taperwolf · 2 months
It's a little weird, in this world of newfound great appreciation for Dungeon Meshi, to be listening to a TTRPG podcast episode from 2015 with a segment on cooking D&D monsters, including the speculation that flumphs are "the truffles of the Fiend Folio".
(Dungeon Meshi debuted in February 2014, of course, but the thing occasioning this discussion — in Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff #148 — was a listener pointing them to a medieval manuscript with a recipe for griddle-roasted unicorn, and the concept is more of dungeon meat as loot — delicacies desired by nobles and royalty that the party is to retrieve — than as sustenance. It's also amusing to hear the personality contrast as Robin Laws starts wanting to explore some of the philosophical ramifications, and Ken Hite immediately goes full Laios.)
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kartaskartas-blog · 1 year
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alam - baixo marcos campello - trumpet
mindu - bateria
zozio - bateria mm- voz
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applesauce42069 · 26 days
i've seen people say blanketly that "orthodox jews" are antizionist because of how much the antizionist propaganda machine pushes the naturei karta and alligned groups. and its not only bonkers because of how much of a minority they are among jews, but also because of how horrifyingly and terribly racist they are. they are only "antizionist" because they believe we can't return to israel until the messiah comes. when the messiah comes, they believe that the palestinians will disappear/become slaves. i'm not joking.
these people are disgusting and news agencies need to stop platforming them just because they'll say whatever about the jewish community and judaism for a buck. this is what news agencies like TRT World (Turkish public broadcaster) are pushing.
this is how we're getting the "zionists aren't real jews" bullshit. from these racist fucks.
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natkhat-sa-shyam · 5 months
People buy drinks for men/women in bars. Why can't people do that in book stores?
Like, if I'm looking at a novel in bookstore and some person walks up to me and strikes up a conversation and offers to buy the book for me. There is a lot better chance of that working out in their favor.
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proudzionist · 2 months
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This post comes from Jewish pride always on Instagram 🇮🇱
They Do Not represent the Jewish people!!!
They embarrass the Jewish people!
Anti semitic Jews who hate their own is disgusting to me🤮 and it makes me sad too 😞
At the end of the day if there were still gas chambers , they would be side by side in it with those they hate .
Tragic 💔
They are homophobic ( Israel is not )
They blame Jews for the holocaust yet also deny the holocaust 🤔
Ignorant anti semitic and they are used as token Jews to hate their own kind 💔💔💔
Tragic and disgusting at the same time !
They stood side by side with people holding Hezbollah flags screaming death to Israel and yet a lot of them live in Israel 🤔
How stupid is that ?
Please don't lump us together for most of us will NEVER be your token Jews !
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the-library-alcove · 9 months
Watching people platform and tokenize the Neturi Karta is so surreal, because, well, for starters...
Their cult's theology is such that they actually want the Palestinian and general Muslim genocide that everyone keeps fearmongering about (along with a Christian genocide and a general Jewish genocide, and pretty much a general "kill 'em all who aren't us"-cide), but they want said mass killing to be done by the Jewish Messiah as he reestablishes the Jewish kingdom--a kingdom in which the Neturi Karta will be rewarded and elevated above everyone as the "True Jews".
They're only "antizionist" on the most technical of grounds--that being that they feel it's too soon and under the wrong leadership to start the slaughter to make their perfect version of the Kingdom of Israel. (Which is why that 99+% of the rest of the Jewish population wants to have nothing to do with them).
Oh, and they're also Holocaust Deniers--not because they deny the Holocaust happened, they just deny the Jewishness of the victims. Because, to their mind, only their little cult are the "True Jews".
So seeing people hold them up as a shield against accusations of antisemitism...
Buddy. That guy you're tokenizing hates other Jews just as much as you do, if not more. It's just an admission that you didn't do your research beyond "finding a person who looks like a stereotypical Jew who will loudly agree with me."
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bijoumikhawal · 1 year
I mentioned this in the tags of a post the other day, but since NK is high profile and getting a lot of videos shared, and I saw someone today decry a short speech one of their rabbis gave as "extremist", I guess I'll make a post too
Neturei Karta is a Litvish Ultra-Orthodox/Haredi antizionist group. In my experience, they are the most high profile antizionist group that ties that stance to their religious practice within Judaism, but they are not the only group (the Satmar are also generally antizionist, and they're a larger group, but they don't like NK).
As I mentioned yesterday, there was an incident with Iran- one of two, actually, but this one gets brought up more- where NK sent speakers to a conference specifically for the purposes of defending the existence of the Holocaust, as several Holocaust deniers were in attendance. The speaker specifically chosen had his grandparents die in the Holocaust. However, he also was blunt in stating his opinion that Zionists used the Holocaust to oppress others, Zionists had been collaborators and thwarted efforts to save Jewish lives. This prompted the Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi to call for their excommunication, essentially, and for the Satmar and broader Haredi movement to tell people to stay away from them. These remarks are complicated; many incidents one could classify as collaboration were Zionists trying to move Jews out of Europe, to save lives. However, when the speaker said the third statement, I'm fairly certain he was genuinely expressing his own intergenerational trauma. Early Zionists did indeed, have a fair amount of animosity towards Orthodox Jews. At one point Theodore Herzl (a founder of the modern Zionist movement) did express the opinion that Jews should convert en masse to Christianity, and the feeling was that the Orthodox who refused should be left to their fate. This accusation is a response to a very real tension among Jews that existed at the time. And the collaborationism was not always about saving lives; the Lehi gang, which committed the Deir Yassin massacre, sought out an alliance with the Nazis on several occasions, and expressed a desire for a totalitarian nationalist state.
Another incident was one where NK met with heads of state in early 2006, particularly Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, after criticizing other Jews for referring to remarks he made as antisemitic, and did an interview with Iranian press where they stated the Holocaust was used as a political tool by Zionists, that Zionism is "not Jewish, but political", and that not all Jews are Zionists. They also clearly stated that when they say they are not Zionists, they do not mean withdrawal to 67 borders, but a full dissolution of state, where Jews still can live with Palestinians. Later on in 2006, Ahmadinejad made comments about the reality of the Holocaust that prompted Haroun Yashayaei, one of the most prominent members of the Iranian Jewish community, to publicly speak put against him (and no, he didn't get arrested over that. He actually is also a movie producer and got an award in 2008).
It should be noted that in West Asia and North Africa, Iran is one of only a few countries that still has a significant Jewish population. The others are Turkey (14,500), Azerbaijan (7,200), Morocco (2,100), and Tunisia (1,000). For those unaware, this is significant because during the 1920s and 30s, many colonial governments stripped WANA Jews of citizenship, and in the 40s-60s, many post colonial WANA countries forcibly expelled local Jews. As a result, the centuries long presence of Jews in countries such as Egypt or Syria is down a hundred or fewer individuals in many cases. Ideologically, I do not support Iran's government because it's a theocratic state that treats Kurds like shit, but all of NK's interactions with Iran must be contextualized in light of this. This is not me using WANA Jews as a rhetorical device either: my paternal country, Egypt, which I wish I could so much as visit, is such a country. The 2016 Iranian census puts the country's Jewish population at 9,826. That's a number that I would weep to see reported in Egypt, and the second highest of any West Asia or North African country.
Personally while I hold no serious ideological disagreement with NK over antizionism, I do not wholly support them for other reasons (gender/sexuality politics reasons primarily). I bring up these incidents with Iran because in the past I've seen people claim they are Holocaust deniers, or that they think Jewish people brought the Holocaust on themselves. I have never seen a NK member say ANYTHING of that sort, and the idea that Jews bring antisemitism in any form on themselves is in fact an actual belief Herzl held. The closest I've heard is when NK distributed leaflets after a Chabad was attacked in Mumbai where they criticized Chabad for being in bed with Zionists. I'll be linking some articles in the replies of this post about this, including the text of the actual speech given at the Tehran conference so it can be read in full.
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pyaari-naari · 1 month
*me who was watching makeup swatch videos to relax my head*
*looks at my brother* : oye! Agar teri future girlfriend/wife tujhe apne sath makeup shopping par le jaye to kya tu apne hath par usse makeup check karne dega? 🤨
*mera bhai looks at me* : Haan. Agar wo karna chahe to kar le.
*me once again* : Tu 🫵🏻 karne dega? 🤨🧐
*mera bhai* : Meri chalegi jo main usko rok paunga? 🤷🏻‍♂️
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kartaskartas-blog · 1 year
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belleandre-belle · 11 months
Israeli police in West Jerusalem manhandle and arrest members of Neturei Karta Orthodox Jewish group during their attempt to show support for Palestinian people amid Israel’s war on besieged Gaza.
Neturei Karta rejects Zionism and the establishment of the State of Israhell
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shanti-ashant-hai · 8 months
it should be illegal to be this thanda man
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stupidjewishwhiteboy · 10 months
For those gentiles tempted to portray the Naturei Karta as “the True Jews” because of their anti-Israel stance, let me as a Jewish person just state flat out that You. Do. Not. Get. To. Do. That. As a non-Jew you do not have the right to dictate who is and is not Jewish, and I’m not kidding when I say asserting that right is blatantly antisemitic
And for the antizionist Jews who would do that but don’t agree on anything else with the Naturei Karta, I find your opinions…suspicious
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grecoromanyaoi · 9 months
i cant b arsed to find my post abt how judaism/islam r normal complex religions and not a “moral” alternative 2 xtianity but it’s insane how many leftists will push the ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’ agenda 2 include and by that not only excusing but encouraging actual dangerous religious extremists like naturei karta and literally al qaeda like bitch. these people hate you. they want you d e a d. religious fanatics r not ur friends in the struggle against The Western World
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turkwriter · 11 months
Jews when their friends, both IRL and online, didn't check in on them or express sympathy in any way on 10/07: Huh.
Jews when their friends, both IRL and online, went out and celebrated in the streets on 10/08: Huh!
Jews when their friends, both IRL and online, are now posting stuff from/about INN and JVP, going "Look how good THESE Jews are!": H U H !!!
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navinskizz · 3 months
Mahara: the sacred town of women(Goddess)
(Girls they just wanna have fun)
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garlic-and-cloves · 7 months
Just like how you can always find a group of people who say say anything, you can also always find Jews who say anything.
But just like how those people in the first scenario don't represent the world as a whole, the 3 Jews you've found who agree with whatever you've decided to be true do not represent other Jews in any way.
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