#joanna cameron
atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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Joanna Cameron - The Secrets of Isis (1975)
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chernobog13 · 2 months
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Crisis at the Hall of Justice by John Watson.
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scifipinups · 5 months
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Joanna Cameron Isis (1975)
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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1976 Isis Action figure
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forever70s · 2 years
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JoAnna Cameron in "B.S. I Love You" (1971)
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nerds-yearbook · 2 years
Only the 7th episode into the 2nd season, The Secrets of Isis came to a conclusion on October 23, 1976. The episode also featured Captain Marvel. ("...And Now You Don't", The Secrets of Isis, TV, event)
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whileiamdying · 2 years
The Secrets of Isis, originally broadcast as Isis, is an American live-action superhero television series produced by Filmation from 1975 to 1976 for CBS's Saturday morning lineup. The series was renamed The Secrets of Isis in syndication.
The program was the first weekly American live-action television series with a female superhero lead character, debuting on September 6, 1975, predating the weekly debuts of both The Bionic Woman (January 14, 1976) and Wonder Woman (April 21, 1976). In the series, Isis (Joanna Cameron) is the alter ego of Andrea Thomas, a seemingly normal schoolteacher, who transforms into the Egyptian goddess when presented with crises a mere mortal cannot resolve.
Episodes of the series featured crossovers featuring Captain Marvel from the companion series, Shazam!. Likewise, Joanna Cameron appeared as Isis on Shazam! in return; since then DC Comics has adopted the character of Isis into their mainstream continuity for modern comics.
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espantajerias · 7 months
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JoAnna Cameron.
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ulrichgebert · 5 months
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Ein Liebesfilm. Da manche Mädchen einfach nicht von dieser Welt sind, informierte ich mich vorsichtshalber nochmal, wie diese auf Parties korrekt anzusprechen sind. Für Außerirdischen gelten zwar im Prinzip anderere Regeln, welche hier aber keine Verwendung finden, weil die kleinen Punks in Croydon annehmen, so sonderbar wie sie sich benehmen, sind es wohl Amerikaner. Muss als einer der besseren Filme mit Nicole Kidman gewertet werden.
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digitalfountains · 4 months
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Joanna Halpin by Cameron Hammond
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jojo0039 · 20 days
*Pogue for Life* Secret of the Gnomon Final Part
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They start removing all the rocks around the opening. 
"If someone went through this much trouble, this has got to be the way." John states.
 "We cleared enough. Are we ready to do this?" John B says. 
"You three go." Big John says. 
"What? What are you talking about we're all going." John B insists.
 "Buzz and I are not fitting through that wormhole." Big John states.
 "We may have what we think is the way to El Dorado, and you're just gonna sit this one out?" John B questions.
 "We gotta take the training wheels off sometime kid. We'll hold the fort down up here." Big John states.
 "I'm gonna stay up here too. You've been shot, Uncle John. My dad and I have medical supplies. We need to take a look at that wound before it gets infected." Joanna speaks up. 
Buzz gives her a proud look. 
"There was one last part of the message that I didn't tell you." John tells his son. 
John B scoffs. 
"Always keeping secrets, aye pops?" John B retorts.
 "Just listen for a second. The true and patient seeker needs not light to see. Do you two got that?" John asks them. 
Sarah and John B nod their heads. 
"I have three flares here. They're waterproof. I doubt those flashlights will survive the swim. They're 20 minutes each." 
John B takes the flares.
 Jo pulls Sarah into a hug.
 "Be safe." Jo whispers to her. 
Sarah hugs her back tightly. 
Jo wipes the tears from her face. 
She pulls John B into a hug. 
"I love you JB." Jo whispers to him. 
"I love you too." he tells her back. 
"You got this. We've made it this far. P4L." 
She extends her fist for a fist bump. 
John B laughs and fist bumps her. 
"P4L...Take care of my dad for me." he tells her.
 "Of course, I will." she responds. 
The three watch as Sarah and John B disappear under the water and go through the opening.
Big John sits down on a big rock.
 Joanna and Buzz take medical supplies out of the bags.
 Buzz lifts John's shirt. 
It was bleeding heavily and looked bad.
 "Oh my God. This doesn't look good." Joanna states. 
"Just breathe. What's the first step to take?" Buzz asks her calmy. 
Joanna starts to breathe heavily and become unfocused.
 "I--I d--on't know. I've never dealt with a gunshot wound before." she tells him. 
Big John sits there in silence waiting.
 "Listen. Breathe. You can do this." Buzz assures his daughter.
 She shakes her head. 
"No, No I don't. I can't believe that I thought I could do this!" Joanna continues to freak out.
 "You can. I believe in you. You have come so far. You are brave and smart. I couldn't be more proud to have you as a daughter." Buzz tells her. 
That only makes her cry harder. "I'm not. Dad, I have to tell you something. I'm pregnant." she whispers.
 Buzz looks at her with wide eyes. 
"What?" he questions.
 "I just found out. But I'm not any of those things that you just called me." 
Buzz pulls his daughter to him for a hug. 
"I still mean everything I say. You are here. And you are going to learn. I am going to teach you. Now focus. We need to check to see if he has an exit wound. Okay?" 
Buzz slides his hand behind John to feel for an exit wound.
 "Okay. He doesn't have one. Which means the bullet is still in there. We need to stop the bleeding. He's lost a lot of blood already. I need you to put pressure on the wound." 
Joanna nods her head and uses both hands to cover the wound. 
John lets out a grunt. 
"I'm sorry." she tells him.
 "You're doing good kid. Just keep doing what your dad tells you." John encourages her softly.
 "You're going to be okay. My dad is the best I know." she tells him. 
"I know he is. And you're learning from the best." Buzz rushes back over.
 "Alright, since he was shot in the stomach a tourniquet isn't going to work. We need to slow the bleeding down so we can dress it." Buzz informs her. 
He hands her some of the gauze dressing. 
Jo sees a light by the entrance. 
"Someone is here." Jo whispers. 
Buzz looks towards the direction. 
"We have to move him." 
Jo helps lift John from one side and they hide behind a big pile of thick rocks. 
"I know you're bleeding Mr. Routledge! I know I hit you! And I am going to find you!" 
They hear Singh shout out. 
Jo tries to control her breathing. 
But she is scared.
They hear Singh come closer to the water's edge.
 "I know you couldn't have wandered far John! Not with how much you're bleeding! I'm guessing you have Mr. Mills with you trying to stop the bleeding! Be a man John! Don't let your friend and his daughter die for you!" Singh flashes his light around.
 "What are we gonna do? He's gonna be here when Sarah and John B come back through." Jo whispers. 
Buzz is finishing up dressing John's wound. 
"You can't hide from me for much longer!" 
They hear rustling in the water. 
Jo looks over to see John B and Sarah emerge from the water. 
Singh points his gun at them. 
"Not so fast! Go for a little swim, did you? Step out of the water and put your hands up, both of you." 
Jo watches as Sarah and John B slowly walk up out of the water. 
"We have to do something. He's gonna kill them." Jo cries. 
"Show me what's in the bag!" Singh demands of John B. 
He points the gun at Sarah. 
"Alright! Here it is. You can have it!" John B hands the bag over. 
Singh opens it and pulls out a big block of gold. 
Jo's eyes widen. 
"So you found El Dorado at last. Unfortunately for you, your time has come to an end." 
Jo sees Singh point his gun at John B. 
"We have a plan. Do you think you can distract him?" Buzz asks his daughter. 
She nods her head. 
She quickly runs out of the hiding spot. 
"Don't shoot them!" 
Singh turns his attention to Jo. 
She quickly raises her hands. 
"Look at you, defending your friends. You and your father both are going to get killed because of your loyalty to your friends!" Singh shouts at Jo. 
With Singh distracted, Big John emerges from the hiding spot. 
Buzz is holding up a hit stick of dynamite. 
"If you take one more step near those kids, Buzz is gonna blow the whole thing sky high. That roof isn't gonna hold, and you'll never see El Dorado." John threatens. 
Singh points the gun right at John B. 
"If my son dies, then we all die." John continues to threaten. 
"The problem with that John, is that I don't believe you. I don't believe that you would let Mr. Mills here blow up your opportunity to see El Dorado, even to save your own son's life and the life of his friends." 
John turns to Buzz and gives him a nod.
 "This is for you, kid." Big John shouts as Buzz throws the stick toward the entrance. 
Buzz and John B help Big John run as Sarah and Jo grab the gold and run towards the entrance of the cave. 
The girls make it out and wait. 
They see John B and Buzz supporting John as the explosion hits, knocking everyone to the ground.
 Jo has ringing in her ears. 
She quickly gets up and helps Buzz stand up. 
"We gotta go! Anyone could have heard that blast!" 
They quickly run back through the jungle. 
"Hold on a second. I got pretty banged up there. I need to sit." Big John breaths out.
 Buzz quickly rushes over to look at his wound. 
It has started bleeding again. 
Sarah puts the bag down and it clanks loudly. 
"Is that what I think it is?" John questions. 
Sarah opens the bag and pulls a big chunk out. 
Jo's eyes widen. 
"Oh my God! I can't believe you guys actually did it!" Jo exclaims.
 "It's so beautiful, John. It was like nothing you could ever imagine." Sarah tells him.
 "That is amazing. All of you kids have been amazing. Each and every one of you. Thank you." John says to them.
 Ward steps out from the trees and points his gun. 
"Well isn't this sweet." 
Everyone turns to see Ward. 
Jo shakes her head in disappointment. 
She spares a look to Sarah who has the same look.
 "I'm too tired to put my hands up Ward. So if you're not good with that just shoot me now." John retorts. 
"What are you doing, dad?" Sarah questions. 
"Watch what you wish for, my old friend. Hell, the both of you have done this together." Ward directs his attention toward Buzz too.
 "You have it all, don't you guys." Ward takes the gold from Sarah's hand.
 "You get to go back home, back to Kildare, and live happily ever after. With your kids that love you. With my daughter who hates me. And with our future grandchild who I will never get to see. I don't think I can allow that." Ward states. 
The rest of the pogues are waiting behind the tree line and they hear everything, especially the part of the grandchild. 
JJ's eyes widen.
 He knows what that means. 
But his friends are in trouble and the girl he loves is also in trouble. 
He has to save them. 
"You were supposed to be dead, John! Buzz, you were always more loyal to John than to me. Even though we all started this thing together! We grew up together! What makes him more important to you than me?!... It doesn't matter now. You're both going to be dead." Ward points his gun. 
The rest of the pogues run out with machetes. 
"It's over Ward!" 
"You're outnumbered!" 
"Are you gonna shoot us all?!" 
Ward points his gun at all of them. 
Sarah stands in front of the gun. 
"Enough! You're not gonna shoot all of us!" she tells him. 
Ward looks heartbroken. 
" I know you. You forget that I know you." Sarah tells him. 
Ward puts his gun down. 
"You're right. I couldn't do it." he tells her. 
"But I can." 
They all turn around to see Ryan standing over John and Buzz with a gun. 
John B points the gun at him.
 "Toss the gun, boy." Ryan demands. 
"Your boss is dead. You ain't got no reason to shoot us." Big John states. 
"I can think of a few reasons. Toss it." John B tosses the gun. 
Jo feels a tug on her arm and it's JJ pulling her back behind him. 
"You all thought you would end up the gold, huh?" Ryan picks up the gun.
 "My friend back there is dead, because of you." he says to Sarah. 
He then points his gun at Sarah. 
"So you get to die first." Sarah gasps. 
"No!" Ward sprints at Ryan. 
Ryan fires shots into Ward. 
They both fall over the edge. 
They all hear a thump. 
They all stand in silence. 
JJ looks at Jo. 
He pulls her closer to him.
 They all walk over to the edge. 
They see Ward and Ryan both dead. 
Sarah starts to cry. 
Jo puts a comforting hand on her arm. 
JJ links his hand with Jo's. 
"John B! We gotta get your dad out of here!" Buzz shouts. 
John B rushes over to help Buzz lift him up. 
The girls all wrap their arms around Sarah. 
"Come on, we gotta go!" 
They all quickly rush down the mountain. 
They make it to the river. 
The boat is waiting for them. 
But it's too late, Big John doesn't make it.
The town is gathered around for the celebration. 
The mayor, Buzz is giving the speech. 
The group of friends are sitting up on the main steps as they are being recognized.
 "An expedition of one man, John Routledge, and a group of teenagers who are locals to our wonderful town. They have succeeded where centuries of conquistadors, explorers, and admirals have failed. Today, we come together to celebrate these teens who are friends from both sides of the island who came together to solve this 500-year-old mystery. Let's hear it for them!" 
The crowd cheers and the friends all stand up.
 Joanna is wearing a blue and white sundress with white strappy heels and a jean jacket.
 JJ looks down at her with a small smile. 
She looks up at him and they interlock their pinkies together. 
Out in the crowd everyone is cheering for them. 
Topper doesn't look happy.
 He is sitting beside his mom, he is holding a baby girl who is smiling and clapping and pointing.
 Joanna smiles and waves at them. 
Topper rolls his eyes but kisses the baby on the head.
 Some artifacts were collected and laid out on display for the people to see. 
Joanna splits up from the group and walks over to Topper.
 "Thank you for keeping an eye on her." 
Topper gives the baby back.
 "My mom would have killed me if I didn't. Besides she likes me for some reason." Topper tells her coldly.
 "How are you? It's been a while." she asks. 
Topper shrugs his shoulders. 
"I'm okay. You should get back to your friends." 
Topper turns around to walk away. 
"How is he?" she asks him. 
He stops and turns around. 
He scoffs and shakes his head. 
"How do you think he's doing?" 
JJ walks over to them. 
"I'll see you around Joanna." Topper walks away. 
The baby spots JJ and gets excited.
 "Hey babygirl!" 
JJ takes her from Joanna.
 Joanna puts a smile on her face. 
"You look good holding my baby." JJ smiles widely at her.
 "I love being around her. Have you given any more thought to what I asked earlier?" Joanna widens her eyes. 
"I have." she tells him. 
Just then Buzz walks over to them with another man.
 "Here come to Grampy for a second." 
Buzz takes the baby from JJ.
 "This man would like to have a word with you guys." 
JJ motions for everyone to come over. 
"I would just like to say that what you guys accomplished is just amazing. And I was wondering if you would all be so kind as to look at an item of mine." 
He opens his briefcase and pulls out an old and worn book.
 "What type of item is that?" Cleo asks.
 "It's a manuscript. I would investigate it myself, but I'm too long in the tooth. I need partners, and you all were first on my list." The man tells them. 
Jo raises her eyebrows.
 "We're flattered. That's for sure." she comments.
 "May I?" Pope asks holding out his hand.
 "I was hoping you would." The man hands over the book. 
Everyone looks over Pope's shoulder.
 "This is from 1718, geez that's old. There are some exhibition notes. Dates." 
Pope flips through the pages.
 "This is a captain's log. This shows the exact position of the ship." John B informs them. 
"Yes. The exact location where the ship sailed and where it stopped." The man states. 
"Who was the captain?" JJ asks sounding like he is intrigued. 
"Edward Teach." the man informs them.
 Joanna instantly whips her head up. 
She knows that name. 
"No way! Are you serious?" she asks.
 "Who is that?" Kie asks. 
"Blackbeard." The man answers. 
Everyone looks shocked and intrigued. 
JJ smirks and grabs Joanna's hand.
 "Hot damn." John B breaths out with a smirk. 
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The Growing Pains cast in 1985
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ktc8592 · 1 year
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Original Growing Pains cast in 1985
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in June 2024 🌈
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats, and happy Pride Month!! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ The Shadow of Summer - Marlon Yelich 🧡 Of Stardust - (ed) Avrah C. Baren 💛 The Ballad of Jacquotte Delahaye - Briony Cameron 💚 Triple Sec - T.J. Alexander 💙 Same Difference - E.J. Copperman 💜 The Pull of the Tide - Various ❤️ The Misadventures of Getting Lainey a Date - Eija Jimenez 🧡 Surface Pressure - Adrian J. Smith & Neen Cohen 💛 Mirrored Heavens - Rebecca Roanhorse 💙 The Fire Within Them - Matthew Ward 💜 One and Done - Frederick Smith 🌈 Digging for Destiny - Jenna Jarvis
❤️ She Who Brought the Storm - Vaela Denarr & Micah Iannandrea 🧡 Tristan and Lancelot: A Tale of Two Knights - James Persichetti & L.S. Biehler 💛 London on My Mind - Clara Alves (translated by Nina Perrotta) 💚 The Deep Dark - Molly Knox Ostertag 💙 Furious - Jamie Pacton & Rebecca Podos 💜 Gay the Pray Away - Natalie Naudus ❤️ Such A Small World - Jordan Clayden-Lewis 🧡 Make It Count: My Fight to Become the First Transgender Olympic Runner - CeCé Telfer 💛 Cicada Summer - Erica McKeen 💙 We Used to Live Here - Marcus Kliewer 💜 Dandelion - Merlina Garance 🌈 The Curse of the Goddess - C.C. González
❤️ The Schoolmaster - Jessica Tvordi 🧡 Cigarette Lemonade - Connor de Bruler 💛 Coil of Boughs - Penny Moss 💚 Ballad for Jasmine Town - Molly Ringle 💙 Asking for a Friend - Ronnie Riley 💜 Pleasure Principle - Madeleine Cravens ❤️ Perfect Revenge - Jessica Burkhart 🧡 Lockjaw - Matteo L. Cerilli 💛 Markless - C.G. Malburi 💙 Queer Art - Gemma Rolls-Bentley 💜 Morally Straight - Mike De Socio 🌈 Our Bodies Electric - Zackary Vernon
❤️ Love Is All - Various 🧡 Becoming Ted - Matt Cain 💛 Annie LeBlanc Is Not Dead Yet - Molly Morris 💚 Dear Cisgender People: A Guide to Trans Allyship and Empathy - Kenny Ethan Jones 💙 Pole Position - Rebecca J. Caffery 💜 Something to be Proud Of - Anna Zoe Quirke ❤️ Hot Hires - Nan Campbell, Alaina Erdell, Jesse J. Thoma 🧡 Lord of the Empty Isles - Jules Arbeaux 💛 Kissing Girls on Shabbat - Sara Glass 💙 When You Smile - Melissa Brayden 💜 We Could Be Heroes - Philip Ellis 🌈 But How Are You, Really - Ella Dawson
❤️ A Bluestocking's Guide to Decadence - Jess Everlee 🧡 Take All of Us - Natalie Leif 💛 One Killer Problem - Justine Pucella Winans 💚 Why Are People Into That? - Tina Horn 💙 Free to Be: Understanding Kids & Gender Identity - Jack Turban 💜 Lady Eve's Last Con - Rebecca Fraimow ❤️ Sea of Broken Glass - Jenna Pine 🧡 Rapunzella, Or, Don't Touch My Hair - Ella McLeod 💛 Wolfpitch - Balazs Lorinczi 💙 Looking for a Sign - Susie Dumond 💜 Director's Cut - Carlyn Greenwald 🌈 Wish You Weren't Here - Erin Baldwin
❤️ Act Two - Rochelle Wolf 🧡 Unexploded Remnants - Elaine Gallagher 💛 The Stars Want Blood - Morgan Lawson 💚 Shadows Dark and Deadly - Andrea Marie Johnson 💙 Design of Darkness - R.D. Pires 💜 Two Sides to Every Murder - Danielle Valentine ❤️ Meet Me in the Sky - Jeffrey K. Davenport 🧡 A Shore Thing - Joanna Lowell 💛 The Lions' Den - Iris Mwanza 💙 Under the Dragon Moon - Mawce Hanlin 💜 A Sea of Wolves - Sarah Street 🌈 Saints of Storm and Sorrow - Gabriella Buba
❤️ Private Rites - Julia Armfield 🧡 Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous - Mae Marvel 💛 The Stars Too Fondly - Emily Hamilton 💚 Keeping Carmen Ruiz - Alyson Root 💙 Cuckoo - Gretchen Felker-Martin 💜 Heartwaves - Anita Kelly ❤️ Bound to the Wild Fae - Tavia Lark 🧡 Four Squares - Bobby Finger 💛 The Ghost of Us - James L. Sutter 💙 Poison in Their Hearts - Laura Sebastian 💜 Puppy Love - Elle Sprinkle 🌈 Hot Summer - Elle Everhart
❤️ Liddy-Jean Marketing Queen and the Matchmaking Scheme - Mari SanGiovanni 🧡 All Friends Are Necessary - Tomas Moniz 💛 Six of Sorrow - Amanda Linsmeier 💚 Shanghai Murder - Jessie Chandler 💙 PROUD - Anthology 💜 Little Rot - Akwaeke Emezi ❤️ Fling - Deja Elise 🧡 Too Many Stars to Count - Frances M. Thompson 💛 Rakesfall - Vajra Chandrasekera 💙 The Unrelenting Earth - Kritika H. Rao 💜 Freakslaw - Jane Flett 🌈 Please Stop Trying to Leave Me - Alana Saab
❤️ A Sense of Shifting - Coco Romack, Yael Malka 🧡 Moonstorm - Yoon Ha Lee 💛 Now, Conjurers - Freddie Kölsch 💚 Hide No More - Rita Potter 💙 Running Close to the Wind - Alexandra Rowland 💜 The Afterlife of Mal Caldera - Nadi Reed Perez ❤️ Her, Him & I - Christian Weissmann 🧡 The Sons of El Rey - Alex Espinoza 💛 Show Me Your Teeth - Amy Marsden 💙 Defeating Demons and Breaking Up With My Boyfriend - Dylan James 💜 For Real - Alexis Hall 🌈 The Clarity of Light - Jade Church
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wardrobeoftime · 16 days
Master Post - N to Z
If you notice any show, movie or character missing that I’ve made gifs of, please let me know. Characters are sorted alphabetically by first their last name and then their first name.
Go to A-M
Nussknacker und Mausekönig (Louise Stahlbaum | Marie Stahlbaum | Zuckerfee/Sugar Fairy)
Oktoberfest 1900/Oktoberfest: Beer & Blood (Clara Prank | Curt Prank)
Once Upon A Time (Belle French | Colette French | Cora Mills | Ella Mills | Regina Mills / The Evil Queen | Robin Mills | Emma Swan | Anastasia Tremaine | Drizella Tremaine)
Once Upon A Time in Wonderland (Alice | Cora Mills | Anastasia Tremaine)
Outlander (Marie Louise de La Tour d'Auvergne | Jocasta Cameron | Margaret Campbell | Geilis Duncan | Geneva Dunsany | Isobel Dunsany | Brianna Fraser | Claire Fraser | Jamie Fraser | Janet “Jenny” Fraser Murray | Harold “Hal” Grey | John Grey | Lady Grozier | Mary Hawkins | Jeanne LeGrand | Louis XV | Mairi | Laoghaire MacKenzie | Joan MacKimmie | Marsali MacKimmie | Mary MacNab | Elias Pound | William Ransom | Charles Edward Stuart | Suzette | Margaret Wake Tryon | Martha Washington | Elizabeth “Lizzie” Wemyss | Extras)
Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story (Agatha Danbury | Queen Charlotte | Violet Ledger | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Princess Charlotte of Wales)
Reign (Aylee | Kenna de Poitiers | Amy Dudley | Robert Dudley | Claude of France | Greer Norwood | Penelope | Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots | Elizabeth Tudor/Elizabeth I | Elisabeth of Valois)
Reinas/Queens: The Virgin and the Martyr (Joanna of Austria | Empress Maria / Maria of Austria | Margaret Douglas | Bess of Hardwick | Isabel de Osorio | Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots | Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain | Anna Throndsen | Elizabeth I/Elizabeth Tudor | Elisabeth of Valois)
Rise of Empires: Ottoman (Katarina Branković | Mara Branković | Gülbahar Hatun | Hüma Hatun | Constantine XI Palaiologos)
Romeo & Juliet [2013] (Juliet Capulet)
Sechs auf einen Streich (see the individual movies)
Shadow and Bone (Tatiana Lantsov | Zoya Nazyalensky | Genya Safin | Alina Starkov)
Sisi [2009] (Elisabeth “Sisi” of Austria | Archduchess Sophie of Austria | Helene “Néné” in Bavaria | Charlotte of Belgium | Eugénie de Montijo)
Sisi [2021] (Elisabeth “Sisi” of Austria | Archduchess Sophie of Austria | Helene “Néné” in Bavaria | Karl Ludwig von Grünne | Eugénie de Montijo)
Sissi Trilogy (Elisabeth “Sisi” of Austria | Archduchess Sophie of Austria | Helene “Néné” in Bavaria | Ludovika, The Duchess in Bavaria)
Snow White and the Huntsman (Ravenna)
Sophie - Braut wider Willen (Sophie von Ahlen)
Still Star-Crossed (Guiliana Capulet | Juliet Capulet | Rosaline Capulet | Tessa Montague | Princess Isabella of Verona)
The 100 (Emori | Clarke Griffin | Lexa)
The Age of Adaline (Adaline Bowman)
The Last Duel (Marguerite de Carrouges | Jacques Le Gris)
The Little Mermaid [2023] (Vanessa)
The Crown (Catherine Middleton | Queen Elizabeth II | Princess Margaret)
The Empress (see Die Kaiserin)
The Eras Tour (Taylor Swift)
The Gilded Age (Bertha Russell | Peggy Scott | Extras)
The Great (Countess Belanova | Catherine the Great | Georgina Dymova | Marial | Queen Agnes of Sweden | Extras)
The Greatest Showman (Jenny Lind)
The Hunger Games Trilogy (Katniss Everdeen | Peeta Mellark | Johanna Mason | Finnick Odair | Coriolanus Snow)
The Hunger Games: A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (Lucy Gray Baird | Livia Cardew | Arachne Crane | Clemensia Dovecote | Palmyra Monty | Iphigenia Moss | Juno Phipps | Persephone Price | Diana Ring | Vipsania Sickle | Tigris Snow | Lysistrata Vickers)
The Huntsman: Winter’s War (Freya | Ravenna)
The Originals (Davina Claire | Hayley Marshall | Aurora de Martel | Freya Mikaelson | Hope Mikaelson | Keelin Mikaelson | Rebekah Mikaelson)
The Other Boleyn Girl 2008 (Anne Boleyn | Elizabeth Boleyn (née Howard) | Mary Boleyn)
The Pillars of the Earth (Empress Matilda)
The Princess Switch (Margaret Delacourt | Fiona Pembroke)
The Royals (Princess Eleanor Henstridge | Queen Helena Henstridge | Wilhelmina “Willow” Moreno)
The Scandalous Lady W (Seymour Fleming)
The School for Good and Evil (Emma Anemone | Clarissa Dovey | Leonora Lesso)
The Serpent Queen (Catherine de Medici | Diane de Poitiers | Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots)
The Spanish Princess (Catherine of Aragon | Henry VIII | Mary Tudor)
The Tudors (Catherine of Aragon | Bessie Blount | Anne Boleyn | Anne of Cleves | Katheryn Howard | Ursula Misseldon | Kathryn Parr | Jane Seymour | Elizabeth Tudor/Elizabeth I | Margaret Tudor | Mary Tudor/Mary I)
The Twilight Saga (Charlotte | Alice Cullen | Edward Cullen | Katrina “Kate” Denali | Jasper Hale | Rosalie Hale | Peter | Bella Swan | Caius Volturi | Demetri Volturi | Jane Volturi)
The Vampire Diaries (Bonnie Benett | Caroline Forbes | Elena Gilbert | Jo Laughlin | Rebekah Mikaelson | Katherine Pierce | Annabelle “Anna” Zhu | Pearl Zhu)
The White Queen (Anne Neville | Isabel Neville | Margaret Plantagenet | Bona of Savoy | Elizabeth “Jane” Shore | Elizabeth Woodville | Cecily of York | Margaret of York)
The White Princess (Mary of Burgundy | Elizabeth of York)
The Witcher (Calanthe of Cintra | Pavetta of Cintra | Tissaia de Vries | Philippa Eilhart | Sabrina Glevissig | Margarita Laux-Antille | Triss Merigold | Keira Metz | Lydia van Bredevoort | Yennefer of Vengerberg)
The Young Victoria (Victoria, The Duchess of Kent (née of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld) | Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha | Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen | Queen Victoria)
Three Thousand Years of Longing (Hürrem Sultan | Kösem Sultan)
Trenck - Zwei Herzen gegen die Krone (Anna Amalia of Prussia)
Tulip Fever (Mrs Overalt | Sophia Sandvoort | Mrs Steen)
Tut (Ankhesenamun)
Vampire Academy [2022] (Vasilisa “Lissa” Dragomir)
Victoria (Queen Victoria | Victoria, Princess Royal)
Vom Reich zur Republik (Victoria, Princess Royal)
War & Peace [2016] (Natasha Rostova)
What We Do In The Shadows (Marwa)
Wolf Hall (Anne Boleyn | Catherine of Aragon)
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