion on his sleeves. He needed more time to cherish the brief moment of their baby through the room, and for him it seems like Hae In was trying to erase everything about their unborn child by clearing out the nursery. And she did that while he was at work, without discussing it with him. The moment he came home, he saw all the stuff from the nursery was being removed. So, he asked her (flashback from episode 5) while containing his anger and sadness about her decision to clean out the room. But she responded with a defensive and cold tone void of all emotion “It only gets on my nerves (could also be translated as annoying).” He was hurt deeply by her choice of words that were associated with their loss; annoying and useless, like the baby was just an object of purpose and not the fruit of their love. He retreated from her as he realised that she had more important things to attend to; her work, believing that he cannot talk sense into her and the damage has been done anyway. He couldn’t see that she was just better than him at hiding her emotion. Deep down, he knew that her harsh words are not what she intended but maybe he is tired of trying to understand her while her words cut deeper than any wounds at that moment.
She confronted him when she found out he moved his stuff into the nursery. She’s hurt that Hyun Woo moved his stuff without telling her first but he gets back at her by using the same logic, she also made the decision to empty the nursery without telling him. But, Hong Hae In… she was raised in a twisted and toxic household so she heard it as something entirely different, she accused him of something that only her mother would do; blaming her for the miscarriage. Hyun Woo didn’t even spare a breath to deny her accusation while in confusion of her thought process. Before he even finished his sentences, she cut him off with a more venomous assumption, “I know you want to say that it’s my fault!”. Hyun Woo was rendered speechless at this and he sigh unbelievably at that. For, she accuses him of something he never even thought of and for her loss of faith towards him to paint him as something as low as that. And, he walks away again this time because he knows that she will believe nothing no matter what he says. She won’t listen and he stopped trying. They both shut off the other because it is easier for Hyun Woo to mourn freely and for Hae In to think that it is her punishment for failing to keep the baby.
In a way, Hyun Woo was making that decision so that he could cry freely. Hae In wouldn’t know the tears he shed every night missing someone he never met. Even his cry on the first night in the nursery was hushed and suppressed. He doesn't want her to heard his cries despite being in different room. That was his consideration for his wife who was mourning in silence. His whole body was shaking to contain his sorrow and pain.
My imagination just ran wild thinking of the possibility that had they lived in Hyun Woo’s small apartment after marriage. Maybe they will have no choice but to solve their issue faster, they can’t go anywhere in that small space. Even if Hyun Woo went out to clear out his head, he will have to come home and share the same bed with Hae In, maybe realising sooner that she had always waited for him to come home before going to bed. She will know how much he cried at night for the child they lost, he would be able to hug her when he realised that all the harsh words she chose was to protect herself.
I’m just furious and frustrated that; 1) they had to mention about their loss at the last 15 minutes of the last episode of the drama, 2) they talk about it after she loses her memory. Even then, it was too short! It’s like they thought of it at the last minute (but this drama is pre-produced) and goes "Shit! We forgot to give a closure for the reason they fell apart and why this drama begins. Let me just put this here.... there, done!"????¿¿¿. She remembered it as a fragment of her memories not as a whole thing that she experienced. Yes, she felt sad and devastated when she remembered it but the main point of it is that she is just a visitor of the memory and all the feelings from that time were not the same as what she felt when she remembered the moment. So, we did not get a proper closure from both of them because one of them is not present at that moment. Baby 1031 was used as a bridge for Hyun Woo and Hae In to finally take a step forward and move towards marriage in mind (again). If this conversation happened before Hae In lost her memory, we would get a full closure on how the miscarriage had affected them and both of them acknowledge that they both are using the baby’s due date for their password. Their apology would’ve been heartfelt and their journey for their rediscovery of love would feel complete.
Although I agree with Hae In that the reason they fell apart was not because of the miscarriage, but it was definitely what was shaping their relationship early in the marriage. Based on the due date, the incident probably happened just around the time they reach their first year anniversary. So, the remaining two years was the aftermath of their altercation about the nursery and their baby 1031. They probably had not always been rocky throughout the year, but the fact that they are still using separate bedrooms says much more than necessary. It’s true that they did not fall apart solely because of the miscarriage, but largely due to their ego and failure to talk and mend their broken heart and pain when it happens. They let it fester and avoiding the problem because resenting each other was easier than lowering their ego to knock on their doors. But still… For me it feels like there was no closure about baby 1031, I don’t know how to describe it but I just need them to acknowledge their loss of baby together. Because they both mourn on their own and then they never talk about it again, it pains me when I remembered the way Hae In treated their planned pregnancy by her parents in episode 1. She treated their baby as a necessity (I know she didn’t mean that), but I needed to hear that from her about baby 1031. That baby was not because of necessity, that baby was conceived out of love from both of them. And for the writer to not have the decency to at least let them talk about it when Hae In had a full understanding about it was what infuriates me the most.
The bittersweet ending of the series will be much more appreciated if the execution of the last two episodes focuses more on the BaekHong couple’s development. Instead, they decided that they want to make the last two episodes in an overdramatic funfair that match makjang drama set up. Unless Baek Hyun Woo died in the last episode then only it will make sense to make the guy being hit by a car and shot by a gun. But, in the end he lives and no one is expecting him to die at the end also. So? All of it was very superficial in order to keep the viewer’s engagement in the plot twists.
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dramaism · 1 year
I'm losing my mind over the leaked kiss all morning 🫠
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kalena-henden · 1 year
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Bo Ra! Deborah / True To Love (2023) (dir. Lee Tae Gon)
It's a romcom everybody!  🍾
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astarlightmonbebe · 2 years
blind, eps. 5-6: what we know
this is not so much a comprehensive list as it is a stream of consciousness and my own inter spliced theories as i try to make sense of what’s been going on. hope this helps summarize things, or at least organize your mind as much as it did mine. obviously, if you haven’t watched the recent eps of blind, maybe don’t read on.
(disclaimer: this was not proofread. also if i say the same thing multiple times, i’m sorry.)
- the story starts at hope welfare center with five boys: boy 7, boy 11, boy 12, boy 13, and boy 24
- boy 13 is confirmed to be jung yoonjae, who was confirmed to be sungjoon; however, sungjoon has no memories of hope welfare center (whether that’s because of trauma or a mix of that and his head injury from falling from the walkway in episode one idk)
- yoonjae/sungjoon had an older sister named yoonjung who likely was assaulted or killed by chief yeom (sungjoon knows she’s dead ? because of the necklaces, but not the rest of it idk)
- boy 11 was close to the jung siblings (photo; he also promised yoonjung to protect yoonjae, and had her necklace, which he gave to yoonjae after crazy dog took his)
- boy 11 and boy 12 seem to be actual biological brothers as seen in episode one when boy 11 tells boy 12 to ‘go to mom’ before he goes back for yoonjae
- boy 12 gets caught in a bear trap of sorts. we don’t know if he gets captured or makes it out alive
- boy 24 is the one who gets hit by the car and run over and presumably dies, though knowing this drama he could actually be alive who knows!
- boy 7 is the one who spills their escape plan to crazy dog/mr. baek; he’s also the one with the burn scar and the one who makes it to the road with boy 24
- boy 7 is confirmed to be one of the jurors based on choi soongil’s words, and as of ep 6 this is tentatively said to be an taeho because of his limp (which like. was obvious since ep 1, but also people were speculating he was actually the one who got stuck in the bear trap because of his limp, so idk)
- boy 11 is also the one who makes it to the hospital and is brought back by chief yeom (and says something like ‘i’ll kill you all’)
- choi soongil worked as a security officer at hope welfare center under mr. baek
- chief yeom was the local head of police and was in on it with mr. baek
- yeom hyejin was his daughter, baek jieun was mr. baek’s daughter, and both of them were murdered, presumably by the same person (the joker killer), although choi soongil possibly had some connection with hyejin’s death
- the person who approaches hyejin’s son minho gives him a bag with the drinks and food chief yeom gave to boy 11 (the banana milk or whatever and red bean paste buns)
- kang youngki, one of the jurors, also has a daughter who is getting married and likely will get murdered soon, so he probably has a connection to hope welfare center as well
- eunki’s mom seems to have been some sort of healthcare center at the center back when it was operating, and mr. baek had a reason to suspect she might know who yoonjae is or where he currently is
- detective kang is not only batting for chief yeom, but also for mr. baek, so he might have possibly been a kid at hope welfare center as well, but i don’t think he’s one of the five
- sungjoon is confirmed to be adopted, but it hasn’t been confirmed in sunghoon is adopted or not. based on episode 6 and sungjoon’s surprise that he was calling for his brother in his nightmare/memory, he has no knowledge of the fact that he and sunghoon might have had an abnormal past or something, which is definitely suspicious!
- his adoptive parents, na gukhee and ryu ilho, recognize mr. baek and know of sungjoon’s past with him (to what extent, i don’t know); looks like we’ll find out more about this in episode 7 based on the preview
- as of episode six, the body count is as follows: baek jieun, yeom hyejin, jung manchun, jung manchun’s wife, and jung manchun’s son (wonwoong)
- also mr. baek’s wife, but that was an on screen murder, so no questions about who killed her
- + yoonjung, but she hasn’t been actually confirmed dead yet (no on screen body or bones)
- sungjoon has been implicated in the murders due to jung manchun’s testimony and the fact that the killer has been using his real name (jung yoonjae)
- he had yeom hyejin’s fingernail, but has been absolved of that crime due to the fact that his dna wasn’t on her actual nail
- there was the whole situation about baek jieun’s earring being in his car with the bloodstains, but like the medical examiner said, he’s not as smart as sunghoon, but he’s not an idiot + he would definitely have cleaned his car i don’t know about you guys
- baek jieun and yeom hyejin are killed by the joker murderer, and have those gruesome smiles carved onto their faces
- jung manchun and his family are supposedly killed by the same person to cover their tracks, but not using the same method, making it clear that jieun and hyejin were the intended targets (and cementing the killer’s connection to hope welfare center)
- who pushed jung manchun off the roof is a mystery, but based on sungjoon’s testimony, his wife was already stabbed and wonwoong was already dead when he entered, although he successfully resuscitated wonwoong. however, wonwoong dies in between the time he flees and police reach the scene, wherein dt. kang is the only one there, unless the killer didn’t leave the scene to begin with
- the killer has wood carvings in his (their, whatever) little hideout
- for yeom hyejin, she was either assaulted or murdered by choi soongil, another juror with a connection to hope welfare center, as previously stated; however, unless he committed a copycat murder, it might have been a situation like with yuna, where she seemed to be dead, but wasn’t actually, and the real killer found her later
- yeom hyejin, daughter of chief yeom and single mother, murdered by the joker killer
- choi soongil, a taxi driver who used to work as an enforcer at hope welfare center; has a tattoo that matches mr. baek’s
- choi soongil recognized boy 7 as one of the jurors, and is trying/has tried to coerce money from him; he’s currently injured/in critical condition due to being brained by (presumably) boy 7
- jo eunki, social worker; was held hostage by jung manchun during the time yeom hyejin was being murdered, and is now harboring sungjoon (who is currently a fugitive)
- charles, who owns a sushi restaurant and is, uh, according to his own words very skilled with a knife. comes across as amiable and friendly
- bae chulho, works as a pd, kind of sleazy, and was definitely looking at yeom hyejin during their first dinner together. either suspicious or, like i said, just a sleazy guy
- kang youngki, retired. we talked about his daughter earlier. probably not as clean cut as he seems, all things considered
- kwon kyungja, a very famous shaman. is constantly cold (due to her shamanic abilities). had an extreme reaction when she accepted sungjoon’s business card, including some sort of possession.
- an taeho, walks with a limp and didn’t want to be included in any group activities following the funeral. doesn’t like having his photo taken, and generally comes across as unfriendly. as of episode six, sungjoon believes him to be ‘the killer’ i.e. boy 7, who attacked choi soongil, based on the killer’s gait
- jung inseong, an engineer (?), who is very quiet and friendly, overly courteous and chivalrous at times, and seems the most kind hearted/open minded after eunki. does seem overly interested in eunki to a fashion. sorry i just find him suspicious.
- the woman sungjoon calls ‘mom’ owns a restaurant called ‘inseong’s place,’ so i’m also just leaving this here because i find it too weird of a coincidence
okay buckle up i’m going to summarize my thoughts and talk about who i think the killer is. my money right now is on boy 12, the one biologically related to boy 11. i think that boy 11 could be sunghoon, and that he and yoonjae (sungjoon/boy 13), escaped together, but believed the other boys to be dead (and obviously sungjoon forgot everything). they ended up adopted by na gukhee and ryu ilho OR (and i lean towards this theory) sunghoon is the biological child, and he and his brother (boy 12) ended up at hope welfare center for some reason or another (though this is where the theory falls apart). therefore, when sunghoon reunited with his parents, they took in yoonjae as well, believing boy 12 to be dead (and like. he could be. what was his fate after getting stuck in the bear trap? was he able to escape on his own?). that way, yoonjae/sungjoon would have ended up taking on the identity of the real ryu sungjoon, which could be why the killer uses his name (jung yoonjae) to kill.
there’s also the fact of sungjoon being framed as the murderer of baek jieun (and here we focus on the theory that he was framed and is not the killer because i like to believe the best and it has a solid backing as of right now), and the killer using wood carvings, like we see sunghoon doing in episode 1/2. not only is the killer deliberately making them doubt each other (if the killer isn’t sunghoon, as it could very well be), but it’s also a way to get revenge on both of them, for sunghoon for abandoning him/giving him up and replacing him with yoonjae, and yoonjae for taking his place/forgetting everything/etcetera. this holds up whether or not boy 12 and boy 11 are biologically related to the ryu brothers’ current parents or not.
right now, i’m putting my money on boy 12 being inseong. not only because he seemed to recognize an taeho, but also because he’s the right age, and he’s very private, as well as being on the jury, so he had access to a lot of information about the cases and so on. build wise, i don’t know how capable he would be of subduing and murdering someone, but i’m just saying - don’t trust the nice guys in shows like these. his interactions with other members of the jury, like eunki, also make me kind of side eye him, as well as the fact that he seems less inclined to fully believe sungjoon is the killer - he’s definitely moving with a hidden agenda. whether it’s one with malicious intent or not, things are not clear beyond the surface level.
but whether or not boy 12 is inseong, i still think boy 12 could be our joker killer.
share your thoughts and theories in my inbox or the replies/reblogs, i don’t care! i have too many thoughts about this show. 
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
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myechoecho · 1 year
To watch today:
King the Land
See You in My 19th Life
Not Others (I’ve also seen it as Strangers) - this is JULY 17th
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babygirlhanseo · 1 year
are there any video editors who make jang bros content? please i need more. i think i've consumed all the yt content T_T
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ctrb92 · 11 months
The last months have felt like a little bit of a drought for kdramas and bls. And now everything is coming out all at once. I don't have enough time to watch everything.
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dangermousie · 14 days
Best kdrama you have probably never heard of - Someday (2006)
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"I can't breathe because my heart is filled with thoughts of you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you."
Answering the ask about my perfect kdramas made me think of and want to make a pusher post for the most underrated drama on that list Someday, starring Bae Doona, Lee Jin Wook, Kim Min Joon and Oh Yoon Ah.
When she was 17, Hana (Bae Doona), a Korean brought up in Japan by her grandmother, won a prestigious award and was launched on a career as a popular manga artist in Japan. The same day Hana was launched on her path to popularity and fame, Seokman (Lee Jin Wook) was having the worst day of his life -- he and his family were involved in a car crash, leaving him the only survivor. Fast forward three years or so and the paths of Hana, now a well-known mangaka who is facing a creative drought, and Seokman, now a sort of a missing-persons detective, are about to collide.
This is both an old drama (2006) and also one released on OCN back when it was just starting, so even back when I originally watched it 15 years ago, it was not well known. It's such a pity - this one is on my Top 10 kdramas list of all time for a reason. There are so many reasons as to why this deserves to be better known - it has a delicious off-beat vibe and in some ways it reminds me on an old school jdrama with its realistic feel and its meditation on life; but it retains old school kdrama strengths of romance and suffering and gorgeous cinematography. Its love story, which made me cry and cry and then grin like a lunatic and hug my pillows - it's so unexpected and sneaks up on you and then grabs and refuses to let go. Its stories of alienation and connections and families lost and found and made. Its laid-back charm which lures you in until you, all relaxed, are whacked with the darkness at the core, and are left gasping for breath (full disclosure - this drama made me cry more than once.)
It is also a chance for you to see some wonderful performances. The always sublime Bae Doona is well...sublime, as the quirky Hana who has locked her capacity for warmth and caring far away due to childhood loss - when the story starts she is almost an alien dropped among those weird humans - curious, exploratory, and oh-so-different. One of the biggest pleasures of the drama is to watch her learn to become fully human - to feel compassion, to feel love. Lee Jin Wook is one of my huge kdrama crushes and he doesn't disappoint, playing his character with so much sweetness that you get lulled into a false sense of security and don't realize just how much damage and despair Seokman has inside, until you are confronted with it, and then go "of course - it all makes sense now." His chemistry with Bae Doona is just so pitch-perfect - their whole relationship is so full of discovery and hope and tentativeness for both of them. You can't help but root for these two very damaged people to work it out and heal each other. She has no emotions but he has no hope or self-worth - and the biggest pleasure for me was to watch both of them recover what they lack. The drama Someday reminds me of most is my favorite twdrama, Mars - the two horribly damaged protagonists with vastly different coping mechanisms make each other better. It goes dark sometimes, terribly dark, but ultimately it's the story of new beginnings and of hope.
Kim Min Joon and Oh Yoon Ah are not secondary characters in this - every member of the quartet (and they are not really a love quartet in the usual sense) is equally important. If Hana and Seokman are horribly wounded children, both KMJ and OYA play grown-ups. If you are expecting a typical older kdrama evil secondary girl, you are in for a disappointment. OYA's Hae Young is the sanest, best person in the quartet, and the one most in touch with her feelings, which include her unrequited love for her best friend Jin Pyo (KMJ). And speaking of Kim Min Joon - he plays perhaps the most controversial character in this - a psychiatrist who gloms onto Hana as a representation of his fanboy fantasies, not a real woman (he does not get to know the real Hana the way Seokman does) and who is the one most in control and delights in manipulation. But I ended up liking him nonetheless - in a way, he was caught in a bubble as much as Hana was, only this bubble was of his own willful making.
My favorite scene? Because I am a sadist, it's the sequence leading to Seokman's suicide attempt (it's either that or he gets done in, due to the debts) - his counting how many minutes he has left and getting his math wrong, his visiting the hospital and tying up all the loose ends, his scene on the river bank with Hana, his suicide attempt itself, when he walks off limping and muttering "stupid stupid stupid" not able to think of anything but that he failed.
This drama is SO GOOD and SO UNDERRATED and really should be watched.
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kdramaxoxo · 2 months
It will never be Something In The Rain It will always be Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food
It will never be Rain Or Shine It will always be Just Between Lovers
It will never be Into The World Again It will always be Reunited Worlds
It will never be Hello My Twenties It will always be Age of Youth
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baekhvuns · 3 months
Any Kdramas for recommendations? 👀 been on a drought since lovely runner lol
i recently watched the high school return of a gangster, not a romcom, but bromance & a good plot!
and then well, my sweet mobster has just completely BROKEN me <3 a cold, quiet, ex-con, who’s got a deep raspy voice, high cheekbones and a pookie interior. i have a new type after this show <3 cannot look away when this man shows up on screen, the amt of times i’ve silently screamed into my pillow needs to be documented ☺️
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since there’s been a kdrama drought these years, I’ve went back and watched some old dramas AND THEY ARE AMAZING GEMS.
Under the Queen’s Umbrella
This is a story about a mother’s love and how it can take different shapes and forms, though they don’t always necessarily put the child’s best interest at heart. In a place where all the princes and their mothers fight for the title of Crown Prince, the Queen only fights to protect her sons and their loved ones. Think Sky Castle but set in the Joseon era.
The metaphorical use of the Umbrella symbolizes the Queens protection and though she may get hurt, she would never allow her son’s to get hurt.
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5 star review: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Flower Crew: Joseons Marriage Agency
The message of the story is that no matter who you are or where you’re from, you deserve happiness. When you find the one you love, the weight on your shoulder eases because you now have another shoulder to lean on and to share the burden.
A common blacksmith is kidnapped on the day of his wedding to become the next king of Jose-on. He recruits the help of the Flower Crew to make the lowly status girl a noble lady to be eligible for the Queen’s selection. New feelings and evil intentions threaten lives and the characters’ happiness.
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5 star rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Mr. Queen
A comedic drama that indiscreetly tells the audience that love is limitless - it can transcend time and it is fluid.
A modern male chef is “saved” by being trapped inside a Queen’s body in the Joseon era. He tries to return but in the process changes some events to his modern life and the Queen’s for the better.
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5 star rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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dramaism · 1 year
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am i already in love? yes i am
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whumperer-86 · 1 year
We are in whump drought now 😏
There isn't any whump Chinese or kdrama these days and usually I go back to my huge library of whump and watch some clips of good whump Bromance would be preferred
Sometimes I find some whump weak and sometimes I find whump that attracts me to watch the whole drama again for it
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tottallyana · 1 month
I fear I may be in a KDrama drought…
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