#ju has a life
jubilee-station · 10 months
Ju was lying down on bed, staring at the ceiling, big eye bags under her eyes, it was just another night without sleep. He checked the time, it was 8:00 AM, time to get going.
Ju stood up and stretched a little, he's been wearing the same clothes for weeks now, and decided to change them just because they were going somewhere else. She pretty much grabbed the first thing he saw on the closet, a hoodie with red strings and some other red details, and a pair of black jeans.
She went to the bathroom and got changed, not bothering to shower, but bothering enough to put on some deodorant. Ju picked up her guitar and placed it on its case, her eyes glaring at a folder next to the case.
He shook his head and sighed, she would worry about him later, he grabbed her phone and left the apartment.
They went to the direction they were given, it was far from his house, but he decided to go walking. He got there at 9:01 AM. She sighs, accomodates her glasses, takes a deep breath, coughing a little in the process, and walks in.
"Hello. . ?"
Ju says when they walk in, her voice was quiet, as they were still unsure if this would be a good idea. She wondered if her physical aspect was good, she hoped they weren't. . . shadowing a little.
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felixakranken · 7 months
TWF fans have a strange habit of, for lack of a better word, woobifying Mr. Walten.
I think a lot of you seem to take this series a lot less serious than it actually is, and those same people have a very bad habit of making Jack out to be a saint. He's just a normal guy. Just because he loves his family doesn't mean he's some sweet and perfect guy who has no flaws. I never see any of you discuss or portray his anger issues that Martin has mentioned numerous times.
You all blatantly ignore the fact that Sophie's only memories she retained of him were that he was angry and he worked all the time. Just because he loves his family and didn't abuse them doesn't mean he's perfect. To deny him of these flaws take away what a dynamic character he's being written to be.
We know Felix sucks. We all know this because no one shuts up about it. That's his best friend of 20 years, someone he chose to have around his family, and someone he chose to start a business with. Felix's actions don't reflect on Jack, obviously, but you have to think about the fact they are best friends of 2 decades.
The small bit we know about Jack and what things Martin has let on to his personality over time is very different than what everyone makes him out to be, and it's strange. If you choose to ignore that Jack is just a normal middle-aged man in the 70s, that's on your own inability to actually like the character that's there.
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bylertruther · 2 years
listen. i love el and i think she's a fascinating character. we all know this. i am very clear about this. but like. it really is SO crazy how she really came in and, like... fucked will's life up so fucking bad lmao. i know that it wasn't her fault, and i'm not saying it is, but that's just... such an excruciating writing choice.
it was a choice to have her be the one that opened the gate & essentially sliced will's life into an ugly before and after. it was a choice to have her replace him as mike's number one as soon as she came back into their lives. it was a choice to make her the party's mage and then "change" will from being their wizard to their cleric. it was a choice to make her his sister. it was a choice to purposely have her wear his clothes and have the same bangs. it was a choice to have her ignore him on mike's first day in lenora, despite the fact that he was mike's friend, too, and first. it was a choice to make her oblivious to his feelings.
it was a choice to make them love and genuinely care about each other. it was a choice to make her feel like a monster for everything that'd happened and kept happening. it was a choice to make will not resent her. it was a choice to make him support her enough that he's willing to uphold her lies to mike (!!!) of all people with his inaction.
it was a choice to have him spill his heart out to mike and gift him his painting all in her name. to have him be the one to unknowingly make mike finally say "i love you" to her in response to his confession. to have him realize too late that he's been needlessly pushing mike towards her this whole time.
it was a choice to place will right beside mike, his first ever friend and keeper of his heart, when he told el that his life started just as will's ended.
it was... a bold fucking choice to replace will with el in mike's eyes due to outside influence. it throws them into chaos and disarray because el and will are not interchangeable, and it shows in how...
mike seeks from el everything that will already gives him.
mike readily gives will everything that el begs him for.
el cannot read or understand mike in the innate, wordless, and familiar way that will does.
mike cannot be vulnerable with el, but he opens up to will without even needing to be asked.
mike always heeds, trusts, and listens to will, even when they're arguing or going through a rough patch.
mike always knows just how to mend things with will, because he knows exactly what he needs and he doesn't ever hesitate to do and give it. nor does he need anyone to help him with their conflicts either. he just knows.
el is always left waiting for him to do things for her that he's currently doing for will.
will visibly hates and feels uncomfortable lying to mike, but el can do it consistently with ease.
will is the one that loves mike how he truly wants (and needs) to be loved.
will hasn't been able to move on in full, because he was cast out of his own story and demoted to a supporting role behind the new lead.
el hasn't been able to find out who she really is, because she's been thrust into roles that were never meant for her to begin with. she has always been contorted into the shape of whatever others need or want her to be, but they don't fit because they aren't her.
and, like... there are so many things in this story, which is to say the show as a whole, that would not have happened had the men in el's life not done that. had they allowed her to just be, it's highly likely that the dominoes would've never fallen the way they have.
thankfully, the narrative is set up in such a way that it appears this disorder will rectify itself, but it's still so... upsetting to think about lol.
it all boils down to choices: who gets to make them, what choices they have, why they made those choices, and what happens after. that's all the show is: a series of choices, or a lack thereof, and their consequences with some monster mumbo-jumbo sprinkled on top.
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deoccchi · 3 months
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just a warm up sketch with Martha after my last exam
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hi. i wanted to say that your daily rocks give me a sense of a constant in my life. they're the one thing that's always there and doesn't change and seeing the newest post every day has made be feel better multiple times when im just. so tired of the chaos of life. thank you and ily (platonically) <3
feel free to not reply if you dont want to. i just wanted to say how i appreciate this blog and i apologize if this ask makes you uncomfortable.
hello! First of I want to say I am SO SORRY for not answering this (and every other ask in my inbox) sooner, i've been preparing to move to college and life has been crazy, but I want you to know that this ask made my day and continues to do so every time I open up my inbox :)
I started this blog as a joke but honestly all of you being so supportive and kind and funny has kept me going in some really hard times, and you all have been so kind to me when i've forgotten to post things or messed up and its been so fun seeing all your notes and reblog and asks every day. I swear i will do my best to keep posting on this blog for as long as i can because i also need that consistency in my life lol
I hope you are having the greatest day anon, and I love you too (platonically <3)
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firsttkp · 1 year
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would it be enough if i could never give you peace?
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andaniellight · 5 months
watching blood free right now and it firms the need in me more to study ju jihoon's acting roles throughout his career for years cause like. he's a prince with issues. and a silly god. and a pitiful king. and a traumatized dethroned crown prince. not to forget a (former? usually) general slash soldier who had ptsd with a sense (of something). overall just. traumatized pathetic royal being of sort
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jaehyum · 1 year
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ban jieum/yoon joowon (ep. 5)
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ikilledamanforthisurl · 11 months
i'm not sure if this is bias from someone whose only seen voy+ds9 or if it's maybe more due to the setting of ds9 (a place people visit instead of people who visit places) but it is soooo delightful seeing all the PEOPLE!!! all of these unspeaking extras all dressed up in weird costume and extraordinary makeup. all of these aliens so different from one another and yet blending perfectly and harmoniously into the background, entirely irrelevant but no doubt leading unique and interesting lives. that probably sounds contradictory to love seeing the people when the show is no longer about Exploring To Meet People but idk something about ds9 feels different. feels alive and intriguing. maybe ds9 simply cant throw in human extras and call it a day like on a starfleet vessel because that just Is Not The Setting but also maybe ds9 does it willingly. happily. look at all of these different people. so many good unique character gimmicks get used in ds9 namely related to business owners/local workers and we are only so blessed with getting to know a few of them. a spy from the planet of state servitude who is drawn to the mundane and hedonistic self gratification owns a tailoring shop because hes banished from home. a bar tender who gets blackmailed into staying and his cop-vs-criminal dynamic best frenemy the Unknown Sample butt heads every day. all of the bajorans and their religious sites!!!!!! the school!!!!!! a worker from Capitalism Planet forms a union and then quits his job to be a freelance engineer and his sex worker wife who he loves very much. a guy from some sorta warrior culture who instead works as a chef serving live worms to his patrons who'll also burst into song during downtime. all of the shady visitors dealing in illicit substances and goods. all of the weird shapes and colours on these visitors from races whose names we may not even know. one of the starfleet crew guys gives birth to litters and he does this multiple times and some longterm professor on the station has a transparent skull and all this & more is conveyed to us strictly thru crewmembers gossiping about all the strange new different People around them because this show is all about People
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heoldramaicons · 1 year
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please, like or reblog if you save/use
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gulongming · 1 year
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이번 생도 잘 부탁해 SEE YOU IN MY 19th LIFE (2023)
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jubilee-station · 10 months
[ @i-used-to-hear-a-symphony ]
Sienna sighed as she finally had found Jubilee's location with a lot of struggle, if he was being honest, as he was wondering if she should interact with her or not. -“Maybe, I should just...” They then hesitantly stepped up towards Jubilee's door and knocked, as he got ready for the multiple scenarios that the situation could end up being like.
Ju was playing guitar, slightly untuned, until she heard a knock on the door, strange. No one ever came visit them, and the only people who ever knocked on her door were the owners of the building to remind her to pay for the rent of the appartment.
They got up and went over to a mirror, fixing their hair a little to look more 'presentable', despite not looking presentable at all. They take a deep breath and head to the door, opening it a little to look who was it. A slight look of surprise appears on her face when they see a child, that had a lot of bandages. They sigh.
"May I help you. . ?"
She asks, still looking at the child between the gap of the door and the wall, Ju was not confident enough to open the door completely.
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theproblemcallednight · 10 months
i think art block should go fuck itself in the depths of hell tbh
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anyways have some doodles bc i said i would do more art but i have no motivation for a finished piece
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bylertruther · 1 year
do you ever think about how will probably wishes he was braver?
that he could tell mike the truth about himself without having to speak in code. that he could stick to his guns when he's been wronged and stand up for himself rather than tucking tail and turning the other cheek. that he could be less shy, less sensitive, less cowardly, and maybe then his loved ones wouldn't forget about him as often as they do.
maybe then they would pick him first, rather than leaving him for last. maybe then they would want to hang out with him and hear what he has to say. maybe then they would treat him like they used to, like he can still take care of himself just like they can, instead of like a fragile little thing that they pick up only when they need him. maybe then they would care about him as much as he cares about them. maybe then he wouldn't doubt that it could all come crashing down once they know who he really is, and always has been, because the rest of him would've been enough.
like, maybe he wishes he didn't freeze or run away so much. maybe he wishes he wasn't so afraid all the time, of every little thing. that he could be brave like mike, el, or his mom. i mean, el's been through so much, too. why can't he be more like her? why does he have to hide behind her? he hides behind her when the monsters come crawling back, and he hides behind her when he can't bring himself to say what he really means—even after getting on her case about it.
he spent so much time on that painting. he didn't let anyone see it—it was that special to him. why couldn't he own up to that? there's no monster in the van with him; it's just him and mike and this painting of the party, nothing inherently incriminating or romantic, and still—he can't help himself. he retreats back into the shadow, shrinks into himself, and tells lie after lie to the person that he never lies to, that he knows doesn't fucking deserve that, just because he's too scared.
of course he'd feel like a mistake sometimes. of course he'd hate who he is (if That script is to be believed), when he can't even talk to the one person that would understand without lying straight to his face, over and over again, like a fucking hypocrite. of course he'd feel so lost without the person that tells him it's okay to be this way and shows him that there is indeed strength in it. of course he'd hate who he is when he's encouraging someone to be true and speaking about their courage, all while being incapable of taking his own advice, and giving the credit for all of his love and efforts and emotions to someone else.
so many people died to bring him back, so many people died just because he didn't stay dead when maybe he should have, and for what? so that he can continue to hide rather than live his life? so that he can turn into a "worse" version of himself? so that he can live in fear? so that he can continue to ache for a past that he can never return to, while everyone else moves forward and berates him for not doing the same? time stopped in the upside down when will went missing, and he's been stuck there ever since, too. too much has happened for him to move on from. too much has changed—he's changed. he's too different now, in every way, and the older he gets the more clear it becomes.
of course he'd feel like a mistake. of course he'd hate who he is. he's the common denominator here: in his loneliness and in this war. the boy who came back to life when others didn't. the boy that got possessed and couldn't fight it. the boy that turned into a liar and a coward and must learn to live with it, even if it's at his own expense. the boy that can't let go of the past and whom the past won't let go of either, because even after everything, he's still connected to this great evil that won't let him go. they got it out of him, and yet the tether remains, because of-fucking-course it would.
just—why? why him? why can't anything ever go right with him? why is he always the outlier? i think that overwhelming amount of fear, shame, grief, guilt, exhaustion, and loneliness would wear anyone down, let alone a teenager that never asked for any of it and has experiences so unfathomably unique that the only other people that could have possibly understood are literally dead.
#will byers#byler#mine#long post#will#anyway. this is how i always interpreted the i hate WHO i am line especially in conjunction with the word ''mistake'' + being different#within the context of EVERYTHING that's happened to will and continues to happen to him and how unique it is to him in this narrative#bc rly. if you were will.... wouldn't you feel like a mistake? even outside of that outside of the supernatural i'm speaking to my#friends that have ''Something Wrong'' with them. when something happens to you and you're not the same after and you're surrounded#by people who are able to move on and be normal—don't you ever have those moments where you feel like a mistake? when you're#growing up and still interested in your same old interests but your friends start moving on and then you see that they went back to#those interests in your absence—don't you feel like you were the problem then? when people are able to be brave and you can't#find it within yourself to overcome your fear—don't you hate that feeling? don't you feel that negativity towards yourself when you#know that you SHOULD do something but you can't bring yourself to and it works against yourself? like. everything that has happened#to will E V E R Y T H I N G !!!!!!!!!!!!! can easily make anyone no matter what part of him you relate to the most understand that#u kno wht i mean? anyway. i jus wanted to bring this up bc his life is a fucking tragedy even without the gay stuff n his current pov on th#and the way that That conversation always centers on fear and bravery it's like. obviously being gay is not easy in that era but i don't#think that line is ''i hate being gay'' with no factoring in of the great many things that have happened to him which alienate him further#as well as with how he does want mike to know and his alan turing poster and his talk with jonathan etc etc#his conflict has always centered around how other people treat him and his issue with that bc that's what makes him feel bad#that just because he's different that doesn't mean that he's Different and must be treated as such#he's different and has people that make him feel BETTER for it like look at s2 for example all of those talks abt using what he perceives#as a weakness abt himself as a strength that no one else can bring to the table. and in s3 when he still believed in being a nerd#and never getting girlfriends etc but when it came from mike thts when he called himself stupid n started down this path bc now#there's that sprinkle of doubt. n tht doubt is the scariest thing in the world—understandably so#also. he literally has an evil monster in his brain like bdkfjhsbkdjhfbskj IT'S JUST A LOT.#he is different for many reasons and has even more reasons to hate Who he is the kind of person that he is#jus my take 😁👍
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galaxygermdraws · 1 year
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Already did a Skizz doodle dump, only makes sense to follow it up with a Tango doodle dump. I gave them lil matching outfits. Tango has Skizz's tie as a wristband by the end of the series. I have thoughts about him. I have thoughts about both of them. I love him.
Other Team BEST Doodles Bdubs Doodles Etho Doodles Skizz Doodles
(reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Thankyuuu)
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firsttkp · 1 year
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you knew it still hurts underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart...
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