#just like the taz days.... im excited
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mmothmanners · 2 years ago
Ris'daer casts Vicious Mockery. ✨ It's good for Astarion to take a roasting from his boyfriend every now and then.
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wbtsan · 8 months ago
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synopsis. nabi (aka you) has been training for just over 3 years and when you heard you were going to debut, you were super excited to meet your members. although, you were taken aback when you heard that your members were all boys.
pairing. female!reader x ateez!members | tags. the most tiniest angst ever, members angry, nothing else (i think) | genre. fluff | wc. 510+ | masterlist
author note. ahh my first ever series on this blog !! writing this was super fun and i loved all of it !! my mistakes for posting this really late, i recently got my dream job and have been focusing on it! do not worry, i will slowly make my return to writing soon <3
networks. @newworldnet @illusionnet @starlit-network
when you first got news of getting accepted into this new company, you couldn't believe your eyes. all this hard work and effort seemed like it was worth it after all.
"we have a slight problem." your manager says. uh oh. this is going to turn very bad.. "as you would've known we don't have much girl trainees here at the company and since we were aiming for a 5 member girl group, we've decided to do something you probably won't like."
"me!? in a boy group?! b-but, im a girl! wouldn't it be weird if a girl - who is not a boy - is in a boy group?" your face dropped at the sudden announcement. not being able to debut was probably a way better choice than having to debut with boys. "look, we know this came as a shocker but, its really beneficial for you!" your manager tries to say happily. "tomorrow, you'll be meeting the members. trust me, they're really nice!" the staff tries to say before you groan annoyed as you stormed off. "why am i debuting in a boy group? wouldn't i be hated at? wasn't it better if i just debut solo? why am i going to debut with random boys?!" you thought.
"what?! a girl?" hongjoong says in shock. over the last 5 years, it's always been just the 8 of the boys together. but now that nabi will debut with ateez, that means there'll be more pressure on hongjoong. from reproducing the songs to recording all of nabi's parts, he gets annoyed over this. "why are we having a girl in our group!? do you not understand the pressure ill be put under!? i have already worked long hours for us to come this far, wouldn't it just be a waste if we have to remake ALL our songs?" hongjoong angrily says. "calm down hongjoong, im sure she'll be a great addition to our group." seonghwa calmly says, trying to calm him down. "exactly! i think having a girl will be a great addition to the team plus, it'll be really good for you guys to have a new friend!" the manager says.
hongjoong sighs before accepting his fate. "fine, but if she isn't what you say she is, then im going to make her first day her last." he says before storming off. the members rub their forehead in devestation as the meeting room stays quiet. "well, how are we going to deal with a girl?" mingi says. "no idea, but we need to give it some time. if we rush her into doing stuff, she'll get uncomfortable and then we'll get in trouble." seonghwa adds on from mingi's statement. "plus, ive heard there were some trainees here who are snitches. hopefully she isn't one of them." wooyoung mentions. "well now that we're talking, you guys will meet her.. tomorrow!" the manager says. "TOMORROW!?" the guys say together. "yes yes, bit of a shocker but im sure you'll be fine!" the members sigh in annoyance before the manager leaves them, the room filling with silence again.
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tagging : @taz-97
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crystallizedkingdoms · 4 months ago
Ship With Under 5 Works: Johann/John
The first and final kiss. An elegy.
wc: 1,271 // tw: major character death
day 4 of @do-you-ship-this-taz-ship’s TAZ Rarepair Event!! i was excited for this day :] im kind of obsessed with these two tbh. please read my Peacemaker fic first for the context of this fic, but if you really don’t wanna, just know that Johann is a Bird and specifically took Merle’s role as Peacemaker with John. and they were kinda gay tension abt it
you can also read this on ao3 <3
“You know, out of the two of us, I expected myself to be the one who's worse off.”
Johann manages to blink through the pain to realize he’s no longer bleeding out in Fisher’s Chambers. Instead, he lies slumped in a familiar stage he swore he would never see again. A stage he wished that Fisher’s child had taken from his memory permanently.
He has to crane his neck to the side to see the source of the voice, but the act sends a blinding pain across his body. Johann cries out in agony, shutting his eyes tight and pressing his hands against the deep wound that the Hunger had left him outside of parley. He almost forgets the voice and its words entirely as he desperately tries to cradle his injury, but it does not allow Johann that peace for long.
Rough hands covered in black and opal cracks slide their way onto both of Johann’s sides, one of them up against his wound. “I am very sorry for the state they have left you in, Johann,” John says, ignoring Johann’s hisses of pain. “Let me help—”
“Get off of me. You did this to me. You’re killing me. Stop acting like you are any different than this horrible nightmare you’ve made,” Johann seethes.
“Johann, please listen to me. I’m not really in charge here anymore. The Hunger no longer has the priorities I set, this isn’t ascension anymore, looking to surpass existence and its rules. It’s just hungry. It’s going to consume everything in its path.”
“So what? Is that why you brought me here? You saw me dying, failing to protect my Fisher, and you— you rip me away from it, to— to watch me die? To let me get consumed by all this…”
One of John’s hands grips Johann by the jaw. “You know I wouldn’t want that to happen to you,” he whispers. Though Johann’s eyes are still shut tight, he can feel John’s wavering breath hitting his cold face. He must be close.
“Then why? More lectures? More questions, more fucking information? I can’t give any of that to you anymore—”
“No, of course not. I didn’t bring you here for that, Johann, I just… I genuinely just brought you here to say… goodbye to someone. Goodbye to you.”
The words hurt more than all the wounds across Johann’s body. He hates that John’s words still affect him in this way. After all the years of hearing him out, shutting him down, and then forgetting him for a decade; it should've been enough to disenchant him. Except now, all it does is hurt him.
“Look at me,” John whispers. He’s even closer to Johann now. The tips of his hair tickle Johann’s forehead, breath mingled with the splattered blood on his cheek, and most painfully, the thumb on his face begins to caress the side of his jaw. “Please. Look at me.”
Against his better judgment, Johann opens his eyes. He’s greeted with John’s face, which has that same silvery allure that it had all those decades ago since they last met, now with all oozing colourful rifts that stream off of his skin. But Johann also sees the last emotion he ever expected on that painfully handsome face that he hates so much. Johann sees worry.
“You’re as beautiful as ever. Even when you’re like this.”
“John, stop it. I don’t want to hear this from you while I’m dying. We were never like this.”
“I have had these thoughts with you for almost a century. Never spoken because of our situation. Let me say it, damn it.”
“I’m dying.”
John shakes his head. His breathing grows even more ragged as he presses harder against Johann’s bleeding side. “No,” he says, “you’re not. I won’t let them. I will not let you die because of them. You’re going to live, and I am going to talk to you, I— I had a whole thing planned out. Our stage. Our chess game. Our dance. I just didn’t expect you to be in this state.”
Planned. John had plans for them. “John.”
“But you won’t die, you won’t, I will keep you alive. One of us is going to have to live. It’s going to be you.”
Johann cries. Tears stream down his face, finally breaking past his defences. “John. I don’t want to die here. I don’t want to die where they can’t see me—”
“You’re not going to die—”
“—I don’t want them to forget about me!”
John is fully on top of Johann now. His legs almost straddle Johann’s hips, and he presses his forehead against Johann’s bloody one, searching for that closeness. “That’s not going to happen. Not out there. And certainly not in here,” John says. He stares Johann down with wide, crazed eyes. He breathes a little too hard. “You’re going to be safe. Remembered. Stay, please. With me.”
Johann’s lip quivers.
John leans down and kisses it. He presses his lips hard against Johann’s and doesn’t back down. Johann, against everything he thought he learned over their time together and their time apart, closes his eyes and kisses him back. 
It hurts. More than anything, every movement hurts. Blood taints it all, spilling into their mouths as they deepen the kiss. John’s hands and body press so tight against Johann’s, agitating every single bleeding wound on him, and he sobs into John’s kiss. Johann’s heart hurts, aching that this is how it had to happen. This is how they finally end. That they were distant all the way through their strange, cyclical lives. That they could only close the gap as the cycle finally ends. And it hurts.
The pain suddenly sears to unimaginable levels, and Johann’s eyes fling open as he keens into John’s lips. What he sees are eyes, wide and unfaltering, staring at him with intense fervour. Two of them would be John’s, so close to Johann’s face it makes it hard to see the Hunger’s hundred eyes staring at the spectacle from all around the stage.
Johann opens his mouth to warn John, but John takes it as a sign to kiss even harder. The Hunger’s eyes narrow, their intensity increasingly scorching with rage, as Johann and John melt together in this dying embrace.
And then John starts to scream.
Long, tendril-like arms tear through the hard floors of the theatre stage they lay in and seize John. More dart from the curtains, dragging John up and off of Johann’s weakened body. They tear at him, digging into the rifts already in his body and tugging them to rip the skin even further. They drag John down into the hard stage floor, ripping him away from the dying man he had finally caught up to. John reaches towards Johann and screams the whole way down.
Johann throws his body at John even as it further tears at his wounds. He wraps his arms around John and locks him into an embrace, weakly attempting to pull him away from those arms. John tries to embrace him back, but it is no use; those twisting arms pull him further and further down by his arms, until they are both so close to the ground. Soon to be overtaken.
“John, don’t leave me here. Please don’t let me die alone.”
“Stay alive! Break the bonds, Johann, break—”
And then John is gone. Johann collapses onto the ground where John was, smearing blood in the process. John is gone, the stage is gone, and Johann is alone.
The Hunger’s eyes turn to stare at Johann. He stares right back.
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harpers-tartarus · 29 days ago
hi shini i hope ur doing well!
idk if this has just been happening where i am specifically but it’s really nice here the past few days and it is making me very excited for spring!
i just caught up the other day on your goblin prince!riz fic and it’s sooo good i’ve been rotating it around in my head
i fell behind when it was marked completed originally and then i got too busy w school to continue w it when it started updating again but now im mad at myself for reading it all at once djdjd
i still need to re read tempest but i fear my brain has latched onto dnd fandoms rn considering the amount of d20 and taz fics ive been reading (have you ever listened to taz? i highly recommend it if you haven’t)
anyway have a nice day/night/timzone
I am so deep in the prince riz au lol its the only fic I'm really trying to update monthly at this point and I think I'm working on ch31? Something like that. I don't get too many people talking about it but I appreciate the love lol. I did temporarily mark it complete and then I started writing more a week later XD.
I love re reading tempest :) Its a fic that just keeps getting better and better.
I have never listened to taz, but I did start naddpod and I'm loving campaign one and Murph losing it over bits lol.
Hope the weather stays nice where you are! The snow finally melted where I'm at, so that's been pretty exciting!
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yarrystyleeza · 2 years ago
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Questionnnn timeee!! 🎉
what song makes you feel better?
what flower would you like to be given?
what’s something you’re excited for?
do you still love stuffed animals?
hugs or hand-holding?
morning, afternoon or night? I liked these ones the most! but feel free to just reply the ones you like!! 💕
(I love the hyped positive energy you give me every time we interact, you're amazing, you're a butterfly!) 💘✨
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I will answer all of your questions, YAY! <3
What song makes you feel better?
Paper Rings by Taylor Swift, it has the ability to make my heart jump in my chest (literally any Taylor Swift song can make my mood better for the day) <3
What flower would you like to be given?
Lavenders, i would melt if someone gave me Lavenders because I love them so much. (I collect every lavender scented object I come across) <3
What's something you're excited for?
I'm waiting for my first job interview ever! So I'm excited but kinda nervous!! Wish me luck on the interview and the application, love! <3
Do you still love stuffed animals?
Yes! I still have them on my bed, too! They are Scud, a baby-pink teddy bear, had him since the first grade when I was seven, Spongy, a "circular" version of Spongebob, Josh the unicorn (he literally looks like Josh Dun from Twenty One Pilots with his spiky pink hair), Harry the frog (reminds me of Harry Styles) and Tasmanian the devil (he's literally the stuffed animal version of Taz from Looney Toons)! <3
Hugs or hand holding?
Hmmmmmmm, that's a hard question, I love both holding hands and hugs, they carry so many feelings we never know how to express verbally, but I'm gonna say hugs because they are warmer and softer and more intimate! (I'm the hugger friend) <3
Morning, afternoon, or night?
Night all the way! I love the night sky and the stars and I would sit in my balcony for hours only staring at the sky, it captivates me! And something plus, I love it when I stay up and watch the sunrise, it's always magical and beautiful! (maybe that's why Stardust is my favorite movie and book) <3
I loved the questions so much! Please never stop sending me asks, I love it when you do so! You're awesome and I love you! 💘✨
Thank you so much for the ask! 💘✨
soft asks | 💌
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b1gwings · 1 year ago
15 Questions for 15* people
haiii i got tagged by @babacontainsmultitudes & @oakay :3 thx for tagging me this is fun !1!!
1. are you named after anyone? I named myself after Clay from the Wings of Fire book series :) I started going by Clay a little over three years ago, I think? When I was thinking about changing my name, I knew I wanted it to be after a character that was really important to me, and Clay checked all the boxes. I think he was the first character I ever looked at for real and went "wow he is so me" LMAO. he's also where my username comes from, too...
2. when was the last time you cried? i want to say it was listening to dndads or taz but i think the real answer is in the middle of finals week after an INCREDIBLY cathartic phone call with my mom
3. do you have kids? no and I don't think I ever want to LMAO
4. what sports do you/have you played? i don't play any sports right now. i played soccer when i was, like, five years old but i HATED it
5. do you use sarcasm? yes but in an autistic way. where allistic people think im being serious and other autistic people know im joking and then they respond to build on the bit and then i can't tell if they're still doing the bit or not. you know
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people? IDK AUGHHGH. i think how someone's hair looks?? if they're wearing any cool jewelry??? im so bad at being aware when im meeting people LMAO
7. what’s your eye color? green-ish grey :]
8. scary movies or happy endings? i don't think these things are opposites but I think happy endings for sure. those little dudes have already gone through so much :( let them ride off into the sunset and live the rest of their lives in peace :(
9. any talents? idk lol ? i consider "talents" to be stuff that you're naturally good at, versus "skills" being things you actually put time into improving or whatever. i'm naturally good at sliding my joints around (sarcasm) and i can do funny voices sometimes (real)
10. where were you born? the swamp (florida, usa)
11. what are your hobbies? drawing, writing, and d&d i think are the main ones right now :] i've been drawing a lot more recently and not feeling super exhausted about it, which has been lovely!!
12. do you have any pets? YES!!! A WONDERFUL LITTLE DOG... her name is Buffy & she's a rescue so we don' tknow what kind of dog she is but she LOOKS like she could be some kind of rat terrier mix ? i love her with my whole entire heart. she's my best friend. lmk if u want me to send u pics of her :3
13. how tall are you? i don't even know. 5'6" i think? im taller than my mom who is 5'4" and shorter than my friend who is 5'8" so we'll go with that
14. favorite subject in school? in high school, art class was my favorite. I adored my teacher; he was the best ever. but i was MISERABLE when i took an art class in my first semester of college. im a creative writing major now, so probably that idk. history & social studies n that kind of stuff has always been super interesting to me, too
15. what is your dream job? i would LOVE to eventually be in some kind of writers' room one day. playing & running D&D games has opened my eyes to just how much I adore storytelling with collaborative aspects. being able to just...make something with other writers...building off of each others' ideas...getting excited about it together... it feels so magical to me.
*anyway i think i have to tag 15 ppl now but idk if i know 15 ppl so im just going to tag as many as i can think of (literally no pressure if u don't wanna do this lol)
@itsbrucey @maxwellamus @flowercrowns-n-punks @kronoose @meteortrails @thedndgoblinwholivesinyourwalls @simonsnow-irl @lemonofthevalley @iersei @raemeh @phillycheesesteakcore @officialgleamstar
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ishikawayukis · 1 year ago
Sorry I disappeared but life has been, well: life 🤡 BUT!! we should just get that 3rd piercing at this point and blame it on zoro LMAO I actually told my mom I’m planning on getting it and she told me that if I did it maybe she would get a second piercing on her ear!! again I would say go get it, but I know healing is horrible when it doesn’t go well so definitely think about it more as to not regret it c:
AND YESSS I’m also so excited!! Especially since I’m now FINALLY on the Alabasta saga when I truly felt like I wouldn’t be able to get there, but I discovered x1.25 speed and made it possible LOL
Iñaki is so so so luffy seriously, the whole cast is great and they seem so passionate about it, I can’t help but watch the bts of the show bc of them, and yes I’m down bad for zoro LMAO like he can be a little dumb but I love him that way, he’s a loyal dumb man<3
Tbh every time sanji appears and does something silly/shocking/pathetic I think of you and I’m like “yeap, I get it, I see the vision” AND YES CHOPPER IS SO CUTE!!! they made me sad for a freaking whale and then they got me weeping with chopper’s past, I thought sanji’s was a pretty strong one but damn, I wanted to get into the screen and hug chopper fr<3 also I wasn’t expecting to see ace so quickly after and well, I’ll just say I said “I’m sorry zoro” when they introduced him on that food place scene LMAO but I’m still a zoro fan I just had to acknowledge ace is definitely built different 😔🙏🏽
don't worry about dissapearing i get it it's all good dear 💕 i think i'm 100% gonna get it next time i go out with a pal that we always end up going to a place with a lot of tattoo/piercing shops and i simply will have no control over myself when they're There you know LMAO also love it that your mom wants to get one too my parents just sigh when they see another piercing
dude 1.25 speed my beloved LMAO i was talking to some friends yesterday that i started watching it and they were like dude do not feel bad about skipping some parts or going faster because these fuckers take Time, and i was liek oh no no no worries i for sure have been doing that LMAO i saw a video the other day that described the whole alabasta saga as "they're in the desert for way way longer that you think they're gonna be" and man if that isn't true
they are all honestly so passionate about it i wish we could see even more behind stuff, not only for the interactions between them because i Live for iñaki and taz together, but to see how everything was made as well
that's my pathetic little man i love him so much glad that you can see the vision as well SDLGKHSL they made chopper's backstory so sad and for What like we were gonna get attached to that little reindeer no matter what why make us suffer as well. if that isn't all of us when ace appears like hey so sorry main crew i need to know everything about luffy's brother immediately can you all leave us for like 30 min. ace is indeed build different i love that guy so much, but zoro will still be there you can enjoy ace in alabasta for a while LSKHDGL
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pentaghast · 3 years ago
my english class was canceled and my math class is now online for the first 2 weeks n im actually going to snap
#immmmmmm#theyre EXPECTING it to be in person after the first 2 weeks but they dont know and i cannot learn online. every time i fail the class#i have all my school supplies... i was so excited. now im back to this! fun! i wish i was dead! i need a therapist! but theyre all online#too! because we're still in a pandemic! and i find it so much easier to lie when im on the phone!#literally ive never had a therapist ive trusted. i cant tell them everything bc then they'll hate me there is so much shit ive just shoved#down bc i dont want anyone to know bc its embarrassing even tho i KNOW it wasnt my fault and its harming me but its too scary#and the one time! i got close to feeling like my therapist could be helpful to me! was right when the pandemic started and we started doing#phone sessions and then i stopped scheduling bc i was really uncomfortable#so now im back to wearing pjs all day and eating junkfood and crying myself to sleep i guess#and if they dont go to in person lessons it'll be too late to drop the class and i'll have already paid and i'll fail anyway#and its MATH i havent taken a math class since 2016 and i just sat in the back and listened to taz and used an app to cheat on quizzes#my first semester at my tech i got straight a's! it was the first time i'd taken classes since i'd been diagnosed w adhd#n then the second semester both my grandfather's passed away within a month of each other and THEN covid hit! so much fun! and now im stuck#can i just get covid and die yet. can we just go ahead with it please
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kirkwallers · 4 years ago
Umumumumum that trailer tho
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iantojack · 5 years ago
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my number one fave girl at work atm 💞
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epb-archive · 7 years ago
Ok so i started writing a taakitz fic bc that's when I peak obsession. I think this might be the only one I ever do (bc it's like 25 ch rn and I already wanna kermit) but so long as i continue to interact with only 3 other fans i think I'll be good to like the show until I can finish this....... Pray for me
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ceilingfan5 · 4 years ago
for the au thing i don’t know if it counts but i want more facts about the teacher au
1. taako never intended to be a teacher, he just sort of fell into it bc of a job he had in college, and then he started subbing and he was like. oh shit. oh. oh man. i could do this. and SWITCHED HIS DEGREE AT LIKE THE LAST MINUTE AND HAD TO DO A LOT MORE SCHOOL but he was SO MUCH FUCKING HAPPIER
2. part of the reason he got into it tho is that he was considered a “challenging kid” and he has So Many complaints about his teachers throughout the years. of which there were many bc he and lup got shifted around so fucking much, which didnt help with him being an absolute little shit who just needed someone to notice he needed support
3. he had a whole ass identity crisis when he student taught, and he was so scared, like. am i gonna fuck these kids up?? am i going to ruin their tiny little futures??? he actually started in middle school and went younger when he Had To Get Out of a job and he was like fuck it it’s only one year, i can find another school when this year is over if i have to BUT HE FUCKING LOVED IT!!!!! THESE TINY PEOPLE ADORE HIM!!! AAAH
4. he loves teaching them big words he loves teaching them weird shit to say to their parents he loves wearing weird shit to school he loves getting drawings he loves watching the lightbulbs come on he loves watching them learn to read he loves completely abandoning the lesson plan and doing a whole day on a weird question he loves saying batshit nonsense and backing it up he loves getting down with them and playing aaahh
5. also in this au kravitz works at a casino!!! ive done kravitz as a high school teacher in the past but i thought this would be fun also. he has a lot of fun with it and it’s both nice and hard that he works later in the day. like in the minific he could bring taako lunch!!! but then it’s hard that sometimes taako has to go to bed without him. it’s a tradeoff. he works in guest satisfaction and gets lots of gifts from his high rollers and fucking loves to treat taako and take him out to nice restaurants and stuff!!! idk how they met in this one but it was something stupid and theyve been head over heels ever since. everyone was like. oh my god thats not going to work. but it DID so THERE!!!! krav loves to listen to taako gush or complain about his kids and his day and hes so supportive and full of love fuck i love them so much guys
PLOT TWIST! YOU THOUGHT I WAS DONE BUT IM FUCKING NOT!!!!!!! @herbgerblin mentioned taako with tiny WIZARD STUDENTS can you IMAGINE!!!! FUCK!!!! SAME AU BUT MAGICER 1. they all have tiny wizard hats and lil safety star wands and taako complains every year that that shit is on the supply list but then they show up on day one all excited and vibrating and he has to try really hard not to cry about it
2. he still teaches fucking math and reading and science and art and shit FUCK a certain particular series. education rules. also i care so fuckin much about this listen i have an original story about a teacher in a super power universe and shes a villain but you probably didnt want to hear about that youre here for taz but if you want to press that button you’re fuckin in for it pal (ailem i know you personally love that particular thing and i love you) but THIS IS ABOUT TAZ
3. GOD that would be so stressful ALSO having to teach magic?? jesus when is there time for intervention?? FUCK! but LISTEN!!!!  teaching 25 little tiny kids cantrips and shit!!! oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! draw a picture of your handsome teacher with mage hand everybody!!! no! handsomer!!!!!!!! jamie you’re doing perfectly sweetie
4. this could have gone in the top half and would have made more sense but first draft only draft amirite BUT taako’s so fucking good with the “challenging students” bc he GETS them and especially in this au tweest he’s so good at calming a kid whos like. getting overwhelmed and having like a magic storm and like other teachers might be like god i cant believe i had to deal with another tantrum today and taakos meanwhile like sat on the floor with the kid and calmed them down and reminded them he’s there and made them laugh and cool down
sidenote listen maybe they arent all wizards. or dnd wizards. sit down. let’s talk about the class system. i have a lot of thoughts actually. what do you MEAN you want me to move on
okay im calm.
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jelloopy · 4 years ago
Taz Grad Ep 25
I know I’m a day late and I Skipped last episode im sorry. I got caught up with some stuff. But here we go!
Ranier Jesus, please don’t break your chair.
Argo and Firby just like disappointed “alright let’s go get our idiot (That’s a sign of an honest friendship right there)
Fitz in the Crypt! (Band name called it!)
JUSTIN AND CLINT PLAYING THE SKELEBROS OMFG (That’s v good on Travis’ part so he doesn’t have to talk for so long and also J&C don’t have to sit in silence for large swaths of time either!)
Gurkin is in his idle animation (I don’t actually know how to spell it so we’re going with that.... But still…)
Tibia was a vampire and has gold teeth!
So polite Fitz. Fuckin waving at the skeletons
”We can go by coco rules here!” (Thank you for clearing that up because I see it both ways from time to time when the training skeletons come in to play)
Tibia hugs Fitz (Clint I love you… jfc adorable.)
”I am inside you for sure, for sure!” “Oh, I don’t care for the phraseology of that at all” “I don’t like the physiology of it at all but here we are” (Very gross but very nice convo here I like the quick wit boys I was cracking up laughing)
God I love that they are doing this digitally so they aren’t in the same room and also it’s a podcast so they have to narrate everything they do “thumbs up”
”I nod knowingly” “he throws both of his hands in the air like ‘weeee!’”
Fitzroy is really sacrificing it all for these skeletons. He’s taking the shittiest route possible to make sure Tibia and Gurkin are safe (Now that’s a man who is worthy of being King!)
”Ohhhh, Golly. Ohhh Gosh” (Fitz p l e a s e just say fuck.)
OH THANK GOD good job Fitz using your magic as you should I’m v v proud of you (I was so worried he forgot he had magic)
”magic never goes wrong for me!” (Says the man who turned into a plant last time but sure go ahead and believe that)
Firby summons Breeze through the Willows and asks for transportation help!
Woah Ranier’s chair can shrink! (Classic. Magnus Burnsides and Taako working together I love it)
YO THE FOREST GUARDIAN IS DELIVERING A MESSAGE FROM FIRBY TO FIRBY? WTF (what does this actually imply for future visits with the “forest guardian”?)
Oooo splitting up the party that’s pretty scary guys (I don’t think Travis will do you dirty but good lord you’re all apart)
”Choose. *and justify*”
Good god this is comical I want to animate this (The scene with Tibia and Gurkin pointing and being loveable fools)
Gurkin takes the Helmet key and wears it on his thumb out of the room. (This is a very good merch opportunity boys please take it I will buy it you have no idea)
”Stairs! *gasp* could be a mimic!” “yep could be a mimic!” “Nah I’m just playing I go up the stairs I’m not afraid of no mimic” (sir... yes you should be, please be careful)
”May I interest you in a scone?” (Travis... is this your reference to Klarg and how he didn’t have scones?)
HOW DARE YOU FUCKING CALL FIRBY A THIEF I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU MOTHERFUCKER (Sorry got a little heated there but the threat still stands)
awe my fucking god Travis bringing baby Dot into the Ad read I’m s o f t (I live for any McElroy + their kid content like it’s so cute)
RANIER’S DAD IS DARK SKINNED WITH VITILIGO OMFG YESSS!!!!!!! HIS NAME IS Gordy? (So good I adore this. The name is so funny. Plus all the people who were dead set on Barry being Ranier’s dad are sad lmao)
”it’s a half-elf thing anyway” (Fitz please)
”Can I be a dad for a second?” (melted my heart)
”this seems very unfair to you!” (Felt that ok keep going)
”I’m up for the task but I need help and every time I ask for it there’s all these hoops I have to jump through” (OK FELT THAT KEEP GOING)
Travis, you are explaining the US/world today I hate you jfc stOPPPP (Please it’s too meta I can’t)
”You do not look ill to me” (Pulling a fucking dad joke right off the bat huh Justin? I like your style)
”I am dying so what do I care” (Me in the situation of our world today)
“I have been alone since I’ve left here. Be we are alone. Together.”
”Sleep well we will talk about this more in the morning” “and your father closes his eyes for the last time.” (JFC I’m CRYING OVER A NEW CHARACTER WHO doesn’t EVEN MAKE IT HALF AN EPISODE)
Firbolg SINGING IN HONOR OF HIS FATHER I’m SOBBING LEGIT RN (This isn’t a joke. Justin’s voice. Him singing in Firbolg’s voice too? OH my god. The talent, the emotion.)
Fitz is so worried about Firby right away (omfg my crops are watered, my acne is cleared)
Argo n Tibia  (Yes.)
”No magic except for mine can get in or out of here”
”I told you that if you left without my permission that I would kill ten students a day until you come back.” (I didn’t even… consider… the implications…)
Griffin, I need this music out ASAP, please. I swear to god.
In other news, I really am excited about next week’s episode. Bc, I think it’s going to be “Hello everyone! Welcome back! Roll for initiative” And those are my fave types of dnd sessions.
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froggheadd · 4 years ago
Do you have any advice for someone who wants to learn to draw? I have no artistic ability, and I really wish I could find a style as nice as yours. Have a great day! :)
yesss my time has come!
- This one pissed me off whenever i heard other people say it, but now Im gonna say it: PRACTICE!! In november I decided I was gonna fill a page in my sketch book every day. Didnt have to be one full piece, most of the time it was just loads of doodles, but what was important was that I did it every day up until February when I got my ipad and moved to digital
-Look at other peoples art and particular styles you like. I have a whole bookmarked folder on insta for whenever I find I style I really like. Then if Im stuck drawing I go through it, what is it about that style I like? Is it the coloring? shading? how they draw noses? And then I try and bring that into my art.
-✨References✨ Make a pinterest folder of references and look back at those when youre drawing, because my art is really stylized and not realistic, I also pay attention to certain face features and how other stylized artists adapt those.
-If you want to start drawing traditionally, get supplies and materials that make you excited to draw! My favorite thing to do was draw in pencil and then add accents with posca pens, and that encouraged me to draw more just bc I wanted to use them every day
-So this ones a little weird, I started listening to The Adventure Zone whenever Id draw because I cant just sit and listen to a podcast because Id space out. So drawing and listening was perfect for me. Then it came to the point that I couldnt listen to taz without drawing, so whenever Id want to listen to it, Id just sit down and draw.
-This is mostly my ADD but I HAVE to doodle in class, always have. Even when I couldnt draw and it was just little doodles in margins. What I really enjoy in class is (idk little creepy) doing quick sketches in pen of my classmates? Because the goal is to just get the general shape and proportions of the face as quickly as you can before they move. If it looks bad, who cares. Its in pen. you cant fix it. Move on to the next one.
-OH! something that really pushed me to draw was fandoms! I had tried to improve in 2017 bc I wanted to draw Jeremy Heere from bmc but I gave up, then again in 2018 for Spider-Man, 2019 with IT and The Adventure Zone is when my motivation to draw and improve really stuck. Wanting to draw a character you love is great motivation and if youre interested in posting, fandom art generally does better than nonfandon art
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mcnuggyy · 5 years ago
dude your art is so good im so honoured that you used my argo water hair thing 👉👈
aaa thank you so so so much!! tbh your taz art got me really excited to draw fanart of the boys?? cause i’ve always just been like ehhh i’ll draw fanart some day (classic procastination of course) , but then i saw all the wonderful shapes you used and the cool character designs you did and it was v inspiring so i really gotta thank you for giving me the strength to just finally do it!! Sometimes it really just takes seeing another artist doing their thing to get you motivated again ;o;!!
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ohsweetflips · 5 years ago
Got whiplash when u rbed my post (I'm op) like sbehbd but also yes!! People wanted a new dm and when they got a new dm, some were just like ':/ yes, but why Travis???'. It really goes to show how people can't stand change even if they asked for it. 😒😒
(i would prefer if this wasn’t reblogged, i’m merely stating opinions and observations and, at the end of the day, i don’t want to fight strangers on the internet)
it was a very good post!!!! but yeah like...... i’ve really only heard abt the taz grad “discourse” stuff and not seen it, but like? listen, people are gonna like what they want to like, and dislike what they want to dislike, but also........ you gotta give travis time. i’ve only dm’d like three or four times but from those three or four times alone i can say that it’s hard work, and that’s not even taking into an account 1) an audience and 2) doing this for a living
plus they literally said that the problem they had with amnesty was that they almost over-developed their characters and felt stuck with what they could do, so they’re trying to avoid doing that while also avoiding developing their characters super late in the show. all the character development stuff has been travis putting stuff in to develop the grad “prologue”
like........... im not tagging this bc i also dont like putting stuff like this in the tags, but tbh? the feeling i kinda get is that there is a small group that kinda never let go of balance? and when i say “small group” i mean super general, barely there, not direct at anyone. but like, i saw people getting mad at the amnesty finale bc it wasn’t like the balance finale. and i won’t get into this a lot, but that is valid, at the end of the day, but also they’re different stories with different themes and characters, so of course amnesty isn’t going to be a “wedding fading into the cosmos” type of ending. 
and, just like amnesty being a different story, so is graduation!!! but i feel like when they announced dnd, there were almost assumptions that they would, therefore, fall back into similar tropes? and yeah of course we were all joking like “which cartoon animal is gonna run the fantasy store” and stuff like that, but... tbh, i don’t want another balance! we have a balance and it’s wonderful! let’s have a different story!
and, like, balance and graduation are very different. amnesty and balance had more similarities than graduation and balance currently do. why? different dms!!!
and like yeah ive listened to balance 6 times and it will always hold a place in my heart and it literally changed & saved my life, but it’s one of those things where you can take balance with you without all other taz campaigns having similar themes/symbols/characters as balance
also it’s not like griffin was a perfect dm considering that, when i was first starting balance, people were telling me that “i just had to get through gerblins and then it’ll be good”
(i love gerblins with all my heart, but do you see the point i’m making?)
so like.... moral of my ted talk: obviously constructive criticism is a thing and there’s always going to be negativity surrounding anything, but also imo constructive criticism loses its help when it’s just mean or not actually constructive lmao. but i also think it’s fair to say that grad should be given time! the adventure zone in general isn’t a show where the plot is figured out by the first episode. imo, dnd/tabletop shows as a whole are special in how it’s not one writer, but many!!! but, therefore, given the medium, grad needs time to form and grow!! but anyways.
(at this point, i would make an “it’s not that deep” joke but i think i lost that right after analyzing this much omg)
but like........ i really like grad, and i’m so fucking excited for what’s to come, and i’ve missed the light-hearted fun that comes with fantasy and dnd. also loved amnesty with all my heart, but it was super high-stakes w/ the rolls and i spent like 10 episodes fearing for dani and aubrey’s lives, so i’m just glad that we have some funky piano music and cute (n)pcs!!!!
(i would prefer if this wasn’t reblogged, i’m merely stating opinions and observations and, at the end of the day, i don’t want to fight strangers on the internet)
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