#just dumping my thoughts
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stuckasmain · 1 year ago
Look if I had to deal with Mrs. Hall I too would go insane, was he a bit of an ass? Yes but
“For the love of god woman leave me alone im three seconds from going absolute bananas let me do what I need to do and I’ll leave.”
He was honest! I’m just saying—
None of this movie would’ve happened if people didn’t keep sticking their nose in his business. Yes his sanity is slipping- but he didn’t start going “you know what fuck y’all,” and start his rampage until everyone started poking the bear. He would’ve just obsessively worked on the antidote for all we know.
It’s one of those “society and hysteria make the monster their so afraid of” situations. I’m not saying he’s completely absolved of his issues as he was meddling with things he should’ve to begin with but there’s definitely a “overreaction is what made the problem”
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iocainesmoothie · 1 year ago
Been playing ffxiv, paid to skip HW but really enjoyed stormblood, saw emet-selch for the first time.
I'm very impressed that his first introduction to the player was to be shot and rag dolled down the stairs, it immediately differentiates him from the other ascians who just say ominous and vague nonsense that never amounts to anything. It was almost more sinister, because it really illustrates the point that the ascians are noncorporeal horrors piloting a meat puppet.
Also very minor detail but I noticed even back in stormblood, instead of writing a boring talk quest as "go talk to so-and-so", instead they say "go meet SOMEONE at such-and-such place". Like it's so very minor, but instead of straight up telling me who you're going to meet they just sorta hint and say how excited that person is to see you again.
Mechanically it's the exact same boring quest format, and maybe I don't otherwise even care about that character, but even that tiny bit of speculating who it is and the implication that they have any kind of emotional response AT ALL is already elevating the writing.
I get the majority of quest text boils down to telling the player to go to X or talk to Y or collect Z and there's only so many ways to do that, and clarity of communication is always top priority, but in something long format like an mmo where the player has likely plugged in a hundred hours already you can kinda assume they've been trained to expect a certain order of events and can play with the format a bit.
Also the last duty of sb was one of those "everyone shows up at the big battle as npcs and cheers at you to go on to the big boss while they hold back reinforcements" fights and it's very anime but honestly it always works on me.
Been leveling up dark knight, but I bought the level 80 warrior boost because I hate playing with other people and I wanted to solo a bunch of the main scenario raids instead of queueing. Also I'm playing dark knight because aesthetics, and tanking for a group is too much responsibility for me.
Honestly dk kinda sucks compared to paladin and warrior, way less mitigation and self healing, and though it feels like I'm doing more damage it's still not as much as a pure dps.
Also bought a bunch of clothes on the shop in a moment of weakness, but now my outfit is so cool I don't want to change into anything else! And I kinda miss wearing vanilla gear and seeing your outfit change as you pick up upgrades. Oh well atleast I'm cute and it avoids those awkward moments when a piece from a new set doesn't fit with your current fit.
Ffxiv clothing designs are so gorgeous, even the shitty low-level vanilla garbage is kinda cute. Ppl who buy store stuff obviously look good but I have way more respect for the glamours I see where people just got really creative with in-game items. The graphics are like 10 years out of date but the hair and clothes and faces are still miles better than some of biowares stuff (guys I love you I'm on your side let's figure this out you can't just make everyone bald)
Also I've noticed the cuts scene cameras do a trick anime does a lot to cut down animation costs, the framing and panning and angles do a LOT of the work when they otherwise can't get these limited models to emote that much. Or else they just fully cut away and let a sound effect imply an action took place and your brain just fills in the difference.
Anyway I'm addicted and am probably wasting a lot of time on things I should be doing instead but it's nice to have something to hyper fixate on for a while, and I haven't even started SB or EW and I've heard they're both life changing so maybe I'll just glut myself until I've wrung all the dopamine I can out of it.
Also I've realized there is such a jump in writing quality in SB that I'm only really emotionally attached to lyse and hien and the general, the rest of the scions are all kind of... idk unlikable?? They're all the same kind of snarky but not really funny, and speak intelligently but not really with any character or having much to say. Allisae being maybe the exception but I feel like she doesn't get much screen time compared to her brother.
It was very touching that she's the tough prickly one, but very honestly tells you she feels alone and sadly asks you not to leave her in a moment of vulnerability before the fight where she reaches for your hand desperately before her soul is teleported away. Like damn yeah this is manipulative but you got me! I'm invested now!
Also that little crystal cat boy was in arr and I never finished/paid attention to his quest line so idk how he ended up i SB, guess I'll find out.
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saturns-ringg · 2 years ago
something I think I'm dumb. I might be. I write things and they don't make sense- or sometimes I don't understand things. I'm sorry if sometimes my posts are written funky/don't make sense sometimes.
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minnieposting · 2 years ago
talking about ocd, hyperfixations, and loving vocaloid
minnie journal entry style post again, except this ones SUPER long lol.
a few nights ago i had a Moment of Weakness . it mightve been a withdrawal thing but i was not at my best lol, i just became really upset out of nowhere?? i was listening to some teto synthv stuff and kinda just Reminiscing on my vocaloid days ... i find myself doing that pretty frequently lately but since im not rlly hyperfixating on anything rn, vocaloid pretty much becomes my default. but im getting ahead of myself.
i get weird about my hyperfixations. when one starts slipping away it used to be so genuinely painful like i felt it so physically i would get so depressed whenever i felt hyperfixations start to slowly fade. i was always like that, but it was different with vocaloid.
 i will never be able to really describe HOW much vocaloid means to me but its litreally part of my soul. its ME. like i was sitting here trying to do exactly what i said i couldnt and guess what, i couldnt really describe it. i was really REALLY hyperfixated on it for 8 whole years straight, elementary school up to when i was around 15?  thats when my ungodly uncharted 4 hyperfixation came eating my ass .... and i remember the only reason it stopped was bc i felt too guilty abt leaving vocaloid behind I KNOW U CANT CONTROL HYPERFIXATIONS BUT MINE LITREALLY JUST STOPPED. after a specififc day of intense guilt lmfao
but yeah. guilt. whenever i leave behind a hyperfixation, i just feel SO guilty, and i dont really know why. i always feel this need to “prove” to myself that i still love a character, they still make me as happy as they used to, and i feel weird and bad if im not getting into smth as obsessively or if im not “consuming it the correct way”. i feel like im not rlly explaining this thing well but ocd is just a nighhttttmare , it bleeds into everything and lately its been bleeding into my interests and my creativity x1000. and im just really sad about that because i feel like i wont ever be that same person again, bc im just too hyperaware BC of my ocd and i just find myself ruminating a lot. though this usually starts to become Active in my head when my hyperfixation is actually starting to go away ... lol. when im balls deep into smth i will be way too obsessed to be in my head like that!
but. all this just being context lol... i was listening to teto synthv stuff and just. i dont even remember what caused me to start getting so upset but i just started reminiscing and getting in my own head about all this. how i dont like vocaloid as much anymore and wondering if ill ever be as happy as i was back then. i hate being an adult bc being an adult means being more Aware and being aware means ocd bothering me and just. idk. I was thinking about everything. Typical rumination spiral. just started getting really sad and upset bc i was just stuck in my thoughts and thinking about how younger me would be disappointed in my current self
it didnt last very long at least, and i ended up listening to re:ng and pinnochiop. but the songs that i clicked actually ,,,,,, helped me so much. one of the songs i clicked was rainy snowdrop by re:ng, and i found myself resonating so deeply with the lyrics. like im actually a bit emotional rn typing bc i went to go look at the lyrics again and im listening to the song rn. it really picked me up and made me feel ok again. then because youre here by pinnochiop played. and just. FUCK BOTH OF THESE SONGS ARE JUST EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED TO HEAR IN THAT MOMENT. it reminded me that itll be okay. simple as that.
and. im only writing abt what happened a few nights ago because while i was playing future tone earlier, it just hit me. ive always been saying that vocaloid makes me feel like myself. but then i started thinking about what exactly that means. and im actually thinking about it now while i write. its like home to me. vocaloid is where ill always go to, where ill always be. i grew up with it. its never not been with me. and no matter where i end up, itll follow me and itll be okay. ocd likes to make me ruminate about the past present and future but one thing that i know for sure is that vocaloid will always be there for me. i see it in a way where its me and my kid self. and i value my inner child so much. which is a bit ironic to me, bc of the way i treat myself...
idk. vocaloid is just really grounding in general. whenever i spiral or need to be pulled back down to earth, its there, and itll always help. its just nice to have this forever thing that i love so much
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ato-dato · 1 year ago
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I don’t think they’re ugly. But I think the number of times Jean has begged him to buy new clothes is astronomical.
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paintedcrows · 6 months ago
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Assorted Gravity Falls doodles!
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erineas · 1 month ago
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I have a lot of old Horror art I love to revisit from time to time
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cherry-coffees · 1 month ago
thinking about Caitlyn pulling you into her lap just because she can. because she's tall asf (6"1 in canon). because she has so much paperwork and things to sort out for Piltover, but she also just loves you and wants you close.
so she calls you into her office just to tug you into her lap and wrap her arms around you, resting her chin on your shoulder as she continues with her paperwork. and when you run a hand through her hair and press a kiss to her temple, murmuring sweet nothings when she's stressed, she sighs in relief because there's nowhere else she'd rather be than surrounded by your sweet embrace.
and you know that Caitlyn forgets to have dinner if she's super swamped with work, so you end up tugging her out of her office — though not without protest. you take her to some late-night takeout place that's nearby, and the food is just okay. but the two of you in sweats, laughing over little things that happened in each of your days that seemed important at the time but really don't anymore...that's what fills you with so much happiness that you stop talking to just smile at her. and when Caitlyn asks why you're looking at her like that, you just shrug and respond: "I just love you." and, like she so often does, she pulls you around the table and right back into her lap to murmur in your ear:
"I love you too, my darling. So much."
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yeenking · 3 months ago
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feel like shit, i dont have a consistent style but i love my boys. How are yall so good at drawing the memory gun??? what are yall doing?? anyways, this is an accumulation of basically my "favorite" drawings on my computer, some better than others
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collophora · 10 months ago
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Do yourself a favor and go read the entire fanfic work of @fanfoolishness
(In order: Under sun and shade, Blind Side, and Breathless (patching up is one of my fav too, I just had no cool sketch idea for it)
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ducklingpia · 2 months ago
Alright so can we talk about the Rafayel to Caleb girlie - pipeline because I’m seeing something interesting
I feel like a lot of Rafayel girlies are so into Caleb right now. Like I saw a lot of us posting about Gege and discussing about his storyline more than other girlies does.
What is with us here? 😂
I saw the post talking about Caleb is for the only-child/ or oldest child who grow up ALONE and I was like, hold on a minute. I think I cracked the code
1. We do have a type. A complex, have a tragic back story but also very passionate man. The type to not be very easy to love. But will be the most loyal& devoted to you through thick and thin
2. From howl in howl's moving castle to Prince Zuko to Gojo Satoru to Oikawa to Rafayel to Caleb- something like that
3. Plus if you are an ARMY, who's your bias in BTS and why it is Min Yoongi??
4. You are not scared of a complicated (fictional) man, you’re not scared to put in the effort for them, to understand and get to know who they are (bc maybe nobody has ever put an effort to really understand you before)
5. And you’re the type to not scared of their ‘flaws’ or ‘imperfections’ (bc you also have some parts of you that is not perfect and you know they would accept them as what it is)
6. you're attracted to someone who doesn’t care if you make mistakes or not be a perfect human being all the time (because you have to be like that all your life)
7. We need a man who is a little bit intense. For some people they’re too overbearing, but for you it's just right. Someone who’s not scared to be ‘too much’ for you in terms of expressing their love (bc that’s what you fear you are so you learn to keep most of your emotions to yourself- leaning more on avoidant side)
8. The kinda guy who would hide their emotional side behind those playful gazes (bc sometimes you did that too)
9. THE BANTER, they have to be a bit of playfulness from them and be able to joke about serious stuffs with you
10. You need someone to heal your inner child. A part from you that never got taken care of
Now with the only child who grew up ALONE topic
As an only child, I grow up in a household where every woman in my life are living the life of “Strong, independent, girlboss” woman to the point of burning themselves on the ground. I see the cycle repeating for several generations until my own.
I grow up mostly alone, having to take care of myself in every aspects. And I mostly did it well.
But In reality, I just can’t effort to be reckless. Because if I don’t take care of myself and keep myself in check, nobody else will.
(Nobody will save me but me)
For some people the “Yandere” side of Caleb are a red-flag but for me?
to have a man care about you and taking care of you all the time? Notices about every details in your life and makes sure you never have to lift a finger? the man who's so down bad and would burn the world down for just you alone?
That’s my wet dream, A fantasy.
unlike MC, maybe because I have to live as an independent woman my whole life. I have nothing to proved.
I just want to be loved.
I just want to be a woman
I just want to just 'be'
His doting & overprotective personality healed the little girl inside me.
Same with Rafayel, being with him always heals my inner child that I never fully experience as a kid.
Both of them are so 🥺🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 16 days ago
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Aroace Sonic pt 11
I have FeelingsTM about these cotton-candy colored friends
1. Behold! The line! When it comes to forms of physical affection Sonic is chill with a lot of stuff, but the last thing he ever wants to do is truly hurt his friends so you best beleive he gets serious in putting some things in the off-limits box for their sake. (And after that line is established he's back to teasing and being a little self-absorbed like nothing happened. Moving past it so they don't have time to feel embarrassed.)
2. Amy's begrudging about it, but he hit the nail on the head. She's a little embarrassed he read her so easily but she's not exactly surprised. (She is crushing on this guy for a reason and it's not just cause he's cool.)
3. Whether or not Sonic really kissed Rouge or if it was just the angle is still up for debate but that didn't matter here. What matters is Amy's reaction to thinking he did. He could have easily said that's not what happened but that wouldn't have addressed the real issue. So instead of exactly confirming or denying he goes right for the actual problem. He does this type of thing a lot, letting people assume certain things about him so he can get to the root of the issue. As he says, he's fine with being the bad guy sometimes. (Not that he's being bad here but y'know what I mean he's okay with conflict.)
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jollymalt · 4 days ago
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aclockworkreader · 2 months ago
tiktok is getting banned, twitter is incel hell, and meta is evil……it’s time to return to my roots
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timethehobo · 5 months ago
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Had to doodle it. Inquisitor really out here swapping out those skintight beige inquisition pjs for skintight tevinter pjs… 😂
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treviso-nights · 2 months ago
the significance of rook as a protagonist who is 'unable to be evil' is because the inquisitor can be. and hawke. and the warden, for that matter. in dai there are companion disapproval cutscenes for a reason: you have either fucked up so badly or killed so many people that they literally stage an intervention for you. rook, by contrast, is a tremendously appropriate protagonist for veilguard—not just because they’re handpicked by varric but because they are good. like their goodness is the point. it is the story.
and i get why some players would be upset by that and feel constrained by the moral paradigm the narrative inherently embodies. players like options. however, rook's goodness (in whatever capacity) does not necessitate that they're a bad/flat protagonist considering they have unique backstories which tells us about the quality and the context of that goodness. in my opinion, it's a natural byproduct of the overarching story of the dragon age games: yet another person thrust into a role and political position they did not ask for but must pursue for the greater purpose of all.
the thing about veilguard though is that no possible protagonist could be as bad or as evil as the evanuris (and by extension, the chaos ripping the veil down would do at this point in time), so to play as an evil!rook feels counterintuitive to the point of the game regardless.
if we WERE to get the option to play an evil!rook who, for example, supports the evanuris and blights the world alongside them, it just means there's no more world to play in. dragon age is over.
furthermore, there's no option to help solas bring the veil down because it is an evil option. it's not a dev mistake that rook doesn't get the opportunity to side with our favorite war criminal. to most thedosians, the end of the veil means the end of their life. solas is one of the most unreliable narrators in the series, so the idea that he has harm reduction measures in place is unmeasurable because he is a proven trickster. those who'd take the chance anyway would still be considered evil by all who are affected in the wake of it.
—and i agree that it would be fun! but it's not veilguard's story because the stakes are higher than they have ever been in previous games, and thedas needs someone else to save it once again.
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