#just tell me :]
shiftingtomydrs · 4 months
making yet another dr to distract myself from the fact im still stuck here instead of having fun in my dr
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Can I just ask - if y’all didn’t like this season that much, then who’s been watching it into oblivion with those record-breaking numbers?
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sspicat · 4 months
One little thing, before Maths👌
Sirius is the strongest in the main cast (5v1 yo). But something has going nuts in my mind for a while now,
Is Sirius Stronger than The Great Sorcerers?
idk u tell me. Sometimes i think even Sirius Vs Sukuna from jjk be worthy more than Gojo💀
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allthatwas-moved · 4 months
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deadass if this is one of you guys lmk because i'm sorry you're freaking me out <3
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gentlemean · 11 months
I know the fandom loves throwing ideas around for a hypothetical adaptation, so why not chime in.
I think most of us agree that an animated series would be better than the dreaded life-action adaptation. Regardless of format, any adaptation would have to somehow preserve the peculiarities, the absolute whiplash, and way the narration shapes the narrative. In my opinion, an animated series could do this quite well.
We start off with Gideon the Ninth. It's shown in heavily stylized 3d animation (think, at least Arcane-style), with strong contrasts in the colors. The Ninth house is dark and desaturated, the lights in the eyes of animated skeletons and Gideon's hair positively burn among the dreary surroundings. Then, getting to the First, the world is vibrant and bright, lots of elaborate light refractions in the broken windows of Canaan house.
Characters are accompanied not only by small, individual musical themes, but also by visual clues. Each house might have distinct little particles and effects that appear in scenes in which the respective characters act. They might synergize in scenes where characters cooperate or contrast in scenes in which they fight. (example: the Niners are always accompanied by shadows, ink-blots staining the scenery around them. The Third are too graceful to be real, all of their animations use exaggerated smear-frames in overly grandiose flourishes. When Naberius fights Gideon, his strikes stir the shadows around Gideon, cleaving bright rifts into the inkstained dark.)
The story is told as we know it, without reordering or large ommissions. One thing we see not nearly often enough in modern television is actual narration in the background. We don't need it for all of the visuals and happenings, but so much of gtn profits from Gideon's thoughts and feelings.
A few scenes look differently though. When Gideon allows Harrow to take over her vision, the animation style changes. It gets a bit more abstract, the surroundings are textured like oil paintings, and Gideon herself has trails of smoke and ink following her movements. This is how they see the world together, and it is reflected again at the very end of the first book, when Harrow ascends. Except this time there's no borrowing, it's something deeper. The world is painted, more abstractly this time, and the characters appear almost like paper cuts.
And then the fun begins. We leave gtn and start htn. There is no more Gideon in our narrative, and yet there is her narration. As in the first series we retain parts of the narration, and it is her voice - mostly. Now, this is a source of great confusion in the book, right? The series would have to make it explicit that it is her voice, but it can have fun with it nevertheless. Some words are garbled, overlapping, distorted. Sometimes, Harrow's voice seamlessly takes over the narration, drifting in and continuing, while still using Gideon's pronunciation and vocal flow.
The visuals, on the other hand - now, that's an entirely different thing. At this point we know what the world looks like when Gideon sees it and what it looks like when they see it together. htn gives us two exciting new variations: 'Harrow with very little Gideon' for the Mithraeum story, and 'Harrow entirely without Gideon' for the river bubble. In the main, physical-world story we retain broad strokes of thick oil paint for the world around Harrow. The characters are too clean on a messy background, with some of the paint steadily bleeding into their shapes. The paint seems almost like it is an active participant in the narrative, crawling across inconvenient truths to blot them out, staining everyone but keeping it's distant from John, who therefore remains clearer than clear, shiny and bright, squeaky clean and lemon scented. But then there's the river bubble, and we get full Harrow, with a teeny bit of Wake. The scenery around the characters is vague and misty, swathes of color arrange into a distorted background like ink being poured into water. The entire scenery bleeds color and light into the surroundings of dark, barely saturated characters. It breaks at the seams when the uncomfortably realistic fleshy pipes wind through the walls, something too concrete for a tearstained world.
Towards the final act, we see a few changes: Abigail summons Nonius, and the shape language changes. Everything's still illustrated the way it was before, but the stark, desaturated characters in his proximity stop being mere dark blots in this scenery, and instead become almost comic-like. Their strikes and attacks are supported by respective action lines, their poses and moves adapt to the newly imposed genre conventions. Meanwhile, on the Mithraeum, Gideon is keeping the fires burning. We're almost back to the way we used to see the world in the beginning, Gideon's stark contrast and smooth environments. But there's the ink bleeding into the scenery from dark corners and bright red puddles, there's enough of Harrow here to stain the world.
And, well. We get to Nona. And Nona's world fundamentally isn't like the one the other's see. Nona's world is mismatched and chaotic and charmingly odd. Most of it is claymation, interspersed with some other materials. Cam's swords are real metal, the dust of New Rho fills the air, and most of the food is probably actual food that looks as dreadfully out of place in this world as it feels in Nona's mouth. There remains a touch of Harrow, expressive movements are exaggerated with her flowing ink, action lines like calligraphy. Of course, there are also the John chapters. Here, we get to have proper fun with the visuals. Let's recap: it's Harrow getting to experience a memory of Alecto, narrated by John. We already know Harrow's flowing colors that stain the backgrounds, and we get mixed medium animation with it: articulated plastic dolls, of course, with some natural materials (moss, wood, some metal scraps) as set dressing.
I'm still not entirely settled on the Nona Epilogue. As long as Alecto isn't out I'm not sure whether I want to keep in line with something from the next book, or whether it's its own thing. Until we know more: illuminated manuscript.
Well, that was more than I originally intended to write, but I've had those thoughts in my head basically since I've started the books, and they needed an outlet. There's plenty more ideas where those came from, please please talk to me. 'The Unwanted Guest' as an actual play, anyone? (When Cam makes contact with Babs, and the fight initiates, the camera zooms out from the now frozen claymation, revealing it's situated on a table in the front row of a theatre hall BTW)
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harvestmount · 6 months
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this is not good for me 🫠 his smile, his chest hair, his necklace, his arms, his tight boxer, his thigh, his hair, his tattoos.
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phantom-of-the-keurig · 6 months
I haven’t watched the episodes yet did Tech come back or nah
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respectthepetty · 1 year
I'm going to gloss over the face King makes when deciding on this HUGE COMMITMENT
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Because I'm praying that during his proposal, King tells Uea exactly how long he has been in love with Uea
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I know I'm asking for a lot, but these feelings are not new, and I need the show to explicitly state that. I know my tinfoil hat theory is a stretch, but if King is declaring that Uea is the LOVE OF HIS LIFE, I want to know just how long of his life he has known that.
Give this to me!
Never Let Me Go's Chopper didn't kill his shitty ass father, but Chopper lived, so half my prayers were answered there. Let's split the difference here, too, santos. Even if the feelings couldn't have possibly extended as far back as childhood because they didn't live in the same place or whatever logic I don't want to believe, give me YEARS of longing.
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I want Uea to think King is moving quickly only for King to confess that he has known he loves Uea for a very very VERY long time.
I want to hear it.
I want Uea to hear it.
Give US this.
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gallery-in-the-forest · 8 months
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Saw this little lady and just knew I had to draw her! Nina here belongs to @0rb1s ! I hope you don’t mind!
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r-adio · 5 months
also this is my confession: i'm addicted to fortnite
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airanke · 9 months
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White or Red for Touya?
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cloverthemonke · 3 days
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i need to know
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mono-socke · 5 months
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Bonus post for day 25 of Squipril, except it's based on something only me and my best friend will get
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my-memed-tw-adventures · 11 months
Book 3 — Chapter 36
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SHUT UP GRIM. And of course stealing doesn’t sit right with Jack. Honestly I had almost forgotten we had (doesn’t help that it’s taken me months to get through book 3 haha)
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I love how excited Floyd is to go visit the museum! So cute
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Ughhhhhhhh it really is a waste of breath goddamn. I swear his dumbass is gonna die because of this there’s no way eating blot filled gemstones is good for him
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knaccblog · 1 year
The thing both Crowley and Aziraphale are misunderstanding about the whole "meeting under an awning in the rain" and dancing scenes in romances is that they think those moments inherently make a couple get together due to the sheer romance of them but what they often actually do is force people into close quarters so they can talk to each other. Like with Nina and Maggie, each individual scene they attempt to force them into doesn't get them together (and they aren't together at the end even) but what does happen in each of those scenes is that they talk about their feelings and who they are as people and get closer and start to understand each other better.
And while yes, they aren't together at the end because Nina's breakup with her toxic ex just happened, they do seem much, much closer. Nina's being less sharp and distant with Maggie and seems genuinely interested (but not optimistic) about being with her someday while Maggie knows a better way to express her love to Nina (acts of service) and seems to have every intention of being her friend while waiting patiently for her. Crowley and Aziraphale's ideas worked, but not the way they thought they were supposed to.
Unfortunately for Crowley and Aziraphale though, if you pay attention, even when they have these close moments that allow most couples to talk about their feelings (dancing, pub date, etc), they always end up talking about the current problem they're dealing with or Heaven and Hell's bullshit. They never just get to talk about their feelings sadly so in the long run, the moments don't add up to anything and this lack of communication is what ends up pushing them apart despite them both loving each other very much.
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unclegarou · 1 year
i’m gonna make a list of everyone’s birthday. pls let me know. i love you all
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