#journaling project
letmewriteitdown · 2 months
Nicknames Journal - 03/1996
This next journal covers some of the times where I was trying to figure out how to be a parent, how to be an adult, and how to be.
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I put almost anything in my early journals. I was a big reader of the daily paper at the time and would sometimes pull comic strips or photos of my hometown from the paper and just slap them on pages.
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I spent some time hospitalized for memory loss, and then depression while I was using this journal. When I couldn't get the paper, friends would cut out comics that reminded them of me and give them to me while I was struggling with my issues. One of my favorites was sent to me more than once - the cute little comic about the little boy not growing up too fast was given to me by several friends because the little boy's name in the comic was also my son's nickname.
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I spent a lot of time terrified of being a bad mother, and looking at how I would search out images of bad mothers, like on the left, and then four or five pages later I would trace my son's hands in my book is a very good peek into how I went about being a mother. I always assumed I was the worst, but then insisted I spend as much time with my kid as humanly possible.
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Another thing that held my interest then, and continues to fascinate me now, is books and movies. Basically, stories. Any stories, I love them and I would read them all the time, and during this time frame I also became enamored by black and white movies, and Theda Bara became a particular favorite.
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There is a fortune cookie fortune on one of the pages that amuses me every time I see it. For a while, no matter which restaurant I went to that had fortune cookies, I would end up with that fortune (Every man is a volume if you know how to read him). I got the fortune in a variety of places in Denver, and then I even got the fortune once in New York City on a visit to see a friend.
While some of my early attempts at collage are not exactly inspiring in this journal, one of my favorite ad campaigns (Absolut) comes up on several pages and I am proud of the different ways I would make a page work to capture the vibe of the ad and keep the page workable for journaling.
Hopefully I can take a look at the next journal soon.
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dandeleon · 12 days
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college fiddauthor doodles ^_^
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abyssalzones · 10 months
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okay so a while back I mentioned I was really unhappy with the older designs I had for the pines twins, so I decided to completely re-do them. not sure why I didn't give them both glasses in the first place honestly. hey have you noticed how often I just draw characters standing in a white empty space
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thejournallo · 4 months
Your manifestations are coming. Stop stressing about what is already yours.
I don't see you stressing over things that you already have.
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why-the-heck-not · 1 year
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24.08.23, thursday
I’ve been treating my journal like a podcast where I just keep rambling while doing things that give me anxiety. Getting the anxieties out right away and feels like I have some emotional support there even tho it’s just me & my journal. Sure it takes a bit longer bc u’re basically doing 2 things, but at least something’s getting done u know?
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lunar-witches · 1 year
Types of Dream Work
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Dream Journaling: Keeping a dream journal is the foundation of dream work in witchcraft. It involves writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up, even if you can only remember a few details. This practice helps you remember your dreams more vividly, identify patterns or recurring themes, and develop a deeper understanding of your subconscious mind.
Lucid Dreaming: Lucid dreaming is the ability to become aware that you are dreaming and to control the dream. It can be used for manifestation, healing, and exploring your inner world. To practice lucid dreaming, you can use reality checks, set intentions before you go to sleep, and practice visualization techniques.
Astral Projection: Astral projection is the practice of leaving your physical body and traveling to different realms or dimensions. It can be used for spiritual exploration, connecting with spirit guides, or receiving messages from the universe. To practice astral projection, you can use meditation, visualization, among other journeying techniques. It's important to practice caution and preparation, and work with an experienced practitioner or teacher if possible.
Dream Incubation: Dream incubation is the practice of setting an intention before you go to sleep to dream about a specific topic or question. It can be used for divination, problem-solving, or spiritual exploration. To practice dream incubation, you can use visualization, affirmations, or ritual to set your intention.
Dream Interpretation: Dream interpretation is the process of analyzing the symbols and messages in your dreams to gain insight into your subconscious mind. It can be used for spiritual growth, self-awareness, and problem-solving. To practice dream interpretation, you can use books, online resources, or work with a dream interpreter or witch.
Dream Protection: Dream protection is the practice of protecting yourself from negative energies or entities that may enter your dreams. It can be used for spiritual protection, emotional healing, or to prevent nightmares. To practice dream protection, you can use visualization, affirmations, or protection spells or talismans.
My Ko-Fi
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simply-ivanka · 2 months
Who’s Afraid of Project 2025?
Democrats run against a think-tank paper that Trump disavows. Why?
Wall Street Journal
July 29, 2024
By The Editorial Board
Americans are learning more about Kamala Harris, as Democrats rush to anoint the Vice President’s candidacy after throwing President Biden overboard. Ms. Harris wasted no time saying she’s going to run hard against a policy paper that Donald Trump has disavowed—the supposedly nefarious agenda known as Project 2025. But who’s afraid of a think-tank white paper?
“I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party—and unite our nation—to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda,” Ms. Harris tweeted shortly after President Biden dropped out. She’s picking up this ball from Mr. Biden, and her campaign website claims that Project 2025 would “strip away our freedoms” and “abolish checks and balances.”
Sounds terrible, but is it? The 922-page document doesn’t lack for modesty, as a wish list of policy reforms that would touch every part of government from the Justice Department to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The project is led by the Heritage Foundation and melds the work of some 400 scholars and analysts from an eclectic mix of center-right groups. The project is also assembling a Rolodex of those who might work in a Trump Administration.
Most of the Democratic panic-mongering has focused on the project’s aim to rein in the administrative state. That includes civil service reform that would make it easier to remove some government workers, and potentially revisiting the independent status of agencies like the Federal Trade Commission.
The latter isn’t going to happen, but getting firmer presidential control over the bureaucracy would improve accountability. The federal government has become so vast that Presidents have difficulty even knowing what is going on in the executive branch. Americans don’t want to be ruled by a permanent governing class that doesn’t answer to voters.
Some items on this menu are also standard conservative fare. The document calls for an 18% corporate tax rate (now 21%), describing that levy as “the most damaging tax” in the U.S. system that falls heavily on workers. A mountain of economic literature backs that up. The blueprint suggests tying more welfare programs with work; de-regulating health insurance markets; expanding Medicare Advantage plans that seniors like; ending sugar subsidies; revving up U.S. energy production. That all sounds good to us.
Democrats are suggesting the project would gut Social Security, though in fact it bows to Mr. Trump’s preference not to touch the retirement program, which is headed for bankruptcy without reform. No project can profess to care about the rising national debt, as Heritage does, without fixing a program that was 22% of the federal budget in 2023.
At times the paper takes no position. For example: The blueprint features competing essays on trade policy. This is a tacit admission that for all the GOP’s ideological confusion on economics, many conservatives still understand that Mr. Trump’s 10% tariff is a terrible idea.
As for the politics, Mr. Trump recently said online that he knew “nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it.” That may be true. The chance that Mr. Trump has read any of it is remote to nil, and he doesn’t want to be tied to anyone’s ideas since he prizes maximum ideological flexibility.
The document mentions abortion nearly 200 times, but Mr. Trump wants to neutralize that issue. The project’s chief sponsor, Heritage president Kevin Roberts, also gave opponents a sword when he boasted of “a second American revolution” that would be peaceful “if the left allows it to be.” This won’t help Mr. Trump with the swing voters he needs to win re-election.
By our lights the project’s cultural overtones are also too dark and the agenda gives too little spotlight to the economic freedom and strong national defense that defined the think tank’s influence on Ronald Reagan in 1980.
But the left’s campaign against Project 2025 is reaching absurd decibels. You’d think Mr. Trump is a political mastermind hiding the secret plans he’ll implement with an army of shock troops marching in lockstep. If his first term is any guide, and it is the best we have, Mr. Trump will govern as a make-it-up-as-he-goes tactician rather than a strategist with a coherent policy guide. He’ll dodge and weave based on the news cycle and often based on whoever talks to him last.
Not much of the Project 2025 agenda is likely to happen, even if Republicans take the House and Senate. Democrats will block legislation with a filibuster. The bureaucracy will leak with abandon and oppose even the most minor reforms to the civil service. The press will revert to full resistance mode, and Mr. Trump’s staff will trip over their own ambitions.
Democrats know this, which is why they fear Trump II less than they claim. They’re targeting Project 2025 to distract from their own failed and unpopular policies.
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silverdawnarrow · 9 days
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Dress, headdress and necklace made by me
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hkthatgffan · 6 months
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A Interview with Alex Hirsch Update!!
Editing for An Interview with Alex Hirsch is nearly done! @fordtato and I still have a bit more work to do due to various external obligations we've had to take care of first (I mean, I'm in my last semester so I think you can guess how busy right now is for me, lol). Our hope is to announce a release date very soon. We obviously don't wanna rush things and announce one just yet in case we gotta push it back. So, once we know we're ready to release this, we will make sure you all know.
And the interview is not the only thing coming! I have a behind the scenes video planned after the interview I wanna release, a special video discussing something huge I was able to accomplish with Alex Hirsch that concludes a piece of old GF fandom history and a little goofy thing he told us that fits better in a separate video, lol.
All this will be coming soon! I know the channel has been kinda dry lately but all will come in good time. The GF fandom is in for some really cool new trivia and lore to enjoy until the Book of Bill arrives. Plus, I cannot wait to show off this little thing Alex sent me. I think you all will love it. I sure did :P
So stay safe, stay weird, stay tuned and very soon, you'll all know when me and Hana Hyperfixates will announce the release, of An Interview with Alex Hirsch!!
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aftgphoenix · 5 days
I’m thinking of a Neil with a kid fic but the kid is one that Neil found abandoned somewhere as an infant and decided to raise them. Maybe after he buried his mom on his way to Arizona?
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greenbetula · 11 months
dear wise one, is this ok? is it ok to be weak sometimes?
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all i did was dream, and that’s what you found GUILTY?
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more milgram spreads!!
this time it's 0809 🌟🎴
tried to lean more on layering for these and also incorporated more of their symbolism!
[ i'm doing the solo spreads two-by-two and it was supposed to be 0910 originally, but kotoko's 2nd mv got delayed :(
oh well i'll just partner her up with fuuta in that case... ]
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letmewriteitdown · 5 months
A little while ago I was looking at my journals and I very desperately wanted to reorganize or tidy them up, or do something with them because I was about to have a big birthday, my bestie was going through his old journals looking for materials for his book, and honestly it was an excuse to poke at my old thoughts and words and see what I had going on in my brain at different times in my life.
I decided to gather up all my journals and maybe do a little chatty chat about each of them on TikTok. I thought ‘this will be simple and easy and fun’. I made a little video of all the different journals.
Then I started looking through the journals and I realized I was not really prepared to tackle the process at all.
Something about making a video while I looked through the journals as sort of a spur of the moment thing really messed with my head. I like looking through the journals, I like talking about the journals, and I like showing off the journals. But as I started making videos I realized I like all those things, but I didn’t wish to be perceived by even a camera while I did each of those things.
I am going to put a little space between myself and the being perceived feeling by showing off my journals here. Yes, it probably makes no sense, but I feel more comfortable doing it this way, and I also don’t have to give up on the project and self flagellate about giving up.
More journal goofiness coming up.
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katabay · 11 months
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okay so. jack! jack. what a collection of guys. the overlap between jack and the beanstalk and jack the giant killer, though. that sure is something! sometimes king arthur is there, which always takes me by surprise.
this. specifically. is an idea I've been kicking around. jack and the beanstalk is not a story I've ever enjoyed, as a kid it was probably my least favorite to read. as an adult, I was INTENSELY fascinated by reading j.g. ballard's the drowned giant. I think about it frequently, and somewhere during a re read of it, I ended up revisiting jack.
combining different versions of jack into one character is not a new concept, but it IS a fun one! the version I've been assembling together plays less with the fun elements of a jack story (and adjacent folklore stories), and focuses more on the potential for tragic elements with the addition of the usual grim and jagged narrative edges that I personally enjoy.
jack with the backstory of the devil and the three golden hairs, only jack doesn't find love, he's TIRED, all he wants to do is go home, but there isn't a home to go back to. what is the point of being born lucky if this is what it gets you? jack the giant killer, only he doesn't want to kill giants, jack who saw a body of a giant when he was a small child and cannot bring himself to do as a king commands. jack, who climbs up the beanstalk and stops halfway to look down. etc.
to go back to the drowned giant real quick, both to set the tone about jack seeing the body of a giant as a youth, and also because I've been haunted and obsessed with this excerpt of it ever since I read it:
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J. G. Ballard, The Drowned Giant
anyway! this was originally like, a two illustration concept to get out of my system. however. I'm halfway through outlining a narrative. so. maybe it will also be several illustrations and also comic.
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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o2studies · 26 days
The Sci Journal has been published!!!
Find it by searching: thescijournal.weebly.com unfortunately you do have to type out the whole thing rn, goggle doesn't show it with just 'thescijournal' quite yet
About the website:
"​What quickly grew to become a small community project, The Sci Journal is a place where students of any kind come together to share their interests and grow their love for research.
Once a month we will produce article entries aimed to inspire and educate based on a variety of science-related subjects such as astronomy, medicine, programming, and many more."
Our first article has been written by @becloudedsagacity about the immortal jellyfish and it is so so interesting!! (this is not just self promo— I geniuenly find it super interesting!)
I'm so so happy and proud and excited and omgggggg! Can't belive this has happened!!
I have been so blessed with your expression of interest and those that have helped with its creation or tools for it ❤️❤️ I would really appreciate if you could check out the website, see if its something you might be interested in (for either reading or also contributing to), and if you could reblog this to reach more people 💕
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Our current (& amazing) team: @jasmine_008 @chefeader @breathing-soil @uncontrolledfission @qnamvnin @elu-xx @thecollapsingneutron @pharmagene @me-be-bubbles @myseniorliving @larstudy @chaotic-but-cute @becloudedsagacity @paramnesia9 @juneability @theamazinglilskate @sparklingstarr-tv @chaiandcuriosity @mikachem @scaryaxolotl @usuallyobsessedtumblr @nenelonomh @hyacinth-dancing-in-rain @nyxscave @studyobsessedgirlie
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frootbyethefoot · 3 months
hm. the fact that ford dreams about being famous and becoming this household name in the scientific community while also uh. not being very good at social interaction is soo fascinating to me. which further backs up my belief that it's not rlly about being famous, it's about the praise, it's about feeling like he's proven himself as "more than a freak" its about going "see! i am a productive member of society! i'm more than a freak and i'm more than my circumstances! i'm worth something!"
because let's be real here, i don't think ford "local recluse who was so isolated from the town he lived in that nobody noticed when his brother came in and took over his identity" pines would've even liked being famous very much! do you really think this guy would like being under a magnifying glass? i think he would just be really overwhelmed 24/7.
it makes me wonder how better world ford deals with it. he's still in contact with fiddleford in that dimension, does he leave a lot of the social stuff up to him? i mean, fiddleford managed to start a cult, so he could probably do it if he wanted too, but even then i don't think he'd be fully comfortable with it. is he a very private and isolated famous person? or does ford do it himself? how does he feel about it? i have a million questions about the better world dimension, it's so endlessly interesting to me. god what i would give to see what better world ford is up too.
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windydrawallday · 2 months
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WHAT?! Is the anniversary of Bionicle?
And here I am, without much to share visually AAAAAA BUT HEY! I decided to compile my fav bunch of art I did during those years of the Reboot/G2 that made me rediscover such a cool franchise (and the last artworks are two of the most modern ones).
Plus, I can really say that without these art experimentations, I wouldn't have developed so many of my modern rendering techniques!
So, cheers to it and everyone that keeps enjoying it and/or found a muse in it like I did x)
This brand too has the privilege of being my true first robot hell bahaha
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