#just let me have fun okay
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iwanttobepersephone · 3 months ago
So, homeless Halt huh?
What, right after leaving Clonmel and bedore meeting Crowley, or a fully new context au style.
The first option, yes!!!
I decided that 17 was FAR too young for TEY, so I kinda just added 3 extra years in between leaving Clonmel and meeting Crowley, making him 20 at the time of TEY. (Well, technically, he was 19 when he met Crowley and turned 20 like 2 weeks later, but that's being unnecessarily detailed lol)
I like to think that, because Halt was a prince, Pritchard could only teach him the skills in isolation, and not how to use them. Y'know, like learning how to pick a lock on some little play toy you out in your lap, and then having to actually do it on a real door. So, these 3 years were when Halt had to transition from aiming at a target to aiming at an actual animal. There were also things like how he knew logically how to set up the tent and then realized that actually doing it was just different enough to make him feel dumb.
This also, btw, puts Halt as a homeless, jobless, (illegal) immigrant who speaks the language at a 3rd grade level during the height of Morgarath's rule. So. He had 🌈fun!! ✨️
By the time he met Crowley he understood the language a lot better (3 years of actually living in the kingdom will certainly help with that) but he still kinda struggled a bit. I like to think that he can't pronounce Morgarath's name and always ends up calling him "Morgor", "Morgaah", or simply, "lighting man". Why? Because it's entertaining, that's why
The fic I'm writing takes place when he had JUST moved to Araluen, and wasn't quite so stone faced yet. In the fic he finds a group of other homeless people, mostly other immigrants, who let him stay by their fire that night and help him fix a couple things from his saddle bag. It also centers heavily around his relationship with his old horse, Declan, from before he got Abelard, and how that horse was his only reliable source of companionship
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sjolldorei · 1 year ago
So theres a Wrathion statue on the blizzard store and yes he's beautiful and yes its expensive but thats not the important information
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Wrathion confirmed to have massive 14 inch meat #Lore #Leak
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egophiliac · 6 months ago
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(breathing into a paper bag) FRALIO....
can't believe they gave us another guy. oh my god. so I guess Kelka is more, uhhh, more OOO then, and Fralio is Ankh? not that it matters too much, although they do seem to be doing something with the connected Riders so. who knows. anything goes! or if I may, anything gOOOes! god. of course they're the Ambition parallel. of course they are. oh my god.
fortunately there's nothing else they can throw at me right now that could possibly --
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gaywineauntsstuff · 3 months ago
I just saw someone say that Tim was the only member of the batfamily who didn’t suck at math.
With the exception of Dick (acrobatics) and Cass (body language) none of the Batkids are THAT much better than the others at a certain skill
Yes Jason is a better shot
Yes Tim is a better detective
And on a technical level they’re much better
But that means that if they have a 0.001% chance of cracking a case or making a shot. There will be a noticeable difference between Tim being the character or say Damian.
Not particularly.
Think of each skill like a normally distributed curve okay with the mean being your average hero/olympian/hacker/genius
The Batkids will be at the 96th percentile in the skill
With the exception of 1 of them being at the 99th percentile range
Unless you are writing something you can comfortably say is complex/difficult enough to warrant drawing attention to the 3% difference. It’s annoying to bring it up
I exclude Dick and Cass
Because Dicks introduction is the fact he can do something the rest of the kids can’t to the point where it’s an identifier within his own story. It’s how Tim found him, a signature only he can do.
And Cass because she is genuinely cartoonishly cracked in her own storyline and in batfamily stuff she’s borderline a mind reader
(Could also argue Jason for supernatural stuff and the all blades)
These are exceptions because yeah
If you told me Jason, Dick or Steph cracked a difficult case in a run I wouldn’t treat it as shocking information
If you told me Tim, Dick or Damian managed a tricky shot with a firearm in a dire situation (like what happens in the Grayson run) it would be interesting, surprising but like not? Shocking?
If you told me that Jason did a quadruple summersault off a building and landed on his feet I’d be confused as shit
And even WITH Dick and Cass the other kids are still FREAKISHLY good at D&Cs special skills but they both have unignorable signatures
This is a very long winded way of saying when an author simplifies a character down to
“Oh look nice flippy one”
“Smart one”
“Angry gun one”
“Pet collector”
It’s annoying because you basically ignore all the interesting overlap
Like guess what Dick literally has a habit of collecting strays (see the rabbit and 3 legged dog he lives with in his apartment in the new run)
Tim is fucking badass and is very good at dealing with explosives
Damian is canonically currently thinking of leaving the family business and no longer being a hero to maybe focus on helping people in other ways
Jason occasionally works with magic and demon bullshit
And every single one of them is a genius okay literally every single one of them could get a masters in physics, chem, bio and history in like 2 weeks flat.
Their stats are stacked
All of them know enough info to be able to do 99% of a task and yeah someone might call Tim or Dick in for detective help or Jason for muscle and restraining backup but in 99% of cases THE OTHER CHARACTERS SHOULD BE EQUALLY competent
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cosmicwhoreo · 1 year ago
.... Okay, so I might have made a ahit oc during my downtime. Based on the idea of "yeah the idea of hat kid being a little space orphan doing a job is sad.... But what if they were separated from their family and needed to get back home instead?"
And what if their worried mother came to the planet they were on, looking for them after they'd JUST LEFT like a month ago?
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I may have gotten carried away with myself on this idea-
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leyhunter · 1 year ago
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I fought for like 20 years or something close to it fiercely against One Piece and now I am part of the hivemind
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mandyhotx · 1 year ago
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good-beansdraws · 16 days ago
They made Alien Stage merch of the singers being treated inhumanely in Anakt Garden? ;__;
I'm still reeling that they released such intense art as merch.... At the same time it's not like I'm complaining -- wanting to draw this with 0 hesitation only proved I am also not immune to "Let's put those guys in situations 👁👁"
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Small descriptions of these scenes under the cut, then some overall au thoughts because this got my brain going...
Mahiru is always speaking of romance and her heart racing -- the aliens want to test just how fast she can go before "overheating."
Amane always enjoyed singing as part of a choir, but the aliens hope to isolate just her voice, and every piece of it, no matter how long she must stand and sing for them.
Kotoko is quick at improvisation in both her music and in a fight, so they wish to find out exactly what makes her tick in these different areas.
Fuuta's big mouth is what makes him stand out in Alien Stage -- they consider straightening his crooked teeth to make him more marketable before deciding on a fang.
Haruka has always been deceptively strong to the smaller members of Anakt Garden, so the aliens only analyze him in a state of weakness.
Mikoto struggles daily with the breathing and circulation issues from the lab, only allowing himself to break when the cameras are down.
I chose the assignments based on the pics themselves, and only afterwards started looking into the overall au -- compared to typical Milgram assignments, I feel like these made for some really interesting dynamics:
Mahiru meets the prodigy Amane in Anakt Garden and takes her under her wing. She obsesses over romance as a general idea, but it's mainly the vision of a complete, happy family that she's dreaming of. Therefore she's optimistic for a tie, and that the two can become a family at the end of Alien Stage -- until Round 1 stops all her dreams short.
Amane had always spoken of god and the universe, and the others find themselves finally listening only after she’s gone. (It mainly affects Mahiru, but I like the fact that Fuuta can still call her his god.) Mahiru reflects on their time together -- though Amane had a big heart, spending time with her caretakers often left her quiet and stoic. Mahiru remembers meeting her in her perfect, doll-frilled dress and vowing to take care of her.
Someone as strong-willed and rebellious as Kotoko has always hated how 03060809 play along with Alien Stage -- she is their self appointed enemy for aiding the aliens in killing other humans. Deep down, though, Mahiru’s shining light has given her hope. She can hardly admit to herself what strong feelings she's developed for Mahiru, much less tell her outright. She focuses all her efforts to fight aliens and corrupt humans til the end. She isn't afraid to smash guitars and throw some punches along the way.
At the same time, Kotoko has never noticed the person idolizing her in silence: Fuuta. Even when she lashes out at him, he's inspired by her strength and intensity. He can tell she doesn't feel the same toward him, so he keeps his growing, touchstarved crush a secret. He's also willing to fight the whole way, even finding a flaming escape opportunity for them as kids (to which Kotoko argues she isn't a coward, and needs to stay and fight.) It isn't until he sees his idol lose her fire that he finally stops and hands the win over. He gets in one violent, rash show of love before it's all extinguished in the rain.
Alongside them, Mikoto becomes a fan favorite to the public. The asthmatic with a gentle side and violently self-preserving one is a huge hit. (Something about Mikoto’s mvs being the most popular for a while.) He earns win after win, no matter the health and memory issues that haunt him. Any time a performance gets too risky, John takes matters into his own hands to make sure they come out on top.
Though it's harder for him to physically evoke Amane's relationship with Mahiru in round 5, he knows how to play into right lyrics: "make me your god, I can give you everything." It's easier for him to act as Fuuta, giving Kotoko a Deep Cover moment of guilt that she'd gotten him killed by fighting for the wrong things. In a twist of irony from canon, Kotoko says her final words in Mahiru’s arms, and Mahiru is the one left feeling responsible for the loss...
Back in their childhood, Haruka and Mikoto had found themselves outcasts together. Haruka was always afraid of Mikoto after witnessing his violence against the other children (I think it'd be weird to switch around victims so maybe it was both of their faults that Haruka’s suster died.) But at the same time, a part of him kept coming back and seeking Mikoto's attention because he admired him so much.
After being rescued from a disastrous Alien Stage round, the others in the resistance were taken in by Haruka’s innocent shyness. Regardless of his protests at poor public speaking, his heart earned him the spot of leader. He is willing throw himself in the path of danger to protect the people he cares about -- an admired trait until it actually does get him killed.
(And a bonus Yuno for Bones :D)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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Wei Wuxian eats a watermelon. Yep!
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rebouks · 8 months ago
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Byrd: Are you mad? Oscar: No, but your brother should’ve called sooner. Ivan: There, all gone-.. let’s get you n’ Robin home. Wren: Sorry, Frankie. Frankie: Don’t you worry about it, sweetheart. [nasty hospital vibes] Byrd: Are you sure you’re not mad? Oscar: Mhm. Byrd: You’re biting your nails though. Oscar: Hospitals aren’t exactly my favourite. Byrd: So, you’re mad? Oscar: No, Byrd. Byrd: Wren isn’t allowed to sign it, okay? ‘Cause you know she’ll write something rude like P E N I-… Oscar: [laughs] I hear ya.
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doux-amer · 4 months ago
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yourlocaltinsmith · 10 months ago
No one can tell me that his exposed hand was NOT holding Eijis. Like they absolutely were holding hands.
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emloafs · 8 months ago
i think s6 is proof enough that in college eli is the guy that goes so hard at every party, and demetri is his introverted boyfriend who didn't want to go in the first place, spends the entire time embarrassed by eli, only to drag his drunk ass home at the end of the night (but demetri also loves it)
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fandomunsexyman · 1 year ago
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SVSSS is a novel with a fandom.
[ID: A Scum Villain edit of the "missing the point" meme. A bullet arcs from velinxi art of child Shen Jiu kneeling while furiously glaring. The bullet says, "People are not entirely one thing or the other and holding them to these extremes ignores the complexities that come with their humanity." It arcs over the head of a person across from it, who ignores the bullet and exclaims: "Wow!! Shen Jiu's only crime was being mean and was wrongly hated!" End ID]
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sesamestreep · 4 months ago
in Starfleet, you call your first officer your XO because you’re supposed to give them hugs and kisses. that’s in the rules.
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the-ninjago-historian · 3 months ago
Ninjago Christmas Art!✨✨✨
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Mrs. Benedict knows who the real star of Christmas is. (Please don't look to hard at this art. It's so messy. I kinda forgot how to draw Lloyd and then I was zonked from moving into our new place.😭)
Happy Holidays! Yay! :D ❄️🎁🎄🎅🕯️🔔
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