#jsa all-stars
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celadons-penultimate 9 months ago
馃様 Still in mourning over Rayhan Mazin, a weather manipulating Arab meta introduced in the 2009 POWER GIRL comic, back in 2011, in the midst of the New 52 dropping; he gets all of 2 issues (#24-25, wherein he's racially profiled & wrongfully accused of using his weather powers for terrorism, when in fact, he was using them to save his plane from crashing) + hints of hero potential, but he's been MIA ever since. 馃槶
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dailyjsa 1 year ago
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JSA All-Stars v1 #1
Writer: Geoff Johns and David S. Goyer
Artist: Sal Velluto
Inker: Bob Almond
Colors: John Kalisz
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balu8 2 years ago
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JSA All- Stars #10: Apotheosis
by Matthew Srurges; Freddie Williams II; Chris Sotomayor and Pat Brosseau
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tomoleary 6 months ago
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Freddie Williams II JSA All-Stars #14 (2011) Source
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lunar-sams 1 year ago
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this was funnier in my head
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jack-of-starss 26 days ago
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Stargirl 馃挮
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evilhorse 8 months ago
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From all corners of the world they come
(All-Star Comics #74)
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browsethestacks 1 year ago
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Justice Society of America #08/#09/#010 (2023-2024)
Art by Tony Harris
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dcdreamblog 2 months ago
I am so sorry to hear of Joan Garrick's passing. It puts me in mind of a question I have been thinking of asking.
I'm glad that Mrs. Garrick got to meet and say goodbye to her daughter, known as the Boom to the public, before her death. A daughter the world, and she herself had forgotten.(As an aside, let me thank the Boom for adding some new variety to the Flash family naming conventions. I swear only the Green Lanterns give you less, where they are all simply Green Lantern, unless they reveal their real names)
As a historian, how does it make you feel to know how much as actually been ripped out of the public's minds?
The first Flash had a daughter! Sidekicks were even more common than thought, with heroes like the Red Bee, Mister Terrific and Miss America just a few additional ones having them! The Soviet Union made a counterpart to the Green Lantern! And if rumors of this guy raging are true he was connected to the emotional spectrum?! Unless I totally misunderstand his powers compared to the other GLs; which is easily possible, Alan Scott isn't even tied to the emotional spectrum!(Is he?) He's connected to some experiment to move away from that?
It's amazing how much was there and was just stripped away.
As we stare down a new year I find myself thinking on this ask like I'm starring into a whiskey glass.
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(A photograph of the "Lost Children" taken upon their recovery from Orphan Island by the Justice Society) Some of these faces I'm know all my life. Wing, Dan the Dyna Mite, Boy Blue. But like you said the others it's like...it's like they just appeared, out of thin air. And yet there's this clawing at the back of my mind whenever I look at them. I know I don't know them. But...don't I? Their names are like...fire ants on the tip of my tongue. ...some heroes, when dealing with time travel will describe the disorientation of the world...pivoting around you. Like the odd moment before you wake up when you can feel the sun on your eyelids but the dream is still playing. But you never wake up. The moment goes on, and on, and on. Things you KNOW to be true projected before your eyes against the backdrop of their own contradiction. I still own my college superhero encyclopedias (I certainly paid enough for them). I know every entry in them back to front, I KNOW which of these young men and women I've seen before. But I open it up and...
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(A photograph of my 5 year old textbook. The page is worn and dog earned. There's...there's a sticky note with my handwriting in the margin)
I skimmed the page. I skimmed it. I knew every ounce of information on it the instant before I read. I'd memorized it, years ago, of course I had it was in the book. The sticky note is marking a citation I needed for a paper I did on the sidekicks of the Freedom Fighters. But the Freedom Fighters didn't have any sidekicks. All three of them. None of them. I know them...I've never seen them before in my life...
I feel like I'm losing my mind...
A dozen blank spots in my old class notes are now filled with scribbles I know have always-never been there.
I go into work...the archives are full of artifacts. Serial numbered, shelved and put neatly in drawers. Like I've spent weeks, months just...glazing my eyes over them and picking up the artifact next to it. It's stupid, of course they've always been here...then why haven't I catalogued a single one? Random gaps in my filings. Artifact 1, 2, 3. Except it was actually Artifact 1, 3, 7 that I picked out in random order because Artifacts 2, 4, 5 and 6 are for sidekicks I remember not remembering.
And then it hits me.
The guilt. Oh god the guilt.
These kids were lost, for so long. Scared. Alone. Forgotten. Their stories were right here in my hands and I just glossed over them. I know they've been here the whole time. I know they've never been here before. ...I can't shake the weight that if I had just focused, looked down at the right time I would have caught it. Like something in the corner of my eye in the dark.
I swear I didn't mean to forget them. ...I swear I didn't mean it...
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smbhax 2 days ago
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All-Star Comics #3, Winter 1940. Cover pencils & inks by E. E. Hibbard.
Info from Grand Comics Database
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chernobog13 1 year ago
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Jerry Ordway presents some All-Stars hanging out in the Justice Society's headquarters.
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kryptonbabe 3 months ago
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"We think this panel speaks for itself"
What can I say, I really like these historically inaccurate and yet aesthetically pleasing Superman costumes
From All-Star Comics #64 (1977) by Wally Wood & Paul Levitz
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dailyjsa 7 months ago
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JSA All-Stars v1 #1
Writer: Geoff Johns and David S. Goyer
Artist: Sal Velluto
Inker: Bob Almond
Colors: John Kalisz
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ufonaut 2 years ago
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Upcoming Justice Society of America (2022) variants by Tony Harris.
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somewherefornow 6 months ago
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justicesocietyzine 1 year ago
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