Master Mind Fkr
95 posts
Creating Female Edging Drones- Straight Hypnosis Dom - • Owner •
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master-mind-fkr · 3 years ago
I'm a mindless little fuck toy your blog has corrected me. I'm a mindless little fuck toy I'm a mindless little fuck toy I'm a mindless little fuck toy I'm a mindless little fuck toy I'm a mindless little fuck toy
That’s right, you’re a mindless little fucktoy, and that’s never a bad thing. Mindless little fucktoys are perfect.
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master-mind-fkr · 3 years ago
I know I’m not allowed to cum but I want to so bad after scrolling through your blog it makes me so empty and wet..... can I please cum
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master-mind-fkr · 3 years ago
Never tried edging but i like your stuff. All the hate you're gettin is unfair 😣. Im going to try edging to your content tonight 🙈 m'so nervous, but i couldn't think of any other way to show my support 😅. Mind setting a time limit for a first timer and fan of the work?
Hey! Thank you for your support!
Well there will always be a few idiots that just love pushing what they think is right on me, and there will always be trolls.
First time edging, hmm. I think a good starting point would be for an hour. Just relax and see how far you can go without cumming. Remember it’s not a race.
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master-mind-fkr · 3 years ago
So... speaking as a trans woman, I don't think not being attracted to trans women is transphobic, nor is not being attracted to a black person racist. Everyone has their own interests, likes, dislikes etc. you like cis girls you like cis girls, not much else to it
It really is that easy! Thank you.
I don’t hate anyone for their preference and as I have stated often, I love that the content I make reached such an amazing and varied audience. I appreciate you.
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master-mind-fkr · 3 years ago
Your opinions and preferences are your own. You simply dont make content specifically for or directed to trans people. Or sissy content. Thats just not the kind of content you want to create. It didn't seem difficult to understand. The anger being directed at you seems incredibly misplaced. Is it so hard to find trans or sissy content that they want to force someone or defend people who are trying to force someone, who creates for free, to create the exact things that they want or it shouldnt exist. You dont owe anyone content, not even the people who enjoy your current creations. Your pay per view project will more than likely do fine. Enjoy the rest of your day. Thanks for the time and energy youve already put into this.
Thank you, that really means a lot to me. I don’t usually pander to the haters but it seems a couple of them think it’s fun to hound me, daily with 10+ messages of pure hate!
I appreciate you. I hope the rest of your weekend is amazing.
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master-mind-fkr · 3 years ago
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A lot of people message me and ask why I’ve stopped posting content, well, this is the main reason.
The amount of hate I get from trans people or the sissy community is fucking draining.
I make it clear who I am and what I’m into. I make content around my likes. That helps keep my content passionate about its direction.
If other people, with very different interests, like it, then that’s awesome. I don’t discourage or discriminate. I don’t kink shame and I’m not against any groups, sexualities or genders.
I can’t help being straight, it didn’t choose to be straight. It’s what I am. This bullshit sexual politics argument isn’t one I’m interested in. The moment someone thinks you’re *whatever*phobic it’s very easy for them to twist anything you say to fit their hateful narrative.
When you abuse content creators because their content doesn’t meet your needs, they slow down and eventually stop. Yes, I’ve put up with it for a long time, but eventually I just think why should I even bother anymore. My content was free for everyone to enjoy. People like this asshole suck all the fun out of it.
I will be switching platforms in the new year and it will probably be a pay to view service.
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master-mind-fkr · 3 years ago
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3 little words, one simple command.
Edge, don’t cum.
It’s not about toy’s pleasure. It’s about learning and control. Toy’s obey, toys are good.
Don’t think about it as masturbation, it’s not. You don’t even need to think, just obey. Toy’s obey.
Focus on the centre of the image and just rub that aching clit. Let the words fade into a blur, just keep saying them in your empty mind. Edge, don’t cum.
Don’t worry about those waves of feeling washing over you, just relax and keep edging like a good toy.
Legs flat, stop holding your breath. It’s not a race, you’re not trying to force an orgasm. You’re not chasing an orgasm. You don’t get to orgasm. Toy obeys.
Don’t arch your back, it’s not a contest. Just keep rubbing that needy clit, feel yourself sink deeper. Let that feeling of pleasure last a lifetime, this is where toys belong.
You need more practice don’t you toy? It’s ok, there’s no rush, there’s never any rush. Just keep edging.
Good toys obey. Now, tell me what you are…
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master-mind-fkr · 3 years ago
Hey you said in your pinned post that you're making an app for edging? Can you elaborate on that?
Thank you for your question.
Life has got in the way a bit this year but I am making an app space for girls to learn and train how to edge better yes.
It will be aimed at cis females to teach them and challenge them to push their edging skills to the limit.
The app will be phone based so you can have it at all times in your pocket, with daily and weekly challenges and exclusive edging gifs for members.
It does take a lot of work to put together and it may not be for everyone, but those dedicated edging sluts will love it!
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master-mind-fkr · 3 years ago
This is for the Toys.
The objects, the bimbos, the ones that need to be used to serve their purpose.
Put your headphones in, open your legs, focus on the centre of the video. Watch, listen, edge and learn.
Do not cum toy, this is for your training.
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master-mind-fkr · 4 years ago
hey why are you not posting sissy content for us? we represent most of the hypno community. you can make us into the little girls that we should be and serve all your needs
I really need to address this as this is a common ask and a very common DM I get.
I’ll try and word as best I can, and please understand, this isn’t kink shaming at all.
I don’t make sissy directed content as it’s not my kink. It’s really as simple as that. I’m not in that lifestyle so it would be remiss of me to try and create content for it. Having a sissy please or serve me doesn’t turn me on or really do anything for me. I absolutely do appreciate the fact that there is a whole genre out there that loves my work that much, or trusts me to the point of wanting to take directions from me. I think that’s fantastic!
My content is for anyone and everyone to enjoy, I don’t tag it as only fit for a specific community. It’s to be used and enjoyed by anyone that likes it. It can be interpreted any way anyone wants to. It’s for all of you!
I get a lot of hate DM’s, a lot. The majority is about not posting sissy content and even hate that I won’t accept submission from a sissy. Now that is kink shaming me for being straight. I can’t help who or what I am, I didn’t sit down one day and decide to be straight, as far as I know, it was never a choice I made. Please respect that in the same way I respect everyone else’s sexual orientation.
There is plenty of sissy content on here that has a hypno element, and you can always use my posts as directed towards you, whatever your preference. But please, please respect who I am and how I am. Don’t ask me to make something just for your sexual needs, then give me hate when I say no. I’d love to please everyone, that would be a dream for sure, but I can’t.
There is room for all of us under this roof, don’t make it awkward for those that are different to you. Peace and love, that’s all we need to live together. xXx
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master-mind-fkr · 4 years ago
Hello! I was wondering what importance the number 7 has? I've noticed it in multiple of your posts and been wondering for a while!
I’m glad you’ve noticed them, the reason for them is simple. 7 is heaven.
Now when you edge to them and see the 7, you’ll know the feeling of heaven.
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master-mind-fkr · 4 years ago
I’m a dirty little edge slut and you helped me become one
But you already had it in you. You all do. I’m just here to liberate the edge slut in everyone that has it.
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master-mind-fkr · 4 years ago
I think i found a reason to edge and not cum and it’s your blog
I’m glad you’ve found a reason. The endless bliss of edging can take a while to achieve.
Practice, dedication, self discipline and repetition are all needed. Set yourself reasonable targets for your edging and improve on them every few days.
No rush, no race. No cumming...
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master-mind-fkr · 4 years ago
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Lips, clits and pink squishy bits, toes and soles and pretty assholes.
So many zones for pleasure and play, but there’s one certain area you touch everyday.
It’s aching already, desperate for touch, but be careful when playing, don’t rub it too much.
Using your finger, just circle your clit, don’t add too much pressure, it just needs a bit.
Relax and breathe, a nice steady flow, and on with your journey, can you cum? Fuck no.
Stare at the visuals, with a smile not a frown, I’m taking you with me, much deeper down.
Focus and drop, rub yourself dumb, the decisions been made, you don’t get to cum.
Keep rubbing and rubbing if you feel your hole spasm, stop what you’re doing, don’t have an orgasm.
Slap her and lay back, then start up again, this is part of your training, it’s not just in vain.
Dripping and drooling the deeper you go, good girls keep that pace, it’s an excellent show.
You can last so much longer, no ifs or a but, remember your place, you’re Masters edge slut.
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master-mind-fkr · 4 years ago
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Your clit does control you. You know that. You can feel it tingling now as you think about it.
That greedy, needy little trouble button. She rules your life doesn’t she. The ache and the need to rub. Your addiction to friction is relentless.
A little thigh squeeze here and there isn’t always enough to take the edge off. Oh, did I say edge? My bad.
But who controls that clit of yours? How do you know when you can and can’t touch it? Who regulates your stimulation, tells you when you can’t cum or when to ruin?
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master-mind-fkr · 4 years ago
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It’s funny how memories can trigger a feeling.
The smell of a bonfire, a certain song, racing raindrops on a window.
Unintentional triggers that life has given you over the years. Natures hypnosis, taking you somewhere to your past in an instant.
What I’m doing to you is no different. Climbing into your mind when you’re relaxed and open. My spiral is the key to let myself in.
You focus on the visual, you breathe and relax, your mind opening out for me to explore.
I make you edge while you focus, associate the visuals with the pleasure, your reward response as I walk through your mind.
Verbal commands are installed in this state, your compliance at its peak, she retains subliminal information.
Repetition is paramount to get close to natural triggers. Systematically overriding your thoughts and replacing them with new ones. My ones.
Deep hypnosis takes time, it’s detailed, it’s intense but it works. If it was as easy as just showing you a gif and saying drop.... then you wouldn’t be on my blog.
Keep watching the spiral and racing the raindrops.
Over time it becomes more natural, feels less like training and more like fun. That’s the conditioning taking over. The results of my hard work, starting to show.
I’ll create your new happy place, personally designed to remove you from here, it’s safe and it’s exciting. I can hold you there with a few words now, while I reprogram your mind.
One word commands are all I need. No twisting mantras or ceremony. They make you focus faster, and then it happens. You’re in that place. My place.
You need to please me, and you’re going to please me.
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master-mind-fkr · 4 years ago
I've been edging to your blog for the last hour, thank you, it's wonderful
You are welcome. I’m glad it’s been helpful to your edging.
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