#just wanted to do something for Sora's birthday
oksurethisismyname · 3 months
Cinderella Sanji makes so much sense
CinderSanjis mother dies and his father marries a horrible clown (Cesar) and his siblings are horrible to him. His father lets his siblings be mean to him and forces him to work as a servant in his home, leading to him meeting his fairy god father Zeff.
On the other side of the kingdom we have King Mihawk and King Shanks, with their sons Zoro and Luffy. They throw a birthday ball / celebration and Mihawk (being a nosy drama loving bitch) invites “all eligible nobles” to the party just to see his son squirm at the idea of dating.
Blah blah blah Cindersanji is told he can’t go because he’s more servant than actual nobility, Zeff gets the kitchen staff to work together to get Sanji spruced up and on his way to the ball.
Sanji gets to the party and goes to the balcony to avoid his family, but sees some asshole set his plate down with food left on it. He walks over and says typical sanji stuff (“hey fuckface, some people don’t have enough to eat in this god forsaken kingdom, you better eat the rest of that before I shove it down your throat”) and zoro is immediately smitten. Absolutely in love. He obviously fights back, their bickering is fun but suddenly this mysterious blond leaves without an explanation.
Second night of the celebration, Zoro is actively scanning the crowd for his mysterious mouthy blond. He spots him talking with some pink haired girl with the same stupid eyebrows and notices her pushing him to leave. He follows sanji to the gardens where Sanji is hiding from his siblings (thanks to reijus warning). They end up talking about all sorts of things, but it becomes pretty apparent that this blond guy doesn’t realize he’s been flirting/fighting with a prince. once again Sanji runs off without a goodbye.
On the last night, Zoro begs for his name and Sanji gives him the name Sora. They keep flirt bickering and Zoro is about to mention the whole “you do know I’m the prince right?” , but now it’s midnight. when sanji’s fleeing zoro catches his hand and accidentally pulls his glove off, with Sanji getting away but having to leave his glove (it’s leather and he has really long fingers, so don’t come at me saying gloves fit multiple people)
Blah blah zoro and Luffy go searching for the guy from the ball, see sanjis shitty siblings and they are (unlike traditional Cinderella prince) not that fucking dumb and recognize their faces as the face of the guy from the ball. He’s invited to have tea, with judge trying to get Zoro or Luffy to notice Reiju or maybe Ichiji.
Judge calls for Sanji to serve tea and BOOM, eye contact, sparks fly, because Sanji immediately is yelling “what the fuck you followed me to my home???” And zoros yelling “you’re so stupid, of course I came looking for you! I want to marry you, asshole!” Record scratch, silence, all hell breaks loose with yelling from pretty much everyone BUT Reiju and Luffy. Sanji, finally noticing Zoros outfit and the coat of arms on his clothes, realizes WHO he’s been talking to, is gonna leave because holy shit nope he is clearly hallucinating.
Luffy and Reiju tag team getting everything calmed down, stopping Sanji from running and keeping Zoro from stabbing one of the Vinsmoke boys. Something something Zoro confesses that he’s never felt so challenged and wants to get to know Sanji better, Sanji gets to leave his shitty home life and after a year of courtship they get married
Someone who is more talented take all this mumbled gunk and turn it into the fanfic I’m envisioning!!!!
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kaziwi · 1 year
Don't Mention It
Character(s): Law
WC: 1,153
Summary: You and the crew celebrate Law's birthday...but not in the way he'd expect
Note: happy birthday law <3
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Law slowly opened his eyes, waking up from a good nights rest. It was rare for the captain of the Heart Pirates to get his full 8 hours, but after Bepo had asked to cuddle he couldn't say no. The soft fur and warmth radiating from Bepo lulled him to sleep, and now he lied awake, way behind his schedule.
He knew what today was. His birthday. Law just never liked the idea of birthdays...and the memories that came with them. Each year he begged the crew not to mention it, and treat it as a normal day, but they always failed to do so. He hoped this year would be different.
Law quickly changed out of his pajamas and made himself look presentable. He could already hear the teasing from Shachi and Penguin for waking up late. As he left his quarters, he noticed the Polar Tang to be surprisingly quiet. He made his way to the kitchen and was shocked to see a whole buffet of food laid across the table. And the best part...there was no bread.
"Mornin Cap! Never thought I'd see the day when you slept in," Ikkaku teased as she washed the dishes. He didn't even notice her here.
"This is more breakfast than we usually eat...is it for...special occasion?" Law obviously knew this was for his birthday, but for some reason he wanted to hear someone else say it.
"Hmm, I don't think so...unless I'm forgetting something."
Oh...that was kinda weird...Ikkaku didn't mention it was his birththday. No matter, someone else was bound to eventually.
Law sat down and began to take some of the food that was spread across the table. In all honesty it was probably the best breakfast he'd ever eaten. He handed his plate to Ikkaku and began to make his rounds.
He had expected to see Shachi and Penguin goofing off, or having to fix something that Bepo messed up, but everything was perfect. The ship was at top maintenance and all of the chores were completed. When he had gone back to question Ikkaku about where everyone was, she said they had all gone out to the island they docked at to explore.
It's not like Law didn't enjoy the quiet, he basically begged for it everyday, but it just felt strange. He decided to use this opportunity to go to his room and read a new medical textbook he got. Hopefully that would help to pass the time.
Knock Knock
"Captainnnnnn open upppppp!!!"
Law didn't even know how much time had passes, but it seemed Shachi and Penguin were back from exploring the island. Law reluctantly let them in, knowing that they were going to make a big deal about it being his birthday now.
"Cap you will never believe what we found," Shachi started.
"Close your eyes and hold out your hands okay, trust us," Penguin said excitingly.
Law let out a long sigh and indulged their request. Something was put in his hands. It wasn't too heavy...but it wasn't light either. He opened his eyes, and his jaw almost dropped. It was the limited edition Sora Warrior of the Sea art book. He could see how Shachi and Penguin's faces beamed at his reaction.
"I knew you'd like it Cap! We saw it while exploring today and knew we had to get it for you!" Penguin said while Shachi nodded in agreement.
"Wow this is...," Law started, "Amazing, thank you both.."
Caught up in the excitement of his new gift, Law almost forgot that this had to be a birthday gift, there was no way it wasn't.
"So, what prompted you to get this gift," Law questioned, "Was it because it's a special day today?"
"Is it? We just saw it and thought you'd like it," Penguin said, looking at Shachi.
"Yeah, I mean we can return it if you'd like," Shachi chimed in.
"No! No you don't have to. I really like it, thank you again," Law said with a hint of disappointment. Was it really a coincidence that they bought him this gift, or were they lying about not knowing it was his birthday. He ushered them out of his room and sat back his desk. There was no way the whole crew forgot it was his birthday....right?
Throughout the rest of the day, each one of the Heart Pirates made their way to Law's room and gave him a gift. Even Bepo came in with a bouquet of flowers (they were actually weeds) that he has picked just for Law.
Law was very appreciative of all the gifts, but was a little sad no one had said happy birthday yet. He knew each year he begged them not to, but now that they hadn't acknowledged it at all....he almost missed the attention.
It wasn't till later that night, after they had eaten his favorite dinner, made only entirely by "coincidence", that he got his first happy birthday.
Knock Knock
"Come in Y/N-ya," Law said, eyes not looking up from his book. He could already tell it was you, since you were the only one not to visit today.
You walked in, holding something behind your back.
"Happy birthday Captain," you said with a big smile. Law looked up, a little shocked by your words, and stared into your eyes.
"You..said it.."
"I mean, I'm sure you realized that all of the gifts, the ship being in tip top shape, and the food wasn't all a coincidence. Everyone wanted to make your day easier and fun! We just didn't want to mention it was your birthday since you always tell us not to....but I'm sure by now you figured it out."
Law really hadn't thought that all of these acts were for his birthday. He had a small suspicion, but without anyone confirming it he didn't want to get his hopes up.
"I know my gift isn't as big as everyone else's," you smiled sheepishly, "But I still hope that you'll like it!"
You handed a small box to Law as he took it with caution. He opened it up and gasped at it's contents.
Inside was about 40 collectors coins, all ones he didn't have in his collection.
"Y/N-ya...how...I mean.."
"I started finding them a few islands ago and decided to get as many as I could for your birthday! Everyone else also pitched in a little and gave one to me if they found one!"
He dumped the coins on his desk. Each one with a new island's name on it. Sabaody....Water 7....Alabasta...and even some places he hadn't even heard of.
"Thank you," Law said, a soft grin appearing on his face, "Tell everyone else I said thank you too."
"Of course Captain," you said as you left the room, eager to tell everyone that operation "Celebrate Law's birthday and also respect his wishes by not mentioning it" was a success.
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zombiedumbie · 1 year
happy birthday law!! this fucking nerd lives so freely in my head that sometimes I consider him to be real. i am so normal about him. and i'm not crying, stop!!!
pure fluff! with some emotional lines, gender neutral reader
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"Hey, Law?" You called him in the darkness of the kitchen, the poor man had just wanted to get some water and ended up bumping into you in the kitchen.
Before he could even wonder what the hell you were doing in the dark kitchen in the middle of the night, you continued, "Happy birthday."
Birthdays were still strange for Law.
The concept of people around you simply turning to celebrate that you were alive on one day of the year, if you were happy someone was alive, that celebration should be done every day of the year, not just one.
However, he still held the memories of his past birthdays.
The first one he remembered was a surprise birthday his parents had thrown for him. He didn't remember much, but he remembered finding it strange that neither his father nor mother were there to explain some facts about the human body as they always did; they spent the whole day very busy. His friends also seemed a bit strange, as if they were playing something Law wasn't invited to.
But he distinctly remembered coming home later that afternoon and being startled by everyone shouting "surprise!" and starting to sing "happy birthday." He also remembered that at the end of the party, everyone had yellow icing on their faces, even little Lami, who couldn't barely even walk on her own.
The few birthdays he celebrated with the Donquixote Family were actually quite fun. Despite his insistence that he didn't want to celebrate, there was always a big cake in the center of the table with some candles that never matched his age, but you could tell they were at least trying.
Baby 5 and Buffalo always tried to shove his face in the cake, but he always managed to dodge and put their faces in it instead. Somehow, even after the candle was blown out, Corazón still managed to set himself on fire.
Luckily, Law still managed to celebrate one more birthday with Cora-san. During their travels from hospital to hospital, the day Cora had marked on his little calendar finally came, although he had been keeping the date in his head for the past month. The man asked Law to continue without him to the same place where they were sheltered, saying he would arrive soon.
"Hey, Law?" Rosinante called the boy when he finally caught up to him, turning to find the man holding a piece of cake. "Happy birthday!" Cora held a broad smile on his lips.
Little Law thought he would never forget that scene.
The other birthdays were a bit more difficult, just mentioning them made Law shrink and try to change the subject, but eventually, small bargains were made, and the aspiring doctor finally decided he wanted to celebrate his birthday. This was in his last year living with Wolf, it wasn't planned, but he was glad to be able to celebrate his last birthday with the old man.
They celebrated at a small restaurant in Pleasure Town so that the people who lived in the town could also be present. For the first time since Flevance, Law received some gifts: a lab coat with his name embroidered on it, a stethoscope, and some last chapters of "Sora, the Warrior of the Sea", which he couldn't read.
Birthdays in the first years aboard the Polar Tang were more limited, but they were still fun, even if Law didn't always want to celebrate. It was funny to see them try to put together a surprise, but Bepo always ruined it.
It was also funny to see the looks on everyone's faces when Law ordered them to clean up the dining room after the mess they made with the confetti.
However, this year the surprise was in your hands. Luckily, Law was already leaving the office before you could send someone to fetch him; Uni had alerted you through a mini Den Den Mushi, you had left him to watch if Law would leave the room before you prepared everything.
You called him before he could enter the kitchen, making him startle a bit. You approached him before he turned on the lights, with your hands behind your back and the gentlest smile you could muster. "Happy birthday," and the lights were turned on, everyone shouted "surprise" and started singing "happy birthday."
Law stood frozen in place as they sang, his lips parted and his eyes wide. The way you wished him a happy birthday and the way they managed, for the first time, to pull off a successful surprise birthday party, it all reminded him of the past. Shachi and Penguin tried to shove his face in the cake, but a "Room, Shambles!" was enough to leave the cake untouched on the table and Shachi in his place while Penguin burst one of the balloons in his friend's face.
Even in the middle of the night, everyone was there, celebrating the life of their captain, even after spending the entire year showing their gratitude for his presence. Bepo gifted him with a big bear hug, rubbing his cheek against Law's face and wishing him a happy birthday in the way his own people had taught him.
"Captain! Who's the first piece of cake for?" Ikkaku asked. Everyone had their own speculations. Some bet it was for you, others said it was for Bepo, and there were even bolder ones who claimed he would give the piece to themselves.
Law thought for a moment; he wanted to dedicate his piece of cake to a special person, the one who helped him become who he was today. The idea tugged at his heart a little.
"I... Um..." He looked at the piece in his hand and then at the crew in front of him, all smiling, eager for his answer. Law placed the piece further down on the table, in front of everyone. "For all of you..." He murmured, looking away, trying to hide his reddening cheeks.
"CAAAPTAAAAIN!!" There was an emotional chorus, and everyone tried to approach to hug him, but he pleaded desperately for them not to do it.
Law received an expensive (and stolen) stethoscope, as his old one was too worn. He also got some early chapters of "Sora, the Warrior of the Sea" a bit used and with yellowed pages, but from an old collector's edition. He wondered if he would ever receive a lab coat.
Nostalgically, he also wondered if Cora-san would be there to set himself on fire even after the candles were blown out.
Law hugged you tightly some time later and rested his forehead on your shoulder; you simply accepted the embrace, moving your hand to the back of his neck. It was only when he whispered a "thank you" against your skin that you realized he was crying.
He was a discreet man. You just let him cry on your shoulder without saying anything, running your hands over his waist, letting him cry as much as he wanted. You knew his tears weren't of sadness, especially after what he had confessed to you a few days ago.
"I think I'm finally doing what Cora-san wanted me to do", he commented, lifting his eyes from the stack of papers and books on his desk to look at you. "He wanted me to live..." You smiled patiently, reaching him with slow steps.
You took off his hat, running your hand through his hair, pushing the strands that fell on his face back. "Cora-san certainly loved you", you said. "Besides living, I believe he would want you to be happy", Law hugged your waist, pressing his face into your belly. "Are you doing what he wanted?"
He fell silent, thinking of an answer. Now, once again, embraced by you as he hid his face in your neck, Law finally found his answer.
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there is a culture here in brazil where you give the first piece of your cake to someone special, only when I discovered that this only happens here, I realized how cute it is.
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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Love is too Heavy for Obsessive Idol Sex (Manga)
Created by: Yomichi Ten
Genre: Smut
And some more smut stuff to translate and run with. This one has a lot of stuff going on with it, from idols, to marriage papers, to age gaps to teachers and students, this creator really tried to put literally everything they liked in there. Props to that. The yandere in this one is fairly light but persistent. Like a puppy dog if you, will. Currently there is only one chapter, but I'll update it as it goes along.
The story starts out with Aya hanging out at home, drinking beer and watching her TV for the popular idol group, Arise. Aya actually knows one of the idol group members, Sora, a child that she took care of when she was young named Kanaya. While she happily reminisces about how he wanted to marry her when he was a child, Sora suddenly announces that he's retiring from Arise to get married, something that shocks everyone. As Aya scrambles around trying to figure out what is going on, she hears someone at her door, and who other than Kanaya is there, asking her to sign a marriage paper. Aya mistakenly believes that she's the witness to the marriage until Kanaya corrects her, showing her that his promise to her when he was younger was actually real, and that he wanted to marry her. She panics, trying to make up excuses to get the two married until she basically states that it's better to go about it slowly. She tries to kick Kanaya afterwards, but Kanaya is extremely sad, stating that he always wanted to be Aya's first, but since she probably has had her first from previous boyfriends, he kept his kisses and general first time with her. After this, it starts out with a kiss before leading to sex. The next day, Aya feels guilty as everyone talks about the news of Sora retiring from Arise and everyone finds out that Kanaya is a new student there.
So like I said, there is a lot of stuff going on in this story right now and it's only the first chapter. Overall though, I do think that Kanaya is very cute, he's very innocent in a way, pretty much straight after his 18th birthday he comes to try to marry Aya because he's been wanting to do so as a child, and he didn't want to wait any longer because he saw Aya with her ex boyfriends. I guess it also flew over his head that people usually tend to date before they get married considering it wasn't even something that he thought about before Aya had to mention it in panic. He also basically refused to kiss anyone because he wanted his first to be with Aya, and it it surprising that despite the fact that Aya isn't likely a virgin anymore, he didn't get like standardly yandere mad at that, which you know is nice, in a way. Like I said, though, very puppy dog like in a innocent type of way. Aya is just a supportive person who is kind of just not understanding what the hell is going on, which fair when the kid you were taking care of when he was a child comes in an immediately demands to marry you on his 18th birthday is probably also something that takes a bit of time to process.
I'm not really sure how this story is going to go, I think it'll probably try to juggle the entire teacher student relationship and also the idol relationship- and probably drop the marriage part of it for a while at least until Aya feels more ready to do it. I'm not even sure if Aya considers the two of them dating since she never seemed to agree to most of things that Kanaya was saying, even to the point of when he was like hey, we're boyfriend and girlfriend now! With smut maybe they'll just bypass that entire thing, but who really knows.
Hopefully you enjoy this one, the cleaning on some of the earlier pages was a bit of a pain because Aya also does a lot of internal thinking (I mean, panicking) before the actual sex scenes happen.
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putschki1969 · 3 months
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「Hikaru B-day LIVE 2024 -love Begets love-」
Today is Hikaru's birthday! YAY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!🥳🥳🥳 I feel horrible for not having prepared anything. Usually I post at least a little edit or something on Twitter but today has been pretty crazy at work so I haven't really found the time to do anything T_T. Anyway, we got more than enough amazing photos from Hikaru's birthday live. Seems like it was a huge success. Lots of people were there to support Hikaru (most notably Joelle, ASUKA/Aira Yuuki and Hikaru's former composer Hideyuki Gushimiyagi). And of course, Keiko appeared as special guest during the live.
Tweet 1 & 2 by Hikaru | Instagram post by Hikaru | Tweet by Keiko | Tweet by Aira Yuuki | Tweet by Joelle | Tweet by Yuki Sasaki | Tweet by @yasukawaactyuka | Instagram post by Keiko | Instagram 2 post by Hikaru
Title: 『Hikaru B-day LIVE 2024 -love Begets love-』 Date: July 2, 2024 Venue: duo MUSIC EXCHANGE Time: open 18:00 / start 19:00 🔥 【Band】 HaKA / hoto-D / TACOS NAOMI 【Guest】 KEIKO
Setlist (Source) 1.咲 -SHOW 2.Existence MC 3.Amanhecer 4.Flow MC 5.Awe 6.Remain 7.Survivor MC 8.エンドロール | Endroll (with Keiko) MC 9.Altern-ate- (with Keiko) MC 10.Lack (NEW SONG) 11.clea-rly- 12.螺旋の繭 | Rasen no Mayu 13.Escape MC 14.奇跡 | Kiseki Encore 15.輝く空の静寂には | Kagayaku Sora No Shijima Ni Wa (with Keiko) MC 16.Breathe 17.紡-TSUMUGU-
Ahhh! What a great setlist! Really wish I had been there for this!! Hearing them sing KSnSnw would have killed me for sure. That Hikaru cardboard cutout looks amazing! I want one for myself!! So cute how Keiko is hugging it🥹
Update: Finally had some time to go through everyone's comments and reactions on Twitter. A major highlight seems to have been Keiko mentioning Wakana after singing KSnSnw. While Hikaru tried to avoid saying Wakana's name (as she usually does), Keiko had no such qualms and casually name-dropped "Wa-chan". They talked about singing Kalafina songs and whether or not it's a cover when two members are performing. On one hand, it's not a cover because they literally ARE members of Kalafina but on the other hand, they often tend to call it a cover because it's not the real thing either. After all, the arrangement has had to be changed accordingly to make up for a missing member. Basically no one can or wants to replace Wakana (and her special voice) in Kalafina so if she's not there with them singing, it's just not the same.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Sanji never celebrated his birthday when he was a kid, quite obviously. At least not in a regular way and not with his siblings. But he did visit his mom at the hospital, tried to make the best of cakes (because she always asked him to) and blew out the candles right in front of her wishing and wishing and wishing for her to get better. For them to have a happy ending. Sora always said that if he wished hard enough, it would come true.
It didn't. But Sanji knew, even at a young age, deep inside, that it wouldn't.
So he starts living with Zeff and his birthday is not something he sees worth celebrating. But the man asks him about it one day and the date March 2th is written all over his face when he tries to find an excuse to not tell him. And it's alright, he guesses, because at the end of the day Zeff isn't that big on birthdays either.
The kid has it rough on that day when it first comes, and Zeff doesn't know what to do. What to gift him. He doesn't know how kids his age behave and what they like. Especially since Sanji is not a regular kid. So for his 10th birthday, Zeff tells him he's going to teach him how to bake a proper cake. That makes Sanji extremely happy, somehow. He is not a normal kid, but he sure is a cook. So there isn't a party or eccentric gifts, but there is cake.
Zeff starts giving him proper gifts when he turns fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Ties and suits and shoes and every pretty thing his son has mentioned he liked ever since he saw a very rich businessman walking into the Baratie dressing like that with a woman hugging his side. "It's gentleman's attire! You wouldn't get it!" and look, if the kid wants his snob suits, Zeff won't complain. They have more than enough money for shit like that.
They have a real birthday party when he turns eighteen. And he's all grown and pissed about how he could've made the cake better in his own and acting like an ungrateful brat. But he smiles. Widely and brightly and Zeff couldn't love him more.
So it's not like Sanji hates his birthday... But he doesn't tell the crew about it. He gets sad and weird and in an on and off mode. He doesn't want them to make a big deal out of it and he knows they probably will. He won't stop thinking about his mom, either. So he avoids the crew a little bit too much on that day.
And Usopp notices he's acting weird, because how could he not? Sanji has been oddly quiet and polite to everyone in a gloomy, nostalgic way. Everybody is worried and Luffy tries to cheer him up, but it only ends up bothering Sanji more, from Usopp's perspective. The sniper tries not to be clingy because he knows his boyfriend and he knows that if he's in one of his sad moods, affection will only make him sadder. So he stays next to him, but not too close. Enough to see Sanji smile now and then.
The day goes on and it's time to go to bed, but Usopp notices Sanji is still in the kitchen and decides to change his night shift with Franky because he really, really needs to stay awake to look after him. He refuses to invade his privacy and space, so he just stays close to the kitchen in case he gets out.
But curiosity killed the cat, and he's also extremely concerned. So he decides to look inside.
He sees Sanji, sitting down at the dining table with a tiny, little cupcake and a candle. He's holding a picture Usopp knows well because Sanji keeps it in a tiny treasure chest inside his locker. His mom. And he smiles apologetically. "Sorry it couldn't be a real cake, mom. I wasn't that much in the mood? But hey! I- I improved, didn't I?" Usopp can't see his face that clearly, but he knows, from the tone of his voice, that he's probably about to cry. "I wish- I wish you were here. I'm twenty-two now! You said you liked that number, right? It does look like a duck, after all."
He keeps talking, but Usopp closes the door gently without Sanji noticing. Shit.
It might not be the best idea, but Usopp decides to leave him a little thing under the door. A note wishing him a happy birthday and some flowers. The note also has a drawing of two ducks in it.
The next day, the first thing Sanji tells him when he wakes up (Usopp noticing the flowers placed on a glass vase and the edge of his note sticking out of that same treasure chest from before) is: "Hey, love, would you- Would you like to try and bake a cake with me? It'd be fun."
And Usopp couldn't smile wider even if he tried.
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goldenchocobo · 11 months
Kingdom Hearts Tamagotchi Adventures
So, I got the Kingdom Hearts Tamagotchi for my birthday this year. and it was only in September that I decided to activate it (I was hesitant because I know Tamagotchi can be needy and can't be turned off). So here's my so-far roughly one month journey!
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Here he is- Base Sora on day 1. I took care of him, played games, and generally fiddled about with what I could do. This was my first ever Tamagotchi, so it was a new experience to me. You fight Shadow Heartless, Dusk Nobodies and Flood Unversed occasionally with the tap of the 'A' button. They didn't happen super frequently so I was fine fending them off.
Unfortunately things didn't go well. I became ill with stomach flu the night after. The manual says it takes roughly 49 hours for Sora to change/evolve. and well...
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When I was able to move again... I woke up to... uh... Heartless Sora. Everything remained the same, except the food and treat (Paopu and Icecream) turned into Heart and !. Heart being that you well- fed him hearts, and ! meaning he attacked you (I think... he vanished then appeared closer and waved his arms about). I felt really bad that my first Tamagotchi basically 'died' because of things I couldn't control. But I enjoyed my time with Heartless Sora; and after a few days, Kairi found him and saved him! Very cute 2 bit scene. Back to Normal Sora. I found an issue. You see... I'm more nocturnal; and this Tamagotchi... wasn't. He woke up at 9AM and slept at 10PM; meaning he didn't get the right care from me.. but I figured I could change the time to suit me- and did. Now he wakes up at 12PM and sleeps at 2AM- same as me. Next evo was a surprise! Sora introduced me to (and trusted me to care?) Riku!
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This was when I found out each character/evo has different sleeping schedules. Riku would sleep late and wake late (I'm thankful it wasn't early due to the whole Dawn motif because I didn't want to change the clock too much again). They also have their own unique cutscenes, with Riku primarily featuring Mickey. Not much happened, and I showed Riku to Riku(My Riku... the cockatiel- named after... Riku). But He left and Sora returned. At this point I wanted to aim for Roxas- or Ventus (I'm sad there's no Vanitas). So I miiight have looked up a quick wiki to see how to get the characters. "Wow that's cheating" you might say.. and yeah- probably... the issue is that I didn't get Roxas.
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Instead, Sora 'grew up' into KHII Sora. I was interested to see what kind of outfit or character I could get to show up, so I continued with normal care.
On the 28th of September... Sora.. ever the festive fellow...
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Donned his Santa outfit.
I found it kinda funny, but kept him up with Normal care. I was starting to forget him (I got a little drawer handle I put him on during the evening on my right hand ride next to my monitor, and during the day he's on the couch arm- I don't take him out because I'm scared I'll lose the Tamagotchi somewhere). So He was getting upset/hungry; but if he beeped I knew he needed something. He Unlocked/locked the Keyhole to Halloween/Christmas Town, then flew off in the Gummiship, returning as Normal Sora. After 49 hours, he once again reintroduced me to Riku. having forbidden knowledge, I knew I could turn Riku into Dark Riku. and tried.
I. Felt. Awful.
I know they're just 2bit pixelart on the screen... but Riku has a special place in my heart (I named my grumpy, gay cockatiel after him!) so me... just basically neglecting Riku? it hurt :(
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After this. He did not turn into Dark Riku. He left. just straight-up.
Sora flew back in on the Gummiship and my quest to get Roxas/Ventus continued.
But I was surprised when I came back after an outing to find... Sora turned into a fish
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Wiki says he's from 'Bad care', but I don't remember giving him subpar treatment, and catering to what he wanted- so I'm baffled. He did come with an Aerial/Sebastian scene, though- so that was cute. He didn't stay for long and locked Atlantica's Keyhole, returning as Basic Sora.
Again- I tried to get Roxas, but instead got KHII Sora again; so I thought I could maybe get Axel or Xion; since they're included in the KHII evo list.
Nope. Christmas Sora again. Oh well- He does love Christmas.
I'll update this if I get anything interesting. I know you can get Xehanort- I recognised his Silhouette on the manual, so maybe I'll get him one day.
I'm still waiting on Roxas..
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
Your ASL x Sanji and your RLS!siblings au's are so good omg-
I've been reading your posts about them and, what if both happened at the universe? Like, Garp brings his grandsons not much time after Zeff opens Baratie, and Sanji is still in grief about his siblings.
Of course, the scar and everything happened some time before and Dragon bring Sabo back to his brothers but promises to let Sabo join the revs when he's older.
(Sanji probaly just tells about his siblings to ASL near his 11 birthday bc, y'know, memories about the storm)
(And in Wano, Law and Robin have to deal with the ASL liking Sanji)
I stopped writing Mihawk/Sora soulmate AU for this. It's great. So not only do we have Zeff/Garp we have ASL all crushing on Sanji in an AU where Sanji lost his siblings who actually loved and cared for him during a storm. Also in RSL, it's SanLu. The ship that sailed is SanLu but they're all dating Sanji and it is PAINFUL for Law.
AMAZING! What a chaotic fucking mess that enraptures our cook so wholly. Fantastic. There is a cut because this is long.
So what essentially happens is Garp finds his not dead boyfriend/husband/lover man and finds out he adopted this kid and decides to bring his grandchildren. It's a chaotic disaster, it's a whole fucking mess. Sanji isn't exactly looking to get close to anyone, and he's still trying to keep Zeff an ocean away practically after what happened to him not too long ago.
Still, ASL wear him down and now he's just doing his best. The days spent with kids his age and not running good. As much as the Baratie moves they still see the same people a lot. No one has connected him to Robin despite his bounty, because he and Law have to have one for traveling with her and them being beginning pirates.
As it draws closer to Sanji's eleventh birthday and the stormy season coming in Garp and ASL are spending the night at Baratie. A dinner for them and the staff only. At some point it comes up because Luffy asks when Sanji's birthday is and Sanji tells them and says he doesn't want to celebrate. Zeff asks why and Sanji answers.
No one was expecting that he lost his family in a storm. His brother and sister and crew. In the North Blue. The storm that made him wind up in the East Blue, alone, and then another stranded him on a rock with Zeff. Garp is studying the kid before nodding and apologizing for his loss. Garp knows those brows from a bounty for a child, not as high as Nico Robin's but getting up there. Zeff tells him they're going to make new memories and that's that. And they do, Sanji cries, tears of loss and happiness. Everything continues, Sabo leaves and is brought back by Dragon with a promise to join the Revolutionaries at seventeen.
Time goes on they all set sail, Sanji goes with Luffy. They're sailing and it's going well. Everything is going well. They pick up Robin post Alabasta and she can see he's dating Luffy but when they're finally alone Sanji explains they don't know about who his siblings are but he's dating Luffy, Ace, and Sabo. Robin cocks her head and smiles and says something about plural marriages being relatively common in the old days and she's glad he found three men to provide for him until he dies. Sanji nods at that given his history and just says he hopes it's not starvation again.
They run into Law and Sabaody but can't talk to him and then when they're teleported away it's a weird situation. Robin meets Sabo and Dragon. Sabo comes back some months later and says Sanji's on Momoiro to her and Dragon asks how it was to see his boyfriend and Sabo is so pleased. Robin politely threatens him with stringing his entrails across the grand line and into the the depths of hell if he hurts her baby brother. Sabo chokes as Dragon starts laughing. She also tells him he shouldn't necessarily be worried about her but their brother who she also doesn't name. Sabo asks why she's so creepy and Dragon hits him for that.
After the time skip Ace joins and is all over Sanji and Robin looks unimpressed at him and Luffy and doesn't explain why. Luffy has not figured out they're siblings. Ace hasn't either. Then on Punk Hazard when Law starts traveling with them Law is looking at the brother's hanging off Sanji and then keeps throwing glances at Robin. Sanji is throwing apologetic looks to them as he pulled between the brothers and trying to calm them down as the anger and annoyance in his siblings is growing. Sanji feels like he's going to be skinned alive.
Obviously after Dressrosa when they're in the cabin after the split and Sabo is there and saying hi to Robin and his brothers and asks Ace if he got a threat from Robin yet. Ace is confused as he tells Sabo he and Luffy have not had any threats from Robin, why would they and Sabo is like 'she threatened me over Sanji, not fair' which makes Ace look at Robin in fright. Sabo repeats what she said to him verbatim and says that their brother would threaten them worse which makes Law nod and say they don't call him the surgeon of death for nothing.
Luffy is so lucky to be sleeping as Sabo quietly leaves and wishes the two of them luck. Law looks at Robin and asks if they'll ever fix his and Sanji's bounties as they were the two helping Robin run when they were younger and Robin says she doesn't know and Ace points out Garp never arrested Sanji whenever they were at Baratie and Law asks why Sanji was at Redleg's restaurant. The sigh of exasperation from Law and the laugh from Robin at finding out Garp dates Zeff makes too much fucking sense that they didn't consider it and that's also how Law and Robin find out about the rock.
Law throws his hands in the air and says that if the cook could stop getting starved that'd be cool and Robin says Law and Sanji's eating habits could be far better than what they were. Zoro is laughing so hard he's wheezing at the affronted look between the two. Usopp is practicing his breathing techniques. He is a brave warrior of the sea. He is a brave warrior of the sea. He is so glad he's not dating Sanji and Kaya is waiting for him because fuck that mess.
Law and Robin find out Sanji has been kidnapped by the Vinsmokes when they get to Zou as Luffy excitedly tells everyone that Law and Robin are Sanji's siblings. Ace asks if Robin and Law know about the Vinsmokes and they admit they do, though not much. Just that Sanji was declared dead at six and in the dungeons until he escaped at eight and found them. They don't mention the helmet. The crews are staring at them wide eyed. Bepo starts crying because he hasn't seen Sanji yet and he's gone back to his birth family. Law and Robin assure him he was taken by force which equals kidnapping. Bepo calms down at that but that does make Shachi and Penguin lose it. Robin laughs as Law groans and pinches the bridge of his nose.
Ace goes with the rescue team and Robin doesn't, she assures Law as they go to Wano it'll be fine. Sanji has two of his boyfriends going to save him. Zoro asks how they all ended up together as the crews are getting ready to depart so they tell the story and Luffy and Ace tell the story of them dating Sanji, Zeff and Garp and all that. Law sighs and Robin shakes her head. Bepo makes Luffy promise to bring Sanji back, Law is standing back and to the side of Bepo with a cocked brow and Luffy is like 'duh of course I will' and Bepo nods and they all leave.
Then a few weeks later in Wano when the rescue team and Jimbei come. It still takes time for the crews to have a minute to all be together and Bepo and Shachi and Penguin are all hanging off Sanji while Ace and Luffy look jealous. But then Sanji has Ace and Luffy with him almost constantly and Law and Robin roll their eyes, Law looks disgusted at some points. Then the raid of Onagashima happens and Ace has a nose bleed at Sanji being in his suit and Law shambles Sanji away from them.
After they leave Wano Sanji calls Law and Robin to the denden of the Sunny and they call Zeff and he introduces his siblings to the man he considers his father. When Zeff hears who his siblings are he is praying in another language and Sanji is laughing as he translates. Law is smiling and Robin is giggling because Zeff is losing it. He is saying this makes too much fucking sense and goes along well with why he dates those three boys. All of it.
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sucantslay · 7 months
Meiyuu Deshi Kairou analysis. I'm losing my sanity...
Hello @hypn0sssss, just wanna let you know, I've been working off my ass to research this song like...more than 30 minutes but then in turn into a whole week long.
It was fun though ( I really need a rest but my brain said just do it! )
BUT, ANYWAY, here are some important information you should know before getting into this song analysis.
If you don't know, this is an event song, it connects with an event story about a VR game, yes, a VR game. It was introduced to Mika by Makoto and Sora. And later on, became the inspiration for Mika's song.
This is related to Mika's character, so if you know nothing about him, you can learn more from some sources out there or have a quick check at my post
3 . I'll mostly put the lyrics in word form. I really want to put all the translation pictures here but since Tumblr stop me from having more than 10 pics in a post...I can only put some.
4 . Most of this is my personal analysis. Pls tell me or put on the sources if you want to put it somewhere. Also, since it is a PERSONAL thing, the lyrics might not mean like that to you, but it is to me. You are free to have your own idea of this song however you like.
Alright! Let's get started!!!
For the theme of the song, Mika is using the VR game as his base, so it understandable that some words might be a little lead into the mechanical aspect.
The story for this song is about a mechanical god who ends the story/ the world abruptly. It very interesting when the song did not only successfully portray the theme of mechanical but also the theme and story of Valkyrie itself.
Oh my dear Mika, you are really something of an artist, aren't ya?! It the time when Mika finally step up and going his own art more then waiting for Shu order!
The name of the song "Meikyuu Deshi Kairou" which means "Labyrinth Electronic Corridor"
With some lines mention classic songs
(this line got repeated 2 times)
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"Ode to Joy" or in other words "An die Freude"
You must have known it as Beethoven's most significant work, Symphony No.9, a choral symphony.
Since the name isn't being written in another name until you start digging deeper, you'll find something eles, lies in these words they had chosen.
It was origin from a poem written by a German named Friedrich Schiller and was used by Beethoven in his Ninth Symphony.
But the version that Beethoven used is the revision of the poem. Yet Friedrich himself didn't like that version at all, he viewed it as a failure.
Why? Because Friedrich made that poem for his dear beloved ( longtime friend and partner ) Christian Gottfried Körner, who inspired him to write the poem.
He stayed "of value maybe for us two, but not for the world, nor for the art of poetry"
His performance and his dear partner in art. Did I mention that Friedrich made a whole verse for Christian on his birthday.
( uhm, ok, that's enough! Let's move to the next one for now before I can't keep this mouth shut. )
Some lines in the poem go like this:
"Rescue from the chains of tyrants, Magnanimity to the villain too, Hope on the deathbed, Mercy in the high (law) court, Even the dead shall live! Brothers, drink and agree (with me) That all sinners shall be forgiven And hell shall be no more."
The "Ode to Joy" old name was "Ode to Freedom" / "An die Freiheit"
Then there came "Libera me" ( "Deliver me" )
Which also has an interesting background related to the Catholic Church. "Libera me" originated from a song named "Office of the Dead" which had been sung as a service prayer for the death.
The text asks God to have mercy upon the deceased person at the Last Judgment.
And it fits the theme of the song well! Because as I said before, the song is about a god who wants to destroy the world in sudden.
So "Ode to Joy", "Libera me" can be seen as the voices of humans who denying the god choice, the choice to turn the world back to dust.
( Note: The line in the song is not being sung by Mika or Shu, but by voices in the background. It becomes more noticeable when considering the fact that none other Valkyrie songs have these "background voices" at all )
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The next two lines both sing an indirectly about the old Valkyrie.
"Ah, the melody sinks into overwritten myths"
The old Valkyrie had been sunk down to the deep by the play of Fine.
"Come, it is the time to open the floating corridor that full of electrons"
But it was the story from a long time ago, now, we taking a different path, to the new corridor, a new path to the future yet we're still unable to predict. Accidentally we lead ourselves to the door of destruction. ( It can also be seen as the god in this play had opened the door of doom, ending the world in sudden )
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Ah, yes, once again this song mentions the use of the classic poem.
This "Song of the Bell" had nothing to do with song or symphony, which gives us more clues and confirms the truth about "Ode to Joy".
Surprisingly, "Song of the Bell" is also been written by Friedrich Schiller.
"Ode to Joy" was written in 1785, while "Song of the Bell" was written in 1798.
The poem talks about the bell, how was the bell made, by what, and with what tools and techniques they used to make it.
I have a belief that the "love and punishment" part of the song lyrics has other means than taking from the "Song of the Bell". Yes, the poem did mention "love" as a part of the story where a couple has known each other since they were kid.
Wedding bell and allocation of roles is the part when the bell acts as a wedding bell.
To later on, mention death: Death knell upon the decease of the woman where the bell has an earnest purpose and tolls in accompaniment to a funeral
But there is no mention of crime or punishment.
So go back to the lyrics where they sing: "Reflect the song"
Reflect...which means there is a connection but not really is about the poem. It was more about Valkyris, the love had turned its back on them. Their art, their joy, their peaceful life as 3 small people in an unpopular Unit was now a punishment, pulling them down to the ground.
Nazuna left, Valkyrie broke, Shu is no longer himself.
To Mika, if not a punishment then what could this horrifying scene had been?
We can also see this in the human's eyes. If "Ode to Joy", "Libera me" was all human ( in the theme ) talking about, then this line is the begging for the god to rethink his decision:
"Please, don't you see, this beautiful planet is our everything. Is our beginning and our ending. We may suffer, but we are happy, and that makes living a meaningful thing."
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noticed how Mika uses "Each other" not just "Other" which points to both Shu and Mika.
In their era of being a "not so happy" unit since the war ended.
They have gone so far and now look back at themself. Such action of shame, the days when we are still nothing but a nameless Valkyrie.
You can also look at it in the MV theme way: ''I wish this world would disappear.'' As the god of mechanical no longer feels the need of humans exiting.
As the next lyrics go:
"Behind this veil of anonymity" (Shu line)
"The ghosts of the dead-" (Mika line)
"Are dancing in the underground till the end of the trial" (Shu line)
There are two things I need to point out in detail here:
Firstly: The meaning of these lines seems to me as if they're talking about their trauma. Behind this veil is the old time, the old ghosts, look, they are all here, never left until we start open up with them. Until we learn how to heal ourselves from the brutal injury of war did we be able to make them leave
Secondly: Mika once again mentions death. It was Mika's own thing, if you don't know, death kinda became a thing that fond with Mika's style. Lots of times, we can see Mika associated with death ( mostly in the old song. )
In his 'In the Shadow' outfit, which had a deep connection with butterflies.
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Butterflies are a symbol of the representative soul of a deceased person. In that outfit, Mika is represented by a blue butterfly, what was the meaning of that symbol?
A symbol of the soul who passed is nearby!
So, by now you would be questioning: "Why are there so many signs about death from Mika?" Well, glad you asked.
This all came down to the fact that Mika was being a doll in Valkyrie. Nazuna was also a doll himself, but he break free and Mika didn't.
Mika is dying from the inside, becoming the soulless, as he loses what support to belong to him. He sells it away, sacrifice it for the wish of making Valkyrie great again.
"Surrounded by faceless choirs, there's stand the lonely soloist So, let's sing out loud to those who have no place to go, here's the truth."
Sung by both Mika and Shu.
In my belief, these lines are dedicated to them, the Valkyrie that got injured after the war. They got no hope, not thing to relied on.
Shu got a bad representation, lost his mind.
Mika also had to suffer from the event but he's trying his very best not to become a burden to Shu after Nazuna left.
That was the moment when Mika became more doll-like than how he was before.
We stood together, yet loneliness filled inside our souls. Becoming the "soloist" singer without notice.
"Sing to those who have no place"
They're telling themself, their pitiful past self that the daunting world is now no more.
We now have a place to stay, a home to be in, we've got our back.
Ok, ok, here it comes, MY FAVORITE LINE!
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Ok, I can actually do that now ( since this analysis is already long as hell )
This line makes a connection to another line, which is:
"Here's the truth" - "Audience, please come"
"To the New World"
Isn't simply just about the god and the humans, it carries two meanings.
One is the literal, a sore thumb that sticks out the most to me: IT ABOUT THE VALKYRIE NEW ERAAAAA.
They maybe not yet healed, not yet prepared themself for the world outside, but they're now more happy than ever.
Shu is trying his best to understand Mika.
Mika is trying his best to become something of his own, escape from the realm of a soulless doll.
"Dancing with full bloom"
Like, uhm *raises eyebrows*, full bloom, full bloom you said?
The last time ( the first time Shu appeared in the game main story ), Shu said: "I am counting the days until we bring our blossoms together to make "Valkyrie" the most beautiful bouquet in the world."
And now ya said that you're FULL BLOOM? That can only mean one thing, they have finally found their meaning of art.
They may not "bloom" to the world but "bloom" to themself. Becoming different. They changing, they learning, and they are growing.
"where 0 and 1 dancing"
Yeh, you already know what I'm going to say. 0 and 1 are binary code or we usually call it "computer language" / bits.
0 and 1, is what this theme song is about. The mechanical god, the new world of mechanics. "0 and 1 dancing" is "The god is speaking".
Like, 0 1 then 1 0, 0 1 then 1 0, where 0 and 1 will change their place to make a byte, a string of bits, representing the god language.
And, it is just me or do I get the feeling that this goddess who wants to destroy a world in rust has his reason, he has a feeling that leaving the world like this, isn't a good idea.
Even if the humans are begging him to stop, he did not listen.
Because, in some of the next lines, we got this:
"A play that crueler than dream" (Shu line)
"With everyone's prayers" (Mika line)
"Everyone will remember it" (Shu line).
"Above the Surface world that full of selfishness and egoism" (Mika line)
The god see human as this selfish and only care for what they want most then how others feel.
"This lost child of the era, is confused by the fragile waves" (Mika line)
"So let's come and come into a new world trapped in 0 and 1" (Shu & Mika line)
Is about Valkyrie, IT ABOUT VALKYRIE. *Gone crazy at this point*
If you didn't know, Valkyris wasn't that used to the new system after the war. The DreamFes system made by Eichi, yeah, that one.
They skip school and most of the time do their show outside of school until Eichi himself steps in and threatens them to rejoin the school and accept the DreamFess system.
They were lost. Lost of the modern world, and still stay in the old era. Shu never wants to go back and join the DreamFes for once because how much he hated Eichi, and how much the war hurted him, yet, they return, make a change that not even Eichi can imagine of.
"Lost in their own tears, and still..." (Shu line)
"Falling away..." (Mika line)
They did, however, losing against Fine, and still...this was not the end.
That they're now known to DreamFes, open their mind and continue their journey.
That why the next line of the song came with a stronger beat. Bam! We are now reborn, we are now continue to blooming up on this world of hidden beauty. We'll find it and make art out of it!
"Scrutinize, lament, and let your own foolish schemes drive you crazy" (Shu line, it kinda fit Shu too)
"And now, ask yourself here and now." (Mika line)
"Is there an omnipotent being to be ruled?" (Both)
"And do you believe it?" (Shu line)
"Do you believe it?" (Mika line)
"Do you believe it?" (Both)
I think these lines are pointing to Shu and how he've been since the end of the war.
Scrutinize mean: examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.
While lament mean: a passionate expression of grief or sorrow.
After the war, Shu was cave for perfection even more than he was before, he wish to not made all that mistake again or else he might lose Mika too.
He drive himself crazy, then look back what happened, he started to ask questions.
He was so into perfection, he loses the meaning of art it self. He put himself into a jail, said that, this was all for the work of art, but it wasn't.
People are being harm for his actions, Mika wasn't getting any better if he keeps acting like this. Reckless and madness drive him away from the actual beauty in art that the old Shu was fond of.
So, he ask himself. If art is freedom, why so gaol...
"Is there an omnipotent being to be ruled?"
And realizing that, will he continue to be like this. Do you believe in such form of art that not bring happiness and joy?
For the bloom of Valkyrie, must we sacrifice our little life for the victory Shu wanted.
Also important element needed to be mention: Last Lament.
Meiyuu Deshi Kairou was released in 2023, and Last Lament which is also a Valkyrie song was released in 2017.
And in the song, there was this line: "It fine if we reach the brink of our dreams and rot forgotten."
"We'll use the flames of passion on us, to show them that we can melt even despair."
But, but! In their newest song ( from the Trip albums)
Shukufuku no Library
We can see, Shu is now accepting the future and wish for joy to Valkyrie then only to successfully reach their dream as soon as possible:
"Is it only success stories that are now illuminated by the love that shines down from the heavens?"
"No! An unfinished adventure stories is also a foolish memoir that's also precious."
"Come on, let's play the lovely poems of our lives and gently store them in the library of blessings."
Return, return, let's us get to the next line:
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Ok, Ok, I love that they put both Friedrich Schiller work into one line!
"A play that's crueler than a dream" (Mika line)
"Everyone inside this veil wishing for something" (Shu line)
The god talk about everyone wishes, seeing their foolish little small wishes yet never to be turn into reality because the god already had their own plan for them.
It also Shu, talking to himself that even if life is cruel, everyone has their little dream.
"In the face of the myth of the Perfect world" (Shu line)
But Shu dream was too far from reality, can that Perfection he wished for really have a way to get?
From here on, the line repeat itself:
"confused by the fragile waves" (Shu line)
"This lost child of the era" (Mika line)
"So let's come and come into a new world trapped in 0 and 1" (Shu & Mika line)
But this time, Shu has become different, Valkyrie has changed! The lost child had found their way out of that jail!
"The labyrinth corridor, love is a Perfect world" (The back choir?)
And yes, he did be able to found out, love is the best way to a world he's wish for, no more madness from now on, only love and joy.
And maybe, just maybe, the goddess in this song also did.
Thank you for your time! Reading this.
It late now, and my ears...oh god...it had been listen to Meiyuu Deshi Kairou non-stop ( I remember like 8/10 of the goddam lyrics *cry and laughed at the same time* )
Also, one last thing...
In the 3D MV, noticed how Mika move, yes, he still keep that flexibility of him, but that not just a represent for a doll, Mika now turning it in to his own style of dance.
While Shu do art in a perfect and nicely organizing way.
Mika go for a chaos way that both resemble the old him and use it to make the new him.
In the last moment of the MV, Mika...I don't know if he forget or that is simply how the MV plays out, but there was a moment like this:
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Mika when: Look at my Oshi-san!!!
Shu: Mika! Back up! You're supposed to be standing next to me.
Mika: Can i?
Shu: Yes. Yes you can. You're no longer a doll, but a human, a partner who place is staying next to me and performing art together.
Mika: Oh...I'm not fulling understand that, but ok! I'll try to stay next to you from now on!
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( this is me, writing that out of thin air, the conversation may not be real, but the meaning are. Mika may be a little confused for suddenly got set free from being a soulless doll, he need his little time )
Thank...for reading...my dear ValkyrieP... I need a rest and a cup of coffee I guess *die*
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number1mingyustan · 2 years
Bittersweet(Chapter 10–All Falls Down)||k.mgyu + j.ww
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Genre: neighbors to lovers, strangers to lovers, angst, smut
Warnings: kissing, angst, grinding, fingering (f.), oral (m.), marking, cursing, alcohol consumption, fighting, mentions of puking, i probably missed something there's so much that happens
Summary: in which everything comes crashing down
Word Count: 4.5k
series masterlist
(a/n: finally got this posted)
You're really not one to eavesdrop, but when Sora closes her locker and brings up Mingyu, you can't help but listen.
"I don't know Sohee, it's like really weird. Mingyu and I haven't had sex yet and I'm getting kind of impatient," Sora says.
As much as you disliked the girl, she was absolutely right. Mingyu and Sora have been dating for about a month now and they haven't had sex yet? Mingyu going weeks without getting laid? Something was off.
Of course, you wouldn't really know. You've hardly spoken to Mingyu in the past few weeks. You could feel him slipping away slowly, but your conversation on your birthday confirmed everything. It was hard not to notice the odd tension when it first started. You both knew things would be different after you finally got with Wonwoo, but you hadn't expected it to be this different.
You haven't had a full conversation with him in nearly a month and it bothered you. He hardly made eye contact with you whenever you were within 10 feet of him. The most you got were half-assed greetings when you were with Wonwoo or another member of the team and Mingyu happened to be there. Besides that, all you got from him was radio silence.
"I thought you guys hooked up at Seungchol's like two months ago?" Sohee questions.
Sora sighs and leans against her locker. "We did, but we didn't go all the way. And it's been that way since. Like it was sweet at first because always wanted to give and like never receive, but like I want more now. You know?"
Sohee nods. "Maybe he's just not ready."
"I mean yeah, maybe you're right. It's just like, he's Mingyu, you know. Like before me it was pretty common knowledge that he's fucked around and he didn't stop halfway. It makes me think there's something wrong with me," Sora sighs again.
"Yeah but you're forgetting that before you, Mingyu like, didn't do relationships. He's a guy, so fucking other girls wasn't that big of a deal. But now he's actually dating you, he probably wants to go slow and make it special when it happens. He's gotta be like totally in love with you considering you actually managed to tie him down in a relationship," Sohee explains.
You hide your face in your locker as Sora leans her back against hers. "Yeah, you're probably right."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Wonwoo lays on your bed, staring at you from behind as you do your makeup. You're so focused on yourself in the mirror that you fail to notice that he's rolled off the band and started creeping up behind you.
You jump when his arms find their way around your waist. "Relax baby, it's just me."
"You startled me," you reply, leaning into the mirror as you finish applying your mascara.
"Sorry baby," he plants a kiss on your neck. "Just wanted to know when you were gonna be done. Uber's gonna be here soon."
It's Friday night again, and Wonwoo's come over again per usual. However, it's one of the biggest game of the season on Saturday afternoon. To get everyone excited, Hoshi decided it would be a great idea to host a party.
Getting the entire team drunk the night before a big game may not have been the most practical, but it absolutely wasn't going to stop the boys.
" 'M almost done," you say as you finish applying your mascara. "Promise."
He places another kiss on your neck. You watch his body fall back on your bed with a soft 'thud' in the mirror. It brings a smile to your face.
"Is Mingyu gonna be there tonight?" you ask out of curiosity.
"Probably," your boyfriend replies. "He's still not talking to you?"
"No," you sigh. "It's fine I guess though."
"Hmm," he hums. "We'll have our own fun tonight since he's still in a mood. I can talk to him if you want."
You shake your head. "No it's okay. It's not that big of a deal, he'll come around."
You fear he won't. Wonwoo doesn't know the full story about you and Mingyu. He knows that you guys were close when you were kids, but he doesn't know you were completely dropped out of his life.
Or that that the last time you really talked to him, you also slept with him and how that makes you feel used. You can't fully open up to Wonwoo about it either.
"Girls always take so long to get ready," he mumbles, loud enough for you to hear.
"Yes Wonwoo," you roll your eyes dramatically. "It takes time for me to look this good."
"You always look good," he says.
A smirk has formed on his face. He sits up on your bed, looking at you through the mirror. You shift your eyes as you feel the heat creeping to your cheeks.
"Thank you," you reply quietly.
Your bed shifts as he stands up. He walks toward you, arm draped lazily around your waist and kisses your heated cheeks. "I'm gonna raid your kitchen. I'm ready when you are."
You hear his footsteps fade as he makes his way downstairs. Your heart is beating out of your chest excitedly.
It's only a few more minutes before you're finally ready. You and Wonwoo uber to Hoshi's house safely. Although you guys get there let, you're still early enough that all the alcohol isn't gone. After entering, you and Wonwoo make your way toward the kitchen, hand in hand.
There's a good amount of people already, so he guides you through the crown with your fingers interlaced. When you finally make you way into the kitchen, you decide to drink something stronger than the last time you were at one of these.
You pour your own cup, mixing the alcohol with the soda left on the table. You and your boyfriend drink together, wincing as the alcohol makes its way down your throats.
Before you can open your mouth to say anything to him, a hand rest on both your backs. You both turn around, seeing Dino.
"You two!" he beams. "Backyard, beer pong, now."
You and your boyfriend quickly exchange a look of agreement before following Dino outside. It's quieter, considering there's less people and the music is coming from inside of the house.
One side of the table has Jeonghan, Vernon, and Jun while the other has Joshua and Seungchol. You and Wonwoo migrate to the side with Joshua and Seungchol.
Joshua leans over, whispering in your ear, "Mingyu and Sora ditched us."
You simply nod before starting the game.
You don't know why Jeonghan has to be so good at this game. He's had yet to miss a single cup. He's gotta be cheating somehow, but the alcohol is starting to take its effect on everyone, including you. No one really puts much thought into anything.
There's two cups in front of you and one on the opposing team's, thankfully.
Dino throws the ball drunkenly, completely missing the cup. Jeonghan rolls his eyes in annoyance. Jun lets out a drunken giggle at the interaction.
It's your turn next.
You retrieve the ball, stumbling a bit. Jeonghan stands at the opposite end of the table with a frown on his face. You really don't get what his deal is with you.
Although Jeonghan may be weirdly good at this game, you've realized you are too. You've only missed one of your shots, even as the alcohol started to pump through your bloodstream.
You aim the ball, and thankfully it lands in the cup after one bounce. Jeonghan's expression turns sour as he downs what's in the cup. He didn't like that one bit.
On the other hand, Wonwoo hugs you excitedly. "You're so good baby. We won!"
You can tell he's pretty tipsy too. "Thank you!" you beam.
He intertwines your fingers again, practically dragging you back into the house without a word. You let him take the lead. He opens the screen door and pulls you in before he closes it and pins you against the wall.
Your head faces the living room for a brief moment. Mingyu is seated on the couch with his arm draped lazily around Sora and a cup in hand. He takes a sip and happens to turn in the direction facing you. His expression is unreadable, but he looks away quickly.
Moments later, Wonwoo's hand rests on your jaw. He pulls your head so it's facing him instead of the living room.
He closes the small gap between your faces and seals it with a kiss. Your eyes fall closed and you kiss him back with the same amount of fervor. It's sloppy due to both your drunken states. His hands rest on your hips as he presses his body closer against yours.
He pulls away before anything can get too heated.
"I have to pee," he says.
Your eyes flutter open, confusion written all over your face. "What?"
"I have to pee so bad," he says. "I'll be right back."
You let out a breathy laugh. "Okay, I'll stay near."
"I'll be quick, promise," he says. "Can never stay away from you too long."
You smile at him before he turns his back and disappears further into the house. The back door slides open and Joshua walks through. "Where's Wonwoo?" he asks.
"Bathroom," you reply shortly.
In nods in understandment before he leans against the wall next to you. He can tell something's on your mind.
"Something bothering you?" he asks.
"Eh," you shrug. "Jeonghan hates me and I don't know what I did to him."
"I'm sure he doesn't hate you," Joshua replies, voice laced with hope.
"Oh but I'm sure he does," you scoff.
"Jeonghan's just not really that good with new people. He like doesn't open up easily or whatever," Joshua says. "When I first became friends with them, he hated me."
You let out a laugh. "Really? You guys are so close now."
"I know," he smiles. "Kid fucking hated my guts when we first met though. He wouldn't talk to me, and then he realized we actually had like a lot in common. It takes time with him, he's weird."
You nod in understandment. "I kind of get that vibe from him, but I don't know. It feels more personal."
"You're probably overthinking it," Joshua pats your head.
"You're probably right," you agree.
Wonwoo returns moments later. He pulls you off the wall and hugs you. "Thank you for taking care of her Josh."
The older boy smiles. "Of course,"
That's something you've truly grown to appreciate about these boys. The way they look after one another and you. They don't have to be told to do so, it comes naturally to them. Caring for each other and ensuring their safety.
"You wanna go upstairs?" Wonwoo suggests.
You lick your lips in anticipation. He smirks before you allow him to lead you again, heading toward the bedroom upstairs.
The tightness in Mingyu's heart continues to pull harder and constrict as he watches you leave. He's getting flashbacks to the last party when you and Wonwoo disappeared together. He didn't understand the feeling then, but it's become all to familiar now.
He's not gonna go chasing after you again. Now, Wonwoo's your boyfriend. He's got no right to come between that. It wouldn't be fair.
He needs a drink.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Thankfully, you only have to go to one room without interrupting anyone this time. Wonwoo mentions that it's actually Hoshi's room and he pissed he'd be if he ever found out what you two were about to do.
Not that either of you care all that much in the moment.
He kicks the door closed with his foot, immediately attaching his lips to yours. The kiss is just as messy and heated as earlier and the two of you stumble onto Hoshi's bed.
Your back hits the soft mattress with a 'thump' and his body hovers over yours. Your shirt rides up, giving Wonwoo's hands easier access to your skin. His hands however, don't immediately take advantage of it.
He pulls away from the kiss breathlessly. "Is this okay? I feel like we're moving kind of fast and I don't want to do something that you don't want to. Especially since we're drunk."
"I do," you assure him. "It's okay."
"Are you sure?" he asks.
You nod. "Yeah, we don't have to go all the way either."
He lets out a breathy laugh. "Didn't have any condoms on me anyway." he says between kisses. "Wanna be sober and take my time with you when we do that."
You feel the heat spreading across your body as he touches you. His lips are all over your skin, kissing and sucking on all your sensitive spots. You're sure he's leaving marks for everyone to see.
He grinds his hips against yours, creating the bit of friction that has you moaning under him. His fingers play with the button of your jeans before he opens them and slides them down.
He presses his thumb on your clit through your damp panties.
"Fuck," you moan at the pressure.
His fingers ghost over your sensitive area as he continues to kiss you before he dips his fingers into your underwear. His digits slide through your folds, instantly coating themselves with the sticky substance. He shudders against your skin when he feels how wet you are for him.
His thumb circles your clit slowly, progressively increasing in pace. Once he elicits the reaction he wants from you, his skillful fingers move faster. You're moaning and writhing under him as he slips his first finger inside of you.
"Oh shit," you moan out in a whisper.
He pumps his finger inside of you, eventually adding another. His fingers stretch you out nicely. Each thrust pushes into your walls, filling you up with a familiar pleasure.
Holy shit, he's good with his hands.
"Feel good?" he hums.
"So good," you whimper. "So,so good Wonu."
You can already feel your orgasm building up in your lower stomach. You whine desperately, pushing your hips into his fingers and meet his pace.
He allows you to fuck yourself on his fingers, curling them and pressing them against the sensitive spot inside of you. You cry out his name as your orgasm washes over you.
You lose control of your hips, continuing to fuck yourself on his fingers breathlessly as you ride out your high. He groans into your skin as he feels the way you tighten and throb around his digits.
Once you fully come down from your high, he pulls his fingers out and sucks on them. His cock twitches in his pants when your arousal hits his tongue.
You pull his fingers out, quickly replacing them with your mouth. You kiss him, lightly pushing his back onto the bed. Your lips leave his, moving down his neck to leave just as many marks on him that he left on you.
His cock is so hard it's poking at your inner thigh from inside of his jeans. You trail down his body before pulling his pants and underwear down to let his cock spring free.
You lick your lips at the sight. His tip is flushed red, leaking a clear substance and throbbing with need in your hand.
"Fuck," he breathes out. "You don't have to, I just– oh fuck"
He shuts up once you take his cock in your mouth. You let him hit the back of your throat before slipping it out of your mouth and spitting on it. You jerk him off a few times, properly lubricating his length before taking him in your mouth again.
You take your time, bobbing your head and allowing his length to hit the back of your throat.
For such a quiet guy, Wonwoo is surprisingly loud in bed. You can tell he's holding back even now, restraining himself from thrusting his hips into your mouth and moaning too loud.
His hands fist the bedsheets and his head tilts back into the soft sheets. You lick a long stripe on the underside of his cock before wrapping your tongue and lips around his tip.
His grip on the sheets tightens and he lets out a strained groan. You take your hand, wrapping it around the base of his cock and pump him quickly as you continue to suck on his sensitive tip.
He lets out a loud moan before he spills his loud into your mouth. His cum shoots onto your tongue, which you gladly swallow without hesitation.
"Holy shit you're incredible," he breathes out.
You climb back up, plopping down onto the bed next to him. You peck his lips quickly. "We should go back down soon."
He nods before the two of you get dressed and make your way back downstairs. The house is more packed than before, so this time you take his hand in yours and navigate through the crowd. You both stumble a bit but you eventually make it to the basement.
Wonwoo finds a spot on the couch and pulls you onto his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist securely.
"Are you excited for the game tomorrow?" you ask.
"Very," your boyfriend replies. "We better win too, or I'll be so mad."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Seokmin and Seungkwan soon join the two of you. You spend the next 20 minutes engaging in very drunk and giggly conversation with the boys before you excuse yourself.
Hoshi's house is perfect for hosting because well... it's huge. You walk down the hallway leading to the bathroom. The door is slightly open, so you push it open all the way. And two your surprise, Mingyu is sitting on the floor. He's just as surprised to see you as you are.
"What are you doing in here?" you question.
He shrugs. "I got bored."
"Where's Sora?" you ask.
"Don't know," he shrugs. "Don't care."
"You should care," you reply. "She's your girlfriend." "She's a rebound," he replies, finishing what's left in his cup.
"A rebound from what?" you question.
He scoffs. "I'm not doing this right now."
He lifts himself off the floor, stumbling a bit as he does so. Although you're intoxicated, Mingyu is very clearly wasted out of his mind right now. How much has he had to drink?
"Where are you going?" you ask, blocking the door.
"Home," he replies shortly.
"Did you drive?" you question.
"Does it matter?" he retorts.
"You're drunk," you frown.
"So are you," he slurs.
"What does that have to do with anything?" You ask him.
He rolls his eyes. "Just leave me alone."
"You told me you weren't pushing me away again but that's exactly what you did," you frown. "I don't understand what I did wrong."
"You didn't do anything wrong," he sighs.
"Then why are you treating me like I did?" your voice breaks.
He sighs. "It's complicated."
"Then help me to understand."
"I can't."
"I just can't."
There a moment of silence. He's staring at you with the same unreadable expression. You refuse to break eye contact with him.
"You don't deserve this," he sighs.
"Then why won't you tell me?"
"That's not what I'm talking about."
You cock your head to the side in confusion.
"He makes you happy and you don't deserve having that be compromised or complicated," he blinks.
"What are you talking about?"
"For fuck's sake kid," he sighs. "I've been in love with you for fucking... I don't know how long. That's why I pushed you away all those years ago and why I can't be around you right now. I thought I could do the casual thing with you as a friend but then the strings started attaching themselves and they got all fucked up and tangled and I don't know how to deal with that. All I do know is that any time I'm around you, you drive me fucking crazy. I think about stuff that has never once crossed my mind when it comes to you and it fucking scares me."
Suddenly, the urge to pee is gone. You didn't know what to say. How the hell were you supposed to respond to that? You were struggling to make sense of his words. Mingyu? In love with you?
The same Kim Mingyu who couldn't even put in the effort to commit to a friends with benefits throwing out the L word? It didn't make sense and it didn't make you feel good.
When he first pushed you away, he was far too young to know what love was. And now? He fucks you, falls in love with you, and then wants nothing to do with you anymore? Your brain couldn't grasp the concept of Mingyu having those kinds of feelings for you.
"Can you say something...please?"
"I.... I have to go," you stutter.
Your legs move faster than your brain. You don't know why you're walking away, but you are. It's unlike you, and you want to blame it on the alcohol.
But truthfully, you don't know what the hell you're doing.
You make your way back down the hallway and find Wonwoo sitting on the couch where you two were not too long ago.
"Can you call an uber, I want to go home," you plead.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah," you say quickly before biting your bottom lip to hold back your tears. "I just feel sick all of a sudden, I think I drank too much. Can I please go home?"
"Yeah, yeah of course," he assures you. "I'll call an uber for us."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Warm-ups the next morning were a disaster. Thankfully, the team showed up before coach and the opposing team. Nonetheless, everything went to shit.
Mingyu was the last to show up with a very bad parking job and a pair of thick rimmed sunglasses. By the time Mingyu showed up, the team had already split up. The infielders were practicing quick passes around the diamond while you hit fly balls to the outfield.
You watched in your peripheral vision as Mingyu stumbled onto the field. Your heart twists uncomfortably as the memories from last night replay in your head. Wonwoo had been waiting for a while now, considering Mingyu was the only person he could actually warm up with. You watch from a distance as Mingyu makes his way toward Wonwoo.
"Mingyu what the hell? You're pitching like shit, C'mon man," you hear Wonwoo from a distance.
"Maybe you just suck at catching," Mingyu retorts.
"I don't know what's up your ass today, but you can't play like that today," Wonwoo grits.
"Didn't realize you were coach now," Mingyu scoffs. "Just play your fucking position right and leave me alone."
"What the hell man?" Wonwoo throws off his catcher's gear and approaches Mingyu.
Oh no.
"Dude what are you doing?" Mingyu slurs. "Now you're not even gonna bother catching. Good for nothing asshole."
Impulsively, Wonwoo pushes Mingyu, causing him to stumble back. "The fuck is your problem?"
You drop your glove without a word and start making your way toward the scene. This is really fucking bad.
Unfortunately, before you can intervene, Mingyu lands a harsh blow right onto Wonwoo's face. Your boyfriend falls back with a look of hurt and shock on his face.
The action causes the rest of the team to stop what they're doing and quickly migrate toward the scene.
"Mingyu what the fuck is wrong with you?" You shout, running to your boyfriend's side.
Wonwoo assures you that he's fine. Vernon and Joshua are the first to get there after you, pushing Mingyu away from Wonwoo.
"Is he hungover?" Vernon asks.
"I think he's still drunk, actually," Joshua sighs.
"I'm fine," Mingyu mumbles, attempting to push past the boys.
"No you're not," Joshua replies. "You need to cool down and sober up. You can't play like this today."
"Y/n?!" Vernon calls.
"What?" You reply.
"Can you take Mingyu home? Josh can pitch, but Mingyu can't play today. When coach gets here, we'll tell him Mingyu wasn't feeling well." Vernon plots.
You sigh, rolling your eyes "You're gonna be okay?" you ask Wonwoo.
He nods. "I'll be fine.I'm more worries about him, something's wrong."
You place a kiss on Wonwoo's stinging cheek before delivering a glare to Mingyu. "Let's go."
Mingyu knows he fucked up. Punching his own best friend? It was extremely out of character for him and he knows that. He doesn't really know what overcame him, he just knows it had to do with you.
Everything always circles back to you when it comes to him.
You gather his things and stomp toward his car as he follows behind you sheepishly. "Give me your keys."
He tosses the keys to you. When you approach his car, your frown turns sour.
"Can't believe you actually drove like this," you mumble to yourself.
He climbs into the passenger seat of his car and you drive him in complete silence. The tension in the air is thick and uncomfortable.
On top of that, Mingyu fucking puked all over the side of the road. You were forced to pull over midway through the drive because he couldn't hold it in. Without saying a word, you help him back into the car and drive back to his place.
The idiot actually came to a game with alcohol poisoning.
You finally help him into the house where he pukes again twice more in the bathroom. It's actually kind of hard seeing him like this. As long as you've known him he's never been so.... pathetic.
You fear this is all your own fault.
You help him into bed before going downstairs. You return with a cup of coffee, a bottle of painkillers, and a water bottle. You place the bottles on the nightstand next to him.
"You ran away last night," his voice fills your ears. "Why did you do that?"
"You did the same thing to me," you hand him the coffee. "Twice."
"Yeah but you're not me," he sits up. "You're better than I am."
"I don't know what you expected me to say," you sigh.
"I don't really know what I was expecting you to say either," he leans his head back against the headboard. "I figured–"
"–Let's talk about this once you've sobered up, yeah?" you cut him off.
The tugging at his chest hurts more now than ever. The look on your face hurts him. He can see the pain and disgust written all over your face and it's making him sick to his stomach all over again.
"Are you gonna be okay by yourself?" you ask, making your way toward the door.
He lets out a pitiful laugh. "I'm always by myself. I've been doing just fine haven't I?"
You don't respond, it hurts too much. You simply close the door behind you and walk yourself out. Thankfully, Wonwoo spent the night last night, so he ended up taking you to the game. You thought about driving your own car, but truthfully, you didn't want to go back right now.
There was too much on your mind at the moment, so you settled at home.
Everything was fucked.
-taglist- @knucklesdeepmingi @marksflute @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @heidilolx @listxn @misssugarlips @lizzylovesboo @haogyuslut @taestrwbrry @everyw0nu @luvthatleader-nim @luveveryonewoo @jakecaffe @xeezi @wasteitonserendipity @whyokoa @shapeofgyu @fixonbreakoff @notscoupy @boo-juns @superheros-and-others @mingkis-world @thesmolishbean @bobohumyonlyboo @deekayownsme
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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dutchforstrangers · 9 months
Tour • ne • sol - Taiora double bill pt. 2
January 6th/7th 2024.
Summary: On the day after New Year's Eve, Sora misses her sunny boyfriend, worrying herself sick over his whereabouts. Luckily, her friends have some flower-y surprises, with the biggest one to come at the end.
A/N: Happy New Year! Today marks the date of something dear to my heart and so it’s time for Taiora double bill part 2 (here's part 1)! See it as some sort of “anniversary present” ;) And remember, no matter how far we’re apart, turn your head to the sun (or moon, because you’re more of a moon person) and you know we live underneath the same sky <3 Enjoy! P.S. That song is an ChatGPT original haha :D
Taiora double bill pt. 2 | Characters: Sora Takenouchi (POV) x Taichi Yagami, appearances and mentions of the other DigiDestined | Genre: Long distance surprise, romance, general, friendship | Rating: T | Wordcount: 3.094
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Tour • ne • sol
Sora would be lying when she said New Year’s was a blast. Right before the clock would strike midnight, she had felt nothing but anxious and alone. Why exactly that feeling was dominating, she couldn’t pinpoint. She was surrounded by people she loved and who loved her back just as much, if not more. And the past year had been an absolute miracle in so many ways. Her trip to Italy standing out to her the most.
The trip to Taichi. The trip that changed it all.
It had been one of the hardest goodbyes when they had to part in August, knowing he had to stay while she had to leave again. It was a bittersweet goodbye. Bitter, because their parting happened right after finally answering the genuine love the two of them had been feeling all along. Sweet, because, at least, it wasn’t forever.
Fortunately, time had passed rather quickly and now it was already January 1st. Taichi would return to Tokyo at the end of February, in time for her birthday and a planned vacation they would spend together. Sora was absolutely thrilled, looking forward to every future second. Sure she had been missing him until now, but it would all turn out fine.
Still there was this anxious feeling.
Perhaps, deep down inside, she was afraid for his return. Would the feelings have stayed the same, or did they change? What if he would look different than what she could remember. Than how she had always known him? Something told her, however, that that anxious feeling had nothing to do with those irrational fears.
Sora bit her lip, looking down at the cellphone in her hand. The screen was lit, on it Taichi’s last message to her.
Happiest of New Years to you my lovely Sora!
It had definitely turned a smile on her face and of course she texted back as soon as she could, but due to an overloaded mobile network and the poor reception that was the logical follow-up, her message didn’t come through. That had made her anxious of course, but the phone call she had with him earlier in the day had made up for it.
But now it was the morning after, her message was eventually sent, but he didn’t replied, probably not even seen it. A wave of sadness overcame Sora and the anxious feeling of being forgotten washed over her.
Sora sighed.
For all she knew, Taichi was still celebrating with his newfound friends in Italy. She wanted, needed, to know and with her fingers she typed another message to ask him about his day and celebrations, only for it to be deleted again right after. She wasn’t the pushy girlfriend, right? If he wanted to text her, he would.
All sorts of scenarios crossed her mind, from Taichi kissing other girls to him being drunk from all the Italian wine and this passed out. Maybe his phone died. Maybe it fell, or he lost it…
“Stop it Sora, you can trust him! Right?” she said out loud to no one in particular as she held her phone to her forehead. For a little while she stood like that, unnecessary tears stinging behind her closed eyes. She wasn’t going to give in to those, and she didn’t have to.
Through her eyelids Sora could see a sudden light, cueing that her phone had just received a message to show her. Her eyes shot open and within a second she had unlocked her phone. Her messaging thread with Taichi was still opened, but there was no new message to be found.
Slightly annoyed, Sora swiped away Taichi’s chat to see who was the one who had sent her a message. Probably her mom telling her she had forgotten something at their house early this morning, she immediately thought, but she was surprised by someone else’s name.
Sora-san! Happy New Year! I have a little present for you, I’m at your door in 5 minutes. Could you open up? Love you soooooo much!
It was Mimi and a smile replaced her frown. Sora remembered how lucky she had been with such wonderful friends, then remembered she wasn’t exactly dressed to receive guests, so she hurried to the bathroom to wash up and dress herself in something more decent. She hoped that Mimi’s coming by would cheer her up good enough to stop the sulking over her boyfriend being far far away from her.
Just in time before she could get back into the sulking, the bell rang and she sprinted to the door to welcome Mimi in. As she opened the door, Sora tilted her head in pleasant surprise.
“Not alone I see?” she asked with a grin on her face.
“Hello Sora-san, happy New Year.”
“Nope! As you can see, I dragged Koushiro-kun with me. Hope that’s okay with you? We actually won’t stay long,” Mimi said with a wink.
The two guests entered Sora’s apartment, both of them being familiar enough to know the way once inside. Sora closed the door and followed her friends into her own living room where all three of them took a seat, Mimi on the chair and Sora and Koushiro on the couch. Mimi placed the bag she had been holding on the coffee table in front of Sora.
“I baked you something!” Mimi exclaimed happily as she impatiently waited for Sora to reveal the insides of the bag.
She found it the sweetest gesture, but had no clue to what she owed this exactly. Nonetheless, she was grateful for it and carefully unpacked the baking from the bag.
“Is it a carrot cake?”
“Mmhm!” Mimi confirmed excitedly, nodding her head rapidly. “But I gave it a touch by adding a nice amount of sunflower seeds. To wish you both an orange and sunny new year.”
Sora smiled as she kept looking at the cake, the orange and ‘sunny’ reminding her of Taichi. She was happy with the gift, but couldn’t help to feel the sadness pinching a little. She looked up to look at Mimi, hiding away any visible sorrow.
“It looks delicious. Thank you Mimi-chan, I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime,” Mimi said lovingly, flying out of the chair to give Sora a friendly little hug. “You deserve to have all the orange and sunshine in your life. He will return in less than two months, am I right?”
Of course Mimi looked right through her, Sora thought to herself. Without saying a word, hiding it away as best as possible, Mimi knew it anyway. And of course she tried to find a way to cheer Sora up. So Sora nodded to the question, now knowing she was unable to hide it from them.
“Then why the sad face?” Mimi asked as she sat back down in the chair.
Sora looked down at her own hands. “He hasn’t texted me after his last message at midnight our time. I’m a bit worried I think?”
“I see,” Koushiro started, “it’s normal to feel that way. But I don’t think you have to worry, Sora-san.” Koushiro reassured her with a knowing smile, a careful hand gently placed on her shoulder. He usually wasn’t the type for physical reassurances like these, but with Sora he felt more open and she absolutely loved her co-redhead for it.
“Unless he fell into a river while being overly drunk. I mean, right? There is a river in Rome, right?”
“Mimi-san!” Koushiro called out. Mimi ducked away further into the chair, in her way feeling sorry for her words. Sora could only laugh at her friends’ antics, even though Mimi’s words did sting a little, exposing a possible truth Sora wished wouldn’t be true. “Anyway,”
Koushiro diverted everyone’s attention with just that one word, his hand reaching for something in his pocket. Sora watched him closely, curious what was so important to change the subject. It didn’t take long for Koushiro to take the item out and he proudly held up a USB stick.
“It contains a little PowerPoint presentation I made.”
Sora thought it was suspicious, for the simple fact that it was ‘just’ a PowerPoint and not some sort of complicated other piece of software Koushiro would have created himself.
“I think it might peaks your interest, maybe you could take a look and let me know what your findings are?”
Unable to say no to her friends, she held out her hand and took the little thing from Koushiro. “I let you know,” Sora said with her kindest smile
“But not now!” Mimi said after looking at the clock hanging on the wall. “Koushiro-kun and I have to go.”
Sora’s suspicion rose. “Why the sudden hurry?”
“Koushiro-kun and I promised to pick up my cousin from Europe!”
“Mimi-san didn’t want to drive alone, so she asked me to accompany her.”
It at least sounded honest. Sora nodded and followed her friends to the door to say them goodbye. As she shut the door behind them, the feeling of being alone flooded back. Sora sighed, dragging herself and her racing mind back to the living room.
Once arrived, she seated herself on the chair, slumping away while tightly holding on to one of the pillows. Her eyes looked at the cake and the USB on her coffee table and a faint and grateful smile appeared. She didn’t have much time to take it all in and wonder about their intentions.
The phone in her pocket announced an incoming message. Her heart skipped a beat and with one sharp motion she flew out of the chair, now able to get deep into her pocket. Her heart skipped another beat seeing the first part of the name on her screen.
She should have known though that he wasn’t the only one with that last name in her phone and disappointment hit like a stab in her stomach.
Hikari: Happy New Year dear Sora-san! I wish for you to have a warm year with lots of Love and Light that will brighten your sky. I was going through some pictures from crafts made by my kindergarten kids and I stumbled upon some shiny ones! Who knows this will make you feel less alone, he will be back before you know it.
Sora wondered whether Mimi or Koushiro had texted Hikari to let her know about how she felt. Especially after looking at the pictures of the crafts Hikari had sent her. Sunflowers, in all forms and shapes. The yellow and orangeness combined with the by the children taken creativity warmed Sora’s heart, Hikari’s attentiveness even making her heart flutter.
Still she couldn’t help but to want the attention from the girl’s brother and not Hikari. So Sora quickly typed a thank you message in return before heading over to her chat with Taichi. With blind annoyance she wrote a message.
Taichi, where are you? I’m starting to feel like I’m not important enough for you. I feel kind of neglected? Anyway, I’m worrying myself sick over you and that’s not the way to start the year for Kami’s sake.
For once she did not read it twice and immediately hit send only to feel complete guilt right after. Her heart started racing.
I’m sorry! I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I just… I love you so much and you haven’t replied to anything and I just want to know whether you’re safe or not. Please, Taichi, can you please send me a message back? Even though it’s just an “I’m OK”… I’m so sorry…
Sora bit her lip as she crushed her phone between her hands as it was the only way for her tension to get out. She was on the verge of crying, of feeling miserable and an incredibly bad girlfriend. Her mind wandered everywhere and felt numb all the same. She was slowly losing herself and hyperventilation was close.
However, a vibration in between her hands brought her back from the spiraling. For a moment she concentrated on the ongoing vibrations, easing the fast pace of her heart. Or at least try. Because the chance this was Taichi calling her was rather high after those messages she sent and Sora wasn’t sure whether she was ready to face him like this.
She was both relieved with and surprised by the caller ID popping up on her screen.
“Hey Sora, happy New Year.”
She had never felt so happy to hear his voice. There was no way for her tears to stay hidden.
“Are you okay?” He sounded worried. Knowing.
She nodded, then remembered she was on the phone. “Yes. No. I don’t know? I’m just happy it’s you who’s calling and not him.”
There was a short silence on the other side, but Sora knew Yamato was nodding his head. Taking his time to find the right words.
“I know this is hard to believe when you’re feeling the way you are feeling, but believe me as I say that Taichi hasn’t forgotten you. He would never forget about you, you and I both know that,” he reassured her and Sora nodded understandingly. “And if it helps, he hasn’t texted me either. I think he’s just… occupied. You’ll hear from him sooner than you think.”
“Okay,” she replied quietly, taking the time to let his words sink in a little more. “Thank you, Yamato, and a happy New Year to you too,” she eventually said.
“To what do I owe this phone call?” She asked.
“Erm…” he sounded nervous. “I was wondering… could you listen to these lyrics I just wrote?”
Lyrics? Sora thought to herself. “You’re writing music again?”
“Just a little something. You don’t have to listen to it if you don’t want to—”
“No! I’d love to actually.”
“Alright,” he said and after some shuffling he started softly playing.
Sora closed her eyes and she felt herself zoning out. The melody felt like warming rays of light embracing her.
As the seasons change, and the days drift by We’ll hold onto the light, under the open sky Through gentle rain, and the storms that may come, We’ll stand tall and strong, turning to the sun
The lyrics made their way to her heart and a single tear rolled its way over her cheek, a bright smile accompanying it.
“It’s beautiful,” she said as he ended his singing. They exchanged some more words, making Sora feel a bit more relaxed, then wished each other a good day.
“Oh, before I forget,” Yamato interrupted. “Please look in your mailbox, I think Takeru has left something in there. I gotta go now, take care of yourself.”
And with that he hung up, leaving Sora with questions.
Hadn’t it all been a coincidence? Her friends, acting like this. Everyone coming over, texting her, calling her, apparently leaving her things in her mailbox… Everyone, except that stupid Taichi.
Sora balled her fists, then walked to her front door, stepping into her shoes and opening it. On the ground stood a small glass bottle with a note attached to it. Another surprise.
“Hi Sora-kun, Jyou here! I got you a little massage oil, it’s made from sunflower oil and I immediately thought of you. Please save it for a special occasion. And a happy New Year!”
Again the sunflowers… What was going on with everyone?
She placed Jyou’s present inside, shut the door and headed for the staircase of her apartment’s building. Because even though she could take the elevator, the stairs seemed to be more fitting to get that adrenaline out of her system.
She jumped, flew down the stairs, skipping at least two steps of the stairs with every step. Once arrived on the ground floor, Sora sprinted to the mailbox, opening the thing and immediately seeing what Yamato had meant on the phone.
There was a little notebook with on the first page Takeru’s handwriting telling her the notebook contained handwritten short stories about sunflowers. And that all their other friends had come to him with inspiration.
Sora’s mind was blown, completely overwhelmed with all the information she received. The gifts, the sunflowers… Still the feeling of being ignored by her own boyfriend lingered the most. And she wanted to ugly cry and scream. Loud.
She turned around to see if there was anyone there who could worry over her if she was going to scream.
She turned around, her eyes taking in the sight of a boy she had been longing for since midnight. His brown hair was a bit of a mess, his cheeks showing a blush, though Sora couldn’t tell whether it was from being outside or from their for her unexpected encounter. In his hand he held a bouquet of sunflowers.
Sora could feel the tears sting. Her friends were right when they said he would be back sooner than she thought he would.
“It was really hard to get these flowers in the middle of winter.”
She exhaled quick and sharp, only to inhale the air right back. “Oh no, you didn’t…”
“I kinda did?” Taichi replied and Sora could hear both the excitement as the worry in his voice. “Please don’t hate me…” He lowered the bouquet.
She had felt every emotion these past twelve hours. She had been plain mad and worried and desperate, both separately as all at once. But now, all she felt was relieve and sheer love for her Taichi standing in front of her.
“How could I?” Sora said, longing in her eyes.
“Well, I thought you’d be more excited and— ouch!”
She slapped his arm first. Then threw herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck while her lips found his as if they had never done anything else in life.
“Excited enough for you?” Sora asked as she parted her lips from Taichi, locking her eyes with his and staring deeply into them.
The lopsided grin on his face said it all.
x X x X x
Bonus time! (They have just watched the PowerPoint about Sunflowers made by Koushiro)
She grabbed the hem of his sleeve and stretched it out over his hand.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his eyes shifting from Sora to his sleeve and back to Sora.
Sora looked at him with a fond smile, not answering his question. She then looked down at her own sleeve and stretched it the same way she had stretched Taichi’s. Carefully she tied the two ends together into en tight knot.
“There,” she said, “forever.”
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ratherbefangirling · 1 year
DRABBLE: Betrayal
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Part ◾1 🖤 2 🖤 3 ◾
Pairing : Jimin x reader
Genre: hurt/comfort, yandere(soft) not very obvious in this one
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The music thrummed through the walls of the club.
You stood outside the bathroom waiting for one of your friends. Your other friends were either already seated or enjoying the themelves on the dance floor. It was your friends birthday and she had invited you to the party. They also planned to surprise ther other friend with a custom cake and gifts because they missed her birthday.
They didn't get one for mine. your brain cruelly supplies.
Instead Jimin came knocking at your door exactly twelve 'o' clock, with a boquet and a cake and balloons. If it were any other day you wouldn't let him inside your house. You would ask him where he got your address even if you knew finding things about you was just a piece of cake for him.
"Are you ok?" your friend Momo asks as she takes a look at your face.
"I am fine." you reply politely.
Lights kept flashing. Blue, Red, Green ; brightening the cave like atmosphere of the place. You take a seat. The menu is passed round so everyone can select what they want to order. After placing the order. Everyone decides to go to the roof for pictures. The roof is airy. The weather is cloudy but you put on your brightest smile... so that nobody notices. The waiter calls you as the food is served. You try eating but you can only pick on your meal. Which you really shouldn't considering you'd technically paid for it. The gifts and cake were pricey afterall.
The meal ends and the waiter brings the surprise cake. Sulli smiles brightlyy plesantly surprised and you cant help but envy her. Your friend Sora nudges you and you take out the hand made scrapbook you'd pulled an all nighter on.. even though it was supposed to be a group project. You wonder why you invest so much when you get barely anything in return.
"I'm sorry something came up."you tell your hosts."I had a lot of fun see you later."
"Should I drop you?" Sora asks since she was your ride.
"I'll manage." You reply
Staying any longer felt unbearable.You sit on the stairs at the entrance of the club. Removing your high heels from your aching feet, you didnt know what possessed you to wear them.
Drops fell one by one, then all at once.
You clench your fist. Your nails pressing painfully on your palms.
You take out your phone to check the time and book a cab. You are ready to throw your phone when it reads unavailable.
You wonder if the buses will work.
You make a run to the nearest bus stop. You sit at the bus stop drenched. Even more uncomfortable than before.
You tug your jacket closer feeling uncomfortable at the men staring at you unashamed. Their smoking makes you nauseous for some reason.
You look to check the time again.
Your phone rings and you almost drop it.
"Hello." You say answering the call.
"Hi angel. I didn't think you'd answer my call."
"Mmh... what do you want?" Your voice is but a whimper for some reason.
"Can't I say I miss you?"
"You're my boss Jimin."
"So if I wasn't would you give me a chance." He questions.
"I dont know." There is silence on the line. "Actually I was just thinking about you... I uh.."
"I'm listening angel you have all my attention."
"It's Nothing." You say before you sneeze.
"Hmm I couldn't hear you doll are you outside?"
"Yes ... it was a birthday.. one of my friends had invited us."
"Do you need a ride home?" He asks.
"No its fine. I dont even know why I'm talking to my boss on the weekend."
"Come on I'll drop you. You're alone right.. Its dangerous for such a beautiful girl to be out. Send me your location now I'll be there."
You couldn't help but feel flattered. That Jimin would drop whatever he was doing for you at a moments notice. It was insane. The stark contrast of people in your life. On one hand were your friends and then there was Jimin.
You sighed. You were too tired to think. And cold. Anything seemed better than the pathetic state you were in.
As his sleek car rolls up you realise how much of a mess you were. You were surely dripping and probably ruined your makeup and hair.
The cars honk makes you get up.
The window rolls down revealing Jimin.
"I'm wet. I'll dirty it." You tell him.
"It's fine come in." He says urging you inside.
You sit and put the seat belt on when he hands you a towel.
"How?" You question without realising.
"I was shopping for home essentials for my guest room."
"Oh."You say grateful to the universe.
Jimin turns on the heater.
You open the mirror on the passenger seat to find luckily you don't look too bad.
The car ride is silent. Gentle music playing in the background so it's not awkward and before you realise it you fell asleep.
Jimin gently rouses you.
"Y/n. Angel. We're here."
You sneeze in response and are rewarded with Jimins sonorous laughter.
"Where are we?" You ask confused.
"Outside my apartment. It was closer. If you stay damp any longer you'll catch a cold. And we can't have that can we?"
Before you can answer he's dragging you along.
The building is luxurious to say the least. It looks straight out of a magazine. He leads you to the lift and up you go. The glass lift gives the night view and you can't help but admire it.
The lift opens into a hallway. Jimin unlocks his door with the press of a thumb.
The apartment is like the rest of the building sparkling and shiny.
Jimin pulls out some home slippers for you.
"Why don't you take a shower? I have some clothes that might fit."
You nod the bathroom is so clean that you're afraid to dirty it but you notice a yellow chick towel and it's a bit out of place but it makes you feel comfortable.
The jet spray is so good along with the perfect temperature of water that you never want to get out, but you're feet are aching.
So you get out and dry your hair and wear the soft cotton pajama set Jimin gave you.
As you near the drawing room you can hear sounds in the kitchen.
"Jimin.." you call.
"Here." He replies. His hair is wet too. He looks soft like a boba ball.
"Take a seat. It's almost ready. I thought it would be nice to have a snack."
You take a look around his house and soft a round sofa bed with fluffy pillows and you decide you want to try it.
You sit on it and wrap the sofa rug around yourself and stare outside. The view is spectacular with the glass walls. You wonder if you'd be able to have something like this if you want to.
Jimin brings two glasses of mojito and a plate of fried rice and dumplings to share.
"Dig in."
"Thank you for the meal." You say before eating a dumpling and it's perfect.
"You're a good cook."
You take a sip of the mojito and the fresh mint leaves make it refreshing.
"Do you want to watch something?" Jimin asks.
You shrug busy with your meal and he feels the urge to shuffle your hair.
He puts on a movie he's sure you like.
"Have you seen this?" You ask.
"Yes, it's one my favourites." He replies.
And maybe it's something about the night, that all your doors are open rather than closed.
What's one more betrayal after all.
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Taglist : @mintsugarmy , @exfolitae
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kaziwi · 1 year
Make A Wish
Character(s): Law
Summary: Law never liked to celebrate his birthday...but you had other plans
Note: this is one of two birthday fics i’m posting for law hehe
Also thank you everyone for 200 followers &lt;3
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"Whatever you do...do NOT mention it's his birthday."
Those were the words Shachi warned you with two days ago. You were the newest member of the Heart Pirates and were still learning the ropes, but this confused you. Apparently your new captain, Trafalgar Law, didn't like to celebrate his birthday. Penguin and Shachi had told you that Law would force whoever mentioned his birthday to clean the toilets for a week.
The Polar Tang was docked at an island on the day of Law's birthday. It was strange to see everyone act if it was just a normal day, especially since for everyone else's birthdays the Heart Pirates went all out. You did notice everyone doing their work quickly and without complaint today, trying to take some of the stress off Law's back.
You were assigned to go into town and scout out which places looked good to restock. As you walked through the town, two specific shops caught your eye. First a bakery, you could smell the delicious treats coming from across the street. The second store that caught your eye was a children's comic book store, one that had a huge Sora Warrior of the Sea poster in the window. These two shops sparked a small idea in your head, and even though your crewmates had warned you, you just had to act.
You didn't return till later that night. Everyone had already eaten and some even went to bed. Usually you spent your nights playing cards with Shachi and Bepo, but tonight you wanted to see your captain. You slowly made your way to his quarters and mustered all your strength up to knock.
"Yes?" He called from the other side.
"Captain...can I come in? I need to talk to you about something."
"Yes you may enter."
The door creaked open as you stepped in. Law was sat at his desk, medical books and messy papers scattered on top.
"So Y/N-ya, what do you need?"
You cleared your throat and took out the box from behind your back/ You prayed that Law wouldn't get upset, but it was too late to turn back.
"Some of the others told me it was your birthday today...so I went out and grabbed something small for you." You sheepishly held out the box to him, hoping he'd accept.
Law paused for a second...then let out a long, tired sigh. He was angry, he hated when his birthday was brought up. Thinking about the day he was born reminded him of too much...Cora...Lami...his parents...
He just wanted those thoughts to go away.
Immediately when you joined the crew, Law knew he felt different about you. Everything you did was perfect, even your flaws were somehow amazing. If it was any of his other crewmates, even Bepo, he would be screaming his head off...but somehow he just couldn't bring himself to yell at you.
"Thank you....thank you Y/N-ya. You didn't need to get me anything." He took the box from your hand and set it down on his desk. Slowly he opened it, and instead of the angry reaction you expected, you were met with eyes of shock.
"Y/N-ya....where did you get this...?" Law said, holding up the poster that you had bought from the comic book store.
"Um...I saw it at a store in town. If you don't like it I can still return it-"
"NO," Law shouted, "This is the limited edition only 100 copies made poster. I've only seen pictures of it....I didn't even think it was real.."
Law stared at the poster for a few minutes longer while you stared in silence. After he was done being a nerd, he set the poster down and noticed something else in the box.
"A...cupcake? Y/N-ya I don't-"
"I know," you cut him off, "but they are gluten free and trust me they are super yummy! If you don't like it I'm sure Shachi will devour it."
Law looked at the cupcake with caution. He slowly rose the cupcake to his lips, getting ready to take a bite...
"STOP!" You yelled, startling Law. You dug into your pockets and pulled out a small wax candle and a lighter, "I almost forgot to put this on it."
You placed the candle on the cupcake and lit it. The flame shined brightly on Law's face.
"...What do I do now...?" Law asked, looking at you in confusion.
"It's easy, you make a wish, then blow out the candle!"
Law examined the cupcake, looking at it from all angles, then stared right back at the flame. He closed his eyes, and you couldn't make out his mumbles of a wish. After that was done he took in a big breath of air and blew out the candle. You softly clapped as Law's cheeks turned pink.
The rest of the night was spent with Law eating his gluten free cupcake as you talked about Sora and how much he loved it. When you looked at the clock next you noticed it was already 1 am. As you said your goodbye began to walk to the sleeping quarters, Law grabbed your wrist and stopped you.
"Thank you for tonight Y/N-ya...maybe I'll celebrate my birthday again next year."
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
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ft. sakasaki natsume
© tokusaatsus 2022
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warnings: none
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You and Sora have been called the ‘disaster duo’ before–many times, in fact–but you didn’t ever think it was this bad…
You look at your melted-sludge-mix, your sad excuse of cupcakes, your 13th reason why, etc etc. with a dejected expression. Sora, by your side and holding your hand in solidarity, sports something similar.
Sena-senpai, standing near opposite you two with a fire extinguisher in hand, looks like he might pop a blood vessel, with how much strain is visible on his face. “What.” He says–or snaps, rather. “Is wrong with you.” It doesn’t sound like a question. It sounds like an accusation. You bravely resist the urge to cower.
“Are you insane.” Another accusation. You notice he’s only glaring at you. Whilst you might protest this kind of behaviour normally, you also think that if Sena-senpai tried to scold Sora you might have to fight him and that would not end well.
“I’m calling Sakasaki.” He gets out his phone. Privately, you don’t think Natsume will care and by extension, neither do you, but considering the fact that these bootleg versions of a proper baked good are supposed to be for his birthday… Ah, well. You shrug, but only mentally. It’s not your problem.
Speak of the devil, and Natsume strolls in just a few minutes after Sena-senpai’s call. Seeing his chance, the older man drops the extinguisher without hesitation and makes his escape, for the sake of his blood pressure.
Natsume takes one look at the kitchen–smouldering oven, messy counter and all–then turns to you with a disappointed expression. “If you’re going to wreck someone’s kitchen, couldn’t it have been Tenshouin’s insteAD?”
“Sorry,” You mumble.
Natsume shrugs and turns to leave. “It’s fiNE. We’ll get senpai to take care of IT.” You think that extra stress is the last thing Tsumugi needs right now but, again, it’s not your problem.
“HiHi, Sora has an idea!” Sora chirps. Natsume pauses in the doorway. “Does Shishou~ know how to make cupcakes?” Natsume’s barely nodded before Sora’s grin widens. “Yay~♪ Shishou~ should teach Sora and Y/N how to make cupcakes! Sora thinks it’ll be fun ♪”
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It’ll be fun, you think derisively. Well, it’s not that Sora’s entirely wrong…
“No, Sora-kun, please don’t do that.” Tsumugi pleads, voice crackling from static. He watches you with worried eyes through the screen of a tablet placed on the counter at a precarious angle. The hustle and bustle of the StarPro offices can be heard in the background.
“Shut up, senpAI.” Natsume rolls his eyes. “Don’t listen to him, SoRA. Do IT.”
Sora, clutching a vial of some glowing green substance in one hand and a back of chocolate chips in the other, looks at you. You weigh the pros and cons in your head. Pros: it would be cool, and it’s not like you’re going to be the one eating it. Cons: literally nothing. “Yeah, go ahead.”
“No!” Tsumugi’s cry goes largely ignored, and the four of you watch with interest (You), excitement (Sora), indifference (Natsume) and mild panic (Tsumugi). The batter turns a colour not unlike that of radioactive melted metal. You and Sora exchange a glance, before pouring it into a tray of cupcake moulds and sticking it in the oven and setting the timer.
“Now whAT?” Natsume asks.
“I dunno,” You shrug. “Want to play a game?”
Unsurprisingly, 20 minutes goes by incredibly quickly when you end up playing Kiss, Marry, Kill with three (technically four, but Tsumugi’s working) magicians. You’ve just finished cornering Natsume with the choices of Rei, Wataru and Kanata when there’s a ding! Natsume’s sigh of relief does not go unnoticed by you. Sora places the tray of warm, slightly green cupcakes in front of you. “Shishou~ should try the first one!”
Natsume blinks.
“Would you waste all our hard work?” You chime in, grinning madly. “Don’t you know what day it is? Happy birthday, Natsume ♪”
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WC: 654 words
reze txt happy birthday natsume! we love you, nacchan! may you continue to be as magical as you always are <3
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thaliafrais · 2 months
Just made a Looking Glass Fanfic on the true ending cause it makes my heart hurt and I wanted to create something out of it. If you still haven't played it yet, this might be some kinda spoiler so I suggest playing that first~~ But still it's up to you! It's your life after all, can't bother you enough. Anyways, have fun!
Aoi Yuuta and Aoi Hinata
It startled the boy when the alarm suddenly went on. He looked up at his phone and saw that it was already 00:00 and there's a note saying “Special Day” reminder on his calendar. He smiled and looked at the Gravestone in front of him. “Happy Birthday, Aniki.”
A Happy (?) Birthday
It was March 4 at 11:25 in the evening and a boy sat down on the plain grass as he put down the belongings he brought on his sides.
“Hey Aniki, It’s been a while. How’s it going up there? I miss talking to you, I have a lot of stories down here.”
“Tetora brought you this gift, he was planning on giving you another one tomorrow. It was a teddy bear, not sure though ‘cause it’s wrapped. He really loves you doesn't he? I’ll put this one here okay?”
“This is from Sora, a figurine of your character in the game you two are playing. He says something like ‘This character reminds Sora of Hina ' or something like that. It seems like he misses you a lot too, he’s your best friend after all. I’ll put this here~~”
“This is from Midori-kun, he also brought you a teddy bear… Are teddy bear gifts a trend now? Maybe ‘cause you're sleeping? For eternally though. I’ll also put this one here alright?”
“This flute was from our senpai’s in light music club, they brought you some flowers too~ A beautiful one indeed. I’m sure you would like this, they definitely know your preferences, as expected to our senpai! I’ll put this down here.”
“Hm~~ A lot more gifts from other people. Aniki, you have a lot of friends huh? There's so many people who love you. I’ll put their gifts here okay?”
“It’ll be our birthday soon. But I’m the only one here, but hey I guess people in heaven celebrate their birthday as well huh?”
“Here, I brought you your favorite cake. I designed it myself! See these icings? There’s you and me in here. You're saying that I did a great job up there right? I wrote you a song as well, I’ll sing it tomorrow on our birthday live. I know you'll listen to it, wherever you are, you're still my number one fan. Haha~ I won’t lose to their gifts, I’m your precious thing after all.”
“Come to think of it, I used to be so annoyed whenever you call me something like that.”
“Didn't think I'd miss hearing those…”
“Anyways, so Aniki, I’m doing fine now. Not still used that you're not by my side though.”
“But I’m not scared of the monsters anymore. Don’t worry about me, just rest well there okay?”
“This is the first birthday that I’ll be celebrating without you…”
“I’m fine now but I’ll be lying if I said that I don’t miss you.”
“I miss you a lot, really… if there's such a way in the world where I can see you again, I would gladly take it.”
“Though I know it’s impossible, but hey Aniki… I won't forget you anymore, I’ll remember you until I take my last breath.”
“I’ll keep my promise.”
“Hey, you said that you hate seeing me crying so I’m trying my best not to.”
“It’s kinda hard but… after a lot of practices, I’m not a cry baby anymore~”
“Don’t laugh up there Aniki. I know you are laughing now—”
It startled the boy when the alarm suddenly went on. He looked up at his phone and saw that it was already 00:00 and there's a note saying “Special Day” reminder on his calendar. He smiled and looked at the Gravestone in front of him. “Happy Birthday, Aniki.”
A sudden email message popped up to his notification. The sender was… Aoi Hinata.
He clicked the email message right away ignoring the other notifications popping up to his phone. It was a file along with other documents. The file caught his attention first and he downloaded it and went to his gallery after.
It was a video.
A video sent by his brother from heaven? Wow, that would be fantastic ‘cause that would mean that they can still talk to each other. Or maybe this is one prank of people who want to see him scared or confused, but who would do that? The random thoughts vanished to his mind as he looked at the video for a few more seconds and clicked the play button.
He watched the video and saw his brother's room. An orange haired popped to the screen from below covering their face. It was his brother, the sudden appearance of it made his heart ache but he ignores it as he continues watching the video.
“Booh!!” the figure said on the video as he finally showed his face, he was smiling. “Are you surprised? Yuuta-kun~ Happy Birthday!! I recorded this video because the moment you watched this, we're probably not together anymore.”
“But see~ I won't forgive myself if I don't greet you on special days! Even if I’m not there anymore, I should still be the one who'll greet you first~!” The figure smiled proudly while chins up.
“Anyways, here's my gift~~” the figure gets something under the table, he then went up again and showed a chocolate cake with the icing on top, it was them together.
The boy who was watching covered his own mouth and fought against the tears almost falling with every fiber of his being.
The figure points the icing on the process “This is you, and this is me~ I didn’t have the time to make it so accurate but hey, this is already good, right~?” the figure smiled wide. He then paused for a while and smiled with cross eyebrows on his face. “Hey Yuuta… I hope you're not shedding tears there.”
The boy sniffled as he heard that on the screen, “I-I am not!”
“But I kinda hope you do…”
The figure looked down, not facing the camera. “I wanted you to grieve and not forget me for the rest of your life. Also, think of me from time to time but… I don’t want to see you hurt either.”
The figure laughed and smiled, looking at the camera “Pretty messy right~? I don’t really know myself.”
“I don’t want to see you hurt, moreover because of me. I love you Yuuta. If I were to choose someone in this world, the answer would always be you. You're the most important person in my life.”
The boy paused the video and his tears managed to escape from his eyes then swiped it right away. He pressed his cheeks and took a deep shaky breath. “Get a grip ‘self’, aren’t you supposed to be keeping your promises?”
He took a deep breath again and again as he looked at his phone and clicked the play button.
“Well anyway!” The figure went near the camera and whispered “Yuuta-kun, I will leave messages on your email along with this file. Make sure to open each one every occasion alright?”
A sudden loud noise can be heard on the back of the screen. It’s like a glass got broken on the other side of the room and the figure looks out for a while. “Ah… dad’s at it again.” he then looks back at the camera “I guess that's it.” he waves at the camera and said “Bye Bye Yuuta~”
“Wait!” the boy said and that was when the video ended. He was devastatingly disappointed by the sudden stop of the video, he kinda wished it was longer or so he could watch the video for the rest of his life. But that would be impossible so he slowly held the screen where the figure on the screen was waving, he could feel the tears welling up. The tears he was holding for whoever knows how long finally escaped to his eyes. He was staring at the screen, maybe if he stared long enough, he could bring the person inside the video back to life. “It’s so unfair… you told me not to cry but you gave me this…”
He bit his lip hard and took a shaky breath. “I-I thought I was fine…And yet, I couldn't keep my promise… I’m sorry Hinata.”
“I— I really miss you so bad. I want you here… Please come back.”
The boy let himself cry for minutes until he couldn't shed tears anymore.
“I was lying to myself… this would never be a happy birthday without you.” he sniffled as he scrolled to his emails and clicked the one that his brother sent. He saw a lot of documents queued after the video file. He clicked the first one and saw a message.
Happy 17th Birthday Yuuta-kun! I hope you're doing well, I love you~
He clicked the next document.
Happy Halloween Yuuta-kun! You're a good kid so you definitely deserves a treat~
and clicked another.
Merry Christmas Yuuta-kun. Are you doing well?
and another…
Happy New Year Yuuta-kun! It’s been a year now but I know I still love you! I hope you'll have a great year ahead!
and other more.
Happy Valentines Yuuta-kun! I love you so much!
Happy 18th Birthday Yuuta-kun~ How’s your debut going?
And so on… it was so long though he reached the document where it said Happy 100th birthday. “Really Aniki… he’s thinking that I could go that far ahead?”
The boy chuckled under his lips and exhaled. He then looks at the gravestone once again and holds it. “I’ll be fine now, I may be crying always but I can keep on going so rest assured.” he smiled and took a deep breath and smiled.
“Happy Birthday Aniki, I love you too.”
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thedeliverygod · 7 months
and for the KH fans
2 oldie but goodie sokai drabbles for you, Happy Valentines Day~
Coming Home
“Come on, I’ve got a surprise for you.” Riku led Kairi out of his back door and around the side of his house, the dirt path dimly lit by the moonlight. Turning back to glance at her for a moment, he explained, “This is to make up for dropping the ball for your birthday and Christmas.”
She bit her lip, her arms slightly wrapped around herself to keep warm, “Why Valentine’s Day, though? It’s so random. Plus I don’t want you to do anything extravagant for me… I know you were really busy catching up with school.”
“Don’t worry about it. I didn’t have to go too much out of my way to make it happen and I know you’ll like it.” He waved her off, holding out his arm to stop her just as they reached the edge of his house, “Okay. Turn around.” He made a spinning motion with his index finger. Kairi raised an eyebrow, staring at him and not moving. Rolling his eyes, Riku answered, “It’s supposed to be a surprise, remember?”
“Alright, if you say so.” She spun around hesitantly and heard his footsteps moving away from her.
“I’ll be right back.” He called out before making his way around the corner. After that, she heard nothing but the breeze going through the trees and bushes around her.
Wrapping her arms around herself even tighter as the wind blew, she whined quietly, “Brr...” After a moment, she finally heard the soft thud of shoes against the ground again and asked impatiently, “Can I turn around now? It’s freezing out here!”
“Uhh… sure.”
Kairi felt a jolt go through her body as she heard the response and realized it wasn’t Riku’s voice. Wide eyed, she turned around so fast that she almost fell over, “Sora!”
He smiled, “Hey.”
Looking him over a few times to make sure that he was actually standing in front of her, she launched herself forward and embraced him tightly, “I’m so glad you’re home.” Pulling a few inches away from him, she asked curiously, “But wait, how did Riku know you were coming today?”
A small smirk passed over Sora’s lips as he turned his head away, “I kinda got here yesterday, but I wanted to surprise you. So me and Riku set it up this way.”
“You jerks, you should have come and found me right away.” She leaned her head down against his shoulder.
“Believe me, it was really hard not to do that.” He laughed, Kairi feeling the vibration through his chest, “It took a lot of will power to pull this off.”
She leaned back from him, mocking a thoughtful look for a moment before grinning, “I guess I can let it slide, then.”
Sora looked down at her, smiling widely in response. After a moment, he became all too aware that they hadn’t broken their embrace in several minutes. Shifting his arms awkwardly so that he was holding her a little more loosely, he spoke sheepishly, “So… Happy Valentine’s Day, Kairi.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” She echoed, her eyes locked on his and her body unmoving.
He let out a nervous laugh, admitting, “To be honest, I didn’t think this far ahead… I was just focused on seeing you again.
Kairi shrugged, “That’s okay. I mean, this is good enough for me.” She hugged him tightly again, “This is more than enough, really.”
“Well, you’re easy to please.” He laughed again, “So, what’d you get me, then?”
“Um… well, I have a card but I was just going to get something once I knew you were home since I didn’t want to get any sort of candy and just let it sit around…” She glanced down, seeming embarrassed.
Sora moved one of his hands to her upper back, comforting, “Hey, I was just kidding. I appreciate it enough that you thought to get me a card while I was gone, anyway. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” She answered softly, looking back up.
He looked around for a moment, unsure of what to say again. “Weren’t you cold? We can go inside if you want.”
She blinked, “Oh. Um, I was… but I kind of forgot. We can if you want to, though. I’m sure Riku is waiting for us.”
“Yeah.” He nodded in agreement. Feeling Kairi beginning to pull away from him, Sora grasped her arms at his sides, “Wait.”
She looked up at him curiously, “What is it?”
“Well, you know the drawing in the secret place?”
Kairi felt her cheeks begin to grow a little warm, nodding, “Mhm.”
He smiled softly to himself before looking at her, “Since we’ve both added stuff now, I was wondering if maybe we can start working towards making that a reality.” He paused, nervously adding, “I don’t mean sharing a paopu fruit right now or anything, I just mean—”
“I know what you mean.” She shushed him, raising her hand to touch his cheek.
He looked to her for reassurance again, asking, “So?” Receiving a nod in return, Sora pulled her closer and dipped his head to catch her lips. She kissed him back, her hand sliding from his face to rest on his chest and just underneath his chin. Both pulling away with a smile, he suggested, “Alright, we can go in now.”
Kairi took a step back from him before slipping her hand into his and tugging him forward, “Okay, let’s go.”
Candy Hearts
“I got some more candy.” Sora slid a box of conversation hearts towards Kairi, taking a seat beside her at the table and opening the box that he still had in his hands, “I know they kinda taste gross but I thought it’d be fun to trade some.”
Kairi flashed a smile before reaching over to pick up her box, “Yeah, they’re definitely cute.  I don’t think I’ve done this since you, me, and Riku used to do it in elementary school. Talk about a nostalgia blast.”
He let out a small laugh at her response before pulling a heart out, reading it, and sliding it towards her, “I think I’ve got this one accomplished already.”
Raising an eyebrow in interest, she looked down to see “BE MINE”. She looked back up with a smirk, answering teasingly, “Hm, I guess so.” Pulling out one and glancing at it for a moment, she slid her own back towards Sora. As he looked down to see the word “SUNSHINE” Kairi commented, “I mean, seems pretty accurate to me.”
“Thanks.” He grinned, looking at her admiringly until she motioned for him to continue, “Oh, sorry…” He dug in the box again and pulled out a heart, sliding it to her without saying anything.
“No comment?” She titled her head.
He responded with a shake of his own, “Nope, it speaks for itself.”
Seeing “LOVE YOU” she smiled again, “How sweet. Love you, too.” Digging through her box for a moment, she sent another one his way.
“Call me?” He read out loud in a questioning tone. Pausing, he shrugged, “Eh, maybe later.”
Kairi pouted, “You’re mean.”
“I’ll make it up to you.” He quickly fired back, reaching into his box again. Sliding it to her, he said, “Here.”
Looking down and then back up at him, she gave a small roll of her eyes, “Very funny.” Sora didn’t respond so she slid him another one that said “KISS ME”.
He couldn’t hold his reaction for that one. “Soon.” He promised before sliding another heart towards her.
“Is this the only one you have left or something?” She squinted at him and he shook his head in return. “Okay… I’m gonna go with…this one.” She slid him one that said “SWEET HEART.” Sora pushed back his chair and stood up slowly, causing Kairi to ask mischievously, “Oh, you want that kiss now?”
He laughed sheepishly, “Sort of. Just wait a minute.” He slid the last two hearts he had given her towards himself and added a third “MARRY ME” heart. Looking back to Kairi, she was still completely confused until he began to lower himself to one knee.
“You’re really—” Her hands clamped over her mouth, muffling the following, “Oh my god.”
Sora let out another laugh at her reaction while trying to keep his own nerve, flipping the ring box open and asking, “Kairi, will you marry me?”
She nodded excitedly and offered her hand, saying loudly, “Yes.” Once he had gotten the ring on her finger, she immediately collapsed against him in a tight embrace. Through a bit of sniffles, she asked, “Is there even a heart that says yes on it?”
“I’m not sure.” He replied, pulling back from her a little bit and suggesting playfully, “But the kiss would be nice, now.”
She pulled back from him as well, giggling, “Right, right.” She leaned in towards him, placing one arm around his neck and the other loosely against his side.
He kissed her back softly, smiling into the kiss and lifting his arm up to support her waist so that she didn’t fall over. When they finally broke away from each other, Kairi stood up and helped Sora up as well.  Reaching over to the table, she grabbed the “LOVE YOU” heart and gave it back to him with a grin. “Love you too.” He answered, giving her a peck on the cheek.
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