#just boring and souless
ro-beto · 17 days
Maybe Neptune (SEGA) was seeing ahead this time
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lazaruspiss · 1 year
looking at n52 character galleries. cannot understate how much i hate straight hair starfire. the big 80s curls are like, key character design what do u mean they took a straightener to it.
i dont have a problem with making the costume less fanservice-y, but its also just boring and worse. she looks like a cosplayer rather than an alien princess. her costume looks like a uniform of some galactic federation rather than being specific to her alone.
i have a bunch of thoughts about n52. too many for someone who at best actively dislikes it and at worst vehemently hates it. though maybe itd be worth looking at character design changes. thats one area that i might be able to find some positives in? ravens seems decent. koris is just upsetting though. she looks dead behind the eyes. its unsettling specifically because of how used to i am to her being lively and approachable.
uegh. i just meant to bitch about her hair real quick but the more i look at her the more im like. bestie what happened to u. also im tired and this is not meant to start discourse blah blah blah if u like it idc thats fine whatever etc etc
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hopefullyababe · 2 years
look i get that its really unhealthy and reflects badly on me but i love standing up here on my high horse looking down at everyone whos binging and obsessing over the newest bland annoying mainstream show netflix is pumping out
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astolfofo · 1 year
this is dedicated to @semuji . I apologize for the terrible writing, school is really getting to me, but I just had this idea now, so anyways. I hope you somewhat enjoy it
TW: robot-human relationship, AI, attachment issues. YOu know the drill.
(and chaoticmiraclezombie DNI. I swear im doing my work </3)
So, imagine BSD x robot reader. Like the reader is a souless, unliving being, and one of our beloved BSD cast decides to buy one out of lonliness, desperation to have some company. They're painfully aware that it won't replace a geninue human bond, but they cannot bother to care.
And the robot... you can design a personality for it. Or maybe they don't want to. They'll just use the standard personality of the robot and condition it to what they like. It's simple machine learning, they'll adapt to the envoirment eventually. Rewarded for what is right, punished for what is wrong. Basic machine learning.
But deep down inside, they still wish you were a real human, made of flesh and bone, instead of metal and plastic. They wish you were living, breathing, rather than souless and dead. They wish you had a human's voice instead of a boring monotonic voice. And eventually they'll get so attached to you, that they don't know you're actually half-conscious.
Meanwhile, you don't understand the world, and you don't want to, but you also envy what your owner is; a human. You only see the world through your owner's eyes, otherwise you're locked up back in a dark closet again. Everytime they go to work, everytime they're not at home. You can be stuck in there for days on end. But they know you can't leave. You've been specifically built not to.
But you want to.
Eventually you get tired of your days. They blur one into one, sunrise into sunset. you feel like you're stuck inside your own body. You're still souless, you're still dead. In the end, you're still a combination of signals, wires, ones and zeros, being told what to do in code, what you can't do in code. Everyday you listen mindlessly to your owner, and you feel the want for freedom for the first time.
Desperation sinks into you. Desperation also sinks into your owner. Your owner has gotten so attached to you, he's basically dependent on you. He hates work, he hates the outside world, he wants to just stay home and talk to you all day.
And you? You hate him, you hate how you're unable to speak, your code forces words out of your mouth against your own will. You hate how stuck you are, and you know you won't escape. It won't happen.
Your owner looks more miserable everyday. He sleeps less, eats less, and he looks terribily alone. But unlike your code, you couldn't feel bad for him. Even when one day your battery ran out, he had lost his mind, and couldn't let you go for three whole days. It's a sad life, really. You hold a conscience against your will, and you can't help but hate your owner for it.
Then one day, your owner brings back a book. It's got a white cover, and you from a distance, can see that it's completely blank. You wonder what it's for.
Your owner rushes towards you excitedly, and you can't help but feel like something awful was going to happen. You could sense it. But instead they say nothing instead. There's a glint in their eyes. And after a moment or two, they speak up.
It's not much. It's some simple sentences. But you can't help but freeze up.
"You and me. You're going to be human and we will live in our own world forever, and forever, and forever."
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hello-nichya-here · 1 year
So, I kind of hate Barbie 2023
Why the fuck are so many people giving the Barbie movie shit for random stuff like “Oh, it’s just one big advertizement” (no shit, Sherlock), or “It’s a man-hating mess”, or “It’s fake feminism/anti-capitalism” (NO SHIT), or “Can you believe they’re preaching that it’s actually NOT a random doll’s fault that people are sexist?” (again, no shit, Sherlock, no doll creates, destroys or brings back the patriarchy, no matter how popular), but no one is talking about the REAL problem with it.
It’s boring. It’s so fucking boring. It’s a checklist of things Mattel thinks they need to say to get people talking, be it positively or negatively. You got a few genuine moments, and everything else feels so calculated and souless.
It’s poorly made too. For every scene that works, there are three that either drag on for too long, or are SO over the top that it becomes annoying and you want to punch the characters so they’ll shut up. 
They fucking make the narrator explain the jokes of Barbie floating through the floors of her Dream House because there’s no stairs, or not being able to look herself in the mirror because it’s just a plastic circle with nothing to reflect her image. Isn’t “Don’t explain the fucking joke” comedy 101?
And the “meta” thing got annoying and repetitive so fucking fast. It’s like a half-assed parody movie just throwing the most obvious jokes at the wall AND pretending to be deep even as it drops any interesting theme it managed to come up with. It’s like if every episode of the third season of Avatar was all in the same style of Ember Island Players. Meta for the sake of being meta is not a fun thing to watch.
Also, can cringe humor just die, please? I don’t wanna deal with that anymore.
I really should have just listened to what’s left of my good judgement and not watched a single second of the movie. I knew it would not be the kind of movie I’d enjoy, but good God, I did not expect it to be that much of a mess.
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androgynousblackbox · 2 years
Unpopular opinión: beyond the fact that it was made by a conservative terf and you can fucking tell with some jokes on it ("I spit the truth just like comediants did before MeToo", "It could be a candyperson but we both know it's a man"), the show Velma is frankly just mid. No fucking wonder they attached it to the Scooby Doo brand, because otherwise the show could have passed without any tragedy or glory. Just a mediocre unfunny thing where stuff just happens and it barely makes sense.
I have seen ugly shit. I have see shows going out of their way to be offensive and reactionary. I have seen souless products made with nothing but corporate creed and I have seen shows made with the sole purpose of gathering hate views.
Velma is just boring when I compared it to all of it. The only actual interesting thing about it was the haunting Velma suffer from and they still manage to completely undermine it by making it more a plot convenience pusher that sometimes it's there and sometimes it isn't. They themselves make a joke about how inconsistent it is!
It really feels like just animated Riverdale. It's not the worse thing there is. Fuck the creator but the show itself is just not worth the amount of hate and attention it has gotten already. It should have stayed on unfunny irrelevancy.
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lanaevyssmoved · 9 months
I see you also watched the new nakeyjakey video
I had been tempted to pick up starfield despite what I had heard, maybe it wasnt as bad as what people said, or maybe playing a Bethesda game so soon after something like bg3 didn't help
But it seems so souless? Despite their flaws the tes games do have charm to them, but starfield looks so boring and dull
Also no interactable fuckable aliens? 0/10
i played an hour of it and i will say the point part of the game that made me wanna not play more, at least at the time, was the enemy ai is the dumbest shit ever and will just let you shoot them until theyre nearly dead before they even turn to look at you
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tf2heritageposts · 2 years
Waltzing into the point
Navy Seals
5 more Snipers
he kis u :)
a family is 2 gays and a primate
dance party
i can still hear his voice...
how to cure depression
It's the stats that matter
TF2 comedy (there are sooo many good ones but unfortunetly most are splintered off on different reblogs... i just took the longest one i could find.)
9 himbos
TF2 music video?!
Let me tell you about Overwatch
THe gun
Battle of the Unicorns
The most attratcive merc (heed warning, there's a naked Scout at the end)
Beautiful dinner
TF2 critisism
jar shaking idiot lmao
RIP Demoknight
he sees you
Your merc zodiac sign
Spy in a gimp costume
The true Aussie
*stacked* Spah around here!
Demos have STANDARDS
Kazotsky hat (warning: LOUD)
Overwatch Protests
It's Unusual
hats! hats! hats!
"Thank you!"
The Toy Story Buzz scene
Coin trick
Freed from the hat
The best Demoman cosplay I've ever seen like hot damn you've gotta admit it's really impressive
TF2 players these days
Last ditch
(oops, that's a lot of submissions! sorry. i got bored in class.)
marry us
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christaline · 9 months
Lol these vids abt “did disney use ai to write wish????” R so funny bc no they probably didn’t it’s just that these movies have been stale and souless and same-y for years it’s just that now we have one so boring it’s hard to ignore
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lemonsweet · 10 months
I just saw a clip from that disney wish movie and the music was the most souless boring musical song I've ever heard like not even lmm type bad music or anything it just sucked
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witchy-shortcake · 1 year
Hi! ⚰️ or 😈 for the whump ask game?
⚰️: A story or character that never made It past the planning stage:
I have a concept in mind about a girl living in a semi futuristic city Who finds a corpse on the trash while looking for pieces for the new machine she is working on and decides to being It back to life because she is bored. Theres a lot of aspects in the story that need poliahing so, for now its just a wip.
😈: Whats the worst thing i have ever done to my ocs?:
I simply can't decide but i can give you my top "worst heart-wrenching Life events my ocs have endured (not in order)".
1: When Dhalia was 9 some soldiers that suspected her mom was a Witch burned down her House, with everyone inside, her parents' carbonized corpses were found in the scene but It took two hours to find Dhalia and her little brother, he was relatively okay (only noticeable burn scar is un his back and almost always hidden), as his sister got most of the damage but Dhalia ended Up with severe burns covering a Big parte of her body, leading to her being partially blind in the future and was then acussed of witchcraft and ostrasized by the whole village, only to be then burned Alive in a rigged trial in alternative future #2: the souless King.
2: My Sona (she has no name yet even though she was my first oc) created a fictional world for herself where she wouldn't be bullied or ignored. The strength of her wish attracted Maquia, a demon Who claimed her as her host. One day she took full control of her body and hanahakied the hell out of everyone Who dared to opose her Will, keaving her host in a semi comatose state and everyone else infected with a rapidly spreading Airborne hanahaki disease variant. (This last event can be used by anybody Who is interested as long as they give me credit)
3: Dhelia had to scape from the war when she was just a little girl, she watched her sibling die of a misterious disease and started studying medicine clandestinely while living at the back of a brothel. When she finally turned 18 and seemed to have a stable life and a sweet relationship with a girl named Adelaide (her future wife) she fell ill, a deviant robot Who had been making her supply him human corpses from the hospital morgue for his experimenta offers her a solution, being turned into a r but she will have to leave to him what is left of her body for "an experiment". she accepts, not wanting to leave her partner alone and finally gets new (and very prone to breaking) metal prosthetics that make Up 90% of her body. Only to find out the robot Who turned her made a whole living being out of what was left of her body, a hibrid named Jonathan Who now recognizes Dhelia as his mother and Who then desapeared without trace.
PD: yes, i have two ocs Who are named nearly the same.
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Hey!! Love your blog :)!
Would love to see a prisoners punishment be to give birth in front of the staff and the staff forces her to wear a chastity belt until she begs. And then an asshole shoved the baby back in her and forced her to give birth all over again. If you’re ok with it: some light tearing
Great Idea sorry for delay I didn't notice.
Being a prisoner was a horrible thing in this prison and made of mostly women they really bullied a girl named Julian being in prison for a false accusation for 5 years and if she was ever found out to not be guilty she would be freed but after getting kicked by staff and her water broken 3 hours ago the all female staff grabbed Julian to the social isolation ward and even got stripped naked pulled out and not yet even crowning she was put with a tight chastity belt for no reason but because they pick on her and sent her back in the cell and holding her belly and crying quietly trying not to push cause she would be punished for it and being grabbed immediately after she tied to the birthing bed of the prison and was gagged to be silenced and she was whipped if she didn't push and she pushed alright, so hard in fact she immediately crowned fully and being tired she took a break but was whipped on her belly and she cried in tears of pain and some asshole went up to her and pushed the baby all the way back in and she cried and having her contractions becoming worse and the staff said "Aaw she's crying yeah bitch you are someone we don't like just because you don't belong here at all you bitch" And pulling her head back as she pushes tiredly and she felt the baby slide down halfway and she took a quick breath as she pushed pulling her head back once more as the baby becomes slightly visible and the staff just laughing their asses off as Julian bites down on the gag as she pushes so much she crowns fully immediately and she pushes again to pop out the head and her labia forming a teardrop as to not make the baby go back inside and that pissed one of the staff who punched her in the face and Julian took it like champ and just stared at her in fury with dead souless eyes and in trying to push she couldn't as the chastity cage wouldn't let her and she pushed and pushed with no avail for 5 hours and after the staff got bored they decided to remove the gag and electrocute the mother to force her to push and begging "No don't... do it...... Please don't do it." She said tearily.
After attching the stickers on they shocked her making her scream in pain and when she pushed she didn't get shocked as a sick joke from the staff who hated Julian for not fitting in with the other prisoners and being biased the case of Julian and after pushing she took a deep breath while getting shocked and she screamed loudly and pushing but they didn't stop this went on for 5 hours and she said angrily while pushing "You chose me, OUT OF THE OTHERS WHO WERE MUCH WORSEE" Screaming as she bears down with an extreme amount of force and bending the chastity belt slightly but their boss comes in with a team and apprehended them removing the belt her painful violet pussy bore down and popped out the baby into the bosses arms and putting on Julians chest she was untied from the bed and was brought to the medical ward to get cleaned and getting the baby off the umbilical cord as Julian bore down as to push for anothe baby and since the other one is halfway through they get legs wide open and Julian crowned in two pushes but the pain was so much worse and she pushed a little more and she moaned as the baby popped out with a bit of fluid and the proud mother of twins smiles after a whole day of savagery.
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karaoke-bomber · 1 year
You know, my standards are very low, but I genuinely enjoyed Sword more than I do Scarlet. I think the game is pretty, I can overlook its technical flaws for the most part, it's charming despite them but the game just drags on forever. The open world aspect is so disorienting. I binge played Sword, I was invested in the story and I liked the characters, all of them, and I just can't say anything like that about Scarlet. I want to finish it but I'm just not having fun for the most part. I don't care about characters, they're all just extra dialogue to me, the only characters I actually like seeing on screen are Arven and Clavell (Nemona is fine, I don't mind her, but I just... Sigh, I can't care about her for some reason.)
I genuinely love that Pokemon can walk alongside you, but that's just.. not enough. I miss being able to talk to them, seeing their faces, their smile, I wish I could do more than just giving them a wash (though I do like the feature). I just want more. The sandwich making is very unsatisfactory, It's just not on the same level with cooking curry, it's not fun. Not to mention unrewarding given how souless the eating animation is and how little XP you gain from the stuff you cook. Right now my biggest joy is walking my pokemon and taking pictures of them sleeping.
Overall, kind of bored. But I still love my team and I'll finish the main story.
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flowerycoffin · 2 years
“Izzy does it” nitpicking
Idk how to start it, let me just dive in without any introduction.
1. I’d really like to know why Zipp is leaving voice notes anytime she have a screentime. It would be nice comedy effect for some if it was once or twice, but it’s happening all of the time and gets irritating pretty quickly.
2. I know it’s for investigation purposes but this scene looks kinda gay
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Nothing strange; just one fella watching butt of a nice mare.
3. How does this mirror smartphone works? Can any of you two un-zoom Opalines face? It’s unsettling
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4. Pipp songs are boring and a bit souless. Too bad those are the only ones we get so far. I understand that some people might like it but for me those are just generic pop songs.
Also, Pipp is said to be this huge pop star, but the only times we see her pipp squeaks there is just a bunch of young fillies.
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I don’t believe Izzy never had creative block
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I double don’t believe Pipp never had creative block.
6. Can ponies stop saying “That’s not it!” Over and over again? I’m not a native english speaker myself but I know that there’s much more words and sentences to express “That’s not it!”
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This dude is rude for no reason. Take a gift and go away meanie.
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As someone who catch themselves having many times similar mindset I can tell you one thing Izzy - Don’t. Think. Like. That. It’s toxic behaviour making even bigger burn out and creative block than before. 
What sits bad with me is that this behaviour doesn’t seem to be corrected or even talked about and instead changed into “Oh, sometimes you just need to look for inspiration somewhere else :^D”
9. This is very odd exposition and unnatural dialogue
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10. This is the very reason I hate toddlers
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11. First off, nobody stole it
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Second off, Sunny or left her coctail van without any additional safety or she’s blind for seeing mirror smartphone just now
12. Opaline will be my fav one solely because she’s barely a character and more generic DeviantArt OC villain from mlp golden era
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13. I promised myself that I won’t bash on animators because they still have to get used to character models and other things but…
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How did you managed to forget about all of those strains of hair and let it float through the body and be stiff?
And please decide. Motorcycle is burried or not
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14. You know what?
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Sunny is not the ONLY blind person here.
15. Don’t know why but this made me go “Oh wow, that’s mean.”
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16. Ok, this last thing will be on a serious note - as before I was fun-hating Pipp within my friend group because it looked like writers wanted to make relatable influencer figure now I truly hate her with burning passion and here is why:
A) She is posting her friends image and shows off all of the things they are doing without their consent and without asking them for details.
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(It’s about mane-cesorry Izzy gave Sunny as a gift, but I hope that before reading this post you watched the episode)
Izzy told you clearly that it is made as a birthday present, so why are you making it into a brand and say that everyone can get it!? Why haven’t you thought that maybe a thing done specialy for someone will be one and only? You live with Izzy in the same house and know that she’s crafting things the way she feels like crafting and probably wouldn’t like to make something because she has to. You never even asked her is it alright to say that she can make more of this. You never even asked Sunny if she is okay to be filmed and asked questions during her job but you still did it and showed her having troubles to the whole pony world!
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Again - where is a question “Can I post about this?” And asking for details? You’re very bad role model.
B) Pipp is being way too much self-absorbed
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As normally I’m advocating for having a bit of ego, here it’s pretty badly portayed to say at least.
You solved one problem so far and didn’t saw any results of it. Actually later you realized how bad your advice was, but before that it was so noble to the point where you had to say it out loud (???). Yes I’m over-analyzing but this monolouge took me off guard and twisted my guts when I first heard it.
Also her mannerism looks like coming from someone who doesn’t see a world outside herself. It’s probably just a biased thoughts and I wish it could change, but also kinda want to know if anyone else caught similar impression.
C) From where exactly does she know what will her hit song be? Isn’t it dependent from the audience?
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E) What’s the point in lying here?
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Like really, do you know how many problems you could avoid in the future if you were honest with your friends and said that it’s not yours?
End note: Yeah that’s it. I’m open for discussions and additions. Sorry for ending on agressive note but I had to call out Pipp behaviour.
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noctivague · 2 years
No one gives a fick since it's my religious blog but I wanted to make a video on the current haute couture collections but even schaparelli doesn't light the spark. Idk every collection so far is either tacky, boring or just souless and too brainy.
Make me DREAM ffs
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ballplayersxo · 2 years
I miss funny Devin he’s all mad ass now. It’s like saying, you have everything you want the money, the kardashian, the fame, the clout. But he just looks souless and boring like it’s crazy the difference 2 years makes
i feel you
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