#jk rowling negativity
pjharvey-moved · 1 year
i think being obsessed with harry potter and devoting your entire time and energy to hating harry potter are honestly equally embarrassing. im going to pretend from now on i don’t know what harry potter is
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sidhewrites · 6 months
Man at this point if you aren’t aware of how shitty JKR is you’re living under a rock. Stop supporting Harry Potter, stop trying to separate the art from the artist when she’s still actively profiting off the art.
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deepcoraldragon · 11 months
From today...
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If anyone tries to claim that JK Rowling isn't aggressively transphobic then they're lying to themselves
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dropoutconfessions · 20 days
i feel like i'm the only person who did not like misfits and magic :/
i love aabria and the players sm but when i was watching it all i could think about was harry potter/jkr and that was what i didn't like. i get that it parodies a lot of aspects from harry potter but for me personally anything that even remotely has to do with harry potter is just not enjoyable bc of jkr
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rose-icosahedron · 9 months
I miss Harry Potter.
Let me explain, since this sounds both weird and potentially like a red flag off the bat. But here we go.
We know now that JKR is a transphobe who uses the platform granted to her by the popularity of her book series to spread and justify her views. Talking positively these days is a dog-whistle for TERFs and Transphobia. And I know that retrospectively re-reading some of her works knowing her views it seems obvious in someways.
However, none of that mattered when I was a little kid who thought magic was cool and didn't have much media literacy. And tones of people who did liked the books too.
I have fond childhood memories of having the books read to me by my dad in the evening, and of going to the Harry Potter park(I think its in universal studios although I don't know) and absolutely loving the butterscotch slushie they had that they called butterbeer. I remember having incredibly detailed conversations with my family about the fact we were probably all Ravenclaws.
The first fanfic I ever read was "harry potter and the methods of rationality" a fic that was a complete re-write of the entire series that showed off various logical fallacies and addressed them, adding logic to the original series and being really the sort of thing my geeky family loved, which note, my dad read this fic to me when I was little, and it is honestly still one of my favorite fics of all time.
These were all good memories, and there was nothing wrong with them. My family enjoyed this series and the media around it and its fandom, tons of people did. We all did, honestly.
But now adays I don't think I could say all this without this context. Because of everything, it is almost impossible to say that you did enjoy this thing as a child and not call your younger self bad for that. For something that you could not have predicted or known about. And its sad, and I miss Harry Potter.
I'm not saying go and ignore what JKR is doing with her platform now and try and be giant Harry Potter fans all over the place, I'm just saying I'm sad. That that book series was, in many ways, good, or at least good enough to capture our imagination. People read and liked it for a reason and the joy many of us found in it was good, the work may not be but the memories were. I'm saying that those good memories weren't bad for happening, and that it sucks that it has all become what it as.
Don't feel bad for enjoying what you enjoyed.
You had fun as a kid, don't let an asshole take away the joy from those memories.
Or well, you don't have to. If you don't want to.
And I'm going to re-read the methods of rationality sometime because it was great and someone made an awesome audio book recording of it and I like the nostalgia that comes with it.
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olivescardigans · 2 years
one thing I do not understand is why people on twitter insist on talking about how bad they think the Harry Potter series is now that they all hate JKR. the one I see the most often is “I can't believe she sad XYZ about the other wizard school she’s suuuucchhh a bad writer” its like they can't wrap their heads around the fact that a book series written over the course of over two decades by one person is gonna have some inconsistencies about minor storytelling details. why does it matter! just admit you can’t let it go!! stop talking about it!! go outside!!!
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Every day I see someone complaining about the new live action adaptation of their favorite books. I see complaints about missing side characters and location or changes in the exact words they say. Every complaint is about missing minor details that don't change the theme or ending of the story. Even when it is an excellent portrayal of the book these people will find something to complain about.
I recommend two things to those people. First, look up the meaning of the word adaptation. And second,respectfully,SHUT THE HELL UP YOU UNGRATEFUL HEATHENS
If you bother to watch an older adaptations of books you will see they had zero input from the author or anyone who truly understood the source material. I have seem movies so far from the book they're based on that it's unrecognizable. I mean that literally. Everything from the main characters to how it ends would be completely changed until it didn't even look like a fanfic. I'm talking about absolutely disappointing disaster film. And the series where far worse. With each season more of the story was lost.
I know it's still not perfect and it probably never will be. Stories always change with retellings and thats all this is. But it is so much better now. I know I'm being dramatic but I'm also not exaggerating. If you don't believe it go read and watch for yourselves.
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tarragonthedragon · 1 year
people approaching their trans friends demanding validation for harry potter content crimes are so pathetic though.
like you're not asking for permission to play the game or watch the show or whatever because you're going to do that no matter what impact it has on us or what we say. youre asking for someone to put aside all their feelings about their own safety and the people who want them dead in order to reassure you that you're still a good friend and a great person and a wonderful ally even though you won't change literally nothing about your life to justify that belief.
you literally can't handle the possibility of maybe having to feel guilty about your own choices.
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naughtynoodle056 · 2 years
I wish I felt like I belong somewhere.
#negative#delete later#sorry im sad at 3am#i just. i feel so alone#being black and pan and nonbinary is not an easy feat#especially not in a red state#i constantly feel like an outcast among my peers#because since ive been on this hellsite for so long i know whats Not So Cool#(aka racism transphobia homophobia sexism antisemitism)#so i know not to like. be any of those things#but no one else around me does#they gotta screw up somehow#it's so fucking painful being closeted and having to just cope with people being openly transphobic at work#and then no ally coming to your defense. youre just alone.#but you cant say anything because then youre gonna be the weird snowflake that's easily offended#when really its like 'hey maybe don't treat that fat/disabled/trans/otherwise marginalized group like theyre subhuman'#and then feeling like ppl are just thinking youre overreacting#it's draining.#having to cite my sources to ppl about how monsters like JK Rowling are donating their money to hate funds is draining#hearing about that stupid fucking harry potter game is draining#i just wanna fuck off and be around no one (barring a few exceptions)#i almost never feel seen unless i produce the content myself#because a disproportionate amount of trans ppl i see are white#other black folks have a horrible rep of being equally bigoted towards other minorties like that's gonna cancel out the hate#ppl are still having the bi vs pan argument#idk. I'm just tired and depressed.#tumblr is the only place that feels like home to me.
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
Honestly, I find it shocking how many people seem to not be at least a little bit bothered with some aspects (i.e. guns and the handling of the extremist group) of last night's episode. Shows how desensitized many viewers already are. There were some moments (especially the scenes at the hospital after the bombing, framing the hate group as the victims) that felt a little too Fox News for me.
I'm already anticipating the "relax, it's only a tv show" comments, but I think being fed ideas like these in a casual setting where many people apparently feel like it's not worth getting worked up about is the most dangerous. That's exactly the way it becomes socially acceptable. The white supremacists are not THAT bad. Sure. Explains a lot about the current situation in the US.
I applaud you for speaking up and if reading your posts makes some people uncomfortable, maybe it's time for self-reflection.
I know I said the previous ask was going to be the last I talked about this but just the absolute hilarity for me of reading this directly after answering that one… especially going from someone saying “it’s.just.a.show.” to “I’m already anticipating the ‘relax it’s only a tv show’ comments” particularly made me laugh out loud.
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I appreciate the comment (although I wouldn’t consider my one post and subsequent anon replies to really qualify as speaking up - that feels like giving me too much credit) and trust me I can understand other people’s point of view in wanting to have this show as an escape. But in my opinion you can’t completely abandon critical thinking skills or check your ethics at the door when consuming media of any kind. I can love a show/book/person/fandom and still recognize when it’s doing something wrong or be critical of aspects of it. They aren’t mutually exclusive. And if a piece of media were ever to cross a boundary in my ethics that is non-negotiable (*gestures wildly in the direction of JK Rowling and her entire mess*), then I’ll make that choice to walk away from it.
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echoes-lighthouse · 2 years
Jesus Christ okay I’m gonna start unfollowing people who aren’t tagging their Rowling discourse because it’s like half my dash right now and it is just NOT in the realm of things I need updates on in 2023 
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vamptastic · 1 year
manhunt is like the greatest most poignant novel ever written by the most terminally online person ive ever witnessed. delete your twitter queen.
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Hi guys <3
I just wanted to talk about something that's really hit me this morning.
I feel like in the past few months, many people in this fandom have chosen to take a step back from fandom spaces, especially more interactive ones like twitter, tiktok, tumblr, etc. We've had a huge influx of people binding works for profit, sending hate on multiple platforms, and literally chasing people out of the fandom. Just this morning, I watched a tiktok of someone in this fandom reading hateful messages he received, and some of them were literal death threats.
Don't get me wrong- I do not blame a single person for privating their works, removing their creations, or taking a step back from fandom. In fact, I think it's absolutely warranted, and mental health comes first. While I would never delude myself into thinking I am as well-known as some of the people who struggle with these things, I myself have considered taking a break a few times, as it can definitely be overwhelming.
However, fandom is first and foremost and escape for me. I use it as a means of coping with past traumas and current stressors, and I have seen the way it has helped literally thousands of people deal with similar things.
I have to be honest. For years, fandom was a more-taboo community of 'nerds' and 'geeks.' When I was a kid, it was absolutely unheard of to read fanfiction, and I hid in my room for hours reading fanfiction.net, terrified someone would find me. But since it's become more socially acceptable, I feel like hate and judgement has only grown.
But the thing is, so many of you guys are ruining this. The hate you are spreading because you don't like a ship or because you dislike the way a fic has been written or because you, god forbid, hate that a character is written as feminine, is ruining this space for so many people. For god's sake, if you don't like it, don't fucking read it. Don't like Jegulus? Don't read it. Don't like transfem Sirius? Don't read it.
For so many people this is the only safe space.
And I'm gonna be so honest when I say that I need this safe space. This is something that keeps me going and helps me so much. So please, before you send hate, or bash a ship, or say something negative about anyone, remember that this is supposed to be fun. This is supposed to be a safe space. This is supposed to be positive. And you are interacting with PEOPLE. Nobody here is a deity, nobody here is above it all, and nobody here deserves the hate that has been spread. (Except JK Rowling).
Sending love <3
P.s. this is NOT me asking you to go after the people spreading the hate. While I enjoy teasing trolls as much as the next person, sending more hate is not the answer.
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sapphicsvibes · 2 months
my last post was also about the discussions of transmisogyny centering cis female athletes who are women of color. there is a wider conversation being had about transmisogyny in athletics, and that is that, trans women aren't even allowed to compete. before we start discussing how transmisogyny impacts not trans fems, we need to actually center the discussion around the heavily, transmisogynstic shit that is already happening.
and when we talk about how cis woc athletes being overly masculinized and decide to call it transmisogyny instead of what it actually is, racism, it sets us back. there is this understood idea that people can be indirectly impacted by transmisogyny, but unless the subjects of those conversations are transfeminine people, then the focus shouldn't be transmisogyny.
it should be racism. it should be the fact that the white, western gender binary and idea of femininty/womanhood is so fucked up that cis girls of color from a young age are viewed as more masculine, dangerous and larger than white women. we should be focusing on the complexities of misogynoir that black girls go through from childhood to adult hood where we are both masculinized and also hypersexualized and exposed to harmful race science that gets us preyed upon by older men. we should focus on how these conversations of masculinizing women of color comes to play in how white women and white afabs (yes, i know i said i dont like using afabs but i am starting ot use it when discussing the lived experience of white afab people and how that negatively impacts people of color in queer spaces) can utilize their privilege, tears, femininity, etc., to turn society against cis girls of color and how we are automatically seen as a threat to them
we need to talk about racialized misogyny when dicussing imane khelif, and how white women like jk rowling, who has a history of transmigoyny yes, but also anti-arab/MENA racism and islamaphobia, and is prominent in alt right groups, is using her platform to attack a possible muslim, MENA woman. and that's a big thing that hardly anyone talks about - Rowling is heavily islamphobia and anti-arab. when you se guys see her attacking a MENA woman, and decide to focus solely on transmisogyny, you are quite literally erasing a huge chunk of her bigotry.
yes, indirect transmisogyny comes to play, but when you are talking about racialized misogyny, you NEED to make sure that is the main focus - racism and misogyny, because if you don't you make it hard if not impossible for us to have any type of productive conversation. you guys being too afraid to call out racism and misogyny makes it seem like you are shielding white women/afabs and white society from the pain they have put women of color through for decades.
the same goes for misogynoir??? like when we are talking about misogynoir and them completely ignore it and lump it under transmisogyny, who does that help? not only does the black community have an issue with transmisogyny in general, but it also erases a term that we've come up with to help better discuss our oppression.
also, this isn't to say that trans woc don't face racialized misogyny and misogynoir (black transfems!) because they do. but it should be understood that while THEY face these things, transmisogyny is something that should also center them. and while we, as non trans fem women do face racialized misogyny/misogynoir - yeah, sometimes we can draw comparisons between transmisogyny, but we shouldn't be the ones taking the lead or taking platforms.
and last but not least, the way you guys who are claiming what is happening to cis female athletes is transmisogynistic. Do you know how many trans people, who aren't trans fem, that i've seen saying
"see, this is why we need to talk about transmisogyny affecting non transfems! xyz athlete was actually born a woman, she's not a man, she is afab! she has a vagina!" do you realize how that language is terfy, do you realize how you guys will try to hijack convos of transmisogyny while also reinforcing transmisogynistic requirements of what makes a woman a woman?
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Gotta Get This off my Chest
Severus Snape & HBO Series
Alright first off, I know you are generally expecting well thought out essays from me but here I’m going to Ramble Freeform. You’ve been warned.
I don’t know how I feel at all about another actor attempting to play Severus Snape. JK Rowling is the main producer and honestly this worries me a lot considering the amount of hatred she has for LGBTQ people and the amount of hatred Severus has gotten in the last years. This space is bad sometimes but generally we have a fantastic community of people in this snapedom who love the character as he is written positives and negatives. I for one liked Snape from the first book I read and the first movie I watched.
I’ll be the first to admit that my image of him is very much wrapped up in Alan Rickman, and tho I greatly respect other peoples images of snape and I love the fan art they make, the thing that made Alan such an amazing character actor for the part was the unabashed love he had for the character. Look at any interview of him about Severus and you will see that he went to bat for him at every turn. What if we we are given someone who sees Snape through the eyes of the marauders fandom? What if they erase all of Snapes goodness or heaven forbid write extra scenes of cruelty to Lily that didn’t exist, or have him creep over her, or physically attack her, or characterize him as the aggressor with James when we all know it was the other way around? These kinds of fears keep me from being excited about the new series and instead leave me anxious.
For one thing, I wish they had focused more on a different period of wizard history, or a different part of the 1st wizarding war or even marauders/young Severus era, because there is so much to explore. I would have liked to explore story lines that really could use more fleshing out, and if JK Rowling is going to be a part of this she could have easily written new passages or short stories to suit this new narrative. I also worry about the fact that yet again because she is a producer there will certainly be no LGBTQ characters in the narrative and that’s a waste to me. We already have a fantastic interpretation of the books, and if they are doing a redo why not cast people of color or trans or any LGBT characters in the mix? It will be the same story just perhaps fleshed out more? I’m not sure what this series will bring to the table that the movies did not unless they radically change some things.
Yet, with this interpretation we may see many thing in the series that we don’t see in the books. Severus has two big scenes at the end of POA and GOF that were totally left out of the movies, and if this was left in and the “prank” was explored more in depth we could get to see an even more complex narrative than Alan was allowed to portray in the movies (largely due to directorial choices).
Severus as we all know is a complex character that can be different or difficult to understand without a trauma informed lense and the last thing I want is for them to shove him into a gross stereotype, or give him attributes that don’t exist in the books in order to cater to certain fandoms. I’m genuinely worried about the prospect of this. I also don’t want our fandom safe spaces that we’ve spent years curating to be over run with Snape hate again just because of the series. I could be being pessimistic. It’s just been on my mind lately.
No hard feelings it’s just…Severus Snape is my comfort character and I don’t want the idea of it ruined by people who don’t really understand him or who wouldn’t bat for him the way Alan did. Please understand me. Does anyone else have mixed feelings this way?
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blondwhxrewrites · 4 months
'Tom Riddle can't feel emotions since he was birthed under a love potion'
Stfu I don't care what the roach JK Rowling says, the only types of emotions he is able to feel are negative emotions like anger, annoyance, and most importantly OBSESSION. The love potion takes away his ability to feel healthy emotions like kindness, happiness, and it takes his empathy for others away. FUCK YOU ROWLING CANON IS MINE TO CONTROL
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