#just not dating app people?
freckledsweetpea · 25 days
my sister's friend is in town and she downloaded multiple dating apps to make me profiles to find a lady friend
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houseofcucci · 11 days
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They’ll text you once a day like they’re taking their daily vitamins
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theribthatgrewback · 3 months
optimus PRIDE
MX. master
alpha BIon
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waywardted · 1 year
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I really do have love to give. I just don't know where to put it.                - Magnolia (1999)
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skellydun · 4 months
Do you find it hard to deal with people (specifically on dating apps) when they don't consider you a real man because you're trans?
nope that's their issue not mine and if they want to unpack it that's great but I'm not your teacher so u can learn that shit on your own plus if u cannot read the words 'trans man' in my bio before swiping right then that's an entirely different issue
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backfliips · 2 months
I want to skip over dating as a concept and just already have a life partner is that too much to ask for
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jewishbarbies · 7 months
do a majority of bi women end up with men or do you just see two women together and label them lesbians?
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eliounora · 5 days
how does one meet people to date when you have 3 friends and you've already met their 3 friends. there should be a dating app that doesn't make you want to dive into a thornbush
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tallymali · 2 months
thinking about how many ppl are out there basing their views on love on survey results from dating apps when uh, i dont think thats where the all people currently in healthy relationships are hanging out?
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 14 days
Thinking about just making a significantly hornier dating profile on one of the apps and seeing what sort of hits I get and/or if there's any sort of uptick in potential dates. Like, using only photos taken for my OF- tamer ones that won't get my dating profile deleted, of course. And just writing something like "Long term connection would be great, but I'm also just tired of wasting my thirties not getting laid. If we click after a good date then I will definitely give you head."
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moeblob · 2 months
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OCs today because I really missed them. Since I wanted details still but with less effort (aka no shading) I opted for their DND AU versions.
Not pictured: Paul (a Pauladin if you will) messing up and probably nearly dying for the fifth time.
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fallloverfic · 3 months
Thinking about how people assuming Seth isn't into men is also a big reason why Osiris is an idiot, and Ra called Osiris out on that line of thinking in S02E78. In fact, she calls him, "Arrogant, foolish Osiris" (among other things) for this. Like that just happened in canon and I guess folks slept through that episode because people keep insisting he only loves Nephthys/is straight/can't like men.
Like people say "Seth isn't gay" and I think that's fair, but I don't think he's het, either. He doesn't evince interest in women generally. Osiris assumes Seth does because Osiris doesn't understand love. To him, Seth must be into goddesses solely because they can have babies.
Osiris does not comprehend that it isn't Nephthys' gender that attracts Seth to her: it is herself as a person. Osiris has no regard for that. He does not fathom Seth as a complex person with agency. To Osiris, "to love someone is to expect something from them." (S01E49). He catalogues people into capabilities: if I could provide the same things for Seth, Seth would love me. This disregards any relationship Seth might have with Osiris, Nephthys, or anyone else. He stole Seth's seed for who knows how many years. He removes Seth's agency in many ways.
This is a really common romance trope with the obsessive non-partner: "I'm better looking, I can provide more/the same, why do you love [love interest] and not me?"
Because the person they're pursuing has agency and love is complicated. This thinking ignores that. It treats people as goals to be reached or objects to be won.
Osiris sees no issue with this, despite his alleged wisdom, because "love" as he understands it, is "a selfish emotion that feeds on personal gain." (S01E49). Osiris is being selfish, and he'll do whatever he has to, destroy whoever and whatever he needs to, in order to achieve the object of his desire that is Seth. As Ra says, Osiris is "a rotting fruit" who "rot[s] those around" him. (S02E78).
So far as we can tell, Seth isn't in love with women generally. The only other woman to whom he potentially showed any sexual advances was maybe Isis? (Seth to Isis, "I had asked you to sleep with me." S01E39). But we don't actually know how he framed that offer/request when he tried to get her to join him in revenge, let alone if he actually wanted to sleep with her or just wanted to get revenge on Nephthys and/or Osiris, or if he just convinced himself that's what he was asking Isis to do and that's part of why Isis rejected him. We do know he's in love with Nephthys (S01E49). Or was in the past. Lately, he cares for Horus. I would argue he's demi-bisexual or demi-pansexual, but also isn't a person who's into labels. Not everyone is. Queerness is a spectrum.
Yes, he calls relations between male humans disgusting in a spur of the moment thought in S02E36, and that's sort of it. Seth generally thinks ill of humans, and he's not given to think kindly of Horus at the time, either. That's also not definitive. He changes (S02E70). He also would not be the first person in existence to internalize bigotry that would possibly target himself. Plenty of marginalized people are/act bigoted against their own people/themselves. At the time, Seth was also ill and trapped in a stronghold of people who hate him, safe on the kindness of humans. There are so many reasons that he might respond weirdly or not in a way that reflects his entire state of mind about his own wants. No one was asking him, "Are you gay?" or even "Would you date and/or fuck a guy if you had a chance?" Horus was carrying on a facade to fool Hanekate in a complex situation that Seth hated for many reasons, and Seth was understandably shocked.
I don't think he likes men generally. I think his body reacts to things (Osiris, Foreign God), as bodies tend to, which doesn't necessarily mean anything about his sexuality. But his being into Nephthys also kind of says nothing about his wants. He wants Nephthys. The person. Not a gender. His lack of being into a specific gender generally does not mean he solely likes women or cannot be into men or must be forced into it or something. He loves people on an individual level.
When he rejects Osiris, it's not because Osiris is male, but because Seth cares platonically for Osiris solely as a brother and monarch.
Osiris to Seth in S01E41: "What am I... ...to you? Am I just the king that rules over the land that you protect? Am I just your brother born from the same womb? What about besides that? Have you ever even thought of me as something more?"
Seth: "Why do you need to be more than that?"
Ra to Osiris in S02E78, "You think that Seth turns away from you because you are also a male god? And you think Seth desires female gods because of their power of creation? . . . If that is the conclusion you have come to, then it is proof that you are already breaking down."
It's all right there. It didn't need to be that overt because you can see it in the rest of the story, too, but the overtness is now there. Clear as day. Osiris' line of thinking about Seth's affections is wrong. And to imitate that is foolish.
It's Seth's deep love for individuals that allows him to open his heart to Horus (S02E70). Osiris and even Nephthys do not see Seth for who he is. Horus does. He refuses to forget. And that's why Seth cares for him, because it's Seth's deepest wish (S01E40-1).
In sum, assuming Seth loves Nephthys because she's a woman and this is the end-all statement about his sexuality/interests will get Ra to laugh at you just like she laughed at Osiris for assuming basically the same thing.
(Also assuming all protagonists and/or love interests in boys love stories have to be gay to have relationships with other men is really weird. Plenty of protagonists are bisexual, pansexual, undeclared, or questioning)
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sourcedecay · 3 months
Matched with someone with ‘ofos femme 4 butch’ in her tinder bio like eleven days ago and she messaged me right after we matched but I didn’t have the app downloaded at the time so I didn’t see it for like four days, and I messaged her immediately when I saw it but she hasn’t replied and it’s been like a week 😭 needless to say she’s living rent free in my mind
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foe-of-fate · 6 months
If I find one more ‘lesbian’ on a dating app who is into trans men, I am going to lose it
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gideonisms · 6 months
the Immediate switch from "this is bearable" to "I wanna kms" any time my boss switches up the schedule by an hour at random (happens weekly)
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Who needs dating apps when you can flirt with tumblr mutuals???
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