264 posts
Spn fan, wincest OTP, J2 forever. Find me on Ao3 @DWImpala67 Twitter @DWImpala671 LJ @dwimpala21
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
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Through This Dark Tunnel
Author: YohkoBennington Artist: DWImpala67 Pairing: Sam/Dean Rating: Mature Word Count: 8,196 Warnings/Tags: Hurt/Comfort, hurt!Dean, Amnesia-Temporary, Amnesia, Angst, post-s15, Temporarily Unrequited Love, AU- canon divergence, Established Relationship, Wincest.
Summary: After a hunt went wrong, Sam is left to pick up the pieces. Trying to put them back to who they were while considering a change in their lives proves to be a whole new set of obstacles he thought they were done with.
Link to Fic | Link to Art
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
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Fae-tal Attraction, written for the Wincest Reverse Bang
Written by @outofnowhere82
Art by @dwimpala-67
Summary: While looking for a hunt, random notes and gifts start appearing for Sam. Sam thinks Dean is playing a prank on him, but Dean enters the motel room to see a fae dropping off one of the gifts and a small note for Sam. Dean is furious and vows to hunt down the creature trying to woo Sam.
Tags: Jealous!Dean, the fae, case fic, unrequited love, not actually unrequited love, first kiss, first time, frottage
Story on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39763158/chapters/99551127
Art post: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39749544
DWimpala-67 was a joy to work with and just kept making art piece after art piece! So be sure to check out their art post directly as well. Here is the piece that inspired it all:
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
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Not One For Convention
Author: jdl71/jld71
Artist: DWImpala67
Rating: Explicit
Length: 34,180
Pairings: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Warnings: Dystopian AU, Alpha/Beta/Omega, Omegas Treated As Pets, Omegas Treated As Sex Toys/Playthings, Slavery, Pining, Hurt Jensen Ackles, Angry Jared Padalecki, Scared Jensen Ackles, Alpha Jared Padalecki, Omega Jensen Ackles, Top Jared Padalecki, Bottom Jensen Ackles, Body Modification, Threats of Body Modification, Threats of Castration, Abandonment, Younger Jensen Ackles, Older Jared Padalecki
Summary: In a world where alphas rule and omegas are treated as nothing more than pets and playthings, Jared does the unthinkable. He falls in love with Jensen, the omega he was gifted with, claiming Jensen as his mate. It’s something unheard of, claiming one’s omega, but then again, Jared was never one for convention.
Link to fic
Link to art
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
Artpost for ‘Not One For Convention’
I had so much fun working with @jld71​  yet again. It seems like we keep claiming each other's works accidentally. I think its probably because we're so comfortable working with each other. She's awesome and I love her.
The story she wrote this year is simply great. Yet another example of fine writing from her. Do check out her story and give her some love for writing a story as beautiful as this one and letting us enjoy it all for free. She's amazing for doing that. Let's appreciate her. Much love, Jen.
Thank you for trusting me with you story once again.Link to story is here.
Warnings for spoilers. Advised to read the fic before you view this post. Shout out to the mods @spndystopiabang​ for opening up this challenge for another round.
Note: Images found on Google. All credit goes to original photographers for the original photos. The edits made are purely for entertainment purposes only and intend no harm. I don't claim any copyright over them.
1. The Banner:
When it came to making the cover banner, I knew I had to convey the mood and the theme of the fic so that it could intrigue the reader. The rain reflects the somber mood of the fic. The huge wooden box conveys the dystopian setting which piques the interest of the reader and a lawyer Jared standing in his yard - a little annoyed and unsure of himself. It's going to be a wild ride. I had to find a perfect background setting for the backyard because the fic opens up with Jared finding a gift wrapped in a wooden box waiting for him in his backyard. It is written so subtly and we don't even predict that the story is about take a turn. A few artistic filters, adjusting color tones and edit tools used in PhotoscapeX and the banner was ready!
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2. The Scene with surprise inside the wooden box.
The story narrates a wooden box also known as omega box where an Omega is wrapped in and gifted to their alpha. The narration is so touching that I couldn't resist creating this piece. Omega Jensen - obedient, fearful and miserable - waiting for his alpha, all cramped up in the backyard, getting wet in the rain is something so touching to me so I added the filters and created bubbles and water droplets that could give the idea that Jensen is soaked wet, looking up at Jared, a little hopeful and a little fearful. I had to get the perspective angle right. Its still not 100% but I tried. A huge wooden box with Jensen sitting inside. I had to change the facial expressions and use proper tools to get the effect right. Used 'Night' filter and proper shades to indicate that it's dark when Jared find finally finds him. I struggled getting the position right for Jensen to actually look like he's stuffed all cramped in the box. Had to use multiple tools to adjust the body imagery.
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3. The scene in Jared's office.
So, the tradition is for the omegas to kneel in front of their alpha in public places. Jared refuses to be stereotypical and cares for Jensen. He gives him a pillow so his knees wouldn't hurt and he also bars anyone else from disrespecting Jensen. He's such a caring alpha. So when Jen requested me to create this scene, I went for it. Jared in a heated argument with another alpha lecturing him about treating omegas in traditional way and Jared disagreeing with them. The expression on Jared's face of that being a little annoyed and tense with Jensen looking up to him, a controlled but hopeful look on his face. Again, did the facial expressions using the tools in PhotoscapeX. The background of office was created using stock stickers in Picskit.
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4. The scene with Jared and Jensen finally kissing.
I don't have to explain anything. It's just them finally acknowledging their feelings for each other and giving in to their desires. It;s just such a 'Awww' moment. I have to admit though creating this piece was hard. Took me hours to get everything right. For this scene I used 'PicsArt' and 'Photo Director' as the tool.
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5. Happily Ever After.
The scene with a smiling Jared looking at Jensen playing with their kid in the backyard is so endearing. This was the first piece I actually created for the story. A happy Jensen and a smiley Jared is the best thing ever. This was created using 'PicsArt' because I had to get the backyard setting right.
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6. Chapter Headers: A clash of world for the non traditional Alpha and a resigned Omega and their journey to finding their happily ever after. The colors reflect the moods of the character. Red-orange -ish for the angry, tense, hot headed and yet loving Alpha and the calming blue for the docile, miserable and hopeful Omega and the ring of fire reflecting the fiery passion between them.Because of limit on number of photos I can post on Tumblr, I’m sharing only the sample chapter header without any text. There are total 8 chapter headers. You can find the entire artpost on Ao3, LiveJournal, or Dreamwidth.
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That's it folks! Hope you enjoyed this post! Please do let me know how did you like this set of artwork? I'd love to read your comments. Thanks once again. I had a blast creating these.
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
Coming Soon...
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Title: Not One For Convention
Author:  jdl71/jld71
Artist: DWimpala67
Rating: Explicit
Ships: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Expected word count: 34,000
Major warnings and tags: Dystopian AU, Alpha/Beta/Omega, Omegas Treated As Pets, Omegas Treated As Sex Toys/Playthings, Slavery, Pining, Hurt Jensen Ackles, Angry Jared Padalecki, Scared Jensen Ackles, Alpha Jared Padalecki, Omega Jensen Ackles, Top Jared Padalecki, Bottom Jensen Ackles, Body Modification, Threats of Body Modification, Threats of Castration, Abandonment, Younger Jensen Ackles, Older Jared Padalecki
Summary: In a world where alphas rule and omegas are treated as nothing more than pets and playthings, Jared does the unthinkable. He falls in love with Jensen, the omega he was gifted with, claiming Jensen as his mate. It’s something unheard of, claiming one’s omega, but then again, Jared was never one for convention.
Opening paragraph: Jared was bone-tired upon returning home. The past few days seemed to rush by in a chaotic haze. All he wanted was to strip off his clothes, have a hot shower, and crawl into bed. The seminar he’d spoken at had been rushed and not planned well. It had left his mind whirling and making him feel overloaded. The room he’d been provided had been adequate, but the bed had been anything but comfortable or able to accommodate his large frame. At nearly six feet five inches in stature plus being broad-shouldered and muscular, not many hotel beds, or the average bed for that matter, fit his body. He was at least thankful that his custom bed would be ready and waiting for him once he was able to fall into it and hopefully get some much-needed sleep. After pulling into his driveway and cutting the engine he sat, breathing a tired sigh, and took that moment to rub at his bleary eyes. His eyes felt scratchy and caked with grit that needed to be washed away. There was no time like the present for that, he thought to himself as he shouldered the door open, grabbed his travel bag, and made his way inside. After shutting off his house alarm he leaned against the closed front door taking in the quiet of his home, beginning to relax and feel more at ease, until his cell phone rang - an upbeat tune and just this side of too loud for him breaking the coveted silence. He thought about letting the call go straight to voicemail, but that particular sound was an indication that it was one of his parents’ calling - most likely his mother - and she would only call again, exasperated that he hadn’t bothered to take her call. The woman meant well but didn’t seem to understand that the apron string had been cut long ago and that he was a grown alpha. With a weary sigh, he dug his phone out of his front pocket and answered the call, wincing at his mother’s overly excited voice chirping in his ear. “Hey, Mom…”
Date the story is posting: 5/5/22
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
Never Is Easy
Title: Never is Easy
Pairing:Jared Padalecki/ Jensen Ackles
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3k
Gift for: Merenwen76
Warnings/Tags: AU Military, Soldiers, Separation Anxiety, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending
Summary: It's been seven months since Jared last saw Jensen. His husband was on a military mission and he was supposed to be back a month ago. But it’s been weeks and Jared has lost contact with him. No one knows if Jensen is alive or dead and there’s no way to know the truth. His only hope is that somehow Santa does a miracle and gets his husband back to him, in one piece, safe and sound.
Link to story: Archive of our own
Notes: Special thanks to the mods of the challenge. Written for @j2winterfling
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
Welcome 2022
Hello everyone! Wishing you all a wonderful, safe and happy 2022. Thank you so much for sticking with me here on Tumblr! Hope you have a great year ahead!
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
Merry Christmas!!!
Happy #J2Christmas and #Wincestmas to all everyone!!
May this Christmas light a joy in your life!
Stay safe and blessed!!
Thank you for sticking with me ❤️
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Please don't repost without credit 🙏🏻
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
The Reunion
Note: English is not my native language and this is not a beta version. Sorry for all mistakes in advance. This is my little post canon story about the boys reuniting in heaven. Hope you enjoy.
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Post Canon, Pining, Wincest, Angst and Feels, Happy Ending.
Written for the 'Now It's Perfect challenge moderated by @digitalmeowmix
“What I need and what I want are two very different things.”
Victoria Aveyard, Red Queen
“Hey Sammy.”
Dean looked at his brother, couldn’t stop staring at him. Sam looked beautiful, just as Dean remembered him to be. The long hair waved as the breeze of wind flew by. Dean’s fingers itched to tuck the single strand of hair that rested by his cheek back behind his ear. His heart ached with the need to touch and feel his brother; to check if he was really here, finally with Dean, in heaven. The long ass time that he spent just driving around felt like an eternity until Sam appeared behind him. Dean felt like the knot around his heart that he carried with every breath he took was finally released. The first thing he had done was pull Sam into a bone crushing hug, before they stood by the bridge, letting everything sink in.
Dean always thought going to Heaven and living in his memories would be the best possible outcome for him. He’d finally be at peace. Instead, the moment he stepped in heaven, he felt hollow; like he was missing a limb even if his body had made it there. There was this heavy feeling in his heart he couldn’t shake off. He didn’t know if it was possible to feel or experience feelings in heaven. Apparently, it was because he roamed around terribly missing his brother. He was waiting for Sam to show up at the same time he was dreading whether or not it would be sooner or later in time. He wanted Sam to live his life, hopefully get out of hunting, find a partner, settle down, have a few rugrats, and a house in the suburbs. The whole nine yards that Sam had initially wanted for himself. But he also wished he was the one Sam would spend his life with. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be, for them to live a long happy life, retire together at the cabin in the woods. Dean was happy though, at the thought that at least one of them was able to live the life of their dreams.
The happiness wasn’t a whole hearted one though. Because deep down in his heart, Dean had always harboured feelings for his baby brother. Feelings that had no business being a part of him. He had kept them at bay, dealt with them in his own way all his life. Drinking his heartbreak away and burying his emotions so deep inside him that no one could ever coax them out, not unless he wanted to. It was wrong and dirty to want your own brother like that. Dean was a terrified teen when he first realised that what he felt for Sam was more than sibling love. He was afraid and ashamed of himself. There was no one with whom he could share his secrets. He knew if he told anyone, they’d judge him to be a freak and tell his father about it, who’d probably disown him or better yet, kill him for his transgressions. He felt enraged at himself for even thinking those things about his sweet innocent brother. That rage turned into self hate and that later turned into him acting like a jerk toward Sam while growing up. Going to bars, hooking up frequently, faking a ‘devil may care’ attitude, gambling away the money their dad gave him for food, smoking weed a few times trying to forget about his feelings and drinking till the point he forgot his own name - became his coping mechanisms. Dean thought he had it under control and as long as he avoided being too close to Sam, it would be alright. So, he did everything in his power to stay away from Sam, just to forget about him. Turns out it wasn’t such a good plan.
Then the unthinkable happened. Sam left for Stanford,leaving Dean grappling for the broken pieces of his heart. In his entire life, Dean had never thought it would be possible for him to feel broken more than he did the moment he found out that his younger brother was leaving. He realised he was wrong. So wrong. Sam’s absence told Dean that keeping a distance from his brother was the biggest mistake of his life. Even if he kept his distance, he was able to see his brother, know where he was, and keep an eye on his well-being. Once Sam left, it dawned on him that not having Sam in his life was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. In those two years, Dean had to face his demons instead of drowning them away and soon, he accepted the fact that his feelings were never going to go away, no matter how much he wanted them to. The acceptance was cathartic because he was finally able to release the pent up emotions he had locked inside him.
One night, after a hunt, he drank an entire bottle of whisky and let himself cry. He let the pain of loss and the ache of his battered heart flow down his eyes. He cried until his heart was devoid of emotions and he eventually passed out from the pain and longing. The next morning, he felt like he could breathe a little bit better. Venting out his frustration and letting his emotions find their way out felt liberating. After that night, Dean did not allow himself to ponder upon the same thoughts ever again nor did he allow himself to cry over it. It didn’t mean that he didn’t miss Sam or decided to move on. It only meant that he had accepted he was in love with his little brother whom he could never have in his life the way he wanted. The dull ache in his heart remained which was better than the throbbing burn he lived with before.
After Dad disappeared, it became too much for him to continue on his own. He needed his family. That’s when he decided to track Sam down and try to get him to help. All it took was one hunt to realise the most painful truth of his life. Yes, he loved Sam but in his quest to suppress those feelings he had alienated his brother from himself. There was a point when Sam would cling to him, demand his attention and be the centre of his entire being. Then life happened, they grew up and Dean went spiralling down the rabbit hole. He acted like a jerk all the time which in turn created distance between them. The worst part was, he later realised, Sam never knew the reason why Dean acted the way he did. The kid probably blamed himself for Dean’s sudden change in attitude even though it was far from the truth. Dean stood outside Sam’s room for hours trying to come up with a way to talk to his brother, going over and over dozens of scenarios he could come up with to get his baby brother to go on one hunt with him. Just one. Just so he could try to rekindle their sibling bond once again. They were coming back from solving the case of the ‘Woman in White’ when it hit Dean that the things that he wants and needs are completely different. He wants his brother to love him but he needs him like he needs the breath of fresh air; something he couldn’t live without. Two years without Sam were the hardest to live. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to live a lifetime without his brother. He’d drown himself in barrels of alcohol sooner than keep on living a life that had no Sam in it. At least this way, he got to have Sam in his life, like he needed him to be.
Never in his life had he let Sam in on his secret and did his best to make sure no one ever found out, including Sam. He just failed to factor in his death.
Trying to rescue the kids from those vampires was the sole motive of the last job. They did manage to save the kids, the downside being the damn rebar that Dean failed to notice. It hurt like a bitch but it also hurt to know that it would be the last time he’d ever touch his brother, feel him alive and breathing, be close to him. Lifetime of memories passed through his mind in a flash during his last moments on earth. Dean didn’t regret his life except for the fact that he’d never told the most important person in his life just how much he cherished and worshipped his very existence. He never told Sam just how much he loved him. In those last moments, his control slipped and he confessed to his Sammy that he loved him and was so proud of him. He poured his heart out begging Sam not to bring him back because this time he was going in peace. This is exactly how Dean had wanted to die, while on a job, killing monsters. Dying in his brother’s arms was just a cherry on the cake. When Dean confessed, he had finally felt like his heart was free from the cage. He felt happier at the same time as he felt extremely sad. But as fate would have it, Dean Winchester died surrounded by the warmth of his brother and more importantly with his approval. In his last moments it dawned on him, every single thing he ever did in his life was for Sam. He was alive for Sam. He breathed for Sam so it only made sense for him to die for Sam too. He needed Sam to tell him it was ok to go. Sam would finally be free from his selfish big brother and find happiness that he deserved. Sam’s were the only thoughts in his mind before Dean took his final breath.
Now, as he stood on that bridge in heaven with his baby brother back in his arms, there was a sense of giddiness and excitement that coursed through him. They were separated even if by choice, years later they were reunited too. With Sam’s presence, the hollowness that Dean first felt when he came to heaven was gone and for the first time probably in his life, he felt like his soul was finally resting at peace.
Dean is finally back in his baby with his baby brother sitting shotgun, an endless road in front of them. Just like it was supposed to be. Sam’s reaction to everything so far has been positive. He seemed happy to see Dean, clutching at his back so hard when they embraced, like he didn’t quite believe Dean was real. Sam was smiling though, dimples popping out, his eyes shining like he was trying hard to keep the tears at bay.
“It’s so good to see you, Dean.” Sam had said just before both of them slid into the car.
Dean wanted to shout out to the entire world from heaven about how stupidly happy he was after reuniting with his brother. Dean just smiled back at his brother before he started the engine of his car as they drove onto the road in front of them. The smell of leather and oil that now mingled with Sam’s musk filled Dean’s senses. It made his heart leap with joy. He switched on the tape and old classics were already playing. He amped up the volume and grinned cheekily at Sam who just rolled his eyes. With a content sigh, Dean sped up on the road.
The silence between them wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable. They kept glancing at each other, sharing an occasional smile, as if assuring themselves about each other’s presence. Theirs was the only car on the road, the breeze outside was pleasantly cool and they could hear the chirping of the birds as they passed by the woods. Sam was looking out the window, his hair flowing with the wind, a small smile permanently etched on his face. Dean’s world was now singularly beautiful because he finally had Sam in it. They drove around for miles, neither of them keeping a count. They were just blissfully happy to be with each other. It wasn’t long before the silence between them broke.
“So, how’s heaven been treating you so far?” Sam asked after a while.
“It’s umm… eh, not bad. Considering….” Dean replied with a shrug.
Sam narrowed his eyes, “Considering what?”
Damn Sam and his inquisitiveness. He just never could leave Dean alone. But Dean wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s missed his stupid berother and his penchant to make Dean talk about his feelings. Dean sighed, “Well, considering the fact that I’ve just been driving around, listening to old classics, enjoying my freedom. Driving around was always like a therapy for me. I haven’t explored anything as such as of yet.”
“And why is that?” Came the next question.
Sometimes, Dean swore Sammy was just like a dog with a bone, relentless unless he got satisfactory answers. “Dude, I don’t know. I just came her, saw Bobby and then I saw the car. After that, I guess, I just drove around.”
“You saw Bobby? How is he?” Sam’s voice held excitement.
“Yeah, he’s fine. Living his best life, sitting in his old chair, drinking beers and just overall enjoying the peace. He’s awesome actually.”
“That’s great. Do you meet him often?” Sam asked.
Dean’s brows furrowed. Sometimes his little brother is not the most patient listener or at least he pretends he isn’t. “No, Sammy. I just told you I was driving around all this time.”
“But you had taken a stop at the bridge.”
“Yeah that’s because I loved the scenery. Man, what’s with you?”
“It’s still new to me Dean. I just wanna know how everything works here.”
“I don’t even know. Bobby mentioned time works differently around here. Whatever the hell that means. I didn’t have time to figure that out.”
Sam looked confused. “Dean, all this while you had plenty of time to figure out things and yet you didn’t?”
“Sammy, I told you I was just driving around…”
“Non-stop. Yet, when I found you, you had parked the car and were standing by the bridge.”
Dean was getting a little irritated with all the questions. “Yeah well as they say, all the journey’s have a secret destination and it seemed mine was on that bridge waiting for you. So I stopped. Maybe you were my destination.”
Oops, he didn’t mean to blurt out the last part. Maybe it was the heaven effect where his brain to mouth filter just didn’t work. Stupid patience. Dean always had a big tussle with patience. It wasn’t one of his great qualities. All his life he held back those words and now that he was finally free, it seemed his thoughts too had a will of their own and they were flowing freely.
Sam didn’t say anything for the longest time and Dean didn’t dare look at him. “You ...you were waiting for me?” His voice was oddly choked up.
Dean as usual played the denial card extremely well, “Come one dude. Lighten up. It was nothing. Look, now that we’re both here, why not concentrate on exploring heaven? Together?” Dean deflected.
Sam was still staring at Dean like he had suddenly grown a fifth head. Dean stole a glance at him and his eyes were suspiciously glassy. Dean had just gotten his brother back, he wanted to enjoy the happiness and joy of being together and not dwell on a thousand complicated thoughts that could further complicate their relationship. Not that it wasn’t complicated at all but still.
“Yeah, alright.” Sam said after what felt like almost an hour.
Occasionally, they took stops when a few gas stations popped up by the roadside whenever they needed something like food, water, candy etc. Out of nowhere the store would pop up. Sam figured heaven worked on the theory of ‘wish come true.’ Dean didn’t quite grasp it because if heaven was actually your all dreams come true then Sam should have the same feelings as Dean. It was all still new to them. His younger brother was quite fascinated with everything so Dean didn’t dare to burst his bubble. He just nodded along and took some stops. The Impala it seemed was forever fueled. It didn’t need refueling nor did it need any repairs. Ahh, the perks of driving in heaven.
They drove by a few houses in the hilly areas with lots of greenery. On the left there was a dirt road that led into the woods. Huh, that was a first. The brothers shared a look and with silent eye contact and Dean immediately took a turn. As they drove the woods became thicker, the air fresh and damp as if there had been a recent rainfall in the area. They came to a stop by a clearing. What stood in front of them made Dean tear up. It was just like he imagined. When he was alive, he always thought about retiring with Sam, maybe in a old cabin in a small town. Especially after their run in with the Banshee and the Oak Park Retirement Living. It was a fantasy of his that maybe just maybe, one day in a distant dream, Sam would realise he too was in love with Dean and they’d spend the rest of their lives together, bantering, teasing and loving each other. Before Dean could actually get to fulfill his dream, he was dead. Now, as he stood at the side of the clearing looking at the stone cabin complete with a small log cabin with a front porch made of stone. It looked warm, cozy and inviting. There were two wooden chairs and a table with what looked like a few beer bottles in front of the door. Miracle was sitting on the porch as if waiting for them to be back together. The moment the brothers got out of the car, the dog came running towards them, barking and rolling around on the ground with happiness and boundless energy.
“Look at you. I missed you so much.” Sam immediately got down on his knees and petted the excited dog. The dog kept wwoofing and pawing at Sam.
Dean looked at the duo fondly. This was exactly what he had wanted when he was alive. Sadness rushed through him as he thought about a life that they could have led and instead Sam had live it alone. That’s when reality hit Dean. Sam had a life of his own. That meant, he had a life which Dean was never part of. Yet, he was here with Dean. That ought to mean something right? It should. At least he thought it should. The train of thoughts was halted when Miracle jumped at Dean. He immediately embraced the dog, just like he used to every morning. He just loved that dog.
Once the excitement died down a little, they walked towards the cabin and it was exactly like Dean thought it would be. There was a big couch that faced the fireplace. There was a small kitchen just adjacent to the living room. Opposite to the kitchen there was a spacious room with two queen beds, a dressing table, a wardrobe with an attached bathroom. There even was a dog bed at the corner of the room. The windows were big and the white curtains were perfectly complementary to the cream colored carpet. It was a warm set up, one that Dean loved. Dean was ready to call it a home. He just wasn’t sure about Sam.
“This is perfect.” Sam exclaimed once he saw everything and joined Dean outside on the porch.
“It is?” Dean asked.
“Of course. Why?” Sam questioned. “Are you...are you not happy with it?”
“I am. Sammy, I’m so damn happy with this place. It’s calm, quite and beautiful. Just like I always wanted. But...:”
“You had a life, Sammy. You had a life without me. You must have made friends and hopefully a family. Yet, here you are, with me, ready to stay here if I say. I mean, I’m happy you lived till your last breath, Sammy. Hell, I’m ecstatic. But don’t you wanna find out where they are, what they are doing?”
Sam listened to Dean ramble on but didn’t say anything for a few minutes. He turned to look at Dean intently and Dean looked away, unable to hold his gaze. Sam took a breath before speaking. “Some things are better left unsaid.”
This. The cryptic one liners that Sam had a habit of saying annoyed the hell out of Dean. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you’re stupid, Dean. Sometimes I really can’t believe for such a smart hunter just how stupid you can be.” Dean wanted to be offended but he was just dumbfounded when his brother’s voice turned angry. Dean didn’t know why neither did he know how he should react. Sam continued. “Anyways, that’s not the point. The point is Dean, you left me alone and expected me to carry on which I did. Then I die and I’m finally with you and you still want to send me away. I lost you once. I cannot lose you again. I can’t do it. I won’t do it. I’m staying here and that’s final. Why can’t you just be happy with me being here. Why do you want me to leave you?”
“Woah woah, Sammy. I don’t want you to leave. I just wanted to...I guess...I just felt like maybe you’d wanna meet your friends and family. Or you meet Bobby or go meet Mom and Dad and stay with them. Just giving options, man.”
“I don’t want options, Dean. I want you.” Sam said with determination and Dean was once again unable to reply.
Did Sam really want him like more than brothers or did he just want him back like a family. After, Dean was Sam’s only family when they were still alive. At least until Dean was alive.
“You have me, Sammy. You always did.”
“Do I really?” Sam asked. There was a vulnerability to his tone.
“What’s with you and twenty questions, Sam?” Dean asked, a little irritated. He looked up into his eyes and was once again mesmerized. The hazel green eyes held so many emotions in them. But for the first time Dean felt like he could see himself clear as the bright sky in Sam’s eyes. Dean was left speechless. He continued to stare at Sam, lost in those eyes that hypnotized him. He didn’t want this moment to break. He wanted to stay like this forever. He just hoped that wherever he could see in Sam’s eyes wasn’t just a dream or his wish come true. He wanted Sa but out of his own free will. Not because heaven was playing some tricks on him.
Dean doesn’t know how long they stood there just staring at each other. But the moment was broken when Miracle barked and dashed out into the clearing chasing after a butterfly, startling the Winchesters. They both fidgeted on the spot, an awkward silence around them.
“So, umm..coffee? Yeah, I’ll make us some coffee.” Sam said and vanished inside the cabin leaving an astounded Dean on the porch.
What the hell was that? It was as if Dean was caught in a trance. He didn’t know what he should make of their conversation or the staring match they had just a few moments ago. He wanted to ask a million questions to his brother but he couldn’t. He knew there was something that happened between them, he couldn’t pinpoint what. He needed answers but he also knew he’d never ask Sam the right questions. Instead, he just stood there on the front porch, keeping an eye on the dog, watching as Miracle stupidly chased after the butterfly.
A few minutes later, a hot cup of coffee was placed in front of him. He took the mug that Sam handed him and they both sat down on the chairs.
“He’s really dumb.” Sam said fondly.
Dean thought for a moment Sam was calling him dumb before he followed Sam’s trail of vision and it dawned on him that he was talking about the dog.
“I had a son. I mean I have a son.” Sam said suddenly.
The mug in Dean’s hand almost slipped. Almost. His brain came to a full stop. He just looked at Sam, blinking dumbly at him. He wanted to say something. He wanted to tell Sam how happy he was for him and he did open his mouth a few times but nothing came out.
“Now you look really dumn.” Sam cackled.
“Shut up.” Dean grumbled. “I...I’m so happy for you, Sammy.”
Sam colored. “Thanks. You should have seen him, Dean. He grew up to be a smart man.” His tone was proud, one that automatically made Dean smile.
“I’m sure he is. He’s your son, after all. I’m also sure he must have the same Princess Jasmine hair like yours.” Dean teased.
“How did you guess?”
“What can I say? I’m just charming like that.” Dean boasted.
“Charming my ass. Just a lucky guess.”
“Oh ho, Sammy boy, offended are we? You forget Sammy, I know you. Hell I almost raised you. So, I’m sure your son inherited your traits of being smart, intelligent, handsome, bratty and overall just wonderful.”
“You think I’m handsome?” Sam asked and Dean face palmed himself for blurting out things without thinking through.
“No.” Dean denied but he was quite quick to respond.
“Oh my god, Dean Winchester, who all his life claimed to be the ‘much handsomer’ brother, thinks I’m handsome! Heaven must really have done a number on you, Dean.I should throw a party.”
“I was complimenting your son, not you, you asshole.” Dean grumbled.
“You’re right though. You described him perfectly. I named him Dean Junior, you know. After you.”
‘Sammy...I don’t know what to say.”
Sam just shrugged.
“No, really. I’m honored.” Dean replied. In that moment he loved his brother so much that he could almost feel his non existent physical heart burst out of his chest. Then a thought occurred to him. “Dude, my namesake has long hair?” He whined.
Sam laughed. It was the best music Dean had ever heard.
“It’s not funny, Sam. I take my words back. None of you are handsome.”
“Aww… you’re embarrassed. It’s alright, Dean. After all I did manage to score myself a wife so I must be handsome as you say.”
Dean choked on his next sip of coffee. “You have a wife?”
“Duh, how else do you think I got a son?”
“It stings, doesn't it?”
“Wh..what?” Dean was really at a loss. There were conflicting emotions inside him. He was heartbroken because it meant Sam had a wife and therefore there was a good chance that after a few days he’d leave Dean to go find his wife somewhere in heaven and live with her and their son. This really wasn’t fair. Heaven was supposed to be his happy place. Instead, it was turning into Dean’s worst nightmare.
“I said, it stings to know that I managed to get married and settle down, doesn’t it? The whole nine yards, like you always wanted for yourself?” Dean wanted to protest that it really wasn’t. What he wanted for himself was something he could never have. What he needed was something he had in his life but not in a way that he wanted. He didn’t get to say anything though because Sam continued. “It was never my plan but you made me promise I should keep going on. So..” Sam shrugged.
It was so easy for him to say. Sam was probably clueless to Dean’s inner turmoil. He wanted to scream, shout anything to make Sam notice just how it hurt to listen that Sam had found love and given away his heart to someone who was not Dean. It was probably the reason why Dean always played the jealous brother card whenever Sam found a love interest. He knew he had himself to blame because he had asked Sam to move on. He just never thought actually hearing Sam speak about his Dean-less life would be as painful as it was right this moment. No one spoke. It was like the entire conversation came to a standstill. Dean was glad because a part of him, the selfish part that wanted Sam all for himself, couldn’t bear to listen more about Sam’s wife and his perfect life.
The sky slowly turned a beautiful shade of red and orange. The sun was setting behind the mountains, birds returning to their nests, Miracle was rolling around in the cool grass. It was a great view. One that made Dean’s heart ache. This would probably be one of the few times that Dean would get to enjoy this view while having coffee with Sammy by his side. Because once his wife turns up, Sam would leave him anyway. Dean couldn’t fault him though. Who would live a life in a crappy wooden cabin, drinking beer and coffee with their damaged big brother when they could live a perfectly happy life with a loving wife, a son and a great house? Certainly not Sammy. It was time Dean really let go of his brother. It would pain him more than his death - to let Sam go after having found him again. Was it possible to die twice? Dean mused because letting go of Sam was going to be another death of him.
Dean needed Sam, wanted Sam but never could have him. He wanted to strangle someone for not giving him peace even after death. Ever since he showed up in heaven, all he was doing was waiting for Sam to show up. His perfect heaven. But it seeed Dean Winchester had committed enough sins for him to not find peace even in heaven. He took a glance at Sam who was sitting beside him, eyes closed, a small content smile on his face. He looked ethereal in the shadow of the rays of the setting sun. He was shining bright with a golden glow. The sight took his breath away, a single tear making its way down his eye. He immediately wiped it away. He didn’t want Sam to know just how freak of a brother Dean was.
That night they turned in early. Sam looked peaceful but Dean - Dean was wide awake, staring at Sam the entire night, making up for the loss of many years.
They were content. Their life was full of doing mundane things that they rarely could enjoy while being alive. Doing laundry, cleaning, changing the wallpaper, cooking, going on a run, reading books, bantering back and forth.
The cabin seems to change according to their needs. After a day, there was suddenly a door to the right side of the living room that opened up to a huge library. Sam’s excitement was similar to that of Miracle when they came to the cabin. He spent the entire day with books while Dean played the role of perfect housewife, serving Sam with lunch, sandwiches, cookies and finally dinner. Dean enjoyed every second of it, while it lasted.
Then one day Sam requested if they could go around and catch up with Mom, Dad and Bobby. Dean wasn’t ready to share Sam with anyone yet but he complied with the puppy eyes that pleaded with him. They drove around the road until the roadhouse came into sight.
They parked the car and stepped out. The roadhouse looked just like it used to. The only change being, there was a big banner plastered on the front door that read ‘Welcome’. The brothers looked at each other before entering. The moment they entered there was confetti everywhere and screams and shouts. Dean felt disoriented for a minute until it hit that all their friends and family were present there. Bobby embraced the boys first.
“Danm, it’s so good to finally see you two, igits.”
“Bobby, man...I can’t..” Sam was smiling so big, Dean wondered if his cheeks hurt. “How’d..how’d you know?”
“We just knew.” John said as he walked up to the boys. “In heaven, it’s like we share a mindlink or something akin to intuition. We’ve been waiting to meet you.” John said and embraced both his boys. “I’m so proud of you, boys. I love you so much.”
“Love you too.” A choked up Dean mumbled.
“Hey, boys.” Ellen was next.
Then there was Mary and Jo and then Ash and Charlie too. There was booze, burgers, and pie. Dean was overwhelmed with the love that everyone showered on them. He also couldn’t help but stare at Sam. His younger brother was practically glowing with happiness. Probably for the first time in his life Sammy was surrounded by all his family at once. He was chatting with Ash. God knows what the two nerds were nerding about. Dean just sat in the corner and kept an eye on Sam, enjoying the myriad of emotions that flashed on his face.
“So,” Ash came and sat beside Dean. “You and Sam huh?”
Dean was on guard immediately. “What do you mean?”
“He was telling me he showed up where you took the first stop of your drive?” Ash questioned.
“Yeah. So?”
“Soulmates, you dumbass. You share heaven, even if everything has changed now.”
“You’re ridiculous Ash.” Dean dismissed.
“Come on, Dean. You can’t possibly be still in denial.”
“Ash, dude. I’m not…” Dean was about to reply when they heard the front door open up and a beautiful blond woman stepped inside. She clearly looked misplaced in this crowd but then in a flash of a few seconds Sam tumbled towards her and took her in a bone crushing hug.
“That’s Mal or Mallory. Sam’s wife.” Ash whispered to Dean.
In that moment everything came crashing down. Dean felt like the walls around him were closing in and he couldn’t get out of the trap fast enough. This was it. This was the exact moment Dean was dreading.
“How...how did she..??” Dean couldn’t even complete the sentence.
“Well, she’s been around ever since she died. She’s the one who kept the Winchester bloodline alive after all. She’s cool. You’ll like her.” Ash replied.
No, Dean wanted to scream. He’d never like her. Because she owned the most costly gem in the entire world. She owned Sam’s heart because of which Dean could never like her. She was everything Dean wanted himself to be. He wanted to be the one who loved Sam, more than just a brother, to cherish him, to spoil him and to be the one who owned Sam’s heart and trust. Instead, it was Mallory. He hated her with every ounce of his being. Hated her for loving Sam and to be loved in return. Something that Dean wasn’t worth apparently. He was unloved by the one person whom he loved the most.
Dean watched the way they interacted. The way Sam placed a kiss on her forehead, the way he touched her reverently and the way he spoke to her so animatedly. He looked so happy, happier than he was when he arrived. In that instance, Dean knew it was time.
“I have...I have to go…” Dean told Ash and rushed out of the back door, the sound of Ash yelling at him to stop trailing behind him.
Once he started walking, he didn’t stop. He continued walking for hours until he came to stop by a small lake. Jack was waiting for him.
“Hi, Dean.” Jack gave him a big smile, greeting him.
“Hey, kiddo. It’s so good to see you.” Dean took a step forward and hugged him.
“You’re not unloved, Dean.” Jack said out of the blue.
“What are you talking about?” A perplexed Dean asked.
Jack smiled. “I don’t usually show up here because I got more work to do. Human souls are very fascinating, Dean. Some are interwoven, bound to come together sooner or later. Like magnets.”
“Kid, you’re not making any sense.”
“For a long time, I didn’t understand what love was. Then I saw you guys. How you’d care for each other and look after each other. I felt like I understood a little about love. Then I saw you die and watched Sam continue to live his life just because you made him promise to keep fighting. That’s when I realized love is not just a feeling of companionship or caring about each other. When two souls fall in love, there is nothing else but the yearning to be close to the other. The presence that is felt through a hand held, a voice heard, or a smile seen. Souls do not have calendars or clocks, nor do they understand the notion of time or distance. They only know it feels right to be with one another. This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they are not there— even if they are only in the very next room. Your soul only feels their absence— it doesn’t realize the separation is temporary.”
“Sam kept on going for you, Dean. If that’s not love then I don’t know what is.”
“He..he has a wife, Jack.” Dean said.
Jack simply smiled, “You need to go back and see what Sam has to say. Listen to him Dean. You’ll find all your answers in him.”
Jack snapped his fingers and Dean was back at the roadhouse, confused and bewildered.
“Where the hell have you been?” Sam yelled as he stalked towards him and punched him hard. “Dying on me wasn’t enough for you, huh? You bastard, you let me believe I lost you again.”
“Hey, Sam, stop.” Dean fought his brother, all six foot four inches of angry moose, trying to dodge his punches.
“How dare you, Dean? How dare you leave me when I finally got you back?” Sam kept yelling.
“Sammy, stop.” Dean yelled. It was ‘Sammy’ this time that did it and sam crumbled in Dean’s arms, sobbing like a kid.
“I was so scared. I was scared that this was another one of my dreams… that I’d wake up and you’d be gone again.”
“I just went out to get some fresh air, Sammy.” Dean lied.
“Don’t you dare leave me, ever again.”
Dean chuckled, “Needy Sammy, always needing my attention.” He teased. He felt Sam’s grip tightened around his waist. “Shhh, it’s ok, sammy. Not going anywhere.”
“I promise.”
Sam pulled out of Dean’s arms and gave him a wobbly smile. Dean smiled back assuringly.
“So, umm...you gonna introduce your better half to me?”
Sam’s smile turned into a frown. “No.”
“Why?” Dean pouted.
“Because you are my other half.”
Numbness was usually associated with shock followed by grief. But this was different. Dean was shocked, but he was also buzzing with happiness, like every single thread in his body was dancing to the music of Sam’s words.
“I know you love me, Dean. You just had to tell me you love me at the last possible second, huh? Just before you died. What was I supposed to do? Do you know how much pain I suffered while living a life without you?”
Dean was beyond response.
“Shut your mouth before a fly goes in.” Sam admonished.
Dean did like he was told.
Sam rolled his eyes in that cute way that made Dean’s heart flutter. “Our entire lives you suffered thinking I’d never love you. If you had just been brave enough, we could have lived a happy life, Dean.”
“Sammy,” Dean whispered as if he worshipped it reverently. He felt like doing a million cartwheels.
“I love you so much, Dean. You’re the one who’s the other half of my soul. I was in misery all my life, Dean. Without you, my life was incomplete. Even after I found Mallory. I couldn’t love her like a true husband should. Because my heart was already owned. I’d given you my heart away, Dean. You were my entire world. You still are. It’s the reason you were my happy place, Dean. You were my home. Your heart is the place my soul can finally rest in peace.”
A small sob broke Dean and he lunged forward at his brother, planting a searing kiss on his lips.
“I love you so much, my baby brother.”
“And I you, big brother.”
They were smiling stupidly, a few tears rolling down their eyes, foreheads touching, Sam’s hand on Dean’s heart, just like it was when Dean died.
It was kinda bitter sweet but Dean wouldn’t have it other way.
They kissed again, this time lovingly when the crowd around them cheered up.
In that exact moment, with love shining bright in Sam’s eyes, Dean knew he was finally at peace. Reunited with his brother, his soulmate.
It was probably just the start of the epic love story of Sam and Dean because even death couldn’t do them part.
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
Missing You
Day 7 of @spnovember
Prompt: Scars/Sigils
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Idea behind the graphic: After Dean disappears, Sam tries to find his brother desperately. He stumbles upon a book of magic that gives him an idea of time travel. He uses the spell to travel back in time just to get a glimpse of his brother, alive. Now that he's alone, he understands what Dean must have gone through when he left for Stanford. It makes his heart ache and leaves behind a wound that he'd never get to tell Dean just how much he loves him. He travels back to days when he was at Stanford, trying to find Dean and apologize to him. But when they meet, the need and want is too much for them to resist. (Season 8 AU)
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
Meant To Be
Day 6 of @spnovember
Prompt: Cherry Pie
Rating: Gen
Idea behind the graphic: Dean and pie is a match made in heaven.
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
Nothing Without You
(copy pasted from my Ao3 as part of anniversary of 15x18)
Rating: Mature
Fandom: Supernatural
Relationship: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Jack Kline, Featuring the Dead Angel Castiel.
Additional Tags: Wincest - Freeform,
Sibling Incest, Sibling Love, Boys Kissing, Boys In Love, Season/Series 15, Season/Series 15 Spoilers, Season 15 Episode 18, Post 15x18, POV Dean Winchester, Castiel is dead, Angst and Feels, Hurt/Comfort, otp: wincest - Freeform, Established Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Anti Destiel, The Author Regrets Nothing.
Nothing Without You
Dean and Castiel decide to hunt down and kill Death. When Death comes after them, Dean is hit wit many revelations and doesn't know how to respond. But once Castiel is gone, it hits Dean hard, just how much he's let down everyone, including his brother. Especially his brother. Sammy's back to save his brother from cracking. Like he always does.
warning: Read the tags/notes before you read the fic.
After watching the episode 18, I just had to write this. The episode was so badly written so I had to get into Dean's head and write how he would feel.
Warning: This is anti destiel. If you like the Dead Angel please don't read. Hate won't be tolerated. This is a wincest fic. The comments are now moderated because hellers have started circulating this in GCs and leaving hate comments behind.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to the showrunners. This is written purely for entertainment purposes.
This is not a beta version. English is not my language so pardon please. All mistakes are mine.
Happy Reading.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
“Dean, where are you? Answer me, damn it.” Sammy’s voice echoed around the bunker. 
It feels good to hear his voice and know that he’s alright. But how do I reply? What do I tell him? How can I face him when all I did was let him down, again. Here sitting on the floor, holding my head held in my hands, I can’t stop my tears from flowing down my eyes. 
Everything seems to be falling apart and there’s nothing I can do about it. The devastating thing to know is that the one I thought was my best friend just betrayed me. I understand now, why the angel did everything in the past. From calling Sam an abomination to breaking the wall that Death put in his head and making him suffer to telling me at the last moment that he had made a deal with The Empty, it was all because he loved me. 
It’s stupid thing for anyone to say that they did horrible things to the one person I love, to the one person I care about in the entire world, just because they loved me. If this is the love that I get in return of trusting him, then I don’t want it. That kind of love can rot in hell for all I care. But to think that my Sammy suffered all these years just because the angel loved me is something I can’t process. All because of me. Had I never trusted the angel, he would never have entered our lives and never did these things to my little brother. Yet, I managed to screw up just like I seem to be doing all my life. I think I’ve perfected myself at screwing up better than I thought. 
“Dean, where the hell are you?” Sammy hollers again. 
There’s panic in his voice. I suppose working together for so long now we’re too used to being with each other. So if one of us goes off the kilter, the other one is bound to panic. It’s the pleading in his voice, though, that makes me crack.
 “In here, Sammy.” I reply.
I can never deny anything to my Sammy. It’s probably one of the reasons why when we were kids, I used to let him have my share of food. A wet chuckle escapes my throat when I remember how sweet and innocent my Sammy was. No, is . And I get angry again at the fate that had befallen him just because the damn angel decided he loved me! My sweet little Sammy had to suffer so much. The anger gets better of me and I throw my phone towards the floor and watch as it cracks into pieces, just like my soul right now. I’m afraid...afraid to face my brother. How am I suppose to stand in front of him and tell him that everything he had to go through was because of me! He’ll hate me then. That is something I cannot live with. 
I love my little brother. Of course I do. But I maybe a bit more than I should. I know it’s not allowed but I don’t care. We’re well past that boundary, that invisible line which stopped at brothers and I’d been thrilled the day that we crossed the line that now makes us more than just brothers. He’s my lover. My partner. My everything. If Sammy’s not with me, I don’t know what else to do with my life. I need him.
I hear the footsteps and I know Sammy’s here with Jack tailing behind him. I don’t look up. I can’t . I can feel Sammy’s concern flowing through from where he’s standing at the door of the room. I can’t muster up the courage to look into the soulful eyes of my brother and tell him what just happened. But I know he won’t let it go. He’ll ask me till the time we have a little “heart to heart” which will piss me off. In the end though, I’m sure I’ll be spilling everything to him. After all, he’s the only one who ever understood me. 
“Dean, hey. What happened?” Sammy is now crouching down in front of me, holding my knees. The mere touch sends thrill down my spine. How am I supposed to tell you the horrible truth, Sammy? 
“Dean are you crying? Hey, no…” Sam tried to hold my chin up and make e look at him but I duck my head down and let tears flow silently. “Dean, look at me.” 
There goes again, the pleading in his voice. I just can’t deny that and the little shit knows it very well. Sometimes even uses for his advantage. I can’t fault him though. We’re all at our wits end. He just lost his friend too. Eileen. Then there’s the case of Jack. He’s bound to be anxious. So I look up only to get lost into the color changing hazel eyes. They are just mesmerizing. Now more so because they are full of emotions. He gently wipes away my tears with his thumbs and cups my face with both his hands. 
“What’s wrong, Dean? Where’s Cass?” 
The mere mention of the angel makes me angry. It must have reflected in my eyes, because the next thing I know, Sammy’s face goes tense. There’s worry in there and I need to calm him before we both become a crumbling mess. 
“Billie came after us. And, Cass... Cass is gone.” I manage to tell him. He goes rigid. However stupid the angel might have been, I know for Sam he was still a friend. He cared about him. That’s exactly how Sammy is, loving and caring. There’s one thing that I hide from him. It’s because I feel ashamed that I didn’t pay any heed to my brother’s warnings. Sammy had warned me time and again that there was something weird about how the angel looked at me or even behaved with me. I always passed it up as my brother’s jealousy or over observation skills. But this time, he was dead on right. The angel had been weird with me because he was in love with me, and the fucker told me just before he died.  I want to see if Sammy can call me out on my lie though. Usually he knows if I’m telling the truth or not. This time, I wait for him to ask and sure enough, his question is ready. 
“What are you not telling me, Dean?”
“He made a deal with Empty back when Jack died.” I look at the kid standing right behind Sammy. He looks surprised, eyes wide, the look on his face disbelieving. I feel sorry for the kid. The angel had been a kind of relative of his, helped him show ropes when it came to doing angelic stuff. Jack was bound to be upset. I look back at Sam and continue, “He made a deal that when he is at the happiest moment in his life, that’s when the Empty will kill him. Billie was after us and would have killed us if not for Cass….” I trail off. Because I can’t say he angel sacrificed himself. No...he was selfish once again and did what he thought was best. Never considering how it would make me feel. I know I’m stalling as don’t want to tell this to Sammy but I know I will have to. I have to create a diversion. My brother doesn’t let me though. 
“And if he’s gone then he was at the happiest moment in his life. What was it, Dean?” 
There’s an edge to his voice. I have a feeling that he knows it already. “H-he s-said…”
“Yes.” Sammy coaxes me.
“He said he loved me. That telling me this was the best thing of his life… the happiest moment of his life.” I tell him in a rush. I feel so awkward and ashamed. My brother has gone still. He’s looking at me with big eyes, jaw clenched, and blazing fury in his eyes. He pulls his hands back and I’m feel cold, so cold as if my breath is taken away. I never want to be away from my brother, even an inch of distance between us feels like a thousand miles. I need to feel him, is touch, feel the assurance that he’s still with me. I apologize immediately thinking I’ve enraged him, “I’m so sorry, Sammy.”
He goes soft in an instant. “No, Dean. You have nothing to apologize for. The angel though...it’s good he’s dead or I might just have stabbed him with angel blade or dipped him in holy oil.” 
I’m taken aback by those venomous words. Even for Sammy, this is an extreme expression. He cools down though and looks at me with fond expression in his eyes. “Are you ok? I know he was a best a best friend to you. I’ so sorry, Dean. I wish…”
I know that train of thought. Sammy would have done everything in his power to save the said angel, because he meant something to me. For once, I’m glad that wasn’t the case. “No, Sammy. If ...I’m glad you weren’t here. He’s…” I look at Jack and we share a look. Jack understands and slowly exits the room. “When he said he loved me, it meant he did everything for me. Everything he didn't was because he loved me. Sammy, can’t you understand what he did? He made you suffer, because of me. How can you even say that you could have found a way for him to survive?”
“Nothing was because of you, Dean. You didn’t do anything. Trust me when I say, it’s not on you. Castiel is to blame. Not you. As far as saving him is concerned, it’s simple, Dean. He was your friend.”
“And what about your friends, Sammy? I killed Amy back in the day, just to keep you safe. Hell, I killed your friend because I felt insecure. How can you be so selfless, Sammy?”
“Because I love you, De.”
There’s a vulnerability there. I can see right through him. I can’t stand the distance between us. I slowly get up and pull Sammy with me. As soon as we’re vertical, I embrace him in a tight hug. Countless times, Sammy had told me that the angel loved me. He had been insecure about our friendship from the start. It pains me to think that I failed to assure my little brother just how much valuable he is to me. I whisper in his ear, “There’s only ever been you, Sammy. No one else. Even if the angel had told me his feelings when alive, I couldn’t have reciprocated his feeling back. You know why?”
I know he knows the answer. I can feel my brother smile and I know he’s crying too as his tears soak my shoulder. I also know, he needs to hear it out loud, “Why?” He pulls back and looks at me.
“Because I love you, Sammy. Only you.” I crush my mouth against his. The soft lips, the sweet taste of his on my tongue makes me want to bury myself so deep within him that no one can tell where one begins and the other ends. It’s passionate, hard and soothing, all at once. Like always, I get lost in the kiss and every inch of my soul dances to the tunes of Sammy’s kiss. When we come up for air, he’s smiling so bright that his dimples pop out, I can’t help but kiss him again, all strokes of tongue and indulge a bit more, ending the kiss with small little pecks on his lips. 
My brother crushes me hard against is chest and it’s the best feeling in entire world. I want to take my brother back in my bedroom and make sweet love to him, take him apart slowly and put him back together and cherish his existence. I can’t do that, not now. I know we don’t have much time left to save whatever is left of this world but once it’s done and even if we don’t make it, at least in heaven, I’ll make sure Sammy knows just how much I love him. He’s my entire world, the purpose of my existence, the reason of my living and I am ready to let this world burn if it meant I have to save Sammy. 
There ain’t no me, if there ain’t no you, little brother.
The End. 
Thank you so much for reading. Let me know what you think.
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
Day 5 @spnovember
Prompt: No-Tell Motel
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: Explicit
Idea behind the graphic: After wrapping up a job, staying back at motel room for some leisure time, Dean trying to seduce Sam and then getting all shy when he gets Sam's singular attention.
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
In The Dark
Day 4 of @spnovember
Prompt: Shadows
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Warning: 18+
Idea behind the graphic: Inspired by Pablo Neruda's words: "I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul." To me, that's the definition of Wincest.
When it's just the two of them, in a dark room, with light peeking from the window engulfing the brothers, who are sitting on bed, in its shadow; it's in that time that they indulge in the deepest and the most sinful desire of their heart.
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
You and Me
Day 3 of @spnovember
Prompt: Blood calls to Blood
Rating: G
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Idea behind the graphic: I interpreted the prompt as 'soul bond'. Both the brothers are broken without the other. After Dean's death, Sam is living his life while still pining for Dean and Dean just keeps driving on in heaven despite him having a chance to meet his family and friends. Instead, Dean chooses to wait for Sam to arrive in heaven. Like they are somehow incomplete without the other and are waiting for their Soulmate to arrive so they could finally be at peace. Blood calls to Blood. Brother calls to brother. One can't work without the other. And when Sam finally arrives in heaven, both the Winchesters are finally at peace in each other's arms. This concept was inspired by what Dean says:
"It's always been you...and me."
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
The Witch and His Familiar
Day 2 of @spnovember
Prompt: Witchcraft and Wonder
Idea behind the graphic: Sam and Dean grow up in a coven when John abandoned them to seek his revenge. Sam grows up to be the powerful witch and Dean is his familiar who can transform himself into a black cat. When John traces his kids, it's probably too late to salvage that parent-child relationship.
Rating: Gen.
Pairing: Sam/Dean
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dwimpala-67 · 3 years ago
Hunting Time
So it begins....
Submission for @spnovember
Idea behind the graphic: It's time for the Winchesters to go on a hunt, which obviously includes them digging a grave and salt and burn the ghost.
Rating: Gen
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Note: Please give credit if you reblog.
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