#just a different level of tolerance for how much bad is too bad i guess
uchihaharlot · 2 months
Hello there, i really love your headcanons tbh maybe the realest ones here
Since I'm here its obvious im in Uchiha hell so,
Could I politely ask for uchihas turn ons and turn offs? I swear to god when i think about them horny it brings a tear to my eye from blissfulness
The realest ones? Nonny, you honor me to the highest degree and I am forever grateful you feel this way. ❤️🥹
I think a better question would be what doesn’t turn these men off (I also think I answered this differently than you might have wanted, I hope not though). 😮‍💨😌 Though none of these men are shallow individuals, so rest assured, anyone would be their type.
Semi-NSFW; just some things that make an Uchiha melt inside
All natural women. I’m gonna be honest here; in Madara’s time, the more rounded a woman. The better (for breeding). But in all honesty, he appreciates all shapes and sizes.
His turn off is weakness, she needs to be confident. Which sounds callous, but if she’s not at minimum as much a firecracker as he is. The chemistry is off. Madara needs someone who is going to keep him on his feet with excitement, not someone who will make him second guess their intentions. The more outgoing and confident. The better.
If Madara’s laying her in his bed, she’s going to have to be a very patient woman. This man can go for hours, and a woman who can appreciate his stamina without complaint is high on his priority list, possibly good for breeding. Madara needs to fuck her this way, ok? A test drive so to speak. It’s just how he does it, raw and unadulterated lust. He also won’t tolerate a quickie like some men.
Its no secret that Obi, bless his soul, is the black sheep Uchiha. The quiet ones are easier for him to talk to, not because they’re touch starved or anything. But because they are legitimately sweet and soulful. A woman who is confident won’t really make him feel nervous. But what he really wants is to kinda be taken care of, tenderly.
He definitely doesn’t like loud noises or sudden changes, so the more ground and constant, the better. So a woman who has a temper, is not for him. He might get riled with a little spice, but Obito definitely doesn't and won't be a push over, even he has his limits. Obito thrives in a static environment where he can make mistakes without being treated like a child, even better if she babies him a little. I'm sure there is a mommy kink somewhere to explore.
And in bed, he’s a total mess for her, does whatever she wants. If she wants to be treated like a pillow princess and owned, he'll be man enough for it. If she wants to make him beg underneath her, that too.
Shisui 🥹🔥 he’s so fiery!! Definitely is turned on by a woman who is into self care. Bonus points if she agrees to partner stretch with him, it's so hot being able to feel her this way and not sexually...yet. Someone who eats well, the occasional bad food here or there isn’t a problem, but damn if she’s into good diet and exercise, sign him up and don't forget, sparring is like foreplay for him. So, if she ends up pinning him down (like he planned all along), he’s gonna be so desperate for her. And she has to be loyal; to him, to the village and morality.
As for in bed? Their chemistry is so far off the charts, neither one can keep from switching positions. I really think Shisui is one of those men, like most Uchiha but on a different level even to his family, that can go for hours. Just because he can and because he likes to see her all fucked out, it's different from her usual mouthy self, which reminds me. She needs to be just as spunky and spontaneous as he, maybe not on the same level, but a woman who is down for whatever is the best kind of medicine. Especially for a man with the whole village on his shoulders.
I love him, he's such an old soul. They say opposites an attract and while I think he would like someone like himself, I also feel like someone who could keep him on his toes a little. If she's a scholar, this is perfect. Itachi would really enjoy someone who he can discuss world politics with. Not too in-depth, but casually. That level of self awareness the sharingan gifts them with can often leave many Uchiha feeling mismatched, but someone who has wits to his is a godsend.
As for in the sheets, Itachi is someone who is very reserved when it comes to matters of the flesh. Trust and sex go hand in hand, he's not like Shisui who can stick it anywhere, pretty quickly too, (he once told Itachi he used a spaghetti squash as a fleshlight). Trust is earned, gained and has to be absolute. Once this is accomplished, he's so damn tender. The softest moaner, but he does it right in your ear. Hearing and seeing you enjoy sex with him is what ends up getting him going harder. Even better if you speak your desires as he rearranges your insides. As time goes on, you learn what a closeted freak he really is and end up in the false atmosphere of his Tsukuyomi.
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stellar-mop · 8 months
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley has me thinking about gender and gender roles a lot. I know other people have done more in-depth analysis of this, but I'm just gonna throw my thoughts out into the void of tumblr (the void is welcome to yell back, just be nice please)
I think one of the things that makes these characters fascinating especially for me as a vaguely-agender nonbinary person is like the places I can see where their gender is impacting their interactions and choices. Like changing the gender of the characters would fundamentally change their story and personality (love y'all's genderswap AUs tho, this is not an objection).
Something I'm not sure how to articulate super well is how the game interacts with like neurodivergence gender stereotypes. On the surface level they line up with the "women are emotional and men aren't allowed to show feelings" set of gender stereotypes. But I think there's another layer if you look at it through the lens of how societal pressures around mental illness and gender intersect especially in like school-aged kids/teens. Like Andrew being the "easy child" and Ashley being... Ashley. In not-particularly-nuanced terms: "boy" neurodivergence shows as acting out and being a problem child (which Ashley does), and "girl" neurodivergence gets hidden via masking and passivity (which Andrew does). I think it's neat that this is contrary to societal expectations - like this would be a very different story if Andrew was a pushy chaotic mess and Ashley was apathetic but seething under the surface. Because gender! What's even up with that?
Less sfw thoughts under the cut, including some coffincest stuff. Warnings for unhealthy relationships and attitudes towards sex:
The way Ashley and the mom talk about sex is fascinating. I've read some really good analyses on here about Ashley thinking about sex as transactional and I think she gets that from her mom. In that one scene ("you fuck her") the mom asks Andrew something like "what does she give you to make it worth it?" Like, the only reason she can think of for why Andrew wants to spend time with Ashley is sex. That says a lot about the mom as a person (also wow she really does see zero value in Ashley as a person wtf), and probably the way Ashley was raised to think about sex. And that's a very gendered (like cishet women specifically) view of sex. Like sex in a relationship as something to be tolerated, and for Ashley "another way to keep him around".
But I'm also wondering about the flip side of that, like is the mom only tolerating the dad for sex? Because I don't really get the impression that she likes him very much, but they textually have a very active sex life. If so, this is also sort of counter to societal gender roles/expectations. I really don't like the parents but they're such fascinating characters too.
I guess my point with all this is like we got distracted by the cannibalism and murder and incest and demon summoning, but there's some really neat and subtle stuff about gender in here that I want to talk about too! It's just so well written there's so much depth
*slaps roof of game* this bad boy can fit so much dysfunction!
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goldsainz · 2 years
a/n: this was going to be longer, but i just couldn’t get myself to do such a long piece. honestly, there’s not a lot of harry mentioning, but it’s still a fun piece, i’m just giving you crumbs. this isn’t the peak of my writing, especially since this is my first time doing second person POV, tumblr is making me try things id never thought i’d do!!
word count: 3,4k
Y/N Y/LN Keeps A Straight Face While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones 
The interview begins with you sat across Sean Evans, the line up of sauces making your heart beat a little faster, not sure how much spice you were actually able to bear.
“Hey everybody! Today we are joined by Y/N Y/L/N, who you may recognise from too many movies and shows to name! She is an Oscar nominated actress, Emmy Award Winner, and an overall talented person. Her most recent project, Don’t Worry Darling which comes out this September 23rd, is coming in no time, so don’t forget to buy your tickets.” Sean introduces you, a stifled laugh leaving your lips. “Y/N welcome to the show!”
“Thank you very much! I’m quite nervous right now, my manager said this could get spicy really quick, but I’m not sure what she meant by that.” You grinned, that signature, award winning smile plastered on your face.
“That depends on how good you are with spicy food, do you have a high tolerance?”
“I think so? It’s not something that scares me while ordering food, but I’m not actively seeking it. But seeing all of these hot sauces is making me sweat just a tad bit much right now.”
“I’ve actually watched a couple of the Hot Ones interviews.” You confess, making Sean look impressed that you watched that sort of content.
“Now I have to know more, this is one of the best compliments I’ll get in a lifetime.” He then mutters something you didn’t quite get, but it seemed like a praise towards you.
“Well yeah, I sometimes scroll through Youtube, see it pop up, and someone I like is on the cover and I just click it. I used to go ‘Wow, thank god my manager would never make me go on that, don’t think my spice tolerance is that good’, but now I’m here so it seems like the tables have turned for me!” 
“I guess I don’t have to tell you how this works, or which sauces go first then.”
“I’ve taken some work off your hands!” You say with a laugh. 
“Let’s take a bite then, shall we?” Sean asks, while you nod your head and grab the first wing.
You take a bite, realising it wasn’t all that bad. In fact, it wasn’t bad at all, there was a hint of spice but nothing you couldn’t handle.
“Okay so how are we feeling with wing number one?”
“Pretty good, my confidence level is on a solid 8 for now.” You just knew you would take your words back a couple of wings later, but maybe if you lied to yourself a little it wouldn’t be that hard.
“You said in an interview a while back that you enjoyed cooking, especially spicy food because it was funny seeing how some people crumbled when eating certain dishes. Who would you say had the funniest reaction?” 
“I once cooked for Taylor Swift, she’s a good friend of mine who I’ve learnt doesn’t take spice as well as she says she does.” You admit, and if anyone wasn’t watching the interview and just hearing it, they’d almost be able to hear your smile. “I made a dish, I might’ve messed up the amount of chillies I put on it, and I didn’t realise it was that bad until she had tears in her eyes, I felt horrible about it!”
“Did she tell you it was too spicy?”
“She was trying to be nice about it, she was full on coughing, and her words were of comfort because she didn’t want me to feel bad!” Everyone in the room lets out a laugh at your words, nobody was really surprised to know that Taylor was just that sweet.
“Would you say Taylor is one of your closest friends in the industry?” It was a tough question, because being a close friend was such a different question for someone like you, someone who did what you did.
“She’s been through a lot with me, I’ve been through a lot with her. Sometimes we don’t talk as often as we would like, but when we do it’s like we had talked everyday.” 
“You met all the way back in 2014, right?” 
“At the Met Gala, it was my first one, it wasn’t hers though. We sat at the same table, we talked all throughout it, and the rest is history.”
The second wing had proven to still be bearable. You weren’t quite sure when you would get hit with all the heat, but you were enjoying your time so far.
“Don’t Worry Darling was a process that took a while to make because of Covid. In fact, filming had to stop because a crew member tested positive, making you have to go through a quarantining process. What was it like filming with such heavy health regulations?” 
“It was hard, nothing was really like it used to be. Filming was still fun, but there were many things I hadn’t actually taken notice of until Covid started.” Your brows furrowed, a crease on your forehead present. “Kissing scenes were different, probably the ones we had to be the most precise while filming. They had us take a disinfectant mouthwash, which was very minty, at least it ensured your partner wouldn’t have bad breath!” You joked, lightening the mood of a heavy question.
“Was there a limit for the amount of times you could film such scenes?”
“For sure, we tried to make them work each time, there really wasn’t a lot of goofing around because it was a health risk just to film them. You couldn’t just improvise a kiss, you would have to consult with your partner if they were comfortable with the possibility of you doing that. Harry was always very respectful of boundaries, he never tried to do anything that crossed a line or could just be awkward in general.”
“Would you say that there had to be a lot of trust involved, more than the usual amount?” 
“Of course! Before Covid if you didn’t really like your partner you’d just film the scenes, talk with your intimacy coordinator about what crossed a boundary, what didn’t, and then you would just go on with your day. Now, you need to build a certain trust, like the one you’d have with a friend just to make the experience of filming a good one, and not have to shoot a million times because you can’t get the right look of love, or whatever you’re supposed to convey.” 
“That seems like a very exhausting process.” Sean says, and you just nod at his words, knowing that it was exhausting but also made you get to know the love of your life a lot sooner in the process. 
“I’m eyeing the third wing very hard right now, I didn’t eat a lot today so this is kind of my lunch.” 
“Let’s dig in then!” And that you do.
“Oh! This one hits you instantly, I wasn't really expecting it.” He laughs at your comment, but mostly at the straight face you had while eating your wing.
“It just keeps on hitting from now on!” You just throw your head back with a laugh, a groan slipping from your lips.
“I’m gonna ask you a question, is that okay?” Many interviewers didn’t take it very well when you asked them questions, they felt as though you were taking up their job. So you had learnt it was better to ask and be turned down, than asking right away and having someone be mad backstage.
“Go for it!”
“If at some point I drink some milk, is that a sign of me starting to give up?” 
“No, definitely not. Most people drink milk to cleanse their palate, we are not gonna shame you on how well you are doing based on if you drink something or not.”
“Alright, I’m not gonna drink anything yet, but good to know.”
“If you don’t drink anything, then I won’t either.” He decided, making you laugh in response, you probably hadn’t laughed so much in an interview in a very long time.
“You are a very private person, do you find it difficult to manage your public life, your work life, from the private one?”
“I’ve gotten better over the years, when I didn’t have the exposure I had now, I didn’t worry about paparazzi catching moments I wanted to keep for myself.”
“Are relationships the hardest part?” There it was, the relationship question, at least it wasn’t a speculation over who it was. That much was appreciated.
“Maybe? If your partner is famous then it probably is, you don’t only have to balance the image you give for yourself but theirs too. If they’re not famous, then people will start spreading rumours over who they are, what they are doing with someone famous, it can become overwhelming very quickly.”
“But you don’t hide your relationships like some do, you just keep them private, is that correct?”
“Yeah, being someone’s secret isn’t nice. I keep the first months private just because you’re still getting to know each other, and having those moments ruined by the public is not what I want.” 
“I’m sure that what you do want is this fourth wing!” You were grateful for Sean’s ability to make his guests comfortable, to make the awkwardness not so overbearing. 
“I sure do, Sean!”
You both take a bite, the flavours are good and you remain with a straight face, even when the heat does creep up.
“I’m loving the composure you’re maintaining.” You giggle at his words, making him laugh along with you.
“I’ve done years of acting, some things I’ve taken with me.”
“Are your eyes glossy?” Sean asks, his voice holding a shocked tone.
“What? No!” You respond, your hand over your mouth as you still had food in it.
“Just wondering if the heat is catching up to you, that’s all.”
“I promise, the fifth wing has not gotten to me.” 
“You are known to never take things personally, even when asked rude questions you are never rude in return. Does it get tiring to maintain your composure at times?”
“There definitely have been times in which I want to snap at someone, mainly because they’re being rude, but I feel that if you don’t give them the attention they seek they won’t continue their behavior. I mean, most of them catch the hint, some of them are persistent though.”
“That’s a very interesting thought process, is there someone who taught you to do that?”
“Nope! That’s just been me learning over the years, the industry will make you learn things you never thought you’d need to know.” You say with a sigh, looking at the backstage of the set, not at anyone in particular.
“Talking of the industry, what has been the best piece of advice a celebrity has given you?”
“Do not search your name on social media unless your manager says so.” You confess, the tightness in your voice evident.
“Wow, that’s powerful, can you tell us why?” 
“Because people are mean, and I know that they say with fame comes hate, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. I sometimes have the urge to go on twitter, see what people are saying about me at the moment, yet you never know what you might see.”
“I can understand that. I can definitely say I’ve looked up my own name, not much has come up as I’d imagine it would for someone with your influence.” Sean praises, your cheeks heating up at the compliment.
“You never know what to expect from the internet. After I did the reading thirst tweets interview, I for sure won’t look up my name.” An uncomfortable laugh is let out, and he just joins in.
You were just two wings away from finishing the interview. Your cheeks were definitely a redder than they were at the start, sweat was evident on the top of your brows, but you were still taking the challenge like a champ. Or as best as you could, the heat definitely wasn’t really helping with your perception of things.
“You said your confidence level was 8 at the start, what are you at now?”
“Maybe five, five’s good, I feel like sipping some milk but I can still do this.” You say with slight raspiness to your voice.
“You always say fashion is your passion, and with your collaborations over the years with different brands, what was your overall favourite outfit in ‘Don’t Worry Darling’?” 
“Tough question, there are many answers, but I’d have to say the fuchsia dress was one of my favourites. It was so beautiful I wanted to take it home with me, but I couldn’t!”
“They wouldn’t let Y/N Y/L/N take a dress?”
“No, they didn’t! Genuinely can’t be mad though, they take time to make, so I completely understand not wanting to ruin a piece someone could’ve spent weeks working on.”
“Did you ever take anything from the set at any point?”
“You’re trying to get me in trouble, aren’t you?” You tease him, which just makes him laugh while shaking his head, “I did take something, yes. Can’t really confess what, but there is one person who knows what it was, and it’s just because they were my partner in crime.”
“So that secret is going right to the grave of two people?”
“That it will!”
“You only have two wings left, so let’s make it one!”
“This sounds so rude, but I cannot wait for this to be over. I’m loving everything about this, but the spice? Fuck no.”
You grab your wing and make a cheering motion, and just take a bite out of it. Maybe you should’ve gone a bit softer on the bite, because the heat kicks you instantly. It feels like a volcano eruption, which makes you feel uneasy about how the last wing will truly be.
“It’s kicking in, isn’t it?” Sean asks 
“It is! I don’t know why you’re eating this so willingly, you do this every other day, mate! You don’t have to prove anything to me, I promise.” 
“I know I don’t, this is just my job at this point, eating hot wings for a living!”
“You could not pay me enough to do that. Mad respect, truly, if anyone needs a pat in the back, it’s you!” Your voice is nasally, and you’re sure you have a somewhat runny nose by now.
“You seem like a very sweet person, being respectful to those around you is something not all celebrities engage in. Is that something that can become hard to leave behind when filming scenes for characters which aren’t nice at all?”
“It can get hard sometimes. I don’t particularly engage with the whole ‘Method Acting’ thing many people seem to do, I find it to be unnecessary, and it doesn’t look like a fun experience.” You were trying your hardest to not start any drama with your words, but you could just see the headlines twisting your words.
“So you’d say that filming should be fun?”
“Maybe not so much the filming, but the portraying a character. I’ve seen it firsthand when an actor loses who they are because they went too far with the creative process of being a character. We’re all free to do what we please, but if it harms you or others? I draw the line there.” 
“Has there ever been a moment where being a character took a toll on you?”
“There have been quite a few, it’s not the nicest experience to be honest. I couldn’t go to work because I just couldn’t bear being called my character’s name. I obviously got over it fairly quickly because there’s not much time for tears when you’re more than halfway into a project.” You gulp, your eyes become glossy all of a sudden, evidently not because of any wing. “This got very emotional quickly, don’t know how that happened.”
This time when you looked backstage, there was a certain someone with his thumbs up looking right at you. A small smile, a fond one, formed right on your lips. 
“It’s okay, heavy questions have heavy answers.”
“Something that’s looking quite heavy is this last wing.” Sean laughs at your comment, making the small smile overtake your face in a split second.
“Now you don’t have to do this, but I sometimes add more sauce on the last wing to end it with a bang. Are you willing to join in?”
“I’m gonna regret saying yes, but why not, can’t let you do it alone now.”
The moment you say that he opens the bottle in front of him, and pours some sauce on it. You eye your bottle skeptically, the overwhelming smell of it hitting your nostrils in a split second. You don’t drench your wing like he does, just place a drop of it.
You are more cautious with your bite this time, you don't jump in for such a big bite. You're sure it looks like a bird is biting the wing, but you're not about to risk your tongue being burnt off. 
Your face is still stoic, and honestly, youre just doing it so your pride is not as hurt when your friends and family watch the interview. You’re sure Harry will be the first one to tease you about something, yet you can’t wait to hear everything he says, especially since he’s getting every single bit of it.
“Your face is not saying much, so how are you?” You can only respond with a cough, which makes Sean laugh.
“Not good over here! I think I’m gonna have to cave in, and drink some milk.” You’re not quite sure why your voice is so hoarse, but it’s a little funny to hear.
“Go for it!”
You gulp the glass of coconut milk, grateful that it’s not cow milk. You never liked the taste of cow milk by itself.
“Fuck’s sake, that’s lovely, best feeling ever!” You breathe out through a quiet laugh, the slightest drops of milk dripping down your face. Someone off-camera gives you a couple of tissues, and you thank them.
“Everything better now?”
“I’m not sure!”
“The good thing is this is over!”
“No more wings?” 
“No more wings.”
“I genuinely can’t believe I made it through this, especially after the 8th wing.” You say with a shudder, remembering how it burnt 
“We are finally done!” Sean says, making you know that there’s practically only the credits left.
“Woo!” You cheer, pumping your fists in their air.
“Y/N Y/L/N you’ve conquered this challenge! Anything left you have to say?”
“But your tickets for ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ because it’s a great movie, and I’m so excited for all of you to see it!”
“That’s it for today, thank you for coming.”
“Thank you for having me.” You say, blowing some kisses to the cameras around you. 
The interview ends with a couple of claps, and one of the biggest smiles on your face as you try to hide your face to dissolve the attention from you.
Comments 31K
username1: she’s my fave celebrity, if anyone asks why, i’m sending them this video 
👍 76K
username2: she kept looking at someone behind the scenes, i have the biggest feeling it’s harry
👍 24K
username3: SAME
username2: especially since they’ve both been spotted a lot together recently…
username4: props to her for being able to conceal her emotions so well, i could never tbh 
👍 19K
username5: the way sean didn’t even have to introduce her as much because she’s such a big household name
👍 59K
username6: Her outfit looks so good, Rebecca is definitely one of the best stylist’s she’s ever had 
👍 16K
username7: literally so true 
username8: top 3 hot ones interviews for sure
👍 9K
username9: whoever she was looking at, is lucky fr, she looked at them like they were holding the entire world in their hands
👍 12K
username10: her and taylor’s friendship is everything to me rn
👍 5K
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drdemonprince · 8 days
autistic anon here again, thanks for fielding my question, you're a real one for not all toxic positivity on it. i guess i should've formulated things better, because i didn't mean to imply being completely wrapped up in decision paralysis to the point of doing nothing. that's a mental hurdle i've cleared a long time ago, so shit gets done. i have a few emails sitting in my inbox of fundraisers i helped with that closed out, and it;s making me emotional just thinking about it.
there's a weird disconnect between knowing that you're just one person (and that's something i actually like, i'm no-one special, that's a very freeing thought), and fully feeling it. because somewhere there's always a nagging worry i could do more. as true as it is, reminding yourself you're doing what you can feels like a convenient self-soothing lie when you're in the pit of a bad night. probably the calvinist whispering poisons in your ear. (being afraid of falling in the trap of slacktivism or just reposting everything as a signal boost and patting myself on the back for a job well done, amongst them. which is BS, but knowing isn't believing.)
i mentioned the autistic part for a reason, because community is something i've never quite experienced and only understand in the abstract. like those fundraisers i helped with many, many other people, that's a community effort and i'm proud i could contribute my little bit. translating that to in-person efforts has been a big ??? though. it's not very parseable or approachable to me.
i hadn't quite grokked this as all being part of shame, i have your book sitting here and have read it a while, probably should reread it.
Hey, thanks for writing back! I hear from people of all levels of engagement, from having never done anything to like dedicated black bloc hard core mother fuckers so it's hard to gauge from a single message what someone's particular situation is.
It sounds like you are already doing a ton, choosing actions to take, following through on them, reflecting on the impact of your tactics, and then regrouping to do more and to try things differently where you can. Yet you still feel like shit sometimes and as if you're not doing enough. What to do about those feelings?
Well. Consider those feelings aren't a problem you have to fix. They're just a thing that will happen. Because of cultural conditioning and endless exposure to alarming messages and imagery online they're just gonna come up. Those feelings can just exist while you keep doing the damn thing.
You've already got your behavior on lock. You're doing what you can and not succumbing to choice paralysis. You're hopefully not burning yourself out. It doesn't sound like anything needs to change, maybe other than you not consuming too much online bullshit that's making you feel even more guilty needlessly.
You say: "there's a weird disconnect between knowing that you're just one person (and that's something i actually like, i'm no-one special, that's a very freeing thought), and fully feeling it."
Yeah, you might not ever fully feel it. As long as you keep acting like it's true, you're good imo.
i feel like the most evil selfish unlovable human being alive most days. it doesn't really matter that i do. it sucks, but that's just a fact of how my life has been. i can keep picking myself up and doing what i have decided is right for me to do anyway. i do what i can to avoid triggers that make that feeling worse, so that it doesn't become a barrier to action, but otherwise i just... keep on living, with terrible emotions and terrible thoughts. and i focus on my actions.
As for the community piece, I hear you, it's really fucking hard. I think it's very humbling work that is so worth doing though. Often it involves showing up to the work that a group is doing and living with the fact that you won't know what the fuck is going on and looking inept for a while. it's a necessary distress tolerance building exercise, getting more comfortable with just being there and rearranging the chairs and setting up the food and feeling like a dumbass who has nothing to contribute.
being able to sit with those feelings and keep showing up and not having an ego about it is enough to earn a lot of trust and foster deeper connections, I find. so many people fail to be able to even do that in most organizing/activist/volunteering spaces. I understand it feels mortifying but it is another one of those situations of getting over oneself in a way that's ultimately so freeing and beautiful. when you can accept that people want you around even if you never have anything to say and do nothing but bring paper cups and take out the trash. it's a real object lesson in how not being all that important can be a wonderful thing and make it possible for us to find love and acceptance.
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goddessofmischief · 1 year
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Summary: Kit Tanthalos is a Sith apprentice - and your biggest enemy.
Kit Tanthalos had been a thorn in your side since the day you were born.
She was a princess, and so were you. She was princess of Corellia - a planet of thieves, liars, and smugglers - and you were the princess of Naboo. You stood for kindness, hope, and purity.
You two had interacted throughout the years, at various royal functions, but never held much affection for each other. Still, Kit had always seemed protective of you. She was more likely to tease you than offer a compliment, sure, but she wouldn’t let anyone push you around.
One day, all of that changed.
Kit broke her parents’ hearts and overthrew them, turning to the Sith teachings and ruling Corellia with an iron fist. She was still only an apprentice, but it was hard to tell from the level of power she held. Her master was mostly unseen, leaving Kit as a largely unchallenged presence of evil in the galaxy.
You couldn’t have been more different. Your planet flourished under your rule, and you were beloved by every citizen. You knew that no matter what happened, you would protect them, and so did they.
There was only one issue, though. They wanted you to marry.
You had a couple reasonable suitors. A few Mandalorians, a prince or two. A Lady of some considerable wealth. They were all coming to see you, today. One of them, whichever the people chose, would be staying on this planet for as long as they lived.
You didn't like that it was up to the citizens to choose your spouse, but since you were an orphan, you had no parents to select one for you, and Naboo laws refused the option of allowing you to choose for yourself.
Still... how bad could any of them be? You’d carefully reviewed the list of people attending today, and none of them were indecent, or unkind, or cruel. They were good people, people you could trust. Even if you couldn’t love them, you could at least work together to bring your planet into prosperity.
This wasn’t about you. This was about the people.
Or so you tried to convince yourself, this sunny morning, as you rode through the woods on a white horse, lightsaber hanging off your belt-
Oh, yeah. That’s the other thing.
You were a Jedi.
You supposed that’s probably why Kit hates you. You were natural enemies. You hated her for her crimes, she despised you for your tolerance. It was probably why you were so reluctant to marry, too - falling in love was strictly against the Jedi code.
You hummed to yourself some old Naboo lullaby, your horse carefully stepping over a small creek and walking nimbly to the other side. You climbed off it, brushing off your dress and beginning to pick flowers.
Suddenly, you heard a sound behind you - crunching leaves under foot. You whirled around, face to face with-
Well, guess who.
“Hey,” said Kit, dismounting her own horse. You began to back away.
“Missed you, princess. Been awhile.”
“Yeah. Um... what’ve you been up to?”
She laughed.
“What have I been up to... um, ruling the galaxy. Yeah. That, pretty much.”
Without warning, you pulled out your lightsaber, holding it to her throat.
“Why are you here?”
“I’m not here to fight,” she said warningly, pulling out her own lightsaber and holding it to your throat. “Just wanna talk.”
“I don’t believe you.”
You rush forward, trying to land a blow. She deflected your attack, grabbing your wrist and flipping you onto the ground.
You moan in pain. Kit lowers her lightsaber, still pointing it at you. She offers you her other hand. Reluctantly, you let her help you up.
“I’ll see you later, princess, alright?”
Just like that, she was gone.
You could swear you’d seen everyone in the galaxy by now, or at least all the most boring ones.
Fortunately, none of the citizens had really seemed to care for them, either. You could tell they were reading your expressions, trying to gauge who you wanted them to choose.
No one. You didn't want them to choose any of them.
A few had made it on to the next round: Jade Claymore, another Jedi knight, Graydon Hastur, a prince, and Prince Airk, Kit’s exiled brother. You’d always liked Airk, but he never seemed to show an interest in you outside of how you looked.
In just a few minutes, you would be done. In just a few minutes, you could take this ridiculous dress off. In just a few minutes-
The doors burst open.
Of course, it was Kit. Of course it was.
She stood in an imposing set of black robes, lightsaber displayed prominently at her side, red jewels gleaming at her throat. Kit strode in confidently, glancing at the crowds sitting on either side, strutting confidently up to you.
Somewhere in the distance you heard Airk mutter, “oh, shit.”
Read Chapter Two here
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jeffthekillerzblog · 2 months
HII what’s your creepypasta au like =3?
What’s Jeff’s relationship to the other pastas does he get along?
I Know it’s a one sided anon that clockwork sees Jeff and brother figure so that’s very cool
Also is your Jeff evil or silly
hi tulip ily
OKAY so hehhehehe jeffs whole character in my au is super like....conflicting I guess he has tons of depth to him and one of the only creeps whose character I have fully fleshed out LOLL
a lot of the creeps mildly tolerate him, his closets and tbh prob only actual friends are nina and ben. ben and jeff were each others true actual friends. in my auu jeff wanders slender's forest after the incident occurs, and ben finds him roaming snd they hang out for the day. it's jeffs first interaction ever since he ran away and bens first interaction with anyone besides sally and toby. so ya they hit it off and are besties. nina and jeffs relationship was super rocky at the beginning, but after 2 years of their conflict rising and resolving their able to become better friends and later best friends. Nina and Jeff kinda just understand each other, both getting bullied for just being themselves and existing. both nina and ben understand jeff and how his brain works and like...idk out of everyone just know how he really just is a sad and miserable guy.. they understand how tough he's had it and are able to put up with his breakdowns or like ermm melt downs or whatever u know. the difference between ben and nina tho is that ben isn't afraid of jeff. he's seen him at his most vulnerable state that whenever jeff breaks down all ben can see us that sad 15 year old when he first met him, he just feels bad for Jeff and understands him n stuff. Nina isn't too afraid of him but she definitely knows Jeff's scary and he could possibly hurt her again.
with all the other creeps id say they tolerate him enough. People like clockwork, jane, toby, ej etc know he's an asshole and lowkey freaky LOL but they don't really see him the way nina and ben does, and only see him as his narcissistic asshole personality. ESPECIALLY Jane she hates him so bad. But for jeff's character arc I'm thinkin the other creeps will def come around and understand him on a better level.
ANDDD LASTLY jeff is kinda...idk id say in between evil and silly since he CAN be evil. He can be an asshole towards everyone and shut them all out for no reason, but he can also be silly and have fun with them and stuff. but honestly he's mostly just really...really sad... he's miserable he feels lonely even with ben and nina bc idk he just thinks about the life he could've had if none of this had ever happened. he feels terrible about everything and KNOWS he's an asshole, he knows people are scared of him and he pretends that he likes being scary, that he likes doing the stuff he does but really he just sees himself as a monster, and doesn't think he can be anything other than that. He's just given up tbh, wallowing in self pity.
JEFFS CHARACTER MAKES ME SOOO RUIGGHHBB I could literally ramble about him forever. I love him sooo so much guyss....sighh...
but YEAHH ty for the ask tulip WOOHOO :3
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mdhwrites · 6 months
I saw a post a while ago lambasting Amphibia for having its characters 'do the most horrendous shit imaginable' for the sake of comedic plots and get off far too easily for it. In their view, Amphibia took slapstick comedy way 'too far' sometimes. I thought this was quite hyperbolic; the protagonists made serious mistakes, but rarely anything I'd call unforgivable, especially since they'd almost always show a level of remorse. But it did make me think about the way immoral acts are portrayed in comedic shows, and how we, as viewers, can tolerate and forgive things we probably wouldn't in real life because of the way these acts are presented to us.
I mean, think about Hop-Pop using mind control on Anne, Sprig and Polly in Children of the Spore. If anything like that happened to you in real life, chances are you wouldn't react to someone violating your body and mind by shrugging your shoulders and going 'well, guess we pushed you pretty far.' You'd probably beat the shit out of HP and never talk to him again. But that episode is kinda self-aware about the awfulness of it all (which I love). Polly flat-out says the old frog crossed all kinds of ethical and moral lines XD
Going back to the whole 'too far' accusation, though, I'm pretty sure we're smart enough to understand the difference between a silly frog show and real-life crimes. I don't think there needs to be super realistic consequences to everything (as the post I mentioned was suggesting) when your focus is on writing a slice-of-life fantastical comedy. I guess the only real argument you could make is 'but it's teaching kids to forgive absolutely atrocious, unforgivable things!' And...maybe? But I'm pretty sure any kid with their head screwed on straight understands not to replicate or forgive immoral behaviour too easily.
I guess what I'm trying to ask is, do you think characters doing awful things for the sake of comedy or plot can go too far, in that they can unintentionally make characters far too heinous to sympathize with, or do you think complaints like those of the post I mentioned above are a result of taking something far too seriously? Is there even such a thing as 'too far' when it comes to slapstick comedy?
So let's talk about intent, tone and framing because these things REALLY matter to a story. It's actually part of the problem with fandoms wanting everything to be realistic, darker, etc. because they're really asking for one thing: For them to all be the same. To not be what they are because, you know, the fact that these are comedy cartoons for kids MATTERS.
But first let's actually shift gears AWAY from cartoons for a second to talk about things being genuinely irredeemable for comedy. MANY people are really against prank style reality tv because it preys so completely on human suffering. Because these people are doing terrible things to just normal people. I personally don't like the premise... But I like Impractical Jokers. That show frames it DEMONSTRABLY more about terrible things happening to these four friends, by these four friends, and usually the worst they do to others is leave them a little confused or a bit uncomfortable. One of the big elements to changing this is that all the challenges are effectively dares. Someone either commits to the bit or if it becomes too much, they dip out but they are ALLOWED to dip out, minus the final jokes which are always pretty much purely at the Joker's expense.
Are these four people bad people? No. But part of why we also know that is because it's television and they're doing it to entertain as part of being comedians. Bizarrely enough, a lot of modern cartoon fandoms seem to want to act like fiction IS reality. It's where you get people going "Oh, you're being so cruel to a 14 year old, nuerodivergent girl!" and me going "I'm being critical of a character in a narrative. Can you please stop telling me, an actual human being in the real world, to kill myself because of a fictional character?"
Because shock of all shocks, PEOPLE CAN TELL REALITY FROM FICTION! In fact, even kids can! The fucking video game industry had to go through this hell HARD to prove that killing people in a video game is not the same as having psychopathic tendencies in the real world. Do you know how many kids play CoD? And those kids are fine. At least most of them.
So with all of that preamble out of the way: When can a morality focused show fuck up?
It's actually incredibly rarely in the terrible things the characters do because the show USUALLY addresses these elements as part of the moral of the day.
For the example given of Hop Pop's mind control, it is shown as... Eerie to put it mildly. Even from go, Hop Pop only enjoys it so long as he doesn't have to interact with it. It is never framed as a positive besides a bit selfishness. However, Hop Pop is a good enough person to show genuine remorse and try to fix this. He puts in a lot of effort, is admonished as the lesson of the day is learned to not try to control people and to potentially compromise and then it MOVES. ON. Because they live in a fantasy world where anyone could die at any second. A day of none thoughts is not actually that big of a deal, especially since it wasn't done out of malice or even really on purpose. It's a part of the fun of the setting and of the fantasy genre as a whole that you can just do these weird concepts like this and move on because magic happens sometimes. You might grumble for a day or two but hey, at least it was your neighbor and not the king, am I right!? Hail King Andrias.
A big part of this though, and why so many morality driven shows can have characters do terrible things without imparting the wrong lessons, is because it's addressed. Pretty much explicitly. It is framed as wrong, addressed as wrong and then fixed because it was WRONG. Even if it gives momentary gain, that gain is almost always also included in being wrong.
It's actually a formula that Amphibia purposefully breaks for an episode, carrying it over from directly the one before, because there genuinely was one crime committed that hadn't been addressed and by the time it was, that sin had grown to a point where it was too reasonable to have a character still be mad to ignore it: The music box. Hop Pop hiding it is actually an AWFUL thing to do because it dooms Anne, it means her parents will never get closure, dooms the rest of Anne's friends, etc. etc. Hop Pop has to be okay with Anne never quite being fully happy because of always wanting to go home while also living with this false hope that he implanted into her. A trust he has not earned because of the lie.
So even after they theoretically have their morality episode about the box, Amphibia takes this time for such a PERSONAL attack on Anne to stick with her for another episode during The First Temple. It actually acknowledges that you don't get over everything immediately. That sometimes you need space. I don't even like that episode but the break in formula is actually meant to make the message more powerful, and does so successfully, especially because the crime was different. It wasn't of indifference or something quickly fixed. It was of long term AGONY and a complete breach in trust that would make one question what relationship they can have with another person. There's pretty much zero other crimes in the show like that besides Sasha/Marcy's betrayals, which aren't treated as easy fixes, and Andrias' betrayal is the heel turn that makes him the primary antagonist. These crimes, these personal, genuinely awful things to do to other people that could be replicated, unlike so much of the fantasy violence, are usually seen as something you do have to work on. It's a great, nuanced take on being a morality one off show while also being able to elevate some issues to being dealt with more seriously and consistently.
Also, quick note from someone on my Discord: They NEED to do bad things in order to teach! They are meant to be the bad example so when their actions lead to things going wrong, you understand not to copy that behavior. This is honestly storytelling 101 for most... Plots. Not just morals but plots. If the characters do NOTHING, nothing happens and nothing will be learned.
You want a show that will teach kids bad lessons and then reinforce there are no consequences for those? WELCOME TO THE OWL HOUSE! Specifically: The show that tells you to lie and keep secrets because your fear justifies keeping them!
I know that sounds shitty but like... Luz is the main character. For half of the show, she is portrayed as the second most moral character in the show behind Willow. She admonishes stealing, cheating, etc. as her contrast with Eda. Then after Yesterday's Lie... She literally can't stop lying and never faces consequences for it.
The closest actually comes in Falls and Follies where Amity at least forces a promise out of Luz to be more open with her. This actually though doesn't fix the problem, it just makes it WAY WORSE because one of the main targets of these lies, that kids can easily replicate, especially because Luz is almost always lying about things that might upset others which is the most common thing kids will lie about, is Amity. So now we have both lying and breaking promises. You know, two of the most basic morals any kids show should impart on the audience!
In Reaching Out though, Amity gets a little mad but then it's excused because of her dad! In Thanks to Them, no one gives a shit that Luz has been keeping secrets and lying for months. Camila makes sure Luz DOESN'T tell her friends the truth either about her plans. You know, Luz's MOM who should want her daughter to be an honest person. The show then constantly keeps cutting Luz off from telling anyone anything because it literally can't without revealing how bullshit what she's doing is until by the end of the show... Luz hasn't been punished in any way and the lies just... Drift away.
Completely unaddressed.
This causes a problem because while the lies theoretically hurt Luz... They hurt less than losing her friends. Hurt less than disappointing a parent. Hurt less than making her look bad. And this is the main character. The one kids are supposed to connect with the most. The one who usually most explicitly defines the morality of a show. And she is never punished or stopped from all. Of. Her. Lies.
(As a note: This is also how you get a lot of guys taking the wrong lessons from anime perverts. Sure, this guy gets smacked but he never loses his friends. Never faces real consequences. In return... He gets way more ass than the main character does, doesn't he? *gags violently*)
THAT is how you impart bad morals. It's not surprising to me that the fandom for TOH hides behind excuses so much for their show because their literal main character was justified, in fiction, to have all of the terrible things she did, all the choices she didn't have to make or the people she discarded, because she ALWAYS had an excuse. And so long as you have an excuse, by what TOH says, you can get away with fucking anything.
And mind you, that last part is NOT Luz specific. Have a bad uncle? Don't worry Hunter, the fact that you literally hunt, oppress and potentially kill wild witches can be entirely forgotten and ignored. Have a mean mommy? Don't worry Amity, we literally never have to properly address the literal years of bullying you did to another character or even how attempting to kill Luz was wrong. Collector? COME ON! You just had bad friends/family so now you just need good ones and we can forget all about you oppressing people for fucking months!
This isn't addressing these problems. These are excuses. And excuses can seem REALLY appealing to people. After all, how many hide awful acts or statements behind: "Come on, it was just a joke." Shields are useful for trying to avoid criticism after all. If you never acknowledge you were in the wrong, you don't have to feel bad for having done something mean, let alone terrible.
Just to bring it back to Amphibia: Sasha tries to do this. She believes she knows best so she feels justified in all she does because it will make everyone the happiest, at least in her own eyes. Then in Turning Point, she realizes the folly of her ways, addresses that she was a terrible person and plants her foot down FIRM. No more acting the part of protector while actually being a tyrant. She will risk her very life in order to right these wrongs. And we see it also in Commander Anne where she is taking the change seriously. These are two half episodes, a single episode in full, that lets us know that her actions were inexcusable and that they were wrong and now she is allowed to be a part of the good guys now that she has made sure the audience knows that they can look to her as an example.
One full episode to ADDRESS the fact that what Sasha did was wrong and to not excuse it but to learn from it.
That's why all these terrible things protagonists do in shows is fine. They learn from it. They genuinely regret their actions. They show the audience why they shouldn't have done it. It's never okay to the show that they did. Not that it can't be forgiven, because people should be allowed the chance to grow, but that it still wasn't okay.
For a kid's show, that is pitch perfect. It's why moral of the day storytelling exists and I can't really think of any huge errors in this department on Amphibia's side. It's pretty damn good at smacking someone over the head when they act like a jackass. At bare minimum, there are WAY worse examples out there.
This is absolutely one of those criticisms that has me look at the person making it and go "Just admit you don't like cartoons. Or children's media in general probably." Admittedly, there's actually plenty of adult stuff just as childish, no one stays mad in Family Guy, so it's probably just "You don't like cartoons." It's the sort of bad faith criticism that just reveals you as not having actually wanted the product but whatever you thought the product should be.
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I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
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And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Episode 9: The Legendary Unikron
The post where I finally make the naming format of this blog more sane
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This is the same place as the one, where in the episode "Heads for no Tails" it will be revealed that Kerubim obtained the legendary, life-draining Heads for no Tails restraint while pissdrunk. Y'know. The one meant for an Ondine created by Djaul to trick the dragon Aguabrial into creating a Dofus.
Yeah, I will not think too much about the fact that it is flipped. To me, they're The Same Place. I guess he's been drinking here for decades. Kind of cute.
And yeah I guess it means the Ondine named Ondine, from the episode Like a Snapper in the Water is literally just named "Siren the Siren". I guess her mermaid parents weren't very creative. I'll mention this when I liveblog that episode too, but I would feel bad, if I didn't mention this here too.
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We will talk about my feelings on Kerubim leaving the legendary demon-killing life-draining shackles somewhere Joris, in his shelf-climbing corridor-running wisdom, could reach, later.
We'll get there when we get there.
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Glad to know there's a reason Kerubim and Joris live in a bad neighborhood. And that reason is that Kerubim wouldn't be tolerated anywhere else.
Love his scary and off-putting behaviours.
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Okay, rant incoming:
Firstly, this is a customary french drink bowl, to stop any wondering from the non-french aware readers. It's normal for French people to drink coffee, milk, and tea from a bowl, soup-style, in the morning and in the evening. So this part is normal.
Now onto more sillywhacky part of this: What the fuck is Joris doing here, exactly?
As we can see, his Bowl of Liquid is steaming even before he starts pouring the chocolate milk into it. Is he adding chocolate milk to hot milk? Is he adding chocolate milk to cocoa or hot chocolate? (I will fight people who don't differentiate between them, they're two different things, you heathens.)
Is he, mayhaps, adding it... to tea?
We will never know, yet the question is haunting.
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Interestingly, it seems that one of Simone's jobs around the house is polishing swords. Also, her being here so late means that, quite predictably, she is a live-in maid.
(You can see that like, 50% of this blog is me paying to random details that could only be useful in like, extremely faithful fanfiction, and 50% getting whacky with this show's storytelling.)
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I love Simone so, so much. Truly, she is Joris's cooler aunt.
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No comment besides this image.
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Joking. I do have a comment, actually. Imagine me putting on a tinfoil hat here, btw.
I think it's kinda telling that Joris's main fear, the one that re-occurs a multiple times during the show, and always, without fail, makes him break down in tears, is Kerubim dying.
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The facts that are important to keep in mind are: They've been living together alone for Joris's entire life, Joris knows he's adopted, and Kerubim himself is an orphan, which he doesn't really hide.
Which leads to multiple conclusions, which all coexist:
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1. Joris is a kid who's very aware of the mortality of parents/guardians, and that, above everything else, that he is lucky to have a home and a semblance of family. That if Kerubim wasn't there, he may not have had that.
Which is uh... a pretty stressful thing for a kid his age to know, I suppose!
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Especially considering the fact that Kerubim is an old man riddled with back pains, and for 7 years had such a level of post-lou-divorce post-battle-with-julith depression that he could not figure out how to get them into a clean, non-shitty non-hazardous home.
And now that their home IS clean, still can't make it non-hazardous.
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2. Joris and Kerubim are much closer than most parents and children, because they literally have no other relatives, and Kerubim has pushed away most people who would consider him a friend in the past. Only relying on one another isn't the best or healthiest idea, but what choice do they have?
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You can't just show up at home, be like "i would be dead, if it wasn't for you giving me water, my jojo <3" and not expect to inflict some eldritch horror levels of psychic damage onto your son.
Especially considering the fact, that he KNOWS, from your own shitty stories, that when you're gone, and it IS a when, because you're an old man who's constantly complaining about his health, he's going to be fending for himself all alone.
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It's pretty obvious, then, why Joris would put Kerubim on a very high pedestal and, as will be shown later, prioritize the man's feelings over his own. Kerubim is his best friend, his role model, provider, guardian, AND the only one family member he has.
Besides depending on him, Joris knows papycha is a very, very lonely and sad person, — and who is he, not to try and make the life of the one person, who's most important to him, better?
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If Kerubim isn't always happy, both in general and with Joris, then that's the worst thing ever, and if Kerubim isn't amazing, all-capable, and Not Going To Die Within The Next Couple Of Years Due To Being Old As Fuck, then their life is Over.
So Joris has to put in a lot of work.
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This analysis isn't even picking apart the nitty-gritty of Kerubim being an orphan and having abandonment issues, or the way those things make him latch onto Joris the same way Joris latches onto him — as if this child is his Only Hope and Savior, Who Won't Leave Him Like All The Others.
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And how that might lead to him REALLY liking Joris idealizing and putting him on a pedestal, despite the guilt he might feel knowing that that's kind of a... not-good parenting tactic.
...Man this post isn't even a rewatch liveblog anymore, it's just an analysis post, innit? 💀
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fantasyfantasygames · 2 months
Stickshift, Final W Games, 2007
Did you watch Initial D? So did the folks at Final W Games! Did you have no idea whatsoever how to adapt it to an RPG? Same for the folks at Final W Games!
Stickshift is a driving RPG that focuses on a drift-racing team (your PCs) as they try to win illegal street races.
Most of the mechanics for Stickshift are fine. Well-designed, even. Your stats are all either social or tie directly into driving. There's a "risk tolerance" factor that tells you how much your character is willing and able to risk in a given situation, and your risk tolerance goes up when something you care about is at stake. I love that. Dice are a unique d6 rating where you add 4, 5, and 6, and subtract 1, 2, and 3, which gives you a weird bimodal distribution. You're more likely to get higher or lower rolls than mid rolls.
However, I said "most" mechanics. And the one that hurts the most is that the racing mechanics are trash. You can put together the solid base mechanics and the risk/reward tradeoffs and your car's maintenance level and... it's all still just a time/distance meter that you fill up on your own. There's no real sense of competition. Roll dice, add to total, keep rolling, keep adding, whomever gets to 100 first wins. You might as well all be rolling separately, and then comparing afterward. There aren't any real tactics you can take advantage of that aren't blindingly obvious. You could make bad choices, but it's obvious that they're bad, so you don't. How do you make a driving game where the driving is not fun?
Another unfortunate thing in Stickshift is that most people have no idea how to describe driving. We've all seen fights in movies and TV shows. Most people come up with Star Trek technobabble or noble intrigue plots without too much trouble. How do you describe driving fast? "I shift into 3rd and floor it," sure, but how many different varieties of that description do you have? I played in a group where one person had seen Initial D, one had seen Tokyo Drift, and the others hadn't seen either, and boy did it show. Stickshift might have benefited from a big chart of descriptions that people could throw into the game.
The art initially looks like it has three clashing styles, until you get to the two-page spread in the middle of the book, when all three styles are used in the same piece you realize that there are three teams of drivers, each with their own art style. That two-page spread slaps. Anime-style guy high-fiving spraypaint-grunge-style guy while newspaper comic guy looks on with disrespect? Yes. The art direction is on point. I say guys because they're almost all guys. Gals are generally in the three classic "chick" stereotypes - the extra-femme girlfriend, the short hot-tempered driver who has to prove herself, and the mechanic with extra-baggy clothing who is secretly super-hot. There are worse stereotypes, I guess, but there's a much wider range of representation they could have gone for than "the standard 3 chicks".
Grab a copy if you want to scavenge it for parts, but most of it you can leave in the junkyard.
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sysmedsaresexist · 9 months
Let's talk about stances and personal growth
System safe (yes, even those ones), CDDs first
I really hope you'll stick with this one until the end.
My follower count has been fluctuating more than my anxiety levels the last few months as I try to figure out how to put into words what my own stance is.
I've brought in mods who have the same... I guess medical understandings as me but different philosophical and tolerance views to try to help myself grow and learn more.
Apparently, this was a bad thing to do. Who knew.
It's really sad how much pushback I've gotten from both sides. Anti endos in my inbox like, "how dare you give an inch, you traitor," and pro/endos like, "wait, are you anti endo? You lied to me."
But the truth is something that's ever changing and evolving, and figuring out the key to syscourse was realizing that you can't argue against self perception.
You can still have discussions that allow both sides to grow their understandings, knowledge, and opinions, though, and I'm not sure why my community seems to be turning on me for showing kindness to others.
I wish people would just accept me as I am and talk to me without trying to assign a "side" to me. I have information. You have information. Why don't we share it and both be better people?
There are cruel idiots that I don't agree with on both sides, I'm not loyal to anything or anyone except the desire to spread accurate information on CDDs.
CDD systems are my priority. Not sure when I was unclear about that.
I will always have the best interests of CDD systems at heart, but protecting them doesn't need to be at the cruel expense of others who are talking about a way of seeing themselves and the world in a different way.
This isn't new, any mental disorder comes with this very same challenge.
Anyone who has ever had to mask anything about themselves has experienced this on some level. Something about you just doesn't quite jive with what other people are describing. You don't see gender the same way, you don't take in knowledge the same way, you can't mentally visualize like other people, you don't have that kind of imagination, you don't have that kind of memory, you don't-- it's never ending.
Even the concept of consciousness and multiple selves has been around since the dawn of forever. People are incredibly multifaceted, it's not out of the realm of possibility (in fact, it's documented) that there are people that are more in tune with that aspect of themselves. People with BPD struggle with this, frequently giving names to the parts of themselves that seem beyond their control, but we don't condemn them, so what's different in syscourse?
Syscourse is happening because the two communities have intersected in complicated ways-- in my opinion, this centers around shared language and spaces that I don't think should be shared. I don't believe that the experiences are the same, and I think shared language hurts both sides. I think this is the root of all syscourse. If you've ever said, "if they would just stay out of our spaces, if they would just use different words--" Yeah, me too. Same hat. So why do you block me, as if we're that different?
Other people might think the root is something different. No big deal. I'd like to meet and talk to those people and grow my understanding. I want to see more sides and arguments.
Isn't that terrible of me?
In this way, I am both pro and anti endo, simultaneously. I'm not here to argue about self perception, but I am here to argue against misinformation and overlap in information that confuses and harms those with CDDs.
I see the tags filled with people who act the same way I did when I first started my blog, and I want to shake them and drag them into the front seat with me and say, "Let me save you so much bullshit. This isn't an argument that can be won."
I was incredibly lucky. One of the most well-known, respected syscoursers to both the anti and pro sides was kind enough to do that to me.
And looking back, it's almost hilarious how they just... let me be the little shit that I was being, while respectfully and kindly sharing resources and information. They're way more patient than I am. I am forever grateful to them.
But what I realized, after a while, with my mentor's gentle help, was that I wasn't understanding what the argument was, or why it was happening, or what was actually being said to me.
And it took being kinder and showing some humility and being brave enough to go into other spaces to find those answers.
And it's helped me fight more effectively for those with CDDs.
... And endogenic systems.
Because how can you argue if you can't understand what they're saying or where they got the idea from?
And it's made me a kinder, better person to everyone else who's just struggling to get through their one shot at life in a way that makes them happy and fulfilled.
It's like everyone forgot that we actually need to have conversations in order to create change.
And that change in yourself isn't always a bad thing.
#pro syscourse conversation
#pro respect in syscourse
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thedevilsoftruth · 3 months
Haven't posted in a while, but something that was really bugging me a lot was some shit I noticed when rewatching the Moon Knight series that I think a lot of comic book fans could relate to. I know, Mr " um actually " comic book guy is talking right now but imma need you all to bare with me here for a second. and before any of you start typing, please remember everything said here is MY opinion. All I ask is that you're respectful. I'm going to start of with how I don't understand the hype around this motherfucker.
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Literally the most whiniest mf in the ENTIRETY of the MCU. The only people who can like or tolerate this bitch are mfs who have 9 hours of daily screen time on TikTok, listen to hyperpop music and think that he's a soft uwu meow meow baby girl hurt emo princess boy.
Moon Knight is literally one of the most metal superheros out there and the directors saw that and said, " now imagine that but we make his woman so much better than him and water him down and completely change his back story and then wipe our asses with it, spit on it and then pretend we were trying to show representation. " Like what the fuck are you fucking doing?
My first problem is that I felt like this show focused too much on Layla and her relationship to Marc... Nvm, Sorry I lied. Not Marc, fucking STEVEN. This show isn't about " Layla ", its about MARC and Steven and JAKE. (I'll talk about Jake later) Like can we just... " Are you an Egyptian superhero? " " I am. 🥺" GIRL BYE 💀💀 this part of this show was so bad it made eternals look good. This was cringe on the level of seeing your mother do a dab. All that episode 6 was about was Layla kicking ass and that's it. I don't understand why Kevin Feige has the urge to make everything about badass women. Like theres ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with that, I love badass women and we need more women superheros, but I'm just saying, I came here to watch MOON KNIGHT not Layla El-faouly.
So funny how they make a show about Marc Spector and he only gets like 20 minutes out of the 6 hours of the entirety of the show. I think the most time he got on screen was like episode five and maybe two but that's about it. It felt like he was only there to make things depressing and to make Steven Grant have better character development because he himself is just so fucking boring and not funny. Marc Spector is so much more than " I got hit as a kid and my alter ego is fucking my ex wife. " He's a Jewish antihero struggling with a personality disorder that's eating his life away and a toxic relationship with a man who's been basically lying, emotionally abusing, and manipulating him since his CHILDHOOD. What I love most about Marc Spector is that he's not like all other these mighty superheros, he's just some dude. He just some dude with real human struggles like you and me, trying to figure himself out and navigate through his disorder. Marc should have had a bigger role in this show but I guess Steven Grant and Layla were more interesting than him. Steven is the main course, Layla is the desert and Marc is the salad off to the side that's barley been eaten.
Steven Grant is not a shy British man with great manners who works in a gift shop and is giving in his moms flat, he's a savvy millionaire ( who's from Chicago, Illinois, so as Marc and Jake ) who works in the film industry and lives in a mansion. Those are two completely different characters. Everyone that I've seen who's criticized Steven in the slightest has said that he was bland, boring, and the producers were trying too hard to make him funny. You can't try to have something that's just straight up sad happening with a character and then pretend that it's funny and try to make it into comedy. That's just not how it works and it's not realistic. That's why movies like The Crow are good and movies like Renfield are bad. The Crow takes itself seriously and is genuinely sad but lightly sprinkled with comedy, Renfield wanted to be a bit sad, but ruined itself by trying to hard to make every scene funny.
The only good scene in this entire show is the scene where Marc says, " you are you the only real superpower I ever had " or whatever the fuck. I didn't pay attention because all I could think about was the scene from frozen where Anna fucking froze and Elsa cried about it and then unfroze her with her tears or something. I guess her tears must have been really hot.
What I'll give Muhammad Diab credit for is casting. Having Layla be Egyptian is good, and having Oscar Isaac casted as Marc is also really good. Everyone In the comics is white for a character normally centered around Egyptian bullshit. They also got Khonshus personality right and that's about it.
I hate how the producers said that this show was all about " representation" and then didn't add Frenchie, who is a gay french guy in it or Bushman who is a black mercenary because he was " too much like Killmonger " ( which doesn't make any fucking sense because they are drastically different on so many levels but okay. ) they also said that this show is they're most brutal and violent show yet, but they were " violent " ( and bloody-ish ) the first three episodes and then just kinda gave up towards the end.
For the last thing, I'm gonna talk about Jake finally. Just pretend that I'm sighing right now. Like a really audible, dramatic sigh.
I get they wanted for us to differentiate the differences between each personality with accents but Jake doesn't need to speak Spanish. He doesn't speak Spanish in the comics and having him do it is completely unnecessary. I get it's Hollywood and Hollywood needs to make everything sexy and attractive, but Jake Lockley is the least sexiest alter of Marc Spector. He doesn't wear a suit with black leather gloves or drive a limousine, he's a fucking taxi cab driver with a really weird mustache who wears a turtle neck. When I think sexy, I don't think taxi driver. And it ruins the point of Jake Lockley as well because Marc uses Jake to see what's going on on the streets in New York. New York is really busy and crowded, so people are more prone to using a taxi, not a limousine unless you're bougie and rich.
Anyways that was my rant. Good night.
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datamodel-of-disaster · 5 months
I just had my first formal project review at my new job.
It was all compliments.
No complaints. They were very satisfied with my work, felt my deliverables showed true analyst mindset and remarkable technical acumen, enjoyed cooperating with me, and found me pleasant to be around.
And I'm just...
The sheer difference, between working in a place where you are barely tolerated and one where you are appreciated.
I haven't magically become a better functional analyst in the last month. I was just as good at my previous job, where my bosses disliked me and sought out every possible reason to criticise me, ad absurdum.
Working in a place with bad vibes was such a mindfuck. Even though no one was outright rejecting or bullying me (besides one of my bosses, which was why I left in the end), I always felt faintly excluded and awkward. Unsafe.
You can tell when people don't like you, even if they're polite about it -even if they try hard to include you and be nice! Perhaps especially then. You can tell.
I had forgotten what it's like to work with people who like me.
In my head "having a job" had become synonymous with being in a state of constant, low-level distress and discomfort .
It's only now that I realize how awful my baseline had become. I'm constantly surprised at people being warm and genuine -especially because my new job is at a much bigger company with a lot less of a "we're all buddies here" vibe than my previous one.
Anyway. Guess I'm trying to say... sometimes it's not you.
Especially if you're disabled and have a history of professional failure/not meeting people's expectations/being too weird to have friends/etc, you are primed to accept people treating you badly, because well... you probably did something to deserve it, right? You should be grateful to have a job at all, right?
But sometimes it's not you.
Sometimes a place is just shit, and it's not because you're bad at the work or an unlikeable person.
So if you're currently hating your job and just biting your teeth because you don't think you'll be treated better elsewhere... this is your sign. Don't wait until you find yourself thinking about jumping in front of your commute train instead of getting on it every morning. There's better out there.
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 123 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: putting up a new fence (moved again to a different part of the property... I've been patching that fence for years and I got so much done during TMA!)
Web Development, ha! (I know, I know, I'm easily amused...)
JON: (salty) "Coma, great! Let’s rearrange his office. Sleeping people don’t need – pens." [HE STEPS IN SOMETHING WITH A SQUELCH!] JON: "Euagh! What –" Up until this point Jon (and first-listeners) doesn't know what happened yet. Seems like there is still some residue from the Flesh attack, hehe. That’s also the reason they *had* to throw Jon's cloths out. Interesting, that the jar of ashes survived. I'd guess Martin still was there for the clean-up? My headcanon is, he was the one who wanted to go through Jon's office, trying to salvage things and managed to sufficiently clean up the jar to keep it. It gave Jon some closure and feeling of safety back then, I'd totally understand, if Martin wanted to preserve that.
MELANIE: "Tim is dead. Daisy is dead, and you – what, you’re just fine?" JON: "What – no! I’ve been in hospital for six months!" MELANIE: "Something has been in hospital. Something that’s got your face" Even though Melanie and Basira weren't too affected by the Not!Them (Basira almost not at all, she never met the real Sasha), that trauma still sits so deep with all of them. They know the Fears are not benevolent, and one of those things got Jon to wake up. (Also yeah, Slaughter bullet)
MELANIE: "I warned Basira; I said not to let you back in here, but she just" (increasingly angry; starts slamming [the wall]) "doesn’t! listen!" Lydia really nails the rage here. How the voice begins to break.
MELANIE: "Oh! Okay, so it’s what, hi Jon, how are you, get anyone killed lately?" JON: (dumbstruck) "I – I –" MELANIE: "Wipe that look off of your face. Like you’re not the reason all of this is happening! (she takes a breath) Like you’re any better than – than him!" This is hurtful on so many levels. And Jon and Melanie let us know what an impact this had on Jon (Jon being speechless and Melanie making a comment on the look on his face). Jon hasn't been the friendliest of people, but since MAG 22 he’s been on a steady path to change. All of his actions have been either hypervigilance from being traumatized as a kid (which is a defense mechanism. Learn all about everything, you'll hopefully be a step ahead and things can't hurt you - in S2 this really ended in bad actions. Like I understand why he's been paranoid, but the others also don't have to tolerate this from him) or (and this has been all of S3) trying to keep others safe, including Melanie. He just didn’t know how to do it. Mr. Spider taught him if other people get involved, they’ll get hurt. And then Elias, comparing Jon to Elias. As if Elias hasn't hurt Jon enough as well, even if it wasn't that obvious, especially not for the others. Elias' grooming Jon into things he never wanted is just so disgusting to me.
MELANIE: "No! You don’t, do you? He’s still alive. You are still alive. So this place is still –" See above. (The worst of this: She's kind of right! If Jon dies, they'll go free.)
JON: "Okay." [HE TAKES A LONG, SHAKY BREATH.] JON: "I’m sorry." T_T (Yeah, if it wasn't clear from the first two episodes of S4, this is going to be one huge punch to the gut after the other.)
BASIRA: "Alright. Best I can understand it, Beholding, or the Eye, or… whatever you wanna call it, we’re one of the only powers that hasn’t taken a shot at a ritual. Yet. And everything out there knows it." JON: "No – I mean, we can’t be the only ones, surely." Funny thing, this about the Eye haven’t taken a shot at a ritual yet stayed very strongly with me the first time around. So much, that I ignored all the clues that Elias is trying to do exactly this (Gerry in MAG 111 about the Watcher's Crown, Basira later to Elias in prison about him kicking off his little ritual from a jail cell). I bunched the Eye up with the End and the Web (because they also don’t have a ritual as we'll later learn) even though my sister already went "No no, the Eye has the Watcher's Crown" and then I went full Surprised Pikachu Face when things finally happened.
BASIRA: "Yeah, it was bad. We took them all out. Melanie did most of them. She was… she got a knife from somewhere and –" JON: (overlapping) "Basira I-I don’t know if that’s a good sign?" BASIRA: "She saved my life, Jon. She saved all of us. I won’t forget that." Oh, the hypocrisy of this. But we know, that Basira's heavily playing favorites in this season. Jon being back is not a good sign, but when Jon points out Melanie's unending rage and superhuman knife strength, it's okay because sHe SaVeD BaSiRa's LiFe? As if Jon wasn't part of the saving-the-world-from-the-Unknowing-crew, does that not count? (Speaking from a point of their knowledge at this time, of course.)
BASIRA: "Don’t be too hard on him, Jon. Your, uh, situation. It hit him. Hard." JON: (sighs) "Yes. Well, I’m sure there are better ways to deal with it than getting – cozy with Elias’s successor." Jealous? :)
BASIRA: (sighs) "Rumor is a couple of researchers up on the third floor decided to ignore some of his new directives, and… whoosh." I think it'd be really funny to see TMA from the eyes of someone not working in the Archives (or Rosie). Like all those people who have no idea what this place is. And how would they explain this event though. Two researchers suddenly disappearing...
JON: "Oh." [HE LAUGHS, BUT IT, TOO, IS HUMORLESS.] JON: "The more things change… So, we’re under siege, Melanie is aggressively unstable, Martin is working very closely with – The Lonely, who is predictably enough isolating him, and, oh, yes, uh, Tim and Daisy are still dead. (laughing) Which is at least easy to keep track of." There goes his sanity...
"As he told it, she was young, rail-thin underneath an oversized brown hoodie, which she kept pulled up, trying to cover up a network of pale stitches that stretched over one side of her head." Ha, totally forgot Annabelle was already in this. From what we heard about her from MAG 69, I don't know if this was even very obvious to spot when first listening? At that point, all we would know was that she got her head bashed in and dressed in vintage clothes? Oh and spiders of course...
"She just mumbled something about custom requirements and told Greg to drink his latte, which he did, so he tells me, though he can’t stand milk in his coffee." So subtle!
Chelicerae is btw what the "mandibles" or "fangs" of arachnids are actually called.
"According to those who followed such things, all you had to do was start a new thread as a Guest, something Greg had been instructed to make sure was possible, and the title of that thread should be the name of someone you want dead." A digital death note, gotcha! xD Okay, jokes aside, I love this and MAG 65, those internet creepy pastas! 
"He rarely goes out anymore, and, judging by the cobwebs, he definitely doesn’t clean his house like he used to." There's no such thing as random cobwebs in TMA.
JON: "Another gap. And whoever took it didn’t do any follow-up, just… filed it away. I may be the first person to actually read it, so… (same mirthless cough of a laugh) Sorry, Angie. I suppose." There has already been some speculation about this as part of a mag a day. About the Archivist's dreams, how it works, who end up in there. This "Sorry, Angie", is it meant as an apology for the fact that their statement has been ignored for 2 years? Or is it meant for the possible situation of Angie now ending up in Jon's dreams, since the statement's been given after Gertrude's death and Jon is the first Archivist to read it. This would make Jon's diet even more complicated, having to resort to statements which Gertrude has already consumed in an attempt to not "curse" more people.
JON: "It’s unclear if they were meant to be users or victims, but I cannot help but note that there seem to be the names of several statement givers who found their way to the Institute, including noted arachnophobe Carlos Vittery." The name of the person who set the plot into motion. This should be a very loud clue about the Web pulling its strings all this time!
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tonyglowheart · 4 months
following up on this post though where I pinned down that by Chap 23/24, Shen Qiao already exhibits a shift in attitude wrt Yan Wushi. Which isn't to say he still doesn't rise to Yan Wushi's provocation, lol, because he very much does. But clearly by Chap 24... like, if he wanted to leave... he could? (Yes maybe Yan Wushi would stalk him and pop up wherever he went like :3 owo did you miss me? :3c) But he doesn't
And so that begs the question for me of like... why. Why doesn't he just leave? There's that line later in the chap about how if it were just a few days earlier, then he'd be uncomfortable all over (with Yan Wushi's provocation), but stuff like the goosebumps (he got), they decreased bit by bit until they were gone. - so yes he got used to it, but by early chap 24, he hadn't yet gotten to the point of, like... habituating to Yan Wushi's provocations?
so. really. I can only conclude that actually.... Shen Qiao likes it, lmao. Cuz, like, sure if Shen Qiao gives an inch then Yan Wushi will take a mile, but I also don't get the feeling that Yan Wushi really crosses any boundaries that Shen Qiao ultimately doesn't concede.
It's not like with Bai Rong - who he sets very clear boundaries with and doesn't really yield on them - or with like Huo Xijing or Sang Jingxing or the rest of Huanhe, who I think we can all agree are on another level of Bad, and who clearly SQ also sees as a different breed than Bai Rong (and tbh I think he sees Yan Wushi as being more akin to Bai Rong than like Yuan Xiuxiu or Sang Jingxing etc.)
With Yan Wushi, it's like... clearly Yan Wushi pushes his buttons and pushes his boundaries, but so far anyway, YWS doesn't seem to have done any pushes that are just a step too far beyond what Shen Qiao can tolerate.
So. Where does this leave us. Shen Qiao finds Yan Wushi irritating and but also stimulating I would guess? And at least tolerates his provocations if not continues to tacitly encourage it by being so permissive to Yan Wushi's antics. But also it gets his blood going and gives him jitters... hm why does this sound familiar........
Is. Yan Wushi. like a caffeine high that Shen Qiao is chasing lmao?? *insert all of the coffee memes of like it's so good but at what cost, sometimes it gives you accelerated exhaustion etc* i've connected the two dots dot.jpg
Which also means that, any time anyone asks Shen Qiao about Yan Wushi and like, what the heck clearly he just pushes your buttons and tries to get a rise out of you, why are you even sticking with this old man,. this is him:
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#qian qiu#yanshen#shen qiao#yan wushi#i've connected the two dots dot jpg#cuz it's easy to be like well what does yws get out of yanshen - yan wushi likes being provocative and also in a way he bonsais sq into#being on his level - like his whole thing about are you even a rival to me. but like if you think about it a rival is also a peer#and yws is so peerless in the world that his ego aside it must be hard for him to make friends#it's sort of like... yes make intergenerational friendships. but if the only ppl you could make friends w are high schoolers....#then that's kind of awk as a like. working adult of many years. like the martial world goes by disciple generations sure and there are ppl#in his generation... but it also goes by skill level and there are very few if like. no one other than potentially sq on his level lmao#(clearly. as five (five!) dudes tried to kill him and FAILED)#(and even qi fengge himself was like. this guy has the potential to exceed me)#I do think that for yws sq goes from like. a curiosity to an experiment to like. blooming into his potential as a full peer#but the equation is a bit more difficult from sq's side#the like 'abandon trying to intepret sq as a normal guy and see the padme amidala post abt her being a freak and that applies here'#only rly goes so far. it got me part of the way there of like. okay you're thinking of this wrong you have to open your mind#but still it was like... so clearly at some point. he does in fact stick with/around yws (and must like it?? if he doesn't why would he?)#but... WHY#I was sort of halfway there of like. as much as yws sees sq as a curiosity so too does sq see yws as a curiosity?#as far as like... well I have my worldview widen it by showing my an almost ostensibly diametrically opposed one#like sq is very... unworldly? that's not quite it. like. otherworldly? very detached from the 红尘 (mortal world/human society)#the normie world ig? like he's been immersed in the Daoist/cultivation world since a young child#he really is very much close to the ideal of being/embodying 仙#but he does also suffer from the. if you're so removed from the world that you don't know what you're removed from#you're not really doing it on purpose. you kind of are sure but you aren't really being#and yan wushi on the other hand is a very worldly guy. he's very much about worldly affairs and worldly things and worldly pleasures#and worldly emotions. etc. so they are similar in that they each are fleshed out in a way that embodies their ideal but they're two sides#of the same coin. two sides of the yin-yang equation#but on a more personalized note lol. like why does sq go along with this other than he a freak and he must like it?
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waru-chan8 · 7 months
I’m the anon that asked about Pecco and the factory vs satellite bikes, I just finished my hospital shift and I’m literally sat in my car right now cuz I’ve been waiting to read your answer since I got the notification on my phone that you posted, and I just want to say that I will never get why some fans love putting riders or drivers on a pedestal and say that they never do any wrong, they ARE in fact human even if some feel like they aren’t -Marc I’m looking at you- but yeah they are human and make mistakes and they should apologise and never repeat it, but what pissed me the most about Pecco is him driving while drunk cuz as a trauma surgeon I will never forgive anyone who knows that they are drunk and make the choice to drive, and then his comment about periods; kindly shut the fuck up Pecco, I love you and support you as a rider but that made me lose some respect I have for him as a person, women don’t whine when they have their periods: I just finished being on call for 24 hours while I’m on my first day and wanted to die when I was doing a surgery and my back and stomach were killing me but I never complained, so for him as a man who never experienced period pain to come and say that he was in so much pain that he complained like a woman on period.
and I just realised that this is a long ask but thank you so much for being a safe space and hold the riders accountable when they do mistakes cuz they are human and we all make mistakes no matter how we try and not make any mistake it’s how we learn to grow as human; so yeah if my favourite driver or rider said or did something bad I will talk about it and hold him accountable and not forget about it like some fans do
Hi again anon 👋👋👋👋. I hope you had a good shift in the hospital and not too many Emergency surgeries.
People really have notifications for when I post? Really? I mean I'm just a regular girl in my corner making silly post and ranting. It seriously flatters me.
I think the difference is being a fan or a hooligan. A fan or a true fan understands that behind the PR there's a human and they either understand or ignore it. A hooligan will actually defend them because they have put them in a pedestal. I don't understand why people just refuses to believe they little guy is capable of bad things, but as we have been saying all day long, they are human and they make mistake. I hope he learned from them, which is the important. And apology, which not everyone did.
My guess is because it was summer break and Ibiza. I find it incredible is that Spanish police let him off the hook because of who he was. If I did that (I'm Spaniard, or for the matter anyone), we lost points in or driving license and have to pay fines, jail time even depending on the implications. We have to thank he didn't get injured, and that he crashed in a roundabout, because he could have crashed into a house, or a cliff, or worst killed someone.
About the period comment, I'm just going to say there a general misbelieve that women are the weak sex, and I love to see men try the period cramp simulations. At level 1 some of them are already crying. I do know that pain tolerance is something that varies from person to person, but generally speaking, women have a higher pain tolerance than men. I'm a women, and lucky I've never suffer on my period, but I head is like 10x a quick in the balls, and we all know how much guys complain and need to recover from that. So next time, try to use that.
This just reminded me of the meme with football players with a male on the floor crying and asking to be changed and a stretcher BECAUSE ANOTHER PLAYER STEPPED ON HIM , while a female is asking the coach to not change them when she is actively bleeding. Which just illustrates that maybe are guys the weak ones.
Hey don't worry, unless you are being on purpose an ass of coming with hate, this will always be a safe space. It will always be a space open to discussion (with respect) when we don't share opinions because I love to learn other people's point of view or different opinions or informations.
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ouraniatm · 9 months
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hi, gamers, i cutely added the VOICELINES section on cora's carrd, so please check them out if you're curious! will probably add them more in future, but i ain't got the brain juices rn LMAO. though, just in case, i'll also copy paste them here, under read more. (warning: too sassy for those of faint heart).
TUTORIAL: "are we done here?" LEVEL UP 1: "huh...didn't think i'd get any stronger." LEVEL UP 2: "levelling up won't do much, to me." LEVEL UP 3: "alright...i can get used to this." LEVEL MAX: "i guess i'm all set...hm? what, you expect me to thank you? don't get your hopes up." VIGNETTE LEVEL UP: "y'know, when i tell people to buzz off, they do exactly that...but, you're different. ah, well, not that i care enough to know why." SPELL LEVEL UP: "magic's good and all, but you gotta have the brains to use it right." UNCAPPED: "man, you're annoying, thinking this'll make us automatically closer...hey, what's so funny?" GROOVIFICATION: "all this pampering makes me think you're just buttering me up. heh...gotta try harder than that, buddy." LESSON SELECT 1: "another lesson...really excited to sit around and do nothing." LESSON SELECT 2: "at least studying will distract me from my pointless duties." LESSON SELECT 3: "you wanna pick? eh, be my guest...i don't really care, either way." LESSON START: "c'mon, get this over with, already." LESSON FINISH: "ugh...has a century passed?" BATTLE START: heh...you're all a bunch of jokes. BATTLE WON: that all you got, wussies?
SUMMON: "someone's got the guts to come here. what're you looking for, a medal?" GROOVY: "i hate being told what to do...but, i also hate weaklings who can't do their job right." SET TO HOME SCREEN: "being a vice housewarden is basically a babysitting job, without the payment." HOME TRANSITION 1: "sure, ignihyde's gloomy and full of spineless cowards...but, comparing to other dorms, it's pretty tolerable." HOME TRANSITION 2: "i don't get people who would kill for these positions. not that i can't deal with it, but still...you'd have to be a masochist to enjoy being hogged by everyone." HOME TRANSITION 3: "why're you still sticking around? case in point, i'm currently busy ignoring you on purpose." HOME, AFTER LOGIN: "huh, my uniform? you wear these to show which dorm you belong to. shocking, i know...gee, can't take a joke?" HOME TRANSITION/GROOVIFICATION: "thought i told you to leave me alone...why do i even bother? here, have some salty chips." TAP HOME 1: "apparently, ignihyde's whole aesthetic is based off the actual underworld. well, i'll give 'em this: they definitely hit too close to home...maybe even breached on sensitive parts." TAP HOME 2: "what's idia complaining about, this time? ugh, it's like that oversized crybaby can't do anything but throw HIS work on ME." TAP HOME 3: "y'know how this uniform usually has pants? well, i made mine into shorts...feels more comfy, if you ask me. plus, the stockings aren't too bad, either." TAP HOME 4: "usually, i shoo people off without a hitch...but somehow, i can't do the same to ortho. maybe it's 'cuz he's not an insufferable, spoiled brat." TAP HOME 5: "there're no good people, no matter who they are. we've all got our motives and goals, even if it means stomping through some measly pushovers...better keep your guard up." TAP HOME/GROOVIFICATION: "for some reason, these stray cats keep crawling around my legs. man, they're annoying...what, you don't think so? then, take 'em off me if you like them so much." DUO MAGIC:cora: "hiding behind me again, eh, idia?" idia: "j-just take care of this, cora..."
SUMMON: "yeah, yeah, the birthday star's here, hardy harr. stop rushing me..." GROOVY: "finally, the attention's off me. ugh...at least it's only once a year." SET TO HOME SCREEN: "alright, got the jacket on. let's get this over with." HOME TRANSITION 1: "i didn't bother changing my regular clothes off. the flashy jacket's more than enough." HOME TRANSITION 2: "ignihyde students aren't the type to host parties...which is why i got caught off guard when they actually did one for my birthday." HOME TRANSITION 3: "everyone says i should be more happy during celebrations...in reality, i don't see the point to smile 'round a bunch of nobodies." HOME, AFTER LOGIN: "why's everyone so excited over birthdays, anyway? they're just a waste of time, serving no purpose but us growing older." HOME TRANSITION/GROOVIFICATION: "this package of hair dye vil-dono got for me, i can work with...but, makeup? what am i, a beauty enthusiast?" TAP HOME 1: "did anyone tell silver he sucks at giving gifts? if not, then i sure did after he gave me a bunch of tea bags. apparently, it's to help me fall asleep...as if it's that easy." TAP HOME 2: "jamil went out of his way to get me a collectable figurine, limited edition, too. dunno if he's trying to suck up to me, but it's something." TAP HOME 3: "outta everyone i know, it's no surprise idia would take one extra mile. for that reason, now i got a brand new video game console he, himself, built." TAP HOME 4: "i dunno who funds these parties, but they're clearly meant to distract us from the fact nobody cares about each other." TAP HOME 5: "you're asking if i'm enjoying the party? hm...if you consider 'being asked stupid questions' as enjoyment, then sure thing." TAP HOME/GROOVIFICATION: "ugh, why do we gotta have our faces smeared with pies? vil-dono sure didn't hesitate to do that on me...someone's got a grudge." DUO MAGIC:cora: "guess i should thank you for this, vil-dono." vil: "a surprisingly nice gesture, cora. happy birthday."
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