#spuffy forever
When Spike fought for his soul, it wasn't to be some hero or even to save the world. Those were by products of the actual reason he obtained his soul: Buffy.
Spike was never an apologist, and he was not gonna be the kind of person with or without a soul to go on an apology tour for anyone especially when he doesn't feel bad for what he did in the past. He was a vampire, and that was something that happened to him, and it wasn't his fault. Unlike Angel, he recognizes that, and he's skipped over the whole sitting in the dark while being boring and brooding crap.
He truly hurt Buffy and tried to do something deemed unforgivable, but he is forgiven because he stepped up and took responsibility for it. His only motive for receiving his soul was Buffy, to be exclusively HER champion and to be a better man for her.
His willingness to face the pain and torture of the trials and being by Buffy's side and helping her fight the good fight is his way of making amends for the things he's done. Just because you've done something bad doesn't mean you have to wallow about it or apologize for it all the time, especially if you've taken appropriate measures to address it and change your behaviors.
And just to rant for a moment on the subject. Spike is Buffy's #1, and he proved that time and time again all through the last season when EVERYONE was questioning her motives, her abilities, and her choices at every turn. Spike never even questioned her ability to win or lost faith in her and had grown so much over the season. He went from being the guy who let her take out the shame she felt and everything she hated about herself on to him, then became the guy who built her back up when she was at her weakest. She lost faith in herself, which is profoundly dangerous on just a basic human level, and Spike showed her how he saw her, then she believed him. That is a superpower on its own, and letting yourself see and be seen is the most vulnerable and courageous thing a person can do. It invokes trust to the highest degree. Spike earned Buffy's loyalty and love, hands down, point blank.
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illek00 · 2 years
*it's season 6 and Spike makes Buffy a mixtape*
She told me she was hollow
That's far from what I see
She's more than just the daughter of a broken man to me
She told me she was shallow
Her rivers run so deep
If I could only be the boat that leads her to the sea
Lonely is her favourite place to be
When she feels the hurt, she lets it bleed
Sometimes she's lost, sometimes she's broken
Sometimes she's closed, sometimes she's open
Lonely is her favourite place to be
She told me she was falling
I offered her my hand
But she only finds her comfort in knowing just -
How hard she's gonna land
I told her she was special
She almost let me in
But she couldn't bare the thought of digging up the heart that-
She'd been burying
Lonely is her favourite place to be
When she feels the hurt, she lets it bleed
Sometimes she's lost, sometimes she's broken
Sometimes she's closed, sometimes she's open
Lonely is her favourite place to be
Lonely is her favourite
If only I could change it
If I could only save her
But sometimes she's lost, sometimes she's broken
Sometimes she's closed, sometimes she's open
Sometimes she's stone cold, at times she's on fire
Mostly, she's everything I desire
Lonely is her favourite place to be
Lonely is her favourite place to be
She told me she was hollow
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frenchublog · 1 year
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raisedbythetv89 · 4 months
Dawn in season 6 when Spike is literally raising her like his child is the same age Buffy was when Angel first saw and subsequently “fell in love”with her and close to the same age Dru was when he tortured and turned her and Angel is even older than Spike both in years and grumpy grandpa personality 😭😭😭😭😭
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mcgnagallsarmy · 7 months
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greensaplinggrace · 1 month
unfortunately a large portion of the issue with spike's soul is that the decision was forced into the narrative for a number of shitty reasons, and i firmly believe that one of those reasons was angel. angel set a precedent of excusing one's actions if there's a soul tied to them. he set a precedent of separating the soulless personality from the souled one. the way he's idolized throughout the show leads to the writers attempting to keep forcing that black and white false dichotomy into future scenes where they are no longer applicable.
the reason spike was pushed over the moral event horizon to obtain his soul is because his existence without one put everything about angel's character into question - especially the way his soulless actions were excused. spike's very existence as a soulless creature that performed better than angel and who was developing positively in the story made people question our beloved star crossed angel's motives, and subsequently every theme surrounding soullessness and real love in a way that the writing team didn't want. because bringing that into question unfortunately brings the truth of buffy's romance with angel into stark clarity.
i think this is one of the biggest reasons for the sloppy and cheap way seeing red was handled. i think this is one of the biggest reasons for the way the show treats spike's soul and excuses his actions afterward (in the way that happens with angel). and i think it's the worst proponent for the way season seven goes down the fucking shitter.
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justafriendofxanders · 7 months
forgot how much i loved toxic s6 spuffy. they were so insane for this.
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this scene is so...... it feels like watching an hbo show with titties for the first time when you're 13. i can't believe this was allowed to air. who let these naked people on broadcast television.
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mulderscully · 2 years
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littletreeproductions · 4 months
Buffy & Spike | Bad Idea Right?
I know where you live now, Slayer. I've tasted it.
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I want to address the fact that Robin Wood was cool for like 5 whole seconds, but then he conspires and tries to kill Spike (yes, I know Spike killed his mom, but they were literally mortal enemies). Instead of Spike dying, it seems Robin instead helps him move past some of his own mommy issues. Buffy then tells Robin straight up that Spike is her right-hand man, and if he tries to do his shitty revenge fantasy again, that Spike would kill him and that she would totally let it happen in pursuit of the picture at large and the fight against The First. Spike killing Robin's mom was a natural order moment in the Buffyverse. A slayer being killed by a vampire while another is called was literally how the system worked since the beginning with the first slayer.
Thhhhheeennn Robin's salty fucking ass proceeds to walk around Buffy's fucking house and tries to conspire with anyone that would hear his needless fucking bullshit. Now, it's not even about his mom anymore. It's about him and his fragile ego. The second he gets to jump on the "Buffy is a horrible leader" train and fuck the only other slayer in the world, he snatches that shit and runs like he earned it. Robin was a soft boy with mommy issues. He was even less valuable to Buffy as he was his own mother, and they both rejected him for Spike. This isn't revenge. It's a pissing contest in the least and dick comparison at its height. There's no honor in this plight. It was an obsession. It was empty from the beginning and a way for him to numb himself from the pain of not being good enough for his mother to stay. That's compulsive behavior, and the scheming and the willingness to throw Buffy under the bus along with her "friends" is proof.
Also, btw Spike sacrificed himself to empower the potential slayers and solidify the line of slayers to come. People wanna come for Spike and act like he's such a dick because he didn't apologize to Robin. He doesn't owe Robin a damn thing, least of all an apology. The person he is truly mad at and needs an apology from is gone. He's obviously suffering from complex grief and a shit load of resentment. I completely understand both of those experiences because I've suffered from them both, but that's not a legitimate excuse to impose his shit on other people. Spike killed his own mother and 2 slayers and so many other people throughout his vampire life. Using his soul and ultimately dying to secure the Slayer line absolves him.
Hate Spike or love him because that honestly doesn't matter, but don't act like Angel's tainted little, Wolfram & Hart soul would have gotten the job done. He had to go deep dark while going under cover. His soul was at best compromised. Spike's soul was in full work mode. He was the truest champion at that moment.
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faraige · 1 year
read a spuffy fic yesterday in which the author gave a WAY more believable and in-character reason for spike to want to get his soul than the only one the show writers claimed to be able to think of. do you know what it was? loving buffy and wanting to keep improving everyday for her, wanting to give her more and more. not because he felt guilty for hurting her. out of love. out of trying to be a man worthy of her.
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147days · 2 years
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these days i’m not sure of much but you could be my lifeline
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raisedbythetv89 · 4 months
I've been thinking about the invisible string of it all as it relates to spuffy for the last 48 hours and I'm still going INSANE about it 😹😭
So Liam/Angel/Angelus who uses young girls at best or abuses, psychologically torments and kills them at worst does the worst of the worst to Drusilla and once she's completely broken and hopelessly devoted to him and and only him he immediately loses interest which of course leads to the creation of Spike
Spike who is obsessed with slayers because instead of running from what is designed to destroy him he seeks it out and sees it as a fun and exciting challenge he learns from. Spike who killed two slayers, one who lost her weapon and the other who wished for death. Who's deaths are obviously instrumental in what brings about Buffy the Vampire Slayer being called (Spike also later both preventing the fulfillment of Buffy's death wish and helping her secure THE slayer weapon by giving her the strength she needs??? THE POETRY!!!!)
So Buffy is called when she's called because of all the slayer deaths that came before her and Angel's predatory selfishness and obsession with breaking young innocent girls leads to him eventually losing his soul. Which in combination with his need to constantly belittle Spike for genuinely loving for and caring for Dru aka being feminine and sensitive by taking Drusilla from him and constantly rubbing it in his face and making fun of him for being stuck in a wheelchair aka being weak and helpless (which only happened because he was trying to save Dru and heal her! Demonstrating how rooted in misogyny all of angel's behavior is soul or no soul) is what prompts the origins of Spuffy! Misogyny and cruelty at the hands of Angel combined with Spike and Buffy's determination to never give up no matter how hopeless the circumstances and never back down even if that means teaming up with your enemy is the birth of their relationship!!! They both would literally do anything for love!!! Be it an evil vampire saving the world or the Slayer teaming up with the Slayer of Slayers!!!! Which of course the truce is what causes Spike and Dru to break up which leads to Spike confronting Buffy with the reality about her relationship to angel and the true nature of it. Which of course angel is a manipulative monster who doesn't accept her breaking up with him and moving on so he threatens suicide and then they're back together and THEN once she's comfortable and secure around him, supported by joyce who both institutionalized and kicked buffy out for being the slayer - is like oop it's time to GO girl and breaks up with her in the dumbest most traumatic unresolved way possible and is what leads to her giving "normal" aka Riley a chance because Angel calls their relationship a freak-show and that she, the slayer.... should be normal.....
Which then in s4 Riley and the initiative try and tame and control both Spike and Buffy and when they can't they want them destroyed (the chip, the attempt on Buffy's life and her constantly feeling guilty for being stronger than him and being the slayer, Riley fake staking Spike for outing his betrayal to Buffy and literally blowing up their safe haven in s6) again pushing them together onto the same side, united against a common enemy in s4/5 or propelling them into growth in s6 when the goal was just destruction of Spike/Buffy's comfort in his presence and instead it starts the chain of events that leads to him getting his soul which allows Buffy to love him and let him back into her life and this time her own home without guilt or shame!!!
Then in season 7 both the chip (everything Riley represents) angel and even faith (with the most uncomfortable try hard flirting attempt I've ever seen the second hand embarrassment I get watching her try and hit on Spike is SO strong 🤢😭) try to come between them and pull them apart, create doubt or put them at odds, all fail as now they are an unshakable team that cannot be divided
Where before they were forced onto the same sides by outside forces they're now choosing each other again and again even in the face of outward hostility, disapproval and outright sabatoge from everyone in her life.
Spike and Buffy's relationship is the story of a young girl and a sensitive more feminine man turned vampire who were taught to hate their softness, their femininity, their big hearts, their otherness and were literally designed to destroy each other. Who when the universe kept forcing them together instead of destruction they alchemized the misogyny, abuse and homophobia (as the supernatural is used many times as a metaphor for queerness) they endured both individually and together into liberation for young girls (in the show but for the audience it's representative of liberation for all victims of abuse or oppression no matter your gender identity) everywhere while breaking all the ties that sought to control them and it was all started with Angel's destruction and subsequent abandonment of Drusilla! An abusive predatory man's actions unwittingly lead to the empowerment of THOUSANDS of super-powered young girls who are now able to fight back against monsters like him. Showcasing how abusers and tyrants always create their own downfall because of people like Spike and Buffy who in the face of adversity and pain grow better and stronger out of sheer determination.
There is also a fan theory that Dru was a potential who was about to be called and that's why she was plagued with visions so if all of this is like the ULTIMATE slayer's line revenge on both the council and the original cowardly men who used a young girl to fight their battles for them and on men like angel who lost his control over Buffy and had to watch her chose Spike over him both in s7 when she sends him away and in the comics that makes all of this even more iconic like the ultimate long game revenge but even if it's not and Dru wasn't a potential - an abusive monster who loves to target the weak and helpless tormenting and killing a young innocent girl starting the chain reaction of events that leads to the largest liberation of young girls who would have been exploited and controlled by the council and doomed to short lives full of nothing but fighting and isolation is just fucking incredible 😭 and that is what spuffy represents and what that relationship means to me and why no matter what shit joss tried to throw at us through the narrative or what the anti's say to this day - none of it ever sticks because spuffy is literally about dealing with abusive people just like him and overcoming the pain they cause and turning it into personal growth and healing.
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the end is here
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giftedeath · 9 months
if ur a jungian shadow truther like me, s6 ep13 dead things is such a good culmination of all of her trauma ( + also her fear of becoming faith ) reflecting back at her through spike. this is probably an episode where we see buffy the lowest she's ever been ( suicidal, thinks her friends hate her bc she's not who she used to be, thinks she killed an innocent woman, her father figure's gone who's not even her /real/ father , who disappeared a long time ago, she's living and she doesn't wanna be, etc. ) and then there's spike who's literally representing all of that, who's saying ' it's fine it was an /accident/ you're not bad, and i got rid of the body for you. i did it, my hands are dirty, you're clean, you're fine. i'm evil and i'm the monster and you're still the good slayer ' and not only is it all about spuffy, and buffy hating herself so much but only feeling anything around spike, the shame of it bc she thinks its wrong even though it's the only thing that feels good, and hating him bc she hates herself bc he is everything that she's always been, or at least always has been capable of being. but it's also so about fuffy too, bc in this episode she really thinks that she's killed someone, and it's something that buffy has always been so strictly against. she can't just kill people bc she has that power, she has to use her power responsibly, can't give into the hedonism, bc then she'd be faith. we already saw that struggle in season three, but now it's coming back but it really is rearing its ugly head this season !! and more detrimental, bc it was always a fear and now it's a reality. and its worse too because faith spiraled into it, she had no one, had nothing, all she had was the trauma of being a slayer. and buffy doesn't understand that's also true for her. all she thinks about tho is how, even with all of my friends, even with all of this love and support, i'm still like this. i still ended up like her, and i don't even have a good excuse for it. its sad its so sad but its also so good , its so ... its why season six is so good
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