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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
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@calysto1395 dropped a Howl's Moving Castle AU in our chat and I could not stop thinking about it, so here are some Howl!Law sketches
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
Mugiwara Field Trip
*The Straw hats find themselves at the largest library outside of Mariejouis. A retired Marine battleship that has been taken over by pirates and filled to the brim with books from all over the world. It is now known as The Alexandria*
Robin: Oh Nami, this this was such a thoughtful idea. I've been hoping we would run into the Alexandria during our travels.
Nami: Its no problem at all! I thought you deserved a little birthday surprise. You go on ahead and have fun! we'll catch up.
*Robin boards the Alexandria to browse the seemingly endless stacks of books. The other Straw Hats approach, arguing, laughing, and causing a ruckus. Nami turns to face them, her face shrouded in shadow*
N: Listen up! Today is about Robin. She's been dying to come here for who knows how long and none of YOU are going to do anything to get us kicked out of here.
Luffy: ahhh Nami, you worry too much, we're just here to have fun! I bet they've got tons of books about giant robots! Plus this ship is so cool! I can't wait to explore.
*Luffy attempts to walk passed Nami, grinning widely. Nami grabs him by the cheek, crackling with energy.*
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The rest of the crew, terrified: YES MA'AM, BEST BEHAVIOR.
The crew spends hours walking the stacks each one finding their own special interest.
Robin heads straight for the archeology and ancient cultures section where she spends all day glasses-ed up in a comfortable arm chair.
Jinbe finds a book on meditation and heads to the top deck to practice.
Franky spends some time looking over ancient ship blue prints before taking Chopper to the kid's story hour.
Sanji finds a copy of a book he loved as a child which details the many different species of fish and of course, the All Blue.
Zoro gets lost trying to find books about the cursed blades, but follows his nose to the cafe where he badgers the barista into making him something with alcohol.
Luffy finds the Manga section and indulges in his love for ninjas by blazing through all of the original run of Naruto.
Usopp smuggled his own stories onto the Alexandria and hides them in various sections. Titles include, The Adventures of Pirate Lord Usopp, Sniper King: Man or Myth?, and How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Brook runs into a group of fans and plays an impromptu acoustic concert on the top deck.
As the day winds down, Nami and Robin reunite at the check out counter. Franky carries Robin's massive stack of books to be checked out.
R: Thank you for this Nami, it was a truly wonderful day.
N: After all you've been through, I think you deserve it. I'm just happy everyone behaved.
R: Looks like you found some things too.
*Nami attempts to hide her books*
N: Oh, you know, just some old atlases haha.
*Robin spawns some extra arms to snag Nami's books, Nami seems panicked*
R: The history of the Nefertari royal family? You'll have to let me read that one when you're finished haha. *pauses* Thank you again, and for the record, you deserve it too.
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
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11.5. Crossguild morning greetings
Reference tweet
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
Oh my gosh! I just read the howl version of Law. Would you make a series of it or something 👉👈
hi, anon! Yes, I can make a miniseries about this, but I can't promise I'll post it this year.
I had so many ideas for that HC, my God, it would be like 3 to 5 chapters; It will probably be so fun to write! (I love this movie 🥺 and Law's story can easily be fit into it in fact there are many stories I can fit Law into)
I'm just taking a little break from everything, I just had a loss in my family and life is getting at me like never before (but it's ok!!!), I just needed a little break to breathe (I think it's the AO3 authors curse lol)
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
oh lord, this is so sinful 🥴
|| nothing just sucking Law off while he wears an onigashima raid outfit, happy fingering friday babes
[Heads up!: law is just hot in general ok, oral (m receiving), cursing]
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It's all because of that damn outfit.
No, scratch that ㅡ it's Law in that goddamn outfit. Law'd explained the mechanics of it, but truth be told, you hadn't been listening.
No, you'd been busy staring at the expanse of his chest, the black leather pants, the pair of horns temporarily situated on Law's head, the same color as his hair.
He'd looked too good to not do something about it. So you'd bided your time, waiting ㅡ and then pounced.
Not like Law complains much when you get into these kinds of moods, or perhaps its that you don't give him chance to (boundaries are, of course, always respected though) ㅡ the warmth of your mouth and wander of your hands doing most of your convincing.
"Fuck," Law exhales, head tipped back, throat bobbing in a rough swallow as his hips twitch, steadied by the press of your hands as you suck around him. You've been at it for a moment now, aware of the throb of him in your mouth, the steady leak of precum against your tongue.
His teeth clench around a moan when you hum around him, hissing as his fingers curl into your hair, both a warning and a plea as you repeat it, rubbing circles against the jut of his hipbones.
Law's chest heaves as you work, heat of your mouth slowly dismantling him, flush of heat on his cheeks that creeps down his neck.
"Gonna come," he pants in warning, as if you aren't aware of the way he twitches and pulses on your mouth, cock heavy and warm in the wet heat of your mouth.
You let up on the grip you have on his hips, letting him buck as his orgasm creeps ever closer, thrusts stuttering before he's pushing as deep into your mouth as he can, groaning as he spills down your throat.
You suckle gently at him until he all but pulls you off him, panting as you wipe at your mouth. "What's gotten into you?"
"Nothing yet," you answer coyly, watching the way he stares at you in a mixture of disbelief and amused arousal. "Wanna fix that?"
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
so, I came across this trailer and this man RIGHT HERE:
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he's very Trafalgar Law for me. you CAN'T CONVINCE OTHERWISE. a misterious doctor who wears two earring in each ear, remains relatively silent and is sorrounded by idiots? huh
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
Idk, but this is living free on my head and i just thought about it. I don't know if this request or not. Or maybe HC. But, Law as Howl from Howl moving castle. Like, maybe he got his surgeon power from magic or something, and decide to take his heart out because it's have heavy burden? Maybe he doesn't wanna feel anything and already hurt himself too bad since Corazon died. And he grew up as handsome man but also cold.
Idk, you can continue the headcanon XD
I love this movie with all my heart!! And this HC made me rewatch this movie, thank you so much. I'm not so good with HCs, this one turned out quite long, but I think I expressed my ideas well. ugh i really want to write more about it later
Law would definitely have a feud with Doflamingo (who is a very powerful and sadistic wizard) precisely because of Rosinante, maybe Doflamingo is even the cause of a war. Rumors of the Surgeon of the Death would spread throughout the country, people would say, "Law will take you to his castle and steal your heart!" and I imagine Law's castle to be an earthly version of the Polar Tang, yellow and full of gadgets on the outside, but empty and dusty on the inside.
I was thinking of Law living alone, but I'm really tempted by the idea of Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin playing the role of Markl and being Law's assistants (or maybe just Bepo? but I imagine Law saving all 3 somewhat as he did in his Light Novel).
Unlike Howl, Law doesn't make a deal with a demon; he just used his powers to remove his heart in exchange for not feeling the pain of losing Rosinante anymore. However, since he could easily die if his heart were attacked, he keeps it constantly moving in his castle, which uses his heart to move.
Since wizards without their own hearts slowly become monsters, Law thought he could use this to get stronger and fight Doflamingo, without thinking much about how he would slowly lose his humanity and never return to who he was since his feelings had practically been torn away with his own heart.
Until he meets you. I would change Law's powers a bit just to recreate that iconic scene when they walk in the air (and he's a wizard!! His powers are not limited to surgeries, but definitely focused). He would be running away from Doflamingo's magical henchmen and find you being harassed by soldiers. He definitely only helps you thinking he can use you to escape (we're talking about a man without a heart here!), but it doesn't work out so well, and he uses magic to escape with you walking in the air (he still has a bit of a sense of justice)
"Don't be dramatic", if you're scared. "Just look ahead and walk as if you're on the ground, or I'll drop you", this shouldn't be a threat; he just didn't have enough energy to carry both of you in the air, but his tone of voice certainly sounded rude.
He suspects when he finds you again in his castle, scared for being attacked by Doflamingo (that damn guy thought you were challenging him, you know, sadistic stuff), but only believes you when he sees the paper in your pocket, with that cheeky and cut grin, but he's still suspicious.
He denies your request for help, you try to negotiate and say you'll help with the cleaning, but he denies that too. Then you just sigh and say that with this curse, you can't go back to your normal life.
Tired, Law just accepts that you can stay if you really keep your promise to help with the cleaning.
You end up making friends with his assistants, who are more than happy to have someone to help clean, as the 4 of them were not at all organized, and the place is a complete mess.
Law cries when he realizes you cleaned the small room that hid his heart and even removed the thick layer of dust covering the blue film that protected it; the place became brighter and easier to enter without all that dirt. He doesn't even understand why he's crying; everyone gets confused and worried when he starts melting into a puddle of yellow goo, but you just ask them to fill the bathtub with hot water.
After that, Law becomes a bit more present during meals, and even talks more with you. The change in his mood, always so down, is obvious, but you prefer not to comment on anything to avoid making him uncomfortable.
Slowly, he began to feel more comfortable with the idea of having feelings when joy filled his castle, but still too scared to take back his heart.
The turning point comes when Law realizes that it's becoming increasingly difficult to return to his human form, and at some point in the next few days, he probably won't be able to return anymore. The fear of feeling that weight on his chest again is too much, but Law still wants to be human; he wants… to love.
He would probably postpone as much as possible to put his heart back in his chest, thinking that he would be too weak to fight Doflamingo this way. He still wants to protect you all; that's why he doesn't want to tell you what's happening to avoid worrying you.
This selfish little shitty brat would only get his heart back at a very critical moment (probably when he's near death lol) and when he realizes that he doesn't have to fight alone to protect everyone, especially when Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin are his wizard apprentices, and when he also realizes that you wouldn't be happy to see him die for you when he could save himself and save his own humanity.
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
heart-shaped box
hi everybody! i'm back with posting stuff. i finished my final paper (i still need to make a presentation, but that's the easy part), this paper made me tired of writing, so I didn't post this before, sorry! and i'm having quite a week lol (just for example, one of the things that happened to me was that i had my scalp sutured!)
~1.2k words
from this post. a lots of fluff, A LOT, TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF. no use of pronouns. organs (heart). mentions of Law's backstory and light novel.
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Hey, Cora…
Law's slender fingers hovered over your chest with the same delicacy he would use to sheath the blade of his own sword with the thin blue layer of his ability. He kept it at a reasonable distance, as if trying to sense the vibration of your pulsating heart in the air. The only thing breaking the silence in the room was his breath, but your heartbeats raced into your eardrums, making the place sound louder than it should.
Both of you sat cross-legged, facing each other in a room separate from the rest of the… guests.
Law wanted it to be just you and him, no one else. You were outlaws, without the right to a traditional marriage, whatever was traditional for both of you; that's why he wanted to do it still in Wano, away from the eyes of the world.
The marriage that usually involved you, your partner, the Government, and God would this time be confined between the two of you. But you insisted; after all, you wanted to share this joy with your friends, and with Wano closed, there weren't many risks of this information leaking.
"Don't you think this happiness should be just between you and me?" Law lifted his hat and scratched his head, looking seriously at you.
"Don't you think we'll have other kinds of happiness that will be just between us?" With your response, he only hid his eyes behind the brim of his hat.
Law must have been worried about the possibility of the Straw Hat crew showing up and ruining everything. In the end, he agreed, but on the condition that the two of you had this moment alone.
You took his wrist with both hands and pulled his hand towards you, your fingers touching the kimono while his palm rested on your chest with hesitation.
"Are you sure?" He murmured and lifted his eyes from your chest to your face; that golden gaze was unwavering, covered with a layer of uncertainty, though. His fingers trembled, perhaps out of insecurity or the weakness of removing his own heart.
You didn't say anything, just pulled him into a kiss; your thumb stroked just below his eyes, the skin warming under your digits with each second you kept your lips pressed together. That was a perfect confirmation for him. When you separated, you smiled at him and turned your back to Law.
"You already took yours", he laughed lightly.
"Not as if it's difficult to put it back", he replied, and you looked at him over your shoulder. "Room."
Law tilted you slightly down; his arm was around your torso, and his open hand was on the upper part of your chest to hold you. You embraced his arm and took a deep breath, letting your body relax. "Are you ready?" He asked, the phalanges of his fingers stroking your back calmly; you nodded and closed your eyes.
"Mes", he whispered and tapped the bottom of his hand on your back, on the left side. You felt your body weaken before the light blue box fell from your chest; he was skillful in catching your heart with the hand that was on your back.
You gasped for air; Law sat you upright as your body adjusted. That, in the hands of your fiancé, beating faintly, was your heart, out of your chest, right in front of you. The idea was so absurd that you would refuse to believe it if you didn't know about Law's powers and hadn't seen them before.
You lowered your kimono and felt your chest; there was now an empty, square space, open; you felt like you could pass your hand through it, but you didn't want to test it due to the nauseating sensation of just feeling the hole.
"Are you okay?" He asked, placing a hand on your shoulder, his eyes once again staring at you with the same rigidity; your gaze fell to your heart in his hand. You just nodded.
Law nodded too and placed your heart on the small table next to you, right next to his, on top of a cloth. You sighed, watching the two hearts beating at different rhythms, slightly different in size, but still, two hearts.
They were fragile but valuable, pumping the blood that magically flowed through your veins, even outside your bodies; it was even a bit mesmerizing to watch them, but Law didn't seem very surprised, after all, he had seen at least a hundred of them.
Law gently picked up his own heart, placing it in the palm of his hand. He turned it as if he found the best position, something you didn't think would matter, but he was a perfectionist, so you didn't bother saying anything. Your mouth went dry when you swallowed, and he approached, his eyes on yours again, looking for any sign of hesitation to stop immediately.
"Ready?" He asked in a whisper, and you were so excited that you just nodded.
The man took a breath and exhaled with deliberate slowness, his hands approaching your chest carefully. The small light blue box holding the heart fit so perfectly into the hole in your chest that you wondered if that wasn't yours; he stopped halfway, looking at you.
You responded with a smile, enough to remind him that this was as symbolic as exchanging rings and could be undone as easily; but you still accepted his idea without even asking questions, without asking for a ring or laughing at his idea—a smile enough to remind him that you understood all the symbolism and importance of this and that you accepted who he was, no matter what. With that, he finished pushing the box into your chest, closing the hole and restoring the skin as magically as it was removed.
The sensation was strange; it was like having two hearts in the same place. You could still feel your own heart pounding frantically, while you also felt Law's heart inside the chest, beating against your ribs, settling against your lung, beating as rapidly as yours, not in the same rhythm, but in the same frequency.
"T-This is… funny", you said with a smile, your hand on the place where Law's heart now resided.
With trembling hands, you held the organ ripped from you, beating rapidly against its confinement; the small light blue capsule was somewhat gelatinous and a bit smooth, seemed very malleable, but at the same time resistant.
"Relax", Law whispered to you, the corners of his lips curving upwards gently. "Let me help you", he asked, adjusting the small box in your hands, turning it, pointing to the left side. "These are your right atrium and pulmonary artery, they should be turned to your left, so they will fit correctly", he pointed as he spoke, and you just nodded.
With the tips of his fingers under your hand, he guided you to the hole in his chest, where the box fit perfectly. When you looked at him, he was smiling, not the same smile he gave when he was boasting or teasing someone, it was a genuine smile of happiness, one that you saw a few times but loved every time.
You felt like crying when you fitted the box containing your heart in the place that would reside for the rest of your life, where you lived for so long, in the core of the person you loved the most. When the skin covered the hole in, now, your husband's chest, you felt as if you were receiving the most intimate hug you had ever received—and could never receive again.
You hugged him, feeling the warmth of your tears warming your face; Law also cried silently, but unlike the tears of cold nights, there was a warm feeling in his chest, maybe from the new location of his heart, but the joy you felt was genuine.
His head rested on your shoulder, you felt his heart gradually calming down in your chest as he enveloped you in a warm hug, pulling you into his lap.
Law could still feel the cold of that night, how the snowstorm blurred his vision, the sound of the lines cutting the ground, how humid that chest was. He felt like he had spent all the years that followed trapped in that memory, walking through the forest, crying desperately while looking for the nearest town. However, in recent times, the snowstorm seemed weaker.
Until he reached the nearest town, right when Doflamingo finally hit the ground. When he found himself comfortable in the bed of a kind stranger, he finally understood the reasons for his savior. And when he drank that warm soup after years of hunger, his heart was finally at home, protected by your ribs.
"Law…" you whispered. "I love you."
Your now husband (husband!) put his hands on your shoulders and pulled away from you a little, so you could see his face; there was a smile so wide that his eyes closed, and you could only smile back at the sight. "I love you."
… I'm home.
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
this is so killer codded
think of a huge dumb idiot best friend who just manhandles you, curls his hand into your hair to pull you flush to his big warm chest as he comforts you, regaling you with a funny story that you can feel his laugh from his chest straight to your cheek. someone who can just lift and drop you off to move you out of the way, holding his hand behind him when walking in a crowd so you wouldn't get lost or crushed. just a big hunk of a man. and you're just friends. nothing sexual, nothing more than that. the casual intimacy is enough. until it isn't. aaaaa aaaaa aaaaaaa aaaa aaaaaaa
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
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about the horny Law hour, I have a heavy hc that if Law catches you masturbating, he'll probably pull up a chair just to watch you, and being the good pervert that he is, Law would probably use DF to give you his cock, just for te sake of seeing you using him as a dildo ����‍💫
First of all HI omg but also PLEASE YOUR MIND ㅡ
Having him walk in on you touching yourself should definitely be more embarrassing than it ultimately is, though perhaps it's softened for the fact that Law doesn't seem bothered by it.
Rather, all he does is situate a chair nearby and seat himself in it before he fixes you with a look. "Continue." When all you do is stare, he sighs. "If you're going to moan my name like that, it better be worth actually giving you something over."
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
hey guys! I'll probably spend the rest of the month without posting anything because I'm in the final stages of my degree (I'll probably still be rebloging some things), things are very stressful and I want to make sure my final paper is perfect! I'll probably still post about the concept I posted about before, but only this. I hope you understand! thank you <3
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
I'm writing this
I was here, thinking with my little brain… would it be exaggerated to literally exchange hearts with Law when you get married??
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
I was here, thinking with my little brain… would it be exaggerated to literally exchange hearts with Law when you get married??
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
this is so sweet
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Captain look
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
Law with a curious nosey SO
A/N: this is horribly self indulgent fluff and not to be taken seriously. Please bear with me.
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"So you mean to tell me," you said disbelievingly, "you don't like bread?"
You swear you saw Law's eye twitch. "Is that a problem?" He spoke through clenched teeth.
If Law were working on something serious you wouldn't be pestering him at all, but his task of emptying supply boxes was inane enough that you could get away with chattering.
Plus, if he wanted to delegate a task for you to complete (far way from him), as your captain, he could. But so far, you were still beside him. Either way you were happy he hadn't rebuffed your company...yet.
"Well, no," You hand him some gauze to shelve. "But that means sandwiches are definitely a no. But what about pizza? Does crust count as bread to you?"
Law grabbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I'm not getting into this with you, Y/N-ya. If you want to ask stupid questions like 'is a hot dog a sandwich?' I'll drop you off for the Straw Hats."
He threatens to strand you for the Straw Hats often, at this point it's a joke amongst the crew.
"Oh please," you roll your eyes. "You've threatened to strand me for worse."
You can tell Law's recalling one of your antics, no doubt with Shachi and Penguin, by the way his lips fight a smirk to form a scowl. The two of you fall into a lull of comfortable near-silence, only speaking to warn him when you're handing him more supplies.
That is until curiosity bubbles up from you once again. "Okay, just hear me out--"
Law audibly sighs.
"If you don't like bread, then what about cake? Brownies? They're both basically just sweet bread. Is it a taste thing or a texture thing? You ask. "What am I going to do for your birthday? Do you like ice cream. We could do ice cream cake."
His movements stutter for a moment and lips part as if he's going to speak, but then they shut again. "You'll do nothing," he says. "You don't even know when my birthday is."
"Well, when is it, captain?"
Law looks down at you for a moment. You can see the irritation in his eyes slowly soften into something more neutral the longer he looks at you. He turns back to the shelf and grins. "April 31st," he says.
"There's an April 31st...?" You mutter to yourself, your nose wrinkling a little. Is there an April 31st?
The grin turns into a short huffed laugh when you realize Law, your captain, is just fucking with you. "Oh screw you!" You nudge him playfully hard with your elbow. "When is it!?"
"You don't need to know." He cuts into another box and continues working, ignoring the way you're pouting.
"Can you at least tell me if you like ice cream?"
You can't believe you've gotten Law, Trafalgar D. Water Law, the stoic, cruel captain of the Heart Pirates to nearly laugh. But he does, a sound that's close to a snort escapes him.
"Sure, I like ice cream."
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
I couldn't write anything good for Halloween, I have three drafts (with Zoro, Sanji & Law) but none of them satisfied me enough to post today >:(
I'll probably post them later, but my final paper doesn't really allow me to write many things besides my current fanfic.
Happy Halloween to everyone!
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zombiedumbie · 1 year ago
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'Wolf brought another strange kid home' masterlist.
based on Law's light novel, Shachi and Penguin's past, 1st person pov.
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It took four days for them to wake up.
During that time, onnanoko and I took care of them, and the three of us took turns with household chores under Law's command, to continue helping Wolf while keeping an eye on the boys. I found it impressive how he could manage things.
"They were the boys who were messing with me in the forest", I told her as we cleaned them, the day before they woke up, and she asked me why I was helping them. I didn't understand why she asked that, so I just replied, "just because" and continued, too tired to understand the reason behind her question.
When they woke up, all of us were tired but happy to see them conscious. I could see how Law seemed concerned about the two of them. He often talked about the boy with the cap, who, despite still being weak due to the hole in his stomach, would be fine as long as we took care of him.
He was the first to wake up, an hour or two before his friend. Onnanoko hid at the top of the stairs. He seemed bothered by his injury, but he could speak calmly. He kept looking at me in a strange way and always turned his face when I looked back at him.
But Law mainly talked about the boy with the cap that had 'Penguin' written on it and his arm. Sometimes at night, he stayed awake in the living room, looking at him with concern. Law was worried about his arm, I didn't understand why, but he explained to me that such surgery was very complicated, and it wasn't just about putting his arm back in place; there were several things he needed to sew in the exact right place for him to be able to use his arm again. I stayed with him in the living room during those nights.
Then 'Penguin' woke up, onnanoko climbed a few more steps, and Law seemed even tenser. Wolf stopped right at the door, arms crossed while he watched us, and the other boy bit his lips nervously.
"I'm going to remove your bandages. See if you can move your arm and fingers", Law said, cutting his bandages with scissors.
"O-Okay..." He replied, terrified. Even onnanoko approached a bit closer, watching everything while peering through the wall of the staircase.
He sighed, looking at his arm with fear. I saw his muscle contract, and then he moved his little finger, followed by the ring finger, the middle finger, index finger, and thumb. Surprised, he raised his arm and bent his elbow, moving his forearm.
Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief. I was so happy to see him able to move his arm that I hugged him without even thinking, and he was crying, sniffing while I hugged him tightly. The boy with the cap was crying too. Both of them seemed relieved to be well. I could hardly hold back my tears watching them happy and thanking Law.
"Thank you, thank you so much!" 'Penguin' said, bowing his head when I let go.
"Oh man, I was so scared! I thought it was a lost case... But I'm alive, thanks to you!" The boy with the cap said between tears and a huge smile on his face. He still looked pale and weak, but he was happy. I restrained my desire to hug him too.
It took almost a week, but they were almost fully recovered. Law said they seemed very aware of what had happened. Wolf and I helped 'Penguin' with his recovery, Law explained that he needed to move his arm due to the surgery and the time he spent immobile. Onnanoko also wanted to help, but her fear seemed to overwhelm her, especially when she had to face two new people.
The best she could do was to be in the same room with them without hiding, but she cooked and helped us with some things so that we could assist them. Wolf frequently grumbled, complained and sniffed, making faces, but Law said that was how he showed he was happy, so he hadn't kicked them out yet.
Law decided to ask them what had happened now that they were better.
"First, you two brats, what are your names?! I can't stand calling you 'cap' and 'Penguin' anymore!" Wolf said, getting up. "I am Wolf, the genius inventor Wolf! That's how you should call me, with a lot of respect!" Law chuckled and crossed his arms.
"Pay no mind to him; he's just an old man who makes a lot of junk", I heard onnanoko stifling a laugh, Wolf looked at the two of them, incredulous.
"Shut up, brat! And don't butt into the conversation when you're not called!"
"If you say so..." And then the two of them made the same face and turned away, red. Onnanoko and I laughed at them while the two boys watched in confusion.
They talked amongst themselves before introducing themselves, 'cap' was Shachi, and 'Penguin' was... well, Penguin.
"Shachi and Penguin, huh. You can start by telling us how you got hurt", Wolf asked, and I was surprised by how calm his voice was.
So the two explained. They were living in a tent in the forest, and on the day of the accident, while they were cooking meat, a wild boar hit Shachi in the stomach. Penguin tried to hit it with a bomb, but it exploded shortly after he threw it. Penguin said he had stolen the bomb from the town, when Wolf was curious about why they had one.
"I understand. You shouldn't be stealing, but I can see why you'd want to protect yourselves from wild beasts", he replied, sipping his tea. We all fell silent for a few moments, and then Law spoke, as if he read my mind.
"Where are your parents?" We all fell silent, waiting for one of them to answer.
Their parents had died in a minor tsunami six months ago. Because of that, they had to live with Shachi's uncles, who made them commit petty thefts and smuggle weapons through the city. We were all upset about everything, and onnanoko hugged my arm, hiding her face in my shoulder, and I could feel her tears wetting my fur. So I placed a hand on her head while listening to them.
"We were never treated as people. To them, we were just slaves. So we ran away. But we had nowhere to go and no way to make money, so we built a tent in the forest and tried to live a real life there... but... I don't even know what the point of living is", Penguin began to cry, and I felt very sad for the two of them.
Wolf and Law exchanged looks as the two boys cried in front of us. I could only feel very sad after hearing what they had been through. If I had known that earlier, I could have shared my food with them when we first met. Onnanoko just left and went back to her room without saying anything.
"If you hadn't saved us, we would have died in the forest. Thank you so much! And..." Shachi turned to me, and I opened my eyes a bit wider, confused. "Polar Bear... you took care of us all this time. Feeding us, helping with our rehabilitation... there are no words to express our gratitude!"
My cheeks burned when Shachi said that, and I didn't understand why he was thanking me. I had just done what needed to be done! But I worried about his effort in moving and talking so much while crying. I stretched both hands in front of my body, waving them to try to show them that they didn't need to do that.
"You... You don't have to thank me. It's natural to help someone who's injured, isn't it?" I tried to reassure him.
"It's more than that! We hit you. Kicked you, punched you. Being kind to someone who did that is more than 'natural'!" Shachi replied, and I felt embarrassed. It didn't matter anymore, after all, they still needed help, and I could help them.
Before I realized it, the two of them were bowing their heads in front of me. "Polar Bear... No, Bepo... Thank you for helping us. We are so, so sorry for taking our anger out on you!" I remained silent for a while, not knowing how to respond so that they understood that it was already in the past.
"You... Don't worry about that! I have no problem helping you!" I replied the best way I could think, but they continued to bow their heads, crying. I looked at Law and Wolf in despair, hoping they would help me with this.
Fortunately, Law finally spoke up.
"Say, you two..." And then, Law invited them to stay with us. My face lit up with the idea; I smiled enthusiastically at the two of them. But then I heard Wolf complaining.
"Did you forget that this house is mine?!" But then Law ignored him.
"Besides, Bepo and onnanoko are already part of my team," and my whole world brightened, and I practically jumped toward Law.
"Really?! This is the first time I've heard that!" I replied excitedly; I couldn't wait to tell that to onnanoko! "Aye, aye!"
"Please, let us stay here!" Penguin and Shachi begged in unison, then Wolf grumbled before complaining again.
"Hey, brats! I don't think I can do anything about it. I'll let you stay here. But make no mistake! I'm not your guardian, and I don't want to be!" He scolded, waving his arms like crazy while speaking. "I won't be part of your family, let alone your friend! The only relationship I need is to give and receive! Alright?!" I saw Law raise his eyebrows when he mentioned family; he probably thought about onnanoko but chose to remain silent.
"You need a place to live, and I need extra hands to help with household chores and my inventions! A fair exchange! As soon as the injured are healed, I'll put all of you to work in the city so you can experience real work! Any questions?!"
We didn't say anything. I thought it was fair, after all, he was letting us live with him in exchange for help.
Wolf's face turned red, and then he left, sniffing and stomping his feet with force. I was excited to have more people living with us, but I worried about the girl, Law told me to leave her alone, as the story of the two boys might have been too heavy for her.
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