#just add magic au
phantom-0-writer · 1 year
prompt 02: tim’s birthday present
Tim sat in his empty house at the empty dining table. The table was actually quite large; it had enough seats to sit at least 15 people. But there was just Tim there. 
His parents had promised and sworn up and down that they would come back in time for his birthday. He had everything planned out. He picked out the birthday cake, put on the candles, decorated, ordered his parents' favorite foods, his parents' favorite movie for movie night, popcorn the likes. But that morning, just when Tim was double checking to make sure everything was ready for the most perfect birthday ever, his parents had called to tell him that something really important had come up, and they wouldn’t be able to make it. Tim figured it was better than last year, at least they called this time. 
Tim stared down at the cake, the candles lit. He had heard online that people would make wishes on their birthday cake and blow it out. Tim thought that was a weird thing to do, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. 
What should he wish for? It would have to be something special that he doesn’t already have. Tim thought for a long moment, the candles bleeding into the frosting of the cake. 
A brother. 
Tim closed his eyes and put his hands together like he’s seen the other children to do in the cartoons. And Tim wished for a big brother. When he finally wished hard enough (whatever that meant) he opened his eyes and blew out what was left of the candles. 
Tim waited. What exactly was he supposed to do now? In the cartoons, everyone would celebrate and cheer and the birthday boy would open his presents. There wasn’t anyone to cheer for Tim, or any presents for him to open. 
Suddenly the house shook, and the loud sound of a crash sound came from the backyard. Quickly, Tim did the sensible thing and go check out what the noise was. That's what the characters always did in horror movies. 
In Tim’s backyard, there was what looked like a weird space ship that had crashed into his backyard. There wasn’t any fire or anything, but the spaceship looked pretty wrecked. Getting closer, Tim could vaguely make out that someone was inside the spaceship. Looking around, he saw what looked like maybe the handle. Tim couldn’t really tell. 
When Tim put his hand on it and tried to open it, something poked out mechanically and pricked his finger. He flinched back instinctively, caressing his finger tip.
“Recognized: Danny Fenton. System Override.” A robotic lady spoke. Who is Danny Fenton? As if to answer him, the space ship opened its hatch, and inside was an unconscious black haired teenager. “System Malfunctioning. Please Assis-” The robotic voice spoke again, before getting cut off as if the power had died. 
Suddenly, Tim remembered his wish. A big brother. 
This was Danny Fenton, and he was supposed to be Tim’s big brother
When Danny woke up, he found himself in a very soft plush something. Something that definitely wasn’t the Spector Speeder. Alarmed, he sat up quickly to find that he didn’t recognize where he was at all. He also didn’t recognize the weird kid that was staging at him from two feet away. 
“Hi, I’m Tim. Timothy Drake.” The boy introduced himself almost business like. 
“Uh, hi Tim.” Danny responded awkwardly. “You got any idea where I am?” Danny sat up properly, moving the blanket (?) off of him and turned to face the weird and kinda creepy kid. 
“You’re in Drake Manor. Which is where I live.” He answered again. 
“Ok…ay” Danny nodded thoughtfully. “Any idea how I got here?” Truthfully, Danny hadn’t really been expecting an answer, but he still got one. 
“Because I made a birthday wish to have a big brother.” He answered in the same way he had answered the other question, very matter-of-factly. 
“Ok- Wait. What?” Danny asked, doing a double take at Tim. 
“You’re supposed to be my big brother, right?” Tim was starting to look a little hesitant, and as weirded out as Danny felt he couldn’t help but feel bad about the whole situation. 
“Where are your parents, Tim?” 
“There not home, because they had really important things to do for work.” 
Danny nodded. “Do you know when they’ll be back?” 
Tim shook his head. “They were supposed to come back today, because it’s my birthday. But they said they couldn’t make it.” 
Well, shit. Didn’t that sound awfully like Danny’s birthdays before he had given up on his parents showing up. At least he had Jazz. This kid looked like he was alone. 
Not liking the silence, Tim started fidgeting again. “So, are you gonna be my brother, then?” 
And what was Danny supposed to say, No? Besides, if he was really causing problems being in this random universe, then Clockwork would figure it out. 
Danny sat at Tim’s dinner table, the kid looking at him radiating in excitement, each with a plate of stupid expensive pasta in front of them. “You said your name was Tim, right?” Danny started thoughtfully. Tim nodded, drinking up everything Danny said. “Well, first course of action as you, big brother. I need to give you a nickname.” 
Tim’s eyes sparkled at the prospect. “Like what?”
Danny tapped his chin exaggeratedly, “Hm… Tim, Tim.” Turing the name around while he absentmindedly twirled his fork between his fingers, Danny wondered what he should come up with. Suddenly, in a misplaced strength, Danny’s fork flew out of his hand. 
Before Danny could even say anything, “I’ll get you a new one!” Tim offered quickly. Getting up from his chair, his foot got tangled behind the leg of the chair and Tim fell quietly on the floor with an oof. 
Danny laughed at him. “You okay, Timbers?” He asked, getting up to check on the boy. 
“Yeah, I like Timbers.” Tim said, a bright smile on his face despite the blossoming bruise on his arm.
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carouselunique · 5 months
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Rarity actually has a decent friendly relationship with Ditzy due to frequent deliveries to her shop and helped her with giving her hoof-me-downs of baby Sweetie Belle for baby Dinky - so the two are quite friendly and I could have drawn that…
… She also is down bad for Sea Swirl and I chose to draw that instead!
Sea Swirl is studying to be a doctor, she is close to having a whole doctorate in marine biology and yet she has line cook rizz. So she will flirt with Rarity when passing through Ponyville and Rarity melts like a marshmallow.
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bigfatbreak · 2 years
Birds of a Feather previous / next tw: anxiety attack
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lunareel · 1 year
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So for the bodyguard au wanted to make alternate designs for power ups based on incorporating them with shy guy masks and shy guy variants. Listen I will take any opportunity to make outfits for characters it is just so much fun!
Adding sketches on both how the mask works along with an example of a transformation sequence below the “keep reading” to avoid this post getting super long. Quick edit before I forget I do plan on an alternate cat (super bell) power up that leans more into the cat aesthetic. I just wanted to design a more stealth/field outfit for him. I also have drafts for a knight design for the metal power up! Those are coming later though.
So I wanted to work on the setup that power ups aren’t readily accessible in the Darklands (with the exception of fire flowers and maybe boo shrooms). To counter this I’m going with the concept of fusing power ups with masks so they can be used multiple times (think Majora’s mask). 
Currently working with the idea of while this does make the power up a bit weaker, as long as the mask isn’t broken or removed from the user the power up will stay in effect.
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Also on how shy guy masks work with different faces this just goes with my headcanon that there are different things under each shy guy’s mask. Varying from some shy guys just having a void that stares back to horrifying appendages and the masks just cover these so they can all blend in together. 
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The transformation sequence wouldn’t happen every time a mask would be used, but I will never pass an opportunity to draw Luigi break dancing. (Btw the reference for this sequence was Deboshir’s dance when he was going off against Zip Rock, break dancing competitions are super cool and I highly recommend watching them). Anyhow this is super rough, but I hope it gets the general idea across. 
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astrolavas · 4 months
so in your mermaid au what is belos? is he also a merman
he wears this
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flowerakatsuka · 3 months
Do you have a fave hesokuri au or skit au and have you kuroba’d them 👀
and yes, i do!! a few actually, heh. i've talked a little bit about the youkai & denki mystery aus i have for kuroba before and i really love those, but i think my favorite might actually be their royalty / prince au. which i haven't really talked about before so uh. i hope you don't mind, but i'm gonna use this as a excuse to ramble about it.
i'll put my infodumping under a cut bc it might get long, but here's their designs for the au. 🤭
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SO. kuroba comes from a commoner household, but because their grandfather was the royal gardener to the matsuno family and they acted as his apprentice, they've basically lived their entire life on the castle grounds in spite of their status. they've gotten to meet and come to befriend quite a few people of a higher social status than them, the most notable being the 2nd prince of the matsuno royal family, karamatsu.
they first met as children, when karamatsu ran away from his caretakers to hide in the gardens and cry by himself. kuroba had been helping with cleaning up the rose beds that day and stumbled upon him. they've always been the meddling type and can't leave others alone when they're upset so they sat with him and tried to comfort him to the best of their ability, ( even if it was just providing him company and a hand to squeeze while he cried. ) after that, karamatsu became very curious about kuroba and would often visit the gardens in the hopes of spending time with them. the two became very close over time, with him following them around the gardens as they worked and running to them whenever he needed a shoulder to cry on ( which they were always happy to provide. )
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they're still very close as adults despite some things changing, like karamatsu adopting a more flashy personality to stand out more amongst his brothers and kuroba taking over their grandfather's role as royal gardener. a lot of the things stayed the same, though.
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however, their close friendship starts posing some issues within the royal counsel. one of the princes having such an intimate relationship ( and obvious infatuation ) with a commoner is unsightly in the eyes of the nobility and could make them question the integrity & stability of the crown. so iyami, ( who's a sketchy noble adviser to king matsuzou, ) proposes that karamatsu be engaged to duchess dobusu to help quell the rumors going around about kuroba and him. matsuzou agrees and even though he tries to protest it, kara eventually agrees to go along with it for the sake of his family and kuroba.
when karamatsu tells them the news, kuroba takes it pretty well and congratulates him with a smile... or at least, that's the reaction he gets out of them. in reality, they're fucking devastated because they've been harboring feelings for him for years at that point. they already accepted the fact that they could never be together, but that doesn't make the reality of the situation hurt any less. still, they want to support karamatsu and be happy for them so they're taking the truth about their feelings for him to the grave. ( that's what they planned on doing, at least. )
they slowly drift apart after that ; karamatsu's visits to the gardens become less frequent, kuroba stops personally delivering fresh arrangments to karamatsu's quarters, they barely even greet each other when crossing paths. it doesn't help that iyami got into kuroba's ear, warning them that they should keep their distance from kara to preserve his reputation and not lose their job — which they really can't afford as the main breadwinner for their family. neither of them are happy with how things have changed, but there's not much they can do about it.
as karamatsu and dobusu's engagement party draws closer and kuroba has to help with the decorations, their discontent really bubbles to the surface. one of their noble friends, ( i haven't decided who yet lol, ) finds them crying and tries to comfort them, eventually convincing them to sneak into the party and dance with kara so they at least have one unforgettable memory of him to hold onto. with their help, they manage to do it with their identity hidden behind a mask.
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things seem to go off without a hitch ; they'll be able to have to moment with karamatsu all for themself and basically no one will be the wiser. that is until they slip up and speak while dancing with him. they start to leave when he almost says their name, but he stops them and gives them the pine-shaped brooch he was wearing before letting them slip away. to make matters worse, iyami sees this all go down.
the events after that are a lot less plotted out, but i imagine some standard historical fantasy romance webtoon bullshit going down. like karamatsu trying to confront kuroba about that night, but them telling him to stop and leave them be. it's be some wild melodrama, which i do kinda live for.
the climax would probably be iyami staging some villainess-esque condemnation event to expose kuroba for sneaking into the party and get them kicked out of the castle. but queen matsuyo and some of the nobles kuroba had befriended come to their rescue. basically, they argue that if there's someone who's willing to be with karamatsu's annoying ass, then why would you force him onto someone else? none of the other nobles want him, please let kuroba have him so they don't have to deal with him. this includes dobusu, who agrees to give the royal family her duchy's support if they break off her engagement with karamatsu and let kuroba take him off her hands. so after getting matsuzou's approval, they live happily ever after theeeeeee end. there's probably other factors that could play into them getting together at the end, but yeah.
anyways thank you for coming to my rambling, i am so sorry it got this long. this is one of the aus i've thought about A LOT so i ended up having a lot to say. 😭
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findafight · 2 years
Not me writing a prologue for a fic I'll maybe never write about Steve being on the Dream Team lmao. I saw a pro basketball player Steve post a while ago and couldn't stop thinking about it. Anyways-
At the end of March Madness in 1989, the scout for the Pacers has lunch with the head coach of a community college basketball team that somehow made it to the first round before being pulverized. They sit across from each other, the coach seemingly a bit overwhelmed but not outright surprised. That's good, it means Jerry, the scout, doesn't have to worry about him freaking out or babbling too much.
The team captain had caught his, and possibly others', eye. Good layups, a few three pointers, solid defence, and a helluva lot of potential add up to someone to keep an eye on, except they can't because the guy plays for a rinky-dink community college and only had one televised game. The only reason Jerry saw the kid is because the Roane County Community College Ospreys had put in a hell of a fight the past three seasons. Jerry wonders why the hell the kid hadn't been offered a scholarship somewhere...not Roane County. Doesn't matter though, because they're here now.
"so. You wanted to talk about Steve?" Says the coach, August Nearaly, a bit weary.
Jerry nods, sipping his coffee. "Yeah. Wanted to get a sense of him before I actually talked to him."
August sighs. "As a player or as a person?"
Raising his eyebrows. "Is he that different off the court?"
"no! No, not like how you probably think. Harrington's a sweet kid, but also incredibly...well, not weird, but. Peculiar? He's got quirks. Bit paranoid, but not in a conspiracy way. In a 'no one should walk home alone in the dark' or 'hey, where'd John go? He was right here and then I did a headcount and he's not?' kinda way. Y'know? Like, they're all adults, but he does headcounts and worries anyways."
"huh. Oookay?"
"it-- I'm not saying this to rag on him, to be clear. It just too a while to get used to. Honestly, it's been good for team building. Makes them think of each other not as individuals, but part of a unit that needs everyone healthy and whole to work."
"that's good. He's a team player."
"oh yeah. It's not surprising, really. He's from Hawkins." August says the name like Jerry should know what that means. It's a town, sure, but other than that... Jerry's at a loss. Maybe something a few years ago about a fire? "He has most assists in Osprey history. Some of the guys joke that he's allergic to the ball."
"He's good on the court?"
"Jerry. I know you're here because you saw the March Madness game. You know he's good. He'd be even better if he could afford those fancy prescription goggles Horace Grant wears."
"seriously? Why not contacts?"
"don't make them for his prescription. You didn't see his interview? Kid's got thick horn rimmed glasses. Too many concussions apparently. God knows how he tells players apart when the jersey colours are similar."
"shit. That's why he was squinting the whole time? I thought he was just stressed."
He shrugged. "eh. Probably a bit of both. He takes it seriously, but not too seriously. Y'know? Half the guys were shitting themselves from nerves and Harrington stands up in the locker room, hands on his hips, and gives a speech worthy of the most melodramatic underdog sports movie."
Jerry laughs. "No shit."
Waving his hands, August nods. "no shit! He says all this stuff like 'we worked hard...we deserve this...we may not win but let's do our damn best. The worst that could happen is we lose, and that isn't the end of the world. So let's go out there and play some basketball!' or something, his was better, and the boys cheer. Then they put in fifty points to one-thirty."
Jerry winces. "Must have hurt, huh?"
August grins. "No way. One of the best games they ever played. You saw it. You wouldn't be here if you hadn't. They played their goddamn hearts out." He leans forward. "My boys don't have the same facilities as the big universities, or the funding to offer scholarships. They're at Roane Community because they want a degree or certificate but have other responsibilities. Parents or siblings to stay close to, jobs to work, people to take care of. They joined my team because they like playing basketball, loved the game and wanted to spend some of their precious time playing it. They put the work in on the court and off it. And we made it to the NCAA tournament because of it. We put in fifty points against the goddamn Michigan Wolverines! The champs! And they knew that. I've never heard of a locker room after an 80 point defeat so happy."
It's all pride when Coach Nearaly says "yep. They may not be the best basketball players in college, but my god, they're probably the best team."
"because of Harrington?"
"partly. They all contribute, make sure they do things right. It's not a one man show, that's the point. They rally around him, but they all are part of the team, and know it. That's what Steve makes sure. Why I made him captain."
"So, you think he'd be a good pick for the Pacers?" This is, after all, a business meeting.
August nods, picks at his pancakes. "I'll be honest with you Jerry. You're not the first scout to talk to me about Steve."
"really? Who?"
"you know I won't say. But, between me and you, Steve's Indiana born and bred. His wife's planning on getting some lib Arts degree in Chicago or Indy, and your offer might be the deciding factor for them."
Jerry blinks. "He's married? At, what? Twenty-one?"
August nods. "Just turned twenty-two. High school sweethearts or something. Obsessed with each other." He chuckled, a bit ruefully. "I'm a bit jaded but damn. You mention her name? He lights up like the fuckin Fourth of July."
Jerry whistles. "Honeymoon phase gets us all."
"for almost two years? Nah. It's just love." It sounds a little wistful, coming from August. "Anyways. I dunno if the other team is serious about him, and if they are, they'll probably be disappointed. Kid isn't moving out of the Midwest. He's got family here, and is getting a goddamn elementary education degree. He won't uproot his life for a chance at the NBA. But, if you offer. Well. He'd at least seriously consider it."
Humming, Jerry chews his eggs as he thinks. "You think he'd be up for the lifestyle? The road games out numbering home ones?"
There's an air of seriousness when August levels Jerry with a look. "If he doesn't want to, he'll tell you. You gotta give him time to talk to his family though. This offer? It'll come out of left field for him, even if I give him a heads up. You get that, yeah? You want to recruit a kindergarten teacher to the NBA without any build up. He needs time to process that and then see where the people in his life are at with it."
"I guess it is unusual."
"try being the community college basketball coach getting two goddamn calls from NBA scouts. Thought I was hallucinating."
Jerry laughs, counts some bills for the tip. "Thank you. For your time and insights. Let Steve know I'll call tomorrow?"
"will do. He'll still probably drob the phone on you, though."
"as long as he doesn't hang up!"
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egginfroggin · 2 months
I feel the need to simply talk about the Dying of the Light AU with regards to Emmet's powers and why I wrote The Sun in Flight with such an emphasis on heat.
Of course Reshiram is a fire-type Legendary and as such is extremely powerful, and this extends somewhat to Emmet, as well. I wanted to emphasize the sheer intensity of Reshiram's fires, and did so by having Emmet describe it as "unbearable" and "incinerating," because Emmet himself can melt glass and sand.
And this is where we get to the main inspiration that set off all this hot-themed prose: a few tags on the reblog that inspired this au talked about Emmet possibly having a castle of glass, to mirror Ingo's castle of ice in Iced Tracks. Here's the thing.
Glass is made from melted sand -- or more accurately, silica, which is abundant in sand.
Sand melts at about 3,090 degrees Fahrenheit, or 1,700 degrees Celsius.
For comparison, lava is about 2,200 Fahrenheit.
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werewolfsmile · 5 months
tysm for answering my qs about werewolf!eliot !! not to keep bugging you lol but i remember you mentioned in the tags of a post one time about a hc/au of parker being some sort of fae or otherworldly being who’s just kinda found herself here in the non-magical world - could you elaborate on that? like how come she’s in the non-fantasy part of the leverage universe, or whether the other characters know, etc? only if you want to of course, no pressure :) i’m really enjoying reading your posts about all these ideas!
You're welcome! And you're definitely not bugging me, I love getting the chance to ramble about my thought lol (werewolf!eliot post here) (link to the post and my tags that started this)
Honestly I don't have as clear ideas for Parker as I did for Eliot, but I imagine her being some kind of changeling or air/wind sprite that was left with humans for whatever reason.
(ooh i'm getting more ideas for this the more i think about it..)
okay, Parker is actually half-fey, half-human
no one really knows who her parents were or how she came to be on her own (me included lol), she was just found on a doorstep as a baby
the people who took her in had their own issues and the state eventually intervened and sent Parker into foster care
she found out at a very early age that she was different to other kids - she could move around without making a sound, she could fit into tiny spaces - all very helpful for a young girl in a foster system that was chewing her up and spitting her out
she also discovered that she could ... not turn invisible exactly, but she could be less visible if she wanted to be; all she has to do is think about not being seen and people's eyes just drift over her
Archie had absolutely no idea what she was when he got his hands on her, but even he knew that she was beyond just a gifted child
he only realised there was something magical about her after she fell off the roof of the warehouse he'd been training her in - then walked it off like it was no biggie
fey creatures love puzzles and riddles, so of course Parker has always had a natural affinity for puzzles (aka locks)
her super artistic talent is a trait that is Entirely Parker and, given that she entered a life of crime early and was surrounded by artistic masterpieces all the time, she never even considered that other people would draw/paint/whatever with any lower skill level
this contributes to her not understanding what the fuss is over art
she gave herself the name Parker when Archie met her and asked her name; it was the first thing that came to mind
she doesn't remember her birth name and isn't bothered by that in the slightest
Eliot was the first of the team to figure out she was fey - being a werewolf, he can smell and/or sense that kind of thing on others
Hardison suspected something was up with her, but then felt bad for thinking that, but then strange things kept happening around her so he started to keep a list ...
pretty much Hardison has a red-string conspiracy theory-style board of Parker Things. He's too terrified of offending her to ask her outright, but he's more convinced every day
(he's also more in love with her and just thinks her fey-ness is another thing to celebrate)
Parker finds Hardison's board of Parker Things and is utterly fascinated. It's like he understands her better than she understands herself. He's super flustered when he finds her poring over the board and tries to make excuses, but Parker's quick to steamroll over that and demands if he knows what she is
Eliot finds them 15 mins later, stuck in an endless loop of confusion over which of them actually knows what Parker is
he just rolls his eyes, says she's half-fey, it's obvious, like, "what? it's a very distinctive smell!"
which leads to how the hell would he know what the fey are and Eliot's like, oh crap, right, they still don't know I'm a werewolf whoops
Hardison and Parker stage a coming-out for her to Nate and Sophie
(Eliot refuses to be involved but still gets roped into carrying the banner. He's still finding glitter in his hair weeks later)
Sophie is thrilled about the reveal and confesses to being a siren (or some other supernatural/magical creature that can manipulate people, idk i have less thoughts about her than i do about parker)
Nate is all like are you kidding me right now what the hell is my life
after a lot of badgering, he confesses he didn't know about Parker, although he has been ... aware of magical beings for some time
no he will not be discussing this any further, can we just get back to the con now??
Parker finds that, now she's aware of her fey-ness, her magical abilities develop further
she doesn't quite gain the ability to fly but ... yeah okay, she can pretty much fly
she wants to test how far this flying ability goes - by, of course, jumping off tall buildings with Hardison in her arms (and no harness for either of them)
Hardison flat out refuses this, so Eliot somehow finds himself the unwilling victim
of course, Parker masters flying while carrying people in no time and proves it to Hardison by just grabbing him and jumping off a building one day
(he's still in therapy for it)
Parker also discovers she can make herself kind of ... misty
this skill is harder to learn but she's already been able to make her hand go misty and whoosh inside a lock
picking the lock is harder in this incorporeal state but Parker's instincts say there's a way to do this, so she keeps practising until she can pretty much disintegrate herself and float through locked doors to rematerialise on the other side
it's a nightmare for the whole team because, sure, it's not like locked doors stopped her in the past. But now she's so excited about it all the time that any concept of privacy completely leaves her brain and she jumps in and out of rooms and safes etc any time of day or night
Wow. This ended up longer than expected! Guess I did have some ideas about fey!Parker after all..
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battleslippers · 5 months
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most insane thing I’ve done as of recent!
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literally just ocs atp but we chill. the aforementioned texts (you know the ones) are 100% ooc but it’s okay because it was funny @mister-mickey
Dallas cuts his hair for lore reasons and it looks like SHITTT at first
obviously derived from tolkien elves but they’re also kind of glorified plants. We also locked up Dallas’ magic to burn him from the inside out because honestly who DOESNT wanna see that (severely shortened lifespan)
Will be making full body designs unfortunately + maybe some of the other gang
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socksandbuttons · 2 years
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*You suddenly find yourself reaching into you’re bag for some beans. Pokebeans.
YEAH THATS RIGHT WE NOW HAVE MINIOR LUNAR!! @ohlookanothercartoontofallinto bestie sent me an image of minior to base lunar on and I went ‘yes.... YESSS!!!!!!!’ There’s... more of the boys but we’ll get back to that later. I love pokemon sun and moon, and now i have new blorbos... Sun and Moon and Lunar- Oh course it’d happen. Enjoy!
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
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You may regret this @phoenixcatch7 lol, what if I start spamming you /j
Less cryptid Batman in this particular WIP since it's semi-outsider pov lol (one of two outside person not unnerved by them lol)
   Clark knew Batman wasn’t human, even before that disaster of a mission where he had let it slip to the others. 
   He’d known for a long time, from one of their early meetups, when Batman had first referred to him as Clark Kent instead of Kal-El, and he had panicked. He hadn’t ever lied to his teammates when he said that the cloak prevented him from seeing his body, but his ears still worked. 
   He’d tried to listen to a heartbeat, to see if his at the time temporary ally was lying when he stated he wasn’t going to tell anyone and… Nothing. There was no heartbeat, no breathing, nothing even remotely human, and if he didn’t know any better, nothing even remotely alive about the silence. 
   He couldn’t help but to pay attention more, to seek out the strange almost silence-feeling that accompanied the Gotham vigilante each time he felt it. It was… almost comforting, like the swaying of branches and the rustling of cloth over stone. Familiar, compared to the hustle and bustle surrounding him in the city. 
   The first thing he had noticed, physically that is, was Batman’s ears. Previously he’d thought the man unemotional, what with the rough voice, expressionless white eyes, cloak-covered body and the gas mask covering a good chunk of his face. 
   Yet the longer he watched, even idly, the more he noticed that while the man’s face or body didn’t show much, his ears did. 
   While Batman could stay silent and still for hours, the long ears twitched and swiveled, catching on the hood that he’d always wear around them. They’d pin back sometimes, a near silent sound he couldn’t quite place accompanying the movement, while other times they’d twist a near full three-sixty, as though searching for whatever sound it had caught. 
   Sometimes, when he’d startled the other vigilante, there’d be rattling noise, like wood and metal clacking together before it was cut off. It was a strange sound, one he’d not heard anywhere else, except with his… friend. 
   Were they friends? He’d like to think so. 
   The next time he was reminded that his friend wasn’t human was when he saw him get injured. It hadn’t been a bad injury, even if the Gothamite’s head had hit the wall with a very loud cracking noise, but he’d still smelled what he’d eventually come to recognize as blood. There was an almost pickle-like scent to it though that wasn’t quite it either. 
   Honestly the closest he could think of describing it was some sort of formaldehyde. And once he focused, he could pick out other things beneath it. Maybe not flesh and blood in the traditional sense, but still. 
   There was always that scent of cloth and wood, but he could smell the black liquid, paint, a metallic thing underneath like iron and steel. No heartbeat, no breath, but life all the same. It was honestly beautiful in a way, like a part of the city the other vigilante called home had come to life. 
   And it wasn’t like Batman minded whenever his own human mask slipped. Clark may have been raised by his Ma and Pa, whom he loved, but it didn’t make his body any more human in nature. There were just some things that he couldn’t change, and it took effort to move like one all day as a civilian when his body wasn’t designed to do so.
   So he stayed quiet for the most part when their group of three grew, and people started to speculate. He diverted the conversations whenever it turned to him, lightly admonishing over the various rumors. 
   It didn’t matter if Batman wasn’t human, he was still his friend, their ally and teammate. Was he curious? Oh of course, he’d gone into journalism for a reason after all, but it was still his friend. If he wanted to tell, he’d tell, and Clark wouldn’t break his trust. 
#possessed doll au#possessed puppet au#This is pretty much the start of the doll reveal I did art for from Clark's and Diana's pov lol#batman au#cryptid batman#clark kent#superman#writing wip#Bruce when Clark first bends an arm in a way a human can't: I shall take note of this to see if I can do this later#Clark: Wow I have a friend who doesn't mind me doing weird things yay!#I like to think that the dolls start getting black veins through the wood like a mimicry of human arteries the longer they're in use#It's a symbiotic relationship that starts semi parasitic but turns mutually beneficial as the bond grows stronger#Diana who is made of clay probably also has a bit of a reveal to her teammates at some point I just realized#Maybe add my kintsugi headcanon for amazons in this oneshot lol#Might post the finished oneshot in AO3 if you'd be fine with it#Absolutely love this AU so much <3<3<3#Bruce is unaware of how expressive his ears are when he doesn't have them tucked down to not hit them on ceilings lol#Clark isn't aware that half the time Bruce is not listening for sounds but listening to comms and for vibrations#Pfft oh I can't wait for Constantine or another magic user meets the batclan for the first time#Just chanting “what the fuck” over and over because *wtf is up with that*#It's like a wooden homunculus thing mixed with a sacrifice and willing possession and so much that *Should Not* be a single creature#How many tags until Tumblr has the munchies and eats them#random thing but wasn't there one series of games or comics or whatever where the batfam had a robotic dog or two#I am *just saying*-#Clark: He don't bite#Batman hunched over like some sort of predator about to pounce with spikes out and rattling/clattering angrily:#Goons & Future JL members: YES HE DO#batman#bruce wayne#dc
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edwinas · 3 months
Post-canon Lemon [part II/?]
a continuation of this post
Dedicated to @books-are-my-life-stuff and inspired by your gifset!
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After high school, Mash goes to patisserie school, Lemon goes to uni for a degree in care of magical creatures, Dot & Finn & Lance become divine visionary apprentices and are on the fast track to join the bureau of magic.
Lemon is admitted into a world-renowned university with top notch research, facilities and faculty.
To stay in touch, the gang tries to meet up weekly to do fun activities (aquarium, farmer's marker, game arcade etc), the way they did back at Easton Academy.
Lemon misses many of them because she's on overseas trips to study rare creatures. So the gang tries to tag along as often as they can <33
Lemon is still Mash's self-proclaimed wife but she has mellowed down a lot, no longer pouring all her energy and time into loving Mash, instead focusing more on herself and excelling at her studies.
Lemon knows she got this far thanks to the help and support of others: Headmaster Wahlberg, Easton teachers, her friends especially Mash. She never forgot her roots and is always volunteering at Easton as a mentor and teaching assistant. She's super popular with students and even has a fanclub!
She's such a good teacher that in her final year of uni, Wahlberg offers her a teaching position at Easton. Lemon declines, wanting to gain experience on the field first and help difficult creatures.
Mash and Lemon develop and easy friendship. underneath all the crazy, she's a sweet thoughtful girl with high emotional intelligence, often the first to pick up when something's up.
Mash often tests out new recipes and designs with her and Lemon provides honest feedback on what works and what doesn't.
They often share comfortable silences, Lemon absorbed in her studies and sneaking glances at Mash baking. Mash catches himself looking back, flustering Lemon which makes her punch him.
Mash has never had an affinity with written exams (as seen in ep 24) but is better at prepping for them now yet Lemon sees how stressed he really was. Being a patissier has been his dream forever so the stakes are high.
Lemon takes him to see the animals at her university to relax, a bit like how students have play sessions with puppies. Except Mash sees some disturbing creatures but pretends to be fine.
Mash falls asleep mid-way through an explanation on owls' diet, resting his head on Lemon's shoulder. She quietly takes out her sketchbook to draw him. Lemon's a great artist and has drawn many Mash(es?) in high school, including the ones on Mash merchandise (that Mash and Finn found disturbing in the epilogue). But there were also drawings she hasn't shown anyone, that are soft and vulnerable, that show unbridled longing and love.
Lemon assumed Mash fell asleep because he was tired and bored but he actually found her voice soothing and comforting, like home. no one has had that effect on him.
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artistic-moth-man · 1 year
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I love that we basically swapped ema and cleos personalities lol
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Also best boy who deserves everything
@stormcloudquill is co creator
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asheepdraws · 2 days
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sometimes you must simply commit the ultimate indulgence: drawing you and your friends' ttrpg characters (+a canon one) in the universe of your favorite childhood show 💖🧚
leftmost- Felyn (mine)
center top- Eleni ( @spookytsukki )
rightmost- Motiva ( @doppleghosts )
center bottom- Rowan from magic:the gathering
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numericalbridge · 6 days
Something that could be fun to explore in fanworks: would it be possible to modify the grimwalker creation by introducing new elements?
For example, adding magic by introducing basilisk parts, so the grimwalker ends up with the magic that kinda works like Rogue from x-men where they would need to drain others' magic.
Or straight up sacrificing the ortet's palisman to power up their grimwalker's magic.
(should have specified - this is about grimwalkers in general, not just Caleb's grimwalkers)
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