#joe awful hospital
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realized last night that despite all my jay drawings from over the years ive never drawn his domesticated form i mean joe
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gusherbug · 1 year
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i can doodle on my hiatus it's fine.
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jademight · 2 years
Avengers expecting Bruce to show back up in Endgame after five years but its Joe and he is flirting with every woman in the team on sight
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whitehotwild · 2 months
!!!!!!!SPOILER FOR THE NEW EPISODE!!!!!!! but what if you were the one to make butcher realize kessler was a hallucination...
ouuuuu episode 6 pissed me off so bad (really just the hughie stuff, it made me feel so icky), but the butcher scenes were the few bits i actually appreciated. that part where butcher realizes its not real was so well done.
ANYWAY!!! sorry this took so long, this was really hard to write for whatever reason and im not… the most proud of it. BUT, i’ll post beach fluff soon (ish). LOVE YOU
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☆ You got all the way to the subway station when you realize you'd forgotten your apartment keys at the office. You curse yourself during the almost 15 minutes it takes to walk 8 blocks and ride the elevator back up to the office that you barely notice Butcher talking to himself when you walk through the door. He doesn't notice you at all.
He's turned towards the back of the room, steady yapping away at the empty space where the noticeboard is. You wait, confused. Maybe he's talking to someone on the phone, but from what you can tell, his phone is nowhere near him.
"Who ya talking to?" You call from the door, assuming he's just talking to himself.
Butcher stops his one-sided conversation, turning in his chair to face you. "Back already? Was just talking 'bout you a minute ago; got someone I want you to meet." He waves you over as he stands up from his chair.
"Joe, this is our little wild card I was tellin' you about. Love, this is Joe Kessler, an old war mate of mine." He introduces you to the wall with his arm over your shoulder.
A mixture of shock and confusion washes over you as you look up at him. "Wha—Butcher…" you start, quiet concern heavy in your tone. " There's no one there."
Butcher pulls away and looks at you like you're the crazy one. "Fuck are you on about?" He looks between you and where Kessler stands in front of them, "He's standing right here, plain as fuckin' day."
"I-"You shake your head, "We are the only ones in here." Trying to reason with him, you keep your voice as steady as possible through your panic.
"She can't fuckin' see me, dumbass." Kessler snarks, a huff of amusement escaping him. "I'm you."
Butcher's brows furrow, a tense look in his eyes, "The fuck's that supposed to mean, you're me?"
"I mean, out of all the people your festering, fucked up brain coulda conjured up… ya picked me," Kessler answers with a proud smile.
Butcher reels back a bit at the sudden realization. The silence between you and him stretches on long enough, "Butcher… Joe Kessler is dead. You told me he died in Afghanistan, remember?"
About a year or two ago, you and Butcher got a little too deep over a bottle of whiskey. Somehow, the conversation led to Butcher telling you he was in the military, he told you about his friend Joe, he told you how Joe was probably the only person he knew who was as bad as him, and he told you that he died in the valley.
Butcher looks to you, "You fuckin' remember that? That was forever ago…" his brows furrow as he recalls the conversation.
"… I remember everything you tell me." You shrug as if that's the most obvious answer.
In the corner of Butcher's eye, Kessler mockingly pouts and coos, "Aw, ain't that fucking precious; looks like someone's got a little crush on you."
Butcher shakes his head with a scoff; you take it a bit personally, not being able to see Kessler. "No…"
"Man, c'mon. The real Joe Kessler? He's dead in the Panjshir Valley, you know that! You never dragged me out. You left me to die.."
"No… No. I remember that… I fuckin' remember that."
"Unless, of course, you got a big ol' fat V'd up brain tumor, ya cunt, which is why you are seeing me in the first place-"
"Butcher, you are freaking me the fuck out. Do I- Should I take you to the fucking hospital?" Your voice overlaps Kessler's in Butcher's head, "Not sure if you're aware, but seeing people that aren't there isn't fucking normal, especially for someone whose health is on a steady decline!"
Kessler groans, "Goddamn, she's a worse nag than your fuckin' wife!"
"Don't you fuckin' talk about her!" Butcher shouts back, but it's unclear to him whether he's talking about you or Becca. Maybe both? Maybe you?
"Butcher!" You can't take any more of this. You step before him, trying to draw his attention back to you.
His eyes shift from Kessler behind you, finally acknowledging you. "I ain't going to the fuckin' hospital. They're just gonna tell me what I already know." He shrugs like this might as well happen. He's already been talking to his dead wife for months. Why not tack on another one.
"Stop saying that shit, God! Fuck! You're not gonna fucking die!" You snap at him, shoving his chest.
Butcher looks at you, exasperation written all over his face. It feels like you've had this conversation a billion times, him casually mentioning his impending doom and you not having any of it, practically throwing a tantrum every time it comes up.
"Yeah? Because you've already found something to fix this? You have to stop with this. I'm dying. It is what it is." Butcher sighs heavily through his nose as he sits back in his chair.
He doesn't know how much more of this either of you can take. It always ends the same way: you make a promise to him that he knows you can't keep it, and he pretends to believe you just to calm you down.
Tears well in your eyes as you shake your head like a petulant child. "No! I already told you, no, I won't- I'm not gonna let you just fucking die. I'm gonna find a way to fix this. I already fucking told you that-"
"For fuck's sake, you can't fix this! What the fuck are you gonna do, huh? You gonna get Frenchie to cook up some magic cure for this? I ain't gonna put all my eggs in your basket. You don't know what you're doing, love. You're just chasin' your tail." Butcher tries to reason with you.
You groan out, "At least I'm fucking trying! Don't you think it's a little bit selfish to just… give up?! You got people who care about you, whether or not you wanna believe that! Hughie, Ryan-"
"Yeah, me! I wouldn't be here yelling at you if I didn't fucking care about you, you fucking asshole! God, Butcher, are you fucking stupid? I can't keep-"
"Listen to her, Billy." Becca's voice rings in Butcher's head, and he does everything in his power not to look behind him. "Listen to her. She cares about you more than any of them, you know that. You have to listen to her."
Butcher stands up and lays his hands on your shoulders, "Shut up." His voice is ignored as you keep on with your rant. He shakes you gently, "Shut. Up. I believe you. I believe that you care about me, and I believe that you want to save me, but I know I can't hold my breath for something like that… But… You're you. You're stubborn, you're a pain in my arse, and you're the best at getting what you want. So I believe you. I'll believe you till I'm dead. That's the best I got."
A long silence passes between you before you shrug his hands off your shoulders and wrap your arms around his neck. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Billy. I'm gonna fix this, we're gonna fix it." Your tone is soft and full of promise, muffled by his shoulder.
All he can do is nod, he's hesitant as he wraps his arms around you, one hand fisting your shirt, his chin rests on your head. "I know, pet. I know you will."
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(divider by @/plutism)
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janeyseymour · 5 months
Won't You Be... My Neighbor?- pt. 5
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
Summary: JJ is with Joe, and you and Melissa are at the hospital.
WC: ~1.7k
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JJ is screaming, crying, terrified. His father has just taken him from the place that he’s finally gotten used to calling home- from the two people that he feels at home with. His shoulder is on fire, and the way that his father is driving is more than scary.
But he’s silenced when Joe’s voice comes booming out, screaming at him to shut the fuck up, and his cheek is smacked. The little boy is reduced to silent tears that pour down his face continuously. He wishes that his momma were with him- that you were with him protecting him like you promised you would. He still can’t believe that you couldn’t make good on your promise- and even at his young age, he doesn’t fault you. He knows that if it were up to you, he would still be safely tucked into your arms in the bathroom and waiting for the police to arrive.
“Fuckin’ Melissa,” he shouts as he slams his hands on the steering wheel. “Fuckin’ fuckin’ the lawyer- no wonder the bitch won. Gonna fuckin’ kill her the next time I see her.”
JJ’s eyes widen. This is not the father he knew. He knew of Joe to not always be the most helpful or father of the year when it came to parental responsibilities- no, that was all Melissa. But he’s never gone around cursing like this in front of his son- never threatening to harm his mother. And he… he smells awful. What is that smell? The answer to that silent question is: vodka, not that the young one would be able to identify that scent. His father reeks of vodka, and he only continues to bring the bottle to his lips as he drives. The little boy is nearly thrown out of his seat as his father slams on the brakes, just narrowly avoiding a car that is coming at him. And before the four year old knows it, he’s seeing the skyline of the city off in the distance behind him.
“I want Momma,” the little one whimpers from the back. “I want Momma and Y/N.”
“Well, you aren’t getting them,” Joe sneers. “You’re mine now.”
Even at the young age that JJ is, he knows that’s not true. He knows that the reason that they were in court earlier today was because it was to determine where he would stay- the judge had explained that much to him and had even asked him who he would rather be with. Of course, his answer was that he wanted to stay with Melissa. He told the judge how Joe never played with him, was never home for dinner or for bedtime. JJ explained to the judge that Melissa was the best momma that he could ever ask for- that she was always there for cuddles, to play, make breakfast and dinner, that she gives him more love and hugs than anyone in the world, and that his momma is his absolute favorite person. He remembers that he told the judge that he loves where he lives now… he mentioned that he loves living there because you reside just down the hall, and you’re his second favorite person. He silently cries in the backseat as he quickly buckles himself in, praying that he’ll be reunited with his momma and you- and soon. 
The ambulance arrives not a few minutes after you place the call, and your heart breaks as they lift her onto the stretcher and she cries out in pain. Melissa is always so strong, not one to show that she’s struggling unless it’s in the confines of her own home- but this is something even beyond her. She can’t do anything other than writhe in pain- both at the hurt in your ribs and at the aching in her chest as she is terrified for her son’s fate.
You climb into the medical vehicle and hold the redhead’s hand the entire time. She doesn’t even register the absolute searing pain in her sides anymore- now she is just concerned for her son.
“They said they would have people meet us at the hospital,” you promise her. “And when I mentioned the Schemmenti name, the operator seemed shocked. So, maybe you always knowing a guy will work out in your favor.”
“If they don’t send Tommy to me, I will raise hell,” she grits through her teeth.
When the two of you arrive, the man in blue is indeed the one that she mentioned, and she feels the slightest bit of relief at that.
“Melissa Schemmenti, you look like hell,” the officer whistles lowly.
“You blues better fuckin’ get Joe,” is all the redhead grits out as they wheel her into the back. “Take Y/N’s statement, and get Joe.”
And so, while she is being assessed, taken back for various tests to ensure that there is no internal bleeding or anything of the likes, you sit in the room while the doctor tries to insist on also examining your own wounds and speak with Tommy. You brush off the doctor- your only focus right now is getting Melissa’s son back home safely.
“I don’t even know what happened,” you tell him honestly. “All I know is he was piss drunk, and I fought tooth and nail to keep that little boy safe.”
“Ma’am, any information is valuable.”
“Okay,” you will yourself to think back to just about an hour ago. You close your eyes, trying to concentrate, and you’re taken back to the apartment where everything had just happened. “Melissa and I were asleep on the couch… and I woke up when she started screaming. He- he had a bat. And he beat Melissa senselessly while screaming that she was fucking me- we are not… He beat me in the side. She told me to get her son, JJ- uh, Joe Jr. We raced to the back rooms where he was sleeping. I somehow got him despite him hitting me with the bat in the leg. We were locked in the bathroom, and Joe- he broke the door. I held onto him as much as I could. But Joe was stronger and… he pulled…” you start to break down remembering the way that JJ had screamed. “JJ’s arm got pulled out of its socket. And then he took off with him. By the time I hobbled my way to the door, his car was out of sight.”
“We’ve already sent an amber alert out for him,” the officer promises you. Do you have any photos of the little boy to help identify him?”
You pull up a photo of JJ on your phone, one of him with Melissa and Joe.
“Please,” you whisper. “Please find him.”
The officer, in a rather out of character move, places his hand over yours. “With Melissa’s family being involved? Yeah, we’s gonna find that little boy, and Joe is going to pay.”
“Good,” you wipe at your tears. “And when you do find him, take him to whatever hospital is closest… God, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get that ear piercing shriek of his out of my head.”
“He’ll get taken care of,” Tommy promises you. “Just like Melissa is now, and how you should be for that knee of yours.” He gestures to it. “It don’t look right at all.”
“I’ll get to it,” you wave him off. “Right now, Mel needs all the care she can get, and JJ is our top priority.”
“Just remember that you can’t help them if you aren’t helping yourself,” the officer tells you as he pats your hand once more. Then he’s trailing back to his other colleagues to tell them what you had said.
You’re led back to Melissa’s room, where they have her in a bed now. Her eyes are foggy, and you can’t tell what she’s thinking. The doctor comes in a few seconds later.
“She’s high as a kite right now,- it was the only way to get her to stop cursing us out for not letting her find her son,” he tells you. “Three broken ribs from what he did to her.”
“I didn’t want it,” the redhead in the bed slurs out. “I just want my son.”
“And we’ll find him, Mrs. Schemmenti,” the doctor promises. “For now, all you can do is focus on getting better.”
“I don’t give a shit if I get better or not,” the woman is as feisty as ever. “All I need is JJ.”
“Mel,” you whisper as you limp your way over. You press a kiss to her hairline, and even with all of the morphine she’s on, she manages a smile. “We’re going to find him, and he’s going to be just fine. I promise.” You only hope that you can keep that promise- because your guilt will eat you alive if you can’t. The thought of something worse happening to that sweet little boy makes you sick to the stomach, and you have to choke down the bile that threatens to come up.
“We’re going to keep her overnight for observation,” the doctor informs you once you’ve choked it down. “But then she’s going to be released. Will you be the one with her?”
“I will be,” you confirm.
“Then you should let us check you out too, so you can help her the best you can,” he presses again.
With a roll of your eyes, you let them examine you, but you are adamant that you do not leave the redhead’s side. She falls asleep during the checkover, and all they tell you is that you’ll be sore for the next few days.
“Not as bad as her,” you sigh as you rub your thumb over Melissa’s knuckles. 
“Get some sleep for now,” the doctor tells you. “The police will be back tomorrow morning to get her statement when she isn’t drugged up, and we’ll instruct you on recovery for her in the morning.”
You insist on them wheeling a bed into the same room as the teacher. Your beds are right next to each other- close enough that you can grip Melissa’s hand softly in your own as you fall asleep, and as your drifting off to sleep, you feel the redhead squeeze your hand gently. 
TAGS: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld
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smalltownrobin · 1 month
I think I've reached the truest state of delusion
So Maya posted this video on her instagram with no audio but it looks an awful lot like she's rehearsing lines and seems to be acting kinda Robin-like
But what I've just noticed is important is that she's using a dental floss
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Which happens to be what appears to be the exact same dental floss that was included in one of the last bts photo dumps
The photo of the pack of floss was included in the photo dump that came after THIS content of Maya and Joe on set possibly outside the radio station
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(it was literally in the same post as the Steve photo)
Now we know that we've seen Robin taking care of her dental hygiene before (oh I sound so crazy please stick with me), which was before the pep rally when she was fretting over her appearance for Vickie
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So theoretically IF that video is in fact her rehearsing for a s5 scene, there's a strong chance it could have been filmed around the time of those stobin bts dumps, and Robin is having another ramble to Steve about seeing Vickie while she's making herself desirable presentable
It would also make sense because THIS FIT with the leather jacket and the belt and the fucking blue hair bow (which she pointedly seems to change into before Steve changes out of his first outfit) really looks like she's dressing to impress
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So let's say Robin really is dressing up and scrubbing up because she's going to meet up with Vickie. WHY then does she end up running round town going to barns with Erica Sinclair and shady labs with Mike Wheeler?? Or whatever tf she's doing with Will?? No Vickie in sight as far as we know??
Well let me remind you of this leak we got back in february (coincidentally the same day we got the pics of rovickie filming at the hospital but that's not really relevant)
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So obviously this may not be true, but it's plausible from what we know about Robin's anxiety
Now this could also be incorrect, but at the beginning of the video, it looks like she could be saying "like the dream I'm having [floss] you never know"
Something we know about Vecna is that he can give people vivid nightmares, as he gave them to Max and his other victims in s4, so it's entirely possible he could continue to taunt everyone via nightmares
So Robin possibly having recurring dreams while also being paranoid about Vickie's safety, to her knowing she's meeting up with Vickie and getting ready to see her while rambling to Steve about said dreams, only for her to seemingly NOT end up meeting Vickie and going on side quests instead?
Yeah I'm fucking terrified rn
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lyrenminth · 4 months
Could I request one for Justin similar to the Joe one, maybe where the reader is pregnant and has some bleeding or feels really unwell so they go to the hospital but the doctors made sure the reader and baby were okay ❤️ also would love some overprotective Justin once they go back home ! Thank you 😊
Protective Justin.
I love this request, and I love writing it. I hope you like it.
The fever started before dinner. You didn't want to say anything to Justin, because he has been so protective this past eight months about you, so didn't want to end up surrounded by wrap bubble paper.
During the dinner he made some shrimp pasta, and boiled potatoes. During the last month you were craving sea food so bad. Once you cried because you wanted fried shrimp so bad, Justin ended up going to the supermarket at midnight. It was a blessing your delivery was during the off-season. For the first time he skipped the OTAs, he would wait until it became mandatory.
You were craving the pasta until you had it in front of you. It was disgusting. Justin was already eating so eagerly that you held a deep breath and eat a fork of pasta. You grimace. "Is not good?" he asked looking a bit sad. "No, it's good. I'm not hungry" you sighed, and touched your forehead. Why was the chair moving? You tried to focus on your husband, blinking repeatedly.
"Oh my god, you're sick" the panic in his voice made your stomach hurt.
His worried expression made you try not to show any more signs of pain, but the headache was getting worse. You touched your swollen belly and patted it a couple of times. Hopefully, your first daughter with Justin would be born in May. It was something you both longed for so much.
"Are you okay?" he asked, concerned. Getting up.
"No, I feel very dizzy," you lamented.
"Just dizzy?" He asked, forgetting about dinner and reaching for his phone.
"My head has been hurting,"Justin frowned and clenched his jaw. "Why didn't you tell me anything?" he demanded.
Your eyes started to fill with tears at his rude tone of voice. Justin shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, it's just that I worry about you." He apologized and approached to touch your forehead to see if you had a fever. He grimaced upon verifying that everything was in order. "Let's go to the hospital, this isn't normal," he said, helping you to stand up. You wobbled a bit but leaned against his chest. You moved as much as your pregnancy allowed. Suddenly, you realized that maybe something was wrong with the baby.
"Justin," you called out, scared, "What if something happens to the baby?" Justin pulled you closer and kissed your forehead. "Shhh, don't say things like that. Everything is going to be okay," but his posture and the way he dropped the car keys twice let you know that he was nervous too. During the drive to the hospital, you vomited. You could only hear Justin cursing under his breath, but he kept driving until you arrived at the hospital. Once inside, you were half-conscious; the world was spinning, and you felt awful. "She started feeling worse a couple of hours before dinner, maybe around five. No, she's not allergic to anything. She's eight months pregnant. She told me she had a headache and felt dizzy. No, I don't know," you heard his desperate voice, and it touched your heart to have such a caring partner.
An hour had passed since you were admitted to the hospital. Justin was fidgeting with the car keys, trying to keep the panic he was feeling at bay. "Please, be okay, please be okay," he murmured. Maybe all the traveling took its toll, you didn’t get much rest, and perhaps being alone for most of the pregnancy didn’t help. He felt guilty for not being more present, for being a bad husband and now a bad father. He called his mother to inform her of the situation, and she kindly listened to him cry for fifteen minutes. Then he called Mitch, who, with his medical knowledge, explained the possible scenarios but reassured him that everything would be fine and that he would have to wait for the doctors' response. The mere idea of losing you made him feel sick, the worst nightmare he had ever imagined. The idea of losing both you and the baby was his worst fear. He couldn’t bear it. When he realized how negative his thoughts were, he started looking at your photos, feeling that everything would be alright.
The doctor and a nurse came out.
"Mr. Herbert?" He stood up as fast as lightning. The doctor had to crane his neck to see him. "Mrs. Herbert and the baby are fine." the doctor informed, Justin felt the weight on his shoulders lighten just a bit. "Her blood pressure was extremely high, but we managed to stabilize her, and she is under observation." Justin nodded, feeling the rock in his stomach grow smaller. His lower lip trembled. "Can I see her?" The doctor smiled and nodded. "She’s a bit drowsy but conscious." The nurse led him to the room where you were. Seeing you, he broke down in tears and came closer to kiss you and your swollen belly. "Thank God you're okay. I love you," His reaction surprised you because Justin wasn’t very emotional, but he must have been very scared. "My God, I don't know… the doctor said your blood pressure was extremely high. If I remember correctly, that's very dangerous," he continued crying, and you had to console him a bit. "I'm sorry, it's just… I was really scared," he confessed like a small child, all teary and red. "I can't imagine a life without you and without her," he said, touching your belly again. "It's okay, I'm here," you consoled him.
He took your hand and squeezed it slightly. "How are you feeling?" he wanted to know. You sighed wearily, "I feel tired, but happy that everything is okay." He nodded. "What can I do for you?" he asked, feeling lost. "I'm very hungry, but the doctors don't want me to eat until my blood pressure drops to 90." His beautiful green eyes kept watching you with utmost attention. He was assessing you, making sure everything was alright. "But I'd like to change into something clean, I think I peed myself a little," you confessed. He smiled and nodded, grateful that you gave him something to do. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."
Back home, Justin wouldn't let you do anything. Going down the stairs? He had to be there. Playing with Nova? No way. Watching TV shows that made you feel too emotional? No, no baby shows. He made sure to check your blood pressure every day at the same time and that you took your prescribed medication. More than once, you rolled your eyes at his concern, but you understood that you had given him a scare, so you took a deep breath and accepted the attention. It was hard for him to hand over the reins to your mother when he had to return to the Chargers' offices, but he sent you messages daily. "Justin, I'm going to be fine. I'm strong, your daughter is strong. I need you to believe that, okay? You need to focus on the new season." He would just press his lips together and say, "Of course you are," but he still kept an eye on you. He was stubborn, but so were you. And that's why you loved him.
Remember you still can send your request or ideas for fanfiction!
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
by John Spencer
Hamas forces indisputably violated multiple laws of war on October 7 in taking Israelis hostage and raping, torturing and directly targeting civilians, as well continuing to attack Israeli population centers with rockets. Years of intelligence assessments and media reports have shown that Hamas also commits war crimes by using human shields for its weapons and command centers and by purposely putting military capabilities in protected sites like hospitals, mosques and schools.
On the other hand, nothing I have seen shows that the Israel Defense Forces are not following the laws of wars in Gaza, particularly when the charges that the IDF is committing war crimes so often come too quickly for there to have been an examination of the factors that determine whether an attack, and the resulting civilian casualties, are lawful. The factors that need to be assessed are the major dimensions of the most commonly agreed to international humanitarian law principles: military necessity, proportionality, distinction, humanity and honor.  
President Joe Biden and multiple European countries, including the UK, Germany and France, are supporting Israel’s self-defense even as they express concerns over the humanitarian situation in Gaza. Though Gaza’s legal status is unresolved under international law, Israel needs no permission to enter the territory and resort to using force in order to wage defensive operations because Israel’s right to immediate and unilateral self-defense in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter is universally recognized.
Israel has pledged to obey international law, and one of its cornerstones is proportionality. The concept is often misunderstood to allow only for equal numbers of civilian casualties on both sides, with any lopsided numbers considered disproportionate. But proportionality is actually a requirement to take into account how much civilian harm is anticipated in comparison to the expected concrete and direct military advantage, according to UN protocols. In other words, a high civilian death count in Jabalya could potentially be considered legal under international law so long as the military objective is of high value. The Israel Defense Forces said the intended target in this case was the senior Hamas commander who oversaw all military operations in the northern Gaza; neutralizing him is an objective that most likely clears the proportional bar. Furthermore, Israel pointed out that the loss of life was compounded because Hamas had built tunnels that weakened the targeted structure that then collapsed in the strike.
The attack also passes muster on the level of “military necessity,” the principle that the action was necessary to pursue an allowed military goal (killing enemy troops), rather than an illegal goal (causing civilians to suffer). The IDF has said that its aim is to remove the rockets, ammunitions depot, power and transportation systems Hamas has embedded within their civilian population. So far, a number of military experts have assessed that Israel appears to be trying to follow the law of armed conflict in its Gaza campaign.
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xoxo-author · 2 months
Partners in Crime
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Authors note: I know SVU doesn't get a lot of love here on Tumblr but I've been binge-watching and love Valasco so here we are!
Pairing: Joe Valasco x Reader (Fem)
Warnings: My god-awful writing, mentions of violence
"You're awake! How are you feeling?"
I tried to offer Rollins a small smile but could only wince as pain shot through my face, "Sore, very sore."
Amanda picked up a chair before setting it down next to my hospital bed and sitting down, "Well after the beating you took, sore is to be expected." 
I close my eyes and let my head fall back, letting what happened flow back into my mind. Working the case, getting the tip that Barban was going to be at this warehouse meeting where he wanted to see new talent, him being interested in me and then losing it, the pain for his hits and kicks, his hands wrapping around my neck, and I'm pretty sure I remember Joe coming in but that's when things start to get a little fuzzy.
"Did we catch him?"
Shaking her head, Amanda let out a sigh, "After you were made, we rushed in. Velasco was the first one in there and by the time the rest of us got in there, Barban was unconscious on the floor next to you, and his face took a pretty hard hit. We get you into an ambulance and off to the hospital then we get Barban loaded up and off to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, his bus got ambushed and someone helped him escape. We don't know where he is yet."
"So I look like this for nothing?" 
Amanda chuckles before reaching out and gently squeezing my bandaged hand, "We'll catch him."
I give her a nod before letting out a sigh, a feeling of uneasiness spreads throughout my body. Barban was the worst of the worst and having my cover blown was less than ideal. If he figured out I was a cop then he could figure anything out, he could figure me out. He could figure out where I lived, my family, what precinct I worked in, and who in my life meant something to me. 
Letting my head lull to the right, my gaze lands on Joe who was passed out on the tiny green recliner chair. 
 "He hasn't left since you got here. We've tried to get him to go home, to shower, to eat, to sleep, to take a break but he refuses to leave your side. I have never seen him like this or how he was when you were in the warehouse." 
Before I could say anything, her phone started to ring, "It's Olivia, I'm going to take this outside and tell your doctor that you're awake. You should wake him up." 
My eyes follow her as she leaves the room, quietly shutting the door behind her, before letting my gaze fall back to Joe. 
Slowly, I push myself up into a sitting position and gently move my legs over the side of the bed. Gripping the handrail of the bed and as soon as my feet touched the ground and I was standing, a whimper fell from me causing Joe's eyes to shoot open. 
He was over to me in record time, gently grabbing my forearm, "What're  you doing?"
Swallowing so maybe it wouldn't hurt as bad to talk, "I'm up, so you're up."
Joe tried to guide me back to sit down but I shake my head, "I want to stand for a little." He nods and his eyes take in my face before moving lower, no doubt checking the damage. 
"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault."
I shake my head before tilting it to the side, "This is not your fault Joe."
"If I had been faster to get to you or if we had sent another UC in there with you, none of this would've happened." 
Reaching as high as I could without wincing, I place my hand on his chest, "Joe,  he figured me out, this is not your fault."
Leaning down, he gently places his forehead against mine, " When I got in there, he had his hands around your throat and you weren't moving and I couldn't tell if you were breathing. I thought I had lost you." 
"But you didn't." 
"Everything is looking good, the swelling has started to go down and will only continue to do so. The bruises will take a while to heal due to how significant they are. You can take your brace off your hand to shower but I want it on as much as possible. Take your pain meds as prescribed. If there are no questions, I will leave your discharge paperwork, leave you to get dressed, and send transportation to help you. Take care of yourself." 
Joe places a bag next to me on the bed before unzipping it, "I brought you some of my clothes because I thought you wouldn't want things rubbing against your bruises." 
I smile up at him, "Thank you."
Reaching into the bag, Joe takes out a pair of sweatpants before kneeling to the ground. Joe gently guides my legs through the leg holes before pulling the pants up to my knees. I grabbed the waistband of the pants while he gently wrapped an arm around my waist to help me stand from the bed. I tied the strings while Joe grabbed a white t-shirt from the bag. 
I take my arms out of the hospital's gown armholes and hold the gown to my gest. Joe tilts his head to the ceiling while I, as quick as I could, maneuver the shirt on. "You can look now." 
Joe shoots me a smile before going to open the door so the transportation guy can wheel the wheelchair in. Walking back over to me, Joe grabs my hands to help me sit in the chair, "By the way, you're staying with me until we catch Barban."
I went to argue but the look on his face told me that there was no way he was going to budge so I simply nodded.
"I'm not going to let anything happen to you."
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its too freaky here
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
Hii I was wondering if I could ask for sk8 Langa and Cherry with a s/o who went against Adam and he attacked s/o worse than any of the others?
FIRST SK8 REQUEST?!? Thank you for your ask!!
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LANGA knew that adam was intimidating, but he had faith that you could handle yourself against him. his reservations outweighed his want to support you, and so he tucked them away and opted for cheering you on and supporting you throughout the race. he was just the same as you, eager to get out there and skate against someone so skilled. everything would work out.
the race was going smoothly until half way through the track, it appeared that adam was getting ready to make some sort of move that you were unaware of. it came quick, adam turning around and running full speed using his board as a club to attack you with. langa could only stare and exclaim in fear as he watched you get hit with all the strength adam could muster on the giant tvs. he immediately went after you, pushing past the crowds of people to retrieve your unconscious figure from the track. joe followed and insisted on driving you to the hospital, langa not even bothering trying to convince him to tag along, but simply stating that he’d accompany you. he sat nervously in the hospital for a long while until he was forced to head home, but even a conversation with joe reassuring him that you’d be alright couldn’t calm his nerves.
he felt guilty that he didn’t voice more of his anxious feelings toward the race. maybe if he did, it would’ve prompted you to be more attentive to any dangerous tricks. the rest of his evening was spent getting lost in his guilty consciousness, and he was quieter and slower until your full recovery. even when you were discharged and feeling better than ever did langa feel horrible for not saying anything at all. you managed to snap him out of his all-consuming self loathing however, repeating firmly that he wasn’t responsible for your injury. a small kiss on his cheek solidified that. langa makes a note from the experience to work on communicating his feelings a little bit better with you.
CHERRY knew firsthand what adam was capable of. he was all too familiar with his style of skating (if you could even call it that). so admittedly he was nervous when you told him you’d be skating against the maniac. he was slightly surprised and was vocal in his concerns, reminding you of his wicked tricks and the danger of going up against him. you were insistent however, wanting to take the chance to beat him, if not that then improve in skill. cherry wasn’t going to force you out of the race, so he very reluctantly accepted it.
his eyes never left the screens displaying the race, constantly analyzing your move. even when he saw you doing well, his worry didn’t falter. his breath hitched as he watched adam prepare an all too familiar attack against you, his fears becoming reality right before his eyes. he wasted no time locating you and using carla to examine your condition after you collapsed. cherry comes off cool and collected when informing the others about your state, simply stating the known facts, but everyone could tell that he was tense with the deep frown etched in his face and the slight gruffness in his voice.
he sat by your bed and watched as you rested, planning a “i told you so" lecture for when you were feeling better. cherry mostly felt awful for not interfering more with your decision, however. he knew that adam was dangerous and was almost sure to pull some sort of stunt that would end up hurting you, but he still let you go out on the track. he used carla to monitor your recovery and took it upon himself to take care of you even when you got discharged from the hospital. he was scared for you, and it came out in the form of anger. you apologized for letting yourself be so careless, and cherry couldn’t help but deflate at the genuine guilt in your voice. he flicked you over the head with his fan and assured you that the sole person responsible was adam. cherry paid for all the food you wanted at kojiro's restaurant (and made him treat you occasionally as well) to make up for the guilt he felt.
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shesmyboot · 1 year
Baby Severide - Chapter 5: 51 Meets Baby
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*Gif belongs to its rightful owner, it is not mine*
Pairing: Kelly Severide x reader
Summary: 51 has a slow day on shift and takes a road trip to Med… to meet Baby Severide
Words: 663
Warnings: hospitals
Read on Ao3 here
Next Chapter: Chapter 6
Notes: I wanted to post this earlier, but wanted to fulfill the request that spent almost a month sitting in my drafts. Also, yes, I am aware of how short this chapter is. The next one is longer, I promise. As always, a reblog of any chapter earns a tag in chapter posted after that! Enjoy!
Join my taglist here
Tags: @district447 @mrspeacem1nusone @tringeorge @storiesofsvu @cfdhouse51 @skullcupcakes @whatismypurpos @carnationworld @youraveragedorkysimp @treehouse-mouse @witchywinchester99 @keabbs @marvelcharactersxreader
As you wiped the tears from your eyes, there was a cheerful knock at the door.
“Come in,” you announced.
Sylvie peeked her head in the room.
“Hey girl,” she laughed, “how you feeling?”
“I’m good,” you paused, “yeah, I’m okay.”
“Is now a good time? We’ve got some firefighters here who’d like to meet her.”
“I’ll let you meet her first.”
Coming over to the crib, Sylvie was in awe. You picked Alexis up and set her in Sylvie’s ready arms. 
“What’s this babe’s name?” She asked, bouncing Alexis slightly. 
“Alexis Shay Severide.”
“Aw, I love that. What did your mom think of you name your daughter after your sister?”
“She’s not so pleased, but she’ll get over it when she meets her. She’ll be here in a few days I hope.”
“She’ll fall in love with Alexis as soon as she meets her.”
Matt knocked on the door and came up behind Sylvie.
“Is this her?” Matt a sled, looking over at Kelly. 
“This is her,” Kelly smiled back.
You began to tear up again as you watched Sylvie and Matt fall in love with Alexis. Kelly sat beside you and you rested your head on his shoulder. 
“When’s your turn?” Kelly chuckled.
“One firehouse baby at a time,” Matt laughed, “we’ve been thinking about it though.”
“Matt do you want to hold her?” Sylvie asked.
Matt stuttered over his words before finally smiling and admitting, “I’ll absolutely take her.”
As Sylvie handed Alexis over, you and Kelly shared a look and a nod.
“What was that about?” Sylvie asked, gesturing to the nod she just witnessed.
“Kelly and I would like to ask you both if you’d be Alexis’ godparents,” you admitted.
Sylvie and Matt looked at each other, both speechless.
“Of course,” Matt answered.
Kelly stood up, leaning into Matt for a hug.
“Thank you, both of you,” Kelly said, pulling away from Matt and sitting in the chair beside you. 
Joe poked his head in the door.
“Hey, Severide. Mind if I bring in a few more smoke eaters?” Joe asked.
“Not at all. Who’s here?” Kelly replied.
“Everyone. Chief took the firehouse out of service for an hour or two.”
A few moments later, all of 51 poured into your recovery room, the air swelling with love. Everyone took turns passing your baby around and asking how you were doing.
“How you feeling, Severide?” Herrmann asked.
“I’m still in shock, but it got a great wife to be able to be a great father.”
“No feeling like being a father. After every kid Cindy and I had, I was still in shock. That’s normal.”
“Thanks Herrmann.”
Boden walked over to you and Kelly, gaining to attention of the crowd.
“I hate to cut this party short, but HQ has requested a return to quarters,” he announced.
“C’mon Chief, Severide will only be a first-time dad once,” Cruz argued.
“I know, I know,” he sighed, “I’ll make Kelly bring the baby by 51 soon.”
Otis handed you back Alexis and gathered his gear from the corner.
“Congratulations to you both. Really is a special day. Bring this baby by the firehouse real soon, would you? She’s a great morale boost,” Boden chuckled.
“Thank you all for coming. It’s good to know she’s got a community looking out for her,” you responded, tearing up once again.
As your room emptied, you and Kelly had a few moments to yourself with Alexis. You handed Alexis to her daddy’s very capable hands and Kelly sat in your bed beside you.
“You know what baby?” Kelly told you.
“What’s up?”
“I’m really proud of you today. Thank you for bringing our daughter into the world today.”
“I can’t wait to bring her home with you tomorrow.”
There was a knock at the door and Dr Calhoun appeared.
“I was speaking with another physician about our next steps in terms of when I can discharge you, given how you’ve been doing,” she explained.
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ithinkabouttzu · 8 months
omg feel free to ignore but can you do BoB headcanons of having a female medic s/o with big boobs 🙏
Easy co.’s reaction to having a nurse s/o with big boobs
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genre: Fluff; suggestive
warnings: Language, suggestion (sorry guys)
description: Easy company’s men reaction to you (their s/o) being their nurse and having big boobs.
a/n: Hey!! Sorry I totally didn’t see the medic part and I accidentally wrote it as nurse i’m so sorry 😭 Anywho, just a reminder that this isn’t any hate towards any itty-bitty-titty community at all! (love you guys for real!) Also, some of these might seem like they’re sexualizing the reader but please don’t take it that way, it’s all supposed to be about love!! Hope you enjoy reading <3
Taglist: @sweetxvanixlla @ronsparky @samwinchesterslostshoe @executethyself35 @linhkhanhcps @1waveshortofashipwreck @grumpy-liebgott @barbeygirl (if you want to be added to the taglist, let me know!)
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Dick Winters: - He tries to be the most respectful, it’s inappropriate to look at your body that way and he really respects you.
- But he also is fighting himself from blushing when he sees how your figure looks in your nurses uniform
- He finds you beautiful regardless though, no matter what your chest size is (even tho he’s had a very hard time trying not to stare)
Lewis Nixon: - his eyes get really big when he sees you in your nurse uniform, your cleavage out almost perfectly.
- His throat becomes dry, he feels the urge to drink water, lots of it from his recent thirst, but it seems the only thing he’s thirsty for is you.
- After seeing only men for the past months, and you being the first women he sees in the hospital, he almost dies flat out and he would be completely happy to do so
Carwood Lipton: - He doesn’t even notice at first, he only looks when you have to reach across his body in order to find a good vein.
- His face gets so red, one because he’s guilty for looking, another because he’s absolutely in awe of the beautiful things in front of him
- He still tries to not objectify you, but he truly finds you beautiful in general. He can’t help but get goosebumps at the thought of seeing you again
Joe Toye: - Man when he sees you in that nurses dress, after almost a year of seeing only the men around him, he gets so close to losing it
- He literally starts drooling at the mouth whenever he sees you, you’re like a dream come true, an answer to every single one of his prayers.
- When you do get close to him it’s like he can’t breathe, your body only clouds his mind with unholy thoughts and the dying urge to feel your pretty chest. He’s absolutely desperate for you and getting to know you for the rest of his stay at the hospital.
Joe Liebgott: - NOW WE ALL KNOW THIS MAN IS HAVING THE TIME OF HIS LIFE When he sees you, he actually does lose it, a big smile rising onto his face as though the girl of his dreams is now assigned as his nurse
- He’s an absolute slut for you. Like he’s gonna try his absolute best to make you his, whatever he has to do, he’ll do it. He can’t help but flirt with you any chance he can get.
- When it’s getting close to the end of his stay, he’s dreading it. Only wishing to see you everyday. He’ll practically beg to see you again sometime, or if he can write to you. And being good friends you say yes, making him the happiest man alive.
Bill Guarnere: - He’s probably the biggest flirt you’ve had as a patient. The look on his face is the equivalence of a kid in a candy store for the first time. He’s quick to introduce himself to you, bringing out his best charm for you
- “You always walk around looking like that? It’s killin’ me, doll, and you know it” He would whisper in your ear as you take care of him. It’s hard not to give in when he’s so enticing like this, his voice sending you chills when he talks to you so romantically.
- He’d promise he’d write to you once he gets better, making sure that once the war was over, he’d find you again and take you out the right way.
George Luz: -He gets so smiley when he sees you, he doesn’t mean to stare at your chest, in his defense your chest was kinda staring at him first, your uniform was a bit tight in the upper half making you a bit more revealed, but he didn’t mind one bit.
-He was actually rather joyful, whenever he saw you, you brought his hopes up a bunch. It always made him so happy to see you. Just being around a women and getting to be taken care of by you was a dream.
- He loves every second that he has with you, I could definitely see him being quite smitten with you after you taking such good care of him.
Eugene Roe: - He gets super shy around you and finds it pretty hard to make eye contact for the longest. He never thought he’d be the one to end up hurt, especially when he was supposed to be the one to help people get better, but being around you makes things a lot better.
- Sometimes he’d like to imagine that you guys are together while you’re taking care of him and when he’s really sad. just a lovely girlfriend taking care of her sick boyfriend is what he sees in his head (even tho he knows that’s not the case)
- When you ask if he’d like for you to write letters, he almost finds it impossible that a gorgeous girl like you, would want him to be your man. He’s estatic and would say yes immediately.
Bull Randleman: - It’s love at first sight for him. “Wow” is all he can say under his breath when he sees you for the first time. It’s an amazing sight.
- In the most non-offensive way possible, you’re like a wet dream come true to him. A sweet, pretty girl, with the prettiest tits known to man, taking care of him while he’s hurt.
- It’s like a dream for the rest of his time there. He waits and counts down the hours until you take care of him again, he’s just so happy to be in your presence.
Floyd Talbert: - After everything he’s endured the past months, you’re the best thing he’s ever seen. Literally a gift from God. You and your amazing top half mesmerizing him by the way you do practically anything.
- He looks forward to every-time he sees you. And when he does he’s flirting with you nonstop. “You know, when all this is over with, I would love to get to know you better.”
- He’s gotta a staring problem really bad, he tries to stop, but he can’t help it. You’re the first woman he’s laid eyes on in so long and he just can’t get enough of your body.
Skip Muck: - “Christ in heaven, you’re the best thing i’ve seen my entire life” He says when you walk to his bed, urgent for your care. “How are you today beautiful? Do I need to fight any fellas for giving you a problem?” He’s very playful with you, but there’s only truth to his words.
- He thinks you’re so pretty though, he’s like a schoolgirl crushing on her teacher, anticipating for your arrival everyday, and being a pet to you everytime you are around.
- When his stay is ending, he finally confesses his feelings to you, letting you know how much he actually enjoys spending time with you, and how he would love to see you after the war.
Don Malarkey:- He’s like a little boy around you, so cheerful and happy. When he first met you he was struck by your pretty face, and its was no surprise that your chest was perfect too.
- He tries being respectful every time you’re around, but it’s hard not to steal a glance at your pretty chest every now and then. You never fail to send butterflies down his body when you get close to him too.
-He’s extra sweet to you always, calling you ma’am respectfully, asking if he can do anything for you despite his physical condition. He’s just very happy to have a positive energy like you around him.
Babe Heffron: - “My goodness, what have I done to deserve you” He says when he sees you walk over to him, it doesn’t even matter if he’s hurt, he can’t feel it anymore. Only thing he can feel is a burning desire for you.
- You’ll catch him staring towards you a lot, he doesn’t even try to hide his staring eyes. He is truly fascinated with you.
- When his stay gets cut short, he asks you if you’d like for him to write to you, it was the sweetest you’d ever saw him. When you said yes he would grab you in a hug and swing you around with joy.
Shifty Powers: - He’s the most respectful out of all the guys. He’s well aware of how perfect your chest is, but he’s not going out of his way to make you uncomfortable at all. He’s pretty mature about it.
- But he does find you beautiful, to him, your body is obviously amazing, but you are so much more to him then just a nice nurse with pretty tits. You’re amazing girl that he would love to know more of.
- He probably would tell you how he feels later on once his time there was up, it he would be super nice and respectful about it.
Frank Perconte: - He’s like a dog to a bone, absolutely enamored with you and your smokin’ body (as he would like to call it)
- “What a dame” He’d say under his breath, suddenly in the need of water by your nice looks. He’s definitely gotta staring problem (he really can’t help it 😭)
- “When all this is over with, you wanna come home with me, pretty girl?” He would flirt with you until he physically can’t anymore
Ronald Speirs: - He doesn’t want to give you a huge reaction, but if you could read his mind, you’d be surprised about the things he’d been thinking about….
- “Doll, do you know the effect that you leave on half of the guys in this place? I can’t tell you what all they’d do just to touch you”
- In all, he’s mesmerized by your body and the way you move. Even in the most basic moments, he just can’t help but watch you do your job.
Skinny Sisk: - “You’re my nurse, wow. Is it my lucky day or somethin’?” When he sees you, he’s so happy that you’re gonna be the one taking care of him
- He’s a big simp for you, if you need anything, someone to talk to, help (if he’s physically able) then he’s more then willing to do it.
- He’s so smiley and happy around you it’s so sweet!! He tries not to stare at your amazing rack but he thinks you’re the prettiest he’s ever seen.
Chuck Grant: - “Golly, am I in heaven?” He thinks you’re an absolute angel after all of the hell he’s seen. If good looks could kill, he’d be willing to die under your watch.
- He has to remind himself constantly than your eyes are “up there” instead of anything otherwise, but he can’t concentrate on anything when you’re in the room (for obvious reasons ofc)
- He’s well behaved on the most part though, just a sweet bby who loves your chest like it’s nothing LOL
Johnny Martin: - He actually feels so much better when he finds out you are gonna he his nurse. Christmas day came early for him (a pretty girl with nice tits was for sure on his list)
- “What are you doin’ here? Shouldn’t you be performing at some show or something, you’re too pretty to work” He doesn’t understand why you’re having to move a finger tbh, you’re too precious to him 😭
- “I had a nice time with you while I was here, if you ever wanna write to me, you can, doll” He honestly gets kinda sad when he knows he won’t be able to wake up to your pretty face (and tits) everyday.
David Webster: - Tbh you’re the real reason why he’s in the hospital for so damn long 🤣 like the moment he met you he just had to be around you at all times
- He stares a lot, and has a quite bit of dirty daydreams containing your chest and him 😭
- Honestly he didn’t even think he was a boobs guy until he met you, you really changed him for the better
Buck Compton: - He’s this emoji: 🤤, actually drooling at the mouth, you look so good to him.
- He’s never been happier to be in a hospital at the moment, your presence is enough to bring him back to full health tbh
- He’s super thankful in general that he has such a pretty and well rounded (see what I did there ) nurse taking care of him while he’s down
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Thank you for your request! If you enjoyed, make sure to reblog or like! 🩷
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gamora-borealis · 3 months
I had the most vivid dnp hard launch dream... a lot of it was confusing and random, I think they were somehow like living in an apartment across from mine and I knew them some and saw them holding hands in front of me very casually. Then it turned into this giant movie or documentary filmed very cinematically where Dan had released some kind of epic solo project and there were like other characters from the apartment complex who had storylines in this movie like at one point dan had passed out and they were trying to wake him up by playing really loud rock music. and at the climax of the movie there is a release party for this solo project and like huge Hollywood celebrities were there but also people from my work lol. Finally Dan appears in a white suit in the crowd and you see him look across the room and at first it looked like he was looking at this very hot celebrity guy but actually it was Phil standing just behind that guy in a pink suit. And he runs across the room to give Phil a hug and spins him around, and I was like sobbing watching this on an iPad. Then he brings Phil up to this center stage area where these journalists are and it's implied he's gonna give a speech to thank Phil and potentially hard launch. But he was kind of running up there dragging Phil along and they accidentally run into a journalist and they all fell over but she was holding a wine glass and it shattered and shards of glass got stuck in Dan's neck and they had to take him to the hospital. Before the ambulance came a guy from my work was administering first aid and I was like oh wow yeah I turned down going to this party because too many people but I'm glad he was there! Anyways Dan is fine and gets released a few days later and he and Phil walk out of the hospital holding hands and you see it as this camera angle below them where their hands are facing the sky and perfectly framed by the sun. Then all the paparazzi try to run up to them to get pictures but they only get pics once they are about to get in a car and dan is wearing this slightly sheer white short sleeve button down open over a T-shirt, and the button down is so oversized that because of the breeze it was like flowing and covering up them holding hands. And the paparazzi are like damn clearly they were holding hands but it's hard to see on camera they truly are masterminds of being vague!!! but in the camera they filmed the movie on you can clearly see them holding hands through Dan's shirt and you also already saw them holding hands so it's to imply like you the viewer of the movie get to know they were holding hands but they were still being cheeky about it within the world of this movie. And afterwards I was like this is the greatest thing I've ever seen and couldn't stop crying and even my dad was like yeah that's a great movie they talked about it on all my favorite podcasts (including Joe Rogan???) and then in the credits it was showing bloopers and irl moments between dnp and at one point they saw my apartment because I had left the door open on accident when I left one time and they were like dang it's so messy we should help her clean and I was aw like that's sweet of them but how embarrassing this is in this movie... and then it also showed unreleased pinof bloopers and the vegas vlog where they were holding hands and having fun and being giggly. then for some reason my mom came and was like oh here's some props from the movie and it was a bunch of old floppy discs but they were huge and had a DVD Cover-esque design on them of Battlestar Galactica or some kind of space show that was less popular than Star Trek and I was like wow this is so cool I kind of prefer these to CDs or DVDs! and then I woke up 😶
@dnp-dreams @phannie-dreams
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malarkgirlypop · 10 months
This is for you! (Webster x F!Reader)
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Well hello and welcome. This is a random fic I did based on a post about shooting hoops. Confused? So am I ahahahahah. Enjoy this one shot, and let me know what you think!
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters.
Tag list: @next-autopsy @panzershrike-pretz @xxluckystrike @bucky32557038ww2 (if you want to be added just let me know xx)
The young woman fought sleep as she bounced on the back of the truck next to her comrades. It had been a long journey from Noville to Haguenau. The chill of the wind whipped at her face as she tucked her nose into her scarf to keep her warm.
A cherry voice pulled her from her drowsy state. Looking to the back of the truck where a man stood. She recognised him, David Webster. They had met briefly in Holland when she had come as a replacement. They only spoke a couple of times before he was injured and sent back to hospital. That was only four months ago but it had felt like a lifetime.
He looked clean and healthy. A sparkle of life still in his eyes. She couldn’t say the same for herself or the other soldier’s who had been in Bastogne not long before. They had all lost the shine in their eyes, replaced with dull far away looks.
Webster made his way into the back of the truck, making conversation with the young private
Jackson who he sat beside. Joe, who she sat close to, joined the conversation with passive remarks.
“We left Holland four months ago.” Lieb commented. Unlike the other men they had known, when Webster was carted off they never saw him again. The other soldiers including the young girl made an effort to return as soon as possible to their friends to join the fight again. Knowing that they were so low on everything, including soldiers themselves.
Webster looked shocked by Joe’s harsh remarks. Before carelessly bringing up names of the men who they had lost. Webster pissed her off. While they were off fighting in the coldest, most awful woods, which took so many of her friends' lives. He was back in a comfy bed with hot meals and a shower, being tended to by nurses.
He was just as bad as the replacements. Maybe even worse.
“Hey Y/N good to see you!” Webster tried to engage in small talk with the woman who huffed and walked away, not giving him the satisfaction of a reply.
Joe chuckled, walking behind the pair as she marched away. He bumped into Webster giving him a smirk as he ran after the girl.
“He looked like he was going to cry.” Joe told the room who laughed as he explained how Webster had crashed and burned trying to talk to Y/N.
“God he’s so annoying.” She laughed, shaking her head.
“Who’s so annoying?” Webster asked as he made his way into the room. Everyone went quiet, waiting for someone to answer Webster’s question.
“Ahhh, you know Hitler.” She laughed awkwardly at her random remark, naming the first bad person that sprung to mind. The other men chuckled into their hands.
“Oh yeah, no, he’s the most annoying.” Webster clearly missed the blatant lie she had told. She bit her lip trying to suppress cringing outwardly at the man. He grinned at her for approval. To which she smiled tightly back.
Y/N was thoroughly entertained, as she watched Joe and Ramirez interrogate the man for who was going to be on patrol.
“Come on Web, we know you know!” Joe pushed him for an answer.
“If I tell you, you can’t let on that you know.” Webster replied in an anxious tone.
“Secrets safe Web.” Joe lied straight to his face.
Webster spilled his guts.
“Babe, McClung, Ramirez and you.” He said, turning his gaze to the lady, leaning against the bed. She sighed, scrubbing a hand over her face, as Joe gave her a sympathetic pat on the back.
It wasn’t long till sergeant Malarkey was telling them the information they had already manipulated out of the blue eyed man.
“We know.” Earl said to Don who had started stating the names of the people wanted.
“Yeah, we just fucking heard.” Babe added as well, gesturing to the man he had heard it from. Y/N watched Web squirm as the men ratted on him so quickly. He was figuring out they had no loyalties to their fellow comrade.
Webster felt he was back at the bottom of the food chain again, somehow lying even lower on the pyramid than the replacements he had turned up with. The men seemingly didn’t appreciate his absence, but he had been injured and instructed to rest and rehabilitate. Apparently he hadn’t caught onto the memo of breaking out of the hospital as soon as he could to join the men again. This feeling of isolation he wasn’t fond of. He understood if he wanted to be respected again by the men he had fought alongside not too long ago, he would have to grovell.
He waited in line for the showers, feeling uneasy. He had just showered recently compared to the grimey faces of the soldiers who shuffled forward in line. Stepping out of the line, a guilt hung on his shoulders. Webster made his way over to the female soldier who hung around the men as they waited for a shower. He noted her hair was damp and she looked cleaner than the last time, she had showered.
Before he could reach her, Malarkey called them in. He informed them that more men from the platoon were needed, calling out Grant, Lieb, Jackson, Wynn and himself. The men were pissed as Don wandered away not looking very pleased himself.
Webster’s stomach clenched, after being away for so long he forgot the nerves that came with the patrols. The unease that settled in his bones, an unwelcome but familiar feeling.
Y/N glanced over to the new-not-so-new soldier, the look of restlessness in his bright eyes. She remembered that feeling. When she had started she always felt like she was going to throw up just before an ambush or mission. But now all she felt was tired, exhausted, ready for this all to be over. Of course the dred of missions still churned her insides but it was something that never truly left. As if she was constantly waiting, watching, listening, for something she couldn’t quite see, but knew was there. Something hiding around the corner that could jump out at any second and snatch her away.
They met for the briefing at CP. No one was pleased seeing that the only officer in the room with them appeared to be a young baby-faced man, who arrived just that day. Never been into combat or led an attack. They were doomed if he was to lead it. They needed someone with experience, not some bright-eyed bushy tail Lt. just looking to get his boots dirty. They all shared their annoyance and concern with each other.
“No way. Not on his first day.” Grant said in disbelief, trying to convince himself more than the others that this wasn’t the officer leading this thing.
Turned out he was indeed leading, Martin would be there to shadow and help the man. Which seemed to somewhat please the worried soldiers. The patrol would be at 0100 hours, it would be a snatch and grab and they were after German POW’s. It was a stealth mission, nothing rattles, nothing shines. They had been told the plan of attack before Winters dismissed them and left.
Seeing that Lieb and Grant were speaking so brazenly about Webster in ear-shot of him. They spoke loudly proclaiming that he seems to worm his way out of everything. Webster knew that this was his opportunity to win back their trust. He approached the officers who had gathered together outside of CP where they had come from.
“Sir, sir. Liebgott and I, we both speak German.” Webster addressed Winters.
“Yeah?” Speirs replied, butting into the conversation, waiting for Web to continue.
“You said 15 men. There’s 16 of us, including two translators.” He shared his idea with his officers.
Well, fine. Hey, Liebgott, you want to sit this one out?” Speirs asked the passing Lieb who was with Y/N and Grant. Lieb grinned happily, agreeing to not go on the patrol. Sending Webster his thanks and a wink. Webster smiled to himself, happy with the outcome of his plan. Now he just had to win over everybody else.
They ate quietly in the basement, no one in a very chatty mood. Y/N ate her meal in the corner, not thinking just chewing. Webster saw the lady by herself, not thinking maybe she wanted it to be that way, slid down beside her with his own dinner.
“Hey Y/N.” He smiled at her. She gave her tight lipped polite smile, focussing back on her meal. Hoping that her silence would deter the man from continuing to sit with her.
“Are you nervous for tonight?” He asked, spooning food into his mouth, waiting for her reply.
“I just want to get it over and done with.” The lie slipped easily from her lips. For some reason she hadn’t thought about the cold river they had to cross to get to and from the patrol. The thought of falling into the icy water sent shivers up her spine. She wasn’t one for bodies of water. As a girl she had slipped into a river, being carried under by the current. It was a miracle someone was able to pull her from the depths. After that she steered clear of all water.
“How about you?” She found herself asking, she presumed it was just to fill the awkward silence that lingered between them.
“I am. But I trust everyone will get it done.” He seemed more optimistic than everyone else. A smile tugged at her lips. Admiring the faith he held in the men. She admired them too but secretly. She didn’t need to tell them, their heads big enough as it was.
“What’s your role?” He asked as they ate.
“Sharpshooter.” She covered her full mouth to speak. He nodded, smiling to himself. She didn’t think she had seen someone smile so much, she had forgotten the feeling. It was rare now for Y/N to smile, she had grown accustomed to wearing a blank mask, hiding all of her emotions.
“You must be a great shot.” He grinned at her as he nudged her in the side with his elbow. A smile formed on the girl’s lips, her hand instinctively going to cover her mouth to hide it. Webster’s hand shot out stopping her motions.
“Don’t hide it.” He beamed, pulling her hand down. The gesture made her blush. She cleared her throat, shaking the odd giddy feeling that fluttered in her heart.
They chatted together while they ate. Webster had some interesting stories, it was a bonus he had such good storytelling abilities. He gestured wildly, eyes lighting up as he explained. It had enraptured Y/N, who watched intently. Becoming so immersed in his stories she could see them, reach out her hand and touch them. It had taken her mind off of the upcoming events, until they were pulled away to prepare.
Darkness fell quickly, but the moon sat high in the sky shining down, illuminating the world around them. So much for the cover of night. They snuck onto the bank, only having the essentials with them. Y/N tried not to think of the river they were going to have to cross, a sick feeling stuck in her stomach. She blew out a shaky breath trying to keep her composure.
They moved quickly, hopping into the boats. They squished into the small rubber dinghy. Y/N kept her eyes trained on the shore line, not wanting to stare into the murky water below. It was a quick trip, to her relief their boat had made it in one piece. She couldn’t say the same for the last boat that tipped before they had even properly left the shore.
They crawled quietly up the bank as they made their way to the house that was their target. Moving swiftly through the dark town, they paused just before the house. Y/N followed orders flanking up the side to guard the men while they moved into the house. Her eyes scanned the houses that were shrouded in the dark, her gun at the ready. She didn’t let the commotion of the snatch break her concentration.
She ducked down further into the bushes as machine gun rounds fired beside her. Standing from her position she shot back.
“Y/L/N fall back! We’re moving out!” Martin called her from her spot. She ran up the rear of the group keeping her head low. Everyone fell back as more gunfire pelted around them. Mortar shells hitting the ground with tremendous force boomed around them, as they all B-lined for the boats. Lt. Jones finally blowing the whistle for their men on the other side to hold suppressing fire. So that the team could return back safely.
Y/N leaped into the boat helping the other men in as well. Grabbing Webster’s hand to pull him in.
“Move, move! Let’s go.” She yelled seeing that the boat was full. The men pulled the line, moving them back across the water. Y/N eyes trained on the shore, almost there.
The rope they were pulling caught on Y/N’s jacket, being perched in the rear of the boat it dragged her back. Her hands shot out trying to grasp anything to keep her inside the boat. A scream left her lips as she toppled into the freezing river.
The water so cold she couldn’t help but gasp, drawing water into her lungs. It burned as it rushed down her throat. Clawing at the water to reach the surface. Desperate to clear her lungs from the burning liquid. Her heavy uniform dragged her down further.
Hands plunged down gripping her by her collar, hauling her to the surface. She choked and spluttered on the air. Coughing wretchedly, her lungs yearning for oxygen. She was pulled back into the boat. A familiar face looking worriedly down at her. Webster had pulled her from the water.
“I got you! You’re ok!” He yelled over all the noise, as she still gasped for air. They finally made it to the shore. Y/N still struggling to breath and shivering so hard her bones were clacking. Webster carried her into the house. Placing her on the ground. Y/N turned over on her hands and knees, she was coughing so hard she felt like she could puke.
“Get out of these clothes.” He told her, over all the chaos that was happening around them. Y/N nodded.
“Webster, I need you here.” Martin yelled at the man, as he tried to shout at the German POW’s. Webster didn’t move immediately, still hovering by Y/N.
“Go, go. I’m fine.” She waved him away, pulling off her sodden clothes. Babe seeing what had happened had brought over fresh clothes and Skinny had given her his blanket that he had been using.
After getting into the new uniform, Y/N turned to find Jackson lying on the table, screaming in pain. All she could do was watch. Gene rushed in, moving the boy onto the stretcher. They hadn’t even made it out the door, when another shell hit. Causing everyone to duck for cover. She watched as Jackson choked on his blood and then falling limp onto the stretcher. Gene shook his head, his stare heavy. Jackson had passed. That night Y/N held the men she loved close, as they mourned the loss of their friend.
They had made their way back to base. Sitting in silence. Y/N mind wandered to the bright blue eyes that had peered down at her with such concern. She hadn’t had the chance yet to thank Webster for saving her.
At that moment Webster and Jones walked back into the room, after having dropped off the POW’s. They all were forlorn as they had been told there was to be another patrol tonight. The thought shook Y/N to the core. She didn’t know if she could, she was sure if she was to ride across the river again she would be overcome with panic. She would be a state that couldn’t function, let alone perform a patrol.
She stood from her position. Approaching Webster who lent on the rails of the bunk.
“Can I talk to you?” She asked hesitantly. He nodded following her out of the room. “I just wanted to thank you for saving me last night.” She smiled, a genuine smile.
“Y/N of course I saved you, you would do the same for me.” Webster seemed shocked, he didn’t expect thanks for pulling her from the water.
“I guess I would, but still I wanted to show my appreciation.” She lent forward, placing a kiss to his cheek. Webster gawked at the girl who rushed away quickly, his cheeks flamed pink as he placed his hand to where her lips had been moments ago.
Thankfully for Y/N the patrol had been botched. Winters, not wanting anymore loss of life, told the men they would have a good sleep tonight. That in the morning they would report they made it over but without being able to successfully capture any prisoners. Everyone was ecstatic, Y/N was so relieved she turned and hugged the closest person to her, squeezing them tightly in her arms. The person wrapped their arms around her back, heart beating wildly as he held her back. After pulling away the pair looked like strawberries, with their faces flaming red.
After they had finally moved off the line, Webster and Y/N had become fast friends. As time passed they weren’t easily separated. They were often teased, mostly by Lieb, at how they were so in love. The pair brushed it off. “I just like him as a friend.” Y/N groaned as Lieb taunted her once more with the song he thought he was so clever in singing.
“Webster and Y/N, sitting in a tree, k i s s i n g, first come love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in the baby carriage.” Lieb sang with his smug looking face. Y/N swatted at him, missing terribly due to how drunk she was. They had found their way into the eagle's nest, Hitler’s personal holiday home. The Germans had finally surrendered and Hilter himself was dead. Good riddance, Y/N thought as she tipped more wine into her mouth, puckering at the taste. She had never been a drinker but the news of the war finally being over caused for celebration.
Lieb stood smiling, swaying slightly on his feet, “To you my good friend!” He raised his bottle in the air, as Y/N did the same with a cheer. They clinked the bottles together, tipping their heads back to gulp the alcohol.
“I’m so fucking drunk.” Y/N giggled, the room spun around her. Putting her bottle down on the ground, she stood. “I need to find someone?” It was a question, did she? She wasn’t sure, she had an urge to find someone, but she couldn’t remember who. She wandered away leaving Lieb sprawled on the couch. She wandered around, looking for someone, or no maybe something.
Big french doors caught her attention, the view that lay just behind it was spectacular. The big blue lake that glistened in the warm sun, the rolling mountains either side covered in lush forests. She swung the door open, stepping out on the balcony. She tilted her head back drinking in the rays of sun that danced on her skin.
“Enjoying yourself?” She heard to her right, her eyes flew open landing on the owner of the voice. Webster sat in a chair book in his lap. A wide grin pulled onto her face, “I was looking for you!” She cheered, rushing forward. But in her drunk state her brain was moving slower than her body. Her foot catching on the leg of the chair that sat opposite Webster. She flew forward, landing in the man’s lap. She roared with laughter as she held onto him.
“Always saving me huh?” She grinned, booping the man on his nose. He chuckled, looking at the very clearly drunk girl on his lap.
“Didn’t you know I was a knight in shining armor?” She threw her head back laughing at his joke. She focussed back onto the man’s face in front of her. Her eyes scanned over his features. His bright blue eyes gazed back at her, making her heart flutter. She couldn’t help herself, reaching out ever so gently tracing his face with her fingertips. He stilled, as she softly touched his face. Webster wondered if Y/N could hear his heart drumming in his chest.
“Webster.” She whispered, their faces inches apart. “I think I like you.” She confessed suddenly. The drunk haze that held her vanished. She had never felt more sober.
“I like you too, Y/N.” He said sweetly, but he didn’t quite get the meaning behind her words.
“No, Webster, I like you.” She repeated herself, putting more emphasis on the words. He nodded looking lost. She laughed, shaking her head. She pressed her lips to his. He was startled at first, eyes wide, looking down at Y/N as she kissed his lips. It had finally clicked in his brain. Oh she likes me! He moved his lips against hers. Cupping her face in his hands, he deepened the kiss. She clung to him, pulling herself nearer to the man. She opened her mouth as their tongues met, dancing together. Y/N pulled back grinning at the man.
“Does that make sense?” She asked teasingly, Webster still slightly baffled, nodded his head. They kissed again, tenderly moving together.
Y/N never had felt more content, lying in Webster's arms as he read to her. They lay on the chair in the sun, his arm draped lazily around her side, his fingers tracing shapes over her hip as he read. She closed her eyes, head against his chest, she could hear his voice from deep in his chest and the steady thrum of his heart.
“Batter up!” Buck motioned for Webster to step up to the plate. Y/N and Webster had been secretly-not-so-secretly dating after their kiss on the balcony. Everyone was happy for them, apart from the threats from the men, “If you hurt her, I’ll feed you to the fishes!” Lieb had marched up to him in an intimidating manner, prodding him in the chest with his finger. They all had been very supportive of the pair. They were teased constantly about it but they laughed together.
Webster approached the plate, readying his bat above his head, getting into the correct stance. He looked over to where Y/N sat in the grass waiting for her turn next to bat. He gave her a sly wink, “This is for you.” He called as the other men shook their heads at his cringey gesture. Y/N stifled her laugh behind her hand giving him a thumbs up.
“Come on PeeWee let’s get Webster.” Buck called, the men cheering in response. The pitcher threw the ball, it arched nicely as Webster eyed it up. He swung but didn’t make contact with the baseball, Buck catching it behind him.
“STRIKE ONE!” Buck yelled. Y/N facepalmed as the other men roared with laughter. Readying himself again.
“This one's for you!” He pointed the bat in Y/N’s direction. She laughed, throwing her head back. The other men gave playful boo’s. Another great pitch and Webster swung again, ensuring he had his eye on the ball.
“Swing and a miss!” Buck yelled, catching the ball again. Webster stood dumbstruck, how had he missed that. Everyone howled with laughter, including himself, as he scratched his head nervously.
“Next one you’re out. Web!” Buck warned him. He gave a nervous chuckle. He really had to pay attention. Y/N watched hoping her wouldn’t dedicate the hit for her, it seemed to be putting the poor man off.
“Ok, this time, this one is for you!” He said less confident than when he had started. She clapped, cheering, “You got this one Web!” Trying to hide her embarrassment for him.
She hid behind her hands, peeking through her fingers as he got ready. Placing the bat behind him, crouching down slightly. The ball was thrown by the pitcher, it soared through the sky, the group collectively holding their breath. Surely he would hit it! Dejected sighs came from the group.
“STRIKE THREE, you’re out.” Webster looked upset, dropping the bat and shuffling away from the plate. Y/N ran up giving him a hug and a kiss. “Aww next time Web.” She teased the man she loved.
It was her turn to bat, Webster watched her get prepared, swinging the bat behind her head. The ball was pitched, she swung. A crack echoed as the ball was hit away by Y/N. It soared over the heads of all the men, all the way to the back of the field they played on.
“GO Y/N GO!” Webster cheered, she dropped the bat. Sprinting from base to base, stopping hesitantly on the second base. The ball was being thrown back home in quick succession.
“Take it all the way, Y/N!” Webster cheered like a proud dad would. She ran as fast as she could, Lieb close behind her, reaching out to touch her with the ball. She dived onto the home base. Lieb followed her down, as they landed in a heap of limbs. They look up at Buck waiting for the answer.
“SAFE!” He called. Y/N squealed in delight, blowing a raspberry at Lieb, who just laughed. She sprung to her feet, and jumped into the arms of Webster. “That one was for you!” She said as she pressed her lips to his.
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castratedtestimonies · 2 months
I will vote for the Democratic candidate for president under one, and only one condition: they must take an unmistakable, irreversible stance against the Israeli occupation of Gaza.
Q: Why? This seems like such a narrow issue. Why some random country on the edge of the western world?
A: What is happening in Gaza from October 2023 to the present is a preview of things to come in the US. "Foucault's Boomerang", also identified by Hannah Arendt as "Imperialism coming home", states that the methods developed by an empire in its occupied territories will be used, as that empire begins to crumble, on the citizens of the imperial core. Our police already train with the IDF. Our politicians widely laud their most genocidal leader yet. This is a preview of things to come, and we must decide as a society whether or not we will accept mass reprisal, collective punishment, and systematic executions as legitimate forms of government.
Q: But they're a foreign country, we can't control what they do!
A: Then it shouldn't matter if we cut off aid to Israel and its military. But it seems to matter quite a bit, doesn't it? Kamala Harris and Joe Biden and Donald Trump, among other major political leaders, have taken strong stances against the protests taking place around the country against Israel's war on Gaza. Our congress has just authorized yet another massive spending bill to send weapons to Israel. If we have no hand in their government, why not just stop?
Q: What do "unmistakable" and "irreversible" mean in this context?
A: The vulgar answer is simple: AIPAC will denounce the person who does it as "anti-semitic" and "hateful." I will know because it will be announced in every major news source in the US. But these two are only to mention another bellwether. More concretely, I will know it is unmistakable because it will not make room for aligning with Netanyahu, whom the International Criminal Court has ruled a war criminal, on any condition whatsoever. I will know it is irreversible when it will leave absolutely no room for apologizing for genocidal actions such as blocking aid, bombing refugee camps, or bombing hospitals. In a rhetorical sense, I will know that the leader in question has taken an unmistakable, irreversible position on Israel and Palestine when there is no possibility of saying something like, "Yes it is truly awful, but..."
Q: Why is this your line in the sand?
A: What is taking place in Gaza is transparently and obviously genocidal. The administrative, executive, and legislative leadership of the US has widely agreed that suppression of free speech about this matter is acceptable. If there is nothing wrong with repressing free speech, and nothing wrong with mass killings, then we are more or less ceding that there is nothing wrong with genocide or fascism. Therefore, unless we take a principled stance against this genocide and its supporters, we will be unable to take a principled stance against fascism and genocide per se.
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