#just like how him being an alpha of that pack of wolves was a stereotype
catwouthats · 2 months
I’m researching all the animals wolverine gets compared to so I can see which ones are most like him and to which degree they are like him.
Bro this shit is fueling headcanons…
His love language is definitely gift giving, but he wouldn’t usually say the gift is from him. It would just appear at the person’s place. Like randomly, his friends get random tiny things, and they have no fucking clue where they come from??? And things they thought they lost appear again?? They must just think they are lucky at first.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Well Met By Moonlight Part 4
I'm back with our boys, I just couldn't leaving the poor people reading Royal Pain hanging like that. I'm an author, not a monster. So it's a little longer a chapter to make up for the wait.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
We get hints of plot and backstory. Enjoy!
The sky was starting to lighten and Steve groaned.
“Make time stop,” he murmured into Eddie’s neck.
Eddie chuckled. “Sorry, princess, but you promised Lucas that you would be back at dawn.”
Steve grumped, but crawled off his boyfriend and stretched. “Who would have thought vampires have better stamina then werewolves.”
Eddie’s answering grin was positively feral.
“Who’s to say I wasn’t like that before I got turned?” He winked at Steve as he pulled on his clothes.
Steve laughed. “I’ll guess I’ll never know.”
Eddie straightened up and looked at him curiously. “What do you mean?”
Steve shrugged. “A couple things, really. Like I don’t know what you were like before you changed and I won’t know if it’s just you or all vampires that are that good, because I don’t intend to sleep with anyone else. Ever.”
Eddie finished putting on his clothes and put his arms around Steve’s waist from behind. “You are very romantic for someone who comes from a race that is infamous for fucking everything willing.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Everyone says I’m too romantic for my own good, for the pack’s good.”
Eddie kissed Steve’s throat without so much as the hint of teeth. “Too bad, baby, because I am into that shit.”
Steve moaned. “If you keep that up, I won’t make it back to the compound in time.”
Eddie chuckled again, his warm breath huffing against the skin of Steve’s neck. He let go of Steve’s waist. “Go on, sweet cheeks,” he teased. “I’ve got to report back to my uncle before the sun fully comes up.”
Steve nodded and waited until Eddie was in the sky before he transformed.
Steve made it to the pack compound before the first true ray of dawn even peeked over the horizon.
Lucas huffed out a wolfy laugh. “Cutting it little close, aren’t we?”
Steve shrugged. “What can I say? I’m horny teenager that hasn’t gotten laid in over a year. So sue me.”
Lucas rolled on the ground laughing. “Come on, it’s time for Murray to do guard duty.”
Steve nodded. “Can you have Erica and Holly play nearby while he does his watch?”
Lucas sat up and nodded. “Still don’t trust him?”
Steve shook his head. The alpha watched as the scrawny wolf that was Murray’s alter came oozing out of the woods. He bowed his head to Steve and kept it down as the alpha and younger teen passed him.
As the two wolves went further into the forest that surrounded their home, they could feel the gaze of the older wolf on them.
Eddie made it back to the trailer park well before the sky lightened enough to hurt him. He smiled at the structure that had been his home since he was young. It didn’t look like it held the most dangerous and powerful vampire in Indiana. But looks were deceiving for both the man and his home.
Wayne had been turned in Kentucky around the beginning of the 18th century. When he sided against the South’s right to own people, he was chased out of his home into Indiana, only barely a couple decades into statehood.
There with the help of Dr Martin Brenner, the coven Dominus and Clarence Harrington, the alpha, Steve’s great, great, great grandfather (werewolves live longer, so not as many generations between Steve and his ancestor as there was between Eddie and his) and the reason it’s called the Harrington Pack, founded Hawkins as a safe haven for the supernatural and humans alike.
Wayne looked rough, because he was born rough. The oldest son of a farmer. He had six siblings but of those six, only two lived to adulthood. Abigail, and the youngest, Lawrence. When he was attacked, he fought back, getting the vampire’s blood in his teeth, accidentally starting the turning process.
He learned how to hunt and be a vampire all his own, breaking all the stereotypes of a turned vampire being feral.
Because of his rough looks it made people underestimate him, so he dug into that hard. He moved with the poor and disenfranchised wherever the people in power put them. He finally settled in Forest Hills. His trailer looked as rough as the man himself.
But it was built like fortress. Not a single ray of light pierced its metal hide and the windows were mainly for show. It was a tough old thing, too. Eddie had heard stories of tornadoes ripping through the area only to be the only thing left standing.
Eddie wasn’t sure what it was made of, but it was home. He slipped into the trailer like a shadow to find his uncle waiting for him.
“Cutting it pretty fine, aren’t you, boy?” Wayne asked from his comfortable arm chair.
Eddie grinned. “You know me, I like to push the boundaries as far as I can.”
Wayne scoffed. “And one day it’s going to get you killed.”
They stared at each other for a moment before Wayne got to his feet and gave Eddie a hug.
“I’m glad you’re home, Ed,” he murmured. “I worried that Hopper had finally crossed a line he couldn’t come back from.”
Eddie nodded, “It was a near thing, Uncle Wayne, but Steve had finally healed enough to use his alpha voice and force submission.”
“I worry that he had to use it all,” Wayne said.
“Yeah, well,” Eddie said cocking his head to the side, “at least Operation Vamp Out was a success. So there’s that at least.”
Wayne pulled back, putting Eddie at arms length to see him properly. “You got the alpha to do what exactly? Because this shit’s important, Ed.”
Eddie ran his tongue over his teeth thoughtfully, “I’m not sure I feel comfortable telling you about that, if I’m honest.”
Wayne’s eyebrows went up and his eyelids fluttered to a close. “You fucked him, didn’t you? You fucked the alpha of the Harrington pack.” He opened his eyes.
Eddie pursed his lips to try and hide his smile, but the sparkle in his eyes betrayed him.
“Hop was against it until I said you were my maker,” Eddie hedged.
“Yeah, because that meant he wouldn’t have to fight off Bill Hargrove for the pleasure.”
Eddie frowned. “S’that because the Dominus is a racist piece of shit who is absolutely grinding his fangs to powder because his half-sister is dating a werewolf?”
Wayne chuckled. “The very like.”
“He’s also very scared of you,” Eddie said moving to sit on the sofa, “Hop I mean.”
Wayne’s grin was vicious in its unfurling. “That’s because Hop knows what I’d do to him if he toed out of line.”
“I’ve always wondered why you didn’t do anything about him when he drunk off his ass most of the time.”
Wayne knelt in front Eddie and took his hands gently. “Because around the time Sara died, you came into my life. You were already a frightened little boy who was thrown into my care, not know what kind of vampire I was. Would you have warmed up to me as well as you did if I had torn Jim Hopper to shreds?”
Eddie blinked up at him, his mouth wide with shock. “No.”
“There, you have your answer,” Wayne said softly. “I couldn’t deal with a wayward alpha when I had a sweet boy to look after.”
He moved to sit next to Eddie on the sofa and bumped him with his shoulder. “I can’t be everywhere and I’ve learned that I can’t throw my weight around like I used to. I’m actually worried that I’m losing control of the town.”
“Is this about Jason and the other boys?” Eddie asked.
Wayne nodded. “It never should have gotten as far as it did. Let alone to the attempted murder of the pack’s alpha. And Sheriff Powell has been fractious to put it mildly.”
Eddie pursed his lips and then licked them slowly. “It would be better if Hopper was police chief again.”
Wayne nodded again. “Powell as sheriff is bad for the town. I’ll talk to Mayor Roberts and see if we can’t at least get him suspended for not taking a threat to the Harrington Pack alpha seriously.”
“Have Steve and Billy with you,” Eddie suggested. “Especially Steve. Because at least he can show the mayor the scars that the silver made.”
“That’s a good idea, Ed,” Wayne said. “I’ll get right on that.” He bumped Eddie’s shoulder again. “You’ve got a good head on you. Maybe in a few years, I’ll have you take over as leader here.”
Eddie blushed and ducked his head. “Only if that means you’re still around. I don’t want to lose you.”
Wayne pulled him close. “I won’t leave you. Not if it’s in my power.”
Eddie wrapped his arms around him and buried his head into his neck like he did that first night all those years ago. “I love you.”
Wayne kissed the top of his head. “I love you, too, boy.”
Mayor Roberts was pissed. He had especially placed Danny Powell as sheriff when the whole town thought Jim Hopper was dead. But the man had placed him between a rock and two vampires and a werewolf alpha all chomping on the bit for justice.
Justice that was rightly deserved. Hunters were like vigilantes. Outside the law, but respected by those who thought them necessary. Hunters that were very much barred from the town of Hawkins for a reason.
To be honest he was a little surprised it took five days for the three men in question to darken his door.
Wayne Munson walked in flanked by the teen leaders of the coven and pack. Billy Hargrove stood on the elder vampire’s right, while Steve Harrington stood on Wayne’s left.
The young werewolf looked more than a little worse for wear, he winced when he moved into the room, favoring his left leg. The leg Roberts was told had not only been shot with a silver bullet but caught in a silver foot trap.
It was inhumane what those boys did to Steve, but it was thing to hear about it and it was quite another to see its effects.
“Hello, gentlemen,” Roberts greeted solemnly. “I’m sorry we have to meet like this under these circumstances. Please have a seat.”
Harrington looked like he wanted to but when Munson and Hargrove didn’t he couldn’t without looking weak in front everyone. Something the alpha could not do.
He shifted his weight to his foot, straightening his spine so it looked as though he was standing on both legs equally.
Hargrove caught the movement and smirked. Munson ignored them both.
“We’ve come to see what is being done,” Munson said gravely.
“Jason and Patrick are both eighteen and will be charged with the full extent of the law,” Roberts said. “Andy, Chase, and Josh are all underaged and it’s trickier. Josh and Chase are only sixteen, while Andy is seventeen.”
All three supernaturals winced.
“Try Andy as child,” Steve said, “and then force the younger two boys to do community service in both the pack and the coven. Six weeks with each sect.”
Wayne and Billy looked over at Steve in shock. Mayor Roberts raised an eyebrow.
“What is the basis for that assessment?” the mayor asked.
Steve properly straightened up and all the boy next door persona dropped away to reveal a very powerful alpha. “I was there. I could tell that the two pups were only along for what they thought was prank. They are young enough that if they see what being in coven is like, what being in a pack is like, I believe they can change.” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked down.
“Andy was a more willing participant,” he continued seriously, “but perhaps one that could be persuaded that he was in the wrong. The other two knew full well of what they were doing and should be punished for it.” He looked up at Mayor Roberts, fire burning in his eyes.
Hargrove let out a long whistle. “Got some brains on you after all. I agree with alpha Harrington’s assessment and terms.”
All three men looked to Munson who was considering it. He rubbed the stubble on his chin. “It is sound judgment but I would like to add one thing, if I may?”
Mayor Roberts nodded. “Go on.”
“That the justice for Steve concerning the fate of Jason and Patrick be placed in my hands,” he growled.
The other three men blanched.
“They are still boys,” Mayor Roberts said, twisting a tissue in his hands nervously.
“I won’t kill them,” Munson promised. “But it’s time again I showed this town why I am its master.”
The mayor gulped, but nodded. Munson lowered his head slightly and then back up, not quite a nod, but an acknowledgment nonetheless.
Munson turned on his heel and walked out, the alpha and Dominus close behind.
Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
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farewellneverland2004 · 3 months
A Lost Shadow
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A/N: there will be some misgendering and false assumptions regarding the OC's gender identity within this and future chapters, so please be aware if you are sensitive to that.
The daylight was beginning to commence its breakthrough, yet the moon still remained to enchant into slumber all under her gaze. It seemed no one within the tall pines could resist the incantation. Safe for the fireflies, the owls and bats, and one young man walking a trail.
For many early mornings now, Soobin has taken a liking to walks alone. With the light of the stars fading and the fireflies beginning to disappear, it seems to be the only time of day he has to contemplate and be alone with his own thoughts. Sneaking out the window of his room, down the stone exterior of the chimney, to finally land a few feet away from the motion-sensing cameras, avoiding waking up the other inhabitants of the home was now routine. He'd walk the same path every day, and just think.
'I know he's gonna ask me.' He says to himself, as if the trees are asking him questions. 'But I don't know if I'm capable of leading the pack. How can I lead when I'm... I'm just so... odd?'
It wasn't the best word to describe it, but he couldn't think of a better one. Besides, it wasn't a lie. Not to him at least.
Regardless of how many misconceptions there were about wolves, it was impossible to disprove every stereotype when one's culture was ingrained in them. Mankind and other creatures alike have always tended to spread rumors of genetic hierarchy with wolves. That one's personality and place in the world in their pack depended all on what they were born as. When in truth, wolves are born as nothing but that. A selected group of the Homosapien species genetically possessing what they call the "Gift of the Moon", which gives them the supernatural ability to shapeshift into the body of a wolf.
The Wolves are known to the outside as peaceful and orderly, but at the same time intense and threatening. They will treat those they encounter as one deserves to be treated, but they will not confuse you on where their priorities lie. They chose their leaders the right way, and every person to take charge is a natural-born leader. Genetically designed to be dominant, protective, and powerful. Born with the right to deserve the name "Alpha". Those who do not fit the Alpha label are at best, either subservient and passive to their leaders, or delicate and a signal of the purity of the moon. At worst, they are either weak and dependent or disposable at any given time.
At least, that was what the outside world would have you believe of the authoritarian mystery of the Wolf Packs. In reality, the label of Alpha was not a term given to those at birth, or even after they mature into adulthood. Wolves, like their human relatives, were predominantly shaped by their environment. Not by nature; And with any society, the results were always different. Alpha, as the leader is crowned, was a title that one earned. They must prove they are worthy of that title, and that they are strong enough to carry the burden it brings with it.
But, as stated before, the humans weren't entirely misinformed when believing wolves are born with a natural pull towards possessiveness and power: but instead of those being God-given traits, they are more side effects of wolves' natural gift of intense passion.
The reason a Wolf has the ability to transform at will is that they are blessed with normal abilities as humans, but nearly three times stronger; It's the only way to connect with the Gift. with their physical abilities being that strong, they are affected by their emotions just as strongly. When in love, they feel it on an existential level. When emotionally hurt, wolves can feel physical pain. With emotions that can save or destroy the world, the wolves listen to only those they trust on a deep enough level; and most of the time, that means trusting only the people who harness their emotions into determination. The people who will stand their ground until they die.
Stubbornness was common among the Wolves; as common as it was important to the culture. It was so common in fact, people once rumored that wolves were born stubborn. With priorities that favor traits like that in their leaders, Soobin felt even odder than if he was simply a normal pack member.
Soobin wasn't what wolves would consider the "Alpha Type", To those around him, he was quiet.
That's what they would call him.
Not calm...Not polite...Not even shy...Just quiet.
He was the type in public to merely greet the people passing by, answer their simple questions, and then go silent until they all disappeared. Metaphorically hiding in the corner. No one had even heard him speak more than a single sentence until he was ten years old.
This applied to everyone who he crossed paths with, with the exception of his brothers, the Alpha and his mate, and his mother.  When he did speak, there was no stone-hard sternness in his voice. Nothing threatening in his tone. In fact, his voice was almost delicate. Soft and warm, like sand running through your fingers.
It wasn't the norm for a Wolf deserving of Alpha. In fact, it wasn't even normal for a young Wolf, let alone in his village.  But in truth, Soobin never cared that he was odd. It didn't matter to him if he was quiet. Not until the time came, when he knew he was considered for Alpha.
Only now did his soft voice sound like a weakness. He didn't think the pack would be safe with him leading, and there was no way of knowing the pack would truly listen to him anyway. He knew it wouldn't do any good putting him in charge, but he also knew he couldn't bring himself to change.
Many people who tried to be kind to the young man would say only one thing to reassure the skeptics of hope. But these words were more a dying dream than an optimistic look of hope.
"He'll do better once he has his mate to help him."
At this point, Soobin had accepted such a person didn't exist. Even if there was someone who was meant for him out there, he knew someone could never make him into something he was not.
It didn't occur to him how much time had passed. He was so deep in thought, he didn't even notice that he had walked off the trail. It wasn't far off, and he could see the dirt path from where he stood, sparkling with rocks and minerals. But before he could think to head back to the trail, he noticed the sun was beginning to rise, painting the shadows with an ever darker shade and longer streaks.
'God! Have I been out that long? Kai must be waking up soon.' He thought to himself. Knowing how much his little brother loved to watch the sunrise.
Just then, he took note of the fireflies still acting unusual. swarms of them were flying in one direction, seeming to all congregate by one tree not too far ahead. With a closer look, he was able to see that the tree had a different shadow than the rest.
It didn't take long for him to put two and two together; a person was behind that tree.
Soobin's guard immediately went up! Nobody in his village ever wakes up at that time! Even if they did, no one would dare venture off past the health hut, and off-trail while they're at it!
This is when and where the enemies and the real monsters try to find them!
Expecting the worst, Soobin prepared himself to jump the intruder. Stalking slowly up and around the tree, he slowly peaks to see which way their head is facing.
Only to realize, the figure was on the ground. From the persons physique, it appeared to be a woman, perhaps in her twenties. her back was laid against the trunk, and her head was merely hanging off her shoulders like a marionette abandoned by its puppet master. The woman's skin was sickly pale. Nearly blue in the night's gaze. Her clothes were tattered, and malnutrition was evident all over the body. She had mangled, uneven raven hair covering her face, with a single, unusual-looking streak of silver.
Never being in a situation like this before, you'd expect a natural response would be to simply make a mental note of the strangers location and seek out assistance. Well, apparently not according to Soobin, for he found himself with the strong urge to see the unconscious figures face.
Slowly, he crouched down, moving his hand closer to uncover the face hiding behind the silver streaked hair. Only for everything around him to come to a jolting halt.
Her face was littered with black and blue splotches and streaks of dirt and blood. Her cheeks and eye sockets were beginning to swell; but most daunting injury this stranger had sustained was a long gash below her chin, still bleeding and seemed to be  marking out a word tattooed on her skin.
Soobin felt as if a spirit had ripped out his heart and dug its heel into his chest. He was paralyzed by a sudden, overwhelming feeling of anguish at the sight of her condition, all he could do, for what felt like forever, was let a stream of tears flow down his face. Until he finally could bring himself  to breathe again.
Without a moment of hesitation, the young man grabbed the stranger as quickly but as carefully as he could to carry her on his back. Her skin was so cold, he feared that he was carrying a corpse for a second.
Dead or alive though, he couldn't care in the moment. His only objective was to run as fast as he could and get her home, safe, and just out of the dangerous woods. And he followed through on his goal. Sprinting through the wood, dodging obstacles as the suns rising through the trees lightened the path only slightly. He only slowed down once the familiar front door was in his line of sight.
"Hyung!! Beomgyu!! Anyone!!! Please open up!!!"
Soobin banged on the wood door, practically screaming for someone to simply open the damn thing. Just out of the corner of his eye, he spots a disgruntled face take a glance at him through the window before moving towards the door when Soobin heard the sound of laches unlocking and a very furious voice coming from inside.
"Soobin! For the love of God!!! Do you have any idea what time it is?! This is why I tell you to take your key when you sneak out!"
The door finally opened to reveal a handsome man in his early thirties, who was, rightfully, not extremely pleased to be waken up at the crack of dawn by banging and screaming. But he can't even vent his displeasure like normal before he is shoved by the younger man.
"I don't have time Jin Hyung! Please get out of my way!"
"What in the actual fu-"
Soobin made a b-line towards kitchen, where a concrete island was in the middle, littered with papers, plates and other miscellaneous items. In one fall swoop, he completely wiped the things off the solid surface, causing a crash on the floor, before laying the unconscious body on the island.
The man who opened the door was so taken aback by everything in front of him. It all happened so fast he didn't even noticed the young woman on his junior's back until she was laid down on their table like a patient.
"Soobin! Who is this!? What's going on!?"
The younger man was starting to hyperventilate. Tears kept flowing down his face as he barely communicated while ripping off his own over shirt.
"She...she's hurt! She's bl-bleeding!"
One brute yank, he tore the sleeve off the flannel. Desperately he tried to rap the cloth around the gaping neck wound and those haunting black letters. He had a million thoughts running through his head as he fixated on that word.
The word seemed almost sinister; and he knew, regardless of how or who tried to slit the girl's throat, that word meant something. He just didn't know what, and that scared him.
"How did this happen? Why was she left out in the woods? Why 'darling'?! What does it mean?! WHO DID THIS TO HER?!!!"
It was only after he was forcibly pulled off her by his senior that he realized he was not only rambling out loud, but he was actually putting too much pressure on her wind pipe.
"I thought you wanted to save her, correct?! Then you need to calm down!" The older man scolded.
His breathing was more stable but still very heavy as he began to unconsciously move backwards. The senior took this opportunity to turn his focus to the stranger in critical condition.
Meanwhile, as the fact that he almost suffocated the girl began to sink in, Soobin began feeling an uncanny pain in his chest. His bones began to burn inside his body and he swore he felt a spirit of some kind inside himself begin to choke him. Now his slightly stable breathing was cut off from the air and he felt lightheaded. He could barely hear the strong, familiar voice approaching him from behind question the matter at hand.
As he began descending back to meet the ground, he heard the voice call his name before he was enraptured by the aura of a newly haunting shadow.
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
For the ask meme
The bunny and the wolf
Kinda like to see a Howard/Maria there too :D best good father Howard I've ever read were from you 💝
I do love me some Howard/Maria ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The Bunny and the Wolf
“I can’t believe you’d put us in danger like this,” Steve hissed.
Bucky took a deep breath, then let it back out slowly, simply nodding his head. There was no arguing. He’d put the pack in danger. It had been selfish, and the least he could have done was give Steve the head’s up before he did it. It wouldn’t have stopped him, but it would have given Steve time to figure out how best to protect the pack.
There was a rabbit at the edge of the clearing they had set up camp in, eyes wide and staring. Some of the pups had playfully run at it. The rabbit had simply watched them approach, eyes sparkling blue. That was when the pack had realized that it was no ordinary rabbit--the Starks had sent a familiar ahead of them to scout.
Steve had snarled for the young and sickly to retreat from the rabbit’s unblinking eyes while the rest of the adults talked, to come up with a strategy to at least flee from one of the most powerful covens in the area. To figure out why they were being targeted, when the Starks notoriously kept to themselves. Whether they’d missed some sort of treaty on their travels, and the Starks no longer allowed trespassers.
And Bucky, feeling hollowed out, had had to admit that it was most likely because he’d been sneaking into the Stark mansion whenever they were nearby to see the Stark heir.
“We could always offer Bucky as a sacrifice to them and tell them we didn’t know,” Natasha offered.
Sam started to laugh, realized she wasn’t joking, and stopped. “It would be foolish not to show a united front. Witches stereotype just as much as other creatures. Most of them think we’re too loyal, and that’s what makes us dangerous, because wounding one wolf leads to the entire pack attacking.”
“Could always offer them some of the magic trinkets we found on our travels?” Clint offered, scratching at his neck. “It’s not like we’re using them. Our non-wolf members would surely give them up.”
“What could we possibly have that a coven as powerful as the Starks would be interested in?” Sharon asked, brows furrowing together.
Bucky crossed his arms and lifted a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. “You’re going to be even more upset.”
“Bucky,” Steve said solemnly. He reached out and laid his hand on Bucky’s shoulder. His claws dug into his skin warningly. “I am physically incapable of being any angrier. I am this close,” he added, holding his other hand up and with his pointer finger and thumb a quarter of an inch apart. “To ripping you limb from limb for this. I know I’ve been stupid and you’ve had to save my ass, but it has never been ‘I pissed off what is basically witch royalty’ stupid.”
“Maria Stark caught me coming out of Tony’s room and the only reason she didn’t kill me where I stood was because Tony tackled her to the ground while I ran,” Bucky said. He winced as Steve’s hand clamped tighter, claws digging in and drawing blood. “Ow.”
“You deserve this,” Steve hissed, and Bucky sighed, nodding again.
The Starks arrived just as the moon was coming up. Howard had Tony by the scruff like a naughty pup. Maria looked perfectly pleasant, but the wide-eyed black rabbit at her feet staring at them was as dangerous as a knife.
“Gentle wolves,” Maria said, smiling sweetly as she approached, as if they each weren’t capable of snapping her like a twig.
“Your ladyship,” Steve replied carefully, taking a single step forward to show that he was the alpha of the pack.
Howard heaved a sigh and rolled his eyes. “Maria, we can’t afford intimidation. I can only hold Tony for so long.”
“Fine,” Maria said, smile dropping into a scowl. She pointed at Bucky. “I almost didn’t recognize you without your pants on.”
“I’ll just lie down so you can kick me there,” Bucky began, bending to get down.
Sam grabbed his shoulder and yanked him upright again, scowling. “Shut up.”
Steve closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened them again. “What can we do for you?”
“You can get your heathen friend to propose to my son properly,” Maria said sharply. “Or, if he’s only in it for sex, get him to stop. My poor boy’s magic is fluctuating wildly because of how nebulous their relationship is. Either commit or quit,” she added to Bucky sharply.
“I have a ring,” Bucky answered immediately, and he was glad he was in his human form, otherwise his tail would be wagging in a really embarrassing way.
“Oh, shit,” Howard said, which was the only warning any of them got before Tony’s eyes lit up with bright blue light, and then what looked like an army of rabbits began flooding out of the forest, binkying around like popping corn as they approached.
Steve fainted dead away and was quickly covered, disappearing under their tiny bodies. Sam screamed and tried to scale Bucky, and Bucky let him. He heard Natasha and Sharon swearing behind him, some of the kids back in the tents screaming because of course they were watching even after being told not to.
“This is horrendous,” Howard said, shaking his head.
Maria scoffed, putting her hands on her hips as she turned to glare at him. “You summoned hundreds more when I agreed to marry you.”
“How embarrassing,” Howard sighed, shaking his head again.
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readyplayerhobi · 4 years
Little Wolf, Pretty Wolf, Your Wolf
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; Omega!Jungkook x Alpha!Reader
; Genre: Fluff, smut, angst
; Word Count: 22.3k
; Warnings: Stereotyping, blowjob, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, knotting, sub!Jungkook, dom!reader, impregnation kink
; Synopsis: An Alpha wolf is supposed to be strong, powerful and bold. A commandeering presence that can rule a pack efficiently. An Omega is supposed to be submissive, quiet and meek. A calming influence and a lucky charm for a pack. But you’re not like a normal Alpha wolf. Just like Jungkook is not a normal Omega wolf.
; A/N: I’m very unsure over this story. We’ve been having troubles but I finally got it finished and out! It’s half proof read...I hope you enjoy. If you do, please reblog and leave me comments, feedback or reviews! Or send in an ask, I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions :)
“Now, what you need to remember is that the Ancient Greek’s weren’t one nation like how we think of them today. They were a collection of city states which were called polis back then. In their times, this was considered a nation on it’s own like the Vatican City or Singapore is today. You might realise that polis is actually still used today in words such as metropolis, which basically means ‘mother city’ as it comes from the Greek word for mother, necropolis which translates to city of the dead basically and so forth.
“The notion of ‘nation’ as we understand it is actually a relatively new concept that has only emerged in the last few centuries so trying to discuss things like a ‘nation’ or a ‘nationality’ is hard. Particularly when we’re talking about ancient civilisations.” You carry on talking, hands gesturing to the interactive whiteboard behind you that currently shows a map of Ancient Greece.
Your students are watching intently, some nodding slightly while a few of them jot down notes in their exercise books or read from their textbook. History was one of those topics that many people found boring but it had always inspired a fire inside you. The desire to learn from the past and incorporate it into the future was strong. Over the course of your own education, you’d also felt it was important to teach and mould the minds of the young with the lessons of the past.
It was why you’d gone into the teaching career, despite the concerns of your parents and everyone around you. Alpha’s like you simply didn’t go into teaching, the aura of power and dominance around them normally too strong for youngsters to cope with.
But you’ve always been a little different to the other Alpha’s you’d known throughout your life. Your wolf was always present and willing to protect when necessary but mostly she was content to lay back and watch the world. While most Alpha wolves were tall and extremely well muscled, a genetic quirk that gave them a visual representation of strength along with the metaphysical one that all wolves could understand, you were of average height and just looked in shape.
Your scent was sweet and pleasant to be around, according to your friends growing up you smelled like the tastiest candy with the slightest hint of rose. That on it’s own was unusual because Alpha’s were supposed to smell like...well an Alpha, power with that hint of earth that reminded everyone of the forest. Instead, you just smelled like a candy shop.
While great for the Delta’s, the general population that made up most packs, or Omega’s, the rarest and most treasured of all wolves, it wasn’t really great for an Alpha. You were the equivalent of a teddy bear instead of a grizzly, which didn’t really mix well with people's expectations.
On the plus side though, it meant that you were excellent at getting through to people because they listened to you first and only if you needed to would you show the aggressive and dominant side of yourself. You may not look or smell like an Alpha, but you were still an Alpha and you liked to make sure some people remembered that.
A sudden movement out of the window in the door to the corridor catches your attention and you continue to speak, only looking in that direction for a moment. The mop of silver hair on the lithe wolf standing outside tells you immediately who it is and you stifle a smile, glancing over at the clock and noting the bell is about to go.
“Okay class, it’s time to end. I want you all to read this chapter and then write a one page essay on any Ancient Greek city state. I want you to try and be creative though, don’t all do Athens and Sparta. There’s plenty out there.” Smiling at them, you watch as they begin to put their stuff away into their bags when the shrill ring of the bell causes you to wince slightly.
You always hated how loud they put it, but you guessed that was the whole point. 
Once everyone has left the classroom, a few of them running to catch the bus that was waiting for them outside, you lean back against the table and let out a deep sigh. That silver mop of hair darts through the door just before it closes and grins at you broadly, his eyes almost disappearing as the roundness of his cheeks takes over.
“Ahh Ancient Greece...your favourite topic.” Jimin says cheerfully, moving over to give you a quick side hug before standing back and looking around. Your big brother was taller than you, though not as tall as any Alpha got. He was a Beta though, so just below you in the pack social hierarchy. He used his height to his advantage in any arguments you had though.
Smiling at him, you nod as you begin to clean up the classroom that teenagers have made messy throughout the day. There’s a whole stack of papers on your desk that need to be taken home and marked, plus a whole new lesson plan to come up with for next week. For now though, you’d just focus on this and be thankful it was the weekend.
Jimin begins to help you, moving through the desks and placing the chairs on top of the tables carefully. He’d come straight from one of his jobs and so is still wearing the oh so stylish black work trousers that have a billion different pockets sewn into them, some of them still filled with items from wherever he’d been. A plain black polo, covered in a few stains from whatever he’d been doing has the logo of his company on the left side.
Your big brother had always been good with his hands and he’d developed a love of manual work when you were younger. Everyone in your family had thought that he’d become a mechanic or something, but he’d surprised you all by becoming a plumber of all things. But he seemed to enjoy it and he’d founded his own company last year, enabling him to take on jobs at his own pace while also taking on another plumber along with an apprentice.
“Have they called about your car?” He asks absentmindedly, throwing the trash that he’d found on the floor into the bin before moving over to wipe your whiteboard clean. You’re putting away some of the books that you’d used earlier in the day before storing the printouts you’d made but you give him a quick nod.
“Yeah, it’s all done. Are you okay to drop me at the garage so I can grab it?” Jimin smiles and nods, giving you a thumbs up as well before hopping up onto your desk. His hands drop between his legs while his feet dangle happily as he watches you.
“That’s fine. I can take you there and then go get some pizza if you want? The job today will pay well and they’ve already signed up to be a repeat customer. Which is exactly what I want as it’s a chain of businesses!” He says excitedly, wiggling in place and you grin at him.
“Awww, that’s so good. Congrats. Told you that you’d do well.” Turning back to the little bookcase you keep in your classroom, you place the final book into its place before standing back and moving over to him. Jimin has that look on his face now and you sigh, knowing where he’s going to go with this already.
“Yeah, I’m doing well. And I think you’re going to do well in the elections too. You just need to actually...get out there and talk to people in the pack. They know of you, but most of them don’t really know you, know you? I mean...you work out here in the city so there’s not really any reason for anyone to get to know you well.” Jimin points out, leaning back on one arm and raising a brow at you.
Sighing again, you look over at him before chewing your lip. “I grew up there and I live there again. How is it that people don’t know me? They’ve known me my whole life. I’m only really doing this because you’re adamant on it and think I’ll have a chance, which I think is stupid by the way.”
The pack leadership elections were going to be in less than a year and the candidates had already put their name forward for consideration a month ago. You’d been one of those to enter your name and had been confirmed as a potential candidate only a week ago.
Unsurprisingly, only Alpha’s could enter the pack leadership contests because Alpha’s had the required inherent characteristics that allowed them to lead. They needed to be strong enough to cope with everyone’s demands, empathetic enough to listen to people, diplomatic enough to make decisions about people’s problems and tough enough to defend the pack if necessary.
You didn’t think you really had the required skills given your unusual nature, but Jimin thought you’d make a good leader. Family and friends had thrown their weight behind you too and so you’d found yourself submitting your name, wondering what on earth you were doing.
The idea of you being the Pack Alpha was ridiculous, but you knew that you were going to receive a lot of stigma and hate because of your differences to a regular Alpha. On top of that, there had also been the creeping misogyny that had been spreading throughout the wolf world in recent decades, in direct contrast to the humans, which meant that many of the old schoolers in the pack were beginning to look down on a female Alpha.
It was all bullshit and everyone knew it. That was actually one of the reasons you’d gone along with it, because if you somehow did win then you’d love to be able to rub it into all of their sexist noses that you’d beaten their little boys. Petty? Yes. But you had to do what you had to do.
“Yeah, you grew up there. And we both live there. But you also went to the other side of the country for five years to go to college. They remember the baby Y/N, the teenage Y/N. Most of the folk in town don’t even recognise you. It’s only when they scent you that they realise it’s you. You went away and became all cultured with the university elites, became friends with other wolf packs and even other shifters. Most of the people in our pack have never seen another shifter breed or even left the state. They don’t know you anymore and you need to show them.” The look on your brother’s face is incredibly serious and you let out a groan that ends in a whine.
It’s very unbecoming for an Alpha but you don’t care. The idea of having to ingratiate yourself with a lot of people who would likely laugh at you for the very idea of thinking you could be Pack Alpha makes you want to throw something. But you know he’s right.
Jimin’s always right, unfortunately.
“Fine. Fine. What do I do? Go and knock on everyone’s doors? Hold a party? A meet and greet? Come, meet the pack’s weird Alpha and vote for her to your leader!” You make an overly exaggerated gesture as you talk, walking towards him and he rolls his eyes in response.
“Just...become a bigger part of society. Join some of the groups, come with us on pack hunts or runs. It’s easy. I don’t get hugely involved but everyone still knows who I am. I swear, you’ll be able to do it. And if you get to be our Pack Alpha, then you can start to make all those changes that you rant to me about regularly.” He shifts off the table at that, stretching his arms back until you can see the toned muscles of his abdomen.
Reaching out, you poke at them hard and he lets out a soft whine as he recoils forwards, arm covering himself before pouting at you. You grin and ruffle his hair, leading to even more complaints before he escapes your grasp.
“Those aren’t rants! They’re issues that need to get sorted out! I mean...you know that I thought this place was a little backwards when we were growing up here but moving away and coming back? God, you wouldn’t believe it.” Jimin grabs your bag from beneath your desk, placing it onto your desk before carefully putting your stuff into it.
You don’t go to stop him or anything, you trust Jimin with your personal belongings. The two of you live together in an apartment in the town you’d both grown up in, the ancestral homeland of your pack. It was partly to save on money for rent and utilities and partly just because you both liked being around each other.
Unlike other families in your pack where having four or more kids was normal, your parents had only been able to have you and Jimin. And it had taken six years for you to come into the world after Jimin. So despite the age difference, you were both close and adored each other.
“I do believe it. Because you tell me it’s true and I know you wouldn’t lie to me. Plus, you know I think there’s a lot of people in our pack that need to come into the 21st century. Some of them make me think they don’t even know what electricity is. And this is all why I think you’d make the best leader for us. Someone to modernise us finally and stop making us just look like the little backwater pack still stuck in the 18th century. I know we can do it, we have good wolves in our pack and there’s probably a lot who think like us but just don’t want to rock the boat.” Handing you your bag, he waits out in the corridor as you do a final sweep before turning off the lights and leaving.
“Yeah...you’re right. God yeah, you’re right about it. I’m trying to teach my kids here about the mistakes that were made in the past so that they know not to repeat them but I should try more with our pack too. And then...then I can make sure that our kids learn better and how to be better right?” Jimin grins broadly and hugs you to him, kissing your forehead sweetly tickling your sides until you growl gently.
“Yep. So...Operation Leader is a go.”
Humming lightly, you looked over the basket of potatoes that was on display in your local supermarket. It was your turn to do the grocery shopping, which was why you were stocking up on all the vegetables that Jimin turned his nose up at half the time. Sometimes you felt like you were living with a child but he always ate them eventually.
Tonight you were going to make lasagne and garlic bread, one of Jimin’s favourite meals. It was incredibly easy to make and you’d found yourself craving it as well, realising it had been a month or so since you’d last had it. And given Jimin was going to be home tonight, you’d decided it was time to make the cheesiest lasagne possible.
You might even indulge and make the garlic bread cheesy too. It was more than an indulgence really, because you would happily cover it all in cheese until it made you sick. Jimin wasn’t a huge fan of it though, so you knew that you’d have to limit it.
Picking up a tomato, you squeeze it experimentally to see how fresh it is before nodding and placing it inside the little net bag you’d brought for the vegetables. Fresh herbs go in as well and you get enough vegetables to make a hearty stew tomorrow, figuring that if you make a big enough pot then you can freeze some for the future and let both Jimin and you take some for lunch at work.
It’s only when you walk towards the dairy aisle, intent on grabbing a bottle of milk and deciding upon which cheese to liberally accentuate your lasagne and garlic bread with, that you accidentally knock into someone. A small ‘oof’ leaves your mouth as you wobble slightly, dropping the bag of prunes that you’d grabbed as you’d passed the end of the fruit aisle.
“I’m so sor-” You paused, brow creasing as a delicious scent fills your nose. Inhaling deeply, you take it in with wide eyes as your inner wolf growls lowly, her instincts immediately roused to life by the smell. Omega, she rumbles to you and you immediately get the biggest urge to press yourself to this newcomer.
The reaction from you isn’t surprising, given what you know of Omega’s. You’d never encountered one before, not until now, but everyone grows up learning of Omega’s. They were the rarest kind of wolf and a pack with an Omega present was considered to be exceptionally lucky.
Due to their rareness, an Omega was often treasured and deeply adored by the rest of the pack. They were to be protected at all costs, with the entire pack often banding together to ensure that they were okay. The reason for this was that Omega’s were considered to be the most submissive in a pack, naturally weak and timid along with being passive. It was a pack’s duty therefore to protect their Omega.
So you were beyond surprised that you’d encountered one in the supermarket of all places.
Shifting backwards slightly, you turn and pick up the packet of prunes before grabbing the tin of tomato soup that’s rolling your way. Standing back up, you hold out the tin to the Omega before pausing, your eyes going even wider as you look up.
He’s taller than you, a lot taller when combining what must be his natural height with the thick sole of what look like combat style boots. And he’s broad, his shoulders wide and accentuated by the black leather jacket he’s wearing, the silver embellishments of the buttons shining in the light.
Skinny jeans in black adorn his thighs and you can’t help the way your eyes drag over them, in awe of how...tight his jeans are. Especially when combined with the fact that this Omega evidently does some serious workouts given how thick and muscular his thighs are. In fact, how muscular everything looks.
His white shirt doesn’t give much away to you, but you have no doubt that if his legs look like that then the rest of him must look quite similar. Long, wavy hair is messed around his face, the strands wild and dark as they cover part of his eyes.
And it’s here that you discover the only part of him that looks like what you’d imagined an Omega would look like. Because right now, they’re wide open with shock and you freeze at the sight of them, the inner instincts that have been bred into you over centuries roaring to the fore and telling you to protect.
His eyes are filled with innocence and a tiny hint of fear, almost as if he’s afraid of what you might do. To any onlooker, that might look comical given how tiny you look in comparison to him. But his scent gives away the difference, because despite how...non-Omega he looks...he is still an Omega.
Which means if you wanted to, you could make him bow at your feet in submission as you forced a wave of dominance towards him. It wasn’t something you liked doing as it often felt like an assault on the receiver and you felt gross doing it. Some Alpha’s abused their ability, finding it amusing to lord their status over others.
But you only used it how it was meant to be used. When you were faced with someone who was refusing to follow the rules and putting others at risk. It was the only time you felt was acceptable to use that power, in order to save others.
So the fact he was looking at you like that made you pause, confusion making you hesitate as you wondered if maybe he thought you were going to force him to do something. And you realised that he’d probably be right if he’d met anyone else. There were plenty of asshole Alpha’s that you knew that would be pleased to play with an Omega, despite the reverence that a pack held for them.
Gesturing towards him with the tin, you give him a sweet smile as he takes it from you carefully, the way his fingers carefully avoid yours almost comical. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you or I would’ve moved out of the way.”
He doesn’t answer, his brow creasing in confusion as his eyes scan over you. You can’t help but watch those eyes in complete fascination, they’re so naturally big and you feel a strong urge to protect him. Not because he’s an Omega, but purely because he looks like someone with an innate curiosity that you don’t want to see die.
His nose twitches ever so slightly as he inhales deeply before speaking. “Why do you smell like that?”
You know what he means. An Alpha is supposed to smell earthy and musky, to remind a wolf of their forest homelands from centuries ago. It inspires confidence and trust, yet you smell sweet and gentle. Jimin said that you often smelled like he’d walked into a candy store.
This Omega though, he smells like an Alpha should. His strong scent is so reminiscent of the pine trees that grow in the forests around the town you’d grown up in, the only reason you know he’s an Omega is that genetic knowledge that distinguishes that part of his scent that’s different. It amuses you that you’ve found someone as contradictory in their nature as you.
“Why do you smell like that?” You counter, lips quirked up on one side in amusement as you tilt your head to look him over once more. A true contradiction of everything. Now you can understand why people find it hard to understand you.
He doesn’t respond, just stares at you with that same confusion that everyone always gives you. Only it seems a little stronger now, causing you to laugh slightly as you shake your head. “Well, it was nice to meet you, but I really have to finish my shopping and go. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.”
Turning away from him, you continue onto the dairy aisle as you ponder what you’ve just said. You’re naturally nice as an Alpha, always polite and helpful to anyone who asks it. As someone running for the pack leadership, you’d resolved to be even more helpful from now on in order to try and help. Jimin had said it was a good idea, and you’d long ago discovered that it was easier to just go along with whatever he says instead of questioning it.
Questioning it would just lead to him whining.
But you’d felt the need to be extra nice to the Omega, almost as if to prove that you were not like other Alpha’s. Which was ridiculous, because why on earth would you care to prove that? You’d never even seen the Omega before, and you doubted that you’d see him again. They were so rare that you doubted it would be long before some Alpha snapped him up as a mate.
Pursing your lips, you hum to yourself in thought before shrugging and carrying on. You’d discuss this more with Jimin later. No doubt your brother would be fascinated to find out what you’d discovered today.
Jimin turns up in the kitchen within two minutes of you getting home, his curious expression ever so familiar as he tries to peer into all the bags. You don’t know why he’s so interested as he knows that you always buy the healthier food compared to him. Whether or not his card has ever seen a vegetable remains a mystery known only to him and the universe.
“Oooh, lasagne?” He says excitedly as you pull out the familiar items that make up his favourite meal. Grinning at him as you place the perishable items into the fridge and begin organising everything else, you nod.
“Yeah, I thought it’d be nice to have since you’re home tonight. I’m gonna try and make it so that I make one side be overloaded with cheese while the other side is more normal for you.” Your stomach gurgles at the thought and Jimin snorts in amusement, taking one of the apples that you’d bought and biting into it eagerly.
He may not be fond of vegetables, but you knew that he loved fruit.
“I fully expect you to make a mac n cheese lasagne one day. No meat or anything.” Jimin says, sitting down at the table as he watches you finish putting everything away before you turn on the oven to preheat.
Your nose wrinkles at his words and you shake your head in response, taking the minced beef out of its packet and into a saucepan before turning on the hob. Waiting for it to heat up so you can brown the minced meat, you turn to making the sauce for the lasagne.
“No way. I may love cheese but that’s because it can make the lasagne go all lovely and crispy. Mmm. I do enjoy the meat too.” Lips pursing, you take the juicy tomatoes that you’d bought to make the sauce and look at it for a moment, memory suddenly sparking.
“Hey Jimin...when I was at the supermarket...I bumped into an Omega there? It was really weird, I didn’t even think the pack had an Omega or anything. But like...he didn’t smell like one properly, nor did he look like what I imagined an Omega would.” The tone of your voice is wondering and Jimin can tell that you’re going through scenarios in your head.
He lets out a long noise as he considers for a moment before making a small ‘ahh’ sound. “That was probably Jeon Jungkook. You remember him? Or...remember of him?”
Nodding slowly, you frown as you try to think back to when you’d been younger and you’d heard of the stories of him.
“Yeah but I thought he, like, never left his house. Weren’t his parents super overprotective of him? He got homeschooled and everything right?” Jimin shrugs in response, biting into his apple once more and chewing carefully.
“He did. I think they did it so he wouldn’t get bugged by any Alpha’s or anything. I mean...your reaction right now is telling me that was probably a good reason and you’re one of the best Alpha’s I know. But he’s spent the last year living on his own, away from his parents. I think he’s trying to gain more independence and experience the world in a safer way or something. I see him occasionally around town. Not really what you expect of an Omega, huh?” That makes you laugh as you nod.
“The man is built like a truck. Honestly, I think he could probably take on most Alpha’s and win. He didn’t say much to me. He bumped into me and I gave him back his soup. In fact, all he said to me was ‘why do you smell like that?’ to which I asked him the same thing. He smells like an Alpha should smell, only with the overlay of Omega. He was very brusque, almost confrontational.” You ponder that as you turn the meat over, evenly browning it all before setting a second saucepan on the hob.
“Well, that’s understandable. I mean...he gets accosted by a lot of the Alpha’s and Beta’s who see him around town. The whole stereotype of Omega’s means that they think they can basically bully him into hanging out with them or...doing stuff with him. I think he’s probably been given a ridiculous number of mating requests and he’s turned them all down. Despite what many wolves think, apparently Omega’s are not as submissive as they’re stereotyped to be.” His voice gets light at that and you can practically hear the irony in it, knowing that Jimin probably severely disapproves of how Jungkook is treated.
It makes sense though, he’s grown up seeing how people have mistreated you because of how you don't adhere to the stereotypes of a traditional Alpha. Hearing that about Jungkook makes you feel angry though, almost resentful of everyone else in the pack who make Jungkook’s very existence a likely chore to him.
“Well that’s just rude. He’s still a person, a wolf with his own mind and abilities. Why are they so mean to him? I mean...I’m the least Alpha you’ve ever seen but it doesn’t mean I’m not an Alpha, you know? This is what I mean I say the pack is so ridiculous and outdated! It’s just gross. Why are they so bigoted and small minded? There’s no one way to be an Alpha and there’s no one way to be an Omega. Jungkook and I both show that. There’s nothing wrong either of us.” You say vehemently, grip tightening on the large plastic spoon in your hand.
Your argument makes Jimin laugh lightly, causing you to glare at him until he holds his hands up in defence, one hand holding an apple core. “Hey, hey. I agree. I fully support Jungkook being an ass to everyone if they’re being an ass to him in turn. See, this is why you need to win the leadership! So that then everyone can see how stupid they’re all being and backwards!”
That makes you groan loudly, eyes rolling to the ceiling as your head tilts back. You don’t even look over at Jimin as he deposits the core into the bin and makes his way over to the door frame. Your defeated expression makes him chuckle though.
“Jimin, I swear, every conversation with you better not end with you bugging me about this stupid fucking leadership competition. If it does, I promise that I stick this spoon up your damn ass.” You threaten, lifting the spoon threateningly as he laughs even louder.
Licking the ice cream that remains on top of the cone you’d bought, you let out a little happy noise before grinning over at Sana. She’s eating her own ice cream, only she’s already onto the cone now and you snort in amusement. Salted caramel was her downfall and you’d known immediately which flavour she was going to pick when you’d both headed into the small, family owned ice cream parlour in town.
It had been years since you’d been in there, long before you’d headed off to college and part of you had been surprised that it was still going. Mainly because it seemed that in this day and age, a lot of smaller stores like this seemed to die off as bigger conglomerates took over.
There was a Baskin Robbins just on the outskirts of town so it was impressive to see just how busy and popular the old ‘50s themed parlour still was. And also kind of nice, to see people still doing well in the pack while the pack supported them in turn.
They’d upped their game since you’d left though and now offered a ridiculously large range of flavours to match the national chain that had opened up while also expanding their range of milkshakes and smoothies in turn. And that was to say nothing of the cakes, cookies and other baked delights they’d invented.
Sana swore that it was the best place in town when you’d agreed to meet up with her today, praising it to the heavens. You were both just going to chill out and do a little shopping in the smaller, more boutique stores that your town had to offer while catching up on everything.
She was your best friend from childhood and when you’d gone off to college, she’d chosen to stay behind to attend the college in the closest city. It had allowed her to attain her degree in law and she was now working towards the bar, while interning at the only law firm in town. Quite obviously, it specialised in wolf law and inter-species relations and Sana had been determined to be a part of the law network around here.
Understandable, given her mother was a human and her father a Beta wolf. Their relationship hadn’t been entirely well received by the pack, yet another reason you felt spurred on to enter the leadership contest as it was another example of the pack being outdated. Human-wolf relations were completely normal when you’d been in college, the city you’d been living in cosmopolitan and liberal.
Perhaps it was too much of you to expect your small town to be more open, but you were determined to try. For wolves like you, Sana and Jungkook.
Bumping into her gently, you smile softly before taking the final lick of what remained of the ice cream in your cone. You’d picked your old favourite, chocolate chip mint, and had enjoyed every bit of it.
“Mmm, this was a good choice. It tastes even better than when I last went there.” Sana grins brightly, her face lighting up with happiness at the combination of the ice cream and just being with you again. It felt good to hang out with her and you were determined to spend more time with her now that you were living here once more.
“I know right? I mean, it was good five years ago but that Baskin Robbins has really made them up their game. Along with the general like for more flavours now. And thank goodness they decided to invest in learning how to make a salted caramel flavour because I swear, I go here once a week for this stuff.” She sighs dreamily before eating the last bit of her cone, licking her fingers in an attempt to make sure she got all the flavour before pouting dramatically.
Chuckling, you carefully bite your own cone before licking at the remnants of mint ice cream that cling to the inside. “Do they sell tubs? They should, it’d be a good business venture. They could even stock them in the stores here. People would buy it.”
Immediately, Sana’s eyes go wide with excitement as her jaw drops.
“Oh my god, yes they should! Why have they never thought of that? That's the best idea ever. We need to suggest it to them, they have a suggestion box and I would like to have my entire freezer filled with delicious salted caramel ice cream. Oooh, and the cookies and cream. And the pecan ice cream! Oh, and the pistachio!” Snorting, you shake your head as you finish your own cone and push her arm lightly in amusement.
“It’s a good thing you’re a wolf with a wolf’s metabolism because I don’t know how you’d keep that figure otherwise. Honestly. Does your fridge or pantry even have any food that doesn’t contain sugar?” You tease her gently, smiling as she scoffs and rolls her eyes.
“Of course. There’s water. That’s the perfect remedy for when I’ve indulged in too much wine.” Amused, you look away from her to the window of the store you’re both passing. Sana hadn’t changed much since you were both eighteen and you were thankful for it. She was still the happy, bubbly girl you’d been friends with for years, only now she has a veneer of adulthood about her.
Hopefully you were the same.
“You know, I can see why Jimin started dating you. You both have the eating habits of a five-year-old. If it wasn’t for me, I’m not sure Jimin would even know what a vegetable looks like. And I mean any vegetable.” That gets Sana smiling as you mention your big brother, and her boyfriend of two years.
The two of them had started dating in your final year of college. It hadn’t been too surprising as you’d known that Sana always had a little crush on Jimin but you’d been surprised that Jimin had reciprocated it. He’d always been steadfastly avoidant of anything that could potentially encourage a crush with your friends when growing up, which you’d definitely appreciated.
But apparently they’d come across each other a few times in your small town and one thing had led to another. They weren’t mated yet or anything, but you had a sneaking suspicion that it was only a matter of time. Jimin never did anything quickly, always taking his time to be as sure as possible before doing anything. It’s what made him a good plumber with a 100% success rate.
You had no doubt that Sana probably appreciated it as well, as being mated would mean they would have a higher chance of creating pups. And you knew damn well that Sana had big dreams for her career before starting a family. Not that she wouldn’t welcome them into her life, but you were pleased that they were both taking things slowly still.
“I don’t know, I’ve seen him with a cucumber before.” Frowning, you look away from the display of the latest book releases and over at her. You were about to ask her a question when you recognised the sly look of mischief on her face and you gagged loudly, turning away and back to the display.
In the window, you could see your expression of pure disgust. “Sana. That is my brother! I do not want to...oh god, ew. Ewwww.”
Sana’s high pitched giggle takes over as she enters the bookstore, her pure amusement at your horror causing you to smile despite the gross image you’d just had ingrained in your mind. That was the last time you were ever buying cucumber for the apartment.
The scent of fresh books welcomes as you enter the store and you instantly relax, closing your eyes to take a deep inhale. You’d always loved books and reading, it had been a strong passion of yours which was why you’d taken a dual subject degree; English literature and history. Your master’s degree had been in teaching, meaning that you were qualified to teach both English and history in the school you worked at.
Books were one of the most important things in the world to you as they not only informed and passed on the knowledge that people had gained over the centuries, even millennia, but they also opened up entirely new worlds to positively millions of people around the world. There was no world too big when it came to books and you felt passionately about encouraging everyone to read and indulge, whether they loved a bodice ripping romance or the autobiography of a popular sports star.
Sana tugged at your arm as she directed you towards the shelves of the popular novels, both of you scanning over them quietly. Reading had been a passion of you both and your parents had always been amused to sometimes come into your room when you were younger to find you both reading separately, the only thing making any noise was the stereo that played your favourite songs.
“You heard of anything good coming out?” You ask idly, crouching down to examine the history section and pursing your lips when you see an interesting book on the history of Ancient Mesopotamia. Flipping it over, you read the blurb intently before standing with it firmly in your hand.
“Not really, I think I’m just in the mood for something really light though. Easy to pick up and read for ten minutes or so at night.” She says, pulling out a copy of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods. You take in the cover before laughing and taking it from her, putting it back in its place. 
“That is not the book you want then. Trust me, you have to read that book like, twice, to even understand what happened. Hmm...I’d recommend this, I have read it and it’s got a few sequels so you’ll be able to sink your teeth into it.” You hand her a copy of The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski. “It’s a series called The Witcher, they made some games from it and there’s a Netflix show out too. You’ll enjoy it.”
Sana makes an interested noise and reads over the back before nodding in approval, giving you a smile of thanks before wandering off to her favourite genre section of the store. She’d always been a sucker for the fiction books with a particular love of crime and thriller. No surprise really, given her career choice.
Smiling, you make your own way over to the non-fiction section. You would read anything but you really enjoyed your history, autobiographies or memoirs. Tilting your head, you scan over the titles carefully before pulling out a book called Educated by Tara Westover. It only takes a quick scan over the blurb to see that it’s something that interests you and you add it to your small pile before continuing to look.
“Are you stalking me or something?” Comes a deep voice to your right, the sound so low and unexpected that you jolt in surprise, a hand coming to rest on your chest as a noise leaves you. It’s probably not a very Alpha-like response but honestly, what did he expect when jumping up on you like that? He was lucky you hadn’t responded the other way and tried to rip his throat out.
Turning quickly, you go to snap at the intruder and pause, eyes having to scan upwards to meet him. You’re so surprised at who it is that you take a step backwards, any irritance you might have had vanishing as you take in the sight of Jeon Jungkook standing before you.
Today, he’s got an oversized black hoodie covering his entire torso while black cargo pants adorn his legs, the numerous pockets looking empty and meeting the same boots he’d been wearing the other week. You take all of that in within seconds, brows narrowing inwards as you try to understand how you’ve come across him again.
“I’m not stalking you. I’m buying books. What does it look like I’m doing?” The words fall from your lips before you even run through them mentally, causing them to come out simultaneously belligerent and confused. 
Jungkook’s beautiful eyes narrow slightly at you and his free hand pushes his hair out of his face, his surprisingly soft looking lips going particularly pouty. You take the moment to admire how clear his skin looks, the crappy lighting of the store making him probably look worse than he actually does. Which is impressive, because he already looks monumentally handsome.
“Well I don’t know. Wouldn’t be the first time an Alpha stalked me.” He grumbles, glaring at you before turning to face the bookcase. It’s almost with amusement that you note he doesn’t even look at the spine of the book he grabs, instead just pulling it out immediately.
Brow rising, you bit your lip to try and stop your smile. “So...got an interest in the history of sex hmm? Not really something I’d try and teach my students but it’s always good to have more information.”
You can’t help it, not when you see the obscenely large pink text that clearly states ‘A Curious History of Sex’ on the front cover. Of all the books he could’ve picked out, he managed to grab that one. And you think he’s probably mentally thinking that too by the way his cheeks flush the prettiest pink, even his ears going red with heat as he lets out a sigh and quickly shoves it back into place.
“Shut up,” The growl he gives is actually kind of impressive. “Of all the fucking books. Of course you picked out a sex book with an Alpha next to you.” He mutters quietly to himself, rolling his eyes and actually taking the time to read the spines this time. You’re kind of impressed that he gave you an order, particularly given the unfortunate stereotype of Omega’s. Evidently, there were a lot of things that were exaggerated.
Silence falls between you both and you sigh this time, eyeing him out of the corner of your eye. His raised shoulders indicate that he clearly wants nothing to do with you, but you feel a deep and innate need to say something to him.
“Hey...Jungkook. I know you probably don’t want to talk to me and I swear I’ll leave after this. Or at least...go to another part of the store. First of all, I know your name because my brother told me about you. I’ve not been in town for a few years. And second of all...I know it’s probably not much but...I’m really sorry about how you’ve probably been treated over the years. As you can probably tell, I’m not really like other Alpha’s so I’ve been on the receiving end of some negative treatment too and I know how cruel wolves can be. I just...I’m sorry for anyone who has stereotyped you and felt they had some right to you as a result. It’s probably not a lot but I hate that you felt the need to say that to me.” 
Taking a deep breath, you give him a hesitant smile before carefully stepping away from him. It was probably pointless that you’d done that, and he would probably laugh at your idiotic behaviour lately. You knew Jimin sure would. Why the hell would Jungkook care if one Alpha apologised for the bad treatment he’s received for years? Particularly given you’re the least Alpha-like wolf out there.
But Jungkook is staring at you intently, his eyes narrow not in anger or suspicion but careful thought. His lips purse slightly before he licks them, his body posture loosening up slightly as he relaxes a little.
“You’re not like other Alpha’s are you? I mean, besides from the whole being tiny and smelling sweet thing,” He gestures to all of you at that, causing you to give a smile of amusement to let him know you’ve taken no offence. “You’re the first Alpha that’s ever apologised to me. For anything really, and you haven’t even done anything to warrant the apology.”
Chewing on your lip, you play the books in your hands before shrugging at him.
“Yeah well, no one ever apologised to me for all the comments they’ve made over the years. Not sure if I’d like to accept one either but I at least like the thought of someone trying to apologise. Won’t help everything that’s happened but it’s a start, you know?” You offer the words to him gently, hoping that he’ll understand why you felt the need to apologise to him.
He was right, in that you hadn’t done anything to offend him so far. You hadn’t said anything rude or negative to him, you hadn’t stalked or pursued him. In fact, the very idea of it was absolutely abhorrent. Sure, he smelled delicious and you had the biggest urge to press yourself to him and preen but you wouldn’t do it. You were an Alpha, and Alpha’s were supposed to have the best control.
Jungkook pauses slightly before nodding, running his hand through his hair once more. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Does feel a little nice to get some form of apology I guess. But you didn’t need to. You’re the first Alpha to not try to bully me into submitting to them or obeying them. I’ve even had a few try to force me into sex. In fact, I think the only time I’ve ever smelled your dominance was when I just scared you. And that was my fault, so I’m sorry.”
Grinning, you nod your head at him in acceptance and casually reach to the bookcase, grabbing a book about the history of the British SAS and adding it to your pile. You don’t even need to read the blurb, already knowing that you’d enjoy it and Jungkook eyes your books curiously.
“I don’t like making people submit to me if they don’t want to. It’s cruel and demeaning. We only have that power so that it’s used in dire circumstances. Anyone doing it to you is an asshole and you should tell them that. Or...well...think it at them, don’t do anything that might get you hurt,” Pausing, you frown over at him as you feel your heart expand in sympathy while a fire of anger burns in your stomach. “And I certainly don’t force people into sex with me. There’s a legal definition for that, and the act is most definitely illegal. Anyone does that, or tries it, I hope you report them because that’s disgusting.”
The vehemence in your voice is strong and firm, causing Jungkook to back away ever so slightly, his eyes widening as you accidentally let slip of your control. But you see no fear in his eyes, because it was quite clear that your anger was not directed towards him. In fact, it was more of a protective anger, an anger that he’d possibly been hurt or scared.
Still though, you don’t like the fact that you’d slipped and you bow your head, apologising quickly to him. He doesn’t say anything and you take a deep breath, calming yourself down before giving him a very neutral smile.
“I think it’s probably time for me to go now, I’ve got enough for my bookcase and my friend is waiting for me. It was nice to meet you Jungkook and I hope that whenever we meet next, you can feel a little more comfortable with me. And that you don’t terrify me at the start.” That gets a laugh from him, the sound high and lou. You end up laughing in turn, your own laugh quieter and more gentle.
Turning from him, you go to head over to the cashier before you feel a slight pressure on your arm. Pausing, you realise that it’s Jungkook before you even turn around, his delightful scent surrounding you so much that you can’t help but close your eyes and take a deep breath. Combined with the heavenly scent of books, you’re not sure you’ve ever smelled anything better.
Shifting until you’re facing him, you see Jungkook’s face looking a little nervous. His eyes glance about, almost as if he was checking to see if there was anyone around and you wonder what he wanted from you.
Finally though, he gestures down to the phone in his hand that he points towards you, the screen open to a new contact page. Glancing back up with a raised eyebrow, you have to seriously fight to stop the smile that wants to spread when you realise that his cheeks are pink once more.
“I’m sorry if this is...a little forward or anything but, is there any chance you might be okay with giving me your number?” He smiles at that, his white teeth perfect and straight in his mouth as his eyes positively light up with the same mischief you see in Jimin sometimes. “I think I’d like to get to know you a bit more...if you’re okay with that?”
You’re positive that your jaw has dropped and you desperately want to shove it back into place, feeling that you were probably being a little rude. Okay, a lot rude. But seriously, Jungkook had just asked for your number. An Omega, who had a clear dislike of Alpha’s for a good reason, had asked for your number.
Carefully, you eye him and realise he’s being completely serious. There’s a small delay between you realising this and your hand moving forward to take the smartphone from him, your fingers carefully typing in your name and number.
“Okay, if you’re sure.” Handing back the phone, he glances down at the screen and smiles softly.
“I think so. It was nice meeting you Y/N. I’ll talk to you soon.”
It had been over two months since that day at the bookstore, when you’d experienced how...non-Omega like Jeon Jungkook was. And he’d continued to surprise you ever since. He was bold when you expected submissive, arrogant where you’d been told to expect meekness and so much more. 
You were thoroughly delighted by how contradictory he was and enjoyed testing the limits with him. He seemed to enjoy it too, given how he let you push at his boundaries while he in turn pushed at your own experimentally. It was an odd give-and-take with him, something you’d never experienced before and you were finding yourself increasingly enamoured with him.
Not that you were going to tell him that of course. The last you wanted was for him to feel like there was yet another Alpha pressuring him for anything. But it was just hard to not develop any feelings for him when he was so sweet and kind.
The two of you had texted frequently for the first two weeks before you’d met up at a local café, learning how to translate that easy going conversation via text into face-to-face conversation. You’d learnt how to though, carefully navigating the intricacies of a friendship with an Omega.
Jungkook could often be abrasive and sometimes took things to heart. A simple sentence from you that had no negative implications would be misunderstood by him to the extent that you were sometimes left wondering if you’d said something bad. And then he’d apologise, his cheeks red as he’d admit that it had been him who has misinterpreted you.
It was the strangest friendship you’d ever had, yet also one that you’d grown to love. Jungkook had a big heart beneath all his overly large, black clothing and his blunt personality. You had certainly enjoyed discovering that, finding out all the ways that made him smile in that soft and shy way, how to make him laugh in the overly sweet giggle that made your heart race a little.
Tonight he had come over to your apartment with the promise of freshly made Greek food and a night of watching Locke and Key on Netflix. You’d both watched the first episode independently before deciding that you’d watch it together when Jimin and Sana had shown no interest. Which meant that tonight, you would hopefully both blitz through the rest of the series in one go.
Of course, Jungkook wasn’t going to turn down food. Especially free food. So he’d happily said yes and had been a surprisingly good help in the kitchen as you’d shown him how to help prepare the food. Right now, your stomach was pretty content and happy; full of pork souvlaki, dolmades made of hollowed out and stuffed tomatoes with a whole array of delicious sides including homemade tzatziki and fresh olives. 
The dessert had been a store made baklava, because you weren’t quite willing to put your talents as far as making that. But it had been just as delightful and you knew that Jungkook had enjoyed every mouthful. In fact, he’d probably wanted more when he’d realised there was no more souvlaki left. He’d even eaten all the salad.
And now you were both sitting on the couch, your feet curled under you as your belly protested ever so slightly from being filled with so much food and a glass of red wine in your hand. Jungkook had a bottle of beer and you were surprised by how...domestic it all felt really.
Jimin wasn’t home tonight, he was spending the night with Sana and had given you a very peculiar look when you’d told him that you wouldn’t go with him because Jungkook was coming over. Normally, you’d spend a few hours at Sana’s before heading back home and leaving them both alone to enjoy each other.
Your brother had met Jungkook over the last few weeks. Even become quite friendly with him. Jungkook’s own friends, Kim Taehyung and Kim Namjoon had slowly become friends with both you and your brother as well. They were both Delta’s, the general population of a pack, and so were completely harmless to Jungkook thankfully.
It had been particularly amusing when you’d met them to see how protective they were over the Omega. Especially given the fact that as an Alpha, you were the top rank out of them all. But their hackles had slowly gone down as they’d gotten to know you better and realised that you had no intention of pushing your will on any of them, particularly Jungkook.
All of you had gone out to the city one day, checking out the giant shopping mall there and even playing around in the old school arcade that they had. Jungkook and you had engaged in more than one round of the classic Time Crisis, both of you yelling whenever you died and had to feed more money into the machine. The others had stood around watching for a while before moving off to play the basketball game. 
After that, you’d both devoured fully stacked cheeseburgers and a portion of large fries before drowning them in a large cookie dough milkshake. It had been fun and had almost felt like a date, if there hadn’t also been Jungkook’s two friends with you along with Jimin and Sana.
Thankfully, the presence of an Alpha and two Beta’s had prevented anyone from trying anything funny with Jungkook, leaving him to simply enjoy the day out. And you were beyond happy that had been his experience so far with you every time you’d both gone out together. Your mere presence as an Alpha kept others at bay.
Despite how easy everything was being tonight, you felt a little funny and strange. Jimin had made a casual comment the other day about how your scent seemed to change when Jungkook was around, taking on an almost earthy scent while Jungkook’s in turn became sweeter. You thought it was just because you were near someone who was awakening the primal instincts in you, and vice versa with Jungkook.
That had got you a droll stare.
But you would have to admit that being like this, sitting with him and his warmth being so close to your own while his scent overwhelmed you so delightfully, made you feel happy and content. A small voice in the back of your mind was telling you what it was, what it all meant. But you didn’t want to acknowledge that voice, didn’t want to let it gain ground in your mind.
What you had with Jungkook was good right now. It was solid, surprisingly stable given the short amount of time you’d known him and how drastically different both of your backgrounds were. Though you couldn’t help but think.
Okay, if you were being entirely honest with yourself then you wanted Jungkook. You wanted to date him, to hold his hand and make him smile. Kiss his cheek and his nose, feel all of that strong body beneath his clothes, feel his hands on you while you run your hands along him, learn the taste of his mouth and…
Shaking your head, you try to push those thoughts out of your mind before your scent changes in a way that even Jungkook is going to notice. Taking a deep swallow of wine, you point at the screen while scoffing loudly.
“Is it just me, or are these kids taking all this weirdness in their stride way too easily? Like, oh look! A key opens a mirror world where you can get lost and die! Nothing weird there. Casual day in their lives.” Jungkook snorts, grinning as he takes a drink. 
“They do seem to be quite calm about this whole thing. I mean, I’d be freaking the fuck out if that was me. Taking the first train to Nopeville and stopping at Hell the Fuck No City on the way.” Laughing, you press your face into his shoulder. He had the strangest humour sometimes.
Jungkook particularly liked those old school ‘90s comedy films or early 2000s. He’d already made you watch Dumb and Dumber along with Clerks, Happy Gilmore and Dodgeball. You’d admit to enjoy Dodgeball, okay so maybe you’d laughed particularly hard at the ‘if you can avoid a wrench!’ scene, but the others had questionable humour to you.
To him though, it had been the funniest thing he’d ever seen. His laugh was particularly loud when he was enjoying something so freely, the sound infectious until you were giggling along with him. So even though you weren’t exactly enamoured with the films he liked to watch, you went along with them because he liked them. And you liked it when he got the happy look in his eyes.
“I guess it wouldn’t really make it exciting though if they just noped the fuck outta there, huh?” You muse, casually eating a fruit gummy from the pack of Haribo you’d bought at the grocery store too. Jimin would kill you if he found out that you’d bought them when he wasn’t here, but whatever.
Offering the packet to Jungkook, he gives you a sweet smile before carefully reaching inside and picking out a tangy cherry gummy. He pops into his mouth quickly, a hum of happiness leaving him as he wiggles slightly, rosy pink lips pouting slightly as he chews. Snorting, you smile brightly and poke his cheek affectionately.
Looking at you, his eyes widen in that innocent way of his that makes your heart strings tug. Despite his bold and aggressive exterior, the tattoos that line his arms in what you’re convinced is a way to express his creativity while also protecting himself from anyone looking, he was still an Omega. He growled at you and grumbled frequently, ignoring your requests and straight up argued with Jimin frequently.
Jungkook defied every stereotype of an Omega and almost took great delight at doing so. Yet at his heart, just like you were still an Alpha when you stripped everything away, he was still an Omega. The way he would watch with boundless curiosity when you cooked or helped to build the new bookcase you’d bought last week. His sweet nature was always so giving, how he would happily share his food with you and how much he loved affection despite his initial belligerence. 
You knew that the only reason you were seeing this Jungkook was because he felt comfortable with you. That you gave him the stability and protection that made him feel like he could be open with you and honest about himself.
“Jungkook...how...okay, don’t answer this question if you don’t want to or anything. But...when we first met, and the second time, you were surprisingly aggressive. For an Omega. And I know, I know, stereotypes and all that. But...having got to know you, I’m a little surprised by how unlike you that was. You’re so sweet and kind and funny, genuine and honest. I was half convinced that you were gonna bite my head off the second time we met.” Jungkook’s cheeks flush bright red at that, one hand coming up to rub at them before he lets out a quiet laugh.
“Yeah...I know. It's an, erm, survival mechanism. My parents taught me to be...bolder than I actually am. Inside, I’m quaking with fear when I act like that because all it takes is one genuine command and I’d be on my knees. Usually an Alpha is so surprised by my aggression that they don’t do anything further. No one wants to fight an Omega, right? And then I make my getaway.” He takes another gummy from the pack, chewing on it carefully.
“That makes sense. Your parents were smart. I know I confused my parents when I was younger because of how...non-Alpha I was. By all of the stereotypes, I should’ve been hammering and pushing around Jimin when I was old enough to walk and shift. But instead, I would let him push me around. It was almost amusing how confused it made them.” You laugh, grinning at him brightly with an aura of smug amusement. “I have the instincts in me, but I don’t feel like-”
“Like you’re being run by them. I get it. Same here. I get the urge to be submissive and quiet and meek, all those lovely instincts that Omega’s have for some godforsaken reason. I just don’t feel the need to let them come to the fore. Instead, I can almost push-”
“Push them away. They’re there, in your head and your body, your wolf knows them, but you don’t need to use them.” Jungkook looks at you for a moment with a serious expression, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly and you wonder what he’s thinking. He looks like he’s considering something.
“I’ve never met anyone who understands what it’s like. And it’s even weirder given how different we are in the pack hierarchy.” Reaching for his drink, he takes a long swallow and you watch the way the muscles in his throat work as he does so, your own mouth suddenly bone dry. His words permeate your mind and you purse your lips, shrugging slightly.
“Same. But...it’s nice not to feel so alone, you know? Part of the reason why I’m running for leadership. I mean, a big part is to shut Jimin up but...I genuinely want to change the way this pack thinks and how it runs. Wolves like us are just as normal as any other and I don’t see why a stereotype should be the way we have to run our lives. You’re an Omega, yes, but you’re so much more than that. I know we have our wolves in us, and there’s part of us and instincts we can never change, but the human side of us needs to learn and grow. Move with the times.” That gets a laugh from Jungkook as he places his bottle back down, grinning at you.
“You sound like you’re giving some great speech. But you’re right. I’ll vote for you.” Looking at him sharply, you scan over his face closely to see if he’s joking or anything. You’d had plenty of people who were being honest when they said they would vote for you, but you’d also had plenty of people who had been joking.
It would be nice if you could say the high school nastiness had stayed in high school. Instead, it had just become an unfortunate personality trait of some wolves.
But his face was serious, his expression earnest and his eyes wide with his sincerity. Your hackles slowly relaxed as you chewed your inner lip before giving him a small nod and an even smaller smile.
“Thanks. I mean...I’m not gonna win but you know.” 
“Well, not with that attitude. Come on, you’re an Alpha. Embrace your stereotype for once and be braggadocios. It’s the one time I won’t hold it against you.” Dancing his finger around your nose, he practically sings the words and you laugh while also noting he has a nice voice.
“Okay, okay. I guess. Even though I’m all about dismantling the stereotypes of the pack, I will embrace my own this once. For Jimin and you, because I think between you both, you’re going to drive me crazy until it’s all over.” The Omega laughs loudly, the sound so pure that you can’t help but laugh along as your heart soars and you feel almost light headed. You’re not sure if that’s basically of his basic nature, or if it’s just because it’s Jungkook.
“Good. And while you’re embracing your stereotype, I’m going to take your advice and go against mine and be bold right now,” He pauses for dramatic effect. Or at least, you think it's a dramatic effect, until you see the nervous way his eyes look away from you constantly. “I like being your friend. It’s really good, and I really like it. I do. But...I was wondering if maybe...you wanted to be...more?” 
Jungkook’s boldness dies away by the end of his sentence until his words are so soft and gentle, you can barely hear them. His cheeks are a flaming red now and you get the impression he’s trying to hide behind his luscious locks of hair. But you heard the words all the same, and you let go of the breath you’d been holding.
Part of you wants to interrogate him, to ask if he was being serious. If this is what he really wanted. If he was really okay with being with an Alpha. You wanted to make sure this was all comfortable for him.
But the bigger part of you, the part that was jumping for joy and your wolf who was howling in excitement along with you, wanted to just say yes. Jungkook was a grown man. An adult who just happened to be an Omega. If you were serious about ignoring the stereotypes that had been placed on you both, then this would be a prime start.
By letting him have true agency over his decisions and acknowledging that he had evidently thought them through until he had come to this request. Jungkook was naturally shy beneath his veneer of boldness, and you knew he thought things through a lot. So to know he’d been thinking of this...in the same way you had.
You only have one word to say to him, a word you both evidently want to hear and you can’t stop the giant smile that paints across your face as you give it to him.
Standing in front of the mirror in your bedroom, you contemplate whether to wear the olive green shirt or the buttercup yellow one. It was traditional for the candidates for pack leadership to wear the colours of nature on the election day and you were keen to uphold this one tradition at least. If there was one thing you did agree with the pack on, it was the need to appreciate and love nature.
But still, you were unsure of what to wear. You had to make a good impression after all and you were the only woman going forward for the Pack Leadership. That thought immediately makes you scowl though and you want to pinch yourself. There was no need for you to put more effort in than the other two candidates just because of who you are. That was the kind of thinking you were rallying against.
“You should wear the yellow. It looks pretty on you.” Jungkook’s voice pipes up from where he’s laid on the bed. He sounds a little tired and you know that he’d been up late last night trying to finish the project he’d been assigned by the digital marketing company he worked for. Their deadline had been moved up drastically which meant he’d had to work harder to get everything finished, being one of their few website and graphic designers.
“Really?” You hum, shifting to assess yourself as you hold the yellow shirt in front of you instead. It does look pretty good on you but you were going to be wearing sand coloured jeans. That would be too pale overall and you didn’t want to stand out too much, plus there wasn’t any green in your wardrobe. But then again, the olive would make you look like some kind of army dropout.
“Don’t you have some dark green pants in there? I’m sure I saw them.” With that, he heaves himself out of bed and stretches, looking mighty fine as you’re gifted with the view of his muscled body and tan skin, the abundance of tattoos he loves so much scrawled across his arms. His hair is just as long and ruffled as the day you first met, only it’s looking even more like a mess right now and you snort.
You don’t remember the pants he’s talking about so you wait for him to finish scratching his belly, nails scraping against the fine hair that leads above the band of his boxers. Finally though, he walks over and rummages through your closest while humming lightly to himself. Smiling, you run your fingers along his back and enjoy the way he shivers against you.
It’s been a good few months since the two of you had started dating. The rest of the Pack had been surprised to find out that the impossibly grumpy Omega had finally agreed to date an Alpha and you’d gotten plenty of suspicious words from people over time. There were a lot who didn’t understand why Jungkook was with you of all Alpha’s, given how...unlike the one you were.
But it had also bizarrely had a strange effect on your popularity in the rankings. Given the almost mythical status afforded Omega’s, it was almost like the Pack viewed you as someone more worthy of the very idea of leadership because he’d chosen to be with you. Jimin had told you it was because of yet more antiquated ideas surrounding Omega’s and the fact that a lot of wolves believed that they would only mate with superior Alpha’s.
While you weren’t going to push away the idea of mating with Jungkook, if anything you were pretty positive that your wolf had long ago picked him, you didn’t like the pressure it placed on him. Nor did you like how you felt like you were manipulating the people who were coming to know and appreciate.
You’d tried not to let it bother you too much and had instead focused on getting to know the people of your town and Pack once more while exploring the budding relationship between Jungkook and you. He was perhaps the sweetest wolf you’d ever met with a pure heart of gold and you adored the gruff exterior he presented to keep away others. 
“Here it is.” He says proudly, bringing out a pair of olive green pants that you’d forgotten you even had. How he’d found those, you had no idea but you were pleased to see that you’d had the forethought to at least hang them up, meaning there were currently no wrinkles.
Ideally, you’d obviously have washed them but whatever. As long as it looked good and not like a last minute decision. Smiling brightly at him, you take them and pair them up with the shirt, liking the neutral tones that look like sunshine and earth combining.
“Good decision ‘kook. I like it.” You’d already showered, hence why you were currently wrapped in a towel, and carefully chose some underwear as well. This wasn’t as important obviously and you preferred to be comfortable instead of sexy. Though there were certainly occasions when the latter worked...particularly with a certain wolf.
“I’m gonna go shower quickly and then get dressed. We’re meeting up at the parking lot right?” Jungkook asks, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek to avoid morning breath before heading over to the bathroom. You gave him a nod before he slipped inside and began to get ready, taking a deep breath to steel yourself.
Jimin had moved out two months ago and Jungkook had moved straight in, your relationship deepening even further. You’d say it was fast, but you were probably just used to Jimin and Sana’s snail pace relationship. They’d finally mated though and you’d been informed only last week that you would be able to play with a nephew or niece sooner rather than later.
But logically, you knew that a true mate pairing just knew with each other. And you suspected that had happened with Jungkook. You were taking things slow not only for him, but for yourself to make sure that you weren’t just rushing into something. Which was silly, because your wolf wasn’t going to change her mind anytime soon.
Pulling on your clothes, you accessorise with a few pretty rose gold bracelets and a beautiful necklace with a small, bejewelled hummingbird pendant. Jungkook had bought you it for your six month anniversary, which made you laugh because you didn’t realise he’d been counting, but it was a sweet gesture and worked perfectly with your colour scheme today.
A few touches of make up to your face are finished by the time Jungkook comes out and he snorts at the sight of you nearly finished already. Apparently he was constantly surprised by how quickly you got ready, more used to his mom’s time consuming efforts. 
He pulls on a white, button up shirt along with some dark grey skinny jeans. Witnesses aren’t required to dress to a code like the candidates were, but you couldn’t deny that he looked almost outrageously attractive. You didn’t even realise you were growling at a subvocal level until Jungkook looked at you with a grin, drying his hair and styling it to make sure he looked good.
He always looked good though.
Before you even realise what you’re doing, you’ve placed the lipstick down you were about to put on and are standing in front of him, arms wrapping around his slim waist to hug him. Jungkook hadn’t buttoned his shirt fully yet so none of your makeup got on his pristine shirt but you didn’t particularly care right then.
Humming lightly, you inhaled deeply and took in his scent, body relaxing as your nerves washed away with his presence. This was why you weren’t protesting your wolf’s choice of mate too much, or the fact that she’d become more insistent over the last few weeks. Because he made you feel happy and stress free.
Honestly, you weren’t entirely sure what you’d been doing before him.
He doesn’t say anything for a moment, instead wrapping his arms around you in turn and simply hugging you back. The two of you sway slightly as he moves you both and his chest vibrates as he hums a song in his usual habit, the sensation gentle against your ear.
“I love you.” The words fall from your mouth before you even realise what you’re doing and you go to freeze, uncertain if he’d accept the words. Declarations like that were not taken lightly in your world given how mate bonds were permanent. You simply didn’t ‘fall in love’ with someone who your wolf didn’t want and trust implicitly.
Which meant you’d just given the game away to Jungkook. And on this very important day that you had been anxiously waiting for, you now had to comprehend with the fact that you needed to hear whether he would reciprocate or deny. Because it was entirely up to him now.
He could respond, meaning all you would need to do was consummate the bond together later, or he could deny you which would mean your relationship probably wouldn’t last much longer. Swallowing thickly, you wait to see what he’d say.
“I love you too.” They’re so soft and gentle that you almost don’t hear them, even with your superior senses. And you get the impression that he’s a little choked up himself, a little shy and beyond all that, happy with the way his arms tighten around you. It makes you want to cry too but you’ve just put your damn makeup on and you are not going to ruin it when you don’t have time.
Pulling away, you look up at him and bite your lip in excitement, taking in the way his eyes practically glitter with reciprocal emotion. You’ve never seen a more beautiful sight in your life. The two of you move like magnets attracted to one another, lips connecting as if there’s not a force on Earth that could stop you both and you sigh into his mouth happily.
It doesn’t take him long though to gently push you away, his hands firm on your shoulders as you whine at the loss of him. He doesn’t give in though, very carefully directing you back over to the make up he’d distracted you from before kissing your forehead quickly.
“There’s no time for that right now. We can discuss this further after the election, okay?” Jungkook’s voice is soft as he crouches next to you, resting a hand on your thigh and giving you the sweetest smile that makes his eyes positively glow. Resting your hand on his cheek, you stroke the skin there softly before sighing and nodding.
“Well...at least one good thing has happened today.” He laughs at that, standing up to finish dressing while you finish up as well. The two of you chat about the show you’ve both been watching, carefully avoiding any discussion of what had just happened or what was about to happen.
It stays like that until you’re meeting up with your friends and family in the parking lot outside the entrance to the forest. Well, there’s lots of entrances but this was the entrance. The one that led to the ancestral clearing that had been used to determine the leader of the Pack for centuries now. Long ago, the election had actually been a competition in which Alpha’s would fight to claim the leadership.
Those who didn’t submit, or die, won the right to lead. Thankfully, that had been outlawed long ago or you wouldn’t have even considered the possibility of entering the election. The very idea was simply barbaric and despite the fact you turned into a wolf, and had a wolf with her own mind inside you, you were still also human.
“You ready?” Jimin asks, smiling at you reassuringly as he moves over and hugs you tightly. Smiling, you press yourself into your brother and inhale the smell of him, the familial connection helping you to relax. Sana soon joins in the hug and you laugh softly, enveloping her too and taking in the difference of her own scent now that she is pregnant. There were subtle hints of Jimin in there, indicating he was the father and you wanted to squeal with excitement.
You’d been beyond happy that they’d finally bonded together after what seemed an absurd amount of time but you were even happier than they were pregnant. The two of them were going to make fantastic parents and you were beyond excited to be an aunt as well. 
Looking back at Jungkook, you reach out for his hand and tug him into the hug too, making him whine before laughing. He was still pretty shy with affection in public, almost like he was afraid that people might make comments about him or something but you weren’t going to let him get away with that right now.
That baby was going to be his nephew or niece too now. Though obviously Jimin and Sana didn’t know that just yet. Still though, they welcomed into the hug with open warmth and you sighed happily as some of the most important people surrounded you with their love and support.
“Thank you all for coming.” You mumble before separating yourself from them and giving your parents a hug as well. They give you their own well wishes and support as well and you chat with them for a few minutes about everything that’s been going on, promising to visit them more often.
“Come on, we’ve got to go.” Sana says suddenly, interrupting you with an apologetic smile before looping her arm through your own. The two of you start doing the dirt trail, quiet for a moment as you take the time to inhale the clean scent of the trees that surround you. Reaching out, you run your hand along the rough bark of the trunk of the nearest one and feel yourself centre with the help of the nature surrounding you.
Generations of wolves had been born, lived and died under the watchful gaze of these trees and you wondered what stories they could tell. The love stories they’d seen or the battles they’d been witness to. What would be the story they were going to see today? Would it be you, taking leadership or someone else?
“You’ll be fine,” Sana whispers to you, giving you a big smile before squeezing your arm reassuringly and you give you a tight smile in response. “Seriously, I think you’re going to do great. You underestimate how popular you are with people.”
“That’s just because I’m with Jungkook.” You mutter, pouting slightly as you contemplate just how much of people's warmth towards you was because of what you had done yourself or because you were dating the pretty and mysterious Omega. Glancing back at him, you watch as he chats with Jimin contentedly, laughing softly at the sight of him so big and broad next to your slight brother.
“You’d never think he was the Omega.” Your best friend muses, her tone light as she looks back too and you nod with a snort. Out of the two of them, Jimin looks like he would be the Omega instead of Jungkook. People would get a shock if they tried to treat Jimin like a submissive though. He’d probably bite their head off first.
Your brother could occasionally have a bit of a temper.
“He puts effort into looking that badass. Works though.” Chuckling, you turn back and take in a deep breath as you spot the opening just ahead. There’s sunlight streaming through, giving everything an almost ethereal look and you bite your lip as trepidation burns in your stomach.
“It doesn’t matter if I don’t win anyway. It’s all fine. I took part and hopefully changed some people’s minds too.” Nodding in confidence, you eye Sana for a moment before pushing at her lightly with affection. She raises her eyebrows at you before grinning and you both burst into nervous giggles.
“Okay, okay. Let’s be serious now. Game faces on. This is important.” You say, holding out your hand in front of your face before bringing it down in a gesture to simulate you getting serious. It makes Sana snort but she doesn’t say anything to contradict you. She knows you’re not entirely confident about this but you don’t want her to say anything about it.
Letting go of her arm, you turn and take a deep breath as you take in the faces of support from everyone you love. Sana’s parents along with Jungkook’s have joined now, having already reached the clearing and moving over to be with your supporters on the outskirts. You give them a nod of acknowledgement and thanks before heading into the centre of the circle of trees.
It’s bigger than you’d expect when you heard the word ‘clearing’. The tall sentinels that stand guard in an almost perfect circle have wide, foreboding trunks that indicate they’re old while the centre is wide enough to have wild grass growing freely. The strands sway slightly in the gentle breeze that filters through the trees and you note that there are a few wildflowers beginning to pop up as well, their colours bright and vibrant against the lush green.
Quiet murmuring and soft discussions mean that you can’t hear any of the natural sounds of the forest, the Pack members who were eligible and able to vote clustered around the outer edges. It always surprised you just how many wolves there were in your Pack, particularly considering it was considered to be small compared to Packs elsewhere.
There were a good few hundred people in the clearing though, making it seem even smaller. Even then, a lot of them were actually in the trees, waiting for their moment to come forward and vote. One day, the Pack wouldn’t be able to fit in this clearing. They were already spilling over the edges and you frowned, wondering when it had all gotten so big.
That was a thought for another day though and instead you simply go round, greeting as many people as you can and giving them your most gracious and humble smile. You would be leading these people if you won, but you would also be serving them too. It’s something a lot of people didn’t seem to realise about leadership positions, that they were designed to serve the very people who put them there.
Most were happy to greet you, giving you equally polite smiles and making small talk while there were a few others a little more frosty. You weren’t surprised that the families of the other candidates, Kim Seokjin and Oh Taewon, weren’t exactly the happiest to see you but there wasn’t exactly a lot you could do about that except be civil.
Soon enough thankfully, the current Pack Alpha is calling for quiet. His strong voice has a deep timbre and is still strong, despite his age. Though that might be because he was using the dominance he’d been born with to reinforce his words and ensure that everyone was listening to him.
A few of the Alphas in the crowd bristled to be ordered about, not exactly an unusual occurrence given the clashes of dominance that could happen. It wasn’t usually a problem but with this many wolves around, the election would have to take place quickly to ensure it didn’t cause any issues such as fights.
The quietest whine from behind you causes you to turn, catching Jungkook’s eyes and taking in the slightly distressed look in them. Almost immediately you feel protective, a need to rush over to him and comfort him. You’d been worried about him coming here, with so many dominant personalities present and how he’d handle it all but he’d been determined to come for you.
When he realises you’re watching him, he gives you a tremulous smile that’s a little weaker than he probably anticipated. It makes your heart clench and you catch Jimin and Sana’s attention subtly, indicating towards your boyfriend who was now fidgeting with his hands. They take approximately a second to realise what’s wrong before nodding at you with a smile, Sana’s arm wrapping around his waist in a hug.
It’s not you, but the comfort of someone he knows and trusts makes him relax and you sigh in relief. The last you needed during this moment was to be constantly fretting over him. As much as you love him, you need to get through this.
Turning back, you stand in between the other two candidates and listen to the current Alpha talks. He explains the history of your Pack along with how important the role of leader is. You zone out for a little bit, the nerves causing you to ignore what he’s saying until you realise people are moving forward slowly.
The way your ancestors had devised the more democratic, and less brutal, method of choosing the new Pack leader was for each member to place a stone in a wooden bowl that was set in front of you. Once everyone had voted, the stones were counted by the current Alpha and the leader declared. In case of a tie, the vote was decided by the Pack Alpha, who didn’t vote normally.
As people came forward and voted, you decided that while you appreciated the concept of voting, you didn’t particularly appreciate having to actively watch as people you had come to know voted for others. It was beyond awkward as you tried to avoid eye contact while also making sure you didn’t appear too upset or offended.
But what surprised you more than anything was the fact that...you seemed to be winning? The stones in your bowl were growing more and more plentiful while your opponents had only handfuls each. Frowning ever so slightly, you realised with a start that at this rate, they wouldn’t even need to count the stones. It was that obvious.
Instead of fretting over that, you focused instead on who was giving you their trust and loyalty. The people who were telling you that they thought you were the best Alpha to lead them forward, despite how you’d always been considered a lesser Alpha in the past. Part of you, the part that didn’t think you were ready, wondered how much of their choice had been impacted by Jungkook.
Shaking your head slightly, you pushed the thought away. It didn’t matter at the end of the day. If the final votes kept up like they did, then Kim Seokjin and Oh Taewon were going to be congratulating you on your win and acknowledging your leadership. You, the Alpha who defied all stereotypes.
Smiling slightly to yourself, you looked down at the ground as the final votes slowly trickled in. The win was to such an extent that your bowl looked like it was in serious danger of overflowing and you felt almost embarrassed at it. Glancing over to the other two candidates, you saw them give you a warm smile before they both walked over to give you a congratulatory handshake.
Given how temperamental Alpha’s could be, you were thankful that both Seokjin and Taewon were magnanimous and kind in defeat. Though you supposed that only level-headed Alpha’s would even be allowed to contest the election. No point allowing a candidate who was a hothead and would start a fight just because they lost.
Still, you made sure to be warm and welcoming to them both to avoid any future awkwardness. He current Pack leader, or rather the previous now, didn’t even bother counting the stones and instead moved over to you with a wide grin. Once you’d finished talking with Seokjin and Taewon, he grasped your hand and lifted it high above your head.
“I think this is probably the easiest victory in a while. Which is a testament to the popularity of Y/N and the strong belief that she will lead this pack in a positive way for the future. With this, I officially relinquish my role as leader and bestow it to you. May you experience good health, a fortuitous life and no troubles.” He smiles at you as you have the bizarre knowledge that you’re now higher ranking than he is. This is the wolf who has led the Pack since before you were even born, the wolf you had acquiesced to every time when he made a decree. And yet now, he bowed to you.
Well, he didn’t actually bow. But the metaphor was the same. Eyes widening at the thought, you accept his words before turning to look at the Pack. Your Pack. Catching the sight of your family, you see the tears of joy and pride your mom and dad cry while Jimin beams so brightly at the knowledge his little sister had actually done it.
And then you see Jungkook, who’s smiling so brightly at you that his nose is all wrinkled and his eyes have disappeared into the sweetest crescent moons. His cheeks are flushed with a combination of happiness and what you presume to be stress from the presence of so many dominant personalities but he pushes through it for you, focusing firmly on you as he cheers and howls alongside the rest of the Pack as they celebrate.
Getting them to calm down with a gesture, you laugh as the howls continue for a moment before stopping and simply look over the wolves who are now yours. Yours to rule and nourish, protect and discipline if necessary. It’s a big ask for someone who’s simply a teacher, but if you can handle a day full of moody teenagers then really, the Pack would almost be a vacation.
“Thank you, for putting your trust into me to lead you. I will try my best to be fair and kind, an Alpha who you can come to with your worries and stresses. I know that many of you may question me given...how I don’t appear like other Alpha’s but I promise you that I am just as ready to protect and fight for you if necessary. I am here for you and I will respect each of you. In turn, I expect equal amounts of respect back. I may be your leader, but I am not your ruler. Please, if you have any concerns then bring them to me sooner rather than later. And with that, I think that’s enough of discussing politics for the day. I’m sure you’re all waiting to go back to your homes and have your parties so...please enjoy.” Grinning, you stifle the laugh that wants to erupt at the enthusiastic howls and yells from many in the crowd as they begin to disperse.
Election day in your Pack had long been a day that everyone would take off from their normal work, turning it into a day of voting in the morning and partying in the evening to celebrate the election of their new leader. You would spend a few hours visiting random parties tonight throughout the town, making an appearance to them and showing that you were there before settling in at the party your parents would be hosting.
Glancing over at Jungkook, you bit your lip as anticipation roiled in your stomach. Under normal circumstances, the next few hours would be a breeze as you socialised and got to know people. You may not particularly enjoy it, but you were well versed in how to do it thanks to your job. But today?
Today you just wanted to rush home and into the arms of Jungkook. Because tonight you had more important things to do than having a party. Tonight, you were going to join together as mates for the very first time.
You wish that you could say that you enjoyed the parties that you went to that night, but it would be a complete lie to be honest. What you really want to do is get home, spend some time with your family and friends while you were still in a content and happy mood before spending the night with one Jeon Jungkook.
But you were, after all, the leader now. So you didn’t get to be selfish when it came to things like this. Though you kind of wished that you could because as much as you’d ended up wanting this role despite only doing it because Jimin had bugged you enough to sign up, some of the people in the Pack weren’t very accommodating to you. Or even nice really.
You were generalising really, because the vast majority of wolves who you had met and spoken to tonight had been very sweet and congratulatory towards you. Many of them had openly told you that they’d voted for you, leading to you awkwardly thanking them for their support. A lot of them had laughed at your uncertainty regarding their words but they seemed to appreciate how genuine you were being.
Perhaps they thought you might have ended up being like another Alpha who was brusque and almost rude, as if their support was never in question. There were plenty like that in the Pack and you were glad to give them someone who defied their expectations.
But after three hours of driving around town and greeting people, you were just ready to leave. So you give a polite smile to the young couple whose barbecue you’d crashed along with all of their friends and family, including their grandparents who had haughtily told you that they’d voted for Kim Seokjin, a real Alpha. 
That had just amused you and you’d shrugged apologetically when they’d told you, telling them that you’d do the best you could for them to meet their expectations. Of course, they’d just sniffed at that but you didn’t see any point in trying to change their mind. 
After finally saying goodbye to everyone there, you hop into your car and drive to your parents house with a relieved sensation in your stomach. Pulling up into their drive, you smile brightly at the sight of the cars of all your beloved friends and family, realising that they’d all congregated here for what must have been hours now.
“Ah, here she is. Our noble Alpha.” Greeted you when you walk through the door, Jimin’s bright smile accompanies his sugary sweet words and you snort in amusement, punching his stomach lightly as he goes to hug you. The whine he lets out is overly exaggerated but he embraces you tightly, his emotions genuine.
“Seriously, congrats. Told you that you could do it.” Rolling your eyes at him, you acknowledge his words with a nod before hugging Sana just as tight. She’s already babbling on about the election and how she’d thought it was going to be tense but that you’d made history with the landslide. Of course, she then starts to suggest laws that she’d like to have in place and you take her hands gently, squeezing them.
“Hey, hey. Sana...I love you, but can I please at least have tonight? We can talk about laws tomorrow, I promise you. Okay?” She pouts slightly, her pretty pink lips giving away her eagerness and you just chuckle.
“Sweetheart, what did we say about talking law tonight?” Jimin asks his mate, brows rising slightly with an expectant look and you watch in fascination as your best friend pouted even further, her shoulders dropping.
“To leave it alone for the night. But it’s important we get started on the right foot!” She protests, looking from him to you and you just smile at her. Jimin sighs deeply before wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek affectionately.
“Peanut, I love you, I really do. But I’m sure that Y/N has had a really tiring day and probably just wants to go round and say hi to everyone before dragging Jungkook off.” He’s looking firmly at Sana when he says that but you feel yourself go warm with embarrassment at his words. Not that he’d said anything crude out loud, but because he was perfectly right.
You did want to drag Jungkook off, because you had something very important to do with him. So you take Jimin’s words as permission and give them both a warm smile of happiness before hugging them both tightly together.
“Thank you both for all your support these last few months. I really mean it. I couldn’t have done any of this without you both. Especially you, you weasel. It’s because of you that I probably am going to have a massive headache and a short temper 24/7 with the Pack. I’ve already met some grouchy folk so I’m sure it’s going to be fun.” Jimin laughs loudly at that, his eyes almost disappearing with the intensity of his emotion and he squeezes you even tighter round the neck, causing you to yell as he drags you down.
“That’ll be nothing for my little sister. She’ll put them straight, won’t she?” He teases and you growl, the sound rumbling from your chest without even meaning it. But the wolf inside you is displeased at being caught like this, being restrained, and so before Jimin realises what’s happening, you’ve grabbed his arm and twisted with an enormous amount of force and strength. 
A cry leaves him as he gets flung over your body, his ass thumping the ground hard as he lays there with a stunned expression. Not that he should be too surprised really. You’ve done this with him plenty of times over the years so he really should be used to being thrown around by his smaller, younger sister.
Still, it makes Sana laugh with wild abandon at the sight of seeing her mate so thoroughly put in his place. Grinning at her, you give her a high five before heading further into the house and saying hello to the people closest to you.
Your parents give you the tightest hug possible and you can practically feel the pride dripping of them, that their little girl is now the leader of their Pack. It was something they’d told you that you could do as a child but you doubted they’d have ever considered you were actually going to go for it.
“Are you going to quit teaching now? Being the leader is basically a full time job.” Your dad asks, a frown on his face as concern fills his expression. Humming, you shake your head with a smile before squeezing the hand of Jungkook. He’d been talking to them when you’d arrived and had slipped his hand into yours as soon as he’d been able to, the pride in his face possibly equal to the one in theirs.
“No. But I will transfer to the high school here instead. And maybe teach some classes at the local community college for anyone who wants them. I still love teaching and I don’t want to give it up. If anything, I think I want to encourage more people in the Pack to learn. I’m considering offering some cultural lessons to try and broaden the minds of some of our more...reticent members. Maybe offer cultural exchanges by inviting other Pack’s to send a representative and tell us how they operate and live. You know...every little helps right?” Your mom is nodding thoughtfully, her arm looped through your dad's arm and you feel pride at knowing she approved of your thoughts.
“Sounds like a good idea. There’s plenty of people that need to be dragged into the 20th century in our Pack, never mind the 21st century. So if you can succeed in that, then I’ll be a very proud dad.” He grins before hugging you, and you contemplate the fact that you’ve probably never had this much physical contact in years.
“Anyway, as much as I love you all and this is a great party, I’ve already been fed about six times by now so I’m ridiculously full and I’m tired. Are you okay if Jungkook and I head off? I know I’ve barely been-” You barely even get the words out before your mom is pushing Jungkook and you with a tut, rolling her eyes.
“Honestly, you don’t need to apologise. It’s been a big day. For both of you. I’m proud of you too Jungkook, for doing so well with everyone there. So I want you both to go home and just relax! You’ve done enough for today.” Snorting, you let her practically push you out of the door while you manage to wave your goodbyes to everyone, noting the amused expressions on their faces as well.
Getting into the car once more, you turn and look at Jungkook with raised brows. “Ironic that I’ve spent more time with other people at their parties today than with my own parents at my own party.”
“Hey, they understand. Don’t be too worried about it. They’d already told me that they planned on sending you home as soon as you got here to be honest. We all knew you’d be a bit tired and stressed after it all and I don’t think anyone wanted to cause you anymore anxiety than needed after what’s happened.” He says thoughtfully, running his fingers over his lower lip and you hum quietly.
“Are you okay? I’ve been worried about you since I left. It was a lot to take in and you did so well Kook. I’m really proud of you. I can only imagine how hard it was to be there with almost the whole Pack, all those different personalities and dominance battles going on.” Your voice goes soft with worry and you see him smile out of the corner of your eye, reaching out for your hand and intertwining your fingers once more.
“It was hard, yeah. I wanted to run away for most of it but I’ve got a reputation to uphold you know? I’m an Omega, yeah, but I'm also a badass,” He puffs his chest out at that and you snort, gently pushing at him without taking your eyes away from the road too much. “Seriously though, I’m really proud of you too. You were so convinced that no one was going to vote for you because of who you are and how you don’t meet the stereotypes others have for you but...you were wrong. And now you’re our lovely leader.”
“Yeah...you’re right.” Silence falls between you both but it’s not uncomfortable, instead it’s familiar and comforting. Sighing softly, you run your thumb along the back of his hand before smiling once more. You’d managed to do it, despite a year ago being convinced that you wouldn’t even be considered. And along the way, you’d found your mate.
“This morning...what you said...do you still think that?” Jungkook’s voice is soft now and you pause at his words, thinking back and remembering the intimate moment you’d both had in your bedroom. It felt so long ago now, but those emotions came swarming back with a vengeance as you pulled into the parking lot of your apartment building.
“Every word.” Turning the engine off, you look at him with a serious expression and he swallows thickly. His eyes are wide, reflecting the light from the nearby buildings and you feel your heart positively clench at how beautiful he looks. It’s not that he’s innocent, because he’s not, but it’s like he has an innate curiosity and wonder about the world that his eyes can’t seem to hide. As if he wants to learn and see everything before his time ends and you want so desperately to give that to him.
“Me too.” He whispers and you don’t stop yourself from leaning forward in your seat, pressing your lips to his in a kiss that is gentle and yet needy at the same time. The underlying ‘I love you’ is so prominent between you both and you feel the need to mark him. To make him yours and show the whole world that he chose you.
Pulling back, you look at him at him intently and see the way he swallows at whatever he sees in your own eyes. Nipping at his lip playfully, you nose along his cheek before biting softly at his jawline and enjoying the way he gasps.
Sex with Jungkook is more than satisfying and you’ve been pleased to discover that he’s not as submissive as he looks in that department either. There’s days when he takes control and you love it almost as much as the days that he lets you wreak havoc with him. But today is a day when your base instincts will take over, the wolf inside you demanding you dominate your mate to show him that you were capable of protecting him, of loving him and keeping him safe.
Unsurprisingly, Jungkook’s own wolf was obviously telling him to go along with his own instincts as well as he leans his head to one side, revealing the wonderful expanse of golden tan skin stretched over the strong tendons and muscles of his neck. The beautiful skin that is currently unmarked.
“We need to go inside. Now.” You growl and he nods immediately, hands grasping at the door handle before you even finish and you almost want to laugh at his eagerness. But you don’t, because you’re following him every step of the way, almost stalking his steps like the predator you truly were.
The idea of doing this to him normally would be horrifying because it would immediately set off his Omega instincts. And no matter how much he’s managed to suppress them over the years, no matter how much he can pass for something other than what he is, he is still an Omega at the end of the day.
But tonight, the tension in his shoulders wasn’t from fear. It was from anticipation. And from the way he looked back at you with eagerness in those pretty eyes, you got the sense that he was turning this into a little game. The rumble of appreciation rolls from your chest before you even realise and you bite your lip at the sight of him shuddering when you reach the apartment door.
Getting your keys into the door is a bit of a challenge when your mind is solely focused on him. You finally do it though and as soon as the door latches shut behind you, you turn and pull him down for another kiss.
This one is deeper than before and more frantic, the need to join stronger than ever. The two of you leave a trail of clothes through the apartment as you move to the bedroom, his shirt torn from the force of your pull. Humming happily at the feel of smooth, warm skin beneath your palms, you nip at his collarbones playfully and delight in the way he squirms and whines for you.
Running your hands down his toned and muscular stomach, you reach the waistband of his boxers and eagerly pull them down. They slip past his slim hips with complete ease and you resist the urge to salivate at the sight of his cock, bouncing gently as it strains against gravity.
Jungkook is not a stereotypical Omega. He is tall, broad, muscular, tattooed, has a black belt in taekwondo and will snap at anyone if pushed. And his cock is just as beautifully magnificent as the rest of him, not too long to be painful but beautifully girthy and with the most delightful veins that make him whine when you trace over them. In a simple word, Jungkook is physically perfect.
"You're so damn beautiful," The words slip from your mouth reverently and you press your lips to the dip in his hips to a kiss that turns into a nip. "You're perfect and all for me, aren't you?"
As you whisper words of affection, praise and dominance into his skin, you wrap your fingers around his shaft and stroke slowly. The whine he gives it like music to your ears and you growl in appreciation, licking along his stomach before rewarding him with one, slow glide of your tongue along the underside of his cock.
He sighs in contentment at that, his hands clenching and opening repeatedly as he struggles to find something to do with them and you laugh. Pulling back, you stand once more and point to the bed.
"Lay down for me, pretty boy." You almost don't manage to get the words out before he's practically throwing himself on the bed and you have to stop yourself from snorting and ruining the mood. His eagerness to please suddenly is endearing and this is the one Omega stereotype you're glad he embodies.
The sight of him laid out on the bed, his skin almost glowing with health from the soft lighting of the bedside lamp he’d turned on, has you almost turning into a cat as you practically purr in contentment at the sight of him. His big, sweet eyes are focused firmly on you while his cock strains against his stomach, desperate for your touch.
“Good boy.” You praise him sweetly, running your hand along the muscle of his calf and biting your lip at the way he shivers in response. Slowly, you remove the final pieces of your own clothing and delight at the way Jungkook lets out the softest keen at the sight of the damp spot in your panties, a visible sign of just how unbelievably wet you were for him.
It didn’t take much for him to get you going, you’d discovered this in the past, but there’s something particularly delightful about him today. You may not be a typical Alpha but you’d be damned if Jungkook’s willingness to submit right now wasn’t hitting every dominant bone in your body.
Kneeling on the bed next to him, you continue to let your fingers dance along his body in a slow, steady exploration that only heightens his arousal. Everywhere you touch tenses beneath your fingertips and you don’t miss the way his hips subtly move, trying to catch your attention and give him the blessed relief he wants.
But you don’t want to yet. You want to make him desperate for you, to make him whine and pout and cry out for your touch before you finally mark him. The wolf in you demands it, demands his full submission as your mate and you want it as well. From the look of pure need in Jungkook’s eyes, he wants it just as much.
Pressing a kiss to his lips, you dart away from him quickly when he goes to follow and smile at the whine he gives you. Tutting quietly, you begin to kiss down his body in hot, open mouthed kisses that leave a slick mess to follow, a few spots darkening from where your kiss had been particularly forceful.
“What do you want, baby boy? Tell me.” You whisper, biting gently at his hip and enjoying the way he writhes beneath you. There’s almost zero resistance before he’s speaking to you, the subtle whine in his voice telling you he’s trying to hold back.
“I want you. Please. Please. I love you, please.” Pursing your lips, you move down till you’re kissing along his inner thigh, enjoying the way his muscles twitch with need. There’s no missing the way his cock jerks occasionally, his balls tight and firm in your eyesight and you resist the urge to play with them. Not yet.
“Tell me what you want.” The words are repeated back to him and now Jungkook does let out a whine, the sound strained in his throat with frustration and need. But he responds to you perfectly, causing you to grin.
“Please touch my dick. Jerk me off. Lick it. Put your mouth on it. Anything. Please.” He mutters a few more times, almost praying to you with how much he wants your touch on his cock and you pause for a moment to watch him. His face is ever so slightly flushed while his hair isn’t as put together anymore, his hands having ruined what he’d carefully arranged this morning.
“Since you asked so nicely.” You purr to him, voice going low. It’s not really because he asked, but more because you can’t handle not touching him anymore. Not when you want him this badly.
Grasping his cock at the base once more, you give him a slow stroke while squeezing tightly, enjoying how he gasps. A second stroke has his hips jerking, but not nearly as much as when you lick him from bottom to tip, flattening your tongue to try and reach as much of him as you can. The noises he makes are nothing though compared to when you wrap your lips around his head, engulfing him in your mouth and sucking tightly.
It’s pure enjoyment from your part as you take in how he reacts, moving your hand to meet your lips in a rhythm that’s perfect for you both. Head lowering, you press your tongue to him as hard as you can on the way down before hollowing out your cheeks as you rise back up, trying to increase the amount of pressure he’s feeling. The gasps tell you he likes it and you hum, adding vibration to the mix while your free hand moves to cup his balls, running your fingers along him until you find what really makes his hips jerk.
For a few minutes, you continue on like this. Changing up the speed with which you tug on him, the pressure you apply to his cock and how you play with his balls to make sure he doesn’t get too complacent or too near completion. It would ruin the fun if he came too early.
Pulling off him, you begin to lick at his tip almost like you’re enjoying an ice cream, eyes closing as you let your tongue slide around the head of him and find all the places that make him quiver with need. Your hand slows on him as well, squeezing the base of him tightly to stop him from reaching his end if he is near and the reduction in pleasure has him whining your name.
“Please, please. Oh god, please fuck me. Please. I want to be inside you.” He begs desperately, his hands moving to grasp at the covers of the bed as you press kisses to his cock, letting go of it and enjoying the way it stands for a moment for falling back to his stomach with a wet slap from the weight of it. Smirking, you sit up and wipe at your mouth before looking down at him.
His pupils have blown out from lust while his cheeks are a beautiful, rosy pink and his chest is breathing a little heavier than before. Moving over him, you carefully avoid his cock as you lean down to kiss along his neck, biting gently and sucking in other places before moving up to his mouth. It’s already swollen from your previous kiss and the way he keeps biting at them, but it doesn’t stop you from nibbling on his lower lip.
“You want to be inside of me? Do you think you deserve to be in me, baby boy?” You ask the question lightly, whispering the words into his ear and he shivers in response. Jungkook is nodding before you’ve even finished speaking and you hide your smile.
“Yes, yes please. I’ve been good. I was good today, right? Please. Please let me.” Sitting back up, you lift yourself and grasp his cock, straightening it till the tip is brushing against your wet folds. The slight sensation has him making the strangest noises, his throat tight while his hips try to push up and you tut at him.
“Stop pushing. We go at my pace, okay?” He settles down, forcing himself to be still at the thread of dominance you weave through your words before nodding. Feeling a little bad that you’d done that, you lean forward and kiss him gently.
“I’ve got you baby boy, don’t worry. I love you.” You try not to grin at how he almost preens at that, his chest pushing out while happiness and pride fills his eyes. Despite the lust rushing through your body and the incessant desire that makes your pussy ache to have him inside you, your chest feels full of love for him.
Slowly, you lower yourself onto his cock. There’s no foreplay for you, but then you don’t need it given how wet you already are for him. Slowly, he penetrates you inch by inch and you let you the deepest sigh of relief once you’re finally seated on him, clit rubbing against his pelvis as you lean forward ever so slightly. 
You feel full and an experimental squeeze of your muscles has slight pleasure rolling through you while Jungkook moans at being so deep inside your warm depths. Biting your lip, you rock your hips slowly and feel the perfect friction as his cock slides out of you before pushing back in just as deep. The slickness of your excitement allows him to glide with each and you hum at how good he feels.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good in me,” Panting slightly, you slowly speed up your movements until the room is filled with the lewd sound of him slipping in and out of your soaked pussy. “Mmmm, Jungkook. Fuck, you’re perfect.”
Half of you isn’t even actually sure what you’re saying anymore to be honest, the sensation of him inside you as you fuck him is all you can really focus on and you’re just saying whatever comes to you. But it’s all praise for the man beneath you, the man who is grasping the sheets so hard to avoid touching you yet because you haven’t given him permission to.
Who is holding himself so steady to avoid pushing up into you, letting you use his body however you want. You love it and opening your eyes, you tell him so while shifting, leaning forwards ever so slightly to lightly scrape your nails along his chest. It makes him writhe and whimper, the sound deep from his throat and you automatically squeeze around his cock when you hear it.
“Good boy.” You whisper absentmindedly, your fingers reaching down to rub at the swollen flesh of your clit. It’s almost hard beneath your touch from how turned on you are and you slick your fingers in the sticky mess before rubbing in a rhythmic circle that has you gasping and tightening.
Rocking your hips on top of him, you take all the pleasure that you can get and slowly, your movements begin to match so every circle of your fingers is complemented by a rock of your hips. You mix it up occasionally, circling your hips and sighing in relief at how Jungkook’s cock presses against every part inside of you that sparks fires of pleasure.
“Touch me Jungkook. I want your hands here,” You take one of them and press it to one of your breasts, making his fingers twist and pull at your nipple in exactly the way you love. “And here.”
His other hand goes to your clit and you press his fingers in exactly the manner that you enjoy the most. It feels even better with the extra stimulation and you whine loudly, the sound mixing with your gasps as you feel almost overwhelmed.
“Are you close?” You whisper to him, opening your eyes after a few minutes of enjoying some of the best sex you’ve ever had with him and he nods quickly. His eyes are scrunched close, jaw tight as he clenches his teeth together in a desperate effort to control himself. Your wolf growls at the sight of it and you feel your chest rumble too, the sound causing Jungkook’s hip to push up automatically.
“I want you to knot me,” Moving to almost lay on him, you kiss and nip at his jaw insistently as his eyes widen suddenly at your words. “I want you to fill me up with your cum until you’re spilling out of me.”
“Seriously?” He pants and his hands still on yours. Looking into his eyes, those beautiful eyes that you love so much, you nod and kiss him deeply. Tangling your tongue with his, your hands move to cup his cheeks almost tenderly as the kiss takes over your thought process. Your hips slow down until you’re simply rolling them, your clit getting the pleasure of rubbing against him and it suddenly changes from sexy to intimate.
Parting from his lips, you pant softly, chest heaving from the effort of riding him for so long before nodding. “I want you to cum in me, and I want your knot. I want you to breed me while I bond with you, fill me up with your pups. Do you understand me?”
His eyes are bigger than ever and you wonder if he’s about to say no or something. Knotting is only done when you’re trying to impregnate and you want that desperately, want to feel him swell inside you until you can’t even move while he fills you up with rope after rope of thick cum. The thought of almost intoxicating and you tighten around him.
“Give me your knot baby, give it to me. I know you can. Don’t you want to give me pups? Watch me grow with them, all with the knowledge that they’re yours? See your Alpha, your leader, all swollen with your pups while I deal with everyone, knowing that they can see I’m yours?” The dirty, dark words whispered into his ear work and he lets out a deep growl of his own, the first time you’ve ever heard him growl.
His hands grasp at your hips, holding you steady as he begins to thrust up into you and you moan in delight at the increased sensations. You encourage him along, nipping at his jaw and continuing to coax him to knot you as you squeeze on his cock tightly, trying to encourage him and you finally begin to feel it.
It starts almost slowly and you’re not sure it’s happening at first, but then you’re certain his cock is beginning to swell in you. Reaching between you both, you rub at your clit exactly how you like as he continues to expand slowly, his jaw clenched so tightly. Any sign of the sweet, innocent Omega you’d fallen for is gone at the moment and you could easily mistake him for an Alpha with how strong he looks.
His hair is matted to his forehead, the strands ink black while his skin shines with the sweat he’s worked up and you’re not sure you’ve ever seen a hotter sight. Though looking between you both and taking in the sight of his cock thrusting into your pussy, there may be one thing hotter. 
“Cum for Jungkook. Knot your mate.” Panting into his ear, they must be the magic words because he pushes into you harder than ever, pressing down on your hips to keep you in place while he swells inside you. A deep moan that sounds like it’s been pulled from his chest comes from him and you shudder as your own release takes over, pussy tightening around him as your orgasm washes through you.
Before it finishes, you snarl softly and bare your teeth, the fangs that have grown suddenly biting into the soft skin of Jungkook’s neck as you mark him. He stiffens momentarily before letting out a ridiculously loud groan, his knot growing even bigger and you hum contentedly as you practically feel him orgasming inside you. 
The remnants of your own orgasm continue to rush through you and are intensified when Jungkook bites back at your own neck. Almost immediately, you feel the mate bond snap into place between the two of you as you mark each other at the point of orgasm. There’s no ceremony, no special words, just pure instinct that drives you both to fulfil this need.
Pulling your fangs from him, you slowly lick at his neck to help the wounds to heal while he does the same to you. Warmth fills you with the knowledge he’s your mate now while you can feel the oddest sensation of the knowledge that someone else occupies space within you now. You can’t talk to him telepathically or anything like the books, but it’s more just an awareness that he’s there.
A bottomless pit of love and protection for him along with an oath to love only him for as long as you live. 
Resting against him, you take a moment to simply enjoy the feeling of being on him while his knot continues to keep you held in place. The knowledge that he could even now be impregnating you is hot and you sluggishly lift your head up to gaze into his own tired eyes. Jungkook gives you a slow smile and you kiss him lazily, realising the sensation feels a little different now that you’re bonded.
“I love you.” You whisper, your dominant flair vanishing in the comfort of his embrace as he wraps his arms to simultaneously hug you and keep you in place to avoid you hurting yourself. A gentle kiss is pressed to your nose before he kisses you once more, a quiet hum of contentment leaving him.
“I love you too.” Neither of you say anything after that, simply enjoying each other as you wait for his knot to go down. When it finally does, there’s an almost uncomfortable feeling as a rush of his cum begins to seep out of you and onto him. You’re used to him orgasming inside you, knotting was the only way to get pregnant and wolves didn’t get STI’s like humans after all, but this was entirely different.
“God, how much did you cum?” Laughing, you shift until you can see between you both. His cock has slipped out of you now, resting against his thigh and shiny with your own excitement. But your thighs and his groin are beginning to become covered in white cum as it drips out of you.
“Well...you did tell me to get you pregnant.” Is all he says, his face innocent and you laugh loudly at that. Nodding slowly, you kiss him once more and enjoy how comfortable he is with you. There’s not much you wouldn’t do for him, you decide to yourself.
“I guess I did. You did a good job...baby boy.” Teasing him for how much he likes his submissive nickname, you watch as his face screws up into a scowl and he goes to reach for you. But you dance out of the way, moving off the bed and heading to the bathroom while he whines quietly.
“Please don’t call me that in public. I’d never live it down.” He begs and you pause at the door frame, looking back at him with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.
“Well...I guess the only solution to that is that you give me a reason to make sure I only use it in private...right?”
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atruththatyoudeny · 3 years
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Happy 28th! Here are all the 14 fics I read and enjoyed this month. As always, all the love for all the amazing authors in this fandom! ♥
In The Still Of The Night | jacaranda_bloom | Dirty Dancing AU - a/b/o - prejudice - gender stereotyping - class divide - angst - pining - smut - 69k In a society where omegas are expected to follow a predetermined path, Louis strives for more; for his voice to be heard, for recognition, for true love. In a world where your past defines your future, Harry fights against the system; for equality, for a different life, for acceptance. When their two worlds collide, will they be beaten down by conformity or will they rise up and forge a new path together? OR the Dirty Dancing AU where Louis is a feisty omega who wants to change the world, Harry is an alpha from the wrong side of the tracks, and nobody puts Louis in a corner.
Plant New Seeds in the Melody | 28sunflowers | enemies to friends to lovers - miscommunication - misunderstandings - emotional hurt/comfort - Original Character Death - grief/mourning - slow build - smut - 58k After losing his husband in a tragic car accident, the last thing Louis needs is to keep running into popstar Harry Styles, who David was quite fond of. Obviously, that’s exactly what keeps happening. But as their unlikely friendship blossoms, Louis realizes that, maybe, having Harry in his life was the only good thing that came out of his adverse circumstances. Harry could be just the right person to help Louis find trust and intimacy in someone new.
take my hand, wreck my plans | amomentoflove | Cinderella AU - a/b/o - royalty - Minor Character Death - emotional abuse - magic - 38k Louis meets the man in the center of the room, feeling every eye on him. “Mr. H,” he whispers. The man smiles brightly and laughs as if he can’t believe his eyes. “It’s you,” he says breathlessly. “I didn’t think I would see you again.” “Nor I you, especially under these circumstances.” “Even so,” Mr H says, his eyes bouncing from Louis’ eyes to his lips. “Will you do me a great honor and join me in leading the first … um…” “Dance?” Mr. H laughs and nods. “Yes, that’s the one.” Louis bites his lips and doesn’t hesitate before whispering, “Yes.” Mr. H beams and reaches for Louis’ hand. Sparks fly at the touch and a zing of excitement shoots through Louis’ body. His face heats up as he’s afraid his scent would give away his feelings towards the other man.
One More Taste of Your Lips | Canadianlarrie & MsHydeStylinson | canon compliant - reunion tour - angst - internalized homophobia/biphobia - cheating - smut - Coming Out - 80k It had been eight years since the hiatus began, and Louis had spent that time writing and recording music, touring and making it safely through the pandemic. When the opportunity arose to go back on tour with One Direction, Louis knew he'd be a fool not to take it. Sure, life on the road would be different after all this time apart, but he was looking forward to experiencing that comradery again. What he hadn't realised was that living the better part of nine months in each other's pockets was bound to dredge up issues from his past. And when one of the pockets belonged to Harry, who he'd had a rather unconventional friendship with that drifted apart during their last tour, life on the road again would upend both their lives in irrevocable ways. * Harry wasn’t that sixteen year old boy anymore. Nor was he the young man in his late teens who was on the cusp of conquering the entire world. But some traits seemed to remain the same; his vibrant green eyes, the dimples set deeply in his cheeks whenever he laughed earnestly, or his curls that were the same shade of cocoa that Louis remembered fondly. And yet, Louis had absolutely no idea who this man that stood a mere twenty paces away was today.
Old Photographs & Times I'll Remember | jaerie | time travel - Eroda - period-typical homophobia - anxiety - depression - discussion about suicide - self-discovery - post-break up - 54k Carefully he set that negative down and lifted the paper to see there was another beneath. This one again was a young man, this time posed against an antique car. He lifted a few more negatives out one by one, each a portrait of the same man with various backdrops. The man in a meadow, in an office, leaning against a doorframe — even one in his underwear grinning at the camera. On the edge of each negative printed in slanted, handwritten characters were the initials and date. H.S. 1924. He quickly but carefully packed them back into the box and buzzed with excitement. He couldn’t wait to develop them to see exactly what had been captured in the images. It was a find that felt like a puzzle to piece together. H.S. was likely the man in the photographs as well as the owner of the suitcase. Who was he? Why had his suitcase found its way into Niall’s attic? Was he still alive and well somewhere in the world? A camera, a suitcase, and a relationship forged through time.
Know a Trick or Two | SadaVeniren | Harry Potter setting - mpreg - magic - kid fic - - genderfluid character - smut - intersex - 44k The night before Louis is scheduled for a Portkey to begin training with the Vratsa Vultures in Bulgaria he heads into Muggle London for one last night of fun. A few months later he finds out he’s having a child. Eleven years ago Harry had a one night stand and now there’s a strange man on his doorstep telling him his daughter is something called a wizard and she’s got a place at the British wizarding school Hogwarts. Aka the one where Muggle Harry and Wizard Louis have a one night stand and get more than they bargained out of it.
come away with me | suspendrs | Minor Character Death - friends to lovers - sexuality crisis - emotional hurt/comfort - anxiety - smut - 80k Louis had such big plans. He wanted so much out of life, and so did Amy. Now Bridget is going to grow up without a mother, and she’s always going to wonder what it would be like if this hadn’t happened. He wonders if she’ll blame him for her mother’s death as she gets older, or if she’ll understand that this is just as painful for Louis as it is for her. Louis doesn’t know how he’s going to raise her on his own, because he’s a fantastic father, yes, but he’s always been the fun parent, and Amy was in charge of the rules. He doesn’t know how to make sure Bridget has everything she needs all the time, doesn’t know how to make her favorite meal or how to do that one braid she loves to have in her hair or how to teach her to be the best person she can be. He doesn’t know how to live without Amy, he doesn’t know what he’s going to do. Or, Louis has to pick up the pieces of his and his daughter's life after his wife dies, and Harry is a beautiful stranger that just wants to help.
we made our promises (we said our vows) | millsx | Military AU - established relationship - kid fic - angst - hurt/comfort - mentions of PTSD - mentions of depressions - mentions of anxiety - injury - long-distance relationship - 21k Fairy tales always end with the Happily Ever After; the princess escapes her evil stepmother and gets married to the knight in shining armor. It turns out real life doesn’t care about Happily Ever Afters and sometimes problems appear when you don’t expect them to. Harry sure didn’t, not after years of being married.
Love, Ever After | jacaranda_bloom | a/b/o - farmers markets - soulmates - pining - miscommunication - fluff - banter - smut - 21k One would assume that the charismatic omega in charge of the local matchmaking service would have found a mate and settled down ages ago. His clients, in fact, are always a bit surprised when they come to learn that Louis is still single. But Louis doesn’t mind, not really. His standards are just high; he is happy holding out for his alpha, his soulmate, and chooses to not waste his time with anyone else, despite what his friends might think. That is, until his best mate from uni drags him out of bed far too early on a Saturday morning after a night of drinking to go to a farmers market, of all places. It’s there that he proceeds to make an utter fool of himself in front of the hottest alpha he has ever laid eyes on. There’s truly no coming back from that, is there? OR The one where omega Louis makes love matches, alpha Harry makes cheese, and meddling friends might finally make their dreams of finding their soulmate come true.
Hometown | allwaswell16 | High School - College/university - driving - heartbreak - memories - friendship - happy ending - angst - 2k On the day Harry gets his driver’s licence, he drives through the suburbs, heartbroken that he can’t drive home to Louis.
fever dream high | wildestdreams | friends to lovers - childhood friends - a/b/o - fluff - angst - smut - mutual pining - High School - 30k "Excuse me, what?" Harry licked his lips, carefully looking him in the eyes. "I will spend your heat with you so you're ready by Monday to play your game." "Harry," Louis began, suddenly at a loss for words. "I couldn't ask you to do that." "Why not? You just said you trust me." "You're my best friend. There's no one I trust more than you." "Then what's the problem?" "Well, friends don't usually help you through your heats or ruts, so excuse me for being a little skeptical." or A High School ABO AU where Harry and Louis are best friends and nothing more until things start getting a little complicated and they're faced with feelings they never wanted to confront.
We are the same, you run in my veins | 28sunflowers | a/b/o - non-traditional a/b/o- soulmates - wolves -pack dynamics - 4k When the time for Louis to become the Alpha leader of his pack comes, he can’t rise to the occasion for not being yet bonded. A series of trips to neighbouring packs in search of his soulmate is fruitless until he meets one of the other packs’ Alpha heir. Harry. The world seems to stop turning for a second and then it shifts, clicking into its axis. All the distress and wrongness he felt until that very moment suddenly disappears. Louis is finally whole. But two Alpha leaders from different tribes soulbonding is something unheard of before.
Divinely Blessed | thinlines | a/b/o - non-traditional a/b/o - established relationship - PWP - 17k “I heard you, Ni. But what do you mean?” “What do you mean what I mean?” Harry rolled his eyes as he shoved his alpha friend down onto a seat. “Did you mean you lick someone out or…?” “Nah, mate! It was me! I got licked out!” Harry could only stare at Niall in horror. Alpha Harry prides himself on having the bravest and most caring omega who might or might not just fulfill his sudden curiosity.
This chemistry like candy to me | CuckooTrooke | a/b/o - kink discovery - mpreg - male lactation - smut - 8k "It's just... Are you aware, that, uh... You're- You're kind of leaking." Harry feels his blood run cold. The heart that was thudding so loud and fast drops to his stomach, and his shoulders hunch in embarrassment. "Excuse me?" Harry asks once he manages to gather himself and recover from the shock. He automatically steps back but since he's already squeezed in the corner, it doesn't do much to put any distance between them, "Who the fuck do you think you are?" "Wha- No. Oh my god, I wouldn't- No," The man says as he realizes the misunderstanding, and wildly gestures to his chest, "I mean your- Your chest. Is leaking." OR Harry is 8 months pregnant with a poor balance and traitorous nipples. Unfortunately for him, that is precisely when he meets a beautiful alpha in a packed London Tube. Fortunately for him, the said alpha might just be the best thing he has ever come across.
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louisdelac · 3 years
I hate that I'm taking a/b/o seriously and this is entirely your fault, but similar to your point about Roman, I think Kendall is an alpha who would have a lot of weight off him if he let himself be an omega. It's like exhibit 250 on Mr Strong just saying things to make us scream, but there's an interview where he says basically if Kendall was allowed to be softer and not raised with dino macho attitudes where strength has to be your language, he might have been better. (and now I will shower cos I can't stand omegaverse shit usually lmao)
Nxnxjxhxhsj very sorry for bringing omegaverse talk into your life. It will happen again unfortunately. Like right now. Because, yeah, literally Kendall would be SO much happier if he didn't hold himself to the alpha posturing he's been ingrained to believe he needs.
Obligatory "I'm taking omegaverse seriously again" cut.
Omegaverse is interesting to me, because essentially all it does is give people an excuse to write smut about cum inflation about pre-existing gender stereotypes, dial them up to 11, and then create a biological explanation/imperative for that behavior (which is... textbook gender essentialism but that's a COMPLETELY separate conversation so I'm benching that atm), and add in some animalistic traits and behaviors that play well with those stereotypes specifically for horny reasons.
And like it's absolutely just an excuse for horny animalistic primal sex and there's no need to look deeper into it at all, but, unfortunately, I love deconstructing tropes more than anything else in this world, and a society that operates like that as like... textbook normal, is so fucking funny that I simply have to turn it into something that makes sense to me. Which leads me to my personal internal logic when I think about an omegaverse world:
So you've got quasi-humans who have a primary gender that functions more or less the same as real life, complete with normal sexism and gender roles (on a slightly more muted scale, to make room for sexism 2 electric boogaloo) and then we have secondary genders on top of that, which dictate instinctual behavior and primal drives. And also come with more sexism and gender roles. And also also dictate how big your peepee gets when you get turned on.
So you've got Kendall, with his Alpha Instincts, but all those instincts really tell him is that he wants to protect his family and make people feel safe and also maybe he should preen a lil when Stewy or Rava comes around, and maybe show off how capable he is so they know how Good and Strong he is, and how well he'd be able to provide for them. Fine and normal alpha behavior, evolution has done its job, that's got all the makings of a good dad right there. Get this man laid, the species will survive another day.
Except omegaverse basically operates under the same principle as Rudolph Schenkel proposed wolves survive under (you know, the dude who stuck a bunch of wolves together, watched them all fight for dominance, and went "Yup. That's just how wolves are." Not realizing that wolves don't form packs out of strangers, they're just families) which is like. Fair, I guess, considering a workplace really is just a bunch of strangers being forced to cohabitate in the same space under extreme pressure. But is also very funny as a worldbuilding point, because that means society, much like Rudolph, went "Yup. That's just how we are." instead of doing literally anything else.
So instead of fostering Kendall's perfectly natural instincts, society forces him into the macho, aggressive, territorial alpha stereotype, and so now his more natural, nurturing instincts get perverted into the shallow presentations he can manage in canon, and he just suffers all the time. Woo!!
And Roman is just all fucked up, which brings me to my second omegaverse worlbuilding point: how do you function in a society where "alpha" is not a status, but a biological reality? Like in the misleading wolf research, you don't have 5 alphas fighting to form a hierarchy, you've got a handful of wolves fighting to obtain alpha status. So like. How does that work. How are there alphas working together and defaulting to other alpha's commands without things regularly turning into a brawl?
There's got to be a natural solution to that in a species that functions like this, which means that omegaverse humans have a way to form alpha hierarchies. So Roman probably has a fairly low hierarchal drive when it comes to interior relationships, but probably does fine in exterior relationships. In which case, the business world would actually suit him better than it does Kendall. He likes the combative environment and swinging his status around and showing dominance over strangers or coworkers, even though he's still less aggressive than his dad is. I think he probably considers business a type of play, tbh, whereas his dad clearly views every business deal as a kill or be killed situation. So exterior relationships are fine, although can lead to a toxic headspace (like in season 3) when you push those traits at the expense of every other type of interpersonal relationship.
As far as interior relationships go, I think he's actually naturally fairly willing to submit to another person if he respects them (and they aren't his siblings ndjdjdjd). Which is a feature, not a bug, of an omegaverse world (because AGAIN, you can not make a society where being an alpha is an innate part of you biology without putting in a way to allow alphas to coexist) but is also one of the least valued traits an alpha can have, in spite of being necessary to keep the human race from killing each other. There are psychological factors at play too, this doesn't "solve" that, but his overcompensation for his own willingness to back down and appease other alphas is definitely... like a sizable factor in his whole deal.
So yeah. Anyways. Much like real life, gender roles are a curse and the cause of like half of their problems. Woooo!!
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friendofhayley · 3 years
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Hooray for all content creators in all fandoms! Y’all make the world go round! This is April’s round-up of fics I read and recommend from multiple fandoms. This fic rec includes 9 fics from the Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, and One Direction fandoms!
Drarry (Harry Potter)
1. Nero su bianco by @zuzallove | oblivious boys in love - we get to see what Draco could have been thinking during 7th year Hogwarts - lots of drama, if you’re into it - Narcissa knows all and is great - 40k
September 1997. Hogwarts is under the regime of Voldemort and the Carrows. Finding himself alienated by both his friends and his supposed enemies, Draco puts quill to parchment, and writes letters. He addresses them to the only person he can think of, as Hogwarts rapidly falls into chaos and ruin: Harry Potter. He goes to great lengths to ensure the letters are never discovered, and he’s pretty certain he’s done a great job.
Until the day of his trial.
2. What’s Eating Draco Malfoy? by @actual-howlinglikeaseaturtle | this is a re-read so it’s v v good - cw eating disorder, suicide ideation, alcoholism - Ginny & Draco being friends is just so special to me - also everything is handled very well - 75k
"Tragedy struck today when Anorexia Nervosa claimed a young boy's life," he spoke loudly. "Very sad. He will be missed by one person, maybe two. Awful. Now to the weather with Carl!"
Ginny could not help herself; she burst out laughing. She didn't know what was more absurd. The way Malfoy joked about his own death or the fact that he had watched muggle TV. Muggle news even.
"You're a bloody lunatic!" she snorted, and Malfoy's smile widened.
Sterek (Teen Wolf)
3. Exactly Like You by Jerakeen | Pride and Prejudice AU whoo whoo!! - werewolves are known - stereotypical A/B/O - but everything else is the same except Scott leaves town with Derek after S1 - 70k
“It was Jackson’s idea,” Lydia explains, looking perfectly serious while standing in front of a March Madness bracket of Beacon Hills’ eligible bachelors.
Jackson looks smug. “It only makes sense.”
Stiles meets Isaac’s eyes over the heads of all the crazy people in the room. Isaac shrugs with a slight wince. “’Tis the season.”
4. But Then What... by Stoney | Derek is the same age as Stiles! - I just love how they’re written like real (horny) teenagers - they’re just so bad at communication - also Jackson is a Jackass - 24k
Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He's someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn't like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn't attracted to him.
Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.
5. We’ll be Better Around the Second Time by @jordansaysno | I don’t know about y’all but this hits my wish fulfillment for running away from home in high school - side Isaac/Scott which is very cool - Stiles deserved better tbh - happy ending - 26k
It's been months. Months of fading contact with the pack. Months of the silent treatment from his father. Months of nothing but himself and the occasional lesson with Deaton to entertain him.
It's too much, and eventually, Stiles leaves.
For years, everything goes great, until of course his dad gets injured, and he is suddenly forced to deal with people he thought he left behind in his past for good.
6. Fireman Derek’s Crazy Pie [Cheeseburger Baby] by @thegloryof | this is such a classic and what I turn to when I’m really craving pie - NYC fic - some parts are just delicious to read (and not just for the food porn) - misunderstandings - 17k
“He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible."
Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant. "Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy."
"Send them my way," Stiles suggests, finally loading up a forkful of pie. "Apparently I'm incompetent enough that I need to be babysat at all times, because it would be cheaper than dispatching a truck every time I try to use a kitchen appliance."
7. Don’t Feed the Wolves by Amazonia_8 | another classic fic that’s also hot - cw: Derek thinks Stiles can’t consent - werewolves are known - the jailhouse scene is constantly replaying in my head - 30k
Stiles took the dare, because what else was he supposed to do when the whole lacrosse team was chanting his name? Even though the werewolf pack had left Beacon Hills years ago, nobody was stupid enough to set foot on the Hale property.
Except, apparently, Stiles.
Now he's got a feral werewolf following him around town with the sole purpose of claiming Stiles as his own.
Larry (One Direction)
8. take my hand (and my heart and soul) by @anylessreal | aaaaaa this was so good! - just so much misunderstandings, but it’s so cool that the audience/Harry don’t know what’s going on too! - amnesia - friends to strangers to lovers - 45k
Harry feels nauseous when he opens his mouth. "Hey. Um, hi. It's me," he mumbles before realizing with a jolt that Louis might not have his number anymore. "It's Harry... Styles," he tacks on, screwing his eyes shut and pinching the bridge of his nose. This was a terrible idea.
There's silence on the other end for a long time. Harry understands. He shouldn't have called. He tries not to let the static swallow him whole.
"I – yeah. Hi," Louis finally answers, slowly, awkwardly. "I um. Sorry. I heard about your accident. You're alright?"
9. thinking about the t-shirt you sleep in by @absoloutenonsense | this was another re-read!! - traditional A/B/O - misunderstandings due to past abuse (not done by the boys) - get ready for some high/low emotions - 52k
Harry's alpha fraternity donates to a local thrift shop (because of Liam's latent crush on a cute beta in his lecture). Louis' financial situation (and confusing omega instincts) lead him to make some interesting fashion purchases. Lots of pizza, feelings, and not-really-lying.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 3 years
Hunted - I may have already sent this but I got distracted and can't remember >.<
Aha, you did, but that's okay!
Pretty much everything about this AU is a secret since I haven't fkn written the sequel (someday, I promise ;-;) so!
1. Mitch is in the CIA, still, and has been missing for a year or so on account of his going feral in the woods. Which is going to post some problems when he eventually turns back to a human, because ofc they're going to come and retrieve him. (And teach him how to human again)
2. Because of that, everyone,,, kind of,,, gaslights Stiles into thinking Mitch wasn't real? That the romance novel cover model fucking him in the middle of the woods was just a figment of his heat-addled imagination and fantasies. (Which is why the sequel is titled Fever Dream) Not entirely unlikely, except for the fact that there's no way Stiles would have survived on his own for that long.
3. Stiles does what he does best, and researches the fuck out everything. And hey, did you know there are no wolves in California? But this definitely was a wolf, but he was alone, and isn't that weird? don't they usually travel in packs?
4. Mitch does eventually make it back to CA, because Stiles is his mate and there's nothing that could keep him away. He has a very cozy cabin in the woods where they nest and fuck like bunnies and Mitch makes Stiles all the pancakes Stiles can eat.
5. Rather than being aggressive as alphas are stereotyped to be, Mitch's instincts lean towards the make a den and care for his mate side of things. Which makes it very funny to Stiles when Mitch's rut comes (early, thanks to his new werewolf status, and neither of them realize it at first) and he's aggressively nesting. And refuses to let Stiles do anything even remotely strenuous. When Stiles teases him about it, Mitch can't even explain why he's doing it, he just wants to keep Stiles bundled up in a blanket burrito 24/7. (Stiles does not mind this.)
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raysreads · 4 years
Teen Wolf Character Scents
Okay this might sound weird, but I’ve been reading a lot of Teen Wolf fic lately and it always puts a heavy emphasis on what the character smells like. Because...werewolf senses and everyone has a natural scent. I personally love this so here are my headcanons for what each characters natural scent would be!!!!!
(I give reasons for why I went with those things but some of the reasons themselves are headcanons, and some just came to me and have no reason at all besides that fact that i love it that way)
So background info: I headcanon some scents are from birth, while some are added/change based on experiences, temperament and emotions. You have your own scent and it does its own thing, even when you’re human. Humans cant smell them since they aren’t necessarily real, they are more a smell supernaturals pick up that’s a cryptic reflection of ones personality.
Stiles: Gotta start with the main boi!!!! He smells like spicy chili peppers, honey and everything spicy. He is wild and loud and so so sharp. He uses cutting anger and snark and sarcasm as a defense mechanism, this reflects in a scent that burns your nose. But he cares and loves a lot and is super soft, hence the honey. If you focus on his scent too much your eyes water with the chili. When he gets angry he send tears down everyone’s faces and even reddens the cheeks and burns the tongues of the supernatural pack members in his anger, his scent becoming physical as his spark acts up.
Peter: He smells like cold. Like cold, and petrichor and mint toothpaste. He always has. He smells like the cold of ice, the cold you smell when you open a freezer in the cold isle of the grocery store and like Vick’s Vaporub but 10x as strong. As the left hand of the pack it was his job to kill, to eliminate threats, his job to bear all the blood on his hands, to have his hands permanently stained sticky red and his eyes glow blue, so that no one else in the pack has to live with the guilt of murder, even when justified. His first kill was at 8 years old and he would never forgive the fact that he had been given that burden. So he became unmovable ice and unending cold. With the thick smell of rain for the warmth he would always keep hidden.
Theo: His scent is that of fresh, right off the smoker, BBQ sauce-soaked ribs and apple juice. Its a scent he was born with, one that reflects the gooey warmth of his soul and his innocence before he was manipulated and tortured. His scent always throws people off since it usually reflects ones personality and he’s not a good person by any means, he is amoral and cruel; and such a warm, soft scent doesn’t make sense. But his soul (though no longer pure) would always hold his original innocence. The apple juice isn’t actually his scent, but his sisters, her heart such a part of him that his guilt manifested her soul in his scent. And if you focus hard enough, underneath all that you can find the sting of bleach. His time with the dread doctors (and the fact that he was surgically tortured into being a chimera) leaving part of his scent mangled and altered into the artificial tang of bleach. The fact that he forced his scent to remain mostly unchanged throughout his life (which was worse than hell on earth) is Very Very Impressive, even more so when in the beginning he wasn’t even supernatural.
Scott: Our ever-sweet true alpha. He smells like overly sweet pink and blue cotton candy and hot, buttered, movie theater popcorn. He’s literally sugar and spice and everything nice. His morals and warmth translating to the hot popcorn and his perpetual smiling and niceness coming though as cotton candy. He smells like fairgrounds and the laughter of children. Underneath all that he bears the subtle scent of rust,  a permanent reminder of his forced change to the supernatural and permanent resentment of the burden he must bear (and the guilt about that resentment)
Derek: He smells of Sandalwood, Patchouli, and Frankincense. He always smells like incense and spices, like the inside of a stereotypical fortune tellers shop. He becomes heat, warmth, and flame. Something that pulls at his soul since the fire. Something that is a comfort to the wolves around him. He also smells heavily of smoke (something that makes Peter unable to be in the same room as him for longer than 30 minutes unless forced) because of his never-ending guilt about his family, something that seared the event into his scent. When he’s angry (which is a lot) his scent gets stronger and the incense smell becomes extremely heady and makes his betas lethargic.
Lydia: She smells like metal, like your hands after handling handfuls of change. She smells like she bathed in pennies, her standoffish coldness bringing the bitter smell to her scent. Since she became a banshee she also smells strongly of spider lilies (also know as hell flowers), japans flower of death. You would think the contrast between bitter metal and floral scents, so strong you choke, would be bad but its actually strangely comforting. And while bitter its the only thing that can get Jackson to relax some days. The scent of the only person there for him for over a decade-and-a-half sometimes even more comforting than the scent of his boyfriend.
Isaac: His scent is of strong cologne even though he never wears any, he smells like he bathed in the Mahogany Teakwood candle from Bath and Body Works, or lived in an Abercrombie & Fitch for 50 years. He always had that smell, even as a child, but it just gets stronger the more confidence he gains. His childhood innocence and cleanliness of soul translates as a strong laundry soap smell. But hidden underneath there's an undertone of metal, plastic, and cold; that takes over his scent when he's scared and overwhelmes everything in a mile radius. It takes the Pack far too long to realize it smells like a freezer and metal chains.
Allison: She smells strongly of ozone and static (not rain though, never rain). Her anger and righteous fury making her scent like electricity and making the static-y-ness tingle in everyone's nose - sometimes making Scott sneeze. Nothing in her scent is pleasant or comforting to everyone's confusion. Its only when she feels negative emotions that she smells like roses and summer. Its like a warning but in reverse, the opposite of what it should be. Bad scents usually mean bad emotions or feelings or memories, and good scents mean good moods and positive things but for her its the opposite. Just like how she took the opposite path then what was laid out for her.
Jackson: He smells very very heavily of cherries, his scent so strong and sweet its like he took a bath in a hot tub filled with cherry cough medicine, chloraseptic cherry sore throat spray, cherry pie, cherry starburst, cherry Jell-O, and maraschino cherries. Its thick and sticky and strong enough to drown out the scent and stick for hours on anyone standing near him or touching him and it lingers on the Pack members even if they haven’t seen each other for years. Case-in-point: Jackson left for England after the kanima thing and Isaac left for France not long after. When Isaac came back 6 years later (2 years after Jackson came back) he still had the smell on him pretty strongly. Why cherries? No one knows. But its thick as hell and stronger than epoxy when it binds to things together forever. The Pack thinks it stems with his identity and abandonment issues, but once he claims you he wont let go, not even his scent. He is very self conscious and embarrassed about it so its never discussed, and he’s been friends with Danny for so long that his scent almost drowns out Danny’s own. 
Ethan: Ethan’s scent is subtle and barely there. He was the one who always stood in front of Aiden to protect them, and took the beatings when possible so his scent became as bland and barely-there as possible. The Pack can only smell his scent with intense focus and at least an hours meditation (unless you’re Aiden). He smells of freshly baked bread and homemade jam, comforting smells that easily calm Aiden down. In times of distress he smells of burnt toast, he scent twisting with negative memories. A reminder that all good things have eventually turned bad for him and his twin.
Aiden: Aiden on the other hand smells strongly like curry and lavender. An odd combination but one that speaks of his guarded- but angry, headstrong and stubborn- nature. The abuse left him angry and twitchy and paranoid, everything setting him off and his moods turning on a dime. His scent fluctuated wildly between spicy curry and calming lavender which indicated his mood and Ethan was the only one able to calm him down, doing so with a single touch between his shoulder blades where they merged.
Danny: Danny smells like he lived in a Eucalyptus oil factory for 50 years, the scent soothing and calm like he is. Its always the same and never changes, not even when his emotions do. It was concerning at first, since everyone else’s scents changed throughout the day, even when their mood didn't (the only other scent that barely changed was Peter’s but that was because the man hand an iron grip over his emotions, even in his scent. Which is super impressive). He was just that calm at all times, even when annoyed. The one time he got angry- and I mean really angry not just the pretenses he kept when ‘annoyed’ with Stiles who he more endeared with than anything- his scent overwhelmed the entire apartment complex ( the one Derek had bought out for his loft) with the horrible, strong, pungent scent of burnt rubber. No one angered him again.
But they did have a chat about his witch ancestry.
Erica: Her scent was that of a bonfire. A blazing bonfire, gasoline, and the smell of the world when it was so hot outside the air above the tar street shimmered. She was competitive, and fierce, and pure heat and burning. If she wanted something, she would take it she had always been that way, even when she was sick. And while her sickness may be gone she had a subtle distortion to her scent, one like poison, that made her always smell slightly sick. (Peter almost had a panic attack when he first met her because of her scent, he now never came within 10 feet of her).
Boyd: He smelled like a flower garden. He was so stoic that the floral scent took many by surprise. He had always smelled like soil and dirt, his down to earth personality manifesting as a calming and grounding scent. He also smelled like the ocean, like salt and brine, and waves. But that was all drowned out by the overwhelming smell of flowers, a scent that used to be his sisters, one that he subconsciously adopted after her death when he was still human. He empathized with Theo and would exchange heavy glances when the pack discussed their natural scents as a ‘pack bonding exercise’, they were both drowned in guilt for different reasons, but both over lost sisters. They never discussed it. That was all folks!!! Feel free to add on to this and/or use it as a fanfic reference!!! Do you agree??? What are your headcanons???
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dwimpala-67 · 4 years
As Time Goes By
Written for @spnabobingo
Square Filled: Pack Courting
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 5365
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort.
Part 1
Part 2
The next day Jared was a nervous wreck. He had gone through everything in his wardrobe and he still couldn’t find suitable clothes to wear on his date with Jensen. His sister was watching him, amused at his antics. One moment he was speaking about how good he looks in blue jeans, and the next he was debating if blue would go with a pink button down or a cream one. If this wasn’t funny enough, he then started trying it on and suddenly realized that the black one was much better as it complemented  the shape of his ass perfectly. He put on his tight black jeans and a cream shirt. He observed himself from all angles in the mirror and then looked over at his sister, a horrified expression on his face, already worried if he’s being too forward. 
“What if he thinks I’m gonna put out on the very first date? He won’t think I’m a slut or something, would he? Does this look too tight? Should I wear my baggy jeans instead?” Jared rambled on. 
It was such an adorable sight to watch. Her brother was an absolute mess and Margaret enjoyed every second of it. She couldn’t fault her brother though, because it was  the first time that someone had asked him out. It was obvious that he was going to mess up. That was one of the reasons why she was sitting there in his room, trying to calm him down.
“Relax, big brother. You look just fine. In fact, this outfit is better than the pink and blue combination.” She made a face and Jared pouted at her.No matter how much everyone told him that pink was too girly, he loved that color on him. He rather thought it suited his tan skin better. He knew no matter how he dressed, no one would pay any attention to him. However, that didn’t stop him from dressing properly. At times, he dressed himself in pretty colors that brought out his features. He also loved to style his long chestnut-brown hair in different ways. Some days he tied it up in a bun. He did receive looks when he did that; mostly sour ones. But he didn’t care. He dressed to please himself. He had decided  that it didn’t matter if no one appreciated him, he’d appreciate himself instead. It made him feel good about himself. However, that didn’t stop his brat Alpha sister from teasing him whenever he wore pink,  or even a tank top for that matter. She always said he looked like a dork, but he rather enjoyed wearing those. 
“But pink brings out my tan,” Jared insisted.
“No, JT, trust me. You don’t want the Alpha to think you’re weird.”
“That’s the point of the date, right? Getting to know each other. If he can’t accept me wearing pink, then there’s no point in going forward at all. I won’t submit to his wishes. He has to accept me just as I am. I won’t be changing myself.” 
Margaret sighed. Her  brother could be so stubborn sometimes. “Look, there’s plenty of time to get to know each other and still be yourself. But you don’t want his  first impression of  you to be a weird one. You want to impress the Alpha, not make him run for the hills.”
God, his sister could be such a hard-ass sometimes. She was an Alpha, and could never really understand Jared’s need to please himself and to be upfront with anyone he meets. After all, she didn’t have to face rejection the way he did. “No, Marge. He asked me out so it’s obvious that he needs to impress me. I didn’t ask him out.”
“That’s not how it works, JT. An Alpha always wants the Omega to impress him, show him why he or she can be a good partner, and submit to the Alpha’s expectation. It doesn’t matter who asks whom. All it comes down to is how the Omega presents in front of Alpha.”
Jared listened to his sister, shocked. How dare she talk about him submitting to Alphas? She was speaking exactly like the asshole Alphas he’d encountered all his life who were always telling him what to do. “How dare you? You’re just like all the stereotypical Alphas. How can you talk like that? Is submission  all you Alphas care about? Does it even matter to you what the Omega feels?”
“JT, you’re crossing a line here. I’m just advising you for your own good.” Margaret spoke, a hint of edge to her voice. She was quickly losing her patience. 
“No, you can’t make me…”
“Jared, don’t argue with me. You’re wearing the cream shirt and that’s final, ”  she yelled at Jared, using her Alpha voice.  
Hearing those words, Jared frozed. He couldn’t believe how his own sister was treating him. Jared always thought that even if she was the Alpha, she’d be different with him. Because she saw how it messed him up when he suffered rejection at the hands of all the Alphas in his pack. She had seen how  hurt he had been, and she was well aware of his reasons to leave the pack and relocate to Australia. He was  distraught that his own sister didn’t understand him. His Omega hormones were already screwing with him because of his nervousness over going on the first ever date in his life, and Margaret’s  orders weren’t helping any. 
Tears pooled in his eyes as he forced himself not to cower at her command and he shouted back, “Get out. Now.”
“Shit...JT. I’m sorry, I didn’t…” Margaret already hated herself for being so harsh on her  brother. She never liked to hurt Jared, especially when he had been through so much. Although it wasn’t her intention to make him cry, he was definitely being stubborn. 
Hearing the yelling, Sylvia Padalecki rushed into Jared's room. “What’s wrong? JT, oh my God , why are you crying, honey? What happened?”
Jared didn’t answer, he just embraced his mother tightly, seeking comfort in her arms. He was terrified. Terrified that he’d lose his only chance at finding a mate. He wanted it to be perfect and Margaret’s words had touched a nerve. 
When he didn’t speak, his mother turned to her daughter, “Why is he crying, Marge?” She gently ran her hands down  his back, trying to soothe him.
“Mom, I just...he wanted to wear a pink shirt and I wanted him to wear a cream one. One thing led to another, and I pointed out how Omegas should submit to their Alphas and then I yelled at him.”
“Margaret Anne Padalecki, how could you say that to him? Who are you to impose your views on your brother, who you forget is older than you. Just because you are an Alpha doesn’t mean you are free to impose yourself on anyone. Don’t you know he’s vulnerable right now. All his life…” she couldn’t say the words out loud. It had been a very hard time for all of them, watching Jared heartbroken and sad. Now her son was crying silently on her shoulder. “After going through so much, an Alpha asks him out and this is what you do? Remind him exactly how  Alpha wolves can be such assholes? I didn't expect that from you.”
“Mom, I’m sorry but…”
“No buts. You may be an Alpha, but I’m your mother and you don’t intimidate me, young woman. Jared can wear whatever he wants. Now go, let him get ready.”
Margaret really felt sad for making Jared cry. She was just voicing her concerns. Being an Alpha, she knew what their expectations  were when it came to Omegas. She simply wanted Jared to impress his Mate. She didn’t want Jared to be rejected by his own Mate for being a weirdo. But even she had to agree that she had overreacted. His family’s support was what he needed right now. She left the room quietly, feeling ashamed of what she had just done. 
Sylvia calmed her son down and showered him with her love. Her poor child had endured so much. She could totally understand the reasons behind his outburst. Once Jared stopped crying,  she peppered him with kisses on his forehead , much to his annoyance and urged him to relax and get ready. She knew her daughter only wished the best for her brother, but yelling at him was not the correct way to make him understand. Margaret had always been a brash child. Being the youngest, and also  an Alpha, she was always pampered even by their extended family. She never had to face any problems, unlike Jared. Well, Sylvia decided she would just give her daughter a  talk later. Right now, she needed Jared to relax and get ready for Alpha Jensen. 
Jared was pacing in his room, looking at his hair every two minutes to check if it  looked  okay. 
“Relax, Son . You look smart. The Alpha won’t know what hit him,” Greg Padalecki said, trying to hide his smile while looking at his adorable son. He was so happy. His son finally was going on a date, something which he never thought would happen.
“But Dad, I…” Jared didn’t get a chance to complete his thoughts as the doorbell rang. “He’s here.” Jared breathed, rubbing his clammy hands on his jeans. He had finally chosen a pink shirt with black jeans and his hair was  combed neatly, the long reddish-brown wavy locks brushing his neck. His mother had gushed about how handsome he looked in the outfit. Even Greg had to agree it bought out Jared’s features.
 Right now all that mattered to Jared was Jensen’s approval. The words of his younger sister were still fresh in his mind. They were another reason for his nervousness.
“I’ll go. ” Margaret jumped up from behind him and rushed to the door. “Good evening, Alpha.” She deferred to Jensen’s status as Pack Alpha. Had she not been Alpha herself, she would have totally drooled over him. Jensen  was pure sex on legs. And she was Alpha enough to appreciate his beauty, despite the fact they were two Alphas who’d never have any feelings of that kind for each other. 
“Good evening. May I come in?” Jensen gave an appreciative nod at her. 
“Of course. Please.”
Jensen stepped inside and Jared's breath hitched. The scent of his mate permeated his senses and he found himself desperate to get the man’s attention. He watched as everyone in his family greeted the Alpha. The man was stunning in a blue button down and black jeans with brown boots. His hair was gelled and  spiked. He was, simply put, gorgeous. 
The moment Jensen’s eyes reached his, Jared was overcome with a feeling of want. His heart was running a mile a minute. He stared shamelessly, not even caring that he hadn’t yet greeted the Pack Alpha. Jensen, didn’t seem to mind much. He approached Jared slowly, like a predator eyeing his prey, and gave him a brilliant smile that brought out his eye crinkles.
“Hello, Jared. You look handsome ” Jensen said, handing him a bunch of blue orchids. “These are for you.”
Jared was blown away. “Thank you,” he said, furiously blushing, feeling heat pooling in his stomach as he ducked his head down and accepted the flowers. “These are beautiful . And you look amazing too, Alpha.” 
“You can call me Jensen, Jared. Between us, as True Mates, we can forgo with the Pack formalities.”
Jared smiled at the Alpha’s declaration. “Alright, Jensen.” It felt so good to say his name. It felt right. 
“Perfect. Now, would you please do me the honor of accompanying me on a date, Jared?” Jensen asked, holding out his hand, well aware that he was going above and beyond the general practices of wooing an Omega. He knew generally the Alpha would only greet the Omega and  his family, shower him  with gifts, and mate with him  right away. However, Jensen didn’t believe in that. He was raised differently. 
His father had sent Jensen to live with his maternal grandparents when he was five years old. They had taught him to be different from the general knot heads. It was at Copper Packlands that he studied Pack dynamics, and his grandparents taught him that an Omega was the most important member in pack hierarchy. It was the Omegas who carried their future generations, something which the Alphas,  for all their holier than thou attitude, weren’t capable of doing. His grandma, Lyla Cooper, had taught him to respect Omegas and treat them equally. That’s why he believed his actions were not only baffling to Jared, but to his family as well. 
“I most definitely would, Jensen.” Jared gave him a shy smile and took the offered hand. His eyes went wide when Jensen kissed the knuckles on his hand and led him out.
They drove out to a small diner called “The Shack ”. It was actually a small building  turned into a diner near the lake. It was new for Jared, which meant it must have opened up in the last six years while  he was off in  Australia. There was a small reception area where you’d ask for a table and then a waiter would accompany them up the wooden stairs, crossing a small bridge towards the sitting area. It was comfortable and classic. Jared had to give it to Alpha Jensen for choosing this place. 
Once they were seated, Jared took in the view. The ceiling was Victorian high and made of bamboo and hay. They were given a corner seat which  gave them direct access to the lake side view. There were candles and lanterns lit everywhere in the restaurant which gave the room a romantic private look. The street lights near the lake gave it a luminous glow which made Jared fall in love with the place. 
“It’s beautiful out here,” Jared spoke up first. Their table had a candle holder  decorated with pink and white roses. The napkins were a rich shade of maroon and the plates were a complimenting shade of white, adding to the ambience. 
“You like it? It was opened by my friend Mike three years ago. He was looking for a place to start up, and got this idea of giving his customers an experience of dining in a hut. An actual hut.”
That sounded a bit odd. “A hut?” Jared asked.
“Don’t ask me man, that guy has crazy ideas. So I persuaded him to instead go for a shack-like structure that would complement this view. He readily agreed. We had our architect friend Chris design it for him because, trust me, no one wants Mike to decide anything. If he had a chance he’d open an “Come Naked, Eat Naked” restaurant. Where everyone would be asked to come without clothes.”
Jared laughed. This Mike seemed to be a curious guy. 
Jensen was struck by  Jared’s beauty. He looked gorgeous with his head thrown back, laughing at Jensen’s retelling of Mike’s ideas. His Alpha puffed in pride at having made his mate laugh like that, without Hesitation. The pink shirt  brought  out his tan and he practically glowed  in the candlelight. “You should wear pink all the time. It suits you,” he softly said.
Jared stopped talking  immediately. He looked at Jensen for a minute, trying to find any hint of a mocking tone behind his words, but he was surprised to find  that the Alpha’s words were genuine. Especially if the shy look on his face  was anything to go by. “Really? 
“Yes, it looks simply perfect on you.”
“My sister thought I shouldn’t wear pink. She said  you’d find me weird and would never go out on a date with me again.” Jared spoke, eyes downcast, playing with the hem of his shirt. 
“Is that right?” Jensen asked, curious about that line of thought.
“Yes, she said  that  pink is a girly color,” Jared mumbled, afraid Jensen might just agree with his sister’s opinion . But he needed to know what the Alpha thought . “And that Omegas should only wear things that please  Alphas. That Alphas only care about the Omega’s ability to appease them.”
Jensen wanted to find every single one of the assholes who had bullied Jared. He had done his research on Jared Padalecki. He had talked to his council members and Jared’s school mates who were still living in the Pack to understand the reason behind Jared’s escape to Australia. It hurt  his heart to see how the beautiful boy sitting in front of him was emotionally scarred. He specifically wanted to deck Margaret Padalecki for telling Jared what to do. Not that he would, she was an Alpha too, and a female at that. But he had the strongest urge to lecture her about manners.   It was obvious that the boy had taken those words to his heart. 
Jensen reached out and held Jared’s other hand which was playing with the napkin and he spoke softly, “Jared, that's a bunch of bullshit. I was raised differently. Trust me when I say I’m not like any Alpha that you must have encountered, growing up in our pack. My father sent me to stay with my maternal grandparents so that I could  be raised in an environment free of any prejudices due to  being heir to Ackles Pack. And my grandma taught me all the things that have shaped my ideology, not only as an Alpha but as Pack Alpha too. I guess you were already gone when I took over?”
A mere nod prompted Jensen to speak further. “I’ve brought about a series of changes to the Pack so far and I’m planning on reforming this Pack inside out. I know my father is a traditionalist, but I’m not. I believe that an Alpha should always put the wishes of his Omega above all others. As an Alpha’s mate, his Omega is the most important person in his life. Without his mate, an Alpha can never attain  his full potential. You’re my equal Jared. You’re the one wolf who has the ability to control me. I’m at your mercy Jared, and not the other way around. Your wish is my command. I would be the happiest wolf ever if you’d allow me to love you, cherish you, and make you happy. So, Jared, would you give me a chance to 
 win  your heart?”
Jared was floored. His conception of being with an Alpha had been shaped  because of his past. To see that his man was so different than what he had encountered so far made him believe that this was the wolf who’d maybe give Jared a chance at finding his happily ever after. “You’re different, aren’t you?” Jared asked him, staring back at the intense green gaze that peered through to his soul. 
“It’s the first of many instances to come. And by the way, your sister’s a fool if she thinks pink is a girly color. It perfectly suits you, and I’m jealous that people other than me can look at you wearing pink. You look handsome, Jared.”
All Jared was able to do was blush at those words. Really, what more could he say? Jensen’s words washed over his conscience, soothing the turmoil within him. If this wolf was his mate, he was happy that he’d found him even if it had taken  so long .
“So, what were you doing at my home last night?”
Jared felt a rush of guilt at hearing that question. He had meant to go and talk to Jensen about his brother and his best friend. Instead, he had stumbled into his True Mate and forgotten everything else! “I..umm..I wanted to talk to the Pack Alpha about my brother and his mate.”
“Your brother, huh? Joseph Padalecki, I assume?”
“Yes. I ….I hadn’t been living in the Pack for the past five years, and unfortunately my family didn’t tell me anything that went on with my brother during that time. Apparently he was in love with Chad the whole time. I just didn’t know about it.”
“And when the incident happened with the rogue human,  the Murrays disowned their own son.”
“Yes, I am surprised...I mean, I know they always despised Chad for being a male Beta. He’s the first male Beta born in their family in  twenty years. And his father is kind of an…”
“An asshole. Yeah I know. I know that very well.” 
Jensen had that tone to his voice which meant he’d had an experience with them, piquing Jared’s curiosity, “Why ? Did you run into trouble with them?”
“Oh yeah,” Jensen replied, sipping his wine slowly. “Jay, you have to understand that within the last two years I’ve been trying to change the Pack law and the ways the Pack perceives fertile Betas and Omegas. I banned the public mating ceremony. I mean, most of the Packs have started letting go of the archaic traditions, but here quite a few tried to create trouble when I proposed to ban the public claiming. Murrays created  quite a stir, but they didn’t know what they were up against.” Jensen’s eyes turned a golden green, just a flash of the Alpha’s rage. 
“Oh My God!  What did you do then?”
“Let’s just say that Peter Murray never dared to cross me after that.”
“I see.”
“So, your brother mated Chad Murray. They wanted to have a little distance from the Pack but still remain on Pack grounds, stay members of the Pack. Unfortunately, my father wouldn’t allow that. He demanded they stay right where they were. So finally Joseph and Chad felt like they had no other alternative than to give up their standing in the Pack and move away,” Jensen continued, trying to gauge Jared’s mood.
“Yeah. But  Chad lost the ability to conceive! He was a fertile male Beta without the ability to get pregnant! Everyone picked on him and he was vilified by the Murrays and their supporters. So you see Chad needed to get away from the Pack and he had a right to do that because he had to heal. Had he stayed in this Pack he would have lost his sanity!”
Jensen heard the concern and worry in Jared’s voice and saw just how distressed the situation made his mate. “Wow, I didn’t know that happened. I mean I knew Chad was attacked, but I wasn’t aware that he can't conceive anymore. Jay, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry my father forced them to leave instead of understanding the situation. I heard your family was quite supportive of Chad after the incident. And my stubborn father took away the only connection your brother and mate had to this Pack.”
“It’s not your  fault.  But I wanted to talk to Alpha Anton and ask him how he could do this to them. All his life, my brother protected me against all the bullies and when he and his mate needed Alpha Anton’s protection, no one paid attention to him. He was forced to leave this Pack, Jensen!”
“I’m so sorry Jay, I can’t even begin to realize just how devastating it must have been for you.”
“Can you ...can you do something?”
“Jared, I won’t deny that what my father did was wrong, but it’s been a long time and I don’t think your brother, or even Chad for that matter would even consider coming back to this Pack. Too much bitterness must have settled in by now. But if it means so much to you, I promise I’ll reach out to him to see what he thinks. Maybe we can reinstate their Pack status and let them live wherever they are living at the moment. I just hope they  haven’t yet accepted protection from another Pack.”
That thought had never crossed Jared’s mind, and he hoped that his brother hadn’t done that. “I just wanna meet with them, Jensen. I never had a chance to console them.”
“I understand, Sweetheart . I’ll see what I can do. Now can you smile for me? That dimpled one?” Jensen smirked as he watched Jared give him a brilliant smile that outshone the sun. 
The rest of the night went smoothly. Jared had  relaxed as the night progressed. They had a lot to talk about as they shared almost all the same interests.  The wine Jensen ordered had been exquisite and the steak was to die for. The entire meal  was delicious. Especially the dessert. The chocolate soufflé  was the best, and immediately became Jared’s new favorite. They had left the shack, holding hands,  satisfied, with  a feeling of togetherness blooming between them.
“I had a great time tonight,” Jared said as they parked in front of his house. 
“Me too,” Jensen said, and brushed his knuckles against Jared’s cheek, already loving the shy smile. 
“So, we should do this again,” Jensen suggested, a hopeful look on his face. 
“Definitely we should. Rather we must.” Jared insisted, smiling wide as his dimples showed up. He laughed as Jensen poked one of them. He didn’t want to  let go of Jensen just yet. 
“Would you call me territorial if I walked  you  to  your  door?” It was as if Jensen could read his mind.
“Not at all.”
They got out of the car and slowly made their way to the Padalecki residence, walking closely, hands brushing slightly and goofy smiles on their faces. Once they were at the door, Jensen once again rang the bell. “Jensen, I have the key.”
Jensen just winked at him, leaving Jared confused as to what the Alpha had planned on doing.  
Jared was wondering what Jensen was planning  when the door opened and Sylvia  Padalecki greeted them. “Oh, Jared you're back. And Alpha, please come in.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Padalecki. If you don’t mind, I’d like to talk to you and Greg.”
That made Jared’s eyebrow go up. His mother looked at him, questioning,  but he merely shrugged. They both headed towards the living room and sat down on the couch. That’s when his mind started spinning. Jensen never mentioned talking to his parents. Insecurity set in and his mind went through all the possible scenarios. Was Jensen leaving him? Was he planning on telling his parents just how stupid he was? After all, he had no idea how to behave on a date, and had he done something stupid to upset Jensen? Jensen didn’t seem upset though. But why didn’t Jensen say something to him? 
Jensen put his hand on the small of his back and tugged him closer. “Relax Jared. I can hear those wheels churning in your head. It’s nothing bad, promise.”
Jared sighed and leaned into Jensen. “I know. Years of rejection and bullying have left a pile of insecurities behind. It’ll take some time to put them behind me.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Jensen assured him. “There they are.”
They stood up as Jared’s parents, along with his sister entered the room.
“Welcome Alpha. Please take a seat. How may I help you?” Greg Padalecki spoke, a little apprehensive about this meeting. 
“Alpha Greg, I would like your blessing and permission to publicly court your son and declare him my Intended Mate.” It was a tradition that when an Alpha found his true mate, he had to declare them as their intended and court them publicly. Once the pair was comfortable with each other, the claiming ceremony would take place. 
Everyone was shocked and that included Jared. His mouth fell open and his parents were looking at Jensen, wide eyes shining with tears. 
“Of course, Alpha. You have our blessings.” Sylvia spoke, wiping away the tears that spilled down her cheeks. “Oh Alpha, you don’t know how much that means to us.”
“Alpha, for so long we thought our boy would never find a mate and never settle down. But you are like a breath of fresh air in his life. So, of course as long as Jared is okay with it, you have our blessings.”
Jensen smiled at them, “Thank you. I promise you, with me Jared will always be cherished and safe. I’ll do everything in my power to keep him happy. As my mate, he’s the most important person in my life.” He turned towards Jared then, smiling at the red and tearful face, “Jared, Sweetheart, please don’t cry.” 
Jared hiccupped. He didn't know when he started crying but he’s pretty sure it was during his father’s speech. He had accepted the loneliness that had filled his life. He had resigned himself to never finding a mate. And within two days not only did he have a True Mate, but his mate wanted him just as much. “Happy tears,” he said, giving out a choked laugh. 
Jensen shook  his  head a little and cupped Jared’s face, wiping away the tears with his thumb. “I do need your permission too, you know.”
Jared gave out a wet laugh, somewhere between a sob and a chuckle. “Yes, yes, damn it.”
His happiness knew no bounds as Jensen sealed the deal by pressing his full lips against Jared's. It was a very soft kiss just brushing their lips together really. But it meant the world to Jared. “Thank you, Jay.'' Jared threw himself in Jensen’s arms as he hugged the man to his chest and sobbed with relief and happiness, letting loose years of pent-up emotions.
Once Jared calmed down, Jensen spoke again, “You okay?”
“More than.”
“Alright. Before I go, “ Jensen said as he turned towards Jared’s family, “ I’d like to talk to Margaret.” He saw when she tensed up immediately and his wolf chuckled internally. Good, that’s exactly how she should feel for saying those words to Jared. “I’d appreciate it if you'd stop imposing your ideas on him. If he wants to wear pink, let the damn man wear pink. Look at him, he looks hot.” 
Jensen enjoyed both the horrified and shameful look on Margaret and the blushing red shade on Jared. 
“Sorry, Alpha, I was just trying to...I know what Alphas’ want from their mate and I just…”
“Well, next time I’d like it if you kept your opinions to yourself and not assume what you ‘think’ Alphas want from their mates. I was raised differently, and I'm perfectly okay with him wearing anything he wants. If I don’t have any problem with it, then neither should you,” Jensen said in a no-nonsense tone. He understood that she was just looking out for her brother, but the fact that she’d hurt Jared had been enough for him to leap to his mate’s defense. 
Margaret was flustered. “Yes, Alpha. I’m sorry. I’m sorry JT, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“It’s  alright, Marge. I should probably be used to your brattiness.” Jared joked, trying to tone down the tension in the room. It seemed to work as everyone smiled.
“Alright, tomorrow I’ll call the town hall meeting and inform the Pack about us. Until then, Jay, you have my number. If you need anything, just call me or even leave a text. I’ll be right here.” Jensen said, grabbing Jared in a bear hug. “I don’t want to go, but I have to leave. See you tomorrow, Jared.”
Jared followed his Intended out and bid Jensen goodbye before he drove out in his car towards Ackles Mansion. He closed the door behind him and the moment he entered the living room, he was engulfed in a group hug by his family. They were crying and laughing and speaking all at once, congratulating him on finding his mate. Jared accepted their well wishes and Margaret’s apology. Once they left him alone, his sister giggled.
“JT, your mate is so damn hot. You’re one lucky wolf.”
His parents agreed and the three of them started chatting about the two handsome men mating together and how it was unfair to all the females. Jared just rolled his eyes at his crazy family. 
But he couldn’t fault them. He was truly happy for the first time in his life. 
to be continued
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starkerkeyz · 4 years
Love Me Sweetly, Kiss Me Softly (2/?)
Chapter Title: The Dangerous Perks of Dating Peter Parker
Length:  5528 WC
Warnings:  TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF (for nooow), intersex omegas, naughty but innocent Peter?
Part 1
"We can go anywhere you want," Peter says, wide-eyed and flushed.
“All I want is you.” Tony husks, his mouth parted so he can taste Peter’s arousal on the roof of his mouth, coating his tongue and throat like liquid sin. His upper lip curls and his tongue peeks out, wanting to lick the musky saline taste right out of the air. 
His tail stays pressed to Peter’s thigh and he wishes his hand could join it, too.
Keyz 💖:  The date is here! The date is here! Somehow they DON’T fuck in the bathroom or against a tree in the park? Mads and I have been replaced by pod people I swear. Tony is behaving.
Mads💗:  The first date! TBH, the date went a looot longer than I thought it would so it got split. I can't believe how infatuated… and silly… our boys are. You'll see what I mean 😂
Tony allows himself to be led and enjoys pointedly squeezing Peter’s hand every now and then along the way. Every time he did, Peter’s little tail bobbed and twitched, and it was enchanting.
“Do you eat fast food a lot?” Tony asks curiously into the comfortable silence that's descended between them. 
Peter seems too slender for that sort of diet but then again, Tony fully plans on buying 10 combos and eating until he couldn’t anymore and he's pretty athletic himself, thanks. 
Truthfully, Tony doesn’t really care which way Peter answers; he doesn’t mind if Peter usually eats fast food or regularly eats home-cooked and this is a treat. What he cares about is learning Peter’s answer just so he’d know that much more about the bunny. 
Tony wants to learn as much as he can about Peter and he’s a little dismayed about how little he’s starting with. He has no idea if rabbits are social or solitary, mate for life or only a season. Hell, he didn’t know most bunnies prefer grains to carrots until he’d been searching the web for courting present ideas. 
Most of the initial search results were sex toys. 
Tony bookmarked the really interesting ones before filtering and narrowing it down to the Honey Bunny’s. Just in case. 
Peter's ear twitches at the question.
"Sometimes," he says reluctantly as he brings them down the street.
Tony tilts one ear towards Peter politely and the other monitors ahead and around them for threats. He catches sight of the ear twitch and inhales deeply, pride warm and soft in his chest. Peter’s omega scent and ear posturing calls to Tony’s alpha for protection without even trying. 
His ears being submissively down all the time (through no fault of his own but try explaining genetics to instinct) only add fuel to the fire growing between his ribs. It makes Tony’s wolf feel powerful and respected and feeds into the alpha urges to guard and protect. 
Peter doesn't want to admit that he doesn't really do the fast foods that a carnivore would frequent. He can eat meat– has eaten meat, but he doesn't enjoy the flavor or texture as much as his friends do.
Normally, he enjoys fresh salads and crisp veggies. It's… not really a bunny stereotype since it's true… But he doesn't want to admit that to Tony.
He doesn't want to limit what the wolf eats just because he has a preference for greens. Besides, Five Guys has fries. Fries are potatoes… so vegetable. He should be fine.
He glances at the wolf, cheeks flushing just the slightest pink. He also doesn't admit that he has a salad stashed away in the fridge in the employee area.
"I eat at home a lot," he decides to say. "But MJ said this was a good spot for wolves. Ned says their burgers are really good too."
“I love burgers! It’s probably in my top three food groups. You already know me so well.” Tony uses both ears to signal his happiness and magnify his praise. He wants to shout it out to the rooftops that Peter is the smartest bunny on the planet; utilizing his ears and tail to flag his interest and pride like an obnoxious gushing fanboy to anyone within sight will have to do, instead. 
Pleasure sparks inside him and Peter squeezes Tony's hand. He likes the idea of getting to know the wolf better. Burgers… He'll remember that.
But doubt still makes him worry. Five Guys is a fast food place, after all. Tony's probably had way better...
Peter’s eyes may be a little wide and he's almost sure that if he had a long tail like a wolf's or even a cat's, it'd be slowly waving back and forth. He bites his bottom lip, peeking at the wolf.
"Is this place okay…?" He asks, hopeful. 
He really didn't have much time to find a really good spot to take the wolf. Everything had happened so fast… Not that he minds at all.
“I don’t mind Five Guys. I’ve had it before; your friends were right, they do have really good burgers. You made a good choice.” Tony bumps their shoulders together. He leans his weight against Peter as they walk and tucks his tail behind the bunny’s thigh, keeping him close.
The hairs at the back of Peter's neck stand at attention. The sensation makes his breath hitch and he almost looks behind him to check.
It could only be one thing and it's… weird. Weird because his own little fluffy ball of a tail isn't long enough to brush against his thighs. He's not used to the sensation and the soft brush of fur against his thighs excites him.
Maybe even more so because it's Tony.
Tony’s tail wags a few times, thumping and rubbing up against (and between) Peter’s legs before settling with only minor adjustments as they walk. He only briefly misses the feeling of another tail to twine with. 
He’d have to figure out another way to scent Peter’s tail.
Some quiet, yet persistent little voice at the back of his mind suggests taking Tony home. It doesn't even make sense cause the fridge at home is packed with veggies, but it still persists. Take him home and let the wolf make a meal out of him…
Peter's blush deepens at such elicit thoughts. His scent, too, deepens with it. Arousal and want, all these signals that try to lure the wolf into devouring him.
He shakes his head rather adamantly to clear the thoughts.
"We can go anywhere you want," Peter says, wide-eyed and flushed.
“All I want is you.” Tony husks, his mouth parted so he can taste Peter’s arousal on the roof of his mouth, coating his tongue and throat like liquid sin. His upper lip curls and his tongue peeks out, wanting to lick the musky saline taste right out of the air. 
His tail stays pressed to Peter’s thigh and he wishes his hand could join it, too.
The words echo in Peter's head, bouncing around and scrambling his already desire driven thoughts. Tony wants him…?
Peter just wants to press up right against the wolf, chest to chest. Maybe he's the one that's going to do the devouring with how hot he feels.
Would Peter even have the courage to do that to a wolf…? He peeks at the man, thoughts running wild but then–
“What I mean,” Tony blinks slowly. Wolf, alpha, and man all wanted to sink cock and fang into the heat Peter’s scent promises him. 
It's hard to think why that's a bad idea with Peter looking at him with the sweetest brown eyes Tony has ever seen. 
So eager to please. Giving himself up to Tony. Giving Tony power and control; over what he eats, over where they go. It's enough to cause a slam of arousal through his gut and into the rest of his body. 
“Is that all I want is your company. The food is secondary.” Tony squeezes Peter’s hand and tries to reign himself in. 
It’s incredibly difficult when a part of him is convinced that Peter wants to be thrown over the nearest bench and fucked in front of lunch hour traffic. 
Those glossy brown eyes, the submissively lowered ears, the eager flush crowning smiling cheeks, the heady scent of fertile young omega; it's like Peter's the perfect embodiment of everything that sets Tony off. 
He’d have to be strong enough to hold off. For Peter’s sake, if not his own. 
If Tony's earlier words had almost set Peter off, these new ones feel like a bucket of ice cold water being dropped on him.
Peter tears his eyes away, a bit mortified over his thoughts. He's two seconds away from just jumping Tony on their first date and the wolf is being so sweet and such a gentleman.
He has to take control of himself. He's not some… some bunny stereotype that's down to fuck at the drop of a hat. Not that there's anything wrong with that… Bunnies are pretty carefree about sex, but Peter's always been a bit more reserved. Though… he'd probably bend over right then and there if Tony asks him…
He shakes his head so his ears sway again and he forces himself to focus.
"I wanna spend time with you, too," Peter says and tries to get all those rampant desires under control. "I… I wanna know more than what your favorite food is."
He says the words and realizes just how true they are. The bunny can't deny that he's so, so curious over what differences they have, but he doesn't mind at all. 
It's exciting. Being with Tony is exciting and his little heart is beating with the thrill of having their first date.
There's so much Peter wants to know. Tony's favorite color… his hobbies… the way his lips taste…
Peter subconsciously tugs on his ear to focus and keep his mind out of the gutter.
Tony’s eyes watch his fingers curl around the soft looking ear with an intensity that has gotten him in trouble in the past. He just wants to feel out how soft it is with his lips. Maybe run it over his cheek and then lean in and kiss Peter-
He yips to himself to focus on something other than Peter’s entire gorgeous being and how much he wants to lick and taste every inch of him. 
Fortunately, they've reached the restaurant. The scent of peanut oil and sizzling meat… Cajun, sharp and spicy, assault Peter's nose. He rubs it with his free hand but he knows he'll get accustomed to the smell fast.
Tony takes over and leads them up to the register. His stomach growls audibly from the delicious scent of cooking meat and frying oils filling his nose. His mouth waters so badly, he has to swallow before he can speak clearly.
“Go ahead and order whatever you want first. Mine is going to take them a while.” Tony winks at Peter. He doesn’t want to keep the bunny waiting for his ridiculous wolf appetite.
Peter flashes Tony a smile before he looks at the menu to make sure it's the same one he googled earlier.
"Small Cajun fries and um, just a cheeseburger," he tells the employee. Then he ticks off the toppings, a variety of veggies and ends it off with a, "And can I get it wrapped in lettuce?"
He's curious to see how it'll turn out. The bunny turns back to Tony with a chagrined smile.
Tony lets go of Peter’s hand so he could pull his wallet out of his back pocket. His tail shifts and tucks tighter to the bunny’s leg to compensate for the loss, almost hugging around so the tip tickles along his inner thighs. 
It's still too bad that Peter’s tail is too short to wrap and tangle and wrestle with. Maybe he’d let Tony drape his longer tail over the little bob sometime? It would feel incomplete if Peter was properly scented everywhere but his tail and it was actually driving Tony a little crazy not having access. That cute little fluff ball belongs to Tony as much as everything else.
He shakes his head at himself when he registers how possessive that sounds, even in the privacy of his inner consciousness. He's going to be good. He’ll hold back, go as slowly as Peter wants, let the bunny lead. 
He’s definitely not going to be a possessive stereotypical wolf that scents and fucks Peter constantly, circling and snarling at anyone that looks at him wrong. He's better than that. 
Peter deserves him to be better than that. 
The bunny's eyes widen a bit. He's definitely not used to feeling that and with how close it is to his groin, he's hyper aware of it. Normally, such a sensitive spot is extremely tickleish but in this setting…
His face flushes such a deep red when the scent of his own arousal sneaks up to his nose.
"Um, I'll be right back," Peter says, "Gonna hop in the bathroom for a sec."
He's worried he'll slick right through his pants and then, there'll be no way to explain that besides the fact that Tony just turns him into such a mess…
“Alright. I’ll pay, order mine, then pick a spot for us.” Tony leans his weight harder on Peter for a second before letting up. He resists the urge to rub their cheeks together; Peter is scent marked enough to survive a Five Guys bathroom unescorted. 
"Be right back," Peter squeaks but not before pecking Tony on the cheek and running off.
Tony smiles to himself, pleased from the affection. He follows Peter with his ears, eyes still on the cashier as he orders ten combos for his own meal. He pays and heads to an empty table to wait for Peter. 
He pulls his phone out as he waits, catching up on emails and news for about thirty seconds before he switches to the latest article on bunny fashion and trends. He needs to make sure he gets Peter only the best of the best.
The Honey Bunny’s are only the start. Tony would get Peter as many treats and nice things as he could handle and then some. 
In the bathroom, Peter rushes into one of the stalls and he's right. He's starting to slick up just because Tony had casually curled his tail around his leg.
The bunny just wants to squeak in dismay over the entire thing. His stupid bunny body and their natural hyper sensitivity to everything. It's even worse when a bunny actually likes someone.
Peter feels incredibly embarrassed over the reaction since he's never felt this way before.
Their bodies don't understand public decency and Peter's, in particular, is now pumping out fuck me pheromones like it's his last fertile heat. It's ridiculous and as he tries to calm himself down, he's thankful that Tony's taken it so smoothly. The wolf is so polite and reserved, letting Peter keep face despite knowing what he smells like.
Cold water helps to bring the color in his cheeks down from a flushed red to a faint pink. He fixes himself up as much as possible and before he walks out the door. He stalls in front of one of the dispensers tucked away near the exit.
Slick pads…Scent neutralizing.
He bites his lip because he's not in heat but every time Tony so much as smiles at him, he feels like he is.
Better safe than sorry.
When he returns, it's to see several workers carrying numerous trays of burgers. Maybe there's a large party?
His eyes follow and... Nope. They're all headed to his date, the wolf tucked away in a corner and immersed in his phone. Peter's tail twitches in excitement and he quickly makes his way over.
In the whole pile of burgers, he spots his order.
"Wow," Peter ends up blurting out, but then he does a little bounce on his toes, worried that the single word might've been offensive.
"I mean, this is a lot," Peter says. 
Tony looks up at Peter’s words, smiling broadly and pointing both ears forward to show he's listening. His tail hangs limp and relaxed out past the chair so the dark end trails the ground. 
“I haven’t eaten in a while.” Tony shrugs off the amount with only some chagrin. It's normal for most wolves to snack throughout the day and have one big meal with their family and loved ones. 
Like most things, Tony takes normal to the extreme and pushes the limits on his endurance. Like skipping eating today and yesterday to work on his projects. Which is a habit of his that he falls into whenever something catches his interest. 
Far too often if you asked Rhodey. And Pepper. And Happy.
Tony vows to never let this topic come up when he brings Peter to the pack for inspection. 
Peter debates for a moment if he should sit on the opposite side or if he should sit next to Tony. He really wants to stay close but… so much food… He doesn't want to hinder the man.
Reluctantly, he takes the opposite seat.
"Do all wolves have a large appetite?" He asks curiously.
Tony sits up and pulls two burgers closer to himself. He’s mastered the art of putting away food quickly and efficiently. 
“Not if they don’t exercise, or if they eat at regular intervals with a non-wolf. But I’m running around constantly for my company and if there’s nobody making me sit down for food, I just… forget. Until I’m hungry enough to eat a deer.” Tony grins wide enough to show off his fangs. He loves that Peter doesn’t seem afraid of them. 
Peter is more than aware of the wolf's fangs and a thrill shoots through him at the sight.
He thinks Tony looks so… devastatingly handsome. And dangerous. His little bunny heart shouldn't be thumping this hard in his chest but he can't help how it makes him feel.
He's pretty sure his little fluffy tail is wiggling, too 
“I might not eat all of this, too. I usually order a lot and see how far I get,” Tony adds on, starting to eat. His record is nine. 
“Do bunnies have to eat a lot because of high metabolism?” Tony asks in equal curiosity.
Peter blinks, ear doing a slight twitch.
"No, not really," he says but then he remembers the little hoard of snacks he keeps at both his job and at the apartment. 
The bunny smiles sheepishly.
"Uhh, well, I mean– I think, maybe?" He leans closer, fascinated by the big bites Tony takes.
Tony hums at him encouragingly, pulling two more burgers close to him so he could keep going when he very quickly finishes the first ones. He felt like he could listen to Peter’s adorable fumbling for hours. 
The way Tony consumes his food shouldn't be fascinating to the bunny but for some reason, it is. It's almost mesmerizing...
What big teeth you have…
The words are right there, teasing and playful, but Peter holds back. He doesn't want the wolf to think he's making fun of him.
He holds his own burger, wrapped in lettuce, and takes quick tiny little nibbles on it.
"I have a lot of snacks," Peter clarifies, "like a lot of snacks. A whole cabinet at work with my name on it. The Honey Bunny's didn't make it…"
He has maybe a handful of cookies left for May. They may or may not get back to the apartment intact.
“That’s fine. That just means I did right getting them for you in the first place.” Tony preens from the knowledge of a gift accepted and loved. Already, he wants to buy Peter more; as many as it takes to get him to smile and gush some more for Tony. 
Seeing Peter happy from something Tony did makes Tony’s chest warm and his ears perk up in pride. Peter deserves nice things and to be happy, always.
Peter reaches over and shly brushes his fingers over Tony's wrist. He hadn't expected the wolf to get him anything, considering this is all so new…
"Thank you for the cookies," Peter says sincerely, brown eyes so warm and sweet like honey. "I loved them and– and I'm sure you put a lot of thought into it…"
He goes to pull away, realizing he shouldn't be disturbing the man. With how fast Tony's eating, he's probably ravenous.
Tony catches Peter’s wrist and adapts to eating one handed in the time it takes to rub and scent back. He laces their fingers together as he works through his food. 
He’s honored that Peter is so trusting and willing to scent himself on Tony already. Of course, Tony wants to scent Peter back; maybe the bunny is just nervous about assuming and doesn’t understand his standing in Tony’s eyes?
The wolf lowers his ears and brings his tail out level and relaxed, flagging his contentment and their equal standing and his adoration for the whole world. He smiles and even stops eating long enough to really hammer home how sincerely he means it.  
Peter is just- he’s so- Tony wants to keep him for himself but he also wants to show him off to everyone. Peter is incredible and the fact he’s accepted Tony’s courting so easily (Scenting! Eating the cookies!) feels sort of like a miracle but Tony isn’t about to stop it from happening.
Statement made, Tony shoves half a burger in his mouth and wiggles his ears at Peter to go on, squeezing his hand where he’s still holding it across the table.
Peter is struck speechless for a moment, eyes focusing on where their hands touch. He's never quiet for long though, so even as his heart races, the bunny's already opening his mouth. He finds that he likes hearing Tony talk. He could probably listen to Tony talk about anything, and it'd be worthwhile just to hear the soft, comforting timbre of his voice.
Besides, he's a curious one and he does want to know the wolf better.
"What would you be doing if you weren't here?" Peter randomly asks.
Would Tony be eating at some fancy restaurant? Then again, he said he constantly forgets to eat so maybe not. What else then?
Oh! Tony said he had the rest of the day off. Peter wonders how he managed to do that. Peter, himself, had to use the sad bunny eyes on Ned to get him to cover his extended break turned day off.
“Working. It never actually stops when you’re at the top, you just get better at prioritizing commitments.” Tony’s ears briefly flick in the negative, lips frowning to match. 
He hasn’t needed to prioritize anything above work in a long time. Hasn’t prioritized much in a long time; just working, relentlessly, through every task given to him. 
Tony yips to himself and pointedly straightens his smile and his ears. He's having a good time, right now and doesn’t need to dwell in the past. 
“I’d rather be here, anyway. Much better company.” Tony squeezes Peter’s fingers and twists his wrist so he could swipe his thumb over the bunny’s wrist, leaving a quick and flirty scenting. 
Peter smiles at the movement, unaware of how much the wolf is actually doing. He sees it as a cute little game and his tail wiggles with his giddy emotions. He tries to turn his hand so he could catch those quick fingers, but they slip through his grasp.
He still smiles and trails after the wolf, resting his fingers over Tony's.
"I'd still be back at the shop…" Peter muses. Missing you.
Is it too early to miss someone when he's only known Tony for a day? He's glad that the wolf seems equally interested though Peter bites his bottom lip to deter his thoughts from moving towards the more explicit end.
“Do you like working there?” Tony asks around his fifth burger. 
He's starting to slow down. Talking to Peter helps keep him from shoveling even more in his mouth. 
His tail shifts up and out of the way in sudden interest, eyes flicking down to Peter’s crotch as his thoughts dip into what other things could be shoved past his lips. He licks salt and thick meat juice from his lips and lets out a low, rumbling growl of want. 
When he realizes how indecent he's being, he forcibly drags his eyes away and tucks his tail under the chair. 
Peter perks up in attention.
"I do!" He says, a bit more enthusiastic than he means to. "I like working there. Ned's there and MJ. We have a temp that's kind of a jerk but Flash isn't usually around when I'm scheduled."
Tony files the name ‘Flash’ away from Ned and MJ in his head. Coworker, but not friends. He’ll remember that Flash is Not Pack the next time he’s in.
“That’s good though. Even if you’re not friends with all of your coworkers, it sounds like you really enjoy it.”  
Peter isn't even halfway done with his burger but then again, he's been a bit distracted with the wolf. It's easier now to distract himself. His appetite for other more… private things… is overwritten by the smell of food.
"It's only for the summer though," Peter tells Tony. He doesn't know why he's babbling all this info at the wolf. Surely, it can't be that interesting? And yet, the words tumble out. "Summer vacation, saving up a little bit for when I go to college."
Tony can’t relate, having been rich enough to attend and graduate college whenever he felt like going. He points his ears at Peter and tries to show his support and listening anyway.
Peter tilts his chin down, suddenly shy.
"I kind of… wanna go into IT," Peter says. 
It's not the usual career for a bunny. Bunnies tend to go more towards… cooking. House design. There's a variety of fields but Peter's always been interested in software, In technology.
It's another thing that makes him feel less of a bunny but May has always enthusiastically supported him. That's all he's ever needed.
But admitting this now, there's a tiny bit of worry that the wolf might make fun of him for it. He's omega, too...
“That’s great! We could use more bright minds like you at SI. The brain’s power has nothing to do with the body’s shape, after all.” Tony says honestly, perking up now that he's on familiar ground. 
His HR department spearheaded equality operations but Tony still has to approve major policy changes. He knows there's a big push for more omegas in STEM and for more prey types. Peter checks two marks at once already.
Tony's enthusiastic support leaves Peter speechless. That tiny but relevant fear simply vanishes and Peter is… God, he's in love.
How can this wolf leave him feeling so elated and so invincible? It's like he really does think Peter would be perfect at such an amazing and innovative company like Stark Industries.
The next thought comes so swiftly and clearly that Peter can't even deny it. 
I'd have this man's babies if he wanted me to.
“I think you’ll do great at whatever you do. Every career is different, but you seem eager to learn, and that’s half the issue with pursuing anything. You have to be willing to put in effort.” Tony sounds like he’s lecturing him. He fidgets in his seat, ears twitching in his sudden internal agitation. 
Throughout the quickfire answers, Peter ignores that low heat of wantwantwant he feels towards the wolf. But now, he feels so relaxed and comfortable around the wolf that he's sure that his scent has deepened with sweetness. 
He can't really help that though. The excitement that the wolf is showing is infectious.
"Thank you, Tony," he says softly, "That really means a lot to me… I want to. I really want to, and I will! I just wasn't sure until now if I really should…"
He's grateful, so grateful. Maybe it's silly to commit to his major just because Tony hyped him up over it, but maybe that's all he needs. Just one other person to believe he can do it.
His scent deepens with happiness, it's a subtle difference, lighter in scent but not any less richer.
Peter smiles widely at the wolf and runs his thumb over the prominent knuckles of Tony's fingers.
Jeez, Peter smells better than the burgers. 
Tony focuses back on the present with a jolt of lust, too startled by the intensity to remember his vocal cue for focusing.
All Tony wants to do is sink his teeth into those soft bunny thighs and suck marks into what must be such tender skin...
Tony yips to himself now. He has to focus. If he keeps getting distracted by Peter’s mouthwatering scent, then he’ll start to give off aroused pheromones in no time. He couldn’t possibly subject Peter to something as awkward as that on a first date. 
He has to be good. For Peter.
He doesn’t want Peter to think that all Tony wants to do is bend him over the nearest surface, pull his pants down with a tug on that cute little tail, and rail his pretty pink-
Okay. He needs to go, now, before the scent of aroused alpha starts a scene in a Five Guy’s lobby. 
“Ah, bathroom break for me, too. Be right back.” Tony puts his burger down and gives Peter a quick squeeze of the hand before making his escape. 
He hopes the bunny doesn’t think the worst of him (even though he kind of is the worst, for thinking about Peter that way) as he heads for the same bathrooms Peter had disappeared into earlier. 
Peter watches him go with an almost forlorn look. He schools his features, though a small little pout still remains.
He needs to calm down. The bunny focuses on his burger, fully immersing himself in the crunch of lettuce between his teeth and the burst of yummy flavor over his tongue.
Without the wolf to distract him, Peter finishes in no time. He only had one burger, after all.
He nibbles on a couple fries but with Tony still in the bathroom, he unlocks his phone. There's a couple texts from Ned and a scandalous one from MJ.
He replies back to Ned but sends MJ a series of blushing emojis.
He peeks up from his phone but Tony still hasn't appeared.
With Google open, his fingers fly across the keyboard.
Wolf and bunny compatibility
Dating wolves
What to do when dating a predator.
Do canines really knot?
His heart is beating over time as his eyes slip over links and articles. That last search though… Maybe he shouldn't have looked that one up because the article he finds is… Detailed.
His breathing goes shallow and he sinks a bit in his chair, fiddling with an ear as he reads. Wolves have knots. Peter feels like he can faint right then and there because he's never thought about dating a canine or a wolf, but– a knot.
In the bathroom, Tony splashes water on his face and waits for his burgeoning erection to go down enough to piss comfortably. He paces, ranging back and forth from sinks to stalls to urinals and back. 
His pheromones seem so potent in here. Has he calmed down? It’s so hard to tell. The fans in here are too weak to cycle his scent out and he winces guiltily when a cat omega comes in and gives him judgy eyes. 
Even with human eyes and features, felines seem to give the best judgy faces.
Tony leaves before the cat can say anything. His dress pants are smooth in the front, not displaying the roiling arousal and general horniness that still kicked off like a drumbeat in his veins. 
And that’s the most important part. 
Tony slides back into his seat and forces his ears and tail into neutral instead of telegraphing his interest like before. He could control himself. He would control himself. 
For Peter.
“Are you done? I can get a bag for the rest.” Tony’s capable of eating more but he’s not actually hungry anymore. Well. Not hungry for food, at any rate.
Peter's so focused on his phone, heart beating loud in his ears, that he doesn't realize Tony's returned.
The sound of the wolf's voice startles him so much that he fumbles with his phone in an attempt to close the browser. 
He doesn't succeed.
Tony watches the bunny’s attempts to close out of whatever browser he was in. His ears perk up in excitement, not wanting to invade his privacy but still curious as hell about what could possibly get his bunny date to panic so badly.
He’s eager to see what’s on the screen. Wants to look so bad, but doesn’t want to pry. 
What does happen is that Peter’s sweaty palms allow the phone to slip and combined with his attempt to smash the home button, it ends up dropping to the table. Fortunately, it lands on one of Tony's burgers and goes skidding instead of smacking into the table.
Unfortunately, it ends up being closer to Tony than to Peter.
Tony’s eyes track it’s progress, watching to see where it goes so he can catch it on the off chance it goes off the table (unlikely but he’s seen phones launch farther before) but mostly to try and catch a glimpse of what the screen looks like.
He’s never denied being a nosy little shit sometimes.
It lands screen-up, a full blown HD picture of wolf genitalia zoomed in. Specifically at the base because Peter was just so damn curious that he couldn't help looking.
There's a big, fat juicy knot. On his phone. In front of the wolf he just met and has a serious crush on.
Mads 💗: this is how that scene happened:
 Mads: … imagine if…
 Keyz: 👀
 Mads: I'm doing it. 😏😏😏
Keyz 💖: Heh ;)
120 notes · View notes
What did you just call me?
Summary:  When an unknown hunter walks into Beacon Hills, Derek goes into Over Protective Alpha mode. Everyone gets puts into groups, which they're supposed to stick with at all times. Stiles gets stuck with Derek. Ya know, The Alpha He Has A Crush On. Over the next three days, they both realise exactly how much fun their normal life can be as well...
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | AO3 |
When you’ve only interacted with 4 hunters in 2 years and all of them are varying degrees of murderous, you form a stereotype about them. It might seem rude, but it keeps you safe.
So when a new hunter shows up in Beacon Hills, the obvious first reaction of the Hale Pack is dread, followed closely by an intense urge to protect the pack.
After a bit of redecorating, Derek’s loft becomes the pack’s den. It’s far more welcoming than the dingy run-down places he’s been staying in before.
Scott, Erica and Boyd are playing Mario Kart, sitting on the floor in front of the flat-screen T.V. (Stiles is just happy that his gift hasn’t gone to waste, the website he bought it from hadn’t had a return policy). Lydia, Allison and Issac are sitting on the couch, their feet resting on the shoulders of the ‘wolves on the floor, as they flip through magazines.
Stiles loves watching them from his perch on the countertop in the kitchen. The pack is starting to feel more like family.
The only person who’s missing is Jackson, who’s out on his night patrol of the county’s borders.
Derek has them all on a roster, mostly as a precautionary measure.
From the corner of his eye, Stiles sees Derek staring at him.
When Stiles turns his head, Derek goes back to chopping vegetables for the fajitas he’s making.
Stiles has already blackmailed the pack into saying how good they are, regardless of how they taste.
Stiles asks, “What? Why’re you staring at me?”
On the other side of the open floor plan, Issac whispers something to Lydia as the game gets paused abruptly.
Derek rolls his eyes, “Nothing.”
Stiles huffs, “Right. So I’m just supposed to ignore how all of you keep looking at me, I mean-”
All the ‘wolves stand up straight and look at each other. Derek mutters, “Jackson.”
Oh no.
Derek’s eyebrows are doing their thing. The thing Stiles associates with immediate danger, and they rush down the stairs.
Stiles hates his luck, just as he’s about to find out why the pack’s been acting weird for weeks, something new shows up. He stops his pity party and follows them down the stairs.
Everyone else beats him down the stairs by a long shot.
When Stiles walks out of the building, the only new person on the street is Jackson. Derek is staring at the night sky, his eyes reflecting the twinkle of the stars as his eyebrows do their Thinking ™ pose.
Everyone is standing in a circle, whispering urgently.
“What’s wrong?”
Jackson gives him a baleful look, ”We’ve already been over everything already, doofus. Why don’t you use your stupid magic to move quicker?”
Before Stiles can snark back, Derek chimes in, “Play nice.”
Stiles feels warm in his stomach. He laughs at Jackson’s irritated face and the rest of the pack also joins in, but Stiles feels like they’re laughing about different things.
Derek directs everyone’s attention back to the issue, by asking Jackson a question. Stiles notices that Derek’s ears are red for some reason.
“So what did you smell exactly?”
Jackson sighs, “I can’t explain it, Derek. I couldn’t smell a person, but there had been wolfsbane and Vervain in the area recently. I felt like, something was out to get me. I had to get back to the pack.”
Siles nods. He’s read in Deaton’s books that their extreme sense of smell can even help ‘wolves perceive emotions. Obviously, the smell of Wolfsbane and Vervain points to hunters.
But just not the normal ones.
Stiles lets out a sigh, “Supernatural hunters.”
Allison nods.
The pack looks at them, “What’re those?”
Allison explains, “Vervain is a herb that can be very harmful to elves and trolls. So, not many people in the supernatural world carry it around...”
Scott fills in the rest as he realises what they’re talking about, “So, anyone who’s carrying it, wants to harm different types of supernatural creatures.”
Stiles smiles. It seems that Scott has paid some attention to Deaton’s boring lectures.
Issac, Boyd and Jackson sputter, “Elves? There’s more than just werewolves.”
Allison smiles at them, “Maybe you should read the copies of the Beastiary I’ve given you.”
Derek calls out, “Alright, Enough. We’re still just speculating. Let’s go upstairs first and I’ll look into Jackson’s memory.”
The pack walks up the stairs slowly, letting Stiles keep up with them. Derek is at the front, supporting Jackson’s weigh. The beta’s run from the county’s border to Derek’s loft, he needs all the help he can get.
Derek lays Jackson stomach down on the couch and crouches down next to him. Derek slowly pierces his claw into the back of Jackson’s neck. Jackson lets out a pained grunt. A look of absolute pain consumes Derek’s face. Stiles is sure that he feels more pain than Jackson, as he’s an Alpha, hurting his beta for no reason. Around Stiles, the ‘wolves also shudder as their pack bonds rattle.
Stiles, Lydia and Allison also feel it but not to the same extent.
They all crowd around Derek and Jackson. Memory transfers take a heavy toll on the health of the receiver.
Derek pulls his claw out of Jackson's neck. He crumples to the floor before Jackson's neck can start healing up. Issac and Stiles move towards Derek.
Stiles keeps a comforting hand on Derek's arm as Issac does the heavy lifting of moving Derek from the floor to the armchair next to the couch. Stiles tries to slowly move away, hoping to get Derek and Jackson a glass of water each.
But Derek latches onto his hand before he can move, he whispers urgently, "Hunter. It's a hunter." before passing out and slumping forward.
Stiles stays crouched down, Derek's head resting on the hollow between his shoulder and neck. Behind him, Stiles hears Issac complain, "Oh yeah, he tells Stiles. I'm just the one who's moved him around, ensured that he doesn't choke on his tongue. I mean I know Stiles is practically his b-" Issac yelps as someone smacks him, "Best friend." he stresses, "Best friend. As I was saying-"
Stiles huffs, "Hey, drama queen, help me put your alpha to bed."
They meet the next evening at Derek's loft, once the Alpha is a little healthier. Which is to say, Derek counts being able to walk as a sign of full recovery.
The thought of the immediate threat keeps Stiles busy enough to not nag Derek about taking Deaton’s special medicine and to keep a good sleep pattern.
When everyone has gathered, Allison gives them the bad news. Her father doesn’t know the new hunter in town unless he’s hiding things from her again.
Derek’s first order of business is to divide them into groups. Everyone’s supposed to move with their group at all times. Derek doesn’t want anyone alone or distracted if they come across the hunter.
It’s the second part of the justification that pisses the pack of. Derek mutters about not letting teenagers have their way. None of the couples is together. It’s Scott and Boyd, Issac and Lydia and finally, Jackson, Erica and Allison.
Stiles and Derek end up together.
Issac huffs and mutters something which causes all the other ‘wolves to break out in giggles. Derek, however, rolls his eyes, only his ears go a little red, “Shut. Up.”
Jackson grumbles again, “This feels like a fucking school project.” He puts on a faux-innocent face, “Why can’t we choose our own partners, Mr Hale?”
Derek replies with a straight face, “Because if my betas are getting caught by hunters, I’d prefer for it to not be with their pants around their knees in the back of a car.”
The pack stays silent for a moment before breaking into giggles. Derek’s jokes are always quick, unexpected and delivered with a straight face. Jackson huffs. The clock behind Jackson reads 11:45. If they’re supposed to get to school on time tomorrow, then they need to get in bed now.
Stiles calls for everyone’s attention, “Has everyone decided where they’re staying?”
Scott nods, “I guess Boyd can stay with me, Allison and Erica can stay at Jackson’s place and Issac can go with Lydia?”
Stiles nods, “Right and who’s taking me and Derek?”
Scott is about to respond but stops abruptly. Derek replies from behind Stiles, “You’ll go to your house.”
Stiles falters but agrees. It’s late and he just wants to sleep so he goes with it. The pack slowly moves out of the loft. Derek follows them to the door. Stiles only realises the difference when Derek locks the door.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m coming with you.”
“What? Why? I can go with any of these guys.”
Derek growls, “Stiles, what rule did we just talk about?”
Stiles replies sullenly, “Stay with your partner at all times.”
Derek nods and follows the rest of the pack down the stairs. Stiles drags his feet along.
Outside the building,  the pack quickly splits up into groups, after a lot of unnecessary groping and kissing.
Derek clears his throat and looks away. His eyebrows scream UNCOMFORTABLE.
Lydia snarks, “Well, you wouldn’t have to see this if you just let us go where we wanted.”
The street clears out quickly after that. Then, only Boyd, Scott, Stiles and Derek are left.
Stiles cracks a joke, “So, who’s kissing who now?”
All three ‘wolves freeze up. Stiles rolls his eyes, “Geez guys, no homo. It was a joke. Let’s just go home.”
Stiles and Scott move towards Roscoe, at the same time, Derek and Boyd open the doors of the Camaro.
Scott shakes his head, “Derek, no. I love you but we aren’t going to get in that matchbox car and I don’t want to sit on leather seats in this heat.”
Derek turns to look at Stiles, who shrugs, “I’m not leaving Roscoe behind.”
Derek and Stiles rumble onto Stiles’ street in Stiles favourite car, after dropping Scott and Boyd off.
Derek huffs when they get near his house. Stiles asks, “What?”
Derek replies, “Your dad is at home.”
Stiles snorts, “So? It’s not like you’re my boyfriend.”
Derek freezes up. Stiles looks at him from the corner of his eye, “Jeez man, I keep saying no homo. What is wrong with you?”
Derek asks slowly, “But are you, like no homo?”
Stiles snorts, “That’s the stupidest way of asking me if I’m straight?”
Derek shrugs, “But are you?”
“Not even a little. When I first got a crush on Lyds, I wasn’t even sure if I liked her or the jock she was hanging out with. Thankfully, Jackson turned out to be a jerk, so he wasn’t my first guy crush, but yeah...”
Derek growls. Stiles soothes him, “Don’t worry. No one’s taking me away from the pack.”
They slowly pull into the driveway. Stiles shuts off the jeep.
Even though he knows the answer, he asks, “You’re going to climb through the window, aren’t you?”
Derek hums.
By the time Stiles clambers out of the car, Derek is already climbing up to his window.
When Stiles enters the house, his father is in front of the t.v., he looks from Stiles to the wallclock meaningfully.
Stiles has come in 5 minutes before his curfew ends.
Thankfully, his father doesn’t say anything. Stiles reminds himself not to look a gift horse in the mouth and walks up the stairs.
When he opens the door it’s to see Derek pulling a blanket and pillow off the bed. Stiles asks slowly, after closing the door, “Hey, big bad wolf, we use the bed to sleep, not keep the pillows.”
Derek levels him with an unamused face and drops the pillow and blanket on the floor. The alpha’s gone crazy. Well, crazier than usual at least.
Derek asks softly, “do you have anything I might be able to fit into?”
Stiles looks Derek up and down, slowly. It’s the only chance he gets to consentingly look at the alpha’s figure, so he uses it to the best of his abilities.
Derek shuffles under his gaze. The alpha’s hips might be as narrow as Stiles’ but he’s got a lot more leg muscle to work with. Stiles ducks into his mess of a cupboard and pulls out an oversized old navy track pant his father had bought him a week ago. Stiles knows that he should also look for a bigger shirt, but he subconsciously wants to see Derek in a smaller figure-hugging shirt.
Stiles flings both the track pants and a shirt at Derek, who catches both. Stiles gets up and turns sound to see Derek standing in the corner, eyeing the shirt mistrustfully.
Stiles chuckles, “You know how to wear that right?”
Derek holds out the shirt shyly, “I don’t wear a shirt to sleep.”
Stiles grabs the shirt slowly and continues looking at Derek, who doesn’t move.
A moment later the alpha says softly, “Is it okay if I change here?”
“What? Oh. Yeah. Sorry- I’ll just- Uhh” Stiles walks out of his room quickly, closing the door behind him.
He can feel his face heating up. With nothing better to do, he walks down to the kitchen and drinks a glass of water. The t.v.’s been switched off and his father isn’t in the living room anymore.
When Stiles goes back upstairs, he sees Derek curled into the blanket on the floor, hugging the pillow. The soft moonlight glints off the sides of his soft stomach, which rises and falls with each breath.
“Uhh, hey Sourwolf. You can sleep on the bed, you know that right?”
“Shut up and go to sleep Stiles.”
“Jeez, no need to be so rude about it.”
Stiles clambers into his bed, his hopes of seeing a naked alpha being dashed.
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stetervault · 5 years
hey cywscross! any longfics (like at least 30k+ long) you can recommend? old or new is fine but like something multichaptered (and preferably complete) would be great! thanks!
Wow, 30k, you’re obviously settling in for a fic marathon lol. I can name you some, mostly Steter with a few Stetopher/Steterek:
Under the Songbird’s Wing by mia6363
Captivity easily destroys the will of escape. It can break the fiercest of animal. It can strip the most regal man and woman down to nothing but animal needs.
Captivity can, if met with unwavering determination, shape a person into something unimaginable.
Stiles is sixteen when he’s captured. Stiles’s first thought is, “I won’t die here.”
love me lights out by veterization
Stiles and Peter get snowed in together. (Or: what happens when you accept phone calls from people you haven’t spoken to in over five years.)
come find me by Areiton
“You want me,” he says, stubbornly sure and you consider him.
“Yes,” you agree, because you are not a good man, and you are not accustomed to denying yourself what you want. “And it doesn’t matter because I am saying no.”
You touch his hand, and he jerks, wide eyed as you lean into him, and breath into his ear. “If you still feel this way, come find me in ten years.”
Til Death by Bunnywest
“How long do we have to find him someone?” Stiles asks.“Two weeks,” says Derek, eyebrows pulling down even further. The fierceness of his expression tells Stiles just how concerned he is.“He marries, or he goes to the camps. And you know what your father told us,” Scott reminds her.The camps……aren’t camps.Peter either finds a wife, or he dies.
Rabbit verse by Bunnywest (series, complete)
Peter loves to hunt. Stiles is his (too willing )prey.
as you are by veterization
Stiles runs straight into a tree and suddenly, things are… different. Namely, he’s in a world where Peter Hale is his boyfriend.
Uncle Peter Doesn’t Date by Mellow (SweetCandy) (wip series, but each part so far is complete)
“Oh don’t lie, you love it.” Peter purred and winked at his newest arm candy, who spluttered for a few seconds, before blushing like a 16 year old virgin. Considering how young he looked Laura wouldn’t be surprised if he was actually 16.“Shut up Peter!” Bambi squeaked, still flushing and averting Laura’s eyes. “Well, anyways, I’m,”‘Bambi’.“Stiles. Stiles Stilinski, pleasure to meet you- again.” Stiles smiled sheepishly, obviously nervous.Stiles Stilinski. Definitely a stripper then.
Or: Laura was prepared for whatever piece of armcandy her uncle had decided to show up with, what she hadn’t been prepared for was Stiles Stilinski…her uncle’s boyfriend.
Rewriting the future by Synesthetic
Two days before their planned bonding, alpha Derek Hale runs away with his secret beta girlfriend, leaving Stiles heartbroken. With the demands of his omega physiology forcing him to bond with someone before his first heat, Derek’s uncle Peter steps in and offers a solution.
To Save Them All by Goldenpetal13
AU, FutureFic/Re do of Season 1, Something happens, something bad, and Stiles finds a way to go back in time to change the past and save them all, to give them a future. He finds the way back and then swaps places with Scott and he gets bitten by Peter instead. Now he has to change the events that where set in motion after that event and maybe, just maybe they’ll all get to live.
Empathy, Empathy, Put Yourself in the Place of Me by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (series, complete)
Peter was suspicious.
Just generally, as a person. He always assumed his fellow man had impure motives until they proved otherwise, and then he still kept an eye out.
But at this particular moment, he was specifically suspicious of Derek’s new girlfriend.
He’s not the only one.
Bone Deep by ShippersList (28k+ but complete)
A body in the woods, a mate, and a long-awaited revenge.
Peter had no idea how his life would change when he followed the strange pull in his chest.
Get Off (Me) by KouriArashi
Stiles hates being left behind with Peter while the pack is fighting monsters, because he never knows exactly what Peter will get up to.
Love What is Behind You by KouriArashi
Basically what it says on the label. Hunger Games type fusion. Stiles doing way better than anyone anticipates. Peter finds him intriguing. Ruthless, devious assholes working together to ruin bad guys, as the Steter ship is meant to be.
Whatever Works by KouriArashi (Steter + Sterek)
The problem with having your soulmate’s first words to you tattooed on your arm is knowing your whole life that you’re fated to be with a jerk. It’s enough to make Stiles want to date other people … which is how he winds up dating his soulmate’s nephew.
Call My Name by KouriArashi
After moving to Beacon Hills, Stiles starts having recurring dreams of a man in some kind of prison, who needs his help. Things get so bad that he ends up in Eichen House, where he finds out that the man is real.
Sympathy for the Devil by KouriArashi
Stiles gets a job as a hospital orderly and finds himself becoming strangely attached to the catatonic man on the long-term care ward, and finds out that there’s a lot more to Peter Hale than there seems…
Devil of Mercy by KouriArashi
Peter’s heard people talk about what it felt like when they saw their mate for the first time, from those who actually believe in the mystical bullshit. Like a magnet, like gravity. Peter just feels… sharply curious.
Begging Me To Open Up My Mouth by Green
In a world where the supernatural is known, Peter still has to stick out. He can’t just be a werewolf, he has to be a sub, too. He can handle the stupidity from his classmates, he doesn’t even care about that, but Talia not understanding what he needs because werewolf subs are so rare?
Yeah. That he could do without.
Stiles is a Spark, freelance Emissary, and a Dom, in that order. He likes it that way. The freedom of it, the ability to travel and learn. He’s not ready to settle down.
But he maybe considers lingering when someone catches his eye.
Of Werewolves and Tentacles by Guede (Steterek)
Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall, childhood best friends who were separated, now reunite to get to know each other again. Since Scott’s a werewolf and Stiles is a new graduate of Miskatonic University (which is proving strangely attractive to Peter-Hale-shaped werewolves), they’ve got quite a bit to catch up on.
Bittersweet Creek by Guede
When Stiles finally steps off the westward trail to California, he’s the last of his pack. He starts building a den, but then he finds a dying man next to a burnt-down house and it turns out he’s not really much of a settler, after all.
Cats and Dogs by Guede
Stiles is a were-cat. He likes to lie around in the sun, insists on poking into everything, viciously defends his territory and is always judging you. His best friend is Scott, a werewolf, he’s dating Peter, another werewolf, and he enjoys terrorizing Peter’s nephew Derek.
Oh, and John and Chris are were-cats too. Basically, everybody’s some kind of were and I make a lot of cheap jokes about cat and dog stereotypes.
The Time Travel Grammar Book by Guede
The story that was supposed to be about time-travel, but is really a stealth AU of the first two seasons where Talia’s a struggling single mom, Peter’s the eponymous teen wolf, and Stiles, Scott and Lydia…are time travelers (so that part’s not totally inaccurate).
Open Wounds by Guede
Talia got out of the fire with Peter, but everyone else died. Years later, they’re still struggling with injuries, but they’ve at least settled in with oddball werewolf Stiles. And then other werewolves start showing up. Familiar ones.
Movement in Alpha Major by Guede
Peter Hale, thirty-four, shady but successful human lawyer, knocks on his nephew Derek’s door one night because he’s just been bitten by a werewolf. Somehow, this ends up being a lot more awkward than one would expect.
The Sphinx of Beacon Hills by Guede (Stetopher)
Stiles is a sphinx, and he’s winging his way to visit his buddy Scott when a storm drops him in Beacon Hills, the craziest, crankiest, coldest place ever. And somehow, he ends up with a bunch of werewolves.
Note: Bestiality warning is because the version of sphinx here is lion-shaped from waist down, and I don’t know how else to tag that.
Werewolf How-To by Guede (Steterek)
Being a sex mage with a magical knotting cock (and a profitable land revitalization business, thank you) doesn’t mean that Stiles needs to hook up with werewolves. It just kind of happens that way.
Intemperance by Guede (Stetopherek)
Stiles is the one who gets pulled back to Beacon Hills by a murder.
Sustainable Management by Guede (Steterek)
An alternate universe where werewolves and other supernatural creatures aren’t just integrated, but are so deeply embedded that they’re considered part of the natural ecosystem.
In other words, Stiles and his father work for a U.S. Forest Service that’s way different from the one here, if only because it involves many more secret-agent hijinks.
Strays by DiscontentedWinter (Stetopher)
In a Beacon Hills that’s been destroyed by a war between humans and werewolves, Stiles Stilinski does what he has to in order to survive.
Sanctuary by DiscontentedWinter
The Hale Wolf Sanctuary isn’t just for wolves.
It turns out it’s for Stilinskis as well.
Infinite Space by DiscontentedWinter
Stiles needs Peter’s expertise to help stop the latest threat to Beacon Hills.And, as the pack falls apart around him, he might even need Peter for more than that.
Save Me by DiscontentedWinter
Peter is the Alpha.He’s nobody’s savior.Not his pack’s. Not his town’s. And not that kid’s.But sometimes salvation goes both ways.
You Had Me at Canapes by LadyArinn
Stiles doesn’t mean to sneak into the Hale wedding, and he certainly doesn’t mean to have cliche coat-room sex with the bride’s uncle, but what had happened, happened, and it wasn’t like he could just leave. At least, not until he got to have some of that cake.
Naughty Hookers (Swathed in Wool) by pprfaith (wip series, but main parts are complete)
Stiles is happy with his store, his hobbies, his friends. Peter’s just trying to figure out how to raise his nieces and nephew without fucking them up too badly.
Paths cross.
Sing to Me, Oh so Sweetly by lavenderlotion
“Can I get a story, Mama?” Stiles asked.
“What type of story do you want to hear, darling?” his mama asked, sitting on the edge of his bed and playing with Stiles’ hair. He liked it when she did that.
“I wanna hear about the magic woman!” Stiles demanded, doing his best to keep still.
“You always wanna hear about the magic woman,” Mama told him. “Well, alright. Do you want me to start from the beginning?”
“Well, duh,” Stiles said, rolling his eyes. The beginning was always the best part.
“Once upon a time, there was a young girl with skin as white as the moon and eyes as bright as the sun.”
Breathing You In by lavenderlotion (29k+, 1 chapter, but complete)
“Good morning, kiddo,” his dad said, and the words hurt.
All Stiles wanted to do was step forward and let his dad hug him, allow his father to give him comfort. His father’s hugs had always been all-encompassing, the way he would fold himself around Stiles and hold him as tightly as he could.
Stiles stepped around him, careful not to let foreign skin touch anything that was special to him.
Anything he loved.
Just Don’t Leave Me by lavenderlotion
Stiles had no idea it could happen. Really, he hadn’t. But it did and he had to deal with the fallout, alone. And, and after everything with Scott, and Derek, that was a daunting task. At least, he had his dad, god was he thankful he had his dad, but - but he couldn’t say he didn’t wish he had Peter, too.
Proposing To Strangers by moonstalker24
At the end of a strained relationship, crime novelist Stiles chooses to hide from the world inside a bar with far too many motorcycles outside it for comfort. Here he’ll meet the man of his dreams, eat food and propose marriage, all within the first five minutes.
Peter doesn’t know who this kid is, but he’s cute and looks like he could use a break. So he feeds him. He’s not expecting a marriage proposal, but with what comes after, he doesn’t really mind.
Worn Out Shoes by moonstalker24
When the dead rise, and the world comes to an end, the McCall Pack must learn to live in this new world, or die in the attempt. This is the story of the end, and of the year that follows.
The Choice by moonstalker24
“You will be changed, Goscislaw Genim Stilinski. From your bones you will be changed.”“How.”“That we cannot tell you… That is the price.”
He’s made the deal, now he only has fifteen minutes to make a choice and either save or condemn them all. Fifteen minutes and then Stiles will have to live with the consequences.
Every step of the way by Pirotess666
Hurt, pain, suffering. TORTURE. Peter felt it all while he was in Eichen House.And after he got out? All those memories of what happened there were threatening to drive him insane.The only thing that helped? Being with Stiles.And Stiles just couldn’t stop himself from helping Peter.
Bite Down by EclipseWing (27k+ but complete)
In which Stiles is forced to survive the zombie apocalypse with a sociopathic murdering werewolf for company.
Surviving Peter and the Zombie Apocalypse by Nopennamesleft
Its the end of the world and Stiles has run out of luck. He saves a werewolf from certain death. Will they begin to rely on each other to survive or will the wolf just eat Stiles for a midnight snack?
Do You Like to Hurt? (Then Hurt Me) by taylorpotato
Stiles shows up at Peter’s apartment, drunk and horny. Peter almost does the right thing—before it all deteriorates into a voyeuristic power game and Stiles has a mind-shattering orgasm. Things snowball from there. Takes place after Season Three (with consequent canon divergence).
Out Of The East, Never See The Sun Rise by neglectedtuesday (24k+ but complete)
In the beginning, there are three absolutes.
One. Stiles is a god, forged of starlight and collapsing galaxies and he is eternal.
Two. Peter is human, fragile bone and viscous blood and he is temporary.
Three. Stiles and Peter are in love; love that claws its way inside one’s heart like fish hooks; all encompassing love that is beautiful but dangerous.
Stiles is a god. Peter is human. They love each other.
Three absolutes.
The World That Is Not Ours by Ragga (wip series but first three parts are done)
About a boy and his monster, or a monster and his boy.
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twohearts-hs · 5 years
‘Omega’ - Werewolf AU
Words: 6.5k
Pairing: Alpha!Shawn Mendes x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Harry Styles
Warnings: Swearing and a Little Bit of Smut
|| Masterlist in bio ||
It was one small town and two packs that ran it. It was ordered, simple and written in stone; that was until she came along.
The small town in British Columbia was known for the gangs, more as the two wolf packs. There was no rivalry nor bad blood, in honestly they’ve been in peace for years. Shawn Mendes and Harry Styles weren’t friends, but they weren’t enemies; it was humble between them.
Everyone was afraid of Harry. He wasn’t ruthless nor cruel but he knew how to run a pack and he did it very well. Shawn was more new at it, not hundreds of years old like Harry and have been doing this since he can remember. He has been running the West pack for a short ten years and it has been more successful than all his ancestors.
Shawn was more of the guy everyone loved. He was the one that would be invited by all the elders to their grandchildren weddings, he was the one that brought a smile to anyone’s faces. He was a strong alpha, yet everyone loved him.
Y/N was new to the town, herself getting accepted into the local clinic to finish off her medical degree in werewolf health. Ever since a little girl, she’d always dreamt going into this field herself, as she grew up in a werewolf community, herself a werewolf as well; in fact, an omega. She learnt quickly the lack of doctors in the supernatural field, therefore she took it up herself.
She chose not to dabble in vampires or hybrids, as she finds them quite terrifying, therefore she chose the field that she was raised in. Werewolf medicine was quite the same as human except for the exceptional healing powers and the high heart rates. Really, it was just learning more of the wolf anatomy more than the human.
The little town of Tofino in British Columbia was just about to hit two thousand people and merely is a wolf town. The cold water surfer town on the little island was the stereotypical little town where tourist fled in, but everyone knew everyone. Yet, there were two sides to this little town. The East pack run by Harry and the West run by Shawn. The only time they’d cross was in town, otherwise, folks would stay on their side. Y/N screwed all this up.
Harry woke up. The first thing that came to his mind at the moment was pack meeting. Not just his pack, but with Shawn. There was something new here. Something that would cause disruption. His bare, tattooed chest complimented his body, joggers and socks, as he got up from his bed.
A ring-free hand went through his locks as his feet stumbled the wooden floor, travelling in circles as he tried his best to locate this newcomer. Who were they and what do they want? He was afraid, no, Harry was never afraid. After surviving the battle of 1365 with the wolves of the North and South, fear never struck him again. Yet the wolf was in despair, something has entertained the little town and yet he doesn’t know where it is.
Usually, he could locate the trouble, hear it or simply smell it, but he couldn’t. All he knew was that something has entertained their home and he needs to figure it. He needs to figure out without the help of his pack, as he can’t risk scaring them; normal for wandering small packs coming into town to take over.
Shawn felt it too, it was a pull though. Harry felt uneasy, Shawn felt a need to go to this person. Therefore that morning when he woke up, he instantly went out.
Y/N whistled her way down the street, turning the corner and hoping to god that she could get her morning coffee. It was not a nice surprise to be greeted with no coffee in the new little flat, therefore she prayed that there was a café in the town somewhere. Though happy, she wasn’t herself till she could feel the hot caffeine flood down her throat. The black liquid giving her more energy than any sleep ever.
The cold wind was brought to her, having her shiver a little. Too many, the winds to them might’ve been cold, but to her, they are just the seas huffing and puffing. Y/N moved for the ocean, loving the cold water and natural forest that was brought on the island. She felt at home for once. It was a dream. She was finally with peace with her life.
A little mumble escapes her lips as she found a local coffee shop. A smile littered her face as she welcomed herself in. The smell of coffee hit her, as she made her way to the counter. A simple order came out fluently from her mouth as she humbly ordered her desire at the moment.
Y/N smiled at the girl, handing her the coffee she so desperately wanted at the moment. It was generous, the tip she left as she hurriedly exited the store. Her inner wolf wanted to be outside, the smell of the ocean and pine just made her smile. So, she went the other route back to her house.
It was a normal winter morning on that side of the island. Fog covered the horizon as gusts of the East winds welcomed themselves in the tourist built town. It was close to a full moon, she noted. The inner wolf inside her preparing to mate, as Omegas do so. Therefore her hormones were getting frisky.
Twenty-four years and no mate. Y/N didn’t rely herself much on that stuff; everything happens for a reason. But, she learnt at school that after a while, the wolf doesn’t function correctly without a mate, as they were made to function together. So, a little piece of her was worried.
“You’re an omega,” she jumped, a voice behind her spoke. Instantly, her hair on her arms raised and she obeyed.
A male stood in front of her, obviously an alpha; tall, broad, strong. The curly haired with the British voice stayed still, watching as Y/N turned around.
“I am,” she mumbled, afraid to look at the stranger.
Harry took a breath, frustration littering his veins as he looked at the female, “What is an omega without a mate, let alone an alpha, doing alone in the woods?”
Y/N tried to open her mouth, but he was right, it wasn’t smart. Harry had a feeling though. He didn’t know how to describe it, but he needed her.
“I am new here,” she looked up, seeing one of the most attractive alphas she’d ever laid eyes on.
Harry raised his eyebrows. He was supposed to come to the woods to meet Shawn to discuss this terror that has entered the town, but he was met with an omega, a beautiful omega which he couldn’t be mad at.
“I’ll tell you something, love. There are two packs here. Pick one, don’t mix yourself with the other,” Y/N scoffed.
“I’m fine…”
“Harry,” he added as she nodded, trying to finish off the sentence.
Y/N turned around, trying her best to finish her walk home with her coffee and to finish off the paperwork she needed to do, but as soon as she looked up, she bumped into someone else; a new figure.
“Hate to agree with him, honey, but a packless omega can’t be alone,” she looked up and was instantly met with these soft honey-coloured eyes. Instantly, she fell in love. Y/N looked behind her and groaned. Two alphas. These must be the pack leaders.
“I just want to go home,” the new figure stepped aside. He was kind, he had soft features but with a jaw that can kill. He was welcoming, while Harry was more traditional...scary even.
“Ok, but I am just warning you,” she told her name and he smiled at her. Harry groaned beginning to walk up to them.
“Don’t fall for those eyes, he’s a flirt,” Y/N tried to calm her nerves down, but as so close to her heat, and the overwhelming alpha smells, her mind wasn’t functioning.
“She’s close to her heat, Shawn,” Harry mumbled, hand going through his hair as he tried to figure something in his mind.
“For fuck’s sake,” she yelled, “don’t you think I know that.” The oddest part about this was the fact that she didn’t feel at all uncomfortable surrounding herself with the two alphas.
“It is not wise for an omega in heat to be alone at that time,” Shawn said, Y/N sighed, this was not what she was planning to do at nine a.m. on a Monday morning.
Harry leant against a tree and just stared at Shawn and her. There was something about her that he just wanted to hold her and kiss her and call him his. She was more than beautiful, her smile was the most amazing thing he saw that day. She was all that and a bag of chips.
Shawn looked at Harry then looked at Y/N, “I see you’ve finished your coffee. Come back to the pack house and I’ll make you one and explain everything to you,” he said to her, smiling. Harry scoffed, classic Shawn.
“I’d like that,” she smiled, beginning to walk with Shawn.
“Are you coming, Harry?” Y/N turned around, voice sounding like honey.
“I’m not stepping into testosterone running dogs’ property,” Y/N looked at him funny and nodded, ignoring the confusing comment.
Shawn was sweet. He smiled at her and continued to lead the conversation, making her less nervous. Gradually, his hand has moved from his side to her hip, bringing her into him. She didn’t mind, an alpha being an alpha to omega. It was classic.
Their trip to his place was filled with chatter as they continued their way. Y/N explained her work and Shawn was so thankful for another doctor in the werewolf business. Shawn explained his position in the pack. Yet, he steered clear of the Harry situation.
The minute they opened the door to the wooden log home, there was chatter and laughter. Young people scattered the living room. Y/N smiled, all their noses catching the omega smell and stared at her.
“Let’s go to my office,” he told her, walking past the kitchen. Shawn asked her if she wanted something and she replied, asking for a cup of tea. Eventually, after a few jokes and making the two teas, they were in the office.
“What’s your questions, honey?” Y/N sat down, Shawn was across from her at the desk, eyes full of worry.
“Just tell me everything,” she mumbled, “I can tell there is some serious politics,” Shawn nodded, agreeing and a little laugh left his lips. He turned around, grabbing a map from a drawer and placing it in front of her.
“Harry and I live in peace. We’re the two main packs in this district. He’s the Eastside, I’m the West. The town is neutral,” Y/N followed along, “Harry has been the pack leader for more years than a decade. I am more new to this. But, he is always grumpy and all. That’s beside the point. East pack don’t go on the Westside, it’s law. Harry runs more of the family packs, while I run the millennials, you could say,” Y/N nodded, but his eyes became serious, flashing a deep red colour and back. “You need to pick a side, Y/N. Especially now since you’re about to hit heat. You could get hurt by the surrounding solo alphas that conquer the woods. With an omega smelling as good as you, I can’t let you be by yourself,” he said. Y/N sighed.
“Back at home, it was more simple than this, Shawn. I was part of a pack, there was politics, but not like this,” she told him, “I’ll be fine-”
“Honey, you want me to be honest?” she nodded, “It is taking everything I got right now not to flip you on the desk, ass up and fuck you, because your smell is overriding,” Y/N was speechless.
“Shawn,” she said, getting up and looking at the alpha, “I am going to go now.”
She’s too soft for him. Probably never really experienced things like this before.
“Who ran your pack?” she stopped, turned around and looked at him.
“Jake,” she mumbled, Shawn growled.
“Does he know you moved?” she nodded - such an innocent soul.
“You need to pick a pack right now, honey. That man will haunt you till you’re his. He likes his omegas,”
Harry stood on the border of the Westside, hand in his hair as he walked in circles. He heard the whole conversation; a blessing of being a wolf. She was part of that cult. He couldn’t believe it, worry filled his system about that. Y/N was in definite trouble. That man was crazy, he is awful to everyone except omegas.
“Hey!” she beamed, a hop in her step as she walked towards him. Harry smiled but internally groaned to the following member behind him.
“Hi, love,” instantly his voice changed from solemn to happy; that was unusual.
“How are you?” she continued walking, but he had to ask, he had to ask the dying question.
“Why were you in Jake’s pack?” Y/N instantly stopped, turning to Harry and raising her eyebrows.
“I knew you were listening,” Shawn whispered yell, “could smell you.”
“At least I don’t smell like wet dog,” Harry fired back.
“I was an orphan,” she said, standing between the two, “and Jake took me in at the age of two. Are we done?” They both nodded, following behind her as she led the path.
“Hasn’t picked one?” Harry leaned into Shawn as he shook his head.
Y/N spun around, looking at the two mutter sentences to each other, “For the love of baby Jesus, stop whispering about my wellbeing. Jake would never hurt me,” she walked to Shawn, “now you both are too cute to look grumpy, “ she grinned, “now smile, assholes.”
She continued down the path, Harry walking by her and Shawn behind him. “What’s your story, Harry,” she turned around, sitting down onto the dirt, looking out to the ocean.
Harry, smiled, sitting quite close to her, “Not much.” Y/N scoffed, looking out to the waves, as Harry gently pressed his hand on hers and looked at her eyes. Shawn sat down - not delicately - next to her.
“You’ve run your pack for centuries, there must be a story,” she looked at him, hands touching a little blush forming on the wolf’s face.
“My mum was an omega, my dad was an alpha. They died in the pack war in 1365, so I moved to Canada, to get away from the politics. I…” he tried to figure this next part out, “I created this pack with this woman. Then, Shawn’s family moved from Toronto and created their pack, so we went to war again. But, that’s it.”
Y/N looked at him, moving her free had to move a curl out of this face, “You’re not an open book,” she poked his cheek and Harry laughed.
“No, I am not,” they both laughed.
“Shawn?” she turned to him, so he explained his...in much more detail.
Shawn was raised in the little town, learning from a young age how to be alpha as he was destined to take over the Mendes’ pack. He works at the local garage and does music in his free time. He mostly explained how proud he was of his sister, a beta who got herself in university to study fashion.
He looked out to the ocean, and just rambled on. Harry lost interest, but Y/N kept her full attention on him.
“That’s amazing, Shawn,” he nodded, agreeing with her and turning his head to look at her.
“You two sound like you had a good childhood,” Harry laughed, shaking his head.
“I was raised in the twelve hundreds, baby, disease-filled Britain, where everything smelled like shit.”
“I was an orphan, as both my parents were drug addicts and picked drugs over a wolf baby,” they looked at her. “You may think Jake is a pathological crazy man, but he raised me. He is like my dad,” she stopped, looking down and playing with her fingers, “He is my dad, I call him dad. I am his only daughter. So, if you believe the rumours about my pack, then believe them. I just know that I couldn’t ask for a better father. Yes, he was very protective and little strict, but I love him,” she looked at them and shrugged.
“Are the rumours true?” she looked at Shawn.
“There is a reason why I left.”
Harry stayed quiet, he and Jake have an awful history. He hates the man’s guts. That man was the reason with who he is today, dark, twisty, and miserable.
“So, the omegas?”
“I am surprised that I don’t have siblings. He loved his one-night stands with young omega girls,” she laughed, “despite all that, he can be a really nice person.”
She leant her head against Shawn’s shoulder, as she watched the sun slowly go down on the ocean.
“He can be a good guy… the pack is messed up… but he loves me,” she muttered. Harry got up, not happy with the way she was talking about this man. He was truly the devil in disguise and he didn’t want to hear anything to do with him.
“Have to go back to the house, see what the mates are up too. Nice meeting you, love, see you tomorrow,” she smiled as Harry placed a delicate kiss on her head and went the opposite way they came.
Shawn’s hand touched hers, as he heard her gentle breaths from his shoulder. She was it. She was his mate. Now, he just has to fight Harry for her.
Shawn and Harry haven’t heard from Y/N in a few days. Harry had to attend business on the mainland, therefore, he didn’t really pay attention. Whereas Shawn, he was starting to get worried.
A few days after, Shawn was at home, with the pack when there was a frantic knock at his door. The smell was her. She was here, but she was in heat.
“You can’t walk to the house alone in heat,” he said sternly as he opened the door and was welcomed to a naked, crying omega.
Y/N looked different, besides the sweet, sweet smell, there was that look in her eyes.
“What happened?” he instantly, grabbed her into a hug and Y/N’s tears flooded her eyes, as Shawn took her in, wrapping her quickly with a jacket.
The house was alerted, hearing the omega cry as Shawn quickly took her to his bedroom, gently sitting, while still holding her.
“Something-” she was trying to make out what happened in between sobs, “something was at my house and I...I just got away. I turned and ran here,” that was the reason why she turned up naked, Shawn held her so tight, letting her cry into the shoulder.
“Who?” he tried to hush her, helping her connect her thoughts and breathing pattern.
“I don’t know. I came home to my house in a mess and a growling,” Shawn didn’t know if it was the suspected terror that is haunting the town or a lone alpha that caught her smell because after all, she was in heat.
“I want you to stay here for a few days, as you’re in heat,” he muttered. Y/N nodded as she looked up at Shawn and smiled, covering his cheek with her hand. Shawn held her naked body close, just remembering by looking down.
“Ok,” she muttered, laying her head on his shoulder as she sat in his lap. Shawn wanted to stay like that for many more seconds, but he needed to get this omega dressed.
“You need clothes,” Y/N nodded, the hormones beginning to kick in, as an aching feeling began to fill between her thighs.
Shawn came back with a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt, handing them to her, as she dropped the coat she was wearing, letting him have a full eyeful of her very goddess-like body.
He knew what she was doing, she felt it too, the attraction for the other. She smirked, as she turned her head to him. The similar aching began to fill him, as he stared at the back of Y/N. Her curves, her round butt and you could see the outline of her gorgeous breasts. It took everything in him to not take her that moment. She was truly too perfect for him.
“I am going to talk to the others about your stay,” he said, trying to form the words, Y/N nodded.
“You’ll come back?” Shawn nodded, seeing her eyes look so defeated with the mention of his absence.
“Always will, honey,” he walked to her, as she turned around. A little breath came out of his mouth, seeing her in that state. He placed his hands on her cheeks, kissing her forehead.
“Take a shower. Use my soap, need to do everything to mask that scent of yours, my sweet omega,” she nodded, obeying instantly.
Shawn went downstairs, seeing his lads hanging, drinking, laughing. He stood, glaring at all of them.
“Who’s the omega?” Eric snickered, “Where’d you get her? I’d want to get a bite of her, mind sharing, Mendes?” Shawn growled at him, instantly grabbing his collar and holding him.
“If you dare touch her, I’ll make sure you’re dead by morning,” he dropped him, looking around the room, “I mean it to all of you too. If anyone touches Y/N, I’ll kill you. She’s going to stay for a bit. Be nice, but not too nice. She’s mine,” he growled the last part, as he went back upstairs, hearing the water running.
Y/N stood under the shower, water dripping down her body, as she followed her hands down it too. Her small delicate hands began massaging her breasts, as they continued down her body to her clit, rubbing and playing with it. A moan left her lips, as she grabbed the wall. Her hormones were going crazy and she’ll have nothing to use to get rid of this, just her small fingers.
Shawn heard the little moans. He didn’t know what to do, help her out a bit, or leave her to her business. He did truly believe that she was his potential mate. So, he opened the bathroom door, stripping himself of his clothes, as he opened the shower curtain.
“Shh,” he whispered in her ear, as he guided his hands down her stomach from behind to her pussy, replacing her hand with his. He rubbed a bit, as his other hand went to her breast.
Y/N flung her head back onto his shoulder, as moan after moan came from the lips he so desperately wanted to kiss from. Shawn’s fingers rubbed and eventually went in, fingering her as much as he could.
It was too intimate to have sex with her so this will have to do for now. The constant motion of his fingers, rapidly going in and out as his other hand worked hard with her left breast, made her moans command his member. Something began brushing her butt and she didn’t mind.
Y/N was weak at his touch, turning around and looking at him. Her hands went to his cheeks, as she looked at him. Shawn picked her up, taking her out of the bathroom to the bedroom where he laid her down, looking at such the beautiful body she had and instantly went on top of her, placing his fingers back to where they belong.
It didn’t take long till she rode her high, the scream echoing in his master bedroom, a scream that just made his dick twitch.
Shawn got up, making his way to the bathroom, grabbing some clothes for himself and her, as well as a cloth to help clean her up.
“Here, little one,” he told her, rubbing the cum that went down her legs, as she heavily panted.
“Thank you,” she mumbled, as Shawn past her the clothes.
He watched her as she placed the boxers on and the t-shirt. “You’ve never been touched before?” she shook her head.
“Dad didn’t let a male near me ever, really,” he sat next to her on the bed as he played with her hair, “I was his and only his. Nobody could have me,” she muttered, looking at him, “But, not in a sexual way...gosh that sounded like I had sex with him. Believe me, I didn’t,” Shawn nodded. “What’s Harry history? He has a problem with my father,” Shawn sighed.
“Your father killed his mate,” he muttered, “Ella was in childbirth when your father poisoned her an hour before. She died with the baby,” shock flooded her.
“What?” she muttered, Shawn grabbed her fingers, playing with them. He played with the rings that littered them, as well as holding her hand.
“Your father and Harry ran the two main packs in Canada. Harry ran the East side of Canada, while your father was West. Your father is a greedy man, kill Harry, kill his queen and instantly the pack is his. So, he did that, he killed Ella while in labour, and that is why he is still so cold these days; he’s still mourning her. Even though it has been three hundred years,” Y/N looked at him, grabbing his cheek and bringing their lips together. Shawn pulled away, shaking his head, even though he wants it so bad, “You’re in heat, Y/N, its the hormones,” she shook her head.
“No, I have feelings for you,” she muttered.
Shawn looked at her and couldn’t resist. So, he brought his tender lips to hers, letting them sync as he held her, letting each other explore.
He pulled away, “It's late, you need sleep, my love,” he told her, getting up and pulling the covers away. “I’ll be downstairs,” she rapidly shook her head.
“Stay here,” she was so desperate looking, “please?”
“Ok,” he told her, going under the covers, pulling his shirt off and leaving himself in his boxers.
She slept, arms wrapped around her, as Shawn breathed in her scent. They slept together because they may be meant for each other.
Y/N closed the door to the clinic, locking up when she hears footprints behind her. Instantly, the hair on her arms spikes up.
“You smell like the dog?” It was Harry, relief washed through her, turning around and placing her keys in her bag.
“I was at Shawn’s house for a few days,” she told him, smiling, “How was your trip?” she began walking down the street.
Harry completely ignored her question, “Don’t be with Shawn,” Y/N raised her eyebrows, “he fucks his way to the top.” That is impossible, her Shawn was so kind, so gentle with her, “There is a reason why I call him the dog, love,” Harry walked, hands in pockets as he continued down the street with her at his hip. “In the summertime, him and his pack bet how many tourist girls they can bang, Shawn always wins.”
Y/N stopped in her tracks, Harry bit his lip, instantly regretting everything, “You’ve fucked him?” he mumbled, rolling his eyes.
“Not exactly...he like,” she motioned, and Harry laughed and raised his eyebrows.
“Fingered you?” he questioned as she nodded, “You’re so fucking innocent,” she scoffed, hitting his arm as he continued the path while laughing.
“I was in heat, he was just helping,” she mumbled. “How was the meeting with the pack on the mainland?”
Y/N didn’t realise where she was until she climbed the steps to Harry’s mansion. He opened the door and was met with nothing, but silence.
“You don’t live with anybody?” she asked, looking around the old, French-traditional house.
“No, it used to be my wife’s dream home. I can’t have anyone pollute it,” he muttered, turning the lights on. Y/N took off her shoes and continued down the hallway, knowing not to question his wife.
“Want a whiskey?” she nodded, coming into the beautiful kitchen.
“Shawn told me about Ella,” Harry looked up to her and frowned.
“Let’s not say her name, love,” Y/N nodded, sitting on the breakfast bar.
“I’m sorry about my father-”
“Look, love, it's in the past, she’s,” he took a minute, “she’s gone now.”
Y/N nodded, taking the sip of the strong whiskey as she joined him on the couch, a smile written on both their faces, “I can’t believe Shawn does that,” Harry shrugged.
“He’s the pack leader for the young fucks. I take care of the families and the reckless young mates go to him,” she nodded, looking at the emerald eyes.
“You’re very pretty, Harry Styles,” she whispered to him after a few drinks, playing with his curls. Harry grabbed her hand and kissed it.
“The person who terrorized you the other night, love,” he started, “he was a member of your father’s clan,” Harry told her. Y/N was confused, why was a member of her past pack haunting her.
“Your father is either unhappy with you leaving him or unhappy with you spending time with me,” he took a sip of his whiskey, “we have a long history, so I don’t think he’d like to know that I have feelings for you,” he let out.
“You have feelings for me?” Harry looked at her and opened his mouth, trying to form the words he needed too.
“Well that’s out,” he muttered and looked away.
“Hey, it’s ok,” she whispered, “I just don’t know where I stand right now between you and Shawn. Too much alpha smells,” she laughed and Harry laughed a little.
“Cheers to that,”
Y/N didn’t leave that night, in fact, she stayed in the guest room of one of Harry’s. They drank to the early morning and she was too intoxicated to walk home alone. So, she rolled into the soft mattress and looked at the ceiling.
It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep and it didn’t take long for her to get woken up. There was a scratching sound coming from the window. A sound as if there was something clawing it. Shivers went up her spine, as she looked at the window terrified. Harry explained that he had this gut feeling for a threat in town, therefore more fear was added to that and she instantly thought of that. But, the growling continued, so she got up, sober as ever in her panties and t-shirt and headed down the hall to Harry’s room.
She knocked, looking down the dark hallway as Harry opened the door, boxers clad, tattoos running across his arms and body.
“What’s wrong, love?” he asked, seeing Y/N standing outside his door.
“There’s something outside,” she muttered. Instantly, Harry turned around and grabbed a pair of joggers and a t-shirt.
“Stay here, climb into my bed. I’m going to check it out,” he told her, kissing her cheek and heading downstairs.
Y/N climbed into the bed of Harry’s and sat there, hearing the growling again, but a new one at the same time. She climbed out of bed instantly, and walked to his big window, watching as a beautiful black wolf was fighting some light brown one.
The black wolf was much bigger than the light brown one and had the upper hand during all this. Y/N watching as they fought, the ripping of flesh and the clawing of the another. It was too much, so she turned away, heading to the bed again.
Ten minutes later, the door closed to the house, as Harry headed up the stairs to his bedroom. When he saw Y/N relief flushed him, but she didn’t care about that, she was more worried about the open wound on his shoulder.
“Bathroom, now,” she told him, as she walked to the ensuite. Y/N fished for the first aid kit as Harry sat on the side of the bathroom.
“Love, automatic heal-”
“Shut up, I’m helping you,” he rolled his eyes, “Who was it?”
“Your father keeps sending people out to you. He wants you home,” he told her, hissing as the alcohol hits his wound.
“Why’d he want me to do that?”
“Because he’s a dick and what is his, is his,” she glared at him.
“Well, I’ll send him a note that I am staying in Tofino, as I found my pack,” Harry perked up, a smile littering his face.
“So you picked me?”
“I haven’t picked, I belong to both packs at the moment,” she told him as she wrapped gauze around his arm.
“I...I can let that slide for you, my love,” he told her.
“I want you to stay with me tonight...to make sure he doesn’t come back,” she nodded, getting up to head to the bed.
Y/N sat, looking at the ocean with her notebook. Her mind was in a scramble, and in a literal mess. Shawn thinks she’d his mate and Harry told her he loves her. Her inner wolf was going crazy with all the alpha smells and attention. It was their first in this little town when one omega is ruining the pack treaty. Harry saved her from that random wolf, yet Shawn kissed her. Shawn held her close to him doing her heat, while Harry kept his distance. She was in one hell of a scramble so her only option was to go to the elders.
Marea smiled down at the girl. She sat at her desk by the fire as Y/N sat across from her, still not knowing how to go ahead with all this. So, she told her all this random tension and overwhelming opportunities. Marea, the older woman, found it interesting the exchange of feelings and bonds. In fact, she had to pull out her cards for this.  
The intuitive wolf sat there with her tarot cards, spreading them out, watching them carefully. The cards of many cups and coins laid there, Y/N eagerly waiting for the response.
“The bond between you and the wolves is very strong. Shawn and you share a particular soulmate one, while Harry is very similar but oddly different,” she told her, pointing to a card. Y/N listened carefully. Marea stared at the cards, “Harry’s past is very interesting.”
This sparked her attention. Harry was a closed book, it is so hard to learn about who he is and his past and dreams. He’s a carer, he cares about other people over himself; selfless.
“Awful childhood, a peasant boy, worked at the bakery. His father never loved his mother and filled his days with whores. But, his mother. I see her whenever I see Harry, she’s always with him, every step of the way. His sister still lives in England, with her mate and children,” she continued on. Harry was a different breed of wolf, the kind of immortality, same as her father, same as Marea, which Y/N found interesting as there isn’t many of that breed left.
She continued, explaining how he gained his wealth through trading and working and gaining respect with nobles with his battle work. He fought in the pack war, earning the respect of many people, making him quite popular throughout the British lands. He thought in every war, he has seen everything, been to every country, sailed the seas, yet he speaks so little of it.
“Ella is the one thing he mourns on a daily basis,” she told her, “I was the midwife of Lady Ella. It’s a shame that your father killed her out of spite to ruin Harry,” she told her, “but Harry loves you not as your three-dimensional self, but for your soul,” ‘what could this mean?’ she questioned in her head.
“Your soul…” she began, “is Ella soul,” Y/N’s eyes widened in shock, “your purpose is to merge the packs again, my dear, Y/N. But, Harry doesn’t love you, he does, but in a different way. He loves Ella and he sees Ella in you, as you once were Ella, my dear.”
She was speechless from the Aboriginal woman’s words. Y/N did believe in reincarnation, but all this, it is so hard to understand.    
“He loves you because he recognises your soul, my dear. Shawn is your mate, honey, I see it through his eyes.”      
Y/N knocked on Shawn door at two in the morning. Her fingers trembled as she repeated the words in her head. In all honesty, she has no idea what to say. But, with everything and the fact of her soul and all, she needed some comforting. Harry was not an option as she doesn’t know how he’d react. In fact, he was the most confusing soul she has ever met.
“Y/N?” Shawn answered, hair in a curly mess and jogger hanging from his hips. Y/N just stared, not knowing how to respond.
“I pick you,” she blurted. Shawn stood there, confused as hell, sleep still in his eyes as he looks at the omega.
“What?” he opened the door a little more and Y/N didn’t move an inch.
“You’re my mate. I pick you,” she told him. Instantly his eyes opened and body posture has changed.
Shawn grabbed her by the hips, holding her against him as he placed a gentle kiss on her. His smile was more than a couple of words to explain; she has never seen it so big and for so long.
“You are my mate Y/N Y/L/N, and for the love of God I am so thankful for you,” he placed a kiss to her again, “I love you, but now we got to deal with your father.”   
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@alinashawn @mendesnecessary @i-am-bisexual-and-a-girl @notunlimited @purple-cream-cheese @iimagineloves @ashwarren32 @claredolphinbear24 @shawns-mendess                                                 
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
Safe Haven 1/?
Co-written with @scream-qween
Pairings: Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch, Eventually Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch/Seth Rollins, Jon Moxley/Renee Young, Sasha Banks/Bayley/Charlotte Flair
Warnings: Violence, Language
Word Count: 1819
Summary: After an 8 year absence, 25-year-old Seth Rollins returns home to his pack but in no way resembling the Beta Werewolf that ran away after a violent misunderstanding with his brothers. Seth is feral, and trapped in a form the bitten wolf shouldn't even be capable of..he is the victim of a powerful curse Meanwhile Alpha Werewolf Drew McIntyre and his part Banshee, Part Witch mate Becky Lynch have joined the unorthodox pack of Haven in search of the final member of the triad a seer told the pair they were destined to be apart of.
Taglist: @sethsevolution @feathers-and-flesh-and-wrestling @deepdisireslonging @writtingrose @pikapuff316
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"We're really doing this? Asking the Scot and his Banshee for help? He's damn near feral himself and I think she might be insane" Mox says as he and Roman walk up to the secluded house at the edge of the small town their pack called home.
"That's why. If anyone could understand…maybe help snap Seth out of whatever that asshole did to our brother it's someone who's been there." Roman replied as they prepared themselves to face Drew McIntyre and Becky Lynch, the newest members of their Pack.
"Seth's been gone for years. They don't even know him." Mox argued
"Our baby brother is feral, trapped in a full shift and locked in a cage in our parents's basement. I will do anything, ask anyone for help if it means we get Seth back"
Jon opened and closed his mouth several times before finally going silent. He wasn't even the one Seth had attacked when he went beserk, it was Roman. It had Roman holding their brother until his rage had reached the standstill, he was the only person brave enough to visit him.
Roman knocked on the door a few times, they weren't knocks asking for permission in, they were demanding entrance. Sure enough, Drew McIntyre opened it, wearing a thin shirt and jeans that seemed to be sewn back multiple times. "Alpha. Alpha's brother" Jon felt the animalistic growl bubble in his throat.
Roman crossed his arms and stared at Drew. "I want to talk"
"We are talking" The Scottish wolf picked at his nails that were practically claws.
Roman snarled. "I'm serious. I need your help"
Drew rolled his eyes, called out "We have company" and lead the two wolves into the house.
From the kitchen appeared his mate, Rebecca. "Alpha." Becky greeted before her nose scrunches up.
"Why do you carry death with you?" She asks
"You can sense that?" Roman asks her
"Whoever you've been around enough that you carry their energy with you? Death is coming for them fast." The banshee replies
"Our brother is cursed." Roman explains
"Another Brother? I thought there was only the two of you?" Becky says
"Our youngest brother, Seth. He ran away long before either of you joined the Pack" Mox explains looking down "He found his way home. But he's completely feral and trapped in full-shift. All our mother can surmise is that he didn't get that way on his own. Someone cursed him."
"Are you sure it was a curse?" Drew asked, now completely serious. "If he was in full-shift long enough, he'd lose his humanity"
"Our mother could sense it on him, he smells...weird. Not like you when you showed up"
"I smelled weird?" Drew asked. "You gave half the wolves nausea, even Bayley, and she's a sweetheart," Roman says with a half-smile.
"Will you come? Our mother thinks that the curse is what's causing the full-shift, Seth was 17 when he left and he wasn't capable of that then. He shouldn't be capable of full-shift at all. He's not a born wolf. He was turned as a child." Roman continues
"How the hell did a kid survive a wolf attack?" Drew growled
"We don't know. We were really young too but Mom and Dad found him wandering in the woods outside of town as a toddler, covered in blood from head to toe with several bites." Mox growled, Drew crossing his arms. "I'll help you but I want full hunting range of the south side, I don't like sharing with your wolves"
"Done" Roman interrupted. Drew nodded and walked out, Becky following him.
"The south side….where the mansion is. So at what point are you going to tell him about Finn and Violet?" Mox says. Neither one of them is going to appreciate this."
The Haven Pack was an odd one to be sure. Mostly because it wasn't completely made up of wolves, hell Roman, Mox and Seth's parents weren't even wolves. Their mother was one of the most powerful witches in America, and their father was a Lion Shifter, but Haven was exactly that. A Haven for Preternatural creatures that didn't have a place to belong for one reason or another. There were people, other Packs who thought Haven was an abomination, that so many different beings should never be one Pack. But if Drew and Becky could somehow help their brother? And prove they were truly trustworthy? They'd learn the Pack's greatest secret. Not many people outside of Pack knew exactly who lived in the large mansion to the South on the outskirts of Haven. That it was home to a Vampire-Demon Hybrid and his wife, the former Vampire Queen. Everyone thought Queen Violet had been murdered by her Consort when he'd been taken over by a demon. The truth was…Finn had gained a permanent bodily roommate in the form of an ancient Irish Demon King and Violet had been freed from the throne she'd never wanted.
The strange quartet made it to the large house Roman and Mox called home, laying in front of the door was a small wolf about the size of a German Shepard, tinier than the horse size Roman was.
"Hey Bayley" Mox smiled, Bayley practically jumping on him. "Hey! We discussed this! No hugs when you're in full-shift!"
Bayley tilted her head at the sight of Drew and Becky, asking a silent question.
"We think they might be able to help Seth." Roman answered, causing the small werewolf to practically vibrate with excitement.
"Bayley and her mates Sasha and Charlotte were Seth's best friends when they were kids." Mox explained. "You can usually find one of them here. Seth doesn't let anyone but our mother close enough to touch him but he does calm down if he senses one of the girls."
"That's good. He's still recognizing scents." Drew said quietly "It means he isn't actually completely feral."
"Go ahead and run watch with Jey and Nia, I'll send Sasha if anything happens" Roman told Bayley, the wolf barking, making sure to nudge Becky and Drew with her head before running off.
"She's,...friendly" Becky said.
"Yeah, she's an Omega, they're a little more...affectionate" Roman replied
"What's your brother designation?" Becky asked
"Seth is a Beta, but he's got some Alpha traits." Roman says leading the pair inside the house just as Stephanie came upstairs.
Roman and Mox's mother looked like Hollywood's stereotypical version of a witch with her waist-length dark hair, though the older woman dressed more like the biker's wife she also was then any kind of witch Drew or Becky had ever seen.
"He let me put a calming spell on him" Stephanie says hugging her sons. "So he's awake but not violent at the moment."
"Okay" Roman nodded taking a shaky breath.
"I'll be upstairs" Mox muttered.
"Is he...okay?" Becky asked.
"He doesn't like seeing Seth like this, " Stephaine says with a sigh
"I'm going to go rest." Stephanie says. "Casting on Seth is exhausting right now because I have to fight through the curse. I think the only reason I can at all is because there are still some remnants of my protection spells in Seth's necklace."
"Mom made us all protection amulets when we were younger." Roman explains
"No offense but...they didn't really work did they" Becky said, Roman crossing his arms and glaring at the Irish woman.
"They work fine actually" he snapped, barring his fangs.
"Roman" Stephanie touched his arm. "Don't fight. Just help your brother" Roman nodding in response
"They have to be recharged every few years." Stephanie explained to the pair. "Starshine hasn't been home in 8 years, I'm actually shocked there was any magic left at all. Whatever curse was put on him...I don't think it fully took. I think some of the magic from the curse recharged a bit of mine"
"Can you tell what the curse might have been for?" Becky asks the witch
Stephanie sits on the couch and yawns "I think someone was trying to turn Seth into a mindless beast. Something that could be controlled and used as a weapon. I've seen a spell like it before. I just can't seem to remember where. If we can get Seth in his right mind...maybe he can tell us more. He may not be able to do spellwork himself but he knows it when he sees it."
"If we bring his mind back, he'll still be a wolf how are...." Drew starts to say
"Elias." a male voice answers as the leader of their unorthodox pack and the Mayor of their small town, Hunter Helmsley walks Into the house looking more like a Hells Angel then a politician.
"Elias is a forest siren. He can talk to animals. He's helped us in similar situations of someone being trapped in a full shift" Roman says.
"Okay, Tamina was not my fault" Mox yells from upstairs
"Alright then, lets go meet your brother" Drew pressed on, Roman leading the two downstairs where they could hear whimpering, Roman stopping suddenly.
"Are you-" Drew started toask
"I'll be fine, I have to, for him" Roman interrupted
The basement was normal if you took out the giant cage with a horse-sized black wolf inside, pacing and looked distressed. Becky and Drew heard crashing, turning around to see Roman had fallen to his knees.
"Please, help him," Roman says, almost crying. "I can't go any further. He's broken Mom's spells before if he gets too agitated and he…doesn't like me very much even when he's not like this. I'm the reason he ran away in the first place"
When Drew and Becky moved closer to the cage, the blond streaked black wolf, wearing an amulet shaped like a shooting star stopped pacing and stared at the pair.
"You are a handsome one aren't you?" Becky says. "Drew, what do you think?"
Drew sat down in front of the cage, surprisingly graceful for someone as big as the Scot.
"I remember how you brought me out." Drew tells his mate. "I'm hoping something similar will work on him."
He says to Roman. "Becky is an odd sort of Banshee you know? Death isn't her only gift."
"Wasn't always a Banshee now was I?" The flame-haired girl retorted "You have to die to become a Banshee, but the idiots who killed me didn't know that something like me could come back as one. I do much prefer the land to the sea. The assholes did me a favor."
"My very own Ursula, do you think…" Drew said quietly
"I think I can bring his mind back on my own. Then once we can get some information from him, his mother and I can work together to bring him out of this unnatural shift."
Seth sniffed the air around them and let out a growl, going to a corner and laying down, continuing staring at Drew and Becky.
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