#kara can talk
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gfwooyo · 1 month ago
tummy hurts thinking about fadelstyle again i fear there's no saving me
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guhara · 10 months ago
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check out the detailed tweets here & here or you can see full bbc documentary here.
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doodles-bi-tea · 5 months ago
claim your “I was a Lewis Pullman fan before Thunderbolts” ticket here! (in case he blows up in popularity any more than he might have after things like TGM and Lessons in Chemistry…)
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fictiongods · 8 months ago
Honestly I’ve just realized that so much of the second half of season five was just Kara and Lena being angry at each other, but they hardly were ever in the same room. Like they have maybe three? scenes together after Kara got over her guilt and were angry together? Like so much of that is just them being gay disasters and bringing each other up all the time 😭 literally:
Alex: “So how was your date with Will—”
Kara: “Awful! You know I had to lie to him just like with Lena, and my relationship with her is ruined! She hates me and won’t talk to me!! You know I was only trying to protect her and she just won’t listen to me and…”
Alex, trying very hard not to out Kara to herself: “Yes, this must be very hard for you.”
Lex: “So, is Non Nocere working any better yet?”
Lena: “Not really but I’m still working on it, and y’know Supergirl has such a big problem with it. She is always thinking the worst of me! She lied to me, and is mad at me for me finding out! I mean what kind of deceitful person does that. She’s just so…”
Lex, venomously: “Yes yes very deceiving can we made the damn MIND CONTROL THING WORK SO I CAN RULE THE WORLD— I mean make people less violent that’s what I want :))
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mamawasatesttube · 2 days ago
its 3:36 pm on a wednesday and im once again yearning for a kon & kara team up space adventure of some sort. can we please put them in a situation?? i Need her to call him her tiny little baby cousin only three years old while he pouts about it. and also there's some kind of horrifying alien creature hunting them or something idk. situations
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just-seeing-everything · 1 year ago
Actually. I wish we could see more of Kara, I don't understand why the fandom says that 1) she's boring 2) she can do no wrong
One thing I find rather interesting in dbh is that you can decide what the character will do, but none of your options aren't something the character wouldn't do
So when Kara shoots that guard, although it's "you" making the decision, she already was driven to it. She had the gun, she was scared, she needed to protect Alice. She'll steal and threaten innocent people and kill
Just... I want Kara with prey animal rage, y'know? Murderous desperation, cornered but going down fighting, that will gut you if she needs to,,
How can that this is boring? Desperation for survival and . Love which is impatient and turns into rage and blood, it's dirty and gritty
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lenakluthor · 10 months ago
If you could choose a moment for Kara to tell Lena she's Supergirl, without considering what happened in the Super life episode... Which moment would be best?;
okay i've thought a lot about this and i think the moment in 2x15 when kara is on the phone with lena, hears her get attacked, and then catches lena when she's pushed off her office balcony would be a really good moment to tell her. she just recently spent an entire episode (so, what? a week or two?) adamantly defending lena's honor and goodness when lillian broke her out of prison and manipulated her to get into lex's vault, and kara was ultimately proven right about lena (because, duh). she's had a little bit of time to breathe and let the reality of that really sink in- she was right. she was absolutely validated and justified in putting her entire faith and trust in lena. lena came through. lena did not let her down. so, when she hears lena get attacked and doesn't really have a great excuse as to how supergirl knew the exact moment lena needed saving, i think when lena asks "how did you know?" kara could've easily been like "i was on the phone with you when it happened," or something along those lines. cue her putting on her glasses, big reveal. it's early enough that it probably wouldn't feel like a huge betrayal of lena's trust, but it's been long enough for kara to completely trust lena and feel solid in that trust. i also think this is an especially good moment in time, because then when they do have that moment in lena's office a few episodes later, the impact of "i'm not going anywhere. i will always be your friend. i will always protect you." is even greater. like yeah, she's saying that as kara but there's also the weight of supergirl behind it. i just think it would've been even more meaningful with lena having the full knowledge of who kara really is as she hears that promise.
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sapphic-luthor · 5 months ago
spent all morning rereading all of my own fics from the past several years and sometimes its like . .. dang i'm kind of good at this
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gfwooyo · 2 months ago
me wanting to make a post abt fadel's honesty has turned into me rewatching ep 1 and taking notes on everything and i'll continue w the rest of the eps tmrw dkfjdkdk
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maragarita · 8 months ago
This is the first time I've been able to watch an episode of maws as it airs so here's my take on S2E6!
• Clark is actually being mean and sassy and I love him for it like yes bby please wake up in a better mood next time you were kidnapped not murdered
• I didn't realize in the preview clip that aired a few days ago but Kara's eyes grey out even when she says "model citizen" at the beginning of the episode!
• the look when Clark sees Lois : (( the poor boy didn't even have time to process the breakup before he got knocked out and thrown into space but also she was the first thing he thought of when Kara asked if anyone cared for the real him :((((
• Clark says ow when he fights with Kara over the Polaroid! It's so natural that it took me a second to realize that he probably doesn't normally feel pain from playful roughhousing??
• the fact that Clark immediately clocks Kara the way Jimmy clocked him and Lois. The little shimmer in his eye when he asks if she likes him
• "what, no, what? I don't even know what that means. Stop being all weird with your stupid earth brain" this whole sequence makes me REALLY REALLY look forward to a post-brainiac maws where Clark and Kara can just be cousins in metropolis together (which I fully believe the maws crew will make happen)
• Cousin snowball fight I cryyy
• For a second I almost believed we were actually going to see space traveling and new planets but makes sense
• ok it's been lowkey before this episode but is Clark actually kryptonian super saiyan I don't know the lore
• Kara actually did genocide while brainwashed oh no
• I'm sorry I'm sorry WHAT Jimmy and Lois both 1. Found MM and the brain from the OTHER DIMENSION they traveled to and 2. WENT INTO SPACE TO FIND CLARK my joy is unending I love this show
• Clark is actually going to be used as a weapon nooo poor boy just wants to help I can't handle a world where the maws version of Clark Kent is a murderer :((((
Final thoughts, love! The maws crew is already doing such a good job of making Clark and Kara feel like cousins and I'm so happy she's in the show even though I was honestly hesitant about it at first. The next episode is called Olsen's eleven and once again I am. My joy is immeasurable. I love this show. I love that we get to experience it every week instead of all at once because now I get to comb through all the small animation details while I waitt!!! I'm just sad there were no phones in this episode because HOW will I know if it's still Monday may 9th now???
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
Tell me why Kara Zor-L is one of my your favs! I'm been meaning to make the jump from the CW show to the comics. Any recommendations?
- @cicero-in-gotham
@cicero-in-gotham oh i would LOVE to!! Kara Zor-L is my darling beloved.
firstly for suggestions, i'll be honest Kara can be... a hard character to read for. you have to slog through a lot of really shitty "male gaze" content to get scraps of interesting stuff. the top comics i'd recommend are
Power Girl: Power Trip
Power Girl Returns
Power Girl (2023)
some people like Harley Quinn & Power Girl. i'll be honest... i did not. and Power Girl (2009) has... ups and downs, is the nicest way i'll say it. but it's also solid for what it is. certainly better than her New-52 content so i can't really complain.
anyhow, i always am enamoured by characters who are disconnected from their "family", especially due to trauma. bc no one really counts Power Girl as part of the Superfamily. and even within the Superfamily if people are talking about the "outcast" of the family, they always say Kon. (which, eh? maybe New-52!Kon but i wouldn't say the main Kon is an outcast, his issues are internal) but to me, Kara far better suites that role. it's one thing to be one of the last survivors of Krypton. it's another thing to be one of the last survivors of your entire *universe* as well. she lost everyone, *twice*.
i adore characters who feel like imposters and Kara is *peak* imposter syndrome. everything about her identity is constructed around not feeling like a "real" Super, or a "real" Zor-L. she has to live with knowing she's on an earth that has Supergirl, meaning they don't need her. she didn't wear the S crest for so long even on her own earth, because she felt like she didn't server it.the only thing she feels like she has going for her is her sexual appeal and so it's so amped up she lacks a personality outside of it. she has been isolated again and again by her trauma and she struggles to face her grief, masking with humor and oversexual appearances. i find that to be so interesting. she lost *everything*, twice. and now she's an imposter who will always hold herself at a distance from the Supers because she doesn't want to make them uncomfortable with her existence. she has to live on an Earth and know everyone is... slightly off. she has Clark, but it's not *her* Clark. she has the Justice Society of America, but it's not *her* JSA. and she doesn't have her best friend, Helena Wayne at *all*, because this earth has Helena Bertinelli as Huntress. (unless you count New Golden Age stuff but that's future timeline nonsense)
i find Kara's lack of identity interesting, and the way she just sort of drifts. she has done a lot of things, but lacks a sense of self importance bc she will never view herself as a "real" Kryptonian of this universe. she's just so neat to me. i also love the JSA personally, they're one of my favorite superhero teams, so i love any character connected to the JSA, they're always so underrated.
the Power Girl Special (which is collected in Power Girl Returns) is like, genuinely one of my favorite single issues ever. that comic just lives in my bones. it also has one of the *best* internal monologues i've ever read. something something comics are art. this is cutting some stuff out but just to show you have beautiful the writing is, this is an excerpt from that comic
people tend to think of hatred as love's opposite. but i disagree- i think hatred is just love's sharpened edge. it's the same passion. the same potency, the same intensity. just a different flavor. so no, hatred isn't love's opposite. grief is. grief is the void left behind after something you once loved was violently ripped away. grief is what happens in love's sudden absence. love is when your cup runneth over. but grief is hollow. a chasm. there is no negotiating with grief. it does what it wants to you, when it wants. you will never outgrow or outrun it. but... you can find ways to grow around it. i never got to say goodbye. i was loved, once. i was once loved so much that my life was prioritized above all else. i will never feel worthy of that love or sacrifice. but i'm realizing now that to freeze or falter in the shadow of that love is the only way to fail their sacrifice. i have to live in the light. i can step out into the sunlight, and still carry them with me.
like that is??? so Character to me. she is Everything. i'm just. so unwell over her internal struggles and how she faces the world, i cannot recommend her enough. she means the world to me and that comic has stuck with me since i read it for it's conversation about handling grief. i am begging everyone to be a Power Girl fan i know she's confusing but once you get the hang of her backstory she's so cool i swear-
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rustingcat · 1 year ago
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They were sitting back at their usual work desk, they still had work to do in regards to their new pod companion. They had a new nourishment plan to look at, development time and so much more to figure out. Stuff they were definitely going to do, if only they could focus on anything.
Sitting at their desk was suddenly not enough to get them to work, work they had to get done sooner rather than later. 
"Should we, um… tell the others?" Kara asked hesitantly, breaking the silence that had fallen between them.
"Not yet. I mean, I think we should figure some stuff out first, don't you think?" Lena felt her heart speeding up again. She still could not believe anything that just happened. The idea that their unborn child was technically growing in the machine only a few steps from them was a bizarre thought. Their child. The child Kara suggested they have together. What was even her life?
"Right! Sounds good. Important." Kara nodded in agreement. "Like what?"
"Um, well…" That was a good question. Lena was blanking. She was a smart woman, she could find a solution for any problem, build any machine, but figuring out a plan on how to raise a baby with your best friend was apparently outside her purview. 
The silence that stretched between them was somehow more tense and loud than any they had before.
"You know," Kara's impatience broke the silence once more, "the chances of failure are greater in the first three months, and it is our first test so there's a good chance we might need to try again from the start, which is even more time, so maybe we should just wait for the three month time mark and talk then?" Kara said just a bit too fast. It was comforting to know Kara was panicking just as much as she was.
"Yeah. Good plan." Pushing down her feelings and delaying difficult conversations was Lena's expertise. "Shall we get to work then?"
Read it all on AO3
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dreamsfulblues · 10 months ago
So I got a little more OsoSan merch but these are my highlights because duh it’s obvious why
Little Karas trying to hang/sit on my stuff
My brilliant brain came up with the idea to let one cling on Bruno’s zipper for dear life
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And the other is just chilling while sporting that silly smirk
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Got some more of the little guys but not all because some won’t stop falling 😭
They hanging on my Karamatsu money box (what do you mean I have too much stuff of him I don’t know what you are talking about- )
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I love these stupid anime men
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mamawasatesttube · 8 months ago
postcrisis era is my favorite for a lot of reasons but chief among them is the tangled mess of everyones relationships in the era after kon's death. can you imagine being kara and being told that one of your closest friends on earth, one of your only friends on earth, has realized she actually was just using you as a stand-in for the cousin you barely got to know before he died? the cousin you've been grieving because you didn't get to know him, but everyone around you loved him, and now you're told you're just a substitute for him in your dear friend's eyes. and she knows that's not fair to you, but what can she do? she's grieving, too. and you just have to live with that, somehow.
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obliviouskara · 11 months ago
i cant believe it only took 3 episodes for Winn to find out Kara is Supergirl & Clark is Superman and Lena had to wait 3 fucking years no wonder ms. luthor was angry
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sarasometimes · 6 months ago
excuse me officer thats my emotional support shounen ai isekai from 2004
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