#just felt hashtag silly
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lieutenant-mitch · 1 month ago
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ugh they're so stupid and dumb
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bbeelzemon · 2 years ago
just had paramedics called on me for the first time todayy
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gh0stcav3 · 8 days ago
shes very silly i love her :3
hiii srry if it was me that made u think i was vagueposting abt u btw. i like ur silly little guys quite a bit from what i know of them :3
if not this is lowkey awkward. so. heres a kitty
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kiiiittyyyyyyyy yay
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lexicorp · 7 days ago
Transformers Earthspark: Another Place, Another Prison
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scribbled da hek outta this doodle so idk what type of style it is but its cute anyway sdnsifbsnd
This chapter ended up being twice the length I thought it'd be, and is a whole lot of just Starscream and Hashtag talking about an assortment of things. There's a good bit of silliness, like the ridiculous strain of conversation surrounding nicknames (the Hashbrown thing I got in my head from @the-sheep and their lore. Which doesnt totally align with my characterization of Star admittedly, but with my brother having been the one to point out that Sprite [the nickname for spitfire] is also a soda brand, the dots were connecting XD). Then there's some actual serious talk as well, that has a bit of sus, because of course.
Previous Chapter: A Game Of Charades
First Chapter: The Need For Read
Next Chapter: Scientific Method
Chapter 17: Helm In The Cloud
These past quartexs had been…odd. To put it lightly. 
The data cycling through Starscream’s processor was filled with strange, corrupted files that he couldn’t seem to access, aided by far too many painful memories to quantify. Although, in the past deca-cycle with the Maltos, he’d found himself remembering, or even creating, more pleasant events. 
The Malto brats could actually be…rather endearing. Of course, Hashtag was always his favorite. Anyone who said they didn’t favor a particular individual within a group was flatly a liar, a tactic which he could of course appreciate; since he’d only admit his favoritism blatantly to Hashtag herself, after all. She had by far the best style of spunk about her, as she easily dealt out smooth bouts of sass paired with her equally patient and excitable nature. Her strong determination when decided upon a task, was admirable, even. Hashtag would have made a great Decepticon! Although he supposed that…wouldn’t be a compliment to her.
Even so, after their more recent moments of “hanging out”, Hashtag had begun to cease her guarded posture that she had carried so often before. Only seldomly would he glimpse her shielding her chestplate protectively in that strange way Twitch or the human brats occasionally did as well. But it had become easier to get her back in a better mood as she seemed more comfortable with his presence. Something about that fact made a long smothered flame flicker within Starscream’s tired spark. 
He enjoyed seeing her happy, making her laugh, even at his own expense. Surely this foolish behavior was only to lull those fools into thinking him passive enough to grant him more freedom. He didn’t…he couldn’t care. It was far too risky to allow such a thing. Regardless, he still felt as if he owed Hashtag something, and wanted to be in her good graces. So many of the others here just fawned over Megatron. Was it too much to hope for his own fan for once? A feisty little student who would admire and stand by his side! He certainly didn’t need such a thing, but it would be…useful. Yes, that was the extent of it…
Hashtag was always quite the helpful young femme, even when some of her ill Earth gotten mannerisms or quips could be confusing. At least with that “Chess” game, it was just similar enough to Fullstasis that for a moment he felt even minutely connected to Cybertron again from all these lightyears away. Perhaps he could attempt to use that Chess to recreate Fullstasis so that he could share the superior game with her! Starscream could simply rotate the square-ish board on its side to be the correct diamond orientation, and modify the Chess pieces to reflect their counterparts. A “bishop” was nearly identical to a quarg in how it moved. Similarly with a vig to a “rook”. Although she might be disappointed that the King’s counterpart had far more offensive capabilities, while the Queen’s was defensive. Sure, one could skew their strategy either way, but that was typically the more popular approach. Even if Skyfire had often only buried his Pvaq in the corner while using the Staiv as a living shield leading the wall of mykns; which he’d always defend stubbornly when Starscream had teased him for it. Those matches had always carried on for groons of a painfully slow back and forth with both of them insisting the other conceded. That ridiculous shuttle had been more content with a stalemate than subjecting himself to yet another loss at Starscream’s blatantly superior tactical prowess. Perhaps Starscream should have relented more victories to him as he’d done Hashtag…
That doesn’t matter now.
Now, he had been given the task of collecting those fruits spawned from the stalky perennials plainly labeled “Apple Trees”, stationed around the perimeter of the cow containment field. Initially, he had assumed the pristine condition of those apples he gathered was irrelevant as long as they weren’t a crushed mess upon the ground. Yet apparently, as he was later corrected, it was important to examine them with more scrutiny to determine whether there were any pests infecting them, or blemishes that would need to be severed at a later date. The defective fruit was set to go to their lower class animals, while they kept the better portion for themselves. That ungrateful cow shouldn’t have made such a fuss when he’d attempted to liberate it. Then maybe that blasted bug wouldn’t have noticed, and it could have foraged its own, high quality fuel, instead of settling for scraps. 
Regardless, the squishy, oddly shaped fruits were strange to imagine as a means of fueling the humans’ fleshy frames. Skyfire never liked the idea of dissection, with how squeamish the soft-sparked mech was, although Starscream couldn’t help but be a byte curious of their internal functions. Yet the memory of those G.H.O.S.T parasites, and their similar interest towards Cybertronians, made that train of interest falter. At least, until a violet spark flickered with the revelation at what glorious revenge it would be if he could get his servos on one of those wretched humans to take them apart as well. 
Starscream chuckled darkly at the thought, with a fleeting image of those disgusting human organs arranged across a steel table.
Then, Hashtag’s voice cut through his ruminations. “Whatcha thinkin’ about there Spaceman?”
Starscream’s optical ridge furrowed as a look of disgust came to his faceplace that he couldn’t shield from entering his vocalizer. “What did you just call me?”
“What, Spaceman? It’s perfect right?” She strained to reach one of the apples on a hidden branch and flipped it into a crate. “I’ve been tryna think about more nicknames for you than just Screamer. Starship’s a fun one, but not goofy enough. I mean, sure I could also just go with Star as a different shortened version like how my siblings call me Tag, buuuut Spaceman is just funnier. You should've seen the look on your face!”
Starscream rolled his optics and scoffed with a grin. “If we are tossing around such absurdities, perhaps I should title you Hashslag.”
“Yoooo that sounds like a fire wrestler name!!”
“No it–”
Hashtag began making ridiculous poses as if flexing her physical prowess. “Hashslag comes into the ring and DEMOLISHES the competition! The undisputed champion that’ll uh–” She paused a moment to search their internet for assistance in her speech– “throw melted slag chairs at her enemies!!”
“You are quite proficient at twisting things to your advantage, aren’t you?” Even if Starscream had meant it as a minor jab in retaliation to her stupid Spaceman mockery–she had immediately translated it towards describing what she’d inflict upon her enemies, as opposed to a reflection of her capabilities. Decepticon material indeed. 
Hashtag’s grin widened, “Of course! ‘Cause I’m awesome! And that could be a great stage name! Maybe I’ll even use it as my gamer tag actually–”
Now that was too much. If she confidently proclaimed such a stupid title to the world, she’d be far too susceptible to the petty scorn of her opponents. 
“You are NOT identifying yourself as Hashslag.” Starscream ordered with crossed arms and a stern glare. “Your designation in such an environment should command respect, and THAT would be just as easily skewed against your character.”
He put a servo to his faceplate in exasperation for her naivety. “Slag refers to the waste matter produced when refining or smelting ore. I am sure you found the definition with your abilities, but it is a commonly derogatory term when directed towards someone. In many ways. If you are a slagger, then you are an extremely low member of society and considered inept. If you call someone a lump of slag, it is comparing them to something useless. Sure, it can be used threateningly when proclaiming you will annihilate them so completely that only slag will remain; but pairing it with a portion of your designation will only allow those around you an easy pathway towards mockery. You cannot believe I was serious about such a title as that. It was clearly a joke. No one would take you seriously with that name.”
Hashtag put her servos up and allowed them to then fall heavily in frustration. “Okay okay! I get it. You were trying to be mean and whatever–”
“Wait- no, I wasn't– ugh scrap…”
Suddenly her expression turned to a mischievous smirk as she turned back to gathering more apples with a laugh. “Nah I know you were just being a goofball. But I gotta admit I’m a bit jealous. How come Spitfire gets such a cute nickname and I don’t? I might even be a bit offended!” She paired her last statement with an overly dramatic tone and servo to her chestplate that could have been mimicking his own manner of mock hurt.
“What, Sprite? That is only a title referencing her small stature paired with her typically sassy nature.”
“Aww, not that she’s sweet like the popular soda brand?” She snickered, “I guess that tracks. She’s actually way rude.” 
Starscream scoffed as he attempted to focus on the ridiculous apple gathering task again, “Yes, that would hardly be fitting. What even is this “soda brand” you speak of?”
Hashtag whipped out her datapad and trotted up to him with a sparkle in her optics, apparently finding amusement in the topic. “It’s this carbonated sugar water with mysterious “natural flavors” and citric acid made by the big wig Coca Cola company!” She pulled up a string of images displaying an array of bottles and cans detailing a green logo with the Sprite title. Then changed her keywords in the search bar to procure images placing the strange beverage alongside other odd products. “It’s sold everywhere! Like in stores, which we aren’t allowed in–or fast food!! We can go through drive-thrus with Mo and Robby on the way back from school sometimes to get stuff! Wacky D’s is their favorite.” 
Starscream leaned closer while squinting his optics in an attempt to acquire a better view of the ridiculous stream of advertisements for disgusting human fuelling varieties. He took the datapad from her to scroll through the panels of information himself, which she again seemed to find humorous for whatever reason as he hummed in thought. After a couple kliks of analysis, he came upon an image displaying a “breakfast deal duo” which showed that Sprite thing, as well as its orange and red mirrored counterpart titled “Fanta” that made him think of Twitch. But even more hilariously, was the particular item between them that was referred to as a “Hashbrown”. It was indeed brown, and frankly looked horrid. He had no idea why anyone would put it in their intake–but the fact that it shared the same prefix as Hashtag was too perfect to pass up. If she wanted a nickname tied to Sprite’s, she could get one comically linked to her foolish misinterpretation. 
He passed the datapad back into her servos and pointed at the items with a smirk. “If THAT atrocity is Sprite, then I suppose you would be this hashbrown slag.” Starscream’s wings fluttered in amusement at the absurdity as he turned to move aside one full crate of apples for an empty one to take its place. 
Hashtag paused a moment before looking his way with squinted optics of her own skeptically. “While Hashbrown sounds adorable–why do I get the feeling that it isn’t actually that wholesome coming from you?”
Starscream chuckled at the sight of her silly little scrunched faceplate. “Perhaps not. It isn’t nearly as reprehensible as Hashslag, yet I fail to see why humans would even want to purchase those disgusting products. Therefore I'd certainly say Hashbrown is ridiculous enough that it just might stick if you insist upon calling me Spaceman.”
Hashtag tossed an already bruised apple at him, which he easily blocked with a raise of his arm, as she too began to crack up about the prospect. “Oh yeah! What about I call you Starry instead? Or would that be too cutesy for Mr. Tough Bot?”
“Ugh, pass.” Starscream waved a servo as if dusting the horrid alternative from an imaginary shelf. “In all practicality, if you truly must decide upon some means of a secondary designation for me, then I may allow you to simply call me Star. That is “what my friends call me”, you could say.” More accurately, what Skyfire had called him. “It is more customary to select a shortened version of your companions true designation. Like how you are more commonly called Tag by your siblings. As you had previously stated yourself. Or referring to Bumblebee as Bee, and Elita-1 as simply Elita.”
Hashtag tilted her helm slightly in thought as she struggled to decide which crate the apple she picked belonged in. “Hmm… alright fine. I guess that works.”
Scrap. Now she seemed bored, or even a bit disappointed. 
“Although…” Starscream drawled as he tried to think of what in particular she could be looking for, since this apparently held more meaning to her than he’d initially thought. “If I were to bestow you with a more…creative, alternative to your designation–I suppose I could call you Amethyst. Most obviously because of your violet paint resembling the quartz’s hue, but also because it can be a symbol of beauty in impurities. Because of course, the fact that it gets its color from the presence of iron ions within its structure, that would then oxidize when exposed to radiation. Thus it is a rather inspirational gem, and could be worn to ward off negative energy. Such a thing that was far more popular in Caminus, but still quite interesting from a scientific perspective when studying the geology of varying celestial constructs regardless.”
Hashtag grinned as her spunk returned, “Man, I never would have expected you’d be a rock nerd–Wait! Let me figure out what gem you’d be!” Her optics went white as streams of color coded data flowed across them, until an image appeared on her visor that she then transferred to her datapad. “Found one! Some Pietersite can be red and blue like you! This one looks really cool with a gold streak too–And! Apparently it's considered a tempest stone, and a protective talisman that’d cleanse negative energies and emotional turmoil! Actually, maybe you could use some of that, huh?” She smirked and nudged him playfully with her elbow before continuing to poke his shoulder plating with her digits. “Right? You totally need some gem action to get those warm and fuzzies past your bad boy exterior. And you could call yourself the Tempest Protector! That would SO be your awesome wizard name if you played D&D with us.”
“Hm.” Starscream lightly waved her insistent digits off of him before tipping a servo in consideration of the prospect. “I suppose Pietersite could be marginally appropriate. Although I’ve always thought of myself as more of a Carnelian–but what is this “D&D” you speak of?” 
“Ooooooooh I’m SO glad you asked!” She was suddenly practically vibrating at the anticipation as she searched something else on her datapad, and motioned for him to take a seat under the trees with her. “I have to show you all my favorite youtube channels and podcasts and–Oh my gosh there’s just so many awesome things about it! I am of course the designated DM when we play, since I’m a master of storytelling! But I’m getting ahead of myself–first, I can introduce you to the classes by bingeing A Crap Guide to D&D! Because it’s hilarious and carries ALL the vibes. THEN I can show you SoOkayHerestheThing shorts, and Legends of Avantris, and Tales from the Stinky Dragon, and The Chaos Protocol, and–”
She went on and on for so long that Starscream almost began to regret asking. Almost. As even through the copious amounts of scrap being dumped his way, and how easy it could be to tune out, he’d admit it was actually rather interesting. Even the humor was occasionally comprehensible, and he was once again reminded of how similar Hashtag could be to Thundercracker. 
She showed him countless videos about the extensive background and absurdities rampant in this “Dungeons and Dragons”. In a way, it reminded him of when TC would construct an elaborate script and extravagant scenes, only for Starscream and Warp to interject their own additions and deviations. It was ironic thinking of the role a Dungeon Master was supposed to hold as the realm’s god, while the surrounding players could so easily meld, meddle, and masacre their power with complex combinations or inane side quests. Although he supposed if Hashtag was the DM, he would need to dial back such schemes. In fact, if any of the others even dared to derail the objective of her creation he would eldritch blast them into submission! Now if it were Bumblebee…it was far too amusing to tick that bug’s gears to not toy with him a little. Alas, Hashtag said he wasn’t a fan of the game when he’d given it a single shot upon their insistence. Starscream would have to drag that coward into it the next time he could, so he’d at least have one player he could shamelessly terrorize amongst a party of sparklings.
Hashtag’s presentation this time had far exceeded the one about that Hatsune Miku character. Nearing the end, Starscream still felt the urge to acquire one of these rule books himself for all those intricate calculations that she simply couldn’t properly appreciate with how her processor was wired. Not in some attempt to fall into the position of a Dungeon Master himself…as previously stated, it seemed DM’s were far too easily overruled. Although perhaps he could call that a skill issue on the part of others. Starscream could surely do better. He’d rule the world of his magistery with a script so perfect that there simply wouldn’t be any possibility of petty posterings of improvement; or any chance of challenging his direction with whatever absurd bardic tricks notoriously plagued the community!
 Starscream had begun doing a bit of research on his own after Hashtag offered her datapad to him again. While she accessed her own content remotely, and occasionally shared other random recordings she came across. There were far too many depicting Earth dogs. 
Eventually, he noticed she had seemed to be sending messages to her”fam”, as she’d done during their Chess games. Then, Hashtag flicked the silent conversation away to turn to him with a more serious tone about her. That was…unnerving. Surely they wouldn’t try to use her against him somehow. She was obviously just utilizing some sort of dramatic build up for something inconsequential. It was fine. What could she possibly be gearing to ask him that could really require this much apprehension? 
“Soo…” Hashtag lingered on the word as Starscream kept his optics trained on the datapad. “Since we’re uh, y’know, chill, and stuff right now. YOU seem pretty chill, right? Yeah–So I uh, I’ve been wanting to ask about…some stuff. Like maybe your reasons for the insane junk you did for and with the corrupted Emberstone, oooorr…what exactly is up with the chaos glitches you’ve had since. I feel like those are some pretty big things we should talk about. Especially when one of those problems is very much ongoing haha…” She chuckled nervously as she fiddled with her servos.
Ah. This again. Questions around his interaction with the fragmented stone had of course come up with Megatron and Bumblebee, but this seemed a byte different. Starscream wasn’t entirely certain in what way. Maybe it was only because of who it was this time. When the topic had come up with Hashtag previously, it was less about questions and more about venting her frustration. So what sort of explanation would she be looking for? He could go into great detail of his brilliant scheme for New Cybertron and its tragic outcome–but he wasn’t about to roll that dice on how well that would be received after last time. Then she also wanted information regarding his…glitches. That was certainly far too complicated. Especially when he wasn’t even truly sure of the details himself.
Starscream tapped his digit against the datapad a moment before lowering it to glance Hashtag’s direction with a practiced grin and straightening of his wings. “Now why should that be important? We were having a bit of fun, weren’t we? Why spoil that with a topic that is obviously causing you distress by even proposing it?” He offered her datapad back into her restless servos. “Dwelling on such things is silly, don’t you think?”
Hashtag hesitantly took back the tablet, and he hated that her bubbly demeanor was being tainted by her ridiculous insistence on committing to this course of conversation. “No. Star. It’s not.” She said firmly with a stubborn fire in her optics where, for a moment, he saw Skyfire in her place. Even the poorly concealed hurt in her vocalizer that could have only been placed there in an effort to manipulate him into cracking some sort of confession. “I just need some part of this to make sense. In stories, whether professional or a passion project with friends, things always have some sort of reason for why they happen. Even if it seems silly, or excessive, there’s always an explanation, and they’re supposed to end with a satisfying conclusion. But it’s not like YOU have a character sheet for me to reference when you do weird scrap! So I-I guess– I dunno I just wanna know what’s really going on here. That I AM making the right choice by giving you a chance. ‘Cause I still feel like we have a bit of that stuff around…lack of control…in common. But I don’t want to have to keep feeling bad about liking hanging out with you.”
“Well of course you like hanging out with me,” Starscream boasted with a servo to his chassis, “I’m an absolute delight to be around!”
She laughed, but it was dim, and her posture was again far too guarded. “Stop trying to dodge the question, Spaceman.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Hashbrown.” He smirked at her with a spun lilt to the ridiculous name that he hoped would bring that light back into her optics. 
Yet she only rolled them with a grin, “Pff. Sure. C’mon. I’m not dumb–”
“I never said you were.” He hurriedly assured her. “Far from it! You are the brightest amongst your siblings in fact! Did I mention that you’re my favorite–”
“Stop-stop–” Hashtag interjected while standing and waving her servos. “Please just at least tell me about what the Corrupted Emberstone did to you. We have to trust each other. Whatever is going on seems really dangerous, and we can’t just act like it’s fine, or like, normal crazy. Y’know? It almost made you shoot my head off, Star. I know that couldn’t have been you! I have to know that wasn’t you…”
“It wasn’t! It–” 
Crimson crashed his optics as static blazed across his processor. And he couldn’t remember. What was the name of that blasted creature he’d been aiming for?
Then, Starscream’s wings twitched stiffly in tandem with the smooth strings of lightning he could faintly feel flitting across them. A servo that he’d apparently lifted to his burning optic, slipped from his faceplate as he slowly stood and placed it behind him instead. Then, words were pulled from his voice box before he could even think to ask Hashtag to reiterate her question. 
“It was just as you said, little Terran. A glitch. That inverted Emberstone left a sort of echo that was only further ingrained while I was stuck inside that Titan. The chaotic force it possessed was simply not compatible with my systems, even if it sustained me through the lack of Energon available in isolation. Just like how Energon itself interacts with a human. Sure, it can give incredible surges of energy and empower certain…upgrades, but it is also quite damaging in the long term. It’s an inconvenience, but nothing particularly serious, I assure you.”
Something about that wasn’t right.
There was a pause for far too long as he felt sick. 
Starscream could barely hear Hashtag’s response over the static.
“...I’m not sure I believe you. Your optics aren’t...Are you having one of the glitch episodes right now?”
“Only a minor one. And you can have full confidence that I spoke nothing but the truth. I would never lie to my favorite Terran.” Starscream’s vocalizer danced across the final statement in a way that felt as if he were mocking himself, while placing a servo to her shoulder. It was laughable he could have any amount of fondness for her.
Lightning shot to the servo connecting with her frame as his digits clenched against her plating, and she pushed away. “You’re being REALLY creepy right now!”
Everything went black. If only for a nano-klick, that felt like groons. Weightless, with that familiar pressure. But he couldn’t think straight.
Suddenly he was torn from wherever he’d been, and thrown back into place. Just before the correct optics came online in his helm, he heard a collection of rattling voices all at once. Although they were more of a feeling than words.
Don’t mess this up.
Starscream stumbled and attempted to use the tree in place of his faulty stabilizers, but it cracked, and fell with him. His optics recalibrated rapidly to the light. While he blanked lied on the grass. Trying to remember where he was. 
“Euuuhgh…” He squinted to crispin the violet silhouette hovering over him. Then slowly sat up and tried to give her a grin, and chuckled in a way that probably wasn’t all that reassuring. “Sorry about the…tree there, Amethyst. I…slipped. Remind me…what were we talking about?”
Hashtag’s faceplate scrunched as she hesitated, then swiftly stomped over to inspect his optics. Odd. Then she sighed heavily as she slumped to the ground beside him. “Now I’m MORE confused.”
She dug her helm into her knees and groaned, “What about our conversation do you remember?”
That was a strange question. 
“We discussed alternative designations, and quite a lot about that D&D that we definitely decided we were going to play instead of that other ridiculous excuse for a “game night”. Then you decided to ruin our fun by bringing up Emberstone drama. Right? And something about the fun repercussions I’ve been experiencing, that somehow gifted you with guilt on the matter, I suppose. Which is ridiculous by the way.” His files started to get corrupted again after she’d mentioned his near miss while trying to blast that abomination’s smug faceplate. Hashtag still had a cringed expression. Had he gotten it wrong? His memory couldn’t be the problem here, so what was? The aching in his helm didn’t help with any of this.
“Yeah…and you were uh…telling me what sorta stuff goes on during your glitches. Like…do you see anything when your eyes go all red?”
He couldn’t admit to that. They already kept thinking he was insane. Besides, he knew those things weren’t real, so it didn’t matter. 
“No! No…Wait, do you mean as in hallucinations or just visual distortion?”
“Well I can see just fine.” Starscream stood and attempted to salvage what apples he could from the downed tree to perhaps draw her attention to the more present predicament. “It’s nothing I can’t handle! You didn’t actually get hurt regarding that fleeting instance the other night, right? These glitches, as you call them, pass quickly enough.”
“But it’s–Oh my gosh…” Hashtag ran her servo down her faceplate. “I guess if you really want to insist on it not being a big deal, I’ll drop it, FOR NOW.” She pointed a digit at him after having stood up to pace. “You NEED to get better at telling us stuff though! It doesn’t help anyone hiding things, even if it’s hard to talk about. Plus I…it’s not just about you, Star. I hate having to be on edge around you all the time. I want to be able to really trust you after everything. But when you do creepy stuff like whatever THAT was that you APPARENTLY just forgot in 60 seconds, or don’t want to tell me what’s going on, or don’t give me any amount of context for why you’re being weird–I’m left to think the worst of it! This isn’t easy for me…and I’m tired of any time we ARE having fun together being tainted by everything else. I know that you can be a softy and a great teacher. But I also know that you’re still a scheming Decepticon, that I can never tell if whatever plot you have is for a good, or bad surprise. I thought I understood what was going on in your head before, but after what all went down with the corrupted Emberstone…I don’t know how much I can trust myself on that anymore. So all I’m asking from you, is a bit of proof that you aren’t trying to hide something to hurt my family that you’d just claim is fine because the laser gun wasn’t actually aimed directly at me.”
Starscream allowed the last apple to fall into the crate before he rested his servo on its edge. That was…a lot, and he was certainly not an expert at navigating all these intricate emotions these kids seemed to learn from the Autobots. He was supposed to find some way to relate to her struggle to receive it in the correct way, according to Bumblebee. The only primary connection he could make was her concern regarding stressing over the worst outcome. But then what could he say to mitigate the situation? Only stating that he wasn’t planning anything against them, would likely be unbelievable and unsatisfactory. He’d had plenty of ruminations against her annoying collective countless times after all; although in significantly less quantity or severity in recent times. Then, he wasn’t certain he trusted himself on such things either. So if HE wasn’t confident in his own intentions, how was he supposed to convince her?! This was impossible…
Then again, one thing he could assure her of was in fact regarding the glitches. He wasn’t hiding the intricacies of its effects for some sort of sinister purpose. It was far more out of concern that they’d perceive him in an even lower sight at the information. He didn’t want to take that risk…especially with Hashtag. Yet it seemed he was doomed either way. 
Starscream in-vented heavily as his wings fell to spite him through the anxious knot in his tank. “Alright, I get that I’m not exactly the most trustworthy mech around, but I…I’ve actually started to appreciate this opportunity. A little bit. It can still be extremely aggravating and I will admit I’ve fantasized about blowing up the place on multiple occasions–But! I wouldn’t actually do that! Anymore…” He chuckled and attempted to get himself back on track before it derailed any further. “Regardless, I promise that I’m not hiding anything of that nature. I’ve only ever used the apparent offensive capabilities of the curse for…retaliatory means.”
Hashtag crossed her arms. “Like against something you totally weren’t hallucinating the other day?”
“Yeeesss…about that…” Starscream tapped his digits together as he struggled to find the correct phrasing. “I keep having odd visions of…” Why couldn’t he get his vocalizer to work out Meridian’s blasted designation? “That human from before who stole the Emberstone for his mass murder machine. He is an extremely annoying little pest, as I am sure you can imagine. Paired with the curse’s occasional enhancement of my more violent impulses, is not exactly favorable. And as you’ve already figured out, I had been attempting to fire upon that stupid spector my processor has been projecting in an increased intensity since my exit from the Titan–or–Terratronus’ helm. I’ve gotten better at ignoring him, but sometimes it’s…difficult.” 
“So you DO see things? Is…” Hashtag paused for a moment as if scrapping a lingering thought. “Are you talking about Mandroid?”
A short spazz of the lightning shot through Starscream’s frame, but he ignored it and snapped his digits together before pointing one in her direction. “Yes! The most infuriating aspect of him constantly plaguing me is the fact that I can’t incinerate him on sight. Then I will also admit that the lapses in memory aren't new. This blasted curse has left many of my files corrupted somehow. Even so, it is not as if these things have left me dysfunctional. I can still operate just fine. Besides, any attempt I’ve made to explain it has…” Another flit of electricity flocked to his frustration at the ordeal. “Would I really be that much of a coward if I said that I just didn’t want to deal with it?! You all already think me some sort of lunatic! Forgive me if I assumed an admission of my apparent insanity wouldn’t be beneficial to my chances of proving otherwise!” 
Hashtag’s optics were wide, but her posture was looser. “Yeah…I guess that makes sense…” Then she approached him to put a servo to his arm for some reason as she looked at his own servo, which she’d slowly pulled down from its aerial position. “Thank you for telling me, and I don’t blame you for wanting to ignore that stuff. I know how horrible it is to have Mandroid in your head.” She looked up into his optics in a way that once again made him see Skyfire for a fraction of a nano-klick. “And this sounds way too much like when the creep was all up in my circuits with his dumb device before, but with like, a different level of jank. You have to ask Wheeljack, or Optimus, or–I dunno! Just-this seems more serious than just normal hallucinations if your files are getting corrupted. Plus what happened earlier was…We really need to figure out what’s going on with this. I don’t want it to make you do something worse…”
He hadn’t thought of that. It wasn’t as if it could control him to that extent. Could it? Well it wasn’t as if he could remember the data needed to answer that question.
A small scoff escaped Starscream’s intake as he drifted away from Hashtag’s grip, which she held as long as he could, like his frame would destabilize as soon as she let go. “I doubt they could be of any help on the matter. Wheeljack has already done plenty rooting around in my circuits, and has already stated his inexperience with processor damage. That Prime can only claim to be an expert on his Matrix of Leadership slag. What befell the Emberstone was an unprecedented catastrophe that would require far more research to decode the extent of its warped nature. And I am not particularly keen on being a test subject for such things…”
Hashtag wrapped her arms around her chassis again, which made his spark ache in that odd way it seldom did. “Could you at least give it a shot…? I am still going to let the others know what you told me, and it’d be better to try something than nothing. I can come with you, if you’re scared of medical exam stuff or something.”
“Please. Me, afraid of something as silly as that?” Starscream laughed and attempted to brighten the mood as he stacked her crates along with his for easier transportation. “Don’t be ridiculous. If it will ease your silly concerns, I’ll do it. Even if the idea of being crammed into that blasted trailer again for the trip is sure to remind me how much I miss my missiles again.”
Hashtag’s smile returned as she relaxed a little, and followed him to pick up a pair of crates to bring to the barn. “Pff, alright, I’ll talk to Bee about it. I’m sure it won’t be that bad. And you never know, maybe since we’ll actually have a bit of an idea of what we’re checking for, we could get at least a little bit of a better idea of how to go about dealing with it.”
“Don’t get your hopes up there, Amethyst.”
“Oh I’ll send you all the good vibes I want, Pietersite. I’m that inspiration gem after all!”
“Hah, I suppose you’re right.”
They soon moved on from the topic as they met up with the rest of the Maltos, who’d completed their own little portion of the chores. Although he later noticed Tag pulled Bumblebee aside to discuss it, he could worry about what that whole ordeal would entail when it came to it. As long as he didn’t have to run into Megatron for such a thing, he didn’t care. To make sure of that, he made certain to inform Dorothy of the situation as well. Since the human had wanted to extend her mediator standing after all. 
These odd occurrences surrounding Quintus’ curse could be sorted out in no time! It wasn’t as if the Emberstone even existed anymore, anyway, and what remained of its original power was now within those cyber sleeves held by Tag’s human siblings. Such an effect as he’s found himself with, was likely only some form of ailment caused by his exposure to the rampant power lingering inside the Titan for all that time. It’d surely lull into obscurity with time.
Although perhaps, now he too was getting too hopeful.
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hiighlighterr · 15 days ago
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domestic midam for the soul bcuz i uhhh felt like writing it
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| RELATIONSHIPS: Michael/Adam Milligan| TAGS: POV Adam Milligan, Established Michael/Adam Milligan, Michael Loves Adam Milligan, Angel Marriage (Supernatural), Heaven, Domestic Fluff, Implied Sexual Content, No Smut| WORD COUNT: 4.4k | INSPIRED BY: Dead, Again by Jadu Heart (song)
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Dying had been... not cool. Especially dying the first time. That one had been bloody and super painful. The ghouls who slaughtered him did so violently, viciously . But the second time hadn’t been so bad.  
   He’d died when he’d fallen into the pit, the muscle and flesh of his body being torn from his bones before it all disintegrated. Nothing living could enter the afterlife—both Heaven and Hell destroyed human vessels as they passed the boundaries. But in the way down into the Cage, Michael’s grace twined itself so tightly around Adam’s soul to protect it that the separation of the two became... impossible. At least in the Cage.  
   Which. That definitely caused some problems upon Adam processing that he was legitimately locked in Hell with Lucifer and he was dead , again. Adam started a lot of fights with Michael, scowling and scornful and aggressive with his words. It got so bad during that first year that Michael started avoiding the construct all together because he believed it was what Adam wanted.  
   It took Adam several lonely nights to realize that was not, in fact, what he wanted. It was actually something he vehemently despised. He got over his attitude towards Michael real fast after that rough week, and he’d realized that Michael... wasn’t so bad. Not in the slightest, actually. Actually, Michael was wonderful.  
   Fantastic, even. Great company. Chill guy. Generally nice to him. Sometimes they argued over silly things, like Adam accusing Michael of breathing too loudly during a movie (to which Michael scared the daylights out of Adam by just not breathing altogether). Or sometimes playful things like ice skating or pillow fights, both of which he had to teach Michael the appeal of, got a little rough.  
   Michael had started kissing the little mock injuries he got in the Construct at some point, and Adam never told him to stop.   
   Sure, he was dead, but Adam had never felt more alive than he did while he was tucked away in some corner of his mind with Michael. He’d never felt happier , and it was amazing. He’d gotten so attached to this life he had that he hadn’t thought it could’ve gotten better—until Michael proposed on what he said was the day of their first kiss. It had been hundreds of years and Adam only remembered their anniversary date, so he just took him on his word on that one and said yes. Obviously.  
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read the rest HERE!
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@theyonlyhadeachother sorry for taking so long to get this out hashtag hope you enjoy
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dalliesque · 1 year ago
'그만 집어치워 고민 같은 거'
Angel Or Devil — Tomorrow By Togheter
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✴ ꒰ 𝗧 𝗕𝗬 𝗧 ꒱ sypnosis in which the whole uni shipped her boyfriend with someone unknown, forced to keep the relationship a secret out of force. will she do justice to herself and reveal the daunting truth? or would she stand there and watch as her lifeline slowly fade away from her?
꒰ png ' sungho × fem!reader, smau, written, fluff fluff, silly, slight angst. cw ' curse words, reader is a bit dumb, some parts might be toxic to people contents : 13 attachments. wc ' very long (me and my laptop gave up at counting the words srry), semi-proofread! ꒱
⌗ 雨曦 talks ୨ৎ i want grammarly dead, that shit messes up my writing and proceed to call it grammar. like gtfo 😃🔪
content under the cut!
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Y/N had been counting the days since Danielle, Minji's best friend, had sent her that text. It felt like an eternity had passed, yet the sting of the message still lingered. She regretted agreeing to Danielle's request, but she couldn't explain why she had done it in the first place. She still wonders why she made that decision, but she finds it hard to answer her own question. However, it was too late to change anything now. Y/N couldn't even tell Danielle the truth about her relationship with Sungho without hurting Minji. Guilt is consuming her every day, but she chooses to keep quiet for the sake of Minji's happiness, she couldn't bear the thought of making Minji sad. Y/N didn't want to be the reason someone didn't get to experience the same love she had. She was a people-pleaser, and it was something she couldn't help.
Sungho was far from dumb. He could sense that his lover was slowly but surely slipping away from him. He was bewildered and demanded answers. Why was she drifting away from him? Had he done something wrong? Was she annoyed with him and giving him the cold shoulder? None of it made sense to him. He had not acted poorly in recent days, and you started ignoring him on that day, the day where #mingho was created. Sungho finally wrapped his mind around it. He wonders if your behavior towards him was driven by jealousy. Did you deliberately ignore him for that reason? But you weren't the type to be jealous over a stupid Twitter hashtag right? Well technically the whole uni are aware about this #mingho shenanigans.. Great, he messed up.
Sungho pants as he takes a breather finally catching up to you. He calls out, trying to get your attention. You removed one of the earplugs blocking your hearing as you turn around, taking a look at him. "Sungho?"
Sungho's face is pale, and he looks like he has seen a ghost. You hurriedly hand him a bottle of water from your bag, him drinking it in one go. Seeing him finishing the drink you spoke again, "You know you shouldn't call me pet names around the university. People will know we're datin—"
before you can finish your sentence, Sungho cuts you off in a chaste kiss, him slowly pulling away with a smug look on his face.
"Sungho!" you hit his shoulders right after your brain finishes registering what he just did.
"What?" he replies, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Get lost."
Sungho smiles sweetly and intertwines his hand with yours.
"How could you get rid of this beauty?" he gives you a wink, a teasing smile visible on his face.
"Narcissistic bitch" you mutter jokingly at him, giving him the side eye before cracking to giggles.
"Tch, Jealousy is a disease"
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"shit" a curse leaves your lips upon seeing the notification.
"something wrong?" sungho eyed eyed you worriedly, before diverting his attention back to stirring the meal on the stove.
"it's nothing"
"you sure?"
"im sure" you gave him a small smile, thinking of a way on how to reply to the message.
"100% sure yeah?" sungho asks one more time in a more lively tone this time.
you chuckle assuring him one more time "100% sure love"
"okay... if you say so" sungho's rest his hand on his hip, focusing on the meal.
"sungho babe?" you ask him, waiting for a response from the latter.
"yes love?" sungho turn around showing you a comforting smile.
"hmm do you recon seeing anyone when you met me this morning?"
"well .."
"i think so?"
"who is it" you tilt your head unknowingly, curious on who watched both of your lovey dovey moments earlier in the day.
".. minji ..?"
"minji.." you repeats his words to yourself, gathering yourself togheter.
"everything alright love?" sungho turns off the stove, making his way to you carresing your cheeks softly.
you nod your head, quickly changing the topic.
"Let's just talk about something else"
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"you took a picture of me when i was asleep???!!!" sungho gasp dramatically, covering his mouth with a hand.
"yups and i just uploaded it!" you beam proudly, showing him your phone.
"oh you're soo done!" sungho hurriedly opens his phone, opening twitter instantly forming an evil payback.
"ehh.. babe i think you should, umm open your twitter..." sungho chuckles loudly, watching you open your phone.
"huh?" your thumb hover over the application's logo as the red icon indicating notifications continue to add its numbers.
'so many notifications ..'
and you clicked it. regretting every single second of it.
"oh my goodness sungho!"
sungho let out a fit of giggle, pinching your cheek "yes i know.."
"what should i do..!" you whine, burying your face deeper into his chest.
"just.. accept it..?" he spoke before his chest was meet with your fist.
"ow! hey you, that's mean!"
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖ join the gang here + ꒰ 𝗧 𝗕𝗬 𝗧 ꒱ ⋅ ⋅ my library ୨ৎ
୭ ˚. my loves @lilacgyuvin ⋅ ⋅ @hyunhanie ⋅ ⋅ @keii-starz ⋅ ⋅ @starryriize ⋅ ⋅
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moonshynecybin · 1 year ago
you cantttt just say rosquez feminization and not elaborate…. penny for your thoughts
shout out to @lestelledreams who sent me another ask like this but tumblr ATE my response when i tried to post it. luckily i draft in notes app…okay so it would be easier to list thoughts i DONT have about rosquez feminization… under the cut bc we do in fact get a lil nasty here
so i’ve talked a bit about some of the non-racing oriented things marc does for his body like his hot girl routine (laser hair removal. skin creams. slutty workout videos) like my girl enjoys being SMOOTH he enjoys being conventionally SEXY (personally. bush til i die but whatever live your truth marc) and the first time he’s doing it as. okay i’m famous and photographed all the time AND around my hot older crush/idol who has fucked more people than i’ve ever even met in my lifetime… like a little insecure part of marc is like this is what vale wants… and one thing about my man marc is he will COMMIT. so he waxes himself hairless the entire time they are fucking the first from 2013-2015 (and beyond) and frankly vale would like him either way but MARC gets off on it so hard… making himself pretty for vale… and maybe vale says something like that in the moment, just like mindless dirty talk about how good he looks how he made himself all pretty like a girl, and marc jolts like he’s been electrocuted and whines and comes right then even though vale had like JUST got inside him… and he’s curled around vale panting eyes shining leg hitched around vale’s hip asking him to keep going and it’s SO clear he liked whatever that was a LOT.
so vale uh. catalogs that information. and starts to test some hypotheses #olditalianmeninSTEM by which i mean the next time marc is blowing him he curls his hand into marc’s hair and tugs a little until marc looks him in the eye and vale just sends it like they’re whipping 310km/hr around the track— like breathless mischievous confidence… starts feeding him a stream of dirty talk, calling him gorgeous telling him nasty stuff about his tits riding that lovely edge of complimentary and degrading and getting sooo gender about it, and he watches marc’s eyelashes flutter and his hand on vale’s hip tightens and then marc like. literally chokes himself on valentino’s dick he’s clearly so so into it and vale feels crazyyyyyyy… SORRY..
and then it’s onnnnn baby it is. using the feminine forms of italian endearments in bed. playing with his tits. losing the condom. weird roleplay where they laugh so much. it is delightfully horny and slightly goofy gender transgression that they are both SO obsessed with… like the sex whiplashes through tonal dissonance it is simultaneously the most intense thing they’ve ever felt and like. lethally campy. at one point they are BOTH the baby girls bc they love being hot and are not serious people
that being said it culminates with vale just like. buying disgustingly expensive neon yellow designer lingerie and leaving it in marc’s motorhome with a lil note that has like. a dumbass turtle doodle on it instead of his signature. like something very silly and valentino. and then they have the WORLD’S most insane sex about it where vale says all kind of nasty stuff about marc being his best girl and spits in his mouth and tries to get him pregnant. hashtag catholic weirdo moments. crucially it is never formally discussed until like. genuinely ten years later when vale is like impish nervous smile WE REALLY SHOULD HAVE TALKED ABOUT THAT EH? and marc’s like ? best sex of my life? wdym?
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gojosatorailme · 2 years ago
I’m desperate for Nagumo from Sakamoto Days so might as well take the initiative and write a fic myself. I’m now taking over this hashtag, this man shall be KNOWN.
A blood tainted battlefield. This is the life you chose the moment you entered the JCC. It wasn’t going to be “sugar spice and everything nice” oh no, it was gonna be hell and you knew it. The longer time passes, the more comrades were bound to fall..bound to die. It was inevitable.
But that doesn’t stop the racing of your anxious heart when you saw them fight.
It doesn’t stop your heart from worrying about him.
Sakamoto, Akao, Nagumo, and you. The four of you were tasked to infiltrate an enemy from Thailand, the four actually meaning three.
You were only a first year, you tagged along as an observer. The three were the strongest in the assassin class, you wanted to experience their missions first hand.
Before the mission, you didn’t exactly know much about the three nor did you have a strong opinion on them.
“Taro Sakamoto. Strong.. does he talk??”
“Rion Akao. Totally a hot babe”
“Nagumo…. dunno?”
None of them caught your interest, you just wanted to see them fight and maybe steal a few signature moves for your own benefit.. with your own tweaks of course.
None of them caught your eye, besides him of course. Who the hell is he? I mean, he was attractive sure. He had big eyes, remotely long lashes, long shaggy-ish black hair and.. his tattoo’s. His tattoos were what got you, it was like he was a canvas. Works of art were painted throughout his entire body, it was beautiful. Not to mention his physique, he was so your type.
But he was just so mysterious? There wasn’t much about him that you could pin point, he wasn’t as readable. He’s smart and strong yeah but what goes on in his head you don’t get it? What even is his surname? Meaning to his tattoos? If he wants to fu- he was a mystery.
That’s why he was so captivating. His movements were smooth and quick, you barely saw it as he sliced open an enemies head. Then down another, and another, then eventually there was a pile of bodies that littered the floor accompanied by the reeking stench of blood.
You were supposed to only tag along for one mission, but after meeting Nagumo, you practically begged to tag along again. Then you became a permanent member of the team.
At first, you wanted to see what you can learn from them in order to be stronger. But now, it’s for him. You wanted an excuse to see him. It didn’t take you long to realize that this interests developed into a crush.
You couldn’t help it, the more you hung around him the more entranced you became. You wanted to believe he was using a sort of assassin technique to seduce you, maybe his dark eyes were the culprit? Everytime you gazed into them you couldn’t find yourself looking away.
He’s so silly, he’s pretty cool too. It was strange, you thought he was kinda weird but his laugh never fails to make your face feel warm. The room felt hot when he was there, at one point you wanted to escape.
At one point the feelings made you feel trapped, suffocated maybe. Seeing him made you anxious, you made a fool of yourself. Fumbling over your words and avoiding his gaze, he’s a smart guy so your sure he’s caught on by now. It got so bad you began throwing up in the morning worried you’d see him, what does he think of you?? Your stomach would always feel funny at the thought.
His laugh began to make you feel dizzy.
Why was he so cute?
It didn’t help that he smelled sooo good, a cold blooded assassin that smells GOOD? You don’t hear that everyday.
These feelings stop you from reaching your full potential as an assassin, even limiting you from your original powers.
Even now, as Nagumo is on the ground with a bloodied stomach, you can’t protect him. The others were in another building and it was only you two, being overcome with the tension, you messed up and he was forced to take the blow.
He could’ve easily taken on the enemy on his own, he was strong after all, but he had to save you. Why? You don’t know. You don’t even want to bother deluding yourself with the thought that he’d like you back.
The enemy was eventually killed but what do you do with a bloodied Nagumo? You don’t know either. He’s just laughing.
“It’s okay I’ll be fine in a bit, that guy was a small fry anyway!! He barely stabbed me no worries.”
Oh but you were worried. You were so worried, you felt disgusted about yourself, he was bleeding from the stomach and your getting butterflies from the mere thought of his hand touching your shoulder. Gross.
The butterflies remained as Akao and Sakamoto helped you carry Nagumo back to base where he can get proper treatment.
The butterflies remained when you got back to your dorm at the JCC.
The butterflies remained for a long time.
You cant possibly continue like this could you? your an assassin, a killer. That’s your purpose here, there’s no room for love.
with trembling legs, you walked to the infirmary where Nagumo layed.
His stomach was recovering quickly, the doctor said he’d be able to go on missions by next week.
“Hey y/n! ya here to visit me?”
He waited for your answer as you sat down near his bed side.
“You look pretty serious, something wrong?”
first, an apology.
“I’m sorry, I was weak so you had to save me. I’ll be better, thank you.”
and before he could answer, with a shaky sigh and eyes tightly shut you took in a deep breath.
“I love you.”
It came out as a whisper, barely audible. You were worried he didn’t hear you and you were dreading the thought. You seriously didn’t want to repeat it.
His expression was blank.
It scared you.
The atmosphere was choking you, you wanted to cry.
Noticing his expression, you took the hint and turned to leave. How silly right? You almost git the guy killed and you have the audacity to confess? hah!
“I know.”
You stopped in your tracks. He knows? He knows what?? That your stupid? That someone like him was out of your league? That you were weak and almost killed hi-
hm? whats this?
Your lips feel warm.
Oh. He was kissing you.
he was.. HE WAS WHAT?
you froze still, eyes wide. You were sure you looked like an idiot. Even after he pulled away and a small string of saliva was visible, even after he smiled at you. You couldn’t comprehend what was happening? The situation seemed foreign to you.
It wasn’t until you heard loud cackling that you snapped out of your trance.
“I love you too stup- y/n.”
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lxverrings · 6 months ago
HIII ik u usually make Miguel Ohara fics but can you please please please make a fic abt spidernoir?? I don't care if its smut or smth just please 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Btw love ur Miggy fics 😋
20’s lovin
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A/N: DAMMIT I wanted to get other requests in, but I finished playing Genesis Noir (Point and Click Adventure game! It’s so beautifully animated!) And it just reminds me so much of Noir over here and I just GOTTA 💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥 THANKS for the request N♡nnie! Finally a good excuse to get my hashtag hashtag vision out !!!!
Summary: Jazz Singer Reader x Spiderman Noir/Peter Parker, set in the 20’s, obviously!!!! Not very good at 20’s slang, PLEASE be patient 😭
Warnings: P in V. . .at some point maybe in the near future, kind of poor plot, Noir being a wee bit desperate because I ❤ pathetic men!!! Um lowkey fem!reader but if anyone wants a masc! reader fic with Noir, let me know!
Another simple Friday night, faceless people trailing around muddy streets and murky skies, the cigarette barely flickering alive, much how he felt that very night. The skyscrapers touched the smog filled clouds as the dim golden lights reached around.
The hunger filled stomach he nursed was all that kept the man walking. Peter, for god’s sake.
He should have grabbed something at HQ, and damn he should have, The Hopper’s smells filled the area, and with the small coins he had, he trudged forth, and walked inside of the area, ignoring the posters for a Jazz concert tonight.
[ . . . ]
Some... Golden Boy on the Saxophone playing and only heard idly, once on the spotlight, still he stayed, playing til the sun gave way, yet alone and ignored the music would sway. Because no one here would give him the time of day.
[ . . . ]
He watched idly as he downed some whiskey in a few sips, something to numb the soul, something. Oh just something as the saxophone stopped and a mundane applause filled the area, done only for the sake of one person clapping and the rest following like sheep. And instead, the heels of a woman clasped the stage closer and closer, behind golden, shimmering curtains. And as they raised, the club went dark, faint piano serenading the ears of every lost soul, and a sultry voice spread the area.
“Everybody needs a little lovin’ this Friday night, don’t they?” the voice asked into the microphone, smooth and sweet. Like honeyed liquor dripping from his mouth. Peter finally looked up only to find himself eye to eye with the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Eyes glowing, like stars and hair that seemed nothing but glorious to watch on stage. It practically swayed with her hips as she serenaded, and the stage was for her. Not just the lights. Not just the stage. But the audience as well, the simmering lights sparked and shone on her, contouring her beautifully. The shadows only brought out the most beautiful aspects of her as she sung softly, the lyrics seeping off of her throat like a melancholic grief leaving the soul, finally freeing the internal chains of agony.
[ . . . ]
You had never seen him around before. Not at all. The man in the black trenchcoat, after your little show, you slowly trailed off stage, and made your way over.
“... Hello! I don’t recall having seen you here.” you spoke softly, but to him? Oh... To him.
It felt like an angel had smiled down at him, as he slightly choked on his drink. Not a good look, Peter. Not a good look.
He looked a little silly, you had to admit, so suddenly flushed and perhaps a bit shy. You felt quite smitten, as you politely sat down.
“You don’t mind, do you?”
“... Not at all.”
By the end of the night, he walked away with a napkin. That napkin had a lipstick mark and a couple of digits. ... Given after a night of attraction.
For anyone curious, this is what Genesis Noir looks like!!!! If anyone wants to, I’m willing to entertain this and write part 2!
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thrpr0phetuseek · 4 months ago
OOC: 600 Strike
“I Can’t”
Why not? Why can’t Poseidon go back home? Odysseus could easily walk away (well, easier than Poseidon) back home with no regrets, but Poseidon has to keep chasing him. Why?
To be fair, there’s a lot of reasons, but being the mythology nerd I am, I thought about it and talked with some friends, and the best reason I can come up with is SHAME
A mortal has the audacity to injure your son but not kill him, and you’re going to just let him go?? The god’s are notorious for intervening and being petty over some crazy things. For example:
Tiresias saw two snakes mating, bonked them on the heads, and Hera proceeded to turn him into a woman and make her work as her priestess.
Asclepius revived a guy from the dead and Zeus said, “well we can’t be having that power walking around.”
Some of these are justifiable, some are just plain weird, but there’s always been the factor of “if a mortal wrongs you, don’t let them get away with it”
Poseidon wasn’t just messing around and dropping some bars, he does have a reputation, and to let Odysseus get away without some divine punishment or returned favor would bring shame possibly not just to him, but to his family. And I doubt Zeus would let him live that down, anyway.
On another note, the fact Poseidon makes Odysseus go and stick an oar in the ground to make him feel better was really strange to me at first, but someone pointed out to me that most of Poseidon’s followers follow him because they’re near the sea, so if he wants more followers, where does he need to go? Away from the sea.
Odysseus is literally spreading the word of Poseidon 😂
Back to the shame theory (idk what to call it), my first assumption was that Amphitrite could be just as distraught about the blinding of their son that she straight up told Poseidon he can’t come home till he made right by their son, but that felt a little silly to me, and I like the idea of his “I can’t” being because of shame better, because it makes more sense. Yk?
Anyway, I just wanted to rant. I love mythology, this probs won’t be the end of these little rants (I swear I’ll create a hashtag separate for rants like these)
But yeah, just wanted to share my thoughts and ideas; miiighhtttt bring up Xenia/the rule of Hospitality in Greece and how that applies to both parties on the islands Odysseus lands on at some point, but we’ll see =p
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dwimmerlaiks · 30 days ago
elections tomorrow, feeling very tense and agitated now despite having had a wonderful day really. I typed out a post talking about my state of mind re: current affairs but just drafted it, I could see no benefit in publishing it. Some things you have to write out and burn or type up and delete; just some surface level carthasis you know. I'll be volunteering as a poll worker tomorrow so I'll just try to have a calm evening now and to stop doomscrolling.
let me list a few random things today that I enjoyed:
I made an omlette that wasn't half bad! I go to bed looking forward to having breakfast lol (BEST meal of the day!), so usually I don't have the patience for cooking breakfast foods, I just want immediate sandwich! but I circumvented this problem by having yoghurt first, which gave me the energy and patience to cut up vegetables etc etc. that whole workaround felt like a new gain in my skill tree hahah.
I recently joined a maker space and they had an introduction to pottery today. so I can now use those facilities of the space... let me just say, next christmas nobody in my vicinity will be safe from gifts of little handmade bowls and such. hehe. someone made a tiny glazed frog, what a delight.
I went grocery shopping. I moved back to a city after having lived a few years in the countryside where you mostly depended on cars to be able to shop for groceries in the next city (although we actually had one little shop in my village and they had the basics and fresh fruit and baked goods and such, so I could get by a while even without trips to a larger store). so anyway I used to do my grocery shopping once a week usually and get everything at once. now that I live in a city again and have a couple of supermarkets in walking distance I tend to stop by on my way back from work and get just a few things when I need them. BUT. I do not prefer it this way! I love having a dedicated grocery shopping trip and get MANY THINGS and be set for the next week and take my time and put stuff in my cart, change my mind take it out again, get stuff in bulk etc. people watch, product watch. try a new store every now and then. try new silly products if budget allows. so that's what I did after the pottery thing and I got four separate types of cheese hehe. hashtag blessed indeed.
also my friend videocalled me while I was looking at the cheeses so I actually went around every aisle 7 or 8 times, I had so much fun on that call. grocery shopping with friends is the best and luckily long distance friendships are no hurdle to that because of video calls hehehe
I bought what I thought was peanut butter but it's actually peanut... puree? I don't know it's very very liquidy and runny and has what tasted like a negative amount of sugar actually. any trace of sweetness was banned from this product. I don't know yet what to do with this but I do not regret the purchase because it supplied the thrill of the new purchase.
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sboochi · 1 year ago
What do you hope to get in Frozen 3?
It's probably not surprising at all, but I'm a big fan of Frozen :D the first movie holds a special place in my heart (the opening actually makes me emotional) and while I have a few issues with the second, I'm weak for the Frozen Aesthetic™, the characters and vibe.
I have no idea what the story for the threequel is gonna be, but I do have a wishlist!
A proper character arc for Anna. Elsa went through a great journey of self discovery+acceptance, but Anna's arc never felt... concrete?
Same for Kristoff!!!! Please please please gove him SOMETHING that doesn't revolve around Anna
And a solo song!! That isn't silly!!! (Lost in the Woods I love you but I want more)
Speaking of songs, besides Into the Unknown (my fave), Show Yourself and Lost in the Woods, the others felt a bit of a letdown. Idk maybe it's just personal taste
More outfits!!! One of my favorite parts of the movies are the pretty clothes
I know the lesbian headcanon for Elsa is popular but in my heart she's aro, so yeah. Hashtag don't give Elsa a partner at all (again, you can ship her with whoever you like obv. This is just my opinion™)
New secondary characters that don't get thrown away after their introduction. Basically what happened with everyone from Frozen 2
Let Anna use a real sword (optimistic. I believe disney has a rule for not letting their heroes use weapons against people)
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jordanswitches · 18 days ago
lil talk about recovery from hashtag sexual trauma bc i feel like it's good to normalise that recovery doesn't mean just being all good every time. could be triggering so keep yourself safe!
so the other night when i had tied up e, afterwards we were making out and talking about what she was gonna do for me and we ended up deciding we'd try out her topping me with the strap, which i'd never done before, i'd only had flesh cocks.
six years ago i had a bad thing happen in a grey area that made it difficult for me to accept and process, and when i did start processing it was ugly. i was with f at the time (we were together for five years and broke up in september 2024 and now are best friends). we had got together maybe nine months after it happened, and once we got together i felt safe enough for my subconsious to start processing. she was incredibly supportive of me and let me take all the time i needed before we started being sexual again. when we did, a big trigger for me was piv sex, for a few reasons. one of them was when there was any pain during, even for only a second while adjusting. if that or any of my triggers happened, i would suddenly and without warning start crying and be unable to stop. over the years, the crying lessened, but would still be occasional. it happened even less as in the last year of our relationship, i prioritised working on my ability to say i wanted to stop, which meant less panic crying. i'm so glad i worked on it before we broke up and set myself up a lot better for being single again.
back to the other night with e. we say we won't properly have sex, we'll just test out my harness on her and see how it feels for us. so she gets into it and warms me up a bit and puts it in, and there's pain. the angle was hard to get right because the strap we used was hard and had no give to it. we went for a little while, and i tried so hard to get into it because part of it did feel good and the act itself was so hot. i really wanted it to stop hurting so it could feel entirely good, so we kept adjusting and it just kept hurting. suddenly, the crying. i didn't have the voice to tell her and only had literally two seconds to make a timeout signal with my hands before i just started sobbing. e panicked and pulled out and was trying to figure out what was the matter. she hadn't seen me like this before, but i had told her when we first started taking i can sometimes cry during sex. it sounds silly, but i had no idea the strap would cause the same triggers in me as a flesh cock. i was so upset about it and felt so broken. i hadn't cried like this during sex in so long. e took care of me and cuddled me while i cried. when i tried to explain to her, she told me to just cry it out and not worry about her. i finished crying and managed to tell her what was going on, and she was very understanding about it. she reassured me that it was okay and she wasn't mad at me and i hadn't ruined the night. we watched friends and i had my head on her lap. she kept reassuring me whenever i asked if i had messed everything up. i felt better about it the next day, and even though i'm disappointed i still have the same triggers when it's strap, now i know to watch out for it for next time. we're going to get a dildo with a bit of give so next time it won't hurt, and i'll make sure we prep better. and e will know what to do if it happens again. it hasn't put her off me or made her not want to top me.
i know this isn't the most positive story ever, but i wanted to share because i wrote the kink diary for that night and i left this out so i could write about it separately. i wanted to show that like, you don't have to be totally healed after however many years. you can still find new triggers, or in my case the same triggers in an unexpected way. i also wanted to show that you can engage in kink when you're not totally all healed. you can dom someone and break down in their arms in the same night. i think i just wanted to help people feel normal. so i hope this was helpful idk 💕
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jortschronicles · 4 months ago
Received one of my hats? Here's some info!
Did you receive a funny little medieval beanie with a tag reading something along the lines of
Monmouth Cap #99 by Doña Áshildr Inn Hárfagri Based on research by Jennifer L Carlson Made in the Barony of Namron
These caps, easiest to spot by the little hanging loop (which i stick my tags on!) have their roots at least as far back as the 15th century with the Capper's Act of 1488, which was instituted to protect English wool markets.
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TL;DR: please enjoy your fun historical beanie in silly colors, I had a fun time making it and I'd love to see how far they make it around the Knowne World! If you can, post a picture of your hat to Facebook or Instagram tagging me or using the hashtag #ashildrhat so we can see how far it traveled!
If you'd like to read more about the history behind these hats, I've included some below the cut!
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The Peasant Wedding, by Pieter Bruegel ca 1568, emphasis by Matthew Gnagy in Knitting With the Modern Maker Vol 1
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As seen in these in these detail shots, these hats seem similar to the popular "tudor flat cap" in construction, with a distinct crown and brim, but have a more beanie-type structure with the brim occasionally turned up partially or all the way. I have often seen reenactors partially turn the brim up to create a bycocket-type shape.
As far back as 1415, the occupational surname Capper begins to grow within Monmouth. In 1465 we see the occupation "cappeknytter." The Capper's Act of 1488 fixes the prices of knitted caps and hats, delcares fines for foreign-made hats, and court records show that these rules were enforced frequently and to full extent. The 1571 An Act for the Continuance of the Making of Caps further protects the English wool, knitting, and capping industry by insisting everybody over the age of 6 will wear a woollen knit cap made in England on Sabbath and holidays, and women were required to wear white caps of the same restrictions unless their husbands were hereditary nobility or particularly important (Buckland 1979).
While these laws were each enforced for a time before being repealed, they give a glimpse into the storied history of this silly little medieval beanie we so dearly love.
The extant monmouth cap, pictured at the top of this post, dates to the 16th century and has been extensively analyzed by modern day knitters. The hat is 59 stitches in circumference with an inch double knit edge, knit 5-6 inches before crown decreases, and closed to 6 stitches before bindoff. Similar finds of knitted and fulled wool caps from the Mary Rose lead me to believe this very practical hat was fulled or felted but the nap has been lost over time.
For further reading, I recommend The Monmouth Cap by Kirstie Buckland and Making a Monmouth Cap by Jennifer L. Carlson.
My Spin On Things
When people ask why I bring so many hats to certain winter events, my reply is usually "I knit when I'm anxious, and boy am I poorly medicated!" I produce them for gift baskets, largesse derbies, coronations, trade days, and "taxes" for my landeds. I make them for commissions, for auctions, but almost always I make them to be freely given away.
I was introduced to these hats by Mistress Elsa von Snackenburg, OP, who is well known in my kingdom for these hats so much so that the kingdom knows this style of hat best as the Elsa Hat. She produces the hats from Lion Brand Thick and Quick, achieving a much more period gauge, and usually with just 1 or 2 colors per hat. However, thick yarn makes my hands cramp, so I chose to experiment with gauge and make a lighter weight hat to fill the spring and fall niches. My math has worked out to a happy 88 stitches cast on 4.0mm needles, giving an even 8-section crown decrease that lends itself well to distribution across 4 dpns, with occasional variations in cast on # to allow different crown patterns such as the stars or to create smaller or larger sizes.
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As seen above, I tend to do multicolored hats, incorporating pride flags or heraldic colors, and occasionally with an Ansteorran or Vindheim star at the crown. At the time of posting, I've made 210 of these hats. Producing this many hats, especially free of charge, would not be possible without the generous yarn donations of those like Lessandra della Torre, Katerine la Roux d'Anjou, Elionora inghen Ui Ceallaigh, and many others who have graciously donated yarn to the cause of warming noggins across the Knowne World.
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bulbabutt · 5 months ago
Since it seems we’re going through the back alley of turtles content, thoughts on next mutation?
THAT SHOW IS FUN!!!!!!!!! ITS FUN AND SILLY AND I LIKE IT!!!!! the villains are so fun (less the dragon lord) i love silver, i love quease, i love bonesteel, i love shredder
i love splinter having a blind friend he plays chess with in the park, i love mikeys pirate radio show, i love raph being an artist, i love donnie being a NINETIES nerd in chat rooms, AND I LOVE VENUS DE MILO!!!!!!!!!! EVERYTHING ABT HER!!!!!!! SHE STEALS THE SHOW SHES SO COOL!!!!!!
i think if that show was animated more people would actually like it, its all ADR cuz of the costumes, and part of that is really charming to me, but i get it being weird for others. but if you animated on top of the footage i really think people wouldnt be so mean about it. like its such a 'this is fun who cares just vibe' show to me. they get silly! they put vampires in it! like HAVE FUN!!! so much of turtles shows ends up doing the same few stories over and over i really like how WEIRD tnm gets!! its fun!!! id never seen it but i was so charmed by its cheap 90s aesthetic and colourful characters that it FELT nostalgic to me.
hashtag bring bonesteel back 2k24
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 1 year ago
Hi. So I’ve been enjoying your blog for a few days now and I just want to say ‘thank you’ for giving King Magnifico fans the safe space they deserve. Thank you for giving King Magnifico the safe space he deserves.
I tried to find other blogs that defend him the way you do but I couldn’t. I agree with you 100% on Magnifico and honestly think he was the only good part of the movie.
You’ve inspired me to create an OC of my own to ship with him. I’m remaining anonymous and don’t want to tell you about them because I don’t want to offend you, due to your faith. But I will dedicate the OC side blog to you once it’s open.
Without you, I would’ve felt like a silly 37 yr old caring so much about a Disney character. Especially while I’m going through a hard time. Now I will preserve my endangered mental health by spending time on developing my character and my Magnifico fan blog.
Please keep it up. You’ve given me a Magnifico safe space and have inspired others to celebrate their love of this character.
Oh my goodness!!! *emotional noises*
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I'm so immensly moved I'm struggling to find the right words. Thank you doesn't even feel enough! I feel beyond happy and honored that I've managed to help, inspire, motivate and comfort people. That's what I want to do and if I manage to, it fills my heart with so much gratitude and joy!
But really, without you guys, I wouldn't be standing where I'm standing with my blog at this point.
I loved Magnifico from the moment I first saw him on screen and as soon as I understood enough of his story, it was more than clear to me, that I had to not only create a safe space for fans who - just like me - realized that he isn't a villain but also a place where I can fight against the very toxic stance against traumatized people and mental disorders.
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And no! Never feel bad or silly for loving something because of your age! Age doesn't matter. I'm in my late 20s and one of my friends is already 30 so 🤷🏻‍♀️ Who's to tell us we cannot love certain things anymore just because we aren't kids/teenagers anymore? People who spread such information aren't better than all those other bullies and they're obviously wrong. You can be a 100 years old and still love plushies and dolls, or Legos, or disney - it's not just for kids!
Also, while I'm more than pleased to see that more and more people start siding with Magnifico and becoming vocal that he's not a villain but a traumatized protagonist, I'm also greatly concerned by people still shaming, ridiculing, belittling and villainizing trauma.
The fact that Disney itself has pushed those toxic stigmas is beyond me! Just like one of my greatest fellow defenders stated : When did bullying a traumatized person into uncontrollable rage become acceptable? When did it become acceptable to villainize traumatized people? Since when does the message "true love breaks every curse" matter no more?
When did people lose so much compassion and became ok with pushing hate and unforgiveness?
Standing up for trauma and defending those people is not justifying wrong actions! It's calling awareness! Compassion and love! It's explaining and drawing a big difference!
There are so many toxic statements I hear people make toward traumatized people and people with mental disorders. And I think it's one of the cruelest, most disgusting and heartless things!
Magnifico has become a symbol for so many and a beacon to rise awareness to trauma and the toxic stance of disney and some people out there.
Btw, Japan has even created a hashtag that celebrates Magnifico. The japanese have been stressing from the start that Magnifico isn't a villain. The japanese amazing! ✨️
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So, I thank you for being a part of this incredible supportive, growing defender squad! I'll keep doing my best to fight for what's right and keep this blog growing ✨️
I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart! ❤️ And again, thank you so very much!
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