#you get those juicy stickers and prints from those!!
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gomzdrawfr · 4 months ago
Pre-order for @soapjournalzine are now open!
It was so cool and fun to be part of a zine, go check it out and you might find some of my silly doodles around Soap's Journal! :D 💀🧼
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Any profits will be donated to Doctors Without Borders!! Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) cares for people affected by conflict, disease outbreaks, natural and human-made disasters, and exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries.
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moudaisy · 1 year ago
the chapter of existence.
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you will always find me surrounded by the beauty of nature’s delicate touch, from the soft blush of a rose to the graceful dance of lily petals, and the gentle caress of a warm breeze.
this piece exudes refinement and grace in every aspect. oh, this is the essence of who i am, aurora jasmine, a person who can be referred to by any name that carries positive connotations casting a rosy tint upon the world! if there’s any confusion, the name rora will suffice. with a sense of accomplishment, i proudly and sincerely announce that i have reached the legal age and have identified my mbti as infp. in that moment, i found myself standing before a truly enchanting delight and i hope this marks the start of a wonderful camaraderie!
inviting hearts to wonder through pixels.
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through the lens’ gentle embrace of fleeting beauty, the camera unveils the tapestry of my passions, inviting you to explore the gallery of my soul.
k-pop. enhypen, zerobaseone, stayc, aespa, kiss of life, newjeans.
music. those on the k-pop list and other k-pop songs, lullaboy, steps, taylor swift, 5sos, dept, keshi, backstreet boys, westlife, lany, juicy luicy, tiara andini, niki, keenan te, zack tabudlo.
reading genres. romance, fantasy, action, mystery, crime, historical. love to read au and manhwa.
manhwa. i shall master this family, inso’s law, charlotte and her five disciples, the way to protect the lovable you, how to get my husband on my side.
movie or series genres. fantasy, action, crime, romcom.
movies. harry potter, fantastic beast, the chronicles of narnia, percy jackson, flipped, the notebook, marvel, the princess diaries, how to lose a guy in 10 days, pitch perfect, cinderella, now you see me.
k-dramas. voice, taxi driver, romantic doctor, all of us are dead, duty after school, alchemy of souls, extraordinary you, owner of the mask, the first responders, memorist.
c-dramas. the love you give me, only for love, hidden love, when i fly towards you, once we get married, unforgettable love, fireworks of my heart, you are my glory, falling into your smile.
series or tv shows. criminal minds, csi miami, the resident, bridgerton, restaurant on wheels, masterchef australia.
others. cheese. cats. plato. green, blue, white. sticker, keychain, crochet stuff, art print, photocards, or any cute stuff. editing, cooking, journaling. greek myths.
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i am a frequent tweeter, often sharing thoughts on random topics, particularly expressing enthusiasm for my faves. enhypen (especially jungwon and heeseung) are the ones i blabbers about the most. occasionally, i often to remove tweets right after posting them. there are instances when i opts for a soft bub without forewarning—just a heads-up!
this account is free of fub behavior. refrain yourself from clicking the follow button if you fit the basic dnfi criteria. individuals showing disrespect, rudeness, or involvement in social media conflicts will not be allowed on the timeline. take similar steps if you express hatred or aversion to my favorites. different preferences is possible to happen but i can’t tolerate hatred.
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bitsandbobsandstuff · 4 years ago
The Midnight Coconuts
Summary: Bucky and his girl take a trip to the grocery store. Several things are involved, including coconuts, a 25cent gum-ball machine, Avengers branded Jell-O, chocolate milk straight from the jug, and tampons.  Characters: Bucky x Reader Words: 3k Warnings: Some swearing. Insane levels of fluff. Dangerously adorable Bucky. One (1) random reference to Not Another Teen Movie. 
A/N: Listen, I will never be over silly domestic Bucky! I originally started this story before TFATWS came out and when I imagined Sam had a niece, so just go with it. Part of me wrote this, because I needed to convince myself that I love grocery shopping (one can only eat takeaway and Trader Joe’s Orange Chicken for so long) and the other part wrote this because I firmly believe domestic routines can be the most romantic adventures out there.
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When the doors to the grocery store whoosh open with a gust of stale manufactured air, Bucky skids to an abrupt and dramatic stop.  
Behind him, you stumble in panic, fumbling with an armful of reusable grocery bags. Instantly you’re imagining spilled blood and stab wounds and clean ups on aisle three and god dammit, how can there be a problem? This is a grocery store at midnight on a Wednesday. Shouldn’t the forces of evil be sleeping? Why is it so impossible to get a day off work? Don’t they know you need rest? And peanut butter? And that you’re dangerously low on toilet paper?
The forces of evil are the worst.
Raising weary fists, you huff.
“What? Where is it?”
Bucky sidesteps toward a row of small red and green machines beside the entrance, falling to his knees and smushing his nose eagerly against the glass. Reaching a hand behind him, there are several impatient grabby motions, before he glances back.
“Babe, can you give me a quarter? I need a gum-ball.”
Planting a sneaker clad foot on his ass, you shove. Hard.  
“Bucky, we talked about this. Remember how you agreed to lower the drama and keep things in perspective? I thought we were under attack.”
“If I don’t get a green gum-ball,” he declares dramatically, “there will be an attack.”
Throwing the cloth bags at his face, you stomp off to retrieve a shopping cart, plunking your purse in the front and hunching over the handlebars.  
“I thought you said you were a millionaire now. Buy your own gum-ball.”
Bucky rolls his eyes.
“Like I carry loose change,” he scoffs. “C’mon, just one quarter. Please?”
This time, he gives you the Look. That patented Bucky Barnes stare, with the wide eyes and full pouty lips and faux innocent expression, and if this man wasn’t the love of your life you’d quite happily stab him in the heart.
Instead, you open your purse and fish out a quarter, flinging it at his frustratingly pretty face. It bounces off his forehead and he scoops it up with a grin.
“So just to clarify. You came to the grocery store covered in knives, but you forgot to bring money?”
Giving you an indulgent smile, he jams the quarter into the slot. With a twist and shake, a gum-ball rattles free, and Bucky crows with delight when he sees the green candy. He pops it in his mouth. 
“I didn’t forget. I made a conscious decision to remove the temptation. If I bring cash, I’ll spend it. You know I ain’t great with that whole self control thing.”
“How encouraging to hear, from the man with knives pouring out his ass.”  
Jumping to his feet, he throws an arm around your shoulders. 
“Ass knives sound painful.”
“Depends on how sharp they are,” you mumble, pulling a carefully folded sheet of paper from your jacket.
“Excuse you? My knives are always perfectly sharpened, thank you very much. What kind of expert assassin runs around with dull knives? Damn baby, it’s like you don’t even know me.”
Ignoring him, you flatten out the paper and smooth the edges, sighing happily at the block letters and structured diagrams drawn in deep blue ink. 
Here it is, your masterpiece. A monument to productivity. The gold standard by which all optimization models should be benchmarked. This isn’t just any list, this is The List.
Everything is grouped, first by aisle, then by product location within the aisle, and then from top to bottom shelf order, to maximize efficiency. This is the dream list. The kind that inspires jealousy. The kind people hold up at TED talks when they talk about time management techniques. Marie Kondo wishes she had this list. 
Bucky snorts when he sees the carefully printed boxes.  
“God, you’re such a square,” he says adoringly. He plants a sugary wet kiss on your temple and you grind an elbow into his ribs.
“We discussed this, Bucky. Don’t mock my lists.” 
“Sorry babe, I ain’t mocking. Your lists are beautiful, they always get me all hot and bothered,” he agrees, dipping lower to lick behind your ear. “And I really love that list you keep with all those dirty, filthy, sex things you wanna do to me.”
“I don’t have a list like that.”
“Yeah, I know,” Bucky sighs, “and I don’t know how many more hints I can drop here.”
Reaching under his shirt, you rub his belly consolingly. “Okay then. This weekend I’ll sit down and make you a special list. One so disgusting and dirty and depraved, it would make Wade Wilson cry.”
Bucky laughs and squeezes you tighter. 
“About damn time honey. I’m equally parts terrified and horny. So where’re we headed first?”
“Produce,” you answer promptly, plowing forward, Bucky still chuckling beside you.
The whole scenario was ironic, actually. There was no need to grocery shop - automatic ordering mechanisms  across the Avengers tower rendered the task meaningless - but sometimes it was a welcome relief to partake in such an ordinary thing. Unable to sleep after one particularly terrible mission, you found yourself wandering the aisles of your 24-hour supermarket, dressed in pineapple adorned pajama pants and one of Bucky’s rattier sweatshirts, searching for ice cream. The unexpected symmetry of products arranged along the shelves, the rainbow hued produce, the hint of baking bread wafting from the ovens, all those everyday trappings of normality, they washed over like a soothing balm. Soon enough, the boiling bad thoughts simmered to nothing more than a cache of blurry memories.
When you got home, sleep came fast, deep and dreamless.
One month later, the idea struck again.
After 36 hours of Bucky tossing and turning, dark shadows bruising beneath weary blue eyes, you took his hand and led him down the dark street for a midnight adventure. He was skeptical, disbelieving that something so simple could chase away the insomnia. But he dutifully followed you, strolling aimlessly through the aisles, throwing odds and ends into the cart. 
The tension gradually eased, he began to relax, and suddenly? 
He was hooked.
An hour later, after arguing the health benefits of frosted Cheerios over oatmeal, poking each hunk of cheese in the display, and loading the cart with every single flavor of spaghetti sauce on the shelf, the heavy weight of remembering began to ease. When he collapsed into bed, he slept for eight hours straight.
I don’t know what that was, he swore the next morning, munching through his third bowl of frosted Cheerios, but it was magic.
And with that, a midnight ritual was born. Sometimes you make the trek alone, sometimes Bucky does the same, but whenever life permits you go together. This small slice of domesticity brings a warm comfort to this strange life.   
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There is no doubt, this is your favorite area of the entire store.
Barrels filled with tart oranges and smooth red apples. Tables piled high with bananas, some just shy of yellow, others sunshine perfect, and a few with speckles of black (which are the best). Shelves lining the walls, overflowing with bundles of herbs and lettuce, all coated in a fine layer of mist. 
Heading straight for the apples, you plunge into the Gala pile, rummaging until you come up with ten perfect ones. Peaches follow, fingers rubbing along the delicate pinky-orange fuzz. Squeeze, smell, squeeze, smell. Five are chosen for a pie (Sam pleaded shamelessly until you agreed to make him one), and in the cart they go. Heading toward the wall of herbs, you’re reaching for the basil when a metallic bang makes you jump. Spinning around, you find Bucky lobbing coconuts into the cart.
“We need these.”
“We really don’t, Buck. I hate coconut, it tastes like suntan lotion.”
“They’re not for eating,” he grabs an apple, wipes it on his shirt, and takes a juicy bite. “They’re for security.”
Sticky juice drips from his lip, catching in his beard. When you reach over to swipe it away, he nips your finger with a grin.
“Explain please.”
“See it’s like this. We’re just here shopping, doin’ our thang -”
“Don’t say thang.”
“- when someone attacks. What happens? BAM. One of these furry beauties breaks their face. Problem solved.”
Giving him a slow perusal, you raise an eyebrow.
“Were the 47 knives you’re carrying not enough to deflect this attack?”
Finishing off the apple in three sloppy bites, he carefully tucks the price sticker in his pocket so he can scan it before leaving and sets the mangled core beside your purse.
“Babe, these are my back-up plan. A good soldier always has a back-up plan.”
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While you grab a bottle of extra-pulpy orange juice, Bucky picks two jugs of chocolate milk, snaps one open and takes a swing. Ever the thrifty shopper, he pulls a familiar bag from his back pocket, fishes out a crumpled piece of newspaper, and dangles it before you.
“Found a coupon for this,” he says gleefully. “Buy one, get one free. It’s called a BOGO. A BOGO. Hilarious, right? Fuck me, I love the future.”
Still laughing, he takes another long drink of chocolate milk and smacks his lips.
It was a lazy Sunday morning when you discovered this particular habit. Walking into the living room, you found Bucky buried in a sea of Sunday newspaper, tongue between his teeth and scissors in hand while he clipped coupons. He wasn’t picky, if it was remotely interesting, it went into the YES pile. It was one of those random things that brought him inordinate levels of joy, so of course you encouraged it. On his last birthday, you gifted him with a green zippered bag decorated with angry looking owls and official looking letters stitched across the front:
Bucky’s Coupon Bag  Thriftn’ Machine Since 1917
He laughed for five straight minutes and then stuffed it full. The bag accompanies you on every trip and the sight of Bucky excitedly rifling through his wad of coupons still makes your heart swell.  
Setting aside his BOGO, Bucky continues down the aisle, leaving you to pause in front of the yogurt. While you contemplate the merits of blackberry vs strawberry, Bucky slides over holding three cans of Reddi-Whip. 
“Are you actually planning to eat that? I thought you said whipped air is for, and I quote, ‘spineless, tasteless trash heathens’?”
Bucky shakes the can of spray whipped cream and wiggles his eyebrows, leveling you with a sultry stare. 
“Hell no I’m not eating it. This is for the bedroom. Last week I watched this god-awful movie where some blond guy - who looked exactly like Steve, by the way - made himself a whipped cream bikini for his girl. Decided I’m gonna do that for you. You’re welcome.”
“That sounds gross and unsanitary.” 
“If by gross and unsanitary you mean spicy and sexy, then yes. Yes it does.”
Whistling what sounds like the theme music from a bad porn, he adds two tubs of honey swirled Greek yogurt, pats your butt, and strolls ahead, throwing a roughish wink over his shoulder. Imagining the melted whipped cream soaking into your bedsheets, you mentally add more laundry detergent to the list.
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“Hang on, turn here.”
Tugging the cart behind him, Bucky stalks toward the feminine hygiene display. It takes him a minute to scan the products before squatting down to the bottom shelf. Grabbing two jumbo boxes of tampons, oddly enough the brand you prefer, he pops back to his feet.  
“Dare I ask why you need these?”
A faint pink flush crawls up his neck.  
“Well, you know, two reasons. They’re really great for stopping bloody noses, you know? Just poke ‘em up there and they soak it all up.”
 He mimes the execution and adds a thumbs up.
“And the second reason?”
Squinting at his boots, he shuffles his feet a bit. The pink flush deepens. 
“Um, you know - I know you’re out, since I stuck the last one up Steve’s nose last week, and yeah. Anyway. It’s about that time. Of the month. For you.”
Clearing his throat, he reaches for his chocolate milk, but you grab his wrist.  
“You know when my period’s going to start?”
He shrugs self-consciously and fiddles with a loose thread on his shirt.  
“Well yeah. You think it’s just a coincidence when all your favorite candy shows up every month?” Looking up, he shoots you a crooked smile and leans over the cart to kiss your forehead. Grabbing a fistful of his shirt, you haul him in for a real kiss instead and his startled laughter tickles your lips. When you break away, those bright blue eyes are shining. 
“Thank you, Bucky,” you murmur.
“Anytime, sweetheart,” he whispers. 
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This is the aisle where the cart officially explodes.
Lasagna noodles.
Egg noodles.
Spaghetti noodles.
Literally one of every noodle is selected, because Bucky Barnes is a self-proclaimed noodle slut. 
As you organize the boxes and search for orzo, you see him furtively add an extra bag of elbow macaroni. A quiet cough hides your laughter.
The last time Sam’s four-year-old niece came to the tower, she and Bucky spent hours making glittery elbow macaroni necklaces, which they ceremoniously gifted to everyone. When Sam casually mentioned her enthusiastically telling everyone at pre-school about her friend Bucky and how much fun she had visiting him, Bucky ran to a craft store and bulk bought supplies of glue, string, paint, and glitter, just in case she comes over again.
Months later and the entire team are still finding puddles of glitter all over the tower, but the delight on Bucky’s face anytime someone mentions that arts and crafts afternoon? 
It’s worth the mess.     
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Gathering up brown sugar, instant oats, and chocolate chips, you turn to drop them in the cart when Bucky makes a strangled noise. Glancing over, you find him bouncing on his toes, vibrating with excitement.
“Babe. Babe. Are you making monster cookies?”
Adding a can of raisins, you search for the good vanilla. The kind that actually tastes like vanilla, not a cheap car wash air freshener. 
“I promised I would,” you remind him. Bucky plasters himself against your back, wrapping you in an enthusiastic hug and nuzzling his face against your neck.
“I love those fucking cookies,” he declares. “They’re my favorite thing ever. Next to you I mean.”
Finding the vanilla, you spin in his arms and return the squeeze.  
“I know you do. But you have to share them this time, okay? You can’t just eat them all yourself like the last two times. Agree?”
“Agree…to disagree. They’re wasted on other people, no one else loves as much. It’s for the best when I eat them all, it’s proof how much I love you. I’m doing it for you. I’m supporting you. Because I love you.”
“You’re completely full of shit,” you reply.
“I swear I’m not! Just listen!”
The excuses grow longer and wilder as Bucky outlines his rationale against sharing, walking backward and dragging the cart with him as he pleads his case. He’s diving into the science of super soldier metabolism levels and caloric requirements and the fact that his sister never shared anything with him, when he bumps into a tall display. 
He pulls up short, eyes narrowing. Plunking his fists on his hips, he growls a disgruntled sigh and glares at the rows of packaging. 
“You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
Lined up in neat rows, you see boxes of Jell-O organized by color and flavor. On the cover of each are an assortment of familiar images.  
“Are these Avengers themed Jell-O?” you ask, picking up a box with Sam’s image and the words Wild Berry Wilson. The rows extend further, filled with Lime Green Hulk and Blue Raspberry Rogers and Black Cherry Widow and Strawberry Lemon Stark. Exasperated, Bucky grabs the Sparkling Orange Spider flavor. 
“Is this for real? The kid gets one and I didn’t? Someone in PR is getting fired.”
“Well there’re only so many flavors, Buck,” you point out practically, but Bucky’s not in the mood for logic. Instead, he swipes an entire shelf of Jell-O flavors into the cart.  
“I swear to god, I have to do everything around here. Fine then. I’ll make my own flavor, Blackberry Kiwi Soldier or Winter Watermelon Rainbow, or something.” He pauses thoughtfully. “Anyway, I’ll work on the name. But I’m bringing it to dinner tomorrow night and everyone is gonna eat it.”
He dumps in a bag of mini-marshmallows and grabs sprinkles for topping, before marching down the aisle. Cringing at the volume of sugar in the cart, you make another mental note to schedule a dentist appointment.
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“Go do your manly duty and find the meat. We need two 5lb rump roasts.”
“I like your rump roast,” he instantly responds and reaches over to smack your butt again. Anticipating the move, you catch his arm and twist it behind his back. He barks out a breathless laugh and you slap his ass in return.
“Your innuendos are tragic.”
Releasing him with a gentle shove, Bucky snatches up his three coconuts and ambles away, laughing while he juggles them. When he returns, he has the requested rump roasts, several packages of bacon, and a bundle of cocktail shrimp.
“If my innuendos get better, then can I touch your butt?”
“Maybe. But they better be real good.”
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An added benefit to shopping at midnight? Not a soul in line.
Loading everything onto the conveyer belt, you automatically organize for bagging. Boxes together, produce together, meat together. Bucky adds a pack of batteries, a tin of mints, and some trashy magazines.
The last three items in the cart are his coconuts. They rattle around until you toss them at him, motioning back to the produce department. 
“We made it out alive. Go put them back.”
Still chomping his tasteless green gum-ball, he shakes his head and plops them down. 
“Nah, I have another idea for them. Got all those craft supplies at home, I’m gonna make you something.”
“Should I even ask?”
Bucky blows a huge, wet bubble and looks you up and down.
“Have you every worn one of those coconut bras? Like on TV, with the ladies in grass skirts? I’m gonna make you one. I already have string and glue. And glitter.”
“I think you may be overestimating your crafting abilities.” Digging out your credit card, you wait for the final tally. 
“Well, if it’s terrible then you’ll just be naked. Either way, I win.”
Shaking out your grocery sacks, he packs everything with Tetris-like efficiency and slides all of them up the vibranium arm.   
“How about I make you a deal. I’ll wear a coconut bra, if you’ll make yourself something to wear as well.”
Bucky blows another sugary bubble, pondering the idea.
“Like a coconut man thong?”
“Exactly like a coconut man thong.”
“Deal. Add it to that special dirty list you’re making me honey. We got loads to do.” 
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Outside, the night air smells sweet and cool, the barest hint of a spring rain and fresh grass lingering on the breeze. Already, your eyes are feeling heavy, tonight’s quiet adventure ushering in that sought after peace. 
In your right hand, the three coconuts swing gently in their plastic sack. Humming under his breath, Bucky yawns, reaching for your other hand. His warm, calloused palm squeezes tight, his thumb stroking lightly over your skin.
He turns to you with a sleepy, lopsided smile.
Midnight and coconuts.  
It always does the trick.
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glamourzombie · 4 years ago
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I don’t even know how to start this review because of how excited I am. This post features three shining aspects: an incredibly beautiful deck, from a company that delivers incredible production quality, by the hands of an artist that is local to me. I am talking about the White Numen Tarot by Alba Ballesta González, published by the wonderful folks at Liminal 11.
This review will cover the limited edition, and there’s something I want to highlight right from the beginning as I believe this makes the edition radically special: it contains the exclusive Golden Constellation Oracle, a 31 card deck by Alba in a different style that is not available anywhere else, and that will not be available once the limited edition sells out. Since the limited edition and the deck themselves feature lots of glorious details, I have decided to make a separate post for the Oracle so you can see it better (going live tomorrow). Back to the deck itself: the White Numen: A Sacred Animal Tarot is an 80 card deck inspired by ancient rituals and stories of sacred animal spirits, creating a path to human reconnection with the natural world and spiritual realm.
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Its soft but powerful artwork with delicate lineart and beautifully graded hues works wonderfully for the human characters, the animal characters, and those in between; as well as providing nicely shaded backgrounds that feel complimentary but unobtrusive, and focus the attention on the foreground. There’s a wide palette all over the deck, but the suits have colour associations, working on limited palettes for each (as you can see in the pictures). The cards manage to be simple and rich at the same time, and honestly, they are just striking. Take a moment to check out the two extra cards, the White Numen and the Black Numen). You can appreciate an overlay of a soft grainy texture, like the cards come out from a haze, misting them with a touch of dreamlike quality.
I could talk about these cards all day. You can feel how they connect to ancient times and rituals while somehow being modern and relevant. The mini hardcover booklet is a great companion (and one that is also present in the standard edition) and both the deck and the booklet come in a sturdy magnetic slipcase box. But let’s talk limited details: the gold edges are exclusive from this edition, and while the velvet bag is also available in the standard one, you can only get it at Liminal 11. Both decks (remember about the Golden Constellation!) come in a custom tin box in gold and blue, accompanied by a custom tarot cloth, two sticker sheets, and deluxe prints of the bonus cards (117×195 mm). Of course, it includes a signed and numbered authenticity card!
The White Numen Tarot is an ancient jewel treasure made deck. The hazy hues, the clever colour picks, the soft but rich artwork and the character-focused vibe offer messages that feel like a true ancient oracle - only without being cryptic. In fact, it is in its veiled freshness that we find its true wit, as it brings ancient rituals and natural forces to our daily lives and wonders. Alba Ballesta González creates beautiful artwork with lots of personality which truly does what it aims: building bridges. This is a tarot deck in general (and a limited edition in particular) that I can only recommend, local pride aside. For more information and pictures, head over Liminal 11 - and make sure to keep up with these wonderful people, as they have juicy releases coming soon... and they never disappoint!
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siren-virus · 4 years ago
You know what? Just because you’d be able to talk my ears off with LuckyBoy!AU, I’m gonna keep asking you about it with long asks so I can get long answers (I love reading long answers since they give out so much info and speculation, while leaving room for discussion as well). So let's have a chat through asks so neither of us have anxiety(?) while talking to each other in messages.
Who would be some of the regulars when Ben is working at the cooffe shop? (I also love this au XD) Would Cooper, Rook, Gwen, Max and/or anyone else go at the same time as a group and have a casual conversation with the barista? Would Ben accidently gain confidential information about the Plumbers this way? I wonder if he would be famous between the aliens and humans near Undertown as one of the few humans that's actually chill with every alien regardless of appearances thanks to knowing Gwen with the Omnitrix from before?
I feel like Ben purposefully avoiding Cooper as his vigilante persona would start as a measure to avoid his identity being exposed (I belive it was Cooper who exposed him in UAF, right?), but later would develop into a troll play, waiting for him to finally find him and play a prank there.
Would Ben play pranks on Will Harangue for giving him bad publicity to the humans? I mean, it's not like he can just appear in front of a camera and tell his side of the story, he would be captured instantly, or interrupted at the very least; and he having his own social media wouldn't work too well since he isn't a tech genius and the Plumbers could track him down.
Also, what has Gwen done that they think they need Ben to protect them from her? Like yeah, in OV there's a lot of property damage, but they don't believe they need protection from him (at least I don't think so), so she must've done something big in order for that to happen.
And now an ask that isn't directly related to Ben XD Who would be some of the people leading an investigation against the vigilante, trying to discover his identity as well as species? Like I imagine Rook would be more of an addon to said investigation, being on the lookout but not actively investigating everything that Ben has been involved with, and Gwen has a lot on her plate, so let's not let her join said investigation.
Oh oh oh, I just thought about it, if Ben could be considered an Anodite in this AU, what happened when Verdona appeared in that one episode of AF? Did she manage to find Ben in the first place and almost but not quite take him away? Does the rest of the family know he's an Anodite and what are their thoughts about it? If they don't then how would Ben explain some of the magic things that he does and someone witness?
Ohohoh, buttering me up are ya? Well you're in for a brain dump.
Ok, first I gotta say: The alien cafe is separate to the plumbers (the plumbers have their on cafeteria, but like to indulge in other food sometimes, and non-instant coffee.)
So I was thinking, one of Ben's regular coworkers is Alan Albright. Reason for this is because Alan is not allowed to go on missions often. He's too young. I mean I know they definitely have child soldiers in OS- buuuut Max's influence has put a stop to that. He's seen how it affected Gwen. So, Alan is put on easy patrols in low crime area, in the city.
Alan, however wants in on the action, so Max had suggested the cafe. Ben and Alan have a very brotherly bond, and Ben (outside of his vigilante life) has been swaying Alan's opinion on both, the plumbers and his alter ego.
Manny, Alan, Helen and Cooper- When not busying himself with the tech lounge- (sorry, Pierce is still dead in this), will often come by the cafe, they sit in a booth and discuss things. Most occasions Ben is invited to sit with them.
When Gwen pops by their interactions are brief, Ben would try to tease her about anything and everything under the sun. "See Kevin lately?" "Oh, got beat by the walking glow stick again, huh?" "Geez, another jail break? 3rd time this week!"
Normally he gets a fiery reaction and a nasty retort.
Of course Ben would take every opportunity he can to get info. At first it wasn't intentional, he'd just eaves drop on a few conversations that interested him. As time goes by though, he's found that a lot of people, plumber, criminal and just outer space travelers, are more than happy to unload some gossip. Ben is very much delighted by that.
He's not exactly famous, he's well known for being a friendly person, yes. But not all throughout Undertown.
ain't cooper the blond dude with some kinda telekenetic power that ended up turning into an almost Kevin duplicate? (i'll fix that) NGL I forgot he grew up in UAF.
Pretty sure the one that exposed Ben was the nerd who was voiced by the VA of Robin (TeenTitans/Go). Now that you bring it up though, that guy... Jimmy, is someone to be avoided, cause he's a snoopy guy. Who also hangs out at the cafe a lot to get details. Always ends up harassing Ben cause he knows Ben has all the juicy gossip.
And yeah Ben would totally take advantage of it to mess with the poor kid.
Definitely. Ben would mess with Will Harangue as much as possible. Especially when he goes live. Ben won't confront him personally, or do anything that could possibly reveal his indentity. He's got a lot of unique mannerisms that his family could quickly pick up on, there's also his voice, although muffled by the mask, if it's recorded enough- it's another identifier.
So that leaves Ben with his sticker trail. They're very bright, almost blinding, so Ben's stickers are an annoying inconvenience. He could also use a weak spell that causes it's victims to yawn/sneeze. Maybe he'll hang in the background briefly and wave. Just some of things he does to get under Harangue's skin basically.
So, you picked up on what I've hinted at. Good.
Before I go into Gwen, I'll say this: The plumbers are stationed on Earth to protect humanity. That means the aliens who have immigrated are less of a priority. That doesn't mean that they're completely unsafe, the plumbers still patrol Undertown and look after the people- just less so.
Aliens that leave Undertown especially- Normally they're ushered back by a few Plumbers standing guard- those that pose a threat or seem to pose a threat are dealt with by the plumbers. Which isn't too bad, just a slap on the back, a fine, maybe jail time.
Unless you run into Gwen. Who is much more intimidating, much more brutish, she won't exactly hold back. So- she hasn't got the best rep with Undertown. She's still a hero. Known throughout the universe. Just not a kind one.
On several occassions, Ben(vigilante) has had to step in to get her to back down from dealing with criminals.
The plumbers don't have a lot to go on with the investigating. Ben doesn't leave any DNA trails, cause anodites have no DNA. No hair strands, no finger prints, no blood. Even his stickers. They got nothing, nada.
That doesn't mean it's completely hopeless. A clean hit to Ben has on more than one occasion shocked him out of his anodite form, reverting him back to human (which is why he has the glasses and face mask, as a just incase scenario.) Sometimes even spooking/shocking him can make him human again. If his focus is messed with he's human, kinda deal.
So the plumbers are aware of this. They do their best to be as violent and destructive when they see Ben. They're attempts usually fail unless they have someone competent enough with them, Ie; Gwen, Rook.
Villains are also aware of this. So risky buiz am I right?
In regards to Verdona; honestly, I feel like having her know about Ben's existence as an anodite would kinda nerf this whole thing completely. Verdona, I bet, would be a massive gossip. Although her contact with Max is limited, he'd hear about it eventually. Game over. There's also Sunny, who would take advantage of this information and spread it across the universe.
So instead maybe Verdona pays a visit later rather than now.
She'd also be less inclined to take Ben back home, I like how Verdona is indifferent to Ben but loves Gwen, I wanna keep that aspect.
To explain any magic happenings that his family or friends have spotted, he just says he's practicing to be an illusionist. Or he broke a glow stick, or his has glitter in his pocket. (He always has something retaining to magenta hidden up his sleeve.)
Hopefully that got all your questions answered for now!
21 notes · View notes
fungusqueen · 5 years ago
Here it is! The promised car-buying tips from my amateur and frugal experience! My general tips are to be prepared, do your homework, and don’t get caught off guard by not doing research and agreeing to things/paying for things you didn’t plan on. 
Car salesmen are not your friends and they’re trying to lead you down the path that’s most profitable for them, which is never going to be the best situation for you. It’s their job to try to sell you on a bunch of stuff you don’t need, so be prepared for their tricks and understand the process so you’re not blindsided. Something specific to the coronavirus pandemic is that dealerships will be very desperate to sell (because no one is buying cars right now) and dealerships are willing to take a loss on a sale! BUT! If you go unprepared, it may also leave you vulnerable to dealerships attempting to do unethical shit BECAUSE they are so desperate to sell. They might try to make profits in places you may not suspect. A lot of aspects of buying a car (especially in financing car) sound good up front, but you might find out you’re getting screwed over. 
I’m not going to discuss what makes a good car, or what you should buy etc. because I really don’t know and that’s your business! I’m mainly going to talk about the steps before and during the car-buying process (inside of a dealership and over the phone inquiring prices etc). I did my car search and car-buying alone (due to the global pandemic and my own desire to have minimal contact with others) and for my first time ever! So I’m only going to share my experience and offer resources.
I recommend this podcast episode from NPR’s Life Kit, “How to Buy a Car Without Being Taken for a Ride” as a simple starting point for car buying advice. It’s 23 min long. I know not everyone will listen to the podcast episode (and you don’t have to) so I summarized some of those episode tips below and elaborated on certain points.
1) Don’t appear too excited (at the dealership); they will try to build your excitement as high as possible. Playing on your emotions and creating a fantasy of a new life in a new car puts you in a position to make irrational decisions. When I was in the dealership, they actually asked me “Are you excited?” and I said “No.” I was also wearing a face mask, so with half my face covered, concealing my excitement was pretty easy! Their attempts may also appear as them trying to get you to talk shit about your old car to get you complaining, and further idealizing your future car. Overall, appearing too eager will not make them fight over you to get a sale. Make them beg!
2) Get pre-approved for a loan before going to a dealership. Know what kind of interest rate you can get and what kind of monthly payment you can afford. Your credit score will inform this; the better your score, the better your rate will be (so if you have time to improve your score, try to build it as high as possible). Your bank/credit union should have rates listed easily online. You don’t have to be a member of a credit union to get a loan with them, but there may be a discounts if you’re already a member. PLEASE KNOW that after applying for a loan, your bank/credit union will give you a time limit on how long you have to find a car/use the loan. My credit union gave me 20 days from the time I applied, but it can vary. You can also call to increase or decrease the loan if the car you initially wanted is no longer available or you choose a different one. When you apply for a loan, you have to supply the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), but obviously car shopping can change so make sure you supply your bank/credit union with the new VIN number of the car you decide to go with. Your bank/credit union may not approve you for a car that is too old. This happened to me (I first applied for a 2013 car in my budget) and they let me know they typically dont approve loans for cars older than 2014, which was a blessing in disguise because I found a newer model of the same car for around the same price. I ended up changing the car VIN/loan amount 3 times overall from the time I first got pre-approved for my car loan. Just keep your bank/credit union updated. Also! It’s not necessary but it helps if they can send a written (emailed) confirmation of the loan amount with APR listed, as the dealership will need it later in the finance office. 
3) Definitely TEST DRIVE a car you see online before considering purchasing it. It might feel different than you thought! I test drove an older model of the car I wanted before test driving a slightly newer model and I’m really glad I test drove the older one so I had something to compare it too. There was only a two year difference between the models but the upgrades made a difference in ways I wouldn’t have thought before sitting in the driver’s seat!
4) Beware the 7 year car loan. It’s probably not the right car for you if you need 84 months to pay off. Car loans are not like home loans; cars are always depreciating in value. Interest on car loans is also always front-loaded, so the money you put in your first few years will mostly go towards your interest, not the principal of your car loan, and you could be spending way more than you thought. If the car does not last you 7 years, you may owe more than the car ends up being worth if you want to or have to sell it. At this point, it might be a smarter decision to lease a car, if for whatever reason, you insist on getting a specific car. 
4.5) To add to this last point, you’ve probably seen dealership ads on TV or in print that say “0% APR for 84 months!” This is kind of a scam (at least imo) because it’s very seductive in a way that can distract you from other ways you can save. These advertisements serve the purpose of getting people into showrooms. This is because interest rate is only ONE SMALL FACTOR into finding what’s right for your budget. An APR offer is minimal compared to your monthly payment...if the monthly payment is too high (overall car price too high), are you really saving $$? These offers might even be for a shorter payment term, (ex. 36 month instead of 60 month), your monthly payment could be too high for your budget because you didn’t have the flexibility outside of this offer! If your term payment is longer (ex. 84 months), while your car depreciates in value, you may end up owing more than it’s worth by time you pay it off. 7 years is a long time! As well, these offers are usually only for NEW cars (again, more expensive than necessary) and buying used might be a better option. As well, they are not transparent about the minimum credit score required to qualify for 0% APR, so you may not even qualify...even with great credit! The 0% offer is also usually offered along with other incentives, like a manufacturer rebate (thousand $ and above). You’ll often have to chose between one incentive or the other...you could be turning down a multi-thousand dollar rebate because that 0% is very seductive...but if you did the math, it might not be the best option for your budget. ALSO! If you’re going to buy new anyway, banks/credit unions offer better APR rates for new cars rather than used so compare. If you can get a super low APR from your credit union on a new car, why get stuck with a higher monthly payment on a too long/too short loan term you otherwise wouldn’t have chosen just to get that 0%?
5) To continue with the point above ^^ When you are with the salesman, start with price of the car and don’t talk about ANYTHING else until later. THIS IS WHERE THEY GET YOU! They will try to get you to talk about financing, how much money you want to put down etc. BEFORE promising you a juicy competitive price on the car. SO! APR rates shouldn’t even be discussed until you can agree to the price of the car! Sort of another way they GET YA! So distracting! Can prevent you from getting your lowest overall price possible! 
6) IT IS SO FRICKEN IMPORTANT AND I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH, BECAUSE THIS HAS HELPED ME THE MOST OF ANY TIP I’VE HEARD FROM FRIENDS: ASK FOR OTD (Out the door) price. The prices you see listed online or on a sticker on the car window are not the prices you’ll end up paying. OTD price includes everything, tax, fees etc. A few dealerships nearby had the same car I wanted (only varying slightly in color, mileage etc. but exact same year and model) so I called a few and said “HI I saw your car online, could you give me the OTD (out the door) price?” Ask them to break it down for you, what’s the price of the car, what’s tax, document fee, dmv fee, etc. If the OTD price is very high above the car price plus tax, beware! You should not be paying thousands of dollars in additional mystery fees. If a handful of dealerships have basically the same car, see which one can give you the best price. If a dealership cannot be up-front about their OTD price, and break it down for you so you know how all the money is adding up, RUN AWAY! You can ask for this information over the phone, some fees are often not necessary and are negotiable.
With this coronavirus pandemic, you should not be paying this full OTD price on the car, ask for at least 10% off and see what they say. In my situation, I called, got the OTD price at two different dealerships, one dealership asked me what they could do to get my business and I said, “I might come in today if you can give me 10% off the OTD price.” (I was cackling behind my phone tbh! it seemed ridiculous to me but whatevs). The salesman I was speaking to calculated it, said he’d call me back after asking his manager. When he called me back, they offered me just under 10% off...which sounded pretty sweet to me because the car was already being sold below it’s Kelly Blue Book value and that was the dealership I eventually went with. So u never know if you don’t ask! I asked the same of another dealership and they basically said no. So call around! This guy, Kevin Hunter, on youtube, gave me this idea! His channel is full of car buying wisdom so I highly recommend! 
He has a great recent video specifically about the car buying market in during this coronavirus pandemic. He has videos on topics like, honest car salesman techniques, are certified preowned vehicles worth it, fake fees you shouldn’t pay for, etc. 
7) Something I experienced that Kevin Hunter ^ also explains, (in this video titled, CAR SALESMAN TRICKS YOU into buying a car! DEALERSHIP Rip off: The SET UP) is this weird 4 square setup they did to me...and they do to everyone at a dealership. It’s another distraction tactic, that they will use to distract you from getting a good price on the car. It will look like this:
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So the salesman will bring this informal piece of paper out. It’s not a contract, it’s not official, but they’re going to use this paper to pull information from you THAT YOU SHOULD NEVER GIVE THEM! At the point they bring this out, you should only be talking about car sales price. So this piece of paper has spaces to write trade in value (if you’re bringing in your old car to trade in), down payment, monthly payment, and car price. Anything that is not the car sales price will be used against you to try and get you to pay more. They’re trying to create the best profit for the dealership. 
When I was at the dealership, the salesman kept pushing me to say how much cash I wanted to put down, what kind of monthly payment I wanted (ie. how much money can I spend), (and in my situation, I didn’t have a trade-in car, so discussion about that wasn’t brought up). Practice refusing to answer these questions...I kept saying I did not want to discuss financing or cash down until we could agree to the price of the car. You can also say you prefer to discuss this with the finance manager. He tried to get me to sign this 4-Square paper with a higher price on it than I was given on the phone. Do not sign this, it’s weird. I brought out a paper with a much lower price and asked him to sign off on that price instead. Bring the focus back to the car price. Be prepared to walk out and TELL THEM you will leave if you don’t get the price you want! 
which leads me to my next point...
8) DO NOT SAY YOU ARE PAYING CASH. Do not say how much cash you have, do not discuss HOW you are paying at any point with the salesman. After you can agree to a favorable price on the car, you’ll be handed to a finance manager in another room. The salesman is NOT the finance officer. You should not tell your salesman your financial details. If anything, you only have to give the salesman VERY BASIC details so they can run a credit check before handing you to the finance manager.
9) Dealers can make a lot of money off a car loan...if you finance through them. Make them believe in the possibility that you might finance through them. They might give you a lower price on the car because they might assume they can get ya with a high APR or long term payment...which will bring them money in the long term. Don’t tell them you’re financing through your bank/credit union before you settle on the car price! In some cases though, a dealership might be able to give you a better deal thank your bank. You can say, “Why don’t you run my credit and see what you can offer me” and then see if it’s better than what your bank/credit union can give you. They also might test you with a high APR, even if you qualify for a lower APR (just to see if you’ll take it), and might even use details of your credit report against you...
10) If you have a trade in, they will also try to make a profit from not giving you enough $$ for your old car. Get a price quote from Carmax and check the Kelly Blue Book value beforehand to see if they’re giving you a good price. If it’s not good enough, you might want to consider walking away from the dealership and just selling to Carmax. Because of online transparency and easy access to prices of cars, they will try to make money in other areas OTHER THAN the car price, and this is one of them. 
11) After you’ve settled on the price of the car and they’ve run your credit, you’ll be moved from the salesman to the finance office...where you’ll be signing contracts and discussing other add-ons, (warranties, insurances, protections etc.) When you’re in the finance office, DONT BUY ANY ADD ONS THE DAY YOU BUY YOUR CAR. If you decide to, research a good price for what they offer you. You can call the dealership and ask to speak to the finance manager ahead of time and ask what additional items you may be offered. These might be paint protection, tire protection, extended warranties, gap insurance etc. When they offer these things to you, they are often overpriced. You can also get these later, or get these elsewhere for a better price. Research ahead of time to see what’s right for you and don’t try to figure it out unprepared because they will try to convince you. 
That concludes my numbered dealership tips! I probably left some stuff out, so please continue to do your research.
This podcast episode from This American Life, 129 Cars, illustrates the importance of using timing and desperation on the part of salespeople to your advantage. This is a longer listen, over an hour long, but it follows salespeople during their work day as they try to meet their monthly quota in order to reach their sales bonus. Towards the end of the month can be an ideal buying time because dealerships may be willing to take a loss or make no commission from a sale because if they’re able to reach their quota, they will either...not be fired, or they may receive a sizeable bonus. Overall, TIMING can be key in getting a good deal. Dealerships also have yearly sales quotas, so if you can wait, you may be able to get a better deal on a car towards the end of the year. 
As well, I recommend a Monday/weekday since dealerships are least busy during this time. AND! If you need to contact your bank, it might be impossible on the weekend. Because of coronavirus, operating hours for banks/credit unions have been shortened so if you need to finalize some financing details or ask your bank/credit union questions, make sure you’re able to do so when needed! I ran into this problem and was delayed because my credit union was closing early. 
One last tip! You also will also need to insure this new car so call your car insurance carrier and let them know you’re car shopping and they can help you add the new car to your current policy, or change your current insurance. You car insurance might increase or decrease with the addition of a new car. And if you’re getting a car with a higher value, you might want to consider adding more coverage to your current coverage. The dealership might give you free temporary insurance so you can drive the car off the lot with coverage. When I called my insurance carrier to add this new car onto my policy, it didn’t take effect until midnight that night so the dealership gave me temporary insurance just in case something happened on the drive home. You legally do need insurance to drive it off the lot or if you’ve never been insured before. So if you’re currently on somebody else’s policy, get some quotes from different insurance carriers and try to get an idea of the future cost.
Those are all my tips! This took a lot longer than I thought, heh heh, but I seriously hope this helps someone because buying a car is a HUGE DEAL and there’s so much potential to get taken advantage of due to the lack of transparency!!! There’s a lot more I could have covered so I encourage you to take more time to do more research! And good luck if you plan on buying a car soon!
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artcalledtattoo · 2 years ago
Since 73’ cabinets
Like in present state of things
Stickers of old
Leadership past retirement
Cabinet filled with the oldest non educated thangs & schlongs
Dried up, can’t get up
But you Lead a country
Popping pills
JFK plunges in veins
Perhaps, I heard it was a juicy cocktail
I really don’t know?
Ratified amendments add more
Think in scope
Pulverize the things
Globe Warming - a real
Lone Gunman - pay attention, real
Prescripted - swallow before speaking
Born into LIFE - still fighting, know your places, cardboard bored
You dumb fuck just wasted a life?
And or energy anyways
Keep trying
I’ll place you in America
Right where standing
Is it a need to global functionality
You just might be
I’m still thinking
I’m fucking off like work crews
Of my nights no rights R E S T assured
Just push pounds by hand
To easy drill Sargent
And last but not least
.|. Fuck you !
I’m playing tomorrow
Life in cabinet
I was just pissed of equality last evening early morning
No cardboard posters written in plastic
I’ll play into things come evening
Watch Me Zoom, Go
Like people against a wall
Fat fucks without artery control
It happens
I’ve Bin Jamming Long Enough
Never REST
And I don’t rust
I shine on even covered in sacred DUST
Post on to dumbs hits
I do (without paid for invitation to party)
From a mouth of madness
A racial story going on back threes years past in cabinets
Sticker lowly
Pulled applied in many applications
Watch videos
All told! All totaled! New notebook
On company time must write analog catalog preach speak time on clock in written form, let’s Email & total
It will slow thangs down or de-appreciate in time, lives do when grabbing for
Nothing, word for thy self, I am
Like a present day cabinet, ladders, rungs,
Stoopid stuffs in charge
Feeling Me, born 74
After up affixed stickers
Or down below
After post
Where are my hecklers?
Has nothing said been funny?
Do you read Sutter Caine
Certified after sticker print
No funny, uhh
Dopamine depletion alcohol gambling
Phone screen needed
I work so hard and see
Even the sticklers
Like standing posers
Wall faces postered
Leadership power
Fuck you also
That’s mine don’t use it ( .|. )
Summoning up
Can I with candles?
I’m rest-ing
Asked ?
I do for Sons and youngest has 4 years of my energy for service
Not a problem for me in happy for those two, I only put up with you
Wanna bet longevity?
Last manager told of your problems
And you of hers
I don’t see this bet on miracle
Please stay the same
Both of you
I won’t have to put up for Bonus
I make it happen
You don’t really
Do nothing
For me
I know
And thank you
I don’t want to be you
I never had that want
FastFood & full cabinets
Fucked you are
Human material make ups!
Tumblr media
0 notes
startuplifedenver · 6 years ago
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FRIDAY 11.02.18
Repeatedly have been said and written in these pages, that none of what goes on in here is for any of you, dear people of Tumblr. And for that matter for anyone with enough free time in their hands to read the rants of someone who is procrastinating instead of doing some real work.
Kindly ask you, to leave this page and find something really interesting and well written, because this is a mental dump. Thanks and goodbye.
Now for the juicy stuff. 
The name of the game is “priorities” and I am the last person to rise a finger and said anything about it because my only priorities in life have been to sit myself in front of a laptop and do jack shit.
But you see, I am not making a decision of thousands of dollars to invest, and to create a new process, and to embark into yet another project that is going to take a lot of time and energy from a lot of people ---not including me, although I know that I will help in a way.
The Idea and the Facts:
“Let’s get a printing machine, so that we can design and print our own stickers, and put it in our products, and charge additional money for that, and also cut the sticker/co-branding time from 90 days and thousands of dollars, to a quick one-week turn around and we can offer it to smaller orders of several hundred dollars  Another cool service to offer and plenty of new revenue. Fuck yeah!!!!”
This is a great idea, and I support the idea 100%. Below are some facts on the implementation that troubles me:
The company has leased an $8,500 printing machine for logos, and it’s paying $1,000 per month.
This wonderful machine has already taken several days to get only delivered, because being a lease, and being an $8,500 piece of technology, the leasers for sure want to know everything goes well.
Now what follows is that on Monday, our Shipping Specialist together with all the shipping that he’s doing, is now going to learn how to use the machine.
Then the protocols on how to submit logos and art, and sizes and colors, and how to price it, and the process on how to work it, will take about two weeks. (Which means a good month in terms of the company and their ETA’s ----> This will be revised at the end of November and if I have to eat my words, so be it).
What I see is that the shipping specialist with everything that he has to do, it’s also going to create, manage, and stick the stickers in our products before shipping them? Or it’s just going to print them and pack them together with the order?
You see with a 100-unit order, it means once everything is said and done, he will have to unbox each product, put the sticker in the right place, and box it again. And ship it on top of that.
This is one of those projects that have been in the thoughts for months, and now suddenly they are going at it instead of prioritizing the bread and butter of the company, and even just basic things like a real upgrade to the website and the social media person.
But you know what, it’s Friday and I am fucking tired so let’s get this stopped here.
0 notes
vernicle · 8 years ago
10 DIY Nail Art Designs Using HOUSEHOLD ITEMS! | The Ultimate Guide #3
Top rated YouTube Diy nail artwork designs to do when bored! In this Diy nail artwork tutorial we will be showing you the very best YouTube Diy nail artwork suggestions and straightforward residence item hacks that are ideal for women, young children, young people, and newbies. Hunting for that ideal Diy nail artwork style to do when you’re bored? These ten quick Diy YouTube nail artwork designs are so quick to do since they don’t demand any specialist nail artwork resources - just objects you can uncover close to your residence! Rating!
Assistance us translate this Diy nail artwork video: https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=0H2ByD7Vw2M
Subscribe to Juli's channel for far more nail artwork videos by her! http://www.youtube.com/jauntyjuli?sub_confirmation=1
Tie Dye Marble Nail Artwork Structure - Who doesn’t enjoy an quick marble nail artwork style which is ideal for summer season? It’s straightforward and quick to do. Just position some blobs of your favorite colour nail polishes and the press plastic wrap about the nail artwork style! All accomplished! This is these kinds of an quick and great Diy nail artwork style. You can even incorporate a little sticker on leading if you’d like.
Leopard Print Nail Artwork Structure - Animal print nails are a traditional Diy nail artwork style! You can do this one particular with no a dotting instrument or a nail artwork brush. All you need is a black sharpie marker! This nail artwork hack truly saves you time since drawing on the leopard spots is so a lot a lot easier than if you were applying nail polish. Your hands will be far more constant as well!
3D Strawberry Nail Artwork Structure - This Diy nail hack will have your strawberry nail artwork style seeking absolutely juicy and actual! Immediately after implementing your purple nail polish and matte leading coat, you can get a toothpick and drive it into your nail artwork style to generate a 3D nail artwork impact for the strawberry seeds. So great! This Diy nail artwork style and hack is certainly ideal for young children and young people when they are bored all through the summer season.
3D Pineapple Nail Artwork Structure - This Diy nail style utilizes the same nail hack as the very last one particular. Other than this time we’ll be applying a dental flosser to Diy the criss-cross pattern of the fruit. Just press your dental flosser into the pretty much dried nail polish and your nail artwork style will have a tremendous great 3D impact! Astounding!
Ideal 50 percent Moon Nail Artwork Structure - This nail artwork style is ideal for those of you who are in enjoy with holo glitter! Just position a garage sale sticker or a paper reinforcement sticker onto your nail to generate a 50 percent moon condition and then incorporate holographic glitter about your nail. Take out the sticker and you just created a tremendous quick Diy 50 percent moon mani. This style is wonderful for parties!
Turquoise Stone Nail Artwork Structure - Diy stone and marble nail artwork designs are SO well-known! With this style, we’re showing you how to generate a turquoise stone pattern just by applying plastic wrap. This Diy nail artwork style is so quick which is it’s ideal for newbies!
Fluffy Cloud Nail Artwork Structure - This nail artwork style is a different tremendous quick one particular which is certainly ideal for newbies. Paint your nail with a sky blue nail polish and then faucet on some white nail polish applying a cotton swab / q-suggestion. This will give your fluffy clouds an astounding texture! A truly enjoyment Diy nail artwork style for young children, women, and young people to do on a summer season day.
Rainbow Swirl Nail Artwork Structure - This nail artwork style utilizes the drag marble hack to generate a tremendous enjoyment and brightly coloured manicure. Blob on your favorite nail polishes and swirl them close to with a pin! Ideal! A tremendous quick Diy.
Diy Star Sticker Decals - Build some truly straightforward drag stars applying white polish and a toothpick on a sandwich bag. Go away them to dry, peel them off, and then position them about your nails! This is an amazing nail hack to generate some truly quick Diy nail designs at property.
Watercolor Floral Nail Artwork Structure - This Diy nail artwork print is so stunning. All you need is some coloured sharpies and rubbing liquor to give your nail artwork style a truly very watercolor impact!
We hope you uncovered these ten YouTube Diy Nail Artwork Styles truly handy and that you will give them a try! You fellas required to see far more nail artwork designs with no the use of specialist resources - so this is what we came up with. Love! :)
♡ Merchandise Made use of:
Maxus 'Base Coat' Indigo 'Mr. white' Londontown Lakur 'Fruit Tella' Londontown Lakur 'Jack of the Union' Indigo 'Black' Shany '#18' Rose Selection Shany '#149' Funky Selection Sinful Colors 'Yolo Yellow' Salon Ideal 'Tropical Hideaway' NCLA 'Crystal Ball' Creative Color 'Enchanted Beauty' Zoya 'Wednesday' P2 Techno Chrome 'Golden Edge' Kbshimmer 'Oh Matte' Top rated Coat Kbshimmer 'Clearly On Top' Top rated Coat
Plastic Wrap Sharpies Toothpick Floss Choose Garage Sale Labels Cotton Swabs Straight Pin Plastic Bag Isopropyl Liquor ( I made use of 70% but any high % is effective) resource
from Viral News Around The World - Feed http://ift.tt/2s2djq0 via IFTTT
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