#kaer morhen winter
whywouldisayprinter · 1 month
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Regretting that I deleted my old witcher tumblr more and more JSJFJDJ have a new part of a Kaer Morhen Hot springs doodle page
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Y'all would not believe the situations I can put ocs in. Rotate them in my brain microwave.
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witcheringways · 9 months
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Keeping Cozy in Kaer Morhen { The Witcher 3 : Next Gen }
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dapandapod · 1 year
I realized I forgot to post this on Tumbl! It's about 8,5k and written in one day in a fit of inspiration (helppppp) because I needed that sweet sweet Jaskier whump. Please enjoy this emotional hurt/comfort ish-fix-it of season 2. On Ao3 here
Jaskier never expected to see Kaer Morhen, especially not in the way he ended up seeing it.
The dwarves lead him and Ciri as far as they can, banter and cutting remarks following Jaskier at every step.
Sure, he gives as good as he gets; whatever he is dealt he makes sure to give back, if he can get away with it.
But you can only be hit so many times before it becomes a bruise, no matter how lightly.
And Jaskier is already sore, from years of barbs, from years of being told to “fuck off, bard” or “shut up, bard” or “you are so fucking loud,” and well. It hits harder when it is someone you consider a friend.
Especially when it turns out that friendship was one sided.
The little princess is full of resentment and anger, but trading banter puts a small smile on her face, so he lets her.
If the way to get friendly is to let her tease him, so be it. He knows she needs an outlet for her inner turmoil so it doesn’t fester, so he turns up the dramatics and plays along.
The second to last eve they spend with the dwarves, it suddenly becomes too much. He knows Yarpen isn’t a fan, he knows there is some truth behind his name calling and swearing. 
Ciri is sitting across the fire, sharpening a stick with the knife from her boot, looking for all the world like she isn’t paying attention to the conversation around her.
But then one of the dwarves calls Jaskier an ignorant, lazy, useless human, wondering what the fuck he is doing here anyway.
Maybe it is the ale, maybe it is the smoke stinging his eyes, or the years of putting up with it.
Jaskier doesn’t remember which one of them it was afterwards, and it doesn’t matter. His anger flares. He stands up, and the group goes very quiet.
“Have any of you asked me anything of my life? Have any of you bothered to ask what I was doing in a fucking prison cell, why I don’t have a lute, or where I went after you left that fucking dragon hunt with Geralt?”
There is complete silence, only the crackling of the fire and the night sounds of the forest.
“You might think I’m useless, and that I am lazy, and that I’m ignorant. But I don’t have to be here. I have people depending on me, yet here I am. Giving up responsibilities and comforts alike, all for someone who can’t even call me a friend, surrounded by people who clearly don’t want me here.”
He flexes his hands, feeling the blistered and burned skin strain, the pain clearing his head some.
“I’ll be out of your hair tomorrow.” He finishes, picks up his bedroll and his pack, and settles on the outskirts of the camp, by the wagon.
Close enough to be safe, far away enough to get some peace.
It takes a few minutes for the muttering to begin, a few more until Ciri stands up too, and gathers her bedroll.
Until now, she has been distant, and he can’t blame her in the least. Now she settles down just a few feet from him, alongside the carriage.
It is colder here in the north, and neither of them had any kind of proper gear packed for their journey, unplanned as it was. He still drapes his leather jacket over her when he hears her chattering teeth, and settles on his bedroll with just a thin blanket.
Kaer Morhen is all big halls, high ceilings and hairy men. Hairy witchers. Lots of them too, and Ciri runs to greet them with a big smile.
They had found Eskel along the path, guiding them the rest of the way up. Ciri knew some of the way already, but only the paths closest to the keep, so it was a great relief having someone who knew what to avoid and what trails led them past ancient traps and monster dens.
The road was long, and Jaskier can’t believe Geralt thought he would make it here unscathed. Eskel seemed a little concerned as well when Jaskier explained his task, but said nothing.
Still says nothing, now that Ciri is surrounded by witchers, and Jaskier is left just standing there at the edge of the room. He is usually not one to hesitate to introduce himself, but he is tired, hungry, and frankly feeling rather neglected.
Eventually Ciri introduces him to the group, and it takes about three seconds after that to figure out who Lambert is.
Ah, ‘Lambert, Lambert, what a prick,’ indeed.
He is given dinner, a place to sleep, and is shown to the room where they keep a myriad of bathtubs. Lucky for him, there is already a fire going, making the room warm and toasty, and making it considerably easier to warm the water without any signs.
Jaskier can’t lie, he had been picturing hot springs, or anything pre-heated really, especially the shallow pool that had been built in the floor.
A quick toe dip later, and he is never stepping foot in that pool, ever.
His fingers ache when they come in contact with the heat of the fireplace, and he flexes them in an attempt to dispel the discomfort.
Sinking down into a tub at long last is heaven.
Dirt from far more than the road to the keep has had his skin itching, his hair stuck in a permanent curl around his ears, and he longs for his artistic dishevelment once more.
Sharing breakfast with the witchers of Kaer Morhen enlightens him about the many odd manners of Geralt of Rivia.
Watching the other witchers mess with each other explains so much. Unguarded food is immediately stolen, and if given the chance, someone will increase the temperature of their tea all the way to boiling, and then challenge each other to drink it, and so on, and so forth. Brotherly pranks, clearly, but the kind you need a certain set of mutations to deal with.
Jaskier only has his mixed heritage to keep him out of the worst of troubles that technically would be bad news for full humans, but nothing to keep him safe from this, so he steers clear.
Yennefer and Geralt join them that same afternoon.
Ciri runs into Geralt’s arms, and Jaskier remains at the table where he is challenging Coën with loaded dice.
Not until most of the others have gone to bed does Geralt finally approach him.
“Thank you for bringing her safely here.”
Jaskier looks at him for a long while, before replying.
“You’re welcome.” He says finally, and Geralt pats his shoulder. Weird.
After that first day, Jaskier approaches Vesemir while the others are busy.
The way he left things in Oxenfurt doesn’t sit right with him, and he is pretty sure Pricilla is going to assume he is dead if he doesn’t get a message to her soon.
He still has no idea how long he is supposed to stay in the keep, but he writes a carefully worded letter, assuring his safety and asking her to keep singing the Song of the Shore.
She will know what the coded song title means, and he has enough funds squirreled away to keep the entire Sandpiper operation going for a while longer, before he needs to find a way to beg his benefactor for assistance.
Vesemir gives him a long look, and Jaskier offers the letter he is holding, stifling a frustrated sigh.
“You are free to read it. I’m not trying to give away your location, just assure my safety of me and those I left behind.” He says, because he knows.
He spent years in the library of Oxenfurt, and he has read the old tomes that contain what little witcher history there is to find, as poorly depicted as it is. He knows about the sacking of the keep, understands the fear of it happening again.
It still stings.
Vesemir accepts his offer, and opens the letter, reading it over. His eyebrow climbs up his forehead, and he looks at Jaskier before putting it back into its envelope.
“I’ll have it sent.” He says, his mustache twitching when he makes a considering face. “Do any of the others know?”
“About the Sandpiper?” Jaskier asks, and Vesemir nods. “Yennefer knows. She was a part of the last group I sent off, before…” Jaskier stops and takes a breath. “Before. I know how and when to keep things to myself.”
Vesemir nods again approvingly, and takes the letter with him.
No one seems to have noticed the exchange, and Jaskier is left wondering if that is a good or a bad thing.
Things are a bit tense in the keep. Geralt still hasn’t seemed to forgive Yennefer for her betrayal, and Ciri seems to be more withdrawn lately.
Between witcher practice and chores, Jaskier tries to make himself as useful as he can be.
Which is not very, as it turns out, since he is not trusted to be in the lab anymore because of a tiny little tasting incident. Nor is he allowed to help with the patching up the keep. The library is Vesemir’s baby, and Jaskier is sure he is safeguarding secrets of the past there.
So Jaskier just… hangs around. Without a lute, he can’t play, and he probably wouldn’t be able to just yet anyway with his fingers still in their sorry state. The blistered skin has started peeling now, and new soft pink skin has started to show underneath.
He and Yennefer are getting closer, both of them evidently outcasts of a sort.
Especially since none of the other witchers make an effort to get to know them, nor is Geralt paying any kind of attention to either of them. She is the only one who really knows about the firefucker, and nobody has bothered to ask about the bandages.
If she had her chaos, she could have healed him, but she doesn’t, so instead she makes what ointments she can and watches him like a hawk to make sure he doesn’t eat it instead of applying it.
Late summer is slowly becoming early fall, and Jaskier realizes that his window for leaving is ever shrinking.
He doesn’t want to leave, not really, but he has no idea what he's doing here. Geralt hasn't asked him to leave, but neither has he asked him to stay.
Their interactions are short and rarely between them alone.
A lot of it consists of Geralt being nearby when Jaskier is retelling funny stories of their travels, making Ciri smile and the other witchers roar with laughter and the corner of Geralt’s mouth twitch in an aborted smile.
They don’t treat him like the dwarves did, but they clearly don't know why Jaskier is here either, and it is frustrating to say the least.
They seem to appreciate his singing more than Geralt ever did, sure, but sometimes it feels like they use him to annoy Geralt, and sometimes Jaskier thinks it’s working…
Lambert is probably the worst. He is an asshole and excuses it by calling it honesty.
He picks up where Geralt left off after the mountain, poking at every visible sore spot until Jaskier is stinging. Jabs and jibes, poking fun at Jaskier to make the others laugh. Nothing he isn’t used to, but something that makes Jaskier feel uncomfortable when nobody steps in to stop him.
Ciri sticks close to his side after those nights.
She doesn’t say much, doesn’t try to defend him, and he would never ask her to, but she glares at Lambert and asks Jaskier to tell her another story, which he gladly does.
It’s been two weeks since their arrival, and he, Lambert, Coën and Geralt are gathered around the dining table. Most of the others have filtered out to their own tasks or downtime activities, but they linger, chatting and playing dice. Coën stays out of it, still not trusting Jaskier since the loaded dice incident, which Jaskier is immensely proud of.
For the first time in a long time, Jaskier is actually enjoying himself, and enjoying being next to his friend. Maybe, after all this time, Geralt has started to think of him as a friend too.
Until Lambert opens his mouth and ruins it all.
“You are not half as bad as Geralt made you out to be. Or maybe it’s because he made you leave your lute behind at the bottom of the mountain?”
Next to him Geralt stiffens, and Jaskier feels his jaw working.
“Thanks,” is all he says, shaking the dice in the cup one more time before slamming it down on the table a little harder than strictly necessary. Then he stands up and climbs over the bench, very fucking done with the entire conversation.
Behind him he can hear Coën berating Lambert, who pretends he has no idea what he said wrong.
Fucking asshole.
He doesn’t hear Geralt say anything, nor ask about the missing lute.
It’s not that cold out yet, but the air is fresh and crisp on his face when he steps out through one of the side entrances to the courtyard. Here and there witchers are milling about, but Jaskier wants to be alone.
He hurries to the main gate and across the bridge, seeking his solitude amongst the trees on the other side. Technically, it is a bit dangerous to go out alone, but Jaskier is pretty sure no little beasties would dare come close to a monster hunter’s keep in broad daylight.
“Jaskier.” Geralt calls after him, and Jaskier stifles a long line of swears. Still he lets Geralt catch up to him, even if he is decidedly not looking at the witcher.
“Lambert can be such a prick.” Geralt says when he has caught up. “He only wants to rile you up.”
Jaskier notices the clear lack of an apology in there.
“So I’ve noticed. And he succeeded,” Jaskier says shortly, flexing his fingers again.
A bad habit now, but it is better than picking at the sharp, hardened edges of skin that still cling to his fingertips as they heal.
Clearly, Geralt hadn’t thought through what he wanted to say, or he had expected this to be enough. It isn’t. He lingers, still standing there, waiting for… something.
“What do you want from me, Geralt?” He asks when Geralt isn’t saying anything, and turns to look at him. His… friend. The man he has spent far too many years believing he meant something to.
“... I wanted to see if you are alright.” Geralt says haltingly, and Jaskier finally snaps.
“Oh yes, I am clearly alright after being told time and time again that I am annoying, unwanted, useless, loud, and being told by your family that you had made me out to be all those things too, before they even met me.”
Geralt looks taken aback, but Jaskier is not done.
“I’m tired of this, Geralt. I am so fucking tired of this. Not once have you come to my defence, not once have you told them to fuck off.”
“You can hold your own.” Geralt says, frowning, and Jaskier spreads his arm in frustration.
“I can, of course I fucking can! I have to, since not even the man I thought of as my best friend considers me a friend enough to have my back!”
Again, the witcher doesn’t have a reply to that. Fucking figures.
“Leave me alone, Geralt. Before I say something I’ll regret.”
“...Don’t wander.” The witcher cautions him hesitantly, and thankfully returns towards the bridge.
Jaskier stays longer than what is probably advisable. He is just fuming, and he kicks a young tree, making yellow leaves fall down around him.
He could technically blow off steam by sitting down to write, but there would be an audience no matter where he goes in the keep, and he is also not very much in the mood for another Burn Butcher Burn.
That one has done enough damage already.
In the end, it is Ciri who ends up fetching him. She doesn’t say anything about his red eyes and tousled hair, nor the bruises on his knuckles.
“Dinner is ready,” is all she says, and waits for him to join her back across the bridge with the others.
Jaskier takes his dinner and chooses another table far from the big group. Predictably, Ciri joins him, but he didn’t expect Eskel to sit down with them, too. Nor Yennefer. Nor Geralt.
They talk amongst themselves, even if Ciri and Jaskier are the only one replying to Yennefer when she says something.
It makes him feel weird, considering their rivalry all these years.
He knocks their shoulders together and teases her, calls her the worst wife ever. It is worth it for the smile he teases out of her, but he notices Geralt pull in a sharp breath of air.
“What?” he asks, but Geralt says nothing, just stares down at his food.
That evening, Geralt walks Jaskier back to his room.
“I’m sorry,” the witcher finally says after a long stretch of silence that Jaskier refuses to fill. “For what Lambert said. And for what I made Lambert believe.”
Jaskier blinks in surprise. When there is nothing else, he turns towards his door.
“Sure. See you around, Geralt.”
But Geralt stops him with a hand around his wrist.
“Are you and Yennefer… really married?”
Of course. Of course that is what would be on Geralt’s mind. Another sore spot amongst the others on his bruised heart.
“Fret not, witcher, the sorceress is still unwed and free for the taking. She did get me out of a rather sticky situation, though, so if it’s all the same to you, I do consider her my friend and platonic wife.”
With that, Jaskier turns and closes the door behind him.
Fuck, that was not how he wanted this day to go. His eyes sting and he swallows many times and he clenches his fists to keep his emotions in line.
Maybe it is time to leave.
Maybe it is time to go back to where people need and want him. Where he can make a difference. Where he can matter. Where he is enough.
His eyes sting once more, and with a great sigh he heaves himself from where he was leaning against the door and pours himself a cup of water.
He’ll talk with Eskel in the morning. Or Vesemir. Find a way to leave that won’t inconvenience anyone any further.
Leaving is harder than he thought, mainly because now, all of a sudden, people seem to seek his company.
Yennefer keeps appearing, asking him for help with stupid things. Some of them, he realizes, might be a way to regain the trust she broke between her and Geralt, but he appreciates her company it all the same.
Especially since most of it includes making Ciri smile, some other parts of it to make Lambert’s life a little more shitty. Something he is all for, to be honest.
Jaskier is petty when he wants to be, and right now he is the Prince of Petty.
Geralt too, seems to have come to some conclusion. He bites back faster when Lambert becomes too much, or Eskel, or Coën for that matter. In Jaskier’s defence, even.
It’s… weird. Nice, but weird.
And it is tearing at the walls that he spent all summer building.
Jaskier writes another letter to Pricilla.
Vesemir had told him that he will accept no return letter, but there are some strings he could pull if it were really necessary. Since they are hiding from Nilfgaard in a keep deeply hidden away by time and nature, Jaskier respects the need for it, and continues writing his one sided letters.
He is rather used to one sided communication, after all.
When he finally thinks he is about to get Eskel alone, it is not by his own doing.
“I’m sorry, I found a journal without a name, and I looked through it to see who it belonged to.”
Well, fuck.
“Jaskier. You are putting yourself at great risk.”
“And others even more so, if I don’t.” Jaskier replies, knowing exactly what he is referring to. Eskel blinks, then nods.
“I need to go back, Eskel. Before winter comes.”
“It’s too dangerous. The pass will be open for a few weeks more, but you are a wanted man.”
This is news.
“What do you know?” He asks quietly, accepting his journal back.
“I have no idea how you got into the prison cell, but word’s spread that the White Wolf busted you out.”
“That’s not good.”
“I’m sorry.” Eskel says, and Jaskier pats his shoulder, but he immediately pulls his hand back with a grimace. How can one see the spikes on his shoulders, and forget that they are, indeed, spikey?
“Shouldn’t have done that. Why do you keep wearing spikes?” Jaskier says. “ Also, no fault but my own, I suppose, with the jailbreaking and all that. Actually, scratch that, are all witchers allergic to just bailing someone out? Or is it just a Geralt thing?”
Jaskier tries to lighten the mood, but his stomach is sinking and his hands feel clammy. Time to write another letter or three.
“Witcher’s are all cheapskates, I’m afraid,” Eskel grins, but then sobers. “Do the others know?”
Jaskier shrugs.
“They didn’t ask. Nobody asked.”
At the same time, Geralt comes around the corner and spots them, a frown forming on his forehead. Of course.
“Right. Well, if you would keep this to yourself, I’d be immensely grateful.” Jaskier says quietly, and this time Eskel pats Jaskier’s shoulder.
“I got your back, bard,” the scarred witcher says, ironically, and now there is a lump forming in Jaskier’s throat.
Great. Fantastic. Splendid. Amazing.
Without waiting, Jaskier takes off towards his room to hide his journal again. Not to avoid Geralt. Not at all.
The letters he puts together are swiftly given to Vesemir. His eyebrows shoot up again when he spots one of the names addressed.
“Not a friend I would have expected of you, Pankratz.” Vesemir says quietly. “I hope you know what you are doing.”
Jaskier knows. It is a high risk game for everybody involved, with him in the direct line of fire.
“They will have to make do without me for a while.” Jaskier says quietly. “Or so Eskel tells me.”
“Ah, yes. Might be good to lay low for a while. You are welcome to stay the season with us, if you don’t have anywhere else to go, but we expect you to pull your weight.”
Does he have anywhere? Is he really welcome here?
The way Geralt looks at him sometimes, he is not so sure.
“Thank you. Though I might need to make a trip down to civilization soon. Some more clothes, paper and a lute. What kind of bard am I without a lute?” He asks, half joking.
“It’d be better if we sent down one of our usuals.” Vesemir says, scratching at his beard. “A man like yourself is sure to stand out anywhere in these small settlements.”
Was that a complement?
“Was that a complement?” Jaskier says, smirking, and Vesemir huffs goodnaturedly.
“I can see them looking, bard. I have eyes. And ears.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Jaskier asks, frowning, but Vesemir turns to go.
“Write me a list of what you need, and I’ll see what we can do.”
Aubry and Coën leave only a few days after Jaskier had written his list. He doesn’t really expect them to find him a lute, but something stringed to play would be nice. It’s rather likely they would find a 4 stringed lute at most, nothing like the one he smashed over that guard’s head, nor like the one he got from the Elven kind that he keeps safely in Oxenfurt.
Frankly, he’s glad that he couldn’t bring one of his nicer instruments.
The temperature changes could crack the wood, if not treated carefully, and it would be hell to keep that many strings tuned. He is pleasantly surprised when there is a knock on his door, and Geralt steps in with a leather case.
“The boys found you something,” he says by way of greeting, and Jaskier stands from his desk to accept the offered case.
He can feel the corner of his mouth tick up, and he wipes his hands on his trousers first to rid himself of stray ink before he dares touch it.
He grips it by the neck, feeling the smooth wood even through the leather of the case, and the gentle sounds of the strings as they are pinched in his grip.
“Oh, hello there,” he whispers to it, and opens it reverently.
She has six strings and a little care package, and she is terribly out of tune. The wood is old, loved, worn out, and he can see clearly where her previous player liked to put their fingers, the lacquer worn or marked to help the unpracticed one.
“What a beauty you are,” he tells her, and from the corner of his eyes, he sees Geralt leaning against the door frame, arms crossed. It almost looks like he is smiling, but Jaskier won’t turn his head to look.
There is a nervousness in him, like when you get to know a new lover. Excitement, fondness, curiosity.
He sits down on the bed, lute perched in his lap, and attempts to tune it. He fishes out the little tuning fork around his neck, raps it on his knuckles, plucks the matching string, and starts adjusting it.
Geralt makes a face; it’s probably not a nice sound to sensitive ears, but he remains.
“Did you know, it's common lutes have as many as 12 courses?” Jaskier says, turning the peg until it feels right.
“Courses?” Geralt asks.
“Strings. Oh, I might need to get this little darling some new pegs eventually, and that string looks a little worn out. We will fix you up, love.” He coos at the lute, and he hears Geralt huff.
“Doesn’t yours have 13?” Geralt asks, and Jaskier looks up, surprised.
“They do, yes.” Jaskier looks down, and his hands suddenly feel a little clammy, his cheeks warm. “The most I have ever heard of is 35, which is ridiculous. One of my old masters in Oxenfurt has one with 19, but I find those are best suited for academic music, rather than music for the masses.”
Geralt doesn’t say anything else, and when Jaskier looks up, Geralt is smiling.
“What?” He asks, but Geralt just shakes his head.
“Just haven’t talked like this in a while. It’s nice.”
That… is not what he expected him to say. Truth be told, he is still a little hurt. He still hasn't received a proper apology from that outburst from Geralt on the dragon hunt, nor any kind of thanks for just dropping everything to come with him again.
“This is going to take a while,” Jaskier says hesitantly, when Geralt doesn’t say anything else, nor move. “Technically, I should look her over first, then tune, but ah, can’t blame a man for being excited, can you?”
Jaskier looks down, puts his tuning fork back inside his shirt, where it clinks against the ring, and puts both hands on his lute.
“I don’t mind. If you don’t mind me staying.”
This is so weird.
Geralt stays, and listens to Jaskier tuning his new treasure. It takes him almost twenty minutes to see that Geralt is holding another bag, most likely one with the requested clothing.
They will have to wait a little more, as Jaskier is getting into position and putting the lute strap over his shoulder.
His right hand already stings a little, the new skin not used to the sharpness of the strings. Jaskier plays a few scales to get to know her, and to get back into it. He plays a little ditty from his past, humming the familiar nonsense words of the warm up song of his early days in the academy.
They don’t know each other yet, but it feels good to play again.
Just because he can, and because he wants to show off a little, Jaskier decides to test her limits. An old lullaby, embellished by the academics and time, harmonies and contrast ringing out in the room.
He smiles, until his index finger stings, and he hisses and puts it in his mouth.
“You alright?” Geralt asks, sitting up straighter from where he finally was sitting on the chair by Jaskier’s desk.
“‘m good,” Jaskier says around the finger in his mouth. “Just a cut. New skin’s not tough yet.”
He takes the finger out, and inspects it. His fingers are red, and the small cut is bleeding a little more than it should. Even his cuts are dramatic, he hears his teacher say, an echo from a distant past in the back of his mind.
“...New skin?” Geralt asks, face blank, and Jaskier looks up at him. The good atmosphere in the room is changing, and for some reason Jaskier feels like it is his fault. It makes him feel a bit defensive.
“Yes, you know, after the old skin blisters after a bad burn? Haven’t played in some time either, so that probably makes it worse, I suppose.” Jaskier can’t help but prod, to see if Geralt will take notice.
“You didn’t tell me about the burn,” Geralt says, his mouth a thin line.
“You didn’t ask.” Jaskier says, laying both hands flat over the strings, looking at Geralt challengingly. Good mood is all but gone now, and he feels that old bruise makes itself known again. This time he is the one poking it.
“Usually don’t have to.”
“Maybe I got tired of our one sided friendship,” Jaskier says before he can stop himself. Fuck, that is not how he meant to say that.
By the looks of it, Geralt doesn’t take it too well either.
He stands up, staring at Jaskier as if he grew a second head.
“Tired?” He says, hands clenching and unclenching against his sides.
“When was the last time you called me your friend, Geralt?” Jaskier says, starting to get agitated. “When was the last time you asked me something, anything that didn’t directly relate to Yennefer, Ciri, or you needing me to do something? When was the last time you apologized, for anything you have said to me?”
Jaskier stands up and puts the lute down on the bed, lest he does something he regrets too. All the words are pouring out of him now, why risk breaking anything but his own heart?
“Maybe I grew tired of being the only one trying.” He grabs his handkerchief to stop the blood from his finger, clenching his hand hard around it.
“Why are you here then?” Geralt spits, and it’s like a slap.
“I ask myself the same thing every day,” Jaskier shoots back, finding himself taking a step forward. “Why am I here, when clearly nobody wants me to be?”
Geralt stares at him, and Jaskier can’t really tell what that expression is.
“Are you leaving?” Geralt asks through clenched jaws.
“Can’t. Apparently there are consequences for being broken out of jail. Especially when it happens to have been by someone like the White Wolf.”
This time, Geralt visibly flinches.
“Didn’t think about that, did you?” Jaskier says. “I was so glad you found me again, I didn’t give a damn about the consequences. I pretended we could start again, maybe you would want me by your side, walking next to you for once, not just trailing behind like some forlorn fucking puppy.”
Jaskier looks at his bed, looks at the oh so loved lute, that had seen so many sets of hands, every scratch and tear a part of a journey.
“Vesemir has allowed me to stay through the winter. Unless you’ve all got something against that. Let me know, and I’ll be on my way.”
Jaskier wishes he wasn’t in his room. Wishes he could just leave. Instead, he has to stand there like an idiot and wait until either Geralt does, or opens his mouth, for once.
“I didn’t realize…” Geralt begins but trails off.
“That actions have consequences, Geralt? That words do damage too? Did you learn nothing from your entire Butcher experience?”
That is a low blow, and he knows it, but he doesn’t feel like being nice right now.
It’s remarkable that Geralt hasn’t blown up at him yet, which in itself is probably not a very high standard to hold anyone against.
“You are still bleeding,” Geralt says eventually, and Jaskier looks down to see that he’s dropped his handkerchief. The witcher bends down and picks it up, grabbing Jaskier’s hand along the way.
Jaskier is too stunned to protest, and Geralt lifts his hand enough to inspect the cut. It’s not bleeding much anymore, but from where it’s placed, it is likely open easily.
Geralt pinches the tip of Jaskier’s finger with the handkerchief, and Jaskier suddenly flashes back to another room, another time when someone held his hand.
It takes effort not to just yank his hand back, his pulse rising and his palms getting clammy again. Geralt looks at him from under his brow, concerned, but Jaskier pinches his lips shut.
“Will you tell me about it?”
“About what?” Jaskier manages when Geralt breaks the stare to reach for some linen Jaskier has been using as bandages every now and then.
“What I missed this past year. How to be your friend. Where we go from here.”
Geralt makes a tight wrap around his finger, to the best of his ability. Not the best place for a bandage, but at least Geralt has experience.
“I can’t tell you where we go from here, Geralt. If you ask, I can tell you about the months since the dragon hunt, but the rest, you will have to figure out along with me.”
Geralt holds Jaskier’s hand in his for a moment longer, neither of them looking at the other. The witcher’s hand is not much larger than his. With a gentle thumb, Geralt moves Jaskier’s fingers, allowing him to see what the firefucker did to him.
“You and Eskel seem to get along,” Geralt says carefully. “Does he know?”
The corner of Jaskier’s mouth tugs upwards in half a smile. Geralt is fishing, but Jaskier won’t say unless there is an actual question.
“Some. He found a journal of mine that I thought I had hidden.”
Geralt frowns and releases Jaskier’s hand. It drops to his side, and they both just stand there in the middle of the room, looking anywhere but at each other.
“You don’t usually hide your songs.”
“It wasn’t a song book.”
“... Can I see?”
Fuck it, why not. Whatever is happening in this room tonight will change things either way.
The new hiding place isn’t really a hiding place, just the drawer in his desk. He hands Geralt the leather bound pages, and Geralt opens and looks through it.
At first glance, it looks like his economic books. Taking stock of things bought and sold, to who and where.
Geralt glances up at Jaskier, who just nods at the book again.
Flipping a few pages, Geralt starts to make connections. When he looks up at Jaskier again, his face is carefully blank.
“You are the Sandpiper.”
“I am.” Jaskier agrees.
“You smuggled elves out of the big cities.”
“Indeed. Don’t worry, I have taken precautions for if I’m not around.”
If he should be discovered. If he were not to come back.
“Jaskier, you are putting yourself at risk.”
“And so are you, every time you take a contract. Don’t you dare tell me it’s not the same.”
“So it’s for the money?”
Jaskier sniffs, glaring at the witcher.
“No. It’s for the people who don't have anyone else to turn to. Because when they run out of elves, they will find new targets. You can’t tell me you took every contract for the coin, I have seen you accept contracts for half of your rate if they can’t afford it.”
“Is that why your fingers were blistered?” Geralt asks.
“No. That’s… something else. Something I’d rather not talk about tonight, if you don’t mind.”
Jaskier knows that if he does, he will spend the rest of the evening wondering if he gave anything away, wondering where Rience is, who else he is burning because Jaskier got away.
Geralt gives the book back, and Jaskier places it back in the drawer.
“Rest your hand, Jaskier. Heal before you play again.”
The room is strangely empty when Geralt has left.
Jaskier sits on the bed, staring at his hands for a long while, until he finally decides to look at what was in the bag of clothes that Geralt brought, and Jaskier promptly forgot about in favor of the lute.
Looking through it,it seems like Geralt might have added a shirt of his own to Jaskier’s new wardrobe.
He shoves it to the bottom of the pile.
Jaskier doesn’t make it down to dinner that night.
After that day, things slowly progress in small steps.
Everything goes to shit, however, when Voleth Meir makes herself known.
Ciri’s body moves at the possessing demon’s will, and she manages to stab three witchers badly before the alarm is raised.
Yennefer wakes him up, pulling him from a dream into a nightmare. She needs him.
Somehow they always need him.
The powers channeled through Ciri’s small body are strong, destructive.
Jaskier is hiding under a table when a large creature steps through a portal, a creature he has never seen before. It sweeps at the witchers, and Voleth Meir laughs with Ciri’s mouth.
It takes Yennefer tearing open her veins for Voleth Meir to finally let go, for Ciri to free herself from the snares her mind had been tangled in.
With a scream, Ciri, Yennefer and Geralt disappear from view through a portal.
Jaskier sees Lambert land on his back, leg bleeding badly after a swipe from one of the creatures still roaming. He pulls him to the relative safety of his table, and tears his tunic enough to wrap Lambert’s leg.
“Thank you,” Lambert grumbles as he gets his bearings, the commotion in the room making it hard to hear. Jaskier just nods, tying the makeshift bandage off.
Finally, it’s over.
And somehow, Yennefer got her powers back.
The days after are a mess. One of the stabbed witchers doesn’t make it, and Ciri has been hiding in her room, guilt ridden, making herself as small as physically possible.
Geralt tries to coax her out, but he still has too little time, too many things to sort out. With her newly regained magic, Yennefer heals who she can, focusing on major injuries until she almost exhausts herself completely.
All the while, Jaskier is left to his own devices. Again.
Not that there is anything he can actually do for them. He isn’t medically trained, nor does have magical abilities.
It leaves him wondering how he survived the whole ordeal at all, and while he feels lucky about it, there is also a morsel of guilt.
So Jaskier finds himself knocking on Ciri’s door. She is reluctant to let him in, but with some honey cake bribes, she finally relents.
This, he knows. This, he can help with.
A young girl, plagued with guilt and fear, struggling to get a hold of herself and what she did, he knows how to help her.
“Not what you did. What your body did, under someone else's control.” Jaskier reminds her between bites. “I might not have gone through what you have, but I know what it is like to feel helpless. Fear and expectations don’t mix well, especially not when a murderous witch is involved.”
They talk a lot, mostly Ciri actually, and maybe they cry a little. After they finish their stolen cakes, and Jaskier has sworn not to tell Lambert, Jaskier brings out his lute to let Ciri play.
It seems she has a basic knowledge, plucking out the chords of a famous love song.
Sadly, not one that Jaskier had written, but at least it wasn’t one of Valdo Marx’s. Which he tells her.
And then she proceeds to play one of Marx’s love songs.
When Geralt finally joins them, Jaskier is chasing a giggling Ciri, who is hugging the lute close, calling her a traitor and a terrible little child, cursing Valdo for tainting her poor, innocent ears.
The first day Ciri dares to join them for breakfast, she hides behind Geralt. Both Yennefer and Jaskier hover, ready to step in between if anyone has anything to say.
They don’t.
Lambert is the first one to approach, bandage and limp both gone, Jaskier notes. He sits opposite of Geralt and Ciri, slamming his plate down, his fork rattling down across the table.
“Hey, it happens. What is a little mind control between friends?” is all he says, then digs into his food with the worst table manners Jaskier has seen in a while.
The tension breaks when Jaskier starts berating him for it, and is met with a mouthful of food telling him exactly where he can stuff his manners.
Ciri smiles when Eskel settles next to her, bumping their arms together.
The others make a toast to the lion cub among the wolves, the one who finally found a way to shut Lambert up. Even if it was by challenging him to stuff his mouth full enough to almost choke.
The first snow falls not long after.
The last letter has been sent, the last visit to the village by the foot of the mountains has been made, and those witchers unwilling to be stuck for the season have left.
It is colder than a grave hag’s asshole, as Eskel declares one day, with Coën immediately wanting to know why he knows that piece of information.
“I am a man of science,” Eskel grins and winks, and Lambert almost spits out his mead.
Ciri and Yennefer are slowly bonding, their first lessons taking place by the giant lake below the keep.
Jaskier takes care of his lute, works on new material, and with Vesemir and Eskel’s help, looks for new routes for the Sandpiper to take.
Geralt finds him more often now, seeking out his company rather than just tolerating it.
For a moment, Jaskier had expected him and Yennefer to fall back into bed as soon as the air was cleared, but if they have, they never said.
Instead, Yennefer spends more and more time with Ciri, trying to work out ways to control her power when they realize just how strong the young girl already is.
Sometimes they all do things all together.
They go ice skating.
They lose a snowball fight, pelted until they yell for mercy.
Jaskier finally learns of the hot springs, much to his outrage.
“You mean I could have dipped into preheated water all along?!” he yells, waving his arms around dramatically, and is rewarded when Ciri snickers, and Geralt bites down a smile.
It makes something in his chest soar.
The walls from the past year are slowly being torn down.
Deliberately so, in fact.
Piece by piece, Jaskier decides to let Geralt in.
It’s not perfect. It’s painful and it’s terrifying to let himself be open to hope again, to trust that there is friendship this time.
When Geralt learns about the firefucker, he is gone for an entire day.
Jaskier has no idea where he went, and he is feeling terribly vulnerable after talking about it, hands shaking and heart racing. Yennefer finds him outside her workroom, and she pulls him inside, cursing Geralt all the way.
“Let him sulk,” she says. “If he can make a hardship his fault, he will. When he gets his head out of his ass, he’ll come back.”
Later that night, Jaskier hears Yennefer rip Geralt a new one for leaving like that, when Jaskier clearly was shaken up and shouldn’t have been left alone.
Ciri learns about the firefucker days after, and angry tears roll down her cheeks when she realizes what Jaskier went through for her, even before they met.
They sit on the bridge outside the gates, feet dangling over the edge. The air is cold enough for their breath to fog, and Ciri’s slightly damp hair to freeze.
Jaskier thumbs her tears away and presses a kiss to the top of her head.
“The whole world could be at my heels, and I would do it all again to keep you safe.”
“Sometimes, I just want the world to burn.” Ciri whispers, and Jaskier tucks her into his side.
Geralt calls him his friend now.
It’s good.
Jaskier gets to borrow a horse, and they go out riding in the snow around the keep. They argue about whose turn it is to do the laundry, and who is the worse cook. 
When the window to Jaskier’s room breaks for reasons Lambert and Ciri swear up and down they know nothing about, Geralt simply moves him into his own.
The bed is wide enough for the both of them, which makes Jaskier think of who else might have shared it before him, but he pushes that thought down.
It has no place here, nothing to stand on.
They actually interact less after sharing a room, both of them needing their own space during the day.
They learned that after a vicious fight, where Geralt found all Jaskier’s sore spots once again and pounced.
“Do you ever tire of your own voice?!” he asked nastily, and that shut Jaskier right up.
He slept in the main hall for three days, until Geralt actually apologized.
After that first apology, the rest came a little easier.
They talked about what happened on the mountain. They talked about Jaskier’s past, and Geralt confessed that sometimes, since way before the dragon hunt, he thought Jaskier was only following him for the stories, for the fame it brought him.
It was Jaskier’s turn to apologize, for not seeing that, for not respecting privacy and boundaries set. He realizes he might have been blind to Geralt’s reactions to his songs, distracted with the fame their association granted them.
“But,” Jaskier says,”Not once would I have left you, even if you never lifted your sword ever again.”
To this, Geralt admits to how he always expects to be abandoned, or to be left behind.
“The thought of you leaving, or dying, it’s terrifying. I don’t think I could piece myself together again. So I left first.”
It’s like a kick in the chest, when Jaskier realizes.
That is the first night they actually sleep close on purpose. Geralt is a nasty little blanket thief, but Jaskier makes due by simply curling in close.
Midwinter comes, and a new year grows on the horizon. Darkness grants them a perfect view of the stars above, and the snow a blanket to let the world sleep.
Jaskier still is not allowed to join them on hunting trips, but he is getting good with a bow, under Vesemir’s sharp eyes.
Another sleepless night, another early morning, at the first light of dawn, when the first rays find their way through the dirty windows of Geralt’s room, that is when Jaskier dares to press a kiss to Geralt’s forehead.
Convinced that the witcher is asleep, he leans on his elbow, tracing a wild strand of hair behind his ear. It’s a quick kiss, dry lips against warm skin, making Jaskier’s entire body ache.
This is why he feared bringing down those walls. This is why he withstood the bruises, an armor to keep his heart at bay.
He doesn’t expect Geralt to open his eyes and gaze up at him. Doesn’t expect Geralt to wrap a hand around his neck and pull him down, pressing a kiss of his own to Jaskier’s forehead.
Resting against Geralt’s chest, Jaskier draws in a shaking breath.
“Ask me, Geralt.” He whispers into the dawning day.
“Do you love me?” Geralt whispers back, arms tightening around Jaskier’s back, pulling him closer.
“I do.” His voice wavers, eyes stinging. “Where do we go from here?”
“Wherever we want to. We’ll figure it out.”
“Do you…?”
Jaskier doesn’t dare ask. Too scared of the question, even more scared of the answer.
Instead of replying, Geralt rolls them over.
Now he is the one leaning on his elbows, hovering inches from Jaskier. They are so close, he can feel every breath Geralt takes, see the pulse jump in his throat.
Instead of replying, Geralt kisses him.
A surprisingly chaste kiss, lingering and soothing and earth shattering and heart wrenching.
“I do.” Geralt whispers finally, lips brushing together. “Whatever that will do to us, I do.”
Come spring and the first visit to the village below the mountain, Vesemir finds him with ten envelopes and a small box.
The box is a set of strings and pegs and lute varnish they couldn’t get before the pass closed this winter. Most of the letters are from Pricilla, updating him on what is going on in Oxenfurt and the Sandpiper network, all well coded.
Jaskier realizes he can’t stay anymore.
The world around them is growing ever more restless and chaotic, and the only way to be prepared is to be out there.
Parting with Geralt is harder than it ever was before.
Being alone is dangerous, but being with them is even more so.
He has an organization to run. Stories to tell. Lies to spread.
During the winter, Jaskier came to realize how he can make a difference. On the road, with a lute on his back, in inns and taverns, the way he always did.
As they part, on a crossroad that finally will lead them to part, they stand next to new Roach and Pegasus, arms wrapped around each other and foreheads pressed together.
“Ask me,” Jaskier whispers.
“Won’t you tell me?” Geralt whispers back, making Jaskier huff and smile.
“I won’t make it that easy for you, witcher.” He teases, and Geralt steals a kiss, humming softly into it.
“So I’ll have to come find you then, and ask you to tell me again.” Geralt mumbles against his lips.
Jaskier will hold him to that.
Words held back until they meet again.
The road is long, and full of dangers.
Jaskier hopes it will lead him to Kaer Morhen once more.
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0dde11eth · 11 months
Winters are long, the kaer morons share their sexploits they've had that year on the path:
Geralt: I was having sex with a jaskier, and I was riding on top and he just went: "oh look at you!"
Geralt: completely ruined the mood, I got way to shy to continue
*eskel and Lambert dying of laughter in the background*
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tovarishch-dyke · 7 months
got to do the “get drunk with da boyz” side quest in Witcher 3, shame they had to cut the part where you gotta go raid the pantry for food because we have all been there.
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teatitty · 7 months
It's way funnier to me to imagine that Geralt is the one who desperately wants Dandelion to winter at Kaer Morhen with him but Dandelion keeps saying no on the simple grounds that it's too fucking cold and do you want me to die Geralt? Do you want me to get hypothermia and fucking die?
And Geralt's like "please I am begging on my knees I will cuddle you every night to keep you warm I just need to prove you actually exist"
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alons-ycreeper · 27 days
Look I don't write for this pairing I pure read fanfic of it and that's it but this one idea keeps festering in my head so here:
Post-mountain, already at Kaer Morhen but like no Deathless Mother shenanigans. Geralt gets shit faced with his brothers as per the winter usual only this time with the added bonus of all his angst physically following him home. Especially the Jaskier-angst. The bard hasn't spoken much to Geralt instead spending all his time with Yennefer in the lab, continuing Ciri's noble education, or helping Vesemir finally organize the library. Basically Jaskier makes zero time for Geralt except for meal times which always have the bard either sitting with Yenn, Ciri, or Vesemir but never near Geralt.
So when Geralt goes to drink with Lambert, Eskel (both game-canon) and Coën he finds out that Jaskier has been slowly approaching his brothers little by little trying to befriend them. It drives the angst and jealousy through the roof and it's not even midnight before Geralt is flat on his ass murmuring "Toss A Coin" in the softest, saddest tone ever particularly on the "your witcher" part. The boys tell their brother to get some rest and the big sad wolf trudges up the step until he stops in front of Jaskier's room. He can hear the bard sleeping, he just wants to check on him so Geralt opens the door and lets himself in.
The bard is a pretty as ever. Quarter-elf blood goes a long way to keep it like that. Then Geralt notices the quill on the desk still dripping with ink. Jaskier is dead asleep.
Quill. Jaskier. Quill. Jaskier. Geralt has an idea.
Jumping out of bed the next morning, Jaskier rushes down to get whatever breakfast is left over. He doesn't notice the others gawking at first too busy feeding himself and telling Ciri that the lessons with him will be combined with Yennefer's today as they'll be discussing court mages. It isn't until he's done that he notices them. Eskel, Lambert and Coën have this horrified-amused look, Vesemir looks very tired, Ciri is blushing so hard her face is as red as tomato and Yenn is glaring daggers at Geralt who seems to be very pleased with himself.
"Something on my face?" Jaskier asks.
"Go look in a mirror, bard." Yenn says not turning away from Geralt who she keeps murdering with her eyes.
So he does. Jaskier goes to the closest mirror and gasps at what he finds.
There written on his left cheek "Property of Geralt of Rivia". Kaer Morhen is about to be down a witcher.
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Prompt 71
The other witchers at Kaer Morhen have always grown tired of Geralt's random moodswings and bouts of gloom and grumpiness during the winter. He'd be happy and carefree, safe in his home, and then some dark thought would crest in his mind, and for a few days straight, he'd be in a horrible mood. When one year he brings his bard with him, they realize the moodswings have disappeared completely. That is, until Jaskier starts trying to "bond" with them all and spends less time with Geralt. Then all of a sudden the snarls and snaps from Geralt are back. One day, Lambert gets tired of Geralt's sass, and shoves Jaskier at him, and they're all amazed when Geralt loses his bad mood and instead chooses to carry his bard off to cuddle in front of the fireplace. Nuzzling him and purring the whole time. Thus commences a new rule of Kaer Morhen. If you spot Geralt being pissy, you chuck the bard at him. Jaskier has been taken away from a meal, a game of gwent, his chores, his bed while asleep, and one especially embarrassing time he was taken from a bath. Jaskier is quite alright with the new rule, as it always ends in deligthtful Geralt cuddles, but sometimes he wishes Geralt would just find Jaskier instead of moping when he misses him.
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thedemonofcat · 17 days
Dragons, including half-dragons like Jaskier, enter a state of hibernation when the temperature drops low enough.
During Jaskier's first winter at Kaer Morhen, he hadn't realized that he’d never been in a place cold enough to trigger hibernation. But the frigid mountain air and the cozy furs Geralt had given him made Jaskier suddenly feel overwhelmingly drowsy.
Meanwhile, Geralt and the rest of Kaer Morhen are panicking because they can't get Jaskier to wake up.
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sandinthepipes · 5 months
The Witcher prompt
Nilfgaard can't find Jaskier, but what they did find is his birth name and his family. They burned lettenhove to the ground, conquered oxenfurt, destroying any safe place the bard might have left.
Everywhere he turns, Jaskier is met with somebody who's looking for him. Exhausted and defeated he goes to the only place where he can recuperate a few nights of sleep before he's unwelcomed in yet another place.
One night, right before the winter begins to brake, a cold and bloodied Jaskier knocks at the doors of kaer morhen.
"I had nowhere else to go"
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witcheringways · 2 years
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Winter Arrives at Kaer Morhen
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dapandapod · 9 months
Stuff of dreams
Hello cuties! So I dreamed I was reading a snippit of @damatris fantastic work, and woke up and realized the only way to read it was to write it, so here ya go! Selfindulgent fluff at its finest! On Ao3 here!
The fire cracked merrily, built tall to fight the winter. It was colder than Geralt ever remember it being, and he was tired of trying to live up to standards of dead witchers.
Jaskier stands by the bed, tunic loose over his shoulders, legs bare save for a pair of cut off sleeping trousers and thick socks.
He climbs into the bed and under the many furs, and Geralt watches him make himself comfortable before following after.
As they had gone to their room, they had seen Lambert and Aiden push each other against every available surface, kissing as their life depended on it. It left something behind in the air, something like a promise.
Geralt never wears a shirt when they sleep, at least not here in Kaer Morhen. It leaves his chest on display, hair draped loosely over his shoulders. The bed dips when he sits, and then evens out when he lies down.
The room is still somewhat bright because of the fireplace, and it is comfortably warm in their shared room.
They watch each other in silence, Jaskier sees his own small smile mirrored on Geralt’s lips.
He suddenly realizes, were the circumstances different, Geralt might have kissed him.
In his mind, he sees how Aiden pushed Lambert down on a table, leaning over to completely ravage him. It makes his heart beat faster, and he slowly wets his suddenly very dry lips.
Geralt watches the movement, and with a rustle he leans closer, propping himself up on an elbow. His eyes are warm as he looks down on him, their bodies close but still without touching.
That is, until Geralt slowly leans down over him, his nose tracing along Jaskier’s cheekbone, and up to his temple.
There is no brush or press of lips, just the slightly cool tip of his nose against Jaskier’s now burning skin, and he clenches his fingers under the blanket not to reach out.
Jaskier holds still, eyes lowered and focused on keeping his hands to himself. The silence is so loud, his heart beat thuds in his ears. Geralt's other arm comes up to brace on the other side of Jaskier, effectively boxing him in, and Jaskier is weak.
"Jaskier," Geralt says, so softly Jaskier just has to tilt his chin up, get closer.
"Geralt," he replies, goosebumps breaking on his skin when Geralt's lips touch the shell of his ear.
The witcher leans more properly over him, pulling back just enough to meet his eyes.
Molten gold, warm honey, autumn sun, however you want to describe it, Geralt's gaze travels over Jaskier's face, lingering on his parted lips.
When their eyes meet again, Geralt reads the permission on him, and slowly leans down. Jaskier's hand come up to meet him, cradling Geralt's neck, warm under his hair, firm with muscle and restraint.
The kiss was a long time coming, he thinks, and ever so gentle. Geralt kisses him, and kisses him again, sinking into it until their chests press together, the hand he was bracing himself on dipping under the blankets and finding Jaskier's waist.
The contact travels through Jaskier's body, arching into the touch to be closer, reaching for what he has denied his heart for so long. Geralt pulls back enough to watch him again, then brushes their lips together before pressing a light kiss to the corner of Jaskier's mouth, then his cheek.
Their shape changes into an embrace, their arms around each other, Jaskier's head braced on Geralt's shoulder, the witcher's lips on the top of his head.
"Stay with me?" Jaskier asks, heart ever growing until it strains against his ribs, so full of emotion that his vocie trembles with it.
"Yes," Geralt confirms, tucking Jaskier closer, tangling their legs. "Yes."
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0dde11eth · 1 year
Jaskier gets tackled by all the kaer morons and ends up at the bottom of a puppy pile
"Oh no! Im trapped! There's only one thing to do! Tummy kiss my way out!"
*He then proceeds to blow raspberries on each of their tummies making them giggle like school girls*
(Papa vesemir smiling in the back ground like *I taught him that trick*)
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artistsfuneral · 7 months
What if Lambert were the older sibling?
The one wolf who hates being a witcher so much it takes him years to return to Kaer Morhen and many more to overcome his bitterness.
The one wolf who's incredibly brilliant when it comes to alchemy but avoided by all his brethren due to his awful temper and unlikable personality.
The one wolf who is so incredibly protective over their younglings that few others dare to argue with him.
Always ready to fight for the kids, snarling and snapping at those way stronger and crueler than them. It takes four grown witchers to hold him down when he learns that a group of boys will undergo the Grasses a second time. The grandmaster of the wolves wears a scar on his face from the time they discovered four witchers weren't enough.
Lambert is forcefully removed from Kaer Morhen. The children are watching when they drive Lambert off. Small boys, barely old enough to hold a knife, bare their teeth. For years to come they remember. The younglings turn vicious.
One after the other, grown and trialed wolves leave the keep behind, not willing to return home until they've seen him again.
One after the other, witchers return home for winter with their fangs sharpened and a feral smile on their face.
Kaer Morhen falls.
Lambert returns to the keep with his head held high. In the end he's victorious, in a way.
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
So if it nears winter time before they find Jaskier, would Geralt take Milek to Kaer Morhen? Or does this timeline take dubious place after TW3 game, and ah, events have occurred?
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[MASTERPOST] - (context for when Jaskier and Vesemir met) Milek already was at Kaer Morhen at one point! But. Ahhh. Events have occurred 😬
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