#jolie biography
agfarecipe · 10 months
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dailyflicks · 18 days
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MARIA (2024) dir. Pablo Larraín
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daily-gaston · 3 months
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thetheodispatch · 1 year
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Girl, interrupted (1999) dir. James Mangold
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biographyradar · 2 years
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Brad Pitt Net Worth in 2022 (Updated)
American wealthiest actor’s net worth in November 2022. Must check it out!
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Hello everyone! I always have been fascinated by the femme fatale energy and I was so obsessed as a kid with femme fatales like Ava Gardner, Marilyn Monroe, Gilda by Rita Hayworth and some characters by Angelina Jolie or Penelope Cruz.
I never tried to tap into the femme fatale energy because I always thought that I didn't fit the "aesthetic", then I read Ava Gardner's biography how she made womanizer Sinatra go suicidal for her and I noticed that femme fatale energy isn't about looks or aesthetic (partially) but your attitude, energy and self love. So I started to get all the information I could about femme fatales and these are the most popular tips I've tried:
💋 Let them pursue. Let them show you how much are they interested in you and how far would they go for your attention.
I think this one it's not exclusive about FemF it's something that every girl should do. It's really simple: if they really want you they'll move mountains for you, and girl, don't even think it's because you set your standards too high because it's the bare minimum. Stop being in situationships where it's very clear that he doesn't want you, I'm sorry but it's really pathetic.
My experience: I've been applying this boundary for a long time now and it's the most effective way to see who actually wants you. Why? Because it's too simple, if they want to they will. This saved me a lot of situationships and giving access and power to someone who doesn't want me. The results are a little annoying because let's be real, boys🤡, they always come back so when I say it's annoying it's because it's ridiculous to see them get confused and then pursue you when it's too late. AND LET ME TELL YOU, when I put a cross on your name there's no way to erase it (metaphorically). Ugh, really why do they do that? They make clear that they don't want you and when you cut them off they decide to come back in the way you seem to want. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, don't go back to them, if they really wanted you that badly they would never have put you in that position.
💋 Don't be impressed by the things they think can get you. I'm talking about superficial things like physical appearance, fame, money, properties, cars, luxury lifestyle, etc. Please I know everyone loves money but believe me when I say it doesn't get you anywhere mentally if you don't have your shit together, don't let desire for rich appearances guide you to shitty men just because they can provide money. You should be able to afford your things so you don't have to be waiting for a man like a poor dog.
My experience: Girl I'm going to spill some tea about this one. I had two famous men asking me on a date, one of them I no longer speak to him and the other one is currently pursuing me like crazy just because he saw I was not amused about the luxury things he was bragging. We're friends for now because I don't trust him lol but he tries every now and then to ask me on a date. Girl trust me it's not that rare to get that type of men, almost every friend of mine has been pursued by a man in power.
💋 Trust in the feminine power. Trust in the power that a smile or a gaze has, learn from the best: Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe, Ava Gardner... A subtle way to let a man know that you like him and you can have him going all over you. How many times a man has approached you just because you looked at him? That's the power you have, women have that power.
My experience: Not so long ago I had a thing with a man and somehow we lost contact but we have a friend in common so we see each other often. The other day I tried this technique to see if a gaze was enough to let him know that I'm interested and it's true, I looked at him directly into his eyes and that was enough to have him the rest of the night right by my side.
💋Red nails theory. The color red is said to represent passion, love and sensuality. The red nail theory got viral on TikTok because a girl said that the reason she attracted more men with red nails was because they saw a lot of red nails while growing up.
My experience: I got my nails done red and I don't think much changed. I think red is a color that generally attracts men but I don't think it's something exclusive for nails. A red lipstick or dress will always be on point.
💋 Be cold af. Not every time but when he does something to annoy you don't react. Could be he's trying to make you jealous, to see how you react or how much you care about him. DON'T REACT, even if it's killing you inside. Act like you couldn't care less and move on. He still flirts to other girls? Then that means you're not in a committed relationship and you can flirt with whoever you want to too.
My experience: This one is sooooo fun to apply and I like to add a little spice and mirror their behaviour. Because when they do something I don't like I usually cut them off and that's it, but when I know they did it to hurt me I like to have my revenge. You've met your match bitch.
I was getting to know this guy who made very clear that he enjoyed single life so I did too and when he saw me on another date he went nuts and stopped seeing other girls. But one day he got angry because I said that I found attractive one of his friends and that night he started a little flirt in front of me with a girl so I just said I'm going to say hello to someone and I went to do the same with his friend. He immediately came so angry, asked for a word alone and told me to stop messing around. He asked me to be in a committed relationship the next day and that was the last time I saw him. I know it seems so toxic but I didn't want a relationship with him and he tried to hurt me so idc.🤷‍♀️
Sorry if you see some spelling mistakes, english is not my first language!
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celebrity2567 · 1 month
Uma Jolie Basic Details
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promises-of-paradise · 2 months
Paul Gavarni and the Junots
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A portrait of Constance Aubert, née Junot d'Abrantès, by Paul Gavarni, December 1839.
In the appendix of a biography of Laure Junot sent to me by my friend @apurpledust, I found some poems and an article by the French writer and illustrator Paul Gavarni relating to the Junot family. Laure Junot and her daughters Josephine and Constance were all published writers, and inhabited the same artistic social circle that Gavarni did.
Article by Gavarni about the last volume of the second edition of "Memoirs of the Duchess d'Abrantès", published after her death:
original French:
Nous voici arrivés à la dernière page de ces mémoires d'une grande dame écrits par une femme artiste: livre dans lequel se confondent deux célébrités, dont chacune aurait suffi à bien des ambitions. Et quelque frappé qu'on soit d'une organisation si riche, on l'est plus encore du sentiment de dignité personnelle qui la soutint et la développa. Mme d'Abrantés a été un exemple bien rare de cette véritable grandeur que les événements ne sauraient atteindre. Un orage emporte un empire autour d'elle, puis les années viennent; elle a perdu presque un trône; et cependant elle est restée le front élevé au-dessus de la foule. Voilà ce que trouveront d'abord dans les livres qu'elle a faits ceux qui cherchent la vie sous ses beaux aspects. Lisez! Pétillante d'esprit, jolie femme, avec ce grand nom, cette couronne ducale, tout cet or, toute cette gloire, de combien d'hommages, et de quels hommages a dû être entourée la jeune duchesse d'Abrantés! Et il lui a falla se résigner à perdre tout cela, et, tout cela perdu, trouver dans la supériorité de son intelligence une consolation pour tant de regrets! et se faire à cinquante ans une nouvelle vie! une autre gloire! A-t-on bien songé à ce qu'il y avait de vraie noblesse dans ce courage? Nous ne saurions contester celle-là, nous autres artistes, nés du peuple, si fiers de notre aristocratie parce qu'elle vient de nous, mais qui voyons tant de noblesse dans le travail. Mme d'Abrantès travaillait comme pas un de nous ne le pourrait faire. Elle n'écrivait pas seulement quatre fois autant qu'un homme de lettres, elle dessinait encore, elle jouait la comédie, elle composait de la musique; ou bien elle bêchait les fleurs de son jardin, ou classait son herbier, ou même brodait quelques tapisseries. Faut-il joindre à ces travaux les soins du monde, les visites dont elle était assiégée tout le jour, les longues causeries du soir, une correspondance affairée, pour admirer cette existence si prodigieusement active! Voilà de quelles louables choses fut remplie la seconde moitié de cette vie douée de renommées si di-verses. Les jours de la duchesse avaient été brillants, sans doute ; mais ceux-ci n'étaient-ils pas aussi glorieux pour l'auteur de l'Amirante de Castille? Ne devait-elle pas voir avec un bien légitime orgueil se presser autour d'elle ce jeune essaim d'artistes dont elle était devenue la reine? Ces potes diront que c'était une abeille d'or arrachée au manteau de l'Empire et tombée au milieu de nous. Aussi les hommes qui se réunissaient d'habitude chez la duchesse d'Abrantès étaient-ils de deux âges et de deux sortes: des hommes à cheveux blancs portant des noms faits avec des batailles gagnées, et des hommes nés avec le siècle et se faisant des noms avec des livres, des opéras ou des peintures. On la voyait sourire à ces deux aristocraties qui la revendiquaient à titre égal, et dont elle était également honorée. Je me rappelle aujourd'hui un mot charmant qu'elle dit un soir à propos de ces doubles affections : le vieux M. Suchet, le frère du duc d'Albuféra, était venu souffrant ce soir-là se mettre dans le coin d'un petit salon où elle accourut inquiète de lui, s'écriant: "C'est que j'aime bien mes vieux amis, moi!" Puis, elle se retourna vers quelques uns de nous autres, et nous tendant la main, comme pour nous empêcher d'être jaloux, elle ajouta: "Et mes jeunes aussi, au moins !" Nous l'aimions tous; jeunes et vieux, nous nous sommes acheminés vers Chaillot pour lui faire une triste et dernière visite, un dernier cortège, et nous l'avons ramenee jusqu'au cimetière de Montmartre: là, quand on nous a eu jeté un peu de terre sur ce cercueil qui nous a pris à jamais cette bonne amie, pour toute oraison funèbre nous avons pleuré.
English translation:
Here we have arrived at the last page of these memoirs of a great lady written by a woman artist: a book in which two celebrities merge, each of which would have sufficed for many ambitions. And as struck as we are by such a rich organization, we are even more struck by the feeling of personal dignity which sustained and developed it. Madame d'Abrantés was a very rare example of this true greatness that events could not achieve. A storm carries away an empire around it, then the years come; she lost almost a throne; and yet she remained with her forehead raised above the crowd. This is what those who seek life in its beautiful aspects will first find in the books she wrote. Read! Sparkling in spirit, a pretty woman, with this great name, this ducal crown, all this gold, all this glory, with how many tributes, and with what tributes the young Duchess of Abrantés must have been surrounded! And she had to resign herself to losing all this, and, having lost all this, find in the superiority of her intelligence a consolation for so many regrets! and make a new life at fifty! another glory! Have we thought carefully about the true nobility in this courage? We cannot dispute this, we artists, born of the people, so proud of our aristocracy because it comes from us, but who see so much nobility in the work. Madame d'Abrantès worked as none of us could do. She not only wrote four times as much as a man of letters, she also drew, she acted, she composed music; or she dug the flowers in her garden, or classified her herbarium, or even embroidered a few tapestries. Must we add to these works the cares of the world, the visits with which she was besieged all day long, the long evening chats, a busy correspondence, to admire this existence so prodigiously active! These are the laudable things the second half of this life endowed with such diverse fame was filled with. The duchess's days had been brilliant, no doubt; but were these not also glorious for the author of the Amirante de Castille? Shouldn't she have seen with legitimate pride crowding around her this young swarm of artists of whom she had become the queen? These friends will say that it was a golden bee torn from the mantle of the Empire and fallen among us. Also the men who usually gathered at the Duchess of Abrantès' house were of two ages and of two kinds: white-haired men with names born from battles won, and men born with the century and becoming names with books, operas or paintings. We saw her smile at these two aristocracies who claimed her as equals, and by whom she was equally honored. Today I remember a charming remark that she said one evening about these double affections: old Mr. Suchet, the brother of the Duke of Albufera, had come unwell that evening to sit in the corner of a small living room where she runs worried about him, exclaiming: “It’s because I really like my old friends!” Then she turned to some of us, and holding out her hand, as if to stop us from being jealous, she added: “And my young ones too, at least!” We all loved him; young and old, we headed towards Chaillot to pay her a sad and last visit, a last procession, and we took her back to the cemetery of Montmartre: there, when we had a little earth thrown on this coffin which forever took this good friend from us, for every funeral oration we cried.
Below the cut are two poems written by Paul Gavarni on the album of Constance Aubert, the second daughter of Laure and Jean-Andoche Junot:
The first poem:
original French:
Les Rêves.
Quel autre monde rêvez-vous? Et que voulait votre âme errante? Loin d'un présent qui désenchante, Où sont vos pensers les plus doux?
Quels chants vous sont mélodieux? Qu'attend la foi qui vous est chère? Et de quel autel solitaire Voyez-vous le ciel de vos dieux?
Si, de beaux jours trop inconstants Vous avez vu venir l'automne, Pour les roses d'une couronne Regrettez-vous quelques printemps?
Où votre âme dans le lointain, Voit-elle un ange sur la route? La magique voix qu'elle écoute Lui dit-elle: "hier" ou "demain"?
Votre orgueil était-il jaloux Du faste des rois de la terre? Et sur un trône imaginaire En secret vous endormez-vous?
Livrez-vous de vastes Etats A des conquêtes idéales? Rêvez-vous l'éclat des cymbales, La palme ou la mort des combats?
Flattant de plus humbles désirs, Peut-être une muse pensive De quelque image fugitive Rajeunit-elle vos loisirs...
Mais, au charme du souvenir, Tout ce qu'on a se décolore: Le passé, que son prisme dore, Brille aux dépens de l'avenir.
Laissez le poète chanter Des plaisirs où son luth convie: Il prodigue à rêver la vie Le temps qu'il a de la goûter.
Dans les plis d'un manteau royal L'ennui s'enveloppe et se cache, Et, dans les combats, le sang tache Les panneaux du char triomphal.
Un moment peut éterniser Les regrets que laisse une idole Dont la scintillante auréole S'évapore au premier baiser.
Mais l'amour, ce léger sommeil, Ce rêve d'un jour vaut la vie... Et qu'importe à l'âme ravie Ce qu'en peut coûter le réveil?
English translation:
The Dreams
What other world do you dream of? And what did your wandering soul want? Far from a disenchanting present, Where are your sweetest thoughts?
What songs are melodious to you? What does the faith that is dear to you await? And from what lonely altar Do you see the sky of your gods?
If, beautiful days too fickle You saw autumn coming, For the roses of a crown Do you regret some spring?
Where you soul in the distance, Does she see an angel on the road? The magical voice she listens to Did she tell him: "yesterday" or "tomorrow"?
Was your pride jealous Of the splendour of the kings of the earth? And on an imaginary throne Do you fall asleep in secret?
Do you deliver vast states To ideal conquests? Do you dream of the brilliance of cymbals, The palm or the death of combat?
Flattering the humblest desires, Perhaps a pensive muse Of some fleeting image Rejuvenates your leisure...
But, to the charm of memory, Everything we have is fading, The past, that its prism gilds, Shines at the expense of the future.
Let the poet sing Of pleasures where the lute is suitable: He lavishes on dreaming of life The time he has to taste it.
In the folds of a royal cloak Boredom wraps itself up and hides, And, in the battles, blood stains The panels of the triumphant chariot.
A moment can last forever The regrets that an idol leaves Whose sparkling halo Evaporates with the first kiss.
But love, this light sleep, This one-day dream is worth life... And what does it matter to the delighted soul What can waking up cost?
The second poem:
original French:
La Pie de la Prison
Du grain qu'ils ont semé, laissez la fleur éclore. Allez! Margot; la loi leur a permis des fleurs. Eh! quoi, méchant oiseau, vous revenez encore De ce triste jardin becqueter les primeurs!
N'en privez pas au moins leurs jours que rien n'abrège; Les ans laissent ici de bien longues saisons, Margot, et de l'hiver ils n'ont eu que la neige; N'allez pas du printemps leur ôter les bourgeons;
Et qu'au moins du soleil un bouquet les console. Demain, le savez-vous! ils attendraient en vain Ce printemps qu'aujourd'hui votre audace leur vole. Margot, les prisonniers vous donnent de leur pain!
Comme cet oiseau noir il est une pensée Qu'ici le malheureux apporte avec ses jours, Qu'il nourrit et son âme et qui, toujours chassée, Dès qu'il voudrait sourire, hélas! revient toujours.
C'est le deuil qui le suit, c'est la voix qui le raille, C'est le regret qui veut de son moindre bonheur; Tourment qui de son lit a remué la paille Et out le bec aigu lui cherche au fond du cœur.
C'est la faim d'être libre. Un oiseau mord la cage; Vous voulez à la vôtre attacher un roseau, Souvenir des jardins dont vous aimiez l'ombrage, Amis, et vous coupez les ailes d'un oiseau!
English translation:
The Prison Magpie
From the seed they sowed, let the flower bloom. Come on! Margot; the law allowed them flowers. Hey! what, wicked bird, you come back again From this sad garden to peck at the early fruits!
Do not deprive them at least of their days which nothing shortens; The years leave many long seasons here, Margot, and all they had in winter was snow; Do not go and remove their buds in the spring;
And may at least a bouquet console them from the sun. Tomorrow, do you know! they would wait in vain This spring that today your audacity steals from them. Margot, the prisoners give you their bread!
Like this black bird, there is a thought That the unfortunate brings here with his days, Which he nourishes and his soul and which, always chased away, As soon as he would like to smile, alas! always comes back.
It is mourning that follows him, it is the voice that mocks him, It is regret that wants his least happiness; Torment which from its bed stirred the straw And the sharp beak searches the depths of his heart.
It's the hunger to be free. A bird bites the cage; You want to attach a reed to yours, Remembrance of those gardens whose shade you loved, Friends, and you clip the wings of a bird!
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fousrires · 10 months
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"La saga des frères Erainn" de mon amie Thalie Perrot à lire sans modération! Une jolie idée de cadeaux pour Noël.
Je tiens à souligner que Thalie est en auto édition depuis juillet.
Elle réalise tout, à refait les maquettes des livres elle-même, et s'occupe de tout! Je trouve ça vraiment courageux et c'est bien d'aider les auteurs.
Le lien pour acheter ses livres.
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geographerdose · 1 year
Celestial Screenshots Destined for Fame, Part 4:
Charlize Theron
⚠️TW: death, violence, childhood trauma⚠️
All of the information used in this article was taken from her Wiki page/biography. I am a student of astrology and thus all that I have learned in that course deserves the instructor’s credit, along with all the astrologers before him from Vettius Valens to the translators of ancient texts. I thank you for passing on this knowledge and am grateful to receive it. To protect his privacy and name (because what if I’m completely butchering these concepts, lmao) I will keep it to myself. I believe in the importance of giving credit where it is due and thus that is my intention here. I also believe in the right to privacy and thus that is my secondary intention.
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{Please note this is not a confirmed birth time. Rodden rating: C.}
👹 I was watching The Devil’s Advocate and was curious of Charlize’s age during filming (maybe 20-21 btw since the film was released in 1997). NATURALLY I had to pull up her birth chart because that is what I do…
🏆 Tenth house and MC ruled by Mercury which falls in her twelfth house and is conjunct her LEO Sun and Moon. This, my friends, is a Leo stellium.
🍇 Something about the twelfth house and fame; here is yet another example. I originally learned about this concept from Tan Astrology and her YouTube video on fame.
🎾 Leo Stellium in the 12th house coupled with Venus conjunct the Ascendant —> need I say more in regards to fame?
🌷 Venus is at its fall in Virgo, as is Aries. However, most of the time women with these are literally DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. Like shockingly so. Given its conjunct her Ascendant is obviously helping matters, as the woman is clearly beautiful. (Inside and out, with her humanitarian efforts.)
🌹Angelina Jolie and Hayden Panettiere also have Venus conjunct their Ascendant. The beauty is not just on the outside. These people have beautiful souls as well, if you look at how they give back and use that fame for the greater good.
⚠️⚠️ TW: death, childhood trauma, violence
This is solely for entertainment purposes and I am drawn to darker themes. This information is public knowledge via Wikipedia. I do not intend any disrespect and I hold deep empathy and compassion for what happened. I cannot imagine the utter terror and suffering she and her mother must have gone through on that day. If requested, I will take this down. I am an astrology enthusiast and student at present so finding examples where I get to see the learned concepts in action is rewarding and ultimately a learning experience for me. This blog is basically my “practice space” for using what I learned “in real life”. I do not have close friends or family and so am limited on charts to study. Ultimately I decided to just post it anyway since I am a nobody and thus nobody will likely even read it, lol, less likely Charlize herself but I still wanted to add this intro for the principle of the matter.
⭐️ As I was reading through Charlize’s biography on Wikipedia, I was alarmed to read about her childhood. Her father was an alcoholic and shot at her mother and her, causing her mother to get her own shotgun and shoot him out of necessity. I wanted to see what such a traumatic event might look like via a celestial screenshot.
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📦 The eighth house is considered a not ideal place to have planets and it is also squaring Saturn. Eight house speaks of death so having the ruler of her childhood placed here speaks of what happened.
🛑 Also worth noting that when this traumatic event happened, she was 15. This is a fourth house profection year. The fourth house speaks of our childhood and it is ruled by Jupiter in her chart.
⛔️ Chiron conjunct her fourth house Ruler too. Chiron in any of the angular houses (even by aspect when it is this close by degree) is going to make childhood trauma/difficulty more active since those houses are “goaded” into action via the angular nature.
🍸 See Neptune present in the fourth as well? It can represent alcohol/drugs which was also involved in the event.
🌑 She was born during a New Moon and her Spirit+Fortune are in the first house (just like I learned the other day; seeing it “in the wild” makes my soul extremely happy). When Spirit and Fortune are in the same house, often the Native will tend to mix career and love in some way. In the class example, there was a married couple that had a business together. In her case, she met her partner on the set of the film Trapped. (GREAT movie by the way: Kevin Bacon and Dakota Fanning star alongside her.)
🩼 The Moon and our Ascendant ruler can speak to our body and health. She has had numerous health issues, specifically on set, despite being healthy and I believe this is because both her Moon and AS Ruler fall in the twelfth house, which is not an ideal house to have planets in. There is some mitigation to the negativity due to Sun being in its domicile and of the sect in favor.
🎳 The Sun, Moon and Mercury are all applying to a square with the malefic contrary to sect Mars. Even with four planets involved there is no reception. They are considered in a slightly less severe position given the degrees are 5+ between all three applying to Mars. Nevertheless it is a difficult placement, especially because her AS ruler+Moon (both representing physical vitality) are being maltreated.
🚀 Mars is “dominating” the Leo stellium containing her chart ruler and Moon through a superior square to which all planets are applying. This is a textbook example.
☄️ Also because there is reception with the square from Mars (which is actually difficult given it is the malefic contrary to sect), this is also making things slightly better.
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⏱️The transits on that day:
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🩸The most alarming to me at first glance was the transiting Chiron conjunct her natal Saturn within one degree. If I remember correctly, Saturn can represent the father (so can the Sun).
🌎 Because she has a day chart, Mars is the more challenging malefic.
🌞 Transiting Mars is conjunct her natal Sun (and AS Ruler, and Moon aka her body in danger). Also her father in danger. Transiting Mars is also squaring her natal Mars.
💿 Jupiter is the benefic of the sect in favor and is capable of doing the most good but it is in the twelfth place co-present with the malefic contrary to sect (and conjunct that Leo stellium). I believe this created an “ok” outcome in that neither Charlize or her mother were harmed, according to the article, and also that her mother was not charged (because it was clearly self defense but sometimes justice does not always work the way it should IRL). It is a tragedy regardless and far from “ok”; however she and her mother both survived with their health, freedom and each other.
👾 that is all for now, folks… eventually I will finish this movie (again) but didn’t Keanu Reeves’ character have to kill his father in this movie? 🤫
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edgysaintjust · 2 years
Fabre d’Eglantine picks a fight with a commissioner (and is possibly imprisoned, again)
During the travels of Fabre in his youth, he settled for a while in Sedan, where he tried to make money as a painter. The case of one unfortunate commission of M. Devos led to serious legal issues over the assigned painting, and yes, this story is hilarious.
One day, it was in Sedan, around 1780, he painted a certain Sieur Devos, a merchant's clerk, who had promised him a miniature for this portrait, just 24 francs. When the painting is finished, Mr. Devos refuses to pay the price, on the pretext that the portrait does not resemble and cannot please the tender lover for whom he intends it. He will therefore go to court, and the trial allows Fabre d'Eglantine to write a memoir against the sieur Devos, merchant clerk, in which he finds himself, not on the equal of Beaumarchais fighting Gœzman, but of a still very remarkable verve , the whole spirit of the playwright.
Fabre d'Églantine a la comédie française, lecture faite a la aéance annuelle de la société de l'histoire de la révolution, on 14th march 1897
Fabre therefore lists all the demands of his commissioner in the petty memoirs, and he will use this writing in court against Devos. The list includes demands such as: painting the model’s hair brown (but powdered to blond) instead of his natural ginger, covering the smallpox spots on his face, reducing the redness of his complexion, using a very specific shade of grey for his coat and making him look joyful. It seems, however, that Fabre (intending it or not) did not satisfy the expectations of his commissioner. Example given, Devos is not pleased with Fabre using the colour red on his painting (despite it being necessary in realistic portraits) and argues that his face looks too blushy.
“When Mr. Devos saw me dip my brush in the colour red - Is it, he asked me, to colour the cheeks that you take this vermilion? - No, sir, I replied, it's to line your eyes. – Ah! my God, please don't redden my eyelids! My custom is not to have them like this! It will pass! “
Fabre d'Églantine, Mémoire contre le sieur Devos
Another complaint followed the “tricolour hair” Fabre made his model wear, but a real issue seems to be his reckless expression on the portrait. At some point Devos claims that Fabre makes him look too serious for a miniature that will be given to a lady.
- "Ah! I understand you. You would like to have a laughing mouth, to have a jolly air, an air...
-"Yes, precisely, those airs which interest the fair sex.”
"Always complacent, I made Sieur Devos laugh, in spite of nature; but I did not expect that it would be at my expense!"
Fabre d'Églantine, Mémoire contre le sieur Devos
We do not know if the trial ended well for Fabre, according to this source analysing the situation and Fabre’s memoirs, it is truly unknown. On the other hand, Roussel, (Fabre’s contemporary and friend who included his short biography in the first volume of his published love letters to Marie Joly) claims that Devos succeeded to have Fabre arrested and imprisoned, and that Fabre managed to escape and find refuge in Liège. In his defence we can also add that the portrait was shown to officers in Sedan, who recognized Devos on it without issue. 
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thebobby1432world · 2 years
Sophie Mudd Wiki, Biography, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Net Worth
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Sophie Mudd Wiki: Sophie Mudd is an accomplished American model and social media influencer best known for her stunning photographs shared on Instagram and Snapchat. Born on July 27, 1998, in Los Angeles, California, she spent her early years attending the prestigious Campbell Hall School in Los Angeles. Despite being naturally reserved and introverted, Sophie's passion for modelling led her to pursue a career in the field. Sophie Mudd Wiki Sophie Mudd Educational Qualification Sophie Mudd Body Measurements Sophie Mudd's Net Worth Sophie Mudd Favourite Things Sophie is an American citizen and identifies as White. Her zodiac sign is Leo. While she has not publicly shared much about her family background, it is known that Nicolas Mudd is her only known sibling. Sophie has been in a relationship with Austin Dash since 2017.
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Sophie Mudd Wiki
Sophie Mudd Wiki
NameSophie Rose MuddProfessionModel, Social Media InfluencerKnown Forsharing photos of herself on InstagramDate of Birth27 July 1998BirthplaceLos Angeles, California, United StatesAge25 yearsHometownCalifornia, United StatesReligionChristianEthnicityWhiteNationalityAmericanZodiac SignLeo
Sophie Mudd Educational Qualification
SchoolCampbell Hall School, Los AngelesCollege/ UniversityNot KnownEducation QualificationNot Known
Sophie Mudd Body Measurements
Heightin centimetres: 165 cm in meters: 1.65 m in feet inches: 5’5″Weightin kilogram: 58 Kg In pounds: 128 lbsBody Measurements38-25-36Eye ColourDrak BrownHair ColourBrown
Sophie Mudd's Net Worth
1 million dollars (Approx)
Sophie Mudd Favourite Things
Favourite Actor (s)Not KnownFavourite Actress (s)Not KnownFavourite Musicians (s)Not KnownFavourite Song (s)Not KnownFavourite DancerNot KnownFavourite Movie (s)Not KnownFavourite Sports (s)Not KnownFavourite Colour (s)Not KnownFavourite Destination (s)Not KnownFavourite Food (s)Not Known Sophie's modelling journey began in 2013 when she posted her first photo on Instagram from The Sparkle Factory in Los Angeles. Recognizing the potential of social media, she began to take her online presence more seriously, and her hard work and dedication paid off. She has since become a successful bikini model, promoting brands like Revolve, DIFF Eyewear, Body Glove Girl, Shadow Hill, Romeo Power Technology, Beverly Hills Bikini Shop, and Le Jolie. In addition to modelling swimwear, Sophie has modelled slight wear and inner garments for several top brands. Read the full article
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sporcafaccenda · 2 years
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Scenario: Octave Joly; dessins: Victor Hubinon (Editions Dupuis, 1955, 🇧🇪)
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9#Stanley #Bande Dessinée #Victor Hubinon #Octave Joly #Biographie
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averycanadianfilm · 2 years
Astrology - Eating Disorders - Moon-Saturn aspects
From: sweet-scorpionKnowflake Posts: 1608 From: PA, USA Registered: Apr 2012
What is it about Moon-Saturn and the prevalence of eating disorders?
More and more often, I see this aspect in those with eating disorders, males too. I find it frustrating that men do not have the resources and social acceptance to have greater aid for their eating disorders. It is a troubling and serious condition to have, but unfortunately society seems to be more critical and unaccepting of males with these disorders, making males more reluctant to share their problems with those around them in fear of seeming abnormal, effeminate or 'gay'.
Moon-Saturn is a difficult aspect to have in the natal chart, especially the harsh aspect. But even the positive aspects of the trine and sextile are not something one would want, per say. Saturn is a planet too harsh for the vulnerable Moon, the child in us, our sensitivites and softest emotions, our nurturing needs. Saturn disciplines, structures, and cuts away at what is unnecessary with hard work and merciless dedication. But the Moon is a planet that does not have the strength to be cut away at, to be weeded out by such a planet. We need to nurture ourselves and share our emotions with others to thrive.
So what happens when we have Saturn conjunct, opposite, square or quindecile the Moon? More often than not, we see one who is reluctant to share his/her feelings, one who feels emotionally stunted due to negative childhood experiences, and one who is very, very strict with themselves. Including with eating. Those I have seen with the easier aspects have always been very thin or wiry, and have never preferred to eat much, or they were quite strict with their diets - no sweets or fatty foods at all. Those I have seen with the harsher aspects mentioned above had, more often than not, suffered with very difficult emotional problems, and eating disorders. The harsh aspect of Saturn to the Moon made them inclined to take too much of his/her nurturance away... the main source being, food.
Many famous celebrities both male and female have revealed problems with eating. One famous example is Daniel Johns, lead singer of Silver Chair, who has the sensitive Moon in Pisces in the 1st degree, opposite the strict and sacrificial Virgo Saturn. Johns suffered from anorexia nervosa for many years, and Saturn being in Virgo only made the situation worse for how strict Virgo is.
Angelina Jolie is the world's megastar at the moment, one of the most beautiful women alive. She has the Moon in Aries sq. a 12H Cancer Saturn. Saturn in Cancer square her Moon is particularly harsh, for Cancer is the sign of the mother, the Moon itself. Jolie has always been extremely thin, and has fallen into bouts of severe anorexia nervosa before. In her teen years and early twenties, it was particularly bad, according to a biography I read.
Although eating disorders can cause mental and physical damage, there is always hope for an eating disordered individual with a good support group and a good treatment program. Fortunately, for many individuals, treatment is given before their lives are compromised.
If you have any experiences with Moon-Saturn and eating disorders and/or emotional restriction, feel free to share... this is a safe environment.   Feel free to ask questions and comments, or just discuss.
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hotclbs · 1 month
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biographygen · 1 month
Angelina Jolie Biography, Net Worth, Age, Career, Movie,
Net Worth $120 MillionFull NameAngelina Jolie VoightAge49Date Of BirthJune 4, 1975GenderFemalechildren6 American actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian Angelina Jolie was born. She is the recipient of multiple Golden Globes, Screen Actors Guild, and Academy Awards. Jolie made several appearances in indie films in the mid-1990s, and Hackers (1995), for which she received positive reviews. Her…
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