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iristial · 2 months ago
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Asahi Ito: I remember [the LuPato Christmas episode] when Christmas comes
When your Sentai Christmas episode is so iconic Oricon had to make an article about its divine power to spread the word of salmon six years later 😌
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psychedslash · 9 months ago
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They seem like really good friends
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stewykablooey · 2 years ago
i could get into this and that about why i have no interest in roman or why hes the least compelling sibling to me but im not gonna front. what it really comes down to is that i think his hair is stupid
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dovalore · 2 years ago
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⚠️ pandaemonium anabaseios
11th circle
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lolochaponnay · 1 year ago
Au tribunal : - Monsieur, vous êtes accusé d'avoir, sous l'emprise de l'alcool, tiré à deux reprises sur votre belle-mère, sans la toucher, fort heureusement. Pouvez-vous nous expliquer ce geste abominable ? - C'est la faute à l'alcool, monsieur le juge. Je vous promets de ne plus jamais en boire une seule goutte! - Cette décision est fort louable, monsieur! Mais n'est-ce pas là, qu'une simple promesse d'ivrogne ? - Pas du tout. Je suis du genre à toujours tirer les bonnes leçons des situations délicates, monsieur le juge. Je peux vous jurer que, pour moi, l'alcool c'est fini! Car c'est bien à cause de lui que, ma belle-mère, je l'ai loupée!
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myhotmessandsoccer · 9 months ago
I won’t be a bit surprised if there’s a trumper on the jury and he throws the verdict.
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pinkvodkatz · 11 months ago
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frida--y · 2 years ago
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his face hurty
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mickeygutz · 2 months ago
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ahrvveryy doodle cuz i love himhes really underrated i was gonna draw the jurer too but got lazy bleehhh
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lupato · 7 months ago
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Pokemon Lupin and Patren for the Gameboy Color
[ID: a series of fake screenshots in the style of Gen II Pokemon. the first image is of the link battle VS screen, with the player names set to the trainer classes "PHTM Thief" and "GSPO Officer."
the next three are gifs, cycling through fake battle screens and showing off trainer sprites and back sprites for Kairi, Touma, Umika, Keiichiro, Sakuya, Tsukasa, Noël, Gauche, and Zamigo (the latter two only having trainer sprites).
the next two show overworld sprites of Keiichiro walking around the GSPO office. in the first, he is standing in front of a desk, and the textbox says "Sakuya's desk. It's a mess." Jim Carter can be seen to the side. in the second, he is looking at a poster next to his own desk. the textbox says "It's a poster of the PHTM Thieves."
the next two show overworld sprites of Kairi walking around Bistrot Jurer. in the first, he is walking away from the stairs, and Touma and Umika can be seen behind the counters. in the second, he is walking between tables.
the next two are of Noël standing in Kairi's room. he is looking at a picture frame on the desk, and the textbox says "It's a photo of a young man hugging a child...they look familiar...
the last image is a gif of a dex entry for an orange and red Shaymin, flipping between its land and sky forms. the entry reads "An excitable, odd-colored Shaymin. Its form seems to change depending on its current company. /END ID]
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kindercelery · 6 months ago
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*drops at ur feet like a cat with a mouse it just caught*
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Taggies: @sillygoofyart @pipiscake @thehoodedsweater @t0ydoesstuff @r0ckwithu @r-am-s @bleh-idc + anyone else who wants to join!!
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nightpool · 25 days ago
things i liked about severance:
the premise
the hets, all 3 hets were very sweet and cute
also poly rights !!!
helly <3 my friend helly <3. NEVER give up on killing yourself.
dylan you are so smart and your meat is so huge
loved the goats
how awful outie mark was and his goofy YA protag plot
okay actually idk if i liked this one as much as some of the other ones some of it was kinda hit or miss but
ms cobel's whole Deal really snuck up on me but i really loved her by the end, incredible performance from an outstanding actor
similarly i was very surprised by (end of s1) jurer gurl raqrq hc tbvat jvgu zf pnfrlf jubyr qrny naq v gubhtug gung jnf trahvaryl ernyyl fzneg naq ratntvat gryrivfvba gur jnl gurl cnprq gung bhg
THE YOU YOU ARE. kill ricken and wear his skin but this book was fun it endeared me to him a lot.
the fucking. waffle party. jesus christ. jesus christ!!!! jesus motherfucking christ. truly lost my mind at that one.
things i did not like about severance:
SUB BULLET, PATTON, THE MOST CALIFORNIA OF ALL CALIFORNIA CHARACTERS AND THE ONE I AM GOING TO EXPLODE WITH MY MIND. genuinely the patton stuff is ep1 was some of the worst moments of the show for me i truly almost gave up right there
some of the sci fi technology was just too stupid for me to believe at times. code scanners?? fucking code scanners???? oh, so do their SWEATERS set of the code scanners now? what about the fucking KEYCARDS? what about their DNA, JACKASS. just make them do strip searches and millimeter wave scans like normal people for the love of GOD
gay people (derogatory). i'm sorry irv even before you became gay people i didn't like you and i hated you being gay people even more. i think it's cool how much you like art though that was fun.
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aceofwhump · 1 year ago
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"We may have lost the battle for the jurers minds but their hearts can still be ours. So tomorrow, Mabel, you're gonna cry."
"In front of all those people? I don't think I'll be able to do that."
"I'm gonna teach you how."
The unaired pilot of "Rex is Not Your Lawyer"
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insociablementcompliquee · 4 months ago
L’espoir reviendra toujours. Tu peux te jurer que tu n’y touchera plus, que l’amour ça ne t’as pas plus. Que rien ne vaut ces maux, que ça t’as brisé, mis en mille morceaux. L’amour est partout. Il s’infiltre, innocemment, tu souris et ça vient presque naturellement. C’est pas des sentiments, c’est bien plus simple, plus tendrement. C’est une personne qui par son naturel te redonne foi en l’humanité. Y’a beaucoup d’âmes écorchées, mais la sienne parvient encore à briller. Elle illumine la tienne, même contre son gré. Elle parseme des jolis souvenirs, qui quand ça va mal te rappelle que tout n’est pas joué. Il suffit d’une personne, d’une présence enjouée, d’un sourire échangé, d’un regard en toute simplicité. Les gens sont mauvais mais lui y a échappé. L’amour, il le donne, sans contrepartie, sans compromis, juste comme ça, il s’en délaisse, t’en donne un peu, par pur gentillesse. Il le rend acceptable, toi qui l’a rendu condamnable, discutable, plus que minable, cet amour te gagne. Il l’enveloppe d’humour, d’amitié, de bravoure, d’un peu de compétitivité. C’est un second souffle. Toi tu ne savait pas, que l’amour pouvait être simplement partagé. Que ce n’était pas donné sans retour, pas se briser en dernier recours. Ce n’est pas se détester pour mieux donner. Devenir faible pour rendre l’autre fort. C’est simplement échanger, une connexion sans efforts. Un lien qui n’a rien à voir avec les plaisirs du corps. C’est simplement deux âmes qui font un bout de chemin, qui s’alimentent réciproquement parce que pourquoi pas finalement. L’amour doit être simple. Discret. Un petit geste qui fait sourire, une phrase qui fait doucement rire. Mais des yeux qui eux ne savent pas mentir.
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vital-deloin · 6 months ago
"Une vie d'amour, que l'on s'était jurée et que le temps a désarticulée, jour après jour blesse mes pensées. Tant des mots d'amour en nos cœurs étouffés dans un sanglot l'espace d'un baiser sont restés sourds à tout, mais n'ont rien changé. Car un au revoir ne peut être un adieu. Et fou d'espoir, je m'en remets à Dieu, pour te revoir, et te parler encore, et te jurer encore.." - Une Vie D'Amour
~ Charles Aznavour
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aihoshiino · 3 months ago
Before reading the last chapter part of me was hoping that Aqua wasn’t really dead but somehow managed to fake it and it‘d be a set up for a part 2 Akane and Kana detective story where they try to uncover the truth of what he did but oh well guess that isn’t happening shrug hahaha
Maybe I‘ll write something about this one day actually
I'm ngl there was also a little part of me that was half expecting a kind of quasi-TDKR or Promised Neverland type ending where Aqua has a spiritual death and maybe even loses his memories of being the Aqua we know but is then as a result able to start his life over again as a new person with maybe a teased reunion at the end.
Actually - ROT13 filtered for Umineko spoilers, but:
Gur zber V guvax nobhg vg, gur zber V guvax Ndhn gheavat bhg yvxr Gbuln Unpuvwb pbhyq'ir orra n ernyyl vagrerfgvat raqvat sbe uvz? Ur nyernql qrnyf jvgu fbzr fvzvyne vffhrf jvgu ertneqf gb qvfpbagvahvgl bs vqragvgl - va snpg, gung jnf jul V nyjnlf gubhtug gur nethzragf nobhg gur Ndhn/Tbebh qvivqr jrer fb fvyyl orpnhfr gur vafgnag gur fgbel tbg vagb vg V jnf yvxr "Bu, fb ur'f whfg Gbuln yby" naq gung jnf rknpgyl jurer gur fgbel raqrq hc… ohg naljnl. V guvax univat Ndhn fbeg bs qvfpbaarpg sebz uvf byq frys gb gur rkgrag gung ur pbhyq ragveryl fgneg ntnva naq bayl erpbaarpg jvgu Ehol naq uvf sevraqf bapr uvf cngu unf qviretrq gbb zhpu sbe uvz gb erpynvz uvf sbezre yvsr pbhyq'ir orra n ernyyl vagrerfgvat raqvat sbe rirelbar, npghnyyl? Ohg hygvzngryl vg jbhyq pbzr qbja gb gur rkrphgvba, V thrff.
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