#this throne is not mine crap
harpers-tartarus · 2 months
I know I'm writing it, but the idea of Fabian introducing himself as 'Fabian Aramais Gukgak' will take me out
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calisources · 6 months
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All these quotes are taken from different media and some made from scratch about the royal succession line and the troubles it brought during a medieval/fantasy period. Change pronouns, names, titles and locations as you see fit.
You poison a king so that they may take his place.
Have no fear, Stark. I was only keeping it warm for our friend Robert. It's not a very comfortable seat, I'm afraid.
I swear to you, sitting a throne is a thousand times harder than winning one.
Seat Stannis on the Iron Throne and I promise you, the realm will bleed.
I will claim the Iron Throne by myself, with your swords and your allegiance.
If Daenerys is no more than a sweet young girl, the Iron Throne will cut her into sweet young pieces.
Princess Catherine. Your loss has endeared you to the people. They share your grief.
 You've had your courses for days, but you do not tell anyone. I don't understand.
God would have me wed Prince Harry.
But you are his brother's widow. It is impossible. It is forbidden.
I am every inch the soldier... And commander.
In England, widows don't handle swords, much less a widow carrying a prince in her womb. 
And I'll wager that you were praying for a boy.
My mother is already planning my next marriage, though in God's eyes it will be my first marriage.
If you are still a maid, then, Catherine, I can be your husband. 
I will raise you up, you... you and all of England. You will be my princess and... and my queen.
Ten years since the king has been on the throne and there is no heir apparent. Only his brother, gods forbid. 
Daughters don’t inherit, sons do. 
You have a son but you must have a spare too. Gods know what would happen if the boy dies.
The line of succession is clear on these matters. Girls are the last resource.
I am a woman, whoever I marry must be clear on his duty. He is not the crown, I am.
His Majesty has no male heir and will have none but he, Buckingham will succeed to the throne.
By assassinating His Majesty.
Right of Conquest is still a rightful way to gain a throne. Has anyone banned it as a law?
Will you like it when an old man tries to make love to you?
 God forbid that the king should abandon her just to ease his own conscience. I don't think the English people would ever forgive him.
She is threatening the peace in this realm by playing the king with empty promises. No one can predict a son. 
Perhaps the succession must change, this dynasty is large and will survive.
Your Majesty, I beg that you yield to the King's will.
To your wife, the mother of your child. You treat me so unkindly and in public neglect me.
You think he might invade England in support of the queen?
You underestimate the support he/she has with the smallfolk and highborn alike. They would  go to war if you dismiss them.
Perhaps, one day this little girl will preside over empires.
Now I am indeed Queen.
Perhaps Elizabeth isn't even mine! 
Perhaps there should be reasons to annul the marriage and make the king consider marry another. He is still young. 
Nothing like a young bride to make a man forget his troubles. 
He will have his heir or else he will have my head.
Tell Sir Francis to double the guards around the Princess Mary and defend her with their life- for if the King dies, some will be for the boy, others for her.
There shall be a proclamation soon, the king shall announce his heir and the realm will rest.
A lifetime of building an empire can fall in a day because of the wrong successor to the empire.
It is not by blood, anyhow, that man's true continuity is established.
He became their king by right of blood; he's held the position by beating the crap out of anyone who tries to take it away.
When the crown is weak and struggles, anyone can come and sweep it away. And in this world, it is allowed.
This small council tried to work out what that meant for the line of succession.
If she were to wed him, her claim to the throne will increase, as her popularity. 
While the king entertains the highborns, the prince/princess makes friends with the people they rule. The decision is easy.
Whoever he marries is as important as how many heirs he can produce. 
Sons are good for the realm, Daughters are good for alliances. 
My father chose me, his firstborn child, to succeed him. He held to his decision until death.
They stole my crown and murdered my daughter, and they shall answer for it.
I would rather feed my sons to the dragons, than have them carry spears and cups for your drunken, usurper cunt of a king.
I understand why you're angry. And you are my sister and technically have a claim to the throne. And believe me, I would love for someone else to rule. But it can't be you.
Father would hate to see you sit in his seat, when it was never you he chose.
The pretty decent king split the crown between his heirs.
Proclamations are good, but this should have been in written, send to every corner of the world. Now we have war.
When the king needed to be replaced, one of the royal family would be elected to be the new king.
Succession is never peaceful. The King new this and the reason he called a council for his new heir to be chosen.
The line must always continue.
That little bit of dragon blood in him allowed Robert Baratheon to sit on the throne and continue.
Our son is a wastrel and a halfwit. We shudder to think of the throne in his hands.
My greatest hope is that you will surpass me in every way, consigning my name to some forgotten corner of history.
What's most important is what he isn't like—his father. I think you'll find him to be a reasonable man.
The King is easily controlled by those in his council. All too happy to give some of the power away to another.
A king is a martyr to their ideals.
If the world of men is to survive, a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne.
Women can rule as wise as men, perhaps even more.
Men would sooner put the realm to the torch than see a woman ascend the Iron Throne.
Have you never imagined yourself on the Iron Throne?
We have royal wombs, you and I. The child bed is our battlefield.
Ten years you’ve been king, and yet not once have you asked me to be your Hand.
The princess remains your best bet to step closer to the throne. Seduce her, marry her. 
In the end, history will remember little, as history is written by the winners.
You have not one son now but two, Your Grace. Perhaps some changes to the successions are to be made.
I know why you are here. Men want my crown as much as they want the pleasure of a woman. 
I need to give the realm an heir and plenty of spares. 
What use is to gain a throne if you are already in crisis by having no heir by blood?
I can give you what she never gave you. Another son. 
Are the rumors true, then? There is a child in your belly? 
All of my father’s work will crumble if I leave it all to a weak sickly child.
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yuus-sentient-teddy · 10 months
"You're staying here."
A/N: Spoilers for Prologue, Books 1-6, and certain events. Sorry! I've had this story in my drafts for so many months. I hope ya'll enjoy it and please let me know what you think.
EDIT: I accidentally posted this while in the middle of editing and decided to still work on it while it was posted XD
". . . What? Hang on--"
"Calm down, we just need you to be our in-between in case the beast gets to us. Having you up here means you can get to the Headmaster faster--"
"Wait, stop. Stop." Yuu squinted at Leona, incredulous. "You could have one of your dormmates do that. Your dorm is based on athletics, I'm pretty sure whoever he is could get to the Headmaster faster than me. Not to mention, I'm a Beast Tamer, I should be going with you guys!"
"You're also magicless." Leona was mercilessly blunt with that fact. The words reminded Yuu of all the jabs of random bullies throughout the schoolyear, and they gritted their teeth. Before they could argue back, Leona said, "I'm not saying that that makes you useless, but let's face it: you're not going to survive that oversized house cat unless you can put up a barrier or counter a spell."
"I probably wasn't meant to survive a lot of things since coming here, but look what happened--" Yuu spread their arms out--"I'm alive anyways."
"It's probably because you had one of us or Grim with you," Ace said. "Dealing with the ghosts at Ramshackle the first night and every other thing after that, Grim. Fighting the Phantom in the mines, the three of us. All of the Overblots, a group of us." He was counting off each instance with his fingers, clearly not sorry for making a case against Yuu. "I know you're not thrilled about being left out of something as big as this, but without Grim, you're not going to be able to do much, let alone protect yourself. We can't keep an eye on you either, so it's basically better if you stay here."
He didn't shrink away from the look of betrayal and anger on Yuu's face and stood still when they marched up to him. "Okay, first of all, when have I ever asked any of you to keep an eye on me? Yeah, never. And second in case you forgot, I've handled myself pretty damn well when it came to random magic crap. I literally can't count how many times I almost got burnt by fireballs, impaled by ice, and struck by lightning by people that can't aim, and there are a lot of them at this school. Yeah, Vargas's 'catch-up' lessons helped with my speed, but my point still stands."
They held up a hand, stopping Ace from rebutting. "And if you're going to bring up Grim probably throwing out spells with weird side effects, don't. I've suffered enough curses getting thrown at me and potions being snuck into my food to get used to weird effects."
"Wait, people have been doing those things?!" Kalim's eyes were wide in disbelief and shock. "Why?"
Yuu half-heartedly tossed their arms, palms turning upward, as a form of a shrug. "Probably because they're assholes and I'm an easy guinea pig. If we're being a little pessimistic, it's probably also because no one would miss me. Magicless nobody from another world and all that."
"That's a horrible thing to think about!" Kalim cried. The Ramshackle Prefect was a helpful person and tried avoiding trouble the best they could. Not to mention, they weren't in line for something major like a merchant business or a throne. How could anyone want to trouble Yuu? (And how could Yuu think no one would miss them?)
"No surprise they'd think that," Idia mumbled.
"Hate to break it to you, but even if you got potioned and cursed a lot, there's still going to be something you won't be able to handle," Ruggie said. "I get what you mean, though. I got cursed and potioned a bunch of times before I started working for Leona and still a little after. At some point, you're more annoyed than bothered by whatever happens to you."
There were times he saw his freshman self in Yuu. Struggling to understand the lessons, having to bear with a handful of cruel upperclassmen or fellow classmates, left to carry out a difficult task on their own... he sometimes may or may not have been at the right place at the right time to offer help--in exchange for a favor, of course.
"That still doesn't mean you should throw yourself into a fight without knowing what could happen to you," he added, almost scolding.
"I know, but I still helped with the Overblots, didn't I? I think that's enough proof that I can handle being in dangerous fights," Yuu said, crossing their arms. Their sleeve got pushed up and a healing scar on the back of their wrist was revealed, which caught multiple eyes.
Savanaclaw and the Leech Twins remembered the cry of fear and pain when the Octopus Phantom's tentacle snatched their arm, right after they had stepped out of the way of a funnel of water. Octavinelle and Kalim remembered Yuu being sent flying after the Genie Phantom shot a spell that created a force upon impact. They would have hit the wall like a rag doll if Azul didn't catch them with wind magic. The VDC group members remembered them on the ground, twitching sporadically as one of the Hag Phantom's regular sized apples innocently rolled away like it didn't poison them through touch. (Deuce panicked so hard he summoned a cauldron to crush it even though just stepping on the apple was all that was needed.) And who could forget Yuu yanking their arm out of a nest of thorny branches that had been summoned by the Dragon Phantom? They had scars from thorns that got particularly stuck.
After realizing they were staring, Yuu followed the gazes and put their hands in their pockets as casually as they could.
"If you're worried about us thinking less of you, I assure you we wouldn't," Azul said. "There's nothing about the offer that you should be worried about. Again, it's not because your magiclessness makes you less valuable. It's simply letting you avoid another troublesome fight."
He didn't turn on the charm; no smiles or overly fawning words. He was dead serious and it made Yuu uneasy. Why did he want them to take the offer? Although--and this uneased them much more--it was starting to feel like most of the boys were conspiring to keep them out of the fight.
"After everything you've gone through, you pretty much deserve this. Don't worry about Grim, either." Deuce pounded his chest. "We'll be sure to bring him back in one piece."
"I. . . appreciate. . ." Yuu gestured vaguely while also feeling that 'appreciate' was a strange thing to say. They didn't appreciate being pushed out of something important without being heard, and they weren't sure how to feel about the unexpected concern for their wellbeing, especially at a time like this. "I appreciate you guys wanting to give me a break, but I really am serious about coming with to save Grim."
They saw shoulders slumping and heard frustrated huffs. "Listen!" they yelled, starting to feel frustrated themself. "I almost lost Grim once! I need to be there to make sure I don't lose him again. I know you guys can do what I can't, I've seen you all fight before, and I know you all will be able to handle what's coming, but I can't stand being on the side again! So, like it or not, I'm coming with. And why do any of you care about me getting a few scratches or hits from magic, anyway? It's not like it hasn't happened before."
No one responded.
". . . Guys?"
Finally, Leona clicked his tongue. "So annoying. I told you all it would've been pointless to do this."
"What's going on?" Yuu scanned the faces around them, noticing how uneasy Jack and Riddle looked, how Ace and Deuce seemed to have something to say, how irritated or hesitant everyone else appeared. Malleus approached them and they immediately noticed his brows furrowed in concern. "Tsunotaro. . . ?"
"Two night ago, we all shared a prophetic vision, likely similar to what you have been experiencing as of late. All of us were gathered together battling the chimera form of Grim in the same area as the current one. He casted spells that were beyond his usual abilities, including one that made it hard to breathe. Somehow, in the blink of a moment, you ended up alone with him trying to get him to come to his senses."
Yuu held their breath as Malleus said, "But then he opened his mouth and lunged towards you, and the vision ended. Forgive us for not telling you sooner. It is difficult speaking of someone's prophesied death and we did not want you to lose your confidence."
Multiple eyes carefully watched Yuu process everything he said. Some wondered how this would affect their character (Malleus admired them for their courage, considering their circumstances, and Ace liked them for their gutsy and surprising moments; hopefully nothing would change).
Others hoped that Yuu would relent and let the group fight Grim without them (Rook was regretful of leaving Yuu behind, but someone as special as them needed to be kept safe; Riddle simply didn't want to lose a dear friend).
And others prepared to rebut Yuu if they were still stubborn about going (Leona was mentally groaning and Vil shared his sentiment; aside from the Freshman Squad's reputation for having hard-heads, the two understood how much Grim meant to Yuu).
The Ramshackle Prefect started to observe them in turn with an unreadable expression.
Then they scowled. "You all realize how fucked up it is to keep that a secret, right? I mean, shouldn't I be told I might be walking to my death? Or is it--I don't know. You all think I can't make my own decisions?"
"That's the thing, Yuu. You care a lot about the people around you, and when it comes to Grim, you'd do anything to keep him safe. Even if we told you about the vision, I'm willing to bet you'd try to convince us to let you come anyway," Ace said. "You're right, it was fucked up to keep the vision from you, but we can't let you be so careless about yourself, especially since it's basically confirmed you might die."
"That cat has no idea how lucky he is to have a patient and caring person like yourself," Sebek said. "It wouldn't do for him to learn it through severely injuring you."
"And actually, none of us would be able to stand it if you got hurt or worse and we had the opportunity to prevent it," Ortho said. "You've done a lot already. Just this once, we want to handle this without troubling you."
Yuu silently stared at their Squad, mouth agape.
"When we found out you had gone with Epel and Hunt to find S.T.Y.X.'s headquarters, we seriously thought wouldn't see you again," Deuce said. "You gave us a heart attack with what happened in Scarabia. What you did then was unbearable."
"I know it's pointless to think about, but I sometimes worry over what would have happened if I didn't get my Unique Magic in time," Epel said. "Seeing that vision of Grim pouncing on you, though. . . it's made it harder to sleep at night."
"Frankly, the headmaster could be more considerate of you," Jack said. "Having to take care of Grim and being a Prefect can't be easy. Not to mention, what was he thinking tasking you with stopping Azul?"
He rubbed the back of his neck, looking to the side. "On top of being a little reckless, it makes it hard to not want to pull you back from any trouble."
"So, whatever you tell us, we're not taking no for an answer," Ace concluded.
The anger they had towards everyone for their audacity to keep the vision a secret was dimmed a little (just a little) by their friends' worry for their well-being. At the same time, the worrying made their heart tremble and throat tighten. They closed their eyes and took a deep breath. "You know, this whole time I was expected to be a stone wall. I forgot what it felt like to be cared about."
"Huh?" multiple voices chorused.
"What do you mean by that?" Deuce asked.
"Well, I was pretty much thrown into a lion's den and expected to survive it. I wasn't given much sympathy either by nearly everyone I met, especially during the first month." (A few of the boys internally cringed, remembering the hurtful words he had said.) "There's also the fact that most of the school consists of pricks who are self-absorbed year-round. It's not very comforting to know that if something happens to me, there's a good chance no one's going to give me a hand, except if it's people I get along with or people who can benefit from my suffering."
"I don't blame you for wanting certain attitudes to change, but you know as well as I do that you'll encounter pricks and predators anyway beyond the school walls," Vil said but not without some sympathy.
"I do," they said bitterly. "Look, I get it. I shouldn't expect the world to hold my hand or offer me everything on a silver platter. But--god damn it, would it have killed anyone or even any of you guys to have some sympathy? To be a little more decent?”
"I was able to bear the atmosphere of NRC for a while, but at some point, it gets so fucking tiring. A student population that can't be a smidge nicer unless they're beaten up or more upfront about their actual intentions." They shook their head, then made a derisive sound. "That's why I'm having a hard time processing this. I'm sorry, but I can't wrap my head around the fact that you guys, who come from Night Raven College, are actually showing that you care."
The corner of their lip twitched upward, forming a broken smile. Concern was visible on everyone's faces.
"Yuu," Ace said, "are you okay?"
". . . No. I haven't been okay since coming here, or maybe I wasn't okay before coming here and it just got worse. I don't really know."
They turned their face to the side, but it was too late: everyone saw a tear slide down their cheek. Except for Grim and the rest of the First Year Squad, no one ever saw the Ramshackle Prefect cry. It strangely made everyone concerned, and some reached out a hand.
They raised a fist to their face, as though it could stop the tears before they could spill. They took a slow, deep breath to calm themself, but they never let that breath go in fear a sob would escape.
"Yuu." A hand gently touched their shoulder. "It's all right."
They shoved the person away. They couldn't see who it was from the torrent of tears that suddenly spilled and blinded their sight. "It's not!"
"I was starting to believe people when they said I wouldn't be anything! They told me I was useless and dumb and a nobody. They told me I should've stayed a janitor because I couldn't do anything right. They'd try to beat me up for some etiquette I didn't know or for some stupid reason."
Insulting Yuu's parents and them. . .
Riddle noticed Trey setting aside a big cookie during preparations for the Unbirthday Party. It was for Yuu. Earlier that day, someone or some people had stolen their bag and stuffed it with crumpled paper and empty food wrappers. Their notebooks--thankfully still in tact--had been tossed haphazardly around the school and led to the field where the bag was left. Trey found all this out when Ace and Deuce returned to Heartslabyul dorm scowling. The Unbirthday Party went on as usual, and Yuu seemed cheered up by the cookie and receiving the honors of petting a hedgehog. Much, much later, Riddle caught a bully red-handed and dished out the consequences for breaking Rule #53: You must replace anything you steal. Sadly, it didn't deter other bullies from stealing Yuu's bag, but Riddle still punished whoever he could for breaking an important rule and troubling someone so undeserving.
Threatening to take a tooth. . .
Leona overheard a conversation while napping in the botanical garden. In between sleep and waking, he initially thought he was dreaming the times he overheard the servants whispering disapprovingly about him. What made him wake up was hearing plots to get Yuu kicked out. He couldn't be bothered to care what ridiculous crap the herbivores in the other dorms or his juniors in Savanaclaw got caught up in, but this was something different. Joke or not, someone had to step in before either party gets kicked out--and that's what he did, telling the students off for planning something ridiculous and highly risky (and glaring harshly when he recognized some of the students as members of the Magift Club). After the students scrammed, he settled back down to sleep and his mind wandered to Yuu. He felt a little deja vu when he thought how they needed a tutor to keep themself from failing (and Grim too even though that fur ball could pay to be less annoying). It would dig into his rest time, but he had an idea for what Yuu could do to make up for that. Say, help a certain hyena finish his given tasks quicker.
"It feels like I'm only here for people to use or take from. I keep wondering why it always happens. Is there something wrong with me? Was there some invisible sign telling people I was a tool that didn't need repairs? Was I cheap labor because I'm on the bottom of some hierarchy?"
Taking Ramshackle Dorm away. . .
Once, Azul came across a group of students playing 'keep away' with Yuu and their lunch box. For a moment, he was reminded of his child self, trying to get back a seashell from a couple of bullies who were tossing it to each other over his head and taunting his slowness. He snapped out of his memories when Ace, Deuce, and Grim entered the scene, magic ablazed and yelling. It wouldn't be the first time he would see this happen: anytime anyone picked on Yuu while using magic, their friends would come to their aid. (If Azul had to be honest, he envied the Ramshackle Prefect for having people like the First Year Squad look out for them.) But then, some time after his Overblot, he came across a couple of students on brooms waving Yuu's homework from their perch. The sight particularly irked him, but before he could step in, one of the bullies lost his grip and a couple of papers got blown away. The rest of the homework got lost when he and his accomplice tried grabbing the sheets. It all drifted onto the wet grass below or sailed over the trees, and the bullies, suddenly remembering they had something more important to do, left Yuu scrambling to salvage what they could. Azul wouldn't forget the Prefect's face when they asked, defeated, what he wanted in exchange for helping them with the missing papers. He neither wouldn't forget their face when they asked how he had been able to deal with being picked on so much. For once, he didn't feel the urge to strike a deal.
Using them for a plan. . .
When the high of partying in the desert died down, all Jamil could think about was how he would tell his family that he Overblotted and why. It churned his stomach picturing their horrified faces, and it was made worse when he wondered what the Al-Asim family would do if they heard that their heir had been caught in a dangerous situation by none other than the loyal best friend. What would happen to him and his family then? Amidst the inner turmoil, the Ramshackle Prefect and Grim were far from his mind until he and Kalim found them practicing for the VDC tryouts. A proper apology was due, but he didn't have one prepared. It didn't seem to matter to the two, though, as they acted like nothing happened. As though he didn't force them to "solve" another dorm problem right after Grim expressed not wanting to. When Vil Overblotted, he saw Grim rearing to fight while voicing how troublesome it was to deal with yet another Overblot. His eyes slid over to Yuu. . . and it was crystal clear they didn't want to deal with anything anymore. They stared at Vil's cackling, levitating figure with despair, eyes telling of exhaustion and mouth tugging into a grimace, a sign of reluctant acceptance. He tried to protect them when he could from poisonous spells--emphasis on tried, since he still had Kalim to keep safe--and afterwards, offered leftover food whenever Scarabia had parties.
"Was an Overblot all it took for people to see me differently? I can't control how other people act, only how I respond. All I can do is take things easy and forgive, but I don't know if I can keep doing it. It's just. . ."
Their voice trembled. "So hard to keep going when it seems like barely anyone wants to consider you."
Word spread fast around Night Raven College and it wasn't long before Vil recognized that Yuu was in a challenging position: they lived in a literal ramshackle dorm, had to live on a small budget, and were entirely new to this world. He had to hand it to them, they possessed quite the will and backbone. After all they experienced, he counted himself lucky that they warmed up to him rather quickly--which was why he noticed how tensely quiet they became the night after their friends snuck a bite of unknowingly cursed dessert. When asked, they told him bluntly that it was painful seeing food used like that. They were struggling to pay off lunch debts and it was made much worse when already broken windows broke a little more or parts of the roof had to be patched up after a short downpour. Vil could see a little hunger in their eyes as they talked of instances where they had to decide between repairs and eating dinner that night, even the next two nights. He didn't know about their struggles in the first place, but he nonetheless felt terrible about what he did and deeply apologized. For the rest of the VDC training camp, he ignored any footsteps that came from the Prefect's bedroom and headed downstairs, even as they made the floorboard creak loudly.
Idia sometimes thought about how the Prefect looked when they thanked him for listening to their rambles of all the anime they watched back on Earth. The two of them were sitting in Ramshackle Dorm's lounge, waiting for the next level of the game to finish loading, when he glanced over. Serene and distant, like they had recounted a fond memory. He thought back to all the isekai manga, anime, and video games he consumed. Some protagonists seemed pretty eager to be in another world, others were immediately wishing to go back home, but those who expressed homesickness did it in a cool way, like staring at a moon while sitting next to a best friend (he did remember reading fanfiction where it was more emotional, though.) None had a protagonist talk about something as mundane as the shows they loved to watch, let alone a protagonist who would talk to someone awkward like him. Didn't Yuu have their squad for these sort of heart to heart things? But they insisted that he was the guy they wanted to talk to; according to them, he was the most similar to the friends they rambled to about anime and would very likely 'get' what they would be talking about. Idia was simultaneously flattered and frightened: flattered because his expertise in the media was recognized and frightened because he was in a position reserved for those with high relationship levels. In fact, he panicked when Yuu suddenly got teary-eyed. The saving grace was the next level finishing loading and the characters getting thrown into chaos. The next time he came to Ramshackle Dorm, he brought with him some anime he thought Yuu would appreciate.
"And that's the thing. I don't understand how people forget there's more to a person than whether they have magic. There were times I wished no one had magic so they'd just shut up and stop acting like they're better than me or anyone else. It's like having magic is an excuse to be an ass."
Yuu sometimes joined Malleus on his nighttime strolls. Most nights they would be sound asleep, which was why he treasured the times they were awake enough to walk with him. The two talked about anything that came to mind: gargoyles, schoolwork, differences between Earth and Twisted Wonderland. Then one night, Yuu casually mentioned that many of the students were rather. . . unwelcoming. "Some of them act like I don't exist, but it's better than getting my homework stolen and thrown to the wind." He was surprised, but not unfamiliar with bullying from Lilia's recollection of cruel humans and various history lessons. He asked why. They shrugged, answering, "Probably because I'm low on the hierarchy. I don't have basic knowledge on magic on top of being magicless." When he said it still didn't warrant such behavior, they smiled sadly and replied, "Well, that's how it goes when you got something another person doesn't, and that other person just so happens to not really fit in a certain place." Later, Malleus was distraught to hear from Lilia that some of the students who were unkind to Yuu were of Diasomnia. The dorm was founded on the elegance of the Thorn Witch, surely the students would act with decor. But Lilia told him not to worry, he had a word with those students on being more open. But Malleus still wondered if there was something he could do. It turns out the answer was simple (even though it took place after his Overblot): hang out with Yuu during the daytime. They were a fellow student, were they not? So why should they be treated any different?
"Sometimes, I wonder if anything would change if I Overblotted. Would anyone wonder then why it happened and be nicer? Or. . ." Yuu let out a bitter scoff. "Would nothing change and people just see me more as an alien freak?"
They scrubbed the tears in their eyes. "Maybe I'm just a dumb ass and my Phantom would just eat me. It's not like I have anything else to offer it. God, what am I doing?"
The weight of what they had spilled for the past couple of minutes started crashing down like a crumbling shelf. They didn't want to see what the others' reactions were and continued to wipe their eyes with their hands and sleeves, even if there wasn't much to wipe. Their mind cycled through anything they could say to escape such an embarrassing situation. So sorry, I didn't know where it came from. Let's go back to arguing why I can't come with you guys to save my cat. He has been nothing but a pain in the ass, I should know, but he's become nicer and been my primary protector. He keeps insisting he'd protect me because he's the boss and I'm his henchman, and it's so endearing sometimes. And he's comforted me when I become so sick and just need someone to hold me--
"How long has this been going on for?" It was a gentle question. Yuu lowered their hand and found Ace and Deuce standing before them, the worry on their faces making their heart clench.
"A long time."
"Why didn't you say anything? We could have done something, you know," Deuce said.
Yuu shook their head. "This school runs on sink or swim. 'Losers don't have the right to complain.' And did you guys forget that we're freshmen? What can you guys do against the whole school? I actually talked about this with the school counselor and all he could do was apologize and tell me he'll put in a note for the headmaster."
Yuu almost laughed at the faces Ace and Deuce made. "I'm pretty sure I'm his first case for something like this."
"Still, you shouldn't just take everything lying down," Deuce said.
"I don't want to anymore, but I'm so tired of fighting. At what point can I stop?"
Yuu was once again seen under a new light. The viewpoint was different for each boy: from magicless outlier to honorary dorm member, notorious problem solver to exhausted errand runner, doe-eyed student to determined but kind mastermind, just to name a few. Yuu had laid bare wounds previously covered up by uniform sleeves, things they couldn't talk about or didn't feel comfortable sharing because otherwise they'd go against the school norm and grab negative attention to themself. Their closest friends knew of these wounds; others caught glimpses of certain parts. With the revelation, they all shared a similar viewpoint: an ordinary person so far from home, dropped into a magical, chaotic world and more vulnerable than what anyone realized. More exhausted and heavily scarred than what anyone realized.
"When Leona told me to stay here, I thought all along you guys didn't think of me as someone who could stand beside you and that everything had just been you all tolerating me." Yuu's voice dropped to a whisper. "That had hurt me more than any of you could know."
". . . Anyone who thinks you're undeserving of your position knows absolutely nothing," Riddle said. "Not counting your grades, you've proven yourself enough to have a place in this school."
Yuu gave Riddle a wobbly smile and he found himself feeling a little bashful. "Thanks, Riddle."
The smile suddenly became strained and they looked away. "I'm sorry. I know I said I took things easy and forgave, but--" they grimaced--"I can't bring myself to let go of some things you and the others did."
A/N: This accidentally became a two parter
EDIT: I forgot to add the link to part 2. Here it is
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crazyk-imagine · 8 months
Old Age and Fated Bonds
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Pairing: Felix Volturi X Hybrid!reader
Characters: Hybrid!reader, Alice Cullen, Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Demetri Volturi, Aro Volturi, Marcus Volturi, Caius Colturi, Jane Volturi
Warnings: Reader protecting themselves, fancast Felix is here to slay, Edward being a big dummy, reader butting head with the dumbass, reader teasing her mate, Felix teasing reader, the feeding scene, the feeding scene makes me feral, this became oddly sexual, these vampires know how to seduce someone, Felix gives baby sub vibes, Felix and reader are a power couple, I feel like I made the reader a little bipolar but-
Word Count: 2,496
A/N: I wrote the feeding scene before work, lost it and then had to back track before leaving. I was so pissed but it's good. It's exactly what I wrote but a smidge different
The Volturi forget reader is a hybrid even after Reneesme is born then they're like oh wait it can be true, we have proof
"Felix, take your dearest to your room. We still have some unfinished business to attend to with the Cullens and Miss Swan."
He moves from beside you, placing a hand on your back to guide you out of the throne room.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Are you scared?"
"That doesn't answer my question."
"You haven't answered mine."
You purse your lips, rethinking whether he was hot or if you're so lonely you're desperate for contact. You don't glance up at him to know he's smirking.
"We're going to my room where you'll stay until I'm finished."
You scoff, "I'm not a dog."
"No, you are not."
"Thank you."
"Dogs know when to listen."
Your jaw drops, gaze falling onto the door as it clicks shut. You roll your head, listening to the cracking of your neck; wondering what you should do to get back at him for his comment.
You sit, thinking back to the moment that led you to your current predicament.
You made sure not to be too far from Alice, knowing she’d be more helpful to you than Bella or Edward.
You keep the block up in your mind, so he doesn't hear how much of an idiot he is.
The guards lead you to the infamous throne room.
You inwardly hum, taking note of every nook, crack, everything really.
It's such a gorgeous room, shame it's used for more torturing people for whatever they see fit.
You knew the Volturi had money (they've been around for so long, naturally they were bound to be rich). But seeing it, completely different than what the Cullens told you.
You glance back at the three and rush towards them, not needing to get lost or discovered. Someone would have a fit if that ever happened.
You're not paying attention to what the odd king is saying, not until a body being slammed down draws your attention to the people in front of you.
You step closer to the vampire with a pixie cut, watching as the tall and lean, attractive vampire practically throws Edward into the ground.
The corners of your lips twitch, not entirely empathetic towards him.
He made his bed, almost literally, and now he must lie in it.
You take the time to lean forward, wanting only her to hear you. "You didn't tell me they would be hot."
Edward groans, for more than one reason.
"Who said that?" Caius leans forward.
Aro claps with excitement in his eyes.
"Oh, crap."
"Demetri," Aro calls for him.
The vampire doesn't know what to do when he can't sense you.
He calls for the guard again, smile widening at his struggle to find you. "Magnifica!" He claps his hands.
Alice stands still, shaking her head.
You realize why she told you to stay quiet.
"Show yourself dear. I'd like it if you could show me who holds a power such as yours."
You don't move, clutching onto her coverup.
Aro notices and gestures for Jane to use her powers; they don't work because she can't see you.
Caius is irritated and demands you show yourself.
"Before you turned, weren't you ever scared? What do you expect me to do? Roll over and do as you say."
"That is no way to talk to your kings."
Edward huffs, "would you stop delaying this and show yourself already."
They can't see you to see your sarcastic and menacing smirk, although the tallest guard can sense a change in your attitude.
"Excuse me for one second." You stand before him, opening your mind slightly so he knows where to look. "I am so tired of your shit Edward, and you've pissed me off enough today." You hit him in his stomach.
He removes himself from Bella (who screams for someone to help him); as he bends forward, holding it; you grab him by his neck.
You had yet to realize as you fight him, you're not using your power and begin showing yourself.
You lean close to his ear, "better hold on. Wouldn't want you to fall before I'm through with you." You lift him off the ground, his feet dangling (shocking everyone watching) and slam him into the ground.
Kneeling beside him, applying pressure to your grip, watching as the crack appears. "Next time, don't piss me off." You push yourself off the ground, brushing away the imaginary dirt.
You slowly lift your head, realizing they can see you. A shy smile breaks onto your lips, followed by a nervous chuckle, "hey."
Aro claps his hands like crazy, walking towards you with a bounce in his step.
An unmuted scent floods Felix's nose as he stares at you, somehow finding his way beside you.
You notice the way the silent king is gesturing for his brother. "I think your friend wants to chit chat."
He turns and reaches for his hand. "What a pleasant surprise and all thanks to the Cullens and Miss Swan."
You furrow your brows, turning around towards Alice. "Alice?"
She hums.
"I would remove yourself from my sight before I do the same to you as I did your brother."
Her eyes widen, this was not how today was supposed to end. "What? I-"
"Do as I say, they already have someone waiting at the door to escort you. I don't appreciate being lied to and I will not tolerate it. If you don't want your major to end up in a fight, I'd leave."
The three walk away.
You huff, crossing your arms before smirking. "I know you want to hurt me, blondie."
Her glare hardens.
You spin around and chuckle before finding the king’s eyes on you. "I feel like I'm missing something."
"A pleasant discovery has been made today. You are Felix's mate. How wonderful."
You stare at the weird king. "This is not where I saw today going."
He giggles, "I know, dear, but now you get to enjoy your new life within the walls of this castle."
"Is that supposed to persuade me?"
He merely smiles.
Some time passes and he's back.
"You haven't moved?"
"I have nowhere to go. No plans, no friends."
He removes his cape, carefully hanging it up.
"Aren't you going to be punished for not wearing a piece of your ensemble?" You chuckle.
He finds himself smirking, it was a good joke (or is he just saying that because of the bond, he doesn't care because you're all he cares about). "Funny."
"I know I am."
"Do you-" he struggles to find the words, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Talk about?"
"You know what I'm referring to."
You roll your eyes and chuckle to yourself.
He takes your chin between his thumb and index finger, turning your head to look at him. "I will not allow bratty behavior to come from you."
Your eyes widen.
The corner of his lip curves upward, "still think I'm hot?"
"You know I'm not afraid to fight you."
"I know, watching you take down the Cullen was," he leans in, nuzzling his nose underneath your jawline, placing a tender kiss there. "The highlight of finding my mate."
You melt under his touch before realizing the words he said. You push him back. "I'm sorry. What?"
"You're my mate."
"I heard that."
"It didn't sound like it."
"I," you push yourself out of the seat, walking past him; not noticing him drooling over you as you do.
His eyes never left you as you pace and unintentionally use your powers. He settles himself in the chair. "Where'd you go?"
"I'm still here," you tell him, standing beside him. "It's just- it's a lot to take in, you know."
He nods, "I understand."
"How are you so calm?"
"One of us has to."
You purse your lips.
He reaches for you, pulling you into his lap to calm you. "I know it's going to take a lot before we have a proper bond of trust built but believe me when I say, I'm with you. You are not alone."
You snuggle deeper into his embrace, eyes closing as today’s events took a lot of your energy.
He settles you into his perfectly made bed, watching over you for a few minutes before exiting the room, grabbing his cloak on the way out.
You wake, finding no one around.
It saddens you a bit, but you know that he is a busy man and just because he's found you doesn't mean his schedule is going to change entirely.
The burning in your throat returns, how long has it been since you fed? Apparently too long.
You exit the room and search for something, anything to satisfy yourself.
You know a feeding tour is going to happen tonight, they mentioned it earlier.
You wander through one too many halls and the faint scent of humans’ wafts through your nose. You follow and find a group being led into the room; you can only assume is the waiting room.
You manage to sneak in using your powers, giving you the advantage of pretending to be one of the tourists and the opportunity to pull one of the humans with you, sinking your fangs into their neck.
The others finish, but you continue, always being one to take your time making it more special (in case it was ever your last time or before you met the Cullens).
Demetri rapidly taps on his friend's shoulder.
Felix groans, tossing the person he fed on aside. "What?"
He turns in the direction of where his friend was pointing and finds a peculiar sight. "I think your mate is more than what the kings realized."
He steps away, ignoring the babbling as he makes his way towards you.
You open your eyes, giving whoever is petting your hair a fierce look.
How dare they interrupt your feeding until your eyes focus and you find your mate in front of you, his body blocking yours.
He removes his hand from your hair, reaching for the human's wrist, slowly sinking his fangs into their skin.
As you two finish, he tosses them aside, reaching for your chin.
He pulls you closer like he did earlier, his cold breath fanning against your warm and bloodied lips, sticking his tongue out, licking the last remains away; only he can leave marks on his beloved. "You have some explaining to do."
You nod as if hypnotized before yawning. "After a nap, I can explain everything to you."
He nods and lifts you up into his arms, letting you settle in before he starts exiting the room; ignoring the teasing looks he knows Demetri is throwing his way.
He debates on setting you in his bed or sitting in the chair and letting you rest on him directly. He pulls the covers over you and listens to your soft and calm breathing.
You wake to a dark room but know he's still nearby, turning to find your suspicions to be true.
He stays still, keeping his gaze on the book.
"It's upside down."
He tries to read a page and flips it over, finding it to be true. "No wonder I couldn't read it." He furrows his brows, "how'd you know?"
"I sold that book to an annoying man back in my younger days."
"How old are you?"
You lay on your back, staring at the ceiling. "You know, it's never wise to ask a woman her age."
"I can handle you, I'm not afraid to ask." You sped out of the bed, using your powers to gain the upper hand and yank him out of the chair, straddling his lap. Your hand on his neck keeps him hooked to the ground.
He stares up at you amazed by every way you move and think. His hands find their way towards your hips, grounding you to him as if you could sink further into his grasp.
"I'm old, honey."
"Yet you've never looked younger," he smiles up at you.
You roll your eyes and push yourself off him, "you're just desperate for my touch," you tell him with a teasing tone.
He watches you walk around the room before taking your place on the bed.
You cross one leg over the other and slightly lean back, letting your neck rest on your shoulder. "Do you plan on telling them or should I?"
He's quiet, not ready to share you with anyone else (you assume).
"We can wait till tomorrow."
He nods, preferring that option.
"If your friend can keep his mouth shut."
Felix rubs his face with annoyance.
"If he does blab, you should at least know... I'm a rare breed as they say."
"What does that mean?"
"I can survive on human food or blood. My father was a vampire while my mother was human."
"And... then you arrived?"
You nod. "Apparently, my father was, as some say, a man whore and fell for my innocent, virgin mother then their miracle baby arrived but when she died, so did he."
"They were mates, the purest of bond for mates."
"But you were left alone?"
"A doctor found me," a fond smile breaks out onto your face, "and helped the any way he could before he got sick."
"How'd you get involved with the Cullens?"
"I may have," you shrug. "Had to get them out of town before our kind was discovered."
He nods.
"How do you feel?"
"This whole mate thing. It was thrown upon you; you didn't really have a choice in this."
"I'm surprisingly, fine."
"Fine? Just fine? I'm kind of freaking out here again and- hey!" You tilt your head to stare into his eyes. "You licked me."
"That was hours ago."
"I- shut up."
He smirks.
You don't know when you fell asleep but find yourself waking just before sunrise. You push yourself up and look around the room, searching for the large man (you get to call yours).
"Looking for something?"
You tilt your head and offer a sleepy smile.
Felix raises a brow, clearly not believing a word out of your mouth. "I informed the kings of what you told me."
"And what they say?"
"Master Aro was pleased. Master Marcus was happy to inform me of our bond and it will become stronger with time."
"The blond one?"
"Master Caius is... it's hard to tell what he's feeling."
You open your mouth to call his name but find yourself drawing a blank. "What was your name again?"
"You don't know my name?"
"The weird one only said it once, what am I supposed to remember every name I hear? I'm a hybrid, not working at a place where I have to remember everyone's names."
He can't help but chuckle, surprised that you two didn't at least share this simple piece of information. "Felix. My name is Felix."
You smile and tell him yours in return. 
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mvjerbs · 1 year
Prince Ballister
SO OK WJJDJFJ this au is literally making me giddy just by thinking about it. So here it is (name), I know you wanted to hear mine.
like every royal and noble family, one must birth to an heir to continue their legacy. 
unfortunately, the queen is unable to make one because she's infertile.
she resorts to adopting an heir which made the director protest because it must be biological, so she tried to convince the queen to keep on trying but the queen made up her mind.
One day she strolled through the market where she first meets Ballister.
in this au, Ballister never had the dream to be a knight. But all he wanted to do is to help others to try and make their situation better
the queen saw Ballister buying bread with his own money that he worked hard for(she doesn't know that part yet) and proceed to give to a child who was hungry despite being hungry himself.
the queen took interest in Ballister and decided to approach him
for the next few weeks the queen would meet and get to know Ballister more, and eventually she adopts him.
The adoption immediately went all over the news and people celebrated and accepted Ballister as the new prince.(except for the director obviously)
ballister still underwent knight training because he wants to learn how to fight for himself and to not rely on other the whole time.
ambrosius, being gloreth's descendant, became Ballister' personal knight. And they both fell in love.
no one knows about their relationship except for the queen and ballister didnt know that the she already knew.
cue to Ballister being a blushing mess when the queen told him about it.
time skip to the knighting of the knights, Ballister gets framed for killing the queen and everyone thinks he did it so he can have the throne for himself.
The queen was killed through assassination, one of the guards was bribed by the director to kill the queen and injure Ballister and she'll try to fabricate the story.
How would she do it? Well she'll tell the people that Ballister ordered an assassin to kill the queen and harm him so he would also appear to be a victim as well.
the assassin turned to attack Ballister, with a clear plan to give a big Ballister the biggest cut, but ambrosius jumped to protect Ballister and got his arm cut instead. So now he's the one with the missing arm.
The assassin was immediately apprehended, but yelled out that Ballister was the one planned the assassination and that they never wanted to kill the queen. They were threatened to do it.
Then people turned on Ballister. The other guards were about to capture Ballister when ambrosius grabbed him and ran away.
Now both ambrosius and ballister escapes and are both being hunted.
The events that happened both went and didnt went to the director's plan because she didn't expect ambrosius to go with Ballister, so now she lost the decendant of gloreth.
they stumble upon the abandoned tower where Ballister bandaged and created a prosthetic arm for ambrosius (it was a hobby that the queen, the director and ambrosius knew about).
both tried to process the things that had happened, but soon Ballister breaksdown because of he death and ambrosius pulls him close to comfort him.
They stayed like that until they heard someone knocking on the door. Ambrosius pulls out his sword and slowly approached the door.
he opened it and raised his sword only to be met with emptiness, ambrosius lowers his sword and looks at Ballister, who went over to his side to check as well, and shared a confused look
then nimona scared the crap out of them by appearing behind them. (Lowkey find this cute because I picture ambrosius putting himself Infront of Ballister to protect him from nimona).
”Should we pillage a village? lay low until they dont remember and then we rISE LIKE A FIERY PHOENIX FROM THE ASHES AND OVER THROW THE GOVERNMENT TOGETHER WITH YOUR EVIL ARMY THAT YOUVE BUILT! And the people will scream “AHHHH THE EVIL PRINCE AND HIS LOYAL KNIGHT HAS RETURNED WITH AN ARMY TO DESTROY US”..............or we could just talk. :)”
ballister and ambrosius looks at each other, very unsure about nimona. and tried to shoo her because they thought she was a kid.
Since ambrosius is here, the escape scene never happened, instead they went to the institute to find the assassin and interrogate them. Nimona was supposed to be left behind but she joined them which scared them again
While capturing said assassin (they knocked them out), they were caught because ambrosius and nimona were having a small argument because nimona wasn't supposed to be there and ballister tries to quiet them down. Failed because ballister yelled out to silence them but alerted he guards instead.
Cue to nimona shapeshifting and they all escaped.
Once they arrived and nimona shifts back and celebrated their victory, which was cut short by ambrosius drawing his sword on nimona.
"is this how you say thank you to a fellow henchman?"
"henchman? You're not not even human! You're a mon-"
"DONT call me t h a t. I literally just saved both of you from getting captured and imprisoned in a room with no toilet!"
"she's right ambrosius, we should truth her"
It took awhile for ambrosius to give in but he eventually agrees to let nimona join. (He just gave in to Ballister's puppy eyes)
Time skip, the assassin wakes up and he's surrounded by the three. The same conversation happens, eventually the assassin reveals that the director was behind all of it
Ambrosius and nimona was shocked but they never felt so betrayed like Ballister. He had always looked up to that woman, he trusted her like how the queen trusted her too.
With that information, they let the assassin go. Not without being harmed though, when they dragged the assassin out, ambrosius decided to beat the assassin and nimona happily did it with him.
That is all I have for now. Few things are missing and some ideas didn't really sound right to me so I might change some stuff in the future. :))
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skyfallscotland · 12 days
I’ve just read the thread regarding Xaden’s being an inntinnsic. Honestly, I do hope that he didn’t lie. This would be so disappointing if he did
At the same time, he totally read her thoughts. What I think is that reading thoughts was new for him with Violet. He is not that dumb to respond to thoughts, unless he didn’t get she hadn’t voiced them. So probably it was new for him. I guess he really can only read intentions with other people. But his signet is developing. So it evolutions with Violet in the first place because of their connection, plus high emotions when he is around her. Emotions do stimulate signers based on other cases.
But eventually he will be able to be some kind of telepath, being able to both read thoughts and project his own (like in throne scene).
What do you think?
I just don't think it's plausible that he never noticed that many times. Regardless, while I can agree that's probably how it will be explained if it does develop into 'full telepathy' in future books, I still don't think she planned it that way. I think to a certain point a lot of the 'everything is planned', 'every little detail' discourse is crap—the book was written in like two months supposedly, so I really don't think she thought it through to the extent a lot of people think she did.
Another instance where things don't add up is in Iron Flame when they're at Tecarus' palace. Violet has him blocked out, that's a specific point made very clear in black and white, yet when they make it to the ballroom Xaden somehow specifically references what Cat said to her...rooms, literal floors away. If Violet's shielding and their bond is blocked, he could only have gotten that from Cat, Mira, or Syrena's minds. There's no way he heard it—he was rooms away, Violet even comments on that herself and there's no waving that away as intentions. You can't make a pointed comment like that and not know you've heard those words, so like...?
The scene in question, for reference:
“With Xaden?” Her eyes narrow, then drip with false sympathy. “If you don’t already know that he’s not the kind of man who gets flustered or loses control, then there’s really no hope for you. Save yourself the energy, because he’ll simply think any fight you pick is childish.”
“She has the gift of heightening the emotions of the people around her, and she’s exceptionally powerful. If you hadn’t blocked me out all evening, I would have told you sooner.” My jaw hangs for a heartbeat before I snap it closed. First at the knowledge that I actually managed to block him out—
He laces his fingers with mine, and we walk around the table toward the crowd where Tecarus waits. “Maintaining control is nearly impossible around Violet.” My face heats. What the hell? Did he hear her out there? That’s impossible. Cat stiffens next to her uncle, her face falling like Xaden’s just delivered a killing blow in a battle I hadn’t realized they were in.
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creampuffqueen · 6 months
tell us about the tlok gen 2 kids
ask and you shall receive!!!! making fankids is such an obsession of mine lol
so i have futures and kids planned out for pretty much everyone, but i'll just go over the main krew ships + kainora for now. and i'll try to keep it kind of brief but i have So Many thoughts about them so we'll see if i'm successful. i have like. an entire labelled timeline. it's wild
under a cut because this got so long holy crap
the easiest to start with is the bopal kids. they get married a couple years after the end of tlok and start having kids pretty soon after. they end up with four kids (somewhat considering adding a fifth but we'll see. there's already so many ocs)
their eldest is jade, who is an earthbender. then they have a pair of identical twin boys, named san and goji. san is named after bolin's father. san is an airbender, goji is an earthbender. their fourth child is a girl named tempa, who is an airbender. she actually ends up becoming blind later in life. not whatever toph had, as she was born seeing, but she had some degenerative disease that slowly took her eyesight. she actually ends up developing a technique similar to seismic sense, but with airbending, to help her get around! she keeps her head fully shaved so she can always feel vibrations in the air
the next up to have kids is, surprisingly, kai and jinora. this was not intentional on their part. but they've been dating since they were like 12-13, so i honestly don't think it's much of a stretch that they would end up becoming parents as teenagers. pema and tenzin are a bit upset that their daughter got pregnant at 17, but at this point they've accepted kai into the family, and they respect the young couple's decision to keep and raise the baby
and then after they have their first baby, they decide that they're going to hold off on getting married until their family is complete, so all their kids can be a part of the wedding. like bolin and opal, they end up having four kids as well. all of them are airbenders. their first born is a boy named sangye, second is another boy named tadashi, third is a girl named zaya, and fourth is a girl named tara. it's the jinora and tenzin parallels for me lol. two boys, two girls, four airbenders. despite their young age they are very good parents
then we have the korrasami babies. they have the smallest family, with just two kids. i did some research and as it turns out, sperm donation/artificial insemination procedures were a thing in the 1920s. of course they were WILDLY unethical at the time but hey, they did exist. this is how they end up with their kids. mako is the donor, which i know some people may find that weird but mako is their best friend, i feel like they would rather have a donor that they know and trust than just. some random guy
korra is pregnant with their first baby, who they name katara. she's a waterbender. asami is pregnant with their second baby, a little boy they name hiro, after asami's dad. hiro is a nonbender. they are literally the best moms ever <3
and last but not least, we have wuko's kids. for the longest time they are the cool, childless gay uncles. i think they're both really good with kids, but neither are ready to be parents for a long time. not to mention in my timeline it takes a solid ten years for wu to get the new democratic earth kingdom up and running smoothly enough that he can abdicate. and even after he abdicates and he and mako get married, they're still unsure about kids for a few more years. when they do decide to have kids, they both for sure want to adopt. i have a whole separate post i could make about mako quitting the police force to become a social worker and opening up a youth shelter. but he knows he wants to help out kids, so hopefully none suffer the way he and bolin did. wu does not want to have any bio kids, as he wants the royal bloodline to end with him so there is no possible claim to any kind of throne
but then korra and asami are like 'hey, if you guys want a baby, we're cool with helping out' because i mean mako already helped them have their family, they can do the same for him and wu. and since they're offering, mako and wu decide to take them up on it. korra ends up being a surrogate for them, and they welcome a little baby girl that they name naoki, for mako's mom
then, soon after naoki is born, they end up finding a trio of very young sisters out on the streets. their mother passed away, their father walked out on them, and they have no other family. the eldest girl is only 8 years old. when mako meets her it feels like he's looking into a window at his past self. the girls are very frightened, but mako and wu are able to earn their trust enough to help them out. and in the process of caring for them, they end up totally falling in love with these kids. they ask them if they want to be adopted. all three say yes
the girls are named kasumi, ryoko, and hikari. all three are firebenders. naoki also ends up being a firebender. there's so many firebenders in the wuko house. i'm also spreading my girldad mako agenda. him and wu taking these girls in and giving them a family is actually super emotionally healing for him. he's able to make sure another set of siblings out on the steet has a family
anyway that's a very basic rundown!! i love chatting about my next gen kiddos so so much so thanks for asking! and of course if anyone has any questions about specific kids or families please feel free to ask!!!
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DIABOLIK LOVERS CHAOS LINEAGE Yoyaku Tokuten Drama CD ”Awakened to Chaos”
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Original title: 混沌への目覚め
Source: Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE Yoyaku Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke, Kondou Takashi, Takahiro Sakurai, Kimura Ryouhei, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Kishio Daisuke, Morikawa Toshiyuki, Morikubo Shoutari & Tomoaki Maeno
Translator’s note: Phew. This CD was quite the challenge since it’s a whole 40 minutes long. I have translated long drama CDs plenty of times in the past but it honestly had been a while since I came across one which is longer than half an hour. I guess this CD is meant to be kind of an introduction to the game since it’s pretty much just every boy realizing that something feels ‘off’ about their current family as well as harboring strong feelings for Eve which they cannot quite explain since they’ve all lost their memories and are therefore under the assumption that she’s an absolute stranger to them. 
Ayato: God…Ruki really had to force us to sit through some long-ass strategy meeting as soon as the Supreme Overlord passed away. They talked ‘bout way too much useless crap! All that really matters is that tomorrow we should go and steal Eve - the vital piece in becoming the next Overlord - from the Church, right? 
Yet he kept on ramblin’ on ‘bout other random bullshit. …No way in hell I’m lettin’ those other bastards have Eve. I’ll burst into that Church first and make her mine, no matter what. I won’t let Ruki have her either. I could care less that he’s the ‘oldest’ of the family. I don’t see why I should give her up to him. I’ll become the Supreme Overlord and rise to the top! ーー Exactly. That’s the only reason why I’m interested in Eve in the first place. …Or at least, it should be. So why does something feel off? Is that really…the only reason why I want Eve so badly? Or do I have an even better reasoning for yearning after her…? Hm…
Ayato: Argh! Enough thinkin’...! I’m gonna see her tomorrow anyway. That might help me figure this out. 
Ayato keeps on walking. 
Ayato: …Ah? Where am I? I was just mindlessly wanderin’ ‘round and ended up quite far away. …Aah!? Isn’t this place close to the Scarlet family’s manor!? Fuck… Did I really come that far? …Wait, is that? 
Ayato: That’s Shuu from the Scarlet Family sittin’ by that tree, isn’t it? Why is he sleepin’ over there? …Heh, whatever. Imma kick his ass to get rid of this annoyin’ feelin’. 
Ayato approaches Shuu. 
Ayato: ーー Oi, Shuu! Why are you nappin’ over here!? 
*Rustle rustle* 
Shuu: Nn…Nnh…
Ayato: Wake up! …Get up and face me. 
Shuu: Oh…Ayato, it’s you. What brings you here? 
Ayato: I’m feelin’ restless right now. Which means it’s the perfect time for a fight!
Shuu: God…I can’t even sleep in peace here? 
Ayato: Oi, get a grip of yourself! What’s the fun in fightin’ someone who’s still half asleep? 
Shuu: Shut up…I’m not going to fight you. Go away. 
Ayato: Oh come on, be my opponent! Stand up already!
Shuu: Pwaah…
Ayato: Che…You don’t know how to have fun. Guess there’s no point in tryin’ to battle a damn sissy. Whatever! I’m goin’ home!
Ayato stomps away.
Shuu: Haah…He finally left, huh? Guess I’ll go for another nap. 
Shuu: Oh…Tomorrow we’re heading for the Church to steal Eve, aren’t we? What a pain. Oh well. I guess it won’t matter if I’m not there. I’m sure Reiji will fix it somehow. He was really in his element during our strategy meeting earlier. Reiji wants to make Eve his and rise the throne as the Supreme Overlord. I’m not interested in doing so, hence why I don’t mind helping him out where I can but…What’s even the point in defeating the other families, claiming Eve and earning the title of Supreme Overlord? Doesn’t he know that when you earn something highly valuable, the responsibility might become too much as you’ll crumble? Even if you try to overcome that, you’ll only find the pressure weighing down on you, leading to nothing but pain and suffering. Does Reiji realize that? 
I’m not strong enough to crawl my way back out once I’ve fallen down that pit of misery. I honestly don’t understand Reiji for trying to put himself through all that pain and suffering. 
Well…I guess I can think about it all I want, I won’t find the answer. I’m sure things will become clear once he brings Eve to our manor tomorrow. 
Eve…shall be mine. ーー Wait, what? What did I say just now…? Ugh…Enough of this. Nothing good ever comes from me wanting something. Exactly…It has always been like that. 
Huh…? Why…? Why would I…think that way…?
Yuma approaches him. 
Yuma: Oi, Shuu! Get the fuck up already!
Shuu: Hah? …Oh, Yuma, it’s you. 
Yuma: ‘Oh, it’s you’, my ass! I already found it strange how ya left right after the meeting and just as I thought, ya were snoozin’ over here. Try and think ‘bout those ‘round you! I’m always the one they ask to come fetch yer damn ass. Stop makin’ it hard on me. 
Shuu: Guess I’ll go back or else Reiji will scold me for the rest of the day.
Yuma: You do that. 
Yuma walks away. 
Shuu: Where are you going? You’re not going back with me? 
Yuma: Nope. Reiji said he wants some of my fresh veggies for cookin’, so imma drop by my garden real quick. There’s a few I still have to harvest first. 
Shuu: I see. I don’t need any, okay? 
Yuma: Aah!? You won’t eat my veggies!? Stop seein’ everythin’ as a chore and just give them a try! They’re so good, even the guys from the other families were surprised when I fed them to them! …Of course, it’s entirely up to me whether I share with them or not.
Shuu: Haah…Yuma. As soon as we make our move tomorrow, a fight over Eve will break loose and we will become actual opponents So you probably shouldn’t mention anything about giving food to the enemy, even if it was meant as a joke. 
Yuma: Ugh. …Haahー I know. Don’t get all serious. 
Shuu: I sure hope you do. …Oh well, whatever. The final decision is still up to you. Just don’t cause me trouble as well. 
Yuma: S-Sure…
Shuu: I’m heading back inside. 
Shuu leaves. 
Yuma: These tomatoes are first-class…both in terms of color and size…
Yuma: …The other families are now our enemy in every sense of the word, huh? I mean, I didn’t need to have him tell me that. …Still, I wonder why…When I think ‘bout that, for some reason those three come to mind…Azusa, Kou and Ruki. It’s not like I’ve forgotten that they’re our enemy and I really just want to share my vegetables with my brothers but…Why do I somehow feel the need to have those three try them as well? Am I feelin’ pity for the enemy ‘cause food is scarce in this area…? Is that why I want to feed them…or maybe…? 
Yuma: Ah, it’s no use! I can’t figure it out! …But what’s the point in even rackin’ my brains over this? …Actually, now that you mention it…Whenever I was feelin’ stressed out like this…I believe there was always someone there with me, smiling and tellin’ me everythin’ will be alright…? Some silly girl who could be surprisingly stubborn yet way too good for this world…confrontin’ me directly with no fear despite bein’ a weakling. …Fuck! Enough of this. I’m only makin’ myself feel even more confused… 
He gets up. 
Yuma: I better head back to the manor already. ーー Wait! You bastard! What are you doin’ over there!? 
Kou: Oh shoot, he saw me!
Yuma: You’re Kou from the Violet Family, aren’t ya!? …Why does this guy have to show up right now? 
Kou: Hm? Did you say something? 
Yuma: No, nothin’! Anyway, how did you get in!? And that’s one of my carrots in your hand, isn’t it!? Give it back! 
Kou: Eeh~? Come on, you can share a little with us, can’t you? See you! I’ll gladly take this~
Kou makes a run for it. 
Yuma: Wait, you bastard! …Fuck. He’s quick to flee. He better believe I won’t forget ‘bout this! 
Kou: …Haah~ That gave me a scare. I didn’t think Yuma would be there on the field. I was in the mood for a quick snack after having to sit through Carla-kun’s never-ending strategy meeting, so I don’t understand why he had to get so upset over it. However, we don’t grow our own vegetables at the manor and it isn’t fair how only the Scarlet Family gets to enjoy fresh produce, right? I mean, we do have food over at our place as well and I’m not exactly a picky eater either, but the stuff we have at home just doesn’t fill me up. 
Kou starts walking back home. 
Kou: …There we go! I better store the food I stole away. I’m hungry but I’ll just have to bear with it for now. I’m sure Azusa-kun would like to eat together after all. 
Kou: Now that I’m getting a better look at them, these carrots really look delicious! I guess it’s not exactly fair how I got to have such high-quality vegetables for free? Maybe I should give them something in return? 
But they’re our enemy. …When you get something, you have to give something back in exchange. The world is all about give-and-take after all. 
Regardless of one’s personal relationship,  everything comes at a price. That has never bothered me and it never will…I guess? 
…I wonder why? For some reason…I felt like I just doubted my own thoughts…Someone’s kind words…Their warmth…As if there was someone who told me that…sometimes people don’t expect anything in return…And this person opened my eyes to what ‘love’ is…learning me how to hold someone dear…Fufu…No, must be my imagination. We’ll get to meet Eve tomorrow, so that’s probably why my emotions are a bit all over the place, right? I wonder what she’s like? I’m so excited~ 
Somebody enters the kitchen. 
Kou: …Hm? Oh? What are you doing here in the kitchen, Subaru-kun? 
Subaru: Che…So this is where you’ve been. 
Kou: That’s how you greet me? How cold. Maybe you should try being a little nicer to your Onii-chan~? So, what brings you here? Were you looking for me? 
Subaru: Not me. Azusa was looking for you. …He needs to tell you somethin’, I believe. 
Kou: He does? I’ll go to him then. See you, Subaru-kun~
Subaru: Waitー! Azusa went outside in search of you!
Kou: I see! Gotcha! Thanks for telling me!
Subaru: Haah…I can’t believe Kou…He’s seriously goin’ out to look for Azusa? He doesn’t know where exactly he is, does he? …Those two never change. The way they always cling to each other makes me gag. I prefer bein’ alone, that’s the best. That’s why I can’t relate to them. How do they keep up with that buddy-buddy crap? 
I don’t…get it? No? I shouldn’t…but…Why does it feel like there was someone who tried to understand my point of view and take it into account…? Somebody who would be there by my side, smilin’...Always comin’ back no matter how many times I would push them away…Hah! …There’s no way. I can’t believe someone as naive actually exists… I will always be alone. I don’t give a damn ‘bout Eve either. We’re gonna take her tomorrow and that’ll be the end of it. Then Carla will take the necessary steps to become the Supreme Overlord. 
…Che. For some reason, it doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t give a damn ‘bout bein’ the Supreme Overlord. But…I’m not sure why but…I just don’t like the idea of Carla claimin’ Eve - who is the key to earning that title - as his… I wonder why I feel this way? …Eve is just some random chick I’ve never even met…So why would I care ‘bout her? 
He moves to the living room.
Carla: …Subaru. Where have you been? 
Subaru: Oh, Carla. You’re still in the living room? The strategy meeting ended a while ago, didn’t it? 
Carla: And what have you been doing, wandering around the manor? 
Subaru: Shut up! That’s none of your business, is it!? 
Carla: Hmph. For now, perhaps. However, I believe the tension between the different Families will increase as a result of the fight over Eve. So you better believe that I shall not allow you to act of your own accord. 
Subaru: Tsk…I know! Fuck off…
Subaru leaves the room.
Carla: Including Subaru, all of my younger brothers obey me to a certain degree, but I cannot sense any devotion from them. Is this what I can expect from a younger brother? I wonder why they just seem lacking in that regard…? No, I suppose it is a mistake on my part for trying to expect anything from them in the first place. As long as they do what I want from them and do not get in my way, I suppose I can oversee their other shortcomings. 
I should think of the bigger picture and present myself as generous and large-hearted. There is nobody out there who is more fit to become the Supreme Overlord than I am. I shall make Eve my bride without fail and rise the throne. …Marry her? No. I suppose that will not be necessary. While obtaining Eve is one of the conditions to becoming the Supreme Overlord, I do not believe it is necessary to marry her. 
Yet…Why? Why would I say that I will make her my bride? Did I speak without thinking? I wonder if there is part of me who wants to marry her? That does not make any sense. I do not need a younger brother who will vow his loyalty to me, nor a wife willing to spend her life alongside me. Everything I do are but the necessary steps in order to rise the throne as the Supreme Overlord. 
However, is that actually true? Why should it be like that? Hm…It is unusual for me to experience internal conflict. I suppose I should step outside and get some fresh air. 
Carla leaves the room. 
Carla: …Hm? That is…? What is a member from another family doing, sneaking around our manor? Looking at them from behind…I believe that is Shin from the Orange Family. What has brought him here? 
Carla approaches Shin. 
Carla: You fiend! What are you doing over here?
Shin: ーー !? 
Shin: …Ugh. 
Carla: What’s wrong? Are you not going to answer my question? What are you doing nearby our manor? 
Shin: I’m out on a walk…
Carla: A walk? Silly jokes do not work on me. Now tell me the truth. 
Shin: Should have figured as much. I guess I shouldn’t underestimate the eldest son. …They’re always on top of their game. 
Carla: Hmph. You’re as much of a goof as ever. I shall let it slide this once. Now leave at once. 
Shin: Really? You’re letting me go surprisingly easily. 
Carla: Tomorrow is a very important day. I would like to avoid wasting unnecessary energy now. However, do not misunderstand my words. We will not show any mercy the moment you attempt to do us wrong. 
Carla walks away.
Shin: And with that, off he goes…I thought he’d attack me, but I lucked out that he just went back to his manor. Carla…Whenever I run into him, I can sense that he’s no ordinary guy. Like I have to stay sharp or I’ll get completely overwhelmed. For some reason, I can’t help but want to surrender to him. That honestly pisses me off. Must be nice to be so confident in one’s capabilities. But you better not think things will go as you want…
While the big guys are fighting it out, I’ll wait for the right time and swoop in to make Eve mine… Carla, I’ll surpass you as well. …And my own Nii-san as well. Once I claim Eve for myself, I’ll mess her up right in front of you all. I’ll show you just how powerful I am. 
Hah…Or at least, that was the plan but for some reason…The mental image of this girl whom I’ve never even met in tears makes me uncomfortable! Shouldn’t I get a huge kick out of making her scream out in pain!? Yet I find myself…wanting to see her smile instead. Why!? How!? Why do I think that way!? Somewhere deep down, I don’t even care about becoming the Supreme Overlord or not…Instead, all I want is for her to be by my side…
What scares me more than anything else in this world…is losing her. 
Shin: Ugh…What am I even saying!? I haven’t even met her before!? Are my emotions out of control because we’re going to steal her from the Church tomorrow? …I should stop racking my brain over useless crap. No matter what happens, I’ll be the one snatching her away and showing everyone what I’m made of. That’s all I need to do right now. That’s why I’ll play the role of your obedient dog until then, Nii-san. 
Shin walks away. 
Shin: I’m home, Nii-san. So you were in the living room. 
Ruki: Yes. You’ve come back from your investigation, Shin? 
Shin: Yeah. I went to check up on the Violet Family, but it didn’t seem like they were up to anything in particular. 
Ruki: I see. …However, I doubt our enemy is as stupid as to do anything that will make them stand out at a time like this. We will keep our guard up high just in case they are plotting something behind the scenes. 
Shin: Good idea, Nii-san. I’ll go and rest up in my room then. 
Ruki: Yes. Good work. 
Shin leaves the living room. 
Ruki: Not only does he heed my orders, but he never forgets to report back to me. It cannot be denied that Shin is very competent. I should have nothing to complain about with a younger brother like that. Still, I wonder why…? It feels as if something is missing. At the same time, I get this same kind of strange feeling from Ayato and Kanato, who both refuse to properly listen to me. I’ve lost count of the amount of times they’ve gotten into arguments with Shin as well. Are those three actually my siblings…? 
However, for now that shouldn’t be an issue. I should focus solely on how I can become the Supreme Overlord and let other trivial inconveniences slide. I am the only one who is suitable to inherit the legacy of the former Ruler and rise to the throne next. My devotion and respect is perfect proof of that. I won’t hesitate to make Eve mine and become the Supreme Overlord. However…What if she refuses me? Will I be able to insist on the fact that I am worthy of said position nevertheless? Will I be able to tell her that I am the suitable King, and therefore she should choose me…? 
Ruki: No, I am stressing myself out for no reason, aren’t I? …Eve…I am sure that she - as someone who has endured a never-ending onslaught of pain and suffering - will surely choose me. …!! …What was that just now…? Why did I speak those words just now…? Why would I assume such ridiculous things about a girl I have never even met…?  
Somebody enters the room.
Ruki: Hm? Who’s there? 
Kanato: Ah, Ruki. This is where you’ve been. …I’ve run out of sweets for the day. Please do something about that right now. 
Ruki: You again, Kanato? How many times do I have to tell you that you will simply have to make do with your daily amount? 
Kanato: And how many times do I have to tell you that this ‘daily amount’ is simply not enough to satisfy me? Are you perhaps doing this on purpose because you want to see me in distress? You are, aren’t you!? 
Ruki: You can cry and complain all you want, but you’ve gotten your amount for the day. You should learn to hold back a little. You are being too much of a glutton. 
Kanato: …I am absolutely starving for something sweet and you’re just going to completely disregard that? You’re basically saying that you don’t care about me at all, do you!? 
Ruki: Nobody is saying that. However, I do believe that you should try and limit your snacking. 
Kanato: Kuh…Whatever! There’s no point talking to you!
Kanato storms out of the room. 
Kanato: Good grief…It’s outrageous how I’m not allowed to indulge in sweets to my heart’s content! I’ve had enough of my life at that manor, I simply cannot stand it anymore. Now that I think about it…I wonder how exactly I survived with an older brother like that for so many years? Ruki has always been the one supplying my sweets, so you would think that I would have grown accustomed to it by now, yet…Hm…How odd…I feel as if there was a time where I was able to actually get my sugar fix…
…Haahー This craving for something sweet is driving me absolutely crazy. I wish that stubborn Ruki would also get a taste of this pain! …Ah. Right! I suppose it wouldn’t be a bad idea if I were to claim Eve as mine, seeing as that’s the only thing Ruki is actually desperate for. 
Besides, everything seems to be after all. I am sure it will give me access to truly sweet and delicious blood~ There are plenty of reasons as to why I would want to get my hands on her. …Fufu. It’s strange. For some reason I’ve got this warm feeling inside. Just thinking about Eve fills me with a sense of joy. ーー I shall make her mine. Mm~ Wonderful! It was just spontaneous thought at first but right now I want to have her no matter what. But I wonder why I’m getting so excited over some random girl whom I’ve never even met before…? 
Somebody approaches him. 
Laito: What are you smirking about, Kanato? 
Kanato: Ah, if it isn’t Laito. I do not want to hear that from the guy who always has that creepy grin on his face. 
Laito: Oh come on, no need to be so rude to me. I don’t see why we can’t have a friendly chat just because our families aren’t on good terms? There’s still a couple of hours before we start fighting over Eve after all. 
Hey, tell me. What were you thinking about? 
Kanato: Nothing special. Just that I’m kind of tired of my life here. 
Laito: Heeh~ How come? 
Kanato: Shut up. I don’t see why I would need to tell you. 
Laito: Ah! Then why don’t I tell you what has brought me here today instead? Carla sure knows how to work his younger brothers to the bone, you see. When I’m at the manor, he’ll assign me all sort of taーー 
Kanato: Did I not tell you to shut up!? Don’t talk to me, please. 
Kanato walks away. 
Laito: Ahーah~ Off he goes. Hm…I didn’t know Kanato hated his life here that much. I kind of enjoy it myself though. There’s five of us brothers but we all get along so well, it’s lovely~ Well, I have to say that I don’t know how everyone truly feels about it deep down. 
Anyway, I’m very much looking forward to welcoming Eve to our manor tomorrow~ I wonder how her face will twist in pain when I mess with her? Maybe she’ll beg me to stop as tears stream down her cheeks? Nfu~ Just thinking about it makes me all excited. Although I’m sure Carla will want to keep her all to himself, but I should be able to get a little taste as well, right? 
But…Deep down, I also can’t help but think of how nice it would be if she could be mine instead. …I could care less about becoming the Supreme Overlord. All I want is for someone to show me affection because they truly care for me, not because I’m someone’s substitute. I don’t want to lose that sort of person…Fufu, just kidding. What am I even expecting from a girl I’ve never met? Oh geez. I’m not acting like myself, am I? 
…Huh? Walking over there, is that…? …Fufu~ Azusa-kuuun~!
Azusa: …!? 
Laito approaches him.
Laito: Why do you seem so surprised? Did you think I was the enemy or something? 
Azusa: …Y-Yeah…I thought I would get ambushed…which spooked me…
Laito: I guess I can’t blame you for feeling that way, considering the current situation. Anyway, what has brought you here? 
Azusa: Ah…Um…I left to look for Kou…
Laito: Heeh…I see. So that’s why you’re this far from our home? You’re almost at Scarlet territory, you see? 
Azusa: I see…I couldn’t find Kou inside the manor…So I figured he might have gone outside…
Laito: Even so, don’t you think you wandered a little too far away? Besides, I actually spotted Kou in the kitchen right before I left the house myself. I’m sure the two of you missed each other. 
Azusa: I see…In that case…I’ll return to the manor. …What about you, Laito? 
Laito: I’m going to wander around this area a bit longer. Carla’s just going to get on my case if I go home now. 
Azusa: Mm…Gotcha. 
Azusa walks away. 
Azusa: Kou…I want to talk to him before he goes to the Church…We decided that tomorrow morning, he will go there together with Laito to steal Eve away…Meaning Kou will have to put himself at risk…There is not much I can say but…I want to at least give him a few words of advice…Also…Once we’ve welcomed Eve to our family…I want to try and be kind to her…so she doesn’t feel anxious…
Carla wants to become the Supreme Overlord…That’s why…Carla will probably make her his but…Still…I want to spend time with her as well…However, am I allowed to ask for something so selfish…? 
Azusa comes to a halt. 
Reiji: Oh dear? Well, if it isn’t someone from the Violet Family…
Azusa: …!? …Ah…Reiji-san…Right…This is Scarlet territory…
Reiji: You did not realize that you had gotten close to our manor? It was rather careless of you to enter the enemy’s territory unarmed. Perfect timing. I suppose this is a great opportunity to get rid of you. 
Azusa: …!! I have to run…!
Azusa runs away. 
Reiji: Fufu…So he made a run for it? I suppose being quick to flee is his only redeeming quality…What a disgrace. Well, I suppose I will not recklessly chase after him either, so I shall let this happening slide for once. …That being said, where could Kino have run off to? I cannot believe that both Shuu and him would vanish right after the meeting ended. Kino in particular is always acting off his own accord. He is quite the handful. 
That being said, while Shuu and Yuma have been following my orders so far, I do not actually know what goes on inside their heads either. I wonder if perhaps…They feel as if I am not cut out to be the eldest son of this family? If they wish to look down on me and assume that I am not even capable of keeping one family together, let alone become a proper Ruler, then so it shall be. …I already have a plan. Tomorrow morning, I shall make Eve - who is the key to becoming the Supreme Overlord - mine. I shall train her well to the point where not just her body, but her whole soul shall succumb to me as well. I am sure that by winning her for myself, they will reconsider. They should instantly acknowledge me as worthy! ーー No, I will make them acknowledge me. Eve is a tool to achieve my goal. 
ーー Exactly, she is nothing but that. 
…Or at least, she should be. I wonder why? On one hand, I realize that she is nothing but a tool…but at the same time, I feel things for her which would point to the exact opposite. On one hand, I want her to heed my every command and learn to behave in a way proper to that of a young, elegant lady. Yet at the same time, I know that she is not the kind of girl who would let others dictate how she should behave. She has a strong mind of her own. I cannot help but feel that way. How strange of me. I wonder why I am harboring these kinds of feelings for someone I have never even met? I should not ignore these emotions which I cannot even put into words. Everything should become clear when I make her mine tomorrow morning. 
Oh…? If it isn’t Kino over there…? 
Reiji approaches him. 
Reiji: Kino! So that is where you’ve been! What are you doing, laying on the rooftop? 
Kino: Ah! Reiji-nii-san…You found me. 
Reiji: You’re playing around on that weird device again? Kino! It’s almost dinner time. You should come down already. 
Kino: …This is called a ‘smartphone’ and I’m playing a game…
Reiji: Did you say something? 
Kino: Nothing! I know. I’ll be right there. 
Reiji: Then please hurry.
Reiji walks away. 
Kino: It’s so annoying to have a family member like Reiji. It doesn’t matter what I do, he will always have something to complain about. Also, he doesn’t understand what’s so fun about these kinds of games at all. ーー But, tomorrow is the day at last. I’ll be able to get my hands on Eve, who has been slumbering inside the Church. I’m sure that everyone is after her. Reiji went through the trouble to set up a whole strategy meeting, but that’s nothing but a waste of time. She shall be mine after all. I will show everyone - not just Reiji - that I am the strongest. 
I mean, it only makes sense for the Prince to wake up his sleeping Princess, right? I will capture both your body and soul, to the point where you cannot live without me. …Eve, please wait for me until then, okay? …Well then, time to get my head back in the game. ーー To win Eve’s heart. 
ーー THE END ーー
262 notes · View notes
harpers-tartarus · 3 months
Me realizing that Fabian is going to be watched closely by all the Bad Parents (lol) and if Sklonda keeps an eye on him, she's bringing the briefcase and we all know who's in the briefcase who is going to take offense about Riz's (nearly) relationship with Fabian
Homeboy goes to sleep and wakes up to a boney white hand around his throat and wishes Riz had told him just how fucking scary Baron is
26 notes · View notes
frostyblustar · 4 months
I implore you to listen to the song first/while hearing me out :)
I see this as Jack having some sort of jealousy and resentment towards Wanderlust, seeing him as someone who he has to be opposed to. Really this speaks to me as Jack during Majesty, realizing ‘hey this doesn’t feel great’ when he helped with Wanderlust turning into a servant. Okay, now I’m gonna go into the lyrics so you understand what I mean.
“I’m not who you think I am if you think of me at all. In this callus ground of loneliness, you’ve planted my upward fall.”
This speaks to me as Jack being isolated and saying they don’t think of him till they need him, and Wanderlust thinks of him wrong if they think he’s going to help them defeat his mother. Also theres a lot of flower puns in this song (Rose loll), ‘planted’. Also, upward fall makes me think of that platform he has that rises. Basically, his mom set him up for an upward fall.
“You’ve let hate blossom now you cannot recognize.”
Blossom, Jack Rose, again think that’s cool.
“And in my wreckage may you burn upon your throne forged from unbloodied stones.”
Jack has a throne, but it’s made from ‘bloodied stones’. Wanderlust has a throne, but it’s one that isn’t based in fear and innocent lives being corrupted. Jack is thinking in his defeat, Wanderlust will be able to be cozy on a throne he doesn’t despise.
“The reflection stings so rejection brings- A mirrored shame that’s shared ‘tween our pair of frames.”
In Jack’s dressing room there is a crap ton of mirrors (Locked Out of Heaven/Treasure) He also rejects Wanderlust when they meet in Majesty, and I’d imagine Wanderlust would feel a little shame in the fact he trusted Night Swan’s son so easily while Jack would feel shame in helping her. So mirrored shame.
“It seems, to me, that I have always been the problem, Though I’d wish to solve it. Foolishly I’ve gone and charred each star that’s fallen.”
Well self deprecation on the account of who he is makes sense- ‘Charring each star that’s fallen’ could refer to him taking down Wanderlust and seeing him metaphorically as a falling star.
“In this frozen state of apathy, I’ve blossomed with every flaw.”
Jack feels like he is frozen and trapped with his mother, causing him to feel quite a bit of apathy to his situation. However, he sees himself as incredibly flawed due to his mother striving for perfection (it doesn’t exist lady) Oh also, another flower pun.
“This feels wrong, It’s not playing out right… How am I colder now, Upon a bridge, I chose to ignite?”
This is basically during Majesty, him realizing he doesn’t feel right doing what he did to Wanderlust. This sort of guilt is persistent throughout the song.
“Am I all wrong? It doesn’t feel like it should. This hollow triumph doesn’t fill the pain I thought it would…”
This goes along with my last note, pretty much, cool asf though.
“How could you be so blind? You close your eyes but open mine! I hate the way you make me hate myself for sharing eyes!“
This fits really well with the idea of Jack seeing Wanderlust as blind for trying to ask for his help. In this blindness however, Jack saw what he did as wrong. He realized he didn’t enjoy having people corrupted, and he likely hated what he did, in turn making him hate himself and his actions.
“Pushed me to walk ‘neath starless skies! Because I’ll never shine as bright as the light of your eye…”
He sees himself as inferior to Wanderlust in a way.
“What good is it to even try? You’ll never hear, or see, or face, all the parts of you you despise-“
He sees Wanderlust as carefree, without any guilt. He’s envious of this.
There are more lyrics I could reference but these are the ones that stuck out to me as Jack Rose coded. Gah, I love this song, and Just Dance Lore. Please leave a comment, I’d love to talk about this.
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I Am All In Rewatch - Episode 2x2
[So, now, what do you think when Lorelai comes to tell Luke, Hey, come on out, I want you here.] I was blown away by that scene. I was blown away by that whole arc um because you know, he really showed how devastated he was. You know, he really did, and even in front of her, and he was he was so devastated he couldn't hide it, and he's good at hiding stuff. Um yeah, I just yeah, I beefed up over the hiatus, didn't I was? I guess I gained I gained I gained weight. I'm thinking I was working out too much. It's like, what's going on there? I just I don't know, I looked a little large for for my comfort. No, but I thought those I thought those scenes were you know, if you're sitting there with look the first look when they were sitting there, the king and Queen of the party, the engagement party, right in their thrones, And the first time that Lorelai looked over to see the diner and the light was on, I thought, uh-oh, and that's look, that's a tell that she's thinking about Luke and to the audience and it's like, whoa, whoa. Okay, she's not going to marry Max. She's thinking about Luke. He's over there, how's he feeling? And you know she said to him when she got there, I just you know, you're a friend of mine and I want you to share and be happy for me. But we know what a bunch of crap. [Who leaves their engagement party to go into a diner to talk to the dude filling the ketchup bottles? Like do you know what I'm saying?] He's inventing chores for him to do to avoid it. Basically, basically he set a trap for her with the light on, come on in because because at that time of night, it's well, I guess it's still open. It wasn't too late. It was like eight o'clock, so maybe he's still open. [But I mean then she's dancing and it's very sweet and there you are and she you know, your eyes connect. It's just like come on.] The iconic scene where I sitting next to the little ballerinas. I mean, that's that's that's as iconic an image for Luke as I think there is. Well, they really at the time, they really pushed that image in the marketing side of things...  Perfect setup. What a party. I wanted to be at that party? -Scott 
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writingaboutdreams · 2 years
His Gift Part 6
A/N = Look at that another part, with actual plot. With us finally seeing Death and getting Morpheus actually trying. Thanks to everyone who has been giving all the previous parts so much love, i really appreciate it. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter so yeah thanks.
Warnings = 18+, minors do not interact, swearing, dark!morpheus
Hands pressed against her skin, Morpheus can feel how fast her heart is beating. He can see the fear hiding behind the fury in her eyes. It makes his heart twist and ache. The joy he had felt when he realised she had felt the pull of the bond had been contorted into an hideous anger at her words.
Not just at her open rejection of their bond but her rejection of him. The way she spoke, loathing dripping off of every word. He felt the urge to kiss her, to silence her ugly words. To make her see his love for her. To make her crave his touch and beg for more. To show her their destiny. But he forced himself back. Knowing despite what he wanted it would only make things worse. He disappeared in a swirl of sand retreating into another part of the palace.
He found himself in his throne room. His eyes moved around the room as he slumped on the steps. The palace had been restored to what it was before. As if he had never left. But yet he couldn’t take any pride in it. Not when the one person who he wanted to enjoy it with could barely stand to look at him.
Who was she to deny him, to deny what they were meant to be . The darker part of his mind whispers. To reject his love, to reject the connection between them. He would make her see, force her to understand if he had to. It purred. What was a mortal against him, against an endless.
“Matthew said I would find you here,” Morpheus glanced over to the middle of the room. He saw his sister, standing with her hands in her pockets. “Enjoying your moping session are we?”
“ I am not moping ,” he mutters. Standing from the stairs to approach Death. “ What brings you here my sister .”
“Y/n,” her voice is soft and placating but he hardens his gaze.
“ I warn you sister you have no right to interfere, she is mine ,” the thought of his sister stepping between them, removing Y/n from the dreaming. It frees something dark within him.
“Wow, I wonder why she hasn’t fallen for your charm,” Death tilts her head before continuing, “I am not here to interfere Dream. I couldn’t even if I wanted to.”
He relaxes slightly at that, “ Then why have you come? ”
“I am here to help you little brother.” “ I have no need for your help ,” he growls.
“Really? Because, to me, it looks like you rushed into things again.”
“ I had no other choice. ”
“Oh cut the crap, just because you can’t handle your jealousy does not mean you had to,” Death says bluntly. “When will you learn to stop messing up the basic foundations of a relationship?” Morpheus remains silent, unable to argue with her observations.
Death sighs, hand reaching out and touching his shoulder. “You have been away a long time, dating customs have changed. People like to know the person before they go confessing their eternal love and devotion.”
“ She is my soulmate, we are bound to each other. Matched in every way- ”
“And that means absolutely nothing to her! She’s mortal, a couple days ago she was living a normal life. Now she’s learning that not only are they anthropomorphic representations of human concepts but one of them is in love with her for some reason.”
“ Not just some reason, she is- ”
“If you say soulmate one more time I will be forced to slap sense into you,” she takes in a deep breath, “I know it goes against every instinct in your endless body but you need to go slow. Start small, get to know her, let her know you, make her like you and then try to court her.”
Morpheus moves away from Death, his voice quiet “ I fear it is too late for that, she loathes the sight of me. ”
“Well threatening a woman isn’t exactly conducive to a good relationship.”
“ I am trying but when she rejects our bond it is like I cannot control myself ,” Morpheus sighs, “ Everytime i try I seem to only make things worse. ”
Death smiles sympathetically “You need to stop seeing it as rejection. She’s confused and scared, she doesn’t understand. You need to be gentle, show her your hidden softer side.”
“ I do not have- ”
“You absolutely do have one, don't try and deny it.” Morpheus huffs at that and Death smiles. They sit in silence for a couple minutes before Morpheus finds the courage to say what has been on his mind, “ What if she always hates me? ”
“You said it yourself, she’s your soulmate. It’s your destiny to be in love with each other.”
Y/n forces herself to stand up. She needs to leave this room, as much as she just wants to climb back into bed and pretend this all isn’t happening. Walking along the corridors she realises she’s completely lost. Fucks sake all she wants to do is sleep in her bed. She stops mid step as she realises she just called it her bed . Fuck she really needs to get out of here. Turning around a corner she sees several doors. Opening one at random she finds…her bedroom.
She steps inside suspiciously. Half expecting Morpheus to be lurking around a corner. Instead she finds it empty, well almost empty.
“Finally I was wondering when you would show up,” Matthew caws moving from the balcony to the dresser.
“Did Morpheus send you to spy on me.”
“What? No, I just thought I'd see how you were doing. Sheesh.”
She sighs, “Sorry it’s just, it’s been a rough morning.”
“It’s okay, I understand. I mean I woke up one day to find I'd died in my sleep and I’m now a raven serving the personification of dreams.”
“I don’t even know how to react to that.”
“A laugh maybe.”
“I don’t even know if I can laugh right now.”
“Things will get better, I know he seems like a jerk but he’s really nice if you give him a chance. Well maybe not really nice …”
Y/n wants to argue back. To say she doesn’t intend to be here long enough to give him a chance. But she doesn’t get to before there is a knock at her door. Clearing her throat she calls out, “Come in.”
The door opens to reveal Morpheus and Y/n shuffles awkwardly. “ Hello, may I speak with you? ” Cautiously Y/n nods and he moves further into the room.
“I’ll just give you two some space,” Matthew breaks the silence awkwardly before flying back out the balcony.
“Come to threaten me some more?”
Morpheus takes a small step towards her, she can’t help but observe how uncomfortable he looks. She uncrosses her arms. “ I came to apologise, ” the words sound foreign in his voice.
“ I am not apologising for comforting you last night. I will never allow you to be in that level of distress, ” she scoffs but he continues, “ The way i reacted this morning was wrong. I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable or taken advantage of. I should have…understood why you reacted the way you did. My behaviour was abhorrent. I can only reassure you that I will try better in the future and ask for your forgiveness. ”
The anger that she had been holding on to slips away. Not completely but it becomes smaller. He stands with his arms by his side, as if he was wishing to be anywhere else. She swallows down the instinct to insult or shout at him. She needs to be smart now. If she ever wants any hope of getting out of here she has to learn more before she can make a plan. Her best chance of doing that is standing in front of her.
Taking a deep breath she speaks, “I also apologise for my reaction this morning, I was knocked off balance and I went on the defence. I’m not excusing what you did-”
“ I do not expect you to. ”
“But I wasn't blameless,” she sighs, taking the smallest step towards him. “I still think you were wrong for taking me but if i’m going to be here then at the very least we should be civil.”
He smiles at that, his eyes seem to lighten up. She feels a smudge of guilt before she pushes it down. She watches as he leans towards her slightly. As if he wants to wrap his arms around her but is fighting the urge. “ A truce? ” His voice is hopeful.
“A truce,” she holds out her hand before she can think better of it.
His hand is warm and his grip is firm. As soon as they make contact she remembers the feeling from last night. His strong hands wrapped around her. She remembers the strength as they held her up against the wall that night at the club. How smooth they felt and how her skin burned for more contact. She drops his hand but fights the urge to stand back.
She sees Morpheus is not unaffected. He’s breathing harder, his eyes are so dilated they remind her of a clear pitch black sky. His hand stays where it is for a few moments before it falls back to his side.
“ I would like to have dinner with you tonight, if you would be amenable? ”
She steels herself, “I think I could do that.”
He smiles again and it makes her heart ache. “ If you need anything from me before then you need only ask Y/n, ” it’s the first time he’s used her name instead of love or my heart. It’s almost worse. Hearing it in his smooth, rich voice. The way he says it is if it was something holy or precious.
He turns to leave and Y/n feels the urge to do more. Before she can think of a better idea she just blurts it out, “Jeans.”
He turns, eyebrow lifted and clearly confused, “ Jeans? ”
“It’s just you didn’t give me any. The dresses and skirts are lovely but I just wonder if I could get a few pairs.” “ Of course, ” he waves a hand and a pile of jeans appear on top of the dresser. There’s a range of different colours and styles.
“Thank you,” her voice is stilted but he nods. Once he leaves she lets out a breath. Somehow she feels more exhausted, which she didn’t know was possible. A part of her feels angry, as if she’s giving in. Letting him win. But she knows she has to be smart about this. She moves over to the dresser. Examining the different jeans and unintentionally allowing a small smile to creep on her face.
Walking out of her room is the hardest thing Morpheus has had to do. He almost couldn’t believe it. She had forgiven him, touched him voluntarily, and agreed to dinner. It was better than he hoped for.
He glimpsed down at his hand. His palm still tingled. The contact had been brief but the bond had been open. He had felt her emotions. There was hesitation in it but also a rush of lust that had been unexpected. And her voice as she asked him for such a simple request. As if she was afraid he would say no. Like he could deny her anything. He had wanted to take her in his arms, to destroy any doubt of his devotion to her. But he had restrained himself. Moving back to his room he made plans for dinner.
Taglist = @sidekickforlife @cynic-spirit @musemaniac42 @secretdreamlandmentality @supermegapauselouca @ultimatreality @one-loud-mind
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Mandalorian S03E02 is here and once again I will yell into the void about it
Grogu completely ignoring his baby seat in favour of Din’s lap is everything. EVERYTHING
Listen with a plot revolving about Mandalore culture AND purrgils appearing we’re BOUND to have Sabine at some point right? Please?
I already love R5. Droids with personalities are the best
Din is the most Dad™️ ever and I stan him hard
Din and R5 checking the atmosphere before attempting to breathe there is like the FIRST time this has ever happened in Star Wars lmaoooooo 😅 I’ve been wondering that for so long
I love how Din’s every day is just Take Your Jedi Baby To Work Day. Mines of Mandalore? Sure, why not?
The wiping shot transitions have become so integrally Star Wars that with any other movie or media I’d think of it as cliche or amateurish, but here I just accept it and even love it for it
Crab droid???
But seriously, if Sabine would reappear, would we also get another mention of The Duchess? Has Sabine’s work in some way been used in the Purge of Mandalore? Is that why she hasn’t returned to the other Mandalorians and laid claim to the darksaber as the one true ruler of Mandalore?
Does Bo-Katan seriously just spend her days moping around in her throne? Amazing
Bo-Katan’s murderous intent changing at once when the baby needs help omgggg
The view on destroyed Mandalore is really heart-breaking 🥺
R5 really just treats this as a good show huh
Ngl Bo-Katan just stepping off that ledge before activating her jetpack is kinda sexy 😳
Bo my love you didn’t fight side by side with a Jedi lmao, hasn’t Ahsoka made that clear?
If they let Bo-Katan keep the darksaber and reclaim her rule on Mandalore now I will commit crimes. Girl isn’t the right person to lead Mandalore, she’s shown that time and again
Yessss girl set him straight! You don’t need to be redeemed for that creed crap!
Okay FINALLY she’s letting go of her Death Watch bullshit
This feels like a staunch atheist watching a baptism lol
Aaaaannnddd ofc THAT happens
God the music is good ;-;
I will have to say that between today’s Mando and TBB episodes, TBB definitely captured me more, but this was cool too!
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ciphercalamitiez · 1 year
< [ ENTER : SEL !! ^_^ ]
" oh coconuts on a fishstick stuck on a loaf of bread "
ACK… UHH, HIE THERE. I don't know how you got here but well, idk hope you enjoy this blog even though it’s hell on whatever it’s located at!!
people usually call me SEL, but i've got a few other names i'm fine with as well! feel free to ask what they are :)
i go by any pronouns … he/she/they…
my MAIN interests in order go somethin' like :
Gravity Falls
Nuclear Throne/Gun Godz
Just Shapes and Beats (JSAB)
Hazbin Hotel (unexpectedly)
OSC (specifically bfdi/bfb or HFJONE)
Portal/Portal 2
Dayshift At Freddy's (DSAF)
[ some side things i like are space, science, writing, some webcomics, musicals, etc etc ]
you may see me reposting here or posting my art made in a trash can with my tiny silly gummy grubby hands
[ … oh yes ! you will see me draw bill cipher a lot sooo , be warned teehee !! ^_^ ]
alsooo!! erm headz up, i would prefer if u ask for permission to use my art ^_^ otherwise please don’t use my art for anything thankz
[ semi - kindly ] DNI IF YOU :
are pushy with opinions
fit the basic DNI criteria [ homophobes, racists, sexists, p3dos, animal abusers, proshippers, etc etc ]
are a blog solely dedicated to nsfw
[ putting this section in just in case ]
that'll be updated if i have to update it, but otherwise i think that's all for now!
feel free to interact with me ^_^ !! [ i don't bite, i think ! OH YEAH DON'T BE OVERLY WEIRD WITH ME PLEASE AS I AM A MINOR !! THANKS :) ]
[ pssst btw my alt acc is @calamitycipherz so sometiems you’ll see stuff on there .. barely tho ]
#sel rants ^ ^ : me on my crap stuff simple ranting idk
#sel draws ^ ^ : the low quality art I make from the dumpster (originally it was supposed to be saved for drawing but it’s kinda just my art in general tag)
#sel writes ^ ^ : my writing!
#sel's stars ^ ^ : personal favs!!
[ EXIT : SEL !! ^_^ ] >
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
34 - Peter Baelish
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Part 35
Fire OF A Stark
Someone knocked on my chamber door making me rub the sleep from my eyes. It was early in the city but most people were already awake and off at their jobs. The sun had finally risen enough in the sky where it was pouring through the windows when I slipped out of bed. Finding some trousers and one of Jaime’s shirts I answered the door not expecting to see my sister Sansa standing outside. “Sansa, what are you doing here this earlier. Is everything okay?”
“I just wanted to talk with you…the last time I heard your name I thought you were dead. I…I miss my sister.” She grasped her hands together in front of her gray dress. Her red hair was pinned up in a bun while mine was a knotted mess from last night with Jaime.
Tucking hair behind my ear I cleared my throat not having anything else really to do. Jaime was off training with Bronn and Tyrion was dealing with his father. Joanna was getting her breakfast too. “Sure. Let me change really quickly. You can come inside.” Moving back to the crate I pulled out a tunic shirt and some different trousers, tying the laces of my boots pining some of my hair up with a golden clip.
“So you’ve just decided to not wear dresses anymore?” She asked me sitting on the foot of my bed watching me.
Glancing over my shoulder I rummaged around the other crates searching for my sword. Whether we were still in the North or in the South I wouldn’t go anywhere without a weapon. After being captured and beaten multiple times I wouldn’t let anyone push me around anymore. “It’s stupid. You trip over yourself and it just makes most men want to sleep with you even more or beat the crap out of you.”
“Should ask what happened to you when you were captured with Ser Jaime…I mean if it’s sensitive I understand.” She locks gazes with me before I clipped my sword belt onto my hip offering her my right hand.
Looping my arm through hers I just started walking figuring that she would like time in the gardens. She always liked seeing the flowers that would bloom when it was too cold in the North. “You’re right I don’t want to talk about it. But there’s something I want you to know, sis. The world of the game of thrones is risky and you have to accept that you can be more than what everyone expects you to be.”
“You mean like you and Jaime? He lets you just do whatever you want.” My sister met my gaze with some confusion on her face. I could tell that she had grown up a little since I had last seen her. Joffrey had broken the innocence out of her the day he took our father’s head.
Pausing our walking through the garden I intertwined our hands together feeling my sword swaying when I turned to face her. She sent me a weak smile parting her lips secretly proud of how strong I seemed to have become. “Jaime has surprised me if I am being completely honest with you Sansa. He lost his hand and has become a better person than the man I first ever met on my wedding day. And I know it doesn’t seem like it now but Tyrion might be the guy that is right for you too.”
“Jaime! Stop it the Northern lords will hear us.” I struggled to hold in my giggling at the top of my lungs. He had tugged me upstairs and back to our chambers. I fell backwards onto the bed with him struggling to remove his shirt until I grabbed his hand holding it in mine. "We don't really have time for this you know Lannister."
He sends me a glare plopping down onto his back where I held myself up with my elbows shaking my head. "Well I'm sorry if my wife declaring who she really is makes me want to do this…be alone with you."
"We can later once we finish this war coming according to Jon. But whether we like it or not I am going to fight so our daughter has a good life." Squeezing his hand in mine he nodded leaning forward resting his forehead against mine until someone knocked on the door making us break apart.
Getting to my feet I opened the door only by a crack seeing that it was Little Finger standing outside. He nodded simply before he spoke up. "Lady Dragon, I was hoping we could speak privately."
"I don't really want to talk with you right now, Baelish." Crossing my arms over my chest I glared at the man. We hadn't discussed anything more about our sort of arrangement since we had to deal with Ramsay. Jaime and I hadn’t even had a chance to think about what I had signed our daughter up for.
Jaime sat up on the bed getting to his feet coming to stand behind me wrapping his arms around my waist in the middle resting his chin on my shoulder since he was taller. “What do you want to discuss with my wife, Little Finger?”
“I assume she has shared with you the arrangement we settled on so that I would help aid Lady Sansa in her quest to remove Ramsay Bolton from keeping control of this castle and its citizens.” He replied, shifting his shoulders a little.
Jaime snickered in my ear, making me send him a slight glare from the corner of my eye. “You’re talking about marrying off my infant daughter to a young child who is almost becoming of age.”
Jaime was right about that it was weird. It would make more sense if Robin Arryn was an infant too but he isn’t. Even if we still agree to have them wed, Robin would be almost as old as Jaime. It worked for us but that’s not the case for everyone. “Baelish, I don’t think our deal can still stand. I didn’t even agree to the arrangement. You only spoke of it as a suggestion but we never made it official.”
“Then we need to make this a done deal before I have another house come offering their daughter up-“ Little Finger tries to say until the guards open our door beginning to drag him backwards. Jaime and I both shared the same confusing look chasing after the guards that were holding him.
Moving through the halls as fast as I could I gasped in great emotion seeing someone that I never expected to see ever again. “Arya! Seven hells you’re alive!” I cheered seeing the young girl standing before me still seeing that she was carrying the tiny sword that Jon had given her.
“Cadence!” She ran forward throwing her arms around my neck. Wrapping my arms around her I buried my face in her hair relieved that she was actually alive. Pulling away from the hug she eyed Jaime slightly confused. “You’re still with him. Why is he here to fight for the North?”
Jaime dropped his hands at his sides seeing that there was a handmaiden coming over carrying our daughter until I took her from her arms. “I intend to fight beside my wife and wherever she takes our daughter. Littlest Stark this is Rhaenyra Lannister.”
“She’s adorable. I like the name a good choice.” My youngest smiled before she heard someone coming over to us where I started crying even more seeing someone else I longed to reunite with.
The person in the wheelchair was none other than Bran, the last living Stark boy of the North. The boy was fully grown now but he was still paralyzed by what Jaime had done years ago. Arya takes the baby from my arms seeing that I would nearly drop her when I fling my arms around his neck sobbing heavily. “I have missed you, Lynesse. When I became the three eyed raven I saw all of what you have been through. You have also helped Ser Jaime to be better.”
Bran and I broke our hug before I saw the guards release Baelish right in front of Sansa. Taking Rhaenyra from my younger sister's arms, Jaime and I moved to sit down beside her knowing that whatever was about to happen wouldn’t be good. “You stand accused of murder. You stand accused of treason. How do you answer these charges…”
“Lady Sansa, forgive me...I'm a bit confused.” He responded back slightly confused.
My sister sat back in her chair sternly speaking to him. “Which charges confuse you? Let's start with the simplest one...you murder our aunt, Lysa Arryn. You pushed her through the Moon Door and watched her fall. Do you deny it?”
“I did it to protect you.” He attempted to defend himself.
Yet she didn’t believe him and I was proud of her that she wasn’t so native anymore. The innocent girl was learning how to play the game of thrones. “You did it to take power in the Vale. Earlier, you conspired to murder Jon Arryn. You gave Lysa Tears of Lys to poison him. Do you deny it?”
“Whatever your aunt might have told you...she was a troubled woman. She imagined enemies everywhere.” Baelish stepped forward carefully wording his words.
Jaime and I shared a glance where I placed my hand over his seeing that he was making it into a fist. "You had Aunt Lysa send a letter to our parents telling them it was the Lannisters who murder Jon Arryn when, really, it was you. The conflict between the Starks and the Lannisters, it was you who started it. Do you deny it? You conspired with Cersei Lannister and Joffrey Baratheon to betray our father, Ned Stark. Thanks to your treachery, he was imprisoned and later executed on false charges of treason. Do you deny it?”
“I deny it!” Little Finger shouted where I heard his voice break. My sister was right though everything that broke my chosen family apart was all his fault. “None of you were there to see what happened. None of you knows the truth.”
Bran suddenly spoke up with him being on the other side of Sansa. “You held a knife to his throat. You said, "I did warn you not to trust me."
“You told our mother this knife belonged to Tyrion Lannister. But that was another one of your lies. It was yours.” Arya was standing behind him while she drew a small blade that was inside her fighting gear.
Baelish moved forward putting his hands on the table trying to get my sister to rethink her decision. “If we could speak alone, I can explain everything.”
“Sometimes when I'm trying to understand a person's motives, I play a little game. I assume the worst. What's the worst reason you have for turning me against my sister? That's what you do, isn't it? That's what you've always done... turn family against family, turn sister against sister. That's what you did to our mother and Aunt Lysa, and that's what you tried to do to us.” Sansa rose to her feet when he stumbled backwards looking around the room at all the others watching the scene before them.
Little Finger turned to me and Jaime but I hugged Rhaenyra closer to my chest not wanting Robin Arryn to be anywhere near us. Who knows what that man has been telling the child. “Sansa. Lynesse, please….I can ensure the safety of that child.”
“I don’t believe anything you say. I have grown up and learned how people like you think and get others to think you’re so clever. Yet now you will face the consequences of what you have done.” Glaring at him, Jaime squeezed my knee not needing to say anything.
Baelish cracked his voice. “Sansa, I beg you! I loved your mother since the time I was a boy. “
“And yet, you betrayed her….if you truly loved her you wouldn’t have done such a thing. You’re lucky that I don’t release my dragon on you Baelish!” I snapped quickly cutting him off, glaring at the man directly.
He shook his head begging my sister again. “I loved you. More than anyone.”
“And yet, you betrayed me. When you brought me back to Winterfell, you told me there's no justice in the world, not unless we make it. Thank you for all your many lessons, Lord Baelish. I will never forget them.” Sansa moved around the table standing very close to the man who was now begging on his knees for his life.
Arya stepped forward quickly, cutting his throat with her blade, silencing his final words. “Sansa!”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!
SPOILERS BELOW: AoD, Wolf Queen, Prodigal Dragonborn, Unfated, And When The World Remembers
Age of the Dragon, even if it is a beast. Started out as a what if crossover, ended up being an epic adventure touching on colonialism, first contact, toxic organised religion, overcoming religious trauma, overcoming addiction, saving the world but at a cost, arriving in a new place and ending up overturning half their culture, how far are you willing to go to win, what salvation really looks like, redemption, freedom, and reuniting long-lost family. It gave me Cicero's Uncle and I love him very much. It gave Alistair his New Dog, and I love that very much too. XD
Wolf Queen Awakens - it just works. It just came together so easily, and I'm proud of it. The last scene still moves me to tears, it's like, yeah, Elisif, you did it. You saved the world. You won your throne. You avenged your husband. You got a new one. You're not a helpless figurehead any more and never will be again. And now you're Queen. You enjoy yourself, you earned this.
Prodigal Dragonborn - it is a fluffy romance between a lonely nerd who wasn't really expecting to find a partner, but was looking for an adventure and an amazing scientific discovery, and manages to come home with all three. I really liked writing Lucien. He's so sweet and lovable and definitely on the ace spectrum and probably autistic as well. Teasing out the backstory that Joseph Russell didn't put in and quite possibly didn't intend to be there was a lot of fun. "I'm the one using the library for its intended purpose and I'm the problem??" and "my amazing scientific discovery loves me back!" were the two most iconic lines, I think. Plus we also get Miraak with no memories looking for redemption and finding it in this scientist who will surely perish if not protected... and in the end, choosing love and forgiveness over wrath and retribution and realising his fate is not set in stone after all, and there doesn't have to be a divide between his real self and the part that loves Lucien. Also there's the cat. How can you not love Lucien's cat. That cat's practically a character in her own right. Lived in fear Joseph Russell would find out what I'd done with his boy and flip out when I started writing it, but by now I've largely realised I probably needn't have worried.
Unfated - crack turned serious. Silly Skyrim version of a silly DND webcomic, in which the Markarth Incident gets averted due to shenanigans but those shenanigans result in peace talks, an agreement, a wary truce between magic-phobic Stormcloaks fresh from a war that left them all traumatised and Reachfolk not sure how to treat the ones who were invading their country five minutes ago, and slowly the two cultures start merging as everyone involved starts to heal. And then the reaction comes, and consequences, and suddenly it all starts kicking off and then Teenage Cicero shows up. Soon followed by his now-Tranquil Uncle. It's got very intense, but I am enjoying picking this one up again. Also everyone's younger selves are proving a delight to write. Keirine newly First Matriarch and still unsure of herself. Madanach who never went to Cidhna Mine and has five young kids to look after. Farkas and Vilkas as teenagers. Uncle Cicero in his mid-forties. Custom follower Kaidan as a wee babby and his mum alive and I really love writing her too. Teeny tiny Leliana uprooted from Orlais and everything she's ever known. Delphine in her twenties and one Blade among many, serving alongside at least one who remembers what she was like before the war and will not put up with her crap. Elisif's parents! Tiny Vex of all people (people went nuts over Tiny Vex and she's only a bit character). MADANACH'S KIDS. Eola as a tiny baby who loves meat already and turned out to be the one to convince Ulfric to give in. And of course Ulfric Stormcloak, 29, war crimes averted, getting therapy, in a healthy relationship and healing. All the Stormcloaks, healing. Able to lay down their weapons, work with non-Nords and magic users at that, and live peacefully - mostly. It's an odd little universe but I love it.
And When the World Remembers - Dragon Age Inquisition, but the Herald of Andraste is stupidly OP and an ex-Dark Lord on the run, who falls face first out of Apocrypha and into his new cult and is absolutely delighted with his new Andrastian minions. And then he changes. Slowly he starts remembering how to be human again. Slowly he starts realising he actually likes these people. And then he meets this flamboyant necromancer from Tevinter who turns his life upside down before you can say 'future husband' and now there's two of them both trying to work through their issues and save the world and try to be good people while doing it. And then Miraak's past comes back to haunt him, and then Dragonborn Three arrives and he has not just a partner and an Inquisition... but siblings again. I fully intend to finish this one day, I swear it, but Unfated ran away with me.
Thank you so much for the ask! And now the tagging.
@rheilea @evil-is-relative @kookaburra1701 @expended-sleeper
And anyone else who has writing they want to tell their followers about. If you can't think of five, wax lyrical on what you do have.
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