#Liberty Belle
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waitingforthet · 6 months ago
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Check my Patreon out if you’d like to support the comic, even a little bit helps. Or just to check out the reward tiers, there’s some neat bonus stuff and I tried to make them fun: https://www.patreon.com/waitingforthet
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vincentvega0721 · 10 months ago
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The AllStar Squadron / Pin Ups Dc Comics
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nocternalrandomness · 8 months ago
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1944 B-17G "Liberty Belle" - 2008 Duxford Airshow
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evilhorse · 1 year ago
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Justice Society of America house ad from August 1992
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saturnsickle · 1 year ago
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Jesse Quick / Liberty Belle
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browsethestacks · 1 year ago
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Justice Society of America #08/#09/#010 (2023-2024)
Art by Tony Harris
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comicpolls · 2 months ago
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splooosh · 15 days ago
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World War II
Jerry Ordway
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onlylonelylatino · 8 months ago
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Where's Stripesy? by Fred Hembeck
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infinityinc4ever · 5 days ago
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An incredible crossover… the JLA, the JSA, and the All-Star Squadron!
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hawkzeyes · 3 months ago
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Justice Society of America #9 (2006-)
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dailyjsa · 2 months ago
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JSA vs. Kobra #3
Writer: Eric Trautmann
Artist: Don Kramer
Inker: Michael Babinski
Colors: Art Lyon
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evilhorse · 11 months ago
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Justice Society of America #9 (Tony Harris Variant Cover)
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chernobog13 · 1 year ago
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Jerry Ordway presents some All-Stars hanging out in the Justice Society's headquarters.
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wintersettled · 4 months ago
JSA character recs
With the release of the new JSA series I wanted to come on and give a few recommendations for what might be good to read to give yourself an intro for the characters so it's a bit less confusing! I know having read about the characters was a major aid for me in not having too many issues in knowing whos who and having a general vibe for a lot of them.
I will note that prior to reading while it's not necessary I'd recommend reading Alan Scott: The Green Lantern and the prior JSA run from Geoff Johns.
I'll build this list around characters appearing in the first issue along with a little description! I'm not including every character who made a cameo because I feel that would be wayyy too much information so heres a little bit of who I think will be relevant.
Alan Scott is the original Green Lantern and often acts as a sort of leader for the JSA. Being one of the original members, he is very much an older character who sees his origin occurring decades prior to the start of the story. For more regarding his issue I'd recommend reading the recent Alan Scott: The Green Lantern as well as the latter half of Secret Origins (1985) #18, in which we see both his origin as the Green Lantern as well as his ring across time (I actually recommend reading this before Alan Scott: The Green Lantern).
Jay Garrick is also an original member, being the first Flash. He frequently appears in Flash comics to help other speedsters in times of need. For more on him perhaps pick up Secret Origins #9 and Jay Garrick: The Flash, which heavily features his daughter, Judy Garrick aka Boom.
Carter Hall and Kendra Saunders aka Hawkman and Hawkgirl respectively, possess powered wings and belts from the planet Thanagar. Carter, being a founding member, has been with the team for a long time, while Kendra first appeared in JSA: Secret Files & Origins #1 in 1999. Both of these characters appear together in Hawkman (2002) which I have not read but have had recommended to me on multiple occasions so if you're interested in them consider picking it up!
Khalid Nassour and Kent Nelson have both been Doctor Fate, with Kent being an original member of the JSA and later beginning to mentor to his descendant Khalid. Khalid is the current Doctor Fate and his first appearances alongside Kent in Doctor Fate (2015).
Beth Chapel is the current Doctor Mid-Nite following Charles McNider. Beths appearances has been few and far between so for her I would recommend simply diving into her in Justice Society of America (2022) to get an idea of what she's like.
Yolanda Montez and Ted Grant both share the mantle of Wildcat. Ted, a founding JSA member, has most of his appearances throughout various JSA runs. He is a former boxer turned superhero. Yolanda on the other hand appears most, like Beth Chapel, in Infinity, Inc. For her I would also recommend diving in but I will mention that both her and Beth enter the 2022 JSA run with a mysterious illness of some kind derived from past event which is resolved within that run. Because of this I'd say it isn't really necessary to read much prior featuring them.
Rick Tyler is the Hourman, having taken up the title following his father Rex. He is currently married to Jesse Chambers and is sadly a member I don't feel extremely confident in recommending anything for. Still, Rick's powers include superhuman strength and durability.
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden and Todd Rice are the children of Alan Scott, the former going by Jade and the latter going by Obsidian. While likely biased, I am a fan of The Outsiders (2003), during which Jade is a member I'd say this comic is most likely to be enjoyed by Nightwing fans instead. Still, Jade and Todd are also characters appearing in Infinity, Inc. so it may be a good idea to read some of that as a catch-all for many characters appearing here.
Jesse Chambers is yet another member of the Flash fam, going by Jesse Quick, formerly Liberty Belle. Sadly, from what I've read Jesse is a character who often acts mostly as a support to others, rather than as a main character. If there is anything others can think of please leave it below!
Ruby Sokov is the daughter of Vladimir Sokov, the Red Lantern and Alan Scotts "enemy" (wink wink nudge nudge). She is a relatively new character so for her I'd recommend picking up the 2022 JSA run and reading up on her a bit. Currently it appears she's going to be a villain, similar to her father.
Karen Starr aka Power Girl!! Karen is the alternate universe Kara Zor-El aka Supergirl. She has some great appearances in the Justice League International run which I recommend looking up a guide for and picking up regardless! (Yes that is another team book but it's really good guys you gotta you don't even have to read anything before it its so good).
Jim Corrigan is the Spectre! He was a police officer in Gotham who after dying became a spirit of vengeance through the power of God!! He's kind of super cool and one of my favourites of his stories is in Adventure Comics #435-440 coincidentally in many of the same issues as the Aquaman: The Death of a Prince stories (which I recommend picking up just for fun). He also appears in Secret Origins #15 and the Wrath of the Spectre which is a 4-issue mini!
Stargirl or Courtney Whitmore is yet another legacy character who wields a cosmic staff and with it can manipulate cosmic power (which I don't totally get but whatever). For her I'd say pick up Stargirl: The Lost Children and the last issue of the previous JSA run to get a little bit more centered around her.
Don't take this as character guides! This is more meant to be a brief overview based on what I've read and a couple I've just heard about from friends to make easing into the JSA a bit easier :) if anyone has more on these characters or good reading guides please leave them below so others can check it out and read about this team I really like!
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comicpolls · 1 month ago
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