#katie's fic recs
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kikikiwi27498 ¡ 3 months ago
Hello how about 💎 and 👁️?
Thanks for asking Emma! I'm so sorry this took so long, life's been crazy lately. Also I'm me and I'm incapable of reccing only one fic per question.
From the Wilmon Hits 5k Fic Rec Challenge:
👁️ brought you back to life: this needs to go on my fic rec list, but We'll Start a New Revolution Now by OllesTherapyBill is one of my fave post-S3 WIPs. I also loved With You I am Cared For by willesworld (romanticalrj) (@romanticalrj - I don't think the tag is working, I'll try to fix it later)
💎 fav AU: This fandom has so many good ones! I recently read Where Your Heart Is by itouchedthefire - it's a WIP, but it's so so good. Off the top of my head, a more light-hearted (and complete) chef AU is I loved is Lost in the Sauce by Signedmeraki.
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kikikiwi27498 ¡ 6 months ago
I can think of three off the top of my head (I'll add more later, I'm tired haha) (I hope it's okay that I'm reblogging this, it will be easier for me to find this later that way - also I really need to make a spicy fic rec list):
Solitaire and (Other Desktop Activities) by embracethevoid (@ungaroyals), Love Would Be Burning Red by embracethevoid (@ungaroyals) and disruptedthesky (@omar-rudeberg), and You Got My Body I Got Your Body by thatgayprince.
does anyone have a list of fanfics where simon tops?
I've gotten several asks about this before but never much of a response. We need a Top Simon/Bottom Wille fic rec list!
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lenakluthor ¡ 11 months ago
totally random question but do you read supercorp fics? and if yes, which ones are your favorites?
i absolutely read supercorp fics! i've been devouring ao3 basically since i finished the show. here are a few of my faves: people will say we're in love by AKAWWJJD - this was recommended to me by a friend and was the second ever supercorp fic i read. it's angsty, but it's BEAUTIFUL and it's one of my favorite fics from any fandom, ever. it's basically a rewrite of crisis and the aftermath of that (with a heartbreaking, post-reveal beginning), and it's just so, so good. it really set the bar for me in terms of supercorp fics and i still think about it to this day. it's heartbreaking and poignant and just. perfect.
the banks of certain rivers and ever more light by @i-am-robie - these two go together, but if you only read one, read ever more light (although i highly suggest reading both). i found this one through a gifset based on the fic, and i am SO happy i did. this is the fic that made me believe in fluff again. i'm not kidding, before i found this fic, if it wasn't tagged as angst, i was not reading it. this one? completely changed my opinion. it's so soft and sweet and it gives you the same butterflies and good feelings kara gets around lena. i actually love these so much that i am in the process of binding them into a book.
same old blues by @searidings - this one is, in my opinion, hands down the best portayal of lena i've read so far. it captures her anger and hurt and emotions so well and it just feels exactly like lena. it picks up after the end of season four and is exactly how i imagine lena's reaction to kara being supergirl. obviously it's canon divergent, but this one just really nails lena. it's angsty and emotional and just SO good. the author describes it as "horny enemies to lovers" in their note and that really sums it up pretty well.
you're in my blood, like holy wine by @jazzfordshire - this one is one of my favorite AUs. it's a loose practical magic AU with witch!lena, but much more developed and fleshed out than in the show. not only does it have really well written supercorp, but it also showcases a really well done friendship between lena and sam. i'm gonna be real i'm very picky about AUs, but this one GOT me. i definitely recommend it.
i also highly recommend checking out all four of those authors' other works. robie has an AU that i really enjoyed, searidings has a fun little competitive supercorp one shot, jazzfordshire has one of my favorite smutty one shots, and AKAWWJJD has a mxy rewrite that is just wonderful.
i've read so many more that were really worth reading, so i highly recommend scrolling through the supercorp tag on ao3 and filtering out the results to find ones you might be into. i could've mentioned a bunch more that i enjoyed, but i figured i'd keep it to my top four and the honorable mentions because the authors all happened to have multiple i love. i've also got like, more than 40 open ao3 tabs currently, so i know my favorites list will definitely be growing.
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ekingstonart ¡ 10 months ago
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“Here they are. We have a few different lines of toys here, different sizes, and the squeakers themselves vary from brand to brand. Some of these are very loud.”
—from Treats and Collars on ao3
Thank you so much @makicarn for commissioning me to illustrate this scene from @trashpandato’s ADORABLE fic! It has been an absolute pleasure working with/for you both!
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trulyhblue ¡ 1 year ago
Media Duties (Pt 2 of Communication)
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Kyra Cooney-Cross x Dutch! Arsenal! Reader
Warnings: fluff, REALLY bad translated Dutch, language barrier, suggestive if you squint really hard.
While your English was far from great, it was slowly improving.
You spent most of your time at training listening to the conversations around you, trying to match words to emotions and faces to sounds. Your Netherlands teammates had slowly integrated the second language into your Dutch conversations, and your Arsenal teammates urged you more and more out of your shell.
You were still very soft-spoken, ushering a few words here and there, smiling when the group set off into chuckles at something one of them — primarily Katie — had said.
After games and training, Vic and you would go out to dinner, listening to her order before doing so yourself. It was embarrassing at first and continued to be until you memorized the pronunciations entirely.
Viv often invited the two of you over for dinner. It became a sort of tradition after training on Mondays and Fridays; when neither of you were willing to cook. You would listen to Beth talk about everything because she regularly did so whenever she had the chance. Viv would tease her for talking too much, but you enjoyed the blonde’s bubbly personality.
Alessia would come over to yours when she wanted to, using the few Dutch phrases she knew to bond with you. The ex-united player was very giggly, and wouldn't stop giggling until someone had to physically restrain her. In your opinion, she had the easiest accent to read.
Kyra’s on the other hand, was not.
Kyra was stuck to your hip the moment you met. You weren't used to having someone as physically clingy as the Australian, but you didn't seem to mind it. She would bring you a chocolate every morning, cheekily popping her one in her mouth with a smile. She would give you her packet when you left yours in your cubby, and when the two of you were subbed off, she’d sing your ear off with the strangest songs you ever heard.
When she first slept over with you, Victoria and Alessia, she refused to play Monopoly if she wasn't the dog, and you had to remind her that she wasn't actually going into debt — she could've just mortgaged her properties — but she threw her hands up and claimed everyone was gaining up on her. She took the blankets all to herself when you went to sleep, and when you whinged about how you were cold, she curled both her arms around your waist and cuddled you like a teddy bear.
Unrecognizably, Kyra’s Dutch started to improve. Neither of you noticed it at first, having used Google Translate in the first few weeks of meeting each other, but ever so slowly, the Australian found herself talking small phrases to you in your native language.
It wasn't like she went home and practised them on Duolingo, no, she’d never…
“My jacket looks good on you,” Kyra said to your hunched figure. You don't look up at her, but from her tone, you can tell she is smug.
Today's game against Chelsea was a big one. The famous London Derby was well awaited, with the Emirates banking up to pretty much sell out by the morning of. You kept seeing the anticipation of the game on social media. Tweets on the starting eleven predictions and score prognosis were being thrown left and right, causing you to feel slightly displaced regarding the upcoming match.
You had sat next to Kyra on the bus, having done so for every game this season so far. The trip to the stadium wasn't far, yet the suspense of the crowds daunted you as your head leaned against Kyra’s shoulders.
You were a part of the starting eleven, meaning you’d be up against Jessie Fleming and Erin Cuthbert. The young Aussie beside you wasn't, which rattled you even more. The combination of you, Vic, Kyra and Katie in Midfield was unstoppable, but on the rare occasion that you were all on the field at once was rare. Vic and Lessi were sitting in front of you, making TikToks. Vic had gotten up early this morning, but you two still managed to nearly miss the bus. Alessia was wearing her usual multiple layers of clothing, while Vic was only in her kit.
You matched Kyra’s silence for most of the ride, her small conversation being met with your distant hums. She could tell you were nervous, you didn't know how, but she knew.
“Domme meid.” Silly girl. She muttered. This nickname wasn't new to you. In fact, it was used quite frequently by your Netherlands teammates. Nonetheless, the quip made you look up, meeting the Aussie’s beady, brown eyes and childish smirk.
“I am not silly.” You retorted. “You are.”
“I am what?”
Kyra shook her head, running her hand through her hair, her smile brighter. “Je stress te veel.” You stress too much.
“Ik niet. Je bent te relaxed. Ik benadruk omdat ik het goed wil doen.” I do not. You are too laid back. I stress because I want to do well. Your voice was pointed, the glare from your eyes making your point known.
But your gaze softened upon seeing Kyra’s eyes widen, her nose twitching as her lips fell into a frown. She didn't understand.
“Sorry.” You sighed, smoothing your shorts out with your hands. “I am… I am stressed… I want to…”
“Do well?”
You nodded, her face smoothing over. “Yes.”
“You are a very good player.” Without much thought, Kyra took your hand, her thumb drawing patterns over your palm. The blush that fell over your cheeks was noticeable. You could tell by Kyra’s smile. “You play very well.”
You could tell Kyra was struggling to find the right words to say. She bit her lip in thought, pulling out her phone. You knew what she was doing right away.
When she finished typing, the familiar voice rang out.
“Je zult niet begrijpen wat ik zeg als ik Engels spreek. Je moet je vandaag geen zorgen maken, want je bent een van de beste middenvelders die ik ken. Je hebt ongelooflijke vaardigheden. Je verdient het om trots te zijn op wat je kunt doen.” You won't understand what I’m saying if I speak in English. You shouldn't worry about today because you are one of the best Midfielders I know. You have incredible abilities. You deserve to feel proud of what you can do.
Your cheeks were very red by this point, your grip on Kyra’s hand tightening as you listened to the voice pour out of her phone.
“I want you to… play.”
“I might come on. You never know.”
You shook your head, telling her you didn't understand. She started typing up a storm once more, and you watched in adoration as a concentrated crease formed between her eyebrows.
“Als je je nerveus voelt, kijk dan rond en tel hoeveel mensen je trui dragen. Elke week zie ik hoop. Dat zal je laten zien hoeveel mensen in je geloven, zelfs als je dat niet doet.” If you are feeling nervous out there, look around and count how many people are wearing your jersey. Every week I see heaps. That’ll show you how many people believe in you, even if you don't.
You beamed, moving closer to Kyra by hugging her waist, using one of your arms to push underneath the hem of her shirt. You fiddled with the fabric to whole way there, feeling a wave of calm and peace flow over you.
Not once had you interacted with a reporter throughout your time at Arsenal. Never once did you find yourself in the awful situation of being caught out after a game.
Until now.
The game went incredibly well for the Gunner, coming away with a four-one win against the top of the ladder in front of nearly 70,000 people. You played the whole game, assisting one of the goals, and receiving player of the match.
This was your first time accepting an award at Arsenal. Kyra got the fan’s Player of the Month in November, which was definitely well deserved. At first, you had thought Alessia wouldn't obtain today’s award, but you were pleasantly surprised when Kyra came running up to you with the trophy, probably snatching it off someone so that she could be the first to hold it.
“Look at you go, Y/n/n.” She spoke, slipping her arms around your waist, spinning you around. “So proud of you.” This was a very special moment for you. You were trying awfully hard in your new club, and it felt like all of the tough work was paying off.
You were about to answer Kyra, praising her on the game she had, being subbed on in the second half, when you felt a presence come up behind you, alongside several cameras.
This was not your first time in front of the media, being known for your charismatic media presence back at AFC Ajax. You noticed fans loved the challenges you did with your old teammates and the joy you’d bring to the videos that would gain so many more views than all the others. You’d been tagged in all these tweets begging you to be in an Arsenal video, but you knew it wouldn't be the same.
You’d stutter, unable to find the right words you were thinking of in Dutch. Your humour wouldn't be as quick and witty in English. While you had grown an uncanny friendship with all of the Arsenal girls over these last months, you had known your Ajax teammates for four years, some even longer if you played with them at youth level.
“Y/n, congratulations on the game today and, of course, on Player of The Match, how would you describe this moment?”
The reporter was quick to point her microphone at you, waiting as you stood there speechless at her words. You only caught onto snippets of her speech. You hadn't heard the first part of her question, being too caught up in your moment with Kyra.
The Aussie was standing next to you, her arms still wrapped around your waist. She must've caught onto your stunned disposition since she swiftly moved you from side to side, stalling the moment by dancing with you cheekily.
The reporter laughed at the interaction, the cameraman panning to catch Kyra’s cunning smile and your flushing cheeks. She took the trophy from your hands, holding it up like Simba from The Lion King. You were giggling at the sight, and the camera caught Kyra’s beaming, proud response to your reaction.
“Well, I think this moment speaks for itself. Kyra, do you think Y/n’s commendation was well deserved?”
Kyra took her arm and swung it over your shoulder, giving you the trophy back with a toothy grin. “Who else would they give it to?”
“Lessi.” You suggested, modest in your attempt to calm the hyper state Kyra was in. The reporter laughed as Kyra gasped.
“You’re just being humble. She's a stress head, y’know, always worrying about the game. But look,” She pointed at the trophy, specifically your engraved name. “The amount of jerseys with her name on it says enough.”
“How are you going to celebrate now?” The woman asked, the microphone now between the two of you.
“Play a game of Monopoly.” Kyra smirked, watching you scoff.
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Liked by leahwilliamson, and 32,363 others
victoriapelova — disgusting, the two of them 🤢
Tagged : yourusername, kyracooneyx
comments :
bethmead_ — let them be!!!
user1 — I wonder what they’re smiling at 🤔
^ yourusername — google translate 💗
alessiarusso99 — I'm already motion sick! Don't need that 🤧
^ victoriapelova — AGREED
^ kyracooneyx — your TikToks make us sick. Keep them in drafts, no one wants to see them ‼️
user4 — my two pookies 💞
* liked by kyracooneyx
katie_mccabe15 — @ yourusername where is my cuddles?! 😡
^ kyracooneyx — why cuddle you when she's got me?
^ charligrant — your cuddles are lethal, Kyra. I've nearly been suffocated to death.
^ alessiarusso99 — blink if you need help.
yourusername — Vivi in the back 🤣
^ viviannemiedema — I was sleeping, shush.
^ user5 — looks like she's manifesting a win
^ viviannemiedema — I was.
user7 — they are so dating
^ user8 — they literally met like four months ago I doubt it
^ user9 — call me delulu, but they are trululu
^ user10 — no one can tell me otherwise after her POTM interview
^user10 — “who else would they give it to” “lessi” LIKE AWWWW SHES SO HUMBLE
(pretend its the Arsenal jerseys hahahaha)
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kyracooneyx — Domme Meid
*comments are limited*
yourusername — silly girl 💗
alessiarusso — cute ig
*liked by victoriapelova
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kikikiwi27498 ¡ 2 months ago
I think I have more, and I'll add them if I remember, but there are two that come to mind:
The Wolf Comes Home by phnelt (complete) and We'll Start a New Revolution Now by OllesTherapyBill (incomplete). I absolutely love both of these, they're extremely well done, and, despite being pretty much the same concept (though The Wolf Comes Home is set 10 years into the future) they read very differently. Though neither has much Alex revenge, he and Wille get to talk a lot about things in We'll Start a New Revolution Now.
Is there a Young Royals fic in which the truth about the video, and the drugs and everything surfaces after the ending of the show? Either accidentally or maybe Alexander gets fed up and decides to have a little revenge or something? I imagine it would be totally chaotic for the monarchy, especially it being after Wille has already stepped down (or announced he will). Is there such a fic, and if so, can someone point me towards it, please?
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pjohoo-reclists ¡ 2 months ago
Year in Review - Personal Reads in 2024 - Part I
This rec list is a bit different from the rest I've posted. These are some of the fics I've read and bookmarked in 2024 that have impressed me, or left me with some sort of emotional or thought provoking response.
The ratings, ships etc. are all varied. There will be some fics that you don't like, so please read the tags before tapping the link.
This list has has the longer fics (4k+) and this list has the short fics (0.5k-4k) - will be posted soon. Enjoy!
bloodtide by DragonflyxParodies
Not Rated | 4.5k+ | Incomplete
Percy Jackson & Neptune, Percy Jackson & Kymopoleia, Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
AU - Canon Divergence, Divine Retribution, Romans vs Greeks
There are no water gods in New Rome.
Solstice Meetings by ShaaKi
T | 4.6k | Complete
Poseidon/Zeus, Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Minor Percy Jackson/Apollo
One-Sided Attraction, Possessive Behaviour, Poseidon-centric
Lately Poseidon has been struggling to pay attention in Solstice meetings. The reason? Everyone keeps staring at him and it's starting to give him a complex. To make matters worse, Zeus had been acting odd for the past few years.
The Inevitable by DancingInTheSliverGlow
T | 5.2k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Hades/Persephone, Percy Jackson & Poseidon, past Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Post-Tartarus Trauma, Powerful Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson Needs a Hug
Percy hasn’t told anyone how strong he’s become. That would only take a single push to break the fragile membrane containing his mortality. It's moments like these that remind Percy how close to godhood he is. It’s in the way Percy constantly feels like he’s larger than his physical body. He can feel the ancient underworld rivers running through Hades’s kingdom, and remembers how when he reaches for them they fight his control but ultimately bend under his will. If he stretches his senses, he can even glimpse his father’s domain all the way on the surface world, the ocean constantly churning. The sea is always in the back of his mind singing its siren song, beckoning him to accept his fate and reminding Percy of the non-insignificant power he holds over the very fabric of the world.
Forgive Me Father For I have Sinned by Shadowhale
T | 5.4k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson & Triton
Misunderstandings, Protective Poseidon, Hurt Percy Jackson
 “It’s okay! Really, I mean I get it! I’m not offended or anything” Percy said quickly, almost stumbling over his words. He wasn’t lying, sure would it have been nice to have a father that cared but he wasn't delusional. Poseidon had been kind and gentle. He had left him a lot of good memories that Percy could cling to! He had even hugged Percy! At the end of the day he was a god, one of the Big Three. It would be the height of arrogance to presume that the god of the seas would ever care about a pitiful mortal. Besides Percy still had his mom it wasn’t like he really needed anyone else (No matter how nice it would have been). Or: Poseidon makes the startling realization that his favorite son believes his father does not love him.
Interlude: Atlantis by DustShattersLikeGlass
G | 8.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson & Amphitrite, Percy Jackson & Triton
Percy is a Prince, Percy Jackson is a Little Shit, Dysfunctional Family
Welcome to Atlantis Series Part 2 of A Family Built on the Weary
Fertility Deities and Lessons in Consent by Luraia
M | 16k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Hermes
Genderfluid Characters, Consent Issues, Bad Parent Zeus
New god Percy Jackson just wants to settle down with his goddess wife Annabeth and create lots of little godlings. When they fail to make a child in six months of trying, Percy impulsively summons a fertility goddess to receive her 'blessing' without realizing how exactly the blessing is transferred. Here's a hint: it's through sex. Incidentally, Hermes is the god of thieves, gamblers, roads, doorways, initiations, athletes, wayfarers, shepherds, and heraldry, among other things. With such a big list, it's easy to forget he's also the god of fertility. And that he can easily change his form.
Dancing to Your Symphony by dcninja 
T | 20k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Hermes, Katie Gardener/Travis Stoll, Percy Jackson & Thalia Grace
Aged Up Percy Jackson Characters, Post Tartarus Trauma, Percy Jackson Needs a Hug
Hermes is in love with Percy but won’t say anything because he knows Percy deserves better than the drama that would come from a romantic entanglement with an Olympian. Percy is in love with Hermes but won’t say anything because he knows his feelings would never be reciprocated. Apollo and Triton plot to get them together, while Travis just wants to propose to his girlfriend. Or an already stressful night is made even more so as both Percy and Hermes reflect on lessons about healing, moving on, and allowing themselves to love again. At least it will be a memorable Winter Solstice.
The Prince of Changing Tides by dcninja
G | 24k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Camp Half Blood Campers, Percy Jackson & Camp Jupiter Campers
Camp Jupiter Politics, Outsider POV, Powerful Percy Jackson
“I just don’t understand why the Greeks treat him as such a big deal,” Marcel said “Or even the gods. Lady Juno and Lord Mars clearly backed him, and I don’t understand why. He certainly doesn’t look like much.” “Why don’t you just ask around?” she asked him. “Heroes have stories and people are always eager to tell them. I’m sure any of the Greeks could tell you more about him.” “It’s not a bad idea,” Jordan added. “It would be nice knowing exactly why he was part of the prophesied Seven. I know the Venus girl had sorcery and the Vulcan boy obviously had power over fire. But why Jackson? Just because they took a boat?” Despite raising him on a shield, Romans don't know much about Percy Jackson, or even the Greeks in general. As the Legion attempts to recover from the wars, they find out there is far more to the Son of Neptune then they originally thought, and learn quite a few things about themselves along the way.
Amen by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
T | 39k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Sally Jackson/Poseidon, Sally Jackson & Poseidon
Fluff and Humor, Family Feels, Post Tartarus PTSD
Percy knows he rambles quite a bit in his prayers to Poseidon, but at least he is safe in the knowledge that Poseidon is too busy of a god to ever really listen… right? Meanwhile, Poseidon is trying to be a responsible god, but Sally Jackson keeps praying to him about their son and Annabeth Chase won't shut up about... what was she even talking about? At least the di Angelo kid keeps giving him McDonalds.
Ocean Madness by SirOliverSurface, undeath230
M | 87k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson & Thalia Grace, Luke Castellan & Thalia Grace
Book 2: Sea of Monsters, Gen or Pre Slash, Slice of Life
Percy knew that with Kronos rising he wasn't in for a good time, but he wasn't expecting things to be this hectic. It didn't help that she was involved, but he supposed at least he had his friends with him.
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jegulusposts ¡ 1 year ago
Y’all I have the flu, pls send home remedies and marauders stuff my way (fic recs greatly appreciated)
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kikikiwi27498 ¡ 1 year ago
I have been summoned!
I haven't read Fuck the Monarchy (but it is on my list!), but here are a few of my faves. These aren't long (like less than 10k) but I loved You Remind Me of Home by @daylightsimon, When Dividing Up the Universe, You Could Have Mine by the-old-stairs, and Zee's (@zee-has-commitment-issues) Half-Past One AM on a Curb in Bjärstad and Simon Eriksson: Just Some Guy From Biology (I love everything Zee writes tbh). The Royal Secret by rainboze00 is a fantastic longer fic (though now I that I think about it, that one is kinda angsty). Some less angsty series I love are Ever After by @heartshapedconfetti and Third Year Things by @pysankywrites-updates. I definitely have more recs if you want them, but I read a lot of angsty fics (this is an angst-heavy fandom).
Do you have fic rec that is a fun long fic with light angst? No cry cry fic? Something like Fuck the Monarchy, or Sex Shop Wilmon?
Ha, that is a very good category of fic indeed! But considering this is sort of the Heavy Angst fandom... not always easy to find.
I liked Not if it's you by @prince-simon, and my better half recommends Play my song by @ishotforthestars, but there is definitely more out there.
Hillisar, what are your favorites? (and for the writers among you - self rec is not just allowed but also encouraged!!)
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kikikiwi27498 ¡ 1 year ago
Good morning darling! Here are some more yr fic asks! I'm curious about 20, 36, 37, 42 and 44 💜
Wish you a splendiferous Sunday!
Hello! Thank you so much for asking, and sorry this took so long! Work has been crazy and I might have gone a little overboard haha. I'm going to answer everything in one ask, so here are numbers 6-13 as well. Also these are basically all Wilmon fics because I love those boys so much.
From the 2023 Young Royals Fanfic Ask List: (I'll do more of these if people want, I love talking about fics)
6. Favorite one-shot fanfic: Pretty much everything by NerdGirl07, especially Promise Me (You're Safe) and Centre of the Storm.
7. Favorite chaptered fanfic: I have so may favorites. As Long As We Have Each Other by groenendael (@groenendaelfic) is my current favorite post-season 2 fic. Right now I'm reading Doesn't Everyone Belong in the Arms of the Sacred by painterssong (@alltoowille) and I'm loving it.
8. Fluff recommandation: This is such an angst-heavy fandom, sometimes it's hard to find pure fluff. I loved Playing House by LovelyLittleLosers (@lovelylittlelosers), Wille experiencing normal things, even just getting lost in Ikea, brings me so much joy.
9. Crack recommandation: Simon Eriksson: Just Some Guy From Biology and Patience Is A Virtue and I Have None, both by fandom_commitment_issues (@zee-has-commitment-issues).
10. Smut recommandation: Love Would be Burning Red by embracethevoid (@ungaroyals) and disruptedthesky (@omar-rudeberg) and You Can Send Me to the Lord by YoungRydbergs for smut with plot. They're both parts of series, so you might want to read the other parts first, especially for You Can Send Me to the Lord. If you want smut with less plot, I liked the Sense and Sensuous series by YulianaHenderson. (one of these days I need to make a spicy fic rec list)
11. Angst recommandation: This fandom writes so many incredible angst fics, it's hard for me to pick! I loved A Palm to My Mouth, I Said it, Almost by MyArtificialFlowers and It's All So Incredibly Loud by pysanky (@pysankywrites-updates). Please read the tags before reading these, they are both very angsty.
12. Kid fic recommandation: I love kid fics so much and girl dads Wilmon even more, though I have many thoughts about whether Wilmon would want their kids to grow up royal. Some of my favorites are Thoughts On a Stormy Night by LaChicaMarvel and Painted Memories by NerdGirl07, as well as When Dividing up the Universe, You Could Have Mine by the_old_stairs.
13. Christmas fic recommendation: And That's How Simon Got Banned from Christmas Decorating by ASkyofKai. If you want a slightly angsty one, Merry Crisis by pysanky (@pysankywrites-updates) - ngl I'm low-key obsessed with the Third Year Things series, it's perfect and everyone should go read it right now. (if anyone knows any other third year Wilmon fics please let me know, I'm dying to read more)
20. Your ÂŤ not Wilmon Âť favorite ship/couple: Henry/Walter (do they have a ship name?? Wenry? Halter?) probably. It's an angsty post-breakup fic, but I loved Closure by stretchoutandwait (@stretchoutfics).
36. Your favorite trope: This is kind of basic, but I love friends to lovers. I'll also always read a sick fic where Character A has to take care of Character B (bonus points if Character B insists Character A leaves so they don't get sick, and/or they deny that they're sick), such as Baby, You're the Cure (So Let Me Close to You) by isnt_that_wizard (@skateboardtotheheart) - it's part of a series, but you can read it on its own.
37. The trope you didn't expect to like: Only Fools Remain Sane by Elin98 made me love fake dating.
42. Do you like to comment on the fic you read: I do! I'm just really bad at doing it consistently because I tend to write whole essays so it takes me a long time.
44. On what device do you read: Mostly my phone, but I use my laptop too.
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lesbianphan ¡ 9 months ago
im sorry about your shift :( if its not too much, would you care to share what fic(s) you're reading? ive been meaning to jump back into phanfic but its been so long, idk where to look
Sup anon! Sorry for taking a bit to reply to this, BUT in my defense I peruse the @phanfictioncatalogue like it's the newspaper whenever I have free time, so I read so much fic (kinda stopped reading books whoops bad). Anyway, here are some fics I read recently and really recommend!
Easy for you to say by phantasticworks - Phil tries to convince Dan to throw away the grey shirt. Dan can’t do it.
And the days after that by cityofphanchester - He can hear Dan’s voice coming down the hall, laughing with someone from the crew, and it makes his breath stop in his chest. (doomed tour usa, autumn 2022)
Your love is my drug by @antiadvil - Phil wakes up with a migraine.
Kissing gif by @calvinahobbes - Meeting Dan is the luckiest he’s ever been. Having him here, on his bed, is a dream come true whether it looks like a sexy Internet gif or not. (A pinof tag about expectations and reality.)
I know you, hands under my sweatshirt by midorijpg - something something about having bad days and growing up and realizing you don't (completely) fit in couches anymore.
Collision by TortiTabby - A day full of arguing and disagreements on tour gets turned on it's head when an incident puts things in perspective.
Some more recs that come with TWs please be careful:
(TW) Filling the void by Merrydith - For Dan Howell, it was almost too easy. Once in a while became every week, which became every few days. And now, this was the fourth person he’d brought home that week and it was only Friday. What happens when Phil suggests Dan takes it easy?
(TW) In eternity I choose you by lovestillaround - Dan starts having unusual dreams, and they all seem to have a common denominator (my god pls more people read this one, it made me INSANE I wish it was a full book it's so interesting)
(TW) Sacrifice painted in red from our hearts) by lesbianphan (yep reccing myself) - a.k.a the dark and raw 'DanandPhilCRAFTS - Slime' fic I was always meant to write.
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lenakluthor ¡ 10 months ago
remember when i mentioned i’d taken up bookbinding? well, i finished binding people will say we’re in love by @takethegrasskara and i’m so happy with how it turned out, i wanted to show off a little. i wasn’t sure i’d be able to pull it off, since it’s significantly longer than my first attempt at binding, but honestly? i’m obsessed. and now one of my favorite fics gets to live on my bookshelf forever!
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agathasblackheart ¡ 8 months ago
Promoting my new fic again for anyone who wants to read it
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wernerherzogs ¡ 3 months ago
fic rec for 3 parts of everyday-flavoured buddie where they finally stumble into a relationship and both spiral a lil bit about how Big it is and how it will impact buck's relationship with chris and then there's the sex part but it's all mostly fun and charming. just a no high stakes mostly humourous fic about them figuring out how they work together. yay
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kikikiwi27498 ¡ 11 months ago
I got you! I think I've read almost every s3 fic I could find on ao3 haha (I hope it's okay that I'm reblogging this rather than replying, it'll be easier for me to find this later this way)
I second The Lake by @stretchoutfics. Also It Seems A Place for Us to Dream and Never Letting You Go by skibasyndrome.
Rhapsody by @starlightonthewaves is a fantastic post-s3 fics. Got My Heart on Your Hand by @hergrandplan and It's About Time (This is What it Looks Like) by @tawmlinsun are two of my favorite Wille gets the heart tattoo fics. Everything by @groenendaelfic is amazing, but Phone Privilege fits the s3 theme.
I guarantee I'll have more, but these are what I can think of off the top of my head!
Does anyone have any s3 era fic recs? 📖
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alexiasleftoversalmon ¡ 8 months ago
Can anyone recommend me their favorite woso comfort fics? Specifically for Katie McCabe or Leah Williamson? Any of them are fine but those are the ones in particular I would like to read. Cuz I really need them right now 😭
Thanks :)
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